chizu117 · 5 months
I keep seeing people say the Emperor pressures you into sleeping with him and gets angry when you reject him but????? That is literally just flat out a lie. If you’re going to hate on the Squidfailure at least hate him for shit he actually does
- this is coming from someone who thinks it would be really funny and sexy if he was actually even more of a piece of shit [affectionate]
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kaimukiwahine · 7 months
Almost forgot a Thanksgiving classic of cooking turkey with chicken.
Happy turkey day.
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thecityoftrees · 2 years
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omniscientoswald · 4 months
A trip to Hawai'i P.2
Price: Oz said this is the more local part of the island, so behave yourselves
Gaz: Got it, Cap
Soap: Ay-
Local: Howzit! You guys tourist's? Look haole das why
Gaz: Ah, uh...yeh we ar-
Local: Ho! Strange accent braddah. You a different kine haole
Gaz: We're from Engl-
Local: Eh same ting'doh. Why you'z not ovah in dakine? Its weird for tourists to be Leeward side. Dey always in dakine das'why
Soap: We 'ave a friend who was showing us this area and let us stay-
Local: Lots of strange accents, ah? Shoots brah! Unnko nevah mean to push you'way. Sorry brah. See dis area? Cherreh brah, cherreh. Bumbai I show you tho? Shoots? Unnko take care you
Price: Sorry, but we better be going-
Local: Ho! You see that shop ovah dea? Da auntie dea make killah furikake chicken cuz! Killah. Broke da mout, everyting *Continues friendly rambling*
Price: *Leans to Gaz* Call Oz...
Gaz: *Phone already on dial* Way ahead of you, cap
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rotzaprachim · 11 months
The thing about Twitter rage bait is the problem being that it’s…. Bait, not that the rage should’nt be there. What happens a lot imho is that people are missing the nuance to understand morally complicated situations, they’re missing the nuance to understand the more lasting structural violence of imperialism and colonialism in which things might not sort into neat categories, so there has to be something simple, easy to define in 140 characters.
Is it infuriating that money had to be spent on flying tourists off Maui when there is a city full of unmarked corpses? Well, yeah, totally. But that’s the reaction to the tourist industry. That’s exactly what can be done about it. That’s the goal- to get tourists off the island so resources can be spent on locals. If you’re not local, if you put the situation into a U.S. mainland geographical situation, then it looks preposterous. Flying TOURISTS on an AIRPLANE while a city smoulders? If you’re local you know intimately that Hawai’i is an archipelago. You know because it defined your life. You know that if you live on a neighbor island - literally anywhere not Oahu- you might have to pay expensive plane tickets to SEE A DOCTOR, seek legal council, commute for work, and access essential government services. You know that there isnt (much) in the way of inexpensive ferries and you must pay into a corporate system of airplane travel that had functional monopoly over all of Hawai’i. You know that you will have to put away money if you even want to visit your family members who live on other islands. Airplane travel is not a luxury but an expense you are structurally forced to pay because there is not another way. And if you can’t - as many many working class locals cannot due to cycles of racialised intergenerational poverty and extreme economic inequality - you pay by not getting to see your family. By not having the money to go to your niece’s communion and your auntie’s funeral and your hanai braddah’s graduation at manoa. That’s why taking Hawai’i politics out of a U.S. mainland geographical frame important. You need to see where the rage is, not the bait, and not blame Hawai’i locals or even local organizations for doing what they need to with the situation at hand.
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milfholder · 12 days
braddah I’m so over this shift
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pickles4nickles · 9 months
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Hi hello I just did a... I guess we can call this the "Chicken Skin" Shop Update?
I made some sticker sheets with lil ghosties on them that glow in the dark!
And I also printed out the Da Kine Galar Fossils and Braddah Frost as stickers, too. So if you're following me from da ʻāina. Well. This is for you.
Grab them here!
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
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♫ LITTLE SECRETS (JACKS BEATS MIX), passion pit – i can tell what you’ve been thinking/staring at the stars on your ceiling/thinking once there was a power that you were wielding/and now i’ve hit the mark/staring at the dark
♫ GET LUCKY, dragonette – sometimes the sun shines on us/sometimes the rain goes and a rainbow’s all that’s left/we got lucky hey didn’t we baby
♫ I CAME AS A RAT (LONG WALK OFF A SHORT DOCK), modest mouse – it takes a long time but god dies too/but not before he’ll stick it to you/well i ain’t sure but i been told/you never die and you never grow old
♫ SWIM, jack’s mannequin– memories like bullets/they fired at me from a gun/cracking the armor yeah/i swim for brighter days/despite the absence of sun/choking on salt water/i’m not giving in/i swim
♫ BREAK MYSELF, something corporate – well i’m willing to break myself/to shake this hell from everything i touch/i’m willing to bleed for days/more reds and grays/so you don’t hurt so much
♫ THE BRIGHT SIDE, we shot the moon – i’m just fine/you got me looking on the bright side/you got me looking/you got me looking/i lost my fear because fear is never living
♫ NEW SOUL, yael naim – i’m a new soul/i came to this strange world/hoping i could learn a bit ‘bout how to give and take/but since i came here/felt the joy and the fear/finding myself making every possible mistake
♫ GROWING UPSIDE DOWN, the ditty bops – i’m growing upside down/wisdom doesn’t follow/just because you’ve aged/add a pinch of cinnamon/it will make you sage/there will be an hour/when we’ll meet again/maybe i won’t recognize/you in different skin
♫ HAWAIIAN ROLLER COASTER RIDE, lilo & stitch soundtrack – no worry/no fear/ain’t no biggie braddah/cuttin’ in/cuttin’ up/cuttin’ back/cuttin’ out
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 months
I see your face every time I dream || Accepting
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{{sorry bout the last one! Had to crop my braddah out!}}
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conflagrate · 2 years
Blue Lock 08
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Steam rising from his body, sure.
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Not the time to be impressed, braddah.
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Someone check what Erling Haaland’s formula is please w
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Worst start possible!
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momoa-magic · 2 years
Instagram post by @kamoakauai and the caption 😍
kamoakauai As always huge Mahaloz for your support. Love you Braddah J. #yeshecameinwithoutashirt
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chizu117 · 4 months
Girl are you a quest in a fromsoft game because you're NPC randomly being glitch killed/never showing up where they're supposed to be
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croszukis · 10 hours
what i’ve never understood is why do haoles get sunburnt and then still are out in the sun like braddah you are PINK put your shirt back on
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bigtopanga · 10 days
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❝ i think it's noble what you're doing ... ❞ he trails , swatting at a fly that gets far too familiar with his space . with a deep inhale , he scans the girl's face . wondering how much she has seen that inherently supersedes the severity of zeke's own life . and how easy she had it when keeping her heart throughout . ❝ but , it's shockingly not , like ... difficult to disappear on island . lots of places to hide . ❞ he takes a musing sip from his drink . ❝ i don't know what his momma told you , but i really only knew him in high school ... he was one'a the few braddahs i didn't keep up with after grad' . ❞ ― @hollowvictory / starter .
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omniscientoswald · 4 months
A trip to Hawai'i P.3
[Manapua Truck]
Gaz: *Watches as a white van playing music pass him by* This is the 5th time I saw a truck like that today
Oswald: The Manapua truck?
Soap: The-what-truck?
Oswald: Ma-na-pu-a truck
Gaz: Whats it do?
Oswald: *Smirks with excitement* Its a local-kine, glorified, Hawaiian special, Fortified, food truck!
Soap and Gaz: ...
Oswald: *Sighs* It's the better Hawaiian version icecream truck
Soap: *Perks up excitedly* Lets go check it out, Bonnie!
Gaz: *Excitedly following Soap, dragging Oswald by the arm* Hurry, Oz!
Manapua man: Howzit!
Soap: What're ye selling?
Manapua man: *Looks at Soap, then to Gaz and Oswald* Tourists?
Oswald: *Points to Soap and Gaz and nods*
Manapua man: Ah, ok. No worries! Unnko go take care you. So, we got dakine, uh...manapua's, musubis, and da best, pork hash. Ho, braddah. Dis ting ono, broke da mout, gaurentee! *Smiles warmly*
Soap and Gaz: *Looks to Oswald for help*
Oswald: *Sighs* We'll take six manapua's, tree bag pork hash, case guavas and dats it. Mahalo nui, unnko *Hands money*
Manapua man: Awwwright! *takes it and hands over food* Oh! And here, for da haole braddahs *Hands a free bag of rice cake*
Oswald: Tanks, unnko *Elbows Soap and Gaz*
Soap: Mahalo!
Gaz: Mahalo, sir-I mean-Uncle!
Oswald: *Looking at Soap already digging inside the bags* Lets bring this back before you two eat it all
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rustystraabpon · 20 days
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