#brainrot apps!
trips2saturn · 7 months
the way people still speak about rj grimes is so weird and concerning and racist! yes i said the word since everyone else seems scared to. yes yes. it’s fucking racism okay. you take away his skin color what the hell else is there to pick on him about? nothing. right. this is literally a child. an almost eight year old child who’s done nothing wrong, yet everyone speaks about him as if he’s committed a felony for simply being a kid. like yes it’s fictional, but y’all are soooo weird to the point where it goes into real life bc who just says that shit? 😭 go to hell. rj defenders we need to unionize asap i need a gun.
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stellar-collective · 3 months
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a future that only slips through your fingers, or a present that you don’t belong in?
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otaku553 · 5 months
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Me at 3 am the night before 8 am registration for next term’s classes begins
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lotus-pear · 26 days
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TWELVE KAY LETS FUCKING GO we are back to an even number i’m so glad ‼️‼️‼️‼️
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jelestes · 2 months
thinking about how casey and olivia’s first real conversation was basically casey trying to find out if liv had a boyfriend lmao she’s so real 😭
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rosaliin-blog · 3 months
I'm gonna need a break from social media so I'll just poof away for a moment (months) but I'll give ya'll my last tiny contribution to the fandom
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This most probably the least unhinged post in this fandom. I made this on a notes app called mini note it's pretty nice 👌
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Already making another one..(🤡)..😗
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mhin-t · 4 months
wyd if you wake up to this
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purpleterror91 · 4 months
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Dumb negawing date night idea that @boo-blu inspired me to draw. They keep giving me brainrot over these two aughh
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yenshui · 3 months
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maxley brainrot human maxley brainrotttttttt
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hellomayu · 4 months
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guilty as sin, guilty as we can be
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kinokoshoujoart · 6 months
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romeo!! or rock….? idk he’s the ds guy. y’know
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stardustedseas · 10 days
(based on my self ship/college era)
Something Ford admires about you is how passionate you are about the stuff you like and how when you want to do something, you’ll do it. Even if you’re not great at it at first, you’ll just keep practicing until you’re good, and even then you don’t stop.
He’s seen your work and can tell just how much time and effort you’ve put into the practice, even if it’s just a hobby. It’s the reason you’re one of Backupsmore’s star students.
Your drive and passion very nearly rivals his own, just in a different way. Whatever it is that lights your fire, you’re his kind of person.
1. im going to nuke tumblr if it doesnt tell me i have asks then fucking doesnt save what i wrote i swear to god 2. thank you sm for the ask! im so sorry this is so late being replied to ToT 3. RAHHHHHH yeah im gonna be rolling this around in my brain for awhile
this isnt as long as it was the first time i tried to reply and i may come back to try to remember what i previously wrote but youre so right omgggg he would absolutely love how passionate you are! even if its not something hes personally into, he would still adore how driven you are with it. seeing the fire in your eyes when you work on/talk about something makes him excited and more motivated to work on his own stuff as well! he could spend hours listening to you talk about whatever it is youre interested in, hearts in his eyes the whole time too
i dont think ford would have a physical type, but someone who is very passionate about something is absolutely his personality type. on the slightly younger reader x ford college au, he would absolutely be right there in the front row cheering you on the most, seeing you walk across that stage to get a physical manifestation of your seemingly never ending passion? hes ready to get on one knee rn.
hed love to see how far youve come with something too, whether its just been a couple days or decades, he would think its so amazing to see your progress, even if you still have a long way to go or much to learn, he would get so happy to see what youve accomplished so far and how you show no signs of stopping. i think especially post portal ford would have a serious admiration for how you never give up, it really can be hard to keep going when it seems like everything is against you.
even if its just a hobby, seeing how much you care and are dedicated to your craft would absolutely be one of the main reasons ford fell for you
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coin-z3fs · 6 months
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More Irene but now little less messy and little less biblically accurate
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modernsapphicism · 8 months
i believe in a world where when reginas on her lowest of lows, she kinda hesitates on calling janis the one person she knows who wont sugarcoat any shit from her but she doesnt because of what happened to them.
and when the day comes where shes really desperate, she finally dials the number, hands shaking as she hears the line ring, actually afraid of getting rejected.
when janis picks up the phone in the middle of the night, sleep obvious in the tone of her voice as she greets a small 'hello?' and all regina could utter was "come over… please." in the smallest voice possible.
suddenly janis is up and running, confused as hell but all the hatred she has for the blonde slips away in that moment when she heard regina's voice.
a few minutes and a whole lot of running later, janis is standing in front of reginas doorway. she's hesitating to ring or knock, afraid to wake anybody else in the house. a beat passes and suddenly she hears a ping on her phone, a text which tells her the location of a spare key hidden near the pots, the same place it has always been all those years ago.
she reaches for the key and slides it into the lock, twisting the front door as quietly as she can. the scent of the home she frequents when they were younger hits her as memories come flooding in. she takes a moment and heads inside, closing the door gently before running upstairs.
she stood in front of the familiar wooden door, a million thoughts running on her mind. she knocks out of respect.
there was no answer for a few seconds until she hears a little bit of shuffling. the doorknob twists and reveals a very tired regina, her hair messy and unkempt tied in a messy bun, and her eyes swollen from crying, stray years still evident on her cheeks.
"you came," regina says, sadness and surprise laced in her voice.
"you called," was all janis could say as she stares at the blonde in front of her.
no other words were uttered and after a moment, regina steps aside and lets janis in, gently closing the door behind them.
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cosmichawk · 1 year
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also here are some edits that i did couple of days ago
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shippingmyworld · 2 months
Hello! Yet another headcanon ask, cause I've been loving the headcanons around Danny and Sam and what Danny consciously or unconsciously seeks out of a relationship and I crave m o r e.
What are your headcanons around what Manny wants or needs out a relationship? Also also, what would you say drew Manny to Danny the most and vise versa?
The tl;dr is that Manny fell first but Danny fell harder lol
I think that what Manny looks for in a relationship is someone that can keep up with him, someone that won't judge him for the decisions he makes, and someone that will stick by his side no matter what. That's why he 'dated' Frida for a whole year when they were high schoolers because their friendship technically fit the bill; it was just missing the romantic attraction part.
Growing up, Manny got a lot of love from the people around him. His mother, father, and grandpapi all showered him in it. Even when emotions run high and they fought with each other, things were usually resolved quickly and ended up with both sides explaining themselves. This also makes me believe that Manny developed a strong belief that it's healthy to get into arguments with the people you love because it shows you care enough to be open about your feelings with them.
However, on the flip side of that, I also headcanon that Manny will realize near the end of high school that his plan for the future doesn't necessarily match the vision his family has for him. It starts innocent enough, with Rodolfo making his usual comment about Manny being a full-time superhero in the future and Grandpapi auguring that Manny should be a full-time supervillain instead. This is nothing new, they have this argument all the time. But then something new gets added to the mix; Rodolfo throws a new hypothetical at Grandpapi, saying that once Manny gets married and has children, being a supervillain would just put his hypothetical family in danger. Grandpapi shoots back and says that villainy would pay much better, after all, "How do you think I was able to afford to build this entire house on top of an apartment complex???"
Manny just continues eating breakfast as usual, but this time the fight nags at the back of his mind. They both expect him to chose one side or the other eventually, but in all honesty, he doesn't want to. He doesn't feel torn up about it, like the original El Tigre did. In fact, he's extremely happy where he is, being able to indulge in whichever side of the hero/villain coin when he wants. But as time goes on and the argument between his dad and grandpapi repeats, he starts to feel more and more pressure to live up to their expectations. (Plus at this point in time I believe he's nearly graduated high school and already dated and broken up with Zoe/Black Cuervo and come to the realization that he's bisexual).
Any time that Manny tries to bring up the 'I don't want to chose.' argument with his dad and grandpapi, they would both wave off Manny's choice, saying that one day he'll have to pick like they did and being outright dismissive (not intentionally though, because the concept of it just still so foreign to them they can't wrap their heads around being both a hero and a villain) . This starts to reasonably frustrate Manny, since no matter how many times he explains himself, they won't see his side of the argument. It also starts to make Manny's anxiety simmer (which he inherited from his mother), because they're his family. They've always been by his side and even when they didn't agree, it never took long for them to talk things out. Why was it taking so long this time for them to understand him?
It would be around this time, that the OG Nicktoons Unite Gang would drop by Miracle City for the first time. Cross-Dimensional Villain of the week would be wreaking havoc in the city, so Manny and the Unite gang team up to take care of them. During the team up, I believe that Manny would instantly be drawn to Danny. Not in a romantic sense, but kinda in the "Holy shit he's so fucking cool, I have to be his friend at ALL COSTS." sense.
It's mostly in part because Danny reminds Manny so much of himself, yet seems so confident. They don't get much time to talk, but Manny's able to pick up that Danny's in a very similar situation; stuck between being a part of two conflicting worlds and constantly struggling to find balance between them. They actually click pretty much instantly with their banter during the brief team-up. So much so that it feels like they've known each other for years (Danny's sassy wit matches Manny's bravado and confidence in a playful way). That's why when the villain is subdued and everyone leaves, Manny doesn't feel the same sort of satisfaction he does when he takes down El Oso or The Mustache Mafia. In fact, he just let four super cool guys walk through a portal without any sort of hope or grantee he'd ever see them again.
There aren't a whole lot of superhero kids in Miracle City. The few that are around, Manny wouldn't really count as anything more than an acquaintance because there's always a disconnect between them (look at the Rising Son, who instantly turns on Manny the second that it's revealed Manny does a little bit of villainy). He's got a better rapport with the villains his age. Heck he even secretly hangs out with Django and a few others on occasion as civilians. However the villains give him even more flack than his grandpapi whenever he he starts leaning towards heroism, so he usually leaves their hangouts not feeling socially satisfied. Thankfully tho there seems to be a semi-regular occurrence of dimensional hopping supervillains - about once every two months - so Manny gets to see the Unite gang a handful of more times (the second time he sees them he instantly latches onto Timmy's arm and begs to get his contact information; he's much more suave about it by the time he gets around to asking everyone else, he just panicked upon noticing the pink hat and assumed they'd all leave as soon as the villain was caught.)
Near graduation when his anxiety is at it's peak, Manny will get a message from Jimmy, asking if Manny would be interested in joining the team more permanently. he instantly jumps at the opportunity (and then from there it's basically the plot of Desde el Principio lol).
Like I mentioned, I imagine that Manny didn't see Danny as anything more than a friend at first. Even though he personally acknowledged that Danny was handsome, Manny ignored that because he REALLY wanted to be friends with Danny. He constantly was engaging Danny in conversation (both irl and texting, once Manny officially joined the team). But since Manny doesn't really read social cues like everyone else, he didn't pick up that Danny was uncomfortable about discussing personal ghost stuff, so of course Manny continued to ask questions about it. It was all innocent of course (How does your green lazer thing work? How long can you stay invisible? Have you met any cool dead people?), and while the rest of the gang kinda tensed up when Manny started asking these questions (Danny included) it was surprisingly therapeutic for Danny to talk about this stuff.
Manny accepted all of Danny's answers at face value. If Danny lied about something and said, "I don't know." Manny would offer up his own suggestion (usually wrong) about how Danny's powers might work. Seeing how nonchalant Manny was about this stuff (Danny originally though that Manny might be weirded or freaked out) actually would make Danny lower his guard and start to be truthful about his halfa life. It's part of the reason why he fell for Manny in the first place, just because it became so easy to be around him. If he needed someone to talk to, something to be a nonsense-filter for the thoughts in his head, he knew Manny would never judge him for anything he might say. If he was having a really bad day and said he just wanted to sit around silently, Manny would hold him quietly until he felt better (or fell asleep).
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