#boy why you so jpeg boy what the hell
pinetreeshack · 1 year
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142 notes · View notes
angelicyoongie · 4 years
desolate (13)
— summary: you just wanted a cute little normal cat to keep you company. so, you're not really sure how you ended up with the grumpiest hybrid on earth that seems hellbent on making your life difficult. — pairing: cat hybrid yoongi x human reader
— genre: angst, fluff, smut — warnings: this chapter has very a brief insinuation of dom/sub dynamics. — word count: 5.7k
— tag list: @mrcleanheichou @ladymidnightt @cheese123344 @xanny91 @dinorahrodriguez @best-space-boy @dulcaet @moccahobi @keijaycreates @staytrillswag @xsmilebitesx @serendipityoreuphoria @jiminot7 @beyond-the-swag @nananaum1 @mult1wh0re @faithsummers11 @twomilkmen-gocomedy @theonewholovestoread @karissassirak @veryuniquenamegoeshere @yourlipssoirresistible @ayoo-bangtan @murderyoursoul @btsxdoll @see3milyblog @gukiyi @mtgforall @narcissism-iskey @sp3ak-yours3lf @cesthoney @imluckybitches @hd-junglebook @sugarrimajins @multifandomgirl29 @beach-bitch-bitch-beach @bangtansleftnut @theresa-nam-nam-me @angeltothecore @ghostkat23 @deathkat657 @awixxx @httpmedxsa @veronawrites @bubbletae7 @serious-addiction @chogiyeol-utopia @nomimits7 @lorielulu7 @1am9root6 @sana-b @diamonddia-mond @jiminiessipabo @myhearttteu @rainbowmagicpixecorn @lidda @rosiethefairy @lovinggalaxies @midnight1199 @trinityautumn @linniewritesficz @fearhoshi @ess-place @juniesoftbot @kingalls00 @toribug2020 @daydreambrliever @moonlight-mochi @sleepyje0n @yoonie-bby @alltimeyoongi @honestlyfuriousharmony @itsoktheresbts @suzziequeuie @miss–insanity @illnevertrustmyselfagain @annoyingpessimist @lovelikeyouwant @originalpersonawobblerduck @cigarettes-after-tears @kookie-vuitton @thefangirlsoul @lmna990 @luvshorses08 @nanananisstuff @marvelstuck @kissmeimwitchy @crazyxforxmyself @hxsxxk-180294 @ratking101 @brittaney341 @shameless-army @yuukihime2097 @adoorinyourheart @heimdoodle @toripeix @horanghae18 @redperson58 @awsome-small-k @salomea27 @johnnystolemywig @mihto @jisoosbitch @lyrxbz @forever-once-gone @sugalarity @out-of-jams @ithinkileftmycoatoutside @witchxlove @chocoflagcutii @alyboo-jpeg @ladyartemesia @tatiiz24 @boinko-boye @kaceyxmarie74 @fuckthatfeeling @makepastanotwar13 @airiguk @justliketheoceann @strawbewymiwk @skswriting @kofikats @mhmbrigitta @forever-yoongis @prybts @phatbussyincorporated @itsmethepancake @alterlovess @boredoomfm @furblrwurblr @moments-of-melancholy @barbikatherine @crookedstarlitnight @moonlightjoonx @ibsenova-nora @aphroditis-world @ramaali1 @inhalebts @gguksfilter @kerikaaria @paradise-writings @yoongisabby @childcorrectionfacility-school @eriiiichan @baka-chanismyname​ @sugaesthetichoe​ @junasaurusrex​ @fluffreader @justzeera​ @swoozleee​ @heimdoodle @rainbow-zebra-unicorns​ @btstxtgenre​
Part one Part two Part three Part four Part five Part six Part seven Part eight Part nine Part ten (M) Part eleven Part twelve Part fourteen (M)
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Simply put, you’re restless. No matter how hard you try to distract yourself, it just doesn’t seem to work. There’s always a part of you that circles back to what you’re trying to forget. It’s annoying – it’s infuriating – that even your own mind won’t let you catch break. But then again, it’s hard to forget someone who doesn’t let you do it. You aren’t sure what you exactly expected to happen after the lawsuit ended, but you sure as hell didn’t expect Yoongi to become a minor celebrity overnight.
You didn’t realize until after the trial just how much social media had been all over the cases that had been reported on, and since Mr. Park’s was the first one to go to court, the focus on it had been intense. While you used to spend your fair share of time online before, you just couldn’t find the time after you brought Yoongi home. You didn’t really have a need for it either, not when spending time with Yoongi sounded much more tempting than mindlessly scrolling down a page for hours.
But apparently, Yoongi had become a hot topic after he both testified against his mother’s murderer, and got his ownership nullified in just the span of a few hours. Ownership nullification is rare in itself, so combining those two together in one case was bound to become the talk of the town. Or more precisely - the whole country.
Mr. Yang had kindly told you to go home after the trial ended; that waiting for Yoongi at the courthouse would take too long. You had protested of course, saying that you didn’t mind it, but Mr. Yang seemed adamant that it would be the best thing to do. And so, reluctantly, you had gone home. You knew Yoongi was in capable hands, that your co-worker would help him sort through all the documents he needed to deal with and that he would bring him back home afterwards. Except .. that never happened.
You were practically hovering by your phone all day after you returned home just to make sure you knew when Yoongi would be coming home. It wasn’t until late in the evening that Mr. Yang had called you to say that the process was a little more complicated than they had first thought, and that Yoongi would need to get a lawyer of his own to make sure the nullification process went smoothly. And so, since it would take a few days and Mr. Yang’s organization had volunteered to help out, Yoongi would be staying with him until everything was finalized. You could tell it wasn’t up for debate when Mr. Yang told you – it was obvious that it was Yoongi’s decision.
So you agreed – of course. But it didn’t make it any easier. You had been desperately hoping that you could finally talk with Yoongi now that the trial was over, but for each day that passed, it just made you more and more anxious. Maybe Yoongi doesn’t want to see you again, maybe that’s why he’s not coming home, seemed to play on a loop inside your head. You had brushed it off at first, but the thought began to take up more space the longer the distance between you two went on.
Mr. Yang did keep you updated on the progress though, and you’re not ashamed to admit that you started tearing up the moment you got the message that told you that Yoongi was officially ownerless again. Even if he wasn’t a free hybrid just yet, it was a step in the right direction.
But, Yoongi still didn’t return home. It was after the nullification was official that he was contacted for interviews, and as Mr. Yang had told you, “This is an important step for people to understand that hybrids aren’t just their personal playthings. Seeing Yoongi represent himself on TV will be a huge step in the right direction.”
And it was. Because one interview turned into five, and those five turned into ten. And maybe you’ve watched every single one of them, and maybe your heart ached a little more every time you saw Yoongi’s face on the screen in front of you – so familiar, yet suddenly so untouchable. You had a small epiphany during the third interview you watched. There had been something you couldn’t put your finger on, but the realization came once the interviewer said something that made Yoongi’s gummy smile appear; something you only had seen a handful of times yourself.
Yoongi was happy.
He carried himself better, the slouch in his shoulders almost gone. The fur on his tail was shinier, and there was a sparkle in his eyes that had threatened to knock the breath out of your chest whenever he turned to look at the camera. You hadn’t seen Yoongi in a week, and he already looked so much lighter, better. You could tell a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. You were so happy for him. So, so happy. But as you laid awake at night, you couldn’t help but wonder .. what if you one of the things that had been weighing him down?
You collapse onto the couch with a groan, letting your eyes fall shut for just a moment as you take in the silence in your apartment. The quietness was something you used to look forward to after a long day of work, a small break from the hustle and bustle of working in an open landscape office. But now, the silence almost feels eerily quiet. Like all the noise has just been sucked out and you’re left with nothing.
You reach out a hand to search for the blanket you know you’ve thrown somewhere over the backrest, a pleased sound leaving your lips as your fingertips wrap around the soft material. You waste no time it wrapping yourself up, the extra warmth more than welcome in your chilly apartment. You snuggle down further into your hoodie, breathing in the calming scent of your detergent. You can pretend all you want that it’s just the scent of vanilla and flowers that relaxes you, but you know deep down that it’s more than that. It’s Yoongi’s hoodie. Well, technically it is yours, but he more or less stole it away from you, and it’s not like you minded it too much. It looked better on him anyway. Yoongi packed up most of his clothes when he left to stay with Mr. Yang, and maybe it’s silly – a little sad – but it makes you feel close to him. His scent is long gone, washed away weeks ago, but it still reminds you so much off him that it doesn’t matter. It’s still comforting.
You pick up the nearby remote; turning on the TV to make sure you won’t miss anything of Yoongi’s latest interview. The program begins at six, so you’re left to mindlessly watch the abundance of commercials that plays out before it starts. Your eyes snap to attention as the intro for the program begins, your feet tapping nervously against the side rest of the couch as the host appears.
You can’t help but feel anxious for Yoongi, always a little scared that he’ll get put in a situation that will make him uncomfortable. But the cat hybrid didn’t even bat an eye at the questions that made you scoff or feel annoyed, the small smile on face never leaving his lips despite the interviewers being too invasive. So, maybe you’re worried for nothing – but you still can’t help it.
You suck in a small breath as the camera finally pans to Yoongi, the remote clutched tightly to your chest. His dark tail glistens under the studio lights, and his pale complexion has a healthy glow to it, cheeks faintly flushed with pink. He grins at the host as she introduces him, the dark green turtleneck bringing out the golden hue in his eyes. The host doesn’t exactly ask any groundbreaking questions, most of them you’ve already heard before in the other interviews Yoongi has done. There’s always a lot of ‘How do you feel?’ and ‘What will you do moving forward?’ and perhaps the best one yet, ‘What’s your grooming routine?’
They’re mostly shallow questions, and you have a feeling that the networks are more interested in having a hybrid on their show to spruce up their ratings, rather than actually advocate for any hybrid rights. But if it can at least make one more person understand that hybrid’s are as human as the rest of the population, then you suppose it’s worth it. You have a feeling that’s why Yoongi is keeping up with it too.
The next question the host asks is cut off as the screen starts stuttering, the image flickering on and off. You sit up on the couch, impatiently tapping your remote against your hand to see if that will somehow fix it. You try to switch back and fourth between channels, the screen finally going back to normal.
This isn’t the first time your TV is working against you, the thick screen severely out-dated and barely hanging on after years of use. But you refuse to switch it out until you absolutely have to – one because you’re not one for throwing away things while they still work, and two, you don’t have the money for it. You settle back against the couch as the host lets out an airy giggle, the sound making your stomach twist uncomfortably. You watch as she shifts forward in her seat, her dainty fingers touching Yoongi’s arm.
“Yoongi. Our viewers –“ Your screen goes black.
You scramble out of your blanket, kicking it away as you close the distance between the couch and the TV. You smack your hand against the side of the screen, cursing under your breath as it only begins to flicker with static. You need to hear that question. You could see it in the look the host gave him, that she was going to say something that hadn’t been asked before.
The pressure builds in your chest the longer the TV doesn’t cooperate, the force behind your hits growing stronger for each one. It can’t have been out for more than five seconds, but it’s five seconds too long. Please, please, please.You stumble back a step as the image flickers back in, the colours a little distorted but the sound working just fine. “–are you a taken hybrid?”
Yoongi’s smile falters, and then, “No.” He shakes his head, the corners of his mouth pinched, but the host doesn’t seem to notice.
“Oh? Such a handsome hybrid as yourself?” She laughs. You can feel something bubbling up your throat, your hands trembling as you retreat another step. She places her hand back on Yoongi’s arm; manicured fingers giving the fabric of his sweater a teasing tug.
“Well, do let me know if you want someone to fill that role.”
Yoongi’s ears twitch, looking like they might twist back at her words, but they don’t. And then the tightness in Yoongi’s face disappears, his eyes glittering as he grins back at the host, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
You inhale sharply, the rush of air forcing itself into your lungs making you choke as you slowly sink to the floor. The little thread of hope you were clutching on to seems to float away right before your eyes, a strangled noise leaving your lips as you watch Yoongi’s smiling face on the screen. Yoongi isn’t coming back. Why should he? You were nothing more than a glorified roommate, and after what you told him, you can’t blame him for not wanting to see you again.
A sob rips its way out of your throat, your heart feeling like it splits clean in two as the realization dawns on you. Yoongi has already let you go, so maybe it’s time that you do the same. You fumble around for your phone in your pocket; quickly pulling up your recent calls and dialling the only person that will know how to help you. You keep watching the TV screen until it grows too blurry, your tears burning against your skin as they start carving out paths down your cheeks.
The moment the call connects, you sob out a pitiful, “Jihyo? Can you please come over?”
“It’ll be okay,” Jihyo’s arms is wrapped tightly around your middle as she holds you close. Sana is snuggled up against your back, her careful fingers smoothing down your hair as you cry into Jihyo’s shoulder. You’re exhausted; the kind only crying for an hour straight can make you. You had blubbered out everything to Jihyo and Sana the moment they stepped inside your apartment, all the hurt and insecurities you had been bottling up for the last weeks spilling out like a waterfall.
You told them about the silence and the distance between you and Yoongi, how you had barely spoken to him even a week before the trial. And maybe the worst thing to admit, the words that you barely manage to squeeze out between your lips - is how much you like him. And how much it hurts that Yoongi doesn’t feel the same way.
Sana had let out an angry squeak at your words, her hands cupping your face as she sternly told you that it wasn’t true. That Yoongi would’ve never chosen you as a rut partner if he didn’t like you. And maybe that hurt even more, that he had liked you, your already broken heart fissuring and splintering into tiny pieces.
“Maybe he liked me then, but that was b-before he knew,” You sniffled, and Sana let out a whine in protest as she rubbed her face along your shoulders, desperate to calm you down. While scenting didn’t work for you, you still appreciated the sentiment all the same, a watery smile tugging on you lips as Sana muttered, “It doesn’t change that easily,” against you skin.
You’ve never been more thankful for your friends than you are right now. There’s still an ache in your chest you know will take a long time to heal, but having Jihyo and Sana wrapped around you makes the idea of facing it a little easier. You finally pull away once your breathing has evened out, your skin under your eyes swollen and tender.
“I’ll get us something to drink,” You wince at the hoarseness in your voice, ruffling your hand through Sana’s hair as you get up. The dog hybrid’s ears finally perk up as you give her a soft smile, the sad frown on her face melting into a blinding grin at how you seem to be feeling a little better.
You squeeze Jihyo’s shoulder as you shuffle past her on the couch, almost feeling a little unsteady on your feet from how much you’ve cried. Once you make it into the kitchen you pull out a few drinks from your fridge, always keeping a couple of bottles of Sana and Jihyo’s favourites in the back in case they come by. You ignore the growing stack of bills you pass by on your kitchen counter, pushing down the wave of helplessness that threatens to wash over you.
You’re already falling behind on your payments, and you have a sinking feeling that you might not be able to keep your job for much longer. By testifying in court you had put a target on your head, and you know your boss is more than ready to pull the trigger. He’s probably aware that you know about his corruption, and you’ve seen the nasty looks he’s been giving you over the last week. You don’t doubt he’ll be able to find something legal to fire you over, making it so that you can’t even complain about being wrongfully let go.
You shake yourself out of your thoughts before you can have another breakdown, grounding yourself in the chilled drinks pressed against your skin as you make your way back into the living room.
You sink back down on the couch after Jihyo and Sana leave, your dark apartment illuminated faintly by the moonlight that reaches your windows. Your back will probably kill you tomorrow, but you just can’t spend another night alone in your bed. It had always felt like just the right size before, but after sharing it with Yoongi for so long, it now just feels too big and cold. Empty.
You wrap yourself up in the same blanket as before, the emotional exhaustion of the day finally hitting you with full force as you try to make yourself comfortable. But despite it all, you still can’t fall asleep. While your body might feel tired, your mind is still working overtime, running through all the possible scenarios and thoughts it can get its hands on. You huff, pulling the blanket up even higher until it covers your nose. The living room really is too cold, but your limbs feel to heavy to attempt to move and do something about it. Just as you feel yourself begin to slip, your mind finally quieting down – your front door unlocks.
You squeeze your eyes shut, willing whomever it is to go away. God, why do you have to get robbed today of all days? You hear the door open and shut, the lock being twisted back into place. You grip the edges of the blanket tighter, hoping the intruder won’t be able to make out your form in the darkness. Your blood is rushing so loudly in your ears you can hardly make anything out, but then it feels like your body screeches to a halt the moment you hear something jiggle, the unmistakable sound of keys being dropped on the little shelf you have in your hallway. There’s only person you know off beside yourself who has a key to the apartment. Yoongi.
The familiar sound of Yoongi’s soft footsteps makes your eyes burn, the longing you thought you had managed to cry out earlier coming back tenfold as he moves closer. He pauses when he reaches the couch, your mind going blank as something plush and soft touches your forehead.
“I’m sorry,” Yoongi whispers, the soft exhale brushing over your skin before he pulls back. The words feel like lead in your stomach, the burning in your eyes almost unbearable as you keep them squeezed shut. The back of Yoongi’s hand trails gently down the side of your face once before it’s gone, and you listen as he makes his way into your bedroom, the door quietly clicking shut behind him.
You quickly press your hand against your mouth, muffling the sound of your cries. He must’ve come back to get the rest of his things. Why would he else get back to your apartment so late, and not wake you up? You use the sleeve of Yoongi’s hoodie to wipe away the tears from your face, not wanting him to know you’re awake when he leaves. If he wants to disappear into the night and not tell you, then fine. You’ll let him. You suppose it’s the least you can do.
You force your breathing to even out, trying you best to think of everything except for the hybrid in the next room. The spot Yoongi kissed on your forehead still tingles, and you can practically feel the ghost of his touch still trailing down your skin. You don’t want to be awake when he leaves. You know there’s no way you can go to sleep once you know he’s officially gone. If you fall asleep while he’s still here, well, maybe you can at least let yourself pretend one last time.
You can hear Yoongi quietly moving around in your bedroom, the mellow background noise and the knowledge that you aren’t alone proving to be just what you need to drift off to sleep.
You let out a confused grumble as you feel something heavy shift on your chest. The weight isn’t exactly uncomfortable, it’s just .. not something that’s supposed to be there. It must still in the middle of the night if the pitch darkness behind your eyelids is anything to go by, and the thing on top of your chest feels warm even through the blanket covering your body. Your eyes are almost glued shut from how swollen they are, and so it takes more effort than you would like to admit to get them to open up. You pry them open, slowly blinking up at the ceiling at few times to get them to focus in the darkness. You slowly tilt your head downwards, not sure what to think but definitely not expecting to find two golden eyes to be staring straight back at you.
You blink. The eyes blink back.
And then you scream.
You honestly shock yourself awake at your own volume, the creature letting out a loud hiss before something sharp swipes across your cheek. The sting makes the sound die in your throat, a strangled hiccup leaving your lips as you see the golden eyes widen in the darkness. The creature scrambles off your lap, claws skidding against the floor as it disappears into your bedroom. Hardly even a second passes before you hear a loud thud, and you twist your neck just in time to see Yoongi running out of your room – a sweater tugged halfway down his torso and a pair of sweatpants barely hanging on to his hips.
“Y/n, shit–“ Yoongi curses as he crashes into the coffee table, the sound making you wince even in your groggy state. He sinks down to his knees by the couch, fingers shaking as he reaches out to touch your cheek. Your mind feels like static, unable to comprehend what’s going on. Why is Yoongi still here? Why hasn’t he left– “Ouch,” You flinch as Yoongi’s fingers brush across the tender skin on your face. With your eyes finally adjusted to the darkness, you can see how Yoongi’s ears fall flat against his head as you pull away, his expression crumbling.
“I’m so sorry kitten, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” Yoongi’s posture slouches, his hand dropping back into his lap as he hangs his head. You run your fingers gingerly along the scratch on your cheek, wincing as it burns under your touch. You take a moment to watch the top of the cat hybrid’s head, trying to commit to memory how soft the fur on his ears look and how they seem to almost glow in the soft moonlight.
“It’s fine, I just .. why are you still here Yoongi?” You ask, your voice barely above a whisper. You shift around on the couch until you’re leaning against the backrest, facing the hybrid in front of you. If this is the last time you see him, you want to at least do it properly.
Yoongi raises his head to look up at you, dark eyebrows pulled tight in confusion as his gaze roams over your face, “Why wouldn’t I be?”
You swallow around the lump in your throat, hands digging nervously into the blanket around your waist. God, does he really need you to spell it out for him? You never pegged him for being so mean.
“I haven’t seen you in weeks, Yoongi. The only updates I got were from Mr. Yang and that’s only because I asked for them,” You huff, some of the annoyance and concern you had buried bubbling back up to the surface. Yoongi seems to shrink in on himself slightly, a look of remorse flashing across his face.
“And I watched the interview – you said you weren’t a taken hybrid,” You pause, gathering up whatever little courage you have left before you let the words spill out of your mouth. “I know I was only helping you with your rut, that we never agreed on anything more than that, but still I thought that .. I thought that maybe you liked me too,” Yoongi’s tail does a quick flick behind his back, his dark eyes staring back at your silently, prompting you to continue.
You let out a shaky breath, forcing out a tight smile across you lips. “But I was wrong, and I can see that now. It was my mistake for thinking that you would want to stay; I know Mr. Yang has provided you with other places to live – better places. You’re free to leave Yoongi.” Free to be with someone you want to be with.
“Leave?” Yoongi looks like he’s bitten into something sour as he echoes you word back at you, “I know I can leave whenever I want to, but I don’t. Is this your way of telling me you’re kicking me out?”
“What? No!” You sputter.
“Then stop telling me to leave,” Yoongi says, his chest rumbling with displeasure.
“But–“ Yoongi cuts you off with a shake to his head.
“No. I don’t know what you think you heard, but it’s wrong,” He grumbles. Yoongi snatches your phone up from the coffee table; the screen illuminating the hard set of his mouth as he quickly types something out. The host’s voice fills the room before it begins to cut in and out, Yoongi skipping through the interview until he finds what he’s looking for.
“Here,” He wraps your hand around your phone, fingers tightly closed around yours as he presses play on the screen. You squint against the light, watching with weary eyes as the host leans forward to touch his arm.
“Yoongi. Our viewers have been sending in questions, and what most people seem to be wondering about is what you’re going to do now that your previous ownership was nullified. They want to know whether you’ve found a new owner yet,” You suck in a surprised breath, dread filling your stomach as you watch her pouty lips curve around the next words, “So, are you a taken hybrid?”
Heat starts creeping up your neck, embarrassment blooming in your cheeks as you realize just how wrong you were. Fuck. Yoongi taps the screen to pause the video, his slender fingers removing the phone from your grasp.
“I’m not leaving and I don’t have a new owner yet,” Yoongi states, his hands finding yours again.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to come back home kitten,” Yoongi’s voice softens, “I needed some time to think, and I wanted to make sure that everything was in order before I did.”
“I never blamed you for what you told me Y/n, it was just a lot to process with everything else going on.” Something soft brushes against your wrist, Yoongi’s tail gently coaxing you to look up and meet his gaze, “You were a child, there wasn’t anything you could’ve done – if anything, I think I should be thanking you.”
“What? Don’t be ridiculous, why would you ever thank me for that?” Your eyes snap up to meet his, a frown settling on your face as you try to shake off Yoongi’s hands, but he doesn’t let you. He just tugs them closer to his body instead.
“Because at least someone cared enough about my mom to put her to rest. You cared,” Yoongi gives you a soft smile, his thumbs creating random patterns over your knuckles, “It’s fine if you don’t accept that right now, but I need you to know that I don’t blame you for what happened, and neither should you.”
A sense of relief washes over you at Yoongi’s words. Knowing that he doesn’t hate you, or blame you, for the actions you did or didn’t do, take what feels like a heavy weight off your shoulders.
“I– Okay,” You murmur. Even though you still feel guilty and not quite ready to accept it just yet, it’s still a comforting thing to know.
“Good,” Yoongi nods. “And the nullification took a little longer than expected, there wasn’t exactly anything that was done the right way in the original adoption,” He grimaces. “But now that I’m officially ownerless, we can finally do this right.” Yoongi releases your hands long enough to run and grab a stack of papers from your bedroom, flickering on a nearby light on his way back before he settles down next to you on the couch.
He hands you the documents silently, and you feel you eyes grow wide as you see the bold large font saying ‘Adoption request’ at the top of it. “Yoongi–“ You breathe, confusion colouring your expression as you turn to look at him uncertainly.
“I want you to,” Yoongi interjects, his dark eyes open and honest as he meets your gaze. You shake your head softly, biting down on your lip as you scan through the form. This one seems legit, pretty similar to the one Jihyo filled out when she adopted Sana.
“But you finally have the chance to be a free hybrid Yoongi, I don’t think this is right.”
“Y/n,” Yoongi sighs. “I don’t want to be one. Sure, you get rights you didn’t have before, but at what cost? The law might say you’re supposed to be a full citizen but you’re not. You think Ki-woo would still feel the need to shed his tail if the society we live in were fair to hybrids?”
Your hesitance answers for itself. “Wait – You talked with Ki-woo?” You can’t help but ask.
“Of course. Ki-woo might be a free hybrid but he still depends on Mr. Yang for most things. We talked about it a lot, and I don’t want it. Another year of courtrooms isn’t exactly tempting after these last few weeks,” Yoongi’s ear twitch, his tail doing an annoyed flick against his thigh.
“I’m not going to force you to adopt me if you don’t want to kitten, I know you never wanted a hybrid in the first place. I just want to stay here, with you.” The sincerity in his voice makes something in your stomach flutter, a certain kind of nervous excitement you haven’t felt in years. “Of course, but I’ll .. own you Yoongi. You do realize that, right?” You grimace.
Yoongi snorts, his eyes sparkling dangerously in the low light as he tilts his head to look at you.
“And? If you’re worried about power imbalance, then don’t be,” He reaches out to slowly trail a finger down your arm, an amused smile appearing on his lips as you barely manage to suppress a shudder from his touch.
“We both know who the dominant person in this relationship is kitten, and it’s not you. You have nothing to worry about.” He grins at the half-hearted glare you give him, gummy smile at full display.
The sight makes your whole body feel pleasantly warm – the chill that you’ve been feeling in your bones for the last weeks finally chased out. But one word stands out, one that your heart desperately tries to cling to.
“Relationship?” You ask.
“Yeah. I think we did this a bit backwards kitten, but spending your rut with someone isn’t something you do lightly. There has to be a certain level of trust and attraction for a hybrid to even consider someone to be their rut partner,” Yoongi explains.
“I know it happened a little fast and that we didn’t have a chance to talk about it afterwards, but, I would like to be yours if you’ll have me Y/n. I really like you.” Your breath hitches at Yoongi’s confession, your body singing with excitement over the fact that Yoongi feels the same as you do.
You take the chance to shuffle closer, your knees knocking into Yoongi’s. Gentle hands immediately cup your face, careful to avoid the scratch on your cheek. Yoongi slowly closes the gap between you, his lips brushing so softly against yours. The gentle touch is enough to make your heart feel like it’s going to fly out of your chest. “I really like you too,” You smile against his lips, your grin widening as Yoongi hurriedly starts pressing quick pecks against any skin that isn’t covered by his hands.
“Good. It would’ve been awkward if you had changed your mind in the last ten minutes,” Yoongi huffs playfully. You let out a low snort as you pull back, grabbing one of Yoongi’s hands to intertwine your fingers. You can’t help but marvel at how perfectly you seem to fit together.  
You glance at the papers in your lap, the prospect of actually adopting Yoongi legally as a hybrid and not a cat a little more daunting than you would like to admit. You give his hand a soft squeeze, his soft tail once again finding its way to your wrist. “Can you give me some time to think about it?” “Of course kitten. Take all the time you need.”
The couch isn’t that comfortable, and it definitely wasn’t made for two to sleep on, but cuddled up to Yoongi’s chest, his steady heartbeat underneath your ear and his arms wrapped around your waist, you think you’ll be willing to deal with a sore back for the rest of your life as long as you can continue to have this. You press your face deeper into the fabric of his sweater, drinking in the familiar scent.
You’ve almost drifted off to sleep when Yoongi lets out an annoyed hiss, a startled squeak escaping your mouth as your suddenly flipped around. Yoongi scrunches his nose as he hovers over you, a look of disgust flashing across his face.
“I’m sorry kitten, I’ve been trying to ignore it, but you absolutely reek of dog.”
The image of Sana rubbing her face along your neck earlier pops into your head, and you can’t help but giggle, Yoongi’s eyes narrowing at the teasing sound.
You open your arms wide, tilting your head to the side as you bare your neck, presenting the spot you know Sana was snuggled up against earlier.
“Do what you need to do,” The words have barely even left your mouth before Yoongi collapses against you with a grumble – and only a few seconds pass by before you start to feel soft vibrations against your chest, Yoongi purring happily as he finally gets to cover Sana’s scent with his own.
Yeah, you think you might even be able to move mountains as long as you can stay like this forever.
- - - - Only one chapter left to go! I know a lot of you wanted Yoongi to become a free hybrid, but Yoongi’s decision will be discussed even more in the next chapter, so don’t hate me too much just yet lol! And ah yes finally, the dorks are coming back together :)
PS. Something fun will be announced on August 1st, so remember to check back then!
As always, I hope you’re all well and my inbox is always open if you want to chat about the story or just fics or life in general! See you all soon! In case you maybe enjoy my stories and want to buy me a coffee, you can do so here! 💖
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idreamofplaid · 4 years
Summary: The Reader isn’t sure she’s ready for the next chapter in her life no matter how much she wants it. Dean is there to reassure her that she is.
Characters: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1142
A/N: Found this in my archives.
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You held the plastic stick in your hand tightly, looked in the mirror and closed your eyes before looking back at the two pink lines. Pink. Would it be a girl? How would Dean feel about a daughter? He'd dote on a little girl. Even before she drew breath, she would be her daddy’s special princess. A son might be more complicated for him considering his own upbringing and his relationship with his father. But if you were going to choose anyone on this earth to teach a boy how to be a good man, it would be Dean Winchester.
It couldn't come as much of a surprise to him either. You'd spent two entire days in bed with Dean when he’d gotten home from his last hunt and being careful hadn’t exactly been the priority for either of you. You knew he'd be excited when he heard the news. Still, your hand was shaking as you put the pregnancy test down on the sink. Being pregnant? Being a mother? It scared the hell out of you.
There was only one way to calm yourself down. You headed down the hall straight to Dean's bedroom. One of his flannels was hanging on a hook near the door. His blue and white shirt was one of your favorites. Dean looked good in blue. You brought it to your nose and inhaled deeply. It still smelled like him, and that was exactly what you wanted. He'd been gone on this hunt for five days, and you missed him terribly.
You put on the shirt, wrapping the warm flannel around you. The smell of Dean enveloped you. Then, you opened the top drawer of his chest and started pulling his other shirts from the drawer so you could scatter them over the bed. You fluffed each shirt just the way you wanted and snuggled down in the middle of them. This would have to do for now. You hugged a couple of the shirts close to you, but there was still something missing.
After a trip to the kitchen, you settled back into bed. The half eaten apple pie was perfect. Dean loved it; it smelled like him, and it reminded you of the way he tasted after he'd eaten it. You sank your fork into the pie and brought the gooey bite to your mouth. The taste of cinnamon and sweet apple covered your tongue. It reminded you of all your sweet memories. You swallowed and started to cry. 
The longing for Dean, especially now, overtook you and filled you with an emptiness of needing him, needing him to tell you this would be okay. You put the pie on the bedside table and curled into a ball in the middle of his shirts. Your tears flowed freely. That is how Dean found you.
"Y/N? What is it, sweetheart? What's wrong?" He hurried to sit down beside you on the bed and rubbed his hand in circles at the small of your back. His voice alone could wrap around you, soothing and calming all your fears. You rolled over and sat up. Dean brushed the tears from your cheeks. "It's okay, baby. I'm here now." You grabbed onto him, holding to him tightly. He sank his hand into your hair and cradled the back of your head. "Talk to me, Y/N."
You buried your face into the solid comfort of his chest. "Dean...I" Your voice faltered. 
He kissed your hair. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’ve got you.”
“I...I’m going to have a baby.” You held your breath waiting for his response. 
He lowered his hand to the middle of your back, his other arm was around your waist. He held you gently. "That's wonderful, Y/N." You couldn't see his face, but you could hear the soft smile in his voice. 
You tightened your fist around a handful of his shirt. “I know. I’m just scared.”
Dean combed his fingers through your hair. His voice was a low, soothing whisper. “Tell me why you’re scared, love.”
“I don’t know how to do this, Dean. I don’t know how to be a mother. What if I’m not good enough? What if this baby turns out like me?”
You felt Dean’s fingertips beneath your chin tilting your face upward. “Good. We’ll be lucky if this baby’s like you.”
“I mean...I don’t want her to doubt herself the way I do.” Dean’s emerald eyes filled with the gentleness you knew so well, and he lightly kissed your cheek.
“She’s going to love herself because you’ll teach her everything you’ve learned.” This time he tenderly kissed your lips. He always knew how to remind you of how strong you had become and who you were now, not who you had been.
You lay your hand on Dean’s chest and snuggled in closer to him. “What if it’s a boy?”
You felt Dean take in a deep breath and slowly let it out before he answered. “He won’t touch a gun before he’s eighteen. He’s going to be a kid. Play with cars and watch superhero movies. He’s not going to feel like he has to save anybody or anything.” Dean’s voice changed from determined to soft with a hint of a smile in it. “And I’m going to teach him to make pie.”
You smiled and felt your whole body relax releasing the anxiety you’d been holding. “You do make the best pies.”
Dean rolled easing you beneath him. His stubble scraped against your cheek as he whispered in your ear, “That’s not the only thing I’m good at.” His kiss was slow, insistent, and deep. He took his time taking off your clothes and kissing every bit of your exposed skin. He was holding you close and looking into your eyes when he entered you. Dean moved in you with a sweet roll of his hips. He nibbled at your earlobe, and when you came he said “I love you” in his sex raspy voice right by your ear. 
When Dean had filled you with his release, you lay limp and sated under him. He didn’t move to pull his softening erection from you, choosing instead to kiss you until you were sighing contentedly into his mouth. Only when you were blissed out and floating did he lay down beside you and curve his arm around you. You nuzzled into his shoulder where it met his neck. “I’m glad we’re having a baby together, Dean. I want to bring something good into the world with you.”
He kissed the top of your head. “It’s already good. What you’ve given me. It’s just going to be even better.” You held onto him tightly, grateful for this man who had come into your life, grateful for this man who wanted to have a family with you. 
Everything: @gambitwinchester @princessmisery666 @peridottea91 @logical-princey @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @fangirlxwritesx67 @waywardbaby @atc74 @shaniquacynthia @mariekoukie6661 @tumbler-tidbits @67-chevy-baby @fandom-princess-forevermore @terrarium-jpeg @emoryhemsworth @crashdevlin @heycasbutt @jules-1999 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @cosicas-cuquis @sammyimpala-67 @queenoftheunderdark @dean-winchesters-bacon @timelordy-fangirl2 @sweetness47 @hobby27 @awesomesusiebstuff @kickingitwithkirk @sandlee44 @supernaturalgrandma @dawnie1988 @volleyballer519 @outcastedangel @kdfrqqg @lizette50 @sorenmarie87 @lovealways-j
Dean/Jensen: @deansyahtzee​ @flamencodiva​ @deanwinchesterswitch​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @focusonspn​ @akshi8278​ @ladywinchester1967​ @sgarrett49​ @wingedcatninja​ @coffee-obsessed-writer​ @adoptdontshoppets​ @ellewritesfix05​ @weepingwillowphoenix​ 
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analyzingadventure · 2 years
Ghost Game 39 and 40!
39, Contagion Island!
Starting off with the body horror, eh?!
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AND JUST?? CHILL?? Like I was lowkey assuming Gyukimon would be kind of like RareRaremon, but no?? He’s just a dude??
I heard someone mention Kikuchi Masami still sounded the exact same as he did in Adventure, and man, he really does ;w; (It wasn’t quite as noticable in Psi since he was doing like Ol’ Man Neemon instead of Jyou’s baby voice)
BUT YEAH!! IT’S RYUDAMON, the other Digimon VB had spoiled
AND HE’S AFTER HIRO TOO (under Hokuto’s orders), incredible
It’s interesting how the sub goes out of its way to make sure Hiro refers to Ryudamon as Ryuda while everyone else mis-species him
You know it’s interesting they didn’t think about asking for Dr Mummymon’s opinion, only Bakumon’s (also didn’t ask Jellymon if she could undo the thing if she evolved)
Oh boy, we circle back to the opening now eh
RIP Niijima
Oh god this is actually kind of fucked up
Oh boy Ryudamon is growing into a big boy
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God that’s fucked up
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Well that’s just great
I don’t think I’ve seen bodyhorror like this in a kids show since 2k3 Turtles lmao
“Call Airdramon” OH LET’S GOOO
You guys, you could maybe like, have Gammamon evolve to Kaus and Jellymon up to Thetismon and like. Just fly around above, out of Gyukimon’s reach. Y’all are on an island, he can’t get high enough to get to you and can’t leave the island either
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Oh Hiro, baby darling ;m;
(I wonder if this was meant to be Hiro’s SkullGrey-moment... Not in a “fucked up evolution” way but “protag fucks up and it messes with him mentally” kinda way)
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And the baby has been found ;w;
And the day is saved
The episode was okay! BUT ONTO THE NEXT ONE
40, Spiral Beach!
Oh god this episode is totally gonna be an Uzumaki tribute, isn’t it
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My only weakness...
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Kiyo drinks “dragon water” lmao
Aaand the mystery of the “real Hiro” has been solved. How anticlimactic
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Uh oh baby boy’s been discovered!
Oh no baby boy really is in his rebellious phase
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Yeah Rin, teach the pouty boy a lesson (affectionate)
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You know what Junji Ito meme goes here, I don’t even have to go look for that jpeg, you know the one
Ah, Frontier rights?
I WAS GONNA BE LIKE “oh god Jellymon looks kinda fucked up (but it’s a shame her tentacles didn’t turn curly ontheir own, it would’ve been kinda funny)” BUT NO
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This is absolute nightmare fuel jesus fucking christ
Oh no
I don’t want to see what happened to those swimmers
God this episode has far better animation that it needs
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I would kill a man for you, I love you so much
And everything’s getting turned back, thank god
Why is Espimon hanging out on his own at Hiro’s place
It was a good episode but god knows I am never rewatching this, jesus fuck
Very hyped about this fucker showing up
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I mean I guess the red coat could be hinting at Piemon
It would be about time they introduce Ultimates
And Piemon would be a great ring leader for them
(But also it could be Jokermon)
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calpalirwin · 3 years
Better Now
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Summary: Putting yourself back out there after a heartbreak is never easy, but you and Ashton are learning that it’s worth it.
A/N: Big thanks to @jessalyn-jpeg​ for listening to me cry over Taylor Acorn songs while I figured out how to combine her latest releases into 1 fic.
Word Count: 2.6k
And away, and away we go!
Aside from the composition book that lay open on the coffee table, the recording room was empty. Face contorting in curious confusion, Ashton picked it up, thinking one of his bandmates had left it behind. But as he caught a glance at the words sprawled across the lined pages in black inked handwriting he didn’t recognize he knew he should have closed it. Songwriting was a very personal thing, and he would hate for anyone to find his own songbook lying around and read the contents. But the words jumped out at him, and he found himself taking a seat, still holding the notebook open in his hands.
“And no one comes to save you, you learn to save yourself. The world, it just keeps going on while you’re going through hell. No, it’s not all that it’s cut out to be. ‘Cuz you can’t hide behind the silver screen. Love ain’t like the movies.”
“Jesus…” he whispered to himself.
“Excuse me?” a female voice asked from the doorway, and Ashton jumped, snapping the notebook shut.
“Uh…” he stuttered, staring at the woman with her hair messily thrown up, dressed casually in jeans and a tank top, a tired but wild look in her bright eyes. “Hi. Can I help you?”
She adjusted the guitar case strap on her shoulder. “Uh, I hope so? A notebook? Standard composition notebook. Black and white colored. Probably impossible to distinguish from any other black and white standard composition notebook. I know, super helpful description. You haven’t happened to see one lying around here, have you?”
“Like this?” Ashton asked, flashing the notebook in his hand.
“It would look exactly like that!” she brightened. Then, her smile faltered. “But that one’s probably yours, isn’t it?”
“Uh, actually no. It was on the coffee table when I came in. I, uh, thought it might be one of my bandmates, but it’s not their handwriting.”
“Oh, so you read it?” she asked. No anger or embarrassment. Just clarifying a fact.
Ashton rubbed at the back of his neck. “Sorry… I didn’t read a lot. Just enough to realize the handwriting was different.” He held out the notebook to her for her to take. “It’s uh, good by the way. Whatever you’re working on. Relatable.”
“Thanks,” she said, taking the notebook from him and flipping through the pages to confirm that it was in fact hers. “I really need to keep better track of my shit… Thanks for finding it.”
“Yeah, ‘course. And sorry again for reading bits of it.”
She waved a hand at his apology. “Oh, it’s fine. My fault for leaving it lying around. Sorry you can relate to it.”
Ashton shrugged. “Heartbreak: part of the standard human experience. Some of your lyrics actually remind me of a song my band put out once years ago. At the time I considered myself lucky to not be able to relate to it. But seeing yours… which is far more poetic than anything four teenage boys could come up with… I’m glad for songs like that. Makes you feel a little less alone in the drowning.”
“Yeah, I’m hoping this helps me at least start to tread water again. How long ago was the heartbreak for you?” she asked, then shook her head. “Sorry, you don’t have to answer that. I should probably be going anyway. Let you get back to your shit, and go off to deal with mine.”
Ashton chuckled. “Nah, it’s fine. It’s been about four months for me. So still recent enough to sting like a bitch.”
She smiled and laughed a bit at his words, but there was a sadness to both. “Two and a half months for me. So just enough to actually drag myself out of my bedroom.”
“And down to a studio where some jackass reads your most personal feelings. Awesome…”
There was a bit more realness to her laugh this time around. “Honestly, not a problem. It’s meant for people to hear, you know?”
“I suppose that’s true. I’m Ashton, by the way.”
“Good luck with the song, Y/N. Feel better soon, yeah?”
“Thanks. You too.” She turned to head out of the room, before pausing and turning back around. “What was that song? The one your band made that you couldn’t relate to at the time?”
Ashton’s cheeks turned pink. “Oh. You don’t wanna hear that one, trust me. Cringey teenage attempt at being emo punk.”
“Damn… Emo punk is my favorite.”
Against his better judgement, Ashton pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Alright,” he gave in, pulling up the song. “But you’re not allowed to make fun of me. Like I said, this was years ago.”
Y/N held out her pinky finger. “No judgement, swear.”
Ashton linked his own pinky with hers, and hit play. For the next three and a half minutes he watched her carefully as she stood there with her eyes closed, nodding her head along with the beat. On one hand, he was glad her eyes were closed because it meant that she couldn’t see him watching her, or see his embarrassment. But on the other hand it meant that he had no clue what she was thinking. He hit pause before it could replay again. “Like I said, some of your lyrics have a similar feeling,” he said with a shrug.
She opened her eyes as she nodded. “Yeah, I see what you mean. About thinking you’re getting the fairytale movie ending one second, and the next the ending is anything but happily ever after. Was one of those solos you?”
He shook his head. “Nah. I’m the drummer. So-”
“Lots of back up,” she interrupted with a knowing nod. “Is it because you don’t sing at all? Or just out of convenience?”
“Mostly convenience. In our earlier days we used to split up singing pretty evenly. And then we all got more comfortable in our roles. But I still sing from time to time in more than a back up way.”
“That’s cool. And I bet it makes recording stuff and everything so much easier. I have to do a lot of borrowing or outsourcing to get all the sounds I want.”
“Not in a band, huh?”
“Nope. Just your regular solo artist.”
“That’s gotta get lonely.”
“It can be. But it also means making things in my vision, and not having to compromise on that.”
“Well, if you ever need someone to lay down some drum tracks, or just some company so you’re not drowning alone, I’m here most of the time.”
She nodded, understanding what he wasn’t saying about an intrinsic need to stay out of the house as much as humanly possible. Away from the memories that haunted every aspect of being awake. “Thanks, Ashton,” she said, once again turning to leave, but found herself turning back towards him, another question on her lips. “Do you mind if I ask you something personal?”
“Go for it.”
“What’s the hardest part of breaking up? Of trying to move on, and feel like yourself again?”
“Honestly? Waking up, and seeing that empty side of the bed. Hits you like a freight train all over again. That kind of overwhelming sense of dread that you’re never gonna feel normal again.”
“But then you get up, and try anyway, hoping that today it hurts just a little bit less than it did yesterday.”
“But it doesn’t, and you start to lose hope that the pain will ever stop.”
“That’s the hardest part.”
“The fuckin’ worst. But hey. It can’t suck forever. Or, that’s what I keep telling myself anyway. That’s what finally gets me out of bed.”
“And hey! Maybe I'll get a hit song out of it in the process, too.” She feigned a smile, flashing her notebook.
“Oh, that’ll be a hit, no question about it.”
“Thanks. For uh… well everything, I guess. See you around, Ashton.”
“Good luck, Y/N.”
Y/N eventually did get the courage to ask Ashton for both his company and musical help, on a day when she found it harder than normal to get up out of bed.
She trudged her way into the studio, spotting him watching a coffee pot in the common living area. “Oh, hey,” he smiled warmly as she pulled open the fridge. “Making a fresh pot if you want any.”
She shook her head, grabbing a water bottle and taking a few sips from it. “Can I get your help today?” she asked in a low whisper, hoping to hide the wobble in her tone.
“Yeah, of course. Everything alright?”
She shook her head again, then wordlessly left for her recording room.
“So, what’s up?” Ashton asked when he found her a few moments later, cup of coffee in hand.
“You’re not allowed to judge me for any vulnerability today.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
“Good. Because this verse is gonna be really hard for me to record.”
He nodded, taking a seat while she set up behind a microphone. A soft guitar track started playing, and when she took a breath, Ashton prepared himself for lyrics of her most recent break up. So when her soft voice started singing, “ ‘Cuz after my dad died, even though she never let us see her cry, my mom was broken inside, ‘cause she just lost her best friend. Why don’t they prepare you for that? When the picture perfect life you had goes black,” to say he was shocked was a bit of an understatement.
There was a click of the track, and the guitar stopped, the headphones settling around her neck. “I’m sorry about your dad,” he spoke up softly. “I- that’s gotta be rough.”
“Most of the time it’s a dull ache. A small hum I can ignore if I don’t focus on it. But there’s a few days where the pain is all fresh, like I’m learning the news again for the first time. A shock to the system.”
“I like the juxtaposition of it all. Most of the time when people think of love gone wrong, or ending before we’re ready, it’s the break up. Because the alternative… it’s…”
“Yeah. It’s a pain that I can’t imagine, that’s for sure.”
“Lucky you.”
He chuckled slightly. “Nah. Not in the way you think. My own experience is fucked, but in the other direction. He left and never gave a shit.”
“That’s rough.”
“It was, yeah. I guess the small benefit is that I was too young to remember him leaving. So for me, he’s always been gone. Haven’t ever known anything different.”
“See, I’m grateful that I at least have my memories of my dad. Even if he’s been gone longer than I had him. But it’s like a double-edged sword. The memories bring some peace. But it also fuckin’ sucks that they’ll never be anything more than that. That I don’t get new ones.”
“Well, I dunno if talking about him helps you at all. But if you want to, you can.”
“You don’t mind? I don’t wanna bore you, or make you jealous.”
He patted the empty spot on the couch next to him. “C’mon, you asked for my help. Let me help.”
She gave a small laugh before moving to sit next to him. “Remember, you’re not allowed to judge me for being vulnerable.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
He listened as stories of her childhood fell from her lips. He offered her up the box of tissues on the coffee table when her words got choked, and would gently prompt her into continuing when she stopped to apologize. He provided her with stories of his own childhood when her own stories grew too painful to share, confiding in her the way she was confiding in him. And when the sun started to cast long shadows across the room, maybe not a lot of work had been done when it came to her song, but Ashton had helped her nonetheless, and both of them felt a little lighter than they had been in a while.
Help in the form of company was given with much less hesitance after that, with Y/N and Ashton seeking each other out with regularity. Some days would be spent with the two barely exchanging a word as they played out various melodies, or wrote new lyrics. Other days were filled with endless chatter as they shared ideas they had, and provided ideas on how to overcome any blocks in creativity, or just swapped more stories. And other days still, he would help her work on her song.
When Y/N finally finished her song, Ashton was the first person she thought of to share it with, dragging him excitedly into the room with her. “Jesus, this is the happiest I think I’ve ever seen you,” he teased with a giggle.
“Do you wanna hear the song or not?” she asked.
“It’s done?”
“It’s done!”
“Well, hit play! C’mon!”
For three and a half minutes they stood in the middle of the recording room while her song blasted from the speakers. 
“Well?” she asked expectantly when silence overtook them once more. Then, more quizzically, “Why are you staring at me like that?”
He had an amazed smile on his face, dimples cratering his cheeks, and a soft shine in his eyes. “Staring at you like what?” he asked in response.
“Like you wanna… I dunno… kiss me or something…”
His tongue darted out to wet his lips. Then the soft look was melting away into confusion. “Cuz sometimes I think I want to.”
“And other times?”
“I talk myself down because I’m not sure what I want, or what I feel. We’re both still getting over people who caused us a lot of damage. And I don’t always feel like I’m ready to think about starting a relationship with someone new. But I also know that I’m never going to be ready until I actually start doing it. And I really like the friendship we’ve built the past couple of months. I feel more like me when I’m around you. Like, not only am I no longer drowning, I can actually feel the bottom. But I don’t know if those feelings come from being around someone who can relate to what I’m going through right now, like some weird trauma bond. Or if it’s real “I like you’ feelings. And it’s not fair to you for me to not know.”
She nodded, both understanding what he was saying, and what he wasn’t saying. “What if I kiss you instead?”
“Please, don’t.”
“Because you’re scared we’ll hurt each other? Ash, if we don’t at least try, then we’re never gonna know what’s real and what’s not.”
“It’s partially that. But also… If we end up kissing… I’m not going to want to stop.”
“Then you better not be a lousy kisser.”
7 Months Later
Ashton got a small flash of deja vu as he saw the black and white composition book lying open, the beginnings of a song scribbled across one of the pages. “Just another hopeless broken heart cliche. And all my fairytale ambitions, I just watched them wash away.”
“Y/N?” he called out, curious to learn where this song was going, and also where his girlfriend could be hiding. “Babe?”
“But it’s too late for sorry baby, even if you’ve changed. I’m not letting myself break down, count me out. Oh, I’m better now,” her voice sang softly as it came down the hallway with her, a black pen twirling between her fingers. She paused as she spotted him standing there with her notebook, a smile lighting up her face. “Hey, you.”
“Hey,” he matched her smile, handing her the notebook and pressing a kiss to her head. “That’s nice. Whatever you were just singing. What inspired this one?”
“Just reflecting a bit on this past year,” she told him, as she quickly wrote what she’d been singing in the notebook before the lyrics left her head.
“Feeling a lot better these days, huh?”
“Better than I’ve ever been.”
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scrawnydutchman · 3 years
Why I F**king Hate NFTs (And You Should Too)
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I’m back again with another opinion essay and HOO BOY do I have some opinions to share. Today I wanted to talk about NFTs . . and how ungodly shitty they are for a number of reasons which I’ll go into. If you use a number of social media apps fairly regularly, particularly twitter, you may occasionally stumble upon an account that has one of the many . . . . ahem . . .  “”“unique””” monkey profile pictures as depicted above. You would not be unreasonable to assume that these were produced from some popular avatar maker app like Picrew or something, as they have about as much depth as those. But no, sadly, the answer to where all these monkeys come from is a lot dumber and more depressing than that. These are what’s known as NFTs, those things that a bunch of strangers get into heated online debates about (myself very much included, especially recently). But just as often as I see this discourse I see the occasional account ask the inevitable question:
What the hell IS an NFT, anyway?
So allow me to break it down as comprehensibly as I can for those out of the loop.
NFT stands for “non fungible token”. It is a digital art file transformed into a piece of cryptocurrency that has “one of a kind data”. It’s data cannot be replicated, technically making any given NFT the only one of itself in “existence” (I use the term existence very loosely as we are exclusively talking about files in cyber space, remember this). So the idea is that if you own the NFT of an image rather than just any old PNG or JPEG, you technically are the owner of that image, and because it’s the only one of itself in “existence” you can sell it for a high price that’s partially influenced by it’s artificially made scarcity. It’s like the art house auction brought to the web. Many major companies including Adobe, Warner Bros., Mcdonalds and even the Oscar Academy Awards have hopped on this bandwagon of creating art made into “one of a kind” data.
So why is this a bad thing? Plenty of reasons. But let’s start with the most troubling issue.
It’s awful for the environment
Tumblr media
Just like all other forms of cryptocurrency, NFTs are tremendously awful for the environment. The shear amount of power required to create just one NFT is outrageous. How much power does it use? According to the following source, with the energy used to create the average NFT you could power your refrigerator for an entire month.
directly from the source:
One researcher calculated that a certain artist selling two pieces of artwork used over 175 MWh, creating the greenhouse gas emissions of 21 years of a U.S. household’s electricity use.
Every time I’ve brought up this little nugget of information NFTers either dodge the question with a deflect or outright pretending I never brought it up, or they use the classic “whataboutism” argument where they talk about some equally environment damaging issue as if that makes the salient point about NFTs go away. Sorry, but I’m not entertaining bad faith debate so that you can keep getting in on this scam guilt free. I’m CERTAINLY not entertaining a debate about whether or not climate change is real in the first place. At a time in our history when combating climate change is more important than ever, THIS of the thing that had to start trending. I’m infuriated.
But wait . . did I say NFTs are a scam? What makes this a scam?
It encourages art theft
Some of you may have already caught on to a loop hole back when I was describing what an NFT is. What’s stopping anyone from downloading somebody else’s art off the internet and making it into an NFT before they can? The answer is
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Art thieves have made thousands of dollars from struggling artists hard work doing this.
Now, the common argument I hear from NFTers about this is that “theft is inevitable” and “it’s the artists’ fault for not making an NFT first”.
No, you victim blaming sack of shit. I’m not giving you that. Theft is theft and you should be held accountable for it. But of course they never are. How about instead of buying an NFT from someone whom you can’t even verify is the source of the artwork you just commission the artist themselves? It’s both more ethical and more cost effective on your part.
It encourages mass duplication
Let’s go back to the monkey banner I put up at the start of this essay. You may recall me saying that every NFT is “one of a kind” data. If that’s true, why do all these monkeys look so similar: the exact same template even? This is due to another loophole.
See, all somebody has to do to create another NFT from the same image they used before is slightly alter it. This allows you to profit from what is essentially the same image over and over. So despite the idea being “artificial scarcity” the truth is these monkey profile pictures are a dime a dozen. Ironic, isn’t it? I think what’s even weirder than that is these NFT bros want so badly to come off like they’re ahead of the curve but since they all have the same ape profile pic they look more like a cult than pioneers and they’re completely oblivious to it. Considering how they talk and their matching profile pics it honestly feels like I’m always arguing against the same exact person.
These people are selling nothing
At the end of the day, what IS an NFT? It’s just a digital file in a different format. It has no more capacity to be a tangible object than any png or jpeg. a png or jpeg can just as easily show you what’s on the canvas. a png or jpeg can just as easily be made into a print. If you really wanted to, you could even prove that you own that piece of digital art just as easily by requesting a receipt file designated to you from the artist you are commissioning, and probably for a lower price. an NFT isn’t a piece of digital art. It’s the deed of a piece of digital art. It’s a scam to make suckers think they have more than they have and the only way they stop being suckers is if they sell it to somebody else for more. NFTs are a game for scammers and suckers only. You’re either horribly naive or a terrible terrible person for getting into NFTs. There is no inbetween.
NFTs are Anti Art
So admittedly this section is more an opinion piece than stating the cons with sources to back it up. But I stand by this point as if it were equally as factual. NFTs are anti art. Because NFTs aren’t about what’s on the canvas. They aren’t about the skill it took to create the art. They aren’t about having something that speaks so fully to you and you alone.
They are exclusively for making money.
It’s the only reason you would care about being the sole owner of a digital file. Because if you actually cared about the art itself, why would it matter to you how many other people have it? Why would it’s price tag matter to you? Art is about what makes it valuable to you, not whether or not it’s valuable to everyone else. That’s the antithesis to art. If the only consideration you have for whether or not a piece of art is worthwhile is whether it can be resold at a higher value, then I’m sorry, but you live a horrendously shallow existence.
When I said that NFTs are the art house auction taken to the web, I meant that in the worst possible sense. Because art house auctions are equally pretentious and equally a scam. It’s rich people convincing other rich people of it’s value regardless of its labor, its technique or its message. Its a tax write off. The wealthy donate art to charities as a tax evasion tactic and they take full advantage of art’s subjective nature. It’s value is imaginary and so is the value of NFTs.
Now, don’t take me to say that NFT creators are never talented. Of course not. I’ve seen plenty of beautiful art made into NFTs and I know very talented people who got in on the craze. I even understand the appeal to an extent: It’s a new way for artists to get well compensated for the work that they do. I’m an artist myself: of COURSE I want artists to be paid.
But not like this. Not at the expense of the planet to this degree. Not at the expense of other artists who become victims of theft. Not at the expense of the heart of what art is meant to be all about.
Art isn’t about  stock value. It’s not about gaming the system. It’s not about the sale or the deal. It’s not about how many people agree to it’s value.
Art is about creating for creating’s sake and buying for the sake of the creation. It’s about creating and purchasing something you love for it’s skill, technique, composition and message. The value of those things cannot be diminished no matter how many other people have the same thing. It’s not lesser in value whether it’s a PNG or a JPEG. It doesn’t tie your room together any less even if somebody else DOES have that print. We can have all of that without the cost of the planet or of artists’ welfare.
So with that spirit, I’d like to encourage the following ETHICAL ways to support artists
-buy prints
-support patreons
-support crowdfunding campaigns
-order commissions
-buy from etsy stores
-spread the word
In light of Adobe’s support of NFTs, I would also like to promote the following alternatives to photoshop, Particularly for their vocal anti NFT stance:
Krita (I especially recommend as a user of the program myself)
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tory-ben-hi-shelton · 4 years
my favourite quotes from seizure
That's what we call ourselves. Virals. It seems appropriate to have a group name after becoming a gang of genetic mutants. It's good for morale.
Observing Ben'a struggle, Hi scratched his chin. Glanced at me. Shrugged. Then he quietly slipped around Ben. And, without ceremony, kicked him in the ass. Hard.
Faster than thought, Ben grabbed Hi and wrapped him in a vicious bear hug. "Smart ass."
Hi sputtered, gasping for air. "Back off! I don't like you that way!"
Ben laughed.
Hi slogged back to the beach. "I let him win. He needs the self confidence."
"Hey, I'm a giver."
"A saint."
It was good to see Ben laugh again.
"Not nice," I joked. "You'll sour Jewish-Sewee relations."
"It's true, I take it back," Hi said. "Our people have a rich history of mutual respect. Long live the alliance!"
"Score one for your honker."
"Thanks, I think." I cocked my chin at Hi's substantial midsection. "Nice abs."
"Yeah, I work out twice a month. No exceptions. But stop hitting on me, it's embarrassing."
Then, almost as one, the boys looked at their screens. Directly at me.
Huh? I was the youngest. The only girl. Why was I in change? No matter. I was in totally agreement.
"You can't be serious." Shelton groaned, eyes returning to his laptop. "I'd nearly hacked Ben and Jerry's website when you called. We could've been eating free Chunky Monkey right now."
"This is a rip-off dude. Twenty pages, and I still don't know what these people do. But here's a JPEG OF A DIAMOND RING. VERY HELPFUL."
"We need some kind of plan," Hi said. "We can't allow ourselves to be split up. I don't want to be a freak alone. Been there, done that. I like having friends."
"Stop whining, hippie." Ben crossed to Hi and mussed his hair. "We'll figure something out. But no spazzing inside the bunker. I won't allow it."
"I have a cotillion event. Some yacht-club charity fundraiser thingy. Whitney is insisting and Kit took her side." Three wide smiles. "Oh shut up."
But now Ben was here. For some reason. "Fine by me." A wry smile crossed Tom Blue's lips. "But you don't have to ride with my boy if he's bothering you, Tory."
Ben scowled, reddened, but kept quiet.
"No, that'd be great!" I said quickly. "Thanks, Ben. Thanks anyway, Tom!" Ben cast off with more haste than usual. I could hear his father chuckling as as began to pull away.
It occurred to me that Ben was an attractive guy. Even when brooding. Hell, especially when brooding.
Wolf: Haha. Come over now. Grab Shelton if you can.
Green Lantern: Boo. I thought you were hitting on me.
Wolf: Nope. Still intimidated by your good looks.
Green Lantern: Understandable.
"Why does everything girlie smell so delightful?"
"Because we acknowledge the importance of basic hygiene. And periodically clean our bathrooms."
"Brilliant. I should write that down. After all, it takes a village."
"She's famous, really famous, because..." He stopped dead. "Wait."
I met his gaze levely. No point in being discreet now.
"No." Shelton shook his head. "You can't be serious. That's your plan?"
"What plan?" Hi asked.
"You have a better idea?" I crossed my arms. Defiant. And a little self conscious.
"But that's not even a real plan. It's a joke. Why not just chase rainbows looking for lucky charms?"
"What plan?" Hi repeated.
"I'm not claiming it's a slam dunk." I said.
"It's not even a full court shot," Shelton said. "Blindfolded. Underhand. With a bowling ball."
"We have to try something."
"WHAT. PLAN." Hi. Exasperated.
Ben walked in and popped the back of Hi's head.
"Wonderful." Hi slid to the floor. "First ignored, then attacked. I need new friends. And a lawyer."
"I meet very few people your age who know of her."
"We're very advanced," Hi said earnestly. "I can even zip my own pants. Most times, anyway."
I glanced over my shoulder. Ben, Shelton, and Hi stood behind me, shoulder to shoulder. Scowling. A solid wall of opposition.
Deep breath.
"Absolutely not!"
"Crazy woman!"
"I just got out if trouble!"
Okay. Bad start.
"Who sold you that box, anyway?" I asked.
"Piss off."
"Hey!" Ben shouted. "Watch your mouth."
Ben stepped towards the counter. Hi grabbed his arm as Shelton placed a restraining hand on his shoulder.
"Thanks, but Ben is picking me up."
"Ben." Jason shook his head. "I guess you're taking community service to heart," he quipped.
"Out of bounds," I warned. "Ben's a good friend."
"He's a prince. Enchanting. Tell him I miss him."
"Fine." Not a care in the world.
Hi leaned close to his screen. "What'd do you mean, 'fine'?"
"Don't come with me," I said. "I'll go by myself."
The boys all spoke at once.
"Don't be a drama queen." Hi.
"You can't go alone." Ben.
"Somebody has to watch your back." Shelton.
I grabbed Hi's shoulder. "Go! Do your thing."
"You're pretty casual with my life, you know."
"Let's see those elbows," Ben demanded. "You left a bloody streak in the shaft."
I let him inspect my wounds, glad he'd forgotten to be mad at me.
"Hi." Shelton panted. "I love you, man."
"Back at you." Hi spat globs of filth. "I'm going to kiss Ben now, in case some of you don't want to watch."
"I'll pass." Ben ruffled Hi's hair.
My head broke the surface. I took a giant breath.
"Tory!" Ben's face was inches from mine. "You okay?"
"Fine," I said. "Dandy. I bonked my head."
Ben looked at me oddly.
Hi shuffled over, grasped my hand, and deposited a sloppy kiss. "I'm in your debt milady."
"Tory!" Eyes popping. "What in God's name are you doing here?"
"You said you needed rescuing. I haven't slain any dragons yet, but the day is young."
"Humouring you means getting in the water." Hi grumbled. "It better be worth it."
Shelton slapped Hi's shoulder. "Seeing you in a wet tee is reward enough."
"Thanks, guys." Flat on his back, rubbing a shoulder. "Don't worry about me."
"Suck it up," said Shelton. "You dropped our fearless leader."
"Just hear me out!"
"I don't wanna!" Shelton whined. "You'll start talking, and pretty soon we'll all start nodding, and then the next thing you know, I'm hang gliding off the Effiel Tower at midnight chased my ninja vampires. No deal!"
Ben smacked the back of Shelton's head.
Once I got them listening, their curiosity always won out. It's what I loved best about them.
"I already counted them," Ben said. "Lose any, you'll be less a few fingers."
"That's twice you've insulted my honour, Blue. Pistols or swords?"
"Correction. That was your last warning. Test me again, and you'll limp for a very long time."
I caught the other Virals in the corner of my eye. "What?"
Ben was staring, jaw open. "Good Lord, Tory."
"Nice shooting, Scarface." Hi handed me Duncan's weapon. "Remind me to never owe you money. Who taught you to fire a gun?"
"Long story." I wasn't answering 'drunk grandfather' true or not.
"Tory, a father isn't suppose to fear his fourteen year old daughter. That being said, you terrify me."
"We need to thank my great-great-great pirate grandma."
Kit's eyebrows shot up. "Your what?"
"Nothing. Just kidding."
Kits generosity had benefitted the Virals as well. Though a shockingly long list of museums, landmarks, and wildlife organizations had banned us for life, we'd avoided criminal charges.
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Stick of Truth Commentary
Intro cut scene is a nice touch! The animation is nice, and it adds story and stakes to the game the boys are playing. Reminds me of “Lord of the Rings.”
I like how the boys see the stick as a golden staff, but it’s literally just…a stick.
Create your character
Fighter, Mage, Thief, Jew – which is the best and why?
Intro to New Kid and family
Dialogue between parents creates an ominous backstory. Who is looking for New Kid and why?
New Kid is a mute weirdo and I love it.
The first quest (making friends) reminds me of “The Sandlot.”
The shitting feature is awesome.
New Kid meets Butters and is brought to KKK
What exactly is the power of diabetes?
Chekov’s Clyde!
It’s cute how cool everyone is with Princess Kenny.
I like that every player is called Douchebag, but I wish every player didn’t have to play as a boy.
Elves attack
Funny how Cartman’s alarm is just Butters yelling “Alarm!”
Cartman has pretty good commentary when New Kid is fighting. I actually miss that later on.
How did the elves snag the stick? Either Clyde is a bad watchdog or Kyle is super strategic. I choose both.
New Kid must find Token, Tweek, and Craig
I never knew Token was so rich that he had security! It’s probably to keep Cartman out.
I love that Token’s property is calling Dark Meadows.
Token: “The elves took the stick again?” Haha!
Tweek is the only employee at Tweek Bros.? That’s called child labor!
I love that Mrs. McCormick thinks the meth heads in her garage are just nice renters. Is she being paid in meth?
Why would a 10-year-old boy be an undercover cop? Only in South Park.
Tweek was totally named after the word “tweeker.”
Craig is in detention for (of course) flipping off the principal. Is Principal Victoria still principal at this point?
Craig’s alias is Feldspar the Thief? I refuse to believe this isn’t a reference to Malcolm in the Middle.
On the “thief” option at the beginning, Cartman says he’s never seen a white thief before, yet Craig is a thief. Hmm…
“Heeeere they come…I’ll be outta here in ten minutes.” Smug, snarky Craig is the best Craig.
I like that Mackey seems to know he’s in a video game (by referencing the boss fight). It���s very Deadpool.
The Bard
The Inn of the Giggling Donkey is just Jimmy’s house. His living room is convincing as a bar/lounge/hangout.
Twitter = carrier raven
“There once was a maiden from Stonebury Hollow / She didn’t talk much, but boy did she swallow / I had a nice lance that she sat upon / The maiden from Stonebury who was also your mom.” I love Jimmy’s songs!
Butters: “No hurry, Douchebag. The princess is just being raped.” OMG
An elf was jumping on the bed to simulate raping Princess Kenny? The boys are really committed to this game.
Cartman: “Good job, Princess Gone Wild. Double D buddy powers.” Kenny flashing his man boobs is the best distraction tactic.
The Brown Note is Jimmy’s best attack.
“Welcome to the KKK!”
Alien abduction
Cartman’s fart lessons finally come in handy! New Kid’s ass is too strong to be probed.
I love that alien abduction is viewed as just another annoying part of living in South Park.
The guy from the recordings is the hobo hidden onboard, right?
The Nazi zombie hobo is the game’s first instance of the Nazi zombie plot. It tells us that the aliens are responsible for this when the ship crash lands to Earth and green goo gets in the sewer.
New Kid crashed an entire spaceship. He’s kind of a badass. And he gets to keep the alien probe!
The big bad government is involved now to deal with “another UFO crash.” How often does this happen??
Only South Park would try to pass off a UFO as construction of a Taco Bell. And only South Park citizens would believe it.
Recruitment (pt. 1)
All New Kid has to do to get the goth kids to join is put on black clothes. I’m glad to see they still have low standards.
New Kid finally meets Stan and Kyle! I’ve been waiting for this.
According to Kyle, Cartman lied about the stick being stolen and is hiding it. According to Cartman, Kyle is lying because New Kid can’t retrieve the stick if Kyle claims he doesn’t have it. It’s a game of “he said, she said” but I’m inclined to believe Kyle. This is Cartman we’re talking about…
PTA meeting
I’m disappointed no one yelled “Rabble, rabble!” at the PTA meeting.
Is no one else alarmed that Randy lured a young boy into the bathroom alone?
“That’s all you’ve got is a sign? At least crap on a desk or something!” Mr. Garrison is speaking highly of Cartman, I see.
“Give me back my iPhone, DEMON!” This is an accurate depiction of a brother-sister relationship.
It’s adorable that Stan uses Sparky in battle.
Taco Bell
I love that the big bad government agents are such bad liars that they killed a guy asking about encharidos.
“Goddamn it! I’m so tired of Nazi zombies. It’s so…overused!” Haha!
I’m surprised the adults actually took the bombing threat seriously and weren’t bummed about no Taco Bell.
Recruitment (pt. 2)
The final goth test is DDR?? That’s so conformist.
Once you win the goth kids over, you can recruit them to either Cartman’s side or Kyle’s. I always pick Kyle’s side when I play this. I’ve been itching to betray Cartman since this game started!
South Park Elementary
The huge battle scene takes place at the school because it’s where Cartman supposedly hid the stick. South Park Elementary is busted and makes a great setting for a battle scene. More “Lord of the Rings” vibes!
New Kid’s farts help Kyle’s side get the upper hand. Take that, Cartman!
Another reason choosing Kyle’s side is better: New Kid’s battle against Butters is more impactful because he was New Kid’s first friend. If it was a face off against Stan, it wouldn’t be as emotional.
The final battle gives New Kid one last chance to pick a side. Like Stan says, “I can’t believe this is even a choice.” Kyle vs Cartman is like Chanel vs Walmart.
Yet another reason choosing Kyle’s side is better: Cartman’s farting fire at the end of this fight is one of the best scenes of the whole game.
I love the twist where neither Kyle nor Cartman was lying. Clyde really punked the fuck out of everyone.
Kyle is the only one to acknowledge he’s aware of the green goo and how dangerous it is.
Stan: “Clyde, but why?” Cartman: “I banished him to be lost in space and time and now he’s all pissed off.” Haha!
Clyde’s fortress is so badass. I can see the appeal of the dark side.
How the hell does Clyde have control over the Nazi zombies??
I love that Clyde’s power move is keeping his friends out past their bedtimes. The stakes are higher now, but this reminds us this is still a kid’s game…or it started as one.
Underpants gnomes
Gnomes: “The kid is awake! What do we do?” “Oh, fuck, I guess we gotta kill him!” Me problem solving.
Since when do underpants gnomes have warlocks?? I thought they were all failed businessmen.
For some reason, high pitched gnome voices yelling “Oh, fuck!” is really funny to me.
New Kid fighting underneath his giant parents mid-coitus is another iconic fight scene. How many times must New Kid dodge his dad’s ballsack?? The kid is hardcore.
The girls
Kyle convinces everyone to team up against Clyde. I’m continually impressed by Kyle because of his leadership, intellect (he spent all night researching), and open mind (he doesn’t balk at teaming up with the humans or inviting girls to play). I’m totally Team Kyle, if you haven’t noticed.
I love that the girls blindfold New Kid when they bring him to their lair. That’s some Mafia shit.
Annie: “He…doesn’t really talk.” Bebe: “That’s hot!” ME
Sunshine, sparkle, glitter…I wanna talk like this all the time.
Heidi Turner was the two-faced bitch! That’s very Mrs. Cartman of her.
Abortion clinic
New Kid’s abortion doctor is named Dr. Poonlover because of course he is
The big bad government is doing Plan B at the abortion clinic. Clever joke!
Where did Randy get that blonde wig from?? The men in South Park cross-dress so much.
Khloe Kardashian’s aborted fetus as a Nazi zombie is also a legendary fight.
New Kid didn’t get that his photographer was a pedophile even when he was almost butt naked?? Also, who was that guy who jumps out from behind the boxes?
The layout of Canada is clearly a parody of Pokemon games, right? Either way, I love it. The shitty jpeg videogame look is very Canada.
“They’re like wolves, but they’re dire.”
Getting trained by Terrance and Phillip makes all this back and forth bullshit worth it.
Clyde’s fortress
Of course Cartman butts in when Kyle’s trying to give an inspirational speech. What an attention hog!
It’s funny to me how easily Craig switched to Clyde’s side. Loyalty much??
“I really found myself relating to Clyde’s views about darkness and enslaving the world.” Jesus, Craig!
Cartman’s negative reaction to electricity is a callback to the chip put in his head in Bigger, Longer & Uncut.
“It’s my favorite kid!” WOW, RANDY
“Who could it be?” I love how long New Kid lets them all wonder before he steps up.
Stan: “Dude, that’s not Taco Bell sauce.” Clyde: “Then why’d I find it at the Taco Bell?” A+ logic
How dare you, Clyde! Let Chef rest in peace!
Government interruption
“Whenever aliens are spotted, vampires run amok…” Vampires exist in this universe??
I love that the boys don’t care about the big bad government’s scheme.
So New Kid’s special power is making friends on social media! I should’ve known.
Princess Kenny’s betrayal
Princess Kenny planned to steal the stick all along! This game is full of betrayals.
Kenny makes a pretty cute anime princess. Nazi zombie? Not so much.
Princess Kenny is a badass final boss. And I never saw it coming!
I’m glad the “never fart on someone’s balls” joke meant something in the end. I can see why it was banned – it’s super deadly!
The boys unite to save friendship and love…by chucking a stick into a lake.
New Kid stole Cartman’s catchphrase!
Why did Al Gore appear so ominously at the end?? What are you gonna do to the kids, Al Gore??
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #420: Certified Moms' GroupChat (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
Certified Mommies' GroupChat
Samus: Ok. So this might be the dumbest question I'm gonna ask....But does anyone else feel like crying again after that wholesome party our kids thrown for us?
Peach: OMG YES!!! I've never cried so hard with that much JOY before!!
Daisy: Me neither, cuz. The way Pitty went up on the stage and told us how much he and the other kids here love and appreciate us, without even having a written speech LITERALLY got me in full force! Like.......HOT DAMN that was a good cry!! :'D
Rosalina: It was a wonderful celebration for all of us. I'm just so blessed to have them in our lives.
Peach: Me toooo~ I love each and everyone of our babies so much! Speaking of which....I got something precious to show you ladies today!
Samus: Lay it on us, princess.
Peach: Uploaded PreciousFamilyCuddleTime .JPEG
Rosalina: So Precious....
Peach: I knooow, right?!~ I cried so much earlier today that I made Mario and the kids worried lol. Even my precious Ultimate Lifeform was Worried about meeee!~ I'm soooo happy right now that I just can't!!!~
Samus: That's really cute and all....but you ain't the only one who's having a Cuddly moment right now.
Samus: Uploaded TheCuddleSquad .JPEG
Peach: Oh my goodness that is soooo adorable!!~
Samus: Lol Yeah. Kirby and My Little Partner been with me back when we were all crying our all out over Pit's speech. And they never left my side ever since.
Daisy: Too Precious for words, Sammy....
Samus: Will you ever stop calling me that?
Daisy: Never! :p
Rosalina: Uploaded WholesomeCuddlesandSnuggles JPEG.
Peach: Awwww!~
Daisy: Awwwwww!~
Samus: Wow even Rosie having a Cuddle Squad of here own lol.
Rosalina: It's true. Ryu and the children we're all Worried about my well being ever since the Mother's Day Celebration Party. So they were all so kind enough to keep me company. I'm really glad Lucas, Ness, and Ashley came back home here safe and sound.
Peach: Me too. I missed them sooo much earlier today, but I'm really proud of Lucas for being brave enough visiting his mother's grave. And I'm proud of the other two for staying by his side as well.
Daisy: Tell me about it. That kid....He really been through a lot, hasn't he?
Samus: Yeah....But I'm really glad he's doing much better now.
Rosalina: Us too, Sammy.
Samus: Seriously?
Rosalina: Yes :)
Daisy: See? Even Rosie likes the nickname.
Samus: Whatever.....
Daisy: Anywho....I wish I have a Family to Cuddle with, but Luigi and Yoshi went out to grocery store a couple of minutes ago. So I'm all alone now :((((
Peach: Awww.... I'm sorry, Daisy.
Daisy: Eh it's fine. Weegie told me he and our baby boi will me give me lots of cuddles once they get back. So I honestly can't wait! :D
Samus: Of course Luigi gonna give you some Cuddle Time. Like, has there ever been a day that he doesn't?
Daisy: Other than the time him, Mario, and Peach went to a Fancy Haunted Hotel for the entire week, my man NEVER forgets our Daily Cuddles~
Rosalina: That's because he loves you very much.
Daisy: I Knooooooow!~ And I love him too!~ So Frickin' Much, People!!~
Peach: We know, sweetheart. Calm down lol.
Samus: Okay, Seriously, Does anyone here agrees that this is best Mother's Day any of us had this year?
Peach: Oh Absolutely!~
Rosalina: Of Course.
Daisy: Hell Yeah! It was amazing!
Peach: And so beautiful that I might cry again :'D
Palutena Joins the Chat
Palutena: Hey, Ladies.
Peach: Hello, Palutena. How are you this evening?
Palutena: Amazing. And I have a special guest with me~
Bayonetta Joins the Chat
Bayonetta: Why Hello, My Girlfriends~
Peach: Bayonetta!!~
Daisy: Yo! Welcome back!
Samus: The hell you been all day lol
Bayonetta: Oh nothing special. Just came back from a date with my darling little Joker.
Daisy: Oh yeah...I forgot you told us Ren was taking you out today! How was it?
Bayonetta: Absolutely Wonderful, Darling! We both had so much fun with one another. He even took me to this stunning Restaurant from a across the street. And I CANNOT express how happy I am to tell you all the Wonderful News today.
Samus: "Wonderful News"...............No.....
Bayonetta: That's right, my dear Sammy. It's finally happening!~
Samus: Holy Shit..........
Daisy: What? What is it?
Samus: Ladies, I think Bayonetta is saying here is that Ren has accepted their proposal of adopting him officially.
Peach: OH MYYYYY!~
Rosalina: Oh my goodness!
Palutena: Yep!~ As of today, our Renny is going to be Officially joining our family!~ :D
Peach: Oh my Goodness that is WONDERFUL NEW!~ I'm SOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU TWO!!~
Bayonetta: Us too!~ I've cried more than twice today and they're ALL Tears of Undying Joy!~
Palutena: Also......
Palutena: Uploaded HappyCuddlyFamily .JPEG
Samus: My God.....Does the Preciousness EVER ends?!
Peach: Never in a Million Years, Sammy!~
Samus: You too?!
Peach: Yes! It's cute and I already Love it.
Samus: I swear, you people are impossible sometimes.....
Bayonetta: And yet you love us all the same~
Samus: True. You all are like the a huge family I never thought I wanted until now.
Daisy: Awww~ You do loves us!~
Samus: Guess I do lol
Peach: I Love Everyone of You with All my Heart!
Samus: Us too, Princess. Us too.
Daisy: Happy Mother's Day, Everyone!! :D
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gotbts7fics · 5 years
Breaking Seven | Prologue |
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Prologue | One |
[WARNING: This fic is about the cycle of abuse. It may be triggering. It deals with super heavy shit, but this needs to be talked about. You are not alone, you are worth it.]
Every couple goes through rough patches, it is completely normal. At least that’s what you’re telling yourself for the third time this week after your boyfriend of two years and you had a fight over something stupid. How were you supposed to know that your childhood friend was going to snap chat you a picture of himself shirtless, saying you were missing out. And really, was it that big of deal? He was at a pool with your brother and other friend Taehyung. Your brother, Jimin, also had snapped you pictures of him and Tae, telling you how much fun you were missing. They had invited you to go swimming tonight, but once you had mentioned it to Keith, he shut that idea down and said he wanted a movie night. Now you were sitting on your couch, crying over such a stupid fight. You wished your brother was there. Yet you were all alone, pulling a blanket up to your chin, tears streaming down your cheek, as you waited for your boyfriend to return home and tell you he was sorry for yelling at you.
“Why doesn’t your sister ever come to hangout anymore” Jungkook asked, staring at his phone. He had sent you a snap a while ago and yet you haven’t replied after opening it. Lately it seemed you were never around, something far different from the childhood friendship he was used to.
“Get over your crush, you know she’s been with that dude for like two years now, ain’t going to happen” Jimin retaliated as him and Taehyung sat across in the booth at the sports bar.
“Crush aside, he’s not wrong though, she never hangs out anymore.” Taehyung said sipping his beer. Lately it seemed you were too busy with your boyfriend to do anything. It was annoying to the trio of men sitting eating wings and drinking beer, but they chalked it up to being in love. Jimin knew you would do anything for your boyfriend and even though he didn’t like him, he accepted him. He did miss you though. You two wore thicker than thieves. Add in the neighbours Taehyung and his little brother Jungkook, the four of you were the trouble makers of the block. It also was known between the boys that Jungkook had always had a soft spot for you, despite you being the eldest of the four. He never tried to pursue but that didn’t mean he wasn’t insanely protective of you. In fact all three were, because you were you and they all loved you dearly. So for all three of them to feel your absence wasn’t entirely unreasonable. Lately you were honestly never around, save for classes at university.
“I really hate Keith” Jungkook mumbled as he took a large gulp of his beer.
“Yeah we all do” Jimin sighed out.
“Hey guys, isn’t that him” Taehyung asked, pointing towards the bar where a group of guys were walking to sit down.
“Yeah, wait… where is Y/N aren’t they having movie night, that’s why she couldn’t come swimming” Jungkook asked.
“That’s what she said…” Jimin replied, glaring at the back of your boyfriend while he pulled out his phone.
[9:23pm] Broski: Hey, what are you up to? We’re having a few drinks want to join.
[9:23pm] Y/N: Nahhh, I’m good, remember it’s movie night haha.
“You know, I really hate when she lies to me” Jimin sighed reading your reply. If he was going to be honest, it seemed like lately you lied a lot, he never let you know he caught you though. He wasn’t sure why you were trying to make it seem like your relationship was all great, when he could clearly see your stupid boyfriend at the bar taking shots with his friends.
“Well, unlike you, I’m not a chicken shit to call her out!” Tae said as he snapped a picture of the scene in front of him and sent it to you.
“Wow Tae, way to go easy.” Jimin said.
“No, fuck that douch bag, he doesn’t get to make our girl upset.” Taehyung said as he typed you a message.
[9:29pm] Tae bear: .jpeg
[2:29pm] Tae bear: We’re three blocks away from your place, your douch bag is here. Fuck him and come have fun with us. You deserve it.
You looked at the text messages on your phone from Taehyung. You should have known Keith would go out with his friends after yelling at you. Of course he wouldn’t be coming home and be apologizing. So you took a deep breath and decided you would not stay home this time. You were going to have fun with your brother and friends.
[9:32pm] Y/N Boo: Okay, I need a night out. Give me 20.
“Ha, see, she’s coming” Taehyung said triumphantly, waving his phone in their faces.
“Why the hell….. she is so closed off to me lately” Jimin grumbled out. He was irritated on how things were between you two.
“She’s coming, that’s all that matters, lets just give her a good night” Jungkook smiled at Jimin, he knew he was feeling the distance as well, and even though he played it off, it was really bugging him.
Twenty minutes later you arrived at the bar that your brother was at. You had made yourself look decent, deciding that tonight was about you. You pulled out your tightest jeans and a shirt that made you look and feel like a million bucks. You wanted your boyfriend to notice you, and to feel sorry for starting such a petty fight. You saw your brother right away and walked towards him, not sparing anyone else a glance.  
“Well look at you, gorgeous as always” Tae said with a low whistle. Jungkook shuffled over so you could sit beside him.
“Ha, thanks Tae.” You smiled.
“Are you okay?” Jimin asked, concern lacing his features.
“Yeah…I’m fine” you said grabbing Jungkooks beer and taking a gulp
“Seriously, you can talk to us… talk to me. I won’t judge you.” Jimin urged on.
“Jimin, I’m fine. Couples have arguments. We spend so much time together, it was silly. Let me just have fun with you guys tonight. I’ve missed you all so much!” You said with the biggest fake smile you could muster up. You were not going to let your brother know how bad it was, he would probably go over and punch Keith right away. Instead you flagged the waitress down and ordered two rounds of shots for your group.
“Okay boys, lets see who can last the longest!” You declared.
Several shots later, you found yourself pleasantly intoxicated and unaware of the death glare burning into the back of your skull by your boyfriend. He had noticed you a little while ago, sitting there in a booth. And man, he was furious. Yet, you were so oblivious as you throw yourself into Jungkooks shoulder, laughing hysterically over something Jimin had said, which resulted in Taehyung laughing so hard tequila came out his nostrils, so basically you guys were just a big mess of laughter. Clearly, all very drunk.
“Y/N” You looked up to see your boyfriend beside your booth, looking pretty pissed off.
“Oh hey!” You giggled.
“Let’s go home” He said through gritted teeth.
“No thanks, I think I’m going to stay a little while more” You smiled at him, completely unaware you were making him angrier by the minute.
“Baby….” He smiled leaning down to whisper into your ear, simultaneously grabbing your wrist. “I said lets go home. Pull yourself together, you’re acting like the slut you look like.” He yanked you out of the booth.
“Hey, what the fuck man” Jimin stood up, not liking how you were being treated.
“It’s okay Jimin, I think I should go home. I am pretty drunk” You laughed nervously.
“Let us all walk you home, it’s on the way to our place” Jungkook offered standing up.
The hand on your wrist squeezed you tighter.
“No, its okay guys. I have Keith to walk me home” you let out, grimacing at the pain. Sometimes Keith didn’t know his own strength, and he accidentally squeezed to hard, you thought.
“Yes, lets go” He said dragging you away from the table. Jimin was trying to keep his temper under control as he watched you go. He did not like how Keith treated you, but now he was convinced you deserved more.
“Look, I’m not saying I hate the guy, but I fucking hate that guy. Did you see how he man handled her. Why would she go with him!” Jungkook let out. He was just as angry as Jimin watching how you were treated. Taehyung stood up from the table, with a look of concern writing on his face.
“Guys, I’m not saying I’m right, but… do you think… I don’t know. It’s all there, us not seeing her as much, her change in personality, him controlling her, treating her like shit in front of us none the less, man handling her….” Taehyung looked in the direction of the door you had just exited.
“Holy shit….”Jungkook exhaled.
“He’s an abuser” Jimin sighed. Keith wasn’t just a run of the mill dick head, no, he was abusing his sister. You were in an abusive relationship. And the worst part was, you didn’t even see it.
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idreamofplaid · 4 years
Christmas Present
Square Filled: Standing Sex
Characters: Dean x Reader; Rowena; Linda (OFC)
Rating: Mature
Tags: Voyeurism
Summary: Dean has reached a point in his life where something has to change.
Word Count: 1568
Created for @spnkinkbingo
A/N: This is Part 2 of Dean’s Christmas Carol. Read Part 1 Christmas Past.
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The smell of brewing coffee filled the bunker’s kitchen while Dean rummaged through the refrigerator searching for something he could make for breakfast. With any luck, there would still be some bacon. He deserved some bright spot in his Christmas morning. After last night, he needed it even more than usual. 
Dean was not a stranger to troubling dreams, but last night’s dream brought things back to his mind that he had been careful to lock away. Allowing himself too many feelings would hinder his ability to do what his job required of him. Once, when he was young, he had played with the idea that maybe he could have more than a shotgun filled with salt rounds and an EMF meter. Sam had done it, he’d claimed a life for himself by leaving it all behind. That wasn’t in Dean. He knew hunting was deeply entrenched in his blood; it was just part of him, but maybe he could balance it with a life outside of hunting somehow.
Y/N had represented that life, but he had been naive to think that was possible. The first monster that came sniffing around seeking revenge made it unquestionably clear to Dean that Y/N was in danger as long as he was near her, so he left. He had made some lame excuse about his “job” being so demanding on his time that he couldn’t give her what she deserved. That much was true at least. The life he could have given her was in no way what she deserved.
He resumed his search for bacon and tried to push the thoughts of her away again. Yahtzee! There it was, hiding behind a pile of Sam’s salad vegetables. At least there would be something redeeming about this morning. Fortune must be smiling on him today because there were eggs too.
Dean set about cooking his Christmas breakfast. He cracked two eggs in a pan and started to stir them around then poured himself a cup of coffee while he waited for the eggs to firm up.Once they did, he added a couple strips of bacon to the pan. The satisfying sizzle of the bacon was a comforting sound to Dean’s ears. It was a familiar constant in his life. 
With eggs and bacon piled on his plate, Dean turned to make his way to the table. He was never the kind of person to scare easily, and at this point it was almost impossible to startle him; but the sight of Rowena sitting at his table came close. He finished chewing his bite of bacon and swallowed it. “Where’s Sam?”
Rowena brought her well manicured hand to her face and leaned on it. “Oh, he’s still in bed I would imagine.” She smiled knowingly. “Dear boy needs his rest.” 
Dean waved his hand. “Alright. Enough. I don’t need the details.” He sat down across from her with his breakfast. “Why are you here? Don’t you want to spend Christmas with Sam?” Dean was still growing accustomed to their relationship, but he thought he was doing a pretty admirable job of accepting it. Hell, he’d even be happy for Sam if this was what he wanted and Rowena could give it to him. 
Rowena lowered her hand and sat back. “Always so subtle.” She smiled and slowly blinked her eyes with a flip of her lashes. “I’ll get back to Sam soon enough. There’s just a little bit of business I need to take care of first.”
“That business is here?” Rowena gave Dean an affirmative dip of her head. “Go on. I’m listening.”
“Well, it seems you’re doing your best to try and dismiss your journey last night.”  Dean felt a stab of uncertainty shoot through him, and he focused on keeping his feelings out of his expression; but that didn’t work with Rowena. Damn witch powers. “Oh, it was real alright. You went to the past.”
Dean couldn’t even say that was impossible. His experience had taught him that basically everything was possible. That meant Bobby had really been here, or at least his ghost or whatever had been. He looked back to Rowena. He wanted answers, and maybe she had them. “What do you know about that?”
She glanced down nonchalantly at her fingertip running over the surface of the tabletop. “It seems you’re at a crossroads in your life, Dean.” She looked up to meet his eyes. “Not a literal one, of course, you’ve done enough of that. You’ve reached a place where you must make a decision, and I’ve been called upon to help you do it.”
Dean scoffed at that idea. “Yeah, right. And who’s going to call on you? I doubt God would have called on you even before he was a dick.” Dean remembered he was talking to his brother’s girlfriend and quickly settled down. “No offense.”
“None taken darling.” Rowena stood; her gaze was locked on Dean. “The universe has mysteries none of us understand yet, and something did indeed call upon me; thus here I am. I have been charged with showing you your life...as it is now.” She walked around the table and extended her hand to Dean. “Take it.” Dean put his hand in hers, and the bunker once again disappeared. 
This time he stood outside a rundown motel with Rowena. The door was a burnt orange color that hadn’t been fashionable since the seventies and the gold numbers on it read 117. Dean knew this place and time. It was last week, and this was where he’d brought the redhead from the bar. 
Rowena made a move toward the door and put a hand on the knob. Dean lunged for her, and put his hand on her arm. “What are you doing?”
Rowena rolled her eyes in her exaggerated way then smiled sweetly at Dean. “Going inside of course.”
He stammered, “But...but…” 
She laughed, amusement evident in her voice. “Have you gotten shy all of a sudden, Dean?”
He pulled his hand back. His expression was one of indignant confusion.  “No.”
Rowena tossed her head and turned the knob. “Good. Now come inside.”
Dean stepped through the door straight into a porno, and he was the star. The girl, Linda? Lisa? Laura? He couldn’t remember. She was against the wall; Dean’s mouth was on her neck, and the sounds she was making were loud enough that Dean wondered how he hadn’t heard them outside. 
Linda, he was going to call her that for convenience, was tearing off his jacket and his shirts. She raked her nails down his chest, and Dean watched himself lift his head. “You’re a fiery one. I like.”
Rowena cut her eyes to Dean. “Really?”
Dean didn’t respond. He was too distracted, and it wasn’t in an arousing way. The memory of last night was still fresh in his mind. He remembered the way Y/N had sounded, and it was nothing like this. The way she had said his name made his stomach draw tight and flutter with the anticipation of something better than good sex. This girl probably didn’t know his name, the same way he didn’t know hers.
Under different circumstances, watching a hot woman wrap her legs around him while he pounded her against the wall would have turned him on; but he wanted to hear Y/N, wanted to taste her, feel her, only her. This just made it perfectly and painfully clear he’d lost her. 
“Fuck!” Bar girl Linda screamed when she came. Dean watched himself rut up into her until he filled the condom he was wearing. Then he watched himself take it off and dump it into the trash can while she took off her clothes. They met at the bed and climbed on to start round two.
Dean said nothing, but Rowena wasn’t so quiet. “Ah, Dean. You’re very talented it seems.” She tried unsuccessfully to suppress a smirk. “Must run in the family.”
Dean turned away from what he was seeing and glared at Rowena. “Okay. That’s enough. Can we just go please?”
Rowena feigned innocence. “What’s the matter, dear? Didn’t you enjoy yourself? Certainly looks like you’re having a good time.”
Dean gritted his teeth. “It was fine. Time to leave.”
Rowena looked at Dean, her eyes penetrating to the heart of him. “Not fulfilling then?” She tapped his arm with her finger. “That’s the real problem isn’t it? This isn’t enough for you anymore. Your liasons have lost their sparkle.” She closed her arm around his. “Come along then.”
Dean closed his eyes, and when he opened them he was back in the bunker. Rowena was straightening her dress; the carton of eggs was still on the counter where he’d left them. Everything seemed normal, but there was nothing normal about this. A pain had been resurrected in his heart that he’d buried a long time ago. “Are you alright, darlin’?” 
Dean walked to the table, scooped up his uneaten breakfast, and took it to the sink.  “I don’t want to talk about it.” 
Rowena lifted her chin and smoothed her hair. “Very well then. It’s time I returned to Samuel.” Dean heard her, but everything sounded hollow. He stared at the plate in his hands and put it down on the counter. “Heed what’s happened, Dean.” Without another word she disappeared, leaving Dean with his cold bacon and eggs.
Everything Forever: @gambitwinchester @princessmisery666 @onethirstyunicorn @peridottea91 @logical-princey @emilyshurley @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @fangirlxwritesx67 @waywardbaby @atc74 @ledzeppelinsbonzo @shaniquacynthia @mariekoukie6661 @tumbler-tidbits @67-chevy-baby @fandom-princess-forevermore @terrarium-jpeg @emoryhemsworth @crashdevlin @heycasbutt @jules-1999 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @cosicas-cuquis @sammyimpala-67 @queenoftheunderdark @dean-winchesters-bacon @mrs-meghan-winchester @sweetness47 @timelordy-fangirl2 @hobby27 @awesomesusiebstuff @kickingitwithkirk @gh0stgurl @becs-bunker @sandlee44 @supernaturalgrandma @lonewolf471 @sea040561​ @dawnie1988​ @maddiepants​ @volleyballer519​ @outcastedangel​ @iknowwheremytowelis​ @kdfrqqg​ @lizette50​ @daisymoder72​ @sorenmarie87​ @oldfreakything​
Dean/Jensen Love: @deansyahtzee​ @flamencodiva​ @deanwinchesterswitch​ @waywardrose13​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ @focusonspn​ @akshi8278​ @ladywinchester1967​ @sgarrett49​ @wingedcatninja​ @coffee-obsessed-writer​ @adoptdontshoppets​ @team-free-will-you-idjiot​ @ellewritesfix05​ 
Dean’s Christmas Carol: @moron225​
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dear-indies · 5 years
Evolution (2001) Quotes! - trigger warnings: nsfw, swearing, gun, and military mentions.
Inspired by @syfyhq​!
"Despite all the warnings."
"Bad move."
"It's showtime."
"Don't worry, ma'am! I'm here to save you!"
"Keep those people back! This is an emergency!"
"Though it may be hard to believe a single biology professor..."
"As you can see, there was a shocking statistical anomaly."
"Congratulate yourselves. I have a good feeling about this group."
"There seems to be a mistake here."
"A meteor? Where?"
"Wouldn't you prefer a different profession?"
"Actually, what I want to be is Miss Arizona."
"Ready for lunch?"
"Let me grab my stuff."
"A meteor hit last night."
"I'm taking you in case I have to do something scientific."
"I signed up over the Internet."
"That's my baby. Take it easy."
"So I'd appreciate it if you'd let me go."
"Now that's a hole!"
"I believe we've located the target."
"Look at these jackasses."
"Muscle pose. Give me big smiles! Looking good."
"At ease, gentlemen! The feds are here."
"Let's not get combative."
"We're just here to get some scientific samples. If that's okay."
"It just hit last night and it has stuff growing on it."
"Let's get a sample and get out of here."
"Let's bag it."
"Your résumé will shine."
"The meteor samples are teeming with one-celled organisms."
"Their metabolic rates are off the charts."
"They're dividing at an incredible rate. Almost exponential."
"Their DNA has ten base pairs."
"The DNA of all earth life has only four base pairs."
"...these are organisms from another world."
"They're aliens."
"I'm not. I'm concerned about the potential tax consequences."
"If we want to be big important scientists, you have to act the part."
"It's like they're evolving."
"It's evolution."
"But it's million years worth in just a few hours."
"At least you have the pool gig at the country club."
"Wear your protective gloves at all times."
"We came to pick up the rock."
"It's very technical."
"I know these look like mushrooms, but refrain from eating them."
"It's the game we play, baby."
"It's converting the atmosphere."
"Look at all this rudimentary plant life. It's amazing."
"Not to get all girly here, but I feel something wiggling around my toes."
"Come here, little buddy."
"The oxygen must have killed it."
"It must need its own atmosphere to live."
"Grab a specimen jar. We'll scoop some atmosphere in there with them."
"It took us two billion years to do what they did in a couple of days."
"Those germs are the embodiment of the American dream."
"It's mitosis. That's how they reproduce."
"We call no one, we tell no one. This is our secret."
"What about the government? They usually get involved."
"This is our discovery. We must maintain absolute control."
"We have to do more research and check our findings. Document everything."
"You know what to do with the towels because you're the pool boy."
"Not anymore. You're not on the list."
"White man doesn't like to be yelled at."
"Get his gun!"
"All this time I thought you were just a schoolteacher."
"You should've known better than to keep something this big from us."
"I'd heard about your recklessness but you are way out of line on this one."
"Nice to meet you, too."
"You son of a bitch."
"We've already secured the area."
"Did you catch that condescending tone?"
"You're a disgrace, and a dangerous one at that."
"Forget the foreplay. We just got screwed."
"I don't care who they are. Stealing is stealing!"
"They took the rock, the samples, all the little wormy critters."
"All the data's gone. The JPEG files, the DNA sequences. They cleaned us out."
"I'm calling the cops."
"They are the cops!"
"Let me ask you something."
"The penalty for impersonating an officer is five years in prison."
"Testing, one, two."
"I don't have anything on my schedule."
"Our little babies are growing up."
"Three weeks, it's already like a rain forest in here."
"That tree just ate it."
"Everything here seems to be food for something else, so let's stay off the menu."
"Come here, look at these little things."
"Yeah. Snag one and put it in the bucket."
"Don't be scared. We came for a specimen, now snag one."
"Come on, my little red lobster."
"Come on, my sexy little crustacean."
" Let's bag that and get the hell out of here."
"The fly! There's a fly in my suit!"
"I'll get the lubricant."
"There's always time for lubricant!"
"Ice cream. I'd like an ice cream, please."
"I'm thinking seriously about moving. Maybe to California. Start over."
"You know how many times I've flunked in my life?"
"Damn it! That's going to stain."
"Something just ate Barry Cartwright!"
"Thank you for not calling the cops."
"What's in the bag, your blow-up doll?"
"No. I've got something you're really going to like."
"A guy got killed at my country club last night."
"It was an animal attack."
"It's like nothing I ever saw before. I thought you guys might want to see it."
"You have a serious bug problem."
"When did you guys get a dog?"
"I don't think that's a dog. It's like some kind of rodent."
"Come on, cutie pie."
"What the hell is that thing?"
"Pick me up in an hour. No, two."
"Two single beds, please. We're fighting."
"They're adapting. We have got to shut it down."
"You're overreacting. We can handle this."
"I used to be arrogant like you."
"We have to kill these things while we still can."
"All right. I'll talk to him, but I can't promise anything."
"Why the police escort? You're not under arrest, are you?"
"You'll take care of the check, right?"
"You have to admit, this animal attack has kind of an ominous feel, doesn't it?"
"This entire area is just a honeycomb of caves and old mine shafts."
"It's flying away. Is that a bad thing?"
"You know how I hate shopping."
"I think that colour is great on you."
"Ladies, there's a flying extraterrestrial in the store. Can we focus?"
"I said, just a second, bitch."
"Here, birdy-birdy-birdy-birdy-birdy!"
"If I was a giant, nasty alien bird in a department store, where would I be?"
"I think we've established that "ca-caw" and "tookie-tookie" don't work."
"Please stop. You are embarrassing me."
"Sing. Rub some funk on it."
"Can someone tell me why I was not informed..."
"Right now, media vultures are camped outside my office."
"The red markings indicate the growth of the alien ecosystem."
"In two months, the United States officially belongs to them."
"And we are extinct."
"Admit it. You're glad to see us."
"We just blew a giant alien bird out of a store."
"We're covering up your mess."
"Disseminating the alien organisms outside the secured area."
"My state is being overrun by aliens."
"My plan is to evacuate everyone from within five miles of the perimeter."
"...then burn the alien menace the hell out of there."
"With napalm. Lots and lots of napalm."
"All this talk about napalm and burning makes me nervous."
"Sir, one of the creatures just destroyed video four."
"They've evolved into primates."
"All the monitors are down."
"The fuzzy no-nose chimp?"
"They're coming through the elevator!"
"Hold your fire. You'll get someone killed."
"Science project is over."
"The real money's in the private sector."
"This may not be the best time to be drinking."
"You can trust me. Just talk to me."
"Some of the original liquid material from inside the meteor."
"Why hasn't it evolved like the rest?"
"Being in an airtight case, nothing to metabolise with. But we've still no clue."
"The organisms were dormant in space. They hit Earth's atmosphere and bam!"
"Heat. Fire. That's the catalyst."
"So much for the military option."
"We're going to blow those creatures straight to hell."
"Oh, really? Well, unfortunately, I'm not available."
"Thought you could use a brew so you can mellow out."
"Have a beer, relax. It'll help with your research."
"I'm looking at the periodic table on your T-shirt. I'm seeing a pattern."
" We are a carbon-based life form."
" But the aliens are nitrogen-based, right?"
"Selenium. How much do we need?"
"I hate to be a buzzkill, but where will we get that?"
"Head & Shoulders."
"Yeah, that's the stuff. The active ingredient is selenium sulphide."
" We'll get the troops together. We're getting shampoo!"
"There's something I should tell you, but I don't know exactly how."
"Let's shampoo us some aliens!"
" Where are you, my little aliens?"
"We've no time for you to act like you know what you're doing."
"I'll take a pair of spy glasses and a hot chocolate."
" Run for your life!"
"Survival of the fittest. Often, the simplest organism is the strongest."
"It's getting ready to divide."
"Wait. There's going to be more of these things?"
"So that Head & Shoulders idea. Is that still the plan?"
"We have to find a point of attack."
"It's payback time!"
"Give me back my friend, you big sphincter!"
"Fighting the alien menace can be tough work."
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her-hell · 5 years
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That Story Time: 
The boy in question was named Fabian & he was ... problematic and unhygienic. 
He was generally disgusting and unpleasant, not to mention inappropriate towards the girls in our school & I for one was tired of his bullshit. He made the mistake of writing me crude & lewd notes. 
( Which I proved because dip shit was the only one with a green pen in the class these notes magically showed up in, not the point - - - moving on. )
Anyway, one day he throws a note at me in class and it’s his usual: 
‘ I think your hair and eyes are beautiful. I’d like to taste your lips & f**k you in bed. ‘
( Side Rant: We were 13 - that shit was so uncomfortable and gross & no one ever did anything about him !!!!! ) 
I ignored this and continued working on my earth science. So, he escalated things - reached into my book bag because he sat next to me & grabbed my chapstick. He proceeds to take the cap off - roll the tube up halfway and just ... fucking eat the thing while making eye contact. He tried to put the tube in my bag again but I kicked it under my seat. 
Naturally, I was like: 
“ Gross, what the hell is your problem ?!? “
And this little shit says, and I quote: 
“ Well, I’d never get to taste your lips otherwise ... so I just ate your lip gloss instead. I mean, I’d still rather kiss you. “
( Like ???? Just why ?! Oh my God - I’m getting embarrassed just telling this story. Jesus. ) 
So, being the cocky little fuck that I was, I was like:
“ Okay - - - Well, read my lips ... “
[ Insert BIG YIKES™.jpeg ]
I deadass ripped that note into 6 pieces real quick & mushed them into his face while I told him to ‘ screw off and leave me & my friend Whitney alone ‘.
Y’all ... straight boys are so fucking weird. 
I was very selective with the dudes I liked after that though. Girls were fine - I liked all types, but dudes had to prove they weren’t batshit insane. 
That guy later dated a 4th grader & the summer before high school was convicted of a sex crime & is on a certain registry. 
Just - that’s why I don’t really think much of dudes // like being flirted with by guys. ( I mean, I didn’t like being flirted with after I got with Harley & also I’m married to him now & don’t like being seriously flirted with by anyone ... but - it’s just a more enjoyable experience if it’s a pretty lady at this point, tbh. ) 
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teawithkpop · 5 years
so you liked the guy with the reddish hair from 2pm, right? Okay... Check out Junho FEEL!
help me find some new groups
why yes yes i did let’s see here HOLY HELL THIS LOOKS OLDDD 🤣
there’s a lot to unpack here aka this is rly long lmao sorryyyy
Junho - Feel mv link
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is that jinyoung from got7?
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okay we got some bros b-ballin
but why did Deal With It by Corbin Bleu nee Juliet by Shinee just start playing in my head? lmfao
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this dude’s glasses are Wack
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oof he is Very Blonde here hahah
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lookit his smile- wait is that Jinyoung form got7???
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okay but she lowkey hot
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i do not know got7 but i can recognize them isn’t that jb and jinyoung or am i crazy? didn’t twice feat in acting in some of got7 mvs predebut?? is this a jyp tradition??
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okay he got moves but also what is this set?? medusa heads?? bulls eyes?? chandeliers??  I like the colors tho
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WHAT IS THIS SPOT THE JYP ARTIST I SEE YOU MINA (and possibly another twice girl??)
i’m sorry i’ll stop talking abt other groups this IS SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT JUNHO THE HOTTIE 😤😤
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oof someone is not impressed by the Bold approach
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okay but like she is very attractive hi
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ooooh this dance bit is cool!!!
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okay dude she was not impressed the first time so like as ur wingman i would mayhaps recommend trying a different approach?
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ohhh shit u guys he did the boy band cross and turn that’s a surefire move right there
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oh okay she’s into it???
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oh okay phew she’s just playin
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also that SMILE LOOK AWW
the chorus sounds SO 90s boy band i can’t-
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this choreo is kinda all over the place lmao
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aWWW??? cute!!
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okay but she’s really pretty sorry
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nothing like screaming all your feelings out in an abandoned area i see u troy bolton
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i need to stop pausing for the girl thi is Junho’s mv but DANG
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aww yayyyy domestic life!!!
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okAY OUFIT CHANGE i’m digging it
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aww i want this to be a kdrama this is so cuteeee
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why is the car covered in ivy??
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this hair style is super cute probably my fave so far
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the dance is seriously so boyband i can’t-
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ooh interesting set change!!
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and oop another dance breakdown
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okay but actually this breakdown is pretty good ngl
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aww it’s like full circle
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something about his face is just?? so charming????
okay but i’m not even kidding if i had been into kpop when i was younger this would have been on my ipod shuffle right along with vanessa hudgens and the  jo bros like the song is solid for its genre
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man i wish a hot guy would give a little song and dance in the back of an alley to try and win my heart
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again screenshots don’t do it justice but something about his face reminds me of like?? peter pan or smth?? it’s cuteee
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he is actually a pretty good dancer though props
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what a fuckin tease
good video!! made me nostalgic for those early 2000s pop days of my youth uwu
Junho - Feel
visuals: captured the vibe of that early pop era perfectly imo 8/10
song: pretty good for it’s genre! might add it to a nostalgia playlist 8/10
dance: fuckin questionable at times lmao but it was 2014 can u really blame them and also looks fun to dance 7/10
bias: i mean technically the only option is Junho since it’s his song but the girl in the mv was making me feel some type of way lolol
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Elf King Kyle X Home school Reader
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((Art credit: @koo-jpeg Thanks for letting me use it! And sorry for the misunderstanding)
Today marked the second day that you moved to South Park Colorado. It was a strange town to say the least. Though there were at least kids your age here! As much as you wanted to go out and see the town and play with the other kids you were stuck doing homework. Being home schooled wasn’t as glorious as it seemed. Lots of homework, lots of test, and a lot of being locked up in your room. You hear the doorbell ring and your parent head over to answer the door. You place your pencil down trying to hear what was being said. It almost seemed as if a kid your age was talking. Your parent and the stranger talk for a little before the door closes. You quickly run to your window to see who it was. You saw a hint of a green hat and orange jacket but other than that you couldn’t see much. Stupid hedge, being placed right in front of your line of sight. You groan softly but get back to work. Time seemed to fly by and two weeks pass before you see the stranger again. You were just coming back to work from getting lunch when you see him. He was right in front of your window. You stare at him and he stares back like a deer in headlights.
    “Uhm… Hi?” you ask lifting a hand of greeting when you realized that he couldn’t hear you. His face turns bright red and he sprints off full speed.
    “Wait!” You try and yell opening your window. There laid carefully on the window seal was a single rose. You blush softly taking the rose with a soft laugh. You had a secret admirer.
A full week of wondering who the stranger was haunted you. Today was an unusually warm day in South Park, but as the same as any other day you were stuck inside studying. You sigh softly staring outside the window idly. That’s when you see him, A beautiful red haired boy with a crown of branches. He also wore a regal red cape and wielded a… a golf club? Who was this mystery boy? You see a look of anger cross his face and you open your window curiously to try and see what he was saying. You still couldn’t hear what he said, he was on the other street after all. It seemed as if he was yelling at someone across from him. You couldn’t see who exactly due to the annoying hedge beside your window. You jump when you hear the door swing open.
“Y/N I’m going out to get some eggs, stay here and study.” Your parent says sternly as the place a gentle kiss to your head before heading out. You sigh in relief listening as your parent made their way out of the house, into the car and off to shop oblivious to the war that was unfolding just across the street. You did have to admit, it was much more entertaining than doing homework. You bite your lip, do you dare get closer and risk getting grounded? Curiosity got the best of you and you close your window running out through the front door. The second you close the door it goes silent. You turn nervously to see the red head boy’s turn as red as his hair and the rather large boy across from him forms an evil smirk.
“Get Y/N at all cost!” You stare in shock as the boys behind the larger one begin to charge at you. What the hell!?
“Protect Y/N!” The redhead yells loudly the other half of the group charging. Some of them clashing swords on the way. You decide your best option was to sprint as far as you could. Why was this happening!? Almost if not all the boys your age were chasing you down. Sure you had daydreams about this sort of situation but it definitely wasn’t this terrifying! You run until you were utterly exhausted and out of breath thankful for the fact that they seemed to break off in chunks to fight. You pant heavily sliding against the alley wall holding your breath when you hear heavy pants.
“Y/N has to be around here somewhere! Keep looking!” You hear the larger boy yell just down the street. You hold your breath as you hear a group of people run by. This had to be a dream right? That was the only logical explanation you could come up with! You feel a hand grab your shoulder making you jump in surprise and almost scream but they quickly cover your mouth. It was the attractive red head and he looked panicked and out of breath.
“Y/N be quiet.” He hisses making you only nod nervously. Maybe he could explain what was going on, after all he did say he’d protect you. The second he moves his hand you glare at him.
“What the fuck is going on.” You hiss under your breath making him let out a breathy chuckle.
“I’m sorry you got dragged into this…” He mumbles and rubs the back of his neck looking away nervously.
“It’s just, you’re the new kid and… you’re so… Attractive.” He says clearing his throat quickly his face turning red again before going on.
“A-Anyway Eric noticed my… attempts to impress you and he wants to use you against me.” You frown confused before remembering who exactly was trying to impress you.
“Wait that was you? Flower window guy?” Kyle snorts at the name you made trying to hide his laugh with his hand. You couldn’t help but smile softly as well, he had a really nice laugh.
“Yeah, Flower window guy is me. My real name is Kyle by the way. Kyle Broflovski.” Kyle clears his throat nervously and casts his gaze to the wall.
“I… I was just wondering if you’d like to play with us… Y/N will you join the elven kingdom?” He looks at you hopefully making you laugh a little. He was so serious about this.
“Sure, I don’t see why not.” You say with a shrug. His face lights up and he grins happily.
“Seriously!?” he stood up quickly clearly excited and you can’t help but laugh and join him.
“Seriously.” You hear running behind you once again and turn going wide eyed as the larger boy laughs proudly before panting heavily. A mix of both humans and elves began to swarm over.
“Y/N! I found you! Join the humans! We’ll make you the strongest player in all the lands!” You go to speak but Kyle was quick to retaliate.
“Fuck off Cartman! Y/N agreed to be an elf!” He grins proudly and the boy called Cartman stared at you with a look of utter betrayal. The elves on the other hand cheer excitedly. Did you do something wrong? He glances between you and then Kyle glaring at the both of you.
“Oh I see how it is… I’ll remember this Y/N. This isn’t the last you’ll hear from me!” He yells storming off angrily some of his group following after.
“Thanks for trusting me Y/N… I promise I’ll do everything in my power to keep you safe from fat ass.” Kyle promises making you smile and laugh a little.
“Once I figure out how to play this game I’m sure I’ll be able to fend for myself.” Kyle smiles happily placing a gentle kiss to your cheek the both of you turning red.
“I-I’m sure you will! You’ll be a great elf!” He says proudly making you blush even more. Why did he have to be so cute?
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askbohemiancompany · 6 years
Munday Mix Tape Compilation
To those who did submit for this meme, please let me know what you thought of the mixes.
iamyourdoubt asked:Oh my, what does this 🎼 bring to your mind?
Oh boy! This one was easy as hell
Terrible Lie- Nine Inch Nails
Window Licker- Aphex Twin
Battle in Me- Garbage
In My Head- Queens of the Stoneage
Eh- Death Grips
I admit for this I picked mostly tracks that would fit the mood with dealing with Doubt from denial in Terrible Lie, the active fight in Battle in Me and indifference with Eh. Window Licker just feels like you are being choked by a serpent that points out your mistakes.  In My Head is over the bad deal making aspects of Doubt I wanted to at least touch on.
asktheboxghosts asked:🎼
Sick Sick Sick- Queens of the Stoneage
Kids See Ghosts- Kids See Ghosts
Downward Spiral- Danny Brown
Everything She Does Is Magic- Police
Knife Party- Deftones
Ok this one was also pretty fun to come up with. I wanted to make the playlist mostly around Fool. Downward Spiral can represent her on maybe one of her bad episodes and Sick Sick Sick can be the danger around her. Kids See Ghosts is a whole album about and made by people that are bipolar and have depression, so naturally, a song should fit there. Also, it has the chorus Kids See Ghosts which can mean false visions or how one can cope as a child. Everything She Does is Magic could capture that, despite how initially unintimidating she is, there is something unnerving when you pay attention. Knife Party is there because she has a knife.
askinggourgeist asked:🎼🎼👀👀 I’ll do it off askinggourgeist
Garden Shed- Tyler, the Creator
You’re My Best Friend- Queen
Take Care- Drake ft. Rhianna
The Thief- Minus the Bear
This one I knew immediately I wanted to go with Geist’s on hang ups on his past. Garden Shed and WASTE both deal with the angst he dealt with being alive, both as being a lowly thief and being rejected for being gay. You’re My Best Friend and Take Care are optimistic, regarding how he has come to accept himself better and finding good influences such as Eddy. Thief is more of a mood song, with a title about his old occupation.
transient-birds asked:// I'm too lazy to log into my other blog, so take this for Tobias 🎼
Hurt- Johnny Cash
Way Down- Kaleo
Sitting on the Dock of the Bay- Ottis Redding
Time Flies- Porcupine Trees
Sad and Lonely- DJ Shadow
Okay this playlist is just summarized as “Tired and Warry Music”. So I chose tracks that emphasized regret and being beaten down by life. I chose Time Flies because this blog had one of the most drastic reboots I have seen, one I still actually appreciate to this day.
askthepathfinder asked:🎼
Shock Me- Baroness
The Weapon- Rush
Ashes to Ashes- David Bowie
Trooper- Iron Maiden
Building Steam with a Grain of Salt- DJ Shadow
I admit I had a bit of a hard time making this one. Don’t know why. I went with some quintessential soldier-esque songs. Also DJ Shadow because I will convert people to his brilliance.
askgng asked:🎼this sounds interesting. Think you can do it for my blog?
Robot Rock- Daft Punk
Take a Byte- Janelle Monae
Metal Heart- Garbage
Trash- Death Grips
Harder Than Steel- Megas
Most of the these tracks have to do with robots with Take a Byte for Gardedroid and Harder Than Steel for 107-001 RR respectively. Trash represent Gardebitch looking through the gardevoir tag on tumblr or google.
Sorry Varta
deathbycelosia asked:🎼
Where This Flower Blooms- Tyler, the Creator
Egypt The Chains are On- Dio
Tragic Kingdom- No Doubt
Inchworm- Battles
Pyramids- Frank Ocean Child of the Desert- Circa Survive
I wanted tracks that would get the feeling of going through a desert on your own, with no one else but people you are wary of. Where This Flower Blooms relate to Celosia, just being an elegant song about someone who is not traditionally masculine and owns up to it. Also because Celosia is a grass type. Inchworm is like interacting with Ravenger, at first intimidating but winds up sounding goofy by the end.
NOTE: I did change one of the tracks for this one.
im-crow asked:🎼
My Thoughts on Neo Gaf Dying- JPEG Mafia
Everyday Bro- Jake Paul
What’s New Pussy Cat- Tom Jones
Hotline Bling- Drake
Photograph- Nickleback
Hey. You like memes. Here are some memes you meme. MEMES!
ghost--mod asked:🎼 for DailyArcticVaporeon!
Art Angel- Grimes
Feels Good- Jamiroquai
Gimmie Love- Carly Rae Jepsen
Waterslide- Chon
Ice Cream- Battles
Boy howdy I do not know a lot of bright optimistic music no I don’t. Most of these were mood centric tracks since River seems like an upbeat person. Hope you like the mix bag. One has a video of a dog on a skateboard.
leilani-popplio asked:🎼
Another Day In Paradise- Reel Big Fish
Red Rubberball- Street Light Manifesto
Mr. Bluesky- Electric Lights Orchestra
Circles- Incubus
Step Outside- Screaming Females
This one was interesting because again I tried to pick up beat songs, but each with their own kind of twists in the lyrics especially with Another Day and Red Rubber Ball. Bluesky is meant to be straight optimistic with Leilani being a sweet child. Circles and Step Outside are meant to be more representative of Kass, someone who is antagonist and enjoys a fight.
a-drays-mind asked:I'm on the phone don't mind me :'D music note for the twins' blog?
Bottomless Pit- Death Grips
TABOO- Denzel Curry
Bad Boyfriend- Garbage
Misfit Love- Queens of the Stoneage
This was one that I had a blast with and one I had in my head for a while. Bottomless Pitt and HEAT both have the energy of what it feels like being in Jake’s presence: it is stress inducing with Jake threatening you in some capacity. TABOO does sort of handle in how the siblings handle all of their sexual relationships with everyone involved. Bad Boyfriend does highlight how really warped and fucked up Sara and Jake’s relationship are. Misfit Love, however, could best describe the whole cast, fucked up but with varying degrees of comradery.
askbookwormflareon asked:🎼For Isis if you're still doing this?
I will also throw one track for Rosie and Honey as well.
Glass House- Screaming Females
Bergschrund- DJ Shadow
Can You Forgive Her- Pet Shop Boys
Don’t Speak- No Doubt
Rattlesnake- St. Vincent
Since this one was for a specific character this was a bit tougher, but I still think I managed to make a decent list. Glass House deals with how Isis was raised by her mom, in an abusive cult-like household. Can You Forgvie Her and Rattlesnake deal with the uncertainty about leaving her mom in terms of learning about what her mom withheld from her. Bergschrund is what I would see as her fight theme, very distorted but sharp. Don’t Speak deals with Rosie and Honey’s romantic relationship deteriorating and how it pains the both of them
occasionalmawile asked:🎼 (if you are still doing those of course!)
Can’t Get You Out of My Head- Kylie Mignoa
Venus Fly- Grimes
D.A.N.C.E- Justice
Heart- Petshop Boys
Making Most of the Night- Carly Rae Jepsen
The only reason this one was hard was because I had to cut a bunch of tracks due to lyrics having a double entendre which would not have jived at all with your blog, but had the word pink in it. I chose some more aesthetic stuff, a lot of happy and upbeat music that seems fitting for Azamu
🎼 i dont suppose you'd do one for askcannelleandfriends?
Step Outside- Screaming Females
Golden Gun Girls- Metric
In Your Honor- Foo Fighters
Bakuretsu Panie San- tricot
You Can Do It- No Doubt
For this one I chose a lot of tracks that convey Cannelle’s spunky attitude and willingness to persevere. You Can Do It, Golden Gun Girls and Step Outside both convey this well. In Your Honor is for Cannelle’s relationship with Lenox and how close they have become. The tricot song was just more of a mood piece because I want to rep tricot.
themeowsticvigilante asked:🎼 (I follow you on my main blog and I want to try this)
My Hero- Foo Fighters
Never the Heroes- Judas Priest
Hero- Nas
Demolition Man- Police
Cabin Killer- Doomtree
I had a theme with these, I’ll give you a hint. This list is a spectrum for a “hero”. My Hero being the most optimistic to Cabin Killer being the most brutal. Despite of the name Demolition Man can be read into as a film about the guy you call in to get a job done.
asktidethegastrodon asked:I’m not sure if you are still doing these but! 🎼
Violet- SavageGarden
Grow Up and Blow Away- Metric
November- Tyler the Creator
Mysterious Traveler- Weather Report
Frozen Creek- Circa Survive
And here is the last one! This one was hard because the cast was so big, but I chose to go with tracks to cover the mood of the blog. The first three meant to each be a mixture of happiness to nostalgia, due to the blog being about a group of friends. But the last two tracks deal with the more sinister stuff lurking in the blog, namely with the giratina.
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