#bound Caspian
castrel-is-hunting · 1 month
So Castrel am I right?
Anyways this is an RP account for Castrel! Please just don't be weird!
Pronouns: he/him
Red tailed hunts- Regular post
Hunter becomes hunted- reblogs
*Target assessment*- ask
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qaze · 1 month
///Spoilers for Ash and Vast BoundSMP lore
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to be a loser about that lore event momentarily - the title "not far enough" makes me . upset greatly. Ash *thought* they had gotten far enough, they'd been fine for what? almost 6 months here (probably one of the longest amounts they've stayed in one place), they've built a house, made friends - they have a home now. They're safe. But they're not *far enough* and then they're not safe and. mmmmmmmm.
Also also also - Vast being there. Vast being listed in the lore event makes me so normal because they're so- Vast and ash are sibling coded and I think about it often, and Vast being there when ash gets found out, or being the person ashril ends up going to because they were found out (though the former is more likely) is so. It makes me go crazy bonkers and I am so normal
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redraven25-stuff · 1 month
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I only ever hear headcanons about Susan (and Lucy, when she's older) having lots of suitors and Peter practically beating them off with a stick, which are great, I love a protective big brother, but what about Edmund? seriously. teenage girls love him here, can you imagine how narnians would react? they'd be attracted to him like flies to honey. and not just because they find him charming, but because they sense Aslan's work in him. the Just King radiates with His power, His forgiveness, His love, and he acts like it.
Peter would have an aneurysm. he'd be far more focused on the women who were trying to court Edmund. that's his little brother, stop looking at him like that, he's a child! meanwhile 19 yo Edmund is just like :))
I need to go on a search for more protective brothers fics lol
anyway, messy golden age Edmund sketch that I might hate in the morning, but I had a vision that i needed to get out of my head before I go to sleep (please ignore just how messy it is. I know. i'm lazy)
btw this started because I was thinking about how Edmund was probably a super lanky, gangly teen, but then as I was going through screenshots on pinterest I was reading some comments and realized just how many teenage girls(including myself lol) have or had a crush on him
ps, incest shippers dni, I will block you so fast:)
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foolishlyzephyrus · 3 months
reepicheep is such a top tier little guy, why does no one talk about him?
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wings-of-flying · 2 years
jay's harem this, jay's harem that, what about chip's harem? what about all the sexy attractive beautiful men who've ever flirted with chip, hmm? what about them?
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midnightsaboteur · 2 years
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The most on brand purchase for me ever, without a doubt xD
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sardar106 · 2 months
This is for anyone who wants to make/find any Sherbverse, Fable SMP, Bound SMP and Mer SMP roleplay accounts!
The characters who have more than one account will also be added
I will put the Sherbversions in their specific world too, but both but Midas and Charles will be only on the sherbverse list
The list will go alphabetically (hopefully)
Tell me if I missed any and if new ones are made!
Not that I’ve seen any, but I should have said this before. Do not, and I mean do not make an rp account of anyone who stated that they aren’t okay with them.
Ashril: pigeon-prince-or-something, run-run-roadrunner Ajax: ajax-lightning-zephyr, lighting-in-my-veins, thunder-twink Caine: the-better-coyote Cedar: cedars-potionshop EP-S110N56 (Epsilon): error-404-location-not-found Helix: hidden-amongst-the-dark, eyeblood-engineer Icarus: icarus-morningstar, icarixis-morningstar, icarus-m0rningstar, a-little-tragedy-arent-you, gilded-wings-and-golden-hearts Krithos: kritos-dawn Midas: colorful-shades-of-gray, quixis-midas, your-guardian-this-millennia, rainbow-decay Reo: armoured-fighter, cracked-armour, theyoungeststellam Ripley: navigating-spectral-seas Sherbert: elf-lad-says-things Sherwood: sleepy-pirate-person
Sherbverse misc:
Azalea: local-herb-lady Castrel: castrel-is-hunting Charles: charles-and-no-one-else Emma: emmie-ocie-golden Graeme: the-betterstellam Hayraen: hey-a-skyrate Helios: helios-event Lily: the-lil-lady Rae (Among Us): scientist-in-orbit Rayko: host-of-curses Rondael: rondael-richard Theia: flowers-by-a-different-name
Sherbverse AUs:
Band AU! Midas: under-rainbow-spotlights Band AU! Icarus: bird-song-shines, songbird-soars Corrupt! Icarus: wilted-feathers Decaying! Icarus: decayed-wings-of-gold Midas as new Quixis: rainbows-of-flashing-lights Icarus as young Quixis: lost-in-the-bright-lights Icarus raised by Fable: prince-of-the-gilded ^^^ + younger than Rae: im-prince-icarus Icarus raised by Ulysses: bird-underwater Icarus raised by moms: icarus-mindstar Icarus with wither sickness, wack, and decay: protector-of-decay
Fable SMP
Aax: thebesttesttubeuncle, tiny-perseus Arisanna: the-librari Athena: athena-morningstar, small-athena, withering-alliums Caspian: caspian-solcrect Centross: centross-mistvale, baby-reaper Easton: easton-pine, professorpine Fenris: fenris-nightingal Haley: oracle-haley Icarus: icarus-morningstar, icarixis-morningstar, icarus-m0rningstar, a-little-tragedy-arent-you, gilded-wings-and-golden-hearts Jamie/Bruin: bruin-pine Momboo: momboo-pine, rain-and-rotting-flowers Oceana: ocean-bringer Rae: rae-m0rningstar, vessel-of-wonder, tiny-raemorningstar, rae-morningstar13, little-rae-morningstar13 Seven: that-one-robot-guy Ulesses: ulysses-themist Ven: reclusive-author, notafakeginger, wet-fox-artist
Gods and NPCs:
Alerion: little-space-major Cari: cari-morningcrest Casus: casus-luck, siren-of-luck Enderian: enderian-morningstar Epros: the-void-of-the-end Everett: everett-morningstar Fable: fable-creation, king-of-the-overworld Hope: hope-pup Isla: isla-morningstar Jerry: jericho-cree Kinaxus: protectorofenergy Malitae: x-malitae-x, god-of-expression Netherum: nethrum Oscar: oscarlittleguy Perix: perix-illusion Soul: goddess-of-souls Raemond: raemond-morningstar Terry: the-best-cree-brother Vaeh: thebestestnightingstar, loyalty-goddess-pt2 Vikesh: vikesh-moon Vorago: vorago-god-of-depths and also Fable pets cus why not: fable-pet-collective
Fable AUs:
Band AU! Aax: drum-olm ^^^ Arisanna: songs-of-the-allay ^^^ Athena: flame-sings ^^^ Caspian: cas-chord ^^^ Centross: song-reaper, soulstone-rockstar ^^^ Fable: creation-records ^^^ Fenris: singing-wolf ^^^ Icarus: bird-song-shine, songbird-soars ^^^ Isla: orchid-morningstars ^^^ Malitae: artist-on-the-stage ^^^ Rae: void-star-singer ^^^ Ven: wet-fox-artist Corrupt! Centross: the-violet-reaper ^^^ Fenris: vengful-danger-wolf ^^^ Icarus: wilted-feathers ^^^ Momboo: rain-and-rotting-flowers ^^^ Rae: mind-prince Decaying! Icarus: decayed-wings-of-gold Fable be good dad: guiding-gilded-light Icarus as young Quixis: lost-in-the-bright-lights Icarus raised by Fable: prince-of-the-gilded ^^^ + younger than Rae: im-prince-icarus Icarus raised by moms: icarus-mindstar Icarus raised by Ulysses: bird-underwater Icarus with wither sickness, wack, and decay: protector-of-decay Isla never leaving Fable: the-trapped-princess Rae if he took Enderian’s deal in s1: prince-of-the-court Rae raised by Enderian after Ic’s “death”: son-of-mind Rae raised by Fable after Ic’s “death”: never-his-son Skulked! Aax: decaying-test-tube Skulked! Ocie: polluted-ocean
Faye: shark-biter Gyn: the-final-leviathan Krithos: kritos-dawn Raylen: raylan-dawn Theodore: theo-sealan, theosealan
SkyBound SMP
Armor: winged-warrior-1 Ashril: pigeon-prince-or-something, run-run-roadrunner Gavrien: fashionable-bird Marcel: cardinal-north Mojave: the-onewinged-artist Rune: engineer-lad Sylph: zip-zap-sylph Vast: ranger-of-the-sky, the-remaining-cadere13
Bound misc:
Jade: littlebirbie Jasper: stringtheif
Bound AUs:
Pokemon AU! Vast: ranger-of-the-sky
ohhkay. this took a lot of brain cells /pos and as stated in the beginning, tell me of other accounts!
I thought I’d add this here too; make sure to use #roleplay on every post/reblog and #sherbverse roleplay and #fable smp roleplay when roleplaying either!
also! I have made a google docs with the same exact list, but with the links of each account intro if you press the username
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knightcharlotte · 5 days
hi, i have been send down a teen wolf rabbit hole, so here are some ideas of what what character would be in a theoratical AU for fable and bound,
aax: chimera
addie: human
ari: banshee
athena: hellbound
bruin: druid
caspian: werewolf (turned)
centross: hunter/human
easton: hunter/human
fenris: werewolf (aplha)
haley: banshee
icarus: hunter/human
momboo: druid
ocie: hunter and maybe a water kitsune??
rae: banshee and half kitsune??
ulysses: druid or maybe even a dread docter turned good??
ven: human and hunter
bonus round: major gods!
fable: darach or a hunter
enderian: nogitsune / void kitsune
netherum: hellhound
luce: kitsune
bound time!
armor: chimera
ashril: werewolf
avalon: hunter
cosie: human
elwood: druid
erin: druid
gaverin: kitsune
marcel: human
mojave: hunter or werewolf (could go either way)
nemo: human or werewolf (could also go either way)
pietro: werewolf
rune: banshee
sylph: werewolf
taliesin: druid
vast: hunter
virgil: human
thank you for reading my silly little thoughts, if anyone has any other thoughts about this please let me know, i would love to see what other people think :D!
(ive been going insane and may or may not have watched the entirety of season 1 in one day)
(also if you see any spelling mistakes, no you dont/j)
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slaymitchabernathy · 2 months
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Rain & Parades
The patter of little feet running down the hall is what alerts Coriolanus that he’s about to have a little visitor.
He glances towards the door of his study and waits for whatever child of his has come to visit him to pop their little head in. The children have never been too fond of knocking.
He’s proven to be correct when Ceraphina, his oldest, pushes the heavy wooden door open and greets him with a bright smile. “Daddy!”
He grins and beckons her over, putting all his work aside. It’s the weekend so he doesn’t really need to be working. At least that’s what he tells himself when it comes to his children.
Ceraphina bounds over to him and squeals when he effortlessly scoops her into his lap and tickles her, letting Coriolanus bask in the sweet sound of his daughter’s laughter.
There was a time when he thought he could only love one woman. Soarynn Nightingale.
He had been completely and utterly in love with her since the day he met her and once they were married and she became Soarynn Snow, there was no competition in his mind.
Then Ceraphina came along.
Sporting the same eye color as her mother and the same laugh. And just when he thought it couldn’t get better, they had Celeste who reminded him of Soarynn every single day with her mannerisms.
Lastly came Caspian, and although he’s a boy, he still resembles Soarynn in his gentleness.
“What have you been up to my darling?” He asks her, ceasing his tickles for the time being. Ceraphina beams up at him while kicking her legs back and forth, “Mommy helped me get all dressed up for the parade! We’re still going right?”
Coriolanus glances out the window of his study and notices the dreary weather that’s formed over the last hour. It looks like it might rain and that will certainly foil their plans of attending the Capitol’s annual parade. It’s a celebration of their victory over the rebels from the Districts and the children love attending.
He gives her a squeeze and a patient smile, “We’ll have to see how the weather turns out darling. If it rains then they’ll cancel the parade.”
Ceraphina frowns and crosses her arms, pouting the same way Soarynn does, “Well I just got all ready,” she huffs. Coriolanus holds in his chuckle at her small attitude. Soarynn can deny it all she wants but Ceraphina is as sharp as she is.
“Well why don’t we go check the television to see if there’s been any updates,” he suggests, knowing that the chances of the parade being canceled are highly likely. Still, he’s learned that having children means humoring them for the sake of protecting them.
Ceraphina nods and jumps off of his lap, running out of the study before he can even stand up. Coriolanus lets out a groan when he finally stands up after so long, stretching out his limbs before he slowly makes his way out into the hall. Ceraphina is still waiting for him, bouncing on her toes but this time, she has a friend.
Or a prisoner from the looks of it since Petunia does not look particularly happy to be held by the child.
Coriolanus chuckles and bends down to give Petunia a rub on her head, “I see you found our beloved Petunia.” The feline glowers up at him but he knows she won’t make any fatal attempts as long as the children are around.
She’ll wait till he’s alone to get her revenge.
Ceraphina proudly nods, “Mhm. Mommy tied a new ribbon around her neck this morning.” The new ribbon is a baby blue shade and it compliments the cat’s eyes perfectly. Which means that it also compliments Ceraphina’s eyes as well.
“How fancy,” he says, standing back up to his full height. Ceraphina follows him to the living room where he’s more than happy to find his other daughter, Celeste sitting in his armchair. It’s not necessarily his armchair, but no one in the family sits in it but him. And sometimes Petunia.
She’s kicking her feet back and forth while she plays with two of her dolls, clearly in her own little world but Coriolanus can see that she’s also properly dressed for the parade. Both girls are wearing black dresses with shiny black boots, clearly matching with one another.
She gasps when she notices more family members in the room with her, namely Petunia who is carried over to her by her big sister. “Petunia!”
Coriolanus smiles at the sight of his two darling daughters fussing over Petunia who’s managed to get onto the armchair and tuck all her limbs under her small body as a means to protect herself from the small children.
“Daddy! We’re going to the parade today!” Celeste tells him, holding up her dolls. Coriolanus nods and rounds the coffee table, searching for the television remote. “Hopefully it hasn’t been canceled due to the rain,” he says.
He finally finds the remote and turns on the television to their favorite weatherman’s channel. Both girls gasp at the sight of their favorite television personality, Lucky Flickerman who’s currently giving them a weather report for the day.
“Looks like our parade has officially been rained on folks! Time to fold up the tents and head on home because this rain isn’t letting up anything soon!”
Coriolanus feels his heart break a little when he sees the disappointment in his girl's faces as they both gaze up at him with those blue eyes. “Daddy, why can’t you tell them to put on the parade?” Celeste asks, carefully slipping out of the armchair and coming over to grab onto his leg.
Coriolanus sighs and places his hand on the top of her blonde head of curls, “I can’t control the weather darling. They’ll just have to reschedule the parade.” Celeste pouts but he’s truly out of options and has nothing left to do now. Ceraphina however doesn’t seem to take no for an answer and she runs off to find the one other person who she believes can fix all of her problems.
“Let’s go check on your sister,” Coriolanus suggests as he scoops up Celeste. She instantly rests her head on his shoulder and he can smell the scent of vanilla lingering on her clothes.
His bedroom doors are wide open so he figured that’s where Ceraphina must have run off to. He’s proven correct when he finds Soarynn sitting on the edge of their bed, comforting a tearful Ceraphina who’s clinging to her mother.
“I take it you heard about the parade,” Coriolanus concludes and Soarynn nods, “Yes, the weather always seems to ruin things.”
Coriolanus spots Caspian sitting in his crib, carefully watching the rest of his family interact. He’s gotten so big and he has his own ‘big boy bed’ but Soarynn kept around the large crib for the convenience of things. “Parade,” Caspian says, holding onto the crib's railing. Soarynn sighs and continues smoothing down Ceraphina’s hair while she cries, “Yes darling, the parade was supposed to be today.”
“Well, why can’t we tell them to put it back on?” Ceraphina asks with the stomp of her little foot which earns her a sharp look from Coriolanus, “Manners Ceraphina,” he reminds her while setting Celeste down on the floor, “and they’ll just have to reschedule it. We’ll go to the parade another time.”
His words seem to do little to comfort all three children who’ve been talking nonstop about the parade for weeks now and he gives Soarynn a desperate look. ‘Help me out of this’ his eyes beg.
Soarynn shoots him a more amused look and nods, “Well since we’re all dressed up we might as well go do something,” she suggests which earns her an excited gasp from Celeste who runs over to the bed and attempts to climb it. But she’s still so little and Soarynn chuckles, lifting her up to sit next to her, “Really Mommy? We can still go somewhere today with Daddy?” Celeste asks hopefully, looking over at Coriolanus who normally is at work today.
Coriolanus has always prided himself on being a hardworking man. For many years he simply provided for himself and Soarynn but with three little ones now in their lives, things have gotten more complicated. More expensive is the correct way to put it.
All three of their children are dressed in the finest clothes, and fed the finest foods, and when they’re old enough, they’ll receive the best education.
Living a life of luxury means sacrifices, in his case, not seeing his family as much as he’d like. After getting promoted five months ago, Coriolanus has truly been on top of the world at work but it’s meant being busier as well. Soarynn stays home with the children, raising them in his absence while he brings home the bacon so to speak.
But today everyone at the office was given the day off at work and the children had been thrilled at the prospect of an extra day with their father.
Soarynn ruffles Celeste’s curls and smiles, “Sure we can. Why don’t we all go down to the bakery? We can get some hot chocolate and some pastries for breakfast tomorrow morning.”
That seems to be the best idea the girls have ever heard because tears are quickly dried and they’re both running off to find a stuffed animal to bring with them. Coriolanus lets out a sigh of relief and shakes his head, “I was sure we’d have several tantrums on our hands, and all because of the rain.”
Soarynn rolls her eyes and stands up from their bed, making her way over to the crib where Caspian is watching her, “You know our girls are perfectly well behaved. And you can’t blame them for being disappointed, I myself am quite disappointed.”
Caspian lets out a squeal when Soarynn picks him up, absolutely infatuated with Soarynn, the same way Coriolanus is. Caspian is a momma's boy through and through, always basking in his mother's presence. Not that Coriolanus can blame him, Soarynn is the perfect mother in his eyes and he's glad that the children can see that as well.
"Would you like that Cas? A trip to the bakery sounds like the perfect rainy day activity," she says to their son who nods, only understanding certain words but grasping just enough to understand what she's saying to him. "Yes," he tells her which earns a smile from Soarynn who presses a soft kiss to his blonde head of hair.
Coriolanus watches the sweet sight with a smile on his face. He always knew that he'd end up marrying a girl and starting a family with her, but he never imagined he'd actually be happy. He would meet some upper-class girl and take her on mandatory dates, doing everything by the books. Then after an appropriate amount of time, he would propose and it would all work out in the end.
But then Soarynn came along and swept him off of his feet.
He was irrevocably in love with this girl and she had gone above and beyond to make him happy. She made him a father.
"Would you help him with his shoes?" She asks him, bouncing Caspian on her hip, "He's quite insistent on putting them on himself now that he's a big boy." Caspian gives her a determined nod, "Big," he agrees. Coriolanus chuckles and walks over to his wife and son, placing his large hand on top of Caspian's head, "You are indeed growing like a strong boy, you'll be as tall as me before we know it."
The thought of Caspian all grown up is an exciting thought to Coriolanus who can hardly imagine his children growing past the age of ten. He knows Soarynn longs for more days with them at this sweet age but the years are short and the days are long. They'll just have to cherish every moment they can while they have it.
꧁ ꧂
"Daddy, can I jump in that puddle?"
Coriolanus pulls a twisted face at the idea of willingly jumping into a wet, nasty puddle but children are curious by nature and don't seem to care about cleanliness the way he does. He shakes his head, "I don't think so darling."
He adjusts his grip on the stroller whilst holding up the black umbrella with his other hand. Caspian stares up at him from his comfortable seat with wide blue eyes. Even though he's nearly three, days like this call for a stroller where he can rest should he get tired.
Ceraphina nods and continues skipping next to him, making sure her hat doesn't fall onto the ground. Many things can be said about Soarynn Snow. She's kind, gorgeous, considerate, and she is very fashionable.
Which means her children are fashionable too.
She dressed the girls in black coats and hats to match her own black outfit for the day, and Caspian looked very sharp in his black vest. It had been a bit of a struggle for Coriolanus to get Caspian's tiny boots on his feet, especially with Caspian kicking them off every two seconds while fussing at him. But he managed to get them on eventually.
Coriolanus glances over his shoulder at Soarynn who's holding Celeste's hand, guiding them along the wet pavement. Celeste has a habit of looking into every shop window and eyeing the clothes on the mannequins. Her wild imagintation leads her to come up with stories for all the mannequins which can lead to a simple walk down the street taking much longer than it really should.
But Soarynn is so patient with her, stopping at every window to listen to Celeste and her stories. Coriolanus truly doesn't know how she manages it, manages to be so endlessly patient all the time. He, of course, loves his children and does his best to be a caring yet stern father figure. But Soarynn is just so selflessly devoted to their children and their happiness.
When they finally reach the glass doors of the bakery, Coriolanus waits for Soarynn and Celeste to catch up to them and he hears a glimpse of Celeste's wild imagination. "...and then they rode a dragon to the tea party Mommy!" Soarynn raises her eyebrows and hums, "That sounds so fantastic darling." Celeste beams up at her and nods, "It is. Can I get a muffin?"
Coriolanus gives her a knowing look and Celeste has the decency to look somewhat guilty, "May I please have a muffin Mommy?" Coriolanus grunts and opens up the bakery doors pleased that Celeste corrected herself. They can't have their children running around the Capitol without using proper manners and etiquette.
Everyone files into the bakery and they're greeted by smiling staff members ready to tend to their every need. "Why don't we sit over there by the window?" Soarynn suggests to him and Coriolanus looks over at the large-looking booth tucked away in the corner. "Good idea," he agrees, knowing it's best to keep the children contained when at all possible.
He wheels the stroller over to their table and carefully lifts Caspian out, enjoying the way that his son immediately clings to him, "Let's go pick out something to eat," he says, adjusting his grip on Caspian who seems quite determined to reach out for Soarynn now that he has her in his sights. The girls are already pouring over all the fancy desserts and pastries that the bakery has to offer them, pointing at the prettiest cakes.
Soarynn stands behind them, a content smile on her face while watching the children. "Momma," Caspian says, grabbing her hair the moment she's in reach. Soarynn smiles down at him and takes his small hand in hers, "Hello my sweet boy."
Soarynn looks absolutely radiant today, it truly is a shame that the parade was canceled only because not as many people will be able to openly admire her. Her own black dress is fitted at the waist and stops just above her knee and she's paired it with shiny black boots that stop just below the knee. Her black coat wraps around her waist with a buckled strap and her handbag for today is a gorgeous black leather handbag with gold hardware.
She's the picture of sophistication.
"Daddy! Daddy, they have cupcakes! May we please get a cupcake?" Ceraphina asks, bouncing on her toes while pointing at the glass display case. Coriolanus hands Caspian off to Soarynn who gladly takes him into her hold so that he can go see this cupcake. He sees why the girls are so taken with this dessert, it has pink frosting and rainbow sprinkles with a cherry on top.
He pretends to think about it for a moment which only makes the girls pout even more, giving him their best puppy-dog eyes. Coriolanus expected many things going into fatherhood but what he hadn't expected was to be wrapped around his daughter's fingers. He was already wrapped around Soarynn's but now he had two miniature versions of her.
Double trouble if he's ever seen it.
"I suppose you two could get this cupcake if you promise to eat all your dinner," he tells them and the girls immediately nod and offer promises to eat every last bite of dinner tonight. Coriolanus grins and nods at the worker standing on the other side of the counter, "Two of your pink frosted cupcakes please."
The girls are ecstatic about their wishes coming true which of course means running over to share their victory with Soarynn who's crouched down to help Caspian select his own treat. It's futile since they both know he'll choose the same thing every time, a slice of lemon bread.
"We'll also take a box of your breakfast pastries, one coffee, one tea, and three hot chocolates," he adds, glancing over the display case. Coriolanus himself isn't much of a sweets man but he can always steal a piece of Soarynn's dessert. She always gets the carrot cake.
"Right away sir."
"Why don't you girls go sit down," he suggests while pointing at their table. Both girls nod and run over to the table, hoisting themselves onto the booth. "What're you getting darling?" Soarynn stands up with a sigh, and brushes some of Caspian's hair from his face, "The same thing we always get. Cas and I are terribly predictable." Coriolanus rests his hand on her lower back and smiles, "Yes you are. One might even go as far as to say that the two of you are related."
Soarynn shoots him a teasing look as they both make their way over to the cashier where Coriolanus pulls out his wallet to pay. "I already ordered the drinks," he says to Soarynn while handing over his card. Soarynn smiles up at him and gives his arm a squeeze, "Aren't you such a thoughtful husband?" Coriolanus enjoys the banter between them, especially when it comes to their parenting methods and he plays into it fully, "Someone has to be the doting spouse."
Both of them are doting in their own ways. Soarynn's ways of showing love and appreciation are more sentimental like little notes and words of praise. She always knows how to make him feel better after a long day by running her fingers through his hair and singing softly.
Coriolanus is more physical in his affection, showering Soarynn with kisses and gentle touches every chance he gets. He loves having his hands on her, giving her massages, braiding her hair, and helping her rinse off in the shower. And he of course loves to give her gifts. Handbags, designer shoes, new jewelry. Only the best for his darling girl.
All in all, they make a good pair.
Soarynn gives him a gentle shove before making her way over to their table, knowing that the girls always require at least a little bit of supervision. Once promises that their food will be brought to their table shortly, Coriolanus joins his family and is pleased to find that all three of his children are perfectly behaved.
He sits down next to Soarynn and his hand immediately finds her thigh under the table. He'd be damned if he let having children keep him from having his wife and their intimate moments. So, he does his best to keep the flame alive, always giving her small touches of affection whenever and wherever he can.
"Looks like the rain is finally letting up," Soarynn says, nodding towards the large bakery window. Coriolanus finds that she's correct as they watch people begin to close their umbrellas while making their way down the Capitol street.
"I still wish we could've seen the parade floats," Ceraphina says with a sigh, causing her sister to also sigh, "And the horses," Celeste adds. The parade consists of many sights, including horses, floats, performers, and of course, the Capitol military. The girls love the horses and floats the most though.
"Yes, but then we wouldn't be able to enjoy this lovely afternoon now would we?" Soarynn asks, quickly shutting down any unnecessary pouting from the children. Coriolanus gives her thigh an appreciative squeeze for shutting down such behavior and it's at that very moment that the food arrives. Suddenly the parade is forgotten when the girls set their sights on the cupcakes they ordered.
"Let me help you cut it," Soarynn interjects before they can get their hands and clothes stained with pink frosting. The girls patiently wait on the edge of their seats while Soarynn skillfully cuts the desserts into smaller bites, both of their eyes wide as saucers. Caspian who's been seated in a booster seat spots his slice of lemon bread and makes grabbing motions at it, "Lemon," he says, looking for someone to help him.
Coriolanus takes charge and hands Caspian his dessert, "Here you go Cas." With all children happily fed, Soarynn digs into her own large slice of carrot cake, humming as she chews. Coriolanus takes a moment to admire her because even when she's eating she's just so graceful, so poised and mindful of others.
She catches him staring and blushes before swallowing, "What? Do I have frosting on my face?" Coriolanus feigns a look of concern and nods, "Yes, right here in fact." He leans in as if inspecting the frosting and places a quick kiss on Soarynn's lips, causing her to gasp.
The girls giggle at the show of affection, they're at that age where everything is "so romantic," especially their parents kissing. Every time Coriolanus brings Soarynn a gift, the girls fawn over the gesture, telling him how romantic and sweet he is.
Coriolanus sees it as a win-win situation. The girls see their father being a loving husband towards their mother and he's setting the standard for their future husbands as well.
"You're horrible," Soarynn chides to which he grins, "I know you just want some of my cake." Coriolanus eyes the cake for a moment and nods, "Well what's mine is yours, and what's yours is mine." Soarynn rolls her eyes at the argument he loves to use whenever he wants to eat off of her plate. It helps that Soarynn rarely finishes her entire meal, leaving just enough for him to eat and feel full and content.
"Mommy?" Soarynn looks over at Celeste who wears a sweet smile on her face, "Yes darling?" Coriolanus finds himself never truly knowing what the children will ask next. It can vary from the weather to war. "How did you know that you were in love with Daddy?"
Well, that's a very good question.
Soarynn's eyes widen and she looks at Coriolanus who raises his eyebrows expectantly, "Go ahead Soarynn, tell them how you knew that I was your one true love." His pride is something that Soarynn constantly feeds and she rolls her eyes before looking back at Celeste, "Well for starters, he never left me alone." Coriolanus scoffs at a statement that's somewhat true but somewhat offensive. He can't help it if he's obsessed with her.
"He always wanted to take me on dates, go on shopping trips, spend time with me no matter what we were doing," she elaborates and it sounds much better when she puts it that way. Coriolanus nods approvingly, "He also is very charming," Soarynn adds, a blush crawling across her cheeks, "always knowing what to say to sweep me off my feet."
Coriolanus loves teasing Soarynn about how flustered she gets whenever he compliments her and she hasn't changed a bit since he first met her. The girls lean closer, eager to hear about their parents before they were born. "But above all," Soarynn continues, "Daddy always took care of me without me ever having to ask him to do so. He always protected me, kept me safe, and made me feel loved and valued. That's when I knew I loved him when I felt like no one else in the world could make me feel the way he did."
Coriolanus is beaming with pride now and the looks on the girl's faces make it all worth it.
"How romantic," Ceraphina sighs.
Coriolanus chuckles and takes a spoon, helping himself to some carrot cake, "Terribly romantic. Don't forget to drink your hot chocolates before they go cold," he reminds them. Both girls nod and eagerly finish their cupcakes, not wanting to miss out on yummy drinks.
"Not a bad way to spend a rainy day hmm?" Soarynn whispers to him, leaning her head on his shoulder. Coriolanus presses a kiss to her temple and squeezes her thigh, "Not a bad way at all my darling."
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whosthere54 · 4 months
My notes on the Quixis Answers stream!
- all bleeding eyes pointing back to Icarus
- look about mid 20s icarus genuinely over resets 40-50 years true for every character
- No creation powers because they are not “all them” they have pieces of the other sherberts in them. No creation powers because they aren’t them, hesitation because they aren’t them.
- bound is last one standing in the infinite hall of portals
- Midas fully believes that they will die with their world BUT THEY DONT (and they’re totally okay with that)
- REO WAS QUIXIS (They do not remember their time as quixis)
- THE THINGS allowed glitches (we were The inciting incident) THE REAL WORKD GLITCHES INTO FABLE
- Fable can’t be streamed anymore because the glitches will hurt that world
- Midas is from a dystopian utopia (I CARE SO MUCH)
- Midas had a fable and isla, Athena Centross, Caspian, Jamie
- Real older than Midas (Idk if they said specifically said on that show idea or if that was cannon so I wrote it down anyways cause I care)
- The tiktok account how did I not know-
- World rebuild themselves
- Townhall board - whiteboard (in quixian)
- Every sherb has to wake up in their bed, theirs is their desk.
- WHEN THEY MOVED THE DUPLICATE HOUSE SHOWED UP (They mention again that it was the opposite X and Y coords opposite positive and negative)
- The vods being matched to the auras
- The outside cannon was the only one I hadn’t caught
- Their browser being yellow and brown lolol
-guys I care about Ajax so much
- Hypixel Sherb - 2 different eye colors bleeding yellow TubNet bleeding smth I didn’t catch that
- Icarus was always pulled to the worldport when gone across dimensions. Hypixel to TubNet Eye glitch because of the change in dimensions
- Reo is the most okay with being alone because he just finished being quixis and is used to it (I CARE SM)
- things disappear reappear swap places things places spaces change time does not (smth like that)
- The concept of having to ascend to do things right and fix things I hold it in my hands
- “Are you in ic has feelings? No…”
- B I R D I E
- Midas did not die or go back to their destroyed world.
- Gray eyes
1 - Denial (Hardcore sherb farthest from denial)
2 - Asshole (Kurt farthest from asshole)
- Sherbverse is a metaphor
- Not a System
- Parallel to what it is like to be a system
- 1 full CMV 2 Mini CMVs coming out and lots more sherbeverse content <3
- Sherbeverse section of the discord
- May have something to do with the Ven epilogue 👀👀
- #SQCU :0
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beomie3 · 1 year
to the mountains - huening kai
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pairing: best friend! hueningkai x reader
summary: your friend group decides to take a weekend getaway trip to the mountains, but it isn't until you stay in a cabin in the woods that your crush on one of them begins to make itself known. mutually :)
wc: 5k
content: best friends to lovers, cozy woods fluff, the rest of txt is mentioned, light cursing, handholding, cuddles <3, and smooches ^3^
to the mountains - lizzy mcalpine
meet me in the woods - lord huron
let’s go outside - far caspian
apple cider - beabadoobee
evergreen - richy & the coal miners
home - edith whiskers
calico - haux
alps - novo amor
sparks - coldplay
you trailed your fingers along the soft wind; feeling it grow colder as you watched rows and rows of pine trees line the road, ears popping as the car climbed elevation.
you looked over at the dark-haired boy next to you; your best friend kai who was in the driver's seat, both hands clutching the wheel. a laugh erupted from your mouths when his voice horrendously cracked as he attempted the high note to a song playing on the radio, his contagious dolphin laugh echoing through the car as you both laughed your asses off.
“maybe i should've taken taehyun up on the vocal lessons," he says once he catches his breath, mentioning your guys’ other friend, who also happens to be the best singer you'd both ever met.
you snorted, patting him on the shoulder. "i mean you could right now, he's in the backseat," you motioned to the back where your friend taehyun lay sound asleep, headphones snug as he leaned on the window.
kai muffled a laugh with his hand, looking at the sleeping tae through the rear-view mirror. "oops! i totally forgot he was here," he giggled quieter now, trying to forget how he was once screaming the lyrics to a song.
"kai- we planned that taehyun would come with us and that the choi's would all follow us in yeonjun's caravan. actually- i wonder if they're there yet." you leaned against the window, checking the “six lo$ers” group chat to see if your other friends had arrived to the cabin.
"oh, no, we're definitely getting there first, i need to make sure i get dibs on the room with the comfiest bed," kai stepped on the gas, determined to reach the destination before the other three boys who would surely compete for the same thing. you laughed, rolling your eyes. this is going to be fun.
with a minute to spare, kai pulled into the gravel next to a large pine tree in front of the cabin you’ll be staying in, quickly opening your doors and running out of the car once he took the key out of the ignition.
“crap where’s the key?!” he patted his baby blue hoodie frantically, seemingly unable to locate the key to the cabin’s front door. your heart nearly stopped when you heard the familiar honk of a black caravan pulling into the driveway as well. shit! it’s our competition.
"kai hurry!" you held his arm, pulling at his hoodie impatiently as he was starting to panic and screaming his loud, usual screams you were long used to. you stuck your tongue out at beomgyu as he was quickly unfastening his seatbelt and went to open the car door but it was locked, turning to yell at yeonjun which was silent from where you stood.
“quick get in!” at the last second kai found the key in his jean pocket, quickly unlocking the door and shutting it behind the two of you before beomgyu could reach it as he was sprinting towards you. all you heard was his pounding fist and yells on the other side, telling you to open the stupid door!
you and kai stood shoulder to shoulder, backs to the door huffing and laughing as you made it inside first. you didn’t think the shenanigans would start this early on in the trip. but all six of you together? it's certainly bound to happen.
you give kai one look before he grabs your hand, pulling you into the cabin which is quite larger than what you expected. you didn’t quite get the chance to take it all in since you were being pulled down the hallway by your best friend, but it’s warm, wooden interior and cozy ambiance certainly made you feel right at home.
“quick! we need to find the room with the comfiest bed. they have a spare key and they’ll get in soon,” kai whisper-yelled as he pulled you into the nearest room, adrenaline pumping, jumping onto the bed together and rolling around in it before moving to the next.
the next room was a bit bigger, but the moment you hit the mattress, you felt as you had just fallen face down on a rock. “solid no!” you jumped up laughing and the two of you moved to the next room excitedly.
soon enough, you heard the front door rattle and you both jumped on the last bed, immediately hitting jackpot. before you knew it, beomgyu ran into the room with a mischievous look on his face, grimacing at kai. “they’re in here!” he motioned to the other two boys, immediately sprinting over to the bed.
beomgyu jumped right on top of kai, wresting one another and you helped kai by pushing gyu’s arm off, failing miserably when yeonjun also piled on top. soobin just watched from the doorway, shaking his head. “you realize there are other beds right? and where is taehyun?” soobin’s question made everyone stop in their tracks and look at one another.
“he’s still asleep in the car.” kai laughed and you all ran out to wake the poor boy up.
the warmth of delicious soup soothed your vocal chords after hours of karaoke in the living room with the boys, eating it on the back patio with kai as the rest of them were either inside napping or doing silly little things in their own world.
the two of you lounged on folding chairs like a storybook elderly couple on a sunday morning, basking in the crisp forest air as you observed the vibrant green trees. occasionally spotting an exuberant looking bird and excitedly pointing it out to one another.
“shh!” kai quickly shushed you as you were in the midst of slurping your soup, stopping abruptly with wide eyes.
“do you hear that?” he leaned in closer, pretty eyebrows furrowed as he cupped a hand to his ear. you shook your head, quietly setting down your soup.
“i think it’s…running water?” he looked over at you quizzically and you really tuned into the noise, at first only hearing the occasional chirp of a bird or wind through the pines, but then you began to faintly hear it. like white noise. water trickling down upon rocks in the distance.
your eyes lit up and kai was quick to notice, his bright smile spreading from cheek to cheek. “wanna go look for it?” he nudged your foot with his, both sporting mismatched fuzzy socks.
“what kind of question is that?” you scoffed, raising a brow; you didn’t even have to explain yourself for him to know it was a solid yes.
kai had a habit of grabbing your hand and pulling you along with him, that’s how your friendship separated itself from the rest of the boys since long ago. he was known to be the closest to you out of everyone, considering you were always practically attached at the hip.
and so he did his usual; grabbed your hand and pulled you into the cabin to get on shoes before heading out in search of this mystery body of water.
beomgyu lay asleep on the floor like an old watchdog, missing his opportunity to tag along when you and kai soundlessly slipped out of the front door.
you followed right behind him, quick footsteps in the gravel and then onto dried leaves and twigs snapping beneath you once you reached the forest. you both swiveled your heads all around and above you, infatuated with the way the tall evergreens and pines tower up into the sky, nearly disappearing into the foggy clouds.
the fresh, pine-scented afternoon air tickled your nose as it was much colder than what you were used to down in the city, but it was more refreshing than anything. it felt good to get away. to be in silence. especially getting to see all these amazing sights with kai.
you only whispered to one another, needing to be extra quiet to be able to hear in which direction the water was coming from. the sound did indeed grow louder, signifying you were getting closer.
kai beckoned you over to where he stood, eyes wide. you jogged over, crunching leaves under your feet as you reached him. low and behold, you had stumbled upon a tall, but gentle waterfall, it’s water cascading down upon large rocks.
your head reached his shoulder when you stood next to him, always a perfect place to rest it as you both looked up at the shimmering water, astonished smiles on your faces.
you made your way over to the body of water surrounded by rocks at the waterfall’s base, occasionally getting splashed by cold droplets that ricochet off of the large boulders.
“kai? what are you-” you shot him a confused glance as he bent down to take off his shoes and socks, slightly rolling up his shorts.
“we’re getting in silly!” he threw his leg over one of the rocks bordering the edge, screaming when his feet were submerged in the ice cold water.
“we’re?” you crossed your arms over your chest, raising an eyebrow at him as he held his hands out to you. you knew kai pretty well— he wouldn’t sabotage you by throwing you into the water like the others would. you trusted him to be gentle and civil with you, as he was more sincere than anything. of course, he loved to joke around but he knew you would despise getting thrown into ice cold water.
you removed your shoes and rolled your pants up before taking his soft and warm hands in yours, feeling his attentive eyes on you as you carefully dipped your foot in, the breath leaving your chest at how freaking ice cold it was. of course, your penguin-like friend was able to get in effortlessly.
“this is impossible ningning!” you grabbed his shoulder for support as you clenched your jaw and stepped all the way into the ice-cold water. he hid the small blush on his cheeks of the endearment of his name he so loved hearing you say.
the two of you waded over to the waterfall, hands occasionally brushing as you were careful not to slip over the moss and small pebbles under your feet.
your necks swiveled to look up at the waterfall, cold water pelting you as you stood mere inches from the cascading water. mesmerized, your hand drew out to run your fingers under the cold stream; kai following as he smiled at the icy sensation.
you watched your hands under the falling water, the only sound in your ears of it plunging in front of you, too loud to hear anything the happy boy next to you had said. you wiggled your fingers under the cold stream, numb by now that you didn’t notice the tips of your fingers had trailed onto huening’s under the water.
he stood there, a bit surprised, but subconsciously moved his fingers slightly closer to yours, hand nearly on top of yours. it wasn’t until he turned to look at you that you felt the need to hide your face, feeling your cheeks grow red and afraid he would notice.
something about the air. about being alone with kai in the forest. you had always found him pretty but right now— right now his beauty struck you in a way you felt your heart beat in your chest. sunshine radiating behind him like a golden halo over his dark locks, dreamy eyes and a smile to melt over. what is happening?
with a shy smile he interlaced his fingers with yours, opening his mouth to say something but not even bothering because what he had to say would be drowned out by the waterfall. so he began to pull you under the waterfall with him, your eyes widening when you realized what he was doing, but your heart took over and inevitably followed.
it was like ice, drenching your right shoulder and then your head and down your hair, then your left shoulder and you were completely submerged, mouth open at the sheer shock as it took the breath from you.
your best friend’s hair had matted down completely to his forehead, covering his eyes completely which drew a hysterical laugh from you. he reached up with your conjoined hands to sweep the hair over his forehead.
he showed you a toothy grin and you couldn’t help but examine his face through the sheen of water, beginning to fawn over droplets scurrying down his pretty nose.
you thought maybe you’d been staring for too long, darting your eyes away from him and over to the rocks around you, curious about the small flowers growing between the cracks.
yet, you caught him staring at you from out of the corner of your eye, small smile on his lips as his eyes darted around your face. you couldn’t avoid the small flutter in your chest.
you and kai were usually on the silly side. prolonged eye contact and blush on one another’s cheeks not exactly what you two usually share.
“whatttt?” you yelled over the roar of water, tilting your head to one side, noticing his apparent nervousness when he shyly looked down at your hands.
taking a small step forward, leaning in close so you could hear him over the roar of water around you, chest nearly pressed to yours.
he opened his mouth to say something and nothing came out but a small laugh, apparently nervous to say whatever it was. you cupped his cheek as to comfort him, suddenly aware of your gesture and shocked as to what you were doing. you’d never touched kai in such an affectionate way.
“you can say it, kai.” you assured him, your voice loud enough for him to hear. how couldn’t he hear you anyway? his face was a mere 3 inches from yours. you felt slightly uneasy at this proximity but you also kinda really liked it? your emotions buzzing all over the place at this unprecedented tension.
but kai didn’t say anything, he just stood there, looking at you like you were the beautiful waterfall in the forest, taking in all of your natural beauty.
out of no where, you leaned closer, standing on your tip toes and pressed your lips to his cute nose. what a stupid, stupid idea. what the hell am i doing?
but he found it absolutely adorable, face scrunching and high pitched laugh exiting his lips.
“you like my nose?” he asked you quizzically, and you nodded, having to look away with a slight tinge of embarrassment, squeezing your eyes shut.
then grabbing your chin to angle your face back to his, still flustered, he musters up the courage to look you in the eyes, flicking them down to your lips and back up to admire you.
you were simply overtaken by his dark brown eyes; noticing the way his pupils dilated as he focused nearly into your soul, sinking into the dreamy trance that you never knew your best friend was capable of pulling you into in this way.
in a million years, you never thought you'd share a kiss under a freezing cold waterfall in the middle of the forest with kai kamal huening. but here you were, leaning into him, the nearest proximity you ever had since knowing him, not paying any mind to the occasional shivers and goosebumps pelting your body.
he closed the small gap that was left between your lips and you stayed there, slightly squeezing his hand as your heart felt it would beat out of your chest. the kiss was short and sweet and you almost wished it had been a little longer. but kai pulled away slowly, his cheeks the reddest you had ever seen them.
“and i like your lips.” he giggled, eyes nearly shut with how big he was smiling. you never knew kai felt the same way about you until now, dropping small hints along your friendship that you didn’t quite pick up on until now, only now getting his message with a sweet peck to your lips.
by now, your body was frozen and you pulled kai out of the heavy stream with you, not able to withstand it any longer since the adrenaline was wearing off and you could now begin to realize just how cold you were.
you wrapped your arms around your body to withhold as much body heat as you could, violently shivering with how cold you were. kai was cold too, but he made warming you his priority, wrapping his arms around you to hopefully try and help.
“here, stand on my feet,” he requested and you did just that, balancing on the tops of his feet as he walked the two of you over to the exit, helping you over the rocks and getting your shoes and socks for you.
you smiled, the only warmth in your body provided by his kind gestures that would melt anyone’s heart.
“race you back?” you looked down at him as he tied your shoe for you, his eyes flicking up quickly at the sound of those words. and before you knew it you were sprinting after kai in the woods; feet numb but heart warm and racing just as fast as you were after him.
“never seen that hoodie on you, is it new?” yeonjun asks as he stirs his hot cocoa, gazing at him from your spot in front of the fire place.
“oh it’s kai’s, actually!” you sip your apple cider, snuggling into the oversized baby blue hoodie that kai lent you a couple days ago once you returned from your freezing cold adventure.
“oh so now you’re wearing his hoodies hmm?” beomgyu nudged you, a mischievous grin on his face as he wiggled his eyebrows at you suggestively, exaggeratedly winking at yeonjun from where he stood in the kitchen.
the boys had began to notice your closeness with hueningkai especially recently on this trip, due to the fact you two would sneak out at random times and leave them without a clue as to where you two were.
of course, they knew you were always close in comparison to everyone else, but recently, they hadn’t even seen you two much because of how much time you were spending together out who knows where.
they made conspiracies that you guys were secretly dating and would go out on little cute dates everyday, that’s why you wouldn’t tell them. yet they secretly cheered kai on because he was so happy lately. and when kai was extra happy, everyone was extra happy.
and to be honest, that conspiracy didn’t sound too completely far from the truth. ever since you and kai had kissed at the waterfall, you had grown even closer; your bond deepening and tangling so much that it was almost confusing. you hadn’t felt this way for anyone before and it confused you that it was your best friend; you didn’t want to ruin what you had.
but you wanted to be with kai every second of every day. and he wanted to be with you.
and at sunset, you and kai escaped again. hand in hand running into the woods as it was now your favorite place to go.
each time you ran off into the forest, you found something new about each other that you hadn’t known before. hell, you had even discovered what each other’s lips feel like the very first time you even ran off.
you spent your time climbing trees and sharing snacks amidst a deep talk and of course laughter, then carving both of your initials in whichever tree it was, marking it yours.
when you got too tired of walking, kai would carry you on his back, not minding at all. he enjoyed it actually, always offering to give you piggyback rides no matter how tired he got.
you would occasionally go back to the waterfall, sitting on the rocks or skipping stones across the water to see who’s would go further.
today kai wore a loose, earth-toned wool jacket with nothing under but a dainty silver necklace, zipped up enough to expose a bit of his chest. it drew your eyes like a magnet to his pretty collarbones glowing in the setting sunrays.
“i like this jacket on you,” you gingerly traced your fingers along the woven material, a shy smile on your lips. your compliment made his heart skip.
of course, you two were still bestest of friends, doing goofy things and blabbing about anything and everything. but when you caught his eye or exchanged a small compliment, you both got so shy and quiet and blushy around each other.
you were both aware of another option you had now, completely new and foreign to your relationship; the small kiss from a couple days ago. you held the memory fondly since the moment it happened, warmth spreading across your chest at the thought.
your head rested on his shoulder, watching the waterfall together as you decided to look up at him, eyeing the plush of his lips.
“can we..try it again?” you sort of beat around the bush, hoping kai would pick up on what you were throwing down. you felt too shy to ask your best friend directly if you could kiss him.
“what, race to the cabin?” he furrowed his brows and you laughed, head falling back onto his shoulder.
“i meant-”
“i know y/n, just messing with you,” he nudged you, a sweet smile on his lips.
somehow, it felt natural, like this had been something you had both long wanted to do. like something you were made to do. you kept the comfort of your head on his shoulder and he leaned down to place his lips on yours, slowly melting into the kiss with your eyes fluttered closed.
you could sense everything better now; the warmth of his soft lips, the subtle taste of the watermelon you had snacked on earlier whilst sitting atop a tree, the subtle cool breeze blowing pieces of your hair astray. you enjoyed it even more now, since the first was a bit interrupted by the freezing cold waterfall.
after a few moments, you broke the kiss with an interrupted thought, staring into his eyes and then trailing your gaze to the water where you stared at your reflections. his broad shoulders like a large blob in the water, then yours a smaller blob. it was always like this; next to one another for as long as you could remember. you love kai. and you don't want to ruin what you have.
“this…this won’t ruin our friendship, right?” you were hesitant to look up at him in the eye as you slowly look back up at him, almost worried he would regret it.
but he only smiled, shaking his head.
“never, y/n. you’ll always be riiight here,” he pointed to his chest, at the spot right over his heart. you warmly smiled, finding him the absolute most adorable boy in the world. how could you not have the biggest crush on him?
it all made sense now. kai was everything you wanted and needed in a partner, in a friend, in a lover. but you always pushed away any sort of feeling in fear of losing him. but how could you lose him- how could you lose him if he's always been by your side through it all.
the front door creaks as you both sneak back into the cabin, completely pitch black as the boys had gone to sleep, considering it was half past midnight.
you both tip-toe down the dark hallway, finding every room was closed and in use except for the one at the end of the hall; the one you and kai had claimed on the first day.
you could see his pearly smile faintly in the dark, silently cheering that they didn't all steal the room with the comfiest bed. you held onto his arm as you blindly walked down the hallway and into the room, flicking on the dim night light to provide just enough light to see his soft facial features, hair slightly tossed by the breeze seeping through the window.
you two were long past the i'll sleep on the floor so you can have the bed phase of your friendship, so you shared the bed as it was normal for the two of you. and through all these years, never once had it felt uncomfortable even in the slightest. all you ever did was look up at whoever's bedroom ceiling in deep conversation and occasionally kick at each other's feet under the covers.
tonight, a certain tension blanketed the two of you as you lay next to one another, pinkies interlaced under the sheets as you stare up at the high ceiling of the cabin, listening to the subtle whir of wind through the trees.
you felt cozy here, in this little cabin tucked away in the wilderness with your best friend(s). you almost wanted to snuggle into him, but that had yet to be established.
“i like you, kai.” your voice suddenly emerges lowly from the still room, the sound of his rustle under the blanket apparent as he tightened his pinky around yours. turning to face you, you did the same, facing one another with cheeks squished to the pillows.
"a lot." you whisper with a growing smile, just inches from his lips as you stare into the chocolate glimmer of his eyes. you could feel your heart pounding in your chest and drumming into your ears.
with a gentle finger, he lightly tucks away a stray piece of hair behind your ear, bringing intense warmth to blanket your cheeks. you couldn't quite see in the dark, but his were dusted with a rosy tinge as well.
“does this mean we can cuddle now?” his voice comes out shyly, smiling and red in the face at his own question.
you giggle, nodding and smiling so big that your eyes are nearly shut, slowly scooching closer to kai. almost unsure as to go about this, considering it's your best friend you're cuddling.
but you just go for it; pressing your chest to his, wrapping your arms around his torso, snuggling your head into him, cheek pressed to his warm neck and filling the space under his chin perfectly.
he wraps his arms around you and pulls you close, silence filling the room again once you both find the spot you are most comfortable in. you can hear his heartbeat as you breathe him in; warm calico fabric like fresh laundry. the closest you've been to this comforting scent that you wanted to be engulfed in eternally.
"i'm glad we agree, but i like you more," he adds. you giggle, burying your face into his warm chest and you can feel his smile grow with the way his voice flows like it always does when he's brimming with happiness, picturing his cute face in your mind and what he looks like right now.
"at the waterfall i did what i've wanted to for so long." his voice vibrates on the crown of your head, feeling his chest sink as he exhales, relaxing into you; relieved to confess what always weighed on him. eyes fluttering shut as he enjoys your warmth and the scent of your hair curling into his nose, tracing light circles into your back.
you pull your head away to the beautiful sight of his face, looking up at him and finding his eyes shut but then flutter open to look down at you, his lips curled into a pretty smile and slightly parted, looking too good not to kiss.
and so you lean up slowly, inviting him to lean down and close the gap for your third kiss, feeling his heart pound against yours. you're infatuated with the way his hand always comes up to cup your cheek, savoring every moment he had with you. in this moment, your love grew for your special boy, falling for him evermore.
"kai over here look!" your feet patter against the snow as you run towards familiar rock formations, sprinkled with snow as you point at it, covered in white.
he runs up, giving you a large hug from behind, his large wool jacket engulfing you in its warmth, a kiss to your cheek; now a normal thing.
summer and autumn had passed twice and your souls had intertwined more than you could even fathom; ever since your best friend had become your boyfriend, your life became filled with so much pure happiness that you could easily mistake any day for a fairytale.
with the help of his grasp, kai hoists you up so that you sit on the rock he had brushed the the light dusting of snow off of, threading his arms through yours to hold your waist as he places his chin in the crook of your neck.
it just felt so natural, like this was what the two of you were born to do. always destined to be together and never, ever apart.
the bitter winter breeze wasn't so bad with his warmth seeping into you, cradling you so good and you swear you'd never felt comfort until you fell in love with this boy.
after a few moments of enjoying the view of the frozen waterfall, kai pulls his arms away from you and instead dangles his dainty necklace around your neck, the same one you noticed two years ago in this same place.
the small bead at its end weighed down onto your sweater, drawing your eyes down to the sparkling jewel; noticing it was the shape of a heart. a token of his diamond love for you.
"i wanted to give this to you then," he whispered, a sweet smile on his lips when you turned to face him.
your eyes said it all, holding the words i’ll love you forever in them without having to say a word. he just knew.
“my heart is yours.” he says as he embraces you, hardly able to contain your emotions as you hug him even harder, as hard as you could, for that fact.
his love felt like warm blankets on a cold morning, a crackling fireplace as you sip warm apple cider, cuddles during a midnight storm, the much-needed hug after a long day. he felt like home.
"race you back?" he tilted his head with a sly smile, helping you down before disappearing off into the woods. you chased right behind, sure to beat him this time.
a/n: this is a very late hueningkai bday fic!! i share an august birthday with him so i wanted to write a comforting fic for our bdays lol :) hope everyone enjoys and happy late bday to anyone who had one in august or having one soon (yeonjun fic coming soon)!! 🥳 love u all <3
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ultralightpoe · 2 years
Kin of Mine - Aemond Targaryen
Authors Note: This is a series following blood of my blood, following Aemond through parenthood 
Warnings: smut, kid on kid violence, maiming 
Word Count: 2603
Description: Aemond has his family, now he must keep them safe 
next part: Kin of Sorrow
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              The challenge to Aemonds heir came as no surprise to him, it was bound to happen eventually. 
              Standing to the right of the throne room, once again looking up to his father in a patient wait for him to choose a side. This time, instead of coming here by himself, you stood behind him. Heavily pregnant and holding the hand of your son Caspian. 
            Aemond tried not to be irritated at you having to be here, even when the doctor demanded you rest due to an injury regarding you slipping off vhagar whilst 8 months pregnant. You should be in your chambers, laying in your bed and not stressing the child any more than needed. 
            He could not survive another chance of losing you or your next babe. 
             To his left, also facing the throne, was the challenger. Your deceased husband's pudgy little brother, who had taken the role of lord of his land, came to King's Landing to challenge the fact that Aemond named Caspian his heir. 
               He came to take Caspian as a ward. He came to take Caspian away from Aemond and you. A threat Aemond would not let pass kindly. 
             “When my dearest brother was murdered in cold blood here at the castle-” The stout man argues. “We awaited Lady Y/n return with my brother's son. As is expectation and tradition. She would have been given a room to stay in as Caspian became my ward. It is his legacy. Instead I am told she married the young prince and he named Caspian as his heir.”
               “May I remind you, Lord Fervor, that your brother attacked the prince in the training yard. Multiple witnesses saw it. It was an act of defense.” Alicent argues, voice calm as she looks to the man. 
               Aemond hadn’t spoken to his mother since he married you on Dragonstone. He had sworn his sword to Rhaenyra and he intended to keep you safe. His half sister stood beside you today with the rest of her family, including her bastard sons. 
              “It went to trial Lord Fervor.” Rhaenyra agrees, nodding her head softly and rubbing your arm as Aemond looks to her for a split second. He gives you a small smile which you turn your nose up to.
               Shit, he was still in trouble with you. That he would have to fix. If Aemond had to sleep on the couch one more time he would go nuts. 
             “It is still wrong. Caspian is a-”
              “Caspian is Lady Y/n's son. And we will not drag the boy away from his mother.” The hand of the king snipes, looking to his grandson with a dignified raise of brow. “In most cases the mother would go back but in this case Aemond married her to amend his mistake”
             Bile rises in his throat at that. He had married you because he loved you, and here they were talking about you like you were a piece of meat.
“It does not make sense for him to name Caspian as his heir.” The man's voice was raising now, taking a step towards the throne. “A Targaryen heir without a dragon is-”
             “He has a dragon.” Aemond snaps, fueled on by the soft whispers of his son behind him, just learning to talk. “Upon my marriage to Lady Y/n I gifted her son with a dragon egg. Targaryen tradition.”
             “A dragon gifted to someone without any Targaryen blood. You really expect me to believe that?!” 
              “To what are you implying?” Aemond stepped towards him, standing a little straighter.
                “Your involvement in that boys life is intriguing.” He seethes, hand flying to his sword laid at his waist. “One might say that-”
              “LORD FERVOR I RECOMMEND YOU BITE YOUR TONGUE!” His father calls across the room, guards all moving in from all sides. 
           “Say it.” Aemond urges, jaw clenched as he takes another step forward. “Say. It.”
             “SHE IS A WHORE AND THAT THING IS YOUR BASTARD-” Aemond didn’t aim for the neck, or the abdomen. No, this time he swung his sword right down the mans head. 
           Blood splattered over him as everyone gasped, Caspian screaming and crying in the background.  
             He doesn’t waste a second on the body, moving to turn to his wife and son. He finds them held together, your arms around him as you cradle his head. 
           Shame and dread fills his body as he moves towards you both, placing his hand on your upper back just as he always does when he wishes to lead you away. You follow his silent order, walking out of the throne room with Caspian in your arms sobbing. 
          You do your best as quieting the boy but Aemond softly grabs him from you before you stress yourself out. He quiets down as he reaches for his fathers eyepatch, once again desperate to see the gem underneath. 
             “I must go see Halaena after that.” You state, turning to stomp off. 
            “Nuh uh.” He’s quick to snatch your elbow and spin you back gently, giving you his best glare. “How much longer?”
             “I have no clue how long I will be.” He hated when you played foolish, hated it because you were cunning enough to avoid his actual question. 
              Reaching a hand up to rub at your jaw comfortingly and bring your forehead to his. “I meant how much longer will you be mad with me, little bird?”
           “Five more days.” You jest, leaning into his touch as Caspian touches his own forehead against your cheeks in an attempt to join the love. 
          “What may I do to reduce my punishment?” 
             “Maybe we shall figure it out tonight.” You tease, kissing his lips softly. When you pull away Aemond follows, desperately, but you place your finger on his lips to push him back softly. “Do not let that thing hurt our son.”
            “Do not let Haleana eat you.” He smiles, watching you waddle away before taking Caspian to the dragonpit.
              He keeps one hand on Caspians stomach, keeping the boy to his chest as he stays crouched down to hold both their hands out to the blue dragon babe in front of them. 
              He has done this every afternoon with Caspian and his dragon, Vhagar sitting not far behind them watching tiredly. He moves Caspian closer, inch by inch. “Closer now, closer…..closer.”
              Caspian giggles as his small hand finally touches the dragon's snout, a low hum coming from the dragon at the movement. “There it is. Say hello to it now Cas-”
             They work like this for hours, teaching the young boy words he needs to learn while bonding the dragon and the boy. 
              Aemonds attention drags to Vhagar who began stirring around. “Easy now Vhagar.”
            He pulls Caspian up into his arms and goes to Vhagar, rubbing her snout. “What’s going in-”
            “Prince Aemond!” A maid calls, running into the pit. “Your wife…..the labor has begun.” 
             Aemond is tearing through the halls in a second. He hears your screams down the hall, handing Cas off to the awaiting arms of a handmaiden before fixing himself up and moving to enter the room. 
            “My prince, you shouldn’t.” A young maid stops him at the door. “My lady isn’t in a decent manner-”
              “Fuck off.” He sneers and pushes past her to enter. You were panting on the bed, his mothers hand gripped in your own as Rhaenyra rubs a warm washcloth on your forehead. 
           “Mother-” All their heads snap to his voice, his mother standing tall and letting go of your hand. 
              “Aemond, you should not be here. It is indecent.” She snaps but he once again shoves past the argument to grip your hand. 
             “How are you feeling, little bird?” He whispers, pushing the hair out of your face as your grip tightens, a painful moan coming out of your mouth in an answer. “Ah, I see. My princess is giving you a fight….”
              You crack a smile at the jest, tugging his hand closer to your chest to hold onto like a pillow. 
               3 hours later Aemond is sitting with you on the bed, a small bundle in your arms as he looks down upon both of you in quiet contempt. 
            “Rhaenyra.” You whisper and Aemond turns to see where his half sister had gone. “No. Look Aemond. Rhaenyra.”
               He understands when you rub the baby's nose very gently, tears filling his eyes as he kisses your temple. “I’m so proud of you.”
Aemond hated his daughter. 
             Hated her in the fact that she absolutely enjoyed scaring the life out of him every single chance she could get. 
              Rhaenyra is five now, her white hair braided out of her face as she glares at him in the dragon pit. “Rhaenrya. BACK. DOWN.”
              His voice echoes around the pit, watching as his daughter stomps her booted foot in the mud, shaking her head. “If I have to say it one more time then you are banned from the dragonpit for another week.”
            He would never, even the thought of keeping one of his children from their dragon has his gut churning. He would never want them to feel that pain. 
          “Mom says-”
              “Your mother is not here and she was discussing your history lessons when she said hands-on learning is important. I have told you time and time again not to rush the dragon.” He snaps, pulling her close to his side again. “Your brother's dragon is far too large for you to be pushing like that. Do that again and you will be in severe trouble. Do you understand  baby bird?”
           She doesn’t answer, instead swing her braid and storms off, leaving her father kneeling in the mud watching her disappear with a grunt of disapproval. 
           “Where is Rhany going?” Caspian calls, running forward to stand by his father. 
            “Home.” Aemond sighs, standing to bring his son back to where his dragon sat. “Now show me what you’ve been practicing.”
               Vhagar flew straight up into the sky, dragging a scream from your lips as Aemond laughs, feeling free. 
                These were some of his favorite moments with you. His thighs pressed against yours, your back firmly pressed against his chest and your ass rubbing against him perfectly.
            “Are you going to take back your mean words?” He asks into your ear, arms wrapped around you to keep hold of Vhagars reigns.
              “Aemond Targaryen if you do not ease your dragon this instant-” He grabs your neck then, pulling your face back to look at him. 
            “Say the magic words then little bird.” 
                “FINE! YOU’RE THE BEST FUCK IN WESTOROS!” You scream as Vhagar keepings going, Aemond laughing as he calls for her to smooth out. “You utter child.”
               “Easy now, wife.” He says lowly, slipping a hand from the reins to start dragging your dress further up your thigh and touch your center. “I’m just having some fun...”
              A soft moan falls from you as your head falls back into his shoulder. “Aemond…..Aemond this is dangerous.”
             “Just give in….. Give me what I want little bird.” He whispers, fingers sinking into you in a quick pace. “You can do that, you can give me what I want, can’t you?”
            “No.” You moan, trying to stop his wrist. “You can barely tame the first Two. I am not giving you another.”
             “Just one more. Another Targaryen, please.” He nips at your ear while his fingers thrust up.  “Just give in. You know you’ll let me-”
                “I will never fuck you again if it means we don’t risk another child. Do you hear me Aem-”
               “-OND FUCK!” You scream, head hitting the wall of the dragon pit as your arms wrap tighter around him, his thrusts harsh and heavy. Your nails are digging into his tunic, clawing to get to his skin as the sound of skin slapping fills the air. 
               “This is all I fucking want-” He grunts out, the hand placed in your hair fisting and tugging back until your moaning from the pain. “All you have to do….fuck…. Is let me fuck you full until you’re carrying again.”
            “People could walk in!” You gasp out, head hitting the wall of the small dragon stable currently empty, dragging him closer. 
            “Then I suggest you cum birdy.” He mutters slowly, speeding up with a vengeful look.
           Caspian Targaryen, first of the name, was a fearful creature. 
            He had a dragon, an intensely protective father, a younger sister with a crazed madman look, and a cunning mother. But he also had the bastard title. 
              It was never proven, and it would never be fully proven. But everyone knew, the eyes were the ones that gave it away. He had his sisters eyes, his fathers eyes……Targaryen eyes. 
              The boy often had vivid dreams of his fathers eyes, having been so interested in them growing up it was only fair he admire the way his father carried himself, knowing that he was insecure about it. 
               The only times Caspian saw his father without his patch were near his mother, you refused to kiss the man with that thing on, claiming it ruins the rugged effect. How dare he even try to snag a kiss before removing that ugly piece of leather.
                  His father would shake his head and pretend to be mad, but the way he stood a little taller and smiled a little larger told Caspian that this little family his father had made were the few people who didn’t target the eye or treat him as a monster.
                 So Caspian took after his father’s example and refused to back down as the bastard rumors spread. But that was easier said then done.
              His cousin, Jaeherys, was a cruel individual. He seemed to have it out for the boy as long as Caspian could remember. 
              They were all forced to train together, just as his father had trained with his cousins growing up, a way to keep the family close. But Jaeherys was using the time to attack his cousins. 
                 It had been a rough day in the training yard, and Caspian had not only thrown Jaeherys to the ground but had accidentally kneed him quite hard. Once Sir Criston dismissed everyone Caspian knew his cousin was going in for the kill. 
                “What’s the rush dear cousin?” Jaeherys calls, picking up a dagger from one of the tables. “Are you rushing off to your mommy and sweet little sister?”
             Caspian doesn’t give him an answer, instead he speeds up, not liking the dark. But two of his cousin's goonies snatch both his arms and force him to his knees in a struggle. 
              “You know…. Our grandmother had a brilliant idea the other day.” His cousin starts, coming to stand in front of the boy. “Once they put my father on the throne they are going to marry me off to your baby sister. A way to keep the alliance with your fucking traitor of a father-”
                “BACK OFF-” Caspian struggles, panicking in the hold of the two boys. 
               “You think your baby sister would like me fucking her?” His cousin laughs before showing the knife. “It’s disgusting that I have to train alongside you, nothing but an unwanted bastard you are.”
           “Fuck. You.” There was bile rising in his throat, he was going to be sick. But what would that matter, in a moment he would be dead.
            “I have an idea, lets make you look more like your father….. That way no one confuses you again.” He laughs and brings the knife high up into the air, bringing it back down as a large cry of pain fills the yard. 
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caspiansluts · 2 years
Hello darlings.
Anyone who has been with me for a while knows this dance by now. I post, I disappear for two years, I apologise profusely, and the cycle continues. So let's just all pretend that I'm not a terrible excuse for a blogger and enjoy some mindless delicious Caspian porn, yeah?
Warnings: smut (duh), use of restraints, derogatory language, daddy/sir language, one small instance of faceslapping if that's not your jam. Ben Barnes is also a warning because dear god.
My stomach was tied in knots, goose bumps prickling all over my body as Caspian finished tightening the restraints around my wrists. He had blindfolded me this time, and it somehow made it even more exciting, bound spread eagled to the bed, completely helpless and unable to predict what he was going to do to me next.
“There we go,” he said softly. He trailed his hand down my stomach, making me squirm. “My pretty little slut is all ready to be used.”
“Yes sir,” I replied, biting my lip. We liked using restraints but he had never tied my legs apart like this before. I was aching already, and I knew that it wouldn’t take much teasing to break me tonight. “Want you to ruin me.”
He made a light tsking sound. “Patience,” he chastised. I could feel him shifting around on the bed, and then his hands sliding up the inside of my thighs as he settled between my legs. I trembled. “Just lie there and let me play with you for a bit.” I felt him leaning over me and his breath was hot against my neck, his fingertips teasing between my thighs but never high enough, never touching my pussy no matter how much I tried to wiggle my hips closer. “Sensitive, aren’t we?” He sounded amused. “And I’ve barely even touched you.”
“Yes sir,” I whimpered. His hands left my thighs and ran up my sides. Unexpectedly, his mouth closed around one of my nipples, and I moaned as he sucked on it. Caspian knew how sensitive my nipples were, knew that every time he sucked and licked at them it felt as though he was playing with my pussy at the same time, and I could feel him smiling against me as I arched my back. He pinched my left nipple with his other hand.
“Please, I need you to fuck me,” I gasped.
“That didn’t take long did it? My needy little slut. Daddy’s not ready to fuck you just yet.” He began to suck on my other nipple. I bit my lip and tried not to squirm so much but I couldn’t help it, I was throbbing and aching and desperate for him to fuck me, to touch me, anything so long as he would stop teasing my nipples. And then one hand was between my legs, spreading my lips, and my nipple fell from his mouth as he inhaled sharply. “Oh my god,” he murmured. “You’re dripping. You really are a little whore, aren’t you?” He gave me a rough smack on the cheek when I didn’t reply. “I asked you a question, slut.”
“Yes sir, I’m your whore,” I gasped. My pussy was throbbing.
“Good girl,” his fingers dipped down and pressed against my entrance. “So wet. I bet you’re desperate for my cock, aren’t you?”
“Please, I need your cock, need you inside me,” I begged.
He started rubbing gentle circles around my clit and I bit my lip, desperate, aching, tingling, and unable to move, completely at his mercy. “Yeah? You want me to fill you up with my cock and fuck you senseless? Make you my little braindead cumslut?” He carried on playing with my pussy, effortlessly finding my sweet spot, driving me insane with quick firm circles around my clit whilst all I could do was moan and squirm, unable to stop him because it was too much and too fast and I was too sensitive but fuck, I was already getting close and it felt so good…
And then when I was on the verge of cumming, I suddenly felt his hand wrap around my throat, squeezing just a bit too tight, and he growled in my ear. “Remember to ask permission.”
“Please, daddy, please let me cum,” I moaned desperately.
“Not yet.” His fingers never stopped rubbing my clit.
“Daddy,” I cried. “Please, please let me cum, I’ll be so good I promise, just please let me cum!”
“Okay baby, you can cum,” he pressed just slightly harder on my clit, and I came almost instantly, the wave crashing over me and sending electric through my veins, cunt spasming uncontrollably and hips rising up off the bed, crying out in pleasure and pain as he continued toying with me and coaxing me through my orgasm, murmuring “There we go, there’s a good girl,” all the while. When I had finished coming down, he pressed a kiss to my temple through the blind fold.
“Thank you daddy,” I smiled, and when he replied I could hear the smile in his voice too.
“You’re welcome baby. Guess what?”
“Daddy’s gonna fuck you now.”
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omgrachwrites · 1 year
Of Pirates and Princes - Chapter One
Pairing: Prince Caspian x Reader
Summary: You are merely a shop owner sharing a street with an insufferable mechanic. If that’s true, why do you keep dreaming of Princes and black sails? OUAT crossover
Warnings: enemies to lovers, fluff, swearing
A/N: First part wooo! Hope you guys enjoy and please let me know if you would like to be tagged! xxx
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Chapter I
The floor was hard and rocky beneath your fingers, as was the wall behind your head, you couldn’t dig your way out of this cell, that was clear enough. Boots crunched against the ground and you lifted your head, smirking when the tall man peered through the bars.
“Where’s your master, General? Was he too afraid to come and see me alone?” you snickered.
“Where are the jewels?”
You scoffed, “the lady Susan’s jewels? Why would I have them?”
“You were seen in the company of the men who did steal from the carriage down in port. They had the gold and silver but no jewels, and they let you get caught.”
Those men were idiots, your father would have skinned them alive if they weren’t bound to be executed by the Prince. They had failed to protect you.
“Hmm, what a conundrum.”
“Release her,” a different voice, a softer voice came from the shadows, the pale moonlight illuminating his handsome face.
“But, Your Highness,” the General started but he didn’t get a chance to finish as the Prince cut him off.
“We have searched her belongings and her person, we have not located the jewels or any other contraband. It is not a crime to choose poor drinking companions.”
The General muttered something as he walked off and you glanced over at the Prince, “I’ve been here for five days.”
The Prince smirked as his dark eyes beheld you from the other side of the bars, “have you? My apologies, I had no idea,” you scowled at him.
The Jolly Roger was still docked in the port and you smiled as you ran into the Captain’s open arms, “I was so worried about you, Y/N.”
“I’m fine, dad,” you smiled and he pulled out of the hug, holding you at arm’s length.
“How did you get away?”
With a smile, you pulled a dagger out of the wood of the ship and used it to cut a hole in the lining of your tunic, “either the Prince and his men are idiots, or you taught me very well,” you laughed as you pulled out the jewels you had stolen from Susan’s carriage.
The bell to your jewellery shop opened, causing you to lose grip of the crystal that you were trying to set into the ring, “fuck!” you jumped and your friend laughed at you.
“Sorry, Y/N.”
You smiled and looked at the clock as you grabbed your jacket, “no, I’m sorry. I lost track of time, lunch at Granny’s?”
Regina nodded and the both of you left the shop, switching the sign to closed, “how’s Henry?” you asked.
Regina sighed, “he still thinks I’m the Evil Queen.”
“From Snow White?” Regina’s son, Henry held a strong belief that everyone in town was a fairytale character from his book, his relief was so strong that he had brought his birth mother to Storybrooke, all the way from Boston.
Regina nodded at your question causing you to laugh and quirk an eyebrow as you looked at your friend’s clothes, “well, you do have the look.”
Regina rolled her eyes, “don’t be ridiculous, Y/N.”
You laughed as you opened the door to Granny’s, your smile fell almost instantly as you quite literally ran into the man you wanted to see the least.
“Woah, I’m so sorry,” he laughed as his hands came up to steady you, as soon as he realised it was you, his smile dropped and he scowled at you, but his hands didn’t leave your waist.
You recoiled and Caspian rolled his eyes, “your hands are filthy.”
Caspian scowled, “I’m a mechanic, darlin’ kind of comes with the job.”
“Whatever,” you stormed right past him and into the diner.
Regina followed you as you sat down at your usual table, “that was the most ridiculous argument ever.”
You scoffed, “I hate him, I hate him so much and I don’t know why but there’s just something about him that irks me. I can’t put my finger on it.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Regina spoke up and you glanced at her in surprise to find that she wasn’t looking at you. She was looking past you with a faraway look on her face as if her mind was elsewhere.
“What for?” you asked.
She didn’t say anything, she just smiled wanly and placed your usual order when Ruby came around to take the order.
“I keep on having the strangest dreams.”
Regina raised an eyebrow as she looked at you warily, “what about?”
You twisted your ring round on your finger as you recalled the dream from last night, “there was a pirate ship and a Prince. There was a jail cell in the depths of a great castle, it felt very much like a fever dream,” you laughed.
“Dr Hopper may have something for dreamless sleeps.”
You shook your head; the dreams may have been weird but they were not unwelcome. Lunch was nice, Regina seemed truly happy and you didn’t speak of your dreams or Henry again.
On your way out of Granny’s you grabbed two bear claws, one for you and one for your mom, that was your tradition, every Monday you would have lunch with Regina and then you would go for coffee and a catch up with your mom. You dropped Regina off at her office before driving to your mother’s cottage on the edge of town. As soon as you pulled up to the cottage you could sense that something was different but you didn’t know what until you rang the doorbell.
“Y/N,” your mother smiled with a questioning look on her face, “what are you doing here?”
You laughed as you held up the brown paper bags, “bear claws?”
She nodded with a smile, “sorry dear, it’s been a long day. Come in.”
You smiled as you stepped over the threshold and hugged your mom, kissing her cheek before you walked through to the kitchen, your blood running cold. Twice in one day? Someone really had it out for you. There he was, looking cleaner than he had from when you last saw him a couple of hours ago. He looked up from his phone and he dropped it on the kitchen counter, the clatter making you jump.
You scowled at him as you saw the remains of a bear claw on your mother’s floral plates and a coffee cup, “what’s he doing here?” you complained to your mom as she rolled her eyes and followed you into the kitchen.
“Y/N, don’t be rude, Caspian was kindly dropping off my car after he fixed it for me.”
Caspian shot a dazzling smile at your mother that you just wanted to slap off his face as he stood from the kitchen stool, “it really was no trouble, ma’am, after all I couldn’t have you traipsing all the way into town from here.”
Your mother grinned and handed him a tupperware container which made you glare at Caspian, “you’re a lifesaver, and you won’t have to eat greasy diner food tomorrow.”
“Thank you, ma’am, I’ll see you soon,” he glanced over at you with daggers in your dark eyes, “Y/N.”
You didn’t say anything but if looks could kill he would be six feet underground, your mom walked him out and when she came back into the kitchen she had a disappointed look on her face.
“Why can’t you just be nice to him, Y/N? He’s a lovely young man.”
“Oh come on mom, he’s rude and arrogant.”
Your mom sighed as she flicked the kettle on, “oh, Y/N, you really need to grow up.”
As you were getting ready to close the shop, the little bell tinkled and you looked up with a surprised smile when Henry walked through the door. Regina worked late every Monday so Henry always came by the shop to start on his homework until Regina picked him up. You would have thought that he would have been spending time with Emma.
“Good to see you Henry,” you smiled as the boy placed his backpack on one of the tables in the shop and began to get his things out.
“Hi, Y/N,” he smiled brightly as only a child could smile as he got out a heavy leather bound book and you knew that that must be it.
“So, that’s the famous book, huh? Kind of offended that I’m not in it,” you laughed as you tidied some things away, “want a sandwich and some juice? It’ll be a while before you’ll be having dinner.”
“That would be great, thanks Y/N,” he started to scribble in his notebook as you went through to the tiny little kitchen in the back. You poured Henry some orange juice and made him a sandwich, cutting off the crusts just like you knew he liked it and came back through into the shop and placed it in front of him.
“There you go,” you spoke cheerfully and Henry took one big swig of the drink, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Oh, I think you actually are in the book,” he grinned and started flipping through the pages.
You laughed as you quirked an eyebrow, “oh yeah? And who am I? A princess I hope,” you sat opposite Henry.
He shook his head as he pushed the book towards you, “no something much more cool.”
You looked down at the colourful artwork splashed across the page and saw the pirate standing at the bow of a ship. The drawing of the woman did kind of look like you, she had different hair but she had the scar through her eyebrow just as you did. As you looked down at the drawing you could almost hear the call of the birds and the ocean breeze.
It reminded you of your dreams.
“So, what’s this story about?” you tore your eyes away from the book and looked at the little boy sitting opposite you.
“It’s about that pirate and the Prince of the land, sworn enemies but they fall in love one day when the pirate saves his life.”
“Why would a pirate save a Prince?” you asked flipping through the book, your eyes coming to rest on a tall man with ink black hair and even darker eyes. You closed the book with a snap and pushed it back over to Henry.
“I don’t know,” Henry shook his head, “maybe she’s good, not everyone has to be a villain.”
“How does the book end?”
“Why don’t you keep it and find out?”
You laughed considering his offer, mentally deciding against it. Regina would never forgive you if you knew you were encouraging her son’s impossible belief.
taglist; @notan-applepielife @intothesoul
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