#boy wouldn’t stop to eat much less bathe
dark-elf-writes · 1 year
I just love that the fandom as a whole went "Baby is STINKY! Baby needs a BATH!"
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fiction-is-life · 1 year
Calling Out to You
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Summary: You reconnect with an old friend during the Season, but the young Viscount is not the same as the boy you grew up with.  Requested by @junevoidzombie​
Warnings: Description of injuries, minor character death, period misogyny, Anthony being difficult
“Help!” you called, starting to panic as the evening air grew cooler and the forest grew dimmer.  You sniffled and wiped your nose on the sleeve of your dress; your mama was going to be so angry, but the dress was ruined now anyways.  “Is anybody out here?” you cried.
You heard a twig snapping in the distance, and your head snapped up.  You let out a pitiful hiccup, but you finally stopped your incessant blubbering.  You waited a few more moments, hoping the sound would come closer, but it didn’t.  It must have been an animal, you thought.  
“Who’s there?” a voice called.  It didn’t sound particularly friendly, but any help was better than staying out here.  
“My name is (Y/N)!” you called back.  “I tripped and now I fear I have sprained my ankle.”
“Hold on.  I shall be there in a moment, miss,” the voice called back, this time slightly closer.  
In less than a minute, a figure started to take form in the growing darkness.  As he grew closer, you realized that he was younger than you were expecting - perhaps only three years older than yourself.  He had the most beautiful dark hair and eyes, though, and you became conscious of the horrible disarray you were currently in. 
He knelt beside you.  “I know you said your ankle is injured; is there any way you think you can stand on it, with my assistance?”
You shook your head.  “I have already tried, sir.”
“Anthony,” he interrupted.  He cleared his throat.  “You must call me Anthony, miss.”
Your face lit up with a smile.  “Then you must call me (Y/N), Anthony.  My family just moved here from Hertfordshire.  We now live at Turring Manor, and I was exploring the country when I fell.”
He smiled back shyly.  “Well, it would most likely be easier to carry you to my family’s home.  It is much closer than Turring Manor, and the sun is already setting.”
“That would be most appreciated, Anthony.  Thank you!” you replied eagerly.  
The next thing you knew, Anthony was lifting you off of the ground, being extra careful to not jostle your hurt leg too much.  Once you were off of the ground, however, Anthony looked at you while a blush crept across his cheeks.  “Um, it might be easier to walk if you put your arms around me as well.  I wouldn’t want your leg to pain you more than necessary,” he mumbled, clearly embarrassed.  
“Very well,” you whispered.  You couldn’t help your own blush as you did as he asked you.  Once that was done, he set off in the direction he had come from.
“Anthony, there you are darling!  Wherever have you been?”  A very beautiful woman came down the steps as you approached the very impressive home.  It must be Anthony’s mother; the resemblance was uncanny.  
“I am sorry I am late, mother, but our new neighbor fell in our woods and could not walk home,” Anthony explained. 
The lady’s eyes finally fell on you and concern filled them.  “Oh, you poor thing,” she cried.  “Anthony, bring her up to the yellow bedchamber.  I shall have the maids draw a bath and bring her something to eat.”  
Anthony’s mother sprung into action, and before you knew it, you were being laid upon a soft bed and Anthony was being shooed out of the room.  After a luxurious bath, you were given a silk nightgown borrowed from one of Anthony’s sisters.  
Said sisters (at least two of them - you had heard there was at least one more) came to keep you company before it was time to go to bed.  You could tell you all would become fast friends although the two girls were as different as could be.  Daphne was content to stay and practice piano while Eloise was always ready for an adventure.  Life would certainly not be dull living so close to Aubrey Hall.
“So Anthony really carried you all the way from the woods because you fell?” Daphne questioned as you explained what had happened that day.
“Yes, he did.  I couldn’t be more grateful; my parents would have been worried sick if they had not heard from me,” you said.
Daphne sighed, a dreamy look taking over her features.  “That is so romantic.  Like a knight rescuing the princess in the stories papa tells us.  Right, Eloise?” Daphne gushed.
Eloise rolled her eyes at her older sister’s antics.  “Anthony is hardly a knight in shining armor, Daphne.  You are being silly,” Eloise retorted.
Seeing how a fight was about to break out, you said, “He may not be a knight of olde but he certainly rescued me today.”
Eloise and Daphne looked at each other, slow smiles growing on each of their faces, making you nervous.  “Do you love our brother, (Y/N)?” they squealed in unison.
“What?  Of course not!  We just met!” you protested, but the butterflies flying in your stomach told a different story.
“Anthony!  You and Benedict - and Colin if he can behave himself and not eat all the biscuits - must come to my tea party this afternoon,” Daphne decreed at the breakfast table.  Her proclamation was met with several groans and one small protest of “Hey!”
Anthony scowled at his younger sister.  “Tea parties are for girls, Daphne.  Besides, I have a shooting lesson this afternoon,” he said.
Daphne beamed despite the implied insult.  “No you don’t!  I already asked papa, and he has rescheduled your lesson.  He hopes to join us for a bit after his meeting with Lord Aberly,” she said primly.  Her eyes glimmered with a spark of mischief.  “(Y/N) shall also be there,” she added in a sing-song voice.
“Fine, we shall attend your tea party.”
“Oh, come on, Anthony!  Why did you have to accept for the both of us?”
“Are you excited for the new baby, Ant?” you asked as you strolled in Aubrey Hall’s garden.  
He shrugged, making his broadening shoulders fill his jacket even more.  He had changed so much in the year he had been away at university, but he was still the same Anthony, thank goodness.  “I suppose.  It is always nice to welcome a new sibling, but the novelty has worn off.  Each baby is just like the last,” he chuckled.
You slapped his arm playfully, giggling as well.  “How could you say that, Anthony?” you scolded.  “Are you going to think that of your own children as well?”
You thought you saw his eyes flicker over your form with a strange expression in them, but it must have been a trick of the light for when his eyes returned to yours they were his normal welcoming brown.  
“No, I shall probably become as tender-hearted as my father when each babe is welcomed.  And dote on my wife for bringing such a miracle into the world,” he replied, that funny trick of the light occurring again and making your stomach inexplicably flip.
His father knelt to gather flowers for his mother, prompting Anthony to do the same.  “I shall gather some for (Y/N).  She was just admiring these daffodils the other day,” he spoke as he used his pocket knife to cut the loveliest blooms.  “I believe I will do as you suggested and ask her -”  
A thump behind him interrupted him.  
“Father?  Father!”
“Papa has inherited a piece of land in Scotland.  We are leaving within the week to go there.”  You stood in the door of what was now Anthony’s study.  He looked so small and lost sitting there, his late father’s portrait above him.
He nodded his head briefly before looking back down at the papers before him that required his attention.  “I shall see you when you return then.  Safe travels,” he spoke in a clipped tone.
“You don’t understand.  We are renting out Turring Manor and moving to Scotland.”
His head snapped up at this, but his eyes were distant and cold, his jaw set.  There was a pregnant pause before he spoke, “Then I wish you all the best, Miss (Y/L/N).  May God be with you.”
His terse farewell cut you like a knife.  You swallowed the lump in your throat.  “And with you, Lord Bridgerton.”
  You fled the house before anyone could see your tears fall.
Anthony was in the middle of his set with Miss Sherwood when there was a commotion at the entrance to the ballroom.  He looked to see a family enter, but they were blocked from his seeing their faces.  Accepting defeat, he tipped the corners of his lips up in what Miss Sherwood would know as a fond smile as he resumed their dance, forgetting the interruption entirely as the dance came to an end. 
“Brother!  How was your dance with the lovely Miss Sherwood?” Benedict clapped him on the back and handed him a glass of punch as he joined him near the terrace doors.  
He sighed, letting his austere Viscount visage fade just enough for Benedict to see how tired his brother was.  “She is well-spoken and graceful.”  He looked away from his brother and out towards the crowd.  “She shall make a wonderful Viscountess.”
Benedict’s eyes softened but Anthony refused to look at him.  “Will that be enough for you, Brother?  A wife and a mother to your children?”
Anthony fixed a glare on Benedict that would have made a lesser man shrink back and admit defeat.  “Isn’t that the point of the institution?  I shall gain an heir and somebody to take care of my households while I provide her with a name and protection from material poverty.”
“Some might add love into that mission statement,” Benedict said with a hint of sarcasm.
Anthony paused, but his mind was more made up than ever.  “I gave that notion up a long time ago, Brother.  Love brings nothing but heartache,” he spoke, his voice devoid of any emotion.
The brother’s staring contest was broken by a familiar voice.  “Lord Bridgerton, Mr. Bridgerton.”
The tall, dark haired men bowed.  “Lady Danbury, how do you do?”  Benedict took on the lion’s share of the social niceties as Anthony still had that far off look in his eyes.  He was not attending to the conversation at all, but Lady Danbury did not grow offended at his slight.
“Very well, Mr. Bridgerton.  I wanted to introduce you both to someone.  Her family has just moved back from Scotland - just in time for the season,” Lady Danbury continued, bringing you forward.
“(Y/N)!” Benedict cried, grabbing your hand to place a kiss onto your glove.
Lady Danbury raised an eyebrow in surprise, but her eyes were calculating.  “So you two know each other?”
“Miss (Y/L/N)’s family used to be our neighbors.  We spent many a day together before they moved away,” Benedict explained.  You were glad for it as your tongue was tied.  
“That is wonderful.  Then you two can help me introduce Miss (Y/L/N) to some other members of the Ton,” Lady Danbury smiled but fixed her eagle gaze on Anthony who had broken out of his stupor enough to gaze open-mouthed at you.  “Her family would like to see her settled.”
Benedict’s easy smile flashed.  “That will not be so hard a task for one as lovely as you, Miss (Y/L/N).”
You smiled wryly.  “It may become a little more challenging when people hear this is by no means my first season out,” you spoke, with that familiar teasing lilt to your voice.
“Nonsense.”  Your head snapped up at the almost angry outburst from the Viscount.  He cleared his throat.  “Many men will find you to be all the more acceptable for your age,” he said.
You smiled and Anthony made the mistake of looking at you - really looking at you - this time.  “You are right, my lord.  Many bachelors will be looking to find a wife before they themselves enter their dotage,” you teased, making Benedict laugh.
Anthony could not recover himself fast enough  - perhaps tell you that were more beautiful than the day you left - before Benedict was offering you his hand and leading you towards the dance floor.
“Miss (Y/L/N), may I have your next set?” Anthony intercepted you the moment Benedict led you off the dance floor.  He was spinning his signet ring on his pinkie finger.
“Of course, my lord,” you spoke even as he was already grasping your hand and leading you back onto the floor.
You spent half of the set in silence.  You could tell even after all these years when Anthony needed time to think.  You focused on the steps of the waltz and actively tried to ignore how it felt to be in his arms.
“How was Scotland?” Anthony finally broke the silence.
You blinked, startled.  “It is a most beautiful country, my lord,” you replied.
He nodded.  “Were there no eligible gentlemen there?”
Your brow furrowed.  “Of course there were many,” you sputtered.
“Why did you not wed then?”  The interrogation continued.
Your nostrils flared with your temper.  “I do not believe that is any of your business, my lord,” you stated, a hint of anger behind your words.  “I could say the same for you.”
“Yes, but I am a man; it is different.”
You scoffed, drawing the attention of some onlookers.  “Yes, I suppose it is.  I am but a woman.  Therefore my only purpose is to wed and have babies.”  You stopped dancing and broke out of his grasp.  You stood with your fists clenched at your sides.  “I heard you when you were near the terrace, my lord.  I cannot countenance how much you have changed.”
He watched in equal parts anger and despair as you walked away from him and out the doors.
“Mama, what are these?”  You fingered the petals of the daffodils that had been arranged in a beautiful bouquet.
“They must be from a potential suitor who saw how gracefully you danced with Benedict last night,” she replied, still not daring to mention the scene you had caused when you had stormed away from Anthony.  “There is most likely a card in them, peach.”
There was indeed.  You opened it to find a familiar neat hand.
I remembered these were your favourites, is all it read.
You closed the card and slipped it into your pocket.  “They are just from Lord Bridgerton.  An apology for our row.”
You purposely did not meet your mother’s eye so as not to see the look of disappointment that overtook her features.
“Who is that walking with Lady Danbury?”
“That is Miss (Y/L/N),” Benedict quickly informed the fair-haired earl he and Anthony had been walking with along with Miss Sherwood.  “Would you like me to introduce you both?  She is an old friend of our family.”
“Oh, yes, Mr. Bridgerton, that would be delightful!” Miss Sherwood cried.  “Wouldn’t it be, Lord Bridgerton?”
Anthony nodded, his lips pressed in a thin line.  “Most delightful.”
You and Lady Danbury had already come upon the group, and you paused.  “Miss (Y/L/N), you must allow me to introduce my good friend Lord James Thatcher, the Earl of Wembey and Miss Sherwood of Bath.”
You curtsied politely to the both of them.  “It is a pleasure to meet you both,” you said smoothly, years of good breeding taking over as your mind reeled.  So this was the Miss Sherwood that he had spoken of.  
“Miss (Y/L/N), would you care to join me on a small boat ride on the lake?  It is the perfect weather for it,” Lord Wembey addressed you directly, startling you.  You could feel Lady Danbury’s gaze on you.
“That would be most lovely, my lord,” you spoke as you took his proffered arm.
“Lord Wembey has invited us to attend the theater tonight with him in his box.  Is that not lovely, my dear?” your mama crowed.  This would not be the first time the handsome earl had singled you out in his attentions.  They had become quite marked indeed.
“That is wonderful, mama,” you replied, not looking up from your needlework.  “Shall I wear the yellow silk, do you think?”  And the conversation turned back to fashion plates and fripperies.
The pall mall ball soared into the air - straight into the woods and definitely nowhere near the intended target.  You were never good at pall mall, but what you lacked in talent you made up for in enthusiasm.  And the annual tournament was no exception - especially since it was your first after returning.
“I suppose (Y/N) must return to the woods,” Eloise teased.  “Hopefully you do not need to rescue her this time, Anthony.”
“Rescue her?  Whatever do you mean, Miss Bridgerton?” Miss Sherwood asked.  
You and Anthony both opened your mouths to explain, but Benedict beat you to it.  “Many years ago, Miss (Y/L/N) was walking in our woods when she injured herself.  Luckily for her, though, Anthony was there to help her home.”
“Oh, how wonderful!  It was like fate brought you together,” Miss Sherwood gushed, just as Daphne had all those years ago.
Anthony cleared his throat and brushed his free hand down his pant leg, trying to dislodge an imaginary piece of lint.  “Yes, well, it was a very long time ago, and I am sure the memory has been distorted until it seems much loftier than it is,” he spoke, more harshly than he meant in his flustered state.  “Shall we play on?  I believe it was your turn, Miss Sherwood.”
“I have noticed Lord Wembey and (Y/N) are spending a great deal of time together, Brother,” Daphne spoke as she entered Anthony’s study.  
“Have they?  I have not really noticed,” Anthony spoke with a clenched jaw, his pen arrested in mid air where it dropped a rogue dot of ink on the otherwise pristine page.
Daphne tilted her head and pursed her lips - a look she had perfected from childhood.  “I find that hard to believe, Brother.  Everyone expects him to propose - perhaps even tonight at mama’s ball,” she said.  She huffed lightly as Anthony still did not look up from his work.  “And people are also wondering why you have not proposed to Miss Sherwood yet.”
Anthony finally set down his pen and looked at her.  “How are those two connected, Sister?” he ground out.
Daphne did not break eye contact.  “Some people are saying that you have not proposed to Miss Sherwood because you hold a tendre for (Y/N),” she explained.
“Why would I care about the words of gossips?”  Anthony growled.
Daphne leaned forward, her face set just as hard as his.  “You may not care, but if you do not fix this, you could inadvertently tarnish (Y/N)’s reputation and ruin her chances at an excellent match.”  
Daphne made her way back towards the corridor.  “Maybe think about that, Brother,” she said before she shut the door behind her.
You rode fast and hard, uncaring of anything but getting away.  You did not even care that the skies looked as if they would open up at any second and flood the ground beneath you.  It would only be too fitting for your mood.
Another one.
You had rejected another perfectly suitable gentleman.  
What was wrong with you?  Lord Wembey was everything you were looking for in a husband.  He was young, titled, wealthy beyond measure, kind hearted, well-read.  He could do with some darker hair, but that was beyond his control.
You drew your horse up short at that thought.  Were you seriously comparing Lord Wembey to Anthony - yes, for he was still Anthony in your thoughts - and finding Lord Wembey wanting?
You breathed heavily as that thought washed over you, and you wanted to scream.
As if your thoughts had summoned him, Anthony appeared on horseback.  He cut an even more impressive figure than he used to, but that was no wonder.  His eyes locked on you, and he turned his horse to meet yours.
And you fled.
You could feel him following you, his better knowledge of the ground and larger steed allowing him to gain ground rapidly.  You could feel the promised rain start to pummel your back, but you pushed your horse faster.  Eating up ground faster than you could see it as your vision was blurred with rain and tears.  
“(Y/N), watch out!” were the last words you heard before your body slammed into the ground.
You opened your eyes to see it was already light in your bedroom.  Your mother sat beside you.  “Mama?” you rasped, wincing at how it made your head ache.
The lines on your mother’s face smoothed as she looked at you, before promptly starting to sob.  “Oh, you are awake!  We thought we had lost you forever!”
You scrunched your forehead as you tried to sit up.  You were immediately assisted by two maids.  “What happened, mama?”
“Oh, you would have been lost without him!  Going out for a ride in horrific weather, what were you thinking?” your mother was working up into one of her fits of hysteria.
“Mama!” you broke her off.  “Lost without whom?”
“Oh, Anthony, of course!  He saw you get thrown from your horse, and he carried you all the way back on his.  He personally saw that the doctor was fetched, too, wonderful boy,” she gushed.
You fiddled with the comforter, unsure of what to say.  
There was a knock on the door. You turned your head to see Anthony standing there, fidgeting with his signet ring just as he did in the days immediately following his father’s death.
“I shall leave you two to have a moment of privacy,” your mother whispered as she stood.
You attempted to reach out to her, stop her, but she was too quick.  She beckoned the two maids to follow her but left the door open for propriety’s sake.  
Anthony did not move from his position near the door even after your mother vacated the room.  The air felt heavy, and you were finding it hard to breathe.  You smoothed the bedcovers although they were practically perfect.
“I am so relieved you are awake,” Anthony croaked, his voice raspy with disuse.
You steadfastly continued your study of the linens.  “I am told I have you to thank for that, my lord.”  You congratulated yourself on keeping your tone even.
“Will you stop that?” Anthony’s tone was sharp, and you finally looked at him fully.  His face was drawn, and it was clear he had not shaved in a few days.
“Stop what, my lord?” you asked, genuinely confused.
He walked towards your bed, his face red.  “Calling me that,” he practically spat.  
You scoffed, not believing he was truly acting so childish.  “Well, it is your title.  It would be improper for me not to -”
“Marry me, then.”
You must have hit your head harder than you thought for you were certainly hearing things.  “What?” you breathed.
Anthony knelt at your side and took your hand tenderly in his.  “Marry me, (Y/N), please,” he implored.  He shook his head.  “I should have asked you ten years ago, but I thought I could prevent my heart from breaking by not letting it be touched.”  His gaze fell on your joined hands.  He cleared his throat.  “I was a fool.  I disregarded the fact that it had already been stolen from me.”
His warm brown orbs found yours, and you felt your heart climb into your throat.  You took a rattling breath as your eyes stung with tears.
“Anthony…” you breathed.
No further words were needed as your lips joined in the kiss you had always been waiting for.
My Masterlist
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slashers-and-rats · 1 year
the need to gnaw.
brahms heelshire x fem!reader | nsfw | oral fixation, titty sucking, somnophilia
rat chat: I’m in a bit of a creative rut, so don’t be mad if this isn’t the best piece of writing i’ve ever done. I’m trying.
brahms had many a bad habit.
you had credited it to the fact that he lived in the walls of his childhood home for nearly 30 years. it had been something that you struggled with at first. the very idea that he had been seemingly packed away, thrown into the crawl spaces like some discarded family heirloom, made your heart ache. it was even worse when he had come out, and you had to see all of the different coping mechanisms he had developed to stay alive. he never ate a full meal, and hid scraps away in his pockets as he didn’t know when he’d be out of hiding to get food again. he went as long as he could without changing his clothes, because there wasn’t often an option for something clean. he was selfish with his things, scared that if he put them down he’d never find it again, or it would be taken from him. he slept in a near nest of his favourite dolls and collectibles, even some of your own clothes had found their way into the pile. stealing had been another point on your list.
these were all things you had worked to ween him off of. you encouraged him to sit and eat a whole meal with you, reassuring him the food wouldn’t go anywhere. when he was full, you would stop him from taking the extras, stating that you could always make him more later. it didn’t have to be scraps for snacks, he was allowed to be in the kitchen whenever he wanted. you had even set up special cupboards for him, so that he knew that anything inside he could take without asking, and you made sure to stock it with his favourite treats.
you got him new outfits. it was one of the first things you did, after seeing him wear the same thing over and over for a week. you explained that there wasn’t much point in bathing him every night if he was going to put back on the same stuff, and so you ordered him nice, comfy clothes (wifi being something you had also gotten around the same time). you had to compromise with his sweater, as it was something he was quite attached to, and so when he would take it off for bed, you’d stay up and get it washed and dried right for when he was up in the morning. you did the same thing with his mask during these times, scrubbing and rinsing it in warm water, drying it carefully with a cloth, before setting it back exactly where he put it. you did it once every week, deciding that spending one night up passed bedtime was worth making sure he was taken care of.
you cleaned up his space, and taught him to not hoard the things he had. this had been more difficult. he was a selfish boy, it was a trait he learned out of necessity. he was scared to lose what little things he had. this even applied to you too, as whenever you’d leave to go do some shopping, or someone would deliver something to the house, you’d have to stop him from having a tantrum. you started off small. he had invited you into his crawlspace one day, and by the next evening it had been tidied and his things had been organized. the trinkets and bobbles he played with were put into bins, and you had to explain to him that holding onto everything wasn’t good. he was especially scolded for stealing your own favourite clothes, and you tried to ignore when you pulled a panty or two out of the piles around his little sanctuary.
he didn’t like some of these changes. he didn’t like it when you cleaned up his nest, because the feeling was new and uncomfortable. change was odd. but, whenever he saw how happy you looked, he felt as though he could handle it. it quickly became a routine for you both. you’d do something new, and he’d adapt at a slow but steady pace. over time, he pushed back less and less, and soon you had him being a fairly well-behaved, as healthy as possible, grown man.
some habits stayed. after all, you didn’t want to change him completely. you only adjusted what wasn’t good for him. things like wearing the mask, sneaking treats when you weren’t looking, whining when he had to take a bath at the end of the day- these were things you could handle. he may ruin an appetite, or prolong the inevitable cleaning, but you could handle that.
one habit, though, seemed to be getting worse and worse as time went on.
when brahms had first slinked out of the walls, and had refused to even give you a peek of his face, it wasn’t noticeable. you couldn’t see his features, or the way his teeth would chew the inside of his cheeks and on his lips. he’d retreat back into his sanctuary at the end of the day, and you wouldn’t know he was sucking on his fingers as he slept, or gnawing on a random toy you had bought him.
you didn’t ever notice his oral fixation until it began to directly affect you. it started small. as you lived in the house, and grew accustomed to having this odd version of a roommate, you two became more comfortable with each other. the second brahms had learned physical affection was on the table, it was all he wanted. you’d find yourself preparing lunch, with his arms wrapped around your middle and his face pressed into the crook of your neck. when you were reading, he’d have his head in your lap, and cheek pressed tight to your stomach. he held your hand when you two walked through the halls together, he urged you to kiss him more and more every time you tucked him in.
he slept in his own room, but you knew that sometimes he’d sneak into your bedroom when he thought you were asleep, and he’d just run his fingers over your cheek. he was too nervous to do anything else, but it always seemed to make him so flustered anyways. such simple things seemed to overwhelm him, and you supposed that after years of being alone, you’d be the same way.
these two things collided over time; his oral fixation and his need for human contact. or, more specifically, you’re contact. he had never thought to touch anyone else before, but when you had come around… he wondered for a long time if the magic spoke of in books were real, and if you had cursed him. it was a long conversation when that had idea had been poised to you.
it had started slow. one day, as you were cuddling with him, you felt his lips mouthing over your collarbone. it wasn’t hard enough to be noticeable, it was soft and light, and you had assumed it was just his breathing. when you kissed him goodnight, and your thumb rubbed over his mask, he’d get brave and slip it underneath the chin of the porcelain, and kiss the pad of your finger. you never noticed, but right before you’d pull away, he’d try to slip it past his teeth and against his tongue. when you held him as he was fretting over something, he’d bite down on your shirt, as it was the closest thing to your skin he could find. he didn’t want to hurt you, he was afraid that would scare you off, but he wanted to feel you in between his teeth. he wanted you to fill his mouth and relieve this constant urge he had. he couldn’t take it. something about you, and how soft you were, and how sweet you looked- he wanted to devour you. but, at the same time, he just wanted to rest his lips around your fingers and suck on them as one would a pacifier.
there had been one night in particular where you finally felt the extent of his obsession.
the moon had been high in the sky, and small streams of its light trickled in through the window. it shone across you both. you were wrapped tight in brahms’ arms, legs tangled like intricately tied knots. his upper limbs coiled around your torso, and pressed your chest tight against his cheek. his mask had been discarded the second the lights went out for the night, and his sweater had been shucked off in exchange for his boxers and tank top for bedtime. he was comfortable, and felt safe being with you like this. he didn’t want to let go.
that was posing a personal problem to him. as you slept soundly, brahms became restless. he needed something in his mouth. the empty space was becoming a distraction for him, and it made him wriggle and squirm in frustration. if he moved his hands, though, he wouldn’t be able to hold you as closely. it wasn’t an option. after all the work you had done to ease him out of his more selfish traits, he still found that same fear of loss looming over him. to him, if he let go of you now, you might wake up, and scold him for being up so late into the night. you’d tell him sleeping in the same bed as you was a distraction, and that he should’ve been resting long ago, and that he’d have to go to his room. he didn’t want to. the very thought made him tighten his grasp around you.
he swallowed thick, the sound echoing through the near silent room. all that could be heard was your gentle, rhythmic breathing, and brahms’ own worrying. it came in the sound of shifting sheets and small whimpers. he was growing impatient. he didn’t like it. he was tired, admittedly, but that wouldn’t be enough to numb his urges. he needed something, anything.
as he was quietly squirming, looking for any solution to his ever growing problem, his cheek brushed against your breast. as it slid over his skin, he felt a small bump skid past the corner of his lips. brahms had rested his head on your chest many a time before, but you usually had multiple layers on, or weren’t so vulnerable. this time, as you slept unaware of the current situation, your body had reacted to something he didn’t understand. maybe it was the contact with his face, or the press of his body against yours that entire night, but your nipples had grown hard.
he had to pull back his head to get a better look, surprised. you had been taking certain “anatomy lessons” slowly. he didn’t know much about your body, or his own for that matter, but he had heard you vaguely mention your nipples getting hard when it was cold. the few times you two had gotten intimate, he had caught you squeezing them in between your fingers as he ground his hips in between your thighs, and he’d take over for you, ever the one to please.
this was different, though. in this moment, when he was overrun with this eagerness to be full, something so simple and cryptic before was seeming to make total sense to him now. he examined your chest for a moment, watching the way your shirt rose in perfect little dots around the centres of your tits. it made him lick his lips. his eyes darted up once, twice, three times, and when he found you were still deep in rem, he took a chance.
he was slow, his face creeping up to your chest until his lips wrapped around the clothed bud. for a moment, once he was attached, he didn’t move. he waited, listening through the dark to make sure you hadn’t begun to stir, and when he didn’t hear anything he continued. he licked tentatively, wetting the fabric of your pyjama shirt and playing with it between his teeth. he stayed gentle, at first, barely moving.
it felt right. he liked the way his breath warmed the area around your nipple, and the damp heat felt good on his lips. the wetter he made the cotton, the more he could see through to what he was playing with. he pulled away every once in awhile to examine his work, and gaze down at the transparent fabric where your nipple lay hard and quickly swelling for him. it made him lick his lips, wanting more, and so he’d dive back in, continuing to lap softly over this new found toy.
quickly, though, he found it wasn’t enough. the shirt was scratchy against his skin, and it turned cold quick whenever he pulled away to catch his breath. he could feel your warm skin trapped underneath the confines of your clothes. he wanted to save you from it; he could be a knight, like in one of the books from the library, and release you from the ivy you were wrapped in.
he was careful as he dipped his head down. he at first used his nose to nudge the fabric up, wrinkling it enough that he could grab the end with his teeth and hoist it up past your tits. they fell out against the bed, and the very sight made him whimper quietly in his throat. this was a new feeling. sure, he had taken you before, but the act had always been a little restrained. he didn’t understand all the movements and strides yet, and he found it was easier when you simply told him what to do and he followed along. you weren’t awake right now, though, and instead he had to figure this all out himself. at the same time, his oral fixation was something that never tended to get very sexual. usually when he chewed on things it was a necessity, otherwise he’d be belligerent and at unease. but this… it had started as a need, but became a hunger.
brahms pressed his face into the squish of your boobs. he ran his lips up and down them for a moment, feeling how the skin rippled and shifted against his own. you were so warm, so comfortable. he breathed in your scent deep, wrapping himself even further in your aura. it all felt so nice. his heart had truly been soothed.
he pulled away once again, blinking a few times to adjust his eyes better to the dark, before looking up at you. you looked peaceful, seemingly dreaming of something pleasant. he wondered if you were dreaming of him. he pressed his body closer to yours, one of his thighs sliding in between your own and pressing taut up against your clothed pussy. he could feel heat, and a growing dampness. maybe him playing with you was making you react? he liked that idea. he liked the idea of toying with you, and making you feel good even when you weren’t aware. it made him feel somewhat powerful. but, he knew he could never rise above you. you were his everything, and for this very moment, he was only mimicking what he knew you could do to him at any moment.
he wanted to continue to make you unknowingly react, and he wanted to continue to fill his mouth. so, he did both. he licked a stripe over your hard bud, shivering when he felt your warm skin searing his tongue. your lower half moved, barely noticeable if you hadn’t been so close, and dragged along his thigh. he gasped quietly against your skin. the breath against your nerves seemed to make you twitch slightly, and he caught it. he liked that little twitch, a small sign of sentience within you. you weren’t just some silly toy he hoarded in his walls, and you weren’t just something to play with. you were a living, breathing, beautiful woman. but still his.
he opened his mouth and blew hot against your chest again, watching as your muscles tightened and released yet again. it made him shudder. he couldn’t resist much more, and wrapped his mouth back around your now bare nipple. he filled his cheeks with as much surrounding flesh as he could, sucking and tonguing over your breast.
he felt somewhat nervous. if you woke up and saw him like this, indulging in you so shamelessly, he didn’t know what you’d think. would you kick him out of the room and punish him? or would you push his head firmer against your chest and moan out pretty like he’s heard before? he wondered if you’d even bat an eye, and just opt to going back to sleep and thinking it was all a dream.
it felt as though brahms brain was a blender, and as the thoughts plopped one by one into the container, they were shredded away and turned to nothing but mush. he didn’t have the room in his brain to think of anything but your body, and how perfectly it fit against him. he held you fast, and suckled hard at your tits, and moaned soft around the skin. he ground his hips without thinking into your hip, and purred and whimpered with every movement.
he pulled away with a soft pop after a minute or two of this, once again looking upon his masterpiece. a hickey was forming on your chest, quickly becoming a deep burgundy colour. at first, it worried him. if you saw that, surely you’d know what he had done. but then, it settled in his stomach, and fed into that burning desire that crackled there. he liked seeing you marked up as his, he liked being able to use you when he pleased, he liked being able to play you like an instrument even when you were asleep. he liked it all. he especially liked the way you seemed to release him of all his tension without even trying. you didn’t have to do anything, and yet you did everything.
he pressed his face in between your tits, letting the weight rest on either side of his cheeks. he rubbed his cock softly up and down your upper thigh and waist, panting hard and heating up the space underneath him. he didn’t even care his clothes were still on, if he focused hard enough, he could imagine what he wanted to truly do to you.
he wanted to flip you onto your back, and squeeze every bit of skin he could find. he wanted to watch as your flesh poured through his slim fingers, and how you squeezed your soft thighs around his waist. he wanted to hear you tell him he could do what he wanted, and give him that gentle permission to ravage your chest and cover it in bites and marks. he wanted to gnaw on you, and treat you like a dog treats a bone. but he wouldn’t destroy you, no, he’d be decorating you, claiming you as his own. every drag of his hips and buck against your body made the fantasy burn brighter.
in his head, brahms was being animalistic. he was rutting into you hard, and growling, and he was the one shoving his fingers into your mouth to keep you quiet. but in reality, he was the exact opposite. he sobbed quietly into your breasts, gathering up your nipple in his mouth once again to keep his sounds quiet, while humping your leg. he was feeling the same amount of pleasure as he would then, it just stayed subdued deep in his chest. he didn’t want to wake you, not when he was enjoying this so much.
he pulled you closer, flattening his hands against your lower back and pressing your hips flush against his own. the shift must have stirred something in you, because while you may have continued to sleep, you tightened your grip on the man beside you. it made brahms groan, squeezing his eyes tight at an attempt to not scream right then, and bite down hard on your nipple so that you’d scream too. he thought he’d like that sound, but would prefer if it was out of pleasure.
you held to him tight, unconsciously pressing his face deeper into your tits. he wrapped his mouth just around your nipple, suckling on it and muffling his quiet moans. he came in his boxers from barely anything. he shivered against you, trembling and gripping onto you, holding you close as he tried to quell the waves of pleasure running up and down his body.
his mind had emptied then, nothing inside except for the thought of you and his new found teething toys. as he shuddered, rutting out the last few shocks of an orgasm, he popped his mouth from your chest. he was satisfied for the time being. he was too spent to clean himself, too relaxed and comfortable to even dare untangle himself from you. no, he didn’t even try. he tucked his face under your chin, and shut his eyes, finally able to find peace and sleep.
in the morning, when you woke up, you were a bit surprised to find your shirt pulled up, and brahms still attached to you. often he got up before you, and put his usual comforts back in place, before starting his own day of roaming the house. but he remained at your side that morning, face hidden in your shoulder.
you took note of the wet spot in his underwear, and the dried saliva on your chest, and the purpling hickey ironed onto your skin like a patch. at first, you felt a bit confused. how had you not woken up…? but then, seeing him so content and calm, you didn’t feel all too bad. secretly, deep down, on those nights he entered into your room and touched you like a delicate flower, you had wanted him to take you in a more physical way. your wish had been granted in some regards.
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allzelemonz · 1 year
Dirty Rat: Micah Bell X Male Reader
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Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’, ‘man’, and ‘mister’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut, Language Warnings: Micah Bell is his own warning, unestablished relationship, handjob, sex in water, sex in a lake, washing/bath, mild dirty talk Summary: Some of the men in camp don’t listen when Miss Grimshaw tells them to bathe. She asks you for some help in making sure they are somewhat clean.
Helping Pearson is a roulette. Whoever gets stuck with it is the unlucky one that has to listen to him tell his Navy stories and gripe about how the vegetables need to be cut evenly. Today that is you and you are closer to cutting his fingers off than ever before. It seems that no matter how you do it, it’s wrong to the old sailor. He takes pride in his work, nothing wrong with that, but it’s getting on your nerves when coupled with the heat of the day and the looming threat of Pinkertons. So when you’re done, you walk away fast.
“Mister, could I have a moment of your time.” Miss Grimshaw stops you before you get very far.
You take a breath, not wanting to lose your temper in front of the woman that keeps everyone’s shit together. “Yes, Miss Grimshaw. You need something?”
“Sorry to disturb you.” She folds her hand in front of her. “I was hoping you could speak to a few of the men for me.”
Your face twists into confusion. “Why?”
“They tend to listen to a man better than a woman it seems.” She sighs. “They are gettin’ too filthy to stand. They need baths and you seem to manage to wash yourself well enough.”
“You want me to handle that?” You ask.
“Just a few ‘a the boys that I missed.” She waves her hand dismissively. “The more stubborn ones.”
“Who are the stubborn ones?” You ask, rubbing your eyes.
“Mister Macguire, Mister Marston, and Mister Bell.”
You can’t help but laugh a little. “Sean? I might be able to get Sean, but John and Micah?”
“I can only mother ‘em so much, I think they need another young man to tell ‘em.”
You shake your head. “I don’t know, Miss Grimshaw.”
“You cannot tell me you wouldn’t appreciate them lookin’ a little more clean.”
A heat comes over you. “Now, Miss, I-”
She raises her hand to silence you. “I expect those boys to be clean by tomorrow, or I will be speakin’ with Dutch about that train job he’s been plannin’. I think he will find that he needs one less gun than he thinks.”
You bite the inside of your mouth, thinking. You like train jobs. Everyone likes train jobs. “Fine.” You say. “I will speak with them, Miss Grimshaw.”
“Clean.” She warns. “By tomorrow.”
She walks off towards the campfire, leaving you to wonder how to go about this. You decide to start with Sean, he’ll be the easiest to convince when you remind him that people are much more likely to be attracted to him when he’s clean. It works, the beers help. He wastes no time and jumps straight into the lake, clothes and all. No soap, but better than nothing. John is next. After some deliberation you opt to trick him, leading him to the lake with a story about a baby-eating monster that only a gullible John would believe before pushing him in and throwing him a bar of Strauss’ homemade soap. He tries to leave, but you manage to push him back into the water until he stays put and sheds some of his clothes to clean himself. You leave him be, asking Abigail to keep an eye on him. She gladly does.
Lastly is Micah. He is a generally greasy man, but you can see what Miss Grimshaw means when you catch him by the scout fire. His hair is so dirty that it looks brown rather than the usual blond and you can barely make out the ever-present dark circles under his eyes compared with the dirt on his face. He doesn’t seem to care as he sits and sharpens his knife like he always does.
“Hello, Mister Bell.” You say, sitting across the fire.
He mumbles your name in greeting, focus still on his knife.
“I will be truthful with you.” You sigh. “Miss Grimshaw is making me convince a few of the men to bathe.”
He looks up at you, peering from under his hat. He’s stopped sharpening the knife and sits very still. You feel the silent threat he puts in the air and it sends a shiver up your spine.
“She’s gonna make Dutch take me off the train job if you don’t.” You take a somewhat shaky breath. “I’m usually the one covering you, you wanna get shot?”
Micah shakes his head, chuckling darkly. “Oh, I’ll do it, cowpoke. If ya come with me.”
Confusion comes over your face. “What?”
Micah puts his knife and sharpener away, leaning forward in his seat. “Ya heard me.”
The smirk on his face is wicked and his face is lit up by the fire in an accentuating glow. Your muscles are tense and your stare fixes itself on the fire. You really want to go on this train job and if Miss Grimshaw gets far enough into Dutch’s ear, you’ll never have a chance. Micah is an asshole, a sleazy one at that, especially now. But damn if he’s not attractive, damn if seeing him spin his guns around doesn’t make something pool in the pit of your stomach.
“Fine.” You nod, coughing to hide the slight waver in your voice. “Fine.”
Micah stands, the glow from the fire leaving his face as he walks towards the lake. “Come on then, cowpoke.”
You feel the hitch in your breath and the tightness in your stomach as the details hit you. Micah, lake, bath, general lack of at least a few articles of clothing. You stand, legs a little shaky, and follow Micah down to the lake. It’s a spot most people use for bathing because it’s out mostly out of sight from camp but not so far away that you might be caught off guard by outsiders and there’s not so many fish.
Micah stops at the shoreline, his hands resting on his gun belt and his eyes raking over you. “You first.”
You meet his eyes for a second, unable to hold it with the embarrassment. You look out to the water and shake your head. “It’s you that needs it.”
“You ain’t got the power here, cowpoke.” Micah says, rocking on his feet. “I ain’t doin’ anything without a little show for my troubles.”
Shivers fill your body when you watch his eyes roam over it. It’s not a bad shiver, but not quite a good one. Micah is unnerving, handsome, but unnerving. You take strained breaths, working up some nerve. “I’m not putting on a show.”
Micah walks towards you, stopping just a few inches away. “What if I help ya?”
He reaches out and knocks your hat off of your head. It falls behind you on the ground with a soft thump. Micah returns his hand to his belt and stands relaxed, waiting for an answer. Your eyes jump around as you think, then you nod and it takes Micah less than a second to step in and bring his hands up to unbutton your shirt. You stand still, heart beating so much you’re surprised he can’t feel it. When his fingers brush against your bare skin you can’t help but to look up at his face. He’s focused, watching every inch of skin he reveals in taking off your clothes.
Micah glances up and catches your eyes, that wicked smirk coming back to his face. “I ain’t the only one wantin’ this, am I?” He leans in close enough to whisper. “I seen you stare, cowpoke. Ain’t nothing ta be ashamed of.”
He dips his head and presses a featherlight kiss to your neck that makes the shivers return in greater numbers. Your hands timidly go to his shirt, undoing the buttons as he presses more kisses along your neck. It’s not long before Micah fumbles with the fastening of his pants, the last thing separating you. You dig the soap out of your pocket as he does. When you turn to face him you let your eyes run over every inch that you’ve never seen. He seems to be doing the same with you as he comes close and takes the soap from your hand. You follow him to the lake, still feeling the intense beat of your heart as the water reaches above your waist.
“Do what ya came here ta do, cowpoke.” Micah whispers, pressing the soap back into your hand.
You hold the soap in your hand for a second, staring at it, still baffled by what exactly is happening. Micah traces his hand over your bicep, watching you closely. You slowly press the soap in your hand, getting enough of it to use. Then you start with his hair, trying not to look at his face because your knees might give out if you do. You use your hands to scoop water over his head and scrub the dirt out. He watches your every move, only closing his eyes momentarily to avoid the soap. You scrub until his hair looks blond again, then move to his face. You’re less nervous now, having the task to distract you from the other details. Micah’s face is what you’d expect of an experienced gunslinger. He has deep scars and years of wear and tear that fail to overshadow his handsome features. You pay close attention to his facial hair, making sure it’s just as free of dirt and returns to the same blond as the hair on his head.
Micah reaches up and grabs your wrist, making you freeze as you remember the details. He moves your hand down, making room for him to lean in and press his lips to yours. His freshly cleaned mustache brushes against your skin and he comes closer, pressing his body against yours. Your dick twitches when you feel his own brush against it. Micah’s hand reaches down between you, wrapping his hand around you.
“Ya better finish yer job before I’m done.” He whispers against your lips as his hand gives a gentle squeeze.
You have to lean on him to stay standing when he starts, running his thumb over the tip. Once he starts a slow pace you’re able to gather a single thought. You grip the soap bar as if your life depends on it and straighten up. You run the soap over his chest, trying to focus on getting the dirt off. Micah’s hand picks up the pace and he chuckles when you stumble a bit, leaning on him again for support. A sound escapes your mouth and you bury your face in his shoulder to stop from making any more.
“Look at ya, comin’ undone this easy.” He whispers. “How many times have you thought about this, huh?”
You squeeze your eyes shut, burying your face further into his neck as he adds a slight twist to his motions.
Micah chuckles darkly, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. “I bat ya think about it every night, huh, cowpoke.”
“Micah.” You breathe against his skin. “Shit, Micah.”
He continues his motions as you release into the water, only stopping when your breathing evens out again. The soap in your hand is crushed, deep indents where your fingers are with very little left to the bar. Micah holds you steady for a moment before he takes it from you.
“Go get dressed.” He whispers, running a hand down your back. “I ain’t done.”
He lightly pushes you back and you stand on your own, watching him run the soap over himself for a moment before you follow his instructions and return to the shore. Your legs are shaky as you gather your things, your pants are particularly hard to pull on. You ignore the splashing sounds as Micah comes out of the water and reaches for his clothes. Your hands fumble with your gun belt when he comes up behind you. He turns you around and fastens it for you, already fully dressed.
“I been waitin’ fer this, cowpoke.” He says, pressing a kiss to your lips. “Ya ain’t disappointed so far.”
He reaches down and grabs your hat from the ground. His other hand grips at the fabric of your shirt and pulls you along, walking towards your tent. Your legs are willed by the promise of what’s to come despite the shakiness you still feel in every step. Not only did you complete Miss Grimshaw’s task, you got much more than you thought you would.
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callunasims · 1 year
Courtlandt Legacy | Part 15 - Double Trouble
And we’re already off to a busy start! Daphne woke up at 3am needed to pee just after Caleb woke up for the day. This in turn woke up David, but he still earned a milestone!
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He did a great job sleeping through the night, and Caleb was ready to check on him after he cleaned the sinks, dirty from use and the repair job the day before. David got fed, bathed, changed, and dressed! And the bathing unlocked two more milestones! Caleb was a bit tense after the morning cleaning, but David was having a FANTASTIC time.
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While Caleb and David enjoyed some tummy time, Daphne took her family leave and harvested the veggies in her garden. Today Caleb planned to have David practice siting up while Daphne rested. She as in her third trimester now, and would be giving birth any time! David reached a new milestone – rolling onto his tummy. He even got his toe into his mouth! Amazing.
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Unfortunately David got too tired to practice sitting so Caleb put him down for a nap, ate a few plasma fruit, and perused the second vampire book. Daphne also needed a nap and while Caleb found it a little funny, he’d never point it out to Daphne. While Caleb read, Daphne woke up and started cleaning up the home again. As she did, she earned a new trait – neat! Literally – the trait is ‘neat’. Meanwhile, Daphne was feeling quite flirty around Caleb and decided that since woohoo worked so well to evict David… why not try it again? She had an amazing time with Caleb, but it didn’t seem to do anything for her pregnancy issue. Caleb got to fixing their broken shower while Daphne got herself something to eat. David was still napping – he had been very tired.
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Daphne was getting bored waiting around for the baby to arrive, so she decided to spend time with her cowplant, Maybelle, then head out on a nature walk. Caleb continued reading his book, idling listening for his sons needs.
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Caleb spent a while researching vampire secrets, then fed David, and changed his diaper. As Daphne cleaned up form yet ANOTHER broken toilet, she went into labor! Finally! Caleb finished changing David’s diaper and the two of them headed off to the hospital to welcome their new baby.
Unfortunately, Caleb decided to try out his vampire allure power so everyone was trying to flirt with him and the hospital STILL wouldn’t let Daphne check in, so she had to give birth at home once more. Oh well. They headed back home for Daphne to have their baby. Caleb’s powers also seem to be bugged as they will not turn off, so Daphne was a little bit hypnotized while giving birth but… who knows, maybe that made it less painful since she’s home and clearly can’t get an epidural.
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In the background, David unlocked another milestone – laughter! Kinda dark to laugh at your mother’s pain but… okay David lmao
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And… it’s a girl!
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And… another girl! Twin girls!
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Daphne is exhausted, so she left the newborns in Dad’s capable hands while she went to the rest room, then to sleep. Caleb took care of the kids and went to bed himself, managing to sleep of the vampiric allure he had released.
With two babies and an infant in the house, sleep was not peaceful. It won’t be for a while, Daphne, but you wanted children! Or maybe it’s because you’re in a legacy challenge. Regardless…!
Meanwhile, while Daphne was feeding her newborns, Caleb was cleaning up. He cleaned up so much he discovered he is also neat. Neat! (I’ll stop using that joke I promise). He weeded and watered the garden, fed Maybelle, and took some more family time off. After all, with three kids in the house and Daphne needing to recover after giving birth, he should stay home and help.
Caleb spent time doing tummy time with Caleb while the newborns were all set. He unlocked the creep milestone!
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And WOW! Look what else he did!
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Finally, he can move onto some big boy food! No more bottles for THIS baby! But that took a lot of effort, so baby food will have to wait for now. David went to bed, and Amanda and Vanessa needed some attention next. Caleb spent some time taking care of them while Daphne was dealing with the garden and getting some fresh air. When David is hungry, though, he’ll try some baby food soon!
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shycoconutt · 3 years
I Need You (Kakashi x Reader Smut)
A/n: Oh boy do I got some smutty smut for you. This is my first time writing smut and I think I did okay! Please let me know what you think and, as always, feel free to send some requests my way! 🤍
Summary: You find yourself unbelievably horny waiting for Kakashi to get home from work. The night goes exactly as planned.
Word Count: 4200
Warnings: NSFW ( minors, there's the door -> 🚪), fem!reader, vaginal sex, rough sex, doggy style, cunnilingus
Gods, why am I so horny?
Sat in the reading chair in the corner of your and Kakashi’s bedroom, you find yourself unable to focus on the new novel you picked up at the bookstore this morning. Each time you try to focus on the words in front of you, your eyes start to drift off the page and fall on your bed across the room. The bed where Kakashi and you have had sex now maybe a dozen times. You two have been platonic partners for years, but it wasn’t until recently where you both allowed your feelings to blossom into romance. Some would say that your relationship with Kakashi came on fast, but those who say that don’t truly know either of you.
After the war, and after keeping your feelings for each other bottled down for years, Kakashi took you on a vacation to a quaint village on the outskirts of Konoha. During your stay, you two could finally relax and find comfort in each other. The future seemed less uncertain, and you allowed yourself to open up in ways you never had before. You both knew you loved each other, that you were meant for each other, but the stress of war and the lack of knowledge that either of you would come out alive prevented anything from happening. The last thing either of you wanted to do was take the other’s heart six feet under.
It was the third night on the trip when he proposed to you. Kakashi and you were naked together in the natural hot spring, embracing each other in the water. The words he spoke to you that night are etched in your brain, never to be forgotten.
“My whole life I’ve been fighting; fighting for Konoha, fighting for my team, fighting for our friends, fighting my demons, fighting the truth, and fighting the feelings I have for you. I never understood why it was so hard to escape you, but it isn’t until now where I finally understand. Loving you is the easiest thing I’ve ever had to do. Our love is so natural, so pure. It pains me to know that our reality has muddled it for so long. You are the best thing that’s ever come into my life, and the gods only know how thankful I am that you have been by my side through it all. Everything I’ve ever gone through, every challenge I’ve had to overcome, you’ve guided me along the way. I used to think I was undeserving of your love, but now that we both are standing here, bruised and battered by our past, I realize that it was always supposed to be this way. You and me. Forever.”
That was the night you and Kakashi shared your first kiss. The night you first held each other in a naked embrace. The night you touched the skin normally concealed under each other's clothes. The night you trailed kisses down his chest, to his stomach, his hip, and up his shaft. The night you grabbed him in your hand and stroked him while looking into his eyes. The night you felt his tongue draw across your nipples. The night you felt him suck and nibble at your neck. The night you felt his fingers, god his fingers, trace up your wet heat to rub onto your most sensitive spot. The night he held onto your hip and slid into your tenderness. The night you whispered sweet nothings in each other's ears while he pumped into you. The night you made love, four times.
It’s been a week since your mini-vacation of ultimate bliss. Immediately after arriving back to the village, you both moved out of your individual apartments and moved into the Hatake estate, per Kakashi’s request. When you asked him if this is truly what he wanted, he assured you that this was the place he wanted to make a home with you and your future children. He also liked that the estate is largely removed from the Hokage tower, where he will be spending the majority of his time in the future. Renovations are far from over, but your bedroom was the first area of the house to be set up. It’s your shared sanctuary, and to be completely honest, you’ve never felt more at home.
The only word to describe this week between you and Kakashi is passionate. Even with opposite schedules, you both make time for one another every day. You’ve been insanely busy at your new job that you acquired post-war, spearheading the mental health resource center for war veterans and shinobi still in active duty. Kakashi is busy shadowing Tsunade while she sorts out post-war rehabilitation plans for the village. This is your first day off and, unfortunately, Kakashi is out doing future Hokage duties. Though frustrating, both of you are super understanding of each other's roles in this village and you respect that time with each other may be limited in the coming years. That’s why any chance you get, you both check in on each other throughout your day. Whether it’s offering to take his ninken on a walk while he’s in the office, or him bringing you breakfast when you get to work, you find opportunities to be present in each other’s daily lives.
The evenings, however, are a whole other story. Both of you are usually home a little after eight, and you’ve adapted to having late dinners with each other. After cleaning up, the rest of the evening is spent wrapped up in each other. One thing you weren’t expecting about being with Kakashi is that he is constantly touching you when you are alone together. His hands are either on your thighs, wrapped in your hair, caressing your face, squeezing your arms, massaging your shoulders, touching your lips, or any other way he can get them on you. You crave his touch, so to say that you enjoy this side of him is an understatement. Not only does Kakashi adore touching you, he also adores being touched.
Touching leads to caressing, caressing leads to groping, and groping leads to passionate lovemaking.
Well, geez (y/n), maybe if you stopped daydreaming about Kakashi’s hands all over you then you wouldn’t be this goddamn horny.
Here’s the thing with you and Kakashi’s newfound sex life. You are in the early stages. All the sex you have is all about romance, making up for the lost time, and finally expressing your feelings with your body. It’s amazing and you wouldn’t change your lovemaking for the world.
But right now, you don’t desire lovemaking. You desire rough, animalistic, dirty, dirty sex.
The kind of sex that makes you shudder in desire and fear.
The kind of sex that makes in between your legs sore the next day.
Realizing you’ve been daydreaming for the past fifteen minutes, you close your novel shut and toss it aside. You look over at the clock on your nightstand to find that it’s almost time for Kakashi to be home. Usually, you would already be cooking something up for dinner, but you have a feeling that any food you make would just get cold. Eating is not your priority right now, Kakashi is.
A devious smile forms at your lips when you consider what you plan on doing with him when he walks through the front door. Should you take him right there? Get down on your knees and beg for him? Run a warm, candle-lit bath? Put whip cream on your tits and tell him that you’re his dinner? All great options, but none are really representative of how much you need him.
In one swift movement, you are up off your chair and running towards your closet. He could be here any minute and there’s no time to waste. Once there, you take in how disorganized your closet is. You have yet to unpack any of your clothes, as all you’ve worn the past week is your jonin uniform and your pajamas. Rummaging through the boxes sprawled out on the floor, you finally find which box you are looking for. The box looks like any other box, but written on the side in marker is the word intimates.
One might think you are a sex fiend with all the lingerie you own, but that is far from reality. The truth is, lingerie has always made you feel sexy. Most of all, it’s just so pretty. You love the power it gives you. You love the fact that no one knows that some days you are wearing the world’s skimpiest lingerie underneath your uniform. It’s like you have an edge on someone that they don't even realize. Also, when you did happen to end up in bed with a man, you were over-prepared. The look on their faces when you stripped off your clothes was priceless. It was your way of telling them that you expected them to want you.
There are way too many options to choose from, and you find yourself starting to panic as time passes on. You know you’re overthinking this as, honestly, Kakashi would love anything you put on. Some things you know about Kakashi are that his favorite color is blue, he loves your thighs and is obsessed with how soft your skin is. Therefore, you should obviously go for the baby blue lace and silk set. It includes a lace balconette bra, a thong connected to thigh garters, and a silk robe to go over the top. After putting it on and taking a look at yourself in the mirror, you knew you made the right choice.
Before finding a comfortable spot on the bed, you quickly grab some baby oil and rub it all over your body. The oil will allow Kakashi to slide his hands all over you effortlessly, which is exactly what you need. Satisfied, you grab your book and lay on top of your made bed. You weren’t planning on actually reading, but you think your casualness while wearing such a sexy outfit will have Kakashi’s head spinning.
So there you were, belly down, ass out, feet intertwined, book in hand, when you heard the lock click and the front door open. Perfect timing.
You could hear Kakashi kick off his shoes and take off his vest as he walked into your home. Usually, you would be standing in the kitchen where he would come and give you a warm embrace and kiss you until you told him that he has to eat dinner. But, you're not there, and you can sense his confusion.
“Where’s my babygirl?” Kakashi’s voice projects throughout the house, a hint of concern in his voice. You smile at the thought of the pout that’s probably on his face right now.
“Sorry sweetheart, I’ve been caught up in my new book. I’m in the bedroom,” you call back to him.
You hear what sounds like a sigh of relief as his footsteps make their way down your hallway in the direction of your bedroom, the sounds of pieces of his uniform dropping off of him every few steps. You make sure to keep your head turned to the door so you can take in his reaction to your state.
“Oh, the new book you got this morning? How is it? Let me guess, you already finished-”
An indescribable feeling shoots through your whole body as Kakashi enters your bedroom. He just finished pulling his mask down his face, as his hand is still caught to the fabric pooling around his neck. With a smile on your face, you soak in his expression as he’s stood in the entrance of your room, a deep blush forming on his cheeks and his mouth still agape in mid-sentence. His eyes dart back and forth from your face to the bottom of your ass that’s hanging out of your silk robe.
Damn, you really did that (y/n).
“What’s wrong, Kashi?” You say in the most innocent voice you can muster. You bat your eyelashes and flip over to sit up so he can get a good look at you. You let your book drop off the bed and land on the floor.
There’s another pause before Kakashi slowly walks towards you on the bed. Without speaking, he reaches a hand out to you. You take it and he pulls you up so you're kneeling on the bed as he stands in front of you. His dark eyes bore into yours as both of his hands drop to your thighs. Slowly, he grazes them up over your hips, your waist, up the sides of your breasts, to wrap around the back of your neck. You can feel the hairs on your skin stand in anticipation. With his hands still wrapped around you, he brings his head down to you and grazes his mouth on your jawline. From there he plants small kisses up the side of your face until he reaches your ear where he nibbles before speaking to you in a strained, low tone.
“You’re a very dangerous woman, (y/n).”
He must have felt you shudder because you could feel him smile against your cheek. Standing up straight again, Kakashi’s hands drop to the tie of your robe around your waist.
“May I?” he asks, giving you the sexiest look you’ve ever seen. Kakashi has been so effortlessly attractive since you met when you were young. Having these intimate moments with him almost seems surreal.
“Of course, Hatake,” you smile up at him.
Taking the tie in his hands, he starts to unravel the knot keeping your robe together. Once loose, he lets it fall over your shoulders and off your body completely.
After a few moments taking in the sight of you, Kakashi lets out a deep sigh and shakes his head.
“You’re so out of my league,” he confesses to you.
You let out a small giggle.
“Absolutely not,” you protest.
Without missing a beat, Kakashi grabs on to you and tosses you back on the bed so you are laying down underneath him. One of his hands wraps around the back of your head while the other cups your breast. Pulling the fabric of your bra down, he kneads your nipple between his thumb and pointer finger. One of his knees lands in between your legs and he brings it up to press on to you. You can’t help the moan that escapes as you feel him all around you.
“So what’s the deal?” Kakashi teases. “I leave you alone in the house for one day and I come back to this?” He looks down at your body and back up again. “Where did you get this outfit, hm?”
“Oh baby,” you start teasing him back, “I guess one thing you don’t know about me yet is that I wear lingerie like this all the time.”
“Oh really?” he questions.
“Yep, all the time.” You smirk at what you’re about to say next. “Actually, remember that one time we were stationed together in the Earth country for a month for that S-rank assassination mission?”
Kakashi nods, confused where you’re going with this story.
“We let our guards down and almost hooked up the last night before we came back to the village.”
“I remember.”
“Well,” you pause for effect, “guess what I was wearing underneath my uniform that night?”
Kakashi remains silent, brows furrowed waiting for you. You smile at him deviously as you say your answer.
Kakashi lets out what can only be described as an aroused, defeated groan when you utter your confession. He quickly comes back down and your mouths crash together in a heated frenzy. It isn’t until now when you realize that his bulge is hard against your leg, asking to be broken free from the confinement of his pants. While making out, you reach down and slip your hand under his waistband and grab onto his throbbing cock, stroking it in your hand. Although rock hard, the skin of his cock is soft and velvety.
Kakashi moans in your mouth when you make contact with him, but quickly escapes your grasp and gets up off of you. Sprawled out on the bed, you watch him strip down naked in front of you, starting with his shirt, then his pants and briefs. His body is truly something to marvel at, as decades of being a ninja have carved his body into perfection. You love the way his member slaps against his lower stomach when he pulls it from its confinement, excited and eager for you. He stands for a moment, contemplating what to do with you.
“I don’t want to take that pretty outfit off of you just yet. I guess I’ll just have to work around it for now,” Kakashi says as he stands at the end of the bed. Grabbing your ankles, he pulls you towards him and bends your legs upward until your knees meet your chest. Holding both of your legs up with one hand, he takes the other and spanks your ass cheek with a loud slap. You whimper from the sting while he rubs the mark he left. Kakashi sucks in another loud breath.
“Ugh, (y/n), you look so good for me.”
Before you can respond, Kakashi takes your thong and slides it over so you are exposed to him. Getting down on his knees, he brings his face to your glistening cunt and flattens his tongue against it. There he gives you one long lick up your slit to taste you. A moan erupts from him as your wetness meets his taste buds.
“You’re already so wet for me baby,” Kakashi breathes before going in to suck on you.
“I’ve been thinking about you all day,” you confess through your moans. “I only get this wet for you.”
“That’s because you're mine and mine only.”
Kakashi takes his time with you, almost as if this is his last meal on earth and he wants to savor it. He’s delicate in some moments and fierce in others. Incorporating his fingers, he slides them into you and curves them up to hit your g-spot repeatedly while eating you. Your hand instinctively cradles his face while the other intertwines with his silver locks. You start to feel tightness in your lower stomach as he brings you close to climax. The sound of his moans muffled inside you is enough to send you over the edge.
“Kakashi, baby, I’m gonna-”
“Come for me, baby,” Kakashi nods, giving you permission to let go.
Letting go of Kakashi, you grip onto the sheets around you, feeling the tightness build and drop out of you. Closing your eyes, the waves of ecstasy ripple throughout your body causing you to scream out in pleasure. Riding with you, Kakashi slowly continues to work you through your climax, cleaning up whatever juices spill over.
“Good girl,” He says to you while bringing your legs back down onto the bed. Slowly, he kisses up your thighs while hooking onto your thong, bringing it down off of them. While he does this, you reach around and unclasp your bra, throwing it aside. Once the thong is thrown aside as well, Kakashi lifts himself off the floor and flips you over so you're laying on your stomach, another smack landing on your ass cheek. The high from your orgasm is immediately replaced with anticipation for what he plans on doing to you next.
You feel Kakashi’s naked body slide on top of you until he's flush against your skin, his body completely enveloping yours. Once his face is level with yours, and his cock is hard against your backside, he brushes your hair away from your face.
“Are you ready for me?” Kakashi whispers into your ear.
You nod into the mattress, chest rising and falling with every strained breath.
“You need to use your words, (y/n),” Kakashi scolds you while tucking your hair behind your ear.
“I need you, Kakashi. Please, I need you.” Your words come out as a plea, not being able to take his absence any longer.
You feel Kakashi’s weight lift off of you as he reaches around your waist and lifts it up so your ass is tilted upwards. From there you can feel him position his tip at your entrance, slowly rubbing it up and down to spread your wetness.
“Please, Kashi, I need your cock inside me,” you beg.
Without further hesitation, you feel every inch of him slide into your folds until he’s bottomed out inside you. The feeling of him deep within you sends you into euphoria and you can feel yourself tighten around him.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” Kakashi whispers.
Starting off slow, he pumps into you with control. You feel pleasure and pain as Kakashi kisses your neck while grabbing onto your hair. After each thrust you feel him going faster and harder, your bodies smacking against each other. To gain more leverage, he lifts off of you and brings you up onto your hands and knees. With his hand gripping your shoulder, he pumps into you with ferocity.
“For years I’ve touched myself thinking about getting to fuck you like this baby. You’re so beautiful and so good to me. Everything about your body draws me to you,” Kakashi says in between moans. You feel him start to twitch inside you, his thrusts getting more out of control. You look over your shoulder and meet his gaze.
“We deserve this baby. You deserve this. Give me everything.” You both know your words mean more than just sex, and Kakashi relishes them.
Lifting you up by your neck, Kakashi brings you toward him so you're both kneeling while he continues thrusting inside of you. He brings one hand around your front to circle your clit and the other cups your breast. Your hands lift up behind you to grab onto his face. Turning your head to him, you kiss him with every ounce of passion you have left. This new position is hitting you at your core and you can feel yourself tighten again. Kakashi must have felt it too, as he broke free from your mouth to tilt his head back in pleasure. Without exchanging words, you know you both are at your limit.
With a few last staggering thrusts, both of you reach climax in unison. Feeling yourself go limp, Kakashi wraps his arms around you to keep you steady. You feel streams of his hot semen pool inside of your contracting walls. With Kakashi’s moans singing in your ear, you can’t help but smirk at his vulnerability. With him still inside, you hold onto each other, trying to catch your breaths. After a few beats, you both begin to laugh at your exasperated states.
“Stay here, I’m going to get a towel,” Kakashi says while shifting out of you. After pulling a towel from the cupboard in your bathroom, Kakashi brings it to you and cleans up between your legs. Before you have time to move, Kakashi picks you up bridal style and spins you around in his arms.
You scream and start to laugh as he plants kisses all over your face. “Kakashi!”
“Hm?” he hums in your ear, pretending he didn’t just lift you with little to no effort.
Holding you up with one arm, he grabs a blanket off the bed and carries you to the chair in the corner of your room. There he sits down and places you sideways on his lap so you’re facing each other. He then takes the blanket and wraps it around you both so you can stay warm while cuddling each other. Kakashi has always had a knack for knowing exactly what you want at any given moment.
“I thought we could get some inspiration for our next round,” Kakashi says with a smirk as he pulls out a copy of Icha Icha Tactics from underneath the cushion.
“What? How did that get there?” you laugh.
“Oh, I have multiple copies of these everywhere,” he jokes, waving the book in the air.
You laugh and lightly hit his chest. Tucking the blanket up closer to your face, you lay your head down on Kakashi’s shoulder while he flips open to a page in the book.
Before he starts to read to you, Kakashi lifts your chin to kiss you. Every time your lips touch his, flashes of your joint past enters your mind. Although it was hard, and you faced many difficult trials on the way, you are forever thankful that you were both able to live long enough to experience these moments. You took care of each other, lifted each other up when they were in the dirt, and now you can finally share the love you’ve always held for each other. You wouldn’t change any of it. After your kiss, before pulling away from you, Kakashi looks deep into your eyes.
“I love you, (y/n).”
You smile up at him, tears brimming in your eyes.
“I love you too, Kakashi. Forever.”
A/n cont.: Well, whattdaya think? :)
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singguks · 2 years
summer in the soop, #1 | bts
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synopsis. two siblings, two groups, one house. boys versus girls, simple as that. they can either enjoy the unsupervised mansion in the middle of the woods or start a war. summer, here they come!
🌳 the chapters will be archived » here
pairing. jungkook, taehyung, jimin, namjoon x oc's
genre. summer au + fluff + slice of life + angst + smut
word count. 3040
warnings. swearing and lots of teen fights :)
a/n. to my friends, and my teenage years; i miss them both dearly.
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chapters. previous - next
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chapter one: summer is right around the corner. 
— Oh, for fucks sake. 
Kat mumbled while tapping her hand in the dark trying in vain to find the diabolical device that was disturbing her sleep. When she found it, by the bedside table, she simply sent it flying across the room, but that did little to nothing to shut it down. The deafening sound of it could still be heard across her room. 
— Shit! 
With a heavy sigh and much effort, the girl fumbled in her bed getting up to search for the alarm clock once more. Her room was completely dark. Thankfully she knew the space like the back of her hand, and it took her less than a minute to find the ringing thing. 
She pressed its button to turn it off. Ten a.m. on a Sunday and she was already up, with a maddening headache and drastic humor. God, her head was hurting like a bitch — probably by the number of tequila shots she consumed last night… Or the other reason. 
No. Stop thinking about that.
She started pacing back and forth around her room; all the emotions she managed to suppress last night with the help of alcohol were coming back to her like a tsunami. Convinced she wouldn’t be able to sleep anymore, she decided to head downstairs to at least eat something. Her stomach was starting to rumble as well, and she desperately needed distraction. 
Her mom caught her figure as soon as she arrived at the base of the stairs. 
— Hey, honey! Good morning! — the older woman said warmly while cutting some oranges on a cutting board. 
— For you, I imagine. — Kat answered irritated making her brother laugh. 
— Katherine! What’s up with that attitude? — her mom stopped cutting the fruits to look at her with scolding eyes. 
She sighed while sitting next to her brother by the kitchen island, — Sorry, mom.
— What happened? You never wake up like that. — the matriarch observed. 
— Nothing happened.
— Kat… You know you can talk to me, right? What happened?
— Nothing. Seriously I- — She was ready to resort to some lie when her brother interrupted. 
— She got cheated, that’s what. — he snorted while eating his cereals. 
In an anger outbreak, Kat hooked her arm around Taehyung’s neck making him slightly choke, while she growled lowly on his ear with a bunch of threats. The boy, despite being choked up, kept debating himself and laughing at the whole situation. 
— Fuck yo- 
— ENOUGH! — their mom snapped, gaining their attention. — The both of you! — She shifted expressions, adopting a serious facade and Taehyung had to suppress a laugh. — Taehyung, go to your room. 
— But mom!
— NOW. — She said decisively and Kat was the one snorting this time, seeing her brother pick up the bowl of cereals he was previously eating and make his way to the stairs. 
It was only when they both could hear his door shutting close upstairs that Mrs. Kim resumed their conversation. 
— Tell me what happened. 
— Mom… I really don’t want to talk about it. It wasn’t even something to worry about, really. — Kat looked at her with sincerity and she pondered for brief seconds. 
She let out a sigh, feeling resigned, at least for now. — Alright. It’s your call. But if you need, you know you can talk to me.
— I know, mom. Thanks. — the girl offered a smile and grabbed the box of cereals Taehyung had left behind to munch on them until it was lunchtime. — I’m going up. 
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Kat decided to take a nice bubbly bath to relax and see if it could help even if a little with her massive hangover. She prepared the tub, filled it with a bath bomb, and some scented bubbles, and let the water run. As she waited for it and sat on the ledge, she heard soft knocks. 
— Yeah?
— Are you dressed? Can I come in? — She saw Taehyung’s head peeping in the small space of the door that was now opened. 
— Mmhm, I am. 
The boy got in, gently leaning the door instead of closing it again, and looked at his sister. He opened his mouth and closed it a couple of times. His head doing a twist, not knowing how to approach, or even start, the conversation.
— What is it? — she asked chuckling. 
— I’m sorry. — the boy sighed and leaned on the sink. — I shouldn't have joked about it, it was just inevitable at the time but now that I thought about it I-
— Tae. — she interrupted him. — It’s fine! 
— It’s not fine. He’s an asshole and what he did to you was like- — The air came out through his nose, he closed his eyes for brief seconds to control himself. 
— Taehyung. Hey. It’s really fine! 
Despite their little sibling bickerings and a series of unfortunate jokes, they had a really close and good relationship with each other. They were only one year apart and had grown up to being there for whatever the other needed. Their dad was generally away since he was an airline pilot, and their mom, although quite more available, was always in a rush because of her own work; she was a news anchor. Growing up, they were all they had. 
— Why are you so… Okay? With it? — He asked visibly confused and closed the space between them to put both of his hands on her cheeks and crush them, as an excuse to inspect her closely. 
— Because- — she tried to speak but her voice sounded muffled. 
— What did you do? — He knew quite well his sister. She was acting weird for someone who had just been cheated on, even if she didn’t love the guy. 
She freed herself from his hands and with a growing smirk, she confessed, — Well… I might or might not have stolen his clothes and he had to leave the party… Naked. And people took photos of it… I thought your little gremlin had told you already! 
Taehyung looked at the girl before him for a few seconds with a blank face, trying to decide if she was messing with him or not. But she wasn’t. He could see she wasn’t. So he laughed loudly. 
— You did not! 
— Yes I did! — she confirmed and laughed with him. 
The boy had tears in his eyes when they were interrupted by her phone ringing insistently on top of the toilet seat cover. He dried his eyes with his arm and picked up the device, scrunching his nose while checking the name on the screen. 
— It’s Violet. — he said while giving the phone to Kat making her swing her head from side to side. — I’m going to my room. 
— ‘Kay! — she laughed while seeing him leave the bathroom talking to himself. — Vi! Tell me stuff!
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The girl had taken her bubbly bath in the company of her best friend Violet through call. And that was something that happened frequently. Once she and Violet began discussing something, they would only finish it hours later, and always on a completely different subject from what they had started. They had been close friends ever since elementary school and despite their differences, one could say they were joined at the hip. 
Violet, as a good friend, had called her to know how she was feeling and of course, to put Kat’s mind at ease, filling her in on how her reputation hadn’t taken a peak like she was expecting it to. On the contrary. Yeah, she was the new victim of Chad DuPont, but differently from the rest, she had been the one to take revenge on him. It wasn’t about Kat being two-timed, but about Chad having to leave a party completely naked because she had stolen his clothes. “He had to sneak into his house like that, Kat! His sister told her best friend — that verified gossip girl — that his mom caught him and thought he had been muggled or something!” Violet had told her, laughing proudly. Her Sunday had gotten a lot better after Vi’s call. 
Back into her bedroom, she opened her wardrobe to change into something comfortable. Her towel was discarded by the bed, and she had just worn a crop top when the accident happened. 
— … So I heard you were two-timed last ni- — a voice came from behind her and alarmed she jumped, turning around quickly to face the owner of it. 
Her heart was beating fast due to the fright. And he froze on the spot once he scanned her body, seeing she was only wearing underwear and a really small crop top. 
It all happened fast, sure, but for the two of them was as if time had stretched and pulled in different directions. Kat’s eyes got huge with the realization that the boy in front of her had caught her in an awkward situation, so her body reacted alone, without thinking. Once she came to her senses, heart beating fast and chest panting up and down, she stared at a startled Jungkook. A fresh streak of red was painted on his left cheek. 
Without realizing Kat had taken the first thing she could reach from her bedside table — that damn alarm clock — and flung the object at him in full force. To her surprise, he didn’t move, hence being hit with the device straight to his face. 
— Oh- Shit. — She said, her eyes turning into two big marbles. 
She observed in panic as his hand slowly came in contact with his cheek. And as he looked at his fingers now painted with his own blood he groaned, the pain finally hitting him and the guilt finally dawning on her. 
— ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?! — he finally snapped, left hand reaching once more his cheek to stop the blood. 
— IT’S YOUR FUCKING FAULT! — Kat replied louder and exasperated while running toward him. 
— Don’t touch me, you lunatic! — Jungkook barked when she got closer. 
— I didn’t even touch you, you asshole!
— What’s happening here? — Jimin asked entering Kat’s bedroom and gaining their attention. As soon as he saw she was only wearing underwear he turned back. — Woah there! Why are you in your panties?!
— That’s a good question… — Jungkook added while Jimin still had his back to the both of them. 
— I- — she tried to answer but somehow the situation got worse. 
— Who’s in their panties? — Taehyung arrived completely unaware of what was happening. His brain took a while to process the renaissance painting before him. Jimin facing him with both his hands froze midair like he was caught stealing something, Jungkook by his side with blood dripping down his cheek and hand, and his sister in panties. 
— Not to alarm you or anything but I’m bleeding in case you guys didn’t notice!
— OUT! — Taehyung said seriously, finger pointing towards the door. 
— I didn’t see a thing!!! — Jimin defended himself. 
— It’s a black pantie with lots of bugs bunny faces inside red hearts. — Jungkook spilled the tea gaining a cross look from Taehyung and regretting it right after. 
— ASSHOLE! — Kat shouted to Jungkook while her brother shushed them out of the room, slamming the door on his way. 
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Kat had known both Jimin and Jungkook for a long time now. Jimin was basically their third brother since they’ve always been neighbors and both his mom and her mom were best friends. As for Jungkook, he appeared in their lives somewhat between intermediate school and junior high, when his family moved cities. At first, things between them were fine, but it didn’t take long for him and Kat to start bickering… When they got to high school, things only got worse. Probably because they took different positions in the school; she hung out with one of the — if not the most — popular circle of friends while Jungkook… Well, he was your typical bad boy loser, completely different from the usual popular jocks. Still, Jungkook had his fame. 
Namjoon, Taehyung’s other friend, arrived soon after to join the quartet that somehow Kat’s popular group hated so much. They had a garage band that played from time to time at school events, and that ended up putting a bigger distance between the two. Which leads to the present day: they just can’t be in the same room for too long without a proper fight. 
The girl hurriedly put on a track short and went down the stairs after Taehyung and the other two. She hated Jungkook’s gut but she couldn’t help but feel guilty. The cut she inflicted on his cheek looked ugly and she felt the need to check if everything was ok. 
— Ouch! — Jungkook winced while Taehyung held his head for Jimin to disinfect the wound. — Jimin, I’m not sure- — He winced yet again, the alcohol stinging his fresh cut way too much. 
— Shush. My mom is a nurse, I know one thing or two. — The older one answered while Taehyung kept Jungkook’s head steady with much more force than he intended to. 
— Exactly. So remind me again why it’s your face I’m seeing and not your mom’s?! 
— I got worried for nothing. — Kat passed by them, inspecting his cheek. — You aren’t even in need of stitches! — She mocked but Jungkook wasn’t able to answer her because the second he was going to, Jimin rubbed the gauze drenched in alcohol on his face making his jaw clench. — How are you feeling? — The girl asked without messing around this time. 
— Like you care. 
She huffed and went towards the fridge to fetch something to drink. — You’re right, I don’t. But I’m still polite. Who knows? Maybe I damaged your last brain cell. — She retorted while grabbing a can of coke. — Is it hurting too much?
— Mind your damn business, cupcake. — He said, gaining a forehead flick from Taehyung and making Namjoon, who had just arrived by the back kitchen door, fall in laughter. 
The girl stuck her tongue out in a childlike behavior and was about to turn around to leave through the backyard but Namjoon was in her way. — Just my luck! — She huffed. 
— I gotta say, my night was a thousand times better because of you! — He remarked while flipping his phone around to show her the pics he had of Chad butt naked. — Didn’t have the time to click these myself but apparently they are all over… — He laughed. 
— Uhu. — She tried once more to pass by him. — By the way, what were you doing there last night? Trying to sneak in on VIP parties now? 
— As if, KitKat! — He retorted, making Jungkook laugh out loud and Kat gave him the finger. That was a nickname given to her by Jungkook himself once they were twelve and she absolutely loathed it. — Becky invited me. 
— Wow… The world is really upside down. — She laughed it out. — Becky is making out with losers now? Sheesh. Her breakup with Sebastian didn’t do her so well. — She made her way through the backyard not bothering to look back. — Enjoy your free tickets while they last, bro! 
She went for her walk around the neighborhood listening in the distance to the feign laughter of Jimin and Taehyung who would probably make fun of Namjoon for the rest of the evening.  
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Emily: Sometimes when all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail. 
Spencer: Why are you talking to me like Ben Franklin? 
Kat had come back to her house forty minutes later after she received a call from her friend Elizabeth. The girl often did that. She would call asking if Kat was free and in case she said yes, Elizabeth would announce she was already parking by her front door. 
They were both in Kat’s bedroom watching Pretty Little Liars when a knock was heard on the door. All Kat did was shout for the person to come in without thinking much about it. 
— I honestly get baffled at how much you and Spencer look-alike personality-wise. — Elizabeth said and Kat laughed. — Erm… Kat? — She pointed towards the door, making the other girl follow her finger, where Jimin was being pushed inside. 
— Gee, Park Jimin, I told you to get inside, not ‘please feel free to knock down all my stuff on the way in’. — She laughed as she saw the boy struggle to fetch some of her stuff from the ground. 
— Sorry! — He apologized embarrassed. — Come in here! — He turned around to whisper it to someone but instead the door just shut close. 
— So…? What was that about? — Kat asked him confused while Lizzie just chuckled beside her entertained. 
— Did- Um, did Jungkook leave his cellphone here? — The boy asked, rolling his eyes making Katherine fall back behind on her bed laughing. 
— Are we being serious right now? — Elizabeth asked astonished and Jimin nodded visibly as done with the situation as her. 
— Why doesn’t he come here HIMSELF to search? — Kat provoked. 
— ‘Cause he’s a scaredy-cat, that’s why. — Jimin said while opening the door once again, and Katherine laughed way too hard.
— Woah! I heard that. — Jungkook said still outside the door not letting Jimin out. — And I don’t want to get inside. Just let Jimin search my phone for me. 
— Of course… — Kat smiled at him. — NOT. If you want it, you come get it. 
— Where do I sign my life insurance then, ‘cause you know. — He pointed towards his cheek. — Last time I stepped inside I got attacked by a CRAZY PERSON. 
— Oh for the love of God! — Lizzie sighed heavily while getting up from her friend’s bed and taking her phone out of her purse that was right by her foot. As she called herself for Jungkook’s phone, Jimin smiled relieved hearing the device ring. Kat, who was kneeling on top of her bed, merely pointed towards it so Jungkook could go fetch it himself. Elizabeth hung up. 
Jimin took his cue to leave once Jungkook had to crouch down right below where Kat was to grab it. — Bye. — He said with his cellphone in hand turning away to leave. 
— Two weeks, JK. — She said making him turn. 
— What?
— Two weeks for summer vacations. — Kat explained. — Two weeks for me to get rid of you. 
— I can’t wait. — He said sarcastically, slamming the door on his way out.
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🌳 to be continued...
!! — singguks | all rights reserved. do not repost, translate or claim as your own.
✱. ꔛ˚ if you want to be tagged for the next chapter, comment below!!
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1987vampire · 3 years
Proxies x reader NSFW HCs
alot of these scenes will actually most likely end up in this story im writing lmao, so stick around if you want to see them fleshed out
Let's get the obvious beginner out of the way.
Toby is a tits man, Brian likes ass, and Tim is happy with whatever (he likes tits more he just doesn't want to be rude)
Now, let's start with Toby
Toby is the most submissive bottom you will meet in your life.
Has slipped a bit too far into subspace a few times, and you've had to stop immediately once you realized.
Motherfucker just wants to be dommed and dommed hard. Just tell him what to do, please.
Has the biggest fucking mommy kink (which contributes to his love for tits because the motherfucker will lavish those bitches like no other when given the chance)
Also has the biggest praise kink you will ever see. Has came embarrassingly fast because you called him your good boy.
99 percent of his knowledge of sex comes from porn so,, he's going to have to be retaught most everything.
Has definitely groped your tit too hard on multiple occasions because he thought it was the right thing to do.
Surprisingly good learner, though. Just wants to make you happy.
He's the best one for quickies out of all of them only because he cums extremely fast while still prioritizing you.
(He makes up for how fast he cums by how many times he can do it. Motherfucker will paint you white all over before his body gives out. Plus, his CIPA makes it to where he can't feel the burning in his legs as he fucks you for hours. Has literally kept going until his body gave out because you wanted him to.)
All the boys have very specific thoughts on oral. Toby will give or receive, whichever makes you happier, but when he's allowed to go down on you, it's like you're his last meal.
It's one of the only time's he'll disobey your commands because it doesn't matter if you've already came three times??? He's still eating, lady, shhh.
Tried to dom one (1) time. Not doing that again. Dude started crying half-way through because he thought he was hurting you and your feelings by ordering you around.
You had to pause and take a bath with him afterwards while he calmed down. He spent half the bath blubbering into your neck and apologizing more times than you could count.
Now, Brian is the exact opposite of Toby.
You asked to try and let him be the bottom a single time and he fucked you so hard you couldn't walk the next day.
A little shithead who loves blowjobs. Will give you head, but much prefers you on your knees with him stuffed so far in that he’s tapping the back of your throat and you’re gripping his thighs while he uses you for nothing more than his pleasure in the moment. 
Will mix degradation in with praise like he's been doing it his entire life. Has given you whiplash multiple times because of it.
He's so loud, too. Toby is whiny and begs, but this dude is in your ear with low grunts and groans, his voice spilling the foulest words he can think of.
Has you seeing stars while mumbling into your neck shit like "your pretty little pussy's taking me so well - like you were built to be my cocksleeve. Just a cumslut who takes whatever I give you. Look at you, all fucked out of your mind, pretty little baby. Can't wait to paint your fuckin' insides. It's what whores like you deserve."
He's also the best at aftercare, though. You normally have to take care of Toby after, and Tim does jack shit unless needed.
Brian, though, has his dresser packed with shit to take care of you with after. Will bathe you, dress you, tell you little reassurances, make sure you're okay.
He's also best at knowing when to stop. He can sense your hesitation as if he's the one feeling it.
Because of his dirty mouth, he's had to break off sessions early a few times. The biggest was when you started crying halfway through him fucking you missionary, and not the kind of crying he liked (because let's be real, this motherfucker loves to see you cry and beg to cum.)
He had called you a whore a few too many times through the session, and you had taken it a bit too close to heart (it was something that hit a bit harder than needed since you were dating multiple men at once.)
He spent the whole night cuddling you and reassuring you that he didn't really mean it. He loved you, they all did, it was just for the roleplay. "Stop crying, pretty baby, we're okay. I'm not actually mad. Let me see a smile, c'mon, doll."
Also, let me mention that because y'all are so fucking loud, Tim has banged on the door quite a few times trying to get you to calm down.
Tim made the mistake of grumbling to himself during dinner one time in front of you and Brian that 'you're so fucking loud it sounds like you're recording a goddamn porno in there.'
If you hadn't been choking on your food so hard, you might have noticed the sly grin that crossed Brian's face, though it was brought back later when he ended up filming you quite a few times from that night. It wouldn't be posted anywhere - fuck that, you were theirs, and no one else's.
(he did accidentally share a video of you cumming to the group chat all four of you were in on accident while sending cute pictures of the two of you. The mortification of hearing your moans come through the speaker of Toby's phone while he stared at it dumbfounded was enough for you to not talk to Brian for a whole week. It didn't matter if they had seen you like that before, it was still embarrassing!)
(Brian didn't tell you that the other two - Tim especially - had been sent worse videos than that.)
Let's get started with this man. Tim is the laziest motherfucker known to man but it is nice. 
Really, he’s not lazy, he’s just tired a lot, and he doesn’t want to put the effort in the fuck you senseless when you’ve got two others for that. 
He prefers sleepy fucking where you’re both half-out-of-it and breathless. He enjoys both of you on your sides with him spooning you, his hips moving just enough to give enough friction for the both of you to cum after a while. You can and will fall alseep right after with him still buried inside of you.
Speaking of, what’s the best way to get y’all’s sexual tension out while still being lazy (besides just making you ride him which he does very often) ? Cockwarming. 
He won’t even just do it in bed when it’s the two of you. He’s shimmied his pants down just enough for his cock to slip out and pushed your panties aside (since you were only wearing an oversized shirt and underwear. I mean, what did you think would happen?) and made you sit on him in the middle of the living room while the other two were lounging around, too distracted to notice. 
However, if someone does notice (Especially in the beginning because you were horrible at hiding your flushed cheeks and heavy breathing from understimulation) he would not hide it.
“H-hey, y/-y/n, what’s-sss-s with the f-fa-face?” Toby had asked innocently one night while you were all watching TV together. You knew Tim was smirking behind you as he lifted the hem of the big shirt just enough to let Toby know what was going on. Boy blushed so hard and covered his eyes, smacking his face harshly in the process, and Tim and Brian snickered (because of course Brian already knew.)
Cockwarming also means that the second you finally - finally - start fucking, it’s over for the two of you in less than a minute, your fingers clawing at him as you finally get your release after hours. (the longest he’s made the two of you wait was four hours because we’re watching Toby’s favorite movies, we can’t interrupt him, now can we, darlin’?’
He’s also a huge fan of facesitting. Not the biggest fan of receiving blowjobs only because it makes him feel too vulnerable, but he could have you sit on his face for hours and not complain, his hands gripping your ass tight enough to leave bruises as he laved his tongue over your clit over and over. 
The only - only - times Tim has fucked you rough was when it wasn’t even really him. You had been half-asleep with your back to him one time as he rutted into you slowly when you suddenly felt yourself flipped so you were ass up with your face being pushed into the mattress, his hips jutting at a speed you didn’t know he could reach.
You didn’t even have to look back to know that Masky - his alter that didn’t show himself too often around you - had taken over. 
During getting fucked that time by Masky, you ended up so deep in subspace, trying to please the man you didn’t get too see that often that you let him him rip orgasm after orgasm from you until you couldn’t think straight and you entered a space where all you felt was pleasure, and you couldn’t even see straight.
You were brought out of it by Tim pressing a cold rag to your forehead, whispering sweet nothings to you as he tried to get you to come to, apologizing profusely for letting it happen. You had just grinned and - though your voice was thoroughly fucked up from screaming - told him to let Masky know he could do that again any time. Tim had gotten so flustered that he walked out of the room for a few minutes. 
Speaking of alters real quick.
Tim and Brian are the only ones to have them - Masky and Hoody respectfully, of course - and they come out around you very little. Hoody comes out more than Masky though, and you can tell the difference in how quiet Brian will get. 
Hoody and Masky have fucked you both separately and together (so have Tim and Brian but we’ll get to that in a second)
Masky loves you ass and prefers to have you in doggystyle over anything while Brian’s love for blowjobs is only intensified in his alter who will have you gagging on him until you almost pass out. He’ll give you a moment to breathe in just a second, just hold on a little longer, okay?
Hoody is almost always silent besides grunts that let him communicate with Masky. This is apparent even when you’re not fucking, and the three of you have to teach yourselves how to decipher the man’s made up language. 
Masky is quiet too, but will grumble to himself more than anything, calling you the worst name’s he can think of while he slams into you so hard that you don’t even have to move yourself to give Hoody a proper blowjob, his grip on your hips and force of his thrusts are enough to have you bouncing back and forth quickly. 
It’s not like you could really move anyways, not when Masky’s picking you up by your thighs and holding your hips up as he plows into you.
They love spitroasting but have definitely done double penetration even if you complain that you’re not prepped. Who cares? You’re obviously ready for it, look at you already cumming even though they haven’t moved. 
Now, as for threesomes and or foursomes
Nine times out of ten, Toby is too embarrassed to do anything in front of the other two. Maybe if you coax him enough, reassure him that nobody will judge, he might join in for the night, but it’s an incredibly rare occurrence. Watching Brian boss you around is enough to make him squirm. You were supposed to be in change, not him? But there you were with your tongue sticking out as you rolled your hips against Tim, ready to fit either of them in your mouth. The other can always take another hole. 
Toby not wanting to join doesn’t really both the other two though, and though it’s still not as common to have a threesome compared to one on one, Tim and Brian are always ready to share. Especially when you look so pretty whining into the air as you take both of them at once. 
You don’t mind if Brian takes a few photos, right? I mean, just look at you! This is a perfect moment to capture. Ignore the fact that you’re now Tim’s home screen, your pretty tits out in the open as his cock is buried inside of you, Brian’s hand gripping the flesh of your hip. Why wouldn’t he want to see it all the time?
The same applies to them as their alters. Spitroasting is their absolute favorite, though Tim prefers it if you ride him while you slobber all over Brian instead of him having to use his energy to fuck you into oblivion. 
They love double penetration as well, but once they tried to fit both of them in your pussy instead of one in your ass and you came so hard that you passed out. It’s brought out on special occasions after a l o t of prep.
really, overall. you have a boy for whatever mood you're in and you're literally never horny because the second you mention it someone is on top of you.
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aemonds-sapphire · 3 years
Take a Seat — Hawks x Reader
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You tell Hawks you can’t stand him; he tells you to take a seat.
Warnings: NSFW. Face riding. Oral sex. Feather play. Masturbation. Exhibitionism.
Word count: 1.7k
Your screech reverberated through the walls of his bedroom.
The pro hero reckoned it wouldn’t take much longer before your angry voice was heard yet again.
There it was.
A wave of satisfaction ran along his entire body and all the way through to his wings, ruffling the feathers in the process.
“I am going to kill you!” you bellowed in frustration from inside the bathroom. “I am going to be late!”
Hawks dreaded having to part ways with you on his day off. He rarely managed to get enough free time as it was, and now he’d have to watch you go to work, postponing his need to shower you with attention and love.
But Hawks’ playful antics always found a way to surface whenever the occasion called for it.
So he decided to steal your clothes and bath towel while you were taking a hurried shower.
It proved to be enough to kindle your anger and frustration, which would only work in his favor in the end.
As soon as your burst into the bedroom, dripping wet and ready to pounce him, Hawks felt a rush of blood flooding downwards with a subtle tingling sensation.
“What did you do with my clothes?” you growled, taking large steps in his direction. “I’m gonna be late for work!”
Hawks shrugged, thankful that his every growing erection was neatly hidden away from you under the bed cover.
He watched in sheer delight as you grabbed one pillow and tossed it at him, which he promptly deflected with one of his feathers.
“You are so annoying!” you sighed in exasperation.
A teasing smile curled his lips. Getting under your skin was one of his favorite pastimes. It got you all riled up with this pent-up tension that he’d so gladly fuck out of you.
But then something else crossed his mind.
Oh… you were going to flip at this.
But he was feeling particularly daring and willing to push you a little more than usual.
“I’m feeling feverish….” he started, making use of his top-level actor skills to twist his features into a pout. “And there’s this pain….”
And just like clockwork, the visible traces of anger on your face faded into a worried look.
You sat naked on his edge of the bed, placing the back of your hand on his forehead to check his temperature.
“Where does it hurt?”
Hawks lifted the comforter, revealing his hard cock to you. “Here.”
Just as he had anticipated, you immediately scowled at how shameless he was.
“I was seriously worried! You damn bird!”
And just as you stood up and were about to smack him, he took the opportunity to grab both your wrists and had you swing on top of him at lightning speed until you were sitting on his bare torso.
You tried to jerk free from his grasp. “Hawks! I’m gonna be late!”
He honestly couldn’t care less. Having you fully naked and on top of him only fueled his desire for you.
“I’ll fly you there,” he said with a devious smile as he ruffled his wings along the mattress like a haughty peacock. “C’mon…”
Once again, you yanked both arms in an attempt to break free, but all in vain. He was far too strong, and he justwasn’t going to let go of you just yet.
“Ugh! I can’t stand you!” you huffed in annoyance.
What a blatant lie.
All that forced outrage had his cock twitch in anticipation. How he adored fucking you into submission, peeling off all those layers that you so vehemently insisted on keeping on just to give him a hard time.
He loved your brattiness.
“Sit on my face.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. “What?”
Hawks wanted to let go of his hold on you have his hands cup your breasts, but he remained still just in case.
“Let me eat you out,” he insisted, rubbing his thumbs along the pulse points in your wrists.
You faltered briefly when you clenched your thighs around him.
“You’re so…”
You shook your head. “No.”
Hawks let go of you, knowing fully well he had you trapped.
He flashed his trademark grin. “Annoyingly handsome? I know!”
With one hand, he smacked your ass lightly, but you didn’t budge.
“I just took a shower… and I don’t want to be late for work…”
Hawks was a patient man, but not this patient. “Then stop wasting time and ride my face.”
You hesitated at first, but caved in eventually. He slid down his pillow so that he could be the perfect seat for your pussy. Carefully, you lifted yourself from him before finally settling directly above his face.
He nodded eagerly, nearly letting out a groan at the mouthwatering sight of your pussy in close proximity with his hungry mouth.
A sigh if relieved rumbled across his chest the moment you were fully sitting on him, and he instinctively brought both hands to grip your thighs. The delicious moan that escaped your lips was incentive enough for him, and without much effort he parted his lips and delved his tongue deep inside your warm pussy.
You were so fucking adorable. Still surprised that he could deliver all that pleasure with just a few stroked of his skillful muscle? After all this time of having you all to himself?
Your folds encased the corners of his mouth, as if trying to make sure he wasn’t going anywhere.
And he didn’t plan to.
In fact, he planned on spicing things up.
He knew far too well that this, however, would prove to be not only insanely pleasurable for you but also for him.
A single crimson feather went up in the air and settled right between your legs.
An intense shiver ran down his spine as he was able to capture the pulse from your throbbing clit.
See, Hawks’ feathers came in extremely handy in these situations, because it granted him the ability to sense vibrations around them. So, your puffy clit’s thudding was immediately felt along his entire body. All the way to his cock, causing his hips to shoot up reflexively.
“K-Keigo! Not… not the—“
Your words faded and morphed into a pleasurable moan as soon as the tiny feather began drawing small circles along your clit.
Hawks was still able to watch you gripping the headboard for support, before shutting his eyes as overwhelming bliss filled him. His cock throbbed with each heartbeart, the skin at the base pulling as he hardened even more.
He kept tongue-fucking you, drinking in your juices and your moans. Your wetness was now spreading across his chin, and he brought one of his hands to free his cock from the heavy fabric of the comforter, allowing it to spring free. The dire need to fuck you was ever-growing, but he wanted you to cum on his face this time.
His feather was kept tightly pressed against you, and such stimulation caused your hips to buck and jerk, forcing his other hand to increase his grip on you to keep you in place.
“Oh… oh… fuck—fuck—fuck!”
Hawks had had years to perfect his quirk and he was fully able to bend his feathers to his will using nothing but his mind to control them.
You were done for.
And so was he.
He wrapped his fingers around his leaking cock, yearning for nothing more than relief. It was becoming unbearable to feel your heartbeat invade his mind and travel down his body in rhythmic waves of pleasure.
A high-pitched moan fell from your lips. “Keigo! Please… it’s… it’s…” too much. Yes, it was.
The obscene slurping sounds coming from him were enough to have his hips jerk once again as he fucked his hand desperately.
He was too damn close.
He was fully aware that using one of his feathers drastically hindered his endurance. There was only so much he could withstand while having a hot girl riding his face.
Soon enough, he felt your thighs begin to quiver and he had the feather lap at your clit more avidly while keeping his tongue sliding in and out of your soaked pussy.
With a few more jerks from your hips, you were catapulted into your orgasm, spasming violently into his face while raking your fingers through his hair before gripping a few strands forcefully.
“Good… good boy!” you groaned in ecstasy as a gush of your wetness flooded his tongue.
Not long after, he felt your legs spasm uncontrollably. And he didn’t just feel this because they were tightening around his head; he felt your every contraction and twitch thanks to his feather still lodged between your swollen folds.
And that was what immediately pushed him over the edge. The overwhelming pleasure took over him completely, and he reached the point of no return. Hot spurts of cum shot from his tip with each spasm of his own body; the muscles in his thighs and lower abdomen tightened along with his balls. His wings stretched on either side of him and he felt a stack of feathers shoot out in both directions and carving themselves into the furniture and walls.
A few strands of hot liquid coat his fingers, but he didn’t care. His own heartbeat pounded insanely loud inside his ears and he stopped breathing for a moment as a gutural growl ripped through his throat.
You slid off to the side, allowing his animalistic groans to echo around the both of you.
Hawks took pride in having enviable stamina, but a powerful orgasm was still enough to have him panting and feeling lightheaded. Your juices were spread across his chin and lips and jaw as a few drops ran down his neck.
“I still hate you…” you struggled to say in between pants.
He licked the excess liquid from his lips, locking eyes with your hazy ones. “Want me to give you another orgasm?”
“I’m gonna be late!” you protested, sliding out of bed and nearly tripping as your legs wobbled from having your leg muscles strained.
Hawks couldn’t help but to laugh as your struggled to keep your balance.
“C’mon. I’ll fly you there. I doubt you’ll be able to walk, anyways.”
He was thankful to his fast reflexes as a feather prevented yet another pillow from reaching his face.
@dabiboy (since you wanted to be tagged 🥺)
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normally-alexis · 3 years
|| Twins
Pairings - Wilbur x Reader × Techno
Growing up within the Philza Minecraft household it was pretty tough being the only girl there. Tommy would always be yelling at Tubbo so you couldn't study properly, Wilbur was always loud fighting with Tommy. You all weren't blood-related but Philza just took you in from Dream when you were in your teenage years.
At the time You, Techno, and Wilbur were close to age so you all would get along smoothly. When you were 15 Techno and Wilbur were 16, Philza had you guys train a lot and work. You sorta were one of Philza's favorites so you didn't have to work all the time.
You and Techno were in a pretty tight relationship, he was calm and collective and wasn't so loud. He was one of the reasons that keep the house quiet.  Wilbur was sorta the opposite of his twin and It showed, he was into music while Techno wanted anarchy and no government.
Tommy usually wasn't home because he played with Tubbo, being only teenagers it was pretty boring without social interaction from other people. You decided to train with Techno for a while to get better if you needed to fight against anything or anyone.
He said he'd be gentle even though he wasn't even that stronger than you were, it wasn't a sword fight because you didn't want to get scared it was just a normal training session on seeing who gets on the ground first.
Of course, it's unfair since he weighs more than you. "This is unfair, you weigh more," you didn't like being on the ground more or less being underneath somebody. "I thought you like challenges." He stops for a moment and puts his hands in his pocket.
"Not ones I know that I'm going to lose," He knew that he would win so you can't let him win on his own. "Unrelated topic {Y/N}," you look back at him shifting your attention and hum as a response. "Since we aren't blood-related we could be in a relationship."
He's not wrong but it would be a large pill to swallow being in a relationship with somebody you grew up with. "You aren't wrong but we're still minors," you laugh it off not thinking about the moment.
As you grew up you didn't stop thinking about that moment that Techno said 5 years ago, you were an adult at the time so you could do anything now including drinking and having sex. You hung out with Techno and Wilbur more often since Tommy was a teenager you only sometimes visit him whenever you visit Philza.
You had a pretty big place to stay in but it was very secretive since you were attached to it and whenever somebody has attachments on the server it's a weigh down. You exit out of your house walking down the stairs.
You hear your wolf barking and ignore the sounds, Techno had invited you to a Hot springs to catch up on whatever you guys were doing. Nothing much was thought about the moment but you thought about being alone with Techno half-naked.
You continue walking through the dirty and deep vines, your shoe gets stuck halfway but you shake it off and keep going. The hot springs weren't originally spawned but it was something built by Lazarbeam.
You weren't far away from anything so it wasn't going to be such a long walk, you cut through the forest to get into the Dream SMP. Not too far from the path, you were a few feet from the hot springs.
You just assumed you were earlier than Techno and you open the door to the hot springs, you walk inside and close the door looking around. Techno's crown and cape is placed on the hook, he was here before you.
There's a red beanie on a hook as well but you don't look at it very much. You take off your jacket and hang it on the hook, you throw your shoes on the ground and leave them in the room. You make your way into the Female bathroom and close the door behind you.
You start stripping off your clothes off and taking your bra and underwear off. You place your old clothes on the top shelf, you throw your pocket knife on the ground because you didn't want it to get rusty inside of the bath.
You walk over towards the shower area and grab the showerhead, you turn it on and start spraying your body with the water. After a few light sprays of water, you grab a towel and wrap it around your chest.
You keep it tied up tightly, You look at your legs making sure they aren't bruised or showing any body hair. It wasn't visible or wasn't even there so you made your way out of the bathroom outside where the hot tub was.
You peek outside and see Wilbur and Techno waiting, having a dirty mind came with two perks. Having a threesome with men you grew up with but weren't blood-related too, or have rough sex with one of them and let the other be jealous.
You shake the thoughts and enter inside of the hot tub. You remove the towel once you were in the water and throw it to the side. You had seen male genitals before nothing to be dirty-minded about, plus you and Techno had multiple moments when you've seen each other naked.
being stared down at by two men naked was very odd. "Techno remember five years ago when we were about to fight," he takes a moment to think back Wilbur wasn't aware of the situation because it was an inside thing.
"Yeah, I suppose," he responds since you guys were still minors at the time of the conversation before it was illegal but if you did it now it wouldn't be illegal. The guilt of having sexual acts with somebody you grew up with faded away the older you grew up.
It's embarrassing to out yourself in such a pitiful way, "Want to do it now?" Knowing that Wilbur was still there with you and Techno it sorta gave you an ego boost. "Wilbur's still here," you smile at techno and cover the expressions because that's immature.
"Threesomes exist," Obviously there wouldn't be any relationship between Wilbur and Techno it was just having relationships toward the female in the relationship. Techno stays quiet for a moment and Wilbur leaned back putting his arms up.
You move closer to Technoblade and grab his chin looking back up at him. "C'mon Techno You'd enjoy it," teasing Technoblade is a very dominant move since he's normally more dominant than others.
Techno gives in and places his hands on your waist picking you up. You wrap your legs around his waist. He moves you both over towards Wilbur, Techno moves his towel to the side and places you on top of him.
You stop for a moment to take him in at once. Virgins are usually the horniest people, you don't move for a while neither does he at least 'for the moment.'
Wilbur isn't getting much attention since you had more feelings for Techno but also shared a good amount with Wilbur. Technoblade was everybody's favorite... Wilbur moves behind you grabbing onto your boobs.
He pinches your nipples for a moment, teasing your reflexes. You squeal from it and then get very weak from it.  Techno starts moving himself but it's not fast because the water slows the pace down.
Nothing could go possibly wrong, just with your two favorite boys.. Wilbur rubs over your nipples not being so rough on you. Techno grabs one of your legs and spreads it further apart by a little giving him more room to work with.
The water was getting really warm against your skin and the teasing wasn't helping it very much. Two twins in opposite positions one teasing your upper half the other teasing your lower half. Wilbur got bored and started leaving bite marks on your body, each bitemark trace hurt from the last one.
Techno hit your g-spot even inside of the water and you squirm and squeal. Guest the statement "never trust twins" comes into play at this moment.  It's not safe to climax into a hot tub even though there's chlorine inside of the water it's still dangerous.
Before you could ever state that you were going to Climax Techno stops thrusting and then pulls out causing you to have a failed orgasm. He likes seeing you on your edge knowing that you can't get what you wanted.
Your body was covered in bite marks and it was very visible. "You're so annoying," Techno laughs at you and flicks your head leaving you with Wilbur holding closely onto you.
✩‧₊ Make Sure to Drink water / Eat ✩‧
✩‧ Btw it's about to be 4 am < 3 ✩‧
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clouds-rambles · 3 years
hey bestie i was hoping to request xiao, venti, childe and zhongli where the the reader and the character have just had an argument + the reader needs time to calm down from the argument. omg maybe the reader comes back with a gift to apologise
Ask and ye shall receive <3. I’m the kind of person who needs time to relax and process the situation after an argument. I’m always too worked up (read angry) to kiss and make up straight after an argument.
Pairings; (Separate) Xiao, Venti, Childe, Zhongli x reader
Warning(s); breif mention of a wound, alcoholism, swearing
Keep reading under the cut!
You’re probably being too harsh on the guy
You had just come back from a tough mission with a few more scrapes than you normally come back, a nasty cut in particular situated on your shoulder was what caused the argument to kick off in the first place
In hindsight the argument started from Xiao’s concern of you getting hurt worse but you were too tired from the commission to really read it as concern
But boy now do you feel bad. You both went your separate ways for the evening and in the morning you still haven’t caught sight of your partner. You eventually go around Wangshu Inn and ask if they’ve seen Xiao.
You get told that he’s out for the day, apparently he caught wind of something manifesting in the mountains. So, you suppose that it’s high time to make an apology gift
And what’s a better apology gift than your partners favourite food? Because your arguments are often few and far between you don’t mind making Xiao almond tofu since it’s not something you’ve associated with apologising
Though you’re aware that the sweet snack means nothing if you’re not sincere with your apology. 
So what’s more sincere than sitting at the highest balcony of Wangshu Inn and wait for Xiao. You don’t mind how long it takes for him to come back just as long as you get to apologise
He comes back just after dusk and you pour your apologise profusely and tell him you understand that he was coming from a place of concern
Xiao is a little distant a short while after the apology but soon you’re reassured that he accepts it when he places his hand on the table for you to take hold of
The two of you sit in silence sat hand in hand while Xiao eats his tofu
You watch him eat with a grin on your face, sometimes just watching the Yaksha sit still and do his thing is enough to keep you in a trance for the evening
Maybe you got into an argument because you’re concerned over Venti’s drinking habits, sure he’s an immortal god but doesn’t he worry about his liver?
Sure the argument started because you’re worried about the archon but boy does he make you angry with his non-sensical thought processes
Venti is the kind of guy who wouldn’t let you leave without settling the argument
Even if the happy medium isn’t actually going to bring any change into the questionable drinking habits
But this argument just feels a little different, you’ve had the same conversation form months but nothing seems to change
You’re not even sure if Venti has actually listened to anything you have said to him about it
So you tell him “Do what you want, but you’re sleeping on the sofa tonight” yeah you just resigned him to sofa treatment. As much as you hate it you’re far too heated to just kiss and make up right now
So the night passes and you wake up with the cold space beside you, you’re confused until you remember the previous nights events
Though your unusual silence in the room doesn’t last long, you presume Venti sensed that you’re awake because you hear a knock at your bedroom door, you’re surprised that Venti is actually here and that he hadn’t sulked off to Windrise where you had originally planned to apologise to him
As you open the door you notice your partner stood before you with a bunch of hand picked cecelia's and dandelions and an apologetic look on his face
You’ve never known Venti to speak so fast he apologises profusely for causing you such worry and promises that he’ll try to drink less, he mentions that he doesn’t wish to give up his Friday and Saturday drinking nights but he’s willing to tone it down during the week if it stops you worrying 
You thank him sincerely and find a vase to put the flowers in
You hug Venti and apologise yourself for being such a worry wart and causing such a big argument
“I’m glad I have someone to worry about me, I don’t know what I’d do without you” You can’t help but swoon at his flowery words and grin at him before the two of you start off the day
It’s a bad habit he has, when you try and talk about something serious with him he constantly cracks jokes at the situation. Which in its self isn’t the worse thing in the world, even you crack jokes to lighten the situation but at some points it goes too far
And today is too far, what started off as a disagreement about where you were going to eat lunch ended up in a full scale (mostly one sided) argument in Childes office about how he can’t take things seriously
You, of course, know this to be false. You’ve seen him in action against his foes and bank business but just in this moment when you are so angry about the situation those rational thoughts go out the window
And what does the bastard do? He cracks another fucking joke
“Is this what I am?” you ask finally reaching the catalyst of your temper “A fucking joke?” 
And boy does the exclamation comes to a surprise to him. No matter how frequent your use of curse words you’ve never directed them at him so it catches Childe by even more surprise
“[name] I’m sorry I didn’-” he tries to apologise
“You didn’t fucking what Tartaglia? Want to make me feel like a joke? Cause you’ve been going down that road at every fucking disagreement we have” you cut him off in a fit of rage “Sleep in your own fucking bed tonight” you add before storming out his office
He tried to follow you out the bank before he was stopped by a fatui agent about some urgent debt collection, so he never got to apologise immediately
And that’s how the next couple of days go, you’ve taken most of the time to cool off and avoid anywhere Childe might be hanging about, your plan works better considering said harbinger was out of Liyue Harbour for a couple of days
Though on the third night Childe appears at your door, he doesn’t bring any gifts, just himself. Childe enjoys gifting things to you so he doesn’t want you or him to associate gift giving with apologies. You’re more than thankful for this
Childe apologises before you even have the chance to invite him in and takes your hand and wholeheartedly promises to try and not make jokes when you have a disagreement
You also apologise and agree that, in hindsight, you blew things out of proportion. You reassure him that he’s a hardworking man and that a few out of place jests make everything more bearable to him.
You invite him inside for some tea, your bed isn’t as cold as it was tonight
Disagreements with Zhongli never seem to get any further than that. The archon likes to listen to you vent your frustrations over a cup of herbal tea and usually that calms you down and everything is settled before supper
But every once in a while you’re a little high strung. For instance this time you’re running on a total of 5 hours sleep over the last 4 days. Sleep deprivation could possibly be your middle name at this point 
The only thing you want to do when you get back from your restless trip from Mondstat back home is to just sleep the next few years 
But the sweetie that Zhongli is he quizzes you about your great to horrific trip
Zhongli pulls all the stops he readys some dinner for you and draws a bath when you get back. He even gives you a small lecture about how you’ll feel terrible not washing before going to bed
But with your tired ears, eyes and brain it feels like a personal attack in your entire self “I’ve had it up to here with bloody hillichurls for 4 horrific days, all I want to do is pass the living hell out thank you”
Replace the bloodys with fucks and that’s probably more accurate to what you said
Zhongli is taken a little aback, being an older traditional man it’s unbecoming of anyone to use such sailor language. And thus the male lectures you about it
You take that as about as well as you expect, you don’t respond to him and favour walking out the room, barely getting undressed and collapsing on your shared bed
You wake up the next morning (though when you peek outside it seems like it’s after noon) disorientated. You don’t actually remember coming home the previous day 
Then the memory resurfaces of you yelling at your spouse and regret washes over you
Surely the gift you had prepared for Zhongli would be good enough as repercussions of yesterdays outburst
You see Zhongli in the dining room, to the untrained eye he looks like he’s in a normal mood but to you, you can see his brooding emanating off of him. If you dare point it out Zhongli will deny that he even broods in the first place
He’s the first to greet you without turning around. Rightfully so, he’s still in a mood. So you just profusely apologise for your outburst
You explain that you were running on next to no sleep and while that doesn’t excuse your outburst it certainly explains it. If your spouse so wishes to ask how your trip was you would comply much more now since you’ve had a good sleep behind you. 
You then change the subject to the gift in your hands, some rose tea. Something Zhongli had mentioned when you were courting all that time ago. 
The man sits you on his lap and explains to you about how it was out of place of him to assume you’d be in a talking mood immediately after your travels. You reassure him that under normal circumstances you wouldn’t mind talking about it, you promise that you will do everything in your power to not let the previous night repeat
You then bring out his gift, rose tea, which he had mentioned wanting to taste a little while back, and before long you’re back in the cycle of Zhongli profusely explaining to you some random subject (in this instance rose tea) before you go off to make dinner where you finally share the details of your travels
Hope this is okay! <3 I kind of went a little ham with the Childe and Zhongli one in comparison to the other two hope you don’t mind lmao <3
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pinkteapotwriting · 4 years
Not a burden
Marauders x reader
Summary : You’re depressed and the boys confront you about it
Warning : Swearing, depression, food mentions
Word count : 1044
I understand how it feels to have depression and just want to say if you’re depressed please reach out to a friend. You are not a burden and the people in your life love you. Boys can’t kiss your depression away this is just a comfort fic, but I promise you’re deserving of love. 
You could eat some food, you could drink some water. You could go for a walk, make tea. You could hangout with some friends and maybe forget for a little bit. But no amount of advised “self care” tips could make you any less empty. Sure, being kind to yourself was important, but buying yourself candy as a treat wouldn’t will you to brush your teeth, to finally shower, to feed yourself, and to even think about your boys. Guilt ebbed in the back of your mind as you laid down on your own dorm bed instead of your more common place of rest (lol pick any marauder’s bed anyway), but right now all you craved was to hide in the dark abyss of your room. This way you could hide, and they wouldn’t have to see you like this. You didn’t want to be a burden. So instead you laid on your bed, your troubled mind heavy enough to lull you to sleep.
At least this way you wouldn’t have to think.
You were woken up by a soft touch to your cheek, your grumbly voice very much opposite to the gentleness brushing against you. 
“Y/N, Y/N come on honey you’ve got to wake up.”
“Lils, I just wanna sleep.”
“You’ve been sleeping all day. Besides, I figured it would be better if I woke you up rather than them…”
Your question was quickly answered when you heard the stampede of rushed feet, and an impatient Sirius.
“Lily what’s taking so long?”
“Shut it Black, I just woke her up, give her some space.”
You did your best to hide under the covers as you felt the bed dip down and James speak up.
“Y/N come on are you alright?” At your silence he looked to Lily in question, but she could only offer a shrug. “Why don’t you come back to bed, you can sleep there instead, it feels empty without you, love.”
You held back a sniffle and shook your head, but somehow Lily was replaced with Remus without your realizing and he gently pulled down the covers to see you.
“Puppy, what’s wrong?”
“I’m fine. Just tired, can you let me sleep now?”
“Sure, Sirius have you got her clothes and toiletry bag?”
“Alright, we’re good to go then.”
Before you could even process what was happening you were being scooped up in Remus’s arms. So, without the possibility of escaping you were carried off towards the boys dormitory and soon enough you were being plopped on Remus’s bed.
“What the fuck guys.” 
“We love you too Y/N”
You just rolled your eyes at Sirius, but they were quickly drawn to the sound of Remus clearing his throat. Oh boy, here he goes. His level and concerned tone only reminded you how riddled with pity they were. They just felt bad, obligated out of guilt to bother keeping up with you. But still, you tried to listen.
“Y/N, we’ve barely seen you for the past three days, you’re not coming down to eat, you’re pushing everyone away. We’ve been worried sick, not to mention Marlene and Lily. Please, if we did something to hurt you tell us. But I think we both know there’s something else going on and we’re here to help.”
“Y/N we love you please.” James chided in while Sirius nodded in agreement.
“Stop it I’m fine, you don’t have to pretend it’s okay.” 
Sirius spoke up this time. “Pretend what?”
“I don’t know, just that you shouldn’t have to waste your time on me. I know you guys feel bad for me, but please you deserve better. You are everything and I’m disgusting and horrible and and.”
Sirius did not let you finish, considering he already let you call yourself disgusting by accident.
“That’s bullshit! You are not disgusting, and we don’t fucking pity you. We love you. I love you. We want to make sure you’re okay because we love you. You aren’t a burden and even if you were you are one we’d gladly carry. Not because we feel bad, but because you are wonderful and kind and funny and also kinda beautiful but that’s not the most important part.”
“It does kinda help though, doesn’t it Pads?”
“You’re right Prongs,  I’m certainly not complaining.”
You almost let out a laugh at that one, but then remembered all the things you had to be insecure about. Remus could sense it though, he probably knew how you were feeling the most, he knew it all too well.
“Y/N, do you love me? Even after a full moon when I’m not myself and recovering.”
*Sniffle* “Yes.”
“When Sirius got kicked out, and was having a hard time did you love him any less?”
“Literally James could fucking breathe weird and you’d be coddling him.”
James was grinning ear to ear at that one.
“You are not worthless, we love you. Y/N I think you’re depressed and we want to be here for you. No matter how many times we say we love you, you’re beautiful, that we care, you won’t believe it until you do. That doesn’t mean we’ll ever stop though, okay?”
Everyone breathed in the silence like it wasn’t a toxic poison tightening chests, and cutting off circulation. 
“I just” they all leaned in to listen “I just hate myself, like a lot. And I’m just having a hard time existing. I do love you and I’m sorry (Your voice was definitely breaking at this point just a heads up). Some days are better than others but right now I’m really struggling. I’m just tired.”
Remus pulled you into his chest to cradle your quivering body, Sirius slipped in behind, while James wrapped his long arms around all three of you.
Of course immediately the rest of the evening was filled with tender kisses, a hot bath, shitty movies, and a huge chunk of Remus’s chocolate stash. While that night was hard, and it wasn’t easy learning to love yourself, hell even tolerating yourself. They couldn’t make all the pain go away, that’s not their responsibility. But they loved you so much.
And always wanted to be there to show it to you.
@sunny-bunnny @quindolyn @weasleyposts @accioweaslcy @thotbutpurple
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
My queen 👑🥂 thank you for all the amazing content that you share with us
You are wonderful and i love you💋
🧡 reidaway x reader 😈 perv reid goes to the beach to see his two crushes on their bathing suits, when they see him they play along
you my friend have created a masterpiece... i didn't know i needed this in my life until i started writing and then i couldn't stop!!
CW: voyeurism, exhibitionism, public sex, threesomes, oral (male and female receiving), penetrative sex, face sitting, cum play, unprotected sex, beach sex
He’s pretending not to stare. He has been since they got to the beach, taking a single day off in Florida to sit under the sun and stare out at the water, and Spencer was having the time of his life.
“I feel bad for him sometimes,” Y/N whispered in Elle’s direction.
“Do you think he’d die if I asked you to put sunscreen on my back?” She smirked, “come on, I’ll undo the tie and everything,” she does exactly that, holding her boobs in her hands as she turns her back to her friend.
“You’re evil,” Y/N smirks, picking up the sunscreen and thoroughly rubbing it into Elle’s back.
The tent in Spencer’s boxers is highly visible, he’s uncomfortable as all hell as he sits at the picnic table behind them. The rest of the team is off in the water, Morgan rented a jet ski and no one trusted Spencer out there, so he stayed behind. Right now he wishes he was drowning rather than rock hard, watching his two crushes feel each other up.
Elle turns around and Y/N begins to rub the extra sunscreen over Elle’s chest and her hands run down the middle of her cleavage before adding sunscreen to her stomach. Spencer whines and they just smirk, “we can’t just let him suffer.”
“What do you want to do?” Elle asks, shaking her head like she thinks Y/N is kidding.
“I’ve always— I don’t know,” she shakes the thoughts out of her head, “he’s cute.”
“Oh my god,” Elle gasps at her, “you get off on public stuff?”
She smacks her lightly, “shut up, so what?”
Elle looked around, there was no one else on their section of the beach, the rest of the team was off god knows where, the coast was essentially clear…
“Spencer,” Elle calls to him.
“Yeah?” He jumps, startled as he feels caught.
“Do you want to come over here and put on some sunscreen?” Y/N asks, turning around seductively, “wouldn’t want you to burn up out here.”
He shakes his head and stutters out a no, not wanting to get up and risk them seeing what this little show was going on inside his pants.
Y/N stands up and walks over to him, leaning over the table with her boobs more in his face, “please let me help you out?”
She sighs lightly and runs her fingers through his hair, “you’re a perv, I’m a perv, Elle’s always horny, come on…”
“Are we going to go through all the w’s or are you going to lay down on the damn towel and let her fuck you?” Elle cuts to the chase, “get over here.”
“It’s better if we were to do it over here, there’s too much visibility from the water where you are and Derek has really good eyesight,” he whispers up at Y/N.
She runs over to Elle and grabs her towel, “join or don’t, I’m fucking him.”
She lays the towel down where Spencer said would be the least exposed while also being outside. He anxiously mumbled something about the angles and neither of the women were listening to him. They shoved him down onto the towel and make out as they hovered over him.
He groans, straining against his swim trunks as he watches them. Y/N kisses Elle like his life depends on it, getting hornier by the second as she knows what they’re doing to the poor boy, “please?” He begs, not knowing what for.
Elle takes him out of his swim trunks, smirking at the size of the good doctor, “impressive, Spence, look how pretty he is, Y/N.”
She leans in and sticks her tongue out, nodding as she makes contact with the head, his hips stutter against the contact. He moans, gripping into the sand under the towel for support as Elle licks the other side of his cock.
He’s not sure what he’s expecting, but it’s not for them to continue making out with his dick in the middle. The feeling of both their tongues, their lips, hot breaths and small moans as the two most beautiful people he knows did the dirtiest thing he could ever fathom them doing to him.
He lasts all of a minute, it’s rather impressive, but he cums in Y/N’s mouth and she swaps it back into Elle’s, continuing to kiss her long after Spencer went soft, she didn’t want to stop yet. Elle reached between them and rubbed her clit through her bathing suit, Spencer moaned again, overstimulated but hardening at the sight.
“Sit on his face, I want to see how he eats pussy,” Elle whispered against her lips, “and if he can’t, I’ll make you cum, princess.”
She was out of her bathing suit bottoms and on Spencer’s face before she could even think twice, Spencer reached for her with grabby hands, pulling her closer and closer until her clit rested against his tongue. He was good, paying attention to everything, his tongue moved in ways she thought impossible and his fingers were slender but just enough to make her feel full.
She looked behind herself to see Elle sitting on Spencer’s dick, of course just eating her out could get him going again, she stops him for just a moment so she can turn around and face Elle once more, pulling her in so she could kiss her once more.
It was all a lot, there were so many hands and sounds, they were fucking in the middle of the beach with their team less than 2 miles away in the ocean and they didn’t care. It was so amazing.
She cums on Spencer’s tongue as Elle finishes, the both of them moaning into each other's mouths is enough to push Spencer over the edge, Elle pulls off him just in time to jerk him off over his own stomach, it’s hot and needy and they’re all gasping for air, it’s everything she dreamed of and then some.
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Walburga Comes for Dinner (one shot)
Regulus Black AU
Summary:  Walburga comes for dinner and sees her children for the first time in a very long time. (goes with the Dinner with the Dursleys and Tuesday night dinner one shot...see below for links)
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: T
Dinner with the Dursleys 
Tuesday Night Dinners 
This will be interesting…
That was the thought that went through your mind when Regulus stepped through the front door after a long day at work. Joanna immediately waddled over to her father, hopping up and down screaming “daddy” until he was able to get his coat off and pay attention to the child.
“Good, Joanna. Get him buttered up.”
You thought as Regulus came into the kitchen snuggling his face against Joanna’s head.
“You look pretty, darling.’’
Regulus commented, looking you over. He was ready for nothing more than a quiet Thursday night. By quiet this meant having dinner, giving Joanna a bath, getting the child in bed without her needing twenty hugs while making Regulus look for a random spider under her bed that she was convinced would eat her toes, and alone time with you. People at the Ministry were driving him batty and Regulus didn’t have the patience for any calamities that night.
“I’m pretty too.”
Joanna said in an extra sassy tone that earned a smile from Regulus.
“Of course you are love. You’re the prettiest little girl ever. Why don’t you go play with your dollhouse?”
Joanna, appeased with Regulus’ comment, didn't fuss when he put her down. She toddled off. Regulus waited until Joanna was quietly amused before wrapping his arms around you.
“Now, as I was saying, you look beyond pretty...absolutely ravishing is more like it.”
You relaxed in Regulus’ arms enjoying the moment of quiet uninterrupted alone time. As much as you didn’t want to, you knew that you had to break the news to him.
“Guess who is coming to dinner?”
“Merlin, I don’t feel like entertaining.”
Regulus groaned. You had expected this reaction. Things were only about to get more interesting.
“It’s your mother.”
Regulus’ mouth dropped. He hadn’t seen his mother in ages. She wasn’t there when Joanna was born or through your pregnancy. Walburga had sworn that she would never speak to Regulus as long as he was married to “that mudblood girl.” Regulus was just fine with his mother’s promise. He had no use for the woman if she was going to insult his wife. All Regulus needed to be happy was Joanna and yourself. Walburga no longer fit into the equation of his life. When Regulus stopped believing in the “Black family way” he realized how messed up everything truly was.
Regulus said, crossing his arms over his chest. You put down the bowl that you were holding. To say that you were looking forward to meeting Walburga was a far stretch. You would much rather it be your mother and father coming for dinner.
“She wants to see you. I suppose she’s feeling guilty about not seeing Joanna yet. Maybe she even feels a bit guilty because she is getting old and has no son to look after her now that your father is dead.”
Regulus mumbled something under his breath before going off to search for the bottle of fire whiskey. He needed some liquid motivation if his mother was going to be stepping foot inside of his home.
“She can go to a home for the elderly. I am not looking after her. I was the good son long enough.”
Regulus commented before smiling coldly.
“Watch this.”
He said before picking up the muggle telephone and calling Sirius. You had picked up your teacup and were keeping an eye on your husband. He was up to something and you had a sneaking suspicion on what he was going to do
“Hey, it's me. Want to come over for dinner?I know you never wait for an invitation. See you at six.”
Regulus hung up the phone before grinning at you.
“He can’t wait to see his mother.”
You shook your head. Now things were about to be a shit show.
An hour later there was a knock at the door. Regulus stood up knowing who that was. Walburga fucking Black was back to ruin his life and cause problems.
“I’ll get it, love.”
He commented before going to the door. Walburga stood on the other side with her usual snobby expression. She forced a smile as she looked at her youngest son. Regulus was handsome and well put together as always.
Regulus kept his tone cold and icy. Walburga expected Regulus’ off-putting and unfriendly attitude. She assumed that he was still angry over her calling you mudblood. In Walburga’s mind, she was correct. Her “darling boy” married a less than desirable woman and this seemed to wedge between the two.
“Come in.”
Regulus said, keeping his eyes locked Walburga’s unfriendly face. He reached out and stopped her before she was able to get too far inside.
“I’m warning you now. If you are the least bit rude to my family, I will not hesitate to throw you out.”
Walburga glared at him. She wanted nothing more than to throw a few nasty mudblood comments out but decided if she didn’t want to die alone it would be in her best interest to be decent.
“I understand.”
Walburga looked around the homey living room. The house was very nice. Clearly, Regulus was doing well for his family.
“Daddy, come play with me.”
Walburga’s head snapped up the moment she heard the little voice that she had been wanting to hear for some time. She would never admit it but she had wanted to see her granddaughter from the time that the birth announcement came in the mail. Walburga had sent Joanna an “add-a-pearl” necklace as a way to say “welcome to the world” and that was that.
Regulus never took the time to send Walburga a photo or anything. Now before her stood the most lovely child that she had ever seen (with the exception of Regulus, of course).
Walburga watched as Regulus bent down to pick the little girl up. Joanna’s raven curls wildly fell down her back as she pressed her face into her father’s cheek. It wasn’t until Joanna pulled away from cuddling Regulus did she notice the new face in the room. She looked at Walburga carefully. Clearly, the little girl was well versed in “not talking to strangers.”
“Joanna, this is your grandma.”
Walbruga forced a small smile as Joanna put her head on Regulus’ shoulder.
She’s shy...just like he used to be.
Watching Regulus with Joanna, made Walburga’s heartache. Had she really lost so much time with her own son? While Walburga had wanted no part of being a mother originally, after losing Sirius then Regulus walking away for a muggle-born she realized how much that she actually loved her children.
“You can sit down, mother. I’m going to check on Y/n.”
Walburga immediately did as her son said as Regulus sat Joanna down.
“Keep grandma company.”
Regulus said softly. Part of him was screaming about leaving his darling baby alone with the hateful old woman but he knew Joanna would cause Walburga more annoyance. That in itself would be amusing enough. Besides, from his place in the kitchen door, Regulus could see the two perfectly.
You had just pulled the ham out of the oven when Regulus stepped into the room.
“Everything okay?”
You questioned. Regulus shrugged.
“She just walked in the door and I already feel like the love has been sucked out of me.”
You put the oven mitts down and wrapped your arms around Regulus’ shoulders. Kissing him softly, you chose to ignore Walburga who was watching the whole thing.
“I’ll suck something else out of you later.”
You said in a low suggestive tone. Regulus slightly blushed to know exactly what you meant and he would argue.
“That sounds tempting. We can throw her out, put the baby in bed, and have all evening alone.”
Before you could respond the back door opened and closed. Sirius stepped into the kitchen and smirked looking at Regulus and yourself.
“It's a wonder I only have one niece. The way you two snog there should be three or four kids running around here.”
Regulus rolled his eyes.
“One is enough. What about your love life?”
Sirius’ amused expression faded.
“Moony can’t get pregnant.”
Regulus put a hand over his face while you quietly laughed.
“How are we related?”
Regulus questioned as Sirius moved to go into the living room to see what his precious little niece was up to. He froze the moment that he saw the biggest demon from hell parked on his little brother’s couch talking to Joanna.
“Oh hell no.”
Sirius snapped before turning to make a line for the door but was stopped when Regulus brought him to the ground.
“If I’m stuck with her then you should be too.”
Sirius fought the urge to scream.
“You’re just evil!”
“Is everything alright in here?”
Both Sirius and Regulus got off of the kitchen floor as Walburga came in. Her cold grey eyes locked on her eldest son. The disappointment returned in full force as she looked between both Sirius and Regulus. While Regulus was dressed in a nice suit, Sirius looked like he had just gotten out of bed in tight clothing that he had worn for a few days.
Sirius decided not to call her “mum” to antagonize her. Regulus fought the urge to put a hand over his face as he remembered you standing beside him.
“Mum, this is my Y/n.”
Walburga’s vulture-like gaze turned to you.
So this is the girl that stole my baby from me.
Walburga thought before muttering a quiet and unfriendly hello. You only nodded. It was probably best that you kept your mouth shut. You were afraid that you would start going off on the woman for the way that she did both of her sons.
“Uncle Siri!”
Sirius had to tear himself away from watching you plot evilly as Joanna came running to him holding her hands out. He quickly reached down and scooped Joanna up, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“Jojo, where have you been all of my life?”
“In the living room. Did you bring me my pony?”
Sirius laughed as Regulus immediately started shaking his head.
“Do you want your daddy to kill me?”
“No, daddy wouldn't notice it if you stuck it in the back garden and tied it to a bush.”
Joanna commented, adding a sneaky little blink. Sirius laughed again.
“First things first, sugar, your daddy is standing right over there and can hear. Let's get you ready to eat.”
Dinner started off smoothly. You tried to speak quietly to Walburga but were only getting one or two-word responses. If you needed any more proof that your mother-in-law didn’t like you...this was it. You could feel Regulus tense beside you.
“It's okay, love.”
You whispered quietly as Sirius leaned back in his chair. He gave you an eyebrow wiggle before speaking.
“So, mum, what got you out of the stone-cold manor? Did you get that steak out of your heart finally? You have surely missed a lot of Joanna’s life...although she doesn't look very concerned.”
Joanna was happily ignoring everyone and nibbling on her little plate of noodles. She didn’t seem the least bit concerned with anything that was going on around her.
“That’s very amusing, Sirius. I thought that the two of you should know that I am remarrying.”
Both Regulus and Sirius dropped their forks as your eyes rolled up, clearly shocked.
“Is that supposed to be a joke?”
Regulus questioned. Sirius started laughing so hard that he had to put his head down.
“Is the guy desperate or already on the verge of death? Did you meet him on evil witch weekly’s personal page?”
Walburga frowned. This was clearly not the reaction that she expected. She had planned on Regulus being a little more supportive than her elder son.
“You’re not funny, Sirius. I decided to meet someone who enjoys my company?”
Sirius snorted.
“Does he enjoy you smacking him around or just ignoring him like you did dad?”
Walburga put her fork down.
“Regulus, do you have anything to say?”
Regulus chuckled. This whole situation was completely ludicrous.
“I thought that you only loved yourself.”
Walburga stood up and threw her napkin down on the table.
“I thought that I would get some support from my son. I didn’t come here to be made a fool.”
Walburga turned and stormed from the house without another word. Joanna was the next to speak.
“Granny needs a nap.”
Sirius nodded and stood up to take his plate to the sink.
“Sure does, Jojo, a nice nap in a big wooden box...six feet under. Who wants cake?”
@amelie-black @vixen @fandomsxxregulus @realgaytrash @acciosiriusblack @fific7 @jessyballet @knreidy1 @wolfstar4lifee @saturntomars @sxsalvatore @georgeweasleydumbhoe @zievyimas @buttercup-beeee @justfinishthis @vvipgot7be @whymyparentscheckmyphone @criminalyetminimal @bennyberry @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @siriuslyceleste @dumybitch @quuenofblacks @lucasfilms77 @spiderxalmighty @moonythemilf @fangirlforever2412 @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @moldy-old-boot @hankypranky @summer-novak @emiwrites3reads @shaylybaby2032​ @li0nh34rt​ @tas898 @deanwherescas @untoldshortsofthefandoms @knight-of-gleefulness @stuckinsaudi1 @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @sprnaturallover​ @shitfaceddaniel​ @wontlookaway​ @mycuddlycorner​ @rubyroscoe1 @hazncalsgal 
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sweetchup · 3 years
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an aquatic mollusk that has a compressed body enclosed within a hinged shell, such as oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops.
The Most Common Seashell in the Ocean
Vol. 1: Just Keep Swimming // Ch.1
Type: Poseidon x reader
Word Count: 1,800+
“Ok… ok… is there anyway you could—… no? Wait please don’t—…” You let out a sigh as the other side of the phone line goes dead. “Another miss…”
You crumple to the floor of your bedroom in a heap. The storm was still in full swing outside even though hours had gone by and it was now dark. It seemed the storm had caused quite the ruckus in Athens—the capital where you were staying at—and most emergency services were busy.
They even ignored you at the police station you went to earlier, though it likely didn’t help your situation that you couldn’t even speak their native language of Greek…
“No, no. Lost. Child. Not mine.” You explained once more to the officer in front of you, the only one in this place that knew of the slightest hint of english.
The officer only shakes his head once more at you before walking away, turning his attention to the other patrons here that needed help. You wished it was just that they didn’t understand you—that they didn’t understand that you had found a lost boy struggling at sea—but it was slowly becoming clear that they just didn’t believe you.
Tan skin. Brown hair. Brown or green eyes. That was what the average greek boy here looked like. A big contrast from Triton, the pale skinned blonde haired blue eyed boy who you were currently holding in your arms. They just simply didn’t believe that he was a Greek child that had gotten washed away at sea during the storm.
It also didn’t help that no one had called in a lost child that had a similar description to Triton. And, with no other option and too much to do, the police just chose to ignore the glaring problem right in front of them.
“Miss (Y-y/n)?”
At Triton’s call, you looked down at the boy and realize that the more that you look at him, the stranger he gets. Soaked from the rain and sea, you would have expected him to be shivering like a leaf but he was as still as stone. As if he couldn’t even feel how cold his skin was right now. As if he was used to being soaked with the coldest depths of the ocean.
“Miss (Y/n)?” Triton calls again, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Ah, sorry, I spaced out. Yes?”
“I-I…” You watch patiently as the boy begins twiddling with his thumbs. As if he wanted to tell you something but was quite embarrassed to be so.
“Is something wrong, Triton?”
“N-no!” The boy shouts out, the loudest you’ve heard him speak so far, before instantly realizing his tone and caving in on himself. His shoulder and back slumping forward as if to hide himself from your sight.
“It’s alright. You can tell me, I don’t mind.” You reassure the boy. You can’t help but sincerely wonder what happened to him. What happened to the little boy, who looked no older than 10, that made him so scared and skittish? And you doubted that getting lost at sea is what caused it.
A loud growl cuts off Triton and not the animal kind either.
“Oh… are you perhaps hungry, Triton?” You ask the boy as he bashfully ducks his head into your shoulder out of embarrassment.
You can’t help but let out a small chuckle at Triton’s antics. Even though he was quite strange, he was still a cute child at heart.
“Well let’s go grab something to eat. It seems there’s no one to help us here anyway.”
As you reminisce about Triton—who you soon find out after that is a lover of raw fish, extremely strange if you had to say so for yourself—you can’t help but wonder where he went.
After you took him back to your place, a small, only two rooms, one bath apartment you rent near campus, you allowed him to take a shower and borrow some of your clothes. He should still be sitting in the living room watching some cartoons and eating after you left him to take a shower and make a couple of phone calls, all unsuccessful by the way, but it had been well over an hour. You wonder if he could have perhaps gotten bored by now.
Deciding it wouldn’t hurt to check up on the boy, you sit up from your spot on the floor and make your way out of your bedroom.
“Triton, is every—“
You stop mid sentence as you take in the scene in front of you. Water…. Water was floating. Triton was floating as well.
It was hard for your brain to rack around what you were seeing. Triton, the strange boy that you had saved from the sea, was floating in your living room on top of a bubble of water. He didn’t seem surprised in any way either as he was in the middle of playing with some tiny bubbles of water himself. Separating and un-separating them at will.
“T-Triton?” You call out again, this time catching the boy’s attention. His face turned to one of surprise and shock as he released the bubbles of water allowing it and him to crash to the floor. Even though your living room floor was now soaking wet, that was the least of your worries.
“M-Miss (Y-y/n), how long were you…?” Triton’s voice trails off as he realizes the question was not needed, you had already seen enough. He begins to pale at all the possibilities. Even though he was in fact a god and could not be hurt by human weapons, there were still many things that could happen to him. He was still a child after all, no were near his mother’s and father’s level of strength.
“Triton…” Your voice calls out again causing Triton to flinch as you draw closer to him, “Are…are you okay?”
Triton, whose gaze was locked at the floor, turned his head upwards in surprise to look at you. Your gaze was not one of disgust or anger. No. Nor was it cold, a gaze he had come to know that his father often wore, or of disappointment, a look his mother often glared at him with. No. Your gaze was kind. Sure, it looked confused but it was also filled with warmth out of concern for him.
Triton felt the hot bubbling feeling of tears in his eyes. He would normally try to hold it in, forcibly stop himself from crying as he knew if his mother found out she would surely beat him. But, he didn’t.
He let the tears spill out. Tears that felt hot against his cold marble skin. Marble skin that was an aching reminder that he was a god, a perfect being. That he shouldn’t be feebly crying in front of a human like this.
Yet, as you wrap your warm arms around his shaking form, he finds himself not minding his warm tears. Warmth reminds him of you, the only one who dared to comfort him. Not his father, nor his uncles and cousins, or the servants, and never, never, his mother.
Triton finds himself crying again. Instead of out of fear, it is out of misery this time. He wished he wasn’t a god, he wished he didn’t eventually have to go back to his terrible mother, he wished that his father would pay more attention to him and show him something… anything. He wished he could just stay like this in your arms. A stranger that was more of a mother to him in less than a few hours, than his own mother was in his hundreds of years of existence.
“It’s okay, Triton. Everything will be okay. I’m not angry.”
Triton couldn’t help but think how he never doubted you in the first place.
As you run your hands through the Triton's hair, who was curled up on your lap, you think about what he had told you.
“So you’re a god…The son of Poseidon and Amphitrite…”
“Yeah…” Triton whispers out, his voice slightly strained from all the crying he had done.
A god. Triton was a mighty Greek god. Even though you couldn’t wrap your head around the situation, you knew you had to. Especially after all that has happened up til now and if you were—
“Are…are you angry?”
You pause for a second, shocked slightly at what Triton had muttered out, before finally answering, “I’m not. Not at all. I just…”
You wondered how you should phrase it.
“… I don’t know how to get you home, Triton.”
The silence is overwhelming after. You didn’t know if you should have told the young boy that but it also wasn’t right to lie to him. You feel Triton shift under your arms and you loosen your grip as he slowly sits up.
“I…” Triton starts before pausing. His gaze shifts from his hands to your eyes, the first time the boy had ever locked eyes with you since you saved him. It reminded you how icy blue his eyes were, a blue that you now realize is not possible for a human to obtain. At least not naturally. A firm reminder that Triton wasn’t one, he was a god. “I… I don’t want to return home.”
“What…” You say startled, “Ok, then how about one of your uncles or—“
“No. I…I want to stay here. With you Miss (y/n).”
Stay here… with you. You didn’t know what to think. You were a struggling college student who spent hours upon hours studying every day. Could you even take care of a child, nevertheless a god? What about his mother, who Triton explained was a horrible being? Or his father, the king of the sea? Could you protect Triton from them? From a god, a being so much stronger and powerful than you?
“I…” You started before abruptly stopping. You wanted to protect Triton, help him. You had to find a way. You couldn’t abandon the child before you like this. Not after hearing his anguished cries for the last hour. As you held him, you felt as if he was made of glass. Like if you even squeezed him too tightly he would shatter into a million pieces in your arms.
“I…I can’t assure anything, I am just a human after all. But you can stay here for as long as you want Triton.”
As you watch the young boy before you smile and collapse in your arms, it was then that your mind had decided. You would protect Triton for as long as you could,
…no matter the cost.
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Author Note: Oooo things are heating up. It seems Triton and Zeus have opposite plans for the reader and that could spell trouble. Hehehe. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, I am immensely thankful for all the support that got shown on my prologue chapter of this series. Please contunie to give your support and tell me your opinions about my work. It really does help as it shows what I can improve on in future chapters and works. Till next time 💕💕
Taglist: @angeli-fucking-cat @marixxhq
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
The First Boyfriend-John Shelby x Reader
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(GIF credit to @ilovna​)
Requested by anonymous: ‘Hey when u have the time can you please do a John Shelby imagine where they are married they have been since they were young and Katie their oldest child she’s like 14 or 13 she want to bring a boy to meet her parents and y/n has to calm John down and tell him to give the boy a chance and they they do finally meet him he seems ok but then he starts being all Percy towards y/n and John gets protective and y/n gives him permission to kick him out . Hope it makes sense 😂❤️’
Characters: John Shelby x Reader (Married), Katie Shelby x Reader (Daughter)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Swearing, age gap between teenagers, violence, inappropriate touching, fluff
I groaned as I heard a thump come from upstairs, the kids screaming at each other as they bickered. Looking down at the washing up, I decided to leave them for now, they could sort it between themselves. That was, until there was a louder thud, and all of them were screaming. I dried my hands on a tea towel, checking on the pie in the oven before stomping my way upstairs. That always freaked out the children, they knew they were in for a telling off.
“Right,” I announced my presence in the boys room, where the younger girls were also playing,“what is all of this racket?”
“He snatched the toys away from me!”
“She hit me!”
“She said a naughty word!”
“He pulled my hair!”
Everyone shouted over each other, meaning I got nowhere close to an actual answer.
“Alright!” I snapped.“Before you all yell at me again, this is what we’re going to do. Girls, go back to your room, boys you stay in here. You will wait in those rooms until I call you for your baths.”
They all groaned, none of them ever liked bath time, it took valuable time away from their playing. 
“I will have none of that, do as I say.” the children made an act of slumping around, the girls dragging their feet as they walked past me.“I love you all.”
They murmured ‘I love you too’ before the doors to their rooms shut, and I laughed under my breath. They certainly had their father’s dramatics and unfortunately, both of our stubborn tendencies. As I headed back downstairs, the front door opened, John waltzing in and smirking as he spotted me.
“Now this is a pleasant greeting.” he cockily said as I got to the last step, wrapping his arms around my waist.
I cupped his face in my hands, leaning down to welcome him with a kiss.“Thought you would be at the Garrison.”
“You say that like I’m there every night.”
I raised an eyebrow at him, before we both laughed.“Just got to bathe the children, then we can eat.”
His eye line was at a perfect height to stare at my breasts, and he made a point of it.“And what’s on the menu tonight?”
I scoffed, raising his chin to look me in the eyes.“Pie. And that’s it.”
“We’ll see about that.”
The door opened again, this time Katie walking in. She made a disgusted face at the sight of her parents showing love for one another.
“Ah good, you’re back on time for once. You can help me with you brothers and sisters.”
“Alright.” she replied, intending to head towards the front room when I stopped her.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“What? Nothing.”
“There must be, you didn’t protest or huff at me when I asked you to do something.”
“Come on, spit it out.” John pushed.
“It’s nothing, really!”
“Katie, we can do this all day. Perhaps you should have less time out with your mates-”
“Fine!” Katie quickly gave in, which was unusual for her.“I...I have a boyfriend.”
“You what?”
“His name is James, he’s really nice! I’ve been seeing him for a while-”
“How long’s a while?”
“Uh, three weeks, maybe four.”
John’s jaw dropped, looking at me with wide eyes before going back to Katie.“Three weeks?!”
“I said maybe four.”
“Well it certainly won’t go to five.”
“No Katie, he’s just a crush.”
“He’s not! I promise I really like him!”
“But how much does he like you? How do you know what his intentions are?”
“OK police inspector,” I patted him on the chest as I stood between them,“calm down, both of you. Now, Katie obviously like this boy, so we have to respect that. But Katie, you know you have to be careful around boys.”
“Yes, I remember you saying. I was wondering...could he maybe come round for dinner one night?”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah, he liked the idea too. It’ll mean you can get to know him, then you know I’m safe.”
“I think that’s a lovely idea Katie.”
“What?!” John exclaimed.
“John.” I warned him.“You arrange it with him, perhaps sometime next week?”
“Thanks mum!” Katie beamed, giving me a quick hug.
“That’s alright darling. Now, go get your brother’s and sister’s ready for their baths whilst I draw it.”
I kissed the top of her head before she rushed past her dad and up the stairs. I just laughed at John’s shocked expression, wondering how on Earth that all happened before him.
“Oh, Katie!” I quickly shouted.
“Yeah?” her head popped around the corner.
“How old is James?”
Her face dropped. She was still hiding something.“Um, he’s...he’s seventeen.”
“Excuse me?”
“He just turned seventeen! Got to go and do as you asked me!”
Right, that wasn’t the answer I was expecting. I slowly turned to face John, who had an extremely angry expression on his face.
“Seventeen?” he scowled.
“Yeah, I’m not happy about that either. But let’s give him a chance.”
“He’s fucking seventeen! He’s taking advantage of a fourteen year old!”
“Darling, calm down. Please, let’s see what he’s like. Not everyone was like you at seventeen.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“They weren’t all as charming as you.” I quickly saved, though he knew what I meant.“If he’s a little shit, we can stop her from seeing him.”
“Or stop him from seeing her.”
“John, do not traumatize that boy.”
“No promises.”
John had not been in a great mood for the rest of the week. He was constantly fussing over Katie, questioning her left, right and centre about anything he could think of. She was getting frustrated, she couldn’t even pop out to buy us bread without John asking if she had seen James on the way. I tried to stop him, but he was so persistent. He was only being like this because he wanted to protect his little girl, he knew what boys were like at that age. I was worried about the age gap. It wasn’t much, but Katie was still so young, only just becoming a teenager, whereas this boy was a year away from being an adult. I only hoped he would prove us wrong at this dinner.
We had scheduled the dinner for the following week, and the day was already upon us. Katie and I had been preparing a meal all day, feeding the kids before us so they wouldn’t act up or take my attention away. Katie was dressed in her best dress, hair pinned back with a nervous smile on her face. However, John was no where to be seen. He had been gone all day, he was at work, but I hoped he hadn’t been snatched away for Blinder business. Katie stressed over this, sitting by the window on the lookout for him. 
“He’s here!” Katie announced, dashing through to the kitchen.
“Your dad?” I asked, wiping my hands on my apron.
“No, James! Why does dad always have to ruin everything?!” 
“Hey, look at me,” I grabbed her by the shoulders,“it will all be fine. Let him him, we will start talking and just excuse your dad. He will be here Katie.”
I pushed her towards the door, taking off my apron and making sure everything was in order; when really, I was stopping myself from rushing out and bombarding the boy.
“Mum,” Katie called me, and I stepped out of the kitchen,“this is James. James, this is my mum.”
“Pleasure to meet you Mrs Shelby.” he politely took my hand, and I thought he was going to shake it, but instead kissed it, keeping eye contact for a little too long.
“You too James.” I smiled, wondering if he was just trying to make a good impression.“Katie’s dad isn’t home from work yet, but we can sit in the front room whilst we wait.”
We engaged in small talk, me asking about his life and if he had a job. He was a good speaker, no stuttering or wondering what to say next. So far, so good. Katie hung onto to his every word, it was a wonder her cheeks weren’t hurting from smiling so much. However, some things James said were a little...I didn’t know how to put it, but the way he spoke was as if he was wooing me, he would sometimes wink, or make a suggestive joke, which would fly over Katie’s head. I was starting to side with John, this young boy made me uncomfortable.
Another hour passed, still no sign of John, and if we didn’t eat soon, the food would burn. I tried waiting for a little longer, but I could tell Katie was starting to worry again. So I suggested we start eating without him, not having to explain why John was late. James would have to be an idiot to not know who her father was. We had only been eating for ten minutes when the back door opened, John walking into the kitchen as he took off his Peaky cap.
“Couldn’t wait for me then?” John said, no humour in his voice.
“It’s nice to meet you Mr Shelby.” James stood respectfully, ready to shake John’s hand, but he didn’t take it. I wanted to scold him for that. 
James hesitantly sat back down. John took off his coat, hanging it on the back of the door, making a show of unbuckling his jacket, which revealed his guns in the holster. I rolled my eyes, this boy was only seventeen, and not one his enemies. He sat down beside me, which happened to be opposite James, a stupid mistake I should have seen coming.
“What have I missed?” John asked as he tucked into his food.
“I’ve been getting to know James, so he’s probably going to have to repeat everything again to you.” I joked.
“Go on then.” 
“Go on, tell me what you told my wife.”
"Dad." Katie hissed.
"It's alright Katie." James placed his hand over hers, and I caught the sight of John tensing up, nostrils flaring."I was just explaining how I'm working now, earning quite a bit actually. Finished school too, so I'm not an idiot."
"My brother, Katie's uncle, didn't finish school. You calling him an idiot?" John leaned back in his chair.
"N-no, Mr Shelby. I just meant that-"
"You just meant to keep your mouth shut."
"John, a word."
I stood up from my chair, walking towards the door and waiting for John there. He stared at James as he slowly got up, reluctantly following. I shut the door after us, shoving John towards the front room.
"Whats wrong with you?" I snapped.
"Why did we leave them alone?" he realised."Make it quick, he could be doing anything to her in there."
"Oh my god, John. They're teenagers but they're not stupid. Could you just give him a chance? Please?"
He huffed."I don't trust him."
"Of course you don't. He's the first boy Katie has brought home. She might end up bringing more-"
"No. No she won't."
"John, can you just relax? If we get through this dinner quick enough, he'll be gone."
"Let's just get back in there."
I moaned to myself, quickly going after him. We sat back down, Katie and James had been silent when we walked in. I cleared my throat as the silence continued, starting to ear again and hoping the others would copy. Luckily they did, we were able to make small talk, though John didn't participate.
Once we were done, I collected the plates with Katie, telling her she didn't have to help with the washing up. I thought she would be able to spend time with James (and keep her father away from the poor boy), however, James offered to help me instead. At first I was about to tell him that it was nonsense, until I saw John waiting by the front room, his eyes still set on James as Katie tried to drag him away. 
“I’m sorry about my husband. He’s very...protective of his children.” I said as I passed him a plate to dry.
“I understand Mrs Shelby. He’s got a beautiful family to look after.”
“Aw, that’s very sweet of you to say.”
“A very beautiful family.”
I didn’t like the way he was looking at me. The comment before was lovely, but now he seemed to be suggesting something. Being almost an adult, he was the same height as me, if not slightly taller, and I wasn’t sure how to continue the conversation.
“I could instantly tell where Katie got her looks from, though I must say, the original is always better than the copy.”
Who did this little shit think he was?
“Honestly James, you don’t have to be stuck drying the dishes. Go spend time with Katie.”
“I’m quite enjoying myself here, actually.”
This was weird. At first, I thought maybe he was being over friendly, knowing that his girlfriend was a Shelby and her father was a Peaky Blinder; or perhaps he had some alcohol to fuel his confidence. But now I could sense he was here for something else, as if he ever had a chance.
“Oh, this one is still a bit dirty.” he pointed out.
He walked behind me to place it on the other side of the sink to be cleaned again, however, he pushed his body into mine behind me, and I froze at the action out of shock. His breath was fanning on my breath as he slowly placed the plate down, hand sliding up my arm to my elbow, before tracing across my lower back as he moved away again. I dropped the plate I was washing into the sink, picking up a knife beside me and pointing it at him.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” I snapped under my breath. It pissed me off that he didn’t look bothered by my threat.
“Just appreciating what’s in front of me.” he cockily replied.
“You have no respect for anyone, do you? I want you out of my house, now.”
“And break Katie’s little heart? Don’t think she would be too pleased by that.”
“She’ll be happy to know I got rid of a pervert. You;re never to go near her again.”
“You sound like your husband. Katie has been complaining about you two for weeks. She’ll only listen to me, and I’ll deny whatever you tell her. And how would your husband feel knowing we had this moment?”
“He’ll want to cut your balls off.”
“You know, I wasn’t sure if I was absolutely into you when I walked in. You’re beautiful of course, but the foul language...I don’t know, something about it is quite exciting.”
I chucked the knife into the sink, storming past the bastard and out of the kitchen, until I noticed the door was slightly open. I hadn’t left it like that. Continuing on, I took a big, deep breath before walking into the front room. John (unsurprisingly) had a glass of whiskey in hand as he sat in his chair, Katie sitting on the longer sofa, seeming upset.
“You saw, didn’t you?” I asked her.
She nodded, her eyes glued on the floor, they were glassed over.
“Did he touch you?” John snarled.
I sighed.“He...he did but-”
“That’s all I need to hear.” 
He put down his drink, making a beeline for the kitchen. I stood in the doorway of the front room, shielding Katie from what was about to happen. James yelled out in protest as John roughly dragged him out of the house. I watched as he literally threw the boy outside onto the street, people wanting to watch but also not wanting to be involved. 
“You stay the fuck away from my family. You’re lucky I don’t cut you, or do something worse. Watch your fucking back boy.”
Although I enjoyed the fear in James’ eyes, I wish he had the same look when I dealt with him. John slammed the door, causing the pictures on the wall to shake. Katie ran upstairs, upset that the boy she liked wasn’t as respectful or lovely as she thought he was. I decided to leave her for the time being, everyone needed to calm down.
“Are you alright?” John asked me, still breathing heavy.
“Yes, thank you for getting rid of him.” I sighed, wrapping my arms around him.
He embraced me, trying to calm himself down.“I love you. I won’t ever let anyone else touch you like that again.”
“I know you won’t. I’m sorry I didn’t listen before.”
“Nah, I was being over protective. He just turned out to be a twat.”
“But he’s gone now. And he won’t go near Katie again. Just know, she might be crying for a few days.”
“I’ll let you deal with that.”
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