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captain-price-unofficially · 2 months ago
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Ukrainian BRDM-2 "AC/DC", 2014
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nelc · 7 months ago
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Taxi Tank
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chdkz-veteran · 1 year ago
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>tfw I will never drive around in the BRDM-2 'PsyOps' variant 🥲🥲
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I need some help, what is this supposed to be?
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I didn't get a picture from the back unfortunately :(
BRDM-2, Soviet amphibious armored car, 1962-1989, GAZ
This one is painted in a custom livery, for a purpose I won't mention, for fear of possibly doxxing you, and thus is likely also demilled. (Pictures of a standard BRDM-2 below)
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99% confidence
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sjvllsblog · 2 months ago
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A BRDM-2 used by the Bulgarian contingent taking part in the Iraq War.
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alphatwosix · 5 months ago
Hobby post.
BRDM-2 with SA-9 Gaskin
ZSU-23-4 Shilka
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crazygadgetshere · 6 months ago
FoxHopp BTR-152 Yemeni Conversion
The conversion of a Yemeni ‘guntruck’ based BTR-152 There have also been some less official conversions, such as this Yemeni ‘gun truck’. A steel superstructure was used to enclose a troop compartment, and mount a BPU-1 turret similar to a BRDM-2. This highly detailed conversion kit was designed to convert the Trumpeter BTR 152 family. For ease of construction, assemble the plastic kit around the…
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militaryleak · 1 year ago
Zak?ady Mechaniczne Tarnow Successfully Delivers Upgraded UKM 2000P Machine Guns
Zakłady Mechaniczne Tarnow SA has achieved a significant milestone by fulfilling the first batch of orders for the modified UKM 2000P general-purpose machine guns. The contract for these upgraded firearms was finalized in June of the previous year, with deliveries slated for completion by September 30, 2024. The UKM-2000 (Uniwersalny Karabin Maszynowy, "Universal Machine Gun") stands as a cornerstone of Polish arms manufacturing, crafted and perfected by Zakłady Mechaniczne Tarnów in Tarnów, Poland. Renowned for its prowess, the UKM-2000 serves as the primary general-purpose machine gun (GPMG) across various platforms utilized by the Polish Forces in missions such as those in Afghanistan (including Cougar H, MaxxPro Dash, M-ATV, and Humvee), serving also as a coaxial machine gun in KTO Rosomak and the Polish-modernized BRDM-2. #military #defense #defence #militaryleak #MachineGun
Zak?ady Mechaniczne Tarnow SA has achieved a significant milestone by fulfilling the first batch of orders for the modified UKM 2000P general-purpose machine guns. The contract for these upgraded firearms was finalized in June of the previous year, with deliveries slated for completion by September 30, 2024. The UKM-2000 (Uniwersalny Karabin Maszynowy, “Universal Machine Gun”) stands as a…
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aresdifesa · 1 year ago
Veicoli leggeri da ricognizione LOTR KLESZCZ per l'Esercito Polacco Alla fine del appena concluso mese di febbraio in Polonia è stato sottoscritto l’accordo-quadro per l’acquisto di nuovi veicoli leggeri da ricognizione 4×4 LOTR KLESZCZ per le esigenze dell’Esercito di Varsavia. I nuovi LOTR KLESZCZ sostituiranno i vecchi ed obsoleti BRDM-2 di epoca sovietica nelle unità da ricognizione dell’Esercito Polacco. L’accordo-quadro è stato siglato con AMZ-KUTNO SA ed è relativo alle linee di indirizzo per la conclusione dei successivi contratti di acquisto e relativi capitolati. Il Ministero della Difesa Nazionale Polacca ha indicato un requisito per 286 veicoli leggeri da ricognizione 4×4 con consegne da effettuarsi nel decennio 2025-2035, con il primo
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selfmaderibcageman · 4 months ago
I got (15 of each because this is how they come)
VAB 4x4s (most common APC) and Mephisto (HOT ATGM carrier)
FFT3s TO&E makes a mistake wrt the VABs as they say that the french use the 6x6 ver but actually basically all VABs in french service are the 4x4 variant except for some with the 20mm gun off an amx-10p which are are used for airfield defense.
ERC-90 Sagaie (which I will probably also proxy as AMX-10RCs because I don’t feel like buying separate models, but the ERCs were only historically used by the FRF (like a french MEU))
Some Berliet trucks which are hueg. I guess as artillery tractors. Or just generic Heavy Trucks
Jeep models armed with LMGs/TOWs which I’ll be using as is or as Milan/SS11 carriers. I may just anachronistically let the french use the VBLs… because I bought them by accident.
And finally, for the VDV: some actual TD/armor elements
9P124/122/148 BRDM-2s with AT-2/3/5s (Why no Fagot BRDM? Who knows) (realistically my model may only be accurate for the 124s or 122s because it has that silly roof on the ATGM rack and I don’t think the spandrel BRDM has that
ASU-85s: these are such a silly vehicle but I guess they make perfect sense to have. Stats wise… I dunno. It’s not clear to me that 5 frontal armor is much better than say…. 1. I guess it makes them immune to autocannon fire. Anyway, they have enough pen and range to be a legit threat to any non-tank armored vehicle, and they’re by far the most armored vehicle that you can still airdrop. I think they give the VDV a unique flavor. Wikipedia says they were replaced by the BMD-1 but that doesn’t seem like it’s a replacement to me. Did they just hoof it before this? It still seems like the ASU has a place as a fire support element… though I can definitely see how maybe it’s just better to have more ATGM carriers.
My toys (the rest of my models) came ^_^
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captain-price-unofficially · 5 months ago
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Flipped M113 and sunken BRDM-2 in Ukraine.
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One of the more exotic captures by the Ukrainian Army in Kharkiv region- a ZS-82 loudspeaker vehicle based on the BRDM-2 chassis, Ukraine, 2022. Source:  Ukraine Weapons Tracker
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kevlarii · 3 years ago
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main-battle-tank · 5 years ago
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Polish Army OT-62 TOPAS-2A and BRDM-2, 1970s.
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wntw-virtuemoir-edition · 5 years ago
Alma is crying because she sees Scott's bank account quickly drying up with the amount he's spent since dec '18 & what he will spend by July '20 and knows that when Tessa walks away nov 23, he's going to have a real hard time trying to refill his account on his own. She's worried that scackie will have to move in with her & joe during the summer since they live with her parents in Florida during the winter months.
And bcz she’s worried they’ll have to re-mortgage their house again to help him buy his booze and tobacco products.
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crazygadgetshere · 6 months ago
FoxHopp Models: BRDM-2 Headlight Guards
These are an upgrade over the chunky plastic guards supplied with the Trumpeter BRDM-2.Models . Each set includes; 1x left head light guards 1x right headlightguards 10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010/10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010.10 The guards are a great upgrade to the chunky plastic ones that came with the Trumpeter BRDM-21001010. Each…
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