dailyfrank · 2 years
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parisoonic · 6 months
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People in glass houses Heavy...
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tw0-player-game · 1 year
if i had the ability to make my brain animatics real i would be unstoppable
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jajanvm-imbi · 1 year
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Jaja lol they're iconic for a reason
(I wanted to make my own version of this post but with more pairings lmao)
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nikodart · 4 months
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🩷 sharp and soft 💜
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tacccalb · 5 months
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copper-compact-disc · 6 months
so many ships are so queerplatonic. so so so many of them. y’all just aren’t ready for it yet
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pupyr0arz · 6 months
calling Gaz your boyfriend at the bar to ward someone off and he hears and goes along with it and you’re like wow thanks :) I’m going to go back to my friends and he’s like oh sure and. Comes With You. Your friends immediately start asking questions and before you can explain the situation he’s launched into a storied explanation about how you met and how you’ve been dating for months and he’s like. Creepily accurate! Drags you into the story with peer pressure and when you pull him aside he’s just like idk what you mean babe obviously I know what your apartment looks like. Let’s go home <3
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samkerrworshipper · 4 months
never be the same again.
leah williamson x injured!reader
warnings: injury, knee injuries, angst, hurt/comfort
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You’d never been a player who’d dealt with minor injuries. You never struggled with soreness, or cramps, or little niggles that kept you sidelined every once in a while. When your injuries came, they came full force, full out, full throttle. You figured that it was probably how your body worked, it all got pent up until you suffered a shattering injury.
When you were 16, it had been the complete rupture of all of your lateral ankle ligaments. When you were 19, it had been a compound fracture in your arm caused by a dutch U20’s player putting their studs through your arm. At 22 it had been a torn labrum in your hip.
You figured you were well overdue now at 25, almost 26, having been completely injury free for well over three years, you just hadn’t expected it to be so bad.
It was a normal day, or as normal as a day for you could get.
You’d woken up with sleep in your eyes and your hair splayed out everywhere, in a similar state to your girlfriend laying beside you. Your morning had been peaceful, the two of you simply co existing as you went about your usual routines, the both of you enjoying the normality of it all.
You’d driven the two of you to training, your hands creasing against the leather of the wheel as you navigated your way through North London.
Leah hummed along to whatever R&B radio station she’d tuned into for the morning, without failure she always pretended to be interested in whatever news the hosts would talk about, and without failure would forget all about it by lunch time. You entertained her interest anyways in whatever topic that she chose to trivialise for the morning ride, enjoying the way that Leah could talk so passionately about something as mundane as random news.
When you arrived at London Colney the two of you both went separate ways, Leah needing a little bit more of a intensive rehab from the physios after a game weekend. So she walked off in search of the ohysio room, whereas you headed straight towards the gym, knowing that all you needed on a normal day was a bit of a stretch out to get everything feeling activated.
Kyra and Lessi were both in the gym as you walked in, the two slightly younger players tolling out on the mats. You joined them, commenting here and there on whatever they were saying as your other teammates slowly trailed in from the physios or their cars.
Just as you were heading towards the weights, Leah walked in, her body automatically walking to find you, there was no need for the two of you to discuss spotting partners, it was a unspoken rule that the two of you always went together.
You weren’t sure if it was because of the natural competition that was created from the two of you playing opposing positions, or if it was just the competitive nature of your relationship, but Leah and you just pushed each other ten times harder. She had the guts to tell you when you needed to pusb more, when you could do better, and also when you needed to slow down. It was a balance between the two of you, of knowing how far to push the other, but also where the line was.
The two of you alternated with your sets, until you’d both worked through your programs and were ready to head out to the pitch.
You didn’t really get anxiety, but as soon as Leah and yourself walked towards the locker room, in search of your boots and training gear, you got a feeling inside of your stomach that you couldn’t shake. You’d played in champions league semi-finals, euro finals, world cup finals, and never had a single bit of anxiety, but as you fished your boots from your locker and laced them up you just couldn’t shake it.
You figured you were just coming down with something, the flu was going around, you were probably just becoming under the weather. You ignored the way that it spread across the surface of your chest, like there were sets of suction cups all over your stomach and chest.
It was probably nothing, it was most likely nothing.
You kept telling yourself that as Leah grabbed you by the shoulder and walked you out towards the field with the rest of the group, there wasn’t anything different about the day that would make you feel this way, so why should you worry about it.
Training started with normal warm ups, as it always did. The squad darting in and around polea and cones, dribbling through them, and no matter how far you dug yourself into the normality of the routine you were going through, you just couldn’t shake it.
As time went past it got more complex, your group working on shooting whilst the defenders worked off on a pitch to the side and the goalkeepers tried to keep your balls from sailing past them.
It was your bread and butter, the most basic of things you could do, yet it all felt wrong.
Somehow, it felt like you were disconnected from your own body, like you were somehow watching your life from your own perspective.
You continued on, you were probably just getting sick. It wasn’t a often occurrence for you, but when you did it was always bad.
You kept telling yourself that as you transitioned from practice drills to game scenarios. Lia was injured, and Kim was sitting out due to some hamstring soreness, which left you as the main midfielder, not a unwelcome spot but not exactly normal either. You alternated between the attacking mid and a striker/center forward, never really in the defensive side of the midfield though.
With Leah yelling at you from behind and your eyes focusing on Stina and Caitlin in front of you.
With Lotte and Steph as the opposing defence it was hard to know how and where to get to be able to slot the ball into a good position for your attackers.
It’s a lot, the feeling inside of you, everything happening around you.
You don’t normally crack under pressure, and this is probably the least pressured environment you’ve played in your whole entire life, but it feels like for the first time that you just can’t focus.
Leah’s yelling, Jonas is yelling, Stina is yelling, and even though the ball isn’t even at your feet it feels like they’re all yelling at you.
You don’t even have the ball at your feet, yet.
Yet when you push, chasing the ball that Lotte had sent at you down the wing, you twist, and rotate.
All you feel is pain, possibly the worst pain you’ve ever felt.
It feels like you’re lef has been hit by a lighting bolt, and you seriously consider that maybe it had been.
You know though, you’ve seen it happen so many times that you would be a fool to not know what this is. You’re pressed face down on the grass, unmoving, just trying to take it in.
The scent of freshly clipped grass and mud floods your senses. A hand sets itself down on your shoulder and you know your done, that this isn’t some sick dream, you are well and truly fucked.
As if your knee still radiating the worst pain you’ve ever experienced isn’t enough.
“Someone get the physios.”
You hear it yelled out about a hundred times, although none of it really gets absorbed in your brain, you’re in to much pain to think, let alone really absorb the magnitude of what that means.
“Hey mate, we’re going to turn you over okay.”
It’s Caitlin, the anxiety in her voice isn’t missed by you, your aussie teammates hands settling on your shoulders and gently, but quickly, flipping you over.
The sky is grey, and a little bit too bright.
You can’t speak, out of fear that you’ll start sobbing if you do, you don’t want to cry, even if it feels like your leg is actively being chopped off.
You keep your eyes clamped shut, unable to look at the faces of your peers that have crowded above you.
“Babe, talk to me, what’s wrong?”
You keep your mouth clamped shut, you can’t deal with Leah. She’s just gotten over her injury properly, she’s recovered, and yet here you are, in the same position she was just over a year ago.
“Everybody clear away, give her some space. For fucks sakes, somebody go find Rose or Gary.”
At the sound of your captains scottish voice, the crowd slowly started to breakaway, the sound of boots scuffing against the grass beside you slowly petering off.
You kept your eyes screwed shut, for your own safety.
You can’t move your leg, you try to wiggle your toes but even the attempt at getting your nerves to stimulate puts you in a whole other world of pain.
It’s too much pain.
So much pain.
Worse than you could have imagined.
“Babe, I need you to talk to me, what hurts?”
Leah’s voice, Leah’s slightly stressed voice.
“My knee, my fucking knee.”
The air that hits your lungs is cold as your mouth opens to reiterate what you’re going through. It forces you to breathe, to take a big deep breath and inhale.
You pull the neck of your singlet to your mouth within seconds, biting down on the material to stop any of the sounds of pain escaping.
You open your eyes, and you see the fear on Leah’s face, she knows, just as well as you know, exactly what is going on.
Just as she looks like she’s about to say more, the doctor and the physio crouch down beside you.
All you did was nod your head, trying your very hardest to not start actually sobbing, even though there were tears dripping down your face.
“Alright, can you wiggle your toes for me?”
You tried your very hardest to try and move your foot, even just a centimetre, but you just couldn’t.
The doctor seemed to notice your aggravation, and shook his head.
“Alright, we’re going to get your leg stabilised and then get you onto the stretcher. We’ll assess in the locker room.”
You couldn’t do anything but keep your head on the grass, pointed at the sky, avoiding everything and anything that came into your line of sight.
You knew it was bad when they tried to push a board underneath your leg and even just that movement hurt more than anything.
You immediately cried out, the t-shirt in your mouth doing absolutely nothing to silence the pure pain that you were expressing.
Everyone around you cringed, normally, acls didn’t hurt this much after a couple of minutes, the initial pain was horrific, but it faded. For you, nothing was fading, and with every passing second it felt like you were closer to losing consciousness due to the sheer amount of agony that was coming from your leg.
The doctors tried to be as quick about it as they could, but it didn’t stop you from screaming as they slid the board completely under your leg and strapped different parts of your leg to the board to keep it still.
You wished you were dead.
Whatever this was, you would rather be dead.
“Alright, we’re going to get you onto the stretcher now, keep going with the deep breaths, we’ll find you some pain relief once we’re inside.”
You nodded your head, you just needed it to be over.
You felt a few people grab different parts of your body, lifting you up before gently setting you down inside of the orange plastic.
They left your knee last, at least three people working to try and lift it into the stretcher, it all hurt though.
You screamed, and you screamed, and you screamed again.
You wouldn’t be surprised if the bloody king could hear you considering how loud you were.
You kept repeating the same word.
You just needed it all to stop.
Please, lord, let it all stop.
When you were still in the stretcher, they began to lift you up, six different people taking hold of the stretcher and beginning to walk you back inside.
You couldn’t take your eyes off of Leah, who looked so horrified and mortified that it almost hurt as much as the pain in your knee.
“Lee, make it stop, please, make it stop.”
The pain wasn’t fading, it was everywhere, all over, covering every inch of your body.
“Baby, just take some deep breaths, it’s going to be okay, everything’s going to be alright.”
Even Leah didn’t seem like she believed her own words, she was trying her hardest but you could tell that even she was so unsure about what was happening.
“Leah, please, make it stop.”
Leah looked like she was lost, like she had sbolutely no idea what to do.
“I will baby, I promise, we’re almost inside.”
You shook your head, god you had no words for what this was.
The tears just kept flowing, your vision being clouded by the salty drops that had nowhere to go besides pooling in your eyes.
You were done, whatever this was, you were done, there was no coming back from this.
You closed your eyes again, trying to sink into your own head, trying to make it all disappear.
It worked for a few seconds, before you were jolted in the stretcher as you were brought inside, the pain resettling across your body.
You get placed on top of one of the physio beds, Leah and Kim helping to lift you out of the stretcher and onto the bed, even as you cried and thrashed, begging for it to stop.
For the first time, you got a proper look at your knee, and from the second you laid eyes on it you knee it was bad, your whole knee was swollen up like a balloon and there was a bump just below your knee cap, where all the pain was coming from.
The doctor got to work quickly, sending everybody else out of the room besides the physios as he began to remove your leg from the board and access it.
Somewhere along the way, one of the physios found a green whistle, shoving it into your hands and allowing you to have a smidge of relief as your leg was poked and prodded.
For the most part, it was silent, no noise besides the sound of your tears dripping down your face and the doctor typing up his reports onto his laptop after every test he conducted.
They left your knee on the table, your right lower extremity looking deflated as the doctor turned to finish typing up whatever report he was making.
“I can bring your girlfriend back in, if you’d like?”
You turned to the physio, rose, who looked as deflated as you knee did.
You weren’t really sure if you were ready to face Leah.
“Yes, please.”
Rose nodded and smiled, turning around to walk towards the door, opening it up and allowing Leah to walk in.
She stayed silent, walking over to take the seat beside you, her hand immediately finding yours.
She squeezed, and for a second you thought that maybe it was going to be fine, but then that second passed.
The doctor turned around to face both of you and you just knew, you knew that he was about to ruin your life.
“I’ve just called the surgeon, we’re going to need to get you in for scans and surgery tomorrow. You’ve ruptured your patellar tendon and it looks like you’ve also ruptured your meniscus and acl, I’m sorry.”
All of the oxygen in your lungs had been sucked out, you couldn’t say anything, you couldn’t speak.
You were done, tearing an acl was bad, tearing a meniscus was bad, tearing your patellar tendon was horrible.
Doing them all together, it was pretty much unheard of.
“It’s not a confirmed diagnosis, we’ll need scans but your at risk of dislocating your knee or worse if your patellar is torn, so we need to be urgent about this. How does scans at 8am tomorrow sound, and if it comes back torn then surgery around 12?”
God, this was so much worse than you could have ever imagined.
“Sounds good, thank you doctor.”
Leah’s voice said what it needed, a silent dismissal that you both needed your time.
The doctor smiled and nodded at Leah, before taking his leave, leaving just Leah and you sitting in the room by yourselves.
“Bubba, it’s going to be okay, we’ll figure this out.”
Your career was over, short lived and over.
“Leah, get out.”
You needed a minute, you needed your brain to kick into gear so you could begin to understand this.
“Babe, I did it, Beth did it, Viv did it, Laura did it, you’re going to be fine, we’re going to be fine.”
You shook your head.
“Leah, get the fuck out.”
Your voice was croaky, but you managed to get it to the level of a yell.
Leah’s hand slid out from your own.
“I’m sorry babe, I’m sorry about this, I’m so sorry.”
You shook your head.
“Leah, get out.”
She looked like she was at a mental crossroads, trying to figure out whether she should leave or not, ultimately she made rhe decision to nod her head, walking towards the door, stopping when her hand connected with the handle of the doorknob to send a sad smile your way.
“I’m going to go get our stuff together, I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.”
A couple of minutes, that should be enough, right?
The door closed behind Leah and you felt a whole different weight set itself down on your chest.
What were you supposed to do?
Your leg, your knee, was literally folding in on you, everything was over.
You were a starter, a co-captain, for both national and club teams, you weren’t the best, but you were up there, you were one of the best attacking midfielders in the world, and yet now, you were nothing.
You didn’t have anything besides football, football was your life, you’d given up everything for football, yet now, it felt like it was being pulled out from underneath you.
You didn’t know how you were going to survive this.
7 months later
You were being stupid.
You’d been told from the very minute you’d gone into recovery that you weren’t going to play again, simply, your knee wouldn’t ever be able to handle that kind of pressure again.
You didn’t think that you could prove your doctors wrong, but that didn’t mean that you didn’t want to try, you had nothing else to lose.
Leah hadn’t wanted to be an accomplice in your plan, in fact, she’d been quite the opposite, yelling at you as soon as you’d brought the idea up.
You’d lost a lot during your rehab, everything had changed, what you hadn’t lost though, was your ability to manipulate those blue eyes into doing whatever you wanted.
That’s how Leah and yourself had ended up here, the two of you standing on the grass of a local pitch, a ball at your feet.
For the first few months, you’d refused completely to go anywhere near a ball, knowing that football had done this to you.
As the seasons changed though and your life slowly started to come into perspective you changed, your body changed, everything around you changed.
Your life was different, but it wasn’t over. You still had things, you still had something to live for.
Leah looked about as unamused as you thought, you’d dragged her out of the house for your usual evening walk, funnily enough she didn’t even realise the change in route until you found yourselves out the front of the park.
It hadn’t taken a lot of convincing, or less than you’d thought.
You’d been shooting on your own for a couple of weeks, short range, no movement besides the motion. You’d started jogging a month ago, which was about as good as your recovery was going to get.
“C’mon, defend me properly.”
Leah looked at unease, the Euro’s were due to start in a couple of weeks and your fiance was ready to lead the reigning champs to hopefully another win, hopefully.
Leah took a step towards you, still keeping a few feet distance.
“I’m defending you, can you just take a shot so we can leave?”
Leah had been patient, a lot more patient then you’d been during her rehab, she’d dealt with all your dramatics, all the shit you’d put her through.
“Leah, c’mon, defend me properly, I’m not going to collapse.”
Leah looked at you like you were stupid.
She did take a step closer though, her toe pushing the ball towards yours.
“Put a ball past me, put a ball past the best centre-back in the world, go ahead.”
One of the best, you’d been one of the best once upon a time as well.
You looked down at the ball, beginning to dribble it a few steps forward, Leah followed, as you got to the top of the goal square, you knew you needed to cross it over from your right to your left, from your bad leg to your good one.
Knees were stupid.
You managed to cross the ball, but as you lunged off of your bad leg, it all went downhill.
You were on the ground in seconds, your body collapsing.
It wasn’t the same, you kept telling yourself that, that it wasn’t the same pain, it wasn’t the same agony.
Leah’s hands were on you immediately, rolling you over so that you were looking at each other.
“You just had to be a fucking idiot, what hurts, where does it hurt?”
You forced yourself to take a deep breath, before you started laughing.
Leah looked like she was going to strangle you.
“I’m okay Le, just stupid, okay, stupid that I thought that somehow it would all fucking click and that it would all somehow be fine.”
Leah’s face fell, and she collapsed down onto the ground besides you, one of her arms wrapping around your shoulder, bringing you closer to her.
“It sucks, but you need to come to terms with it baby, you have so many options, commentating, journalism, working with the team. I know it’s the end of your dream, and it fucking sucks, but it’s not worth hurting yourself more in the process. You’re my idiot, and I love you, but you need to find something else.”
You hated that you were being forced to find something else, that it wasn’t your choice, it had all just…. happened.
“I know.”
Leah nodded.
“C’mon, let’s get you home.”
2 years later
“Y/n, you’ve got the best perspective on this, what do you think it means for Arsenal to win the league like this?”
You’d watched your wife, win the league, win the triple this year, from the sidelines.
Commentating, reporting, it was all fun, but it wasn’t the same, if anything it was a stab in the heart.
“Well as everyone knows, as a Arsenal homegrown girl, this has been a long time coming, and I couldn’t be more proud of the girls, they’ve had a season of all seasons, I don’t think it could have been a better year for them.”
You looked backwards, at your wife, as the team stood on the stage ready to lift the trophy.
With every bone in your body you wished you were with them, but you couldn’t be.
“And to their captain, what do you think this means?”
You looked at Leah, how happy she looked.
“Well, considering Leah and I have been the same amount of time, put in all of the years and sweat and tears I can’t imagine that this couldn’t be the pinnacle of her career. It’s great to win things with country, but this is fulfillment, winning something like the league is something else because it means that all of the hardwork over a season is done, and you get to relax.”
You struggled to keep the tears at bay.
You wished you could know the true feeling, coaching, commentating, it didn’t do the same, it didn’t have the same kind of meaning behind it.
“Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go and celebrate with my wife. This is y/n williamson signing off, I’ll see you next season.”
You pulled out your in ear and put your microphone back down on the stand, turning around and beginning to walk onto the pitch.
Leah caught your eyes quickly, it wasn’t hard considering the arsenal red suit you were wearing, and the slight staggered limp that you held as you walked towards her.
Leah smiled at you, big and bright.
Your lives weren’t over, in fact they were just beginning.
She hnaded the trophy over to Lia, before walking your way, running towards you and bringing you into her arms immediately.
“There’s my lucky charms.”
She looked down at your stomach and you couldn’t help but slap her.
It was your best kept secret, your career had been ended by your knee, but you’d chosen to start a new life, a better one.
“We wouldn’t have gotten here without you baby, off and on the pitch.”
You kept your blush to a minimum, unable to ignore the fact that the pinkness was rising up your neck.
“Alright softy, go and celebrate with the team, I’ll be here watching.”
Leah pouted, but nodded, pressing a kiss to your forehead before beginning to walk off.
Life wasn’t the same and it wasn’t how you wanted it, but it wasn’t over.
ngl i hate the end of this but we move
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cabysoft · 17 days
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woah-uhuh-uhuh-uhuh · 11 months
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"haptic nerve blocking"
I always thought the squip would have to block more than just Jeremy's vision to actually remove something from his perception. And the problem with blocking sensory input at the level of the sensory nerves (rather than inside the brain where the input is processed) is that... now there's just a lack of input in that area?
When you have a blind spot in your eye, your brain's actually pretty good at filling in the hole with surroundings so you don't notice. I'm not sure if the same is true of tactile nerves --- but I thought maybe the squip would just selectively mute those nerves whenever Michael touches him. So here's a comic where Jeremy notices that numbness and puts 2 and 2 together :P
Also, please stare at this panel for at least three hours for me it's my favorite one and the first one I drew. thank you djsklfjdsf
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parisoonic · 2 months
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Demo has had many careers - tattoo artist isn't one of them.
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Wow I love be more chill
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cynicallyneutral · 1 year
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naruto: this one’s for u babe *misses*
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pensivebathtub · 8 months
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i can’t write college au fics from michael’s pov bc it would just be this
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sophsun1 · 3 months
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#same energy aka the aftermath of dealing with evan 'chaotic bi' buckley #what makes this even funnier is that he's talking about each of them to other
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