#bread i’m blaming you for this obsession
floofanflurr · 1 month
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yeah jack sparrow is my reference
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frenchkisstheabyss · 3 months
♱ ₮ⱧɆ ⱧɄ₦₲ɆⱤ: Ø₦Ɇ ♱
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♱ Pairings: boyfriend!yungi x chubby!fem!zombie!reader
♱ Genre: horror/angst/fluff/a micro drop of smut
♱ Summary: On your way back home from a party you and your boyfriends get into a terrible accident. While they walk away nearly unscathed, you don't walk away at all. The next day while mourning their loss your reanimated corpse finds its way back home and sparks their journey down a very bloody road that pushes the limits of what exactly they're willing to do for love.
♱ Word Count: 3.5k-ish
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♱ Warnings: you're dead, babes, sorry. Undead technically. Mentions of a car accident, some grieving, light descriptions of your undead body, technically necrophilia, blood play, blood drinking, a lil smidge of cannibalism if you squint, masochism, Yungi are like really obsessively dedicated to you, kissing, and a handjob to top off this totally normal list of warnings.
♱ A/N: If you're reading this I'm assuming you're also a fellow horror lover so, hello my love. I've been working on creating a lot of horror series lately and this is one of them. I'd consider this like the lightest appetizer, the bread before the meal so to speak. An intro before we head into a world of full blown erotic cannibalism, murder, dismemberment, ya know, fun wholesome things that await in further entries. So if this is too icky for you I beg of you stop here. It'll only get worse.
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The rain hasn’t stopped since. It began the moment you died. Sheets of it pouring down from the weeping and endless night sky. Down to the minute, down to the very second that doctors pronounced you dead. And even now, as the morning sun pries itself through a thick fog of gray clouds, it cascades around the quiet little house you called home. One that's been filled with sorrow because you’re lost. The two men inside seated opposite each other at the kitchen table, picking over a thrown together breakfast, have lost you.
And the rain…it hasn’t stopped since. 
But Mingi doesn’t mind. Everyone who needs to know has been informed and his phone has been on silent since. The rain’s an armor of sorts. Knowing no one can make the drive out to bother them in this weather has bought him the time he needs to accept a reality that doesn’t feel quite real yet. 
“You should eat something” Yunho insists, fork tapping at the edge of his ceramic plate, his own food untouched. He knows it’s nothing special, nothing close to the delicious meals they woke to everyday from you, but he poured everything he had into it.
Mingi raises an eyebrow, swirling the fork an inch or so above his plate before shoving the gleaming silver into the space between the cast on his left arm and his inflamed skin. Every human has two bones in their forearm. The ulna and the radius. Mingi walked away from the car accident having fractured both of them. Yunho, the driver, had gotten lucky with only a few cuts and bruises. A flesh wound to the abdomen. And you, well…
“Can you stop that?” Yunho asks, the sound of the metal back of Mingi’s fork scraping against plaster grating his ears. It isn’t his fault, though his heart aches in a thousand places thinking that it is. Mingi doesn’t blame him. He couldn’t have predicted the oncoming truck would swerve the way it did. No, he blames the world but, isolated between these eerily quiet walls, Yunho is all there is to it.
Mingi scratches faster, deriving some relief from the sting that comes along with it. “I’m sorry, is this bothering you?” 
Yunho breathes in and back out. In and back out again. Deep, full breaths meant to calm his boiling rage at that incessant screeching. Mingi doesn’t mean to do this. He’s just hurting. They both are. “Just ignore it” Yunho tells himself “Ignore him. Ignore the burning in the pit of your stomach. Ignore the tears.”
“Stop it before you hurt yourself!” Yunho shouts, snatching the fork from Mingi’s hand.
Blinking, his eyes dart over to his empty chair and back to a shocked Mingi. Yunho isn’t sure how he got over here. He doesn’t even remember getting up. A tear runs down his cheek, the exhaust from an overheated engine, and he swiftly wipes it away.
Mingi hangs his head, ashamed of his immaturity pushing Yunho a little too far. “I’m sorry” he says, sniffing back tears of his own, “But it hurts so much. It’s not fair. It’s not fucking fair. I just want her back”.
Yunho tosses the fork onto the table, taking Mingi into his arms just as he breaks down into tears, “I know, I want her back too. I’d give anything to see her smile or hear her call my name again.”
Tap. Tap. Tap.
A rattling at the front door lighter than a toddler’s, light enough that it’s nearly lost to the rain. “Yunie! Mingi!” a voice calls sweetly, broken and the faintest bit horse but distinctly yours. The blood in their veins runs ice cold, the color draining from their faces. The men look to each other, desperate for confirmation that they haven’t lost their minds. 
“Did you—” Mingi starts, rising from his chair, careful not to make a sound. 
Yunho nods, moving towards the front door, with Mingi close behind. They tiptoe down the hall, floorboards creaking here and there as they pass framed photos of the three of you together. “Open. Please. Cold. So cold” your voice croaks once more, Yunho’s fingers inches from grasping the doorknob.
Mingi slips off to the side, peeking through one of the curtains, and his heart nearly stops from what he sees. “Open the door! It’s her!” he shouts, pushing Yunho aside to unlock the door. 
Yunho slams it shut, unable to wrap his mind around what’s happening, “What do you mean it’s her? It can’t be her!”
“It’s her! I swear! Open the door!” Mingi begs, gripping the doorknob tightly enough that his hand’s begun to redden, “Yunho, please.” 
There has to be an explanation for this. Some shared hallucination fueled by their grief. They’re only hearing things, they must be, but Mingi seems to need this and Yunho can’t bring himself to deny him of it. “Okay” he sighs, backing away from the door, “Do it.”
Mingi wastes no time tearing it open, rain pouring in as you limp across the threshold. The two towering men shrink at the sight of you, terror freezing one where he stands and making the other retreat into a corner.  
Barefoot and soaking wet, you wear the tattered, blood stained dress you were rushed to the hospital in. In death your skin has paled, broken blood vessels giving your lips a light blue hue. Behind you is a trail of muddy footprints, marking your journey up the front stairs to this place you call home.
It’s a blur. Your death and your return. It’s all a series of broken memories, fragmented pieces of film that make you dizzy each time you attempt to piece them together. You can only recall a party filled with dancing and laughter. Headlights brighter than the sun. Screaming. A dark place. A coldness eating at your bones. Then, like magic, you were here, dragging yourself up to the front door with blistered feet and an unnerving stillness in your chest.
Turning to meet the faces of the men you love, faces that haven’t once failed to light up in your presence, you’re puzzled by their fear. Noticing Mingi’s injured arm, you run your fingers down his cast. 
“Mingi hurt?” you grunt softly. 
His eyes blur with tears and he blinks them away, quickly conjuring up a lie to soothe your worries. “Only a little. I was working on something out back and, well, you know how clumsy I can be, but it’s nothing” he says, smiling through the tears.
You return the comforting gesture with a smile of your own, placing a frozen palm against the warm wetness of his cheek. “Liar. Mingi hurt. And…sad?” 
“No, baby, not sad. I’m just happy to see you. We’re happy to see you, aren’t we?” Mingi looks to Yunho, confident that he feels the same way, but finds instead that he’s alone in his joy. 
Backed so far into a corner that he might as well be a part of the wood paneling, this is nothing short of a nightmare for him. This is unnatural. Far beyond anything that should be possible. You, the real you, is lying on a slab in a morgue somewhere. Whatever’s standing before him is something he can’t bring himself to trust. 
“Yunie hurt too?” you ask, turning your attention to the bruising around his jaw. You hobble over to him, nearly touching his hand before he snatches it away. 
“Don’t touch me.” 
His rejection is so alien to you that you don’t even process it as such, reaching out for him again. “Yun—”
Your fingers skim his, making his skin crawl. “Don’t touch me!” he yells, slinking clear of your grasp. “I don’t know what you are but you’re not her. She is dead. You are dead.”
“Me? Dead?” The word sends more memories racing through your head. The taste of wine. Your favorite. Mingi’s arms around your waist. A high pitched ringing in your ear. The beeping of machines. The visions drown you in an overwhelming sense of sadness that makes you want to crumble into pieces. 
“No! Don’t listen to him!” Mingi says, filling the space between you and Yunho,“You’re not dead, baby. You’re here with us and it’s a gift.” Ignoring the nagging pain of his injury, Mingi lifts you up into his arms, cradling you like a baby as he carries you up the stairs. 
“Now how about we get you cleaned up?”
“Take bath? Bubbles?”
Mingi laughs, smitten with you even in your undead form, “If that’s what you want, of course.” 
Yunho slides down to the floor, growing catatonic as he zones out to the sounds that come from above. The running of bathwater, his best friend’s laughter, and the broken words of some kind of monster. This has to be a nightmare. All he needs to do is wait it out until he wakes up. 
“Wake up” he whispers like Dorothy clicking her heels together three times to escape the land of Oz, “Wake up. Wake up…”
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Two showers, one long bath, and a few hours cuddled under the blankets with Mingi. That’s all it takes for you to begin to look more like yourself. You’re far from what you used to be, signs of your time as a lifeless corpse still showing through, but you’re coming back to yourself and, however long that takes, Mingi’s more than willing to wait it out.
While you’ve refused to eat, despite the grumbling of your empty stomach, he’s managed to keep you happy with movies and games which now litter the bed and the area around it. Much to Mingi’s dismay, beating him at everything is something you picked up on quickly. You’ve only been back to life for a few hours and already you’re kicking his ass again.
“Play again?” you ask, excitedly spreading your winning Uno hand out on the blanket. 
Mingi yawns, the sleep he lost last night beginning to catch up with him, but he shuffles the deck for a new game anyway. He knows he can’t keep this up much longer. His lids are growing heavy and his focus is waning but he can’t, for any reason, allow himself to drift off to sleep. While Yunho may be somewhere in this house terrified by the possibility that this isn’t just a dream, Mingi’s been haunted by the very real possibility that it might be. What if he closes his eyes and you’re gone again? That’d mean losing you twice and his heart can’t survive breaking for you a second time.
As Mingi deals the cards, you glance around your bedroom with fresh excitement. Every new color or scent brings your dulled senses back to you if only briefly. And every item has a memory attached to it. Some vague, some incredibly vivid, but all serve as a suitable feast for a brain hungry to recover what once was. Just as your focus hones in on a pair of fluffy puppy shaped slippers by the door, you catch a tall figure looming in the doorway. 
Halfway obscured by the wall, Yunho watches you the way a scientist would its test subject. Simply observing, waiting for you to do something that proves you’re an imposter. But you only smile at him the way you always have, making him feel strangely welcomed to enter the room.
Coming up here was far from his intention. The rain had let up almost immediately after your arrival and he’d picked up the car keys a half dozen times to leave. Once he got as far as the end of the driveway before he turned back, making it further up the steps each time until finally gaining the courage to face you.
And it is you. Despite the words he spat in fear and anger, he felt your energy all around him when he first heard your voice and that feeling’s grown in intensity every minute since. 
“Are you playing or are you just gonna watch like a pervert?” Mingi teases. 
Yunho steps from behind the wall, arms folded across his chest, “If I recall correctly you’re the one who likes to watch” he shoots back, cautiously entering the bedroom. 
“Ha” you snort, sorting through your hand, “Like with sex and stuff.” 
“Oh, I see you’ve been helping her get her language skills back. Starting with the important words first, huh?”
“Playing or watching? You pick. Quickly” you insist, patting Yunho on the arm, his prior reaction momentarily slipping your mind.
He winces a little, jogging your memory, and you go to pull away but he stops you, taking your hand into his. It’s like holding hands with a block of ice, making sense of the baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants you’re curled up in. What you said on the other side of the door had been true. Cold. So cold. 
Yunho’s thumb traces the blue collapsed veins down the back of your hand, brushing past your knuckles to an empty space on your ring finger. There used to be two gorgeous silver rings there, part of a set of six that he and Mingi had made for all of you. 
“Mingi says we’ll get back, won’t be a problem. Right, Mingi?” Your question’s met with the sound of snoring, a few seconds without stimulation being just what Mingi needed to drift off to sleep. You crawl up the bed to lay down beside him, poking at his cheek. “Mingiiii” you sing, softly flicking at his plush bottom lip. 
Yunho slips in on the other side of you, pulling your fingers away from Mingi’s face. “Maybe we don’t do that” he laughs, “We should let him rest. I think he’s tired.”
“Mingi’s tired and what about you?” you ask, rolling over to face him. The color of your eyes are marbled between the paleness of death and their natural shade. It’s bizarre but beautiful in a way that mesmerizes him. 
“Tell me, have you eat and sleep?” You pet his hair, watching it twirl around your fingertips in bouncy brown wisps. Being touched by you, it’s something he thought he’d never feel again, and the joy of it makes him want to cry almost as much as the fear did. 
“It’s ‘eaten and slept’ but no, I haven’t. I couldn’t” he says, “I’d ask you but…”
Your stomach grumbles, announcing its hunger. You hadn’t eaten before the accident. The party you were headed home from had been overflowing with alcohol but food, at least any you were interested in, was in short supply. 
“I can cook for you. We haven’t been shopping but I’m sure I can whip up something.” 
You shake your head, having already gone through this with Mingi, “Nothing really tastes good but the smells help.”
“The smells? What smells?”
“Mmm” you hum, sniffing the side of Yunho’s neck, “You and him. Your smell makes me warm inside.”
Nuzzling your nose against his neck, you inhale the scent beneath his cologne. The natural oils of his body are more fragrant than anything that comes in a bottle. You rest a hand on his heart, feeling it pound as your lips meet his heated skin like ice against fire.
Yunho can’t help but feel guilty about the way his body responds to you. He can’t manage to fight the instinct to bring you closer, massaging the fullness of your curves through the thick cotton of your clothing. You part your lips, dragging your tongue along veins that rush with hot, fresh blood. As they pulse below the surface of his skin, yours begin to pulse as well, matching the rhythm. 
“I…I’m not sure we should be doing this” Yunho stutters, his hands betraying his words to move under your sweatshirt and reacquaint themselves with the rise of your hips and the hills of your breasts. His lust for you only makes the blood pump through his body faster, worsening your hunger. 
“But I need you to keep me warm inside. Please don’t let me be cold again” you beg, sinking your teeth into his neck. Blood drips from his wounds, coating your tongue, pooling in the bottom of your mouth. It’s the taste of life, draining his to restore yours, and you’re ravenous for it.
Yunho screams out in pain, sacrificing a few shreds of flesh to tear himself free of you. “You bit me! Why would you do that?” he cries, stumbling to his feet, his sleeve pressed to his neck to control the bleeding.
On your hands and knees, you move to the edge of the bed like a lioness prowling for her next meal. Your eyes swell with tears at the pain you’ve inflicted but your mouth salivates at the delectable taste of his blood. The ecstacy of it sliding down your throat makes you feel more alive than you did when you actually were. 
“I’m sorry, Yunho. I didn’t mean to hurt you, really. I think I’m just, mmm, hungrier than I thought” you pout, speaking with perfect clarity for the first time.
“Hungrier? Are you…you’re trying to eat me?”
“Eat you? Of course not. I would never. I only needed a nibble to make me better.” You raise your shirt, stroking your exposed skin as it grows plumper and warmer to the touch. “Come feel me. Touch me.” 
Your voice is like a spell, drawing Yunho back in. Your body sings out to him, whispering how badly it longs for him. He wants you, though he shouldn’t. The searing pain in his neck dulls at the realization. It gets him off seeing that you need him this desperately. Not only for pleasure but to survive. 
Approaching the bed again, Yunho lowers his blood stained sleeve from his neck and caresses your body. The red liquid coating his fingers sticks to you like candy, leaving a trail of red along your belly. You lean into him, sliding a hand up his thigh to palm the growing bulge in his jeans. He lets out a satisfied moan, lightly tugging at your hair so that your head’s tilted back, sparkling eyes gazing up at him. 
“What are you?” he whispers with whatever speck of sanity he has remaining.
His bloody fingers find your mouth and you lazily lick them clean, savoring the taste. All the while your own hand’s undoing his zipper to stroke his length, your thumb circling the moist tip of his cock.
“What am I?” you giggle, “I’m yours, aren’t I?”
Releasing his middle finger from the suction of your soft lips, you push his sweater up to kiss your way across his lower stomach. Every kiss has his cock twitching in your grasp as his fingers tangle deeper into your hair, keeping you in place.
And then you find it. The perfect spot. You aren’t sure how you know but you just do. You suckle at his skin, letting your teeth gently pierce the surface until your tongue’s reintroduced to the taste of his blood. Yunho grits his teeth through pain that only makes the adrenaline rush that follows all the more pleasurable. 
“I’m still yours, aren’t I, Yunie?” you ask, his flesh still filling the space between your teeth.
Yunho pulls your head back and leans down to kiss you, the feeling of your lips against his worth the faint metallic taste that comes along with it.
“Of course you are, baby” he whispers, “You’ll always be mine and I’ll never let anything hurt you again. I promise.”
You lay back on the bed, pulling him on top of you, and wrap your legs around his waist. Yunho tears at your clothes, kissing you ravenously as if he’s the one with the undead hunger that must be fed. He’s ready to rip them off of you and take you right here with no regard at all for the best friend sleeping an inch away from you. But a loud banging at the downstairs door snaps him out of it, stirring Mingi from his sleep in the process. 
Mingi jolts upright in bed, on the verge of a heart attack, “Huh? What? What’s happening?” He glances over just in time to catch Yunho climbing off of you to zip his pants back up, the blood from your second bite already showing through his clothes.
You reach back to rub Mingi's leg, your view of him inverted, “Mingi, be calm.”
“Be calm?” he shouts, jumping to inspect the blood on your face, “Answer me now. What happened?”
The banging on the front door gets louder and Yunho throws a “Ssh” at Mingi, sneaking to the window to get a peek at the unexpected visitors. 
“Don’t shush me! Why’s there blood and why were you…” 
Yunho turns around slowly, eyes wide and hands trembling, “Mingi, shut up.”
“No, not until one of you tells me what’s going on and who the hell is that?” 
The banging continues, shaking the door so hard the hinges creak. Yunho sits back down on the bed, his brain firing off in a hundred directions at once. He wishes the knocking at the door were another minion of the undead—some corpse you accidentally drug back with you from the trenches of the morgue—but what awaits him this time, what awaits all of you, is something far worse. 
“It’s the fucking cops.”
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eepy-evie · 3 months
Twisted Wonderland Senior Headcanons
A/N: i am very tired as i write this, BIBI is saving my life force. I just got screamed at by my mom but the fans (no one) can’t wait 😎. Im sorry Lilia’s is kind of short, im pretty high and have been pushing this off for days.
Contents: Various non romantic headcanons for the seniors in TWST
Trigger warnings (if any): Religion mentions (Trey’s + Leona’s + Vil’s + Rook’s + Idia’s part), eating disorders (Vil’s part), stalking mentions (Rook’s part… no surprise), minor adult themes (idia’s part)
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Trey Clover
I might have this feeling only because i also bake but he has beef with multiple people about bread.
Like i mean people spreading misinformation (NO YOU DO NOT NEED TO ADD SUGAR INTO BREAD, IT DOESN’T DO MUCH)
Besides my personal beef with ig bakers…
He doesn’t listen to music, lofi background stuff at best.
He’d listen to anything someone put on with no complaint but he doesn’t feel the need for music for mundane things
With his obsession with brushing teeth i feel like he loves mint
Like i mean spearmint gum constantly, mint chocolate chip ice cream, idk mint leaves in drinks?
Bro can not understand if someone else doesn’t like mint
I believe he is an Atheist living in a Christian household
Its probably brought up rarely but he just doesn’t really believe that saying grace before dinner does anything
I think he’s way too empathetic for his own good, i mean like excusing lots of harmful things due to how someone was raised
(Totally didn’t mean to refer to Riddle but whatevs)
Cater Diamond
Get this man into kpop NOW
I feel he is rivaling Idia with his, honestly abusive, amount of slang
I dont think anyone who isn’t chronically online could stand to hear his thoughts
Or who isn’t insanely mentally unstable
But he pulls shit like “she=onika ate=burgers” every single chance he gets
Which i wont blame him for that, i pull medieval slang every second i can too
He loves brittany broski with his whole heart and soul
Not only is she funny as hell but she can also be very serious in a blink of an eye
On the low he enjoys those insider videos
He likes watching them and pausing them to argue the point to no one
Going back to kpop briefly…
He loves Aespa
Do i know any of the members of Aespa to tell you my assumed bias? No.
Also loves Zerobaseone
Ricky bias
Although i may be biased (oh my a silly pun, you scoundrel)
I do believe that he is a funny person but he is very repressed
I dont mean to make this a whole angst post but he genuinely doesn’t understand how he can express it
He is very sensitive to rejection so i think that leads him to extreme lengths to be liked
And I’m not just talking about how he acts a certain way to please others
I mean a deep rooted guilt for not being what someone wanted
Leona Kingscholar
…all my headcanons for him are purely how I’d personally treat him
Someone get this man a mukbang video and a comfy bed
He barely listens to music but when he does its some rnb stuff
He doesnt care for stuff thats too loud but he does like soft music even if he isnt open about it
I need to make him see nekomimi switch, twitter.gov, and anything else that has catgirls/boys so i can see his reaction
I dont think he holds many physical attributes to lions besides the ears, tail, and teeth but he most definitely holds many reactions and other stuff
Like he is literally sleeping in a garden most the time
He has long(er) nails and hates cutting them
Erm… idk man
I think he had a big Religious breakdown in his childhood
I dont really know what Religion he’d be to start with(due to my lack of knowledge of Religion in Africa) but he’d have the whole moment of betrayal
And then he’s completely Atheist for the rest of his life
Vil Schoenheit
He has a side account where he responds to all his hate comments
For music taste… hear me out…
He likes, on the low, vkei
But no metal like kaneto juusei or gulu gulu I mean malice mizer
He enjoys the instrumental along with the twists they take on classical
Moi meme motie x Vil Schoenheit collab when???
He 100% doesn’t express it though, he tells the public he likes whatever’s popular
I feel like, this may or may not be me projecting, he’s a hellenist
Obviously worshipping Aphrodite and has an altar for her which he never publicly speaks of but is not hiding
heres a bit of TW for eds + that type of stuff
I feel like he has an extremely bad relationship with food
He doesnt see it as something to nourish your body but instead a sort of numbers game
Like with a limit of however much someone says and the whole game is to stay under that number in calories
Besides that i feel he’s very orthorexic to the point he’d refuse to eat something if it looked too “bad” to him
(End of tw)
I know he has a very argued gender identity but i dont think he’s too confused by it
He’s very firm that he is who he is and he never seemed to have much of an inside problem with it
Maybe he got poked fun at a few times but thats all his problems with it
Rook Hunt
Get this man away from me
He is in many fandoms and somehow knows everything going on all the time
Bro personally took down Nayeon’s stalker by himself
But seriously i dont think his intentions are bad, i think he is just trying to be on top of everything in the worst was possible
He doesn’t really think its creepy himself but most the time he is
He is also a Hellenist who worships Aphrodite but also Artemis
He is so very open about his Religion
He makes those hopecore videos on tiktok and has amassed 10k followers but no one knows its him
Yearns to be in the south/midwest for the scenery
Just yearns in general
Bro is single handedly bringing back male yearning and being chalant
Saw bridgerton as a normal tuesday for him
1000 hours on c.ai
I will not, and should not, elaborate.
Is that projecting? Yes. Do i care? No.
He has the longest and some how most effective body/skincare routine ever
I mean like he’d do some shit like “once in a blue moon bath in pure hyaluronic acid for 2.5 hours on the dot”
He loves absolutely everything on everyone and its to a detriment to me personally
Hooked nose? Loved. Chubby? Love. Literally anything unconventional? Consider yourself yearned for.
He listens to anything and everything
Although he cant stand songs about break ups or anything to do with hate
Put this man on “doughnut” by TWICE now.
Idia Shroud
Yes… give me this nerdy man…
He 100% (mostly canon) loves jpop idols
Prolly an akb48 stan
I cant even get started on everything he likes
But i can tell y’all 100% that he is not overly flirty or overly easy to fluster
Istg all i see is either big dom idia or uwu shy boy idia
And both are wrong (in my opinion ig)
He starts arguments about anything and everything in game chats
Because he’s grown up in this big company family he was forced to appear better that how he truly acts so i believe that would also entail with being a die hard hellenist
But without any spotlights he does care, he just likes his games and anime
Speaking of anime…
He loves shoujo, he’s in hiding though
He literally wants to be sawako from “from me to you” but will never say it
Somebody come get this man
If anyone asks he just loves Naruto and One Piece
But we know the truth…
Istg he plays an absurd amount of eroges for the plot
He’s depraved on twitter
Two accounts, one for public image and the other for the unspeakable
Do NOT let him find any dating advice on there cause he will take it and act like a fool
He loves breakcore music and anime intros and thats about it
Besides his jpop idols
I dont think he like kpop, for some reason he just has a grudge against some fans
A little self insert but he 100% has autism (as we all know…) but he also has arfid
For those who dont know… arfid is “avoidant restrictive food intake disorder” which is like you are a very picky eater
He aint struggling with it, he succeeding (LYING)
Malleus Draconia
Get this man a cat or some shit like that
Can someone please make him watch all of aphmau Minecraft diaries and then twilight back to back
This strange individual has that man from the notebook shaking in fear
Bros a hopeful romantic
Randomly says inspiration quotes that you cant find anywhere online
It just came from his heart
He only listens to classical songs he knows how to play
Though i’d doubt if you showed him something he’d dislike it
Bros the yearner
I showed up to the yearning contest and went into anaphylactic shock at the sight of him there
He has honestly researched every single religion for fun
Highlight god damn bible verses for no reason
He needs to make an iceberg of every single religion and why they are good/bad
I just know he has an insane knowledge of lore in any book he’s ever read
Please make him watch smiling friends
You’d have to pause every 5 seconds so he can process it
You could make him do anything tbh, just be like “you should come watch *whatever it is* with me” and bro is outside your door
For shame with the amazing attention towards practically anyone who shows anything besides fear or hatred comes the fact he is unaware of most modern things
He has a tamagotchi and thats it man, get him a 3ds at least
He cant use a phone, cant use a computer, and barely understands the concept of social media
But at least he has the spirit to learn
Lilia Vanrouge
Do i even put him as a senior?
Bro is pushing some mystical number that no one knows
He’s like one of those grandmas that never mention their age and whenever its brought up all they say is “never ask a woman her age”
… perchance a bit controversial but i think he’s bad at cooking on purpose
Ain’t no way someone fucks up cooking THAT bad
I think he really likes horror games
And i dont mean those shitty mascot horrors like poppys playtime
I mean fatal frame, faith, and visage type shit
He listens to breakcore too
I dont make the rules
Hes a gamer grandpa so he either has to have pretty good taste in games/music or the absolute worst
Hes practically already mana sama
Hes got all the moi meme motie dresses
Get grandpa off taobao NOW
I want my nyanya madoka dress, and i will not be stopped by some twinkish old man.
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seungsuki · 4 months
station cafe - romance between a soccer player and a webtoon artist (gn! reader)
warning: boring tbh (+ too many words)
note: wrote this during while my professor was yapping so hopefully it's okay
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itoshi rin hated whenever his practice games were played for too long. he’d like to blame it on his teammates who couldn’t stop goofing around every minute. 
“last train for station 2 is leaving”, the loud speakers announced 
rin froze thinking he must have misheard the announcement but when it repeated again, his legs began moving without him even thinking. speed walking through the busy salespeople and students, he nearly made it to the train. he could see the gates of the train and he wanted to yell for it to not close but he didn’t. he stopped and slowed down as he watched the gates shut tight. 
the train had left for station 2
the last train 
he fished out for his phone to check the train schedule. he wasn’t too familiar with the train routes other than the one he usually took. lucky for rin, the next train for station 2 is set for 5 pm
“5 pm?”, rin mumbled to himself seeing that it was only 3:07 pm 
what was he supposed to do with all this freetime? he never gave himself that much time. he used every second to practise soccer and to be on top. to defeat his no good of an excuse brother and win the world cup. now what? it’s not like he had any friends nearby 
that’s how the younger itoshi wandered into a random cafe near the station. opening the door, he could smell the coffee bean aroma filling the room. he walked to the counter and was greeted by the cashier, who in his opinion, was overly energetic for no reason.
ordering his favourite tea and bread, rin settled at a seat beside the window of the cafe. there weren't a lot of people except for you, seated at the next table. while rin normally didn’t act like a busybody, he was curious as to what you were doing. he could see a lot of papers scattered around the table. they looked like… character designs? are you an avid fan of a series he’s never seen before?
he couldn’t help but notice how absorbed you were on your computer with a drawing tablet attached to it. oh so you’re marking papers? you did look rather young to be a teacher. well it was none of his business. he brushed away any lingering questions and silently enjoyed his tea. tuning into the latest soccer clip between bastard münchen and manshine city, rin booed both parties since he didn’t support any of them and took the time to criticise their play style 
he was watching the so-called ‘hat trick’ when a paper flew directly on his face, blocking the match. almost instantly, he heard a small worried yell and a hand reached to remove the paper that didn’t allow him to see anything. why did this remind him of a heavily scripted shojo manga? 
“i’m so so sorry! are you okay?”, a voice asked and rin looked up to see the you in front of him this time
“i’m fine”, rin replied short not wanting to engage in the conversation 
“they turned on the stand fan so my papers flew everywhere!”, you groaned 
that’s when rin looked away from his phone and looked up to you. or more specifically, the paper dancing loosely between your fingers. it definitely looked like a detailed study of a character. just how much of an avid fan are you? then again he couldn't say much himself as he was in his own obsession over soccer. seeing how hard he was staring at the paper, you moved it behind you, allowing your skirt to hide the paper 
“i’m a webtoon artist. i have a lot of papers because i came back from a small meeting”, you said taking a seat at the empty chair in front of him
“im [name]! i think i've seen you somewhere haven’t i?”, you asked going through the train of thoughts 
“i play soccer”, another short reply followed by a tsk 
“oh yeah!! aren’t you the captain for the eleven team against the national team? i watched your match on tv, you were pretty awesome”, you remembered 
even though rin didn’t want to engage in the one-sided conversation, he couldn’t help but hear more than the commentary of his discarded phone (which was turned off later on). 
itoshi rin picked up a new habit. after his everyday practice, he’d make his way to the cafe near the station. he would order his favourite tea and bread but this time, an extra iced chocolate for you. he sits in his usual seat beside the window and waits. not long he’d see the door open to see you enter. today was rather chilly so it made sense for you to wear your favourite red sweater with white stripes. scanning the room, your eyes lit up seeing a particular teal eyes locking contact with you. a comfortable walk accompanied with a small wave, you made it to your designated seat, in front of him. time would fly as the duo exchange conversations about random topics
rin never realised how he fell for you. maybe it’s the way his heart skips a beat when he sees you? or how he’s obviously less mean to you. in his eyes, you aren’t too bad. you definitely weren’t some lukewarm npc that took up his time. you was someone who he enjoyed talking too. the people around him (or more particularly his teammates) couldn’t help but wonder what made the striker less grumpy 
“someone’s in a good mood~”, a singsong shidou said slinging his arm around rin 
“right? leaving practice so soon? have a date planned?”, karasu joined in on the teasing 
“yeah i do” 
that one sentence froze the soccer players. itoshi rin going on.. date? sounded impossible to his teammates. they were dumbfounded at how rin even got a date. a familiar ringtone caught the attention of rin and he peeked his phone to see your text. he kept your ringtone different from the rest of his usual notifications. grabbing his duffle bag, itoshi rin left his obviously curious teammates to go see you at your usual spots
the cafe beside the station
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© seungsuki 2024-25 -- do not repost, translate, alter, etc on any platform without permission. Any characters used in my work do not belong to me, they are created by their original creator
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florence-end · 1 year
what do you think about pregnant reader x rhys that is emotional, like she has a sandwich and it falls to the floor and she starts wailing bc she put so much time into it? btw god i literally live your while page like i binge read everything, you’re so talanted😭😭❤️
Ahhhhh obsessed with this, he’d constantly be so alarmed! And thank you, that’s made my day🥹🥹
You put the final piece of bread on your monstrosity of a sandwich and stepped back to consider if there was anything else you wanted to add before tucking in. The kitchen counter was littered with cheese, peanut butter, pickles, syrup, hot sauce and tomatoes, all of which had made the cut for your lunch. You knew it was a little unorthodox but what baby wanted, baby got. The little bean in your belly seemed to wiggle around excitedly, sensing food was on its way.
Picking up your sandwich, you walked to the window overlooking the garden behind the townhouse and lifted the creation to your mouth ready to take an enormous bite when-
“Hello darling, what have you got there?”
You shrieked loudly, dropping the sandwich as your hands moved to your protruding belly protectively as you reeled from the shock of your husband winnowing into your kitchen without warning.
The sandwich hit the floor with a resounding splat, all the ingredients spreading out across the tiles as you stared down at it in shock.
“Oh I’m sorry my love, I didn’t mean to make you jump. Here, let me clean that up,” Rhys apologised, placing a hand on your back to usher you away from the mess.
You looked up at him then down at the remains of the only thing you had felt like eating all day, before you angrily knocked his hand away from you and burst into tears.
“No no no, don’t cry, it’s okay! I’ll make you another sandwich right now, it’ll take two minutes,” Rhys fretted. You had been feeling quite emotional during this stage of your pregnancy and to put it simply, Rhys couldn’t cope. The slightest wobble of your lip or sign of tears in your eyes and he was jumping into action to resolve anything that might have caused you even the smallest upset. But this was the first time he had caused the waterworks, making it a thousand times worse.
You knew you were being irrational but you didn’t care. You didn’t even want another sandwich now, the sight of the strange ingredients splattered on the floor putting you off immediately.
“No, don’t bother” you sobbed, waddling to the stairs and back to your shared bedroom.
Rhys stood frozen in the kitchen, absentmindedly sending his power out to clear up the mess on the floor and the counters while he tried to figure out his next move. But before he could make a decision on how to comfort you this time, you were back. You stumbled back into the kitchen, tears still rolling uncontrollably down your face, and immediately leaned your forehead on Rhys’ chest. Well, as best you could while accommodating the large belly.
“I’m sorry,” you wailed. “Please don’t go!”
Rhys chuckled, gathering you up into his arms and moving to the armchair by the roaring fire in the living room. He sat down with you comfortably curled onto his lap, his hands rubbing soothing circles into your back and stomach.
“No apologies necessary darling, you are carrying my child and you can be as emotional as you like. I’ve dealt with far worse from my family over the years and they had no hormones to blame. You do need to eat though, what sounds good? I’m guessing sandwiches are off the table now,” he leaned back to get a look at your face, tear tracks still wet against your cheeks.
You thought for a second.
“Ooooh you know what sounds really good? That stew Cassian made last time we visited Windhaven!” You declared, grinning at the memory, sandwich and ensuing upset forgotten.
“Leave it with me darling. Why don’t you take a nap, and he’ll have it ready by the time you wake up,” your husband promised, moving you to the large sofa.
You settled down happily, dreaming of the warm spiced stew you’d be enjoying when you woke up.
With your eyes closed, you didn’t see Rhys run his hands down his face as he prepared to winnow to the remote Illyrian camp that the General was currently visiting. He’d no doubt get the ribbing of his life when he explained to his brother that he needed him to come home three days early or else his pretty little pregnant wife was going to cry again. Gods help him.
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andyling · 1 year
Heyyyyy so session 5 sure was a time SO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!
Team Ties really woke up and chose violence this session
were they even trying to kill anyone? i think they just wanted chaos
soooo Team Bites hmmm, let’s see how long that lasts
Skizz I’m sorry, but Bdubs betrayed y’all before in Last Life and he sure as hell will do it again
I think the whole reason Team Ties blew up the bread bridge was because they had too much TNT and all of them are obsessed with blowing shit up
Like they didn’t go for anyone’s actual bases, they weren’t trying to destroy resources, and they weren’t trying to kill anyone
motherfuckers just wanted to make things go boom
Tango’s toaster PSA caught me so off guard WHO GAVE HIM THAT IDEA?!?!? WHY IS HE LIKE THIS?!?!?
the fact that Tango had already accepted that their tower was gonna get destroyed, mans may be insane but he’s fair that’s for sure
awwwwww them chanting MVP to Etho is so sweet
tango’s the server resident professional warden wrangler now
good to know Tango still remembers every person that’s wronged him
also Tango getting an effective trap out of tnt minecarts is character development, good for him! :D
soooo does Tango have the most time out of everyone on the server now?
team bites did not last long askdghajsghkjadkdsak
Nosy Neighbors and Team Ties becoming allies is not something I expected to happen, but it is very welcomed
Team Ties are actually pretty great to have as allies as long as you don’t spite them, then honey you got a big storm coming
Jimmy “sad boi” Solidarity everyone
Love how Jimmy spends most of Limited Life acting as though he’s in a Let’s Play series
mans is in the middle of a death game and he’s like “Alright gang, today we’re getting sheep!”
gotta love how the title for “most antagonistic team on the server” keeps bouncing between the Bad Bois and Team Ties 
Flower Husbands and their never-ending divorce
bye bye bad bois bread bridge
why is Joel specifically blaming Tango akjfjhdkasghkadjs
it’s hilarious how they’re all questioning why Team Ties blew up the bread bridge when the actual answer is probably “they like blowing things up”
no thoughts, head empty, just boom boom
awwww judge judy and executioner jumped to Jimmy that’s cute
poor judge judy and executioner :(
Grian is so appalled at the carrot cake oh my gosh
dude Grian is so done with everything 
the Bad Bois and the Clockers are family now, this family tree is wack
Scar you can’t call them Boomers when Bdubs was literally on a team called the Boomers on Hermitcraft with Impulse and Tango
this is why we all think Grian’s gonna betray them
everyone is so nonchalant about reds this season 
Zombiecleo watches her children make poor decisions for 40 minutes
Cleo packing snacks for Bdubs and Scar and then sending them to be supervised elsewhere is so funny
sending them to Etho was probably not a great idea though considering Team Ties need supervision themselves 
they don’t have any which is why they’re constantly going off the rails
ooooooooh Bdubs is in troubleeeeee
it really does feel like he’s being scolded by his mother LMAO
Scar really decided to make up a whole ass holiday and not tell anyone else on the server except for his family and only to give them presents
love how aware Cleo is of whatever the fuck is going on with Bdubs and Etho throughout the life series
honestly i think Cleo dislikes Team Ties because of Etho and Etho specifically, like she seems pretty chill with Tango
“if you’re gonna be an absent father could you at least be absent” GOES SO HARD HOLY SHIT CLEO GO OFF QUEEN
Bdubs is so close to being disowned by his family
whelp Team Bites is dead
“Bdubs, how was your day?” Etho asks fully aware that his teammate blew Bdubs up because of Boogey and a two season long grudge
“This episode is weirder than the one with the fever” IT REALLY IS
mom and dad are fighting
“sometimes children only learn the hard way” THEY NEVER LEARN
i don’t even think Etho was trying to kill them, all of them are just insane
this is the reason that skizzle didn’t go red first, THIS IS THE REASON
Etho is definitely losing the custody battle
i’m getting flashbacks with “the red army rises” goddammit
what the fuck is wrong with Skizz
In conclusion, next session is gonna be WILD
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mizz-sea-nymph · 9 months
I can understand why people are shocked about the last chapter, but that a Poseidon simp like you, someone who supports a shitty, arrogant and boring character like him, blames the Loki apologists is the peak of comedy. Just be less hypocrite next time.
Awwwwwe you took the time to try and do shit to meeeee sending me so many messages!! I’ll be more of a hypocrite to piss you off sweethear I’m so flattered ☺️💕
Hun your wrong and here’s why
No.1 I’m not a Poseidon simp im a Pussidon PIMP get it right next time
No.2 you coming at me as an anon? Bro again? Don’t you have a job?? A life?? A dog??? Wow ? Pussy what a cowarddd! Ajaisjsjsnshs! 💀
No.3 Loki apologists supporting a stalker and allot of em are victim blaming Brunhilde when in reality yall should just be mad at the authors not Brunhilde, you do you bae just don’t victim blame my girl brunhilde that’s not it, it’s kinda morally misleading and it makes others question you like crazy so yeah? it’s not her fault shes beautiful smh don’t do her like that? also Pussidon is just boring, plain and a straight up hoe yeah I get that I know that, but he don’t got a doll? He’s dead, thank god! he’s dead! I’m glad he’s dead Sooo mhm yeah go with that sweetie support the stalker and come up to me complaining about someone who’s just as boring as bread alr do that. Also who told you I support him? Bro I thought you where obsessed with me 💔 you took your time sending me 5 hater messages where you try and get a reaction out of me? 💕 I thought you knew me better since you’re so obsessed? You should know who you’re obsessing about better then this I thought you where a fan✨😔
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sendpseuds · 1 year
The people must know: What are your favorite sandwiches???
Ah, sandwiches. What a magical food.
Since you graced us all with a whole dissertation I feel like I owe you the same level of detail, let’s see what we can do here.
While I am not actually vegetarian, I LOVE a veggie sandwich. One of my all time favorites to make at home is seeded rye with hummus on one side and homemade herby cream cheese on the other [usually parsley, green onion, mint, dill, and fresh garlic. Also sometimes this is chèvre instead of cream cheese]. Between the bread we have sliced cucumbers [seasoned with salt, pepper, and lemon juice], big slices of tomato, and arugula [sprouts if I can get my hands on them]. This whole ordeal is fabulous with turkey or bacon if you want more protein, I’ve also done smashed chickpeas in place of the hummus for a heartier option.
Another veggie sandwich I love is from a local bakery and if I knew exactly how they made it I would tell you, but it’s fresh crusty sourdough liberally coated in amazing olive oil, with this incredible carrot purée, thinly sliced fennel, Calabrian chilis, and arugula. So fucking good.
Okay, let’s talk about something less “healthy”
If you’ve ever been to Buffalo, New York [Go Bills] there are TWO sandwiches that I think about all the time.
The first is pretty ubiquitous through western New York: Beef on Weck. This is roast beef, dipped in hot jus, and piled on a kimmelweck roll [basically a Kaiser roll with crunchy sea salt and caraway seeds]. That’s it. Personally, I like to add an almost unadvisable amount of horseradish, but that’s it. It’s perfect.
The second is a true drunken indulgence. The Stinger Hoagie from Jim’s Steakout. If you are unfamiliar with Jim’s, most locations are open until 5am [bars in Buffalo close at 4am. A real drinking town] and the employees can often be seen wearing shirts that say “I see drunk people.” The Stinger Hoagie is their beautiful monster. Cheesesteak meets chicken finger sub. Shaved steak, chicken fingers, fried onions, melted American cheese, lettuce, tomato, Frank’s Red Hot, and Jim’s special sauce. [I am fucking drooling right now, I haven’t had one of these since I was in my twenties.]
When it comes to deli meat, I tend to lean toward turkey, but I want some really soft seeded multigrain bread with crispy Romain and good tomatoes. Thick slices of sharp sharp cheddar, mayonnaise, and Nance’s Sharp and Creamy mustard. I might toss in some cucumber or parsley, maybe apples and bacon if I’m feeling extra, but the specific mustard is very important.
[this isn’t really a sandwich but I’ll often take a big rib of Romaine lettuce and make a little deli boat with turkey, cheese, and Mayo. I’m sure I can blame that on high school, my mother, and all the lovely disordered eating habits I developed as a teen]
Grilled cheese… I’m sort of all over the place with grilled cheese, always experimenting, but for me, the most important thing is using GRATED CHEESE [and to be clear, I mean block cheese that you grate at home, not the pre-grated stuff in the bag, please, this is important, that shit doesn’t melt right] I want the cheese pouring over the sides of the bread, hitting the pan, oozing and bubbling until it’s gold and crispy and perfect.
I’ll give you one fancy grilled cheese: deviled egg grilled cheese. Two hard boiled eggs, whites sliced thin, yolks mixed with mayo, mustard, pepper, paprika, dill. Into the pan goes bread, cheese mixture [gruyere and cheddar, shredded and mixed with a little Mayo and mustard], yolk mixture, sliced whites, more cheese mixture, bread. Done.
This is getting out of control and I haven’t talked about chopped italian sandwiches, or banh mi, or my mom’s famous roast beef and mock Boursin sandwiches, or my obsession with Calabrian chilis [oh! Add those to the mayo on a turkey sandwich], or the time I put an entire meatloaf on an entire loaf of bread and called it a sandwich.
I haven’t even TOUCHED on breakfast sandwiches but if I get into that we’ll be here forever.
So, for now, I’ll cap it there, but there’s plenty of room for a sequel.
Hope that answers your question!
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jwoongz · 2 years
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2022 Content Creators a Year in Review
I was tagged to complete this by the lovely @woosansang. It’s a little bit shorter because I have only been a content creator here since May! I went ahead and included both of my side blogs as well as you all can get the full picture.
I’m going to tag a few of my favorites to do this with me too. Sorry if you have already been tagged or have done this! Please let me know if you did, I would love to read it. @kingdomtual @strhwaberries @wabisaba @kyubins @choiyeonjuns @heeseunq @sanchelinz @jaeyunsim @suhyeos and @jjongho
Let’s get started under the cut!
MAY ⋆ Most Popular: Drive to the Starry Road Rocky - I don’t blame you all because Rocky is pretty. This was maybe my 3rd set ever, and the coloring is very questionable. ⋆ Personal Favorite: Bring it On Keeonhee facecam - He’s so precious, and I really started kind of figuring out this gif maker thing. 
JUNE ⋆ Most Popular: Taemin + Red gift for my old simblr friend - I am still pretty proud of this because it was my first time attempting something like this.  ⋆ Personal Favorite: Kyunjun My Favorite Melody Visual Cam - This is the start of me finding my style as a gif maker. Plus, you know, I absolutely adore Kyungjun. I won’t say I “ult” him yet since they have one release, but I’m pretty sure he’ll end up being an ult!  This crazy Jongho stage compilation set - I love how this turned out. 
JULY  This is the month I made @kai-hoon!  ⋆ Most Popular: Taeyang Don’t Call Me Cover Stage - Taeyang in a crop top really sent you all into a frenzy. ⋆ Personal Favorite(s): Illusion MV Graphic Set - Probably one of my top 3 things I have ever made.  Scream MV Chani - I may be biased here, but you know, Chani. ParadoXXX Invasion MV Sunghoon - Live footage of Sunghoon punching down my defenses and ending up at the top of my favorite boys' list. I didn’t really get into Enhypen until June of this year. I knew of them, but never gave them a fair listen. I did and if you couldn’t tell, I’m pretty obsessed with them now. 
AUGUST  ⋆ Most Popular: Mingi and Yeosang Ending Fairy  - This really was such a cute moment!  ⋆ Personal Favorite: Younghoon Whisper Fancam Ending - These are some of my favorite gifs I’ve ever made! They came out so good and that little smile and wink. I love him. 
SEPTEMBER This is the month I made @yang-innie ⋆ Most Popular: Innie in the Maxiden Trailer - WHO TOASTED THIS BREAD?!?!!  ⋆ Personal Favorite(s):  Sangyeon and Younghoon Having a Moment™ - Kevin’s reaction was EVERYTHING.  Fever Visual Cam Sunghoon - the prettiest boy in the world? I think so. Innie in Chill - Prettiest boy in the world part 2. 
OCTOBER ⋆ Most Popular: Maxident Teaser Behind Innis - You all really enjoy leather clad Jeongin, don’t you?  ⋆ Personal Favorite: Yohan Spray Facecam - Some of my best stage gifs. Yohan maybe has a little do with that. Maaaaybe.  Huening Kai and Soobin Pillow Fight - This is still so funny to me.  Long Live the King Mujin - Go off King <3
NOVEMBER ⋆ Most Popular: Jungwon and his plushie self - Plushie Jungwon is absolutely a fave! He’s so precious. I love how the coloring on this turned out, and this set brings truly sparks joy.  ⋆ Personal Favorite: Manifesto Day 1 Jungwon Set - Jungwon ruled my November. Season’s Greetings Zuho - He’s sooo pretty, and I really liked these turned out nice.  Ateez Answer MV set - This was my first attempt at one of these types of sets I had done in a while and the first one I felt happy with! 
DECEMBER ⋆ Most Popular: Innie in SKZ Code ep 25 - Stayblr you are always so amazing and supportive! This Innie is so precious and so cute. ⋆ Personal Favorite: Second half round up - Sometimes I do cool things. Blessed-Cursed Era Sunghoon - My favorite Hoon. 🖤
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bucketsofmonsters · 2 years
happy 21st!! i hope you have a wonderful day bc u deserve it! your writings are so brilliant and provide me much comfort <3
if ur still taking reqs (absolutely no pressure to fulfil this!), could i maybe ask for a little something where reader and subject 251 settles into domesticity?
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!! Here's some domestic fluff for ya :)
You’d moved around a lot in the past few years. It was safer that way, especially right after you’d left. But now, as things settled down, so had you. 
You cracked open the door of your little cabin and called out, “Hey bud, I’m home,” despite the fact that you were fairly certain he had already been alerted to your presence. 
You didn’t see him but you knew he’d show up soon, he never kept you waiting for long.
You cleared some of the knicknacks off of the table to make yourself some room. Your house was full of the things. He’d become obsessed with collecting stuff. You couldn’t blame him for wanting things that were his own decorating his space after so long in that white room. Besides, it made it feel like a home.
On the newly created empty counter space, you dropped the grocery bags you had hanging on your arms and turned to see him watching you expectantly, having approached completely silently. He’d accidentally jumpscared you a few times when you’d started living together but now you were more accustomed to him just appearing behind you. 
“This should last you about a week,” you said, gesturing to the grocery bag that had the raw steaks in it. 
You knew it would last him longer. He was eating less of it than you knew he should be but you didn’t question where he was getting the rest from. Some questions you’d rather not know the answers to. And besides, you got a place near the woods for a reason.
Other than for hunting, he needed the space. There was nowhere else he could go without causing some massive freak outs and you wouldn’t keep him cooped up like he’s been for so many years. 
A yawn overtook you, the exhaustion hitting you as you arrived in the comfort of your home. 
You were always tired when you got home, work was too long and you could still feel some of the effects of working in the lab. Finding a job alone had been hard, you didn’t know what to put on your resume. “Took care of secret monsters for years?” It wasn’t exactly an easy sell.
He’d made it his own personal mission to take care of you the second you got home each day. 
You had a few mattresses pushed together on the floor that you collapsed onto. A massive bed was on your list of things to buy now that you had a home that felt at least semi-permanent but until then, this was the best you had. He was more than content with sleeping on the floor and you were rarely allowed to sleep on anything but him. 
Not that you were complaining, he was warmer and softer than any blanket you’d ever encountered before. 
Your eyes were closed but before long you felt him press his forehead to yours for a moment before pulling away. 
“Long day?” he asked.
“Just happy to be home.” you replied as you cracked your eyes open to watch him grab something off of the table. 
He dropped some warm bread into your lap before curling up next to you. 
He wasn’t great at making food but he tried his best. He was built for bigger actions, for running and hunting and not for dealing with ovens so it wasn’t the easiest. 
He always made sure you had something, though. Originally he’d started bringing you dead animals but he’d dropped that pretty quickly after noting your less than positive reactions. Even so, he was insistent on providing food for his mate, even if that meant having to learn how to use a microwave. 
As you started to get settled in, you realized your sleep-addled brain had forgotten another very important thing that was sitting in those bags. 
You jolted up and ran over, searching through them. 
“You’re never going to believe what I found,” you called back. 
His head quirked to the side curiously and you quickly hid the present behind your back. 
You lived in a pretty small town known for cryptid sightings. It was very convenient, a nice way to explain away any sightings that occurred. Besides, people claiming to have seen a monster in these woods happened a couple times a week, it raised significantly fewer alarm bells than a monster sighting anywhere else would. 
There were plenty of tourist traps and gift shops, mostly touting merchandise of bigfoot, a little mothman here and there, but on your trip to town today you’d found a few lone werewolf plushies that reminded you of someone. 
You pulled it from behind your back with a flourish. “Tada! It’s a little mini you!”
This did not seem to clear up any confusion. “Why do you need a small me?”
“For hugging, mainly. Besides, I think he’s cute. Well, I think you’re both cute.”
You couldn’t imagine cute was a word that many people had used for your wolf-man before but you meant it wholeheartedly. 
He laughed but you could tell he was a little flustered. “You’re ridiculous.”
You settled back into bed, curling around your new favorite stuffed animal as your monster curled around you. “Maybe. You still love me though.”
You felt the rumble of agreement in his chest as you nodded off, safe and content in his arms.
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project1939 · 3 months
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200 Films of 1952
Film number 189: Les Miserables
Release date: August 14th, 1952 
Studio: 20th Century Fox 
Genre: drama 
Director: Lewis Milestone 
Producer: Fred Kohlmar 
Actors: Michael Rennie, Debra Paget, Robert Newton, Edmund Gwenn, Cameron Mitchell 
Plot Summary: Based on the epic Victor Hugo novel, we see Jean Valjean sent to prison for stealing a loaf of bread. Meeting a kindly bishop who helps him get on his feet after his release, Valjean tries to do good in the world. He breaks his parole, however, and a malevolent French Inspector named Javert becomes obsessed with catching him. 
My Rating (out of five stars): ***¾ 
I’ve never seen the 1935 Hollywood version of this film, which everyone seems to agree is far superior to this. Without that lens to view it through, I thought this 1952 version was pretty good- not great exactly, but quite good. There are a few performances in it that make it worth watching, and Lewis Milestone’s direction was visually striking.  
The Good: 
Robert Newton as Javert. He was the best part of the film for me. He played the role with a creepy, imposing, desperately obsessive edge, which was exactly what was required. 
Javert the character. One of the great characters in literature, his obsessive drive for a machine-like “justice” combined with his traumatic past creates some damn good complexity. 
Michael Rennie as Valjean. Rennie will forever be the regal alien in The Day the Earth Stood Still for me, and I love him for it. Here he played Valjean with a lot of sympathy, conveying much through his eyes and expressions. 
Edmund Gwenn as the Bishop. Who can ever resist the charms of this man? 
Cameron Mitchell as Marius. He played an idealistic revolutionary well. 
The direction by Milestone. It was a very interesting film from a visual standpoint. The close-ups were used well, and there were a lot of cool shot compositions. It was also the ideal kind of situation where things were distinctive and creative, but it didn’t pull you out of the movie. 
I thought the film did a good job compressing a longer story into a shorter period of time. 
The courtroom scenes were particularly visually arresting (pun!)- with a truly nightmarish feel. I’m sure they were influenced by the devastating 1928 French film The Passion of Joan of Arc, because I couldn’t help but think of it. 
The political and philosophical messages were conveyed without hitting you over the head with it. 
The line by Robert near the end to Javert: “How does success taste after all these years?” Chills! 
The Bad: 
Rennie was good, but maybe a little too restrained? 
Debra Paget as Cosette. Most of the blame can probably go to the script and the Hollywood portrayal of these kinds of roles at the time. She overacted, falling into that “innocent damsel” stereotype. 
Debra Paget’s makeup. How she could have been in a mid 19th century convent school with that kind of makeup on her face is laughable. 
All the talk of a high school girl being “a desirable woman” ready for marriage. Yes, it was historically accurate to the 19th century, but it was still super gross watching it now. 
The hint of incest also grossed me out. I know Valjean was only Cosette’s non-genetic guardian, but she constantly called him father. It’s not technically incest, but... eew. 
The use of the intertitles that came on the screen as chapter dividers was inane and totally unnecessary. 
I don’t know that this is bad per se, but I find it funny that Hollywood favors using English actors to play European roles, especially if they are larger protagonist roles. I could list examples, but we’d be here forever. It’s just weird to me, because why don’t you ask an English person how French or German they feel...  
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drawkivi · 4 months
how are you doing, my old friend? how’s life treating your tired mind? 
i used to shake minutes before midnight of your birthday, and now i just think about your face in the evening of that day, about the age you're turning, 
oh, congratulations, you're 20, 21, 19, 22 now!  
just know my memories are so caught up in themselves, was it january, or november, or october or february? maybe june or march, or april? you have so many faces that i lost count. 
oh, how close we were singing with each other songs coming through the radio, sharing wired earbuds, or taking pictures together, or eating dry noodles and sugar on a piece of buttered bread, or talking about who you were too scared to talk to, or kissing on the stairs. 
do you remember how i laughed? do you remember my keys in your bag? my cat and bottled lemon juice? how i hugged you for the first time, how you hugged me for the last? do you remember how i loved you, how i hurt you, how i devoured you, how i cried for you and because of you? 
do you remember how you hurt me? do i remember how you loved me? the little things you did buried so deep i turn myself inside out thinking about them, the little touches and hugs, the smile you turned your face into when i joked, the time you tried to spend with me so desperately? 
oh, no, i don't think so. it's so blurry i have to squint, swimming through the water of my many tears making me float, near the big whales of sadness: you ignoring me when i said something wrong, you smashing the door of my house, you screaming under my bed, you pushing my buttons 'till i break so you’ll be right, you making me the villain, making me the victim in my head, the victim of myself, you making me so afraid of losing you again untill blood drops under my fingernails on your arm - oh, please, don't leave; i'll die for you, i'll cry for you, i'll cut myself open for you, and then you will never do the same for me, and you’ll die. the memories of why we were friends will die inside me, and the ashes will turn black with hate, and you will die the person i hate so much i wanna kill myself. 
oh, the water is so muddy, is it my fault? i’m sorry, i just wanna have you in any way i can, and you will live your life and think about me once, thinking about your house, your dogs and your school, your hair or your past, and i will think about you every time i think about myself, oh, please stay here at least. what am i without the hate our love turned into, what am i if not the victim and the princess and the blame, what am i without you? please be my friend, be inside me, be obsessed with me, be a part of me. oh, how i want to be a part of you, the new you who knows your past you as a step to now, not the you i see. 
oh, how are you, my old friend? do you love me still, do you hate me, do i exist? do you ever think about me on my birthday?
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thedisneychef · 1 year
Biergarten Nudel Gratin Recipe: German Mac and Cheese
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I’ve been obsessed with carbs lately!  Blame it on the diet or my training for the Wine and Dine Half, but I feel like if I were left to my own devices, I’d snack on pasta all day. When I went looking for a pasta recipe, I found this one from Biergarten which made me so happy… Being second generation from Germany and having been to Germany several times, I realized I was also craving some German style food. Since my reservation at Biergarten is still about 75 days away, I thought this was perfect. Now, when I was making this,I had the strangest feeling that I’ve made this recipe before, but I looked and looked and didn’t see that I had… So if I’ve posted it and it’s a repeat I apologize… At least it’s amazing enough to warrant a double-post! More Delicious Recipes You Will Love: - Mickey Waffles Recipe – Disney Parks - Ohana Bread Pudding with Banana-Caramel Sauce - Orange Beef – Polynesian Resort This is super easy to put together (a refreshing change after my birthday recipe…) and it’s incredibly kid-friendly.  Honestly, most home cooks probably have a similar recipe stowed away in their back pocket for fast, delicious family dinners. If not, they should and this is the one to choose! My only feedback on this recipe is that the quality of the cheese can make-or-break this dish. I wished after I’d had the first bite that I’d invested in nicer cheese than the generic store brand… Nicer cheese would have made this dish absolutely sing! For the caravores out there, you can add bacon or very small diced ham for an extra little something and I bet it would taste fabulous. Really, this serves as an excellent base for something more complex with meats and different cheeses, or it can be served as-is for a ridiculously hearty meal. The great thing was this was an amazing reminder of both my time in Germany and the dinner we had at Biergarten. The fact it could be served in this huge, family-style casserole dish reminded me of lining up in front of the buffet at Biergarten and trying to restrain myself, but it also reminded me of the very traditional dining we enjoyed all through Germany. So many of their meals are food-focused family time (we had meals that lasted for hours… Most of them lasted hours, actually…) and it’s not at all difficult to imagine that this easy-to-make dish that serves an army and tastes good warm or cold would be on the table. Cheesy without being too cheesy, crunchy like chips on the top and sides from that delicious cheese and macaroni “crust,” but soft and ooey gooey in the middle… I’m excited for leftovers and for Biergarten all over again. Conclusion In conclusion, the Biergarten's Nudel Gratin Recipe, also known as German Mac and Cheese, is a delicious and comforting dish that is sure to satisfy any craving for cheesy goodness. Drawing from our firsthand experience, we can attest that this recipe is easy to follow and uses simple ingredients that can be found at most grocery stores. The combination of pasta, cheese, and breadcrumbs creates a satisfying texture and a rich, creamy flavor that is perfect for a cozy night in or as a side dish for a larger meal. Plus, the addition of smoked ham and onions add a unique German twist to this classic dish. Overall, the Biergarten's Nudel Gratin Recipe is a must-try for anyone who loves mac and cheese or is looking for a new twist on a classic comfort food. In addition to the delicious food and recipes, Disney World is also known for its unique dining experiences, such as character dining and themed restaurants. Whether you want to have breakfast with Mickey Mouse, dine in a replica of a sci-fi drive-in theater at Hollywood Studios, or enjoy a meal with an ocean view at the Coral Reef Restaurant in Epcot, there's something for everyone. And with the help of Recipes Today and the How to Make category, you can even recreate some of these magical dining experiences in your own home. So why not start planning your next Disney-inspired meal or dining experience today? Read the full article
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thatvixenchick · 2 years
Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
Tagged by @x-gon-give-it
See Me Through The Trees Ochako didn't remember when she lost consciousness or how. That wasn’t particularly important at the moment, however. She twisted her wrists to test the give of the ropes tying her to the chair, but they were solid.
You're Embarrassing Me...Keep Going “Are you ready to go under?”
Izuku blinked and then took a moment to reorient himself, Hitoshi’s steadying arm around his waist keeping him from swaying.
Cat in Repose  Izuku knew it was unhealthy to base a large aspect of his personality on how many people he could be friends with, but he couldn’t definitively say if there was anything wrong with being well-liked. It was a point of pride that he could befriend everyone in all of his classes since starting college. Even those who pretended not to like him obviously did. Otherwise, why would they be so obsessed with him?
The Ins and Outs of Dating while Dating “I can’t believe you just asked if I wanted to have sex with other people!” Eita snapped before slamming the bedroom door closed hard enough that it rattled.
Ren moved to lean against the doorframe, checking the doorknob even though he knew it would be locked. “It was just a question.”
“A rude question!”
Any Given Sunday  Tadashi watched as Ainosuke sat on the edge of his enormous bed, skin still flushed from his shower. He had a towel barely hanging onto his hips, the ends gaping enough to show skin right up to his groin. He leaned back on one hand with a content sigh, his other brushing through messy, damp locks. Lidded red eyes locked onto where Tadashi kneeled on the fluffy dog bed in the corner.
Lies of Contention  Darren Peregrine cursed himself non-stop as he stalked his prey through the darkening streets of Fairview city. He should not still be tracking a vampire outside of his territory. That was exactly how Hunters got hurt and vampires got away to warn the others. This lecture had been beaten into everyone at the academy, and yet there he was, breaking the most important rule. 
The Brat Who Cried Wolf  Bucky paused before he could set the lube on the nightstand, his hand hovering midair, a look of concern on his face. Peter cringed, knowing what was coming, but he still whined when Bucky asked, “Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?”
Peter kicked his feet against the mattress like the brat he was. “Buckyyy, you promised!”
Baby, It’s a State of Emergency Outside “I can help someone here!”
Peter threw himself at the reception desk before anyone else could cut in front of him — again. He was exhausted, hangry, and shivering uncontrollably. Perhaps that was his own fault for grabbing a flight through Canada in the middle of winter during an oncoming storm, but shouldn’t Canadian planes be better able to handle the snow? His cursed luck said otherwise considering he was searching for a room due to his delayed flight. Well, him and the rest of the airport.
Acceptance Kiyose bowed to the clerk. “I’m truly sorry. This sort of thing won’t happen again, so I beg that you forgive us. Please allow me to pay for the bread.”
The clerk shuffled uncomfortably, unsure of how to deal with a dom acting so humble. Who could blame the guy? Broom in hand and held before him like a shield, the clerk flicked wary eyes over to Kakeru. “He’s your submissive?”
Rental Agreement “You really didn’t have to do this,” Peter said for what felt like the hundredth time in the last hour.
Harry grunted as he lugged his share of the grocery bags up the stairs of Peter’s apartment building. “For someone who has a rich friend, you sure don’t take advantage of the perks.”
I taaag @asheofalltrades @geekmom13 @murieltheawful @nimohtar
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alrighty-matty · 3 years
dessert and dances
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Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Summary: You had invited Matt as your plus one to a cousin’s wedding as a joke. It was all hilarious until he said yes without hesitation— now you’re attending a wedding party together.
Warning: matt being his cheeky self, matt briefly interacting with a child, two idiots in love.
Note: my cousin was getting married yesterday and i think, hmmm. attending a wedding party with matt.
read part two ‘ice creams and dances’ here
Matt in suit and tie was not an unfamiliar sight. If anything, you had seen him in a suit and tie more than anything else; at one point you almost believed his wardrobe only consisted of jacket suits, shirts, and ridiculous numbers of ties.
So why the hell you couldn’t stop staring now?
Maybe the humid air was to be blamed. You were convinced the stale air of the packed church and the barely functioning air conditioner on the far corner was the one that made your brain wonky. You stared into Matt’s sheen-laced neck, fighting the urge to press your fingers into his collar just to wipe it away.
Matt’s soft laughter—ringing together like a soft chime of a bell—snapped you back into reality. He was bouncing your niece, Lily, on his legs as she cheerfully sang an ABC song she had been obsessing over lately. You didn’t fight the urge to smile. It was an adorable sight, especially when Matt started to sing the song with her.
Definitely the air. And the annoyingly gorgeous wedding decoration.
You balanced Lily’s duck mini backpack on your lap. Inside was her favorite toy and her favorite book— a Winnie the Pooh storybook that frayed around the edges. A testament of her love, your sister would say.
“Matty, do you know what a group of ducklings is called?” Lily asked, a bright smile on her face.
Matt hummed thoughtfully. “No, what is it?”
“A brood!”
He gasped. “Really?” an equally bright smile on his face, so bright that you started to squint. “I didn’t know!”
Lily giggled, delighted that she had a chance to talk about the animal she loved the most. She pulled the hem of your dress to gain your attention, asking you to scoot closer to whisper hush-hush news.
“He didn’t know!” Lily whispered, loud enough for everyone to hear. “Does he know that a pair of ducks is called a brace? Should I tell him?”
You let out a giggle, hunching your back slightly to look like you were about to conspire. Lily straightened her back, completely forgetting she still sat on the subject of discussion’s lap, a glint of excitement in her eyes. You knew Matt could hear everything. Not that Lily was particularly good at being quiet too.
You glanced at him. And to be fair, Matt tried his best to maintain a neutral face and pretend he didn’t hear anything.
“I think he doesn’t know,” you whispered. “You should tell him!”
Lily immediately launched into an explanation about ducks, her arms moving wildly as she recited all the information she knew, no doubt a product of a conversation with her father. Matt listened intently, appropriately reacting when Lily dropped a particularly interesting fact with such fervor. Apparently, ducks are waterproof.
He only stopped indulging her when the bride had arrived, and the music started playing. Lily immediately ran into her parents’ side as soon as everyone stood up from their seat, wiggling herself in a space between them.
“She likes you,” you said quietly.
The corner of his lips twitched upwards. You could see the way the corner of his eyes crinkled from behind his glasses. He leaned in your direction slightly. “See? I’m a delight at parties. Even kids love me.”
“Ha-ha.” you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. You waved and mouthed encouragement to the bride, a dearly beloved cousin who looked positively nervous and excited at the same time before leaning in slightly. “Thanks for coming with me to my cousin’s wedding, by the way.”
“Thanks for inviting me.”
“You only come for the bread pudding.”
“Wrong,” Matt poked your side with the tip of his cane. “Now hush, this is a church. The ceremony is about to begin.”
You rolled your eyes and stood straighter, eyeing the bride smiling brightly at her future husband who was positively weeping now. It made you smile.
Matt definitely came to the wedding for the bread pudding.
You had spotted him lining up to fix himself a plate of bread pudding four times at least. Not counting the one he was currently eating now as he quietly listened to the newlyweds having their first dance.
Inviting Matt as a plus one had been a joke initially. You didn’t know what prompted it; a false bravado inherited from a cosmic entity or just false wisdom from an empty bottle of wine, you couldn’t tell. Something about asking a coworker, an associate, and technically, your boss to a wedding party sounded like a pretty hilarious idea at first.
Until he said yes. Without hesitation.
“A favor after you win the case for us,” he said. Like it was a pretty good explanation. Like it was a solid argument.
You were too stunned to argue. Foggy and Karen had a field day talking about coming together to a wedding party. You overheard Foggy talk about something something not a favor, and Karen cheerily sent you cute dress ideas.
“Staring is rude, you know.”
“I’m not staring,” you said with a stride. You were staring. “I’m judging.”
Matt cocked an eyebrow. “Forgive me, your honor. For whatever crime?”
“Demolishing the party’s bread pudding stock.”
“Oh?” he smirked, his red-tinted glasses twinkled underneath the light. “But is it truly my fault that bread puddings are delicious?”
“Your fault is being a menace who tries to demolish a party’s bread pudding stock.”
“I beg to differ,” Matt took another bite of his bread pudding. “Your grandmother thinks I’m charming.”
“She thinks everyone’s charming, especially the ones her grandkids take with them.”
“Ouch. And here I thought I was special.”
“You will be extremely special once you successfully clear out the bread pudding stock.”
Matt nudged your foot from beneath the table. “I’m not demolishing the bread pudding stock.”
You nudged his foot back with more force than his. “You are.”
“Am not,” Matt nudged back with more fervor.
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
The argument continued with a game of footsie underneath the table. Matt had shifted his focus from standing by his argument into winning a game of footsie instead, nudging your foot and cleverly dodging your attacks.
You squinted your eyes when you caught a wide grin plastered on his face. You started to frantically move your foot and shoved his foot, trying your best to force him to yield so you could claim victory. Your dream crumbled with a surprised gasp as Matt pushed your chair with his feet instead— effectively forcing you to surrender.
“That’s cheating!” you said, scandalized.
Matt let out a surprised chuckle. “It’s not cheating.”
“It is!” you insisted. “There’s one rule for footsie. You can’t push your opponent’s chair away.”
“Yeah? Since when?”
“Since I said it.”
Matt fully laughed now. “That’s a terrible argument and you know it,” he said, shaking his head. Matt slid a plate of half-eaten bread pudding in your direction. “Peace offering. I ate all the raisins.”
You stared incredulously. “Are you seriously giving me your half-eaten bread pudding as a peace offering?”
“It’s the best that I can come up with as of now,” Matt argued. “And I ate all the raisins. There’s a lot of raisins in there, it’s hard work.”
“I hate raisins.”
“I know.”
You grabbed the plate quietly, dug the fork into the bread pudding, and ate. You ignored the implication of sharing the same plate—and utensil—with Matt and shooed a bubble of thought about how Matt’s lips were on the fork earlier.
You barely had time to finish the bread pudding when a new song played. You perked up. How Deep Is Your Love. by Bees Gees.
People started cheering and flooded the dance floor. Matt tilted his head towards your direction, eyebrows furrowed. “On second thought,” he said, standing up from his seat. “I’ll make my peace offering on the dance floor. May I have this dance?”
You flickered your eyes between his face and the hand he offered.
“C’mooon,” Matt said. “It’s a good song.”
You accepted his hand, feeling your mouth run dry when he curled his fingers around your hand and gently cradled it. “Have I told you that you’re a menace?”
“Once or twice.”
You snorted, carefully threading through the crowd of people dancing with Matt in tow, guiding him into the less packed side of the dance floor. You caught a teasing smile your cousin shot you from across the room, and immediately looked away.
Matt was a better dancer than expected, unsurprisingly, and you had honored him by stepping on his feet too many times to be adorable. You awkwardly shuffled your bodies with him together, moving around to find the right rhythm, and eventually settled for gentle sways to match the song.
His hands were firm—yet gentle—on your hip, burned like embers into your skin. You rested yours on his shoulders, just enough to keep him close but far enough to set some distance. From this proximity, you could see clearly Matt’s recently shaven face, and a barely healed cut hidden underneath his hairline. He smelled like cinnamon and copper, warm but a bit sharp around the edges.
You tapped his shoulder. “Do you know how many people are checking you out right now?”
Matt hummed. “At least three,” he said, jerking his chin slightly to the left. “And the lady over there had been openly staring.”
You subtly glanced into the direction he pointed out. “That’s Alice,” you shrugged. “She used to make fun of my Barbie backpack until I cried.”
“She did?”
You hummed. “She was a bit mean as a child. But she grew out of it eventually. She’s actually pretty decent and nice growing up.” You quieted for a moment, mindful to sway and not stepping into his feet again. “I always want to dance to this song.”
“It’s a beautiful song to dance to.”
“It is,” you agreed. “Thanks for the dance, Matt.”
“And thank you again for inviting me,” Matt ducked his head a little bit. For a hysterical moment, you thought he was about to lean his forehead into yours. You ignored a pang of disappointment when he didn’t. “I had so much fun.”
“Eating bread puddings?”
He laughed. “Contrary to your belief, I didn’t come for bread pudding.”
“Yeah? For what then?”
Matt pressed his lips together, his shoulders tensed slightly. “Sometimes,” he said, swaying you gently. “I like to have some fun. Preferably with someone as fun as you are, even though you make a really awful dance partner.”
“Screw you!” you laughed, jabbed his side slightly. “Watch me. I’ll get better at dancing. I’ll make a great dance partner.
Matt smiled. Wide and genuine. “You owe me a dance, then.”
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lemonluvgirl · 2 years
Delicious (Part 1)
Based on the drabble prompts: #10. “Please don’t stop.” & #17 “Yeah? You like that?” from the smut prompts list. Here’s the first half my delicious bread babies. There will be a part 2 that (hopefully) resolves things for these two. I really should be working on my WIPs but this plot bunny distracted me. I blame you ALL. You should know by now that I’ll take the slightest thing and turn it into a two shot with smut and a freaking cover asthetic because I’m obsessive like that. 
**Heads up for food kinks and illegal flirting vibes. And Angst. Lots of Angst.**
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Katniss had started taking this private cooking class on a whim.
She got the idea when she moved out of her shared apartment and got her own place after graduating from college.
Living on her own for the first time in her life made her realize something about herself.
She was 25 for chrissakes, and still didn’t know how to properly cook anything that didn’t come out of a box. Annie and Johanna had always cooked when the three of them lived together and Katniss had always done the less appealing jobs around the apartment like changing the light bulbs, and taking out the trash.
But now that she was living alone it was time for her to stop ordering take out and finally buckle down and learn to fend for herself in the kitchen. Her wallet and waistline were starting to protest all the fast food.
So that’s how she found herself signing up for a cooking class with a private chef. She made good money as an accountant for a well-to-do local law firm, and looked at the class as an investment in her future that would save her money in the long run, and had decided she would rather learn one-on-one than in a group setting.
What she had not been expecting was that her teacher could be so hot that is was constantly a distraction every time she showed up for class.
Peeta Mellark was a certified chef and had graduated from a fancy culinary school and everything (Some school with a french sounding name, Escoffier, or something like that). He was patient, easy to get along with, and a very attentive teacher.
He was also hotter than sin, and it wasn’t fair that he worked cooking and tasting delicious food all day and still looked like a GQ model.
Shouldn’t all chefs be a little bit overweight? I mean, come on. Why couldn’t he look like Guy Fieri from Diner’s Drive-Ins and Dives?
But no, Peeta was trim and fit, with broad shoulders and muscular arms and a disgustingly tight ass that distracted her to no end when he bent down to open the oven door to their classroom kitchen.
Katniss had burned three entrees, under cooked a whole slew of chicken appetizers, and dropped so many plates by the 4th week of her class that she was considering dropping.
She wasn’t learning anything. She was just lusting over her teacher and making a fool of herself every week.
But when she mentioned discontinuing the class Peeta had been adamant that he wouldn’t let her quit.
“We’re in this together Katniss. I’m not gonna let you fail. Trust me okay?” He told her, pinning her with a serious and almost fiery gaze from his unbelievably handsome blue eyes.
Katniss doubted she could improve but she didn’t have the guts to break Peeta’s optimism completely.
The next time they got together for a class the prep-table was noticeably sparse. She saw only a container of flour, a container of active dry yeast, a container of water, and a small bowl of what looked to be salt.
“What’s this?” Katniss asked, surprised to see he had done away with his stockpile of exotic ingredients and gourmet spices.
“We’re going to do something simple today. I’m going to teach you how to make homemade bread.” Peeta informed her in a no-nonsense tone.
Despite Peeta’s assurances that it would be extremely easy, Katniss was still nervous. But Peeta being Peeta told her he would be there to help her every step of the way.
And he was. He patiently explained the measuring process. He diligently guided her through how to make a “well” after incorporating the dry ingredients as she was adding the wet ingredients.
He placed his own hands over hers and showed her how to dig out a little circle in the bottom of the mixing bowl. Katniss felt breathless and nervous and extremely turned on by the proximity of his sturdy body and the smell of his skin. Which reminded her of clean man and kitchen spices.
Soon they had to let the dough rise, and Katniss felt disappointed by the loss of contact. But Peeta surprised her by suggesting they chat and get to know each other while they waited.
She told him about growing up with her alcoholic uncle after her family died in a horrific car accident when she was 11, how she worked hard all throughout college to graduate with honors and get scouted to work for one of the best companies in the city.
Kantiss learned he was the youngest of three brothers and his parents had thought him insane when he first told them he wanted to go to culinary school.
“Why?” Katniss asked in disbelief. Anyone seeing Peeta in the kitchen could tell he was completely in his element. He seemed like he was born to be a great chef.
“I actually had to turn down a full athletic scholarship to a major university. The same university my dad and my brothers all went to.” Peeta told her candidly.
“Wow. So a master chef and a sports prodigy. Is there anything you’re not good at? Besides teaching me how to cook?” Katniss joked but Peeta pursed his lips disapprovingly in response before replying.
“Sports was more my brothers’ deals. I played out of obligation, not because I was passionate about it. So, maybe I was good enough to get an offer of scholarship but I would have done a disservice to everyone by accepting an offer that my heart wasn’t in. As for not being good at things, well I can think of quite a few goals I’ve fallen short in of late. And they have nothing whatsoever to do with the progress you’ve made in the kitchen. Katniss I don’t know if you realize this but you’ve come a long way from where you started. You didn’t even know how to properly chop vegetables when we began our class. And now? You’re a pro at not only that but at converting measurements, remembering recipes, and you memorized the health codes manual in like a day. You’re doing great ok? Trust me when I say that.” Peeta told her as he laid one large hand on her forearm and gave it a light squeeze.
Katniss wanted to argue that all of the things he mentioned had nothing to do with actual cooking (except maybe cutting vegetables) but she found she couldn’t speak when he was so close to her, touching her so gently, and looking down at her with such an endearing expression.
Damn him. She knew she wouldn’t be able to maintain her calm demeanor if he kept doing things like that.
She swallowed and looked away, trying to reorient herself and focus on the conversation.
“You’re a great teacher. You’d probably still teach me even if I burned your restaurant to the ground. You’re just too nice Peeta. You’ve probably never met a lost cause you didn’t want to champion.” She muttered the last part but it seemed he picked up on it anyway.
“You are NOT a lost cause.” Peeta told her fiercely and the tone in his voice, not to mention the look in his eyes erased any smart alecky comeback she could have thought of on the spot.
She blinked at him, speechless for a moment, wondering why he had such a strong reaction to her words. She wondered absentmindedly if that was how he looked getting worked up when he was angry, or aroused.
She licked her lips involuntarily and Peeta’s gaze dropped to her mouth and didn’t come back up for at least 3 seconds.
Then he cleared his throat, and turned around walking over to the dough they had left rising and pronounced it was time to knead it.
Katniss shook off the strange feeling she had before moving to join him. It was just her imagination that he seemed intrigued by her mouth right?
As if in answer to her silent question, Peeta puts his arms around her, caging her in his warmth, and grasping her hands in his to guide her when she half-heartedly try to knead the dough.
“It needs a firm hand. Not too soft, but not too harsh either. Just…right.” He says and it’s almost like a line from a porn movie, whispered in the space right beside Katniss’ ear. The exchange makes her shiver. She knows he can feel it, because his hold on her tightens.
She feels his strong chest almost flush with her back, and even though he’s got his waist and hips tilted away from her, she can’t help imagining what he’d do if she backed into him just a bit.
“Just right? Is that even a quantifiable term? How am I going to know how to do this without your help if you’re so vague?” Katniss told him nervously.
“It’s less about quantifying or replicating a technique exactly than it is about the feeling. The muscle memory. Close your eyes and just let yourself feel, Katniss.” Peeta said in a husky voice that made warmth pool low in her stomach and had her clenching some muscles that were decidedly of no use to her while trying to cook.
“Ok. I’ll try.” She replied on a shaky exhale, closing her eyes as he instructed her and trying to tune everything else out but the motions of their hands, the feeling of the tacky dough underneath her fingers and the unexpected sensation of security got with him pressed against her.
The rhythm of their hands was hypnotic to her and the warmth of his breath on her neck felt divine. She wanted him to suck on her skin, to bite her, to taste and nibble and dig his fingers into her flesh hard enough to bruise so that she could feel the desire in his fingertips.
“Feel it now?” Peeta questioned and Kantiss inhaled and held her breath, slightly thrown out of the fantasy.
“Maybe, I think.” She replied, slightly dizzy, drunk almost with the heady feeling of his touch.
“Do you want to try kneading it on your own?” He asked in a gruff voice, an octave lower than his usual speaking tone.
She shook her head frantically.
“Please don’t stop. I need you. And your hands.”  Katniss said, her words muddled and the double meaning behind them mixing with a strange pleading note that she didn’t even recognize in herself.
“Yeah? You like that? Does it feel…good?” He asked low and gravelly and Kantiss bit her lip before nodding her head and turning to glance at his face.
When she saw his flushed cheeks and dilated pupils, not to mention the way he was biting his lower lip, she knew.
Obviously he was sending her some strong signals now.  He wouldn’t get that close or say these kinds of things to her unless he had something other than baking on his mind.
She hoped.
“Peeta,” Katniss said, gazing up at him from over her shoulder, wondering if he would take the last step and put us both out of our misery and close the distance between our lips.
Her entire body felt like a live wire and Peeta was the charge that was feeding her every time they made contact. But instead of kissing her he slowly and it seemed regretfully pulled away before things could escalate, telling Katniss he thought the dough was ready to bake.
Katniss was a little stunned by his quick turnaround and she wondered belatedly if she had done something to make him back off. But she couldn’t think of anything, except maybe the whole student/teacher thing. Peeta struck her as someone who took his profession seriously and maybe he just wasn’t comfortable making a move on someone who was technically his pupil and was paying to learn from him.
So Kantiss silently followed his instructions for how to prepare the baking pan the dough would go in.
After they put the pan in the oven,  Katniss decided to push the envelope a bit and test the waters between them. She didn’t want to leave the question of his attraction to her unanswered and she was pretty sure she wasn’t the only one who felt something when we were working together a minute ago.
“So you really think I can still pass this course?” Kantiss asked, aiming for a more low stakes question to start out with.
“I do. I have complete faith in you Katniss. You’re a hard worker. As long as you don’t quit I know you’ll eventually gain enough skills to be considered a great cook.” Peeta said, blowing out a breath and giving her a smile that was slightly shaky.
Katniss bit her lip in uncertainty. She wasn’t sure if she was still invested in this class because she wanted to learn how to cook or because she didn’t want to stop spending time with Peeta. What she did know is that she wanted to find out if he felt the same way she did.
“Well, I haven’t managed to not burn or undercook anything yet.” She said with a slight chuckle.
“Let’s just see how you do today, why don’t we?” Peeta told her as he drummed his fingers nervously on the counter.
“And if I succeed in not ruining the bread?” She asks him, taking a step closer and looking into his eyes, issuing a silent challenge.
“If you succeed, then I won’t be surprised in the least.” Peeta said evenly looking at the oven and away from her penetrating gray stare.
“Don’t you think I should get a prize or something?” Katniss asked, taking another small step towards him until they were standing just a foot apart. Close enough to touch.
“Um, sure. I guess. What do you want?” Peeta asked, a hint of nervousness breaking through in his voice.
You. Naked. Taking me against the the counter. Katniss thought immediately but instead she said, “How about dinner?”
“Dinner? As in, you and me?” Peeta asked in surprise.
“Sure. I eat. You eat. We’ve got that in common. So, yeah. Let’s grab dinner after class tonight.” Katniss replied, in a slightly stilted manner but she managed to get the words out.
She smiled inwardly, proud of herself. It was the first time she ever asked a guy out. And she thought she had done a decent job of it.
“I guess that would be cool, I mean if that’s what you want.” Peeta said, one large hand reaching up to rub the back of his neck in an adorably bashful manner.
Katniss cast him an incredulous look. She wouldn’t have asked if she didn’t mean it.
“Yeah, that’s something I’d want.” Katniss replied confidently.
But the words Peeta said next drained every drop of positivity from her entire body.
“Ok, but it would have to be just as friends, because I have a girlfriend.” Peeta said, looking down at his feet, unable to meet her eyes.
Katniss felt like the air was knocked out of her lungs when he said the word girlfriend. She was left gaping at him, wide eyed and shell-shocked. He still wouldn’t look at her.
Distantly she heard a high trilling noise.
“That’s the timer, looks like the bread is ready.” Peeta said quietly, breaking the unbearably uncomfortable silence.
Still Katniss didn’t respond.
“Do you want me to get it?” Peeta asked after what seemed like forever.
When she continued to stare at him incredulously Peeta turned away to avoid it.
He quickly and expertly opened the oven and pulled out the bread. It was golden brown and perfectly risen. It smelled like perfection.  
“You did it Katniss. I’m so proud of you.” Peeta said, trying to infuse his praise with as much genuine enthusiasm as he could.
But when he looked up to see Katniss’ reaction he almost recoiled from the accusing look in her eyes.
She didn’t move even an inch closer to inspect the first thing she successfully cooked from scratch in over a month. She just continued to stare Peeta down.
And he had no idea what to do or say.
“So, um, where did you want me to take you? To you know, celebrate?” Peeta asked as he placed the loaf on a wire rack to cool.
“Actually, I just remembered I need to get up early tomorrow.” She said, turning away from him quickly and striding over to where she hung her purse and coat.
‘What? But-I mean…wait!” Peeta floundered, trying desperately to find the words that would salvage this conversation.
He was an idiot, and a jerk, and he couldn’t let her walk out like this.
“I really have to go.” Katniss said, and the words were close to hiss.
“Don’t you even want your bread? It’ll be cool soon.” Peeta asked lamely, gesturing to the bread cooling on the rack.
“No thanks, this experience has been enlightening enough.” Katniss punctuated the words angrily, as she threw on her coat and purse in a hurry and rushed out of the room.
Peeta was left standing in the middle of the kitchen, fisting his golden curls, wondering how he ever let this all get so out of hand.
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