Average Brocktonite
11 posts
Average teen from Brockton Bay ^.^
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arkady2 · 30 days ago
okay i promise im a normal student but today i was feeding some ants and then they all just???? leave???? i was next to this anthill feeding them my granola bar because im bored and next thing i know all of the ants just up and leave. like the entire anthill evacuates to somewhere?? they all move into the school at the same time. like did these bugs just decide to migrate? i’m pretty sure bugs aren’t supposed to do that. i’d think it was a parahuman but like??? what kinda power would make bugs decide to migrate? why would a parahuman make bugs change locations in a school? why????
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arkady2 · 30 days ago
update trigger events are definitely how powers work
capefic will never not be weird to me. coming up with secret identities for heroes like they’re totally your oc. casual use of PRT jargon. i’m not sure if “trigger events” are actually really how powers work or if it’s just misinformation exclusively present in fanfiction. i can’t find anything about it on PHO or in PRT documentations but most writers agree on them existing for some reason???
you can really tell the difference between actual capes writing and non-capes writing as well with tone and understanding of the PRT too.
but that just makes it weirder when you come across fanfic shipping members of new wave and it’s written by someone who obviously does understand cape stuff and it’s like. !!??? who is writing this
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arkady2 · 9 months ago
It’s not exposed to air- I might be able to poke at it with a paperclip, but i’m not a big fan of q-tips, i don’t know if i’ll be able to handle a while paperclip there. Maybe an electromagnet would work? Issue is, I don’t know what would make it detonate, so I can’t exactly go out and collect the necessary materials to build one.
a am in possession of one (1) unexploded bakuda bomb ask me anything
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arkady2 · 9 months ago
I’m not a cannibal, and i’m not a fan of lobotomy. I’m not even sure how to get it out, let alone sure how large it is or if eating it would help at all. You see, i’d like to not die?
a am in possession of one (1) unexploded bakuda bomb ask me anything
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arkady2 · 9 months ago
not sure how to do that, exactly. No obvious button to activate that i can see, and being able to see the rest of it would mean taking it out, which i don’t know how to do.
The police and hospital lines are all “busy” and i was told it would go off if I walk outside.
So, uh, good question?
a am in possession of one (1) unexploded bakuda bomb ask me anything
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arkady2 · 9 months ago
a am in possession of one (1) unexploded bakuda bomb ask me anything
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arkady2 · 9 months ago
i SWEAR TO GOD winslow is an absolute dump. i want out of this goddamn school. I had grades good enough to go to arcadia when i got here but nooooo, the waiting list is hundreds of people long!! >:(
so normal class day, right? just back from break. going around, doing whatever, then find out that there’s caution tape in a certain section of hallway. look through, and they’re carting stuff out of someone’s locker in BIOHAZARD BAGS.
so obviously i want to know what’s going on. i’m no tinker, but im clever enough to be able to make battery-powered cameras and stuff, so i do. leave one there, go ask around
next class, i go ask around and apparently there was a PERSON in that locker??????? like, instant hospital panacea visit cause of the biohazard stuff??
like wtf??????
apparently there are rumors that the person stuffed in there was from the local white supremacist gang whose been harassing some girl from track, but those are terrible rumors
i can’t find any proof anywhere of her actually being part of any gangs, and her last name (not putting here cause privacy) and the fact that she has never ever interacted with any of those people from gangs ever in my other recordings of stuff makes it really unlikely that she actually is part of a gang. but then why harass random track girl?
the hell is going on here?????
so i go back during lunch and get the little battery powered camera thingy i set up and look at the footage more closely, and the stuff they’re carting out is literally garbage and used women’s hygiene stuff. enough to fill up a locker!!?? i can still fucking smell it in the HALLWAY what the FUCK i’m going on at this SCHOOL WRBDJDISJFLTO
fuck this man. at least i’ll be out of high school by summer so i can leave this shithole. but goddamn.
also maybe this is me reading too much capefic but this is like. a textbook ‘trigger’. if the world was like those bs capefics, i’d be packing my bags and leaving rn. this foster family can go fuck themselves far as i’m concerned. i will hitchhike back to california istg *^*
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arkady2 · 9 months ago
capefic will never not be weird to me. coming up with secret identities for heroes like they’re totally your oc. casual use of PRT jargon. i’m not sure if “trigger events” are actually really how powers work or if it’s just misinformation exclusively present in fanfiction. i can’t find anything about it on PHO or in PRT documentations but most writers agree on them existing for some reason???
you can really tell the difference between actual capes writing and non-capes writing as well with tone and understanding of the PRT too.
but that just makes it weirder when you come across fanfic shipping members of new wave and it’s written by someone who obviously does understand cape stuff and it’s like. !!??? who is writing this
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arkady2 · 9 months ago
ugh, winslow. i hate this school. i swear there are knife fights in the halls and stuff. some girl stabbed one of those white supremacist gangers a few days ago. i would like to go back to california thank you
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arkady2 · 9 months ago
you know this PRT quick response handbook i carry around basically gives me a trump 1 rating
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arkady2 · 10 months ago
brockton really is one of the bays
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