#bread askbox
wispypengwan · 4 months
how do you imagine the concept of fugio going down in the haruno higashikata au because i imagine josuke seeing fugo and being like 'gio. really' (translation: you're gay and for that??)
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I know you sent this question to me by mistake GCUGC BUT I shall supply you with this doodle for your troubles
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scarapanna · 3 months
not really an ask i just wanna say i wanna give birb vanilla some bread as a treat
He appreciates the offer!!
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All of the offers as well!!
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Y'all are pampering him/silly
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mycoblogg · 1 year
Going off the inkcap into ink ask, apart from food and ink, what else can I do/make with fungus?
here's a little list !! :-)
with artist's conk brackets, you can use the underside for drawing as - when the flesh is scraped away - there is a brown layer underneath. when it dries & hardens the art will keep for a long time :-)
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mushrooms that contain psilocybin are used as psychedelic drugs - the most potent is p. azurescens.
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many different fungi can be used as dyes -
many moulds are used in food manufacturing processes, for example when making cheese or yoghurt.
you can purchase mycopesticides to control pests.
yeast is a fungus that we consume every day through beer, wine, soy sauce & bread products. :-)
that's about all i've got for you, luna !! <3
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brookiedaaroacecookie · 8 months
i hear u wanted bread
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frog bread!!
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littjara-mirrorlake · 11 months
Trick or treata
Happy Halloween! You get HAUNTED TRIANGLE.
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amcdrawnon · 20 days
Did you see that IOSYS did an advertisement of McDonalds with Marisa Stole the Precious Thing? Imagine Sho and Coco working at Mickey D's.
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I'd give them 3 days tops before they burn the place down
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wall-e-gorl · 2 months
helping chaoticrei with the bread delivery:3
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eyyyyyyyyyyy! thank you!
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visualsine · 1 year
The let’s do ibuprofen together joke but with jumping off a roof (in a good way) because yeahf same
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i cant use this image anywhere else bc it looks like a suicide pact
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thestarlitnights · 1 year
you're asexual? :)
i am!! i don't really feel any sexual attraction and i'm between neutral-repulsed (idk how best to describe it, it just makes me feel a lil gross but i acknowledge it's for pleasure, conceiving etc).
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wispypengwan · 2 months
one jojolands gang please 🙏
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one jojolands gang coming right up!!! (I haven't read it yet so I'm sorry if they look off)
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scarapanna · 3 months
as someone who loves birds, biblically accurate angels, and crk, this au is everything I love and more!!!!
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Honestly big fan as well, angels and birds are so fun to draw!!! Doodling wings my beloved.../silly
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lizard-dumbass · 1 year
Hai! How are you?
I'm good thank you but what the fuck is going on with your blog
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theelispace · 2 years
breadie twins (both HS and RW)
I don't know that much about them but they seem cool
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companionwolf · 3 months
Two romantics have been iddntified on your field team. Please report to the Vault as a team for an investigation regarding potential union activity.
what if we kissed in the depths of the Vault? and we were all queer? 😳
(serious answer: Romeo existed first, as a homage to the very kind TA agent I met in a dream, but also I'm too nice to make EC pick a different Reality TwT)
edit: EC said he doesn't mind changing Kei's Reality so I can keep Romeo as a Romantic. Together we're looking over the book again; he's went ahead and picked Struggling as a replacement.
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littjara-mirrorlake · 2 years
Hello! Do u have any headcanons about what phyrexians avtually do in their free time (if they have any)? Or was there a post about this somewhere?
(Sidenote: I may use any concepts we discuss in a ttrpg campaign, but lmk if you'd rather I not do that)
I do! Their society definitely tries to drain them of free time - less unstructured time means fewer chances to rebel - but they do carve out small, secret pleasures. The most obvious is the Furnace, in which artificers are free to perform their craft however they'd like, whether that's functional or artistic or both. Gitaxians might spend a lot of time reading or pursuing their own inquiries. Green spars, black schemes, white worships and meditates.
Not exhaustive though, of course. Anything that humans do in their free time, you'd probably find Phyrexians attempting once in a while.
Of course there's also daily life like sleep (if necessary) and refueling, but I don't know how much that counts.
As a 2.5-year New Phyrexia DM myself, I'd love to hear about your campaigns!
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wannabeyourpapa · 3 months
😭 alright my little duckling you are really making me weepy I swear. It is becoming very soft and domestic over here all of a sudden what is happening. Not that I mind but I guess the domesticity will follow me anywhere.
ngl I will probably go on a hunt for a pattern and do a mock test with yarn I have because I don't have any white or yellow for a duck
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