#branded boxes
sanguinesmi1e · 14 days
This whole thing with Deadman giving Nightwing a coin that lets him see dead people has so many fun implications for dpxdc stories. Like, Danny invisibly haunting the batfam and pulling pranks, while Nightwing just stares at him like a cat staring down the invisible eldritch horror in the corner of the room that no one else can see.
For context, Nightwing has an obol coin which was used to pay Charon to cross the river styx. It gives him the ability to see and hear Deadman, and other dead entities. Including the "chatter of broken things" and “plaintive little cries of mass-produced stuff more easily trashed than fixed.” Aka Nightwing can hear inanimate objects. Aka Nightwing is probably being haunted by fast fashion and disposable packaging.
Man I really want him to meet Box Ghost so they can commiserate about the lack of respect paid to disposable products.
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diamondcitydarlin · 2 months
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lol also this moment went by too fast to really see but are they not giving 'kick his ass babe i got yo flower' energy??! Someone pissed Lydia the fuck OFF and Beetlejuice is just here to support her revenge arc lmao I am so here for Lydia/Beetlejuice team up FINALLY
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lelelego · 3 months
I really love your fallout drawings! I was in the NV fandom when the game first came out, and one thing I really love about your art is how youthful you make boone look. I can't remember if there's a canon age for him, but the fan consensus at the time was that he was like, 22-24 but your art is the first I've seen where he looks that age. bravo!
thank you so much!! :"D i remember seeing he's 25-26 on the wiki or somewhere but i'm 50% sure that's not confirmed/has no source. while part of it is just my style, but i do love a younger look for him because i think it makes the shit that happened to him worse (emoji where it's the sunglasses emoji but also it's crying.jpg) and hones in on the fact that he's... borderline still a kid. he should be at the club.
anyway thinking about him at the club -> me drawing what i think he would wear on a run to the corner store
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
when andi said her life was taken away from her by someone, everyone in that room - and then emphasized it - my life! do you even know what that means? - and you come back and realize it’s helen saying that and she means it literally because andi is dead.
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shiftythrifting · 2 months
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Recent finds from Portland, OR.
Cryptic letterman’s jacket
Awesome toes box? (I had a box like this growing up with marbles in it, sans toes message)
A very blitzed out Timon
The chest of drawers had open slots to add all your loose decorative beans and legumes 😩
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apradonite · 5 months
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finished aa4 the other day. you know what this means
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possessedpasm · 5 months
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Tony The Tiger camp postcard, 1960s
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tojosuggestionbox · 6 months
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I would highly recommend training in martial arts from one of the listed partners. Please do not seek training from random vagrants in seedy corners of the city. I'm surprised this has to be said.
While the gyms on our website may be Clan affiliated, please be mindful that civilians are present. Follow the rules, cover up where necessary, and remember that your behavior reflects on Tojo.
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barachiki · 5 months
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Looking sharp in the 70s.
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bellarkeselection · 9 months
It’s About Time
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Request from Wattpad mackleann Kayce or Lee ( you pick ) where the reader is a family friend who comes to help with the cattle branding. The pair confese their feelings and get teased by the bunkhouse gang
Driving my truck underneath the Yellowstone Dutton ranch sign I pulled the vehicle to a stop just beside the main house porch. I opened the door seeing that the area of the ranch was already set up for the branding the next morning. Getting out of the truck I shut the door seeing somebody riding up in the distance. “Well I didn’t expect to see you here this weekend.”
Whipping my head around a huge grin masked my face seeing Kayce coming up to me on his horse. “I don’t know why you’re so surprised.”
“Maybe because I thought you’d be busy. But I am awfully excited to see you.” He began dismounting his black horse comic over to me with wide open arms.
Rushing towards him I laughed, throwing my arms and legs around his waist. “You better be excited to see me, Dutton.”
“Hey I said that I was you crazy rascal.” He chuckled at me while I was hanging off his arms. Kayce was struggling to keep me from falling on the ground.
I had been a close friend of the family for years. I had been there for the family when Evelyn died and when Kayce had gone off to serve the Navy. I had somewhat of a relationship with each of the Dutton members, but Kayce and I were closer. He finally sits me down on my feet getting my boots dirty. “You better be nice to me. You know I can kick your ass.”
“Oh yeah. Which one of us has training?” He teased me, tipping his hat slightly to me.
Putting my hands on my hips. “It doesn't matter. I know how to throw a punch pretty good.”
Kayce stared down at me since he was slightly taller than me. Honestly most people would say we were always attached to the other hip. And it wasn’t a lie. I’d basically lived my entire life on this ranch.
Kayce went over to his horse leading him to the barn by the reins. “Does my dad know you’re coming here this weekend to help with the branding?”
“I’d expect so. Why did you have plans to skip?” I asked him to follow him to the barn.
He shook his head. “Nah. But your company will sure make it better.”
Together we left the barn and went straight for the main house. He held open the door for me, hanging his black hat on the wall while doing so. Walking through the living room there was a fire going and I could see someone sitting on the couch. “What made you stay out late? Daddy told Gater to wait.”
“Well it wasn’t because he wasn’t hungry. He just had someone keeping him occupied.” Leaning over the back of the couch hair in my face I whispered in his sister’s ear.
She sat her glass down, turning around to me. “Did you finally take her out there in the barn?”
“Beth!” I scolded her, feeling my face beginning to turn red.
Her younger brother cleared his throat. “We aren’t dating and you know that.”
“Rip and I may have beat around the bush when we were kids. But he knows he’s mine. Everybody on this ranch knows who is with who. You two ain’t any different.” She crossed her arms on the back of the couch.
Tapping my foot on the wooden floor I tried to remain calm about this. I didn’t need it to be painfully obvious that I had feelings for him. I didn’t want to ruin the relationship we have if he doesn’t feel the same way. But Beth had a different mind than everyone else. She knew what words could sink someone into the ground. “I’ll think you’re wrong. Now did you say Gator had dinner?”
“Walking away just means we will have this conversation later, Y/n.” She called as I walked into the dining room.
Pausing in my tracks I holler back to her. “No it doesn’t, Bethany!”
Kayce eyed his sister but had nothing to say to her. He dropped his hands down at his sides. The young Dutton knew he felt something for the girl who walked around his family home like she was always meant to be there. Maybe because he’d seen her around his whole life. She had always been a Dutton in his eyes.
“Kayce, I’m going to have dinner in the bunkhouse. See if I can beat those boys at poker if you want to come with me.” I called from the kitchen, grabbing my jacket and a to-go bag of food that Gator made for me.
He turned his head in my direction. “Yeah sure I’ll come.”
“Don’t have too much fun you two.” Beth chuckled at the two of us watching us leave going to the bunkhouse.
By the time we had got to the bunkhouse we could hear them yelling and half the alcohol was almost gone from the fridge. Sliding in on the empty seat next to Ryan he smiled in my direction throwing his desk of card’s down. “Look who decided to join the party. The future mr and Mrs. Kayce Dutton.”
“Oh not you guys too.” I rolled my eyes not expecting them to be on it with Beth.
Colby fixes the deck, dealing me and Kayce each a hand to play in their new game. “We can’t help it if you make it so obvious.”
“What’s obvious?” Jimmy asked from his bunk.
Teeter, who was fixing herself some dinner from Gator spoke up, removing the spoon from inside her mouth. “They clearly want each other just like I know my baby wants me.”
“I am not your baby.” Colby replied to her.
She smiled, turning back to her food. “Stop lying to yourself baby.”
“I didn’t think you had a thing for her, Kayce. I just thought you two were really close friends.” Jimmy entered the conversation.
I moved my gaze to the center of the wooden table not saying a word. Shifting the deck of cards in my hands I really wanted them to stop with the teasing. But Jimmy clearly couldn’t read the room correctly, bless his heart. “We are really close and that’s all.”
“But they are burning to be more.” Ryan made a kissing sound into my ear.
Kayce hit his fist on the table. “Will you stop talking about that!”
“Ohh he’s getting all embarrassed.” Jake, another ranch hand, joined in pointing his index finger at him.
Kayce hit the table again. “I swear the next person who teases us will see me fly over this table.”
Jake, Colby and Ryan about lost their shit at that statement all cheering like he had just admitted he had feelings for me when he really hadn’t. Raising my hands up I sighed finally saying something. “Can we just get back to the game?”
“She’s still avoiding the moment.” Jimmy spoke up.
Kayce raised himself up to his feet stomping over to Jimmy. He grabs him by his shirt getting in his face angrily. “That does it! What did I say a few seconds ago, Jimmy.”
“Woah, when did poker become violent?” Lloyd came out of the bathroom shortly after Walker did. Both confused at what was going on here.
Forcing myself up from my chair I stomped over to the fridge throwing it open. “Cause I apparently can’t get a beer around here with all these gossiping girls dressed as cowboys.” I mocked them for drinking almost half the bottle of beer I had taken from their stash.
“Well then let’s start this card game.” Walker sat down in my chair and thankfully there was no more conversation like that when Kayce let go of Jimmy. He left the bunkhouse leaving me with the boys and Teeter for the rest of the night which made me think maybe they had gotten underneath his skin over something.
The next morning was crazy for everyone even though we had everything set up. Coming out of one of the tents we had set up I halted in my tracks seeing the blonde that had hit a rock after an animal protest talking with him. Summer I remember her name to be. “I don’t think this place is right for you.”
“Oh don’t worry. Once I get out of here I will leave. Besides I can sense somebody doesn’t care much for me being in your company.” She turned her head slightly seeing that I was glaring at the pair.
Kayce turned his attention to her, quickly walking away from her side. “See you around, Summer…what’s got you so angry?”
“I’m not angry over anything.” I crossed my arms over my chest.
He tilted his head. “Really cause you won’t make eye contact when you’re angry. You also hug your arms to your chest when you’re angry. So what made you upset?”
“I think I should be asking you that more than you asking me after what happened last night. You bailed on me Kayce, why?” I questioned the young rancher trying to figure out why all day but nothing came to mind.
He blinked a few times with silent passing between us. “I didn’t like what they were saying about us.”
“It was just teasing right or do you have feelings for me?” I blurted it out letting my curiosity get the better of me when it came to what he thought.
Kayce stepped closer to me reaching up with his hands to cradle my face. “I didn’t like the teasing because I wanted to be the one to tell you myself. But now I say fuck it.”
“Kayce-“ He cut me off short, pressing his lips down onto mine and after that point everything suddenly stopped. Throwing my arms around his neck I brought him closer, deepening the kiss.
He moved one hand into my hair tugging on it a few times. I moaned into the kiss, finding this is better than I could have imagined. Like we were always supposed to be like this together. “I told you, boys.”
“Wait a second.” I broke the kiss recognizing Beth’s voice.
Kayce kept one hand on my wrist when I remained close to his chest seeing that Ryan and Colby were standing off to the side with her. “What the hell did you have them do?”
“We bet her ten bucks that the teasing last night wouldn’t work.” Ryan reached inside his jacket handing her some money.
She took it from his hand proudly walking past us to go find Rip. “They lost obviously. It’s about time you two finally saddled your horses together.” Kayce and I shared the same shocked look but shortly laughed with huge smiles on our faces at the well thought out plan she had achieved.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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genericpuff · 3 months
do y'all wanna pitch our allowances together and buy this $800+ bottle of wine and then we can go hang out in my cool older brother's room in the basement and go on the computer and watch homestarrunner and play smash bros
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cuntylestat · 3 months
you are so right about the gender essentialism and it makes me SO uncomfortable. like “being abused is feminine and being abusive is masculine and if an abuser is visibly effeminate they’re deceitful and sinister. this is queer btw” hello?? hello??? where are we??? it’s so dark in here
especially when people act like when lestat is engaging with femininity in any way it's always an act or for some ulterior purpose and that it's not genuine like do you hear what you sound like. what are you even basing this on besides your own biases considering the show has not made any definitive or even subliminal statements on this at all. i really don't get why people are so against lestat being read as effeminate/gnc it really is not that deep
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tonia-aaaaa · 4 months
ah yes, the ✨️Intro Post✨️
wish i could comunicate all of this telepathically, i hate using words, fuck words, all my homies hate words
"word" doesn't sound like a real word anymore
some links:
my insta
my youtube (kinda mid, lower your expectations please)
stuff i use to make my art:
Samsung Galaxy TAB S7
IbisPaintX (for all sortsa digital art)
FlipaClip (for vids/animatics)
Pinterest + my dogwater samsung phone camera (for references)
Canson sketchbook + scrap paper + stickers + literal trash + Copic & Posca markers (for traditional art/collage)
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touteytout · 4 months
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uriyah when she was like 15 years old!!
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patriamrealm · 1 year
Oh now I gotta see Melli being put through the situation.
For historical documentation.
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This happens at minimum once a week. Often more.
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Autobianchi A111, 1969. A small front wheel drive saloon designed by Dante Giacosa. What set the A111 apart was that, like the Primula it replaced, it was one of the first cars to use front wheel drive and a transverse engine with the transmission and clutch mounted left of the motor, which today is almost universally used on all front-wheel drive vehicles. Fiat’s Autobianchi subsidiary was used to try out new technology so they pioneered the use of front wheel drive and transverse engines which Fiat then adopted from the late 60s into the 70s. The 1.4 litre A111 was positioned between Fiat’s 128 and 124 models but was discontinued in 1972 and not replaced 
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