#bracelet for dad
livwritesstuff · 1 month
Steve wants it on record that there isn’t much he wouldn’t do if it meant spending time with his kids.
The one exception to this is shopping. Generally speaking, Steve can’t really handle shopping anymore (migraines – or, rather, the way shopping is a pretty consistent trigger for migraines).
Eddie handles most of the shopping – he does the groceries every week, he runs most of the errands the pop up, he gets dragged to the mall with their daughters on the weekends.
 There’s one exception to that exception though, and it’s back-to-school shopping.
Steve makes an exception for back-to-school shopping for a couple reasons.
For one – memories. The passing of time is a cruel thing, as Eddie loves to remind him, and they only get so many years to set their kids loose in Walmart, to watch them pick out a new lunchbox and water bottle, to see which novelty folders Robbie and Moe will fight over this year, and what color notebooks they’ll claim. This year in particular, Moe is starting fifth grade, her last year before she heads off to middle school, and Hazel is starting kindergarten. Obviously, Steve will risk a migraine if it means getting to watch his daughters back-to-school shop for the one year ever all three of them will be at the same school together. 
The second reason Steve makes an exception for back-to-school shopping – Eddie. Steve loves Eddie. So much. That being said, his judgment can be a little questionable, which is fine most of the time because Steve is used to it. His kids’ teachers though…not so much, and they’ve also got sixteen to twenty other hellions to manage, so for their sake someone’s gotta be there on these shopping trips to lay down the law when Walmart decides slap-bracelet rulers are a totally fine thing to equip elementary-schoolers with.
“No,” Steve told Robbie simply, his arms crossed as he leaned against a shelf filled with notebooks.
“Why?” she countered, still holding up the purple “ruler”.
Moe helpfully decided to smack Robbie’s bare arm with her own pink bracelet-ruler. Robbie yelped as Moe gave a maniacal laugh and yanked the ruler back.
“That’s why,” Steve replied, “Neither of you need rulers this year, and even if you did, I’m not doing that to your teachers. Let’s move on please.”
Obviously, neither Moe nor Robbie gave any indication that they’d be moving on, which is fine. He’d rather they get over the novelty of the damn things here, so he turns his attention to where Eddie was sitting cross-legged on the linoleum floor trying to convince Hazel, their rising kindergartener, that she doesn’t need a locker shelf.
“There’s no lockers in kindergarten, my girl,” he was telling her, “No lockers at all until middle school.”
“But what if I just get it and then we see if maybe there’s lockers?” Hazel asked, her lower lip starting to tremble.
“I promise we’ll get you a locker shelf when you start middle school,” Eddie replied, easing the pink metal locker shelf out of her hands, “But that’s six years away. Think of all the ways locker technology will improve in six years.”
Hazel nodded.
“We could be looking at a whole new world, Hazy-Jay.”
Again, Hazel nods, though she does give the shelf one last mournful look as Eddie gets to his feet and leads her over to the wall of Crayola paraphernalia.
Steve turns back to the older two in time to hear Moe say, “Do you think it’d wrap around your head if I hit you hard enough?”
“Okay, that’s a no.”
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pencilofawesomeness · 5 months
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from chapter 10 of Famous Last Words in May Death Never Stop You by the amazing @slexenskee
I've wanted to draw this scene ever since I read it lmao. Fun fact I was eating lunch at the time and I was laughing so hard I had to leave the room since someone was watching tv. Good times, good times.
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nebulaedaniel · 21 days
oh im gonna make baaaad financial decisions at tit
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twinstxrs · 9 months
the bad kids taking those arcade prizes is objectively so funny bc why did fig gorgug adaine fabian & kristen all get a fun thing that helps them and riz gets The Foreshadowing Blade
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andradrawsstuff · 4 months
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Epic dad moment 2
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obsessed with the idea of nico still being a practicing catholic. like they try to invite him somewhere on like a sunday and he's like "can't. gotta go to mass, sorry" and he shadow travels to the vatican
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rozugold · 2 years
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And they moved on :]
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imerian · 6 months
Aaaaand i decided to post more of my f1 crafts here so here landoscar edition (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Onse again photo without doodles under cut and some rambling in tags
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tangledinink · 2 years
Do the boys just never take off their cloaking charms? Between showering sports and just childhood shenanigans... how?
Yep! The long and short of it is that Splinter invested in the good shit. (How did he afford the good shit? Donnn't worry about it. Same way he was able to cut a deal with Big Mama...)
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The Cloaking Crystals are specifically designed for long-term wear, the bracelets are small and minimal so as to not get in the way of day-to-day, and are enchanted so that they fit snugly and won't fall off by accident-- they have to be deliberately removed with intention. Splinter spent weeks teaching his sons how to wear bracelets without bothering them (even before he got the actual cloaking brooches) and drilling into them how important it was to never ever take them off.
After a while, the brothers just got used to having them on, and really didn't have any reason to ever take them off. I imagine that there was at least one occasion (when they were still young,) where one of the brothers (probably Leo...) started messing with his, but...
Dad didn't even get mad. He yelled a little, sure, and he stopped Leo right away, but... They could tell he wasn't angry. He was scared. They had never seen his face look like that before.
... They kind of decided after that that they really shouldn't ever take the bracelets off. Dad said it kept them safe, and it seemed like he meant it. Now that they're older, they mostly just chalk it up to it being some kind of superstitious thing on their Dad's part, but they remember how important it is to him, and that he told them not to, so... They just haven't.
Not yet, anyway.
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natichsa · 11 months
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Are some of these too niche
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shitswiftiessay · 8 months
if your bonding with your daughter depends entirely on taylor swift being shown during your football game… you might just be a shitty father.
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⬆️ i’m talking about THIS tweet, which went viral and has now inspired this ridiculous superbowl commercial stressing the importance of having taylor swift at football games so dads can bond with their daughters.
i mean you could just get off your ass and do something with her or try to figure out what she’s interested in, but nooo you’d rather sit on the couch and yell at the tv.
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I'm slightly less sick now
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I love wilf sm
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tiger-balm · 4 months
@ bluejays: “IS THIS THING ON?” - GAUS
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drummergetwicked · 2 months
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Zoom in on the bracelet. It says DADDY. That hit me right in the fucking heart and hormones, omg.
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july-juneandsummer · 1 year
Yeah no I still need another few business days to comprehend how Sebastian Vettel (1) built beehotels for wild bees,(2) invited all the drivers (3) put them in a bus (4)had everyone do Arts and Crafts thogether and (5) educated them about bees and (6) ended it on sunday cheering them on waving flags for them.
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dawnlotus1 · 1 month
Ended up take a shot at the piss poor closet cosplay Rand. Turns out I was missing a lot of the pieces I thought I had. So. Featuring red wig, green shades and a Technoblade shirt. Alas it is scuffed as Rand would want it.
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Also I had a jean skirt so Rand in the skirt like he deserves.
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