#boyf riends/richjake
lab-of-trash-prompts · 5 months
A classic "didn't know they were dating," but instead of them not kissing bc they're taking it slow, A's confession was kissing B, and B just said 'okay.'
A thought that meant they were dating. B thought that meant that they just kiss now. For funsies, like a couple of besties.
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lab-trash · 4 months
That classic "person saves their crush's life, crush is 'in love' with person now, but it's really just feeling overly thankful for their act," thing from iCarly and Head of the Class, but make it not that.
Person is convinced that the only reason their crush could actually love them is because of what they did, and so they confront their crush, telling them their worries on it.
Their crush immediately gets upset. They talk about how they were always in love with person, but it took almost dying to actually do anything about it because they were so scared of the many ways it could fail. They didn't want to possibly die without exploring the possibility of their relationship.
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im-not-a-l0ser · 5 months
Be More Chill time loop fic ideas
Michael: Repeating the day of the play until he fixes everything. First loop he doesn't even go. Last loop is the canon. Or, yknow, go further than that and make him confess to Jeremy too.
Michael: Repeating the day of the party. I'm not sure exactly what you'd do here, but it felt like a shame not to include it.
Jeremy: Repeating the day of the play. Michael seems to be the only unpredictable variable, as nearly every loop has him arrive at different times, if at all. He figures out eventually that the factor is actually his dad and he's been butterflying this whole time without realising it.
Jeremy: Repeating the day of the party. Hiding in the bathroom early maybe? Him and Michael hanging out in there for a bit. Maybe he saves Rich and Jake? Idk.
Rich: Day of the party. Him setting the fire is more of him losing his mind about the time loop, less about the squip. The first time. The second time, it's about the squip.
Jake: Day of the party? One of the loops he gets mountain dew red and learns the real story, falling in love with the real Richard Goranski in the process. Good thing Rich is bi then.
Christine: I don't have like big ideas, but the small fluffy one I have is repeating the 'guy I'd kinda be into' day, or the day of the party, and slowly being convinced Jeremy is in love with Michael, and she's trying to show him that.
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dragonairice · 4 months
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Compiled enough posts to make another one of these
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weaponizedducks · 8 months
argue all you want but the best funniest most accurate representation of teenagers in media is the off broadway version of be more chill. it's the love of my life
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bmc-bigbang · 10 months
*pokes the be more chill fandom with a stick* hey so we've been running a big bang for the last like 6 months which means this week is posting.... if you want to see some cool fics and fanart you should totally give this blog a follow !!
(and if you're reading this and you're in the big bang maybe check the discord lol)
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cafulur · 3 months
(Boyf riends) First Meet/College AU
I have been writing up this au for a while and decided to finally share a few bits, please let me know if you’d like to hear more!! ♡
- Jeremy and Michael have never met before and are attending the same university for their freshman year.
- Michael had come to terms with his queer sexuality during high school, but Jeremy hasn’t thought too hard about it, always considering himself mostly straight with the occasional fictional male crush.
- Jeremy didn’t deal with the SQUIP situation in high school, but he definitely had a massive falling out drama with all the popular theatre kids. Christine has been a constant best friend for him through it all. He’s had his ups and downs, but came out of the drama more comfortable with himself and the world around him. He doesn’t know anyone at this university but is excited to maybe make some new friends.
- Jeremy gets invited to a house party by his roommate who is friendly, so friendly, wants everyone to join in and shotgun a beer together, like a Rich energy. Omg. Rich is Jeremy’s roommate. 😭💛
- They go to this party and there’s probably 12-13 people there, one of which includes Michael who got dragged along by his roommate— WAIT what if Rich is Michael’s roommate instead and Jake is Jeremy’s?
- After some serious contemplation, Rich is Michael’s roommate and Jake is Jeremy’s. Jeremy doesn’t need much convincing to go to a party, so Jake energy is enough. Michael needs the convincing. All the convincing. He needs Rich for these additional friendships to thrive lmao.
- Jake ends up introducing all of them while hanging in the kitchen with Rich. Michael thinks Jeremy is cute but Jeremy at first isn’t quite sure what he feels for Michael. He just knows he’s super cool and finds himself strangely thinking about him even after they part.
- Maybe the week after the party while in class or something Michael’s face or laugh pops up in Jeremy’s head, and he just thinks man I’d wanna be near that dude again and maybe be actual friends. Casually mentions to Jake that he had fun and they should do a smaller, more casual get together. It’s really sweet, they all get takeout/fast food and watch some fucked up underfunded film. Michael and Jeremy sit side by side, and while Jer is engrossed, Michael finds himself sneaking glances throughout the movie to catch Jeremy’s expressive reaction.
- Rich, Jake, Jeremy and Michael stop by a 7/11 for gas and snacks one night. On the way out, Michael holds the door open for Jeremy who lagged behind the group while trying to open a blind box he just bought. Michael asks him what figure he got and revels in Jeremy’s excitement when he shows him a tiny frog with a bicycle helmet on.
- { Prior to their little moment, an attentive Michael waves Rich on ahead, simply saying “Jeremy’s still in line.” as his reason for staying behind. Rich watches from the gas pump he parked next to as Michael leans against a faded poster covered glass window and waits for Jeremy. He watches him proceed to hold the door open for a completely oblivious Jeremy, far too absorbed in the secrets he’s about to unfold with his blind box. Rich thinks hm. Hm. interesting. }
- Jeremy gushes about his prize later at the table of the Waffle House: “I got a skater frog!”
Rich squints, skeptical. “Where’s his skateboard?”
Jeremy looks around the table for a worthy substitution, going for a spoon from the silverware pile and perching the figure on top. “Currently M.I.A. but he’s got a helmet on so I assume some skating is happening.”
Rich laughs as Jeremy scoots the little amphibian across the table atop his silly new ship. “Skaters don’t wear helmets bro, he’s probably a cyclist or something.”
Jeremy protests, making the frog do a sick spoon flip. “Nah you don’t get it, he’s just a skater that cares about his life!”
Rich supports his cheek with his fist and sips his milkshake, watching Jeremy scoot the little dude across the table. “Laaaame!”
… Michael falls a little.
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sharting-constantly · 10 months
Okay so today on tumblr I saw a post that said “the unhealthiness in pinkberry never being addressed is bad.” And in a way, I agree.
I don’t have an issue with someone saying that the unhealthiness with Brooke x Chloe should be addressed but I raise you this.
Every single be more chill ship is unhealthy except Jenna and Christine and some random other smaller ships.
So why does everyone only ever single out Chloe and Brooke when talking about unhealthiness in be more chill ships?
Boyf riends is unhealthy. First of all Jeremy just dropping Micheal whenever he wanted and not apologising unless he needed something but still being immediately forgiven? Not healthy.
Richjake is unhealthy. I love richjake but I really don’t need to go into the millions of reasons why they’d both need therapy before they can date.
Expensive headphone / rich x Jeremy (I forget the ship name) is unhealthy. I fucking hate the bully x victim trope it doesn’t make sense in any way and I know rich is different without the Squip but my point still stands.
Fucking stage dorks is unhealthy. Again, I love stagedorks when done right but they should never have ended up together. Jeremy drugging her, not taking no for an answer, never apologised and still deciding to shoot his shot and somehow she says yes?? Not super healthy in my book.
I just think it’s very interesting that the only major wlw ship in the fandom is hated on constantly for being toxic but so many of the mlm ships are just as toxic (some worse) and no one ever says anything about them.
I don’t want to chalk it up to misogyny but based on the hate Chloe gets for “being a horrible person” when it’s really not deserved at all and both rich and jeremy did worse things, it’s not looking great. (I could defend Chloe and talk about the misogyny in this fandom for hours but I’ll save that for another essay.)
This is no hate to the person who said the original statement this is constructive criticism to everyone.
If you wanna say pinkberry is toxic that’s fine but that means you have to admit almost every ship in bmc is toxic.
And if you can’t ship pinkberry because it’s toxic but you ship boyf riends, richjake etc, it’s time to look inwards.
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redwinesupercvnt · 11 months
i just want someone who has never seen be more chill to let me info dump to them about the greatest musical of all time bc the lack of content in my life is really wearing me down
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 5 months
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Sometimes i'm hilarious
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lab-of-trash-prompts · 6 months
A offers B a hip massage after taking it up the ass for the first time and it just leads to more sex.
Or it maybe it doesn't. Maybe it just leads to some nice cuddles and emotional intimacy. That's super cool too. If not much cooler.
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lohstandfound · 4 months
some more out of context quotes from various roleplays
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The beach
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sea-jello · 1 year
bmc as out of context quotes my friends and i have said cause im copying other people
christine after deactivating all the squips: i am so proud. i converted my friend from really mean to homosexual
jeremy: i am genuinely scared michael will break up bc i dont like jerky
jake: man its fucking dried beef
christine: i can’t read japanese but i’m gonna estimate. 300 CUPS OF MILK
jenna: slay pussy girlboss queen
brooke: please dont use those words to describe my aunt
rich: these are making me consider heterosexuality again
jake: UR STRAIGHT????
(waiting in line talking about how he didnt know the eiffel tower lights up at night) jeremy: i dunno i dont catch up with,, paris,, lore
(still waiting in line) michael: who here do you think has the intention to murder someone
jeremy (spaced out of his mind): i dunno isnt it like,, illegal
(different group of people talking about if it snows in paris)
christine: im not gonna lie the only knowledge of paris i have is from miraculous ladybug
brooke, jenna and jeremy: somewhat similar versions of "oh my god me TOO"
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jeremyisntheere · 10 months
"stagedorks is better" "boyf riends is better"
.. trembles as i attempt to raise my hand and mention richjake
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weaponizedducks · 5 months
re entering the bmc phase. people please help it's taking over my life
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