spinaroos-47 · 1 month
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questersrest · 1 year
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(sorry this is a side blog, dumblr only lets your reply to posts from your main)
anyway, another long infodump ahead (i get possitive responses from my followers when i do this so i will not apologise)
yeah, the room to the left in the quester's rest populates with player's you've tagged (talk to erinn, ask to canvass for guests) up to 6.
once you reach your 7th guest, the barrier is removed from the stairs to access the first floor (second floor for y'all americans) and erinn will explain she had to open it up to make room for more guests. on that floor, you'll find a door and more stairs barred off. the area will populate with another 6 guests.
at your 13th guest, well, first you'll find the whole interior of the quester's rest has been upgraded. but also erinn will have unbarred the door upstairs to make room for another 6 guests.
at your 19th guest, erinn will unbar the stairs to the second floor (third floor). there's another barred door there.
with your 25th guest, the quester's rest interior will upgrade againthe door on the top floor will open and you'll see you finally have room for the whole 30 guests.
if you have more than 30 guests, they start replacing the oldest ones but you can show guests to the royal suit so they never leave (ask erinn to view the guestbook).
when you reach the max capacity of 30, you'll get access to the basement. there's a fountain down there that spawns items, some of the items you find may differ from other players due to a hidden fountain group value in your save file. there are 4 spots where items spawn but a new spot gets added for every 100 players you tag up to 10 additional spots (14 total) at 1000 players. there's also accolades for tagging certain numbers of players up to 1000.
if you ever connected to wifi (ps while ds wifi was discontinued in 2014, there are fan replacement servers you can connect to, ask me about them for more info. otherwise, you can hack this stuff in with the save editor), you probably have the special inn guests from previous games who's rooms you can access from the elevator operator who takes you to the royal suites. they all have 3-5 pieces of gear to give you to dress up as them. they will all have one to give you the first time you talk to them, one to give you on your birthday (birthday in ingame profile settings matches date on your ds), and one to give you when the in is fully expanded. (they may also have one they give you if you talk to them as a certain vocation and/or one after a certain quest. they will also give you birthday cakes and/or party poppers on your birthday, these could only otherwise be obtained from the dqvc - the fan servers do NOT operate dqvc themes that had them. and 1 birthday cake is required for an extra quest so don't go using those up. one extra quest requires dressing as borya; borya will only give you his shoes when the inn is fully expanded. i bought borya's shoes from the dqvc in 2014 instead, the fan servers do NOT run the theme with those either. if you're fine with using a save editor you can hack all this stuff in instead if you want).
in tag mode you can also share a copy of any treasure maps. you can't tag the same player, every save has a uuid (universal unique identifier) so your save will know if it's the same player. but if they've left your inn (either bc you've got more than 30 and they were kicked out, or you manually kicked them from the guest book), you can tag them again. it WON'T count as an additional guest but you can share another map this way.
deleting a save file will delete the uuid so you can reset the save file on another copy over and over, playing through the first 2 hours of the game to reach the quester's rest, then tagging your main copy. this is what i've been doing, it's slow but i'd prefer to avoid hacking my original copy if possible.
EDIT: almost totally forgot i was gonna add a video. if you'd like to see what the inn expansions look like, here's a video. looks like the uploader is enhancing the graphics in an emulator. they also have no actualy guests in the rooms so they probably just unlocked them with the save editor
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wetcatspellcaster · 10 months
“But instead I thought, 'hey, you know, I get it. Break ups are hard. There's obviously some anger there, and you've had no one to express it to. Maybe it’s ok you built a house instead of coming to help, despite being literally invulnerable’. So I talked to Wyll, and we started inviting him to things. We checked in on him, we offered to let him join us on missions - though he never came. We tried to make him feel... included.”
Karlach ran her fingers through her hair, “I invited him to my birthday party - can you imagine that man, the way he is now, with a bunch of my friends, at my birthday? My first proper party, in fucking years, never mind my first birthday since I was freed from Avernus for good? Astarion was… horrible. Angry. Prowling like an animal. All but spitting on everyone else there, just for the sin of being people, you know, with flaws, and with their mistakes and their lives. Someone said something silly, and he charmed them, right there in front of me. Asked them to admit they were an idiot. He only stopped because I asked him to, and I saw it - the moment in his eyes, when he remembered I was a person he was supposed to care about. It took him longer than it should. And it was like he didn’t even consider the rest of them to be real people, just extensions of me.”
“But… we kept trying. We made things smaller, so it was just us, like the good old days. But… he just got worse. Crueller. At first, he only hurt himself, hosting those big grand parties with every vice under the sun, that he clearly hated, and fucking everything that moved, just to prove he could. And then when, surprise! That didn’t make him any less fucking miserable! He just started lashing out at us. Made us meet him at the Caress. Told us all the terrible things he was doing, just so they had an audience beyond himself. The things he used to say to Wyll…”
Thank you for the ask! :D
So, as I said in the chapter endnotes, this was my first time writing Karlach properly (you will note that she now keeps coming up in An Honest Lie bc I awkwardly have to pretend she's always been there, and everything else I wrote was Early Access). I was super nervous when posting! 1. bc she's a new character and I found her voice difficult to get down. 2. bc she's the fan favourite and right out of the gate, I was making her suffer :-)
Saying all that, Karlach was a really fun POV for this fic and this chapter's development specifically bc while she is self-sacrificing, I also think she is not as much so as Wyll, or my Tav. She's been through too much shit in her life and been burned by trusting people like Gortash, so if a guy looks shady af and treats her like shit, I think she has absolutely has a cut-off point, no matter who that person is or was to her in her past. She isn't just going to suffer for the sake of it, she will call a bastard a bastard if she needs to... unlike the resident martyrs of the party.
So yeah. I had Astarion ruin a birthday party :') This is partly bc, for all that this fic deals with Astarion's villain era, I'm not a Dead Dove girlie, so I needed the evil things he does to have emotional impact without being gruesome or triggering. I figured ruining our Best Gal's birthday would be a pretty effective crime to add to the list.
Why was Astarion a bitch at this birthday? A number of reasons. The first is that it hurt to see Karlach and Wyll happy and free of infernal influence. The second is that... Astarion is just forgetting how it works to be around people. Manipulating people he's still got down, but just... being in a space? With people he cannot control and has no power over, who he just has to let slip up and fumble and be generally choatic around him? I imagine the inhuman monster isolated and frozen in time without his soul forgot that pretty quickly, after a year without anybody but those he bought to his side on his own terms.
It truly is as Karlach says: he got angry at others "just for the sin of being people". Astarion is no longer human/mortal, and he cannot relate to humans anymore. He also cannot stand seeing other people happy in ways that did not require any supernatural aid or sacrifice - a reminder that he could've done it that way, if he'd been brave enough to risk it - and he also doesn't like people who seem undeserving of that happiness - ie. people who just seem to be 'doing fine' without any seeming effort.
What did the person who was charmed say to trigger it? Well, I think they were maybe one of those type of people: an average guy who'd stumbled into something good that he didn't really deserve through circumstances that were not his doing. I imagined him as a pretty arrogant mercenary that would be in Karlach/Wyll's wider circle of friends (a guest of a guest, say, in the adventuring trade), who is bragging and peacocking and isn't really a good person? Just an alright one? But talking about himself like he's the dog's bollocks. And Astarion got bored of him talking and so he charmed him and humiliated him, bc he was frustrated with this random man's existence and also bored.
In regards to the final paragraph, I struggle to imagine Ascended!Astarion as someone who is crass enough to often resort to violence. I imagine his brand of cruelty as being a lot more psychologically driven. For all that game Astarion brags about loving to kill, his arsenal is, ultimately, emotional and sexual manipulation first and foremost. So in this 'descent into villainy' (again, the non-dead dove edition), I tried to make Astarion's evil manifest by making people physically and emotionally uncomfortable through his behaviour. Pushing them to see how far they'd break, or how far they'd compromise themselves and their morals to be around him. Especially people like Wyll and Karlach, who would care if he hurt himself or make up narratives about how it was a cry for help. I think partly, Ascended!Astarion loves to watch these characters twist themselves into knots trying to find excuses for his behaviour, striving to remain kind to him and remain his friend even as it gets harder and harder. And also, maybe, somewhere, it's a fun test for him - to prove that people still care, that he still has people who care for him, until they don't and they're gone.
DVD commentary ask
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dirtybitfic · 2 months
wtf was last night- little rant for you guys cause I feel yall would find this shit intertaining
-YALLLLL WTFFFFF me and my friend bar hopped last night I had in total seven drink and usually my cut off is like 4 butttt I got two of them for free cause got men said “ your hot you deserve a free drink “ and I was OHHH YEAHHH. Then at the last bar this guy started talking too us then his friends pop up and I relized I’d talked to them at one of the other bars cause they liked my tattoo . So we’re all chillin in this club/bar one of the guys gets my number right so I’m like oh okay cool ya feelin me or whateva then he asks if I do drugs I was like “hard drugs ?”😳 and he was like yeah and I was the fuck absolutely not then he tells me he’s on molly and that’s him and his friend a “rolling and bowling night “ where they take molly and go bowling and I’m just standing there like 🧍🏻‍♀️. Then the other friend and I start talking and he was cute (when I was drunk) and we’re talking and he keep getting all nervous and shit cause evidently “my eye contact was to intense “ 😀. Come to find out later this man is 33 YEARS OLD but drunk me was like ahhh age is just a numbaaa but like actually EW 12 YEAR AGE DIFFERENT THATS WWIRDDD. So we’re all chillin having fun guy I’m talking to most of the night starts talking about my ass being fat and that I’m trouble when I literally was just standing there thinking we were having a sweet lil conversation. Then other friend starts telling me he bought a house and that he wanted me to come home with him to that house I was like respectfully NUH UH, you a hard drug lovin as man in your 30s I’ll pass . Then my friend and the guy she’s chillin with are like dancing and grinding and I’m like uhhh you go girl 😬. Then bars start to close it’s 2 am we gotta head out . So we’re all walking out then they want us to go home with them to guy my friend was withs apartment . We thought about it but decided that we were gonna go home . So we finally get our Uber . Drug lover is texting me like so am I gonna see you again tonight I was like ummm nope I’m going night night , then guy my friend was with starts calling her then adds other guy too the call . ALSO forgot about there one really weird fat friend who got me to take a picture with him for his Instagram story since it was his “birthday “ and through out that night he was just being straight up weird and then when we were standing with them and they were trying to get us to go home with them I would randomly look at him and he’d have his snap chat video going or just me conversing with the other morherfuxkers which is so fucking weirdddd. Sooo anyways my friend on the phone with her guy right come to find out HES MARRIED… so I start telling him we will be ending whatever this is right now because it’s hurting other people aka YOUR WIFE. I’m like yeah I think it’s best we part ways tonight was fun but we are all in complete different fazed in life like yall are 7-12 years older than us lowkey weird you even stayed fucking with us after finding out that age gap . But yeah sooo that’s how my night went … literally first time going out since turning 21 in my home city and dear god was that interesting. I think next time I’d like to go out with my brother (25 years old) and his friends cause ik I’d be safe . Anywaysss live laugh love .
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coupsie-daisies · 2 years
To Be Reborn | Kim Seungmin
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Pairing: Kim Seungmin x GN!Reader
Genre: Reincarnation AU, it’s also a soulmate au but I don’t think I ever actually say that, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Y/N lost their beloved to an untimely death. To make things worse, they’re a reincarnated soul stuck in a cycle of being reborn. They visit their lover’s graveside in their next life to share a birthday date with him. As much as they don’t trust the universe, it may just have plans for them.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: major character death...kinda? Cemeteries, Reader is highkey depressed, but they’re fighting it
A/N: Happy Birthday to my number 1! Kim Seungmin deserves the world but since I can’t give him that, I wrote this. Might add more to this later, we’ll see how I’m feeling. Let me know what you think. (I also never write in the first person, so let me know if I made mistakes)
Tags: @dragonofthenorth0726 // @wooyussy // @sunnytaes // @burningupp // @bunnypig18 // @chrswolfie // @ferrethyun // @brownieracha // @ashia4
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That’s how many lifetimes I’d lived, how many paths my soul had chosen. I’d been a human being sixteen times over, growing and changing and finding the shape of my soul in sixteen different bodies. It was strange, all of the not knowing. Not knowing where I came from, and how I began. Not knowing who I was supposed to be, what would become of my soul, if I was the only person who had lived two, three…sixteen lives. It was lonely.
But with him, I hadn’t felt so terribly alone. And of course, I knew it was coming, that he’d leave me long before I was ready for him to. That I’d be born again for years and years to come. Living, and loving, and losing people all over again. It had never hurt the way it did when I lost my Sky. I doubted that it would again, but pushing people away was easier than running the risk. Better safe than sorry after all.
It had been sixty-five years since the day he died, barely twenty-two and taken all too soon. But today was his birthday. He would have been one hundred and seven years old, which was an unreasonable age to live to, but it would have been nice if we could have lived forever like that. If I could have had him a little bit longer.
I laid out a blanket on the stretch of perfectly manicured grass in front of his headstone. The one I’d picked out years ago, that I’d mourned in front of until my last life was timed out. I sat down and opened the picnic basket I’d packed.
In this life, I’d just recently hit the age of twenty-one. I’d been making the trip to see him every year on his birthday since I’d turned eighteen. Time was a funny thing, it passed much slower than I expected it to after all this time, but it was rarely as exhausting as it was the first few times around. I would skip over the teenage years altogether if I had it my way, but sometimes it was nice being able to forget for a few moments the ache of adulthood, of responsibility.
The more lives I lived, the easier it became to handle the inevitable loss. Knowing everything was temporary made it easier to let go. My friends, my home, my body, it would get left behind in sixty years, give or take a few. But it was nice knowing that, at the very least, there was something to be remembered by. Pictures, or a name, a story, or a slab of stone. Something to linger in the world for a few more lifetimes.
I opened the basket, pulling out the small birthday cake I’d bought. It was the sort you got for two people, maybe three. Something sweet to celebrate another year spent with your loved ones. I poked a couple of candles into it and set it between the two of us.
“Happy birthday, Sky.” I lit the candles, watching the flames dance and flicker in the breeze. The ache in my chest was back again. Sometimes now, after so many years, it went away and I forgot that I’d lost him. Somehow growing up made letting it go more difficult, and made the memory more vivid. I cleared my throat. “It’s been a year, but not much has changed. I got a dog about a week ago. His name is Voltage. I think you’ll like him, but I wasn’t sure he was ready to come meet you. Maybe next time.”
An older woman was walking nearby, and she spared me a sweet smile. I smiled back and wondered what I must look like to her. So young, and sharing a cake with…nobody. Talking like one might to their best friend, to their lover, to their other half. I wondered if she felt the same way I did and if she’d lived with the pain as long as I have. If she would be reborn like me and feel it in another life too. I hoped not.
“Sometimes I think about how temporary everything is. And I know you didn’t like it when I got thinking about things like that,” I watched the blue wax of one of the birthday candles drip towards the buttercream it was perched in. He’d always rushed me to blow them out before the cake got ruined, but I didn’t have it in me to blow these ones out. I just watched and forced a smile.
The air was still warm in late September, only beginning to push towards the stark coolness of fall when the sun would sink lower into the sky. But for now, the sun was still sitting high, and the big tree in the middle of the cemetery waved its leaves to all the souls laid to rest beneath her shade. I’d always thought this place was inexplicably beautiful. Now I still found it beautiful, but it held a sadness that grew heavier with each passing year.
I leaned forward, inhaling slowly and fighting the warm tears that were beginning to slip down my cheeks. I wasn’t supposed to cry, because visiting him wasn’t supposed to be sad. Bittersweet maybe, but not sad.
It crossed my mind then to blow out the candles, and I looked at the way they were beginning to melt onto the center of the cake. I didn’t get the chance to blow them out there, barely managing to inhale when a gust of wind knocked the flames out. I exhaled, a half-broken laugh as I wiped my cheeks. I didn’t make a wish, I wouldn’t have anyways. It wasn’t mine to wish, and I could only wish for the same thing that I always did with him gone.
He used to ask me every time, every year without fail, what I had wished for. I would laugh, and shake my head even when he wrapped his arms around me and begged for me to share my little secret with him. But a wish can’t come true once it’s spoken out loud, those have always been the rules.
“Did you make a wish?” I asked the open air, pulling a plastic fork from the basket I’d brought along. There was real food in there, a sandwich and apple slices, but I didn’t feel like eating them. I usually had a hard time eating on the days when I missed him the most, it already felt like my body was twisting and tearing and splitting into pieces without his presence, eating was always the cherry on top of the fucked up grief sundae. 
Instead, I poked my fork into the cake and took a bite. I sat in silence there, looking at the date on the slab of stone I’d had to pick for him. The details about all of that were a bit fuzzy, but the feelings were barely dulled from what they were then. The sting of finding out that he’d died was still sharp and disarming, and the bitterness of remembering that he’d been away from home for nearly a year before that was just as potent as ever. Military service, all but cut off from me only to never be seen again.
I ate a few more bites, savoring the sweetness of his favorite cake flavor and thinking about what the next few days had in store for me. I was going to school again, it didn’t seem to get easier over time, but the challenge was a welcomed distraction. Classes were just picking up for the semester, and I would be buried in work soon. But Sky wouldn’t have wanted distraction to be my best option. He’d want me to find something better, to grow from the pain, to let go. I made myself think about that when I tried to shut people out.
I carefully put the cake back in the basket, wishing I didn’t have to. But I didn’t particularly feel like drawing ants, and eating any more of it would turn the emotions into a physical discomfort in my stomach. I shifted closer to him, to the stone that represented him, and touched the silk leaves of the fake flowers in the vase there. I’d have to bring new ones. Who put them there, I never did figure out, and it surely hadn’t been me. But they were growing stained with dirt, the pale pink and blue becoming a dirty shade of brown instead. I brushed my hand over his headstone, brushing away some of the dirt there as well, deciding I should come around and give it a nice clean-up before fall came in full swing.
“I’ve been slacking. But you know how busy I am this time of year. I’m going for a music major this time around,” I told him, laughing one more time. “I seemed to have gotten that skill this time. If you were here, you’d be grateful. I was completely tone deaf last time around.”
I brushed my hands off on the blanket beneath me. “I miss you, Sky. You’d like the world now I think. I think it would like you too,”
I swallowed and swiped away a new wave of tears with the back of my hand.
“Forgive me, I don’t mean to bother you…But I’m sorry for your loss.” A voice said from behind me, sweet and gentle as he caught my attention. I tried not to startle. I’d never been spoken to at the cemetery, not properly, and it was as if the weight in the air was gone, the tension surrounding me shattered. “Was he family?”
I had never had to answer that question either. The silence stretched and grew, but the man standing behind me didn’t push me to answer. I inhaled deeply before I nodded.
“As close as. Someone my family knew a long time ago,” I said. “Nobody seems to remember anyone after a few lifetimes. I don’t want to forget him.”
“I see,” He said. It was quiet again. “He’s grateful that you’ve been coming.”
I started to thank him for the sweet sentiment, but the statement itself was odd, it made my heart pick up in a way that I couldn’t manage to identify. I moved slowly, standing up and turning to face him as a mix of hope and confusion settled in my throat.
“I realized you’ve been coming a few years ago. But I was having some trouble figuring out the schedule. I’ve been waiting for you,” He said, and the desperation was evident in his voice, swirling with relief, with joy, with adoration. His face was unfamiliar, his voice too, but looking at him felt more familiar than even my own soul settled inside of me did.
“You…” I started, my hand rising to cover my mouth. “You’re here. You’re…alive.”
He was young, in his early twenties maybe, and his hair was darker than it had been when I’d seen him last. His smile was different now, wider, and sweeter, and it showed off a row of braces that made your stomach flutter. His eyes were a different shade of brown now, but he was so clearly himself, so entirely and wholeheartedly the other half of your soul.
“I’m Seungmin. And you?” He asked. It was almost funny to be introducing myself to the person I’d been aching for over the past sixty-five years, but I didn’t mind the awkwardness, it was watered down by the awe. After all, our souls had been recycled, revived, and we were different now. We had different bodies, different stories, and different voices, but we were just as meant for one another as he had ever been.
“Y/N. I’m Y/N.”
And I stepped forward, reaching out tentatively to trace his face and reacquaint myself with him. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me tight to him. I couldn’t remember the last time that being held had felt so good. This was what my being, my soul, my entirety had been waiting for; To be reborn in his arms, to have my Sky, my Seungmin with me for just a little while longer. To find him in every life that I would live for the rest of my eternity
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absoloutenonsense · 3 years
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“Sorry,” Harry’s voice comes through, sounding a little further away this time. His voice gets clearer the longer he talks. “I’m sorry, I dropped the phone.”
“Oh, that’s okay.”
It’s quiet for a moment. Louis listens to Harry’s breathing and tries not to panic that he’s already done something wrong. Other than, you know, pretending to be an operator when he’s actually just the guy who connects the call. He has absolutely no training and no idea what to do. Sure, he’s done a bit of dirty talk with some past partners, but nothing so official. He’s not prepared on how to handle the silence. 
“Sorry,” Harry says again. “I’m sorry, I really wanted to jump right in, but I think I’m too nervous.” He sighs. “Maybe this was a bad idea.”
“Hey,” Louis says, a little softer now from the distress in his voice. “It really is okay. I’m… I’m actually nervous too,” Louis says truthfully, looking at his computer screen and sighing. 
Harry snorts. “Yeah sure.”
“You do what, dozens of these calls a day? What’ve you got to be nervous about?”
“Truth be told,” Louis says, “I’m pretty new at this.” Started about two minutes ago, actually, he adds in his own head. 
“Oh,” Harry says. 
Ah, fuck. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that. Maybe Mr. Sexy Voice wanted someone worldly and experienced to walk him through this. Louis rolls his eyes at his own stupidity. 
“That makes me feel better, actually,” Harry says then. 
Oh. Okay. Okay, Louis can work with this. He loves comforting people. He can muscle his way through this. 
“Good,” Louis says. “So… what did you do today?”
Harry giggles, and it makes Louis smile. 
“We can start as slow as you want,” Louis says. “We can just talk, if you want. It doesn’t have to be, you know, that.” 
Harry sighs. “But I do want that.”
“Okay,” Louis says, drawing out the ‘o’ a little in what he hopes comes across as understanding-but-curious. 
“It’s just… so like…” He huffs. “I suppose… I don’t know you so I can just, like, say it right? Because I don’t know you and you can’t hold this against me and it doesn’t really matter.”
“Of course.”
“Right so, I’m just sort of starting the process of kind of… coming out. Maybe.”
Louis blinks at his monitor and feels his heart go a bit soft at that. “Congratulations,” he says. 
“Thanks,” he says in an unsure voice. 
“No really,” Louis reassures. “Even if you had the easiest time in the history of the world, there’s always that bit of stress, isn’t there? The build up, the fear… probably judgement from at least a couple of your dad’s friends who no longer know how to talk to you if it’s not about girls.”
That gets a big laugh from Harry. “Sounds like you know from personal experience.”
Louis raises his eyebrows and tilts his head to the side, shrugging even though no one’s there to see him. “Had a barbecue after finishing secondary school, just about a month after I’d told everyone, and three of my stepdad’s friends tried to ask me if I was going to uni for fashion. Not slagging off fashion or anything, but it was like they completely forgot I’d gotten a football scholarship. Would’ve rather them try to pretend to know anything about that instead.”
Harry giggles and the sound is tinny, like he’s pulled the phone away from his mouth. 
“My nana asked me if it meant I didn’t believe in God anymore and my grandad bought me lipstick for my birthday last month.”
Louis laughs. “Did you wear it to mess with them?”
“Nah,” Harry says. “Gave it to my sister. It was a coral… so not my shade.”
“Love a man who knows his color wheel.”
Harry lets out a hiccup-y laugh. “Of course. I got it in my gay lifestyle welcome kit.”
“Oh, are they still giving those out? How many different flavoured condoms did you get?”
“None, unfortunately, for those of us who are too scared to even think of approaching a man they fancy.”
Louis smiles down at his keyboard. “There’s no need to rush, you know,” he says. “You don’t have to dive straight into chatting up blokes.”
“I know, I’m diving gay in.”
Louis pauses as the pun hits him, and then he groans. Harry’s giggling as he says, “That was awful.”
“Puns aren’t supposed to be good.”
“Yeah, but there’s not good and then there’s I-may-never-laugh-again terrible.”
“Oh no!” Harry says. “You’ve got such a lovely laugh. I’d be torn to bits if I was the reason you never laughed again.” 
Louis feels himself blush a little. Which is just absolutely ridiculous. This isn’t flirting, Louis reminds himself. Harry is paying to talk to you, you’re providing a service. Man up for fuck’s sake.
“You sound angelic,” Louis says, wincing as he tries to gauge whether or not that sounds too cringe or not. 
“Hmm,” Harry hums thoughtfully. “Can I be honest? Like maybe too honest?”
Louis pauses and then nods, before realizing again, Harry can’t see him. “Yes.”
“I don’t like your sexy voice.”
A laugh is startled out of Louis. “What?”
“I’m sorry!” Harry says, an edge of laughter to that as well. “I’m sure I’m the nutter here, like the only one who doesn’t, but I can’t help it. All I can picture is someone holding a rose in between their teeth and wiggling their eyebrows and it’s just not working for me.”
Louis is in absolute bits at that image, doubled over in his chair. 
“Honest! It’s like you’re wearing a fedora and about to tell me my eyes look like a plush forest.”
Louis’ wheezing.
“That nothing means anything in the world if I’m not the girl by your side!”
“Okay, okay, enough!” he says. “Enough, enough. I get it. Gone, it’s gone. Oh fuck my stomach hurts. Christ, I haven’t laughed that hard in ages.”
Harry lets out a pleased noise on the other end of the line. 
“So no voices,” Louis says. “What’re you into then?”
“Dunno,” Harry says, and then he sighs. “I feel like I haven’t had the chance to figure it out yet.”
“Well, here’s the perfect place to start, love. You’ve already shit all over me voice—”
“Just the fake sexy voice!” Harry interrupts. 
“—so I think we can be open and honest with each other. What do you think you’d like? What’ve you liked before?”
Louis watches the screen in front of him go black from being idle for so long. His heart picks up as he rushes to keep it on, and panic-checks his logs. Okay, okay, Sam and Patrick are free now, but no one’s waiting in the queue thank god.
“Suppose I like to be taken care of,” Harry says quietly. “And taking care of someone else. The last— like the relationship I was in before… it was all about making her feel good, for me.”
Louis nods and makes a noise to show he’s listening. 
“I like being held.”
“And I like… ugh, I’m really not sure.” 
“That’s okay,” Louis’ quick to say. “It’s all okay, Harry. There’s no wrong answers for what you like.”
“I feel like ‘I don’t know’ isn’t a great one.” 
“It’s an honest one,” he says sincerely. “You wanted me to pretend I was your boyfriend at the start, right?”
“Yeah,” Harry breathes out. “Everything else just feels to much, y’know? Like I just want to be good at things straight away, or at least pretend I’m good at them.” He chuckles a little hollowly. “Suppose I mucked that up quite quickly here.”
“C’mon,” Louis says. “I’m so happy you let me know.” And he is. He feels much more relaxed now, like he’s talking to a friend, or maybe a long-term boyfriend, if he had one of those recently. “We’ve gotten to know each other a bit, which is nice. But we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. We have been on for nearly twenty minutes now, and I’m sure your credit card will feel that in the morning. We can call it a night, if you want?”
Oi, Louis, shut the fuck up about ending calls early, he thinks. That’s gotta be like, rule number one of phone-sex-operating. 
A pause. In a quiet voice, he hears Harry say, “No.”
Louis can’t help but smile. “Should we try again? From the top?” Harry giggles and immediately, Louis adds, “Don’t you dare make a topping joke.”
Which makes Harry laugh really hard for a full minute before it drifts out into soft, lovely giggles. 
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floralguccistyles · 3 years
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...he probably loves you
After four months of dating Niall, our families and friends still couldn’t believe it. 
Apparently, Niall’s feelings had only been apparent to my sisters, because when we told our parents that we were dating, they had stared at us with supportive confusion. Niamh had mourned the loss of the five hundred dollars four our Jamaica trip, but she had thrown an arm around my shoulders and congratulated me. And then, in a surprising turn of events, had started crying when Patrick announced he couldn’t contain himself anymore and proposed to her shortly after Niall and I had made our announcement. 
Niall had just smiled his beautiful smile at me and pulled me closer into his side, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
“I’ve just realized!” His mom shouted in the middle of our movie. It was Greg’s pick tonight, so naturally he had chosen a Disney movie that Theo would actually be interested in. His wife had already dozed off to sleep, pregnant with number two and according to Greg, “unable to stay awake for more than five minutes.”
“Christ, Mum,” Greg complained, jumping from her loud exclamation.
“We can get Rose and Niall couples gifts for their birthdays!”
Niall raised his brow. I was curled up against him, my own eyes falling shut every couple of moments. The new job working for Eric’s brand was exhilarating and exciting, but it was a lot of work getting a start up business off the ground. Often, I would come home late and simply collapse on my couch while Niall took pity on me and made me dinner.
“Mum, our birthdays are five days away. Have you not gotten us anything yet?” he joked, his thumb running back and forth across my arm.
“You’ve always been hard to shop for,” his mum said simply, waving us off, her brain looking like it was going a million miles a minute with the new possibility of a couple’s present. “Not you though, Rose. You’re an angel to shop for.”
I grinned up at Niall. “I’m an angel,” I whispered.
His nose wrinkled. “Whatever.” But he quickly kissed my nose, ignoring Violet’s protest against PDA.
Violet was sitting on the floor by my feet, her nose buried in her phone as she waited on a text from the cute guy in her summer anatomy class she had a crush on. She had been hesitant to tell me about him, but three weeks ago, at one of our weekly-Thursday lunches, she confessed that he’d asked her to study with him. After hearing that, I had pushed and demanded she show me a picture and tell me his name.
He seemed nerdy and sweet. His name was Arjun, and he had helped her study for the final, where he stammered his way through the entirety of their study session before blurting out that he thought she was pretty and wanted to take her on a date.
They had been texting each other back and forth since. 
“Don’t make a big deal out of this,” she had told Lily and I while we gushed over how cute it was that she had a crush on someone, especially after her good friend started dating the last guy she’d had feelings for. 
Lily, on my other side, was leaning on the arm of the couch, her eyes slowly blinking in and out of sleep. She officially had her law degree and was going through what her coworkers lovingly called “Hell Year.” Her first year of being a lawyer and dealing with all the shitty cases was getting to her. However, she still managed to drag herself to our weekly lunches and had even mentioned that she had decided to go on a weekend getaway to London with Carmen, her coworker.
Violet caught me looking at her phone and shielded it from my view. I just playfully kicked her side.
After the movie, Niall drove us back to my apartment. It was nothing special, just a one bedroom, one bath. But it was mine. And while I still didn’t sleep all the way through the night except on the nights when Niall stayed over, I was working on it. I unlocked the door and let the both of us in, kicking off my shoes and flipping the light switch on.
Before I could take another step, Niall’s arms were around my waist and his mouth was on mine. I would never get tired of his kisses, of the way his hands would tease under the hem of my shirt and touch my heated skin. He always kissed with an eagerness, the kind of happiness that only someone who had been in love for a long time possessed. 
“It’s so hard to sit next to you at family functions,” he sighed out against my lips. I laughed, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Unlike my mother, I already got your birthday gift.”
“If you say my birthday gift is sex with you, I might actually have to hit you.”
He chuckled, shaking his head. “That would be your birthday gift to me, Rosebud.” 
I knew he didn’t mean anything by it. We hadn’t taken that final leap into our physical relationship yet. He was cautious and I was still unsure it was something I was ready for after my incident with Kent. The group I had been attending had been a huge help and I got coffee with Wendi and Carlos (two sexual assault survivors I had met and befriended at group) occasionally. Still, there was a small part of me that wondered if I would ever truly get over it.
And I wondered if Niall resented that.
He saw the look on my face and his smile melted away. “I didn’t mean it like that, Rosebud. You know that,” he said softly, reaching out to tuck my hair behind my ear.
“I know,” I replied, “I know. I’m sorry I’m a piece of work.”
He shook his head, his arms encircling me and pulling me into his body. “You are not a piece of work. You’re the girl I love and will continue to love, no matter what boundaries you set. You know that. Nothing could make me love you less.”
I leaned my head against his shoulder, letting out a contented sigh. Every time he told me he loved me, I got butterflies in my stomach and my lungs stopped working properly. “You staying over tonight?”
“If you want me here.”
I rolled my eyes. “I always want you here, Niall.” 
He kissed me again, his lips soft and gentle. “Mind if I shower really quick?”
“Go ahead. I’m gonna make some hot chocolate.”
I watched him walk up the stairs, a smile on my face when he turned back to wink at me. When I heard the shower start up in ym small bathroom, I turned towards my kitchen and grabbed two disposable coffee cups and a Sharpie. Niall liked his hot chocolate made with the little chocolate sticks I bought at the store, so I poured milk into the saucepan and heated it before depositing one of the little sticks inside. He was also a big baby who demanded the little marshmallows, so I grabbed the bag from my pantry and set them on the counter to add to his drink later.
My heart was pounding. I had been planning this for a while, but just tonight felt confident enough to do it. So I poured his hot chocolate into his cup with shaking hands and raised the Sharpie to the side of the cup, scribbling down the message. I still had pictures of all the notes he’d written me, including the one from this morning, when he had written “love you more than you know, Rosebud.”
And he did. He loved me more than I could ever comprehend. The four months being with him, he had never failed to show me just how much. He held me when I woke up with a nightmare, kissed me on the forehead when I was frustrated with work, held my hands when I got home from group. But I’d realized the things he’d done for me before, too. Like picking me up when Lily couldn’t, staying on the phone with me when I asked it of him, always making me laugh. 
Niall Horan truly loved me. More than I’d ever been loved.
And I needed him to know that his feelings were reciprocated.
I heard him before I saw him. He was loud as he walked over my hardwood floors, chattering on about some thought he had in the shower. I should have been a better girlfriend and listened properly, but my hands were still shaking and I felt like my heart was going to leap out of my chest and run away. I turned, catching sight of him in his comfy black sweats and a white tee with that signature grin on his face.
“I forgot my shampoo at my place, so I used yours and now I smell like a lovely lilac spring.”
Just like that, my nerves evaporated. I didn’t know how Niall did that, make me so sure of myself, but he did. This man loved me. And I loved him. He deserved to know how much and not have me chicken out at the last minute. 
I walked over to him, giving him a little sniff. “Very nice, very manly.”
“Nothing manlier than using my girl’s shampoo. Just shows how much I love her.”
“Is that what it does?” I asked playfully, reaching his cup out towards him. He took it in his hand, bringing it up to sip at it.
“Hey, you put in the little marshmallows this time,” he commented happily, taking another drink before he pulled the cup back. His large thumb covered my small writing, but he caught the tail of the ‘y’ and maneuvered his hand so he could read it. I saw the moment the words caught up with him, the moment he registered what I had written.
I love you more than you know.
“Rosebud…” His voice was delicate, like it could shatter in a single moment. “Do you mean it?”
In lieu of a response, I took the hot chocolate cup out of his hands and set in on the coffee table. I grasped his face in my hands, giving him a watery smile. “Thank you for being patient with me. I’m sorry it took me so long.”
“You don’t have to apologize for anything,” he breathed out. I felt honored and cherished when I saw the tears in his eyes just from my simple confession. “God, I love you so much.”
“I love you too. So much.”
The earth could have collapsed around us. The ground could have opened up and swallowed us whole. All that mattered was Niall as he surged forward and kissed me hungrily, his tongue delving into my mouth to tangle with mine. His hands were tightly wound in my hair, but didn’t pull or tug. He just held me there, like if he let me go I would dissipate. He’d never kissed me like this, but I’d never kissed him when he was a Niall who knew how much I loved him. And he’d never kissed the Rose that had finally stopped running and admitted her feelings to him.
“My birthday present to you feels shitty now.”
I couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled to the surface. “This wasn’t your birthday gift.”
“You’re right,” he agreed. “This was more. So much more.”
He kissed me again, his touch sure and unwavering. “Thanks for loving me, Rosebud,” he whispered, repeating my words from so many months ago. 
So I decided to repeat his back. “It’s the easiest thing in the world, Niall.”
Oh my god. Wildflower is over. I cannot believe this. This started as a random thought in my head one day because I needed a good friends to lovers but with a twist, and suddenly Rose was born. This is the first story I’ve finished on this blog and will always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you to everyone for reading this little story and for all your support. I refuse to let go of Niall and Rose forever, so don’t be surprised if I write little drabbles for them, but I’m excited for what the future holds in terms of my writing. 
I give one big giant virtual hug to all of you. You don’t know how much you guys mean to me.
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chibinekochan · 4 years
😭 all I can think of for the twins birthday is the cake. Maybe the kinds of cake you think they’d eat?
Lol, the true glutton choice — I mean it's right on the mark.
Now I'm hungry. T-T
I just made a little baking cake scenario, where you bake a cake with one twin for the other twin.
Both of these are like 1k words
He comes to you with his request. 
"Look, I want to bake a nine-tier cake for Beel. Last year we all baked him a small one, but it just wasn't enough to feed him at all. So this year I want to make sure that he gets enough cake to be full." 
"Nine tiers? That's a lot. Will that even be possible?" You can't imagine it. 
"Normally it wouldn't, but I have some special powder that will make it possible. It will cause the cake to be super light." Belphie then shows you a couple of cupcakes. He lets them go, and they float in the air. "See, I made these to make sure it will work."
"Wow, that's pretty cool. But wouldn't it be easier to just bake nine cakes and why nine tiers anyway?" You are impressed but still wonder why the extra effort.
"Maybe, but that's how we do it every year. I want something special for him this year and the number is just for every person that means so much to us." Belphie is steadfast in his decision. 
"Did you include me on that list?" That is the only way the math adds up. 
Belphie grins. "Yes, of course. So will you help me?" 
"I will help you. I want to see Beel’s smile too." Naturally, you agree. 
Belphie is honestly relieved. 
It's a challenge to put it lightly. The sheer amount of ingredients makes you dizzy. 
Your whole body hurts after mixing everything together. 
Belphie is very determined, you rarely see him like this. 
He doesn't even seem to be tired at all. 
Baking the cake is another big challenge. 
You use the kitchen in the castle since the oven is bigger.  
Both of you are kinda bored watching the oven. 
"You are covered in flour." Belphie chuckles. 
"Haha yeah, so are you." You shake the flour off your clothes and laugh.
Belphie cleans himself up. "You forgot some." Belphie pats your shoulder and then wipes your face. His hand lingers longer on your face than it needs to be. 
You blush. 
"Belphie, do I really have flour there?" You are pretty sure that it must be all gone now. 
Belphie smiles at you in a devious way. "Probably not." Then he pokes your nose and giggles. 
You puff your cheeks. He always does things like this to you. "You got some flour left too." With that, you ruffle his hair. 
Belphie huffs. "If you play dirty like that I will get you back." With that, Belphie starts to tickle you. 
"Ahh, so unfair." You playfully protest. "I will get you back for that one!" You start to attack his side. 
What causes Belphie to laugh uncontrollably. "Stop, stop, I admit defeat."
"Alright, I hope you learned your lesson." You grin at him victoriously. 
Belphie holds his hand up in the air. "I will not mess with the new tickle champ anymore. How about a victory kiss?" He smiles at you. 
You shake your head and are about to give in when the timer rings. 
Belphie groans. "Talk about bad timing."
You giggle and help to pull the cake out. 
Then you layer everything and cover the whole cake. 
It's a very impressive sight. 
"So, now we just have to bring it to the room where the food for the party is stored." It will still be a challenge, that much is certain. 
"Don't worry Barbatos said we can leave it here, and he will bring it to the party." Belphie is glad that he already took care of it. 
"Great, so that means we are done?" You feel a sense of relief. 
"Well, yeah except for one thing." Belphie smiles at you. 
"And that is?" You wonder what you have forgotten. 
"Close your eyes," Belphie smirks at you. You know what that means. So you play along. "Alright." You close your eyes. 
Anticipating what will come next. 
You can feel his breath on your face.
Then he gives you a very soft kiss. "Thank you for your help today."
Your eyes flutter open, and you see Belphie with slightly red cheeks. 
"No problem." You barely manage to say this much. 
Then you get interrupted by Barbatos and just go back to your room. 
Finally, the day of the party arrives. 
You barely can wait for Beel’s reaction.
The cake is massive. It's the biggest thing you have ever seen. 
When Beel sees it he is so happy. He barely stops himself from jumping into it. 
The hugs both you and Belphie with a bear hug. "Thank you so much you two! This is the best present."
"No problem Beel." You only manage to say this much. 
"As long as you like it I'm happy." Belphie is very pleased with this reaction. 
It was all worth it.
He comes to you with a big request. 
"I really need your help with baking a cake for Belphie." 
"Sure, what can I help you with?" You have a feeling why he might need help. 
"Well, first of all, I want to make sure that I don't eat all the ingredients. I bought more than enough but I can't mess it up. I also need some help with the decoration." Beel looks like a distraught puppy. 
"I can help you with that no problem." You know how hard this is for Beel. So you gladly offer your support. 
"Thank you so much! I will pay you back for sure." Beel lights up, it seems like a big stone fell off his heart. 
"There is no need for that. I enjoy baking and I love spending time with you." It's a great way to spend time together in your opinion. 
"Great, then let's do this!" Beel is pumped. 
You both go to the kitchen. 
You can see that Beel bought at least 10 times the amount of ingredients. 
"Alright, I will manage the ingredients and you will do the mixing." This is the best plan in my opinion. 
Beel agrees with a nod. "Sounds good."
You carefully measure everything and Beel really fights against his urge to eat everything. 
It's a struggle for Beel. 
"Here have this." You hand him an xxxxxl chocolate bar. 
"Thanks, you are a lifesaver." Beel gratefully eats it. This seems to help Beel a lot. 
"No problem. That's why I'm your baking assistant after all." You smile at Beel. 
"I'm glad that I asked you. I can't thank you enough for this." Beel smiles kindly at you. 
"How did you do this before I came?" You are pretty curious about this.
"Well, I always manage somehow. I would make a few cakes or just ask one of my brothers to hold me back. It was always a huge battle. It's pretty shameful to be honest." Beel looks distraught. 
"You still always manage to do it for Belphie and that is all that matters in my opinion. No matter how tough it is on you, you still do it just to make him happy. I think that's pretty amazing." You want to encourage Beel. 
Beel smiles at you. "You might be right. Thank you for seeing it like this." 
It's like he never even considered thinking this way. 
Then the cake is ready to be baked. 
Beel is very careful with it. 
You look at all the ingredients you still have left. "What should we do with these?" 
"Hmmm, it's much more than what I usually leave. I haven't thought about it." Beel expected to eat most of the extra ingredients. 
"I think we should make some muffins with them. It would be a great treat for everyone." You think it will give Belphie the chance to enjoy his favorite cake in a new way. 
"That's a great idea. I'm sure Belphie will love that." Beel loves this idea. 
"How about we have a snack while the cake is baking? It smells so good I'm getting hungry." As if to agree, my stomach rumbles. 
"I thought it was just me. I will make us some sandwiches. Is that alright with you?" Beel chuckles lightly. 
"Sounds great." You can only agree. 
While Beel is preparing food for you, you notice the flour in his hair. "Can you bend down for a moment?" 
"Um, sure." Beel doesn't even question why. 
You gently remove the flour. "There you go."
He looks a bit confused.
"There was flour in your hair." 
"Ah, and I thought you were just patting me for some reason." Beel smiles at me. 
"I can do that too. You definitely deserve headpats." You giggle a little. 
Beel blushes and then his stomach starts to sound like a lion. "We need to do that later."
"Haha yeah sure seems like it." You both eat your sandwiches. Beel eats an entire package. 
Then the cake is done. 
"It already looks great. Now it needs to cook down and then we get to decorate it." You look at the cake. 
Beel nods. "We should use the time to make the muffins."
"Yeah, that's right." You start to prepare the ingredients and Beel does the mixing. 
This works best for both of you. Then you bake the muffins. 
"So now to decorate this cake. Will you use the chocolate or do you want to put the sugar decorations on it?" 
"I will do the chocolate. These sugar decorations somehow always break when I touch them." Beel seems to have tried it many times. 
It makes sense to you that he is so strong that they probably just crumble. "Okay."
Beel carefully covers the whole cake and I place the various tiny and fragile decorations on top of it. 
"There we go. What do you think? Does it look good?" You are pretty proud of yourself, but it's most important to you that Belphie will like it. 
"It looks great. I couldn't have done it without you." Beel beams with happiness and pride. He pats you on the head. 
You blush. 
"That was because you deserve some head pats." Beel uses your words. It's pretty embarrassing to hear it from him. 
"Thank you." You aren't sure what else to say. 
"Hold on, you got some chocolate there." Beel eyes your face and then uses his finger to clean your cheek. He then licks his finger. "Delicious." 
You blush even more from that statement. 
The timer for the muffins saves you. 
They honestly look and smell great. 
"They are amazing! This was a great idea." Beel looks with a lot of pride at the muffins. 
"I have to agree. Do you want to decorate them too?" You look at the load of muffins that you made. 
"I will coat them in chocolate. Maybe one decoration each? Just leave two without." Beel has a plan. 
"Sure, but what about the leftover two?" You don't mind at all. 
"I've got a plan for these." Beel doesn't say anything else.
You don't mind it, it's making you curious if anything. 
So you decorate the muffins and Beel does something with the extra muffins behind you. 
You have to work hard to not peek. 
Once you are done Beel comes up to you, hands behind his back. 
"I made something for you." Beel then sheepishly hands you two very nicely decorated muffins. They each seem to represent one of the twins. 
It makes you smile. "Aww, that's so sweet of you Beel. Thank you so much." 
"I'm glad you like it." Beel smiles brightly. 
You take the muffins and decide to follow up on something you wanted to do earlier. 
"Could you bend down for me?" You ask with a smile. 
"Have I more flour in my hair?" He ruffles his hair.
"No, just do it." You shake your head. 
Beel then shrugs and bends down. 
You smile at him and give him a light kiss on the lips. 
Beel blushes, he didn't expect that at all. 
"That one was because you are so awesome." You give him a big smile. 
Beel blushes. "Thank you."
The day of the party arrives and Beel presents the cake and muffins to Belphie. 
He is very happy about all the effort that Beel put into it. 
"Wow, that's the best cake ever." Belphie loves all the work and love that was put into this. 
"Thank you but they helped me a lot." Beel looks at you. "It would've been impossible without them."
"That's sweet of you to say, but you did the most work. I'm just glad that Belphie likes it." This is a bit embarrassing to hear. 
"I love it. Thank you both."Belphie beams at both of you. It is a full success.
  Check my Obey me! Masterlist for more content
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gracemyheart · 3 years
KaguMyu Act II ~ Rant Reaction
Okay, Act II is watched and I have to say, it was better than the first one.
That was probably because we had more songs (?). From which I forgot most already again. xD
Disclaimer: Leni is honest again, if you can't take that, don't read it.
Spoiler-filled notes with screenshots under the cut:
- First of all... it happened even less than in act I... if that is even possible. The "story" goes: Kakeru is ill, Himeko worried but still doing her thing in America, the Senshi fighting Kaguya - almost dying after doing nothing, Luna sings a song, the Senshi are free again and Super Sailor Moon appears, then everything is fine and as a Christmas present Luna gets turned into human does her flying thing with Kakeru and then realizes that Artemis is the better choice (here, in the manga and in the movie a BIG FAT WTF, LUNA! >:o)
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- What I have to admit is that Luna (both Lunas!) is a brilliant singer and saves a lot of screentime with her wonderful voice.
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- Act II has more Senshi in it but they literally do nothing but almost dying. No one can do anything besides Super Sailor Moon in the end. I don't even remember if I heard any attacks? They feel so useless and almost like bland background characters - we had this in the Dracul Arc but that was okay because the story focused on other characters but they were still there! The CHARACTERS were still there doing character typical stuff. And here...they exist..sometimes.
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- Gotta say that after Shuu and Sayaka, I LOVE those two but like the rest, they don't do anything. A part of this cast is so wasted. They could be so good but they do not have the chance to shine because they don't do anything. Isn't this musical called a Sailor Moon musical? Why aren't the Senshi doing anything? I don't get it!
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- Also may I add that Kaguya is the craziest bitch, I have ever seen? That is actually a good point because in the movie she was, as the Senshi here, just there. And here she has some kind of crazy personality? If we can call it personality, lol. But again...what are her motifs? Why does she want to freeze this planet? We'll never know.
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- And then puff paff suddenly the Senshi pull themselves together after Luna sang a song and then we got Super Sailor Moon and then there is no finale because it is already the end! Boom bam! Kaguya dead! And we only have like 30 minutes of act 2. Can a musical be so short? I guess they did not have enough boring scenes to fill the musical with...or the story was simply not giving us more.... who knows?
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- okay, I want to apologize that I called Rinko a plastic surgery face - I do not know if she actually did a surgery, she just looks like it. Her face just looks very unnatural to me and what makes it worse, she looks zero like Usagi. Even worse, she has zero Usagi attitudes. Worst, she does not feel like an Usagi at all. Having a chat with my bestie @vampiru-chan, who asked me how I'd rank her in a Sailor Moon ranking, I said, I'd put her in the same dustbin I already put Hotaru and Shiori. Because none of them was the littlest bit Usagi to me. This sounds hard? Life is hard, honey.
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- We had quite some actresses here, who have quite a lot of potential to become good Senshi or Sailor Moon Characters. I am talking particularly of Kisara Matsumura (Jupiter), Rei Kobyashi (Mars), Shinjyu Terada (Uranus), Ayana Kinoshita (Neptune), Yune Sakai (Luna), and Marisa (human-Luna).
I did not include Riku Sorahane (Tuxedo Mask) because I really have enough of the cool Takarazuka actress playing an out-of-character cool gangster Mamoru. She is a great actress and a great singer but I don't like what NewMyu does to Mamoru even though it's sexy (yes, I am looking at you, Tani ;3)
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Hellu, it's me, the typical NewMyu blue filter again
- *Story* It was boring. But not like NewMyu usually tends to be, with telling the storyline of the manga in the most boring way (talking of NewMyu 2013-2017). No, it was boring because nothing happened. I watched two hours of this musical and I don't remember a proper plot or memorable scenes. I remember that, as a child, I only liked the movie because the Outers had their full transformation with that amazing music in it. I never really cared for Luna's sudden love for Kakeru. But at least there was a storyline? Even if it was only for an hour, there was a story and something happened. But in here... nothing. I also did not like that the Senshi were merely side characters. We had no real character scenes and if there wasn't the birthday scene, the complete cast would have felt even more unnecessary.
- *Cast* Talking of an unnecessary cast. Human Luna (although a great singer) was so unnecessary to be extra cast! Cat-Luna could have played her very well too. Why? Because she is the same person, just with two legs. They did not cast a proper Mistress 9 in UNV but in here a double-Luna? Nelke, that makes no sense. Instead of a second Luna, you could have cast an Artemis. Or even better, bought better costumes.
- *Music I* We have quite some OSTs in the background which is a new thing for NewMyu, applause! But somehow it was too difficult to let the instrumental version of "You Are My Universe" play in the Curtain Call? Why was it the vocal version? Eh?
- *Music II* The songs are not memorable. I already forgot most of them again. I think I liked the ending song and the first part of the Outers song. The rest is not something I would listen to. "You are my Universe" is no image song that is catchy or iconic in some way.
- *All in all* Wasted time. This is a pity because some actresses would be really good if they had the chance. But they won't get another. As my friend @vampiru-chan said, if there will be a new mass-production Sailor Moon musical, they will cast everyone new again.
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*Did I like something?*
- We got an OST, even though it was a poor OST but at least we got one
- Moonlight Densetsu was a Service Number and no Crystal song
- Shinjyu and Ayana had a lot of potential
- That ending song was nice
TO MAKE THIS CLEAR! I don't want to say I hate everything about KaguMyu. I am just very disappointed with the outcome. It feels so much like a wasted chance to produce finally something good again. Or at least something better than since 2013.
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your-1up-girl · 4 years
Birthdays and Promises
Okay! So this is my first work for @aerith-week I am happy with how it turned out and I just wanted to do a little something for the flower girl we all know and love! This is a Cloud/Aerith fic so please keep that in mind! I hope you guys enjoy it 
Word count: 1744
Pairing: Cloud/Aerith (Kingdom Hearts)
Day 1: Happy Birthday Aerith!
Read on Ao3
Check out the beautiful fanart done by the equally beautiful @sammilimyy
How they were able to plan a birthday party for Aerith without her knowledge would remain a mystery to her. She wasn’t shocked that everyone was able to fit inside Merlin’s little cottage. He is an amazing wizard after all and if he could fit the entirety of his house in his bag, then expanding the cottage was child’s play to him. 
There was no suspicion on her part when Sora, Riku, Kairi, and Naminé arrived, bags in tow, or when Leon sent her out in a hurry with a list of stuff to collect for tonight’s dinner.
“I don’t think some of this stuff even exists Leon.”
“The nephews have been getting some new product in their shops lately. I’m sure they’ll have what we need. And if not them, then try the Moogles.”  
She left with a smile and her worn basket in hand but once she shut the door, she stared down at the list again perplexed at some of the items. Brushing off any doubt, Aerith left for the marketplace. 
“Oh, you should get this one Aerith!”
“If you add this one to soup it makes it extra spicy!”
“This is good for when you have a cold!”
“Yes but is it from the list?”
“Don’t listen to the list, just take our advice Kupo!” 
Shopping so far has been a disaster. Aerith was barely able to get four things from this list before she had to ask the Nephews and the Moogle for help. And that in turn, created an even bigger disaster. Some of the stuff they brought her she knew she didn’t need and yet they tried to convince her otherwise. She wasn’t annoyed, perplexed was the better fit. “Listen, this has been very helpful, but, I think I should get going.” The Nephews and Moogle stopped in their tracks. “I’ll let Leon and Yuffie know to just make whatever we have left over.”
“But you can’t leave yet! (Kupo!)” The four yelled at the same time, Moogle even going as far as to block the door of their shop. 
“But why? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you four are stalling? 
“What does stalling mean?” Louie asked and was promptly hit in the back of the head by his two brothers. Aerith sighed and from the corner of her eye saw Kairi, Naminé, Olette, Xion, and Aqua all by the jewelry stand across the market. Other than wondering when Olette, Xion, and Aqua arrived, it wasn’t out of the normal. What threw Aerith off was that Cloud was with them shaking his head as the other girls held different products to her.
Aerith gave Moogle her list saying, “I’ll be right back; just help me find these things if you can.” Left the shop and went to the stand. Getting closer she saw that it was a beautiful jewelry stand the woman was selling things that Aerith had no idea could be found in Radiant Garden. 
“Oh Aerith!” Kairi stepped in front of her and the other girls did the same, basically blocking Cloud from her view. “What are you doing here?”
“Leon sent me out to get some things for dinner. Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Moogle are helping me at the shop.” As she conversed with the girls, she looked up to see Cloud casually leaned against stall’s post, arms crossed and head down. The shopkeeper was miserably failing at hiding the smile on her face. Aerith went around the girls to Cloud. “Hey.”
“...Hey.” She and Cloud have been dating for a few months now but he still seemed to have that adorable blush on his face when she was around. Today however, it seemed that it was more pink than usual.
“So, what brings you to this jewelry stand?” Aerith was having fun. Anything that would make Cloud fluster made her smile. It was her favorite hobby.
“Uh...the girls. They dragged me.” 
“Really? Then I must tip my hat to you ladies. You five managed to do something that I could never do.” Aerith turned to them with a small wink. “He hates to go shopping with me.”
“No!” Cloud grabbed her hand with both of his and held it close to him. “Don’t tell them that. You know that I love spending anytime I can with you.” Aerith hugged him and planted a small kiss on his cheek.
“I know. I just like messing with you.”
“AERITH!!!” The group looked back at the shop where the nephews were still waiting for her return. 
“I’ll be right there!” She called back and sighed. “I feel like Leon is sending me on a wild goose chase for some of these things but I just don’t know why.”
“Don’t worry about it.” This time he gave her the kiss but it was closer to the corner of her mouth. Ready to go back to the mess that was her errands, Xion gave her another piece of paper.
“Another list!? Leon what more could you possibly need!”
“Actually this one is from Cid.” Any hope that Aerith had of coming home early flew out the window. When Cid sends anyone on a trip, they almost never come back at a decent time.
Not sure how she did it but somehow she managed to get what Leon needed and the parts Cid asked for. Moogle had ended up taking her second list to get a head start on it while she and the nephews took care of the first one. Basket filled with items she’s almost positive they will never use, Aerith approached Merlin’s house. Huh, that’s strange. The lights were off. But it actually wasn’t that late. Thanks to Moogle, she was able to arrive while the sun was barely visible over the horizon. Yuffie normally has all the lights going at this point.
She opened the door, “Cloud? Merlin?” 
“Happy birthday Aerith!” When the lights came on, Aerith almost dropped her basket. Everyone was there to celebrate her birthday. Suddenly all of today’s antics make much more sense.
“I forgot today was my birthday.” She laughed as she dried the tears from her cheeks.
“How do you forget your own birthday?” Sora came over to give her a hug and the rest of the party followed suit. The last hug was from Tifa who lingered next to the b-day girl as everyone settled in. 
“Did you seriously forget?”
“Yes! When Leon sent me out I genuinely thought it was for groceries!”
“But didn’t you run into Sora and the others while you were out?”
“Yes, but I was so focused on the stupid list it didn’t seem out of the ordinary.”
Tifa gave a full belly laugh that Aerith joined in on. “Oh man, so you would have done nothing for your birthday? It’s a good thing Cloud planned this then.”
Aerith paused for just a moment, “C-cloud planned all this?”
“Oh yeah, when he asked you if you were doing anything on the seventh and you said no, he got a phone, everyone’s number. We all helped but Cloud was pretty much in charge of everything.” Aerith didn’t think Cloud would want to do all of this for her. She assumed that it was Sora, Ventus, or Yuffie who planned everything. But know that she knew it was Cloud; that just made the evening all the more special. 
The rest of the night was amazing. Cid cooked the food (and used some of the ingredients Aerith bought, at her request) and Xion, Roxas, and Lea made the cake. Merlin sat her down to open the presents everyone brought. People sang and danced and took photos of today's events but Aerith knew that this would be a night she would never forget. As it got closer to the end of the night, Cloud approached her. 
“Can we talk?” The party had settled down now and people were just relaxing and holding conversations. Aerith could see that Cloud was nervous so she led him to the stairs that opened to the roof of the house where they could be alone. Both of them sat comfortably looking at the night sky. 
“Did you like the party?” He was less nervous now that they were by themselves.
“Yes, I loved it. Thank you for planning this.” Cloud stuttered at her response and Aerith laughed. “Tifa told me, said you got a phone and everything.”
“Yeah well, Chip and Dale have been wanting me to get one for a while now so…” They sat there in silence for a bit longer. Someone inside put on some soft music and it could be heard by them above. Aerith scooted closer to Cloud so that their hands touched. Cloud responded by holding her hand in his. 
“Soooo, tell me. What were you really doing at the stand today?”
He was quiet and then said, “I wasn’t lying when I said the girls took me. I didn’t forget about your gift. I just wasn’t sure what to get you. That’s when Olette and Xion told me about the jewelry stand in the market and they all took me to get you something. We didn’t expect you to still be in the Nephew’s shop.” Cloud took a deep breath before reaching into his pocket and gave her a small gift. The paper had beautiful roses on it and a yellow bow. Aerith looked from him to the box a few times before opening it. Inside was a velvet box that contained a thin, band rose gold ring. Parts of the band seemed to branch off to look like tiny leaves. Said leaves were made of a type of gem.
“Cloud...this-this is-”
“It’s not an engagement ring. I don’t think we’ve been together long enough for us to take that step. But, this can be something like that. I guess, if you don’t like it the-”
Aerith cut him off by giving him a kiss. With her free hand she turned him to her and leaned forward. Cloud was taken back but eventually held Aerith only letting go when she stopped. 
“I think it’s beautiful. I knew it wasn’t an engagement ring but that doesn’t mean it holds any less value in my eyes.” She slipped the ring on the left ring finger. it glimmered in the moonlight beautifully. Aerith leaned into him and Cloud held her. 
“I love you Aerith, happy birthday.”
“Thank you Cloud, I love you too.”
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lostinbirbilling · 3 years
"You make me glow. But I cover up won't let it show"
To someone who I'm sure wouldn't read this
To someone who even when reads by chance doesn't know me
I thought I changed after you
I thought no more tall, deep voiced, nice eyed and warm laughed guy would make blood rush my cheeks and my eyes abduct on eye contact.
I thought seeing your back as you sit in first bench and I in the side row last but one bench while we wrote our 10th class board exams will be it. Then I won't remember you forever.
That then I'll let go of you who never got a hold of me without knowing you make my day brighter.
That around you I've learnt to be lame and me if that means I get to hear the word 'lame' in your warm voice.
Remember that day when you forgot your hindi homework at home. You were shit shocked cause that teacher ain't an easy one to please. You ran faster than ussain bolt to make it home and come back with the book before the prayer begins.
You didn't know I stared at the entrance, cleaning my crystal clear glasses praying you make it on time and sound.
And when you sat behind me, your gasps of breath seemed to excite my SA node a bit too much. Poor kid overworked that morning and the days that followed.
You don't know how much it hurts when my bestie sits next to you as if it's her second nature knowing I have a thing or two for you. Knowing Idgaf about that cute drummer in choir because a certain cr7 obsessed-belieber- goal keeper rewrote my life in his terms.
I could never listen to love yourself after 10th
The number 7 was never the same
Remember 34 was your roll number?
That add them up and you get 7.
That I changed seats with my brother just so I could sit in seat no. 34 and imagine it was you who was holding my hand and not the armrest 9f some random chair.
I was so damn whipped for you.
Then I made up my mind.
No more crushing over tall, thin, dark, beautiful eyed, warm laughing, lovely smiling, pimple decorated, nice voiced guy. Even if he plays an instrument or sings like jb or plays football or whatever.
2 years I was alright.
Thinking of those little moments we had. Atleast the ones that I considered as moments.
That one time you waved bye to me I squealed my heart out. There was no one by my side. Which only meant one thing. You saw me practicing on the stage.
I vividly remember 19th of September 2015. While we were in 8th class. You're birthday. That day you wore a dark blue button up shirt over white jeans. The same ones my brother bought shortly after. I never thought that someone would look better than my elder brother.
That mrng you texted me? Remember that? Maybe you don't. I'm just a stuck up nerd who became your acquaintance after she began sitting in front of you.
But I do. It was my dad's phone.
"Hey mate" you texted me.
My lame self didn't know mate meant many things other than what a couple refer to each other as. I was so damn shook. I cleared our chat later on afraid my dad would see our non existent love life
Was that love I had for you?
I cared for you.
I looked out for you.
After every games period, I prayed you weren't hurt.
That's the least I could do. Cause some other girl friends of ours would rush to you. Somehow I guess you're friend saw through me. He was someone who was caught doing something inappropriate (which basically was crushing on a friend and kinda flirting with her by our teachers)...he empathized with me perhaps.
That one day when my bestie sat next to you and I sat in front of you..nothing special. But then she kept asking who your crush was. So much so that she kept calling you gay for not having one!
I was pissed!! How dare she? Agreed she knows about my liking and longing for you. But that doesn't mean she can say that.
However I chewed on my lips when you said "say a name I'll just say yes"
I prayed she doesn't say my name.
I didn't want to see your expression. I wanted to disappear. I'm lucky we drifted off elsewhere.
That one time you mentioned your girl cousin just shattered my hopes like anything. I was lame enough to think of changing myself for you.
All these treasures I have stored in my memory. My limbic system seems to revise it from time to time. Hippocampus has hammered your voice, smile and handwriting in my mind.
After a really long time,we met over a Google meet few months ago. 3 years 3 months later.
After avoiding many Google meets just because I'd have to see you,I never thought you'd join us for playing a guess the word game online.
My name in your voice still echoes in my head.
When you asked me about "Aot" and asked how far I've seen it? I wanted to thank my overtalkative nosy school bestie from every nucleus of my being. She definitely spilled the tea to you that I became an anime geek.
And then I said season 3 is done and i stopped 4 cause I had exams.
You didn't tease me calling names as "topper" or "lame" or "grey matter". You wished me luck instead. You even recommended me to watch demon slayer. I mean...how can you be so cute?
I bet you've gotten taller than class 10. I bet many more girls fell for you. For your laugh. Those damn eyes and that damn smile.
Only I know how much I avoided jimin just because he has the same smile as yours and he sang a cover of love yourself by jb. That song that made me realize my liking for you as the lyrics came from your vocal cords.
Today I think I had a moment with a new crush at medical school. I mean he looked cool and so huggable when he put his hand in his apron pockets. And as he showed me the way to feel Aditus to the lesser sac I kinda felt I showed him the way to my heart.
I miss you.
I miss you calling me nerd
I miss you making fun of me for not watching the mv of what do you mean by jb.
I miss you calling me lame
I miss you calling me grey matter.
I miss your laugh.
I miss how you argue with your friends about how cr7 is better than messi
I miss how you diss some of our teachers
I miss how you call our chemistry sir pauly
I miss your scent
I miss staring at your back as you walk away.
I miss trying to learn rap God by Eminem just because you learnt it.
I miss how you played grandpa Abel merry weather in that drama lesson we had as I played once as a narrator and then as your daughter.
I miss how you asked me for answer sheets.
I miss how you taught me some physics and then flexed in front of the whole class saying you taught the class topper.
I wish I told you I like you.
But I really wish I didn't.
Maybe then....you would've told me off saying its my hormones talking. Knowing the kind of well mannered guy you are I know that's what you do.
I can't let you be my friend if friends are all we'll get to be.
I hope your dad doesn't scold you anymore.
I know as I moved out of hometown today we live in the same city.
I hope I can meet you someday.
Better still listen to your voice some day.
I really wish I could call you. Ring you up one day out of the blue.
But I'm not a conversationalist to begin with a definitely not one with you.
Even as I type this...my fidgety fingers type many errors and my heart is palpitating.
I wish you're safe and sound.
P.S even after thinking I have a crush on a guy, here in medical school I can only wish you were here.
I like you so much.
Take care and stay healthy!
I may become a doctor but I don't want you to be negligent.
With love,
Your admirer
Always have, always will.
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The reader is nervous to bring Erik to meet her family because she takes care of her mom and a sibling with special needs.
Tumblr media
“Erik, baby, um...I know we’ve talked about this before, plenty of times...but my mom is...she’s not really in the best of spirits. And my brother...he’s...”
“Autistic.” Erik finishes for her.
“Yes.” She looked away from Erik while seated in the passenger side of Erik’s car. She looked out of the rainy window at the home decorated with Christmas lights and many other antic festivities that her mom couldn’t get rid of when her grandmother died.
“Baby, you know you don’t have to be nervous about this, right?” Erik’s voice lulled her into a comforting state. Y/N had avoided this opportunity on Thanksgiving, Halloween, Labor Day, Fourth of July, and just any other occasion. It was like a second job helping to take care of her mom and autistic little brother since their Dad left them. Y/N was a nurse taking care of patients in a facility and her family. It was a lot of stress and it took a toll.
“I know you love me, and I know you don’t care about these things and you think it’s silly.”
“I don’t think it’s silly, Y/N. It’s human nature to be nervous about shit like this.”
Erik finally turns off his car, exiting the driver's side while pulling his hood up over his head. Y/N watched her man come around to her, opening her door to step out. Y/N grabs her umbrella, opening it before exiting the car with Erik shutting the door behind her. They both walked the cobblestone trail to the home, Y/N squeezing Erik’s hand. She didn’t need to knock, this was her home too. Y/N unlocks the door with shaky hands, opening it slowly before peeking inside.
“Hello? Mama? Jay?”
Erik looked around with a newfound wonder. The first thing he spots when entering is a nice piece of wall art made for autistic children. Her brother was around 17 years old now but it still held a beautiful message.
[ Autism doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a parent who never gives up. ]
That’s what it said, and it made Erik smile.
In walks the woman of the house. She looked a lot healthier than the last time Y/N told Erik about her mother. She suffered from Lupus and she’s been a kindergarten teacher for over 20 years.
“Mama, look at you,” Y/N walks up to her mom, squeezing her tight before stepping back to admire her.
“You look...better. Everything okay? I’m sorry I haven’t been here the last few days I had 12-hour shifts in the ER.”
“Baby, why are you explaining that to me?!”
“Because I know you worry, mama.”
“Girl,” Her mother shooed her away, “Erik, is it?”
Erik smiles, stepping forward with his hand outstretched and a wide grin on his face. He couldn’t hide his excitement for meeting Y/N’s mom.
“Hello, Mama in law.” Y/N’s mom gave Erik a peculiar look before smiling, Y/N covering her face with a blush.
“Hey now, did y’all go and get married without me knowing?!”
“Nah,” Erik wraps his arm around Y/N’s shoulder, placing a kiss to her forehead, “You’ll be the first to know about that. But I figured since I know she’s gonna be my wife might as well get acquainted.”
“Oh, I like this one,” All three of them laugh. Y/N figured her mother would like Erik. It was Jay she was worried about.
“Where’s Jay?” Y/N asked her mother in a soft tone.
“In his room, toying around with those models you bought him for his birthday since he practically hounds you about them.”
Erik was curious to know exactly what models they were referring to. He looked at Y/N for her to elaborate but her mother did the honors.
“He’s into architecture. Just like his father.”
“That’s a good career path,” Erik says, “I bet he’s good. Can I go up?”
Y/N gave her mother a look, a look her mother knew well.
“Yes, why don’t you give me your hoodie and take off your shoes by the door. I’m making a big dinner since it’s Christmas Eve.”
“Mom can feed the whole damn neighborhood with her cooking,” Y/N teases.
“Shut it up, girl. You won’t be saying that later with my pecan pie.”
“Shit, we forgot the ice cream.” Y/N loved her pecan pie with ice cream.
“Already have it covered. Figured you would forget like last time.”
“Haha, thanks mom,” She gave her mother one last kiss followed by Erik before they both ascended the stairs to her brother's room. Y/N was really nervous now. Her brother had good days and bad days. There were good days with building his models and then there were days where he became so frustrated with himself when he isn’t able to accomplish something.
His door was ajar, Jay’s gaming chair in view.
Before she could open the door, a tall slender teenager who looked exactly like her except with a head full of short coils and light brown eyes, was Jay himself.
“Hey baby Bro,” She gave him a warm hug that he returned one-armed, his eyes on Erik. Erik gave Jay a lazy grin, before turning his attention to Y/N.
“Remember how I told you I had a boyfriend?”
“The one you said was finally the one?” He questions.
“Yes...” She knew to expect him to disclose that, after all, she wasn’t afraid.
“Hm,” Jay walks back into his room, returning to his building. Y/N and Erik share a look before entering his room. This was Jay’s world, a world that he could escape to when others didn’t understand him. A world Y/N and her mother built for him.
“I think I have a girlfriend, Y/N.”
Jay says while building with intense concentration.
“Oh? Is it that girl Celeste? She’s really pretty.”
“I think all girls are pretty in their own way.”
“Yeah, I agree,” Y/N smiled at her brother.
“Most people I meet Don’t even try to get me. But Celeste does.”
Erik rested his body on a bean bag next to Jay’s desk to watch the boy build. It was fascinating how good he was.
“You’re really good at that homie.”
“Thanks,” Jay gave Erik an awkward smile.
“What’s it supposed to be? A satellite?”
Y/N picks up a Rubiks Cube on Jay’s desk to toy with while They both talked.
“Close...you know, you’re the only person whose gotten close to seeing it from my perspective.”
“Well, since I got so close would you let me in on the secret behind it?”
Jay glances over at Y/N, followed by Erik.
“It’s cool, man, you ain’t gotta tell me. I just...figured a cool kid like you, I’d be honored to know.”
“You think I’m cool?” Jay liked that.
“Yeah, who said you can’t be cool? You’re cooler than the kids at your school I bet.”
“Nah,” Jay scrunched his face, “They call me weird. The strange apple in the see of normal apples.”
“That just makes you valuable and rare,” Erik says.
“And Incredibly strong.” Y/N adds.
Y/N always hated when people said her brother “didn’t look autistic.” None of it doesn’t have to make sense to them, just respect that it makes sense to him. Her brother is a lot better than he was a few years back. His autism therapist was doing a really good job.
“It’s okay to be a little different,” Erik reaches out, grabbing Jay’s shoulder. Jay didn’t flinch or back Erik off, he just looked at him like he was seeing him for the first time. That moment made Y/N’s heart swell.
“It’s an outer space communicator for Autistic kids around the world.”
“Really?!” Erik was really intrigued now, “How will they communicate?”
“Through telephone booths planted all over the world. You dial a number, and it allows you to communicate with other Autistic kids or just express how you’re feeling. Keeps us interconnected so we can boost each other up.”
“Jay, you never told me about this.” Y/N loved that Idea. She knew her brother had a broad imagination but this was amazing.
“I hope you plan on keeping this idea,” Erik says, “I bet it will make you bigger than Tony Stark.”
“Eh, I don’t know about all that, but at least he’ll recognize me instead of ignoring my fan letters.”
“His loss.” Says Y/N wrapping her arms tightly around her brother.
“Ouch! You’re crushing me!” He tried to wiggle out of her grip.
“Gotta be stronger than that, bro”
The voice of her mother called up to all three of them. Jay got up quickly, practically sprinting for the door.
Erik stood staring at her brother's creation, his eyes watering but he quickly blinked it away. He just loved the support Y/N and her mom gave Jay.
“He didn’t bring his headphones.”
Erik spotted the headphones on the desk.
“He’s really trying to interact with us now.”
Erik pulls Y/N in for a hug, pressing his chin into her forehead.
“Why so surprised? The support y’all give him is phenomenal.”
“Thanks for this,” she looked up at Erik through her warm brown eyes, “thank you for being so understanding,”
“Hey,” Erik takes his fingers to move a single curl from her eyes, “Enough of that, I’m just so damn happy I finally got to meet them.”
Erik felt like the luckiest guy in the world.
“Now, let's go so I can taste this food you always talking about.”
Erik grabs Y/N’s hand, both of them leaving her brother's room behind to share a Christmas Eve meal and exchange gifts.
@tgigoldie @soufcakmistress @chefjessypooh @chaneajoyyy@pananegra@theblulife @becincere @blaqwidow91 @fish-outta-watah@moonlight-night-sky @eyeknowmywrites  @crowngold @njadakillthiscookie@blktinkerbell@luvanxi @sheisexcellent1 @chocolatedippedinhoney @brandithecrystalgem@dababydababydababydababy @soulfulbeauty19@btitannaaa@sunkissedebony97 @youngblackndgifted @harleycativy @rbhp@thee-germanpeach @thadelightfulone @bugngiz@palmstreesallday@skylahb @bakaris-shorty @nizzle-mo​ 
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
13 with Cole and Claire
First of all, Toby, I love you. Second, Cole/Claire gang rise. “Wait, Cole and Claire dated?” Yes! The following ficlet is set Cole’s freshman/Claire’s sophomore year, which is the school year before Nando and co. arrive. And in an interesting first, it’s Claire’s POV. Claire, if you do not know her, is from the drama club. She’s one of the nicest people at Kiersey College.
And yes, she dated Cole Kolinsky. I honestly think it’s a crime that she winds up breaking up with Cole Kolinsky, but in Claire’s defense, it’s a mutual decision. And don’t worry; they stay friends.
So without further ado! From this list of sappy prompts. (Yes, I’m still accepting them if you want!)
 13. “The way I feel when I’m with you...”
Claire is having a great birthday.
She knew it would be a good day when she woke up to sunny skies and a forecasted temperature above freezing, which, honestly, it’s about time, since it’s April 18th. Spring has pretty much arrived to campus, and even though this is her second spring at Kiersey, she feels like she maybe almost forgot entirely how pretty it gets. The trees are budding— slowly, but surely— and there are a few flowers coming up— bulb stuff, mostly hyacinth and iris, like they have in the backyard garden at home.
So that’s how her birthday starts— with a smile, a recognition of spring, and a nice breeze through the window, which Ellie opened, by the way, because they’re trying to ‘embrace the outdoors’ in Joy Hall Room 134. Ellie is asleep when she wakes up, because Claire is definitely the earlier riser in their roommate duo, but the second she lifts her curly ginger head from the pillow, the first words out of her sleep-deprived self are, “Happy birthday, legend!”
There are other things in the morning, too— a FaceTime call with her mom, an invasion of said call by her siblings and her dad to say happy birthday, a regular voice call with her grandparents because they can’t work FaceTime, and— maybe sweetest of all— a text.
4/18/18, 12:03 AM
helloooooooo don’t yell at me for my poor sleeping schedule choices but its past midnight so happy birthday :) you make me very happy, i hope you have the best day (when you wake up, which i hope isn’t now because it’s way past your bedtime)❤️
She laughs at her screen when she reads it, and can’t really wipe the smile that lingers off of her face. Ellie is awake by that point, and she has some kind of best friend boyfriend-radar, because she immediately pipes up from her bed across the room. “Uh-oh.” Claire looks up, and she’s grinning. Her hair is everywhere, because of the way she slept on it. “Mushy text alert.”
There’s literally no use denying who the text was from, so Claire just shrugs and shakes her head, still smiling. “He just said happy birthday.”
Ellie sits cross-legged, and pulls her duvet around her shoulders. So much for embracing the outdoors. “What time did he send the text?”
“Uh… 12:03?” Claire pauses. “Why does it ma—”
“Because that means he didn’t see it on my story.” Ellie flashes a freckly grin. “Which means he remembered organically. Which already makes him better than He Who Shall Not Be Named.”
“Oh.” She laughs a little. “I guess you’re right. Yeah.” Her ex from freshman year, Devin, was notorious for a number of things, among them forgetting her birthday. Ellie plotted his murder on the regular.
Me: Thank you!💜💜💜
Me: And good morning! I hope you slept well, despite being awake at midnight…
Cole texts her back during breakfast, by which point her day is already pretty much going. She gathers with Ellie and their small circle of friends, mostly hallmates from last year they bonded with really well in the shared terror of freshman housing. They occupy the same table at the dining hall every time they get breakfast, and today, Niamh and Hannah from across the hall bring her a plastic crown and a purple balloon to tie to the back of her chair.
She doesn’t wear the crown to her 10:30 class, tempting as it is. On her way there, she texts Cole again. He’s being cryptic in a cute way, and it’s exciting.
9:04 AM
Cole💕🎶: thankfully yes, i did sleep well, i hope you did too :)
Cole💕🎶: you’re free at 4:30, right?
10:18 AM
Me: Yes!
Me: Why do you ask?
Cole💕🎶: i reserve the right to let you wait to find out
Cole💕🎶: but
Cole💕🎶: you should meet me in the orchard around then
Cole💕🎶: if you want
Me: Omg
Me: Of course I want!🥰🥰
Me: You’re making me excited!
Cole💕🎶: good!
Cole💕🎶: you deserve a good day
Cole💕🎶: ❤️
Me: You’re so sweet🥰🥰🥰🥰
Cole💕🎶: hahaha
Cole💕🎶: have fun in linguistics!!
Me: I will!!💜
She winds up being soft over him for pretty much the whole morning, which is definitely cheesy, but it’s all in the privacy of her head, so nobody needs to know. She runs into Reid at lunch, who does her the hilarious honor of (loudly, badly) singing Happy Birthday and getting a good percentage of the dining hall to join in. In her afternoon theatre class, she hangs out with Zelie, her favorite senior, and then walks out of class to a funny post her brother made for her on Instagram. The sun is still warm, and everything is good.
So it’s already a good day. And then Cole makes it better.
She walks up through campus toward the orchard at 4:30. She’s wearing her favorite outfit, which is maybe not the most important detail but still makes her feel good. It’s a lavender blouse with a black skirt, and fun floral-patterned purple tights. Her flats are maybe not the most sensible choice for walking in the orchard, but at least she doesn’t have to go that far.
Because when she gets to the actual orchard, Cole is already in sight; he’s sitting under a tree. The sight of him alone is enough to make her face warm, and it just gets easier to blush when he raises a hand over his head and waves.
She waves, too, and takes in the sight. Cole has spread a blanket out on the grass, and he has a small grocery bag to one side and his guitar case to the other. There’s a white box next to the grocery bag, and a small bundle of purple irises on top of the box. He’s in a green beanie and a flannel with plaid in the same color, and his smile is soft. “Hey,” he says, as she stops by his blanket. “Happy, uh— happy birthday.”
“Cole,” she laughs, and drops down to sit across from him. “What’s— did you set all this up for me?”
“Well— yeah.” Cole half laughs, as he nods, and pushes his rounded glasses up the bridge of his nose. He is entirely too cute to handle, and Claire is going to melt. “I had a little help, but yeah.” He pauses, shifts the way he’s sitting, and then grabs the flowers. “These— may or may not be stolen from campus grouds, but—”
“They’re beautiful,” she says, before he can finish, and takes them when he holds them out for her. They’re her favorite color, soft purple, and she laughs as she adds, “I think I know exactly where you stole them from, too,” because they look an awful lot like the flowers in the garden outside the student center.
“Just don’t tell campus security,” Cole mumbles.
“I would never.” She puts a hand to her heart, and knows she’s still smiling like a big sap when she meets his eyes. “Thank you. You’re so sweet. These are going in my room.”
“You’re welcome.” His voice is soft, and he’s smiling right back. For good measure, she leans across the blanket to close the small distance between them, and kisses his cheek. This, as it often does, turns his entire face pink. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t do it on purpose, for that reaction. “Uh,” he adds, as the blush floods his cheeks. “So I brought some stuff.”
“It looks like it!” She leans back, to survey the scene on the blanket again. “You did all this by yourself?”
Cole shrugs, gently, and murmurs, “I… may have had a little help. Reid told me this is a good spot for a picnic, but I did the rest.”
“He’s a man of wisdom,” she muses, regarding Reid, and then, as Cole reaches into the grocery bag, adds, “But you are a very sweet boyfriend, and for that I’m very grateful.”
Cole is still blushing, as he roots around in the grocery bag. “Let, uh— let me explain, and then we can eat.”
He walks her through the small assortment of items in the bag— sandwiches on the good, fresh bread from the dining hall, and snacks he bought at the grocery store. The white box has cupcakes inside, but not just any cupcakes— purple cupcakes, with cream cheese frosting, from the bakery in town she loves. She’s about ready to fly in her joy as he explains this to her, rocking back and forth gently as he speaks. “I know there’s a lot,” he says, “but, uh, I thought you could always have the extras some other day. And maybe Ellie would want one?”
“These are my favorite,” she cries, which he obviously knows, because he bought them for her birthday in the first place. “You’re the actual best person alive. Did you know that?”
Cole shrugs. His hair, wispy and light brown, is blowing gently where it sticks out from under his beanie. With the blush under his glasses, and the small smile on his face, he couldn’t be cuter. Claire is sure of it. “I mean,” he mumbles, all bashful and sheepish. “It is your birthday.”
Which is true. But he’s still totally outdone himself. And that’s before he pulls out his guitar.
She eyes it while they eat, but doesn’t ask. She figures he brought it out here for some reason, and he’ll eventually explain, which she turns out to be right about. It would be lying, though, to say that, as they eat, she’s not secretly hoping he’ll serenade her. Cole’s guitar is sort of the whole reason she started liking him in the first place. Not the actual guitar itself, but the way he is when he plays it. He’s super talented, and super cute when he does it, and she first started to notice him when she first heard him play.
So she waits. Patiently. More than a little excitedly. They eat the food he packed, and she tells him about her classes, about her breakfast with the girls, about her serenade from Reid and his impromptu backup singers. The sun shines warm on her shoulders, and he tells her she looks pretty. It’s more than enough to give her butterflies.
She’s eating a cupcake when the guitar finally gets brought up. It’s after a pause in conversation, while she pulls the wrapper off of the cupcake and he takes a deep breath. He’s fidgeting with his hands in his lap, a sign he’s thinking. When he speaks, he’s looking down at his hands. “So, um.”
Claire waits. She puts the cupcake down on a napkin, and nods. “You okay?”
“Oh, I’m— yeah. I’m fine.” Cole’s laugh is gentle, and nervous. He nods, and then takes a deep breath for a second time. “I, uh… I was going to write you a card,” he starts. “I know that’s sort of, like. A thing people do.” He pauses. “But, uh… well… okay, I tried to write a card. Or, like, something like that. But I realized…” He fixes his beanie, and then takes a deep breath for a third time before he finally blurts a bunch of words out at once. “I’m… not good with words in that way, and I honestly, like, I don’t know how to write down the way I feel when I’m with you.”
The butterflies are at it again. Claire knows she’s smiling at him. She might even be blushing, too. And it just gets easier to smile and blush and all that jazz when Cole finishes his ramble with, “So I, uh… I wrote you a song?”
He reaches sideways for his guitar. The case is undone, so all he has to do is throw the top open. “You did?” she asks, because in that moment, she can’t even find the words for the excitement.
“I, uh— yeah.” Cole rests his hand on the neck of his guitar. It’s maybe the most beautiful instrument Claire has ever seen, except her own flute, but she’s sort of biased towards the latter. Cole still looks hesitant, still red in the face. “Is that weird?”
“Oh, my God, no,” she laughs, and shakes her head as she leans forward. “Cole, that’s— that’s maybe the sweetest gesture anyone’s ever done for me?”
“Well,” he laughs, “maybe don’t speak so soon. You haven’t heard the song yet.”
“I’ve heard your other songs.” She could kiss him. She wants to kiss him. She has done that before, a good number of times considering they’ve been together for two months. But right now, she especially wants to. “I can’t even— Cole.” She puts both hands over her face and laughs. “You’re the sweetest boy.”
Cole laughs, too; it’s the same bashful noise she’s gotten so fond of with him. Gingerly, he pulls his guitar from its case, and settles it into his lap. One test strum of a G chord, and she is positive she is going to combust with all the softness.
“Sorry, I, uh—” Cole stops strumming, and shakes his head. “I’ve never actually, uh, played someone a song I wrote them before? Especially not, like, a girlfriend.” He winces at himself. “So this is sort of new for me, and I’m, uh— a little embarrassed.”
“Oh, my God,” she murmurs. “Please do not be embarrassed.”
She guesses that’s enough for him, because he takes another of those huge breaths, and with that, he plays her the sweetest song she’s ever heard.
It’s like watching a little concert that was meant just for her. The lyrics are soft like a love song on the radio; his guitar sound is just… well, there’s nothing like it. In the entire world. Claire is blushing like crazy, and the best part is that he is, too, right through the whole thing, as he looks down at his guitar and sneaks her smiles between verses. When he finishes, she wishes she’d made a voice memo of it on her phone or something. Something to hold onto.
“There is no way,” she breathes, as the last chord hangs in the air, “that you’re a real person.”
Cole laughs, doubling over his guitar. He’s the cutest boy in the world. “I really hope I’m a real person,” he replies, and she wastes no more time. She lunges across the blanket, takes care not to knock the guitar off of him, and grabs his face to kiss him gently. When he smiles against her lips, she thinks her heart is literally going to fly.
How is this happening to her.
“That was so sweet,” she tells him, when she’s looking into his eyes, hazel and dazed behind those cute glasses. “I don’t even know how to thank you.”
“That was a thank you,” Cole breathes, and then adds, “Happy birthday.”
Claire laughs. She presses to his forehead, and then kisses him again.
This is, by far, the cherry on top of the best birthday she’s ever had.
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onlyyyariii · 4 years
The Beginning
I’m hoping to make two more parts to this, called The Middle, and The End.
I was walking through the mall when I suddenly bumped into someone.
"Ow," I yelled as they shoulder checked me, "watch where you're going f****r."
I glance behind me at the man, he has dark hair and hazel eyes. The man next to him seems to look identical, just a bit taller and more muscular.
"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going. It won't happen again." He says, staring at me.
"Yeah it better not."
I sit on a bench and continue to eat my salad. I love being at the mall. Many of the employees here are very helpful. They don't care about what size you are either. I also love watching the many different types of people that walk by me. The goths, the stoners, the popular girls who love nothing more than getting mani pedis and buying new dresses. Then there's the frat boys who try to throw compliments at me. I'm sorry frat boys, but you're not my type.
"Oh hey, it's the girl who bumped into me."
I look up to see the same guy from before, his clone by his side.
"Hey, you shoulder checked me."
He sits down beside me and his twin sits on my other side.
"What do you want?" I ask, setting my fork in the plastic bowl along with my salad.
"Your name."
"What? No, f**k that. I want yours first. How do I know you don't want to kill me?"
"First off I'm 23 years old, I don't want to kill anyone. But to appease you, I'm Ethan and that's my twin brother Grayson."
I glance between the two, "So does Grayson talk?"
"Of course he does why-"
I turn towards Grayson effectively cutting Ethan off, "Hi Grayson, I'm Liana. Liana Summers it's very nice to meet you."
He smiles and grabs hand brining it up to his lips, "Hi Liana, I'm Grayson but you could call me Gray."
"Uh hello? I was talking first."
I turn back towards Ethan, "I'm sorry sir but could you shut up? I'm trying to talk to my new friend here."
His jaw drops and Grayson giggles.
"Well I was going to ask you out-"
"My answer would be no."
"How come?" Ethan's smile drops slightly.
"I don't even know you. All I know is that you're Ethan and you have a twin brother and you guys are 23 years old."
"Okay... my favorite color is yellow, I'm dairy free, I'm also vegan. Grayson and I like to work out a lot. We're YouTubers, we got popular from vine. Our channel name is the Dolan Twins if you want to check it out."
"Hmm okay we'll see."
"What about the date?"
"You know nothing about me...?" I question, wondering why someone would want to go out with someone they know absolutely nothing about.
"Then tell me, tell me about you."
I smile, "Okay, my favorite color is purple. I'm vegan as well. I'm not some famous hot YouTuber, but I get by. I'm 22 and I work as a photographer. I've always liked make up so I wanted to start a YouTube channel for my make up videos."
"When's your birthday?" Grayson asks.
"It's in December. December 28th."
"Ours is the 16th."
"Oh, that's cool."
"So," Ethan starts as I turn to look at him, "can we go out now? Please."
I smile, "Fine but only one date. That's it."
"Yes," he jumps up off the bench, "here give me your phone."
I pull out my phone and unlock it. He takes it and starts typing away. He hands it back to me about three minutes later.
"D**n what took so long to add your number?"
"I made you follow my socials too."
"Oh my god. Are you serious? Your fan girls are going to come after me."
"Nah, I doubt it. I'll follow you back when we get home."
"Okay," I say, standing up.
"Wait, where are you going?"
"Home. I have a shoot tomorrow."
"For yourself or are you taking the pictures?"
"Both," I smile and start walking away, "see ya guys. Bye Gray!"
The date was set for later this afternoon and I couldn't help but feel jittery. I worked out for 3 hours this morning hoping my body was a bit more defined for tonight. No, I'm not going to sleep with the guy on the first date. I just don't want him to think I'm ugly. I'm currently watching one of their YouTube videos. I have been watching them almost daily since Ethan had told me about the channel. Ethan and I talk a lot too. We mostly call, I don't really have the time to text. Only in between shoots, I usually text Grayson and call Ethan. I'm also trying to decide on what to wear tonight. I want to look enticing, like, you get me? I want him to look at me and want to f**k me but like understand that he doesn't get to. Is that mean? My thoughts are cut off by the phone ringing.
"Hello?" I say answering the phone.
"Heyyy Li."
"Oh hey Ethan, aren't you like coming in an hour and a half?"
"Change of plans."
"Oh," I suddenly find myself disappointed. He doesn't want to go out with me anymore? I was kind of excited.
"No! I'm not cancelling on you! I'm coming a little earlier if that's okay. Grayson just brought a girl in the house and he's like signaling for me to leave so I-"
"Oh no, you're fine! You could come to my apartment I guess. I'll text you the address."
"Okay," he chuckles, "thanks."
"Yeah of course."
"Hey, um would you just like dress comfortably?"
"Um, how do you mean?"
"I don't want to give it away but like sweatpants or shorts and a T-shirt or something."
"Oh," where could we be going, "sure."
"Alright I'm sure you'll look hot either way."
I giggle, "Thanks."
"Okay, just lemme know the address I'll be there soon."
He hangs up and I text him my address. (Top is her outfit without the sweater) I hurry and get dressed before Ethan gets here. I do a no make-up make up look. I just put on some mascara and a shiny chapstick. The door bell rings as I'm putting my socks on. I finish slipping the sock over my heel and open the door.
"Hi," Ethan says smiling.
"Hey, uh come on in." I smile and motion behind me.
I walk over and sit on my couch to finish putting on my shoes. I look up to see Ethan holding a picture of my ex boyfriend and I.
"Who's this?" He asks, looking at me.
"Um that was my ex."
"How come you still have the picture up?"
"I just haven't gotten rid of it yet. Most of his stuff is in my closet. I can't bring myself to look at it."
"Do you mind me asking what happened?"
I look around and suddenly his jacket is hanging on the hook and he's walking through the door.
"Hey baby, I'm home. Who's this?" He says, looking at Ethan.
I wipe away the tear that trails down my face and turn back towards Ethan, "Yeah, I'll tell you. Um follow me to my bedroom, if that's alright with you."
I get up and walk to my bedroom, I hear footsteps behind me letting me know Ethan is following me. I sit on my bed and he looks around at all the pictures hanging on my memorial wall.
"Who are all these people?"
"They were my friends."
He turns towards me with a confused look on his face, "Were?"
"They died two years ago," I grab one of the pictures off the wall and point to the people in it, "this is Morgan and Xavier, they were my friends from elementary school. They got engaged a few days before the accident. This is Aliyah and Marina, they became our friends in middle school. Then those two right there are Richie and me. We were dating and planning on getting married but then the accident happened."
I look at him trying to process everything. He looks up at my face and wipes away the tears that are running down my cheeks. I haven't been on a date since I was with Richie but being here with Ethan feels right.
"What was the accident?" He asks, his hand still on my cheek.
"We were in Minnesota, we went for a skiing trip. It was just the six of us. Morgan had this big hippie van that she had just bought. It was older but worked just fine. On our way up the mountain the tires slipped. The car flipped multiple times. When I woke up there was this terrible ringing in my ears. I look around at my friends and they were all still passed out. I crawled out and had to go farther down the mountain to get service. I called for an ambulance and when they arrived they picked me up and we drove back to my friends. Aliyah, Richie, and Morgan has all climbed out of the car but Xavier and Marina were still in the same positions I left them in. I tried to pull them out but they wouldn't move. I found out later that they'd hit their heads when we flipped and their brains swelled. They died during the time I left them there. I should've helped them it's all my fault that they're dead and I-"
Ethan pulls me into his arms and I bury my face in his neck, "Shhh it's okay. It wasn't your fault, it wasn't your fault. You can't blame that on yourself."
He places a kiss on my forehead. I find the strength to pull myself together as I tell him the rest of the story.
"Aliyah and Morgan has pulled Richie out from underneath the car. He had a broke leg, arm, and his ribs were cracked. They told me he had severe damage to his brain. He had to undergo serious brain surgery. Aliyah broke her nose, ankle, and her hand. The bones were shattered. Morgan didn't die until last year. She found out she had cancer, stage four. There was nothing she could do about it because it was too late. Aliyah was murdered a few months after the accident. Richie, after the surgery, forgot who I was. It was hard getting him to remember me again, when he did it was the day before he died. He remembered me and then we had a moment. He asked me to marry him and I didn't care that I was only twenty I said yes. I told him I would come back the next day but that night I got a call. The hospital called me at two in the morning and told me he went brain dead. I was his emergency contact and the only family he had around. They told me that after I had left that day he signed a DNR. I was heartbroken but I had to decide whether or not to pull the plug and I did. He wouldn't have wanted to stay alive like that. All I have from the accident is scars. Internal and external. There's scars on my back from the broken glass, I climbed out the window so I could call for help. It scraped open my back and I had to get stitches. I- I'm so sorry, I shouldn't be dropping all of this on you we haven't even gone on our first date yet I-"
"I'm completely fine with it. I want to know about your life. You would've told me sometime anyways right?"
I look back up at him, "Yeah I guess you're right."
"Hey, how about we just stay here tonight? We could watch a movie, have popcorn. I'll make you a vegan dinner?"
I smile and wipe the rest of the tears off of my cheeks, "That sounds nice, however Grayson told me you're not the best cook."
"Not the- oh he's gonna get it."
"Okay," I giggle, "we could make it together."
"That sounds perfect."
Tell me if you guys want the next two parts lol, I didn’t write them yet but I would love to.
Taglist: @grantzarrr @fangdolan @luxplsr @blindedbythelightt @rhyrhy462 @333dolans
Message me if you want to be added to my tag list!
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particularemu · 5 years
The Cupcake Dilemma | A Kim Seungmin Scenario
Word Count: 1985
Type: Fluff
Warnings: None really… I guess cursing if that bothers you?
Prompts: 43 (Frost the damn cupcakes.) and 51 (I’m your husband. It’s my job.)
Author’s Note: Everybody’s been soft over family stray kids, so I added a son into the mix. 
Send in a number!
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You sighed, yet again, as you scrolled through the endless photos Snapchat had to offer you that night. There were plenty of golden images of Minho with the cat filter and Chan with the giant nose filter. Hyunjin had some pretty selfies of him with that heart filter — god he always looks good. You couldn’t help but laugh when you reached Jisung’s.
The boy sent you a picture of his wide eyes — a picture that reminded you of a psychopath ready to claim his next victim — with large bolded text that read “DON’T YOU DARE FUCK UP OUR 895 DAY STREAK” 
You quickly pointed your camera at your feet, snapping a picture of your award-winning giraffe socks that Seungmin gifted you for Mother’s day, and sending it to Jisung. There was no way you were letting that streak go. It had to be one of the biggest accomplishments of your life. 
Well… Marrying your best friend and having a son with him was probably your best accomplishment. But this Snapchat streak was a close second. Come on, you and Jisung were going on 3 years with that streak! 
Sure you cut it close — with it being 11:45 PM and all — but you kept the streak up anyway! 
Speaking of... 
You couldn’t shake the feeling that you were forgetting something. Oh well! You get that feeling an awful lot and frankly — you’re usually forgetting something that isn’t important. Being a mom does that to you. 
The important things are taken care of. Your son’s presents are wrapped and hidden in the closet, you have the ingredients for his favorite meal for dinner, and you’ve… not prepared the cupcakes for his class tomorrow. 
Oh shit! 
That’s what you were supposed to be doing! 
Panic bubbled in your chest as you darted to the kitchen, quickly cracking eggs and pouring oil into the Kitchen Aid bowl before pouring in the 3 boxes of cake mix. You turned on the mixer and preheated the oven, thanking the gods that you somehow remembered.
Sure it’d be a long night, but you were still going to be able to give your son the joy of handing out cupcakes to his class. 
Ever since that snobby rich kid in his class brought in homemade cupcakes from his mom, who owns a fucking bakery you might add, your son has been wanting YOU to make homemade cupcakes for him to bring on his birthday. 
Of course you agreed and told your son you’d bake some cupcakes, not thinking about the fact that you were no baker. He’ll have to settle for box cake mix. He probably wouldn’t know the difference anyway. 
Once the batter was all mixed, you poured the cake mix into cupcake wrappers, until you filled all the muffin pans you owned — which is a surprising number considering Seungmin’s mom bought you one for a housewarming gift, your mom bought you one as a birthday gift, AND your son picked one for you for Mother’s Day.  
Oh yeah… you also bought one because you forgot about other 3 sitting at home. 
All those pans came in handy. You managed to fit all four into the oven, which was AMAZING because that meant you didn’t have to stay up until 3 AM waiting for all those damn cakes to bake. 
You scrolled through your phone a bit while the cupcakes baked, sending odd pictures to whoever was awake. Thank god Hyunjin and Jisung have HORRIBLE sleeping habits, or you’re sure you would have fallen asleep to let the cupcakes burn. 
Once your timer went off, you pulled the cupcakes out of the oven and set them on a platter to cool. 
The hard part was done. Now all you have to do is wait. Perhaps it’d be a good time to get in a cat nap? After all, you can’t do anything until the cakes are cool. 
You stretched your body out on the couch, resting your head on one of the throw pillows as you set an alarm for 5 AM. An hour should be enough time to frost the cupcakes. If not, then oh well. You tried. 
Tiredness took over your body as you sunk into the couch cushions, sleep taking over almost instantly. 
Seungmin couldn’t help the sigh that escaped his lips as he woke up, yet again, at 4 AM for no apparent reason. This wasn’t the first night this happened, no… this has been going on for about a month — ever since you started staying up later. 
Perhaps he had a sixth sense when it came to you? 
Who knows… 
Seungmin reached over to your side of the bed, feeling a bit disappointed when his hand came in contact with the cold sheets. You didn’t come to bed last night. 
He couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. You’ve been staying up later, you seem tired all the time, and he felt like he didn’t get to see you as often. Perhaps you were stressed out from work? Or maybe he did something wrong?
Seungmin rubbed his eyes as he sat up. He might as well go and check on you. Besides… something smells good in the kitchen and it’s making him want to snack.
Seungmin walked out into the living room, eyes widening when he saw the cupcakes in the kitchen. Why the hell were you baking cupcakes at 4 AM? He knew it was his son’s birthday today, but he didn’t see why you needed to make cupcakes this early. 
“Baby?” Seungmin shook your shoulder lightly. “Baby? Why are you sleeping out here? You should go to bed.” His thumb rubbed your arm as you started to wake up. 
Your hands reached out to rub your eyes as you smiled — missing your husband’s gentle touches, but wait… What time is it?
You shot up from the couch, frantically grabbing your phone to check the time. Oh thank god! It was only 4:15 AM. You still had time to frost the cupcakes. 
“Woah, woah, woah. Everything’s okay!” Seungmin wrapped his arms around you. “What’s going on?” 
“No time to talk. I have to frost the cupcakes.” You shot up from the couch, before grabbing a butter knife in the kitchen. 
“Hold on love.” Seungmin chuckled, “Why do you need to finish the cupcakes now? He won’t be eating them until after dinner right?”
“Do you remember that asshole kid with the baker mother?” You yawned. 
Seungmin laughed at your saltiness. “Of course.” 
“Well our son wanted me to make cupcakes to take in to his class.” You explained, frosting the cupcake in your hands.
“Why not buy them from the grocery store?” Seungmin asked as he leaned on the countertop. 
He couldn’t help but wonder why you were so worked up over these cupcakes. Surely his son wouldn’t mind you grabbing some — no offense — prettier cupcakes from a bakery, or from the grocery store down the street. 
“Because.” You put the… rather unique… looking cupcake into a container. “Asshole kid brought in homemade cupcakes.” 
Seungmin couldn’t help but laugh. “Fuck that asshole kid.” 
“Right?” You glided the knife over another cupcake, globbing frosting on the top. “Why couldn’t he bring in store bought cupcakes like everyone else?” 
“You know…” Seungmin grabbed a cupcake and bit into it. “It’s not going to be that big of a deal if you buy cupcakes from the store. If we do it now and pack them in those containers, he won’t know the difference.” 
“Asshole quit eating the cupcakes.” You smacked his arm, making him giggle. “And no. I’m not going to be that mom.”
“What mom?” Seungmin took another large bite of the cupcake in his hands. 
“The mom who buys cupcakes from the grocery store when her son asks for homemade cupcakes.” You glared at your husband. “I’m not going to let this be the reason our son resents us later in life and turns to a life of pimping and selling prostitutes.” 
Seungmin let out a loud snort at your comment, hand darting in front of his mouth to keep what was left of the chocolate cupcake in his mouth so it wouldn’t fly across the kitchen. “If this sends him down that road I think we have bigger problems.” 
“Just shut up and frost the damn cupcakes.” You chuckled, tossing an unfrosted cupcake in his direction. 
“Okay okay! Just quit waving that knife around.” Seungmin grabbed another butter knife and started frosting cupcakes alongside you. 
The two of you frosted in silence for a while, simply enjoying each other’s presence as you globbed frosting on the chocolate cupcakes. Although they didn’t look the prettiest, they were still homemade, and you felt like you deserved brownie points for that. 
Seungmin broke the silence after a while. “You know… He’s not going to hate you if you go buy cupcakes.” 
“But he requested these ones.” You mumbled. “He doesn’t ask for much, and this is his birthday!” You couldn’t help but sigh. “I just want his birthday to be special.” 
Seungmin smiled softly. “It will be. Especially when you’re going through all this trouble to make these.” 
“I know I should have made them yesterday, but I got so busy.” You sighed. “I had to re-teach him how to divide fractions, because his teacher fucking sucks. But first I had to re-learn how to divide fractions because apparently the education system can’t teach kids how to divide fractions the way they did when we were in school.” 
You put another cupcake into the container, pausing to rub at your eyes. “Then I had to go to work and deal with Shelly’s high-pitched bullshit, then come home and teach our son how to do his homework AGAIN.” Another sigh escaped your lips. “I just got overwhelmed.” 
“You know what would have made it easier?” Seungmin shoved the knife in the frosting. “If you relied on me more.” 
You knew this was coming. It was true, you did have a bad habit of just handling everything yourself because it was easier. You had a routine! You get your son up, make him breakfast, make him lunch, double-check his homework, take him to school, go to work, pick him up from school, help him with homework, make dinner for your family, play with your son before he has to go to bed, tuck him into bed, then use what little energy you have left to drag yourself into bed. 
Wow… Maybe he was right. 
“It’s just easier if I handle it myself.” You mumbled. “You’re busy and —” 
“Don’t act like you aren’t busy too.” Seungmin cut you off. “Look, I know my job is pretty demanding, but I can help out. He’s my son too. There’s no reason for you to do everything.” 
You smiled at him as you drowned another cupcake in frosting. “Why are you so amazing?”
Seungmin couldn’t help but laugh at the sad ensemble of cupcakes in front of you two. “You probably won’t think I’m amazing after hearing this, but these cupcakes look like shit.” 
You glanced at the mess of frosting and decided to admit defeat. “Okay fine, let’s go to the bakery and get some cupcakes. It’s 5 AM, I think they’re open now.” 
Seungmin kissed you on the forehead. “I’ll go get them. You go get some sleep.” 
“What? I don’t mind going with you.” You pulled your shoes on and grabbed your jacket. 
“No.” Seungmin yanked your jacket from your hands and threw it back on the coat rack. “You need to go get some sleep. And call in sick today, you don’t need to deal with Shelly’s bullshit running on 2 hours of sleep.” He chuckled. 
You smiled. “You take such good care of me.” 
Seungmin laughed. “I’m your husband. It’s my job.” 
“Now go get those cupcakes before our demon spawn wakes up.” 
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
“I’m a dick, I’m addicted to you”
Do you add extra letters to words sometimes? (ex. haaaa) Yeahhh.
Do you like the letter Z or Q better? I don’t favor one over the other. Who would you like to be stuck on an island with? I’d like to not be stuck on an island at all. What's your favorite quote? I have a lot of favorite quotes. I just love relatable stuff that puts into words how I’m feeling or what I’m thinking better than I can. I struggle with expressing myself and putting it into words, so. Name one random fact about your best friend. She loves the ID channel.
Do you like vegetables or fruit better? Gonna be honest, I don’t eat much of either one. Especially, fruit... it’s been a few years since I’ve had any. :X I have spinach, potatoes, and green onions pretty often, but that’s all the veggies I’ve had in a few years as well. In comparison to my zero fruit intake it’s something at least, ha. There are fruits I like and a few more veggies as well, but I just haven’t had them in awhile. What brand of shoes do you wear? Adidas. What's your favorite smiley face? On the computer I use :) Do you believe that if someone goes to bed thinking of u, u dream of them? I’ve heard that before and it can be a cute thought, but nah. Have you ever snitched on someone for cheating? No. Do you own a Snuggie? I do. What's your favorite number? 8. Which of the 7 dwarves are you most like from Snow White? Sleepy. What's the last movie you watched? Dumb and Dumber yesterday. What's your favorite month? October and December.
“I’m alright”
Do you like the smell of campfires? Yesss. If you could do one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? I don’t know. Do you like eggnog? Yes. Is there a song out right now that you can't stand? I haven’t heard any new music recently. I haven’t been listening to music lately. If you could stay one age forever, what age would you pick? I’d be fine if I just stayed 31 here on out. What's your favorite state? I like my state the best out of the few states I’ve been to (the others being Arizona, Idaho, and Georgia). There’s a few I’d like to visit that could potentially take the top spot for me, though. Have you ever went in public with your tag still on your clothes? I don’t think so.
Would you say your loud or shy? I’m quiet and shy. What's your favorite symbol on the computer? I don’t have one. Are you afraid of clowns? Pennywise is awesome. Do you wear glasses? I do. Ever rode on a horse? Just on one at the pumpkin patch as a kid. Poor horse, guided around in a circle all day.  Do you have trouble saying or spelling some words? I think I spell pretty well. I stumble over my words when I talk sometimes, but I think my pronunciation is pretty good. Have you ever thought something was just to good to be true? Many times. And when I think that, it’s usually true. Do you like potatoes? I love potatoes.
“I’m in trouble, I’m an addict, I’m addicted to this girl”
Are you random? My thoughts and dreams are really random, but I wouldn’t describe myself that way. I’d say I’m predictable and boring. Do you believe that aliens are real? I don’t know. Certainly not the weird looking green creatures that are usually depicted for some reason. Do you sleep with the TV on? I do. I’ve done that ever since I was a kid. What's the longest you've slept in? Like 5PM or so. Have you ever seen a hairy toe? Yes. What's the last thing you watched on TV? Roseanne this morning. Do you have a song stuck in your head? Not at the moment. Who do you talk to the most? My mom and brother. What's the first thing you get on when the internet comes up? When the internet comes up oh man, was this made in the late 90s, early 2000s? lol. The first thing I do when I get on my laptop is continue scrolling through my Tumblr feed or do a survey. When's the last time you were sick? I’ve been sick with something for the past week. And no, it’s not the rona.
Which is your favorite: Music, Dogs, Shoes, Books, Jonas Brother? I love a variety of music, I love doggos in general, but I’m biased towards Labs and German Shepherds, Adidas are my favorite shoes, and back in my die hard Jonas Brothers days I was a total Joe girl. What color is your hair brush? Rose gold. Do you enjoy arcades? I did when I was a kid. We used to have one at my mall back when I was a kid that was a fun place to go. And Chuck E Cheese, ha. Have you ever liked 2 people at once? Yes. Have you taken a nap today? Not so far.
“show me the meaning of being lonely”
Would you ever want to be in a horror movie? I think it’d certainly come off as believable because I’m such a scardy cat and super jumpy. Being chased would genuinely scare me even it was acting. Even knowing what was going to happen I know I’d still be jumpy. Only thing is I don’t have the scream down that you gotta have for a horror movie.  Have you ever been to Washington D.C? Nope. Do you hate when girls have guyish names and boys have girly names? I really don’t care.  Have you lost or gained any weight since February? I know I haven’t gained any weight. I’ve probably lost some weight, which is really not good for someone who’s already underweight.  Have you ever felt like no one wanted to be around you? Yes. I don’t even want to be around me. I often feel like I’m such a burden and annoyance. It’s my own thinking and feeling, though. My family doesn’t do or say anything to make me feel that way. I have had other people make me feel that way, though.   Have you ever had to use a pay phone? Yes. Have you listened to music today? Nope. It’s been awhile since I’ve listened to music, actually. Do you only drink bottled water? Yes. Don’t judge me. I bet someone is on your mind right now, right? No, actually. Do you like writing in pen or pencil better? Pen, definitely. What's the last magazine you bought? I don’t even remember it’s been so long. Has anyone in your family ever forgot your birthday? My parents, brother, and close family members always remember. Was it any of your friends birthday in the past week? My older brother’s birthday was a couple days ago. Is anyone else in the same room as you? Nope. Are you one of the popular people in your grade? I’m done with school, but no I was never popular.
“you never call me when you’re sober”
What word best describes you in the dictonary? ”Depressed”, “Awkward”, “Lame”, “Loser”, “Ugly”... Do you like Soy Milk? Yeah, I’m lactose intolerant. I use that or almond milk. I don’t drink any kind of milk by itself, but I use those in stuff like coffee drinks and cereal. And for dunking my cookies and brownies in. Where were you at 10:30am yesterday? Right here in bed where I spent all weekend. I was having a really rough weekend. I felt really shitty and had zero energy. I couldn’t even drag myself outta bed for coffee, so that’s how you know I was feeling really bad. Thankfully, my mom and brother brought me a Starbucks. Do you think ghosts are real? I believe in spirits, but not actual Caspers. Do you know anyone who has been attacked by a shark? No. What is your best friend's mom name? Lupe. Have you ever made out in a movie theatre? No. What part of your body do you wash first? My arms and work my way down. Do you have an innie or an outie? Innie. How do you think the dinosaurs died? An asteroid. What's your favorite flavor of Pringles? Sour cream and onion, cheddar and sour cream, pizza, and ranch.  What was the last thing you got grounded for? Something when I was like 12. Did you go to a water park last summer? I don’t go to the water park ever. What shoe do you put on first? I think the right. Finish the sentence: Girls.. Just wanna have fun.
“I think we’re alone now”
Have you ever had a song or poem written about you? No. Did you have a nickname growing up? My family called my Noodles, ha. When was the last time you played the air guitar? I don’t know. Have you ever biten your toenail? Ew, no. I’m not flexible enough to even do that, but I would never want to so it’s fine. Have you ever been dared to do something that you regretted? No. I didn’t do dares. Favorite website? Tumblr and YouTube. Worst thing that has ever happened to you? Probably the incident that made me a paraplegic at 7 months old. That’s certainly top of the list. Best thing that has happened to you? My doggos are definitely amongst the top. Best friend? My mom. If you could dye your hair any color, what color would it be? I dye it red and would like to continue to do so. Do you have a wii? It’s my brother’s, but since we live in the same house and I’ve used it, too, I’m gonna say yes.  Most used phrase on IM? I don’t remember, it’s been over a decade since I’ve used IM. Have you ever heard of The Beatles? Of course. Have you ever wanted to give money to a charity? Yes, and I have given to charities.
“Who says you’re not beautiful?”
Would you ever want to have 14 kids? Uh, noooo. I don’t even want one.  Are you wearing any bracelets right now? Nope. Do you have any jewelry that once belonged to an old family member? No. Do you dream every night? I usually do. Give me on of your goals Just taking it day by day. Do you like skinny jeans? Yeah, those are the only jeans I have. Do you ever say stuff that you don’t mean? It happens. Have you ever said "I love you" and not meant it? Yeah, but that was back when I was 16 and felt pressured into saying it back to my boyfriend at the time even though I didn’t have those feelings. Ever since then I haven’t thrown those words around lightly. What is your dream guy/girl? A patient, understanding, caring, loving, trustworthy, good sense of humor kind of guy. Do you hate when people overract? I can definitely be one of those people that overreact. And I know I’m overreacting when it’s happening, but I can’t help myself. I sometimes see people in situations where I’m like, ‘omg, they’re totally overreacting’ and think it could be handled differently, but yet I do the same thing. When was the last time you used the oven? It’s been awhile, actually... I don’t remember. Have you ever wanted to be free like a bird? ”And I’m as free as a bird now... and this bird you cannot change.” Are you a worrier? Oh am I ever. Does your house have an attic? Nope. Are you going fishing this weekend? No. I don’t go fishing.
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