#brandon larracuente imagines
toppersjeep · 1 year
Jeff Atkins (When You’re Gone)
Summary: After Jeff dies you feel lost without him. You try to move on but it’s hard for you. So when they honor him for the team you decide to speak about him. You also sometimes see Jeff just like Clay sees Hannah. Who doesn’t love a ghost of there ex?
this song inspired this
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Your POV
“Hey sis are you ready for today” Clay asked me. But I pretended to ignore him. I wasn’t ready. My boyfriend was dead. This year would’ve been our senior year together. Only because he was failing classes. But part of me thinks he wanted to stay back so I didn’t have to do it alone.
But now he was gone. Part of me still felt like he was here with me. I missed him more than anything in this world. I’d give anything to see his smile.
“Y/N we gotta get going” Clay said as I started at a photo of Jeff and I. A tear rolled down my cheek. “Yeah Clay” I said wiping a tear. “You don’t have to speak you know I can say you were sick” Clay said. “No no it’s okay” I said setting the picture back on my nightstand. “Alright then” Clay said.
I then looked at the necklace Jeff had given me with his initials and a little baseball bat. But now beside it was his class ring. I never took it off for anything. At least this way he was still here.
“I’m coming” I said grabbing Jeff’s letterman jacket and putting it on over my dress. Clay and I drove to the school. We parked and went inside the school. It was in the gym. I walked over to the principal were he wanted me.
Clay and our parents sat on the bleachers. Jeff’s parents sat beside them too. The principal of course said a couple words. I just sat there thinking about him. And the first time we met. Was actually when clay tutored him.
“I brought my sister to help since she’s so good at science” Clay said as I sat down beside Jeff. “Wow there’s no way she’s your sister she’s wow” Jeff said I blushed. “And you are so” Jeff said I laughed.
“Very funny Jeff” Clay said. “So what’s your name beautiful” Jeff said I blushed. “Y/N” I said he smiled. “I love that name” he said. “Alright enough flirting” Clay said.
And after that he got my number and we talked for hours on end. He eventually asked me out on a date. Even though clay hated the idea. Eventually he warmed up to us dating.
He was my first kiss my first everything. But I never thought I’d meet someone like him. He’s perfect.
End of flashback
“And now Y/N Jensen has prepared something in honor of her late boyfriend Jeff” the principal said. I walked up. I then went up to the microphone. I just looked at everyone sitting on the bleachers.
“Jeff… I’m sorry give me a second” I said tearing up. I then pretended he was there in that room like I did sometimes. Maybe it was real and he was there protecting me. “Love it’s okay you can do this deep breaths” Jeff said standing beside me.
Even though he wasn’t there. Part of me felt his presence with me all the time. I took a deep breath and then began to speak again.
“Jeff was one of those people that you met once in a lifetime and we all had the privilege of knowing him” I said. “I had the privilege of knowing him a lot better than all of you” I said tearing up. “Maybe even more than his parents knew” I said.
“I also had the privilege of loving him and being loved by him” I said. “I remember the first time I met Jeff it was in the library” I said. “The first thing he told me was that I was beautiful” I said. “Nobody had ever made me feel as special as he did” I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.
“From that day forward he became the most important person in my life” I said. “We talked every day and night even when I didn’t want to” I said people laughed. “He even tried to teach me how to play baseball but I sucked” I said. “Even though he always told me I didn’t” I said.
“You could’ve easily beat me babe with practice” Jeff said.
“He always told me I could beat him with practice but I know he let me win” I said. “Being loved by Jeff was one of the best feelings in this world” I said. “The way his eyes lit up when he looked at me is something I’ll never forget” I said.
“I remember the night he told me he loved me” I said tearing up. “A girl waits her whole life to hear those words” I said. “We were at the dance in this very gym” I said. “Of course I dragged him to this dance like I always did” I said smiling. “And he came even though he probably would’ve preferred a movie night” I said people smiled.
“We were dancing on this very floor when he told me he loved me” I said. “It was a slow dance and I had my head on his chest and I remember how I felt in that moment” I added.
“So safe and so secure he then kissed my forehead and told me he loved me” I said. “He said “Y/N I’m gonna say something crazy I don’t care if you don’t say it back” and I looked at him” I said. “I then said “Jeff nothing you can say is crazy” I remember looked up at him and he just smiled” I said.
“He then whispered in my ear “Y/N I love you I know that it hasn’t been long but I’m in love with you” I remember feeling butterflies in that moment” I said tearing up. “I thought for once in my life I had my moment” I said.
“I then looked up at him and told him I loved him” I said wiping a tear. “From that moment on I loved Jeff everyday more and more” I said. “He promised me so much more than anyone had before him” I said. “…Jeff was… and is my soulmate and I’d give anything to have him here beside me” I said as tears rolled down my face.
“The night.. Jeff.. passed… before the party we had a conversation about our future this year” I said. “I know it sounds crazy for two kids to be thinking about the future” I said. “But we were in love” I said. “Madly in love” Jeff said. I smiled.
“He told me that he wanted to marry me” I said. “That he knew I was the one for him and there wasn’t anyone else” I said crying. “I said ask me again next year” I said wiping a tear. “And he told me he would little did I know he had the ring there that night” I said.
“I wish I would’ve known and said yes that very night.. I think all the time maybe he’d still be here if I would’ve known” I said. “But.. I do know that he’s still here with us watching over everyone” I said. “Jeff was one of a kind and he’d be so happy that this team won states this year” I said.
“And Jeff if you are somehow hear listening or in heaven I want you to know the answer is yes and it will always be yes” I said tearing up. “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak about Jeff” I said.
I then stopped speaking and walked away. The principal went back up and spoke. I went outside and sat on a lunch table.
“I’m proud of you” Jeff said sitting beside me. “I wish you were here” I said. “I am here for you always right here” he said pointing at my necklace. “You know what I mean” I said looking at him. “I know baby” he said I looked at him.
“I can’t do this without you” I said. “Hey” he said side hugging me. “Remember what I always told you” Jeff said. “No matter what you’ll always protect me” I said. “That and you look beautiful no matter what” he said I laughed.
“I should’ve said yes that night I’m sorry” I said. “It’s not your fault Y/N don’t blame yourself okay” he said wiping my tears. “I need you” I said. “And I’ll always be here but..” Jeff said. “But what” I said. “You gotta move on eventually” he said looking at me. “I can’t” I said looking at the ring.
“Love.. you will always be my first love too you know that” Jeff said. “There’s nobody else like you” I said. “Really.. what about Scott Reed” Jeff said. “Jeff what about him” I said. “Remember the day you dropped your books and he helped you”Jeff said. “Yeah” I said.
“Or when he asked you for help with the team games” Jeff said. “Jeff I don’t understand” I said. “Or how he checks up on you after the trails or just texts you” Jeff said.
“What are you saying” I said looking at him. He then looked behind me. I heard some footsteps. “Hey I came to check on you” Scott said. Jeff looked at me. “H..Hey” I said Scott said beside me. “Are you okay” Scott asked.
“I don’t know if I’ll ever be okay” I said. He put an arm around me. “It’s weird without him here but it feels like he’s pushing me towards you” Scott said. “Maybe he is here” I said looking over at him he smiled.
“It’s just like all these things keep happening and I feel like he’s putting us together” Scott said. I rested my head on his shoulder. “Your not like your baseball friends” I said. “Those guys may be my teammates but they are all assholes Jeff wasn’t” Scott said.
“Jeff used to say the same thing about you” I said. “Maybe it’s a sign” Scott said. “So why do you keep appearing every where” I said. “Because I care about you a lot” he said wiping my tears. Just like Jeff used to do for me.
“But why me” I said. “Because your special and Jeff would always tell me that” Scott said. “And I’m starting to see why he loved you so much” Scott said. “Yeah” I said. “Yeah so if you are up for it I’d like too…
He began to say I kissed him.
“Prom” I asked. “I was gonna ask you the same thing” Scott said. “So yes” I said. “I’d love to” Scott said. “Told you I got you always” Jeff said to me I smiled. “What are you looking at” Scott said. “The beautiful sunset” I said.
“Hey maybe Jeff is here after all” Scott said. “He is..” I said tearing up. “I’ll always love you” Jeff said. “I love you” I mouthed and he was gone just like that. “So prom” Scott said.
“Oh right my dress is like light purple” I said he smiled.
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thistleandthorn-rpg · 10 months
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Name: Tristan Clarington Designation: Dominant Age: 27 Birthdate: June 4, 1996 Faceclaim: Brandon Larracuente  Orientation: Pansexual Kinks: Bondage, Impact, Muscle/Body Worship, Orgasm Denial, Public play, humiliation, roleplay, open to anything not on the anti-kinks. Anti-Kinks: Cutting, Needles, Basically just run it by me if it's not on the kink list, just in case. :)
Key Points: 
Clarington. It was a name that wielded power without trying. The patriarch of the family had made sure of that. On the whole, Tristan despised his father. He was an antiquated, power-hungry asshole without the bandwidth to evolve with the times. Tristan had always been mature for his age, and while he went along with the path their father set for the family's sons well enough, he lost his patience when Gunner was essentially exiled after coming out. He kept his mouth shut as long as needed, smiling and nodding the time away until he went off to the army with his brothers. After accepting a scholarship with the ROTC program, he opted for a later deployment. He took his full ride, bolstered with his father’s checkbook to cover additional costs, and went off to the prestigious Ivy League school, Columbia University in New York City, and pursued business. With the tuition money laid out and living expenses covered, Tristan cut himself off from his father. He was determined to launch his own empire. Sure, his father’s money and connections got him on the right path, but in a way, it felt poetic to take his privilege and weaponize it against the Colonel. Furthering his dedication to his cause was his chance reunion with his twin brother, Gunner. Finding each other in New York City, Tristan was patient but relentless in his attempt to convince Gunner that he’d never given up on him and that he’d always been on his side. After a long but perfectly understandable length of time, they rekindled their brotherhood. Tristan promised Gunner he’d join him at the same academy after he got far enough in his education at Columbia.
Obtaining top marks in school and making his own connections along the way, Tristan opted to spend more time earning his degree to secure his place in the world before setting off to enroll at Stonewall. He worked at a big-time firm in the city for a CEO on the verge of retirement. With only about 5-10 years of employment left, the CEO agreed to sign the company over to Tristan once he was ready, meaning graduated, claimed, and finished with his service in the army. He knew showing up at Stonewall when he did meant less time, age-wise, to find a claim, but quite frankly, he wasn’t bothered by the time crunch. Plagued by good looks and limitless charm, Tristan was perhaps overly confident in his ability to find a claim quickly, especially upon arriving and receiving the Dominant mark, which he’d always considered himself best suited for.
Stonewall Academy was the beginning of the rest of his life. He’d find his claim, graduate, and then color the name ‘Clarington’ in a different, decidedly more vibrant shade. He detested the legacy his father was so proud of and was eager to besmirch it in every way imaginable.
What are your feelings about the mark you have received?  - I'm pleased. You don't come from a family like mine not thinking you're suited for the Dominant mark. It's a shame we couldn't all be marked appropriately, but I intend to make the most out of my good fortune.
How do your feelings on the system compare to your parents’ feelings on it? - Like my parents, I appreciate the societal order it maintains. Unlike my parents, I recognize it's faults - like marking Archer submissive, for instance. There are glaring issues in the marking process that require serious attention, but beyond the assignment of the marks, I respect and appreciate the system.
Where do you see yourself after you graduate?   - In a word; successful - married, claimed, a tycoon in the business world with multiple homes and a legacy all my own. I want to sneer down at my father from my own, superior place in the world - and I will. I must.
How do you feel about authority? - I respect it when it's earned - and yes, I'll be the judge of who deserves said respect. When I'm in a position of authority - which is often - I demand respect and will respond accordingly if it isn't given. I'll leave it at that.
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13reasonswhylove · 6 years
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xopheliasunflowerx · 6 years
Baby Kick (Jeff Atkins Imagine) {Requested}
Request Asked: can u write an imagine with Jeff from 13rw where the reader is his girlfriend (or wife) and she's pregnant and they feel the baby kick for the first time? x
Pairing: Jeff X Reader
Fandom: 13 Reasons Why
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You lay on the couch eating popcorn, throwing the popcorn in your mouth and them landing in there. You smile as one was caught. You giggle when another lands on your nose, missing your mouth.
Jeff walks in to see you throwing popcorn in your mouth and getting butter everywhere all over you, he giggles as he sits down to you. He pulls your body to his own for comfort and warmth. He smiles as he places a soft kiss above your forehead. He rubs his hand over your pregnant belly smiling.
"I'm so excited to see you when you arrive. Oh my gosh, like you have no idea." Jeff exclaims with a wide smile on his lips. You smile as you rub your pregnant belly. Jeff then lifts your shirt and places his lips against your soft skin. You giggle as he rolls down the shirt.
His brown eyes looking into your E/C orbs gently. He leans in to kiss your lips until you both felt something that both surprised you. The baby kicked for the first time. You and Jeff looked at each other filled with joy and happiness.
"Was that the baby kicking or?" Jeff asked as you playfully slapped him. He fakes a pout as you roll your eyes at him.
"That was the baby! The baby kicked!" You exclaim as you went into hug Jeff then the baby kicks again. "Oh my gosh! They did it again!" You cheer making Jeff smile, then taking this to an idea. He leans in to his unborn baby.
"Kick for daddy if you're going to love baseball." He ask as you shake your head with a knowing look, you smirk holding in your smile. Next thing happens the baby kicked. Jeff cheers of delight. "Oh yeah! You're just gonna be as great as dad too!" He cheers as you roll your eyes.
"Oh my gosh, Jeff." You chuckle as Jeff smiles at you. He leans in to kiss you touching your lips against his own.
"I love you, Y/N." He whispers making you smile.
"I love you too, Jeff." You say.
"And I love you my little baseball player!"
Request Are Open!!!!!!!!
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hamiltonaf · 7 years
Jeff Atkins x Reader | Friendzone - (Part 4)
A/N: Much awaited by you all. Hope you enjoyed this imagine which was one of my faves to write. My apologies for the late post bc school is always keeping me busy. Follow me for more imagines to come in future. Like and send me feedback as I love reading you guys’ thoughts. Much love .xx
(Part 1) | (Part 2) | (Part 3)
Warning: slight sexual content & language
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Our table was fairly quiet, Zach and Jazmin were the only ones having a conversation, Jeff and I would only give our input when our name was mentioned in their conversation. I could sense the tension in the room. Just as I went back to grab my phone from boredom waiting for our food, I felt a hand on my thigh. My whole body stiffened and looked down at the hand who belonged to Jeff. I side eyed him and sent him a message “What the heck do you think you’re doing ?” He smirked when he grabbed his phone and read my message, “Oh you know…Just having some fun” he replied back. “If Jazmin only sees us, you’re effin dead. Leave me alone” I replied back and locked my phone.
I pushed his hand off my lap and just in time our food had arrived. I was the first to get into eating, I won’t lie that I was so damn hungry this was much needed. I was the first to finish eating, I felt bad to clear my plate first because I seem as if I’m a hog but the truth was my meal was a smaller portion compared to the rest of them. I decided to break away from being anti social and being suspected as suspicious today so I decided to start a conversation for once. “So Jazmin, how did the studying go ?” I asked and folded my arms across my chest.
“What were you guys studying for ?” Zach asked and looked back at her. “We were studying for our chemistry test” Jeff answered. Zach just simply nodded and went back to eating. “It was…good I guess” she sounded hesitant and she gave me a small smile. Something must have happened, I’ll just have to ask Jeff after dinner. “Ohh okay that’s good to hear” I gave her a small smile.
Once everyone was done eating, Zach called the waitress for the bill. Both Zach and Jeff had agreed on splitting the bill in half, and paying for it. I linked my arm with Zach’s as we walked out the diner, Jeff and Jazmin followed close behind us. “Before we go, can I just talk to Y/N for 5 mins” Jeff asked Jazmin lowly behind me. “Yeah sure” she said back. “Y/N can I talk to you for 5 mins ?” He asked as he pulled me by my forearm. “Uhh yeah okay” - “Excuse me” I said to Zach and was then pulled away. We walked a few metres away from them, so they wouldn’t hear our conversation..
“If you don’t mind me asking, what happened between you two ?” I asked him first. I waited curiously for an answer as he looked everywhere else but me. “Well, I’m waiting… time is running out” I said as I motioned to the imaginary watch on my hand. “Okay so after I left from your house I told her that I think we should break up because I don’t have feelings for her as I did before. I couldn’t have kept this from her all this time otherwise it would just be a forced relationship and I don’t want to put her through any more pain if we were together longer you know ?” He said.
“I get where you’re coming from but now I feel awful” I said as I lowered my head to look down at the ground. “Why ? What’s wrong ?” He asked and lifted my chin. “I feel as if I broke your relationship. I kissed you dammit. If I hadn’t done that then none of this would’ve happened” I said back. “But then if none of this wouldn’t have happened, I wouldn’t have known who my real love is” he said as he pushed back a strand of hair away from my face.
“As much as I’d love to stay and chat, we both have to go before they get suspicious. I’ll see you tomorrow” I said. That’s if I go to school tomorrow. “Yeah okay sure” he lightly smiled as we both walked side by side back to where they were stood. “Ready to go ?” Zach asked me. I simply nodded. Jeff pulled Jazmin with him, “Bye guys ! See yah” he waved and walked away. Jazmin waved back at the both of us.
Zach led me to the car and we were then on our way to my house. He pulled up outside our garage, he led me to the front door the silence had engulfed the air and I was just hoping that this boy wasn’t going to pull a stunt he was going to regret.
“So I had a lot of fun tonight, I’d really like for us to do this again” he said as he shoved his hands in his jeans pockets. “Same here. Thank you so much for tonight. I had a great time” I said. I quickly unlocked the door and held the door handle with my one hand. I placed a kiss on his cheek, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Dempsey” I waved as I closed the door behind me.
I dropped my purse down on the dining table and decided to take a seat on the couch scrolling through my phone. Procrastination at its best. I left my phone after a while to tie my hair into a high messy bun. I was disrupted when I heard a knock at the door. Who could be here at this hour ? I looked through the peephole to see Jeff. What the hell is he doing here ?
I unlocked the door and was met with his presence once again, “What are you doing here at this hour ? We have school tomorrow and you should be sleeping right about now” I said. He walked pass me and took a seat on the couch where I had sat not so long ago. I closed the door behind him, “I need answers” I said and then followed to sit next to him. “Jazmin and I are officially over” he said. “Aww I’m sorry Jeff” I tried to sympathise by placing my hand on his shoulder to comfort him. “It’s okay no worries, I guess she wasn’t the one anyway” he shrugged his shoulders. “What makes you say that ?” I asked curiously. “When I kiss you like this” he said as he cupped my face and placed his lips on mine. It was sweet and passionate, I could feel the sparks and butterflies that everyone talks about. When he broke the kiss my lips still tingled as they craved for him.
“You felt that too right ?” He asked. I nodded my head but yet still not understanding where he was going with this. “I didn’t feel that with her. They say you only feel those sparks with your true soulmate and I believe you’re the one” he grinned. Oh my. I still felt bad deep down that they had broken up as that wasn’t my intention. He noticed my sudden change in mood, “What’s wrong ? I thought you’ll be happy” he asked. “I’m happy but also saddened. I still feel I’m the reason you both broke up and its eating me in the inside that I broke a relationship” I admitted. “(Y/N/N) listen to me clearly. This is none of your fault, you just kissed me out of the blue and I was okay with that. I was the one to make the decision to break up with her- actually it was a mutual agreement. She wasn’t feeling it either so it was the best for the both of us…so stop feeling bad” he smiled and pulled me in for a hug.
“Okay I guess I shouldn’t feel that bad now” I smiled. “Now that I’m on the market, I’m available if you’d like to take up the offer” He said. “Oh yeah ? What do I get in return ?” I asked as I bit my lip. He stood up to unbutton his shirt revealing his 6 pack abs and distinct v-lines. That body damn. “This and a sexy boyfriend ?” He raised his eyebrows. “You up for it ?” He asked. “I’d take that offer any day” I grinned. “But before we’re official official we need to go on a proper date” I said sternly. “But we went on one today” he whined. “That date was actually between Zach and I, their was no double date planned. You came out of no where to ruin everything” I rolled my eyes. “I was jealous, what was I supposed to do ? Allow you to fall for his fuckboy ways and let you get hurt in the end ? Nahhh that ain’t gonna happen if I’m around” he smirked.
I stood up to match to his level, “I like jealous Jeff, he’s much more sexy” I placed my hands around his neck and pulled him closer to place small kisses along his adams apple and up to his jawline. “Babe don’t be a tease” he said and pulled my face for a kiss. Our kiss started off slow, his hands traveled down my back and then to my ass as he squeezed at it, I moaned into the kiss in which he stole the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. He easily lifted me as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me upstairs to my bedroom as he jumped on my bed with both of our lips still in contact.
I flipped us over as I straddled his waist, I broke the kiss to throw my heels aside. He pulled me back towards him to continue our make out session. He pulled the straps of my dress off my shoulder, to be of help I stood up on top of him to let the dress fall down to my ankles and pushed it aside. “Fuck baby girl you’re so sexy. I couldn’t imagine you being with someone else” he pulled me by my hand and flipped us over so that he was on top. He kissed along my collar bone, down my breast bone and stopping just above my navel. He joined his lips back to mine and teased me by biting my bottom lip. “I love dessert so fucking much”
A/N: Wasn’t expecting to end it this way but what do you guys think ? Please send me feedback if it was worth the wait .xx
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sophiewritesworld · 2 years
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Dating Jeff Atkins [ X ]
Babies makin' babies [ X ]
Reader gets pregnant and is scared of Jeff's reaction to it.
Set up [ X ]
Clay plays matchmakers on a peaceful studying session in the library with Jeff and you.
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katefaith18 · 3 years
Thirteen Reasons Why
Cigarette daydream
You were only seventeen
Soft speak with a mean streak
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RIP Jeff Atkins - 1999-2016
RIP Justin Foley - 2001-2019
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reducttiddi3es · 4 years
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pinkykitten · 5 years
13 Reasons Why
Jeff Atkins x Jensen! female reader
Warning: cursing
Specifics: fluff, comedy, jensen reader, drabble/blurb
People: jeff atkins, clay jensen, jessica davis, alex standall
Words: 886
Requested: By anon Hi oreo!! I just saw your requests for 13 reasons being open and wondered if I could request one. The reader is Clay's (or Justin's) little sister and he helps Jeff Atkins to ask her out. I know Jeff died but I love him so much! Thank you :)
Authors Note: oh lord! i love jeff / brandon so much like yall have no idea. my bby died so bad and so soon like bby noooooo!!!! this was so precious and light hearted like this show is very dark and i made it rainbows. god jeff is so cute like whyyyyyy im legit crying rn cuz im also listening to lovely from billie and khalid. WHY???????
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You and Clay helped pick up the dirty dishes and wash them after dinner. Clay dried them while you rinsed them. 
“So,” Clay, your older very protective brother, leaned against the counter. “You are going to the dance right?”
Your e/c eyes went from Clay’s to the suds that rested on your skin. Smiling you handed him a huge plate. “Yeah. Why you ask?”
“No I was just wondering.”
“Uh oh Clay wondering? Thats never a good sign.”
“Shut up,” Clay playfully bumped into you. “You know, there are a lot of people going and there will be a lot of, um, guys so like I wanted to know...”
“Are you asking who I’m gonna go to the dance with?” You finished with the dishes, wiping your hands on the towel and placing them on your hip. “Cause if you are. I’m going with Jeff.”
“Jeff? As in Jeff Atkins? As in my best friend?”
“Unless there is another Jeff then yep thats the one.”
“But he’s like really buff,” Clay said. 
“Clay...what the h*ll does that have to do with anything?”
Clay was trying to find ways for you not to want to go out with Jeff. Jeff was a kind soul but he sometimes was wild and Clay didn’t want his little sister getting hurt or have any issues. He wanted you to stay little forever. Now you were growing into a woman and it scared him. “Why don’t you go with your friends?”
“Like every year? I don’t think so. I see the way Jeff looks at me and I think he likes me and I like him. I like that he’s nice and kind and he sweet to my brother. When he talks to me he makes me feel smart and he respects me. We talk but I’m too scared to ask him to go and to go on a date. So it probably won’t even work.” You sat gloomly at the table, resting your head in your hands.
Clay saw how down you were and felt bad. Jeff was good and he needed to let you fly in order for you to grow into an adult. All that Clay wanted was for you to be happy, besides he was going with someone, you deserved it as well and he was going to try everything possible to make it happen. 
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It was lunchtime in Liberty High. Clay was nervous. You were his baby sister. He protected you all his life and made sure nothing ever happened to you. He saw Jeff sitting with his group of friends and thought about ratting out. But then he remembered your face and he became determined. Walking right up to Jeff he sat his lunch tray beside him. “Can I talk to you for a sec?...Alone.”
Jeff signaled to the guys to leave and pointed to the spot next to him. “Proceed. If this is about that girl you like, listen you just need to be courageous-”
“No its not. Its about something else,” Clay was blunt. Right to the point. “I have a favor to ask you and I’m not forcing you.”
Jeff smirked as he was a little weirded out by Clay. “Okay.”
You walked into the lunch room and saw your brother talking to Jeff. “What the f*ck?” You said aloud. Trying to be stealthy you ran behind the garbage can but what you didn’t notice was Jeff saw you. 
“What are you doing y/n?” Jessica asked as she ate her lunch. 
“Oh this is where I eat now. You didn’t know?”
“Behind the garbage?” Alex questioned, raising his brow. 
“Yep! Its nice and cozy and-”
“Smelly,” Alex stated. 
You rolled your eyes and waited for Jeff to leave or for something!
“Look y/n has, well I don’t really know how to say this, but y/n really likes you. Like a lot.”
Jeff smiled big and bright hearing this because in all honesty he felt the same way. “Oh really? Does she now?”
“Yes, very much and she was wondering if you would go to the dance with her?”
“Why didn’t y/n ask me herself?”
“My sister is very, very, very shy and she’s had this crush on you since like forever so she’s kept this hidden for a long time.”
Jeff laughed completely fell for you, “I was going to ask y/n myself if she wanted to go.”
“Really?” Clay was surprised that he thought of you. “Well alright that settles it. Are you gonna go with her?”
“Wait right here,” Jeff ran to the garbage can you were at and peered over. “Hi y/n.” He was smirking. 
You looked up and almost dropped your food. “H-hi there Jeff! You loo-look great!” You were screaming everything. You didn’t know what your brother told him. “I’m going to go n-now!”
“Wait!” Jeff grabbed a hold of your waist and kissed you on the lips. You almost turned into goo right there. He had that affect on you. “Will you go to the dance with me?”
Your lips were parted as you blushed. Still wanting more. “Yes, I would love to. I was gonna ask you that.” You put two and two together and realized your brother helped with all of this. “Clay!”
“That’s called brotherly love sis. Brotherly love.” He ruffled your hair. 
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Tag list: @harrington-lover​, @angelgl16​, @perfectlybeautifulsuit​, @hyehoney​, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly​​, @totally-alexa21​, @creamy-pasta-boi​, @multireese​, @fanfictionrecommendations-com​, @prentisskelley​, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97​, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​, @collectiveyou​, @wtfisalltherandoms​, @dirbel​, @eastcoasthaven​, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories​​, @reginalinettis​​
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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ravenempress101 · 4 years
Remember everyone 13 reasons why comes back and always remember you are loved and you are appreciate it in this world I send my love to everyone and hugs aswell ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
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snowflakewriter · 5 years
Look at her now
Request: The reader is Brandon Butler’s girlfriend and an actress for 13rw, too but she has been dating Brandon Larracuente before, which no one knows about. Brandon L left her for his new girlfriend. When Brandon Butler finds out he’s a bit jealous, but he finds out why the reader fears being hurt.
Inspiration: Look at her now by Selena Gomez  
A/N: Requests are open for all fandoms. And sorry for my bad English. I hope you like it. I am not really satisfied with this one. It has been a while since I wrote anything fictional. 
Warnings: angst? fluff ? 
Originally posted by fabulousqueen
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Gif: Doesn’t belong to me 
Reader x Brandon Butler, Reader x Brandon Larracuente 
Your POV 
Being casted for 13 reasons why was something I always dreamed of. The only thing that hurt the most is seeing your ex-boyfriend who just left you for another girl. Filming the first season was hard. I had to work with Brandon Larracuente a lot and work with him. And I have to say that I hated the fact that I still had feelings for him. 
It always hurts to see him. And the worst part is his girlfriend was always around on set making out with him.
Season two was less painful. There is this new guy on set - Brandon Butler. He is really kind and funny and makes me really happy, but I am not sure if I want this. My previous relationship didn’t have a happy ending. 
I can’t get him out of my head. 
Third POV 
Brandon saw Y/N sitting alone during Lunch and they seemed to be deep in their thoughts. He thought they were beautiful. So, he approached them. 
*Brandon in bold*
“Hey Y/N”
“Hey Brandon” 
“I saw you sitting alone and thought maybe I could join you.” 
“Uhm ... yeah yeah” 
This was the maximum amount of words shared between the two of them. So, one day Brandon decided to change it. 
Brandon POV 
I decided to go to Y/N’s house and speak to her. I really liked her. I just hope she feels the same. I stood in front of her door and rang the bell there is no going back now. They opened the door. 
“Hey Brandon. What are you doing here? Come inside. What do you want to drink?” 
“A cup of water please.” 
They went to grab the drinks and sat on the couch in front of me. 
“I came to talk. Y/N I don’t know how to say this.... Uhm I really like you. Do you maybe want to go to dinner with me?” 
Y/N didn’t say anything for a while and became doubting the idea. 
“Uhm... I don’t think I am ready for this Brandon. I do like you, but I just can’t.” 
“Why not?”
I wasn’t sure if I should tell him what happened between me and Brandon L. 5 years ago. I don’t want to get hurt and at the same time I don’t want to hurt him. I decided to tell him the truth. I told him how me and Brandon met and that we dated for 2 years and I thought he was the one for me. How he broke-up with me and 2 months later he had a new girlfriend. Brandon listened to every word I said and never interrupted me. 
“You know I won’t hurt you right? Hell, I would even make his life a living hell if I knew what he did to you. You don’t deserve what you had to go though, and I understand that you are ready for a relationship and all but please just give me a chance I promise I won’t disappoint you.” 
“Alright pick me up tomorrow at 7pm.”
After that he left, and I was deep in thoughts what shall I wear tomorrow. What will we do tomorrow? Where are we going. And maybe this time it won’t end that bad as the last time. 
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You should get some rest - BigBrother! Jeff Atkins x Reader
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Summary: When a certain big brother takes care of you while you’re sick. 
Warnings: none, just fluff
A/N: You may have figured, I have a soft spot for big brother x little sister imagines. I saw a Jeff edit and I came up with this. Repeat after me, Jeff Atkins deserved better. 
Excuse any grammar/vocabulary errors, English is not my first language. 
Requests are open
You woke up in the middle of the night, feeling your head pounding, your throat sore and your stomach aching. You had the urge to throw up, so you got up quickly from your bed and staggered to the toilet. 
You tried to be as quiet as possible, attempting not to wake up your parents and your brother. You failed, inasmuch a few seconds later your hair was pulled in a loose ponytail and you felt someone kneel beside you and rub your back. It didn’t take you long to realize it was Jeff. He whispered soothing words in your ear, trying to calm you down. 
Once you were done throwing up, you flushed the toilet and got up, walked to the sink and brushed your teeth and splash water on your face. Your eyes were puffy and watery, and you felt your cheeks burning. 
“Y/N?” asked a worried Jeff. Instead of answering, you leaned your head on his chest. He placed his wrist onto your forehead, to see if you were running a fever, and you sure did. Without saying a word, he picked you up bridal style and carried you back to your bed.
He layed you down and covered you with your blanket. Then, he searched through your drawers to find the thermometer and some Advil. When he found the thermometer, he gave it to you to place it in your mouth and ran downstairs to the kitchen to get you a glass of water. 
When he entered your room again, he found you asleep. The thermometer read 102 °F. Jeff sighed and laid next to you. 
“Y/N?” he whispered. You mumbled something he didn’t quite pick up. “Baby, wake up” he whispered again and shook you a little bit to open your eyes. You tiredly opened your eyes and Jeff helped you sit up. He gave you the water and the pill, and you hardly swallowed them. 
“This will make you feel a little better,” your brother said softly. You nodded your head and closed your eyes. 
“Jeff?” you whispered, already half-asleep.
“Yes, princess?” 
“Don’t leave me.” 
And with that you fell asleep, your big brother following you soon after.     
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thistleandthorn-rpg · 10 months
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Congrats Tyler on your audition for Tristan Clarington! Please send his blog within 48 hours! **Tristan is brand new and was not here previously**
Name/Alias: Tyler Preferred pronoun: he/him/his  Age: 28 Timezone/Country: EST/US RP Experience: A lot. Activity Level: 9/10
Name: Tristan Clarington Designation: Dominant Age: 27 Birthdate: June 4, 1996 Faceclaim: Brandon Larracuente  Orientation: Pansexual Kinks: Bondage, Impact, Muscle/Body Worship, Orgasm Denial, Public play, humiliation, roleplay, open to anything not on the anti-kinks. Anti-Kinks: Cutting, Needles, Basically just run it by me if it's not on the kink list, just in case. :)
Key Points: 
Clarington. It was a name that wielded power without trying. The patriarch of the family had made sure of that. On the whole, Tristan despised his father. He was an antiquated, power-hungry asshole without the bandwidth to evolve with the times. Tristan had always been mature for his age, and while he went along with the path their father set for the family's sons well enough, he lost his patience when Gunner was essentially exiled after coming out. He kept his mouth shut as long as needed, smiling and nodding the time away until he went off to the army with his brothers. After accepting a scholarship with the ROTC program, he opted for a later deployment. He took his full ride, bolstered with his father’s checkbook to cover additional costs, and went off to the prestigious Ivy League school, Columbia University in New York City, and pursued business. With the tuition money laid out and living expenses covered, Tristan cut himself off from his father. He was determined to launch his own empire. Sure, his father’s money and connections got him on the right path, but in a way, it felt poetic to take his privilege and weaponize it against the Colonel. Furthering his dedication to his cause was his chance reunion with his twin brother, Gunner. Finding each other in New York City, Tristan was patient but relentless in his attempt to convince Gunner that he’d never given up on him and that he’d always been on his side. After a long but perfectly understandable length of time, they rekindled their brotherhood. Tristan promised Gunner he’d join him at the same academy after he got far enough in his education at Columbia.
Obtaining top marks in school and making his own connections along the way, Tristan opted to spend more time earning his degree to secure his place in the world before setting off to enroll at Stonewall. He worked at a big-time firm in the city for a CEO on the verge of retirement. With only about 5-10 years of employment left, the CEO agreed to sign the company over to Tristan once he was ready, meaning graduated, claimed, and finished with his service in the army. He knew showing up at Stonewall when he did meant less time, age-wise, to find a claim, but quite frankly, he wasn’t bothered by the time crunch. Plagued by good looks and limitless charm, Tristan was perhaps overly confident in his ability to find a claim quickly, especially upon arriving and receiving the Dominant mark, which he’d always considered himself best suited for.
Stonewall Academy was the beginning of the rest of his life. He’d find his claim, graduate, and then color the name ‘Clarington’ in a different, decidedly more vibrant shade. He detested the legacy his father was so proud of and was eager to besmirch it in every way imaginable.
What are your feelings about the mark you have received?  - I'm pleased. You don't come from a family like mine not thinking you're suited for the Dominant mark. It's a shame we couldn't all be marked appropriately, but I intend to make the most out of my good fortune.
How do your feelings on the system compare to your parents’ feelings on it? - Like my parents, I appreciate the societal order it maintains. Unlike my parents, I recognize it's faults - like marking Archer submissive, for instance. There are glaring issues in the marking process that require serious attention, but beyond the assignment of the marks, I respect and appreciate the system.
Where do you see yourself after you graduate?   - In a word; successful - married, claimed, a tycoon in the business world with multiple homes and a legacy all my own. I want to sneer down at my father from my own, superior place in the world - and I will. I must.
How do you feel about authority? - I respect it when it's earned - and yes, I'll be the judge of who deserves said respect. When I'm in a position of authority - which is often - I demand respect and will respond accordingly if it isn't given. I'll leave it at that.
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13reasonswhylove · 5 years
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sophiewritesworld · 4 years
Requested by anon: Hiiiii 13 reasons why, Jeff Atkins... where you guys are still in high school and your pregnant and when you find out you ignore him for some days and then the fluff at the end PLEASE!!
Pairing : Jeff Atkins x Reader
Word count: 1.4k words.
A/N: Slowly building back my inspiration. Bear with me xX 
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It started one morning when you woke up feeling like you had the most terrible hangover of all your existence without even drinking the night before. You were nauseous and liable to throw up at the lightest smell of food or any scent for that matter, even your shampoo made you feel sick. Maybe you shouldn’t have had that much pizza with your siblings the night before. “Good morning beautiful.” Jeff wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you against him but the moment his cologne - which you normally adored - hit your nose, you felt instantly sick. 
“Morning” You responded trying not to inhale his scent too much and pushed yourself away from him. You never did that. 
He frowned. “You good?”
“I agreed on pizza night with Tara and Josh and now my stomach is making me pay for it.” Or so you thought. By lunchtime, you were starving. You realized it when you finished your lunch entirely and still went for your favorite snack as you were heading to your first afternoon class. 
But the sickness you thought was gone came back the next morning and the morning after and the morning after. You couldn’t continue blaming the poor pepperoni pizza and mozzarella sticks you ate days ago. “Have you considered being pregnant?” Jessica said when you got out of the bathroom after emptying your stomach. The smell of Montgomery’s sandwich, a basic cheese and ham with mayo, made you feel sick and you rushed to the nearest bathroom, followed by Jessica who was seriously starting to worry about your condition.
“I am on the pill.” 
She raised her eyebrows. “And?”
“And it’s impossible for me to be pregnant.” 
“It’s only ninety-nine percent effective at preventing pregnancy.” 
How unlucky you would be to be the one percent remaining of this popular statistic? But you couldn’t be pregnant. Not now. You pushed the idea away from your thoughts and Jessica to the side as you stormed out of the bathroom. You got back to your seat between your boyfriend and Monty who was still slowly eating his sandwich. It triggered your stomach but you forced yourself not to let the sickness take over. “You alright baby?”
You nodded, forcing a smile on your lips. No, you were far from being alright but you couldn’t just tell him that your friend just planted the idea in your brain that you might be pregnant and that was the reason why you were so sick lately. 
Are you upset ?
You weren’t upset. You were mortified at the simple thought that what she said could potentially be true. 
Of course not
The three dots were quick to appear on your screen. 
Have you taken a test ?
No, I’m scared
Do you have one ?
You had three sitting in your bathroom counter for hours. You got them from the Baker’s pharmacy after school. You didn’t think about it, you grabbed them with the hazelnut chocolate bars you were craving since your bio class this morning. Hannah didn’t make a comment on it. Jessica told her what happened while she was in the library with Clay. She just gave you a comforting smile before you left the shop. You sat your phone on the counter next to the first test you dared to take. Three minutes seemed incredibly long all of a sudden when in other circumstances they seemed so quick. Jessica didn’t send another message when you didn’t respond to the previous one. She must have figured what was going on. She waited with you, looking at the screen of her phone, just as anxious and scared as you were sitting on the closed toilet seat, nervously pulling your shirt’s sleeves over your hands. 
The alarm went off and you jumped on your feet, turning it off and purposely avoiding eye contact with the white and blue test next to it as if by doing this something was going to miraculously change the unavoidable truth. But your mind was too curious to know that you caught the single word written on the small screen of the stick with your peripheral vision. Pregnant. Your knees almost gave up on you and you had to steady yourself by holding the edge of the white and grey countertop. “(Y/N/N)?” There was a knock on your bedroom door that you didn’t hear, you only heard the one on your bathroom door. “Honey, are you alright?”
“Yeah mom, I’m fine.”
“Dinner’s ready, we’re waiting for you.”
“I’ll be down in a minute.” You tried your best to sound normal. And your mother bought it. You glanced down at the test and the word was still the same. Pregnant. 
During dinner, you didn’t speak much, pushing and dragging your food on your plate. Not only you weren’t hungry but the smell triggered your stomach. You found some stupid excuse about upcoming tests and college admissions to leave before everybody was done. Then you locked yourself in your room, grabbing the two remains tests, ready to dismantle the result of the first one but it only slapped you harder when they were all positive. You felt sick again. Pregnancy was meant to be a happy time. But you were terrified to the point that when Jeff tried to call you later that evening, you ignored him. You couldn’t talk to him, not right now. You needed to process the news first. 
The next day - and the days after - you pretended being sick and asked to stay home which your parents didn’t really argue with. You didn’t respond to any of Jeff’s calls or messages and when he showed up to your house, you pretended to be asleep so you didn’t have to face him.
But when Monday came, there weren’t many options left for you and you had to go to school. You had to face Jeff and tell him everything. “What’s the silent treatment for?” 
Jeff had his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the locker next to yours. “There’s no silence treatment, J.” You avoided the eye contact as much as you could.
“Then why have you been ignoring me for days?” He slammed your locker shut and stepped in front of you, forcing you to look at him. “Don’t you dare tell me there is nothing because obviously there is and you are hiding it from me, (Y/N)”
You didn’t have time to react that tears filled your eyes. Damn hormones. The smallest things made you emotional. “We need to talk but not here.” Silence was heavy in the car as Jeff speed through Evergreen’s streets. You thought about a million ways to tell him you were carrying his child but the very moment you were seated in front of him, holding the hold chocolate cups tightly between your hands, it felt like you had forgotten how to speak. Jeff cleared his throat, getting slightly annoyed by the silence. You took a deep breath and looked up. “I am pregnant.” You never said the words out loud, thought them but never said them to anybody. “I found out last week but I didn’t know how to tell you… ” Now it was his turn to remain silent, not knowing what to say. “Jeff please say something” 
He didn’t. He wanted to but he couldn’t seem to find the right words. Just like you, it hit him like a brick wall but unlike you, he felt happy. So happy that when he caught your gaze, he started crying. “I really thought you wanted to break up with me, (Y/N/N).”
“Oh my God, Jeff.” Now it was the two of you crying. “I would never even think about it.” 
Jeff moved to sit by your side and pulled you against him, pressing a kiss to your temple. “I’m sorry I yelled at you earlier, I didn’t mean to baby.” He mumbled. 
“You were pretty intimidating.” Jeff chuckled at your words. How did you manage to crack a joke in the middle of an emotional moment? 
When you looked at him, he had a soft smile plastered on his lips and he moved his hand to push away the rest from your face. “We’re having a baby, uh?” You just nodded and smiled before resting your head against his chest. 
“You think we can handle a baby?”
“We’ll manage, my love.” He responded already thinking about your future life. The three of you.
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13-reasons-whyyy · 6 years
Is no one gonna talk about how fine Scott Reed is cause hot damn
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