#boxers toto
maxillness · 5 months
Daddy Knows || T.W x Horner!Reader
Warnings: 18+, unprotected sex, handjob, masturbation(f), orgasm denial, praise kink (if you squint), implied age gap, sub!toto
Word count: 1.3k
A/N1: This is part two of this smut
A/N2: I’m pretty sure the part where Christian find sour about the relationship and the part where he argues with reader is longer than the actual smut part, but oh well
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Ever since the time she had hooked up with Toto, she went to every single Grand Prix she could. Not to actually watch the race or support her dad
But to spend every single night with Toto. Making sure he was fucked raw before they went to sleep
She shivered as the cold air hit her naked body as she stepped out of the shower. She dried her body, putting on a bathrobe and dried her hair as she stepped out of the bathroom
She stopped in her tracks when she saw Toto sit on the bed, glasses on and a book in his hands. God, that look did something to her
“Was it a good shower?” He asked looking up at her. His eyes were soft, as well as his slight smile
“Yeah, you should try it sometime” She smirked as she walked over to him. Toto discarded his book as she got under the duvet to sit on his lap
His hands landed on her waist as hers went to his neck “You’re pretty with your glasses on” She said studying his face while biting her bottom lip
“Aren’t I always?” His hands went from her sides to her exposed thighs. Her eyes became seductive as he spoke
“Of course you are, but this…” Her tongue darted out to wet her lips “…Is something else” She captured his lips in a hungry kiss
He groaned as she pulled away. He pulled her closer again, but this time to kiss her neck and as well. She groaned as she felt him biting lightly on her skin
“Toto… You know the rules” She closed her eyes and rolled her hips, feeling him harden under her. When he didn’t stop, she tugged on his hair making him pull away from her
“I’m sorry” For some reason, his eyes were innocent behind his glasses, but it only turned her on even more
His hands went to the ribbon of the robe and pulled it. He pulled the robe off of her, throwing it to the floor so that she was naked on top of him
His hands went back to her waist as he kissed the spot right between her breasts. Her hands went under his shirt, trying to pull it over his head, but it was hard with his glasses on but she managed
Both of their breaths were heavy as they kissed messily. It was all teeth and saliva. Her hand traveled down his body and down to the hem of his sweats
He lifted his hips so it was easier for her to pull both his sweats and boxers down. She spit in her palm before stroking him slowly. Her actions made him moan into her mouth and grab her hips tighter
She slowly sped up making him moan louder and his breath heavier. His eyes closed and his head hit the headboard as her other hand went to her cunt
She drew her finger through her folds before entering herself with her finger. She pumped herself a few times before entering another finger and matching her fingers speed with her other hand
Her moans started to match his as they both got closer to their orgasms “Fuck, baby, I’m close” Before he could cum, she took away his hand and pulled out of herself
He whimpered as she stopped her actions, but he was pleased again when her cunt hovered over his cock
They both moaned when she sank down on him. She waited to move until she was adjusted to his size
She started going up and down at a slow pace, but quickly sped up to a comfortable rhythm
Soon, the only sound filling the room was the sound of skin slapping against skin and their moans and groans
He started thrusting his hips, meeting hers. She could feel him twitch inside her and his thrusts were getting sloppier
She clenched around him, making him moan louder “Fuck, baby. You feel so good in me” Her words send him over the edge as she captured his lips on hers. Only a few thrusts was needed for her to cum around him
She pulled off of him, sitting back onto his lap. She took a good look at him. His glasses was fogged up from the heat
She took her hand up to his face to pull them off of him to lay them beside them
“I should wear my glasses more often if this is what I get out of it” He chuckled looked up at her
“I don’t think so” He was confused by her words “Wouldn’t want anyone else wanting to bone you” Sue smirked placing a kiss on his temple
A knock on the door startled them. They stayed silent, hoping they would walk away
“I know you’re in there, love” They heard her dad’s voice say, but they yet again stayed silent “I wanna talk to you about something”
“Shit” She muttered low “Just a minute, dad” She yelled to him
“What is your plan exactly?” He asked as they quickly gathered their stuff
“Get in the bathroom, and don’t make a sound” Her tone was concerned. She could find her own shirt, so she took Toto’s which laid on the floor and quickly pulled on some of her own sweats “Your jacket and shoes” She quickly threw them to him before he entered the bathroom and closed the door
“Hey, what’s up?” She asked as she opened the door. Her dad passed by her and into the room “Yeah, sure, of course you can walk in” She said sarcastically
“I want to talk about your mother’s- is that a new shirt?” He stopped mid sentence took look at her shirt, but she didn’t get to answer before he spoke up again “Smells like cologne in here” His eyes were confused
“You don’t read” He spotted the book on the bed, and thank god Toto remembered to take his glasses with him
“I was bored” She shrugged, trying to convince him
“It’s in German” He took the book from the bed and held it up for her
“I’m not stupid, I’ve been trying to learn the language” She had convinced him quite good if you asked her
A sound from the bathroom startled him “Is there somebody here?” He looked from the bathroom door and back to his daughter
“What? No. Why should there be anybody else. It’s 11pm” She looked up at the clock and back to him
“Then what was that sound?” He had never been as confused as he was now
“What sound? I didn’t hear anything” She played him, gaslighting him into thinking he was insane
But the sound came again “That sound” He walked towards the bathroom door
“Dad! I don’t think you wanna do that” But it was too late. He opened the door to be met with a half naked Toto Wolff
Christian looked back at her daughter “Really? You couldn’t settle for anyone better?” He was furious
“Hey. I’m still here” Toto said, faking hurt on his face
“Don’t remind me” His face was filled with disgust. He shut the door back so they could talk with him interrupting “He’s older than me, and I don’t have to remind you that he’s literally my rival” His face was back at being furious “How long has this been going on?”
“Ever since the first time I came with you to a Grand Prix” She told him truthfully
“Six month?” His voice was loud and angry “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I knew you would react like this” She answered him
“I would have been less angry if you had just told me” He argued back to her, but she just raised her eyebrows at him “You’re right I probably wouldn’t”
He opened the bathroom door again “You disgust me” He said sharply before storming out of the room
“I thought I told you to be quiet”
“I dropped my glasses”
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r4ikkonen · 1 year
Can you please write a smut for younger!reader x Toto Wolff? Idk I just read your new post for Toto and I felt so hot
Morning sex | Toto Wolff x reader
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A/N heyy!! Im sorry you had to wait this long, tyy for requesting anyway enjoy this :)
tw: age gap, swearing, sex
It was a sunny day in Italy and everyone was still in their hotel rooms preparing for today’s race.You woke up in your hotel room with a slight hangover from last night.Mercedes had a party and you couldn’t help but celebrate Lewis’ great start.You felt the sun shining directly in your eyes that made you turn around and face the man that was laying next to you.He was peacefully sleeping with his hair over his face.You pulled yourself into his chest which made him let out a deep breath.He opened his eyes and saw you tugging his chest.He slowly reached his hand on your hip.You could feel goosebumps rise up on your bareskin.”Good morning” He muttered giving you a smirk, his eyes were nearly closed.You sat on his stomach exposing his abs.”Good morning, Toto” He was now quite awake and I could feel his bulge forming in boxers as I was sitting on top of him.He carefully placed his hands on my thighs and started placing them closer to the intimate area.”Fuck Toto” You muttered knowing what’s about to happen now.”Hm.. You don’t want me?” Toto teased making you even more desperate for him.”No.. No fuck please Toto I need you..” You whinned convincing him to fuck the hell out of you.He stood up and swapped positions with you.He held your hands above your head stopping you from moving them.”God y/n.. The things you make me do..” Toto said to you while playing with the fabric of your underwear.He was a big teaser and he would make you beg for him until you physically couldn’t handle it anymore.Toto circled around your pussy with his fingers making small gestures that made you want him even more.He kept staring at your facial expressions.They turned him on so much.He kept teasing your pussy with his fingers.You pressed your thighs together giving him a confused look.He raised his eyebrow and looked at you.Toto knew exactly what you wanted his dick and nothing more. “Sorry..” You whined hopping that you didn’t offend him. “Alright then..” He said with a serious face.He pulled you very hard revealing the naked body of yours.You lovked eye contact and his hair got very messy.He didn’t care about anything else than fucking you right there on that bed.He pulled two fingers inside your mouth.You observed them with your tongue.Sucking on them wishing it was his dick.He pulled his fingers out of your mouth and straight to your pussy.You couldn’t help but make a noise.He catched his pace and he kept fingering you until you begged for more.After awhile he got bored so he pulled out his dick.”Ready?” He gave you a serious look.”mhm” you said not knowing what’s waiting for you.He inserted his dick in you carefully.You could feel your pussy stretching.”Ah fuck Toto” You moaned.He grabbed your hips carefully and started catching up his speed.The skin banging on each other was loud and you couldn’t help yourself but moan to his actions.He leaned over to kiss your neck.Leaving all the hickeys there.You felt his warm breath on your neck.He started going even faster and you almost collapsed.”Uhh.. Toto fuck” “I’m.. I’m close” you whimpered with hope that he is too. “Cum for me y/n”.He demanded staring at you with his gorgeous brown eyes.He cupped your cheek while you moaned out his name a bunch of times.”Ah fuck..” Toto groaned finishing inside of you.When he pulled his dick out youfelt his cum dripping off of you.He leaned over you hugging your chest.You were breathing so loud.You could feel your heart beat.Toto stood up and quickly got dressed up. “Shit y/n we are going to be late” He hurried you up making a bit of a scene.”Uhh okay okay” You said trying to find your clothes.Your legs were still shaking and you hoped that he didn’t notice it.If he did he would have teased you.Both of you quickly got out of the hotel room and went to the Mercedes Office…
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formula1fanfiction · 4 months
Lewis Hamilton / George Russell
Title: If they call me a slut, it might be worth it for a while
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton / George Russell
Characters: Lewis Hamilton, George Russell, Toto Wolff, Alex Albon, Lando Norris
Prompt: George crying a little because he will miss Lewis when he goes to Ferrari. Lewis consoles him, fucks him raw, and promises nothing will change. Also the next day George can't walk and received lots of teasing from other drivers and mechanics at Mercedes 😉
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The knock at the door takes Lewis by surprise, it's one am! Lewis unbundles himself from his cocoon of bed covers and pads towards the door. He's nervous, nothing good usually comes from a wakeup call this early.
What Lewis was not expecting is a dishevelled looking George Russell, standing there. His hair unruly, curls sticking up at random angles, but what Lewis does notice is his red rimmed eyes and his long eyelashes clumped together with tears.
"I couldn't sleep." He sounds so sad and pathetic it hurts Lewis' heart, he steps to one side and lets the younger man in, waiting until they door closes behind them before taking George into his arms. The body shakes in his arms, as he cries freely. George cries a lot, but this feels different.
"What's wrong? " Lewis gentle pushes him back, to look at his face, he looks even more pathetic with tears running down his face. "I'm going to miss you, I don't know how I can go on without you." Lewis shushes him with a kiss to his lips, George honest to god melts in his arms.
"I'm still going to be here, nothing between us is going to change." Lewis cups his face and strokes his sharp jaw bone with the pad of his thumb. "I promise you, George. I love you."
"It just hit me, being here in Bahrain, it's our last time together here and with every upcoming race, it's one race closer to losing you. I can't lose you, I can't." Once George gets an idea in his head, it's hard to snap him out of it.
"You won't lose me George, the only thing that's going to change is that i'll be driving for Ferrari, you're still my boyfriend, I will be with you at every available opportunity, okay?" George nods, his eyes shiny with tears.
"Will you fuck me, Lewis?" The question takes him back a little bit, they never just make love it's always hard and fast and right now George looks like he couldn't take a bath. "What do you want baby, do you want me to make love to you?" George shakes his head. "No, like we usually do. I want you to fuck me so hard, i'll be feeling it during the race tomorrow." Fuck.
"Such a slut for it, Georgie." George nods, a wicked smile on his face, starting to look a lot like his usual self. "Your slut, Lewis."
"Take your clothes off, I want to see what you look like." George does as he's told instantly, he makes a bit of show if it, he slowly takes off his t-shirt, exposing his abs an inch at a time, before turning his attention to his bottom half, wiggling his ass he slides his sweat pants and boxers down, his hard cock slapping against his toned stomach.  
"Do you want me on the bed?" George flutters his bambi eyelashes. The thing about George is, he will do whatever he's told, Lewis could tell him to lay down the carpet while Lewis fucks him hard and leaves friction burns on his skin. He deserves better than that, at least for tonight anyway.
"On your back, I want to look at your pretty face when I fuck you." George lays himself in the middle of bed, smiling as Lewis makes his way over to him. He kicks off his own sweats and underwear before joining George on the bed.
"Get me nice and wet, baby." Lewis presses his thumb down on George's tongue, forcing his mouth open. He leaves his mouth open, just waiting while Lewis clutches both sides of his head and slowly feeds George his cock, who moans happily around him, finally getting what he wants.
"Keep your eyes on me, Georgie." George flicks up his eyes, to meet Lewis' they are bright and shiny. A small trickle of saliva running down his chin as his mouth is completely filled with Lewis. He looks beautiful like this, like he was born to have his lips wrapped around Lewis' cock.
Lewis uses the hands on George's head as leverage as he fucks the younger man's throat. The angle gives George no choice other than to lay back and take it. Lewis fucks that little bit deeper each time, wondering how far he can fuck down George's throat.  
He keeps going until, he's got the whole of his cock inside, George's nose is pressed against his pubic bone. He holds him there. "Keep looking at me baby, just a little bit longer." He holds George there, until he thinks he can't take it anymore, then pulls out. A long line of saliva keeps them attached together.   
"let me reward you for that blow job, before I fuck you hard." George gives an excited little squeal as Lewis pulls him down the bed with his massive legs, raising them and pulling his cheeks apart to reveal his cute, pink hole.
Lewis holds him by the hips, just to keep him still as he presses he base of his tongue against George's hole. George moans beautifully above him as Lewis flicks his tongue and licks over his muscle, getting it as wet as possible.
"Fuck, Lewis." George is a mess already and Lewis has only just got the tip of his tongue inside, pushing in a single finger along without, helping him to open up that little bit more, for the rest of his tongue. Lewis licks the deepest parts of him, slowly savouring the taste and every little whine George makes above him in pleasure.
Lewis uses the wetness from his tongue to slide as second finger inside, scissoring them apart and fucking the younger man with both fingers, he varies from tongue and fingers up until he's got three fingers easily slamming in and out of him. Only then does Lewis fuck deeper and deeper until he finds the sweet spot inside of him. George groans like a whore, Lewis uses that as his queue to let his fingers slip out.
Lewis wraps George's long legs around his waist and bumps the head of his cock against George's hole. He wants to make George beg for it, but decides today's not the day for that.
"Please, fuck me Lewis." Turns out George does the job all by himself.
Lewis takes pity on him and slowly pushes his cock inside, they haven't used lube, so Lewis gives him time to stretch, he feels tight and amazing wrapped around Lewis. Judging by the sounds falling from his lips, it must feel good for George too. Lewis slides to the hilt and stalls, George being filled to the brim with Lewis is the most glorious sight.
"Oh, crikey." George groans clenching and unclenching. "I hope you're not going to go easy on me."  
"Did I ever say that, Georgie?" Lewis pulls all the way out and slams back inside of him again. "Someone's going to be a whiny brat during the race tomorrow." All thoughts of a slow fuck havr gone out of the window and Lewis picks up a brutal pace, ramming in and out of George, who just lays back and takes it like the perfect little slut.
George's body is shaking with every brutal thrust into him, his moans and whines are getting louder with every thrust into him. He's so loud that, anyone walking past can surely hear him. Lewis takes matters into his own hands and wraps them tightly around George's throat and squeezes.
Lewis uses the hands on George's throat as leverage, slamming into him while cutting off the blood supply and shutting him up in the process. George's mouth goes slack as the air leaves his lungs.
"Are you going to shut up?" Lewis growls, fucking into the younger man with all his might, skin slapping against skin echoing around them. George holds on for as long as he can, but soon the need breathe because too strong, he gives Lewis a little nod and he gently lets go.
The moans start up against almost instantly, Lewis loves hearing them, he really does but he can't have George's mouth getting them into trouble. He scoops up his boxers from the floor and shoves them into George's mouth. His eyes widen pleasure, god Lewis loves him.
"Such a little slut, you want the whole hotel to know you're getting fucked, don't you baby?" Lewis angles his thrusts ever so slightly, until George is moaning around the make shift gag, hips arching up off the bed in pleasure.
"Come on my cock, baby, come on." Lewis squeezes his hips, hard enough to leave bruises, he really is going to be a mess in the morning and slams into his prostate with every thrust. George is withering underneath him, his cock laying abandoned on his stomach. He's so close, his eyes become unfocused and with a muffled moan he comes, spurting his load over his own stomach.
"Such a good boy for me, Georgie."
Lewis himself is close to the point of no return now, George has gone pliant around him, while his arse clenches tightly around Lewis, it's so tight now, he can hardly move, he only manages a further three thrusts before he's coming inside of George and collapsing on top of him.
Lewis is awoken by withering him underneath him, it takes a moment for his brain to catch up, it's morning, the light coming in through the gap in the curtains is burning his eyes, his now soft cock is still inside of George and he's embarrassingly slavered all over his shoulder.  
"You need to get off me, were going to be late." George gently pushes Lewis by the hips, but he's still too groggy and confused to understand what's going on. So he just rolls over, his intention isn't going back to sleep, but his eye lids burn and it can't be time to go to the track yet.  
"Lew, come on, you need to wake up." Lewis opens on eye, George is fully dressed in his team kit, showered his hair perfectly styled and smelling of mint, he's even had time to shave "Fuck off, it's sleepy time."
"It's eight fifteen, we need to be at the track in fifteen minutes." George giggles from where he's sitting on the bed as Lewis bolts up right and frantically pulls on his clothes, he falls over his trousers in the process, pulling more giggles from George. Lewis scowls at his hair in the mirror, there just isn't any time to do anything about it.  
They leave together, it's the first time he notices what a mess George actually is, he's got finger shaped bruises on his neck, whenever his shirt rides up you can see the bruises on his hips and he's walking with an unmistakeable limp.
"For fuck sake, Lewis." Toto shakes his head taking in George. "When I said I approved of your relationship, I didn't mean you could wreck him, he has a car to sit in."  
George beams at him from behind Toto's shoulder, that little fucker. No one would ever believe sweet innocent little people pleaser George would moan and beg for this like a cheap whore. Lewis stays quiet, until Toto walks away muttering under his breath.  
"Hey George." The mechanics greet him with a warm smile. "I can certainly tell what you got up to last night, hope it's not going to affect your ability to drive. George giggles. "I'm a professional, i'm used to it."
They leave for the drivers parade together, George makes his way over to Alex, who teases him and calls him a little whore, Lando nods in agreement. "I can't believe you let him do that you, on race day." George bites his lips, eyes locking onto Lewis. "I like to feel him, when i'm racing.
"Jesus, Lewis." Valtteri makes his way over to him. "You didn't go easy on him, did you?" Lewis shakes his head, his eyes still locked on George.
"He just needs to know, who he really belongs to."   
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sionisjaune · 11 months
A short Nico/Jenson ficlet for @penaltyboxboxbox's girlcedes ballet AU... the last image made me insane...
Afterwards, he always asks about Lewis. The sweat on Nico’s back hasn’t even begun to dry, and her knees ache from riding his cock, and her back aches from practice, and he flops on his back, slides one of his disgusting cigs from the crumpled pack on his dresser and asks about her, absently scratching the scruffy hair on his chest. 
“She’s fine,” says Nico. Today, Toto announced that Lewis had made prima after stringing them both along for weeks. Everyone knew he would pick Lewis in the end, just like everyone knew that Lewis really was prima material, even with her tattoos and her piercings and her muscled quads and thick torso. 
Jenson sucks on his cigarette for a moment and then turns his head to the side to exhale in the direction of the window. Nico wishes he would blow smoke in her face, if only so that she could have something to yell at him for. 
“She still remember me?” says Jenson, wrapping his lips around the cigarette for another drag. “Wouldn’t kill her to come around…” 
Nico rolls her eyes and climbs off of Jenson’s lap to hunt around for her panties. Jenson must have tossed them somewhere in his pigsty of a room sometime after he stuck his hand down her jeans. Eventually, she finds them dangling from the bedpost, beside Jenson’s foot. She tugs them on only to discover that they’ve ripped along the seam where elastic meets delicate lace. Monstrous, soul-sucking rage swells in her chest and bursts like a party balloon before it can become anything real. Instead of ripping her own hair out of her head, she locates Jenson’s boxers and lobs them at his face.
“What would you even do?” Nico says. 
“Huh?” says Jenson, lighting another cigarette. He cups his hand around the end to shield the flame from the draught gusting in through the window. 
“If she came around. What would you do?” Nico crosses her arms, but it only serves to draw Jenson’s attention to her tits. When his eyes widen, she swallows and purses her lips to keep the bile down. 
“Dunno,” says Jenson, folding one wiry arm behind his head. “There used to be a band. We were Mick Laren. You, know like the—” 
“I know,” says Nico.
“Then we were Downforce. And then Lewis and the Mechanics.” Jenson chortles. Nico is going to be sick. She scoops one of Jenson’s dirty shirts off the floor—an embarrassing band tee going threadbare at the collar—and pulls it on over her head. She tiptoes back to Jenson’s bed and slides back in beside him because she has nowhere else to go, really. Jenson folds his arm around her and pulls her into his chest. At least he’s good for keeping her warm. Nico slides her leg over his while he puffs on his cigarette.
“Give me that,” Nico snaps. Jenson hands her the cigarette obligingly, and Nico plucks it from his hand with two fingers. It’s too short to hold onto properly, but it feels good on the way down, stinging her throat and curling poisonously inside her lungs. Toto would fucking kill her if he saw. She hands the butt back to Jenson, and he squishes it out on the nightstand.
“You can’t even fucking sing,” Nico sighs. 
“Sure I can,” says Jenson, pinching her in the side. “You wanna hear what I’m working on?”
“No,” says Nico, into his chest. 
“Some girlfriend you are,” says Jenson.
“Not your girlfriend,” says Nico. 
Jenson snorts. “Tell that to the panty collection in my underwear drawer.” 
“They’re probably not even mine,” says Nico. “Slag.” 
Jenson kisses the top of her head and tosses the sheet over her body. She might as well stay the night, now. The alarm clock on the nightstand reads 2 AM in forbidding analog digits. Waking up to whatever shit breakfast Jenson cooks up is marginally better than waiting pantless on the street corner for a cab. God only knows where her jeans ended up.
“Sweet dreams, princess,” says Jenson. Nico squeezes her eyes shut tight.
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lewisthot · 2 years
weekends II
summary: feeling neglected as toto worked overtime, you decided to be a brat but he wasn’t having none of it. kinda a part 2 but could be read alone. here’s part 1 rating: 18+ pairing: toto wolff x fem!reader words: 2.5k warning + a/n: degrading, overstimulation + rough. it’s kinda shit but i hope you guys like it, feedback would be appreciated tho! tagging my toto girlies who i know wanted this! @oliviahoneymoon​ & @mauvecherie-writes
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all week you had been acting out and when you got away with it at first you couldn’t help but push toto’s button but he was too busy to really pay attention and give you the punishment you deserved. he let you get away with for the week because he knew he’d have you to himself this weekend.
after yesterday’s punishment, you spent the rest of the day in toto’s arm cuddling, kissing and being showered with love. he knew your brattiness was because you missed him and needed attention so he gave you what you needed, what he wanted to give you but your punishment wasn’t over. you’d been a brat all week and he had the whole weekend, why punish you once when he could punish you twice.
waking up in toto arms, you kept your eyes closed not quite ready to wake up, snuggling into his arms as he traced patterns on your body already awake.
‘morning baby’
‘morning schatzi’
‘let’s get up and i’ll make you breakfast?’
‘noo, let’s go back to sleep’
he held your chin tilting your head up, you scooted up you kissing him softly he pulled you in deepening the kiss. your body was on top of him now, his hands running down your body planting them on your ass he kneaded the flesh. you moaned against his lip, rocking your hips against him. you still felt sleepy but the way toto kissed you and touched you lit a fire within which was far more stronger, your pussy throbbing you were sure you were already soaking wet. toto wrapping his arms around you flipped you under him and now on top he pulled away from your lips.
‘let’s go eat’ he smirked at your annoyed expression, he was starting the punishing early and not letting you know just yet what he had planned.
‘seriously!?’ he chuckled, dragging you out of bed he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. 
you screamed slapping his back. ‘toto!’ he ignored you, slapping your ass which silenced you. walking to the kitchen he set you down. ‘i was getting up!’
‘you don’t like being carried?’ he chuckled as you lightly hit him again. ‘sit down and let me make you breakfast schatzi’ he leaned down pressing a kiss on your forehead.
as toto made breakfast you grew bored waiting, coming up behind him you wrapped your arms around his waist - you couldn't help yourself you ran your hands down his body slipping under his boxers you gripped his cock. it was half hard leaking precum, you smirked. smearing the precum around the head of his cock, you gripped him hard.
'y/n...' his tone a warning to stop but you persisted, pressing soft kisses onto his back.
'i'm hungry' he laughed turning around.
'sit down, you'll be fed with food and cock soon enough.' you grinned, pulling your hand out of his boxers you made a show of licking his precum off your fingers to which he let out a groan but regardless he turned back around and went back to cooking - he was far too disciplined for your liking, something you always put to the test and today you were unsuccessful. eventually, toto presented two plates of delicious breakfast sitting down beside you.
'why are you so far away schatzi?' he pulled your chair closer, replying sarcastically. 'so needy...'
he chuckled, rolling his eyes, 'you're right, what would i do without you!' scooting forward he leaned down pressing a kiss to your forehead. 'du bist mein schatzi' you grinned wrapping your arm around his neck, you pulled him back to you kissing him softly, you adored when toto affectionately spoke german to you - it felt more intimate.
you sat in a comfortable silence as you ate the rest of your meal, once done you and toto had a back and forth about who would clear up but of course toto cleaned up, he always took care of you it was just in his nature.
'i need your energy levels high for what i have planned for you.’
looking at the sink full of dishes you leaned over the sink switching off the tap. 'forget the dishes and have your way with me.' 
toto turned to you grabbing your waist and lifting you onto the counter, 'always so impatient'
you wrapped your legs and arms around him. 'but don't you like how desperate i am for your cock'
'oh schatzi, you've been very naughty and you need to be punished' you pouted while playing with his hair, you narrowed your eyes and scrunched your nose playfully. 
'that's why you were being a little tease this morning.' he gave your waist a squeeze smirking he picked you up, 'i'm just getting started schatzi' walking back into the bedroom he gave your ass a pat, you were at a point where a touch or a look was all that was needed instead of words. you unwrapped yourself from his embrace.
his tone was harsh his eyes dark and piercing, not wearing much you quickly stripped yourself till you stood there stark naked. he went into the drawer of naughty toys, pulling out a vibrator and nipple clamps and setting them aside, you gulped biting your bottom lip - you were in for it you thought. pulling off his boxers he leaned down grabbing your face he pulled you into a deep kiss, pushing you onto the bed he settled between your legs his hands and mouth were all over your body in an instant.
‘did you think you were going to get away with your brattiness this week?’ pressing kisses down your neck he made his way to your chest, one hand splayed over one breast, groping and pinching your nipple and the other in his mouth, sucking and biting your nipple.
‘toto…’ you cried out in a breathy moan, as he went to grab the nipple clamps you tensed, smirking he teased drawing circles around your hardened nipples. clamping one nipple you bit down on your lip hard sucking in a breath. 
'don't' he grabbed your chin sticking his thumb into your mouth, he forced your mouth open. 'i wanna hear every noise, every cry and moan from the pain and pleasure you're gonna feel. okay?' you nodded, his words sending a shiver down your spine, your pussy throbbing - you were sure toto could make you cum without ever touching your pussy. as he clamped your other nipple you let out a pained moan, his thumb still in your mouth he gave you a light slap.
  'see, i know you can be a good girl' tugging on the chain that connected the nipple clamps, you whined - he tugged again but a little harder. 'fuck!' he smirked as you bit down and sucked on his thumb which earned you another light slap across the cheek. 
'look at you rutting against me, so pathetic' your pussy ached, your hole clenching around nothing - you dreaded the moment toto would notice teasing you already, you knew he'd take great joy in your desperation to be stretched out by him. he went back to trailing kisses down your body taking his time till he reached your mound, holding your legs open he admired the way your pussy glistened and throbbed.
‘i’m gonna give your pussy the attention you’ve been begging for'
he licked a stripe through your folds, latching onto your clit. arching your back, you moaned as he went between sucking and licking stripes up and down. Plunging his fingers into your wet hole, you rolled your hips against his fingers meeting the thrusts of his fingers. his thumb circling your clit, your body tensed.
‘toto, i’m gonna cum!’ 
gripping the bed sheets he pushed you over the edge, moaning as the waves washed over you he pulled his fingers out lazily running them through your folds. but before you could enjoy your first orgasm toto had one hand splayed out on your stomach holding you down as he continued his assault on your clit, sucking it between his teeth whilst he plunged two fingers back into your waiting hole. he was relentless and he knew just what you liked, you arched your back and gripped the headboard as another orgasm ripped through you barely having time to catch your breath after the first one. clamping your legs shut around his head as he continued to lap up your juices, your moans stuck in your throat and your eyes screwed shut - you were already so overwhelmed.
he pulled back slightly just so you’d unwrap your leg which the minute you did he got up and pinned them open with his own legs grabbing the toy he pulled out earlier.
‘you want me to stop schatzi? had enough attention?’ he chuckled as he mocked you, pressing the clitoral stimulator against your clit, you were thankful he started on a low setting. you reached out your hands running along his body, he leaned down giving you what you wanted - him. kissing you deeply he dialled up the power, nails digging into his sides you moaned into the kiss. you tried to sink into the bed, escape toto’s clutches all the whole kissing him roughly. it was too much but you still wanted more, it was driving you crazy you were a mess.
he pulled out your clit stimulator instead of dildo to watch your pussy clench and spasm around nothing, moaning at the sight as yet another orgasm hit you. you screamed as he pulled the toy away and slapped your pussy.
'isn't this what you wanted baby?' his tone dripping in sarcasm, he tugged on the chains connecting the nipple clamps, he couldn’t forget about those. your nails digging even more so into his back, he smiled against your lips giving you a quick kiss.
he had you pinned down, your writhing useless. leaving the toy running another orgasm hitting in quick succession your body shaking against his weight. your squirming was fun for him the way you put up a challenge, he could've handcuffed you to the headboard from the beginning but every time you slipped from his grasp dragging you back down to latch his mouth to your soaked pussy was a reminder you were his and his alone to use as he saw fit.
he stroked your face studying your expression, not that you'd ever lie or purposely push past your own limits and boundaries without discussion but forcing orgasms after orgasms took a toll and he wasn’t done yet. he kissed you softly before crawling back down between your legs, tossing the toy aside.
toto keeping your legs open with his hands and forearms dove straight in, you gripped his hair tight probably too tight. ‘mmm, schatzi you taste so fucking good. i could go all night.’
your clit throbbing at his words, he ran his tongue through your folds and plunged it into your hole. you rocked your hips against his face, you may have been overwhelmed but he ate you out so good you couldn’t resist but when it hit you so suddenly you whined trying to squirm away.
he dragged you back down slapping your pussy. ‘schatzi, stop moving you know you want it. be a good girl.’
‘i can’t toto, please!’
you were limp your limbs felt like jelly, you had lost count of how many times you had cum at the point. toto pressing soft kisses on your inner thighs have you a moment for your breathing to calm down, he tried to think had you cum 4 or 5 times now maybe it was enough he still hadn’t fucked you. he trailed kisses up your body, holding your face he kissed you passionately. you wrapped your arms around his neck kissing him back hard, you loved tasting yourself on his tongue.
pulling away he stuck his fingers in your mouth, sucking them clean as he dragged you up with him. ‘you took your punishment so well schatzi, you’ve been such a good girl’ you nodded your head, still sucking on his fingers.
‘you want my cock schatzi, it’s not too much?’ shaking your head he smirked, wrapping his hand around your throat he shoved you back down onto the bed and thrusted into your hole with ease.
he grunted as you stretched around his cock. ‘fuck schatzi, you feel so good.’ he tugged on the chain as he slammed into you, letting out a scream filled with a mix of pain and pleasure. throwing your legs over his shoulders, he pounded into you even deeper.
hissing and mumbling. ‘you’re so good for me. god, you take my cock so well schatzi.’ he was close, his thrusts relentless but lacking rhythm. you however came once more, it hit you out of nowhere. you let out a string of curse words, your eyes filled with tears truly at your limit.
clenching and spasming your pussy around toto’s cock drove him nuts, he squeezed your throat and tugged the chain of nipple clamps even harder ‘fuck i—‘ it felt you strangling his cock, he came hard filling you deep with his seed he groaned as you clenched around him milking him for every last drop.
he wanted to pull out but you just kept spasming, taking your legs off his shoulders he hissed as he pulled out groaning when his cum came dripping out too.
‘be a good girl and clean me.’ he shuffled up the bed, you were too spent to get up. you leant up slightly opening your mouth he shoved his still hard cock into your mouth, you swirled your tongue around licking your mix of juices and even though you had just been so thoroughly fucked you moaned on his cock turned on. he groaned too sensitive for your mouth and the skills that tongue possessed, pulling himself off.
he leant down besides you and unclamped your nipples. you sucked in a breath biting your bottom lip at the change of sensation. ‘it’s okay baby…’ his voice was soft and gentle now, he gently sucked on your nipples and kneaded your breasts. your eyes were heavy now, you could probably sleep for 12hrs you were exhausted. ‘you took your punishment so well schatzi, you tired?’
you nodded your head, unable to form sentences. he stroked your face, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead. ‘you still have cum dripping out of you, go clean up.’ you whined normally toto would’ve cleaned you by now. ‘you wanna be a brat you get treated like one.’
you lifted your head and forced your eyes open pouting at toto, he rolled his eyes chuckling. he knew you were too spent but he wanted to mess with you but of course you brought up the puppy dog eyes, he got up and came back with a wash cloth cleaning you up.
jumping back into bed he pulled you under the covers and into his arms, it may have been daytime but you needed a nap after all that.
‘i love you schatzi’
‘i love you too baby’
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blorbocedes · 1 year
005 brocedes!!!!! Mile high club please!!!!!
Toto wants them to get along. Show a 'united front' when they land in Malaysia. Which means Nico is now flying in Lewis' jet, legs crossed and reading the third international newspaper. Lewis puts his headphones in, trying to ignore his presence, thinking bitterly there's no way Monaco has enough news to warrant a daily newspaper.
Lewis' jet is his homeground, so when Toto suggested they fly together, let the team snap a few pictures and caption it 'working hard together💪' Lewis had to roll his eyes.
"And invite half the grid and make a YouTube video on it?" Lewis had snapped in Nico's general direction, who'd been cozying up with the Redbulls and Jensen and Coulthard and any washed up driver/commentator that could chip in. The assumed friendliness made Lewis suspicious, who knows what Nico got up to in those flights -- what narratives he was setting.
"Not all of us have World Champion private jet money, yeah?" Nico smiled back acridly.
Bit rich, money talk coming from Nico but before Lewis could say anything, Toto just said, "Boys." in that reprimanding schoolchildren voice that meant his word was final.
Lewis is halfway through Kendrick's album when Nico approaches him. He opts to ignore him, and in one smooth move Nico slides Lewis' empty folding desk, creating space -- to Lewis' surprise -- get on his knees.
"What're you -- there's people, here, man." Lewis doesn't stop Nico's hands from unbuckling him, although glancing back at the closed curtain behind where the air hostesses, and some of the crew are.
"You'll just have to not draw attention. I know that's hard for you." Nico quips, stroking Lewis through his boxers.
Fuck, fuck you. Lewis thinks. He might have said it out loud too. Here's Rosberg playing one of his mind games again, here's Nico on his knees for him. There is a certain thrill, that anyone can walk in — the captains out front, the crew from the back, and they'd be exposed. Airtight NDAs and a few mill to keep it from leaking. Lewis has the foresight to press the 'Do Not Disturb' as he's mesmerised by the silver of Nico's Rolex against his half hard shaft.
"You do this on all your flights? That's how you pay em off?" Lewis slides hand in Nico's shiny blond locks, forever surprised at how soft they are. The platinum blondes he hooks up that have a shade similar are always coarse and rough from the bleach.
"Do you really want to know?" Nico asks, before leaning in closer to take the tip in.
Lewis' grip in Nico's hair tightens. He's right, he doesn't want to know.
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bwoahtastic · 1 year
Charles in kick boxer au being bossy with Toto and Lewis and just ordering them around, Max watching amused because with Jos this wouldn’t happen. Maybe this is what made him open up with them , they are nice to Charles and Arthur so they can’t be bad Alpha like his father!
Plss Max tucked into Charles's nest (literally, Charles took 20 min to properly tuck him in) and he is watching Charles boss Lewis and Toto around a bit snd the Alphas don't seem angry at all! They just smile and do whatever Charles asks them and let him be teasing and annoying!
Max relaxing a bit because his father would never allow an Omega to be so sassy and cheeky, so maybe they are really different...
Charles bouncing back into the nest and this time Max doesn't bare his neck or flinch, taking deep breaths to calm himself but letting Charles sit in the nest without freakingnout!
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goldenhourhimbo · 2 years
Fully expect to wake up to another Checo notesapp apology, Charles putting the public “open to work” badge on his LinkedIn, news that George cried (again) when Toto didn’t even call to say “good job to our number two,” Carlos papped buying pepto bismol for Lando, and Daniel announcing his career decision to become a full time manny for the Massa family in 2023 on Instagram live when Helmut shows up to force him into a pair of Red Bull boxers on main.
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mediumtires · 1 year
Feral just sounds great in canon, but boxing au sound hilarious bc how should that even work? They are easily two different weight classes?? Or are they managers whose boxers say “just fuck fight already”??? idk but I wanna read it now lol
i have literally no fucking clue about boxing but the concept of christian and toto being professional boxers is absolutely hilarious to me.
i think managers would work best! we just take f1 and you know *gestures vaguely at boxing ring* put it over here. toto managing lewis, christian managing max, bono and gp on tactics (is this a thing lol), angela and brad as trainers etc etc. maybe george and checo are understudies or something i don’t know lol. rest of the grid are all there too and it’s a fucking party.
would be even better if we made this wwe so we could make them wear silly little costumes too
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kwiiwi1 · 1 year
more of my silly femdom n subby bro pairing Toto bellow the cut yippee 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
teehee Toni and Alto passionately making out just because
breathing so heavily between them, saliva connecting their mouths and altos nudging against Toni's nose, whimpering
"more, m'need more please, please"
haha needy bastard XD I laugh at ur bottomness mwahahahaahah 😈😈😈😈😈😈
(I could never laugh at u ur too sweet and stupid for me to hate ong)
I like to think that Alto initiates the kiss at first
like they're comfortably watching a movie together, snuggled up close yknow AS FRIENDS
and they're just.. mmm the tension
I swear there is tension
Alto watching Toni ramble on about how stupid the movie is, pointing out its many flaws and plotholes, and bro he's so in love
then she turns to look at him, and they find each others eyes and time seems to stop for them and oh my stupid heart for these fools 😍😍😍😍😍
and he leans forward without realizing and kisses Toni and hrhshehsh 😖😖😖😖😖
short and sweet, but Alto's neediness bleeds thru lol
Alto initiates it, but Toni's the one who takes charge as she grips him by the scuff of his shirt and pulls him again for another
and another, and another-another, until they're basically making out on the couch, movie long forgotten and tuned out to white noise.
the tension between them explodes into this absolute ball of longing and waiting and wanting
daydreams and whispered secrets they've had about each other since middle school, hands brushing against each other, love hearts doodled on the sides of their homework with their initials, stickers over each others hands and faces when they were children, eating $2 chips from the dairy and feeding them to the birds at the park, pinkie promises made under the cover of twilight, pillow fights and strawberry juice staining the fronts of their shirts, all of that combines and builds into this single moment of adrenaline rush.
and it doesn't stop, neither of them want it to stop, so they let it take its course.
Alto's heavily moaning into Toni's mouth, her hand trailing down and under his shirt, until it stops above his boxers.
She pulls away, leaving a dazed boy, puffy lips slicked with spit, curly blonde-brown hair framing him like a halo.
His eyes are still twinkling with that childish innocence of his, but there's something deeper in them now, more unhinged yet it still waits.
".. do you want this?" She asks, a final barrier between the both of them, the string of their friendship being pulled tight, threatening to break and let go an entire decade's worth of carnal feelings.
The air hangs heavy between them, charged with desire before he answers, a soft careful whisper with his oh so pretty lips that breaks the dam.
and then they proceed to have hot steamy couch sex fuck yeah bro 😩😩😩😩😩😩
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melatoninburst · 8 months
“Hey, no, stop. You’re going to break your fingers punching like that.” from Toto!
Sparring: accepting
Her eyes drift to her fist upon Toto's words, sure enough, while her thumb was out and not held inwards like some people do when they're first starting, but the speed she's punching at could give the infamous boxer's fracture aka the breaking of the fifth metacarpal bone- and given the force, she could probably damage her knuckles, as they're not impossible to break just slightly harder.
"Oh shit, you're right," She nods. "Boxer's fracture is very much a thing and I'd probably be fucked if I needed a cast on my pinkie and forefinger." She moves her hand, giving it a flick to test it for any pain. It's not sore, not in a way that's odd for when you've been practicing punching, it's the regular, familiar ache.
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"Okay, all good so far, I'll need to remember not to go all out for a practice."
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jewishbarbies · 1 year
Me again. Odd question. Do you or your family have any pets?
I live with my parents (I know, I’m 24!) and we have a little dog. A terrier pup named Toto who we rescued in October of 2021 when she was only a tiny little dot of a thing.
Not to worry, she’s thriving.
She’s a year old now and she’s doing great. She is the sweetest, funniest little dog.
Prior to her we had a black Labrador named Harvey. He was the greatest dog in the world. A gentle, friendly, endlessly patient and placid old fella.
He was also my de facto therapy dog. (I’m account of my being autistic)
We had him since he was a pup. He sadly passed away in 2019 from old age and illness. But it was as he slept and it was painless. (I was inconsolable)
Dad buried him under a marked plot in the garden.
Before him it was just a goldfish or two.
Toto is a wonderful little dog.
What about you? Do you or your family have any pets? I’m just curious.
I think more and more people are living with their parents into their 20’s, and honestly if you have a safe family dynamic, why not? I’m 23 and still living at home. I have plans to move out but it all takes time.
my family is big on pets so we have a few! I have a cat, Oscar, and a Ferret, Stiles, and then I have 3 Guinea pigs (Grace, Jellybean, and Gumball), and a Leopard Gecko named Pancakes. I named Pancakes after my first leopard gecko from when I was a kid that I had named Waffles.
the family pets are 2 doggos, Samson and Timber (Sam is a black lab/german shorthair, and Tim is golden retriever/boxer/american bulldog), and 2 kitties, Jack and Gracie.
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rk-ocs · 1 year
Some research on Knives and wizard of Oz
From Wikipedia on knives
Each grip has advantages and disadvantages. Holding the knife in one of the forward grips allows for more finesse and a longer reach, while a reverse grip allows for more power. The reverse grip is regarded as more difficult to master in knife-on-knife combat, as it may require additional skills in footwork and rapid defensive body movements to offset the increased danger of moving closer to one's opponent and the reach of his/her blade.
From Wikipedia on navajas
The navaja was first adopted as a fighting knife by the peoples of Andalusia in southern Spain, including the Spanish gypsies of the day, the Gitanos.[1][21] In this part of Spain, knife fighting was regularly taught as a skill, often passed down from father to son as a rite of passage to adulthood.[1][17] Among navaja aficionados, the barateros of Málaga and Seville were cited as the most skilled practitioners of fighting with the navaja.
In 18th and 19th century Spain esgrimas de navaja (fencing, or knife-fighting schools) could be found in the major cities and throughout Andalusia, particularly in Cordoba, Málaga, and Seville.[1][17][21] As time went on, these schools began to depart from teaching traditional sword-fighting and fencing techniques in favor of simplified attacks and defenses based largely on the concept of deception, distraction, and counterstrike.
Defence with the navaja has been reduced to a science, which has its regular school of instruction. The teachers give lessons with wooden knives, and the most noted among them have their private strokes, which are kept secret for cases of emergency. The arts of the most accomplished swordsman are worthless, when opposed to those of an expert with the navaja. With his cloak or jacket wrapped about his left arm, his formidable weapon glittering in his right hand, and his lithe body poised for a spring, he is an interesting study for the spectator, as well as for his antagonist. The thumb is pressed tightly along the back of the blade, that every advantage may be taken of the flexibility of the wrist, in a struggle where the space of an inch is often a matter of life and death. The postures and guards are changed with bewildering rapidity, and, should the right hand be disabled, the cloak and knife are shifted in the twinkling of an eye, and the duel proceeds, until one or both the combatants are killed.
During the 18th and most of the 19th century, large navajas were traditionally worn pushed into a belt or sash, with the distinctively curved, fish-shaped handle left exposed to ease removal. An exception to the predominance of large-bladed sevillanas was the salvavirgo ("chastity knife"), a small knife carried by Andalusian women in a bodice or leg garter as a weapon of self-defense.
I like the idea of Dorothy having her navaja as a family heirloom, and knife fighting being a family art. I don't quite call her a thief because she steals ( though she is resourceful and intelligent with resources) so much as that's her fight style when taken into a fantasy environment. 
Scarecrow is something of a boxer, who is teaching her to better defend herself and escorting her through Oz.
Toto is a doberman, the big dog all little dogs like to think they are anyways. Plus, with Dorothy becoming a warrior, why shouldn't she have a loyal companion to fight by her side. 
I didn't want to do the traditional antagonist. I wanted to be a bit different, and I wanted to do something more akin to a miniboss fight perhaps. The environment sounded a bit like the Canadian shield to me, and I wanted to have them be something that suited their environment. Not human like, because we see way too much of that. A little fish or frog like. Water based.
Dorothy encounters them on her way to Glinda's ruby castle, as she travels across Oz to search for the help. She got a bit caught up in legal troubles after accidentally  dropping a house on the ruler of munchkin country. As all rulers have magic this is not unusual, but her sister, the ruler of Winkie country, is causing her of being a hired assassin, sent by the wizard ruler of emerald , to begin an invasion. Scarecrow advised her to speak to the ruler of the Quadlings, as Glinda is likelier to be sympathetic and back her, then the leader of the Gillikin land. However a lapse in navigation has landed her within the sights of the xenophobic hammerheads. 
Knife stance from Wikihow
Stance is very important in knife combat; your stance is the foundation of which you are able to maneuver and engage. The forward fighting stance is a great stance for maneuvering. The weight should be more even between feet. The weight should be rested on the balls of the foot. The front knee is slightly bent and the elbows are in at the sides. and the hands are up for protection. The lead hand or "Checking hand is always in front. The checking hand is the hand that assists the cutting hand in combat by controlling the enemy's weapon hand, and or setting up an attack. The chin is tucked in as to protect the throat. Remember that this stance is a mobile stance. In knife combat mobility is important. Never pass up the opportunity for escape!
Martial art
Knife fighting in serious combatants is often a supplement to martial arts, or not the only thing they are trained in. I decided that arnis would work for Dorothy.
From wikipedia
“As Arnis was an art usually practiced by the peasant or commoner class (as opposed to nobility or warrior classes), most practitioners lacked the scholarly education to create any kind of written record. While the same can be said of many martial arts, this is especially true for Arnis because almost all of its history is anecdotal, oral or promotional. The origin of Arnis can be traced back to native fighting techniques during conflicts among the various Prehispanic Filipino tribes or kingdoms, though the current form has Spanish influence from old fencing which originated in Spain in the 15th century. It has other influences as well, as settlers and traders travelling through the Malay Archipelago brought the influence of silat as well as Chinese, Arab and Indian martial arts.[27][28] Some of the population still practice localized Chinese fighting methods known as kuntaw.”
Its pretty mixed, but it does have Spanish influence from the sixteenth century fencing which I figured would go nicely with her Andalusia family Knife style. Well, possibly, with all the debate in origin it's not totally certain.
From Wikipedia
Arnis students start their instruction by learning to fight with weapons, and only advance to empty-hand training once the stick and knife techniques have been sufficiently mastered. This is in contrast to most other well-known Asian martial arts but it is justified by the principle that bare-handed moves are acquired naturally through the same exercises as the weapon techniques, making muscle memory an important aspect of the teaching. It is also based on the obvious fact that an armed person who is trained has the advantage over a trained unarmed person, and serves to condition students to fight against armed assailants. Most systems of Arnis apply a single set of techniques for the stick, knife, and empty hands, a concept sometimes referred to as motion grouping. Since the weapon is seen as simply an extension of the body, the same angles and footwork are used either with or without a weapon. The reason for this is probably historical, because tribal warriors went into battle armed and only resorted to bare-handed fighting after losing their weapons.
Many systems begin training with two weapons, either a pair of sticks or a stick and a wooden knife. These styles emphasise keeping both hands full and never moving them in the same direction, and trains practitioners to become ambidextrous. For example, one stick may strike the head while the other hits the arm. Such training develops the ability to use both limbs independently, a valuable skill, even when working with a single weapon.
A core concept and distinct feature of Filipino martial arts is the Live Hand. Even when as a practitioner wields only one weapon, the extra hand is used to control, trap or disarm an opponent's weapon and to aid in blocking, joint locking and manipulation of the opponent or other simultaneous motions such as bicep destruction with the live hand.”
Also it sounds like a really solid philosophy for building a fight style. 
Also look at vrazvedka.ru’s Cold steel by John Styers for some Marine information/instruction on knife fighting. I think it's from a pretty serious book, and I didn't read the whole thing through,  but it did provide pictures I used to base the stances I took on. Perhaps someday I will read it through fully. 
It's not really the style I wanted for Dorothy, but it did help me get into character a bit. 
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bwoahtastic · 1 year
In the kick boxer max, maybe Charles knows Alpha Toto so after he brings Max home with him he call Toto to come and help him because Jos is so bad with Max and he doesn’t deserved it!
Maybe Toto is Lewis trainer?
Oh pls! Toto being Lewis's trainer and Charles knows him cos maybe he worked for Toto as assistant for a little bit before he got bored lol.
Charles calling Toto to come over and Max is instantly so scared because he knows who Toto is and he is afraid toto will hurt him🥺 Toto just kneeling down and taking off the muzzle which max had put back on because he thought he would hurt Charles otherwise.
Toto just pulling Max into his arms and softly rocking him while telling him he is such a good boy! And Max just melts cos he barely ever gets any praise🥺 and Charles just snuggles up against his back and strokes his soft hair!
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mrkanman · 7 years
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you’ll never believe what i saw today
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the-husbando · 7 years
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Boxer!Eddie Prompt
It's not in the way that you hold me It's not in the way you say you care It's not in the way you've been treating my friends It's not in the way that you stayed till the end It's not in the way you look or the things that you say that you'll do
Blaire’s trying to get with Waylon as the blonde is waiting for Eddie outside the change rooms so he can get ready for a fight. Eddie comes out after hearing a bit of commotion and tells Blaire off, defending Waylon and even stating Waylon’s with him now.
Waylon’s awe struck that Eddie admitted it and can’t speak. Waylon second guesses Eddie’s intentions but Eddie reveals he actually likes him and ‘invites’ (more like makes him have no choice) him as a date to a party after the Big Fight. Before Waylon can reply, Eddie strips and enters the ring.
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