guardpupleo 2 days
i was talking to him about this today, but fucking hell im insanely into playfighting and so is he. i cannot get the concept of rough housing with him. wrestling with him like boys do, but going easy on him because he and i both know im stronger than him. doing what i can to not injure him but encouraging him (with things like "are you going easy on me? come on." of course) to hurt me and try to get the advantage over me. i want to get rough and hot and sweaty with him and pant and grab his smaller body and hear him yip and squeak for me oh my god . i want him to try and get the upper hand and try to pin me down with his leg only to feel my tdick fucking throbbing from being so rough with him and just seeing him fluster and melt and fold into himself with realizing how fucking aroused he gets me.
i want to grab him and show him how strong i really am and make him stay on me with his weight on my body even if just to let him feel a throbbing tdick through clothing. get him to realize him being rough and confident is what made me fucking desperate to touch him. fuck
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unleashedfreakz 4 months
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fail-boy 3 months
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grab me squeeze me throw me around c'mon prove those shots are working
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goldxnfemme 2 years
there is also gendercorrecter and ftmhypno
Yeah I just went in the tag and blocked those
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guardpupleo 2 days
oh, darling, you make for such a pretty boy, you know that?
you look so much like a fag with your five o'clock shadow in that dress. you've always been pretty, but god, you're a pretty boy now. and that just feels different, being called that, doesn't it?
you really oughta let it grow out a little.. shave it just a little longer for me? yes, i know it's barely there in a lot of places. you gotta get through the awkward growth phase to actually get a beard like mine. mines still filling out evenly, anyway. it takes time, handsome.
you're more of a boy in this dress and in your skirts and everything in your wardrobe you adore than any plain man off the street in his jeans and tshirt. you're more of a man than them, at the very least.
it makes you so much hotter to me, too. seeing you stand proud as that man in a dress. man in a skirt, a sleazy chest window top, anything people would deem 'girly.' you look better as a man in a dress than a girl in a dress, anyway..
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guardpupleo 3 days
i think it's so funny that if i get too into jacking off and fantasizing and whatnot , go at it too long with no pauses , i just PASS OUT when i cum ?? like WHY am i getting KO'd by my own DICK ?! while thinking about my PARTNER ?!?!
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guardpupleo 11 hours
good lord above i need to teach him how to make out . help him learn how to find a pace, have him hold onto me somehow, my waist or my side, or something similar . having my hand on the small of his back and the other resting on his cheek, letting him follow my lead for a while until well after we're desperately and soaked for each other . until cocks are throbbing under clothes but nothing going further . letting him just lean into his emotions until i feel him start to kiss me harder, and him pulling his first whimper out of me instead and just fucking seeing and feeling his reaction to that . until tongues are touching and we're rutting against each other like desperate dogs . uggghhgjnf fuck
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guardpupleo 1 day
uggghhhh the downside of having a full time job means i can't spoil my boy with attention and see him get worked up and coax more answers and more provocative words out of him . its a crime really .
cause he's always asleep when i get home from work, meaning all the floating ideas ive had in my head all day during work's slow periods, and the concepts distracting me while working on counting cash and returns, hit me like a train right as i get into my home clothes . and GOD it's borderline TORTURE that i can't spill every little detail of every thought i have about him because i wouldn't want to get him flustered and get him thinking about me right when he gets up and gets to his classes . well, yet, at least ..
but GOD it is also just not fair to him . because i think he deserves to hear how riled up he gets me without even doing anything , really . how badly im infatuated with him . i think he deserves to know and see and hear how i snarl and growl when i hump against my pillow or my bed , thinking about it being him and wishing i could just touch him . he deserves to see the promiscuous and dirty photos i take of myself while aroused and thinking about him and his reactions .
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guardpupleo 8 hours
i dozed off for like an HOUR earlier tonight and got consumed by the most visceral and descriptive wet dream i have had in fucking AGES . a lot of it is lost on me now just by the nature of dreams but holy fucking shit i need to write this out because he needs to read this too . this is my favorite part because of how sheerly fucking insane it makes me and because i woke up right after because my dick was so hard .
cut for length obviously this is so fucking LONG
i pressed my hips harder against his, the knot of my strap grinding into him and i feel him shudder and whine and dig his nails harder into my back, his face bright red and with tears welled up in his eyes. the sight makes me growl down, pressing into him again, rolling my hips, teasing him with the knot. to my surprise, he rolls his hips back into me, managing to start to get the knot in.
of course, this gets such a reaction out of me, hearing the noises he makes and how his breathing quickens, and i just look at him and catch his gaze.
"wow, it looks like somebody's desperate to be treated like a puppy, huh? didn't think you'd be that eager to take my knot.." i coo at him, and this elicits the exact reaction i was hoping for; mumbled, barely cohesive words trying to justify himself while he pressed his hips into me, desperately trying to signal for me to keep grinding my knot into him.
"what, love? come on, im gonna need you to tell me to keep going.. it's a bit of a stretch and i don't want to hurt you, after all.." and as i speak, i gently roll my hips into him again. "but i do love feeling you bottomed out like this, on my cock, pretty boy.."
a sharper whine and he's almost panting for me now, and i wipe tears from his eyes so he can look at me clearer. all he can manage are half whispers of the word please, panting and blinking tears of pleasure away trying to keep his composure.
and with his affirmation, i snarl, holding his hips with both hands now to help guide him into me, and i deeply grind into him, every bit that the knot slipped in, bringing a higher pitched whine from him and his claws digging into me harder.
i move myself so i can tuck my face against his neck and collarbone, slowly and torturously fucking my knot into him, easing him up and also just working him up.
his claws dig into me harder, i know hard enough to raise lines on my back and i growl and hiss through my teeth, biting into his neck barely hard enough to leave a mark.
"come on, doll, i know you can do more damage than that. im not gonna let you take this whole thing until you can at least draw a little blood."
i draw back, and start just pumping into him again, letting my knot press against him but not into him, getting him to raise and roll his hips with pitiful little whimpers and barely audible pleas for more. but he complies once he fully realizes i meant it, and i start fucking into him faster.
i finally press my knot against him again, letting him do most of the work for me, but still rutting my hips in time with his. i snarl as i feel him absolutely slash down my back, feeling the sear of skin being broken and i nearly come undone right then and there, feeling my tdick throb violently against the base of the strap.
my hips start moving faster, and his breathing picks up, and i feel him start to tense up below me, and i lock eyes with him ever so briefly as i catch a glimpse of the mess he's made of his makeup with his tears, and i snarl and growl and feel him getting closer to taking the knot to the base.
"fuck, darling, you're really gonna take it.. i can't .. you're doing so good for me, know that?" i manage out, through gritted teeth, knowing im so damn close, each deep push against him as the knot nearly makes it in. i keep grinding into him, feeling him start to tremble and whine under me, and finally, finally, the rest of the knot slips in, and he really digs his claws into me.
i growl and can't even function enough as i feel him clench and shake and pant and whine and just press against his collarbone, rutting my hips into him just so he can feel the knot all the way in him, my hips jerking and my cock throbbing as my orgasm just fucking breaks me.
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fail-boy 3 months
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hit the bong again and again until the smell can never be washed out of your clothes
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guardpupleo 3 days
learn how your tdick feels. touch it, c'mon. jerk yourself off even when you can barely wrap a finger around it. you'll learn to feel when you experience some growth. you'll feel those sensitive spots as your dick gets bigger with every T shot you take. you'll feel yourself getting harder each time, too, getting boners like a real man. don't you want that? to play and think with your dick? don't lie to me.
don't you want your body to learn? learn how to grind and hump and move like a man does when he fucks? i know you want it even if you can't say it. you want your body to rut your hips into your own hand because you need to fuck something so bad. no better than a man, are you?
don't lie to me. you want to think with your dick and you don't want to think with your head anymore. let me do it for you.
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unleashedfreakz 4 months
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unleashedfreakz 4 months
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unleashedfreakz 4 months
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unleashedfreakz 4 months
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We both know what you really are
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unleashedfreakz 3 months
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Tired of putting on the clothes?
Tired of the face paint?
Tired of looking longingly at men who laugh and smile and walk so confidently?
Take that step.
Push yourself to be who you know you are.
You can be happy too.
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