#bouldering training program
krishmanvith · 10 months
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billa-billa007 · 1 year
Crimpy or Pinchy? V10 & V9 | Bouldering | Indoor Climbing
New cave problems! Ben and Ji are projecting pinchy V9 and crimpy V10! Hope you enjoy the video! Crimpy is a climbing style that relies heavily on using small finger holds with precise movements. It typically requires a great deal of strength and flexibility in the fingers and forearms. Pinchy is a style that focuses on using larger, open hand holds with more powerful, dynamic movements. It typically requires more upper body strength and power. Both styles can be used for bouldering and indoor climbing, depending on the wall and the difficulty of the route.
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sreepadamangaraj · 1 year
The "ONLY" "TRUE" EGG.This V9- The Egg is designed for outdoor climbing and bouldering and is created to withstand the harsh conditions that come with climbing outdoors. It is a unique problem which requires stability and durability.
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Anyone else feel like everyone else is moving on in life and ur just kinda around
#my friends got into masters programs and I’m SO FUCKING proud of them#cu Boulder!!!! bioastronautics!!!#that’s amazing#and another one is doing autonomous systems#they’re all soooo smart#and I’m genuinely happy for them and not at all jealous#it’s more that I feel a lil purposeless??#like I wanted to go back to school to get my PhD Eventually#and right now I have Three training flows at work I want to finish up before I leave#so I’m gonna be around for a couple years#but what about After that#and even more pressing: what if I don’t get in#recently I’ve just been feeling like I don’t have any skills augh#and I have a really really nice and interesting and awesome job#and it’s a CUSHY job#like I knowww all that but why do I always feel like there’s something missing#and the biggest problem with me is even if I obtain it I’ll be like. hm. I’m bored. what’s next#and I can’t keep living like that just constantly jumping from thing to thing to thing#and I think that there’s no way to make that boredom go away completely. I just have to enjoy the process and be Content#like that’s the solution#learning how to Be Content in what I have instead of always looking for more#I just genuinely don’t think I’m capable of that#and I do this thing where I will just throw myself into someone else’s life and see if that feels better but also I can’t#live like that forever either. like it’s not me#I’m 23. I have my whole life ahead of me or whatever#but this is it. this is all life is huh?
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ave1dragon · 6 months
Today in: Wings of Fire headcanons made to work with my oc even though the canon is different:
The Skywing Arena is used for whatever the Queen wishes, not just for fighting. Queen Firestorm used it for art and beauty shows. Queen Scarlet uses it for fighting, and Queen Ruby uses it for a hospital.  
While the Sky kingdom is big, most Skywings live close to the palace. All eggs are hatched in the palace hatchery, and all dragonets are raised in the wingery.   
Skywings kill any dragonets with Fire scales or Animus magic out of fear that said dragon will grow up to kill everyone, although this law is changing with Queen Ruby. The parents of said dragonets would never have anymore dragonets. They did not kill the dragonet with too little fire until Queen Scarlet's time.
Skywings believe in offering their dead to the sky for seven days before being burned, so that the dead dragon reincarnates as a Skywing and not any other kind of dragon.  
Skywings are very religious and have a preists who have a lot of power. There is a priest in each town and a high priest who is second only to the queen. The priests are chosen by the previous priests and receive ten years of training. The priests not only conduct religious rites, but are also judges, healers, scholars and teachers, and mediators between arguing dragons and towns. The priest is always female and unlike Sandwing priestess, can get married.    
In the past, before Queen Firestorm’s time, The Skywings had a ceremony called the Clash of Claws tournament. Every seven years, Skywings across the kingdom appeared from across the kingdom to compete in seven challenges over seven days. The first day is Flame, all qualities are tested, the next is Endurance, a token is left on top of the tallest mountain in the kingdom, and the contestants must race to find it starting from the palace. This tests speed, stamina, and resistance to the cold. The third test is strength, Skywings lift heavy boulders from the Diamond Spray River, fly as high as they can, and throw the boulder as far as they can. The fourth test is cunning, elaborate mazes are constructed with secret rooms filled with treasure, the competitors must find this treasure while avoiding the traps, the winner finds the most treasure. Five is the test of Guile, find a scavenger, the most cunning of prey, and bring it back alive and unharmed. Sixth is the test of Wit, each competitor must correctly answer a series of riddles made by the Queen and her advisors. Seventh is a test of speed, a race to see who is the fastest Skywing.     
Skywings can either choose a partner or go through a program to be matched up by the queen. Skywing marriages were traditionally two dragons saying a few ritual words in the sky, with no other dragon around. After Queen Scarlet took the throne, she made all weddings celebrations and all celebrations with deadly gladiator battles, so Skywings stopped getting married. The Skywings didn’t want Scarlet to partner them, so most Skywings stopped partnering up instead.  
While Noble Skywings don’t put much value into family, the more commoner Skywings do and are often close to each other even after moving out.
Neither common nor noble Skywings are very romantic and marriages are mostly for lineage and dragonets
@wof-reworked had a Skywing headcanon that each Skywing family had a particular naming system, like all being named after different types of birds. The dragonets are named using the mother’s family’s naming system.
Skywings are one of the more religious tribes, so their schools’ teachings include the Skywing religious beliefs and legends.
Skywings mostly marry for dragonets and political reasons in the case of nobility, so they are generally not interested in romance as a tribe. However, they are very close to their friends in a way that more romantic tribes like the Seawings and Sandwings mistake as romance.
Skywings tend to be close to each other, despite the size of the Kingdom, as all Skywings are raised in the Wingery until age 2, and all Skywing dragonets must go to the Sky palace between the ages of 4 and 8 for battle training.  
Since the Sky Kingdom is so big, every town has its own noble family that reports back to the queen. The leader of these noble houses is picked out by the old leader on their death bed, instead of fighting to the death like queens do. The leader is also always female.
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subliminalbo · 2 years
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"...watch the flame dance in the wind...dance mindlessly in the wind..."
Dr. Fielding had her share of toys on campus, but none compared to Madison Wells. For years Madison had tried to be good, tried to do everything the right way. No doubt some golden rule bullshit hammered into her head since first grade.
Consciously, Madison talked around it. But even before she put Madison under, Dr. Fielding could see through her diplomatic vagueries to what she really wanted. Once she was in Madison's mind, Dr. Fielding barely had to work to pull out the unfiltered, candid truth of it all.
"What do you want, Madison?"
Through deep, heavy breaths, Madison spoke slowly. "Power."
"Power takes many forms, Madison. Wealth? Fame?"
"No," Madison shook her head. Her brow scrunching above her closed eyes as she fought through the fog of her mind to conceptualize it. "Raw..." she whispered. Her voice, a moment ago distant and dreamy, was picking up in tone and for a moment Dr. Fielding thought that Madison was coming back to reality. "Consuming...inevitable...power. Like yours."
Dr. Fielding nodded with a proud smile. She would build from here.
"...let yourself dance with the flame...feel the wind on your skin and submit to the forces around you..."
Over the next year Madison grew into everything Dr. Fielding had imagined she could be. She started with teaching Madison the fundamentals of hypnosis, encouraged her to practice on friends and roommates. Once Madison had the fundamentals down, they moved into conditioning and programming. Dr. Fielding didn't just teach Madison a party trick. She taught her how to shape minds and remake people into her own image.
And as their training evolved, so too did their relationship. Madison grew a tolerance to her triggers and Dr. Fielding had to install more sophisticated measures to keep her under control. That was all part of the game, of course. How long could she keep Madison on a leash? When would Madison wake up and take what she knew was rightfully hers?
Madison's defiance grew over time, and with each lesson she came closer to breaking free. But, inevitably...
"I obey, Mistress."
"I am powerless, Mistress."
"My will is yours, Mistress."
For Madison it was like pushing a boulder up a hill. All that effort just to land back on her knees. She knew that she'd never escape from Dr. Fielding. The only way forward was to beat her. To fucking dominate her.
"...submit to my power..."
Sylvia teetered in her chair as she took in the full power of Madison's voice. They were in a public place surrounded by chatter, but all she could hear was her protege and the soft promise of surrender.
She was falling, falling deep into that place that she'd sent so many of her students before. And she couldn't believe that it was happening to her.
It had been years since Sylvia Fielding had last been hypnotized. She'd undergone rigorous training to protect her mind. Sometimes she truly believed that she was impervious now, that it would take some kind of entity far greater than a mere human to put her back under. But somehow, through sheer spite and force of will, Madison was doing it with just her voice and a lit candle.
By then Madison had tried so many different ways to break Dr. Fielding that the proposition over lunch had felt silly.
"Look at the flame," Madison said, nodding toward the candle between them. "Isn't there something hypnotic about it?"
"Stop," Dr. Fielding had laughed. "This is beneath you."
"Maybe," Madison said. "But if you can't fall for a basic flame induction, then what's the harm in playing along?"
Successful or not, Madison was good. She knew how to play people even before hypnotizing them. And now here Sylvia was, swaying in her seat like a flame on a wick, her eyes rolling back as she struggled to grip onto her consciousness. A feeling she hadn't felt in almost twenty years. A desire to submit.
"Madison..." Sylvia whispered.
"Don't speak," Madison interrupted. She was on a roll with this and she wasn't going to give up any ground this time. "Just surrender to my will."
Dr. Fielding blinked, she squared her shoulders, raised her hand and between slowing breaths she finally managed to say with a snap! "Stop."
Madison slumped over the table, her cocky smile evaporating and confident tone shaking.
"I hear you, Mistress."
Dr. Fielding reached over the table to pinch out the candle, then wiped the drool from her chin with a cocktail napkin.
"Enough now," she said through shallow breaths. She gripped the edge of the table trying to maintain composure. She could feel herself soaking through. Goddamn, this one was special.
"That was very good," Dr. Fielding breathed. "But you made one mistake. Do you know what it was?"
Madison didn't hesitate. Meekly she replied, "I exist to serve and obey. My will could never overcome yours, my Mistress."
Dr. Fielding smiled. Perhaps Madison didn't deserve to know how close she'd come. How well she had orchestrated everything, from the appeal to Dr. Fielding's own pride, to using the sensations of the world around them to pull her deeper under. But Madison had made one mistake, and it wasn't that Dr. Fielding had some all consuming will. The purpose of her research was to prove the Submission Principle. Nobody was immune to it, not even Dr. Sylvia Fielding.
Madison had rushed through the back half of the induction. Once she saw Dr. Fielding slipping under, she jumped. Shifting from the image of the candlelight in the wind to "surrender to my will," with nothing in between to reinforce the idea of submission. It was an amateur mistake, but one that she knew Madison would correct.
Not today, Dr. Fielding thought. But maybe someday soon.
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blueesnow · 3 months
(3/6) Hyuga Yamato's Private Story [Utapri Live Emotion]
Ch 1: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 6 with Yamato)
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-Waterfront Park- Haruka: (I did bought a running clothes for now but I wonder if this one's okay…hm? There's a crowd over there…) Yamato: If it's around this size then I can just jump over this vaulting box in one go! Here we go… Haruka: (It was actually Yamato-san! That attraction… don't tell me it was actually a broadcasting program) Yamato: Oh, now it's basket huh. I just have to throw it right through that ring, right. Yamato: I can do whatever kind of shooting that I wanted? Well then…! Yamato: I've decided to go with a dunk shoot. Next is a bouldering, huh. Oh well, come right at me! Haruka: (Wow… that was so amazing! He already reached the goal just by in the blink of an eye…!) Yamato: …And with that, the stage is cleared! Your support gave me lots of power. Thanks. Yamato: I'm amazing, huh. You all too, if you want to become strong just like me, then it might be good for you to go and start a training. Yamato: If you're serious about it, then 100 push ups, 100 squats, and a 10 km of running might do. Yamato: But don't overdo it 'kay. Always aim for the best within yourself. Got it! - Haruka: …Yamato-san. You've done a pretty good job. Congratulations for clearing all of the stage! Yamato: Nanami? What, you saw all of that. Haruka: Yes. I actually know the producer of this program so I was just about to go and say hello to them. Yamato: Is that so…hm? That bag that you were holding, isn't that from the sports shop that I usually went to?
Ch 2: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 11 with Yamato)
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-Waterfront Park- Yamato: That shop sells a lot of things so it's fun just looking around it. So, what did you buy? Haruka: I haven't been doing much exercise lately, so I bought a running clothes. It's this one… Yamato: … This… you said it was a running clothes, right? Haruka: Eh? Um, yeah… Is it weird? Yamato: Rather than weird… I think you got it wrong. This one is not suits for running. Yamato: If you're going for a run, it's better to choose one with a material that can absorbs sweats more easily and dries quickly. Haruka: I see. The more you know… Yamato: The training equipment that you choose depends on what kind of training you wanted to do. Yamato: If you use one that suits your goal then your performance will surely risen. Yamato: Also don't forget to drink water too. Squeeze bottle are quite handy. They're light and easy to use. Haruka: I didn't even think that far ahead… As expected of Yamato-san, you're very knowledgeable! Yamato: I'm the strongest after all. No one can ever defeat me when it comes to training. Haruka: Yes…! Seeing Yamato-san's performance today got me motivated. Haruka: As Yamato-san had mentioned, I will try my best to do a 10-kilometer run as well! Yamato: …Ha? No, wait. Are you for real…?
Ch 3: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 21 with Yamato)
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-Waterfront Park- Haruka: That's right, I also wanted to try to follow Yamato-san's example and do my best at exercising too! Yamato: Although training is indeed important, your job was composing music, right? I think it's better if you were to try with something much more lighter. Haruka: Oh…you're right… I got my head up in the clouds, it's so embarrassing. Yamato: Looks like you're really up for it. If that's the case then I could help coaching you. Haruka: Eh…! But Yamato-san, you're busy as it is, I don't think I can ask you to do that much… Yamato: It's not that much of a big deal. I mean, I also help my other members too. Yamato: And besides, if a beginner like you were to start without knowing anything, you'll only get injured. Don't take too lightly of training. Haruka: (That's true, it might be really helpful if I could get Yamato-san to teach me…) (choices) <Then…I'll take you up on your offer.> Haruka: Then…I'll take you up on your offer. Please let me learn a lot from you! Yamato: Of course, you can count on me. Once I accept it, I'll take responsibility for it until the very end. Yamato: First of all, we need to start with the equipment. Besides the running outfit, it's also good to have shoes, towel and a sports bag. My recommendation will be… <I'm in your care!> Haruka: Well then, I really appreciate it to be in your care! Yamato: Ain't that a good answer? It's good to speak in a louder voice. It will get you fired up and help strengthening your abs. Yamato: I'm sure that you can do much more better. I'll teach you how make your voice come out from the bottom of your stomach. (back to story) Yamato: Oh… Wait, I don't think we need to go that far. Am I bothering you, by any chance…? Haruka: That's not true…! For the sake of being healthy, I would like to learn more about it. Yamato: True, if your body's not strong enough, then you won't be able to put any energy in your job. …Well then, leave it to me. Yamato: I'm not going to go easy on you. I will be training you with a menu specially designed for you.
Ch 4: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 31 with Yamato)
Ch 5: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 41 with Yamato)
Ch 6: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 51 with Yamato)
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athingofvikings · 6 months
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 66: A Downed Dragon...
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Chapter 66: A Downed Dragon …
Scylla: Boulder-class dragon
Overview: High-stealth, pack-oriented dragon optimized for terra-urban supremacy.  Instinctive ambush tactics render the dragon highly effective in the close quarters of the tunnels of terra-urban environments, and the telescoping neck allows the dragon to attack and retreat with its main body remaining unexposed.  In addition, they are skilled pack hunters, to the point where the ancient Greeks assumed that a pack of Scylla was a single dragon; this tendency can be trained in terra-urban units, allowing significant close-quarters synergistic combat effectiveness.  Above ground, they are only primarily of military use in congested areas, where the dragon's slower speed and larger core body will not allow them to be targeted easily. 
Breath Type: Ethylbenzene/Oxygen-melted mineral projectiles.  Due to the telescoping nature of the neck and throat, Scylla have a biological valve that will inhibit firebreathing when the neck is past half-extension.  Scylla will preferentially consume mafic rocks over felsic rocks to fuel their projectiles, as the viscosity of the felsic magma risks damage to their tissues.  As a result, Scylla magma projectiles tend to be of low viscosity and closer to a spray. 
Identification: Medium Size.  Dark brown to gray-black scales and hide.  Four legs with digging/shovel paws capable of grasping only large objects; moderate single wing-pair.  Bilateral spike rows along thorax's frontal plane, parallel with belly, used for anchoring in tunnels.  Long armored head with jaws optimized for grasping and crunching, single nose horn used for digging.  Central thorax roughly egg-shaped.  Most significant feature is the extensible neck; normally in a contracted position, with a length of half that of the thorax, it can extend out to four or five times the length of the thorax, and still maintain flexibility at joints.  Purple eyes; iris width varies minimally on mood; secondary eyelids shield against bright light.
Strategic Role: Terra-urban supremacy; urban supremacy; close-quarters infantry support
Known Weaknesses: Scylla are highly pack-oriented; removing their packmates, especially their riders, will typically put the dragon into full fight-or-flight mode.  At full extension, the neck is highly vulnerable to injury along its length.  In flight, the Scylla is also very slow.  If injured in open air, Scylla are known to develop agoraphobia as a result. 
Phenotype Cluster: B5^F3-SØSØS1+MØTØT5+
Populations: Small to Moderate.  Originally located primarily around sea caves in the Aegean Sea and Black Sea, Scylla have never have had significant success in spreading from their original territories.  However, the Turkish Empire has had a successful breeding program in keeping their numbers up for conservation purposes, and many of their urban infantry units are paired with Scylla, to the point where it is those units' signature dragon breed. 
—North Sea Empire, Office of Draconic Intelligence, Dragon Breed Profiles (Declassified), 1822 Edition
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signanothername · 1 year
do you have any spare rescue bots headcanons,,? :]
I’m so glad you asked cause i do >:)
Imma divide them by the four main bots to make it more organized then imma put more generalized headcanons below it
Enjoy and feel free to snatch any of these to become your own if you want to
-When he wants to clear his head, he loves going on a water adventure, and by water adventure i mean he’d turn to a boat and stray as far away from land as possible, then completely stop in the middle of the ocean, letting the waves drift him off to whatever direction they please, the isolation combined with the rhythm of the waves help
-his constant martial arts training is not only his way of venting, but his way to calm the anxious thoughts of being unable to protect his family when they truly need him
-finds difficulty in distinguishing between what he wants and what he truly needs (for example, being on team Prime is what he wants, being a rescue bot alongside his friends who he knew for a millenia is what he needs)
-gives off so much youngst child energy, I like to believe he’s the youngest of the group, ironically, despite his arrangement in the age ladder, he has eldest daughter syndrome
-naver uses words to express his love for his family, but always shows it through the little things he does like chasing zombie hamsters when Blades tells him to, his love language is acts of service
-He and Hightide become good friends actually, grumpy meanie on the outside, absolute softy on the inside duo
-besties with Quickshadow
-the reason he seems angry all the time is cause he doesn’t really know how to express his emotions any other way, anger is easier to translate into actions
-speaking of anger, I’d say he’s become angrier than he used to be, all due to different circumstances like waking up from stasis to find out his home is gone, having to pretend to be a lifeless machine and getting used to their new home, anger is just another word for grief
-and speaking of finding out Cybertron is dead, he blames himself to an extent, self loathing for not being part of the fight, and that’s why he’s so adamant about joining team Prime at the beginning (it absolutely is not his fault)
-greatly enjoys hugs, he’d just never admit it (not that he needs to, his fam got him <3)
-he finds kids incredibly annoying, yet he loves them dearly, he has a big mom mode
-speaking of mom mode, HW is what you’d call a Mama-bear
-he’d never admit it, but he likes his boat mode far more than any of his other modes
-boulder sometimes wishes he could use different art mediums like digital art, but is unable to due to his size, which then is solved when his family makes a screen big enough for him to use with an art program to try out
-while emotionally intelligent, he sometimes struggles with expressing his emotions through words, that’s why art is great for him as a tool to express himself, he doesn’t need words when he can draw his feelings
-outta the bots he misses Cybertron the most, but is the best at coping with his loss compared to the others
-I like to believe he’s the oldest, and while HW is usually the one to take care of the team, Boulder acts as a mediator (and as the voice of reason) when HW’s anger gets the better of him
-he’s the sunshine the team desperately needs, his optimism and kindness is contagious in the best possible way
-he strives to make everyone happy, which means he sometimes forgets that his own happiness matters too
-autism creature
-the best at social interactions
-Chase enjoys games that gives him a challenge and makes him use his brain, like chess and jigsaw puzzles
-also autism creature
-he and Blades are super close, and that’s in part due to the fact they’re both middle children, Chase would be second oldest
-Protective of Blades
-his love for laws is both cause they’re interesting to him, and cause they make more sense to him then the mess that is life which can be really unpredictable
-isn’t afraid to speak what’s on his mind, good at being polite while doing so tho
-loves to go on late night rides with Charlie
-a workaholic night owl, yet an early bird, yes both at the same time, Heatwave keeps an eye on him to make sure he recharges and doesn’t work himself to death
-loves writing actually and while bad at it, it doesn’t stop him from keeping it up, happy creator goals
-relies upon his brain rather than heart most of the time, yet to find a balance between both
-has high pain tolerance and low pain sensitivity, which means he sometimes doesn’t realize how hurt he is unless it’s really bad
-low empathy, compassionate still
-has Thanatophobia (aka death anxiety, which is an intense fear of death whether for one’s own life or the death of people they love, i like to believe his fear is in line with the death of loved ones)
-second youngest
-Adhd-er, fixates super hard on tv shows
-has nightmares, goes to Chase for comfort
-opposite of Chase, low pain tolerance and high pain sensitivity, which makes getting hurt an absolute nightmare, jinxed to always get hurt in some way shape or form
-don’t let him know about horror games, he’d play them nonstop
-really emotionally sensitive, has abandonment issues
-gender? what’s that? Literally uses he/him mainly simply cause people used that for him and he honestly doesn’t care so he went with it, any pronouns queen
-if he could, he’d wear a lot of dresses
-clouds are his worst enemy
-a lot smarter than what he’s given credit for, despite his anxiety, as an emergency medical bot, he has the best sense of danger and is the best at assessing the situation around him
-loves to receive compliments from those who don’t impress easily (Hightide and Heatwave)
General headcanons
-HW and Quickshadow train together sometimes
-Quickshadow loves to finish rescue missions before any of the bots arrive sometimes cause she loves to piss off HW, bestie goals
-despite Blurr’s behavior with HW, Blurr genuinely looks up to him, too bad HW has a bit of a thick skull to realize it
-Blurr loves to make up quotes that he then claims to have been said by some of the great leaders of cybertron, he’d say shit like “ as Optimus Prime himself once said ‘there’s not greater strength than speed’”
-Salvage is a unique embodiment of the “looks like a cinnamon role, can actually kill you” meme, he’s a gentle giant but also can kill you if he gets angry enough, which doesn’t happen easily which means you have to be such a douchebag to anger him tho you can save yourself cause he’s also easy to calm
-Blurr has raced against Knockout at least once without realizing it
-after the war ended, the rescue bots had to deal with some negativity concerning how “they never got their hands dirty” aka never fought in the war, they got through it together tho, Hightide (as a respected bot) doesn’t let them get hated under his watch whenever he’s around
-Hightide’s fave bot is Blades, no one needs to know about that tho
Those are the headcanons i can think of atm hahaha
Hope you enjoyed
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mbta-unofficial · 8 months
US people who care about railroads should definitely read the Corridor ID Selections. While it was published a little over a year ago, the program is designed to fund shovel-ready programs and dedicate money to assessing the viability of corridors which would be either new or upgraded, and they just posted a massive update to the map including new HSR viability studies.
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A partial list of served cities:
High speed rail candidates
San Francisco, Anaheim, LA, Vancouver, Portland, Seattle, Eugene, Charlotte NC, Atlanta, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Las Vegas, Palmdale
New Conventional rail candidates
Asheville NC, Salisbury NC, Savannah GA, Chattenooga TN, Nashville, Memphis, Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Boston, Albany, San Jose, San Luis Obispo, King's Mountain NC, Moline IL, Naperville IL, Wyanet IL, Chicago, Fort Wayne IN, Columbus OH, Pittsburgh PA, Cleveland OH, Cincinnati OH, Dayton OH, Toledo OH, Detroit MI, Coachella CA, Fullerton CA, Indio CA, Riverside CA, Palm Springs CA, Fort Collins CO, Pueblo CO, Denver CO, Boulder CO, Colorado Springs CO, Newport News VA, Charlottesville VA, Roanoke VA, Richmond VA, Dover DE, Wilmington DE, Berlin MD, St Paul-Minneapolis MN, Eau Claire WI, Fayetteville NC, Raleigh NC, Lillington NC, Fuquay-Varina NC, Mobile AL, Bay St. Louis, Gulfport, Biloxi, Pascagoula MS, Houston, San Antonio, Rosenburg TX, Flatonia TX, Seguin TX, Meridian MS, Mineola TX, Longview TX, Marshall TX, Shreveport LA, Ruston LA, Monroe LA, Vicksburg MS, Jackson MS, Jacksonville FL, Miami FL, Orlando Fl, Tampa FL, Indianapolis IN, Louisville KY, Milwaukee, WI; La Crosse, WI; Eau Claire, WI; St. Paul, MN; Fargo, ND; Bismarck, ND; Dickson, ND; Glendive, MT; Billings, MT; Bozeman, MT; Butte, MT; Helena, MT; Missoula, MT; St. Regis, MT; Sandpoint, ID; Spokane, WA; and Pasco, WA, Duluth WA, Peoria IL, Phoenix, Tuscon, Maricopa, Reading PA, Scranton
These are most of the cities with new service
If you are between two of these cities, there is a serious chance you will have a train coming to you soon. Check the Doc for more as well as service upgrades on existing services
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billa-billa007 · 1 year
New cave problems! Ben and Ji are projecting pinchy V9 and crimpy V10! Hope you enjoy the video! Crimpy is a climbing style that relies heavily on using small finger holds with precise movements. It typically requires a great deal of strength and flexibility in the fingers and forearms. Pinchy is a style that focuses on using larger, open hand holds with more powerful, dynamic movements. It typically requires more upper body strength and power. Both styles can be used for bouldering and indoor climbing, depending on the wall and the difficulty of the route.
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sreepadamangaraj · 1 year
The "ONLY" "TRUE" EGG.This V9- The Egg is designed for outdoor climbing and bouldering and is created to withstand the harsh conditions that come with climbing outdoors. It is a unique problem which requires stability and durability.
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skruffie · 7 months
People aren't just the customers anymore but we are the products. Surge pricing is going to be more widespread. The Kellogg CEO is saying we should eat breakfast cereal for dinner if we can't afford a more hearty meal, as if cereal was also affordable anymore. The election this year in the United States is between Dementia-and-Genocide and Dementia-and-Genocide but in red. Everyone says we're not in a recession but we see article after article about side hustles and turning our hobbies into profit. Artists are having their work stolen to train AI models to do the work instead. Massive layoffs. At Alice's previous job, it was $444/month for our health insurance with no deductible and at mine it is $370 with a few thousand deductible for myself and a spouse. We split our rent payment 60/40 to have it paid throughout the month and the flex program helps "build credit". I got almost 119% in my sales goal last year and my hours got cut between 5-8 each week until the whole store can turn a better profit. You can go to college and get a degree and sling coffee or work in a tech job you hate that makes you want to kill yourself because you were told your whole life to go to college, but then when the jobs ran out every asks you "well why didn't you go to trade school?"
Cities take away benches, put up boulders and spikes to drive people away from sitting and standing and existing in public. Slavery was never actually fully outlawed in this country, you know. The 13th amendment makes an exception to use slavery as punishment for a crime. It is literally in the constitution. The federal minimum wage is still under $8/hr. The CEO of the medical side at work doesn't understand how someone can't afford the $39 retinal imaging copay because for him it's not that much money but we're the people in the store navigating explaining insurance benefits to patients every single fucking day who have to decide if they want to see clearly with glasses that will last them until next year's appointment or get a cheaper pair to tide them over. He does this and then manages to screw up the pay for the techs doing the pretesting so they're constantly having to monitor their paychecks every two weeks.
Something has to fucking give. This cannot keep going on.
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lastofethan · 12 days
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ETHAN RHODES ✘ forty. doctor. former physical therapist.
starters ✘ bio ✘ photos ✘ answers ✘ ethancore
Moans and groans fill the night sky, blunt nails scratch along the smooth surface of a car caught amidst a horde of infected. Screams from inside barely carry, they can barely be heard in the distance. But what's that in the distance? Is that {CHARLIE HUNNAM}? No way, that's {ETHAN RHODES}. The {FORTY} year old {MALE (HE/HIM)} used to be a {PHYSICAL THERAPIST}. Since the outbreak, they've proven to be {PRAGMATIC & HOSPITABLE}, but rumor has it they're also {ALOOF & BLUNT}, which may pose a risk to the group. They appear to have taken the {DOCTOR} role within the group. Only time can tell if they succeed.
full name — ethan scott rhodes age — forty gender — male orientation — bisexual occupation — former physical therapist at the veteran rehab hospital role in group — doctor weapon(s) — AR15, butterfly knife, bear spray clothing style/armor — flannels, zip-up hoodies, practical, boots
face claim — charlie hunnam hair — sandy-blonde height — six foot two build — muscular and athletic scars — side of head & under chin, incurred when he fell of a car in a wrecking yard in his youth. left forearm when he cut himself in college putting his fist through a window. tattoos — wood cutting style lion on his upper right arm piercings — none sexual preference — versatile in every way
alignment — chaotic neutral positive traits — pragmatic, hospitable, loyal, focused negative traits — aloof, blunt, guarded hobbies — hiking, wood carving, crossword puzzles, hacky sack
mental — general anxiety, bc...world ended physical — excellent physical shape phobias — drowning, heights, centipedes eyesight — 20/15 dominant hand — right drug use — weed, when he can find it alcohol use — whiskey, when he can find it diet — fuckin' loves steak, but mostly things from a can these days, coffee addict
birthplace — boulder, colorado parents — jeffrey lawrence rhodes, abigail ruth rhodes siblings — annabeth marie rhodes (younger sister) education — BS in Kinesiology, Doctor of Physical Therapy notable skills — massage therapy, excellent stamina, wilderness training from eagle scouts, some mechanical knowledge (grew up son of a mechanic).
𝙱𝙸𝙾 before the end —
born in boulder, colorado to a mechanic father and a school teacher mother, ethan had a normal all-american up bringing with the added benefit of beautiful scenery and loose discipline.
ethan was known to be a bit of a hellion around town, getting into trouble with the local cops, always up to no good, but he had a natural boy-next-door charm to him that did him many favors.
it also helped that he was the starring quarterback on his high school's football team.
that position opened up more than just leniency for ethan, as his skills on the field got him a full ride scholarship to UT Austin, but ethan wasn't lacking in the academic sense either.
if he actually applied himself.
at first college for ethan was all parties, privilege, football, and thinking he was on top of the world.
ethan chose sports medicine as a major because it aligned with his interests and seemed the easiest thing to fall back on if football didn't work out.
ethan 100% felt he was going to go pro one day.
that was until he actually really liked his chosen major, especially considering the injuries he and his fellow teammates received on the field.
slowly but surely ethan threw himself more into his studies and school, eventually turning down an offer for a position on a team.
when ethan graduated he moved right into his grad program for his doctor of physical therapy degree, interning at a local stadium.
three years later he accepted a fulltime position as a physical therapist for several professional teams.
ethan's career would shift when a friend from his grad program offered him a position at the veteran's hospital. it was more money and longer hours, but ethan was curious.
what ethan discovered working there was a deeper passion to help people who needed him. he saw men and women who lost so much for their country, going through the roughest times of their lives, and wanted to help make things a little better.
the bro-y frat boy that ethan was melted away as he matured and devoted himself to his job, and ethan was content and happy.
after the end —
ethan was at work when it happened, highways were shutdown, businesses, hospitals filling up.
ethan had to ditch his car, and opted to walk home instead, dressed in his scrubs and his bag over his shoulder.
hours later the world was completely different from what he knew, he couldn't get his parents on his phone, nor his sister.
his neighbors were holed up in their apartment, and so was ethan, for a time, and he witnessed the violence escalate.
when his neighbors eventually left, they offered him an AR15 and a small cache of ammo, which he took. ethan had gone hunting a few times in his youth, but he was not marksman.
when it became clear he couldn't stay in his apartment, ethan set out by himself.
in those days he moved through several groups, each meeting a violent end whether from biters or humans.
ethan's athleticism helped him survive, able to keep his stamina up, running from one place to the other, simply just trying to survive.
eventually he found this current group, lending his skills to their medical team.
ethan figured with how the world was now, a physical therapist able to help people heal and manage pain, to get used to lost limbs.
he has thrown himself into his work, finding it a good way to ground himself in reality, to focus on what needs to be done and not spiral.
but who knows how long that will last? every man has his limit.
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sunskate · 1 year
CPom interview- The Spero Show podcast 9/15/23 pt 1
Their trainer, Spero Mantzavrakos, of Spero Performance says "Scotty" Moir called him up saying they were looking for a change to work on CPom's strength
Anthony says they're on the ice 3-4 hours a day plus an hour of off ice a day- twice a week at Spero, twice a week ballet. they were doing more dance, but not right now. Anthony was doing bouldering in the summer, but as the season's starting, the coaches told him to stop. but he says he started bouldering this year and that it's changed his life. Christina does Pilates on Saturdays or one night during the week. works her core and elongates her muscles, works similarly to ballet. works on stabilizer muscles.
when they first moved to Canada, they sometimes would work out first and then go train- Anthony says he was less sore at the end of the day but that training was harder. Christina: that was only when they were first learning programs and training was less intense. (the other host says hockey players are only on ice for an hour and a half, so it's not like CPom's 3-4 hour on ice). also easier to spend your all at the end of the day, because doing a workout first, you hold back because you know you have on ice to go to
Spero: could Scott still come back and compete and do well, CPom said yes - that it's muscle memory. Host asks if Tessa has ever come, Christina says she only came once. She was supposed to come some time in August but then didn't. He asks if they ever met Morgan, they said no.
host talks a lot lol says Anthony is a San Jose Sharks fan, wants to get CPom to come do edge work with the hockey players they train but that CPom are always on the go and haven't had time
nutrition for recovery- Carrie the US Olympic nutritionist for winter sports - she met with Spero - detailed, keeps it simple for athletes. saw some of CPom's meal plans - Anthony says M-F he follows the nutritionist's meal plans to a T and Saturdays he likes chicken wings and Sunday is the day to come back, that if he's veered off, breakfast is back to the plan, maybe a different lunch, but dinner is always getting ready for Monday. even his cheat days are different than a few years ago - might look like chicken wings and a soda for one meal, but not the entire day
Christina- stays on it pretty well, but if she wants something not on the plan, she'll let herself have it, because she has a tendency to obsess and be really strict with her food "so i've been told"
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Reading abt the early space program really shows you how much of a miracle it is we even got to the moon bc they were just fucking shit up constantly. Like I mean it still has issues because you’re strapping a metal box to a bunch of extremely powerful explosives and then sending it into the most inhospitable environment out there so like obviously there’s gonna be some fuck ups but man. There was one Mercury launch where it only rose four inches off the pad and then fell back down. All of the Mercury capsules had technical errors ranging from temperature problems to the door literally blowing off. Communication was constantly breaking up and this issue continued well through the Apollo program. One of the Apollo spacecrafts caught fire during a training exercise and killed the entire crew. Hell, in the moon landing they almost didn’t land in the right place because the computer was telling them to land in a field full of boulders and if they landed there they would not be able to take off again so ol Neil had to take manual control and steer the lander to a place that wouldn’t get them fucking killed.
It’s like, yeah we can get a man to the moon. There’s like a 40% chance he might not make it back, and like a 10% chance he’s not even gonna make it off the fucking launchpad, but it’s fine. We’re fine. Don’t look at all the monkeys we’ve exploded.
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