#break the task down. do it for just a few minutes. do breathing exercises to calm down your anxiety. remember that actions build confidence.
wings-of-ink · 3 days
One day MC walks up to their RO and asks: "Why do you think I love you?" What are the responses from Oswin and Rune? (Relationship stage)
Oh that is such a good question, Anon. Oof, the two that might have the hardest time with it too. Going to go with a semi-early relationship, say, within the first couple years for this. For all the characters there is an element of healing that they need. This question for these two ROs would be most impactful (emotional and hard to answer) earlier on in the relationship when they are very much still healing. This would be a good exercise for them to help healing, I think...so maybe a couple mini POVs are in order for this one. ^_^
He freezes.
You give him a moment to collect his thoughts, but find the moment doesn't quite pass. Oswin just stares at you. Gently, you cup his cheek in your hand, and he snaps from his stupor.
"You okay?" you ask.
He nods.
"Let's sit." You guide him to the seat by the fire as it crackles and pops. Instead of taking the seat opposite him, you kneel down and hold his hands upon his lap, staring into his eyes. You had a feeling he'd struggle with this.
He clears his throat. "The uh, floor is cold, love. Here, you sit, I'll-"
"Why do you think I love you?" you ask again. He won't get out of this again.
He breath stammers. He leans back in the chair and raises his gaze to the ceiling.
"I know you're still working on how you feel about everything, but I want you to really think about that and give me an honest answer."
Oswin sighs, turning his gaze from the ceiling back to you. His eyes are misty. "That's just it, I don't know what to think." His voice breaks around the words. "Most days I don't know why you want to love someone like me."
You nod. "But you let me, don't you? And I know you, Twinflower; you'd never let me love you if you didn't-"
He scoffs. "That's because I'm selfish."
You fix him with a slightly stern look. "I'm waiting for my answer. The real answer."
His bottom lip quivers for just a moment before he bites it. He takes a few minutes to consider his words. "I...think...I think you, um-love me because...you have a good heart."
You snort and pinch his thigh in the spot that makes him jump.
Even he can't remain serious at the sensation as he jerks and chuckles. "I'm not done...I'm getting there."
"Mm-hmm," you say.
"...It's because of your good heart...that you see...you see me at my best."
You nod.
"You see that...you don't see all the horrible things that I see in me."
You nod again. "So what are those things that I see that you don't? Why do I love you Oswin Twinflower?"
His legs begin to bounce in place, trying to soothe his discomfort. He takes a deep breath. "Um...I think you see, despite everything, loyalty." Another shaky breath. "Maybe you like the old pieces of me - from when we were kids...the parts of me that are still carefree, that laugh easy. And I think...I think you like that I'm grumpy though too..." He trails off, his legs still bouncing. His eyes glance to you, but can't hold your gaze for very long at a time.
"Good." You smile. "That's good Oswin, you're doing so well. There are so many reasons that I love you, and one day you're going to know them all by heart."
A strangled sob escapes his lips.
Rune fumbles the freshly washed and dried cups at your question. They clatter and roll along the counter. You briefly catch the flicker of surprise on Rune's face before they snatch up the cups and right them next to the other clean dishes.
Turning back to the sink, Rune carries about the task of rinsing and drying the remaining dinnerware that you have washed. "What do you mean?" They ask.
"It's not a trick question or anything," you say. "I just want you tell me why you think I love you."
Rune chuckles in the way you've come to know as a sign that they are uncomfortable. "It doesn't matter why, just that you do." Rune turns and gives you a placating smile before turning their back again and focusing on the dishes.
"That may be true to a point, but not why I asked and you know it." You watch them a moment. You worry. Rune is not typically unnerved so quickly, and they have always been forthright about your relationship. You've had the feeling recently that a heaviness has been on Rune's heart, old wounds opening back up.
You come up to the sink and watch Rune dry the same plate they've been working on for the last few minutes. "Hun, I think it's dry."
Rune snaps to attention again. "Oh, yes - of course."
"Do you want me to finish up?" you ask.
"Oh, no sweet one. It's my turn and you cooked...I want to finish up. Get settled in the den why don't you. I'll be there shortly."
You nod and make your way there to settle on the couch. If there is one thing you have learned about being Rundis Lyreheart's lover and partner, it is that the more space you give them, the closer they come. Rune always hears you and always pays attention even when it may seem like you're being ignored. You could ask your question again, but that would be pushing. You trust that Rune will answer.
In just a few moments, Rune joins you, removing the smock they use for kitchen duty and hanging it to dry by the fireplace. You chuckle when you realize it is nearly soaked through. You wonder if Rune will ever be able to take care of the dishes and end up dry at the end.
They settle next to you, and you realize they've brought the lyre. Rune looks at you deeply with those bright purple eyes you've come to love so much.
They sigh. "I am sorry that I tried to avoid your question earlier."
You nod. "It's okay. You do that sometimes."
Rune quirks an eyebrow at you.
You shrug. "You deflect the really hard stuff, and then you circle back later after you've had some time to think."
They cover their face with a hand. "Blessed Casimir, you really know me..."
You cannot help the smug smile on your face.
Rune takes a deep breath. "I can't answer your question, not without...some time - not with words. But...I can answer, with this." They hold the lyre up. "If you'll indulge a song."
"Always." You settle back in your seat.
After a few practice notes, Rune begins to pluck the strings in earnest. The melody fills the house, starting off slow, sweet and soft before it becomes...darker, more somber. Rune meets your eyes and smiles as the tune lifts, bringing happy energy to the undercurrent of dark notes. You can't wait to see how the song grows and changes...
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sergeantjessi · 6 days
hey how does one get yourself & your brain to work together. because i desperately need to finish a seminar paper and i'm just sitting here like:
My brain: You do know that you would feel better if you'd work on your seminar paper.
Me: Yes. But consider this: I don't want to.
My brain: Another reason to finally do it, so you finally have it out of your way.
Me: But it stresses me out.
My brain: Do it and the stress will go away.
Me: But... It's too much... I can't...
My brain: You can, and it will only get worse if you keep avoiding it. Do. it.
Me: ... Oh look, another thing I'd rather do, fantastic!
My brain: Stop! It!
& none of my usual go-tos work
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appleblueberry-pie · 6 months
Yandere House"wife" Satoru x Reader
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Call it a happy accident, the way Satoru transitioned from being a full-time sorcerer to being the man you come home to after he does domestic chores all day. You two talked about it for a little while. There was a time when Satoru would come home late at night almost every day. And he would wind down, take a shower, crawl into the bed into your arms and just pour out his heart to you. He would say he hates his job. He hates how repetitive these days were becoming. Meetings upon meetings in the morning, and then having to exercise curses that never stood a chance for the next 6 hours. You soothed him, of course. Or at least as much as you could.
Then you proposed that maybe he starts taking days off. So you'll go to work and he'll stay home to heal his mind as much as he needs to. He would do anything for you, so of course he tries it out just to make you happy. And a few rest days turned into a few weeks. A few weeks turned into a couple of months. You don't remember the last time Satoru went to work by now, his phone blowing up every day from the people and job he kind of abandoned. He didn't care anymore.
He realized that he was happiest doing these mundane and very human tasks every day. And his motivation to keep going was just you. If he was bored, he would do the laundry that was full. I mean, the washer and dryer was just down the hall, why not? Washed the few dishes in the sink. Maybe he'll stop by the store to restock the fridge. You recognized how much of a....housewife he was being when he would retell his daily tasks to you before you two went to bed. "Oh, so I've got a little housewife now?" The neurons in his brain crackled when he heard that word escape your mouth.
You raised your eyebrow when you watched him whisper the word underneath his breath. "You alright?" No, he wasn't. Well, he felt fantastic at the thought of his only purpose being his favorite person's provider and nothing else. But other than that, not really. He shamelessly enjoys having that title over his head. So he decides to play the part.
In the morning, he'll wake up before you, stare at your beautiful face for around 10 minutes before getting up to prepare your lunch and make you breakfast. NO, he can't cook. But he does know how to follow instructions. You wrote him some recipes you loved and he takes extra care to follow every single step to the exact measurements that you want. And when you smile at the breakfast, or make that sigh of relief, his heart jumps. Want more coffee? Do you want tea instead? He could pour you a flask of hot coffee before you go. And don't forget your lunch, either. He had fun making the panda shaped molds of rice.
And when you give your kiss goodbye and he finishes begging you to stay for a mandatory 5 minutes, he begins cleaning up the kitchen. He washes the dishes and clears the laundry if there's any. Mops the bathroom and cleans the tub, toilet bowl, and sink until they're sparkly and clean. Vacuums carpets and turns on a humidifier with your favorite scent lightly wafting throughout the place. Though he usually does this 20 minutes before you come back home so the smell is fresh in your brain when you walk in the door. He checks off the grocery list, visits a few people from his hitlist that he knows either hooked up with you in the past, broke up with you, or just tried to fuck with you in general. Sold a few organs from said people from the hitlist's bodies and goes back home to clean himself up and relax.
Relax meaning checking your location every five minutes, doing a mandatory 10 minute phone call on your lunch break to either try and persuade you to skip the rest of the work day to come back home, have phone sex(you talk him through his orgasm), or just let you talk and he'll listen. After the phone call, he'll eat his first meal of the day. He knows you don't like when he doesn't take care of himself, so he eats as much as his big heart desires. Which usually consists of your scraps of breakfast and dinner that you don't finish, so it feels like you two are bonding over the same meal(even though you aren't there). He does like eating with you and next to you, but it just feels more intimate when you two eat from the same plate. By the end of his meal, he's usually rock hard and close to tears at the fact that you won't be here to help him get off again for the next few hours.
So, he takes a cold shower(or two, if it's serious(and when I say "two" I mean he hops in, finishes, and then has to go back because it rises again with a vengeance)). And after his cold shower, he goes to the gym and does his weight resistance training. He knows you love every part of his body and his beautifully sculpted muscles(your words), so he takes good care of them. Then if he has free time, he'll watch some tv, pop up at Jujutsu Tech to piss everyone off for a few minutes, buy some sweets and desserts you two can share and then go back home to take a nap.
He wakes up about 30 minutes before you come back home so he can cook dinner. You told him you wouldn't mind having something "simple" tonight. And if he thinks carefully, this could mean anything from a boiled stew to TV dinner. Based off of your tone and how you said this sentence, he'll assume you wouldn't want something crazy to eat, so he actually buys some deli sandwiches from a shop not too far away. And when you got home, had Satoru take your coat, shoes, and jacket, you told him you were actually excited to eat. "It's been a while since we went there, huh? Oh, it's still warm!" The bread was toasted the way you liked and everything in between.
You were so lucky to have this man take care of you. You told him you loved him and if there was anything he wanted in return for his hard efforts to keep you happy, you'd do it. He shyly shook his head, a small blush overcoming his soft cheeks. He finished eating his sandwich before you and you noticed how silent he went. You softly grabbed his hand and he immediately looked up at you in question. "You alright? You're being quiet." You raise your hand from his hand to wipe a bread crumb from the corner of his mouth. "Yeah......actually, no. I just miss being able to grab your ass every second of the day, because your job doesn't allow your boyfriend into the building."
"Satoru, you know I can't take work off, I have to take care of us." Satoru flails and grabs your hand. "But babe, you know I have enough money to buy us 16 houses! You don't need to work!" You roll your eyes. "Well, I don't want to be in the house all day rotting away."
"We can rot together." "No!" He's a romantic at heart. He stands to walk off at your rejection and you grab his hand to pull him back. "Baby, you know I didn't mean it like that." "But.....you said we can't rot together...." "I know, but we can just be here right now and enjoy each other. We have all night and even some time in the morning. Right?" He sighs at your words and nod. ".........why are you hard?"
"Because you noticed I was quiet." You roll your eyes. He was also an attention seeker. How could you forget. "Really?" He nods. This time, you sigh, and you walk over to the living room couch, patting your lap. Satoru happily bounces over and plops down his weight on you. "Oof!" Sitting sideways on your lap, you caress his back with one hand and palm his hard on through his jeans with the other. His body immediately relaxes underneath your touch, and you smile up at him. "My baby has been working so hard today, hm?" He nods and stares at your hand. "I'm glad you're being productive. What did you do today, Satoru?"
"Today, I cleaned up the kitchen and did the laundry.." You unbutton his pants when he starts talking. But before you pull them down, you pause. "And what else?" He realizes what you're trying to do and swallows stressfully. He just wants you to take care of him. "And I mopped in the kitchen and the bathroom. I vacuumed, too." You pull his pants down enough to pull out his rock hard cock. It was warm and heavy in your hand, the tip straining with the blood swollen up to it. It was red and glistening with pre, threatening to drip down.
You gently wrapped your hand around him, slowly jerking him up and down, and a whimper slips out his lips. "Come on, baby, keep talking." He grabs your arm that's holding his cock and grabs at the couch with his other. "Um...I also........that's it." He cuts himself off, and his eyelids flutter shut when you put a little more pressure onto your hold, your thumb swiping over his tip.
"Hm? Are you sure?" You know he cut himself off. Which only means he's hiding something from you. He nods his head in response, and you let go of him. He whines at the cold that surrounds him now and looks at you. "Whyy???" "I don't know, baby, I think you're lying to me." You give him a look of fake concern, and your hand instead travels south to very gently fondle his sack, which immediately gets him to squirm.
"I'm not!!" You scrunch your eyebrows. "Are you??" He goes silent, and you stare him deep into his eyes. He can't reciprocate the eye contact and stares at your hand. You stop touching him, and he looks back up at you with sad, glistening puppy eyes. "I went through the list." Your eyebrows shoot up before you start scolding him. "The list??? I thought I told you to get rid of that thing? Satoru." When you first moved in with one another, you found his hit list full of people you used to talk to. He planned to kill them off one by one to have you to himself. You never truly got mad at him for it, because most of those people on the list genuinely were big pieces of shits that you wanted to burn in hell.....but technically it still wasn't okay for him to just do that behind your back.
"No, please! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just-" you lightly push him off of your lap, which was basically his equivalent of being shoved off of a cliff and his heart drops when you stand up. "NO! No. Wait, baby, please. Let me make it up to you. Please don't leave me like this." He trips onto his knees but still makes record speed in crawling over to you. He grabs your closest leg and hugs it tightly. You could feel his cock(which was still out) rub against your pant leg. So dramatic, you think.
You look down at him, and he stares up at you with those stupid big blue eyes. "......" He takes your silence as his que to convince you. "I can make it better, look!" He shifts in front of you, still on his knees, and begins to unbutton and pull your pants down. You lose balance and stumble back into the dining table behind you, using it for balance as Satoru yanks down down your pants, his eyes staring at the goal.
"Satoru, what the hell are you doing?" Funny enough, your words contradict your actions, and you instinctually spread your legs farther apart for him to have more space in between. He grabs your legs and places them on top of his shoulders, and you scoot back onto the dining table for more comfort, cups and silverware clinking as you clumsily push them back.
"I can help like this." He pushes his tongue as far as he can past your lips, getting a strong first taste at your pussy. A firm and slow stripe from your hole up to your clit and you hiss, gripping onto the table. Satoru moans loudly and closes his eyes to enjoy himself as much as possible. He shifts impossibly closer to you, hugging your thighs to both sides of his face to be buried deep and makes out with your sensitive bud. You could feel him occasionally exhale his warm breath onto you before firmly flicking his tongue onto you again.
You begin whining at the waves of pleasure crashing down on you. Drool and your essence cover Satoru's chin. His cock twitches endlessly against the hardwood floor, more of his pre dripping onto it the more he gets you to moan. "Get up." His eyes snap open, and he pulls away to look up at you. Your fingers dig into his scalp, and you pull him up, earning a wince from him. He knows what you want and leans in to let you taste yourself on his tongue. In the middle of the kiss, he suddenly flinches at the feeling of your hand once again grabbing his cock. You separate the kiss and his gaze trails down to your pussy.
You took his cock head and pressed it in between your lips, rubbing it up and down against your entrance. Your eyes seemed to glisten in a way he hadn't seen in a long time and you maintained eye contact, whispering to him. "You gonna be a good boy and fuck me how I taught you?" Each word that slipped out of your lips was enough to make him insane, and he was ready to do whatever you commanded. He robotically nods and you laugh at his reaction.
You press a soft kiss to his chin, letting him spread your legs on top of the table. He softly spreads your lips and makes eye contact with your hole. Heat radiates from you and he soaks up every last bit of it. All he can see, think of, and hear is you. "Beautiful." He whispers underneath his breath. You caress his arm to snap him out of his mind and he leans down closer to you, his head now pressing to your entrance gently. "Please show me." And he takes it upon himself to shower you with the affection you deserve in hopes to satisfy you again.
Did I cook????? Cuz I feel like I wrote this way too fast.
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Wanna Duet? (Hugh Jackman x Reader)
summary: you're an interviewer sitting down with 2 of the hottest celebrities, both fresh off their latest movie. during the interview, one of them feels the need to shake up the script a bit
warnings: None that I can think of, other than intense yearning for an unattainable man (tbh isn't that why we read and write these sort of things anyway?)
author's note: Um, hi. It's been a couple of years since I've contributed to this site and this particular blog, other than reblogging other people's much more notable work. But the new deadpool movie, as well as Hugh Jackman, has literally got me hostage by the ovaries and I just needed to put this random fantasy into words and put it out there into the world. Please be gentle. I haven't written anything in years and it is so weird to me now.
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When you call my name
It’s like a little prayer
I’m down on my knees
I wanna take you there
In the midnight hour
I can feel your power
Just like a prayer
I wanna take you there
The lyrics to that familiar song softly tumbled from your lips as you studied the notecards in your hand while your shoulders softly rocked to the beat. You wanted to make sure the questions were etched in your brain; as a journalist tasked with interviewing celebrities, you needed to maintain your A-game when it came to these video shoots with the Hollywood elite. You couldn’t afford to stumble over your words or, even worse, have an awkward silence creep into the conversation. 
A knock at the door brought you out of your reverie, and Maggie, the producer, poked her head in. “They just arrived,” she informed you. “Ten minutes.”
You flashed her a thumbs up and got out of your seat to loosen your stiff muscles and fight the enormous grin spreading across your face. Today’s scheduled shoot was one you were particularly looking forward to: a simple sit down interview with two of the hottest stars, fresh off the premiere of one of the most anticipated movies of 2024. Somewhere on the premises, Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds were waiting to speak to you, and your Marvel-loving heart was hammering in your chest in anticipation. The butterflies were certainly in hyperactive manic mode today. 
Maggie studied you with a laugh. “Excited, are we?”
“Aren’t you? We’re about to meet Deadpool and Wolverine!” You took a few deep breaths, channeling your professional side. But soon, the facade fell and you were grinning like a jittery idiot. ”How are they? Are they as ridiculously gorgeous in person?”
Maggie grinned. “Yes, plus super nice. Definitely making the top 10 nicest guests list. Hurry up and get out there.” She then left and shut the door behind her.
Biting back the urge to squeal, you took a few composing breaths and willed your heart to stop racing like a schoolgirl in love. Picking up your phone, you started scrolling your phone for a song. Singing was always a typical warm-up exercise for you; it helped you loosen up and provided an outlet for your nervous energy. Showtunes were usually your go-to songs, and you had a particular soundtrack stuck in your head for the past few weeks. 
“Ladies and gents, this is the moment you’ve waited for,” you sang softly, shimmying your hips to the beat of the song. “Been searching in the dark, your sweat soaking through the floor.”  Another hip wiggle on beat as you spun on your heel and held out a dramatic fist in the air. “And buried in your bones, there’s an ache that you can’t ignore, taking your breath, stealing your mind, and all that was real is left behind…
Don’t fight it’s coming for you, runnin’ at ya
It’s only this moment, don’t care what comes after
Your fever dream, can’t you see it gettin’ closer?
just surrender cuz you feel the feeling takin’ over
It’s fire, it’s freedom, it’s flooding open
It’s a preacher in the pulpit and your blind devotion
There’s something breaking at the brick of every wall it’s holding
All that you know
So tell me, do you wanna go?
Where it’s covered in all the colored lights
Where the runaways are running the night
Impossible comes tre, it’s taking over you
Oh, this is the greatest show!
We light it up, we won’t come down
And the sun can’t stop us now
Impossible comes true, it’s taking over you
Oh, this is the greatest show!”
You blew out one more calming breath and grinned with confidence before striding out the door. Time to get to work.
“So I’m sitting there, my brain melting in my skull from all these fucking hot wings, and the first sentence out of my mouth is ‘I CHEAT AT WORDLE!’”
You and Hugh burst out into laughter as Ryan recounted his and Hugh’s recent experience on Hot Ones. As expected, the interview was going without a hitch. Both men were excellent subjects, genuinely enjoying the process and providing laughs amongst the crew in between the Q+A. Their bestie banter and overall chemistry was so contagious that it brought everyone at ease. And also as expected, both men gave you the urge to subtly fan yourself with your notecards. While both had the leading man looks, Ryan had a dry wit and a delivery that was deadpan and entirely on point, never failing to get a laugh from everyone in the room. Meanwhile, Hugh had a megawatt smile and an Aussie timber in his voice that had you shivering in your chair, and his laughter was as warm and pure as sunshine itself.
“So, Hugh, you’ve mentioned how you were still doing Music Man when you were cast to return as Wolverine. Did the mental and physical preparation for this role clash with your preparations for your Music Man performances?”
Hugh chuckled. “It’s funny you mentioned that, because I had actually lost a bit of weight while doing Music Man. I mean, it’s eight shows a week and each show is a cardio workout like nothing else! So I had to start increasing my calories and, you know, pumping iron in between shows and it got to the point where I actually split my pants onstage during a show!”
You gasped while Ryan just shook his head and laughed. “Yes, the legendary Jackman ass returned, as jacked as ever!” Ryan snarked, which had Hugh guffawing. “Oh, easy there, buddy. No need to break a hip on top of that.”
You futilely hid your laughs behind your notecards, genuinely enjoying this experience. “Well, guys, this has been an absolute pleasure. As a Marvel fan myself, this movie has been long awaited and completely worth it. Any parting words you’d like to leave the audience before we sign off?”
”Actually,” Ryan suddenly interjected, shooting an offhanded smirk at Hugh, “I had a question for you.”
Well, that was unexpected. “Wait, really? For me?” you asked, confused. 
”Yeah, betcha didn’t see this coming, but yes, the tables have in fact been turned. The interviewee is now the interviewer.” Ryan crossed his legs and placed his hands on his lap, smiling mischievously. “See, I happened to be skittering around backstage, and whilst—“
”Don’t interrupt me when I’m talking, Hugh Bear. It’s very rude. Yes, whilst skittering back there, I happened to pick up on some backstage karaoke from a certain interviewer.”
Your eyes widened and you hid your gaping mouth behind your hand. “Oh God.”
“Do you deny it?”
“You heard that?!”
Ryan pointed an accusatory finger at you. “Don’t your DARE hide that angelic voice from us, ma’am!”
Hugh switched his focus between you and Ryan. “Wait, did I miss something? What’s happening?”
”Dude, get this. I heard her singing Greatest Showman in the back and she sounds amazing!” Ryan nudged Hugh before holding out a hand to you reassuringly while you continued to gape. 
“Is that right?” Hugh inquired, interest piqued.
You laughed nervously, shielding your face in your hands. In the back of your mind, you wondered if your makeup was good enough to hide the flush spreading across your face. “Oh my god, this is so embarrassing.” 
“Please don’t confuse my enthusiasm for mockery!” Ryan was quick to say, holding out a reassuring hand. “Honestly, I had chills hearing you. Your voice is gorgeous! And clearly you have excellent music tastes due to your song choices. Seriously, I loved it!” Ryan gushed. “My question is, where did you learn to sing? Like, I’m literally jealous because out of the three of us sitting here, I have no musical talent whatsoever, and my singing usually results in children crying. But yours just sounds so good!”
”I wanna hear her sing now,” Hugh remarked cheerfully. “High praise from Ryan is definitely a good voucher.”
“Oooh, that would be so great, Hugh. You could audition her, because her choreo needs a little bit of work. Kinda limited, but I’m sure your rusty hips still got enough wiggle in them to teach her something.”
Both men laughed and leaned forward, their attention on you, and you couldn’t help but cower behind your papers and burst into another fit of panicked giggles. “I have no idea what is happening right now,” you remarked shyly.
Ryan got out of his seat and stood beside you. “Audition jitters, I get them all the time. Here, I’ll coach you through it!” He cleared his throat and adopted a more professional tone, gesturing between you and Hugh. “Alright, so you are at your callback audition. The casting director—obviously, that’s me—liked your stuff and now I wanna do a little screen test with our leading man—that’ll be Hugh.” 
At this, Hugh leaned forward and shook your hand warmly. “Hey there, I’m Hugh Jackman. I’ll be doing this scene with ya.”
You shot a quick glance at Maggie, who silently urged you to play along. So you chuckled and firmly shook Hugh’s hand. “Pleasure to be working with you, sir.” He replied with a warm smile that made your stomach somersault.
Ryan clapped his hands. “Alright! We are looking for some chemistry between our two leads. Let’s see, what’s a good duet song?” He eyed you expectedly. “I won’t ask Hugh, because the man is a neverending jukebox of showtunes. Now’s your chance to put a quarter in him and pick a song.”
You fidgeted in your seat, pausing to think before replying, “Okay, if we are going to do this, I just want to get this off my chest. Hugh, I am a HUGE fan, not just of your work as Wolverine, but your musical roles as well.” In response, he patted his heart and mouthed ‘thank you’ while Ryan rolled his eyes and made the yak-yak motion with his hand.
You continued. “So, if we could, and this is something I’ve always wanted to do…could we sing ‘A Million Dreams’ from Greatest Showman together?”
His eyes lit up and he nodded. “Yeah! I’d love that!” 
You practically bounced in your seat, shaking out your hands in pure excitement while a huge grin spread across your face. “Oh my god, I can’t believe this is happening!”
Hugh got out of his chair and gestured for you to do the same, which you did quickly. “Gotta make it like a real audition,” he informed you with a wink that got you giggling.
Ryan scooted his own chair back and sat back in it, much like a director overseeing a scene. “Okay, are we all good? Pay no attention to the multiple cameras looking at you or the lights beaming down at you, mmkay? It’s most likely nothing new for you. And…action!”
Hugh made a big show of clearing his throat a few times. “Sorry, I’m not warmed up,” he said.
“No one cares, Hugh.”
“And there isn’t any music.”
“Still not caring, Hugh.”
“Thanks, Ryan.”
With the rest of the crew laughing, Hugh finally took your hand in his and, gazing into your eyes, began to sing:
Every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it’s gonna take
Oh, a million dreams for the world we’re gonna make
You were mesmerized by his singing. Listening to him on recording did absolutely no justice for him. Never in a million years (no pun intended) did you think this could be happening to you, that Hugh Jackman could be singing one of your favorite songs directly to you. You forced yourself to focus on your breathing and remember your cue. And when it came, you were more than ready to belt out:
However big, however small
Let me be part of it all
Share your dreams with me
Ryan was flashing you a thumbs up while the rest of the crew were cheering you on. Hugh was grinning ear to ear, clearly enjoying himself.
You may be right, you may be wrong
But say that you’ll bring me along
To the world you see
Hugh nodded encouragingly, joining in:
To the world I close my eyes to see
I close my eyes to see
He got down on one knee, clutching his chest dramatically as he still held your hand.
‘Cause every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
You grinned in reply and posed cutely in response.
A million dreams are keeping me awake
A million dreams, a million dreams!
As he shot back up, he spun you around, and the two of you both dramatically sang back to back, harmonizing on the final verse.
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it’s gonna take
A million dreams for the world we’re gonna make
As you held that last note, you felt Hugh wrap his arms around your shoulders. Knowing your role, you smiled and leaned against him.
For the world we’re gonna make
The end of the song was met with thunderous applause from everyone on set, with Ryan being particularly enthusiastic in his clapping. “You got the part!” he exclaimed.
You laughed breathlessly as you and Hugh separated. You clutched your face, grounding yourself from the incredible high you were flying on, all while that silly smile on your face still shone brightly. 
Hugh clapped you on the shoulder. “Very well done!” he remarked. “I’ll be sure to keep you on call as my backup leading lady.”
“Oh my god, stop,” you beamed, still a bit breathless. “Karaoke is one thing, but I dunno about leading lady stuff.”
He smiled and gently kissed your hand. “Don’t sell yourself short,” he replied with a wink.
Maggie caught your eye from behind the camera, signaling you to wrap it up. Remembering your job, you quickly looked at the camera and said, “Uh, Deadpool and Wolverine is out in theaters now! Many thanks to Hugh and Ryan for joining us today!”
“Cut!” Maggie announced.
And thus ended probably THE most exhilarating interview of your entire career!
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idontplaytrack · 5 months
Coming Home
Capri Donahue x gn! reader
Warnings: fluff, mentions & descriptions of anxiety, some coarse language
In which, reader wakes up feeling like they’ve gotten out from the wrong side of bed and nothing feels right
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(Pictures used above are from Pinterest)
Requested? Yes / No
You stood before the vanity, looking at yourself in the mirror. Taking a few deep breaths to relieve the tense feeling in your body, not much happens— you still felt…weird. But since you only had thirty minutes to leave the house and get to your shift at the bookstore on time, you couldn’t focus on that. Not now, you couldn’t be late. Glancing over your shoulder at Capri’s sleeping figure, you left the room. Grabbing your lunchboxes and placing them into a bag, you then put your shoes on. You made sure that you've already grabbed your keys, wallet and phone before leaving the house. Your heart was racing and you didn't like it— you didn't know why that was happening but you couldn't do anything about it. You got into your car and drove off, hands clutching onto the steering wheel so tightly that your knuckles turned white.
"You're okay, y/n." You reminded yourself, "Breathe...in and out. Breathe. Watch the road, focus on driving. Nothing else. Everything is—" Nope, not okay. You couldn't even trick yourself into it. Shit, and now your stomach hurt. "Why must it start hurting at the worst time possible?" A soft sigh escaped your lips as you stopped at a light, "God, stop it."
Eventually, you got to work. Putting your stuff into your locker, you put your name tag on and retrieved your water bottle. Chugging some of the liquid, you put it back, walking out to the floor.
"Everything alright, y/n?"
You blinked blankly a few times, "Uh, yeah. Fine. Everything's fine."
You felt like the air was getting sucked out of you— you felt like you were ‘over-feeling’ every single normal bodily sensation.
Your manager then tasked you to stock the shelves with a few boxes of the new books and other items that had just arrived. Thankfully, during which, you felt fine. You felt relaxed, for the first time since you woke up that morning. You worked in a pretty small bookstore that doesn’t get too crowded so it was peaceful most of the time.
“y/n.” Your manager taps you on the shoulder, unintentionally startling you.
“Oh, hey Alex.” You stopped what you were doing for a moment.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle ya. What time do you wanna go for your break?” He asks.
“Uh, maybe 12:30?”
“Sure thing.” He nods, “Okay, I’m gonna let you get back to restocking. Is it okay if you cover for Elliot at 11:30? He’s gonna go for his break then. I gotta make some calls to suppliers and ask Dana why she isn’t here yet.”
“On the checkout?”
“Yeah.” He confirms.
You knew you had to do it somehow. You guys were the only ones working today and were short a staff member. “Just for the duration of our break. Sometimes he takes a way longer break.”
“That has become a problem, hasn’t it?” Alex sighs.
“A little, yeah.” You shrug, maybe coming off a little more annoyed than intended.
“I don’t wanna pry because we all have bad days, but do you wanna take a minute for yourself and calm down? ‘Cause I know sometimes you deal with thought spirals.” He asked you straightforwardly.
“I am feeling a little weird today. Don’t know why, and those breathing exercises did not work.”
“I’m sorry, but if you need a minute just let me know and you can dip out, okay?”
“Okay.” You nodded lightly, “Thanks, I just— I think I need something to do where I’m not thinking about anything, like—”
“I got you, just finish this up and work on the displays. Change them up a little. I’m gonna go give Dana a call, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
As midday approached, you started feeling more…okay. “y/n, Alex says you’re covering for me, right?”
“Yeah, but can you come back on time? Because I’m not feeling too great today and I don’t be on the front for too long.”
He seethed, “Sorry. Yeah, I’ll come back on time, I promise.”
“Alright, thanks.” You answered with a shrug, sure that he would most definitely not keep to his word. But, it had to be said. He couldn’t just keep taking longer breaks because he feels like it.
You took his place behind the cashier while you watched him take off his apron and leave. The bell above the door tinkling, signalling his departure from the store. You zoned out briefly, staring at the keyboard when the door opening again snapped you back into reality. You were expecting a customer but it was Dana who rushed into the store apologising profusely for oversleeping.
“Good! There you are. So good to see you. Will you be okay to—” Alex walks out from the break room. Dana interrupts him. “Work overtime? Yeah, I’ll make up for the hours I missed this morning.”
“That. And, could you cover the checkout? I want y/n working on the displays instead. Elliot takes forever and Derek our store’s artsy guy won’t be working for the next two weeks.”
“Sure, no prob!” Dana stood beside you.
“So you wanted me to change them all?”
“That’s right. It’s getting a little boring having everything looking like this for the past two months. Shake it up a little, friend.”
“On it.” You nodded firmly.
“Also, Elliot should be back by 12:15. So he isn’t back by then, call him, text him…whatever you do. Get him back here.” You heard Alex telling Dana as you walked into the storage room at the back to get out a couple boxes of decorations.
You worked on redoing the displays until you had to go for your break. Sitting down in break room, you opened up your lunchboxes and dug into the food: a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in one container and the other had some trail mix in one half and veggies in the other half. You completely zoned out while you ate, until Capri sends you a text.
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Lunch went by pretty quickly. You put away your empty lunchboxes in your locker, went to wash your hands, then got back to work. “All good?” Alex asks when he saw you exit the break room.
“Yeah, I finished my food so I’m going back to wo—”
“You, not the displays.” He bit back a laugh.
“Better, actually. Thanks for asking.”
“That’s good.” He replies, “Hey, you’re working tomorrow, right?”
“Yeah, what’s up?” You ask, shoving your hands into your pockets while you leaned against the wall.
“Nothing, I’m just thinking if you wanted to just take the day off tomorrow? You’ve worked six days last week and already two days this week.”
“Would you have enough people on shift?” You asked again, concerned.
“We’ll be fine, employee-of-the-month.” He jokes, “Don’t worry about it. Take tomorrow off, relax, sleep in, sleep all day, go see the stars with your girlfriend. Anything.”
“If you insist.” You agreed, “I’m gonna— hey, do you think we should shift the horror and thriller books more to the front for this table? Since Halloween’s next month.”
“y/n. You know what you’re doing at this job, just go for it. I’ve never doubted you.” Alex says.
“Very well then.” You nodded slowly, scurrying away to the back of the store to move the set of books to a table nearer to the front of the store.
After saying bye to Alex, Dana and Elliot, you left and started your drive home. As you got into the car, your nose was hit with an oddly familiar scent which made you feel anxious. You hated that certain scents could do this to you. You were doing pretty well until now.
Deciding to put on your favourite playlist, you drive off. Once again, you relied on your breathing exercises the whole way through. However, when you got home, you still felt strange. That feeling from earlier on in the day was bubbling back up.
Unlocking the front door, you stepped inside and shut the door. Before the front door even fully shut, Capri came up to you. “Hi, baby.” She presses a kiss to your lips while brushing the hair out of your eyes. She studied your face, “Do you want to talk about it?”
You pursed your lips together, shaking your head, “I…don’t know what’s making me feel so…on the edge today? I just feel shitty, every little thing triggers a stomachache or makes my heart feel like it’s going to beat out of my chest. Everything just feels so off.” You looked away from her but she just tilted your chin with her finger to make you look at her. Capri cups your cheeks in her hands, caressing your cheek, “You’re okay, you’re home now. I’ve got you.”
Looking at Capri right in the eye made you feel like crying, made you feel like releasing those tears that you were holding back for some reason. Finally, with her, in her presence…her company. Your body just…relaxed. Completely relaxed and let go off whatever repressed feelings from the day. “I’m gonna give you a hug, alright, baby? Is that okay with you?” She asks softly and you answered by wrapping your arms around her first.
You soon stopped crying and broke away from the embrace. Capri slowly does the same, “Go take a shower, okay, babe? I’ll join you in a minute. Just have to turn the oven off.”
“Okay.” You agreed with a sniffle, trudging upstairs.
You grab your towel and walked into the bathroom, stripping your clothes off then stepped into the shower. You hear footsteps over the sounds of the falling water, then saw Capri walking in. She helps you shampoo your hair and lather the soap on your body— you just let her, enjoying her company. While you washed everything off, she was shampooing her own hair and soaping up her body. Even when you were done, you just hung around until she was too.
She leads you back into your shared bedroom by the hand then picked out a change of clothes for you— her clothes. Your favourite comfy hoodie of hers and your own pair of shorts. Once you were both dressed, she cuddled with you without you having to ask while watching Friends with you. She knew exactly what you needed.
Eyes flicking upward to look at hers, your heart melts as do you, into her embrace. She presses a kiss to your head, pulling you closer to her. Her eyes. They felt like…coming home. So beautiful, so warm, so loving.
“Capri?” Your eyes met hers again. She presses the space bar to pause the show, “Yes, baby?”
You cup her cheek and pulled her a little lower, pressing your lips onto hers. Capri smiles, returning the kiss. “I love you.” The corner of your lips tug into a smile.
🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @reneeswif3 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
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jennay · 1 year
Rory Culkin x Reader
Master List
An: this may or may not be loosely based around my work day 😂 Enjoy!
Warning: None just fluff
Let me know if you have anything you want written. I'm starting to run out of ideas. 🤦🏻‍♀️
You close your eyes and listen to the rhythm of the rain, feeling a sense of calmness wash over you. You decide to stay in your car for a few more minutes, enjoying the peace and quiet.
You put your arm over your eyes and try to focus on breathing. You wanted to calm down before going upstairs to your apartment.
You have always wanted to help people and thought being a CNA would be a rewarding career. You spent months studying and training, and you finally got your certification. You were excited to start working at a nursing home where you hoped to make a difference in the lives of elderly residents. But you soon realized that being a CNA was not what you expected. It was a crappy job that drained you physically, emotionally, and mentally.
You had to work long hours, often without breaks or proper meals. You had to deal with understaffing, low pay, and a lack of respect. You had to perform unpleasant, exhausting, and sometimes dangerous tasks.
You had to change people, clean wounds, lift heavy patients, and administer medications. You had to deal with angry, depressed, or confused residents who sometimes yelled at, hit, or spit on you.
You had to witness the pain and suffering of people who were dying or had dementia. You had to cope with the grief of losing patients you had grown attached to.
You felt like you were not making any difference at all. You felt like you were not appreciated or valued. You felt like you were not living up to your potential or fulfilling your dreams. You felt like you were stuck in a dead-end job that was slowly killing you.
You often thought about quitting, but every time you gained the courage to do so, something made you stay. Maybe it was the fear of not finding another job, the hope that things would improve, or the loyalty you felt to the few residents who still smiled at you and thanked you for your care.
Whatever it was, it trapped you in a cycle of frustration and misery.
Tapping on your window snaps you out of your deep breathing exercise. Startled, you turn your head to look at the window. Rory stood there with an umbrella, protecting him from the cold rain.
You return your seat to its regular position and grab your bag from the passenger seat. It was time to go inside and put on a brave face.
Pretend you didn't actually hate everything that happened today. Pretend you were happy and content with your life. Pretend you didn't want to run away from it all.
You open the door and step out of the car. Rory quickly brings you close to his body and covers you with the umbrella. He wraps his arm around your waist and leads you to the entrance of your apartment building.
Running his hand down your shoulder, he asks, "Rough day?" He frowns when he notices your stiffness and unwillingness to smile when he kisses your forehead.
Usually, Rory could smile at you, and you'd feel better, but today wasn't like that; today was different. Today, you felt like nothing could make you happy. Today, you felt like you had reached your breaking point.
"I'm fine." You lie, dropping your bag by the front door. You head to your room and begin to peel off your clothes. You notice that Rory followed you. He leans against the doorway, his blue eyes full of concern as he watches you pull a baggy t-shirt over your head, not bothering to find any bottoms.
"You're not a good liar," he said, walking towards you. "You look like you're going to cry." He reaches out for you. "What's going on?"
Your eyes water at the sound of his concerned voice. "I'm not ok." You admit.
"C'mon." He says, leading you out of the bedroom and to the living room, where he guides you to sit on the couch. "I'll make you some tea. Are you hungry?"
You shake your head, "No. I couldn't eat even if I wanted to."
When the tea is done, he brings it to you and sets it on the coffee table beside you. You don't hesitate to lean into his body, and he takes the quilt from the side of the couch, wrapping your body in it; he holds you close and presses his lips to your temple. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Shrugging, you say, "Part of me wants to and the other part of me wants to forget about it." You throw your legs over his lap, trying to get as close as possible, needing his touch of comfort and warm embrace. "I just feel like I'm not making a difference. I feel like everything I do is wrong and I'm just tired but whenever I feel like I can't do it anymore I chicken out and stay anyways."
Rory runs his fingertips up and down the top of your thigh in a comforting motion. "It's not chickening out. Your hearts big and you care a lot." He reminds you. "You always put everyone first, babe...maybe you need to start putting yourself first; what do you want?"
You kiss his jaw and nuzzle your face into his neck, inhaling his familiar scent. "Maybe subconsciously I like making myself miserable," You joke. "Then I can come home and complain to my loving boyfriend who makes me tea, snuggles me, and gives me life advice."
Rory chuckles at your comment, his chest vibrating against your ear. "You don't have to be miserable for me to do that. I love cuddling you, kissing you, holding you. Just say the word. I'll do it." He laughs, his breath tickling your skin.
"Wow," you smile, looking up at him. "I'm so grateful for you." You feel more relaxed the more you and Rory talk and the gentler his touches get. He strokes your hair, rubs your back, and kisses your forehead.
You didn't know how you got so lucky, but you'd thank the stars daily if it meant you always got to come home to Rory.
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i-t-guy-in-the-sky · 2 years
Hello young sir. ::slides in two items from the Fandom asks::
Wasted potential
The show got it wrong!
"Erm... Hi, I guess I'm doing this."
He stares at the questions for a moment or two. How did one answer things like this? Was there a protocol he wasn't aware of? Some unwritten rule he might possibly break without even meaning to? Others would receive a question such as this and rattle off the first thing that came to mind, but he liked to think about his words and chose them carefully.
"Wasted potential?"
Did it count to say his entire family? The show has only shown a small portion of the rescues they attended and the way they worked, they had to have some secrets after all.
"Gordon," he says decisively. Now that he'd made a decision it was easier. "Gordon is always the one that I'd say has wasted some of his potential. He's much smarter than he would let you believe and his work ethic is higher than most no matter how lazy he seems in his down time."
He thinks for a moment more. "Definitely Gordon. The show seperated us into categories and he fulfilled the comic relief portion of the family, but he's far more than that. Gordon is a highly skilled professional at what he does and an expert in his field. But he'll say it's down to the celery crunch bars rather than his own hard work."
His eyes flick back to the screen and the second question.
"The show got it wrong?"
He chews this over for a few moments. The show got a lot of things wrong, but it did show them doing their jobs as best it could, in some cases maybe too much. Would it be egotistical...
"Me. They got me wrong."
Had he really said that out loud? He sucked in a breath, knowing he had to explain, and preferably without looking like an idiot.
"The show cut out a lot of the realities of spending so much time on a space station such as this," he continued, forging ahead before he clammed up completely. "Because the show focused mainly on us working and doing our jobs it mostly showed me in the Comms sphere, which as you know is the main Zero- Gravity area of the ship."
This was easier, talking about his ship and space, this he could do.
"And, while the rest of the ship could be gravityless if required, I rarely, if ever, do that. Gravity is important for our bodies to function, we aren't designed to live without it, and Brains and I took that into account while designing her. The gravity ring especially is full gravity equivalent to Earths. I sound most of my time when not coordinating a rescue in the ring, walking around as normal, exercising and keeping strong. If there are days when there are no calls I won't even go in the sphere."
He rolled his shoulders without even realising he was doing it, feeling the familiar heavy weight of his body that you didn't get in Zero-Gravity.
"We all have to be in tip-top condition to do our jobs, myself included. We never know when we'll be called out and what we'll be facing. It might not seem like it but I do as many rescues on earth as I do in space and there is no time to prepare before one. I have to jump in the space elevator and get to work. I have to be able to go from space to earth in minutes without it affecting my ability to perform my tasks."
He smiles lightly. "I might joke about gravity not being my thing, but in reality I wouldn't be without it and do try to spend as much time in the ring as I can if I'm not home on the island. They didn't show that enough either, but honestly I will admit that I stayed away more when there was the possibility of a camera being shoved in my face."
He checks the list again, just in case another question had magicked itself into existence but it was clear.
"That appears to be all, so thank you for the questions."
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stevejhones6801 · 9 days
How Can You Feel Better with These 5 Quick Tips?
Stress is something we all face from time to time, whether it's from school, work, or personal issues. It can leave us feeling worried, upset, and sometimes even physically unwell. However, the good news is that there are effective ways to manage it. Mind And Mood has put together 5 Quick Tips To Reduce Stress that are easy to understand and practice. These tips can help you quickly calm your mind and body, making tackling whatever is causing your stress easier.
The Power of Deep Breathing
One of the simplest but most powerful ways to reduce stress is by practicing deep breathing. When you're stressed, your breathing tends to become fast and shallow, making you feel even more anxious. To relax, find a quiet space, sit down, and close your eyes. Slowly breathe in through your nose, hold your breath for a few seconds, and then gently release it through your mouth. Repeat this process several times, and you’ll start to feel your body relax. Deep breathing helps to lower your heart rate and brings a sense of calm to both your mind and body.
Physical Activity as Stress Relief
When you’re feeling stressed, your body often carries that tension, making you feel restless or tight. One of the best ways to release that built-up stress is through physical activity. Whether it’s walking, jogging, or even dancing in your room, moving your body can help you shake off those anxious feelings. Exercise increases the production of endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that help improve your mood. Even just a short 10-minute walk outdoors can significantly reduce stress levels and leave you feeling more energized and positive. Physical activity is not only good for your body but also works wonders for your mental well-being.
The Importance of Talking It Out
Stress often feels much heavier when you keep it all inside. Sharing your feelings with someone you trust, such as a family member, friend, or teacher, can help lighten that emotional load. Talking it out gives you a chance to express what’s bothering you and helps others understand what you’re going through. Often, they can provide valuable advice or simply offer a listening ear, which can make a big difference in how you feel. Remember, you're not alone, and there’s always someone who cares about your well-being. A simple conversation can be a powerful way to relieve stress.
Taking Breaks Can Help
When you're overwhelmed by tasks and responsibilities, it can feel like you're drowning in stress. One of the 5 Quick Tips To Reduce Stress is to step back and take short breaks when needed. Trying to push through without a break can make you feel more stressed and less productive. Taking a five-minute pause to relax, stretch, or even grab a snack can help refresh your mind. These short moments of rest allow your brain to recharge, making it easier to return to your tasks with renewed focus. Mind And Mood emphasizes the importance of breaks as part of a healthy stress management routine.
Finding Fun in the Little Things
When life feels overwhelming, sometimes the best way to deal with stress is by doing something fun. Engaging in an activity you enjoy, whether it's playing a game, painting, or watching a funny video, can help take your mind off your worries. Fun activities act as a mental reset, giving you a much-needed break from the stress you’re feeling. When you engage in something enjoyable, your brain releases feel-good chemicals that can lift your mood and help you feel more relaxed. It’s important to make time for fun, as it balances out the challenges and difficulties you may face each day.
Why Rest Matters?
Sleep is one of the most crucial ways to fight stress. When you don’t get enough rest, your body and mind become more prone to stress and negative emotions. Another of the 5 Quick Tips To Reduce Stress is to ensure that you’re getting enough sleep and taking short breaks during the day. Sleep gives your body the chance to recover and your mind the opportunity to reset. Without proper rest, it becomes harder to handle stressful situations, and small problems can feel much bigger than they are. A good night’s sleep, combined with short rest breaks during the day, can help you manage stress much better.
Positive Thinking as a Stress Buster
Sometimes, the way we think about a situation can make our stress feel bigger than it is. Practicing positive thinking can change the way you experience stress and make you feel more in control. When you find yourself focusing on negative thoughts, try to shift your attention to something good that has happened or something you’re looking forward to. It’s also helpful to remind yourself that stress is temporary and that you have the strength to get through it. Positive thinking can reduce anxiety and help you approach challenges with a clear and calm mindset.
Final Thoughts on Reducing Stress
Stress is a normal part of life, but that doesn't mean it has to take over your days. With the simple tips shared by Mind And Mood, you can reduce stress and feel more relaxed, no matter what challenges you face. Whether it’s through deep breathing, taking breaks, or finding time for fun, these 5 Quick Tips To Reduce Stress offer practical ways to stay calm and focused. Remember, it’s important to take care of both your body and mind and by following these easy steps, you can live a happier, more balanced life.
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focusdrinkselixir · 22 days
How to Stay Focused When You’re Easily Distracted
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How to Stay Focused When You’re Easily Distracted
In today’s world, distractions are everywhere. From the constant buzz of notifications on our devices to the myriad of thoughts racing through our minds, staying focused on a task can seem like an impossible feat. However, maintaining focus is crucial for productivity, creativity, and overall success. If you find yourself easily distracted, don’t worry — you’re not alone. Here are some practical strategies to help you stay focused even when distractions are at their peak.
Identify Your Distractions
The first step to staying focused is identifying what distracts you. Distractions can be external, like social media, noise, or interruptions from others, or internal, such as daydreaming, stress, or hunger. Once you know what pulls your attention away, you can start to address these distractions head-on.
External Distractions:
Social Media and Technology: Consider using apps that limit your access to distracting websites or turning off notifications during work hours.
Noise: If noise is a distraction, try using noise-canceling headphones or listen to white noise or instrumental music to drown out background sounds.
Interruptions: If people interrupt you frequently, set boundaries. Politely let them know your work hours or use a “do not disturb” sign.
Internal Distractions:
Stress and Anxiety: Practice mindfulness or take short breaks to relax and refocus.
Hunger: Keep healthy snacks nearby to avoid hunger-induced distractions.
Daydreaming: If your mind tends to wander, try using techniques like the Pomodoro Technique to keep yourself on track.
Create a Focus-Friendly Environment
Your environment plays a significant role in your ability to stay focused. A cluttered or chaotic space can lead to a cluttered mind, so it’s important to create an environment that supports concentration.
Declutter Your Workspace: A clean, organized workspace can help reduce mental clutter and increase focus. Keep only essential items on your desk and remove anything that isn’t necessary for the task at hand.
Adjust Lighting: Ensure your workspace is well-lit. Natural light is best, but if that’s not possible, use a bright, adjustable lamp to avoid eye strain and fatigue.
Set the Mood: Consider the ambiance of your workspace. Some people find that a pleasant scent, like lavender or peppermint, can boost concentration. Others might benefit from keeping plants or inspirational quotes nearby.
Set Clear Goals and Prioritize Tasks
One reason we get distracted is because we’re unsure of what to focus on. Setting clear, achievable goals can help direct your attention and keep you on track.
Break Down Tasks: Large tasks can be overwhelming and lead to procrastination. Break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. This not only makes the task seem less daunting but also provides a clear path forward.
Prioritize: Focus on high-priority tasks first, especially if they require deep concentration. Use tools like to-do lists or task management apps to keep track of what needs to be done.
Set Deadlines: Deadlines create a sense of urgency and can help you stay focused. Even if you don’t have a strict deadline, set one for yourself to keep the momentum going.
Practice Mindfulness and Meditation
Mindfulness and meditation can be powerful tools for improving focus. These practices train your mind to stay in the present moment, which can reduce the impact of distractions.
Mindfulness Techniques: Try simple mindfulness exercises, like deep breathing or focusing on your senses, to bring your attention back to the present moment.
Daily Meditation: Even just a few minutes of meditation each day can improve concentration over time. Apps like Headspace or Calm offer guided meditations specifically designed to enhance focus.
Take Regular Breaks
It might seem counterintuitive, but taking breaks can actually improve your focus. The brain can only concentrate for so long before it needs rest. Without breaks, you may find yourself mentally exhausted and more prone to distractions.
The Pomodoro Technique: Work for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. After four cycles, take a longer break of 15–30 minutes. This method helps maintain a balance between work and rest, keeping your focus sharp.
Movement Breaks: Incorporate movement into your breaks. Stretch, go for a walk, or do a quick workout to refresh your body and mind.
Stay Hydrated and Well-Fed
Dehydration and hunger can significantly impact your ability to focus. Make sure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day and eating balanced meals to fuel your brain.
Hydration: Keep a water bottle at your desk and take regular sips. Dehydration can lead to fatigue and reduced concentration.
Healthy Snacks: Opt for snacks that provide sustained energy, such as nuts, fruits, or yogurt. Avoid sugary snacks that can lead to energy crashes.
Staying focused when you’re easily distracted is challenging, but it’s not impossible. By identifying your distractions, creating a focus-friendly environment, setting clear goals, practicing mindfulness, taking breaks, and keeping your body nourished, you can improve your concentration and productivity. Remember, focus is a skill that can be developed over time, so be patient with yourself and keep practicing these strategies. With persistence, you’ll find that staying focused becomes easier, even in the most distracting situations.
Focus Elixir: Elevate your mental clarity and concentration with Focus Elixir. This expertly crafted formula boosts cognitive function, helping you stay sharp and focused throughout the day, perfect for enhancing productivity and tackling tasks with precision.
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walidfh · 2 months
Daily Habits That Can Improve Your Day
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In today’s fast-paced life, if you could find some helpful habits that can make you feel better, energized, more focused and positive during your daily life, it would make a big positive difference to your health, wellbeing, and productivity. Here are some simple everyday habits to make your day better:
Start with a Morning Routine A morning routine will set the tone for the rest of the day. Some ideas for what it could involve:
Wake Up Early: by getting up early, you‘ll ensure that you have time to spare and not become frazzled by running late.
Hydrate: A tall glass of oxygenated water first thing in the day gets your metabolism going and rehydrates your body after a night’s rest.
Exercise: you can get good energy and a mood booster just from a short session of yoga, stretching, or brisk walking.
Mindfulness or meditation: Set aside a few minutes to be still and sort your thoughts before your day starts.
Eat a Healthy Breakfast Breakfast is the most important meal of the day that gives your body and mind the energy for the beginning of the day and should include a balanced meal of:
Protein: Eggs, yogurt, or a protein shake can keep you full longer.
Whole Grains: Oatmeal or whole-grain toast provides sustained energy.
Fruits and Vegetables: Fresh produce adds essential vitamins and minerals.
Plan Your Day Next time you hear someone say that taking a moment out of your busy day to make a to-do list is a waste of time, remember that not planning at all could lead to your day being a little more stressful. How could you divide your day into tasks and prioritize what you do? Here are some ideas to get you started:
Make a list of the things you need to do (by this method, you will be more organized). 2. Tick off each task as it is completed. 3. Arrange the things you need to do in order of importance. 4. Cross out any items when they are finished. 5. Write down what you need to do every day.
Setting Goals: Identify your main objectives for the day, both professionally and personally.
Time Blocking: Set aside time slots for different activities.
Take Regular Breaks You can burn out and/or become less productive if you work for too long without breaks. Schedule frequent breaks during your day to:
Stretch or move: Physical activity can refresh your mind and body.
Hydrate: Drink water regularly to stay hydrated and maintain energy levels.
focusing on how I breathe: that can be as simple as a few minutes of sitting quietly, slowly breathing in and out • meditating: a few minutes would be good.
Stay Organized Keeping your environment organized can reduce stress and improve focus. Implement habits such as:
Decluttering: Spend a few minutes each day tidying up your workspace or living area.
File and Sort: Put important papers and objects away so that they’re easy to find when you need them. – Digital Tidiness: Keep your inbox and digital files de-cluttered. Regularly clean them out.
Connect with Others Social interactions are crucial for mental and emotional well-being. Make an effort to:
Check-In: Reach out to friends, family, or colleagues to see how they are doing.
Share a Meal: Eating with others can enhance your mood and foster connections.
Groups or clubs: ace above- Join groups or clubs to meet new people and develop a support network.
Practice Gratitude Being thankful is good for you – it can boost your daily happiness and even the way you look at life. Ways to practice gratitude every day include:
Keeping a Gratitude Journal: Write down three things you are grateful for each day.
Expressing Thanks: Show appreciation to those around you through kind words or gestures.
Revision: Positive ends: At the end of the day, think about what went well.
Prioritize Self-Care Taking care of yourself is essential for maintaining physical and mental health. Ensure you:
Sleep well: Get at least 7-9 hours of sleep a night to allow your body and mind to recharge.
Exercise Regularly: Incorporate physical activity into your routine to boost energy and reduce stress.
Eat Well: Maintain a balanced diet rich in nutrients to support overall health.
Limit Screen Time Spending too much time in front of the screen might cause eye discomfort disrupt your posture and exhaust your brain. Do the following schedule to manage your screen time
Remove the screen from your bed.
Take a break from the screen every 30 minutes for 5 minutes.
Remove the screen from human activities.
Setting Boundaries: Allocate specific times for checking emails and social media.
Take a Screen Break Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. 20-20-20.
Going Offline: Spend time on literally anything that you don’t access through a screen, such as reading, hobbies, crafting, or just being outdoors.
End with an Evening Routine After a stressful day, implementing a relaxing evening routine can be exactly what you need. To wind down: Reflect on Your Day: Consider spending some time going over your day by recapping what you completed and how.
Cooling down: Engage in reading or listening to music or enjoy a warm bath.
Prepping for Tomorrow Lay out clothes, pack your bag, and write a list of tasks for the next day to help minimize morning stress.
Conclusion A few tweaks to your daily habits can really improve the quality of your day-to-day life. Sticking to these habits can promote physical health, mental wellbeing and improve the way you use your time. Whether it’s being more sociable, eating healthily, or managing your time better, it’s the little things that end up mattering most. Start with a few new habits, and then add to these until you find your routine working wonders for your quality of life.
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5 Practical Tips for Managing Stress in Your Daily Life
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Stress is an inevitable part of life, but it doesn't have to take over your life. Managing stress in a healthy way can help you stay productive and balanced. Here are 5 practical tips for managing stress in your daily life:
Exercise Regularly:
Physical activity releases endorphins that reduce tension and improve moods, helping to keep stress levels down. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise per day or break it up into smaller chunks throughout the day if needed!
Get Enough Sleep:
Lack of sleep can increase cortisol levels - the hormone responsible for triggering our body’s fight-or-flight response - leading to higher levels of anxiety and depression symptoms that could further aggravate existing mental health issues like depression or anxiety disorders. Make sure you get 7-9 hours every night by creating a bedtime routine that helps relax both the mind and body before going off to sleep.
Take Breaks During The Day:
Taking regular breaks during the workday will give your brain time away from stressful situations, allowing them time to recharge so they don’t become overwhelmed with too much information all at once. Try taking 5-minute walks outside or even just stretching out on a yoga mat while listening to some calming music – anything that allows yourself a few moments away from work tasks will do wonders!
Talk To Someone You Trust:
Talking about how you feel with someone who understands what's going on inside your head is one great way to manage any underlying emotions causing distress, as well as provide perspective when things seem overwhelming – whether it's friends, family members, therapists, counselors, etc! If none of these options are available, then consider seeking professional help through a Psychiatrist in Bhopal who specializes in treating mental health-related issues such as PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), among others.
Practice Mindfulness Meditation:
Mindfulness meditation has many benefits, including reducing feelings of anxiousness, worry, fear, anger, sadness, plus improving focus, concentration, attention span, self-awareness, emotional regulation, and overall wellbeing! Start small by focusing on your breath for 10 minutes each morning or evening, slowly increasing the duration until you reach a comfortable level, and practice regularly to reap long-term rewards!
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Healthy Habits for Busy Professionals: Balancing Work and Wellness
In today's fast-paced world, many professionals find themselves caught in a never-ending cycle of work, deadlines, and meetings. While dedication to one's career is admirable, it often comes at the expense of personal health and well-being. Balancing work and wellness is crucial for maintaining a high level of productivity and achieving long-term success in your professional life. In this blog, we'll explore some healthy habits that busy professionals can incorporate into their routines to strike a harmonious balance between work and wellness.
Prioritize Self-Care
One of the most important aspects of balancing work and wellness is prioritizing self-care. Make time for yourself every day, even if it's just for a few minutes. Engage in activities that rejuvenate your mind and body, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or a quick walk outdoors. These short breaks can help reduce stress and improve your focus when you return to work tasks. For More Info Visit: Best Hospital In Ballabgarh
Create a Consistent Sleep Schedule
Adequate sleep is essential for overall health and cognitive function. Establish a consistent sleep schedule, aiming for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Avoid the temptation to burn the midnight oil regularly, as chronic sleep deprivation can lead to a decline in productivity and increased health risks.
Practice Mindful Eating
Busy professionals often resort to quick and unhealthy food options due to time constraints. However, making mindful food choices is vital for sustained energy and well-being. Plan your meals, pack nutritious snacks, and stay hydrated throughout the day. Avoid excessive caffeine and sugary drinks, as they can lead to energy crashes.
Set Boundaries
While it's important to be dedicated to your work, setting clear boundaries is equally crucial. Establish specific work hours and avoid overworking yourself. Communicate your limits to your colleagues and superiors, so they understand and respect your need for work-life balance.
Stay Active
Regular physical activity is a cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle. Incorporate exercise into your daily routine, even if it's in small doses. Consider walking or cycling to work, taking the stairs, or scheduling short workout breaks during the day. Exercise not only boosts your physical health but also enhances your mood and cognitive function.
Time Management and Prioritization
Efficient time management and prioritization are key to balancing work and wellness. Use tools like to-do lists, calendars, and time-blocking techniques to organize your tasks. Focus on completing high-priority tasks first, and delegate when necessary. This will help reduce stress and prevent burnout.
Learn to Say No
It can be challenging to turn down additional work or commitments, but learning to say no when your plate is already full is essential for maintaining balance. Prioritize your existing responsibilities and commitments, and don't be afraid to decline new ones that could negatively impact your well-being.
Seek Support and Networking
Don't hesitate to seek support from your peers or consider joining professional networks. Sharing experiences and advice with others in similar situations can provide valuable insights into managing work and wellness effectively.
Take Regular Breaks
Scheduled breaks throughout the day can help you recharge and maintain focus. Use techniques like the Pomodoro method, which involves working in focused intervals with short breaks in between, to boost productivity and prevent burnout.
Reflect and Adjust
Regularly assess your work-life balance and make adjustments as needed. Life and work circumstances change, so be flexible in adapting your habits and routines to ensure that you continue to prioritize your health and well-being.
Balancing work and wellness is a continuous journey, and it requires conscious effort and commitment. By incorporating these healthy habits into your daily life, you can enhance your overall quality of life, maintain high levels of productivity, and achieve success in your professional endeavors without sacrificing your well-being. Remember, a healthy professional is a productive professional.
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Morning Moon Journal
Good morning! The past few weeks I've been doing a daily morning moon journal. I know it sounds weird to do in the morning but I feel like it helps set me up for the day!
Today, I'm going to fill out my journal and start blogging on Tumblr. I gather material from different sources and this is centered around MY personal birth chart. If you'd like recommendations on apps or sites that I use, I will list that information below!
Let's get started!
Libra Today: Your mood might not be happy or upbeat today. And you know what? That's okay. It's normal to have down days, days where we're not conversational, helpful, or harmonious. Find ways to isolate a little, if possible, and do your own thing. Focus on the tasks, habits, and routines that make you feel like you care for yourself.
Super Full Moon (100% Illuminated): The full phase is associated with harvest, celebration, and gratitude. Do a gratitude ritual to give thanks for all the existing blessings, gifts, wisdom, and experiences in your life. Acknowledge all the things you have manifested so far -- if you're intentions are still new you may only see small changes, but the power of gratitude combined with the full moon will supercharge your manifestation energy. The full moon amplifies emotional sensitivity, and can bring up intense feelings which can often be overwhelming. A releasing ritual or full moon ceremony will help you to harness this energy and use it to create powerful shifts in your life. However, releasing work should only be done after the moon has reached fullness and has started to wane.
Moon Currently 29 degrees Aquarius: Aquarius rules the circulatory systems. Focus on cultivating practices that reduce stress like meditation and deep breathing -- you only need to do these a few minutes a day to see positive results. Make sure you are doing at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise, at least 3 times a week. Dry brushing a few times a week will give your circulatory system an extra boost.
Moon in 3rd House: You are likely to be surrounded by ideas and new input, which may have an impact on how you perceive and understand the world around you. Your interactions with your local environment and the people you are closest to are also likely to be in focus.
Okay, okay, okay. That's a lot of information. I typically take a break at this point and do some journaling about what I've read. Throughout my journaling process I pay attention to the phases and how my moods and actions correlate. It's a long term self-study project, basically.
I've been feeling rather down, not really depressed, just meh the past few days so my reading makes sense to me. I realized about halfway through typing out the reading why I like to do this in the morning. I feel like it sets me up for the day and gives me a reminder of the moon phase and the current positioning of it so that I can help plan my day accordingly. I can set reminders to do rituals if I think it will help me remember or if there's something I don't want to forget, if there's a special event i want to pay attention to, etc.
Today, I'm feeling a little drained so I think I'm going to focus on some grounding and centering today. I try to incorporate it in my daily routines and habits. I'm still a very new, beginner witch and I'm still learning my basics. So starting easy and taking it slow are important to me. Usually on my days where I'm feeling down or drained, I spend my time watching some fun witchy YouTube videos or doing a google search about something I have a lot of interest in.
I'm definitely still working on understanding the moon phases. I started this journal after the new moon so I haven't even been able to make my way through an entire circle. For me, this time around is just about growing a connection and bond with the moon and her energy. I'm learning a lot about myself and what I believe in, as well as the path I want to take for my spiritual journey. I'm going to be doing a lot more blogs about that kind of stuff as well, when I find the time.
Doing my journal this way is helping me learn the moon phases, understanding interactions between planets, transits, planets, the houses, and more!
Collective Mood: To thin own self be true (Moon in Aquarius until 7:55 am). Oscar Wilde said it best over a century ago: Be yourself. Everyone else is taken. It's your life, so make sure you are the one who is writing the script.
Self-Care Check In: Embrace your curiosity (Moon in the 3rd House until Friday). Curiosity will reward you now. Break up your usual patterns. Make a new playlist. Take a new route on your daily walk. If you are used to glancing to the right, try glancing to the left for a change. Lila guarantees that you will be surprised and delighted by what you discover.
Everything in my charts and readings over the past few weeks seems to be pointing to a shift in my life. I don't think its a big one. But we'll see. Most days, my readings are filled with the notion of opportunity and learning new things, which I feel like lines up with the fact I've committed to this spiritual journey. It's helped guide me a lot.
Paying attention to the way things have been lining up for me, it grows my confidence in astrology and using this system to benefit myself for the coming future. Thank you for joining me! Future Morning Moon Journals will be more centered around my own thoughts and journaling, and a little less about the why's and how's.
For these readings, I used two FREE apps, Lila and Moon Calendar. They are available in the IOS store, although I'm not sure about android.
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theselfcaremomblog · 1 year
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simple self-care ideas that can easily fit into a busy schedule
Self-care is crucial for busy moms to maintain their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Here are some simple self-care ideas that can easily fit into a busy schedule:
Prioritize Sleep:
Make sure to get enough sleep each night. Establish a bedtime routine and create a relaxing sleep environment to promote better sleep quality.
Practice Mindfulness:
Incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine. Take a few minutes each day to engage in deep breathing exercises or practice mindfulness meditation to reduce stress and promote relaxation.
Take Short Breaks:
Throughout the day, take short breaks to recharge. Even just a few minutes of deep breathing, stretching, or stepping outside for fresh air can make a big difference in your energy levels.
Delegate and Ask for Help:
Recognize that you don't have to do everything on your own. Delegate tasks to your partner, family members, or hire help when necessary. It's okay to ask for support.
Engage in Physical Activity:
Find time for physical activity, even if it's in short bursts. Take a walk during your lunch break, do a quick workout at home, or incorporate physical activities into your daily routine, such as dancing while doing chores.
Connect with Others:
Make an effort to connect with friends, family, or other moms who understand your challenges. Schedule coffee dates, join online communities, or participate in support groups to share experiences and gain support.
Set Boundaries:
Establish boundaries and learn to say no when necessary. Prioritize your well-being by not overextending yourself and taking on more than you can handle.
Enjoy Simple Pleasures:
Find joy in small moments and simple pleasures. Take a bubble bath, savor a cup of tea or coffee, read a book, listen to your favorite music, or engage in a hobby that brings you joy.
Practice Gratitude:
Cultivate a gratitude practice by writing down a few things you're grateful for each day. Focusing on the positive aspects of your life can improve your overall well-being.
Practice Self-Compassion:
Be kind and gentle with yourself. Give yourself permission to make mistakes and embrace imperfections. Treat yourself with the same compassion and understanding you would give to others.
Remember, self-care is not selfish; it's necessary for your overall well-being. By incorporating these simple self-care practices into your daily routine, you'll be better equipped to handle the demands of motherhood and thrive in all aspects of your life.
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lukemo10 · 2 years
27 Life-Changing Micro Habits That Require Only A Few Minutes
When people strive for self-improvement, a common mistake is to shoot too high. We make promises to be healthier, more mindful, more patient. But such lofty goals often go unmet. They’re just too vague, or too hard to track. (There’s a reason why 80 percent of New Year’s Resolutions are cast aside by February.) Even when a goal is more concrete (“I want to run a half marathon”; “I want to yell less”) it’s difficult to stay the course, especially when you have kids, because time is tight, progress requires consistency, and it feels unnatural to break tasks into very small chunks.
A different approach? Start smaller — much smaller — and instead strive to develop micro habits. Micro habits are simple daily actions that are easy to implement into your established routine and only require a few minutes of your time (if that). Drinking a cup of water in the morning before your coffee so you stay hydrated. Performing a minute of breathing exercises to help manage anger. Reading just one paragraph of a book that seems daunting.
While they sound insignificant, micro habits are much more achievable than traditional goals and resolutions — and often contain aspects of them broken down into smaller chunks. And, because stacking up small victories creates a snowball effect that encourages you to undertake more, and more ambitious, changes, micro habits may be more likely to lead to lasting change.
“When high achieving people set goals, they set big goals,” says Sabina Nawaz, a corporate coach who often advises the power of micro-habits in her practice. “There's a lot of bravado, with people saying they should ‘go big or go home.’ The problem with setting big goals in the near term is that we are less likely to achieve them.”
The best micro habits require no more than two or three minutes and fit easily into your existing schedule. They can also be piggybacked off other tasks you already do — say, performing a wall squat while you brush your teeth, or writing down one thing you’re grateful for while you wait for the coffee to brew. In time, these become part of your routine and can be lengthened out or made more difficult.
Now, thinking small can be a challenge. Nawaz says that her clients often have trouble setting goals that are small enough to become micro-habits. Someone might see a person working out 30 minutes a day and want to jump right into that level of performance.
“What we don't realize is that for them to get to 30 minutes a day, they had to start somewhere,” she says. “And it wasn't 30 minutes a day for most people.”
Micro habits are much more manageable. Who doesn’t have time to do just one pushup a day? Or two minutes of jumping jacks?
Below, according to a variety of wellness experts, life coaches, and medical professionals are 27 suggestions of small but significant life changes you can put in motion today.
Original Article Link to read more
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starlingflight · 3 years
The Way Ahead
A/N: Asked @floreatcastellumposts to give me a prompt to get me out of my writer’s block (If anyone else wants to send me a prompt, then please do!). She gave me ‘McGonagall finds out that Harry is an Auror’ and this was the result: 
Minerva sighed as she fell heavily into the chair behind her new desk. Her bones ached from weariness; she took a sip of her tea in order to suppress the yawn threatening to escape her. There was no time for rest. 
The parchment in front of her was so long the end of it snaked off the edge of the desk and trailed onto the rich carpet, the list of chores upon it stretching across the office. 
Minerva took her quill and began searching down the list, ticking off items which had been dealt with. Hagrid had managed to secure the Thestral herd this morning. Minerva tried not to think about how much longer that particular task may have taken if not for the increased number of volunteers who could now see the winged horses roaming the battle-scarred grounds of Hogwarts. 
She scratched her quill across the parchment, and scanned down the rest of the never ending list. The repairs of the castle were taking longer than expected, due in part, to the ancient magic holding much of the structure up. And creating a definitive list of which students would and would not be returning in the Autumn was proving rather difficult. Nobody, it appeared, was quite ready to think about the future just three short weeks after the fall of Voldemort. 
“I’m getting too old for this,” Minerva whispered, lifting her cup to take another sip. 
“Nonsense,” came a voice from behind her. Minerva jumped slightly, having forgotten once again that her new office came with an audience. “I should think there's still a few decades in you yet.” 
She did not bother responding to Albus’ remark, his portrait, it seemed, would be just as taxing as the man himself had been. 
Never mind that his tenure of the school had not started with the most devastating battle Hogwarts had seen in its long history, never mind that she would have to oversee a cohort of students who would be unable to walk the corridors without replaying scenes from said battle, never mind that a vast number of them were dealing with the loss of loved ones to Voldemort's tyranny. 
Minerva was pulled from her morose thoughts by a soft knock on the door. She bit back another sigh, mentally steeling herself for the next in a long line of problems she was sure was about to walk through her door.
The door opened slowly, almost tentatively, and a shock of untidy black hair appeared around it. 
“Good evening, Professor,” Harry Potter said politely. “Do you have a moment for me and Neville?” 
Minerva pressed her lips together, attempting to hold back a smile. She doubted there was a single witch or wizard in the country that couldn’t spare a minute for Harry these days. 
“Come in,” she said at once, gesturing to the two chairs in front of the desk as Harry and Neville entered her office. 
It had only been a week since she'd seen the pair of them last at Remus and Nymphadora’s funeral. Neither of them looked any better than they had then. Both of them had dark circles under their eyes as though they’d had trouble sleeping and a staid expression upon their faces which would look out of place on most teenagers. 
It was not their expressions, however, that caught Minerva’s attention, but the matching robes which the two young men were wearing, scarlet with gold fringe and the Ministry crest embossed upon their chests. 
“Am I to assume you’ve come to tell me you won’t be returning to school in September?” Minerva asked, directing a cup of tea to each of them with her wand. 
“We’ve joined the Aurors,” Neville said, though it was rather unnecessary given his attire. “We wanted to come and tell you ourselves.” 
There was a hint of uncertainty in Neville’s voice, his lip trembled slightly and Minerva was forcefully reminded of the young boy who had tripped on his way up to the sorting hat many years ago. 
“Kingsley asked us,” Harry added. “He said it didn’t matter about our N.E.W.Ts because we have real world experience.” 
Harry did not look uncertain in the way that Neville had. Minerva could not remember the last time Harry had looked unsure of himself, though she was sure it had been years ago at this point.
“A characteristically wise decision by our new Minister for Magic,” Minerva said honestly. “I, for one, will rest easier knowing the Auror department is being replenished with such worthy young men.” 
Neville spluttered slightly on the tea he’d been sipping. He lowered his cup to reveal his face had turned the same colour as his robes. Harry frowned down at his shoes, his expression not unlike the one he wore in her class when dealing with a particularly difficult transfiguration problem. 
“Gran’s quite pleased,” Neville said once he’d regained his composure. “She said my mum and dad would be proud.” 
A lump suddenly rose in Minerva’s throat, her hand trembled slightly where it gripped the delicate, china cup. Her thoughts were cast back almost eighteen years. 
It was an unbearably stifling summer day, the muggy sort of weather which made Minerva want to do little more than retreat to her office with her books and a well-aimed cooling charm. Today, however, she had other plans. 
She knocked softly on the door of the remote house the Longbottom’s called home. Only a moment later, the door was opened by a beaming Frank, he gestured for Minerva to enter with an excited hand, pulling her into a hug the moment she stepped over the threshold. 
In the tiny sitting room she found Alice, looking tired but perfectly at peace with the tiny pink bundle clutched tightly to her chest. 
“Neville,” She said softly. “Meet Minerva, one day she’s going to be your head of house.” 
Minerva moved closer, reaching out a finger to stroke Neville’s soft cheek. “He’s beautiful,” she breathed. 
Alice held the baby out to her and Minerva gladly took him, cradling him close and rocking him slightly. His little eyelids fluttered for a moment as he passed over but Neville did little more than yawn before closing them again. 
“He’s going to make a brilliant Auror one day,” Frank said, resting a loving hand on Alice’s shoulder. 
“No,” Alice said sharply, her expression suddenly turning stern. “He’s going to live a life of peace. He’ll be a magizoologist or a teacher, something good.” 
“Well,” Minerva said matter-of-factly. “I think it’s a safe bet he’ll be a Gryffindor and it will be my responsibility to help him figure out the rest.” 
Alice and Frank both smiled at this, looking adoringly at their brand new son. “There’s no one we’d trust more than you, Minerva,” Alice said. 
“Of course, it’s quite a lot of work,” Neville said, pulling Minerva from her reverie. “Lots of exams and training exercises, but the job’s not done yet, is it?” 
Minerva felt her eyebrows rise at this. “And which job might that be?” 
“The Death Eaters,” said Harry harshly. “We haven’t got them all yet.” 
“Some would say you’ve done quite enough,” Minerva said gently. “That you’ve earned a break.” 
Harry shook his head firmly, finally lifting his gaze from the floor to meet Minerva’s. “I don’t need a break.” 
He had always looked so much like James, but at that moment, the spark of determination in his green eyes reminded her unequivocally of Lily. 
The clouds had broken overnight. Thunder and lightning had rent the air; rain had pelted loudly upon the lead-lined windows of Hogwarts and another new life had been brought into the world. 
Minerva had waited until late afternoon to visit the Potter’s cottage, knowing that Black, Lupin and Pettigrew would be anxious to get there first and wanting to give the new family a small amount of breathing room. 
Her fist had barely left the door before it flew open, revealing James Potter. His hair was untidier than she had ever seen it and there was a look of wild joy on his eyes. He picked Minerva up and spun her into the cottage, laughing joyfully as he did so. 
“He’s perfect,” he said. “Looks just like me, he’s going to be a total heartbreaker!” 
“Put me down, Potter!” Minerva cried, trying to sound stern but unable to contain a light chuckle at his antics. 
“Come and see him!” James said, taking Minerva’s arm and pulling her up the stairs until they reached a nursery, painted sky blue and decorated with snitches and quaffles which fluttered around the walls. 
Lily sat in a rocking chair by the window, she looked just as exhausted as Alice had yesterday though it was hard to tell given how serenely she was gazing down at the baby in her arms. 
“We’ve named him Harry,” James said, his tone finally softening in the presence of his newborn son. 
“A lovely name,” Minerva said, leaning over Lily’s shoulder to catch a glimpse of unruly dark hair, so like James’. 
“He’s ever so well behaved,” Lily said proudly. “He’s slept most of the day so far.” 
“Don’t worry,” James added quickly. “I’ll teach him how to get into mischief before he gets to you, Minerva.” 
“That, I don’t doubt,” Minerva agreed. 
“He won’t,” Lilly said. “He’s going to be a good boy. No trouble for this little one.” 
Minerva and James exchanged sceptical looks, but neither dared argue with Lily who had a glint in her eye which Minerva had learned not to disagree with. 
“You’ll be so good, Harry,” Lily said solemnly, staring down at the baby and giving the impression she’d forgotten there was anyone else in the room. “And so loved.” 
 That same glint shone in Harry’s eyes now, as he looked steadily at Minerva. 
“It looks as though the Aurors have gained two superb new additions,” Minerva said evenly. Though her heart felt heavy in her chest. “I can’t say I’m not disappointed not to have you back next year.” 
“You’ll see us around,” Neville said cheerfully, placing his cup back on the desk. “I’m sure Harry will be trailing after Ginny every weekend.” 
Neville jumped slightly as Harry swung out a foot and kicked him in the shin. 
Minerva placed her cup to her lips in order to hide her smile. “I will remind you that I have rules about non-students visiting the grounds, Mr Potter,” she said sternly.
“Of course, Professor,” Harry agreed, a flush working its way across his cheeks. 
Harry placed his empty cup on the desk and Neville stretched as he stood. “Best be off,” he said. “Early start in the morning, we just wanted to pop in and give you the news.” 
They both stood, quickly saying their goodbyes to Minerva as they moved towards the door. 
She took them in their new scarlet robes and wondered, not for the first time, if this was what Alice, Frank, Lily and James would've wanted. 
That they would've been proud of their sons, Minerva had no doubts whatsoever. That they would be pleased with the role she had played in their growing up, she could not be so sure. 
She had been the one to declare that she would make Harry an Auror if it was the last thing she did but, like so many things recently, this did not feel like victory. 
"Take care of yourselves," Minerva said as Neville reached for the doorknob. 
He turned back and grinned at her. Harry gave her a small smile too. "Don't we always?" Neville asked. 
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