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Brass: Birmingham. 2018. Топовое евро. Не сказать, что прям очень сухая, но довольно хардкорная экономическая стратегия с неплохим взаимодействием. Исторический лор. Играем за английских промышленников 18-19 столетия. Процесс протекает в две эпохи. Эпоха каналов и эпоха железных дорог. Надо прокладывать эти дороги, строить заводы, угольные шахты, пивоварни и фабрики. Что-то приносит ресурсы и деньги, что-то победные очки. Всё на карточном движке. Но процесс, хоть и обладает рендомом из-за драфта, вполне предсказуем и контролируем с помощью дополнительных механик джокеров. Выглядит всё сурово и мрачновато, но и тема вполне серьёзная. Я бы эту игрулю рекомендовал более-менее продвинутым любителям евро. Сейчас игруля занимает 1 место в абсолютном топе и 1 место в топе стратегий на BGG.
#BrassBirmingham #boardgame #bg #game #sergejbiohazardovBG #sergejbiohazardov
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Wieczór z grami!! Dziś długie i ciężkie pozycje :) Zapraszamy za tydzień!! Oraz na Noc Gier 30/31 Marca! #boardgames #gryplanszowe #tabletopgames #planszówki #planszowki #greenland #brassbirmingham (w: Gry Planszowe Mysłowice) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvPqor4BrM-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11bazx8whoyk5
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I love how boardgaming accounts will just hit the like button on anything that shows up in the tag, even if it's a thinly veiled excuse to make a fellatio joke and fawn over Contrapoints #boardgames #brassbirmingham #stilltalkingaboutthemouthfeel https://www.instagram.com/themikecollective/p/BukX0_9nneq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=i8cxc9hkjkv6
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Brass: Birmingham. I really came to profoundly dislike the original Brass (I have a review on BGG) and it was the game after which I gave up on Martin Wallace. The new edition is better! Some of the most obviously dumb elements of the original have been fixed up. But it’s still an absurdly obtuse game; the VP and cash payouts for different industries move around wildly for no discernible thematic reason (manufacturing oscillates between being worth VPs and money in a weird way, and the ceramics plant or whatever it is, is a similarly nonsensical progression). That’s all nominally fine, but it just makes the game into a super-complicated abstract game. If I’m going to play a business game, I’d much rather play a game like Power Grid, Container, or 1825 which make some kind of sense; if I’m going to play an abstract I’d rather do a GIPF-series game that has elegance and depth. This is just a strange dog’s breakfast of mechanisms. I’m not in love with the dark graphic design. It’s not terrible, but names are hard to read and the colors are inconsistent. It’s not as bad as I first feared, it’s still pretty playable, but it’s not great. #boardgames #boardgamegeek #bgg #brassbirmingham https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs7WdNLDQ0U/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1sdeirs1o92on
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The guys are playing Brass: Birmingham. I still haven’t played this myself. @willbeplayin did some pretty cool custom trains for the game. #boardgame #boardgames #brassbirmingham (paikassa Lautapelikahvila Taverna) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsawYbSDzQ-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jm1okp9erdan
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#raczugaming Word of the day: train Choosen by: @themeeplegamer #brass #brassbirmingham #giantroc #boardgame #challengeoftheday #bgg #boardgameaddict #addictedtoboardgames #boardgamersforpeace #brettspiele #brettspieler #boardgamesofinstagram #peace #train #iliketrains #brettspieleundmehr #brettundspiel https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca2uT4xLmfM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#BrassBirmingham de @malditogames de nuevo disponible! ¡Esta vez no te quedes sin tu copia! Brass: Birmingham recrea la historia de los emprendedores que compitieron en Birmingham y sus alrededores durante la Revolución Industrial de Inglaterra, entre los años 1770 y 1870. En esta reimplementación de la obra maestra original, Brass: Lancashire, expandirás tu imperio construyendo canales y líneas de ferrocarril, y construirás y desarrollarás varios tipos de industrias, como fábricas algodoneras, minas de carbón, talleres, cervecerías, fundiciones de hierro y alfarerías. Aquí lo tienes: https://www.turolgames.com/es/juegos-de-mesa/46357-brass-birmingham #brassbirmingham @malditogames #juegosdemesa https://www.instagram.com/p/CDUZohphMl7/?igshid=1fnk028kze6fc
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Today’s game Brass Birmingham and i trounced the hubby #brassbirmingham #boardgames #tilegames #gamingsunday #girlwhoboardgames https://www.instagram.com/p/CDGx3RwBmVm/?igshid=r8wpzv98a9kc
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Playing one of my favorites! Also happens to be the very first #GameTutorial videos I made for my YouTube channel. #BrassBirmingham never disappoints! @roxleygames ... .. . #boardgames #boardgame #boardgamesofinstagram #analoggames #cardgames #boardgamer #boardgamenight #tabletopgame #tabletopgames #games #geek #geekculture #nerdculture #bgg #boardgamegeek #bggcommunity #boardgameaddict #kickstarter #boardgameupgrades #boardnotbored #brettspiel #giochidatavolo #jeudesociete #juegodemesa #planszowki #보드게임 #棋类游戏 https://www.instagram.com/p/CCI96DLhZCF/?igshid=5hbbr5ma0vr6
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What can I say about this game.....it was nothing but amazing! Brass: Birmingham had great turn based gameplay that changed every round based on how much you spent the round before which might allow another player go on a spot you wanted to go. #brassbirmingham #canalphase #railroadphase #industrialera #england #beardednerd #gaymer #bgg #tabletopgaming #weekendgetaway #latenightgaming (at Big Canoe GA) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7dwIIEhy5L/?igshid=j9ux65w2srl1
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Brass Birmingham was such a treat! Our second round was interesting as we branched off into our own areas of the board. I started off in a bad position because the buildings that I carried over to the next round were quite spread out. I had a few "let's puzzle it out moments". Loved it! #boardgames #games #gamer #thedicetower #todieforgames #blerd #blerdgirl #tabletop #fun #gamenight #gamergirl #game #brassbirmingham https://www.instagram.com/p/B63vpFhBvCY/?igshid=xxh3u4zrj4pk
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Venha ser um rico empreendedor durante a revolução industrial em BRASS: BIRMINGHAM, de Martin Wallace, Gavan Brown e Matt Tolman, pela @roxleygames #gavanbrown #matttolman #martinwallace #brass #brassbirmingham #roxleygames #industrialrevolution #revolucaoindustrial #england #inglaterra #birmingham #economy #economia #jogosdetabuleiro #tabletopphotography #boardgames #bgg #brettspiel #tabletop https://www.instagram.com/p/Btlk68eDbZn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18u4nx85yb4q4
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One minute overview of Brass : Birmingham
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Wow! Gier i grania sporo :) zapraszamy na następną noc gier!! #boardgames #gryplanszowe #tabletopgames #foundersofgloomhaven #zakazanegwiazdy #forbiddenstars #brassbirmingham #scythefenris #pursuitofhappiness #anachrony #panlodowegoogrodu (w: Gry Planszowe Mysłowice) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpMgMHMhXwb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=psttafsu1pmq
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最近到的貨有點多(汗),不過哪時能有機會開呢 QQ #boardgame #brasslancashire #brassbirmingham #teotihuacan #riseoftribes #westernlegends #桌遊 https://www.instagram.com/p/BnoYaVLlSY-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pvb3fazkwetp
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TLAMA Games nám nečekaně přináší Brass: Birmingham v češtině! Denis Bartek Třetí nejlepší hra na světě podle žebříčku na BGG se dočká české lokalizace. Toho se zmocnilo vydavatelství TLAMA Games, jenž tu s námi není moc dlouho. Sice se dají považovat za ... https://tinyurl.com/y2wstzo3 #bgg #brassbirmingham #deskovka #euro #předprodej #tlamagames
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