#brazilian wood depot
brazilianwoods-blog · 8 months
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darda12 · 3 months
Discover the Richness of Exotic Brazilian Wood at Brazilian Wood Depot
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Nestled within the heart of Brazil's lush forests lies a treasure trove of exotic woods, each imbued with unique characteristics and unparalleled beauty. For those seeking to adorn their living spaces with the warmth and elegance of natural materials, look no further than the Brazilian Wood Depot.
Exploring Brazilian Wood Depot
At Brazilian Wood Depot, craftsmanship meets sustainability as they curate a stunning collection of responsibly sourced Brazilian hardwoods. From the rich hues of Brazilian Cherry to the intricate grain patterns of Tigerwood, each type of wood tells a story of the Amazon's biodiversity and the skilled artisans who transform raw materials into works of art.
Features and Offerings
Diverse Selection: Brazilian Wood Depot offers an extensive range of exotic woods, including Cumaru, Ipe, Garapa, and more. Whether you're looking for decking, flooring, siding, or lumber for bespoke furniture, their selection caters to various needs and tastes.
Quality Assurance: With a commitment to excellence, Brazilian Wood Depot ensures that every plank meets stringent quality standards. Their wood undergoes rigorous inspections to guarantee durability, stability, and aesthetic appeal.
Sustainability: As stewards of the environment, Brazilian Wood Depot prioritizes sustainable forestry practices. By partnering with certified suppliers and advocating for responsible harvesting methods, they contribute to the preservation of Brazil's precious rainforests.
Expert Guidance: Choosing the right type of wood can be daunting. Brazilian Wood Depot's team of experts is on hand to provide personalized advice, helping customers navigate the nuances of wood selection, installation, and maintenance.
Convenience: With an easy-to-navigate website and streamlined ordering process, Brazilian Wood Depot ensures a hassle-free experience for customers. Whether you're a homeowner embarking on a DIY project or a contractor managing a large-scale installation, their efficient services cater to all.
Why Choose Brazilian Wood
Durability: Brazilian hardwoods are renowned for their exceptional durability, making them ideal for outdoor decking and high-traffic indoor areas.
Beauty: From the rich, reddish-brown tones of Brazilian Walnut to the golden lustre of Golden Teak, Brazilian wood exudes natural beauty that enhances any space.
Resistance: Many Brazilian wood species possess natural resistance to rot, decay, insects, and moisture, ensuring longevity and low maintenance.
Sustainability: By opting for Brazilian wood from reputable suppliers like Brazilian Wood Depot, you support sustainable forestry practices and contribute to the preservation of the Amazon rainforest.
Transform your living spaces with the timeless elegance of Brazilian hardwoods from Brazilian Wood Depot. With their commitment to quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction, they are your premier destination for exotic wood products. Explore their collection today and embark on a journey of craftsmanship, beauty, and environmental stewardship.
Visit Brazilian Wood Depot to discover the richness of Brazilian wood.
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bwdepot · 3 months
 Elevate Your Space: Cumaru Decking Adds Style and Strength to Your Home's Deck
Your home's deck is more than just an outdoor space; it's an extension of your living area, a place where memories are made and moments are cherished. To truly elevate this space, you need a decking material that not only adds style but also offers strength and durability. Cumaru decking emerges as the perfect solution, seamlessly combining elegance and robustness to transform your deck into a stunning outdoor oasis.
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Aesthetic Excellence
Cumaru decking, also known as Brazilian Teak, boasts a natural beauty that instantly enhances the visual appeal of any outdoor setting. Its rich, warm tones and intricate grain patterns create a sense of timeless elegance that adds sophistication to your deck. Whether you're hosting a summer barbecue or enjoying a quiet evening under the stars, Cumaru sets the stage for unforgettable moments with its captivating beauty.
Unrivaled Strength
Beyond its aesthetic appeal, Cumaru decking is prized for its exceptional strength. Originating from the dense forests of South America, Cumaru is naturally resistant to rot, decay, and insect damage, making it an ideal choice for outdoor applications. Whether your deck faces harsh sunlight, heavy rainfall, or constant foot traffic, Cumaru remains resilient, maintaining its structural integrity and beauty for years to come.
Elevating Sustainability
In addition to its style and strength, Cumaru decking Brazilian Wood Depot  also an environmentally conscious choice. Sourced from responsibly managed forests, Cumaru is harvested in a manner that ensures the long-term health of the ecosystem. By opting for Cumaru for your home's deck, you're making a sustainable choice that supports eco-friendly practices and contributes to the preservation of natural resources.
Low Maintenance, High Impact
Despite its luxurious appearance, Cumaru decking requires minimal maintenance to keep it looking its best. Routine cleaning and occasional oiling are all that's needed to preserve its natural beauty and prolong its lifespan. This low maintenance requirement means more time spent enjoying your deck and less time worrying about upkeep, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the beauty and tranquility of your outdoor space.
Versatile Design Options
Cumaru decking offers homeowners a high degree of versatility in design, allowing for personalized expression and customization. Whether you prefer a modern, sleek aesthetic or a rustic, traditional look, Cumaru can be tailored to suit your style preferences. Its timeless elegance serves as a canvas for creativity, enabling you to create a deck that reflects your unique taste and personality.
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In conclusion, Cumaru decking is the ultimate choice for homeowners looking to elevate their outdoor space with style and strength. With its aesthetic excellence, unrivaled strength, sustainability credentials, low maintenance requirements, and versatile design options, Cumaru decking transforms your home's deck into a luxurious retreat where you can relax, entertain, and create cherished memories for years to come. Embrace the beauty and durability of Cumaru decking and elevate your space to new heights of elegance and sophistication.
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Did you just make a huge purchase on a new home?! Not to worry my friend because this is such an exciting time for you and your family. As a new homeowner, you may be feeling overwhelmed with the many things you want to get done. Besides the tasks of moving, making your home feel comfortable and attempting to get everything that you can do before going back to work- yes it’s a lot! If you have an hour or only a few days to start or at least finish a few of these projects, it’ll make your life a little easier. The best part of doing a few of these is that some only take a few hours to do but will save you a lot of time down the road. 
Paint - One of the biggest and simple transformations for new homeowners is to paint their home. This can take time depending on the size of the room so my suggestion would be to go small and take your time. Visit a paint store and have someone help you pick out various colors that you want to paint the room. Grab your samples and paint a small section of the wall with the color to get a better idea of if you like it or not. Once you find your paint color, start with big strokes and take your time with painting. 
Add a bold stair runner - Another big transformation that may be an expensive thing is adding a stair runner! While it may be a lot of money to help your stairs have a good grip, adding carpet can be too expensive to do right when you move in! Take just two off the shelf woven runners, a few supplies from a home center and you can upgrade your stairs with a non-slip upgrade in just minutes! Whatever you choose to do, I’d make a statement with the stair runner and show off your personality with it. Think a fun runner with a pop of color or exciting print. Whatever your choice, it’s a great conversation starter as your guests enter your new home. 
Image: Brazilian Wood Depot
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Build a fence - If you think your backyard needs a fence, one of the first things you’ll need to do is get a permit from the city to be allowed to build it. Look into the building materials carefully. If you are thinking of having a wood fence, there are several different types to choose one. Look at one that will last a long time and be compatible with your lifestyle. Brazilian Wood Depot offers quality fences including composite deck boards to help with this decision. They also have a lot of professional tips they could offer as well if you had questions. Once you have the wood, you need to find out where your property line is and review any fence plans with neighbors. Figure out where your gate will be and measure the perimeter of the area to get a total linear footage. 
Throw Away The Water Bottles -Did you know that there are millions of households that have switched to bottled drinking water because of their concerns over the taste of their tap water? The problem exists because of where our water comes from, which is the ground well. But there is an easier way and a more inexpensive way to get clean fresh drinking water. What’s that? Install an under-sink water filtration system! While this may seem like a huge DIY thing to do, you should hire a professional to install but it’s one of the best home improvement projects to get done right away for you and your loved ones! 
Now that you have an idea of a few projects to help around your new home, which ones do you think you’ll want to start with first? Just remember that all of these items do not need to get done the second you move into your home ( cough cough, the painting ) and you really want to be happy with all of your decisions so my biggest piece of advice would be to take your time and go through each room of your home to think of what you want to do. 
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riannagalvez · 2 years
Homeowner's Travel Checklist | Brazilian Wood Depot
Homeowner’s Travel Checklist | Brazilian Wood Depot
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Brazilian Wood Depot
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BWD is not just a website. We are real people with real inventory. Our physical address is at the bottom of every page on this site and while it’s not necessary to visit in person, you are welcome to drop by anytime. Many online vendors are just individuals with no physical inventory. Do you really want to place your order with someone who will shop your order around to find the lowest priced lumber regardless of quality or service? We are experts at providing the finest hardwood decking, fasteners and finishes at the best prices in the United States AND we ship orders from our own stock in Atlanta, Georgia. Buying your hardwood decking from Brazilian Wood Depot ensures that you will receive the highest quality products and support for your money. In addition to our superior shipping practices, the grade and milling of the lumber is equally, if not more, important. BWD only sells Premium Grade lumber with Premium Milling under the RealWood brand.
6770 Buford Highway NE
Monday—Friday: 7am - 3:30pm
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bevoncrane42-blog · 4 years
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I don't know about every other person, yet we believe that hardwood outside furniture is essentially delightful. In contrast to different materials, (for example, created iron or cast aluminum), wood yard furniture just looks regular and whenever put into the correct environmental factors, appears to mix into the earth. We are amidst picking new lawn yard furniture and wood is at the head of our rundown. Fashioned iron tends to rust and is extremely weighty while projected aluminum is decent, I don't feel like it would glance fitting in our yard/deck region. We have attempted to go with a more normal setting - wellspring, vegetable nursery, stone pathway, and so forth and feel like hardwood furniture accommodates our general stylistic theme better than some other open air furniture would. The genuine inquiry is - Which wood will last the longest? Do we purchase a set or go with singular pieces? Where to get it at? Lowes? Home Depot? Walmart? What amount will it cost? These are everything sensible inquiries that require to be tended to and will be in our guide down beneath.
The principal thing you have to settle on is the thing that kind of wood do you need for your furnishings - birch, cedar, cypress, mahogany, teak, oak, pine, Brazilian cherry. Regardless of what sort of wood you pick, remember you can recolor it or even paint it in the event that you need. Birch is a hard wood and specialists state it's ideal for those that need something that isn't just solid yet solid. The nectar shading is very alluring, despite the fact that it's conceivable to recolor it. Cedar is maybe the most mainstream wood type - one explanation is on the grounds that cedar is impervious to creepy crawly harm and can hold up well in terrible climate atmospheres. Whenever kept up, cedar outside furniture can last as long as 25 years. Cypress porch furniture won't split or rot as promptly as different woods and whenever painted, will look similarly as noteworthy. 
Mahogany is another choice, despite the fact that we discovered next to no choice for this kind of wood furniture in our pursuit. Brazilian cherry has incredible toughness (can last up 25 years) so that is the reason numerous property holders think about it. The wood is extremely thick and has an attribute of being climate safe. Teak was a wood we likewise considered (see Teak yard furniture here), albeit at last we decided to go with cedar. After you have picked the wood, at that point you have to pick either a hardwood furniture open air set or maybe simply purchase singular pieces like seats, chaise lounges, hassocks, tables, and even benches.Most individuals go with a yard set (table and seats) versus the single pieces. 
You can go with a basic bistro table and 2 seats or pick something more amazing and extravagent like a nursery 7 piece feasting set with rectangular table. We discovered many alternatives accessible online at . Understand audits, look at costs, and see photographs. You can peruse the top of the line wood porch furniture sets online here. VIFAH and Strathwood are 2 trustworthy names who make rich eating sets for porches, decks, and nursery settings. Regular wood completes are the standard, yet most can be recolored on the off chance that you incline toward an alternate tint. A few of the sets we discovered are made with High Density Eucalyptus (Shorea) - this kind of wood does well in every single climate condition.
Yard furniture doesn't need to be purchased as a set. A few mortgage holders are searching for teak seats, cedar yard swings, hardwood chaise lounges for poolside unwinding, or tables and seats for night suppers in the lawn. Cedar and teak are the most mainstream decisions, in spite of the fact that as noted above, numerous different sorts of wood are conceivable. View top of the line hardwood yard furniture here. Adirondack seat sets are consistently an agreeable answer for porch or deck conditions. 
You can get a couple for about $200. A conventional chaise relax (hardwood) from Strathwood runs about $100 and eating tables can be a few $100. A considerable lot of the seats have pads you can purchase that will make them significantly more comfortable. At last, the atmosphere you live in will assume a significant function in what kind of wood you go with. No sense in purchasing oak or pine in the event that you live in a locale that gets loads of dampness. Deal with any furniture you buy and on the off chance that you can, spread it up in the winter months when colder, soggy climate hits.
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quinndominic90109 · 4 years
Outdoor Garden Bench
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When decorating your front or outside, installing a bench can not handiest be sensible however it provides fashion as well. Outdoor benches move amazing on patios, under arbors, on lawns, and in landscaped areas just for seems. Garden benches make outstanding accessory pieces around your home and they arrive in such a lot of special styles, you can't move wrong. We lately did a domestic improvement project in our outdoor and i'm not the most avid diy form of home owner but i used to be able to do simple landscaping with pavers and put in a nice park bench that topped off the venture. We had wanted to put up an arbor between  bushes and placed pavers down underneath with a pleasing outside bench below the arbor. I did not comprehend all of the varities and styles that have been available until i walked into domestic depot and felt a bit beaten by means of the method.
 I right away got here back domestic and did a few research on-line to discover just what makes an excellent lawn bench (substances, hardware, finish, and many others). I have prepare a easy shopping for manual down underneath followed by using famous garden benches based totally on consumer reviews. Buying manual - the primary aspect to bear in mind are the one of a kind sorts of benches you could choose from - outside, backless, lawn, potting, garage, arbor, kids, and so forth. Timber types for garden benches usually consist of white cedar, purple cedar, brazilian pine, brazilian cherry, poplar, rubberwood, beech, birch ply, teak, oak, fiberboard, and asian hardwoods. 
Others are made with metal frames or forged iron move weave styles. Recycled plastic will come up with a totally long lasting bench (frequently for commerical purposes). Garage benches double as a sitting bench and an area to hold outside toys and lawn tools. Solid stone and urban benches are less practical for sitting on, however provide the danger to customize them with written expressions or quotes. Timber out of doors benches are the maximum famous type available as they keep up nicely to weather with the right end. If you are going to feature a cushion to the bench, make sure you save it throughout the wintry weather months so no damage takes place to the material. For a completely ornamental appearance,
 keep in mind an arbor bench with a view to will let you sit proper under your favored plant life. Around outside lakes or ponds, a backless bench makes the proper compliment to an already serene atmosphere. There are a few indoor benches as properly that tend to move in the front entryways or close to corridor timber. You may find restrained critiques of outside benches  and epinions, however we opt to do our bench shopping at benches. Their choice is top rate and additionally they provide client critiques on their products providing you with the consumer a few instantaneous feedback on blessings or disadvantages to each model. With such a lot of varities of outdoor benches to choose from, we've tried to encompass handiest the maximum famous product in every category below. Wherein feasible we've consist of the charge and website wherein you should buy it. 
You can also visit any domestic development shop like lowes or domestic depot to see their selection in man or woman. For many people this is the wiser desire because then you could sincerely take a seat on the bench and sense how relaxed it is. Make certain to invite any shop clerk what form of timber is fine acceptable for your climate/weather. Maximum garden benches variety in charge from $75 to $400. Anyone ought to possibly use a classic searching lawn bench of their yards, and the name of the game garden bench ($250) at the benches internet site fits the mildew. It's made with red cedar so that you comprehend it's long lasting and rot resistant. The brass hardware and staples that hold this bench together will now not reason any corrosion keeping your bench looking new for years. 
The red cedar has been preserved with herbal oils and you can paint or stain the bench in case you want. Specialists agree that western crimson cedar is one of the exceptional out of doors wood substances you can purchase and the natural aroma to pink cedar acts as an insect repellent as well. The load ability on this lawn bench is six hundred lbs and the general weight of the real bench is 38 pounds. The seat dimensions are fifty four 1/2 inches in duration and 18 inches deep. It's indexed as a top vendor at the website and you may get free ground shipping. 
Excellent - we discovered the strathwood all-climate hardwood bench because the pinnacle seller  and it comes in 2 or 3 seater styles. The excessive density kapur hardwood is long lasting and best for any backyard. It's comfortable too with a slightly curved back. Seeking out a reproduction of a park bench to put in your backyard? The crossweave park bench ($100) comes about as near as feasible with cast iron framework inside the backrest. 
The seat has contoured wood for a cozy seated position and the asian hardwood seems brilliant. Owners say this bench will spotlight any patio or yard and springs in available whilst you need an extra seat throughout out of doors unique. Many customers point out that the assembly directions had been difficult to comply with and a strength drill could be helpful. We discovered a comparable model in our nearby costplus shop that changed into already constructed that become promoting for $75. Test your nearby stores for bargains.
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123designsrq · 5 years
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A concrete grill start autumn with and of course BBQ months are at its peak! However with winter barely nearby, I know everybody wants to obtain our stomach’s price of grilling done prior to the cold truly takes hold, also it appears such as the Brazilian brand Noori has made the decision to provide us a helping hands. If you were enticed to purchase an up-to-date form of your old Bbq, well hold your horses because Noori’s multipurpose stove, the V01 model will do all of it for you personally. It truely does work not just like a rocket stove but because a bbq, pizza oven, and fire bowl. From ribs, burgers, hotdogs to wood-fired pizza, the V01 functions like a versatile oven for those occasions. The muse behind the merchandise ended up being to take us to a period when “cooking with fire was fundamentally in our rituals”. Contemporary, compact and simply portable the V01 comprises a rounded bullet-like body modeled from heat- resistant refractory concrete. An L-shape enamel pipe transports the fuel with the body from the stove towards the grilling surface. The multipurpose stove optimizes the combustion of fuel, allowing us to totally skip on the undesirable smoke that slithers out throughout the cooking process. The bottom includes wheels, allowing us to simply transport, store and arrange the stove with respect to the occasion and also the location. “The goal ended up being to design an item in which a ragu, a feijoada, a pasta, a pizza, grilled vegetables, and meat might be prepared,” Eduardo Gayotto, the designer behind Noori added. “We desired to break using the limitations of the standard barbecue.” And as possible begin to see the featured highlight 0f V01 remains it’s modularity. Noori can be used a permaculture vertical ‘Rocket Stove’ or the concrete grill. The wood-burning stove, aided with being able to ensure complete fuel combustion, may be used to prepare various recipes with diverse cooking utensils for example pans, casseroles along with other stovetop dishes. However, you are able to amp your cooking sessions with the addition of charcoal towards the mix or simply by mixing wood and charcoal, which transforms the stove right into a ‘Churrasqueira’ or perhaps a BBQ. A cover having a built-in temperature gauge may be used to prepare smoked food. A mix of different forest may be used to boost the flavor from the food although it sears around the grate. Most likely my personal favorite utilization of the Noori V01 is it functions like a pizza oven! Traditional wood pizza ovens could be bulky and cumbersome, and never something you can devote our homes, therefore, the portable Noori will certainly be considered a fan favorite! It comes with a Noori pizza disk, that you can use to organize a pizza within 4 minutes. You discard the central element and put the pizza disk around the stove top, which could warm up to 750 levels F, based upon just how much wood you utilize as fuel. Not to mention last although not minimal, it works as a wood fire bowl in the shape of a concrete grill, starting to warm up the very coldest of days. It may burn both wood and charcoal. The entire refractory body may be used to burn wood, whereas the toned-lower version involving just the burner functions like a charcoal burner. A 4 in 1 grill with higher looks and simple portability to fall back upon? I believe I understand things i want for Christmas this season! best grills 2019 best propane grills 2019 best grill brands best grills under 500 best grills under 500 consumer reports best gas grills under $1000 best gas grills 2019 best grills at home depot Read the full article
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dnodes18 · 5 years
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New Hardwood Flooring for a Full Home Renovation https://ift.tt/2JuYRxh
New floors are essential to a full home renovation. With an array of flooring options to choose from at The Home Depot, Sabrina Molu of Simply Sabrina was able to find just the right hardwood flooring to give her current home a brand new look and feel.
Renovating Our Space
When we bought our home 4 years ago, we knew this would be our 3-5 year house. As with all good things, time flew by and we soon found ourselves at a crossroads. Our small 1800-square-foot house was cute and cozy, but sometimes impractical – especially if we ever wanted to expand our family in this home.
After reviewing comps of what we wanted in the area, we knew that our best bet would be to reinvest into our current space. We could make some dramatic changes for us to spend another 3-5 years here, plus help with resale value.
Out with the Old Floors
When we decided to “love” our home instead of “list it,” there was a laundry list of “must haves” for our new space. Aside from the obvious things like a larger kitchen and redone master bathroom, we also considered the flooring.
The previous owners of our house swapped out the original hardwoods for a Brazilian redwood floor. Sounds great in theory, but resulted in us having three different color floors for each level of the house, which bothered me so much. You know those irrational things that bother you and no one else? That was the three different floor shades for me. Every time I stood at the foot of the stairs and saw the different floors, it drove me crazy.
In with the New Hardwood
We considered all of our flooring options and The Home Depot was the best place to do it. I knew that I wanted something durable, natural and trendy. Ultimately, we ended up with the Malibu Wide Plank French Oak, but there are a ton of things we had to consider before making the final decision.
Choosing the Right Floor Type
Flooring styles can get outdated so quickly if you aren’t careful. We explored the least expensive option to the most expensive option and everything in between. The contractors were told upfront that due to the varying colors, staining would be out of the question. We both loved having hardwood floors, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t an investment. We explored so many different types of flooring; from bamboo to laminate, and even a short stint looking into wood-style tile, but ultimately we knew we wanted true hardwood flooring.
Complementing a Modern Space
Once that decision was made, the tough part was actually picking out the right hardwood floors. We went back and forth nearly two dozen times on light v. dark colors, and ultimately ended up with a neutral medium. With the design aesthetic of the house being modern timeless, we really wanted the floors to complement the space, instead of the other way around.
Choosing to install Malibu Wide Plank French Oak floors was the best decision and we could not be happier. There was a slight grey tint to the otherwise neutral wood with natural markings that made it the perfect base for our home.
Keeping the home gender neutral was so important for us. When we first decorated our home, we were in the midst of planning for the wedding with both of us in busy career periods. We ordered pieces from different websites and tried to make them flow once they arrived. Clearly, that was not the right way to go about things.
This time around, Sahir and I were equally involved in every decision that went into the house. From the hardwood floors and color to the light fixtures. We wanted to make sure that we built a home that we both loved and that spoke to our taste equally.
Adding Finishing Touches
Once our new floors were in place, our next order of business was picking out this rug for our kitchen. I was a little worried that this is where our taste would collide, but instead it was such an easy experience. We used the filters on The Home Depot website and searched rugs by size and color and within 5 minutes fell in love with the one that we added to our home.
If you’re looking to update the floors in your home, now’s the time as The Home Depot has the latest trends in flooring (including area rugs!) at great prices – check out other hardwood flooring highlights here.
The post New Hardwood Flooring for a Full Home Renovation appeared first on The Home Depot Blog.
Sabrina Molu
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darda12 · 3 months
Enhance Your Outdoor Oasis with Garapa Decking
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Transform your outdoor living space into a luxurious retreat with Garapa decking, a premier choice for homeowners seeking elegance and durability. Originating from South America, Garapa wood boasts a rich golden hue and a sleek, straight grain, elevating the aesthetic appeal of any patio or deck.
Garapa decking is revered for its sophisticated appearance, radiating warmth and charm that seamlessly complements various architectural styles, from contemporary to traditional. Its smooth texture and clean lines exude a timeless elegance, making it the perfect backdrop for alfresco gatherings or quiet moments of relaxation.
Beyond its captivating beauty, Garapa decking stands out for its unparalleled durability and strength. As one of the hardest hardwood species available, it effortlessly withstands the rigors of outdoor elements, foot traffic, and impact, ensuring longevity without compromising on style. With inherent resistance to decay, insects, and weathering, Garapa decking offers homeowners a low-maintenance solution for preserving the allure of their outdoor sanctuary.
Choosing Garapa decking also reflects a commitment to sustainability. Sourced from responsibly managed forests in South America, Garapa wood is harvested using eco-friendly practices that promote forest conservation and protect precious ecosystems. Unlike synthetic alternatives, Garapa decking is biodegradable, reducing environmental impact and promoting a greener future for generations to come.
Installation of Garapa decking is a breeze, requiring standard woodworking tools and fasteners for a seamless fit. Its versatility allows for effortless customization, empowering homeowners to create bespoke designs that reflect their unique style and preferences. With guidance from trusted suppliers like Brazilian Wood Depot, renowned for their expertise and quality products, homeowners can embark on their decking project with confidence.
Maintenance of Garapa decking is hassle-free, requiring only occasional cleaning with mild soap and water to preserve its natural allure. Applying a protective sealer enhances longevity and shields the wood from the elements, ensuring years of enjoyment without compromise.
In conclusion, Garapa decking is the epitome of luxury and sophistication, offering homeowners a timeless investment in their outdoor living space. With its unparalleled beauty, durability, and sustainability, Garapa decking from Brazilian Wood Depot is the premier choice for discerning homeowners seeking to enhance their outdoor oasis.
Visit Brazilian Wood Depot for premium Garapa decking and expert guidance.
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dianehoffmaster · 4 years
This post about projects to upgrade your home has been sponsored by the Brazilian Wood Depot. All opinions are my own. Looking for cool home improvement projects this month? There are dozens of house upgrades you can tackle that will add value and make your space more enjoyable. There are a number of changes you […]
The post Projects To Upgrade Your Home to Add Value and Curb Appeal appeared first on Suburbia Unwrapped.
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vicostoness · 4 years
The True Meaning of Quartz Countertop Overlay
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Quartz Countertop Overlay for Dummies
The quantity of quartz added during the manufacturing procedure decides the high quality and endurance of this tiling material. This combination allows for a substantial selection of colors with the look very similar to natural stone. It allows a much wider range of colors than you'll find in natural stones such as marble or granite. There are endless choices to decide on this type. It makes a place to assemble and relish at first. Take a look at local depot and internet stores so that you will know what's available and get yourself a very good deal for your wealth. These Brazilian stones are well-known for their sumptuous wine colours. As it happens, among the factors behind the prevalence of the quartz tile is its strength. Ceramic or porcelain tile is a good choice, but again granite slab or granite tile countertops is going to be the best option for long-term durability and very low maintenance. Needless to say, the installation location will impact the type, frequency and intensity of usage. If you would like to attain this aesthetic, steer clear of dark oaks. In addition, this is perfect for when you wish to get an ocean-themed cooking space because blue, white, and a bit of green from indoor plants can cause you to really feel like you're in the Caribbean. The above were the principal brands on the industry, but fortunately, they aren't the only ones as some other brands deliver great quality and do so at inexpensive prices, which is among the reasons why some professionals would rather work with them. There are lots of myths surrounding quartz tiles in the united kingdom and many of them revolve around quality. The very first and the foremost attractive feature of is it can be set up either in an industrial space or it may be set up at homes. Like the other neutral colors mentioned previously, it is ideal to pair with nearly every decor of your selection. Again, you obtain a number of neutral tones that blend well with different colours and interior design genres. This color may also help you accomplish a granite-look effect for your kitchen.
All About Quartz Countertop Overlay
Choosing colors is a vital portion of designing a house and a kitchen countertop isn't an exception. The massive collection means you're spoilt for choice and will find it simple to choose the ideal tile for your house. You might want to have a kitchen with a no-fuss, no-mess feeling to it. This guide can help you get an overall idea about what you may expect when it comes to costs as soon as it regards the purchase and installation of a quartz countertop. All of the aforementioned ideas would be quite beneficial for you in selecting the best combination for your cherry kitchen cabinets. Be certain you check rules and ideas for each one of these techniques before attempting. White Portland is the sole way to acquire a really white concrete countertop. This finish may have an enormous effect on the last look of the concrete countertop. For some folks, the price of quartz may not look to be a bargain in the bathroom when compared to granite or marble, especially if the bathroom is small. Tile is the hurry for the chance of kitchen backsplash suggestions for granite countertops. They have become very popular among homeowners who are looking for a change in their kitchens. Granite countertops have reigned among the most well-known choices for a reason. You can't allocate funds every 2 years for keeping the pavement in a very good condition. All these ought to be considered prior making a last decision. All of us prefer to purchase products which endure for quite a long time and are durable.
Key Pieces of Quartz Countertop Overlay
Quartz countertops also won't develop dips or depressions as time passes, which means they will continue to appear great for a long time to come. It is usually cheaper than granite. It is a type of silicate mineral. Post application the grout ought to be sealed employing a penetrating sealer to keep them from absorbing stains. In terms of the wood's finish, it must be smooth. Our grey quartz tiles supply the great middle ground. Purchasing granite or quartz from a respectable seller with good guarantees is essential. 1 distributor will provide you a price that has the installation while another keeps it separate. It is possible to get them from the neighborhood merchants and make sure the quality is high. Read the full article
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: Hollywood on the Hudson: At Home in Upstate, New York, with Amanda Pays and Corbin Bernsen
Weve been following Amanda Pays and Corbin Bernsen for years as they leapfrogged around LA. Amanda is an actress-turned-interior designer who has been on a decades-long remodeling tear. Her style is pleasingly simple, sustainable (since before it was a buzzword), and thrifty: see, for instance, Backyard Bunkhouse and11 Money-Saving Strategies from a Hollywood House Flipper. Her partner in the overhauling business is her husband: theyve lived in 25 places in their 31 years of marriage (along the way, they had four sons), and Corbinthough busy acting, writing, and running his own production companyis a Star Handyman.
After being MIA for a while, they recently resurfaced: When Finley, the youngest of our four, graduated high school and took off for NYC, Corbin and I looked at each other and agreed it was time for another adventure, she wrote.Our book, Open House, had just been released, so we decided to sell up in LA and take a book-signing drive across the country in search of our next project. They made it all the way to the Hudson Valley, where Amandas old friend Priscilla Woolworth has resettled, along with a surprising number of other LA defectors. After experiencing their familys first white Christmas, they decided to stay put.
They knew exactly what to do next: find a structure waiting to be given the Amanda/Corbin treatment. After four weeks of real estate hunting, they bought an 1880s little farmhouse in Germantown, New York, that needed everything. They camped out in a loft rental in nearby Hudson, found a local contractor, and started the demo. Weather dictates a lot here, which was an eye opener for us coming from Californiaand also learning that life has a slower pace here; love that, says Amanda. Heres what the place looks like a year later.
Photography by Amanda Westby, unless noted.
Above: Corbin and Amanda and sons at their new residence (the photo was taken by their oldest sons girlfriend and became this years holiday card). Hands-on creativity runs in the family: two sons work as art directors/production designers in LA., another is in the start-up side of tech, and the youngest is at NYU film school.
The couple bought the house from third-generation owners (who live nearby and were selling when their mother passed away). It had been pale yellow with a front door that was purple and white with a bit of turquoise thrown in, says Amanda. Its now painted a greenish-charcoal called Deep River and the door is Grand Canyon Red, both from Benjamin Moore. Upstate gentrifiers have been accused of defaulting to noirish exteriors, but Amanda defends the choice: its a classic color that draws attention to the architecture and looks great against the backdrop of all these seasons. Plus for every dark house, there are ten white farmhouses around here. Photograph by Jessica Dube.
Above: The couplehes 65, she just turned 60say they love their new surroundings and plan to stay upstate. Theyve become part of a community thats big on bartering: Amanda Westby, co-owner of Alder & Co, employs Amanda as a model in exchange for clothes (Amanda also took most of the photos shown here), and Amanda says she recently gave her doctors husband remodeling advice for medical care.
Im continually struck by the adventure of this new experience and discovering an entire life so different from palm trees, beaches, convertibles, and eternal sunshine, Corbin recently wrote on Facebook. My biggest problem, I guess, if Im allowed to go there, is that I have tons of time to think without all the distractions that Im used to.And when the snow falls, its even more quiet than the normal quiet that Im getting used to. You can hear your heartbeat, literally or perhaps thats the shoveling of snow forcing blood through my veins.
Above: The back doors and basement bulkhead are also Benjamin Moore Grand Canyon Red: I knew if I was going with dark monotone windows, I had to find a place to uplift, says Amanda.
She learned about remodeling historic houses from her father, who was an actor-turned agent and the original house flipper in the family: I grew up in southeast England, and he used to drag me around to look at properties and would ask my opinion. So the whole house buying, fixing-up, reselling thing came from my childhood. And Corbin, coincidentally, learned carpentry from his mother and uncle.
Above: The front door opens to the original staircase: as it was, the door banged into the stair, says Corbin. We fixed that and had to reproduce some of thebalusters. Above: Much of the art and furnishings have traveled with the couple from house to house. (Corbin has become a master packer and uses Pods as an economical way to move households.) Amanda bought the paintinga 1951 work by Brazilian Constructivist Lygia Clark30 years ago while filming a movie in Brazil. The zinc umbrella and cane holder is a long ago LA swap meet purchase.
Amanda tells us: Weve been at this practically since our first date, when Corbin showed me his house that he had just finished himself, and I said, I think were going to have to make some changes. It was full-blown Santa Fe-style and needed some tweaking and layeringsome soul. The English in me came out, and thats when we started blending our styles, and buying and selling things.
Above: We went down to the studs and nothing else, says Corbin of the 1,700 square foot interior. This is the equivalent of a bionic house. Explains Amanda: We replaced or added: HVAC, all plumbing, all electric, insulation, new drywall, bathrooms, and the kitchen.
Their most dramatic move was to open up the main floor and introduce oak beams throughout that are both structural (the ones shown here) and cosmetic. The floor is the original sub floors stripped and sealed with Pure Matte Finish from Vermont Natural Coatings.
Above: The vintage Franklin stove came from Hoffmans Barn in Red Hook, NY. The walls throughout are painted with lime wash from Portola in LA. Amanda had the curtains stitched from canvas drop cloths (each is a hemmed single panel).
I like a neutral balance, so drop cloths always work, she says. I usually make them into shades, but you hardly notice these curtains, and in the winter you can pull them shut to make the room feel warmer.
Above: The living space opens to a roomy dining area and kitchen. The cabinets are Ikeawith Ikeas vertical-groovedHittarp fronts in an off-white lacquer that Amanda painted herself. This isnt something they recommend, but it worked well: even the chipping looks authentic. I used a heavy Kilz primerno sandingfollowed by two coats of Benjamin Moore Chelsea Gray in a satin finish.
Amanda found the center island marble slab on Craigs List for $150 and drove two hours in a U-Haul to get it.
Above: The dining table is one of several pieces that the couple found during their first pilgrimage to the Brimfield flea market. We arrived in the rain witha list of items we needed, including maximum and minimum measurements for each piece, says Amanda.
Corbin bought the tablemaybe originally a schoolhouse piece, definitely Europeanusing money he had saved from the many years his mother tucked bills in his Christmas stocking. I finally realized I dont have to worry about never having a buck in my hand, and decided to honor my late mother with a table that we love.
Above: The counters are butcher block from Ikea and Amanda finished the cabinets with painted wood knobs she bought at Home Depot. The Kitchen Aid stove and other appliances are also from Home Depot: I go when theyre having a buy two get the third free sale. Above: The aluminum hooks in the back entry came from a favorite hardware/antiques store in La Bisbal, Spain, within driving distance of their vacation house, A Fixed-Up Farm in the South of Francethe one project they say theyll never sell.
Recognize the dog painting? We doit appeared in Remodelista: The Organized Home and our postAmanda Pays and Corbin Bernsen Air Their Dirty Laundry.
Above: The moody back room with new built-in bookshelves is the library/TV room and Corbins home office. The lime wash here proved tricky: the couples two oldest sons drove the paint across the country and it froze along the way. When they painted this room, it was streaky and lumpy in parts, says Corbin. I came back from LA with more paint and went over it. I didnt finish but realized it looked right: we like patched-together rather than perfect.
The Emmy is Corbins mothers lifetime achievement awardJeanne Cooper, the grande dame of daytime, was on The Young and The Restless for 40 years, and played Corbins mother on LA Law.
Above: Amanda notes that the cold climate has inspired her to get back into pillows and blankets draped on sofas, and even living with stuff: its about feeling cozy. She got the sofa and chair at the Hammertown Barn in nearby Pine Plains: Theyre from the summer tent sale: I was the first in line at 7 am. Above: The lime-washed powder room is two-toned, another signature touch of Amandas. The Little Bo Peep collage was a recent surprise gift: One of the original owners came by and said, My mother made this tapestry piece and Id like it to remain in the house.' Above: Amandas deskpurchased for $150 at a local auctionis set in a bay on the side of the house. Most of the windows are original and have beautiful glass that ripples, she says. I hung bird feeders right outside, so I can watch the birds as I work. Above: There are three bedrooms upstairs. The red painting, by Peter Aspell, is another fave that goes with us from house to house. Above: The master bedroom has a conceptual headboard: Amanda dragged home from a walk along the Hudson River near their house. In lieu of doors, she enclosed the closets with curtains made from a Les Indiennes print purchased at the companys Hudson, NY, shop. It a very informal little house; curtains lend a relaxed feeling and they dont take up any room. Above: Corbins guitar in a corner of the guest room.The upstairs floors are painted Benjamin Moore Wrought Iron. The reclaimed beams used throughout came from The Hudson Companyand from sellers on Craigs List. Above: The rebuilt upstairs bath has a new-old look. The tub, along with three sinks, came from Hoffmans Barn: Amanda and Corbin hauled them to a local refinisher (but left the exterior of the tub stripped). The painted floors and beams extend appear here, too: Our contractor said, you cant have wood in the bath, and we said, Yes you can,'says Amanda. Above: The houses ceramic doorknobs are original. The giant medicine cabinet next to the sink is one of the couples Brimfield finds: its an antique jelly cupboard that came with decoupaged doors: Amanda whitewashed it and then tackled our kitchen cabinets, says Corbin.
Whats next? Amanda reports that theyre looking for a larger place in the area to tackle nextwed like to have enough room for the whole family and friendsand some rescue donkeys and goats The plan is to keep this house and down the line rent it out. I want to host people in cool environments, while I go gray and grow veggies, says Amanda.
More upstate style:
Architect Visit: A Dutchess County Farmhouse Transformed
Hudson Valley Hues: At Home with an Inventive Textile Designer
Saved from Abandonment: A Historic Farmhouse Receives the Ultimate Make-Under
And for many places to stay in the area, consult to our Design Travel posts.
Arplis - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Arplis-News/~3/PN5ELNENLE8/hollywood-on-the-hudson-at-home-in-upstate-new-york-with-amanda-pays-and-corbin-bernsen
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whatsyourhours-blog · 5 years
Make sure you tell Brazilian Wood Depot that you saw their listing on WhatsYourHours.com
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jonasjjackson · 5 years
New Hardwood Flooring for a Full Home Renovation
New floors are essential to a full home renovation. With an array of flooring options to choose from at The Home Depot, Sabrina Molu of Simply Sabrina was able to find just the right hardwood flooring to give her current home a brand new look and feel.
Renovating Our Space
When we bought our home 4 years ago, we knew this would be our 3-5 year house. As with all good things, time flew by and we soon found ourselves at a crossroads. Our small 1800-square-foot house was cute and cozy, but sometimes impractical – especially if we ever wanted to expand our family in this home.
After reviewing comps of what we wanted in the area, we knew that our best bet would be to reinvest into our current space. We could make some dramatic changes for us to spend another 3-5 years here, plus help with resale value.
Out with the Old Floors
When we decided to “love” our home instead of “list it,” there was a laundry list of “must haves” for our new space. Aside from the obvious things like a larger kitchen and redone master bathroom, we also considered the flooring.
The previous owners of our house swapped out the original hardwoods for a Brazilian redwood floor. Sounds great in theory, but resulted in us having three different color floors for each level of the house, which bothered me so much. You know those irrational things that bother you and no one else? That was the three different floor shades for me. Every time I stood at the foot of the stairs and saw the different floors, it drove me crazy.
In with the New Hardwood
We considered all of our flooring options and The Home Depot was the best place to do it. I knew that I wanted something durable, natural and trendy. Ultimately, we ended up with the Malibu Wide Plank French Oak, but there are a ton of things we had to consider before making the final decision.
Choosing the Right Floor Type
Flooring styles can get outdated so quickly if you aren’t careful. We explored the least expensive option to the most expensive option and everything in between. The contractors were told upfront that due to the varying colors, staining would be out of the question. We both loved having hardwood floors, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t an investment. We explored so many different types of flooring; from bamboo to laminate, and even a short stint looking into wood-style tile, but ultimately we knew we wanted true hardwood flooring.
Complementing a Modern Space
Once that decision was made, the tough part was actually picking out the right hardwood floors. We went back and forth nearly two dozen times on light v. dark colors, and ultimately ended up with a neutral medium. With the design aesthetic of the house being modern timeless, we really wanted the floors to complement the space, instead of the other way around.
Choosing to install Malibu Wide Plank French Oak floors was the best decision and we could not be happier. There was a slight grey tint to the otherwise neutral wood with natural markings that made it the perfect base for our home.
Keeping the home gender neutral was so important for us. When we first decorated our home, we were in the midst of planning for the wedding with both of us in busy career periods. We ordered pieces from different websites and tried to make them flow once they arrived. Clearly, that was not the right way to go about things.
This time around, Sahir and I were equally involved in every decision that went into the house. From the hardwood floors and color to the light fixtures. We wanted to make sure that we built a home that we both loved and that spoke to our taste equally.
Adding Finishing Touches
Once our new floors were in place, our next order of business was picking out this rug for our kitchen. I was a little worried that this is where our taste would collide, but instead it was such an easy experience. We used the filters on The Home Depot website and searched rugs by size and color and within 5 minutes fell in love with the one that we added to our home.
If you’re looking to update the floors in your home, now’s the time as The Home Depot has the latest trends in flooring (including area rugs!) at great prices – check out other hardwood flooring highlights here.
The post New Hardwood Flooring for a Full Home Renovation appeared first on The Home Depot Blog.
from Home https://blog.homedepot.com/new-hardwood-flooring/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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