#brass knux
How would you book the main event of Full Gear to get the same result but with less angry fans?
I think people would be angry no matter what. BCC are popular and Mox is a well-loved champ. If I were to re-book it, I think I would have let the story breathe a little more. Have Regal hop up on the apron to get into MJF's face before MJF tosses the ring then MJF hits Mox with the Brass Knux and a replay shows Max being all sneaky by taking the Knux from Regal's pocket while he was distracting him with tossing away the ring.
Then we get a week or two of the BCC reassuring Regal it's not his fault, Max is a snake, only to find out it was all planned.
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femmemetale · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Flying Knux Belt Buckle Brass Knuckles.
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velathetanager · 3 months
Hear me out for an exe story: the exe is just a regular (but deeply disturbed) guy who became a serial killer. The game he made is a regular fangame, but it has spyware and subtle malware on it that lets him find out where anyone playing it lives. He then picks someone, stalks them (including leaving Sonic the Hedgehog-themed objects, some destroyed and some not), and tries to kill them. Derek Green is trying to identify this serial killer and arrest him.
Each of his kills is a "tribute" to the Sonic character they're most like, and then he plans to kill himself in a Sonic-themed way. For Knux, it could be beating them to death with brass knuckles. For Amy, it could be the same thing, but with a sledgehammer. For Jet, it could be skateboard-themed. For Maria, it's being shot. Which happens to Derek's little sister Chelsea (the killer seems to fixate on him as "Shadow").
The killer himself wears a Sonic mascot costume when actually doing his dirt.
Working title for this AU is Mascot.exe, BTW.
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rickygoldman34 · 6 months
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The Golden Blog time and its NXT's first PPV of 2024.
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Joe gacy vs Shawn Spears.
👍Good Points:
Joe gacy really knows how to keep himself relevant and get the fans behind him.
Shawn Spears didn't look bad in defeat.
👎Bad Points:
This should have been on the main card.
Shawn Spears isn't having the best luck in NXT since returning.
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Nxt tag team championship.
👍Good Points:
Really good match to kick things off.
Baron Corbin was over in this match.
Both tag teams work very well together.
The crowd was hot.
👎Bad Points:
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North American championship.
👍Good Points:
All 3 men looked great here.
Oba Femi really is a star for the future.
I have said it before but will say it again and that is Dijak has really been treated very well in NXT.
This was a big match for Josh Briggs.
👎Bad Points:
Again none.
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Jacy JaneI,Kianna James and Izzi Dame vs Thea Hail,Fallon Henley and Kelani Jordan.
👍Good Points:
All 6 women looked great here.
This was a massive match for Izzi Dame.
It was great Kelani Jordan was on the winning team.
👎Bad Points:
This was a little quick.
This could have easily been a tv match.
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Nxt Women's championship.
👍Good Points:
This was a good one,i do love the new attitude of Roxanne Perez.
This was very storytelling with Roxanne targeting Lyras arm.
👎Bad Points:
This could have easy been a tv match on a NXT special.
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Nxt championship.
👍Good Points:
It's good Tony D'angelo was in this spot he really has worked hard in the past year.
Just like the last match very storytelling with Ijlas injured hand.
👎Bad Points:
This just like the previous matches could have been on a nxt tv special.
This should have been the main event i get why it wasn't but still.
Tony should have used the brass knux.
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Carmelo Hayes vs Trick Williams.
👍Good Points:
This was definitely a storytelling match.
This went all out.
The crowd were well and truly behind Trick.
👎Bad Points:
This could have been alot longer.
I give it a rating of gold.
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NXT Stand and Deliver notes
  Joe Gacy vs Shawn Spears, decent opener and good to see Gacy back on his winning ways, was hoping for Spears but Gacy needed it more for his new crazy character to develop.
   NXT Tag Team Championship match The Wolfdogs (Bran Breakker/Baron Corbin) (Champions) vs Axiom and Nathan Frazer.   Tag team wrestling at it’s finest that NXT was Always known for.  Axiom and Frazer were a great underdog team but the power of Breakker and Corbin was too much, glad they are still holding the gold as I enjoy them together as they deliver in every match.
     North American Championship Triple Threat Match Oba Femming (Champion) vs Dijak vs Josh Briggs.  A hard Triple Threat from 3 big men that added both strength and fast paced moves into their match, possibly my third fave match of this PLE, FemmingI is an absolute beast that will go on to big things, was going with Briggs taking the pin as Dijak is overdue a title run of some sort.
  Six Woman Tag Match.  Thea Hale/Fallon Henley/Kelani Jordan vs Gacy Jane/Izzy Dame/Keani James.  Was mostly done to set Up Thea Hale to take everyone connected to Gacy Jane starting with Izzy Dame.
NXT Womens Championship Lyra Valkyria vs Roxanne Parez.  After a year Roxanne’s character development from good girl face to bad girl heel paid off winning her second title
NXT World Heavyweight Championship Ilja Dragonov (Champion) vs Tony D’Angelo.  Great hard-hitting match that set up D’Angelo to be a main event star in NXT.
Trick Williams vs Carmello Hayes, match of the night thanks to both storytelling and two different styles, Trick Williams will be a star in years to come.
👇👇My Socials👇👇
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kingchase200 · 2 years
Ben 10 new alien: Brass Knux the echidna/ Echidshock
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harborchild · 3 years
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a littol flower-spider baby! orignally a kinda "what if"
but if you show @becauseimgabbeh-blog a what if. things get. Dangerous
anyways theres five of them and they are VERY Loved
Nugget, Knives, Clementine, Brass Knux and Polly
initally they all look pretty much the same (like the picture above) with only acessories to diffrentiate them but eventually they do metamorphose into peopley shapes
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Nugget precious sweet baby, acrssorie is a ribbon, an the flower is a part of em, cant take it off if even if she wanted to, Takes after Twig
hair antenna is a heart
Pronouns He/She
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Knives is on the opposite side of the scale from Nugget, angrey babby, will bite you, WILL stab you, very much takes after Guise
angee floofy baby, but can be graceful if they feel like it
Pronounts It/its
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Polly is a lil GREMLIN
act all sweet an cute to lower ur gaurd an the activate Mischief and sew the seeds of chaos
littol Creeature!
Prounons They/Them
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Brass Knux, or jus Brass, is rather quiet compared to the others, makeing them appear kinda scary and standoffish
quiet spider creature
Pronouns He/It
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Clementine is the tallest of them all, and dose her best to keep the others in line, but that can be very diffcult sometimes
tol drider child
pronouns She/They
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clock-heart · 7 years
dnd character idea i wanna try:
a priest orc-- not a half orc, i mean 100% locally sourced GMO free Buff As Shit Orc that cut off all familial ties to follow their dreams to become apart of a priesthood, to heal others, to become a better person and haul around a bigasse mace called Thoughts & Prayers
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Metal Knuckles is the best robo knux, but...
Imagine if it was called "Brass Knuckles"
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mahoutoons · 2 years
Sonic Dimensions: Chapter 5 - Alternative Knuckles - Brass
AO3 link
The group came out of the tear and landed in the next dimension. This was one full of greenery, with trees and bushes everywhere.
“Wow, this dimension is beautiful,” Amy commented.
“Whatcha starin’ at, Knux? Taken by the beauty of this place?” Sonic teased him.
“No guys, look!” Tails pointed. 
Wandering around were echidnas. Many of them, in all different colours. They seemed to be going about their everyday lives. 
“Echidnas? Now that’s sure is something,” Sonic said.
“Wh-What’s so s-special about it?” asked Serena.
“Knuckles is the last of his kind,” Tails explained. “So to see so many echidnas here is surprising.”
“I guess the echidna tribe never died out in this dimension,” said Amy.
“Anyways guys, lets have a look around,” said Sonic. “I’m sure Knuckles would like that too.”
“Huh? Uh, yeah, I would,” said Knuckles. “Lets…. See what this dimension has in store for us.”
The group looked around. Wherever they went, the echidnas seemed to look at Knuckles with respect. A few of them even bowed. Knuckles was stunned at this display. 
“Ah, sir Brass,” a male echidna said. “Didn’t expect to see you outside. A beautiful day it is. And you’ve got guests too.”
“Did he call you Brass?” asked Sonic.
“I think that must be the alternate version of me,” said Knuckles.
“Well then, lets go and see him,” said Sonic.
They soon came upon a structure that looked like a pyramid. It seemed to be the residence of the leader of the echidna tribe. Stairs lined up to the entrance, where two echidnas stood guard. However, on seeing Knuckles, their expressions became less serious.
“Sir Brass,” one of them said. “We thought you were inside with your guests.”
“My… guests?” Knuckles asked.
“Yes. That weird human with his bright red suits and mustache and his catgirl friend. She seemed to have a dark aura around her.”
“Eggman and Eris!” Sonic exclaimed. “So they’re here too?”
“Please let us in!” Knuckles asked.
“Why, yes, Sir Brass.”
The guards let the group in.
When they went inside, they could hear arguing. They could distinctly make out Eggman’s voice.
“I’m telling you for the last time,” a voice sounded, much like Knuckles’ own voice but slightly deeper.
“But its for your tribe!” Eggman protested.
“You don’t fool me, human! You and your friend should leave now, before I make you leave!”
Eggman and Eris had no choice but to scramble out. The group went further inside and found…. Knuckles. He was a slightly darker shade of red and wore a green tunic. 
“Ah, that was frustrating.”
He took notice of Sonic and co. 
“Oh… who are you people?”
His eyes suddenly went to Knuckles… and the crescent symbol on his chest.
“Oh my God!” he exclaimed.
He went closer to examine Knuckles.
“You…. do I have a long lost twin or something?”
“No, no. You might find this hard to believe but we’re from another dimension,” Sonic explained. 
“Another…. Dimension? Hmm….”
“You’re… Brass, right?” Knuckles asked.
“Yes, that is me.”
“I’m Knuckles the echidna. I’m you from another dimension. Except we have different names.”
“I see…”
Brass walked up and down for a while, as if he was lost in thought.
“Well, why don’t you lot take a seat? I’ll have Laura make some tea.”
 Brass lead the group to his living room. It was quite large, with a wooden table in the middle, sofas to seat guests, and a rug in the middle. There were also plenty of jewels adorning the walls as decorations.
“Those are fake jewelry used for decorations,” Brass clarified when he saw Amy staring at them in awe. He sat the group down on the sofas and called for a blue echidna with her locs tied in a ponytail and wearing an orange tunic with an apron.
“Laura, please make us more of that tea,” Brass requested.
“As you wish, Sir Brass,” Laura bowed and left the living room.
“Laura makes the best tea. You haven’t lived until you’ve tried it,” Brass said. “So, Knuckles, is it? You say you’re me from another dimension.”
“That is right.”
“You have the crescent symbol on your chest. So I presume you are also the leader of your tribe in your dimension.”
“Actually…. In my dimension I am the last echidna.”
Brass slammed his hands on the table. He was shocked.
“Then…. What happened to everyone else? What calamity befell them?”
“The civilization just died out,” Knuckles shrugged.
“Ah…. what a sad existence that is. Being the last of your kind. Do you at least guard the Master Emerald?”
“Yes. It is my duty to guard the Master Emerald. If its stolen, Angel Island would fall into the ocean.”
“What do you mean fall into the ocean?”
“Angel Island is a floating island in my dimension.”
“Ah, I see. Well, you are on Angel Island right now.”
“Whoa, so here, Angel Island is a normal island?” asked Tails.
“That is correct. It is the home of us echidnas.”
Laura arrived just then with seven cups of tea. She placed them on the table.
“Thank you, Laura.” Brass said.
The group took their cups and tried their tea.
“Mmm, this really is delicious,” Amy said. “I think Laura should teach me to make tea some time.”
Laura just chuckled.
“See, I told you you haven’t lived unless you have tried Laura’s tea,” Brass said. “So, anyways, Angel Island is our home and I am the leader of the echidna tribe. My crescent symbol says it all.”
Brass pointed to the crescent symbol on his chest.
“Whoever is born with this crescent symbol will be the next leader of the tribe. They are trained from the day they are old enough. The previous leader was a great man. But he died in the last war. So I had to take up the role of leader. I am quite young - only sixteen years old - but everyone says I’m a great leader. Still, I can never live up to the previous leader. He gave the echidna tribe everything.”
Brass pointed to a picture of an orange echidna standing atop a rock, his spear pointed to the sky. He had the same crescent symbol on his chest as Brass and Knuckles. 
“One of the leader’s job is to protect the Master Emerald. It gives us prosperity and power. It is hidden in a secret room in this very place. Only the leader knows where it is. I cannot give it to anyone under any circumstances. That is why I chased that foolish human and his equally foolish cat friend out earlier.”
“Did they ask for the Master Emerald?” asked Tails.
“The human came in and told me that a blue hedgehog and his friends will steal the Master Emerald and then asked me if he could have it. A lesser man would’ve fallen for it. But I could see right through his deceit.”
“See that, Knux? You should take notes from your alternate self,” Sonic taunted Knuckles.
“Oh knock it off, Sonic,” Knuckles said, annoyed.
“Um, anyways, I told them to get out. He didn’t lie about a blue hedgehog being here at least,” Brass pointed to Sonic, “But I doubt you’re here to steal the Master Emerald. If anything I think that human wanted to steal it.”
“You would be right,” Sonic said. “If only your alternative self was this smart.”
“Sonic I swear…” Knuckles said through his teeth.
Suddenly, there was an earthquake. 
“Ah, what’s going on?” Amy cried.
“Sir, are you alright?” Laura asked.
“I’m fine,” Brass said. “What is going on?”
“Sir, do you think…” Laura began.
“No…. no it can’t be!”
Brass took off.
“Hey, where are you going?” asked Sonic. He started to follow but Laura stopped him.
“You can’t!” she said. “Brass is going to where the Master Emerald is. You can’t go with him. Only the leader of the echidna tribe should know the location of the Master Emerald.”
Suddenly, there was a scream. The group along with Laura rushed outside. Eggman and Eris were flying away with the Master Emerald in the Eggmobile while Brass held on to it.
“You can’t have the Master Emerald!” he screamed. “It will bring destruction to all of us!”
“Do I look like I care?” Eggman barked. “Now get off!”
He pressed a button and Brass was electrocuted. He fell of the Eggmobile, letting go of the Master Emerald.
Laura rushed to his aid, followed by Sonic and co.
“Sir are you alright?” she asked.
“The human… he has the Master Emerald… how did he find it?”
“With the help of this handy emerald radar!” Eggman held up a radar that had a green dot in the middle. “So long, suckers!”
Eggman and Eris flew away.
As soon as they did, dark clouds appeared. Thunder crashed. 
“Don’t worry!” Sonic said. “We’ll get the Master Emerald back! Right guys?”
“I’m coming with you!”
“No sir, you are injured! You must rest!” Laura insisted.
“I….. alright. You guys get the Master Emerald back. Take care.”
“We will!”
With that, Sonic and co. took off after Eggman and Eris. 
As they were running, Knuckles struck up a conversation with Serena.
“Those powers of yours are amazing,” he said. “Its no wonder Eris is after them.”
“Ah, th-thanks,” Serena said. “I-I don’t really l-like using them…. Because I c-can’t control them y-yet.”
“Well you don’t have to hesitate,” Knuckles said. “The only way you’ll learn to control your powers is if you use them more and more.”
“B-But wh-wh-what if I h-hurt someone?” asked Serena.
“You won’t, I know you won’t,” Knuckles reassured her. “You have a power, you have to use it to protect what you hold dear. If you hesitate you’ll never learn to control it. You have to trust yourself, Serena.”
“Wh-Why do you all… p-put so much t-trust in me? Y-You’ve all b-b-barely known me f-for a day.”
“I guess its because you give off those vibes,” Knuckles said. “But don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
They eventually found Eggman and Eris in a forest in Angel Island.
“Ah, I feel so powerful,” Eris said. “You were right, Doctor. This truly is wonderful.”
“It took a while but we were going to get it anyway,” Eggman said. “Too bad this Knuckles isn’t as much of a doofus as the one I know.”
“HEY, WHAT DID YOU SAY!” Knuckles shouted.
“Ah, if it isn’t Sonic and friends,” Eggman said. “You’re too late. The Master Emerald’s power is mine now!”
“Ahem!” Eris coughed.
“Well, I mean, its ours now! And there’s nothing you can do to stop us! Eris, would you do the honor of taking care of them this time?”
“It would be my pleasure,” Eris said. “I’ve been especially waiting to beat the hell out of that butterfly girl!”
Blaze got in front of Serena and put her arm in front of her.
“Well bring it on!” Sonic said.
Eris held her hands out and a strong wind blew.
“You all won’t be a match for me!” she said.
The fight began. Eris bent the plants to her will, blocking any way out. Sonic ran in circles to confuse her, but a root caught his ankle and he tripped and fell.
“Take this!” Amy swung her hammer at Eris. She caught her hand and pushed her away. Knuckles used his fists on her, with her avoiding his punches.
“You’ll have to try better than that, echidna!” she said.
Tails hit her with his tails from behind, turning her attention to him.
“Ah, you’re such a nuisance!” Eris barked. 
She commanded the plants to grab Tails’ tails, rendering him immobile.
Sonic and Amy ran to his side, Sonic having taken the root off his ankle. 
Blaze shot flames at her, which Eris avoided.
“Is that the best you can do, princess?” asked Eris. “Well lets fight fire with fire, shall we?”
Eris’ hands filled with flames. She lit her body on fire then dashed towards Blaze. She shot flames at her, sending her back.
“Y-Your highness!”
Serena ran towards her.
“And how about you, little butterfly?” asked Eris. “Are you going to fight me too?”
“Eris, p-please….. s-s-stop doing th-this!” Serena pleaded. “Th-This is all m-meaningless.”
“I don’t care!” Eris said. “I want to see all of you suffer!”
“Trust yourself…. T-trust yourself…” Serena reminded herself. She summoned a light beam that hit Eris.
“Ah…. I…. I d-did it…. I t-trusted myself…” she whispered.
“You wretched butterfly! I will make you pay!”
Eris summoned water and trapped Serena in a water bubble. Serena held her throat, gasping for air. 
“P-Please…. S-s-stop!”
“I will enjoy watching you suffer before you die,” Eris said coldly. “You and all you friends.”
“Oh no you won’t,” Knuckles whispered. “First you ruin our relaxing weekend, then you steal the Chaos and Sol Emeralds, you cause chaos in our world…. And now you’ve stolen the Master Emerald too. And you try to kill our friend. Even if its not the one I guard… I cannot forgive you, Eris the cat. I’ve…. Had….. ENOUGH!!!”
Knuckles punched his fists together, then charged forward. Mustering all his strength, he punched Eris from the back, causing her to put Serena down. It was also hard enough to knock another Chaos and Sol emerald out of her. Blaze and Sonic quickly went to grab it.
“You…. you little…!” Eris started. “No matter, I still have the power of the Master Emerald.”
“HEY, GIVE THAT BACK!” Eggman’s voice bellowed. Eris looked back to see Brass and Laura hauling the Master Emerald away.
“I’m sorry but you should’ve paid attention,” Brass mocked.
“Brass! Laura! What are you guys doing here?” asked Sonic.
“I tried to get Sir to rest but he insisted on coming,” Laura explained. “Much to our luck, we saw you guys fighting the cat and the human was too engaged to pay attention, so we took the Master Emerald back.”
“Why you little rats!” Eris exclaimed. “We have no further work in this dimension. Let us move on to the next, Eggman.”
“Ah, yes lets!” Eggman agreed.
Eris made another tear and she and Eggman jumped through.
“I have to thank you guys for helping me get the Master Emerald back,” Brass said. 
“Eh, it's nothing. This is an everyday thing for us,” Sonic said.
“You know, I was watching you fight and I was in awe. Knuckles, you punched so well!” Brass said.
“Eh heh heh, thanks. My fists are powerful after all,” Knuckles said proudly. 
“And…. one thing I noticed is, you all worked together. You know, ever since I became a leader, I gained respect and admiration from my people. And I was happy, really I was. But I always felt like something was missing. Seeing you, Knuckles, fighting along with your comrades, I realized what it was - friends. I had to assume the role of leader young so I never really had friends. I think Laura here is my only friend. I envy you, Knuckles. You may not be a respected leader but you have people who will have your back.”
“Hey, you know, I wasn’t the most open person at first either,” Knuckles said. “But I guess Sonic here opened my heart. I hate to admit it but Sonic made me see that having people to rely on isn’t such a bad thing after all.”
“You’re welcome, Knuckles,” Sonic said. 
“And all of you helped too,” Knuckles said. “I’m sure you’ll get friends, Brass. The people here respect you.”
“And I will surely help you find them,” Laura said.
“Thank you, Knuckles. Thank you everyone,” Brass said. “Now, what will you do about….. This?” 
“Oh, well, that’s a portal to another dimension. We’ll be going there to stop Eggman and Eris,” Sonic said.
“Alright, well, good luck in your endeavors,” Brass said. 
“And good luck to you too, Brass,” Knuckles said. “I’m sure you’re a wonderful leader.”
After saying their goodbyes, the group went on to the next dimension.
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blueonwrestling · 3 years
im glad that the bunny and the blade have constantly been using the brass knux.
getting some wild lesbian pollen vibes from ford and bunny, but also im totally up for more women in matt hardy’s faction.
gives ford something more to do aswell, she and bunny could be a good combo.
tay also looked great, wish bunny didn’t flinch as much taking moves.
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beingallelite · 3 years
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AEW- Monday on Elevation @AllieWrestling used brass knux on @BigSwole to steal a win for herself & @NylaRoseBeast vs. Swole/Red Velvet. GM @TonyKhan has booked #TheBunny in a singles match vs. @Thee_Red_Velvet, who’s seeking payback tomorrow night LIVE on #AEWDynamite at 10/9c on TNT!
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subjectsix · 3 years
plain OC nautolan, Pik: small, wily, suave, rich, loner, manipulative, charismatic, slippery, will stab you, always got a knife.
ttrpg nautolan, Knux: so much debt. loves working on droids. anxious constantly. big and strong engineer. brass knuckles. will get into more debt.
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femmemetale · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Flying Knux Brass Knuckles Winged Belt Buckle.
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special-bastard · 6 years
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This is really only like 3/4 of the gang there are more members and a backdrop needed
Present: @crimsonservbot reppin THE PIPE @gb7zone7 reppin the switchblade @lockski reppin the brass knux @tindabox reppin a bat and a grouchy face @dingotk reppin a shotgun but no shells, making it a fancy beatin stick Shady in the crimbus hat (I forget his blog) reppin the prybar my boi mike (who I dont think HAS a blog) reppin the shovel from Far Cry 5 And yours truly reppin the bent rebar
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moxysocks · 6 years
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Brass Knux!! Repost @brambinijansini with @get_repost ・・・ Endless sets of four deadlifts & some weighted jumping. #powerlifting #deadlift #jumping #crossfit #recovery #gettingbackatit #weightlifting #barbell #bumperplates #liftingsocks #moxysocks #strengthkvlt #krachttraining https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnb_gcDho8R/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hadlhyo5nyi6
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fuckoffimdeadretard · 7 years
Brass knux but they got dildos on em wolverine claw style
Sniggity snikt bitch
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