#boys plain tshirt
grabmany · 7 hours
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klauswalz · 10 months
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garpond · 3 months
i look autistic in htese shoes im gonna kill myself 😭
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melonvice · 10 months
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Best of Autumn
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davidrobertusa · 1 year
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Buy Boys Tshirts online from Cloth Theory on Amazon. Multicolour Boy's Plain Regular Fit T-Shirts Online are available in 100% cotton quality. The fabric is soft and easily washable with hands. If you Buy Boy's Plain Regular Fit T-Shirts from us, you get premium quality clothing at the Best Price with Offers. Please check the Terms and Conditions for the offers on Amazon.
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milfcodeddean · 1 year
The fact that it is tied is so sad. What if I told you I’m wearing aquaman converse in that photo
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thebirdmanhewatches · 2 years
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[ ID: a photo of a pair of half finished gamzee horns made from tinfoil and gaffer tape being held in front of a wall /end ID ]
The fact I decided the second set of horns I’d make were to be gamzees when gamzee has some of the longest horns with subtle curves was probably not the best idea
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chateaaa · 21 days
☆ What dating the blue lock characters feels like
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Dating Rin Itoshi includes watching horror movies at 3 am, cuddling together when it's raining, sharing headphones in the bus, having a picture of you in his wallet, giving you his sweater when you're cold, literally keeps anything you give him, cooking for you when your tired, takes candid pictures of you, glares at the boys who is too close when you talk, just because flowers
Dating Reo Mikage includes going on fancy restaurant dates, him paying everything, a poloroid picture of you on the back of his phone, showing you off to his parents, opening the door for you, always giving you flowers, always buying you extravagant gifts, beach dates, buying you a big teddy bear on your birthday, giving you a promise ring
Dating Isagi Yoichi includes holding hands after school, always blushing when you make eye contact, matching keychain in school bag, keeping a picture of you in the back of his school id, going on photobooth dates, giving you tulips and chocolates during valentines day, slow dancing, cuddling together and then oversleeping
Dating Michael Kaiser includes you being his wallpaper, always wearing a necklace with your initials, carrying you like it's nothing, kissing you on top of a counter, hugging you from behind, leaving bite marks on your neck, giving you blue roses, lets you wear anything you want and will literally fight the boys who talks to you, kissing your hands, holding your thighs when driving
Dating Chigiri Hyoma includes helping you in skin care, talking about gossips, watching fashion shows together, you helping him take care of his injured leg, your username being his bio in twitter and instagram, only letting you touch his hair, buys your favorite drink after a long day, library dates, helping you build your outfits, complimenting you in literally everything you wear
Dating Kunigami Rensuke includes hugging you from behind, calling you my love, being passionate about things you like, going on museum dates, having pads and chocolate on hand when you have your period, having a period tracking app to know when you have your period, always carrying an extra ponytail incase you need it, baking desserts
Dating Nagi Seishiro includes calling on discord, matching profile pictures on games, movie dates at home, kisses on the neck, carrying you effortlessly, kissing you to shut you up during an argument, watching anime series together, building a blanket fortress, matching spiderman bracelets, building legos together, arcade dates
Dating Bachira Meguru includes sending memes, sending tiktok videos, doing tiktok dances, going on painting dates, matching frog rings, drawing the both of you and making it his wallpaper, always listening when your ranting about your day, would wear those tshirts that goes like "my girlfriend is better than you", always sharing your food and drink with him :3
Dating Kurona Ranze includes aquarium dates!!, taking care of a shark plushie and calling them our child, letting you style his hair in different hairstyles, making a playlist for you, going to the park at 3 am and pushing you in the swing, fast responses, pecking your lips, saying sorry FIRST during an argument (even if it was your fault)
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changed my layout (?) idk it feels kinda plain, anw hope you all like it!!!
i might make part 2 lol
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d3arapril · 8 months
modern!ellie headcanons
my take on modern ellie. why? cos i love her 🙄 pls enjoy! feedback appreciated as alwayssss~ <3
✧ warnings: brief we3d mention but other than that, none! just ellie being ellie. safe for all audiences!
ellie was quite reserved when u first met and now ur dating she can still shut down sometimes but she's working on it
she's quiet if she doesn't know u...if ur close... ur gonna wish u weren't
literally NEVER shuts up sometimes?? she can be like one of those wind up toys and chatter on and on for HOURS if she's in the right mood
knows random facts about the most obscure things
"babe did u know that there are more than 60,000 tree species on earth??" *silence* "uhhh.... thanks el?"
CHRONICALLY ONLINE!!! knows every meme under the sun, would still use xD un-ironically if u didn't bully her for it
her tiktok screentime is probably like 7 hours a day bc she could spend endless hours just laying in bed scrolling, u get home from work/school and she's sent u 30 messages. u watch every single one <3
she's fairly active on instagram but doesn't really care about followers etc... just posts random photos whenever she feels like it and has several photo dumps dedicated to her fav pics of u. has a highlight called ‘❤️’ with pics of u
would comment on other ppls tiktoks but not post her own vids.. she’s a bit of a troll sometimes LOL
bites her nails/fingers all the time til they bleed... it's a habit
u got her the nail polish that tastes nasty to try and help her reduce the amount she bites her nails but she just started enjoying the taste of it 😐
"i thought this was supposed to taste bad???" she'd ask u with a thumb shoved in her mouth
so obviously gets bitches but is so oblivious to her surroundings and doesn't notice people ogling at her whenever you're walking around together
however if people are looking at u?? its on sight
gets very jealous very easily and has a mad short temper. lowkey toxic sometimes
will wear an 'i love my girlfriend' t-shirt without even being asked because..she loves u..duh?
leaves u notes all around ur home... u open the fridge and she's written on the empty carton of milk that she left in the fridge :/
'i love u ps were out of milk :('
wears flannels/hoodies, vests/plain tshirts and baggy jeans (maybe skinny jeans if she’s feeling crazy. u tell her she’s outdated) with converse every day. 'lesbian uniform' she calls it...
carabiner queen but doesn't actually have any keys attached to it, just keychains... her fav is the spiderman one she won at the arcade. also has a fidget cube attached. Locked And Loaded
tobey maguire is her favourite spiderman :) closely followed by andrew garfield. she says she’d probably have a crush on him if she liked boys. also loves wanda.. obviously
listens to old 2016 rap.. fetty wap has been in her top 5 spotify artists for the past 2 years
also listens to deftones (her fav songs are teenager and cherry waves btw)
uses wired earphones still because she can’t let go.. they’re busted and chewed up to hell but somehow are still going strong
i’m a strong believer that ellie would LOVE watching berleezy and quotes his videos ALL THE TIME. it's "..and bricked.... hello!" whenever she sees u looking nice (which is all the time to her)
knows all the fnaf lore (somehow?? shes never even played it)
super light sleeper, always tossing and turning and she's actually fallen out of bed several times bc she gets so ridiculously restless
always sleeps in until she only has around 15 mins left to get ready. is somehow rarely late
she has no skincare routine but has perfect skin 🙄 just washes her face with some random cheap face wash she found on sale and moisturises when she remembers. she also doesn’t use conditioner bc she ‘doesn’t believe in it’ but has soft hair? tf
always staring at u? she frowns a lot but when she looks at u her entire face softens and she has that lil half smile that she doesn’t even realise she’s doing
u guys have an intricate secret handshake that she practised in her own time so she could get it right
her journal is full of sketches of u, poems about u�� girl is so in love sometimes it scares her a lil
made a scrapbook for ur birthday full of everything she’s kept from everywhere u have been together, she even kept the stickers from ur starbucks drinks and stuck them in there <3
wrote a lil song for u and waited until ur bday to sing it to u for the first time… she got so embarrassed straight after so she just hid under the covers
big ol stoner! if u dont like weed she won’t smoke when she’s with u but if u also smoke/don’t mind she’ll loooove to smoke w u. gave u her fav grinder as a token of her love
tried to make special brownies but u both burnt them to a crisp 😔 el tries so hard to be optimistic (for once) “it’s fine babe we can just eat it anyway” “ellie it’s literally crumbling when u touch it…”
tried to stick n poke herself several times but couldn’t commit so she just has unfinished pieces on her upper thighs
loves head scratches and pants like a dog when u scratch the right spot
is this emoji 🧍🏼‍♀️ frequently
that’s all folks (for now……) …. i love her
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grabmany · 8 hours
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best blue oversized plain tshirt from grabmany
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ventique18 · 11 months
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OMFG WHAT!!! The new merch have the boys as models I'M CRYING!! They look so cute though wth! You're gonna convince me to buy a plain black shirt with a tiny print LOL
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ashxketchum · 4 months
They uploaded the video where Agumon, Gabumon, Veemon and Wormon will call out names of fans and look! We get a glimpse at Taichi, Yamato, Daisuke and Ken's rooms!
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You know what this means? It's time for a certified Ayushi breakdown 🫡
There is so much blue in Taichi's room hahaha (taiyama win!), the soccer magazines + jump manga reference is so on point. And he has so many bags! Taichi why do you need so many backpacks, one for every outfit? 😆 THE DUMBBELLS THO my boy is working out to maintain that body we got a glimpse of in Tri 😌 The whistle hanging on the wall is also a nice touch, is it Hikari's whistle from when they were kids? 🥹 Or even if it's not, I'd like to imagine a scenario where Taichi helps Hikari with her kindergarten schoolwork occasionally by coaching football to the little kids in his free time! Can you imagine him running around with little kids who are about as tall as the football itself 🤣 I tried to zoom in to figure out what the magazine on his desk is for, and I could make out the word Nakano, so maybe it's just something he picked up on his way home (maybe he lives around Nakano?) since it looks slightly crumpled too, like it was shoved in his bag in a rush. His phone (and is that a wallet?) feel pretty standard. He is the only one who doesn't have a lamp on his desk + has some kind of reminder post-its stuck to his desktop, maybe he's not so good with passwords? Koushiro probably always lectures him about this every time he visits.
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Now let's talk about Yamato, FIRST OF ALL I WILL SCREAM ABOUT THE KOD TSHIRT! HE STILL WEARS IT! I'M CRYING RIGHT NOW!!! And then his guitars because I swear I did a one hour deep dive trying to figure out the brand and model and I think they're both Fender (an expensive brand I would say) which once again makes me wonder how much money does the TakaIshi family has for their sons to have expensive, bikes, cars and guitars. TO TOP IT OFF Yamato is definitely an Apple bitch too like look at that monitor and keyboard, that's Mac and his phone is very clearly Iphone. Now his room follows a very warm, muted tones of black and brown. We can spot some music related magazines on his shelf and a big, plain tote bag on the ground (see Taichi one big bag should be enough 🤣) which looks like something he uses for grocery shopping. Yamato is the only one who doesn't have a wheelie computer chair, but rather a wooden one. Now whether he did this to follow the aesthetic of the room (highly likely) or because he doesn't actually spend a lot of time in this space is something we can all think about. He has a framed portrait or photo(?) up on the wall and I did consider him more of a framed art guy over a poster guy always so this is good to see too. Also nice to note that on his desk, he has THE HARMONICA 😭 And the same Jump issue that Taichi has on his shelf! His room is honestly a lot like how I imagined it to be in terms of the furniture and colours so I'm very happy with this sneak peek!
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I am not qualified to comment on Daisuke and Ken's rooms, so will leave that to 02 fans!
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davidrobertusa · 1 year
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Buy Boys Tshirts online from Cloth Theory on Amazon. Multicolour Boy's Plain Regular Fit T-Shirts Online are available in 100% cotton quality. The fabric is soft and easily washable with hands. If you Buy Boy's Plain Regular Fit T-Shirts from us, you get premium quality clothing at the Best Price with Offers. Please check the Terms and Conditions for the offers on Amazon.
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eomayas · 1 year
new thing (pt.2) • pcy
pairing: chanyeol x f reader, age gap
genre: smut, 18+ MINORS DNI!!! chanyeol is a munch! little bit fluffy
synopsis: after running into chanyeol, he asks you out on a date, and you’re the dessert.
warnings: oral (f receiving), praise, p in v, pwp
series masterlist
it certainly wasn’t the last time you saw chanyeol. no, you saw him exactly three days after that, when you ran into him at a supermarket you rarely ever shop at. you were simply in the area, because it’s close to your job, and bumped into him on your way to check out. all you had in your hands was a package of wholegrain crackers that you and seulgi liked, and kombucha. he, on the other hand, had a basketful of stuff, which made you feel extremely young.
he noticed you first, your name leaving his lips in a way that made your heart jump and your stomach flip. you didn’t know why you were nervous—you ran into people you’ve had sex with before—but it was different, seeing him outside of the bar setting. he was in a plain black tshirt, black joggers, sneakers, and a yankee hat; the outfit should not have set you off, but it did. the simple sexiness of it all made your core jump.
you said hi, and you’re grateful that he’s personable, because you forgot how to hold a conversation. he could definitely sense your nervousness, and kept the conversation short, ending it with asking you to lunch exactly a week from the first time you guys had sex. you were stunned, but you said yes, of course.
that saturday came around, and you guys met at a brunch restaurant that you’d probably only ever go to if you and seulgi have good news, or really wanted to treat yourselves. the inside was beautiful and the menu was expensive, and chanyeol didn’t even flinch to pull his card out and pay for you meal. it shocked you, and you hoped you didn’t show it because you’re used to men either wanting to split the bill, or begrudgingly pulling out their wallets.
you learned that day that he’s the oldest sibling to a younger brother, that he’s a music producer and songwriter, and that he originally went to school for data science before dropping out to pursue music. he doesn’t check his phone the entire time you are both together, and he checks on you to make sure you made it home thirty minutes after you leave. he asks you questions about yourself, and smiles when you start most of your sentences with ‘ummm’, whereas the men—boys—you’ve been with before him would have lost interest in what you were saying immediately. it’s safe to say chanyeol is a real man compared to your exes, and it’s a very foreign experience, though not unpleasant and unwelcomed. before the night was over, he asked to see you again, which is currently what you’re getting ready for on a friday night.
you finish clasping your large hoops in your ear and do a once-over in the mirror. you thin black dress clings to your body in all of the right ways, but it’s real intent is for chanyeol to rip it off of you by the end of the night.
“okay, seul, how do i look?” you ask, stepping out of your room and poking into the doorway or hers. seulgi looks at you and screeches, clapping her hands together.
“bitch, you look too good!” she yells, and you pose dramatically in her doorway. “i take it you won’t be coming home tonight?” seulgi asks, a grin on her face.
you blush at the thought of staying with chanyeol. “we’ll see,” is all you say, but you’re hoping that she’s correct. your phone buzzes in your shoulder bag, and you quickly slide it off of your shoulder to answer the call. you can barely keep the smile off of your face as you say, “hi.” into the receiver.
“hey, y/n, im outside,” chanyeol says, and you all but rush to say ‘okay’, and quickly hang up.
“was that chanyeol?” seulgi asks and you nod, giddy even though you’ve seen him twice since the very first time you met. “have fun! use a condom!” she says, digging in her bedside drawer and tossing one to you before you leave. you catch it and put it in your bag, just in case.
outside, his matte black corvette awaits. chanyeol gets out of the car to greet you, smiling when he sees you. you try to keep your walk as normal as you can with his eyes on you, and he holds out a hand once you get close. “hey,” he says, gently tugging you close.
“hi,” he gives you a soft kiss on your lips, one of his hands on the small of your back. he pulls away and opens the passenger door for you and you thank him, sliding in. he discreetly checks out your backside as you get in, and runs a hand through his hair. it was going to be a long night.
chanyeol helps you out of his car, and you gaze up at his large house in awe. it’s a huge tan house with a black door and a slanted roof. large windows adorn the upper level of the house, one dead center which looks like it’s supposed to be the window a sun room. “nice,” you say, glancing over at him. he shrugs to be modest, but he knows he has a nice house—he worked for it.
he grabs your hand and leads you to the front door, unlocking it and pulling you inside. it’s even more excellent inside, and you can’t believe you’re actually in a home like this and know somebody with a home like this. chanyeol gives you a tour of the entire downstairs, showing you the kitchen that has a smart refrigerator and stainless steel appliances, the large living room with ample room and a large tv, and a large, gray L-shaped sofa.
“do you want anything to drink? i have water, wine�� uh… tequila?” he says after you two finish downstairs and go back towards the kitchen.
“i’m good, thanks,” you say. he nods and closes the fridge, gesturing to the stairs for you to start going up. you do, and he follows after you. he can’t help but keep his eyes on your ass, and when you guys get to the top of the stairs, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into him, placing a kiss on your neck. you reach back and put a hand on the side of his face, holding him there briefly as he starts walking you to a room that you can only presume is his.
you appear to be correct when you push the door open. chanyeol straightens up and loosens his hood on you. “sorry, this was a douche move—let me show you the sun room,” he says, pulling you out and across the hall to a room where you can imagine spending every hour of everyday. there are plants strewn around, some hanging from the ceiling, and a comfortable looking tan couch. there’s also a reading nook, and lots of pillows and blankets for maximum comfort. in front of the window is a telescope, and you go over to it. “do you use this a lot?” you ask him, putting your eye to the lens and looking out at the moon. you let out a small gasp, feeling like a kid at the planetarium.
chanyeol shrugs behind you, stuffing his hands in his jeans pocket. “sometimes, yeah,” he replies, and you turn around, a smile on your face.
“well, it’s really cool in here,” you say, walking back over and standing in front of him. chanyeol smiles down at you and gently grabs your chin, placing a soft kiss on your lips.
you let him lead you back into his bedroom, where you drop onto the corner of his bed to start unlacing your heels. chanyeol removes his jacket and hangs it up in the closet like an adult, whereas you’d just throw it on the closest surface and deal with it another day. his room is quite literally spotless, and everything looks like it belongs.
chanyeol comes back from putting his coat away and notices you’re still removing one shoe, sirs down next to you, grabbing the foot you haven’t started on yet, placing it in his lap, and untying your heels that lace all the way up your calf. when both of your shoes are off, you thank him and flex your foot to relieve some of the pain of the heels. he gently kneads at your calf and you want to sigh at the gesture, but you keep it to yourself. “i’ve had a lot of fun tonight,” you say to him, tilting your head to the side ever so slightly.
“i’m glad,” he says, leaning over and kissing you with more force than the last one. his hand stills on your calf while his other one slide up your thigh and tugs you closer to him, so he’s sitting sideways in between your legs.
chanyeol adjusts so you’re lying flat on the bed and he’s hovering over you, the chain he typically keeps tucked into a shirt dangling in front of your face. you put a hand on the back of his neck and pull him down to you, hooking a leg around his waist as you kiss him deeply. he moves his lips down to your neck and you hold onto his shoulders and grind your lower half into him. “take this dress of, pretty girl,” he says, pulling away from you and resting on his knees.
you can’t help but blush at the pet name and quickly pull your arms out of your sleeves and push the dress down you legs. he helps you by pulling it down the rest of the way and leaving you in a black bra and matching underwear. you feel shy under his gaze, even though you’ve already had sex with him before. but this feels more intimate—it is more intimate than the first time—and you haven’t felt this shy since the time you lost your virginity.
you prop yourself up on your elbows as his eyes rake across your body. his drags his fingertips down your abdomen to the tops of your thighs, and goosebumps rise on your skin. because you can’t take the way he’s looking at you, you lean up and kiss him, pulling him back down to you. you slide your hands down his back and underneath his shirt, feeling the skin of his muscular back. you swear he flexes to show off, because when he pulls away to rip off his shirt, he has a cocky grin on his face.
chanyeol kisses you deeply before kissing down your body, starting with your left leg and kissing all the way down to your ankle before doing the same thing on the right side, but going up.
he pulls your underwear down, and you open your legs wider and bend them so he has more space. you expect him to start fingering you, but instead he moves his face down to your heat, and you quickly sit up. “no, chanyeol, you don’t have to do that,” you say, trying to scoot away from him. most of the guys you’ve been with weren’t into giving oral, so you stopped asking or expecting them to do it.
chanyeol looks up at you, confusion etched on his face. “but… i want to,” he says, his eyes boring into yours.
“you want to?” you ask, disbelief in your voice. he chuckles and you tense as the sound vibrates off of your core.
“yes, y/n, i want to eat you out. is that okay?” he asks, kissing the inside of your knee. when he sees the look on your face, his eyebrows furrow. “wait—have you never been given head before?” he asks.
you feel embarrassed to shake your head, because he seems so into it. “i mean, no, i guess i haven’t,” you say, looking away from him.
“do you want me to?” he asks, his hand absentmindedly stroking your calf.
you do. you’re so used to giving, it’d be nice to receive, especially when it’s a mutual want. you look down at him and see it in his eyes—he looks like he’s been given a plate of food after starving for so long.
you nod your head. “yes,” you say. chanyeol licks his lips and looks down at your pussy, holding himself back from completely ravishing you.
“just lay back, and relax, y/n,” he says, flicking his eyes up to meet you before going back down to your cunt. you let out a breath and do as he says, relaxing your legs and looking up at the ceiling. “and look at me.” he orders. when you do, he immediately connects his lips to your second pair, and starts licking and sucking.
you gasp and start to close your legs, but he muscles them open using his shoulders. you squirm as he flicks his tongue back and forth, suckling on your clit. “stop moving,” he says, not removing his face from in between your legs. you keep yourself still, your chest rising and falling rapidly at the feeling of his voice against your core.
your back arches off the bed when he chooses to add his long, thick, fingers into the mix. “ch-chanyeol!” you shout in a broken moan. you let out a string of curses as he sucks on your clit and pumps his fingers in and out of you.
you can’t remember the last time you felt this good during foreplay. nobody has ever tended to your needs the way chanyeol is, and it’s slightly unbelievable that he’s real.
but he’s very real, and he lets himself be known when he shakes his head side to side. you fist the sheets on his bed and cry out his name. “fuck, yeol, i-“ a broken cry of his name gets caught in your throat and a strange feeling in your stomach, like a balloon that’s been filled up with too much air, fills the bottom of your stomach.
chanyeol pulls you impossibly closer to him and hooks his arms around your thighs. his nose bumps your clit endlessly, and your legs start to shake. the balloon keeps getting filled, until it snaps and you thrash around on the bed, seeing spots as you scream out chanyeols name.
“damn,” is all he says as you gush all over his face, some of it dripping down your center and onto his sheets. he can’t help but watch in amazement as you keep on releasing, your pussy practically throbbing. he watches as you clench around absolutely nothing, and can’t help but get hard. if there’s one thing chanyeol likes to do, it is please people. but he particularly likes pleasing women by using his mouth and tongue, and he can tell when he succeeds—like right now.
he doesn’t even give you a minute to calm down, because he’s back at your core lapping up all of your juices. “chanyeol, wait!” you cry, but your hand on his head, holding him at your cunt says otherwise. when you start trying to crawl away from him is when he lets up.
the entire bottom half of his face glistens when he gets out from in between your legs. you can’t even look at him, feeling so bare and embarrassed, because you can feel a wet spot on the sheets. “you alright?” he asks, a smirk on his face.
“mhm,” you say, pressing your legs together.
“look at me.”
you do, and with hooded eyes. you can’t help but giggle at how crazy he looks with only half of his face wet. you glance down at his lower half, the tent in his pants hard to ignore. you motion for him to come closer.
you reach for his waistband, undoing the button and zipper before pushing down his pants, along with his briefs, his dick hard and throbbing, bobbing in wait. you look up at him as you kiss below his belly button and down his happy trail. when you grab ahold of his dick, he gently stops you, and you frown. “i really just need to be inside of you right now,” he says, pushing the rest of his clothes off.
you smile and he leans down to kiss you, pushing you back onto the bed. “condom,” you remind him as he starts to line himself up.
“right,” he says, quickly getting off of you and and going to his bedside table. you unhook your bra as you wait for him, pinching one of your nipples in between your fingers before groping your own chest. you nearly start to touch yourself until he’s back in front of you, an eyebrow raised. “couldn’t wait?” he asks teasingly, rolling the condom on.
“no,” he shakes his head at you and holds his dick by the base. “hurry up!” you whine, reaching for him.
“good girls get what they want.”
“we both know i’m not.”
he smirks down at you, pressing the tip against your puffy folds. “no,” chanyeol says, rubbing it up and down. “you aren’t.” and then he pushes into you, air feeling like it’s left your lungs. you’re not used to him in the slightest, and you’ve never been stretched like this until him. even when you were riding him almost two weeks ago, it took you some time to get used to him.
“fuck!” you cry, holding onto his forearms. the chain hanging from his neck dangles in front of your face as he thrusts into you. it gently hits your nose every time he rocks into you, and all it does is get you more turned on. “faster, yeol.” you moan, sliding your hands up his arms and splaying them across his back.
chanyeol pounds into you, making your toes curl and back arch into his chest. you dig your nails into his skin, leaving indents. chanyeol looks down at you and watches how your face twists up on pleasure as you moan out his name. his chain continues to tap against your nose, and he moves to take it off, but you stop him. “leave it on!” you groan, wrapping a leg around his hip.
you take one hand and grab him by the necklace and pull his lips down to you, not exactly kissing but your noses touching. “you feel so good,” you moan, a hand in his hair.
“you’re so tight, fuck,” he groans, kissing your neck. he grips one of your hips tightly and ruts into you relentlessly, your nails scratching up his back.
when he comes, it’s loud and he’s saying all types of filthy things, calling you pretty and baby, two new pet names to add to the list. you come after him, clenching around his dick and making him whimper in your ear, which almost makes you come again. he has to pull himself out of you for self control, but your grip on him makes it much harder. “baby, cmon,” he begs, his breath catching in his throat.
you finally relax enough for him to pull out with a groan, and you curl into yourself with a whimper, your heart beating quickly. “you okay?” he asks, concern in your voice. all you can do is give him a thumbs up, which he laughs at and then kisses the pad of your finger. “i’ll be back.” he says before getting off of the bed.
by the time he’s come back, your sitting up, criss-cross and naked, on his bed. he comes back in sweats and no shirt, and gives you a small smile. chanyeol offers you a tshirt, which you take, and slip on. he finds your underwear, which you put on as well, so you’re winney-the-pooh-ing it. chanyeol crawls onto the bed next to you and props himself up on his elbow. “so..?” he questions and you raise an eyebrow.
“you want me to rate our sex?” you ask, giving him an incredulous look. he shrugs, a smirk on his face and you roll your eyes and pretend to think hard. “hmm…” you say, tapping your chin, and he scoffs and jumps on top of you, caging you beneath him. you laugh and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. there’s no way you’re going for round two, but you want to be close to him.
to your gain, you do spend the night, and you tell seulgi, who seems way too excited for you, but supports nonetheless.
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bullying and cuddles
word count: 2.3k
cw: fem reader, reader implied to have anxiety cause im projecting, swearing, bullying (affectionate), fluff, idiots in love, probably ooc tangerine but whatever
a/n: i needed domestic fluff, is this similar to other stuff ive written? yes but i dont care i love domestic fluff. i geniuenly was debating posting this because i kinda hate it but yknow c'est la vie
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you emerged from the safe house bathroom after brushing your teeth in an old tshirt and pyjama shorts. both of the boys bedroom doors were closed and you could hear the thomas the tank engine theme song coming from lemon’s room. 
the door of your room was open and your suitcase was on the ground, clothes messily thrown all over the place. you had been here for about four days now so you were settled in as much as you could be in a new environment.
you and the twins were staking out a place and it was long and tedious, by this point you were thoroughly bored and ready for this to end so you could go back home. you couldn’t stand another night in the cold unfamiliar bed. 
so, instead you knocked on tangerine’s door.
“come in.”
you opened the door and walked in, quickly shutting it behind you and leaning against it, facing tangerine. he was sat up in his bed reading a book. he was wearing a plain tshirt and pyjama pants. he looked comfy, more relaxed than he usually was. the quilt was folded neatly at the end of his bed and his suitcase on the floor was immaculately organised, a stark contrast to how your room looked.
“hi,” he said smiling at you.
“hi,” you returned the smile.
“cute pyjamas.”
you were wearing a faded marvin the martian tshirt and pyjama shorts covered in little oranges, “they’re oranges.”
“you sure you didn’t wear them just for me, love?” he smiled wider at you, cocking his head to the side slightly, “cause you look adorable.”
“why would i wear them for you, you’re my third favourite person in this house,” you scoffed.
“are you putting yourself above me?”
“i know my worth,” you squinted at the book he had in his hands, “whatcha reading?”
“uhh,” he glanced down at the page he was on, “the hunger games.”
“why are you surprised?”
“i don’t know,” you laughed slightly, “i can only image you reading old or pretentious books.”
“are you calling me pretentious?”
you snapped your fingers in realisation, “tolstoy, you seem like the tolstoy type have you read anna karenina?”
“well, yes i have but i don’t just read old books.”
“so, hunger games.”
“yeah, it’s good criticism on violence in capitalistic societies.”
“i don’t think professional assassins should have a say on violence in capitalistic societies.”
he rolled his eyes, “then i enjoy the commentary on consumerism.”
you glanced at the gold jewellery on the bedside table, “i don’t think you can have a say on that either.”
he followed you eye line, “oh fuck off.”
you laughed, “i’m sorry, i’m sorry.” you shifted around slightly in your spot against the door.
“did you come in here for a reason or just to take the piss out of me?”
you thought back to your lifeless room, “i was bored and i couldn’t annoy lemon.”
“why not, you’d probably enjoy his company more than mine,” his eyes drifted back down to his book.
“he’s watching thomas and there’s only so much of that i can take.”
he nodded, “understandable.”
there was a pause and you fidgeted with your hands nervously. you didn’t notice tangerine staring at you intently, contemplating what he should do.
“come sit with me,” he gestured to the empty spot next to him.
“are you sure?” you hesitated, bringing up your hand to chew on your nails.
“‘course love.”
you slowly moved over and sat on the bed next to him, keeping distance between you both on the queen sized bed.
it was silent again and you pulled your knees up against your chest, resting your chin on your knee.
“what part are you up to?” you asked.
“the interviews with caesar.” he turned his head and focused on you, noting your position and the gap you put between the both of you, “have you read it before?”
“back when i was a teenager but not since then.” you avoided his eyes, feeling anxious about the sharp eye contact, “have you read it before?”
“yeah, i’ve read it a few times.”
you just hummed in response. despite the nervous thoughts running through your head it felt better being in here with tangerine than being alone in your room. it was better having anxiety over being alone with the guy you were crushing on than the emptiness you would have felt by yourself in your room. 
“come here love.” he said softly.
“what?” your eyes snapped up to him.
“sit next to me properly.” 
you moved slightly closer, still leaving space between you both.
tangerine rolled his eyes and put his arm around your waist, pulling you into his side, “i’m not gonna fucking bite ya love, you can sit next to me.”
you scrunched your nose up at him, “i just didn’t want to get cooties.”
“you think i have cooties?”
“yup you have phytophthora gummosis.”
“what the fuck are you talking about?”
you laughed and leant into him more, “it's a disease that affects citrus trees.”
he tried not to smile, “how long have you been waiting to make that joke.”
“a few weeks,” you smiled brightly, “i did research on citrus trees.”
“just so you could take the piss out of me?”
“i had to, you look cute when you’re all annoyed and scrunch your eyebrows up.” you reached up and run over one of his eyebrows with your thumb.
“don’t call me cute.”
“why not? you are.”
“i’m meant to be intimidating.”
“how could anyone be scared of you? you’re reading the hunger games.”
“very funny, i can be scary and enjoy the hunger games.”
“are you team peeta or gale?”
“definitely peeta, he was smart and a romantic,” tangerine said, like he had thought about it a lot before.
“oh so you’re a romantic that adds to your scariness.”
“you’re bullying me, you’re a bully,” he pinched your side, enjoying the way you squirmed into him.
you yawned and put your head on his shoulder. he repositioned his arm that was around your shoulder and started stroking your hair.
“are you tired darling?”
you blinked sluggishly, “yeah… i should probably go-”
you started to get up but was stopped and cut off by tangerine.
“no, stay,” he held onto you, “you just relax.”
you bite your lip anxiously but try to relax into him again. you stared at the book in his hand, studying the mockingjay symbol on the cover. 
“what’s on your mind pet?”
you felt your neck heat up at the unfamiliar nickname, “uh can you maybe read to me?”
“you want me to read to you?”
you nodded.
“you sure you’ll be able to understand with the accent?”
“you’re british not an alien, i can understand you fine.”
“okay.” he pulled you close, you settled with your head on his chest and his arm comfortably around you. he smiled down at you, silently grateful that you couldn’t see the way he was looking at you, “you ready?”
“okay darling,” he took his focus off you and onto the book, “i’m still in a daze for the first part of peeta’s interview. he has the audience from the get-go, though; i can hear them laughing, shouting out. he plays up the baker’s son thing, comparing tributes to the bread from their districts.”
“what would your strategy be in the interviews?” you asked.
“i’m not sure.”
“i don’t think you could pull off the charming thing.”
“wow, thanks love your doing wonders for my self esteem,” he replied sarcastically.
you smiled, “no that’s not what i meant, you’re plenty charming, i just think you’d be better as one of those career tributes everyone is scared of.”
“i thought you said i wasn’t scary?”
“shhh that was minutes ago you should’ve forgotten about that by now, just keep reading.”
“right sorry,” he laughed slightly, “then he has a funny anecdote about the perils of the capital showers. ‘tell me, do i still smell like roses?’ he asks caesar, and then there's a whole run where they take turns sniffing each other that brings down the house.”
“maybe you would be charming, you always smell really nice.”
“thank you, darling,” he kissed your forehead and pulled you impossibly closer, “you smell nice too.”
you smiled and adjusted your position so you could hold onto his shirt. 
“i’m coming back into focus when caesar asks him if he has a girlfriend back home.” he continued, “peeta hesitates, then gives him an unconvincing shake of his head. ‘handsome lad like you. there must be some special girl. come on what’s her name?’ says caesar. peeta sighs. ‘well there is this one girl. i’ve had a crush on her ever since i can remember. but i’m pretty sure she didn’t know i was alive before the reaping.’”
tangerine glanced down at you half surprised and half disappointed you didn’t interrupt again. he liked listening to you talk.
your breathing had evened and your eyes had closed. you’d fallen asleep against him. he bookmarked the book and placed it on his side table. he carefully reached down, grabbed the quilt and pulled it over the both of you.
“goodnight, love.” he kissed your cheek gently.
lemon woke up the next morning and stumbled into the kitchen, prepared to see tangerine already up and cooking breakfast for the three of you. he was shocked to find the kitchen empty, no trace of you or tangerine. 
he looked over at both your bedroom doors and saw yours open and empty. weird. you were usually the last awake, having to be woken up by one of the twins.
lemon walked over to tangerine’s door and opened it, “hey bruv have you seen-” he cut himself off looking down at the scene in front of him.
you were asleep in tangerine’s arms and he was holding you close. he was awake and staring down at you, playing with your hair and gently tracing your features as you slept.
lemon snickered, “whats going on here, then?”
“shut the fuck up,” tangerine immediately fired back but lemon knew it was less harsh than it usually was. despite all the teasing tangerine knew he’d get, he was happy.
“this is cute, it really is.” lemon quipped, “but i have no clue how to make breakfast so please get up soon.”
“i’m not interrupting her sleep just cause your fucking incompetent.”
“fine, just don’t blame me if i burn this place down trying to make toast,” lemon started to leave.
“stop, just wait ten minutes then i’ll make you some fucking food.”
“thanks bruv, really appreciate it.”
lemon left and tangerine was alone with you again. 
tangerine moved your hair away from your face, “sweetheart?” he kissed your forehead, “if you don’t wake up soon the smoke alarm will probably wake you.”
you stretched slightly and snuggled into tangerine more, “this is nicer than the way lemon wakes me up.”
“if we don’t get up soon lemon is gonna try to cook,” he held your face and kissed you cheek gently.
“we can’t have that he’ll probably poison us all,” you sat up and rubbed your eyes, “why is your bed comfier than mine?”
“because i actually make mine?” he got up and stared down at you still wrapped in the blanket.
“ha ha,” you laughed dryly and fell back into the bed.
you closed your eyes again and settled back into the bed, pulling the blanket up to your chin. it really was a comfortable bed. 
your peaceful rest was interrupted by getting lifted into the air.
your eyes flew open as tangerine picked you up, carrying you into the kitchen. you wrapped your arms around his neck and held on tightly.
"what the fuck are you doing, you fucking numpty!?"
"you looked peaceful i didn't want to have to wake you again."
"well it didn't fucking work you twat."
"sorry, love," he set you down on the kitchen bench and kissed you cheek, "but you look cute when your annoyed."
you felt your face heat slightly and turned your face away from him.
"stop flirting and make me breakfast." lemon interrupted.
"you could say please, you wanker," tangerine snapped at him.
"please, make us breakfast, please, mr. fruit?" you said giving your best puppy dog eyes.
"for you, not for him, darling." 
you smiled, "thank you, tan."
“you’re a twat,” lemon added.
tangerine flipped lemon off and started making pancakes. you jumped off the kitchen bench and moved over to the kettle, checking it was full before boiling it.
“lemon, do you want a cuppa?”
“yeah,” lemon mumbled, distracted by his comic.
tangerine whacked lemon up the side of his head.
“yes please, sweetheart," lemon corrected himself.
“thanks lem,” you laughed slightly at the sibling abuse.
the kettle flicked off and you finished making the three cups of tea and handed one to lemon who smiled in thanks. you walked over to tangerine and placed one on the counter in front of him.
tangerine grabbed your waist and pulled you in for a kiss on the cheek, “thank you pet.”
you pulled away from him and started drinking your own cup, watching tangerine as he cooked and plated the golden pancakes.
“so did you two fuck last night?” lemon abruptly asked.
you choked on your tea and tangerines head snapped up to glare at him.
“no we slept together,” tangerine slowly replied.
lemon snorts, “i thought that was the same thing.”
“no you bellend we actually just slept, we were tired,” tangerine snapped.
you gulped down the rest of your tea and quickly placed your mug in the sink, “i’m gonna go shower boys, please save me some pancakes.” you smiled at the both and walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind you.
once you were gone lemon spoke up again, “you gonna tell her you love her yet?"
“shut up,” tangerine hissed, glancing at the shut bathroom door.
“she likes you too you know.”
tangerine didn’t respond for a few seconds, “really?”
“you’re in love with each other you both just fucking stupid.”
and for once tangerine didn’t feel the need to throw an insult back, he just reveled at the thought that you could like him too.
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guardpupleo · 2 days
oh, darling, you make for such a pretty boy, you know that?
you look so much like a fag with your five o'clock shadow in that dress. you've always been pretty, but god, you're a pretty boy now. and that just feels different, being called that, doesn't it?
you really oughta let it grow out a little.. shave it just a little longer for me? yes, i know it's barely there in a lot of places. you gotta get through the awkward growth phase to actually get a beard like mine. mines still filling out evenly, anyway. it takes time, handsome.
you're more of a boy in this dress and in your skirts and everything in your wardrobe you adore than any plain man off the street in his jeans and tshirt. you're more of a man than them, at the very least.
it makes you so much hotter to me, too. seeing you stand proud as that man in a dress. man in a skirt, a sleazy chest window top, anything people would deem 'girly.' you look better as a man in a dress than a girl in a dress, anyway..
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