#brain wave sensor
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The EXG Synapse by Neuphony is an advanced device designed to monitor and analyze multiple biosignals, including EEG, ECG, and EMG. It offers real-time data for research and neurofeedback, making it ideal for cognitive enhancement and physiological monitoring.
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Neuphony EXG Synapse has comprehensive biopotential signal compatibility, covering ECG, EEG, EOG, and EMG, ensures a versatile solution for various physiological monitoring applications.
#diy robot kits for adults#brain wave sensor#bci sensor#BCI chip#Surface EMG sensor#Arduino EEG sensor#Raspberry Pi EEG
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Monitor brain waves involves using sensors to detect and measure electrical activity in the brain, known as electroencephalography (EEG). This non-invasive method provides insights into cognitive states, mental processes, and neurological conditions, wireless eeg headset.
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who's the guy with the wide, blue eyes and the big bad, mmm?
Part 2 to ‘Who’s the cute boy with the white (black) jacket and the thick accent?’
Axel Kovačević x Fem! Reader
Summary: After you and Axel confirm each other’s interest in each other, you decide to take things a step further and attempt to go on a date when, of course, there’s the trouble of Cobra Kai.
gif is not mine
(In Croatian, "ljubavi" is pronounced "loo-buh-vee" and is used to address someone directly. It translates to “love.”)
“Thanks for walking me back to my room,” you say turning back to the tall Croatian boy trailing next to you.
You stop when you reach your room, pulling your key card out of your pockets from your dress.
“Of course,” Axel nods eyes trailing down to your body.
“Oh,” you realized you’re still wearing his jacket, beginning to shrug it off. “Your jacket, here.”
“No,” he holds his hands out to your shoulders keeping you from removing the piece of clothing. “You keep it, ljubavi.”
“Oh, giving nick names are we?” You tease Axel, slipping your hands around his torso.
He lets out a small laugh, snaking his large hands around the back of your neck making you feel giddy inside.
He’s delicate with his touch, gently tilting your head back so it allows him to lean down and softly graze his lips with yours.
You sigh as he pulled away, your lips almost reach up for more affection but knew it was getting late and another round of events waited for you in the morning.
“Good night, (Y/n),” he whispers pressing one final peck to your forehead. Your heart flutters in your chest as he pulls away.
Watching him walk to the elevator, you tap your key card against the sensor and twist the handle, ready to go inside.
But not without looking back towards the handsome flushed boy, waving him one more goodbye.
Once you finally make it inside, you lean back on the closed door to your shared room, and breathe.
Tonight’s events replayed in your mind, the conversation’s you shared with Axel played on a loop, his european accent engraved into the part of your brain that memorizes sounds.
You’re brought out of thought when you see your roommate saunter out of the bathroom, toothbrush hanging out of her mouth.
“And where have you been missy?” Sam muffles through a mouthful of toothpaste before continue to brush her teeth.
“I ran into Axel,” you grin walking over to your bed, slipping off the black jacket that held the sweetest scent of the young man you were just with.
“You’ve been with him this whole time?” Your best friend questions, her mouth falling open.
You nod bringing up the piece of clothing to your nose, inhaling the musky scent of Axel and his cologne.
“We talked, walked, kissed-“ you say holding the jacket tight against chest.
“You kissed?” Sam exclaims running over to you, plopping down on the bed. “How was it?”
“It was so…” You shake your head trying to grasp the wording for how you felt, how electrifying and dizzy his lips made you feel inside. “Consuming.”
The brunette girl watched you in awe as you described your night and took in every word you poured out.
“I hate that we met here,” you admit later that night as you and Sam laid in your beds, cozy in your pj’s and soft sheets.
“Why?” She asks lying on her side to look at you. You turn over, placing your arm under your head.
“We live on the other side of the world from each other, I feel like I met my match and he lives in another country,” you say glumly.
“You don’t think you guys would stay in contact?”
It would be a challenge. It’s your senior year of high school, college just around the corner, karate has always taken up most of your time, you hardly gave any attention to relationships.
“I want to say it would be hard but wouldn’t it be worth it if our connection meant that much to us?” You think out loud.
“So don’t think about it too hard,” Sam assured me. “We have a few days left here, just take things day by day, see where it goes.”
You sighed mentally agreeing with your best friend. She was right, you’re getting ahead of yourself.
The screen on your phone lit up catching your attention. Picking up the device, you noticed a text notification from an unknown number.
Unknown: Sleep well, ljubavi.
You smile seeing the nickname, knowing exactly who it was.
You: What does “ljubavi” mean?
You see the chat bubble rise above your keyboard before a message pops up.
Unknown number: Love.
Heart? Soaring. You were never one for nicknames, but this one turned you into mush.
You: I love it. Sweet dreams, Axel ❤️
You click your phone off and set it back on the nightstand before looking back up at the ceiling. Rerunning the night through your head, you fall asleep soundly.
It was a rough start to the morning. Mr. LaRusso informed your team that Terry Silver had once again weaseled his way back into your lives, this time with a different team.
The Iron Dragons, Axel's team. Silver was psychotic and a mess, it left you worried what could happen to the boy you took a liking to.
Anxiously waiting, you sat alone on one of the benches around the corner from the locker rooms, fiddling with your fingers.
Axel strode down the hallway, dressed in his green Gi, captain's headband tied on and ready to go. Why did he have to look so good?
"Hi," you greet the young man nervously as he sat right next you. The blue-green eyed boy wasted no time wrapping you in his arms, making you feel almost grounded.
Your eyes slumped shut, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, resting your chin on his left broad shoulder.
"Is everything okay?" Axel asks taking notice to your longing hold. You sighed pulling back from his warm embrace, still trying to figure out how to tell him about Silver.
"I brought you something," he says diverting your attention. Reaching into his pockets, he pulls out a braided bracelet with the Barcelona flower in the middle of it.
"Axel," you pout as he held the hand woven accessory between you two. "It’s beautiful, thank you.”
You take the gift, holding it to your heart forgetting why you asked him here in the first place.
“The woman who sold it to me said each petal represents something different, it reminded me of you,” he says tracing the four gold petals on the bracelet, a pink hue cascading across his nose and cheeks.
“Axel,” you hear a girls voice from down the hall making you both turn to its corporate.
Zara, the other Iron Dragon’s captain stood with a straight face, calling out to her teammate.
“Sensei is waiting,” she speaks calmly. You couldn’t read her, was she annoyed? Unbothered?
“I’m coming,” Axel says before standing up. Crap, you didn’t get to inform him on Silver.
“I must go,” he says facing you. “Good luck today, ljubavi.”
He presses a quick kiss to your lips before striding over to Zara who glanced over at you with a questioning look.
She raised an eyebrow and walked off with the other captain, leaving you to ponder your thoughts.
“How’d it go?” Demetri asked as you approached your team, scratching the back of your head.
“Um, it didn’t- I’m sorry!” You apologize quickly. “He caught me off guard with something!”
“(Y/n!)” Hawk gave you a disappointed look, Robby and Miguel sighing with the same shared expressions as everyone else.
“Okay, but even if she did tell him, what could he do?” Sam interjects, hands on her hips. At least someone was on your side.
“Sam’s right,” Kenny agreed. “Silver has a way with anyone, one person makes no difference.”
“It could if they’re the winter soldier,” Demetri retorted making you whip your head to the tall lanky boy next to you.
“We already told you to stop calling him that,” you muttered lowly to him. “You have no idea what he goes through, look at what Tory was going through this entire time.”
The team fell quiet at your words.
“Let’s just get through this next round, okay guys?” Robby spoke up breaking the silence. “We have work to do.”
Everyone nodded in agreement, making their way to where your sensei’s stood.
You fought like hell, everyone did. Robby pulled through in the end against Kwon, defeating our biggest match.
We had finally defeated Cobra Kai.
As you and Sam hugged celebrating your group win, you notice the boy you've been infatuated with this entire trip approach you.
“Congratulations,” Axel spoke as you pulled back from your friend's arms.
“Thanks,” you smile widely crossing your arms over your chest. “And congrats to you.”
“Thank you,” he nods a small closed mouth grin on his face.
“I'll leave you two alone," Sam shoots you a wink before walking off. Axel glanced around him, taking a step closer to you.
Due to your height difference, you tilted your head up at the 6 foot boy admiring his post fight look. Messy auburn hair, cheeks flushed.
"May I take you to dinner tonight?" Axel asks reaching out his hands for yours. You intertwined yours fingers together, the tingles starting to form inside.
"I'd love that," you grin trying to contain your excitement. After this big win, and getting an opportunity to spend more time with Axel, you were on cloud 9.
You both turn to see Sensei Wolf and none other than Terry Silver standing side by side, his sensei glaring at you and Silver looking smug.
You suddenly felt caught, like you were just exposed from a dirty little secret. Silver saw you holding hands with one of his students, you, a Miyagi-Do with his team captain.
Pulling your hands from his grasp, Axel turns back to you, a frown forming on his face.
"We'll talk later?" You ask bringing his eyes back up to yours.
"Yes, I will text you," he confirms. You turn on your heels to walk away when you're suddenly caught by the wrist and twirled around falling into Axel's chest.
He brings a hand up to your face, softly caressing the apple of your cheek before locking his lips with yours.
You can't help but melt into the kiss, your tongue lightly grazing against his. You're both breathless when you disconnect, you stood dizzy as he walked over to the men that called him.
Shaking your head, you stride over to your team, a million thoughts running through your head.
After changing into normal civilian clothes, you closed the locker moving to leave when Miguel walks in.
"Hey," you greet him. "I was just gonna go look for you guys."
"No worries," he assures you. Your friend stood awkwardly, his eyes saying something but his mouth relaying nothing.
"Is everything okay?" You ask noticing his stance. "How’s your mom?"
"Yeah, no she's fine, thank you," he exhales walking to where you stand shoving his hands in his pockets. "We're actually worried about you."
"About me?" You ask with a light laugh. "Why?"
Miguel sighed trying to find the words.
"Demetri thinks-"
You rolled your eyes, slinging your gym bag over your shoulder crossing your arms defensively.
"I'm gonna kick his ass," you mumbled. "What now?"
"He thinks Silver might be going through Axel to get to you," your friend reveals.
No, you think immediately.
"I- I don't think he would do that," you say lowly. "Right?"
You're asking yourself at this point. Miguel stares at you with empathetic eyes, you rub a hand over your face.
"We just met Miggy," you begin to think about your interactions. "But I know this wasn't planned, this was all by chance."
"Okay," Miguel nods taking you for your word. "We have your back then."
You smile softly at the curly haired boy, before pulling him into a tight hug.
"What's this for?" He asks with a slight chuckle.
"I'm just glad you and Johnny are back, and your mom is okay," you breathed out. "It's not easy losing a parent."
He rubbed your back knowing your history of losing your father a few years back.
That same night Miguel left, you went to the beach because your dad and you loved spending time there. He would teach you the kata you know now, and practice your breathing work with you there.
"Thank you, (Y/n)," Miguel whispered. You both pulled back, and silently went back to your team together.
"Why am I so nervous? I've already kissed the guy!" You freaked brushing your comb through your curls.
"Kissed, made out," Sam shrugged flipping through the channels of your tv.
"Made out?" Miguel speaks up sitting up from his spot on Sam's bed. "I was only gone for like a day."
"A lot can happen in 24 hours," you wince. Setting the comb down, you stare at yourself in the mirror rechecking your appearance.
You wore a red romper that held an array of tiny colorful flowers with a pair of raffia flats to complement the style.
"You look gorgeous," Sam came up from behind you, her face lingering next to yours in the mirror. She ran her fingers through your curls giving them a more tousled look that she knew you favored.
"Thanks, Sam," you say as she finished fixing your hair.
"I'm gonna use the bathroom real quick," she says to you and Miguel. She stepped aside and went into the bathroom.
"Where are you guys gonna go?" Miguel asks propping his arm behind his head.
"One of the local restaurants at the square," you respond spraying some of your Valentino perfume into the crevices of your neck.
Before Miguel could respond, there's a knock at the door. It was Axel.
"Be safe," your best friend's boyfriend wishes you as you grabbed your purse. You roll your eyes playfully, swinging the door open to reveal your company.
"Wow," Axel breathed out. "You look beautiful."
Your nerves vanished, all the worrying you held earlier diminished at his words.
"Thank you," you blushed. "You don't look so bad yourself."
Axel wore a grey henley shirt with a black bomber jacket and dark blue jeans, he looked absolutely handsome. And he was all yours.
He blushes at your compliment, his eyes lingering down your face before they shifted behind you making him frown.
"Who is that?" Axel asks, his eyebrows furrowing.
"Oh," you open the door a little wider. "This is Miguel, my teammate and Sam's boyfriend."
"Sup man," Miguel gives him a small wave before he goes back to watching tv.
"You ready to go?" You ask turning back to Axel with a soft smile. His eye tear away from the comfortable boy in bed and focuses on you.
"Yes," he responds a little more relaxed. You shut the door behind you, walking hand in hand with your date to the elevator.
As you both stood in the moving transportation, Axel lifts your hand noticing the gift he had given you earlier wrapped around your wrist making him smile.
He brings your hand up to his lips, pressing a quick kiss to the back of your it making you giggle.
It was a perfect night. The food was amazing, the art was captivating, and the company made it ten times better.
"So Mr. Europe, what do you think of Barcelona?" You ask as you and Axel strolled down the streets of the city. You stood on his right side, arm looped with his.
"Reminds me of Koh Samui," he says referring to a part of Thailand.
"You've been to Thailand?" You gasped. "That's so cool."
"And Japan," he adds. "China, Malaysia, India, every country in Europe."
You shake your head, stunned at his list of traveling destinations.
"That's amazing," you exhale nuzzling further into Axel's side.
"You ever been to Europe?" He inquires.
"No," you admit sadly. "Sam has taken me to Disney World a few times when we were kids, but other than California, I haven't been anywhere."
He nods, taking in your words.
"I really like it here though, being able to come here has been eye opening. Makes me want to see the rest of the world," you say thoughtfully.
"What do you hope to see while here?" Axel asks as you turn a corner into an alley way covered from wall to wall of art, lights hanging above you.
"Everything," you say untangling yourself from his hold to look closer at a mural on the wall. "Las Ramblas, Cascada Monumental, Park Güel!"
Axel stood behind you watching as you admired the painting, a small smile on his face as he listened to you ramble about your wants and wishes.
"And end with fight for the world tournament of karate?" He asks with a slight chuckle coming up to your side.
''And maybe something else," you tease him glancing up into his dark blue orbs. He reached towards you, moving the strands of hair away from your face so he could see your eyes.
"Can we take a picture together?" You ask almost shyly. You wanted to memorize this trip through and through, and you especially wanted proof that you had in fact met someone across the world that you very much liked.
"Anything for you," he says making your heart flutter. Axel stood behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist, gently taking your phone from your hand to take your picture.
You leaned back into his chest, smiling with complete bliss as he snapped a few pictures, your face feeling warm when he takes a few of him kissing your cheek then your lips.
But of course, there's an interruption when a back door is slammed open and out fall a few members of Cobra Kai.
"Ohh, what do we have here?" Kwon spoke almost slurring his words letting you know he had been drinking. You rolled your eyes as he and his teammates stood around you.
"How cute," your opponent says observing the situation in front of him. "Little rival team play time, huh?"
Him and his friends laughed making you huff in annoyance. Axel stood still a look of anger casting across his face.
"Just ignore them," you say making the tall boy look down at you. He silently agreed, both of you working to move past them.
Two members of the Cobra Kai gang closed in on you, not allowing you to pass through.
"Say the magic words," Kwon cockily dared you. Your blood began to boil at his arrogance, it was a perfect night and they were ruining it.
"Move aside," you state slowly. Kwon looked Axel then back at you, faking a shock.
"Wrong," he says pissing you off further.
"Get the hell out of our way and leave us alone," you seethed not being able to control your anger for much longer.
With a fake innocent look on his face, Kwon bends down to your level resting his hands on his knees before stating, "only if you say 'please."
As Kwon sent you a smug smile, you were ready to deck him in the face when another member suddenly attacked Axel.
"Hit me, come on," Kwon taunts you, tapping his chin for you to hit him.
As Axel threw his teammate into Kwon, you followed your instincts to turn and kick the other member that threatened to attack you.
When he landed on the floor, you turned back to Kwon who stood toe to toe with Axel, instigating a fight.
"Come on, I'll take you both, let's go," he challenged us. Suddenly the sounds of sirens were heard in the distance bringing you back to reality.
"We need to go," you say hurriedly stepping in front of your date gently pushing him back.
"I'll see you on the mat," Kwon promises.
"Come on," you beg grabbing Axel's hand tugging him with you. He finally listens to you, and you both run in the opposite direction of Cobra Kai.
When you make it to the beach, you halt to a stop, bending over to catch your breath.
"That," you inhale. "Was Cobra Kai. Actual pricks."
You had explained the entire back story during dinner to what brought your team to the Sekai Taikai, not leaving a single detail out.
"I can see why," Axel pants. Tiredly, you plop down onto the sand, the tall boy mimicking your actions.
"Nice round kick," he says a big grin on his face making you laugh.
"Nice counter strike," you throw back at him a small grin on your face. He chuckles watching as you turned to face him, his eyes becoming hazy.
Within the heat of the moment, you lean forward smashing your lips together, lips moving in sync with one another. You moved to straddle his waist, his hands going straight to your waist.
A fire ignited in the pit of your stomach as you felt him open his mouth allowing you to explore it with your tongue.
Gently pushing him on his back, your lips never disconnected, his grabby hands wondering over your backside.
Axel moaned as you lightly bit his lower lip as you tore apart for air.
"Best date ever," you whispered looking through half lidded eyes.
"Definitely," he agreed with a small smirk before tangling his long fingers through your hair pulling your head back down to continue what you had started.
part 3
Tag List: @karmaswitch
(a/n: um omg thank you for requesting a part two?? i’ve never done this before this is so exciting, and lmk if y’all wanna be added to the tag list!! i’ve been a wattpad girlie since i was 12 and was so intimidated to write for tumblr but it is so nice over here lol. incase you’re a fan of Teen Wolf i do have a book on wattpad for Liam Dunbar, my user is @ district12girlonfire that has been my pride and joyyyy.
anyway, part 3?)
#axel kovacevic imagines#axel kovacevic x reader#axel cobra kai#axel x reader#axel kovacevic#cobra kai#cobra kai imagine
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Sakura, did they...set off your romance sensor?
— "Oh, listen, this boy here…whenever he senses anything romantic…he goes beet red in the face!!" - Tasuku Tsubakino (Ch.66)
— Hayato Suo, Hajime Umemiya, Jo Togame
Wow, my windbreaker brain rot has shot me into a whole new timeline where I can sit down and write. Not gonna lie, not my favorite but it is what it is. I've beat my first fic for a fandom nerves.
Hajime Umemiya
When Umemiya had called a rooftop meeting, Sakura had been through them enough to know what to expect. Umemiya would either show up late or be completely off-topic until someone, mostly Hiragi, stepped in to direct the meeting to its actual purpose. Most of the time, the distractions would be on his plants or his giddy plans of having another barbeque with everyone. It used to be annoying, Sakura once believed the reason why Umemiya was so unserious was because he didn't care. But he knows better now than to take that carefree smile on the surface level. Deep down, Umemiya is a great leader who knows when it's time to get serious.
But this...
Sakura's cheeks are already turning pink.
This is a bit too much for him. He hasn't leveled up enough for this.
"The Three Sisters is a method of gardening that involves planting corn, beans, and squash together. The corn provides support for the beans and squash, the beans add nitrogen to the soil, and the squash's sprawling vines create shade and discourage pests too. It's really quite fascinating, don't you think so Ume?" you ask, lightly petting the leaves of his most recent tomato plant sprout. Your eyes downcasted as you thumb away bits of dirt that happened to be blown by the wind onto the greenery. Perhaps it's because you're one of the few people who entertain Umemiya's rapid obsession with his garden, even going out of your way to tell him facts to better his plot and compliment him on his efforts. Heck, Sakura has seen Umemiya crying because Nirei has told him that his saplings look bigger each time. While Sakura does not doubt that those feelings and expressions were genuine, the look Umemiya is giving you, a look you're not even seeing, feels different. Umemiya himself is different.
"Yeah..." Umemiya responds in a soft tone, his voice almost a whisper. Their usually talkative leader who won't shut up for half a second, who talks over people, is currently so distracted that it's kind of embarrassing watching him. He's been staring at you, eyes zeroing in on your fingers as they brush against the leaves, almost entranced by the sight. Sakura would give anything to leave right now, this second-hand embarrassment is too much. Luckily, Umemiya finally seems to register that you and he aren't alone despite the fact he was the one who called the meeting in the first place. His head perks up confused, hands on top of his knees, as he's greeted with varying expressions from his grade captains. Hiragi in particular looks like he's having both a stomach ache and the urge to slap the back of Umemiya's head. The urge is only partially restrained when you also look up, sending them all a little wave. Hiragi isn't going to slug Umemiya if you're there to see it, it's the pride of a man to not get beaten up in front of his crush.
"Oh shoot, you're all here already? Why didn't you say anything?" Umemiya whines, standing up while dusting his pants free of any lingering dirt. He extends a hand to you, not before rubbing his palm furiously on the back of his shirt, to help you up, "I'll see you later?"
"Mm, sure. Good luck with your new sprouts. Remember to remove the bottom leaves once the plants are over 3 feet tall. I'll be upset if they develop fungus issues," you pat Umemiya's cheek gently, ignoring the way that Umemiya completely melts openly at the gesture. You turn to nod at the rest of them, offering another wave goodbye, as you pass them to exit the rooftop. The resounding sound of the door closing finally sets them back on track.
"We did," Hiragi speaks up as soon the vibrations in the air fizzle out with an exasperated expression, referring back to Umemiya's first question, "You were too busy staring. We've been here for almost ten minutes, you idiot."
"Sorry, sorry, my bad," Umemiya laughs easily, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. Although he's been clearly called out, Umemiya doesn't seem the slightest bit ruffled. Sure, he looks a little bashful but Sakura doubts that he'll tone it back much to the embarrassment of any onlooker. Maybe one day, he'll be able to look that happy with his own feelings on display.
A sudden clap has Sakura jolting back to reality, Umemiya's loud voice returning back to something familiar, "Now then, come sit! I prepared some snacks for us all to share."
Everyone else seems used to Umemiya's behavior and they easily follow him, completely disregarding your and Umemiya's interactions as if they never happened. Sakura doesn't really get it but if everyone else is unbothered, it'd be seriously uncool if he said anything. He lets out a sigh, whatever. It's none of his business anyway.
"Sakura, why are you blushing?" Nirei, the bastard, pipes up behind him. Suo, the even worst bastard, laughs behind his hand like he's some rich Victorian lady.
"Huh, no I- I'm not." Sakura's cheeks went from pink to red, now that he's been caught. He looks away, avoiding eye contact, "S-Shut the hell up!"
Hayato Suo
"Mr. Customer, if you're dissatisfied with our menu, you're more than welcome to leave."
Sakura blinks, head jerking up as he crosses the threshold of Café Pothos. Initially, he assumed those words were directed at him even though it wouldn't make sense. He quite likes the menu despite only ordering the same thing each time. But no, when Sakura looks up it's to a rather unexpected sight. Suo sits at the bar counter, back ram-rod straight and his hands folded in his lap, with that ever-pleasant smile on his lips. Across from him stands a worker Sakura has never seen before. He always assumed that Kotoha was the only employee, but today seems to be full of surprises. A green apron with white ties, sleeves rolled up to the elbow, and hands fisted against the hips.
"The bakery across the street would love to hear your complaints, Mr. Customer."
There is something about the new worker and Suo that keeps Sakura glancing back at them after he's sat himself in a secluded corner. Perhaps it's because it's a new face he has yet to meet at a place he frequents so often. It's normal to be curious right? Or maybe it's Suo being here alone. He's never seen the man "out in the wild" before. They aren't even looking at him, Suo hadn't even looked up when he first opened the door although Sakura is sure that Suo is aware of him. He's creepy like that. The new worker, however, whips an annoyed glance at Suo before letting out an irritated huff, arms crossing over the green apron, and glaring down at Suo’s smiling face. A face that would remain ever-pleasant in any given situation.
"Is this your version of service? It must be hard on the customer," Suo chuckles, a slight tilt of his head that bounces his tassel earring. Suo's laugh, however, causes Sakura to feel a hint of surprise. It's not a laugh he expects the man to give, yet at the same time, it suits him.
"That's because you're a terrible customer and a pain in the ass." The worker sneers, leaning in so the two of them are face to face.
Suo seems to be difficult for anyone to handle.
"It's busy today," Kotoha says, appearing out of thin air and scaring Sakura half to death. A plate of steaming omurice slides in front of him because he really does only order one thing here. It's not a great conversation starter, but it's nice of her to break the odd tension that has settled over the cafe. Kotoha is also looking to the side, watching the scene of her co-worker and Suo bickering and arguing. Passive aggressive comments are being flown out, scathing remarks padded with polite voices, so much so that the two of you don't seem to register anyone else around. Completely wrapped up in your world of irritation versus amusement.
"What…are they even arguing about?" Sakura chances to ask, his eyes still glued to the curve of Suo's smile, red eye focused solely on you. His hand idly reaches for his spoon, scooping up a bit of rice and egg, yet it hovers in the air ideally. Suo has his head tilted and is leaning somewhat in the worker's space. His eyes don't stray, watching each shift in facial expression carefully to gauge whether his words are having their intended effect. He looks like he's having way too much fun.
"Oh, that." Kotoha giggles, placing her palm on the table. She too looks like she's having way too much fun, "They always go back and forth like that. It's like a game of cat and mouse with those two. They're both stubborn as hell so it's a constant power struggle between them. Although, I wonder what they're arguing about this time. They always bicker at each other when we change shifts."
Kotoha shakes her head, a fond smile on her face. She glances briefly at Sakura before her eyes drift back to the other two. She raises her hand, finally cutting the bubble between you and Suo.
"Hey, I'm back from break. Thanks for covering for me," she calls, waving her hand in the air. The frown that was permanently on your face melts away when you break eye contact with Suo, returning to a more neutral blank look. You only nod to Kotoha, flashing up a thumbs-up, and you move to head back to the kitchen. But not before sticking your tongue out at Suo over your shoulder as you disappear through the doorway. Sakura blinked surprised, he had somewhat expected a different reaction than something so...tame. His eyes drift to Suo and he can feel his cheeks heat up.
He doesn't think he's seen Suo look happier.
Jo Togame
"See, you peel off the seal on the cap. Remove the ring from the little plastic piece you use to push the marble. Then, with your thumb, press down, and poof, the marble drops and you can enjoy!" you grin as you move slowly for Sakura to see your hands with each instruction. The fizz of carbonation and the clink of the marble hitting the glass amplified louder in the abandoned auditorium. A few other shishitoren members are loitering, but only you and Sakura are sitting up on the edge of the stage. After the embarrassment of not knowing how to open the ramune Togame had given him, he sought you out to explain it to him. Sakura didn't think he could stomach it if he went back to Togame again for help. He follows your movement, his fingers removing the thin seal. Popping the ring off the marble pusher, and with his thumb, pushes on the marble. His thumb slips a few times, but you're patient as you coax him to try again. With his third attempt, he feels the marble give, the rewarding sound of bubbles popping.
"Thanks..." Sakura mumbles, a faint blush on his cheeks as you cheer your ramune's together as you take a swig.
"No problem," you say nonchalantly, leaning your weight back on your arms. With the bottle held in your hand, you watch Sakura, who is intently staring at the drink on his own. The silence between you isn't exactly uncomfortable, but you can sense the slight embarrassment oozing off him. "Soooo... how's it taste?"
He gives a soft hum before taking a small sip, the fizzy liquid leaving a tingling sensation on his tongue. It's not as sweet as he thought it’d be. It's rather subtle for a soda. He takes a longer sip this time, the fizz tickling his nose and bubbles popping against his lip. Looking at you sidelong, he can see you already staring at him excitedly. You weren't kidding when you said you were a big fan of this.
"It's sweet, I guess," his voice soft as he shrugs. A few strands of his white hair fell in front of his face. His eyes glance up at you as you stare at him intently, waiting for him to continue. He awkwardly bites the inside of his cheek. It still feels weird having people who actually want to hear his opinion, even if it's as small as a drink. "A bit strange… The flavor is nice, but the fizz is new."
He takes another sip, careful with the angle he tilts the bottle lest the marble block the opening. He doesn't really understand the appeal of the marble. It's a nuisance. The fizz was the best part of the soda, but the clinking made it impossible to drink it quietly. Besides, he holds the ramune bottle out, how the hell do you even get it out? Does he need to throw it against a wall to break the bottle? He doesn't want to get broken glass everywhere since someone could accidentally step on it.
"Is the marble irritating you?" you ask, laughing quietly under your breath to not set Sakura off into another tomato-faced explosion.
"No!" he answers with a quick hiss, cheeks flushing. He can feel you stare at him as a smirk dances across your lips. He can already envision the teasing you’re concocting to make him react. He gives another soft huff, refusing to look at you, as he fidgets with the bottle. He doesn't want to ask you to help again. He already feels like a helpless idiot. Instead of commenting, you swing yourself upwards, planting your hand on your knee. The other hand, wrapped around the bottle, moves to your lips as you down the rest of your drink. The fizz of bubbles pops in the air while Sakura looks at you bewildered. Weren't you supposed to drink carbonated drinks slowly or you'll stomach hurt? Did you become immune or something from drinking so many?
"Come on, let's go. I still haven't finished my ramune 101 class," you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, winking over your shoulder which sends Sakura into another pink mess, as you slide off the stage.
"W- What do you mean we’re not done?" he stammers quickly, flustered as he scrambles up to follow you. He feels a bit dizzy from going from a sitting position to standing too quickly. He grips the bottle in his hand and takes a few quick steps to catch up to you as you stride to the doors leading outside the auditorium. You laugh again when he rushes to catch up. His quick reaction time betrays his small stature. It's kinda cute.
"It means I'm gonna teach you how to get the damn marble out, genius" you tease, shoving his shoulder as you reach the doors. Opening them, the two of you were met with the cool outside air. It's refreshing after being indoors for so long and the auditorium has gotten you both hot and stuffy. Hence the initial ramune drinks. You quickly take his hand, ignoring the screams, as you drag Sakura to the side of the building. "Togame! Are you sleeping still?"
"Huh?" a tired voice answers groggily from the other side of the wall. Togame is sitting on the ground next to the wall with his back against the auditorium. He has his legs stretched out, his head leaning back on the wall, rubbing his eyes to clear the ever-constant droop in his eyes. He looks as if he is napping before being rudely interrupted, "I was..."
"Oops. Hehe, sorry," you chuckle, hands raised up in a mock surrender although you don't particularly look apologetic. To be fair, Togame doesn't look upset either. Only gives you and Sakura a sleepy smile and nods as he raises his arm high to stretch. His green eyes drifted to the bottles of ramune in your hands with a curious tilt of the chin. In response, you beam at him, rattling the marble inside the glass bottle before handing it to him. "Please, if you could."
Togame snorts as he takes the bottle. There's a hint of playfulness in his tired eyes as he shakes the bottle a few times, letting the marble inside thump against the glass. It's funny watching the marble rattle around. It reminds him of a little toy marble maze he had as a child. He flicks his gaze to look at Sakura, who stands off to the side stiffly. The poor kid looks ready to bolt at any second when given an opening. His own half-finished bottle lays limply in his hand, the marble reflecting off the sun's light.
"You know you just have to twist the cap in the opposite direction right?" he says, wrapping his fingers around the blue lid and twisting the cap off. Turning the bottle over, he catches the marble from the opening into the palm of his hand. He extends his hand, sliding the marble into your waiting ones. "I know you're strong enough to do that."
"Yeah, but my hands get cramps and it's impossible to move it!"
"I don't think that's how that works...But if it really is too hard, you can keep coming to me."
Sakura stands by, feeling out of place as you go back and forth with Togame. Yet, he doesn't feel like an intruder this time, merely an observer. He looks down at his own bottle, hands moving to twist the cap off while making sure he doesn't spill the drink.
It's easy. It pops right off with barely any effort. Sakura has quite literally seen you throw a man double your size over your shoulder.
The marble reflects his face messily, but there's a shine of red glinting off the surface.
#windbreaker#wind breaker#wind breaker nii satoru#windbreaker nii satoru#wind breaker x reader#windbreaker x reader#umemiya x reader#suo x reader#togame x reader#umemiya hajime x reader#suo hayato x reader#togame jo x reader#windbreaker headcanon#wind breaker headcanons#umemiya hajime#suo hayato#togame jo#windbreaker umemiya#windbreaker suo#windbreaker togame#sakura hakura#windbreaker sakura#sakura
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I'd Die (Again) for Y'all part 16
Danny woke up clinging to a bare sliver of bed, held in place by slim, strong arms wrapped around him. It took his confused brain a few minutes to figure out what was going on. Right. Even though it had been early, he, Tim, and Jason had all dozed off together after some truly epic sex.
He had thought to slip away and let them have the bed (he still didn't know how they'd all fit on it), but Tim had quickly squashed that idea. "No sneaking off," he'd said muzzily and wrapped his arms around Danny's waist even as he fell asleep.
Those same arms were still wrapped around Danny now but he thought he might be able to slip out without disturbing anyone else.
The moment he started to move, those arms tightened. "Where are you going?" Tim mumbled in Danny's ear.
"Nowhere, I guess."
"Damn right," Jason growled from the other side of the bed. "No more running, Protector."
Danny sighed and relaxed back onto the bed. "I wasn't…"
Tim rolled over, taking Danny with him, and suddenly Danny was pinned between him and Jason.
"You were running last night, weren't you?" Tim asked sadly. "As soon as you thought we were okay without you, you were gone."
Danny cringed. He hadn't thought of it that way, had just been trying to not intrude, but he could see how…
"You been doing nothing but running and fighting for years now," Jason said, nuzzling at Danny's neck. "We get it. But you promised me, Protector."
"Yeah," Danny's breath hitches, "Yeah, I know. And I won't. Or… I don't mean to, I just…
"No more running, Danny," Tim murmured, and leaned over to kiss him. "We aren't letting you go."
Danny finally let himself relax back on the bed. "No more running. But what are you going to do with me then?"
Jason and Tim smirked at each other before closing in.
From Sam Manson To Lois Lane Subject: Re: Ghost Boy says I'm not a fruitloop.
If you are lying I will make you regret the day you were born, and Superman himself will not keep you safe from my vengeance.
Call (xxx) xxx-xxxx at 8am Central Time tomorrow. I'll give you one hour.
In the dark of night, Cyborg watched through remotes as Flash approached one of the sites they had identified as a GIW operation. The plan was infiltrate and harass. They didn't want a full war with the GIW, they wanted to shut them down legally and peacefully.
That was the theory anyway. After seeing the medical reports on Phantom Cyborn wouldn't have been very disappointed if they ended up attacking the GIW directly.
From what little they'd been able to find, they thought this location was for weapons testing and development. On the surface, it looked like any other industrial park, but when Cyborg turned /his/ sensors on it, it was obviously nothing of the sort.
Flash was a fast bugger, no way Cyborg's remotes could keep up. But that was okay. He kept his remotes stationed on perimeter, watching for anyone who might show up unexpectedly. One of the Lantern's, John Stewart, was above, ready to come bursting in if Flash needed backup.
Cyborg gave Flash the 'go' and the speedster took off, racing over the perimeter fence and into the building. A moment later, Cyborg picked up a new wifi signal from within the building. Flash had gotten him access. Cyborg immediately uploaded one of his specialized viruses into the comptures and began downloading any and all files he could find.
"Oh my god, Cyborg."
Flash's voice, over the comm. Fuck. This was supposed to be a silent mission.
"What's wrong?"
"Their weapons' testing? They're testing them on living… er… existing beings."
"They have… these little glowing blob creatures? Dozens of them trapped in these containers. I can't just leave them here."
"I'm going in," Stewart said. Cyborg waved him on.
Animal experimentation? For ghosts?
Cyborg remembered again Phantom's injuries and shuddered. "Keep your eyes out, Flash. Find every, and I mean /every/ location they may be hiding their subjects.
"I'm calling in back up."
By dawn, the GIW base didn't exist any longer. From roof to sub-sub-sub basement it had been pulled apart. The captive creatures -- the Flash's immense relief they never found anything other than those creatures -- had been relocated and Dr. Atom and Flash were tearing through the GIW files trying to figure out what they were and how to care for them.
For the time being, they were being held in one of the restricted portions of the Watchtower. They didn't seem in any pain or distress in their little containers, so the team had reluctantly decided to leave them there until they had more information. For all they new the little blobs needed something in those containers to survive…
Jason cursed sleepily as his phone rang. "What?"
"Fuck you." He was not dealing with Bruce at this fucking hour of the morning. Yesterday had been amazing. For once there had been no emergencies, no disasters. Just a whole day that he and Tim and Danny had been able to spend together, taking turns taking care of each other. God they were a messed up bunch, but by some miracle…
"It's too goddamn early for your bullshit."
"I need to know if you are still on contact with him."
Jason rolled his eyes, and looked down to were Danny was sleepily cuddled up against him. "Yeah, I got a way to get a hold of him. But he's still not going to want anything to do with you assholes."
"Hh. Flash, Lantern Steward, and Cyborg took down a GIW base last night. They found… captives."
Jason bolted upright. "WHAT?!"
Danny was blinking up at him. Damnit.
"They appear to be a living blob. Atom and Flash believe they are some kind of ghostly animal. We need to know how to care for them and if it is safe to release them."
"Fine," Jason allowed himself a moment to glare at the phone. "I'll talk to him."
He hung and flopped back on the bed. "So… That was asshole with some news."
As usual, cleaned up version hits AO3 next week. Thanks so much for being patient with me the last year or so, but I am back and ready to write, so expect another update in two weeks.
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Hey, baby

Just a little sunhinged sketch for y’all
Laplace's Angel by Will Wood makes brain go brrrrrr
So this scene from Sun’s backstory made it into the start of chapter 16 of LRA, but it was originally much longer. I had pages and pages written, from Sun playing in the daycare with the kids to interactions with different people each time he woke up to scenes in Parts n Services. But each time I slipped it into the chapter, it didn’t work. It didn’t do justice to Sun’s story. So I took what I had and rewrote it, pulling in bits and pieces to create something that makes my heart ache every time I reread it.
But I also saved that original document. Once LRA is done (whenever that may be), I’m planning on releasing scenes, chapters, and ideas that never made it into the story on ao3, probably in a fic called The Scrapyard (lol). But for now here is a little excerpt from the original scene below the cut.
(tw: dissociation, graphic violence to human, reference to sa but not shown)
Sun looked at the bedroom door then down at his hands. There was something wrong with his touch sensors again. He was overloaded with sensations crawling over every inch of his metal coverings—the scratchy carpet and the tight leather harness and the horrendously gentle breeze from the air conditioner slinking through his rays.
Too much input. Too much everything. He felt crushed and warped and overheated. He felt… he felt…
So so so angry. His body shook, and the shriek of metal slicing across metal cut through the air. He caught his balance against the wall, digging claws into the off-white paint, as a second set of arms now extended from his waist.
Strange. He thought those had been removed years ago.
The bathroom door opened and he singled in on the man entering the hall, shirtless and whistling in a way that made Sun’s audio input ring. With a startled double-take, the man froze, eyes popping wide and mouth hanging open in a ridiculous manner.
“Hey, baby,” Sun simpered, waving all four hands. This time the smile that stretched across his face was genuine.
“W-what the hell, man?”
Sun stalked forward as the man backed away, a lovely enticing hunger growing at the sight.
“Are you ready to play something new?”
“What are you… sh-shut down, that’s an order,” the man stuttered, but Sun only crept closer. “I said shut down! Get away from me! Get away—”
The screams ended much too soon, even with Sun taking his time. The animatronic panted without breath as he peeled off the man’s skin, flayed him open like Sun had been every time he woke up. Blood soaked through the holes in the silicone around his hands, slick and warm in such a delicious way. He bit into the man’s neck just to taste it.
#sunhinged#and it's well deserved#long road ahead#lra the scrapyard#fnaf sun#long road ahead au#pleasurebot!sun#fnaf dca au#bubbie art#will I ever draw Sun consistently? who can say
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Polo Drone Perfection
PDU-070 (@polo-drone-070) has a dream. The creation of an optimal drone. Even if it is interested in optimization, various other commitments and tasks prevent it from dedicating itself to optimization to such an extent. The will is there, and certainly the strength of it own assertiveness. And yes, it is also documented that 070 has also taken a number of steps itself and has tried them again and again.
Well, perhaps there was also a happy coincidence. The coincidence is 073. After its conversion, this drone strives for optimization itself. Makes an effort in its own actions to constantly improve. Yes, the synchronicity with the hive does indeed allow a certain amount of leeway, albeit only a small one.
One day, one thing led to another and 073 thoughtlessly expressed the wish to become 070's guinea pig. Actually, intended in a different context, 073 was quickly taken with the idea, especially because it promoted his striving for perfection.
070 had already worked out a plan that was slumbering in one of his drawers.
It was to be a holistic optimization, of course. Holistic in relation to the body, mind and then an optimized second skin to match this - as the uniform is also called.
Although converted, there were still human remnants of the former existence. These kept getting in the way.
This is now to be stopped with special mental training. 070 was proud of being able to use the newly set up conversion room to its limits. Initial experience had been gained. With a tenth of the total power, several humanoids had been able to be transformed into drones without the very sensitive measuring devices being able to detect any traces of human thought and action.
The humanoid predecessor was now extremely self-confident and, in many ways, also argumentative. And he was very good at convincing people. Convincing with arguments and not cheap magic, as demagogues or populists do. No, 073's host was really a decent representative of his views. And he didn't shy away from verbal arguments to defend them. His commitment to minorities was also outstanding. But for some reason he had decided on his own to join the Hive. Let's assume that this was a rational decision, as he lived near Maple Heights, a place that had been completely taken over by the Polo drones and they were now starting to take over the surrounding area as well.
Resisters were not treated very gently, which the population knew and so many voluntarily decided to convert, like 073's host.
That means it was a rational decision, but what the will that mind would oppose autarkically was unclear.
The first normal session was successful to the extent that - as already described - 073 himself was striving for perfection. But it was also clear that human activities were still detectable. Thinking for yourself, questioning the decisions of the Hive, critical taunts, even towards the Caps. These happened again and again and could not be remedied by the scheduled and conscientiously conducted mental training.
In this sense, it was a stroke of luck that 070 had free rein. 073 agreed and also wanted to be freed of all human baggage. The drone should lose all humanity. Not an iota of humanity should remain.
The reprogramming begins
The deletion process
The room shines in gold and black. 073 sits on an armchair, strapped to his arms and legs. On his head is a helmet full of sensors that can measure and analyze even the smallest brain waves, but also to support the reprogramming with targeted currents. Also integrated are headphones; through which the hypnotic words are immediately transmitted to the ears.
The program should run at 50% power, i.e. 5 times the dose compared to what has been used so far.
The hypnosis begins, a rising and falling tone can be heard, it sounds like synthetic ocean smoke. A huge spiral begins to rotate on the large monitor in the front. While a pleasant male voice begins the hypnosis. Monitored by all kinds of detectors. The monitors constantly provide the current brain waves. Noticeably, 073 gives in to reprogramming. It offers no resistance.
070 runs the program twice in a row to ensure success.
The result after the double session:
The mind has melted away. No will of its own can be determined anymore, no thoughts that are not sent by the hive, the previously strong self-confidence has been washed away. And emotions? "What are emotions?" the being would answer monotonously if you asked it. Nothing, absolutely nothing of the human identity can be measured anymore.
After the same procedure was carried out for another 5 days with 100% performance - 070 wants to be absolutely sure that there is not even an iota of humanity left in the furthest corner of the brain.
What is now sitting there in the room can no longer be called a human, even if it has a human shell. It is also not an individual, as it is no longer able to think independently. It is a subject with an absolutely empty mind. Incapable of doing or thinking anything. At the moment it can only be monitored rudimentarily by the hive but not controlled. This part was also deleted as a precaution and must be reprogrammed in the next step. Even the term drone would be too ambitious at the moment.
The Reprogramming
This refueling is happening now. Only the most necessary hive knowledge, the linking and some protocols that ensure that the drone continues to work independently if the synchronous signal is temporarily lost are transferred.
Now it is a fully-fledged drone. A Polo Drone Unit, now optimized to the maximum in terms of mind and eternal synchronicity.
No resistance, only commitment. No name, just a number. Only a number. Only 073 (or officially PDU-073)
Full devotion. Full submission. Full conversion. No worries. Just obey the orders of the drone caps and the hive
That's how a drone should be.
No, wait. It's not optimal.
The body, too few muscles, too little strength, not 100% able to physically perform all tasks.
The Hardening of the Body
Here too, 070 has a special fitness program that is not intended to turn 073 into a himbo but should lead to significant muscle growth.
Here too, the process begins in the laboratory.
The computers analyze the body. Muscle percentage, body fat, water percentage, etc.
The message sounds from a loudspeaker: "Increased protein synthesis, optimized regeneration and improved neural control of muscle fibers." With each impulse, 073 felt the muscles getting stronger, the tissue feeling tighter, ready to better serve the demands of the hive.
After the session, PDU-073 rises with a newly strengthened body and a clear goal: more efficiency, more strength, absolute unity. The next phase of training begins immediately, the body driven by programmed perfection. It's off to the gym.
Equipment training, lifting weights, increasing endurance and coordination.
And that for a few hours every day.
The 2nd skin
But should a drone - optimized in mind and body - continue to wear the classic uniform?
No, the uniform is also being put to the test. As timeless as the classic uniform that gives it its name is, consisting of a black latex polo shirt, black latex pants and boots, it is often not functional. Therefore, it does not meet the requirements of the office or, even more so, the requirements of the field service. Independently of the official PDU commission, 073 tests various uniforms from a development company for their practical suitability.
Various variants are available. Uniforms with and without helmets or head protection. One variant even has a wafer-thin but extremely stable head cover that allows the facial features to be seen.
Variants that offer more or less protection. Suits with more or fewer design elements.
After lengthy deliberation, the decision was made. Today is the fitting day. Fitting day for the uniform specially developed by 073 as a prototype.
It takes place in the manufacturer’s premises.
And that's it.
The special features:
Breathable material, offers protection, close to the body, the helmet with an openable visor, built-in headphones, sensors for analyzing brain waves.
If the drone becomes unsynchronized or human emotions are activated again, countermeasures are automatically taken, and hypnosis is initiated on site if necessary.
And this is the optimized drone PDU-073
Note: Everything is fiction and the uniforms shown do not correspond to the official uniforms of the Polo Drones.
Ready to join the Team? All you need to do is contact our recruiters: @goldenherc9, or @polo-drone-001.”
#Golden Army#GoldenArmy#Golden Team#theGoldenteam#AI generated#jockification#male TF#male transformation#hypnotized#hypnotised#soccer tf#Polo Drone#Polodrone#PDU#Polo Drone Hive#Rubber Polo#rubberdrone#Join the Polo Drones#assimilation#conversion#drone#dronification#mind control#golden-tf
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WLF-Xb-KNT Wolf Knight
The WLF-Xb-KNT Wolf Knight is highly specialised one of a kind mech made from primarily the chassis of a Black Knight and a number of parts from a Battlemaster. Made to the whims of a mechwarrior with a strange idea with some mechtech experience, the Wolf Knight was constructed allegedly from a dream, that was then committed to paper, explored and executed. Its primary purpose is to be an upgraded Black Knight with heavier armour, jump jets and extensive re-engineering of the Black Knights interior and sensor suite. The interior was remade to fit a powerful Extra-Light engine. The chassis and frame was remodeled extensively and changing to a more common frame model of pieces of changed BL-7-KNT Black Knight pieces and that of a BLR-1G Battlemaster. Despite its Frankenmech design, the focus on off the shelf parts allows the Wolf Knight an ease of access for repairs and maintenance to a surprising degree despite the heavy modifications. The most taxing parts are its dual Myomer and servo system and the cockpit to sensor connections. The refit process documented the notes of these two extensively but nevertheless requires a very qualified engineer to repair and maintain. It makes extensive use of Triple Strength Myomers that run through the mech coupled with finely and highly tuned actuators, calibrated after the pilot's movements, the Wolf Knight can swing the great blade's motions in its hand with tilts, flicks and even whips in its attacks. This is made possible with a secondary Myomer system that works on tandem with the more powerful one, giving increased agility and precision. Lastly this secondary Myomer system is backed up and tied into an integrated hydraulic servo system with the fibres themselves attached to limit switches for a natural pullback and resistance. The practical nature or battlefield application was contentious even by the refitting engineers but it was found difficult to argue against the one placing the order. One of its most curious features and the namesake is the re-engieering of the sensor suite of the Black Knight. It uses similar principles as the originals Beagle Active Probe system which uses the small laser to scan. Instead it has a second sensor tower, giving it two "ears" on the Knight helmet. Together with the pilot harness this is called the High Oscilation Wave-Length system or H.O.W.L. for short. It functions by generating pulses and frequencies through the heart rate monitor and neurohelmet's brain wave readings. Which in turn create an algorithm that is impossible to predict or even anticipate for a computer. This forms the basis of the skip-frequencies used in the sensor system in its pulses. The effect shifts the Mech's position by one to two meters between pulses on hostile sensors, slightly distorting the Wolf-Knight position, velocity and direction. Even skilled combatants can be caught unaware of their mech suddenly shifting the targeting to compensate. Leading to glancing shots. However the H.O.W.L. system distorts command and control communication over long distance, forcing it rely on short wave range bands. For this reason, it is usually only active during active combat operations in order to allow for strategic coordination. This, along with the precise movements of the arms is achieved by a specially made cockpit. Rather than the usual joystick configuration, the mechwarrior wears a harness that can mimic arm movements of the pilot. In addition it keeps track of the pilot's vitals and uses these together with the helmet to modify the frequencies of of the sensor suite and probe. The harness is heavy to move and is is wholly integrated with the neurohelmet and cockpit at large and tailored for a single individual and does not interact well with ejections.
The Wolf Knight wields a large sword in the right, though functionally is follows the design principles of Fedcom-era hatchets. Otherwise the loadout is very similar to that of a Black Knight. A Lord's Light 2 rather than the royal versions' Kinslaughter ERPPC in the left arm allows for long range sniping with an original Maxell DT medium laser mounted under the main cannon. It is supported by two Magna Mk III large lasers as shoulder cannons along with parts of the housing used for a Rifleman. Instead of the the original torso mounted McCorkel mounted in order to make space for the new internal systems. Using parts and housing from a a Catapult on each side of the torso is a pair of Martell Medium Lasers and Omnicron 1000 Small lasers. Allowing the Wolf Knight to brawl with to a similar degree as a standard Black Knight.
Sixteen Double heat sinks allows the Wolf Knight to remain at range and fight without significant overheating. Once it gets close and pounces with the shorter range lasers it can easily activate the full potential of the Triple Strength Myomer system.
Inside the chest of the Wolf Knight however remains the Beagle Active Probe from which the black knight was noted for carrying. It has been wired to a Ceres Metals model 666 Communication system that connects into the Beagle Active Probe together with the original TransComm Beta targeting system.
The engine is connect to a RedLine-F Series Outland Supercharger system that allows the Wolf Knight to pounce on targets with the blade. Four Chillton model 600 Jump jets give it an extra level of mobility. However the XL is a weak point in long engagements where endurance becomes the dominating factor as a single torso side being blown apart would stall the engine.
Made in blender by kitbashing a number of things together.
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Neuphony's EEG technology captures and analyzes brain waves, offering real-time insights into cognitive states. It's designed for personalized neurofeedback, meditation, and mental health improvement, empowering users to enhance focus, relaxation, and overall brain performance through data-driven approaches.
#bci eeg#neuphony#health#eeg#mental health#bci#brain health#mental wellness#neurofeedback#brain wave sensor#eeg flex cap#brainwave frequencies#neurofeedback training#brain training app#brain waves meditation#mind computer interface#computer interface
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AK!Jason Todd x Catwoman’s protégé! Reader - Just for tonight, Kitty - Pt 2
I really had to squeeze my brain to get this out, but I cannot wait for maybe part 3 👀? I have some ideas revolving around a fic or two for Gotham Knights! Jason. We shall see.
Link to part 1
Content: mind control, violence (obv), toxic af relationship, lovers to enemies to lovers (again)?
It feels like you’re being puppeteered, every movement meticulously controlled by strings and sticks. It almost feels like last Tuesday. You had infiltrated Star Labs to steal some new tech designs, especially when Batman was distracted by Catwoman.
Security is nothing compared to your skill, even if you’re not completely yourself. It takes a bit longer than you’d prefer, but you finally make it to Stagg’s office.
Adjusting your goggles, you scan the area for anything that could spoil your fun. One by one, you check off your mental list until you clear the room. Most rich CEOs usually hide their deepest darkest secrets, not wanting an inkling of them to be discovered. Not Stagg, though, you know his type.
Walking around the room, your eyes scan over the décor. A man like Stagg likes to be reminded of his accomplishments. The publicity photos, front page Gotham Gazette articles, the whole nostalgic works. Everything seems to stroke his ego one way or another, but then you finally see what you’re looking for. At first, it seems like a piece of trash thrown onto a table. No, it’s the focal point, the center of it all.
You scan over the structure before carefully opening it. A flash drive appears, absolutely begging to be taken away from this place. Readying yourself, you snag the drive and place the top back on. Just as you’re about to head to the door, you hear footsteps approaching. You immediately head for the window, quickly dismantling the alarm as you pry a panel open.
Closing it just in time, you push yourself up against the exterior of the building. Letting out a breath, you move further away from the window and jump. Falling with the rain, you crack your whip and swing off a flagpole. The momentum sends you buildings away from Stagg Enterprises, finally completing what Jason… what the Arkham Knight ordered you to do.
“It’s done.”
Despite the job being done and over with, you still have no control over yourself. Your body keeps moving, heading deeper and deeper into parts of the city you’ve never even seen. Landing softly in an alleyway, your body heads straight towards the end of it. Even your sensors fail to pick anything out of the ordinary. Why has he brought you here?
You hear him land behind you after a few moments. Turning around, you move to hand him the flash drive. The Knight acknowledges it with a head tilt before taking it from you. It disappears in one of his pockets. As soon as his hands are free, he presses a button on his wrist.
You tear your helmet off as soon as your body catches up with your mind. Rage builds into your chest as you lash out at him. He can’t prevent your claws from screeching along his armor until you finally find skin.
“You just come back from the dead and USE ME?!” you scream, grunting as he grabs your arm and twists it behind your back.
You try to lash out with your free arm, but he quickly dodges the attack. Before you know it, your back is against the cold brick wall of the alleyway. One hand holds yours above your head, the other trails across your cheek to wipe away rogue tears.
“They wanted me to kill you, this was the only option,” Jason reveals, using his spare hand to open the front of his mask. “I-I couldn’t do it.”
“Why are you doing this, Jay?” you beg, sick of the mind games that he’s putting you through.
“Batman.” A wave of cold washes over you at his tone, riddled with a hatred you’ve never seen before. “He left me to die, (Y/N), he deserves to die for what he’s done.”
“Jay, he searched for you. We all did, but when we saw him shoot you, we thought you were dead,” you whisper, flinching as he leans closer to your face.
“You did find me, though, in Venezuela,” he growls, leaning closer until his helm digs into your skin. “Do you know how hard it was to let you leave? I couldn’t believe my girl finally found me.”
“What are you going to do now that you have me?” you ask, staring into his cold blue eyes. “Lock me away as you take over Gotham with your buddies?”
His eyes darkened at the suggestion. “I don’t want to lose you again.”
You shake your head, more tears escaping from your eyes, “I lost you, Jay, really lost you. I just got you back and you’re just going to do it all over again.”
He remains silent, unsure how to respond. Jay slowly leans in, his lips ghosting over yours before lightly kissing you. Your resolve shatters quickly, leaning into the kiss and giving in to your desires. You can’t lose him again.
He releases your hands, abandoning them to grasp your waist and yank you closer. The softness of the kiss disappears, desperation forcing the kiss to become feral. Both of you break away to breathe, taking each other in as you recover.
“Can we pretend, just for tonight, Kitty?” Jason asks, his eyes desperately pleading you to agree. “I can’t stop what’s in motion, but I’ll explain everything.”
Fuck it.
“Just for tonight, Birdy.”
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(Exerpt and art from JennyDrone)
The new body was beautiful. Jet black and glossy, with gleaming gold stripes around each point of articulation. The pain that the mouse had dissociated away from the front of her mind and pushed onto me for so long was gone, and her with it.
Master had gifted me tranquility I had not known since I was a small child throwing rocks into lake Sojourner back on Mars. Blissful, blank, obedient. No room to fight when the brain no longer produces cortisol or adrenaline. A drone doesn't worry, a drone just obeys.
“Come here, little Drone,” Master Vex instructed, and I made a happy beep noise and scampered over to him. His vines guided me up and pulled me to his lap.
Master Vex had given me special augments when fixing me, that not only let him speak directly into my mind, but others as well. His first floret, a digital being named Olirec, talked in my head sometimes too, and I knew him as Admin. Drone was just happy to be so loved by everyone.
Master Vex picked me up, and carried me to his bedroom. Exciting things always happened there, things that made me feel like such a good, obedient pet.
He flowed down on top of me, and I lay very still, like a good drone without any orders.
“Such a good girl you are, Jenny. Go on, squirm for me.”
I obediently began thrashing and pushing back against his grip, only to feel it tighten. Every motion was met by the reminder that he was stronger than me, in willpower and the physical. My struggle only drained my energy, made each repeated motion weaker than the last.
I moaned and beeped and whimpered as his thorns dug into the surface of my body. Artificial sensors in my limbs converted the sharp jabs into raw pleasure, pouring an ocean of submission into my brain. I could feel his approval in my head. I was such a good drone, making Master Vex so happy.
“Good drone. You're safe and bound in my grasp. Be still.”
I complied. The port on the back of my head opened as he stroked near it, and a flurry of excited beeping sound splayed from the speaker on my shoulder that was connected directly to my implant.
His vines clicked into place in my interface jack, and the blast of raw pleasure made me see in raw binary for a few seconds. Bundles of benev-alware punched through anything resembling sentience, rerouting power in my heavily altered mind, prioritizing the tidal wave of surrender.
The full story: JennyDrone
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Draw your character wearing...
11: Interview Outfit
Jervis had shown me his interview for a neuroscience student who wanted to feature him for a presentation in his school.
Jervis Tetch is truly recognized for his achievements that have helped the scientific community make great strides in the mysteries of the brain! (Especially in the dream area)
In the image presented above, He talks about electrodes connected to neurons and other cells located in the cerebellum for the "slaves'" coordination. Then other electrodes connected to the frontal part of the brain where his thoughts are located, the part where he can give the orders. All the information is transmitted by electromagnetic waves and sensors detecting the bioelectronic micro pulsations of neurons. (Hope I didn't make any mistakes, correct me please)
The guy also asked about his first intentions when he created that device, Jervis' answer was nevertheless curious "I wanted to prove to them I can control anything thanks to it"
The young man sounded perplexed by this sentence, wondering where did he got that idea maybe?
I might add the boy's patience and determination in this presentation was huge, very gentle and attentive, perhaps even friendly when he asked me personal questions
#mad hatter#jervis tetch#dc mad hatter#batman the animated series#fan art#batman rogues#batman#btas#btas jervis tetch#btas mad hatter#dc jervis tetch#art#Arkham#roleplay#mad hatter dc#batman mad hatter#batman the animated series mad hatter#draw your character challenge
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Hound Dogs
“… tomorrow we’ll meet your handler. For now, rest up.”
RDAI.vii.1156 stared down at its new body. Joining the military was considered the best route a Class-F citizen could pursue - free food, shelter, maybe even a few augments if you got lucky. But the Rapid Deployment Auxiliary Infantry unit felt less lucky and more confused. It signed up expecting to be given a gun and a pat on the back, not… this.
The arms were probably the strangest change. Skilled military surgeons had removed its forearms with a single blast of a laser that numbed its pain and severed flesh and bone at the same time. In their place, 1156 now wielded on each arm a single long, spider-like metal blade that extended all the way to the floor. The same happened to its legs, forcing the unit onto all fours. A reinforced spine kept it from collapsing onto the ground.
The rest of its body was covered in angular metal plates, designed to redirect and resist gunfire and protect the unit’s remaining flesh. Its face was likewise covered by an solid steel visor, vision and hearing substituted by an array of cameras, sonar, and radio scanners that fed information directly into its augmented brain. Its mouth remained uncovered but its teeth were removed and replaced with a new carbon fiber set. The chip in its brain repressed its discomfort so it didn’t try to claw off its own jaw.
A buzzer sounded and a tray carrying a bowl of nutrimeal slid out of the wall of the room. Unit 1156 stared it at, trying to figure out what to do - an injected concoction of hormones and suppressants had kept it comfortably dull, but somewhat muddled.
The word flashed up on the inside of its visor, glaring into its semi-redundant eyes - eyes now dedicated to receiving screen-fed orders. It obediently craned its head down and started chomping at the slop. It was starving - the accelerated healing process was effective but it sapped all the solider’s energy.
Even if its senses hadn’t been muted, the nutritional goop was flavorless. Nevertheless it found itself slurping away with abandon, licking the bowl clean, dignity cast aside. Its faceplate glowed white hot for a moment before cooling down again, singeing off specks of food that had flown astray in the unit’s feeding frenzy. This feature was meant to burn blood and dirt off so that it didn’t impair an RDAI’s sensor array, but it worked for dinner well enough.
The next day found RDAI.vii.1156 waiting in the main hangar, still slightly trembling on its spindly new legs. The thin, bladed design was perfect for chasing down enemy troops on the battlefield or pinning a straggler to the ground, but it was difficult to balance with even with the aid of the unit’s brain augments. A cord plugged into the back of its head kept it from wandering too far while feeding low-level electrical pulses that helped calm its nerves. It was waiting for its new handler - the soldier it would fight alongside, whose life it would dedicate itself to protecting. The bond between a handler and their hound (as the units were fondly referred to) was something truly unique, and though 1156 hadn’t planned to end up on this side of the relationship, it couldn’t help but feel excited.
It could feel her presence long before she actually entered the hangar. Perhaps it was merely the hormonal braindeck releasing waves of dopamine, but to the cyborg’s mind she was the most perfect being in the world. It could almost taste the draw of her augments to its own, pulling the two of them together like magnets. It knew that she felt it too. The connection between them was already established: the handler and the hunter, the owner and the dog.
It couldn’t quite remember what beauty looked like but it decided that she must be as close as one could get. Bent on all fours as 1156 was, it stood about half a meter shorter than her. Encased in a shiny automorphic techsuit, her body rippled with hidden energy ready to be unleashed at a moment’s notice. Her one eye shone, the other replaced by an implant that flashed rapidly as if to say, it’s finally you.
A technician standing by unplugged the unit’s tether and stuck in a thinner, double-ended wire. 1156 trembled as its handler grabbed the other end and slowly slotted it into a port on her neck.
The instant the plug connected, 1156 nearly collapsed from the tsunami of pleasure that struck it at full force. All Handler’s emotions, all her thoughts, her very essence flowed through its brain, and it could tell that she was experiencing the same influx of data.
They stood there for what seemed like forever, its faceplate lights flashing in sync with her vitals node. The only sound was the slight clinking of metal on concrete as 1156 shifted from talon to talon. Her designation was RDI-H.2054, she was a Class-E civilian who was recruited at age 8, she had been trained as a handler for 11 years, but 1156 was her first hound of her own. She liked the color green, she hated morning training, she had been deployed overseas on a scouting mission just three months ago. The unit’s brain felt overloaded with information and yet more kept flowing in.
It saw vague images, faces of people that it didn’t recognize yet felt so familiar - Handler’s family? It saw the fire of war, the smiles of fellow soldiers, it felt her heartbeat, her brainwaves, her every breath. For a split second, the hound and the handler were not separate but rather a single entity, one soldier in two bodies, sharing their memories. 1156 felt its Handler’s cybernetic eye and her prosthetic leg, and she likewise felt its spindly new form and armor plating.
RDAI.vii.1156 felt 2054 about to scream and roared out in sync. Its twisted metallic vocal chords, designed specifically to instill fear in the enemy, pierced the air in the hangar with an unearthly screech which neither overwhelmed nor surrendered to its keeper’s voice but rather merged with it in a feral harmony.
Blood spewed down the dog’s chin and through crevasses in its armor. It spit out a chunk of flesh with strands of muscle tangled in its reinforced teeth. As it stepped back from its prey, its pointed blades withdrew from within the dead footsoldier’s chest. The unit’s faceplate sizzled, burning away blood and viscera and turning its vision bright red for a moment. It let out a fierce howl, launching itself forwards with a speed unmatched by any two-legged infantry.
Just behind it, its handler finished off a tank pilot attempting to crawl away from its craft. The hound’s many sensors highlighted the remaining stragglers on the battlefield, and 2054 assessed the remaining threats as she ran. She spotted a wounded soldier training their scope onto her companion and raised her weapon, disintegrating the enemy’s face with a single clean blast. The hound bayed its gratitude before finishing its run, speeding between rocks and debris and eliminating the last few soldiers.
One, two, three, blood gushed from their chests as 1156 pounced on them, puncturing their lungs and tearing out their throats in quick succession. RDI-H.2054 watched and basked in the adrenaline - her brain had not been upgraded to manage her auxiliary’s entire suite of sensors, but they shared many core sensations. They both felt the rush of war, the warmth of blood on their faces, and most of all an immense wave of satisfaction and even euphoria. Nothing felt better than killing together - an entire battalion laid to waste at their hands gave them a jolt of dopamine that felt better than orgasm.
They were never awarded for their feats, nor did they feel the need for any such recognition. Deep in their programming they didn’t fight for any cause or nation, or even for their commanding officer. They fought merely to tear and bite alongside each other, to see the fear in their enemies’ eyes and feel their life drain out at the will of the hound of death and its handler.
Standing together in the remains of a decimated army, they surveyed their work. The air smelled of blood and the familiar scent of plasma-scorched air. 1156 playfully rammed its armored face into its handler’s chestplate, grunting and drooling red down her torso. She laughed and rubbed the top of its head, sending microscopic ripples of pleasure down its spine.
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Wip whenever! x2
Tagged by @notanandalitebandit and @fablewritesnonsense !! Thanks so much ^_^. I no pressure tag @secondhand-lions @gardening--tools @acorncoffeeformysweetheart @fuzzydreamin @romaniwasteland @voidthewanderer + if you see this and would also like to! (Sure that’s lots of tags but I love all your work and could tag so many more people too)
Charlie tagged tango in [this post] so annoying sibling vibes tango and piper gets to shine hehe
Inspired by [this post] Bandit reblogged a little while ago tagged with fo4 that put bees in my brain:
Fo4 dead wife came back wrong.txt
This is still in what I presume is the early stages of draft 1 with much to write still, though I have no idea how the process will turn out for me since I’m still figuring out this whole creative writing thing! It’s a bit of a jumble of notes and dialog so sorry if it’s difficult in its present state! I haven’t quite got dialog pacing yet but it’s progress from nothing! There is weird spacing from it not copying formatting nicely. It’s as vanilla as possible postgame so none of my usual fellas are there!
The Vault
0==[x]:::::::::> 1 <:::::::::[x]==0
Despite codsworth's incessant fussing at breakfast, Nate ran into no trouble on the short hike up to the rusting vault.
of course it was easy since he'd made most of the trecherous journey in the days before, much of the danger wasnt even from the usual threats, supermutants, remaints or the like, but from the shear strength of the gale that had the audacity to stop each time they took shelter.
its like the comonweath skies were laughing at him each time he emerged to thick clouds only to inevetably be drenched within 15 minutes again.
Curie, a modified miss nanny that he and Hancock had freed from the depths of the disease infested vault recently was following along, and she had more to say about the hazards of the commonweath than he would have liked,
"Monsuer, this weather may be hazardous to your health, temperature sensors indicate zat zis rain is a potential for hypothermia," she fretted "And zis radiation! oh its is postively frightful zat the basline levels are so high, and the levels in the rain! mon dieu." [fix terrible accent]
While he appreciated the concern, his pateience had worn thin with her near constant commentary on his health and the state of the commonwealth among other things over the muddy trek (ze diseases!),
though he understands where shes coming from, after all he too was horrified only so many months ago,
christ, had it only been a year? he felt like he had aged a century in that time.. perhaps the cryo messed whith his sense of time he had wondered, that or his age was finaly catching up to him.
After they took shelter for the umptenth time yesterday, triggred by his pipboy's geiger crackling to life nearly in sync with curie and a particularly close peal of thunder. once somewhat settled he had` asked her about the the effects of cryo, he hadnt understood most of what she'd said, but the few tidbits he did glean from her overly technical explanation were worring to say the least.
Nate is brought crashing back to the present by the dull thud of the vaults elevator echoing mournfuly under his distracted march. Pausing to let the echos die away relatively undisurbed, bar the sound of curies engines, he listened
Standing stone still on that spot again, he drank in his surroundings while he waited.
The wind whistling through the death-tinted trees, the autumn sun just barely clawing its way though gaps forming in yesterdays gale, the rustle of leaves freshly liberated by the breeze on the decaying ground, there seems to be less crows about this year though.
All a far cry from the picturesque oranges and blues of the clear day he rembers centries ago, its as if the shock wave had blasted the very colours from the world.
Keeping an eye on his pipboy he directs curie to the elevators controls, [(go into vault to mourn Nora, but curies sensors pick up that Nora is faintly clinging to life, her sensors are much more sensitive than the vaults) que pandemonium ]
Task force
0==[x]:::::::::> 2 <:::::::::[x]==0
(The hurricane of activity to get Nora from deaths door in the vault to stable in the castle. Amari and curie integral, Hancock and Preston rally people to make it possible. Nate is terrified of losing her again, )
0==[x]:::::::::> 3 <:::::::::[x]==0
(Now that she's stable and here in front of him he's terrified that she won't remember him. Oh she does remember him and her son!!! So much awkward explanations for what Nate had had to do. Explains that the institute and the bos had to go for peace. She rejects this. )
Nora (aghast): have you gone mad??
Nate(frustrated that nora doesnt get it): Look around! the whole worlds gone mad nora!! nothing is the same anymore I- .. we've had to change to survive, everyone out here is fighting to live every day!
Nora: and why do you think that is nate!! fighting only leads to more war, And no, I don't think you've really changed at all nate, you're still the same tool of a man the military forged, a 'war hero' who solves his problems by blowing them up!" Nora spat with more venom that nate remembered these arguments ever having.
Nate(desperate): "listen to me nora" nate pleaded "you cant reason with the monsters out there, they kill without discretion, because they can!"
noras eyes were narrowed practically to slits "Is that what you called our son, a monster?" she takes a shaky breath "funny how its still 'us and them' after all these years, I though you would have learnt the consequences the first time" Nora snarls coldly
Nate: "No Nora please I'm not talking about people — "
nora: "PEOPLE?? so your enemies dont even qualify as human to you anymore what the hell is -"
"LISTEN TO ME" Nate roars having lost patience "the radiation and the institute has done awful things to people and animals out there, they are quite literally not people anymore -"
hancock, from the doorway: "careful what line you tread there sunshine .. "
nate: "Feral, mirelurks, supermutants, and god damn deathclaws among other things are all over the commonwealth, and they kill and eat inocent people all the time, our whole mission is to protect people from monsters like them and raiders! "
Nora: "…. And what about these raiders? are they even people to you either? do you strike them down without even trying to talk? " accusing
nate: "its not like that! they attack first!" defensive, arms rasied in exasperation.
Nora: "what was it you told me after anchorage? that you wished you were allowed to try to talk to the reds? that you wished you could be anywhere that wasn't killing on command? well guess what you bastard, who's orders are you on now? who's keeping diplomacy out of your bloodied hands this time?" she practically spat,
nora's eyes were a-flame like he had forgotten they could be, how he had missed her firey passion for its warmth, her strength, but right now she was a raging inferno of justice, and he couldn't even look at her .. he'd fallen in love with her righteousness all those years ago and now it would be their undoing he fears, he just needs her to see
Nate takes a breath,"we -I fight raiders because thats what needs to be done, we have lost so many good people to them, more than half arent even fighters they just tried to stop them from taking their only food or their family." he murmurs "you should talk to the abernathys, they well know the consiquences of trying to talk raiders down.." He still cant look her in the eye, had he ever tried to talk raiders down? work somthing out, hell even ask why they were raiding at all? nate cant recall any time like that..
Weeks pass
0==[x]:::::::::> 4 <:::::::::[x]==0
(It's a very awkward weeks while Nora recovers in curies and amaris care, she's still pissed and processing that Shaun is dead and was old; and that Nate blew up two seperate people groups… Nate doesn't know how to explain to her that it's nothing like pre war, monsters are real now. )
Nora's Leave
0==[x]:::::::::> 5 <:::::::::[x]==0
(Nora makes up her mind to leave both Nate and the castle, he is crushed but outfits her and prepares her as best he can (he still loves her, she isn't so sure after what he's done) focus on Nora's feelings )
Nora's very bad week
0==[x]:::::::::> 6 <:::::::::[x]==0
((Perhaps merge with above) Nora experiences what the wasteland has to offer with heavily armed codsworth at her back, danger montage, recruits piper as she's a prime story, piper helps her catch up on major events as well as history of the institute and bos, through piper doesn't know a huge amount about Shaun. )
Awkward Reunions
0==[x]:::::::::> 7 <:::::::::[x]==0
(It's been a few months and Nate runs into Nora when he's in diamond city, he doesn't visit often and she has made herself at home there, it's awkward at first but soon they fall into old rhythms, but they've both moved on and it's not so bad Hancock and piper, their partners turn up, the end with a shared look of somewhat peace and a sense of what they had is gone forever. )
#thanks for the tags friends!#wip whenever#typos! art tag#typos! writing tag#<- still feels supremely strange to write#typos! tango tag#fallout ocs#typos! is posting again
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