#bought the old ones Nov 2014
ainawgsd · 1 year
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New garden shoes! They're neoprene inside, rubber (I think?) outside. Now my toes can stay dry when the grass is saturated with dew
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Time to say goodbye to my trusty old clogs. They have served me well these last (nearly) 10 years
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anintrovertsdiary · 2 years
A series of bad decisions
Spring 1969: It’s a girl! Born in a barn or something in rural Vietnam. No one knows the exact day or even the year. Just that it was spring and maybe 1969.
Teenage years and college: She immigrated to America. She goes to public school and then gets a degree in computer science. She meets boy.
June 1994: A son is born.
August 1997: I am born.
Sometime between 2010-2014: Mom and dad divorce. Thank god I am old enough to basically be on my own. Perfect timing.
2017: Mom meets white man. He has a good heart.
June 2019: I graduate college and white man is still around. They are engaged now. They live in an apartment in the city but purchased a condo at the coast together.
July 2019: I move across the country by myself and white man comes with my mom and brother for the big move.
November/December 2019: Mom and white man break up. A mutual and mature agreement. He moves out of the apartment. He buys her out of her half of the beach condo.
December 2019/January 202: Mom meets the Korean dentist. He owns his own practice. His life looks lavish except he owes his ex an alimony every month that is more than what I make in a month. He moves into the apartment
February 2020: They get engaged. Mom is happy.
May 2020: They buy a house together. The Korean dentist teaches my mom how to golf. They are now a part of an elite golf course with a $10,000 membership.
Some time January 2020 and May 2020: His dental practice isn’t doing well and mom becomes a part owner after lending him $80,000 for the business. She spends a few days a week doing the front desk work at the office. Living lavish huh?
All of 2021-2022: They are on again off again. They go to couples therapy which I assume he doesn’t care for or take seriously. He moves out and gets his own apartment about a block away from the house they bought together. Not sure if the engagement is off.
October 2022: Mom finds herself in financial trouble. I lend her $50k because that’s what daughters are supposed to do right? She gets the $80k back from the Korean dentist.
Nov/dec 2022-present day: Mom is back with white man. It was a messy break up with the Korean dentist. She kicks him off of the golf membership. Korean dentist starts dating a younger women and like mature men do, they post pictures with corny captions on Facebook with filters to make him look younger. I am still short $50k. She spends her time traveling with the white man. Spending money on cruises and vacations. She seems happy.
A series of bad decisions. Not all of them were inevitable. I told her from day one that the Korean dentist sucked. He lacked personality and thought his ability to buy people’s love would make up for it. I warned her that it was too fast and that she was buying a house with a stranger. But just like how I do not want to except my mom’s advice, she does not want to except mine.
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garudabluffs · 1 year
Folk singer-songwriter Gordon Lightfoot dies at 84
"His first gig was at Fran’s Restaurant, a downtown family-owned diner that warmed to his folk sensibilities. It was there he met fellow musician Ronnie Hawkins. The singer was living with a few friends in a condemned building in Yorkville, then a bohemian area where future stars including Neil Young and Joni Mitchell would learn their trade at smoke-filled clubs."
READ MORE https://whmp.com/news/030030-folk-singer-songwriter-gordon-lightfoot-dies-at-84/
Gordon Lightfoot – Harmony May 1, 2004
READ MORE https://www.nodepression.com/album-reviews/gordon-lightfoot-harmony/
"He scored a series of hits in his native Canada throughout the Sixties, but most Americans first heard his work in 1970, when “If You Could Read My Mind” reached Number Five on the Billboard Hot 100. The deeply personal song chronicles the agonizing breakdown of his marriage, casting much of the blame on himself. “I never thought I could act this way,” he wrote. “And I’ve got to say that I just don’t get it/I don’t know where we went wrong/But the feeling’s gone and I just can’t get it back.”
The success of “If You Could Read My Mind” in 1970 was the start of a stunning run of hits, including “Sundown,” “Carefree Highway,” and “Rainy Day People.” The biggest came in 1976 after he read an article in Newsweek about the the sinking of the bulk carrier SS Edmund Fitzgerald on Lake Superior on Nov. 10, 1975. He called the epic maritime disaster song “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.”
“It was quite an undertaking to do that,” he said in a 2014 Reddit AMA. “I went and bought all of the old newspapers, got everything in chronological order, and went ahead and did it because I already had a melody in my mind, and it was from an old Irish dirge that I heard when I was about three and a half years old.… I think it was one of the first pieces of music that registered to me as being a piece of music.”
READ MORE https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/gordon-lightfoot-dead-obituary-1234716529/
3-Minute Listen https://www.npr.org/2023/05/01/133464279/gordon-lightfoot-canadian-folk-legend-dies-at-84
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daniwoitkowski · 3 years
A Closer Look at Milwaukee Zip Code 53206
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After reading A Closer Look at Milwaukee Zip Code 53206, an article published in the Milwaukee Magazine in 2014, I’m ashamed of the city I currently call home.
Contained between I-43 to the east, 27th Street to the West and North Avenue and Capitol Drive to its south and north sides is one of the largest zip code areas in the city of Milwaukee. Zip code area of 53206 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin is often written off as the poorest area in the largest city in the state.
An eyesore in Milwaukee, zip code 53206, is where a third of the city’s vacant lots reside. The greatest percentage, nearly 95% of its residents in zip code 53206 are African Americans. Surrounding counties implemented restrictive covenants preventing African American tenants' equal rights, which confined most African Americans to the northwestern portion of the city, or around the 53206 area. The Supreme Court ruled such covenants to be unconstitutional in 1948, they remained on the books until Congress passed the Fair Housing Act in 1968. Milwaukee known for being one of the most segregated cities in the United States.
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Warren’s Lounge on Hopkins Avenue, owned by 81-year-old Warren Harper, a “Cheers” like bar hides itself in the middle of the deserted condemned buildings. Warren and his wife, Shirley, have been married for over 59 years, with four children and multiple grandchildren. Warren and Shirley bought the lounge back in 1970. Back in the lounge’s heyday factory workers from around the area would stop in for lunch or beer relaxing after their shift. During the time when the Green Bay Packers played at county stadium, players could be regularly seen enjoying the relaxing atmosphere.
Life has changed and the lounge is not the same, feeling the pain of the abandoned factories. Even though, their children attempt to sway them into having hip-hop bands play into the addition to the jazz and blues bands that periodically play at the lounge. Life has been hard on them, however they will not close, “It’s their life.”
Wandering around 53206 tends to make people, especially white people, uneasy. Too many businesses are either closed or enclosed in metal bars and padlocks. Even with a gem like, Warren’s Lounge, can be intimidating to its visitors as you enter through the small, dark doorway hidden behind a locked heavy metal grate with a bell that must be rung for entry.
Opportunities seem to climb and decline rapidly for African Americans in Milwaukee. So, what happened?
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One generation hopes and dreams becomes heavy burdens on the forgotten generations that follow. Looking past educational statures, joblessness and the crime in the areas of poverty, we need to begin looking into the history of the African American population of Milwaukee, Wisconsin at once was and why it became what it is today.
The African American population increased with the Great Migration north, which affected the African American communities in Milwaukee. Like most African American families, Warren and Shirley moved to Milwaukee in 1957 during the Great Migration in search of a better life.
The Great Migration was when millions of southern African American people migrated north for better opportunities between 1916 to 1970. Many came to Milwaukee for the ever-growing jobs with the industrial factories at the time. Families settled down bought homes in the area, new businesses opened and grew, times were good. By the 1980s, times were not so good. Factories started to close in the area and businesses started to move out of the once flourishing neighborhoods. Some people moved out to the suburbs, while the majority of the African American population stayed behind and survived.
Barbara Miner, the Milwaukee-area freelance writer, purpose in this article was to educate by showing a face to the neighborhood around the Milwaukee 53206 zip code. The article brought tears to my eyes as I read about the longevity of people who make up the community even through the absence of jobs, transportation, and sort of conveniences that those of us who live merely blocks away take for granted. Then there is the stealthy growing abandoned housing market. However, many families have still stuck around to support their community or stay for the affordable housing.
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Through the article, Miner, is attempting to educate the audience on the poverty in our own city. We have created this blind spot within our own community, and we tend to forget the area’s history. We are left with the assumption that the people living in these areas have chosen their fate instead of understanding the truth behind our ignorance. It’s well known what happened in Detroit after the auto industries started closing, but it is not known how the same affects had and still affects so many in our own city.
Beauty exists, such as with Dr. Carter, a retired Pharmacist who continues to go back and visit his community passing along trusted remedies to his neighborhood residents. Dr. Carter broke down barriers back in 1968 after he founded one of first Milwaukee black owned pharmacies. Now after selling his pharmacy, Dr. Carter can still be found at the store as a consultant in natural remedies.
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Yet the media has forgotten about this area as though it doesn’t exist except for the inquiries pertaining to shootings in the area. The problem, or exigence, here is with the ignorance surrounding this forgotten and disregarded area of our city. I begin to ask myself, why do we have such a blind eye with our own neighboring areas? I wonder how the decline to industry in the city of Milwaukee and the poverty relates to the poverty that was created with the auto crisis in Detroit. I would have liked to see more of the information we read from the A Closer Look at Milwaukee Zip Code 53206 article on the non-existence of corporate businesses and declining public transportation and after school programs ties into the jobless market that intertwine in the poverty rates in these areas.
Current circumstances in 53206 go deeper than the loss of factories and that the jobs in the area.
“There’s investment out there, and there are jobs. But they’re in New Berlin or Waukesha. There’s no bus, so how are people going to get there?” (2015, Jan 28)
Perceptions have also been made that the housing bubble was the issue that affected people in this area, and they were of the many that shouldn’t have bought a home in the first place. However, a lot of families that lost their homes in 53206 were long-time owners.
Miner goes on to talk with a group of students from North Division High School who are studying zip-code-53206. Miner gathered their thoughts on how they feel about the area and what they would want people to know about the area, some of which that were mentioned as follows:
“Notice that we are here, that, like you, we are human, and we deserve the same things you want.”
“The police, I can’t explain it, but they don’t like black people.”
“It ain’t got no future.”
“Nothing’s going to change, ’cause nobody cares.”
Unfortunately, conditions such as the few mentioned have contributed to demolish government help enabling people to believe such areas are beyond any genuine rehabilitation, deeming the area in the past too black and ghetto.
Poverty is so much more then people just making bad choices or the wrong decisions in life. The purpose of the rhetors with this medium explain how trauma that stems from poverty begin way before one can make their own choices in life.
Regardless, parents in 53206 want the same things as any other parent anywhere in the world wants. We want our children to be safe, happy and a better childhood than we had. Is there anything wrong with the hope that our children grow up without the worry of crime surrounding them or to be able to go through school without bullying? We all want hope for the future.
Whether we live in Milwaukee or not we can relate to the exigences mentioned in the life cycle of the Great Migration and African Americans in Milwaukee mentioned, you cannot deny the purpose. The effects of poverty have an impact with your entire life, from childhood on through your adult life and passed on through the next generations. We become our parents, our community, our surroundings. We are what we are familiar with whether it be hiding money for emergencies like those who lived through the Great Depression to as unknowingly as our dialect or accent we commonly use day to day. If raised in poverty the traumatic affects you would carry through life, even if you leave those surroundings, the effects remain.
For Milwaukee, the future needs to bring education on the history of the African American population. Milwaukee doesn’t give the same possibilities to the people in the now poverty areas affected by the industrial decline. Such possibilities as, public transportation to give access to jobs and convenience stores, such as Wal-Mart or even McDonalds. Overlooking the truth and ignorance of the past never helped humanity in the future.
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Source Cites:
Barbara Miner, Milwaukee. (2015, Jan 28). A Closer Look at Milwaukee Zip Code 53206. 1/28/2015 https://www.milwaukeemag.com/milwaukee-zip-code-53206/
Reggie Jackson, Milwaukee Independent. (2019, Apr 19). REGGIE JACKSON: REMEMBERING A TIME WHEN 53206 WAS KNOWN AS A LOVING COMMUNITY TO GROW UP IN. 4/19/2019 http://www.milwaukeeindependent.com/featured/reggie-jackson-remembering-time-53206-known-loving-community-grow/
Dan Schneider, Dollars & Sense. (2015, Nov/Dec). The Worst Place in the US to Be Black Is... Wisconsin 11/2015 http://dollarsandsense.org/archives/2015/1115schneider.html
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prosopopeya · 4 years
New Year’s Meme
this survey has been a tradition among my friend group for YEARS, but i haven’t filled it out since 2015 apparently. i’m not entirely sure why except 2016 was the year a lot of stuff changed for me, namely in that i finally got out of school in some form and started a new job, but i also had a few health problems that kept plaguing me (thyroid medicine being off, vitamin d) and my anxiety was all over the place. so here we go i’m doing it again and feel free to do it too if you want!!
1. What did you do in 2020 that you’d never done before? tried on wedding dresses. taught virtually. dealt (poorly) with drunk teenagers. performed in a pep rally. wore face masks all the time. i’m going to lump in living with someone. jon moved in october 2019, but i don’t think i did this quiz last year so. taught ap.
2. Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions and will you make more for next year? i don’t really like resolutions. they put too much pressure on me and i am a fragile person when it comes to setting expectations and living up to them. i did want to try to read more this year, and i maintained that until the pandemic, and then just kind of gave up requiring myself to do anything but live.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? i don’t think so. a coworker did.
4. Did anyone close to you die? jon’s cousin committed suicide in march or april. the circumstances were pretty upsetting. um. andy died in february, very suddenly. andy was my high school boyfriend for four years with whom i had a very... he scarred me in a lot of ways when it comes to sex and consent. it’s taken me a long time to unpack all of that. and i struggle with how much any of that was his fault or just bc he was a stupid kid too. our mutual friends had nothing but nice things to say about him on fb. anyway. he would guilt me into saying he’d kill himself if we broke up, and jon’s cousin killed himself over his girlfriend. so that was a complex part of the year.
5. What countries did you visit? none. literally the week before the quarantine, we went to asheville to visit jon’s cousin.
6. What would you like to have in 2021 that you lacked in 2020? maybe a different job? or at least some peace at doing mine.
7. What date from 2020 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? march 13 we cancelled classes and had a technology training day; the 15th we had another one, and then we were virtual the rest of the term. it was such a sudden shift and while i so loved working from home tbh, it was such a relief after a supremely shitty january/february work-wise, i still had a lot of keyed-up, stressful days centered around transitioning to being the senior upper school spanish teacher. i hate it!
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? writing 50k in the month of november. i have literally never done that before and actively reject nano as being typically unhealthy for how my mind works, so it was nice to do it entirely by accident.
9. What was your biggest failure? mishandling the drunken teenagers on that field trip in january.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? i sit crosslegged in my virtual teaching chair and i did it so much that my ankle hurt for the entire summer.
11. What was the best thing you bought? we put a deposit on our elopement in ireland. jon’s wedding ring. (i didn’t buy my wedding dress.)
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? my best friend at work who keeps me sane and is represented by benny in my au, which other than the fact that he is not my sidepiece, is perfect he is crucial to my survival at work and i love him so much. (also he is gay and the french teacher so the benny parallels just keep coming). everyone who tore down a statue in virginia (and other places, but especially monument avenue). everyone putting their lives on the line during this pandemic.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? guess! but aside from all the obvious, i found out a friend of mine at work voted for trump. my work bff and i had been trying for years to sway his politics, but that had us both deciding to give up on him.
14. Where did most of your money go?  food, ALCOHOL. god., our savings account. i did a pretty excellent job saving this year, though a good deal of that is because jon moved in and makes more money than me, and also we split all the bills.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? my wedding dress but strangely only when i went to try it on after it came in bc after the purchase i was so sure i’d made every mistake possible. my wedding band. wellbutrin changing my whole life. and, last but certainly not least, the gay angel and the bi(lingual) hunter. i wouldn’t have survived nov-dec in school without that distraction. the election.
16. What song(s) will always remind you of 2020? the entirety of taylor swift’s oeuvre this year, maybe specifically “this is me trying”
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:  i. Happier or sadder? happier, i suppose, perhaps contrary to what should be the case, but wellbutrin is a hell of a drug. ii. Older or wiser? wiser. ii. Richer or poorer? richer.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of? reading. cleaning. exercising.
19. What do you wish you’d done less of? stressing. chaperoning.
20. How will you be spending Christmas? so, an update; last year was the first year i didn’t go to my mom’s for christmas. i was supposed to see her for thanksgiving last year, but she basically told us not to come bc she wasn’t feeling up to it (cool!), and we went to jon’s for christmas and my mom’s for new year’s. 
this year, obviously we couldn’t go to my mom’s. instead, we rented a little cabin by the lake. it was perfect; it was really really nice inside, the beds were SO SOFT, the pillows were the best things i have ever laid my head on, like i took off the pillowcases to try to find the brand. we had a little tiny christmas tree with tiny ornaments from walmart that we decorated. the 23rd, we went and picked up our wedding bands. we slept two nights in the (cold) back bedroom so i could wake up and look out at the lake. it snowed for christmas. :)
we opened presents on christmas eve, per jon’s family’s tradition. on christmas eve, we also went to his family farm and sat outside and hung out a little. every year his family does like a secret santa sort of thing and i got my first present in that exchange, which is notable bc jon and i are not yet officially married. i got a remote control car -- jon’s idea bc i couldn’t think of anything, and he was so delighted to hear that i loved playing with rc cars when we went to the beach as a kid.
christmas morning we facetimed my parents and opened some presents together. then jon and i marathoned mandalorian (after spending the previous few days watching several die hard movies), and then we watched wonder woman 1984 which was a bad movie.
21. How will you be spending New Year’s Eve? ok LAST year for new year’s, we were in a hotel room, so that was nice, bc it meant minimal stress with my parents. i had always wanted to go to this restaurant near us that has a special new year’s menu, so we did that. the night before or after i think we went to cheesecake factory, which was also amazing.
this year currently i’m tumbling and he’s playing pokemon, and in a bit we’ll try to time it so we finish schitt’s creek in time for the new year.
22. Did you fall in love in 2020? i re-fell in love with supernatural so that was nice.
23. How many one-night stands? 0. i submit we should randomly change question 23 each year to something more relevant to any of our life experiences.
24. What was your favorite TV program? what did i even watch this year. schitt’s creek. mandalorian. i mean obviously we know supernatural. the circle. are you the one (the queer season). pose. unsolved mysteries. we’re here! perry mason. watchmen. oh maybe that mcdonald’s monopoly fraud documentary. avenue 5. i’ll be gone in the dark. of those i think my favorite maybe is... pose or we’re here.
OKAY UM. on my 2014 version of this there were a bunch of questions about tv shows that i’m putting back in if only for the memories:
25. Which TV shows did you start watching in 2020? the haunting of bly manor, which we still need to finish. derry girls.
26. Which TV shows did you let go of in 2020? HERE’S WHY I WANTED TO RESURRECT THESE. here was my answer in 2015: “supernatural. goodbye, my sweet prince.” CAN YOU EVEN FUCKING BELIEVE
27. Which TV shows did you mean to get into but didn’t in 2020? Why? so far, queen’s gambit and that one on hulu with catherine the great. EVENTUALLY. 28. Which TV shows do you intend on checking out in 2020? fleabag. queen’s gambit. 29. Which TV show do you think you might let go of in 2020 unless things significantly improve? idk i drop things pretty regularly if they don’t entertain me 30. Which TV show impressed you least in 2020? GUYS HERE’S MY ORIGINAL 2015 ANSWER: “supernatural. :(”
anyway back to the rest of the quiz:
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? every person who refuses to listen to facts and information.
26. What was the best book you read? killers of the flower moon: the osage murders and the birth of the fbi, or the his dark materials series.
27. What was your greatest musical discovery? well i knew about tswift so i’m not going to count her albums. i will count this song that jon played for me once in the car that got stuck in my head for two weeks straight and led me down into a great related-songs spotify playlist: through the roof ‘n underground.
28. What did you want and get? a wedding dress and a very specific kind of wedding band. a gay angel. a christmas getaway. animal crossing.
29. What was your favorite film of this year? idk i don’t know how many films i saw this year. maybe mucho mucho amor: the legend of walter mercado
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? i was 32. we went to an escape room with a BUNCH of people -- work bff, my old work bff and his wife (old bc he quit and we’ve fallen out of touch :(), the cool new physics teacher and his fiancee, and the aforementioned trump voter and his wife, before we knew... we went out for brunch/lunch after. it was pretty great!
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? not having to chaperone that school trip in january. dean being bi in english as well as spanish. cas just ilke, appearing in 15x20. not having to physically go back to work this fall.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2020? no! real! pants!
34. What kept you sane? jon. supernatural (in a way?). animal crossing for a while. wellbutrin! i haven’t really been able to detail this yet, but finally i did something about tumblr and my therapist making me think about adhd. my doctor gave me wellbutrin (bc i lack any official diagnosis and was on anxiety meds anyway, and he was like let’s try this!) and it’s fucking. it’s a fucking godsend. surprisingly enough, my students. trying to provide them a safe space has been a calming thing for me.
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? jensen ackles’ silence. misha collins again, i guess.
36. What political issue stirred you the most? the summer was so fucking intense. i guess though it was me trying to exert my influence in a responsible way with my students without trying to try to make them feel uncomfortable but then one kid was a vocally upset trump supporter after the election and i had to try to defuse that situation.
37. Who did you miss? my old work bff. several old friends that i’ve fallen out of touch with bc i have no object permanence.
38. Who was the best new person you met? people i met through the spn resurgence!
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2020: if you manifest it in an au, it will come. no really though. maybe that expectations are only as important as i make them out to be.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year: usually i have a hard time coming up with anything for this and i default to looking at my most played songs of the year. my most played song of the year received each and every one of its plays within the month of november and you can guess why. anyway see if this works
I had all and then most of you Some and now none of you Take me back to the night we met I don't know what I'm supposed to do Haunted by the ghost of you Take me back to the night we met - the night we met, lord huron
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mrssnider13 · 4 years
Jason’s 40th Birthday
Jason and I have known each other since 1997-1998.
We dated on and off for several years and for several reasons.
In 2002 we both got involved with other people and we both ended up being parents in 2003 to Jason to Jason Jr and me to my son, Brison.
Jason and I reconnect on and off again over the next two years.
In Jan of 2007 I moved to KY and got married. I thought about Jason all the time. It never failed that every time I would come home to Ohio I would run into him at Walmart or the gas station. My 1st marriage was rough and we eventually separated in 2010 and in August of 2011 I moved back home to Ohio. It was that November that Jason got out of rehab and we connected on messenger. I was getting moved into my new apt and I asked Jason to help me move.... He moved in with me very soon after.
The first three years of our relationship were HARD to say the least! Jason worked so hard on his program and recovery, and working a job with anyone that would take him on, meetings, service/volunteer work, probation, court dates, license classes, restitution,  court and probation fees and so much more.
Were we ready to be in a relationship? NO! But God knew we had what it would take and we knew we couldn’t do it without God. God’s plans were so much bigger than ours!
In 2012 while pregnant with Olivia we almost called it quits. But thankfully we had family and friends that believed in us and encouraged us to persevere.
We have been tested beyond comprehension. On February 14th 2012 Jason went to probation and received a failed drug test. Our hearts sank but our spirits stood strong! We knew better and we prayed that God would reveal the truth. And a few LONG days later He did! After sending the test off to the lab they confirmed it was a clean test.
In March of 2013 we got married and 3 days later we had Olivia. Just a month later in April of 2013 God blessed Jason with his contracted job through P&G. This was HUGE for us! It was an affirmation from God. We were amazed.
In March of 2014 we were faced with another pregnancy. I was so scared and I didn’t want to be pregnant. We were in no financial situation to support a larger family and we lived in a 600 sq. ft. apartment. 12 weeks later I started bleeding and went to the doctor. It was then that we found out that we were pregnant with twins. Speaking for myself (and I’m sure Jason as well) I was terrified. I feared that I wouldn’t even carry them to term let alone deliver them and be able to provide for them.
We immediately starting looking for a bigger place to live but were faced with the limitations of finances. We prayed and searched and God again opened another door for us. We were blessed to find a 3 bedroom home to rent south of Hillsboro. We moved in November 1st 2014 and on Dec 26th we had the twins a month early. Happy, healthy and beautiful. Then we came home to our water being turn off. That was fun. But it was just a misunderstanding and things were fixed the next day.
Life was a challenge at this point. Money, sanity, sleep, faith, endurance, trust. Definitly one day at a time.
May 5th 2015 we were faced again with another test of faith. In a freak accident Jason severely injured, Izabelle, our 4 month old twin. She was air cared to Children’s hospital with a fractured skull and bleeding on her brain. CPS met us that the ICU waiting room. Jason was beside him self, worried sick about his baby girl and not caring about what was about to happen to him. The interrogation was intense and all I wanted to do was be with my daughter at the moment. CPS just wanted the truth and the truth sounded far fetched. By the grace of God Izzy spent 3 days in ICU and was moved to a regular room for 2 days and got to come home. Jason on the other hand faced the judge. I thank God every day that the truth was again revealed and Jason only received 12 weeks of anger management. It could have been so much worse. But what was so incredibly hard was that for 12 weeks Jason couldn’t live with us and he could only see us in public or supervised visitations. That was a LONG 3 months!!! Thankfully we had family and friends to help me with the girls but I would have much rather had my husband. God knew what Jason needed and we trusted that. We were SO GLAD to have him home!
Life seemed good for awhile. Then in the summer of 2016 we faced another trial that turned our world upside down. All we could do is trust God and be still. Pray and trust and only move when God lead us to. We recovered the best we could and somewhat moved on.
Then the tides started to change a little. We were blessed in 2016 with the opportunity to buy the home we were renting. We bought our first home yall!   4-5 years prior..... that seemed unimaginable, let alone possible.
Once again life settled for a minute and after 2 years of Jason begging and much needed prayer on my end we decided to try for another baby. Jason hoped for a boy. I hoped for just one LOL. In Sept 2017 I got pregnant with our 6th. In Nov (just two months later) God revealed to us yet more affirmation! He had blessed Jason with a position at P&G as a P&G employee and not just a contracted worker. Once again we were elated and blessed beyond what we deserved. Then in May 2018 we were blessed again with ONE chubby baby GIRL!
We have had our ups and downs like everyone but for the most part life was GREAT! We worked hard, played hard and lived well. For about a year... Then the trails came 3 at a time. In 2019 I lost my mamaw in April, Jason lost one of his best friends in May and then we all lost Jason’s mom in June. Why God, crossed my mind multiple times a day. To say that I was worried about Jason in the midst of my own heartache would be an understatement. I had to let go and let God have him and I knew it. There was nothing I could but be there. Jason was so strong! He gave the eulogy at both my mamaw and his mom’s funeral. Neither one could have been done any better or anymore heart felt and passionate.
Jason inherited his mom’s place and we picked up our kiddos and moved. There was a lot of transitions, change and adjusting for all of us. The girls had a very hard time with all the grief and loss but received group counseling that changed their lives for the better. It wasn’t until a year later that our other home sold. As much as it hurt, so much of all of it is a blur. 
And yet, here we are today....... It’s hard for me to even wrap my mind around all that we’ve been through and all that God has helped us overcome.
I told you all some of our story to tell you this.....
Yes, we have suffered, but there is no one else that I would have rather suffered with than my husband, Jason. Yes, we have lost much. Yes, we have failed ourselves, failed each other and others. Yes, we have been hurt and lost....... but....... here we stand, still together and even stronger and closer than before. ONLY by the grace of God. We suffer for the glory of God, for the deepening of our faith in Him and for the testimony to share God’s love and hope with others.
I thank God for Jason. He’s a great man of God, he has a servant’s heart, he’s a hard worker and he provides for his family - not only what we need but then some. He loves his kids in a way I can’t even describe. His love is unconditional and intentional for sure. He leaves me with no doubts that he loves me faithfully. On this earth he is my rock and my refuge. He is a gift from God sent just for me. I love and cherish him with everything I have and I often wish I could be and give more to him.  
But before I get too mushy I just want to say Thank you to everyone in our lives that have helped sustain us through the bad times and celebrated with us in the good times.
Jason, I hope you feel all the love being given to you this day. You deserve it and so much more. I love you! Happy Birthday!
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jgroffdaily · 5 years
Jonathan Groff decides we should take advantage of what might be New York’s last suitable night for al fresco dining in 2019. He sits down at one of a dozen empty tables outside the otherwise packed Hell’s Kitchen bistro and announces, in a tone suggesting more mischief than regret, that he must first make a call.
"Hello," he says, iPhone now at his ear. "Joel Grey?"
Groff is starring in a limited revival of Little Shop of Horrors, and it is a very hot ticket. The Broadway legend on the other end of the line has apparently thrown a Hail Mary in hopes of scoring seats to the night’s sold-out performance. Hamming up this exchange for my amusement, Groff is game to play broker for the Tony and Oscar winner who originated the role of Cabaret’s tuxedoed emcee — and, maybe, anybody else who has his number.
"This is basically my part-time job," says Groff of fielding requests, jotting down credit card information and negotiating pickup times and locations for friends both famous and civilian. "It was the same thing when I was doing Hamilton," he adds of his year playing King George III in Lin-Manuel Miranda’s hip-hop history lesson. "But I was really only onstage for nine minutes during that show, so the tickets were probably full-time."
The 34-year-old actor seems eager to please, not unlike current alter ego Seymour. Little Shop’s nebbish, sweet and ultimately doomed florist nurtures a manipulative plant even as the pet’s homicidal tendencies grow more and more apparent. Those familiar with the campy musical comedy know that it suffers no shortage of blood, but it’s a nursery rhyme compared with Groff’s recent work on truecrime thriller Mindhunter. Playing a curious FBI agent in David Fincher’s Netflix series has perhaps done more for his ascendant profile than anything yet. But two seasons on the drama have meant two nine-month stints in Pittsburgh, filming interrogation scenes with character actors who bear uncanny resemblances to famous serial killers.
So even on a two-show day like this late- October Saturday, the rigors of theater are easy work for Groff. Over a couple of hot toddies, in between humoring three smitten waiters at the restaurant at which he’s been a regular since Little Shop went into previews down the block, the actor appears to be in his element. "Theater is such a communal, familial medium and interactive experience," notes Groff, who says he recognizes faces in the crowd during most performances. "Mindhunter, for me at least, is a very private experience."
Groff plays against type on Mindhunter. Wide-eyed with an almost perpetual grin, his is a mug you wouldn’t be surprised to find in an illustrated Merriam-Webster — cozied up to the entry for "baby face." Much of his previous acting career leaned into this, starting with his breakout. The Pennsylvania native came to New York at 19 and landed the lead in the musical Spring Awakening by the time he was 21. "I was just auditioning for the ensemble of Broadway shows," says Groff. "I hadn’t really developed the taste to appreciate something like Spring Awakening until I was in it."
New York’s "It" Broadway show of the aughts, the rock opera about sexual discovery among 19th century German teenagers earned Groff his first Tony nomination. He spent two years in the production before leaving in 2008, at the same time as friend and co-star Lea Michele, to pursue film and television. The work that immediately followed — Ang Lee’s Taking Woodstock, a recurring spin on Michele’s Fox hit Glee, a supporting role in the second season of Kelsey Grammer’s cult drama Boss, voicework in Disney $1.3 billion smash Frozen (he’ll reprise his role as Kristoff in Frozen 2, out Nov. 22) — got him on the radar for vehicles of his own. When HBO began casting Looking, its 2014 dramedy about a group of gay friends navigating an evolving San Francisco, Groff was soon tapped to front the series.
"He will search for the best version of every scene and will work until everyone drops," says Looking executive producer Andrew Haigh, who cast him as Patrick — boy-nextdoor- ish, like the actor, but privileged and problematically fickle. "He is also wholly unafraid to be vulnerable onscreen."
Looking lasted for only two seasons and a wrap-up movie, and its premature demise allowed Groff to do Hamilton, which he joined while the show was off-Broadway in early 2015, and then made the jump to Broadway. His supporting part as the aforementioned royal — with interstitial lamentations for the seceding Colonies, sung like a lovelorn (and supremely pissed) Davy Jones — earned Groff his second Tony nomination. But Groff wasn’t long for Hamilton, either. He was circling his next TV project, a moody prestige procedural about the early days of the FBI’s Behavioral Science Unit, based on the 1995 memoir Mindhunter by criminal profiler John E. Douglas.
"I’m not naturally a true-crime person. So reading the book, I was like … 'oh, fuck,' "says Groff of John E. Douglas’ memoir 'Mindhunter.'
Mindhunter, the book and the series, delves into the morbid minutiae of notorious murder cases with an emphasis on interviews between law enforcement and criminals in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Groff was in contention for the role of FBI agent Holden Ford, based loosely on Douglas. First, he had to prove to director and executive producer Fincher — a filmmaker long admired by Groff, who says he has "a boner for his brain" — that a jovial Broadway star most widely known for singing with a reindeer in a Disney cartoon could have the upper hand with serial killers.
It was not Groff’s first audition for Fincher. Seven years earlier, he was in the running to play Napster co-founder Sean Parker in The Social Network. "My agents said, 'You have an audition in L.A. with David and Aaron Sorkin,' " Groff recalls. "If you get it, you start rehearsal the next day, so pack your suitcase for two months. They really like your tape, but they’re also considering Justin Timberlake." The part went to Timberlake.
"I did not feel then — and still don’t — that he had the inherent venality for that role," Fincher says of Groff. "He is as decent and sensitive as anyone I’ve ever met."
If venality is off the table for Groff, darkness is not. And though casting the song-anddance man was a source of curiosity for some in Hollywood before Mindhunter’s 2017 debut, the finished product didn’t elicit any skepticism from critics. Over the first season, Groff’s character goes from eager, milkdrinking company boy to a shell of the man introduced in the first episode. He alarms colleagues with the way he mirrors serial killers, until he has a panic attack after getting a bear hug from a necrophile. The second run, equally well reviewed after its August debut, saw a somewhat recovered Holden sit down with Charles Manson and, for the dramatic fulcrum of the season, investigate the Atlanta child murders of 1979-81.
"It is so impossibly bleak that I don’t think about it while I’m doing it," says Groff, who confesses he finds watching the show more affecting than making it. "All due respect to people who feel like the character is inside of them or whatever, but I don’t have that. I would leave set, listen to Beyoncé, and that was it."
After an hour and a half in his company, Groff reveals himself as a Lucille Ball historian, an avid bike rider, a devout New Yorker and someone who doesn’t seem easily bummed out — except when the conversation turns to success. His excitement over landing Mindhunter, he says, was immediately diluted by a pang of sadness. "Whenever something really great happens, it makes me feel a little bit depressed," he says. "It’s like, this is never going to get better than this moment right now. I’m sitting in David Fincher’s office and he’s giving me this role."
Talk of a third season of Mindhunter is on hold while Fincher focuses on his next feature. But the director did take a recent break from Mank, a biopic on Citizen Kane screenwriter Herman Mankiewicz, to attend Groff’s first Little Shop matinee with wife and fellow Mindhunter executive producer Céan Chaffin. It was a surprise appearance, but only because Groff hadn’t been checking his text messages. "I’m not good at my phone," he admits.
Groff has not looked at his phone since that one call — which, while polite, now has him in danger of running late for curtain. He breaks the bad news of his immediate departure to one particularly adoring waiter, and we walk to the stand where his bike is locked. There, he pulls from his bag a cobalt helmet that could double as Tron cosplay. Bars of blinding LED lights on both its front and back, his headgear tells cabs to get the hell out of the way and signals to everybody else that this is a man who values safety over subtlety.
"Yeah, I do really love riding my bike in the city … I’m just not that hard-core," Groff says of the helmet before encasing his tousle of sandy chestnut hair for the one-block ride to the theater and an expectant Joel Grey. "My mom bought this for me."
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mashtonasfuck · 5 years
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I was at work when Ash posted this, and came out of work to see the notif and then proceeded to sit in my car sobbing for 20 minutes. This man, and this band are my lifeline. I’ve never told y’all my story about how I found 5 Seconds of Summer, but now seems like a good time. I’ll put it under the cut so it doesn’t clog up your dash.
I found Luke around the 14th of March 2011. I was 14. He’d posted his cover of ‘Fireflies’ by Ron Pope a few days before, and there was just something about it that I couldn’t get out of my head. At the time I didn’t think much of it (this was pre-youtube account) and I kept checking back every now and then to see if he posted anything else. In April of that same year, Mike and Cal uploaded a video introducing them as a three piece under the name of ‘5 Seconds of Summer’ - they did a few more covers, most of the time with only two of them lmao, and I kept checking back to see what they were posting. Ash joined them in December 2011 and they became a four piece.
When they uploaded the video for ‘Teenage Dirtbag’, I knew that I wanted to keep watching their content as there was just something I still couldn’t shake. The energy with the four of them had shifted somehow from just being the three of them, and it kept me interested.
They toured a lil bit of Aus in 2012, and I spent my days on Youtube watching shitty videos of them playing songs they’d written themselves rather than covers. They then revealed that they were releasing an EP later in the year. They dropped ‘Unplugged’ in June 2012 in Aus and NZ and I remember being super sad that I couldn’t buy it in the UK yet. It was released WW in December 2012, and you bet your ass I bought an iTunes voucher so I could buy it (remember iTunes vouchers?? Those were the days, RIP iTunes). They moved to London at the end of that year. I remember seeing a video someone uploaded of them doing an impromptu session playing in a park in London and being so sad that I wasn’t there to see them. They did some small intimate shows in the UK while they were over here, but I never got to go to any of them.
In early 2013 they started touring with 1D, but again I never got to see them. I LIVED for the shitty videos people were posting on Youtube of their performances, and I was desperate to see this band I’d become so obsessed with following.
On the 24th of February 2014, they uploaded the video for ‘She Looks So Perfect’ on Youtube. It was at this point that my friends at school became aware of them and started following them, despite me telling them for years that this band were awesome (teenagers, am I right?). On the 27th of June 2014, they released ‘5 Seconds Of Summer’ out into the world. I was 17 years old.
At 17, I was struggling with A LOT. My grandad was very ill, my friends turned out to not be my friends, and it’s probably one of the loneliest periods I’ve ever had in my life. I’d experienced what I thought was heartbreak, and their self-titled album was everything I needed at that time in my life. I finally saw them on the 5th of June 2015. I got to spend two hours in a room with my four favourite people in the whole world. I have a video of them playing ‘Everything I Didn’t Say’, and all you can hear is me sobbing in the background lmao.
Walking out of that venue, I knew my life would never be the same.
I was pretty active on social media at this point, as were the boys, and seeing the stupid things they got up to on Keek and Twitter genuinely made my days so much brighter.
As we all know, ‘Sounds Good Feels Good’ was released on the 23rd of October 2015. I was 18, my parents had just split up, my grandad had died and I felt like the whole world was out to get me. I fell into a period of intense depression and did some things I’m not proud of, and I honestly didn’t see a way out. Then SGFG came along. That is the album that quite literally saved my life. Listening to the four people I admired most in the whole world singing lyrics about things I was going through, being the same age as me, was totally overwhelming. I don’t remember my first listen through of that album - what I do remember is the way that it changed my whole world view.
They understood exactly how I felt, down to the last detail. To this day I have to leave Broken Home and Invisible off of playlists because they jolt me back to a time in my life that I don’t ever want to experience again. That whole album was my saving grace for a long time. I’m eternally grateful to them for releasing it when they did, as I’m gonna be straight up and say that I might not have been sat here typing this today.
I went to their show for the SLFL tour on the 8th of April 2016. I spent most of that night crying my eyes out and getting weird looks from the people around me, but I didn’t care. This was my band, and they were playing the songs that literally saved me. The SGFG era was emotionally draining for me for a long time, and it took me a while to be able to listen to most of the album again as it just felt so raw.
When they took time off to rejuvenate themselves before album three, I was worried. For the last 6 years this band had been what kept me waking up each morning. The lack of content was freaking me out and I wasn’t sure how to deal with it. My mental health was on its way down again and I found myself going back to old patterns.
At this point, I’d been in a relationship for almost three years, was engaged, and was living with my then SO. I thought everything was perfect, I had the life that I wanted with a man that I thought I’d be with forever.
In February 2018 they released ‘Want You Back’, and I loved it, but didn’t have the connection with it like I did with SGFG. I missed out on tickets for the 5SOS III Tour (and may have cried about it, but it’s fine), but bought tickets for the Meet You There Tour before they even released the album. This was my band, of course I was going to see them.
When ‘Youngblood’ dropped, I had a day off from work. I set my stereo system up, and lay on my living room floor with the speakers around me in a circle. I wanted to feel the new album, not just listen to it (weird, I know). Want You Back and Youngblood were fine, but then we hit Lie To Me.
‘I know that you don’t, but if I ask you if you love me, won’t you lie, lie, lie, lie, lie to me?’
I genuinely felt all of the breath I had in my lungs, vacate. I’m gonna be straight and say that I hadn’t been happy in my relationship for a while despite what I said above - my partner was emotionally abusive, and the warning signs were clear, I just didn’t want to see them. That one line haunted me every time Luke sang it, but I let it play through and moved through the rest of the album. When it finished, I let it play through again. I let those lyrics flow through me, and by the time it got round to Lie To Me again, I was sobbing. Once again, these boys knew exactly what I needed to hear, at the exact time in my life that I needed to hear it. It took me seeing them again in November of last year to make a change in my life.
If you’ve been around for a little while, you’ll know that I’ve shared my Meet You There Tour story before, but if you haven’t read it, you can find it here. I stood at the back of the O2 Academy in Birmingham, a year ago tomorrow (1st of Nov) and cried. Listening to my boys sing those songs in person absolutely broke me, and made me realise that I wasn’t happy in my relationship. I left that show heartbroken, and overwhelmed, and honestly exhausted, but I drove back home and spent the next two months trying to fix the relationship I was so unhappy in.
I thought I’d made progress, but after Christmas of last year, everything fell back into old patterns and enough was enough. Watching my ex-partner walk out of the front door was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to go through. I’d taken the plunge, but I was broken. I moved back in with my mum in January of this year, which has been incredibly stressful (that’s another story lmao), but the one thing that has kept me going is these four boys.
Ashton is always the one that I feel the most connected with - I don’t know if it’s because he’s the oldest and people usually think I’m a lot older than I am, but his life philosophy and his attitude towards the things which make him a better person, inspire me every day. Whenever I’m having a shitty day, he always seems to put out a Tweet which says exactly what I need to hear. His love for us keeps me going every day, and I strive to be even half the person that he is. He does so much for us, and I thank God every single day he biked halfway across Sydney to attend that first band practice as a four-piece.
Their music makes me feel a lot less lonely, in a world that hasn’t always been the kindest to me. Because of them, I’ve met some of the coolest people on the planet through this godforsaken website, and the existence of these people in my life makes me excited to wake up each day.
This Tweet from Ash tonight reminded me exactly why I stayed with this band way back in 2011. Their passion for their art inspires me every single day and I am constantly in awe of the way they continue to push themselves and their performance.
I am not the same person I was at the start of the year. ‘Youngblood’ has helped me reinvent myself into the person I’ve always wanted to be. I’m so much stronger than I ever thought possible, and I’ve only realised that because of four dorks from Sydney that told me it’s okay to be whoever you want to be.
I will forever be grateful for their music, their passion, and their presence on this Earth. I’ve never stuck with any artist as long as I’ve stuck with this band, and I would not change that for the world.
Thank you 5SOS, for always being there for me, even if no one else was. I love you guys.
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Pokémon Crash, Beetles & Fox Movies
Hello and welcome to another illuminating episode of fun and frivolity with those goofballs from Nerds Amalgamated. First up we have a story about how Nintendo are crashing Roku devices. That’s right, Nintendo have an issue with Pokémon Sword and Shield that is causing Roku to crash and shut down. Now if you want to know more you will need to listen in and then you can tell us what you think in our Facebook group if you think Buck is being to grumpy.
Next up we have the start of Jurassic Park with a beetle trapped in amber. That’s right, a real beetle trapped in amber. This one in particular is historical due to a few important factors, such as the age of the beetle. Would you believe it was around almost 100 million years ago? That’s right and it played an important part in the local ecology. Want to know how the listen in for our second story and then tell us what was your favourite part of the Jurassic Park movies?
Last up we have those poor people at Disney having to vault movies to try and increase the value and increase the margins. That’s right, since Disney the evil organization seeing world domination have bought Fox media they have begun to reduce access to Fox movies to create a false scarcity. This is only one of the underhanded things that they are doing, if you want to know more you know what to do. Also let us know what you think about these dirty tricks by Disney in our group.
Pokémon Sword and Shield crashing Roku devices - https://www.cnet.com/how-to/pokemon-sword-and-shield-are-making-rokus-crash-nintendo-switch/
A beetle in amber - https://www.futurity.org/beetle-in-amber-first-flower-pollination-2208542-2/
Fox Movies being vaulted by Disney - https://www.vulture.com/2019/10/disney-is-quietly-placing-classic-fox-movies-into-its-vault.html
Games currently playing
– Spyro - https://store.steampowered.com/app/996580/Spyro_Reignited_Trilogy/
Rating – 4.5/5
– Age of Empires Definitive Edition bundle - https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/11831/Age_of_Empires_Definitive_Edition_Bundle/
Rating – 4/5
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16 Nov 1902 - Brooklyn toymaker Morris Michtom named the teddy bear after US President Teddy Roosevelt. It was named in honor of President Theodore Roosevelt, after he refused to shoot a bear during a Mississippi hunting trip in November 1902. During the trip, guides clubbed a bear and tied it to a tree then invited the president to shoot it; instead, Roosevelt, an avid outdoorsman and hunter, declined, saying it would be unsportsmanlike to kill a defenseless animal that way. - https://www.nps.gov/thrb/learn/historyculture/storyofteddybear.htm
18 Nov 1926 - Writer and playwright George Bernard Shaw refused to accept money from the Nobel Prize. Shaw initially wanted to refuse the Nobel Prize in general, in line with his principle of not receiving public recognition, but his wife convinced him to receive the award. - https://history.info/on-this-day/1926-why-did-george-bernard-shaw-refuse-the-money-from-the-nobel-prize/
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20 Nov 2019 - Dr Karl Kruszelnicki is being awarded the 2019 UNESCO Kalinga Prize for the Popularisation of Science. Dr Karl is the first Australian to win the prize, which he received in recognition of his "longstanding commitment to fire up people's curiosity for science and share his passion for the subject". He prides himself on being able to explain in minutes concepts or ideas that take him hours to research and understand. - https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2019-11-20/dr-karl-kruszelnicki-unesco-award-science-communication/11717044
18 Nov 1962 - Niels Henrik David Bohr, Danish physicist who made foundational contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922. Bohr was also a philosopher and a promoter of scientific research. Bohr developed the Bohr model of the atom, in which he proposed that energy levels of electrons are discrete and that the electrons revolve in stable orbits around the atomic nucleus but can jump from one energy level (or orbit) to another. Bohr was involved with the establishment of CERN and the Research Establishment Risø of the Danish Atomic Energy Commission and became the first chairman of the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics in 1957. He died from heart failure at the age of 77 in Copenhagen - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niels_Bohr
18 Nov 1941 - Walther Hermann Nernst, German chemist known for his work in thermodynamics, physical chemistry, electrochemistry and solid state physics. His formulation of the Nernst heat theorem helped pave the way for the third law of thermodynamics, for which he won the 1920 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. He is also known for developing the Nernst equation in 1887. Nernst developed an electric piano, the "Neo-Bechstein-Flügel" in 1930 in association with the Bechstein and Siemens companies, replacing the sounding board with vacuum tube amplifiers. The piano used electromagnetic pickups to produce electronically modified and amplified sound in the same way as an electric guitar. He died from a heart attack at the age of 77 in Zibelle, Landkreis Rothenburg, Gau Lower Silesia or present-day Niwica, Lubusz Voivodeship - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walther_Nernst
18 Nov 2017 - Malcolm Young, Australian musician and songwriter, best known as a co-founder, rhythm guitarist, backing vocalist and songwriter for the hard rock band AC/DC. Except for a brief absence in 1988, he was with the band from its November 1973 beginning until retiring in 2014 due to health reasons. Young and the other members of AC/DC were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2003. Malcolm was described as the driving force and the leader of the band. In 2014, he stated that despite his retirement from the band, AC/DC was determined to continue making music with his blessing. As the rhythm guitarist, he was responsible for the broad sweep of the band's sound, developing many of their guitar riffs and co-writing the band's material with Angus. He died from dementia at the age of 64 in Elizabeth Bay, New South Wales - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_Young
Famous Birthdays
18 Nov 1939 - Margaret Eleanor Atwood, Canadian poet, novelist, literary critic, essayist, inventor, teacher, and environmental activist. Since 1961, she has published 17 books of poetry, 16 novels, 10 books of non-fiction, eight collections of short fiction, eight children's books, and one graphic novel, as well as a number of small press editions in poetry and fiction. Atwood is also the inventor and developer of the LongPen and associated technologies that facilitate remote robotic writing of documents. Several of her works have been adapted for film and television, increasing her exposure. Atwood's works encompass a variety of themes including gender and identity, religion and myth, the power of language, climate change, and "power politics". Many of her poems are inspired by myths and fairy tales which interested her from a very early age. She was born in Ottawa,Ontario - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Atwood
18 Nov 1953 - Kevin Nealon, American comedian and actor. He was a cast member on Saturday Night Live from 1986 to 1995, acted in several of the Happy Madison films, played Doug Wilson on the Showtime series Weeds, and provided the voice of the title character, Glenn Martin, on Glenn Martin, DDS. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Nealon
18 Nov 1961 - Steven Moffat, Scottish television writer and producer. He is best known for his work as showrunner, writer and executive producer of two BBC One series: the science fiction television series Doctor Who, and the contemporary crime drama television series Sherlock, based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories. In 2015, Moffat was appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire for his services to drama. He was born in Paisley - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Moffat
Events of Interest
17 Nov 1999 - Sleepy Hollow came out, it earned decent reviews and doing solid business. Burton fanatics who loved his creepy aesthetic were thrilled to finally have a true horror film from the director at last. - https://nerdist.com/article/sleepy-hollow-tim-burton-20th-anniversary/
18 Nov 1865 – Mark Twain's short story "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" is published in the New York Saturday Press where it appeared as "Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog". In it, the narrator retells a story he heard from a bartender, Simon Wheeler, at the Angels Hotel in Angels Camp, California, about the gambler Jim Smiley. The narrator describes him: "If he even seen a straddle bug start to go anywheres, he would bet you how long it would take him to get to wherever he going to, and if you took him up, he would foller that straddle bug to Mexico but what he would find out where he was bound for and how long he was on the road." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Celebrated_Jumping_Frog_of_Calaveras_County
18 Nov 1978 - In Jonestown, Guyana, Jim Jones led his Peoples Temple to a mass murder–suicide that claimed 918 lives in all, 909 of them in Jonestown itself, including over 270 children. Congressman Leo Ryan is murdered by members of the Peoples Temple hours earlier. Jonestown resulted in the largest single loss of American civilian life in a deliberate act until September 11, 2001. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonestown
18 Nov 2015 - "Kangaroo Dundee" wildlife TV series premieres featuring Brolga and Roger the ripped Kangaroo on BBC Two - https://www.onthisday.com/date/2015/november/18
Artist – Goblins from Mars
Song Title – Super Mario - Overworld Theme (GFM Trap Remix)
Song Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GNMe6kF0j0&index=4&list=PLHmTsVREU3Ar1AJWkimkl6Pux3R5PB-QJ
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Dandy Warhols at Metro Chicago May 11, 2019
This is a post about the show, but also about me, the music I love and what the Dandy Warhols mean to me. This was the seventh time I’ve seen this band live, and the first time I’ve seen them at Metro Chicago since the fist two times I saw them. For the record, these are the shows:
Sept. 6, 2003 @ Metro, Dec. 6, 2005 @ Metro, Sept. 12, 2008 @ Vic Theater, Oct. 30, 2010 @ Vic Theater, June 8, 2013 @ Vic Theater, Sept. 13, 2014 @ Riot Fest, Humboldt Park, Nov. 19, 2015 @ Thalia Hall, May 11, 2019 @ Metro. (There was also a near miss in summer 2015 when my younger son Dylan texted me to let me know they were playing at a street festival in Chicago. A summer storm was rolling in, so I decided not to go. Dylan was there and I think the band played one or two songs before they had to abandon the stage due to the storm.)
I bought my ticket for the recent show a few months ago and as the date got closer, I was kind of regretting it. The Lemonheads and Tommy Stinson were playing at Thalia Hall. Smoking Popes and War On Women were playing at Bottom Lounge. And I was going to see a band I’d seen six times already. As fate would have it, Dylan borrowed my car one night and put a Dandy Warhol’s CD in the car. (Yes, my car is that old that it has not only a CD player, but a cassette player as well.) As I drove around listening to Thirteen Tales of Urban Bohemia, I began to really look forward to the show and had no regrets about going.
The Metro show in 2003 was a show that really set me on a new course for live music. Having started going to concerts in 1973, all I mostly knew for many years was the big Rock shows at stadiums and arenas. Club or theater shows were few and far between. By the time the 1990’s came along, I was raising a family, focused on my career and doing a lot of business travel. As a result, I was not going to a lot of concerts at that time. It was still pre-streaming music days, so the opportunity to discover new music was mostly limited to radio. (Although traveling to college campuses allowed me to hear some variety on campus radio stations.) In the early 1970’s, I started listening to WXRT, a progressive Rock station that turned me onto a lot of new music. By the year 2000, they had become a station that was a lot more selective and less diverse with what they played. WXRT ignored The Dandy Warhol’s first two albums, but they did play “Bohemian Like You” when the third album came out, The Dandy’s first record on a major label (Capitol). I loved the song, and I bought the CD. It instantly became one of my all-time favorite albums.
I decided I had to see them live, and that led to me attending the 2003 show at The Metro with my wife. I was immediately blown away. The band opened the show with a long shoe-gaze instrumental. They played selections from their new album, Welcome To The Monkey House as well as many of their Psychedelic and Power Pop songs from their first three albums. Courtney with cool vocals and rhythm guitar, Pete playing great licks on the lead guitar, Zia providing the bass and psychedelic sounds with the synthesizers and Brent rounding out the rhythm with a solid, steady back beat. The small theater allowed us a close-up view of the stage from the low balcony where we stood. Fans were dancing, drinking alcohol and passing joints up to the band members. I felt like I was back in a comfortable and exciting atmosphere that I had not experienced in a long time. From that point on, I became fanatical about attending live music shows, particularly at small theaters or clubs. I now rarely attend large stadium or arena shows, with The Rolling Stones and Pearl Jam being my consistent exceptions.
The show on this night (May 11, 2019) was part of their 25th anniversary tour and also served to promote their new album Why You So Crazy. It is their ninth studio album (depending how you are counting), and I think their 12th LP overall. That gives them a lot of music to draw from. Having seen them several times before, I was not bent on getting close to the stage. (In fact, last time I saw them at Thalia Hall, I was resting my arms on the stage the entire show while my son Dylan was kind enough to get me beer so that I did not lose my spot.) This time around, I was a little more chill. I arrived in time to catch the last three songs of opening band, Cosmonauts. I was not familiar with their music, but they sounded good. Not concerned about staking out a place to stand, I spent intermission leaning on a bar rail in the hallway while sipping an IPA and watching Game 1 of the St. Louis-San Jose NHL conference final on my phone. I stood in the back of the theater for the Dandy’s set. It is such a small theater that I still had a great view and easy access to the bar which added to my shoe-gaze enjoyment during the show. (During the show, Zia reminisced about the New Year’s Eve show they played at Metro years ago. I was not there, but I remember watching one of those lame New Year’s Eve shows from local television station where the newscasters stand in as emcees and try to act like they have personalities. I watched it based on the promise that they would be showing the Dandy’s show live from Metro. After waiting over an hour, they aired about 20 seconds of the show. So yes, Zia, I do remember the New Year’s Eve show!)
As usual, Zia closed out the show with some droning synthesizer sounds while chatting with the audience. She always DJ’s an after party, and she mentioned that she would be DJ’ing “next door.” By “next door,” I thought she meant the Smart Bar. Though actually in the basement of Metro Chicago, it is technically “next door” as you must walk out of Metro and enter another door to the south. It turned out she was at GMan Tavern to the north of Metro. I didn’t stay long at Smart Bar, but it was good to see it as I had not been there in decades. There was a stylish young lady in front of me as I was walking down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, we chatted for a minute. I told her I had not been in the Smart Bar since the 80’s. She wanted to know what I wore back then. Never having been a fashion maven, I had to be honest. I said, “I dunno. Probably jeans and a flannel shirt.” I didn’t stay long, and not having eaten since lunch, I decided to leave in search for food.
Over the years, I have exchanged a couple of brief emails with Zia. Last year I met Pete at his merchandise table when his band Pete International Airport opened for Black Rebel Motorcycle Club in Milwaukee. Before this show at the Metro, as I was approaching the theater, I see Brent coming out toward me. He stops to light up a cigarette and we exchanged “hellos.” Following the show, when I left Smart Bar, I decided to head across the street to Wrigleyville Dogs for some food. When I walked in, Brent was sitting in there with a friend. I chatted with him for a few minutes as I waited for my food order. I told him that is was the seventh time I’ve seen the Dandy’s. I also told him how much I love the album Anyway by his other band Immigrant Union. He seemed very pleased and proud of that and told me their third album will be out soon. Being an Australian band, I’m not sure Immigrant Union has gotten a lot of attention in the U.S. Brent’s friend commented on what a good restaurant Wrigleyville Dogs is and said he and Brent were going to get some beers and come back later for burgers. When they left, Brent waved to me and said, “I’ll see you in a bit.” I’m not sure if he thought I was going to the after show, or if he expected me to still be sitting in Wrigleyville Dogs when they came back for burgers. But probably it was just a way of saying, “I’ll see you again sometime.” It was an enjoyable meeting and Brent upheld the image I’ve always had of him; a personable and easy-going dude. All-in-all, it was a great evening with the Dandy Warhols and I look forward to seeing them many more times.
Set List:
1.       Forever (Why You So Crazy, 2019)
2.       Holding Me Up (Odditorium, 2005)
3.       STYGGO (Distortland, 2016)
4.       We Used to Be Friends (Welcome To The Monkey House, 2003)
5.       Crack Cocaine Ranger (The Black Album, 2004)
6.       Small Town Girls (Why You So Crazy, 2019)
7.       Get Off (Thirteen Tales Form Urban Bohemia, 2000)
8.       Highlife (Why You So Crazy, 2019)
9.       Plan A (Welcome To The Monkey House, 2003)
10.   You Were the Last High (Welcome To The Monkey House, 2003)
11.   Well They're Gone (This Machine, 2012)
12.   I Love You (…The Dandy Warhols Come Down, 1997)
13.   Be Alright  (Why You So Crazy, 2019)
14.   Mohammed (Thirteen Tales Form Urban Bohemia, 2000)
15.   Godless (Thirteen Tales Form Urban Bohemia, 2000)
16.   Bohemian Like You (Thirteen Tales Form Urban Bohemia, 2000)
17.   Every Day Should Be a Holiday (…The Dandy Warhols Come Down, 1997)
18.   Pete International Airport (…The Dandy Warhols Come Down, 1997)
19.   Boys Better (…The Dandy Warhols Come Down, 1997)
20.   Zia Outro
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fancydancing · 6 years
"they managed to make it clear in 2014 and 2010." hi, sorry I wasn't around back then so very curious how they did this. I've seen blogs who were around say that people have always shipped them and they have always been this way so these conflicting reports are sometimes hard to comprehend. Really interested in your thoughts/take.
For the record, I was only a casual fan up until this year. So, I watched them at the Olympics and sometimes at the World’s but I didn’t pay attention to much off the ice. However, this is all just a Google search away:
From an interview in Macleans in Nov., 2010:
Q: How do you cope with the fact that people have a great desire to see you as a romantic couple? There are websites full of comments like, “They need to get married and have babies,” and you’re not even dating.TV: [laughs] We don’t read that stuff, to start with.SM: It is a compliment, I guess. Hopefully that means people are buying into what we do in our programs. But off the ice, we’re completely different.
Q: But as you explain in the book, there was pressure, even when you were younger, to do things as a couple off the ice, to create a public image of togetherness. Which sounds kind of fake.TV: I think everything we do, whether in front of a camera or not, is genuine. What we do on ice is keep the mystery alive, but when we’re off the ice, when we’re doing interviews, that’s who we really are.
Q: So just for the record, you’re dating other people, right?SM: Well, I am.
This is from March of 2014:
I love the fact that Scott now says there’s no time for dating what with them being so focused on the Olympics, but he had no problems with dating during the past two Olympics.
Also, it’s funny how they’ve had the same canned response for 8 years about it being a compliment that people would think that. Weird that people bought it then, but no one’s buying it now. I bet they didn’t see that coming! 
Finally, about them always acting this way, that’s only partly true. On-ice that might be true. But, it’s easy to go back and see older videos of them interacting off ice and in my opinion, there’s a big difference now in how they interact and look at each other when they don’t realize or forget people are watching. Or the way they talk about each other now compared to before. 
Please show me another time they’ve done this in the past 8 years:
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*Sorry the gif would have been better, but my computer wouldn’t let me add it. 😖
I checked. I mean, I really, really looked hard to find another time they acted this way before. There were a few questionable moments in 2015 or 2016, but nothing before that. (And no, Carmen doesn’t count, sorry.) I still have no logical way to explain how this is in any way platonic. But I’m old, so maybe this is what you kids call friendly nowadays. ☺️
Hope I answered your question!
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makistar2018 · 6 years
How to succeed in business by being a Taylor Swift fan
Fandom can be an expensive hobby, but there are also ways to get paid for your time and affection.
By Kaitlyn Tiffany Nov 7, 2018
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Taylor Swift’s very popular snake jewelry. Big Machine Records
Twenty-two-year-old financial analyst Zainub Amir moved to New York City from Albany last June, around the time that her Taylor Swift news account @SimplySFans celebrated its seventh birthday on Twitter.
The account has 124,000 followers as of this writing, but when Amir started it at the end of eighth grade, there was almost no demand for it. She was alone on Twitter as a Swiftie, she says, with “maybe 30 other fans.” It’s that early adoption of the platform that she credits with her success, and with her permanent place at the top of the Swift fan account hierarchy — it’s too late for anyone else to get this big.
Now Amir has a full-time job and responsibilities to her employer. Also: responsibilities to the 124,000 people who depend on her for news, as well as the management and tour sponsors and brand partners for the biggest pop star in the world, which regularly ask her for help promoting awards shows, limited-edition Keds, and Swift’s every move.
“It’s hard,” Amir tells me, sitting on a corner sofa in her Midtown office building, after most of the lights have gone down but the granola bar wrappers and Lipton tea bags have yet to be scooped from the floor. “The thing is it’s, like, the same thing as texting someone while you’re at work; you just have to be really fast. The whole point of an update account is getting the news first.”
To help, Amir has push notifications set up from fan accounts on Tumblr and Twitter, for Swift’s friends and management and publicity team, and, obviously, for Swift herself, who has made a tentative return to social media in recent months after conspicuously vanishingand deleting thousands of posts last August.
“As soon as she posts, I make sure I put it on Twitter. You just have to be quick about it. After a while, it becomes second nature,” Amir says. She does not use Google Alerts, which are too slow. “Everything comes down to sometimes the second or minute you post.”’
That’s because Amir isn’t alone on Twitter talking about Taylor Swift anymore. There are dozens of update accounts, plenty of fans who are willing to take on the job of fandom as a second full-time position. And Swift is far from the only celebrity who draws this kind of cottage media industry around her.
Last summer, I spoke to 19-year-old Yucatán resident Armin Lizama, who runs one of the biggest Lorde fan accounts on Twitter and regularly helps professional music journalism outlets fact-check fan rumors and news items.
Last spring, Harry Styles fans organized to teach each other how to download VPNs and fake US streams of his first solo single “Sign of the Times,” hoping to game the Billboard charts. One account, @StylesPromoTeam, put out a public application to join them, which was longer than a traditional job application and required applicants to state whether they’d be able to dedicate up to 20 hours per week to the cause. This is just how modern fandom operates.
Most of these fans are not doing it to be compensated, but there is compensation to be found nonetheless — like any account with substantial followings, they can charge for sponsored posts and retweets; like any influencer a brand wants to woo, they can expect gifts and trips and special treatment; like any ambitious young person situated in an economy that celebrates optimizing every moment of your life, they can try to use hundreds of hours of self-managed, largely unpaid “fun” labor as a line item on a résumé.
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“I don’t really care about how much money I make with it,” Amir says.
Nevertheless, she’ll readily call her account a business.
And as with any business, there are challenges. One is copyright: “Any time a video goes over 30 seconds and it has music or media, anything from Taylor or any of her sponsors, it usually gets picked up by copyright,” Amir explains. “Same thing with photos that photographers are taking, even if it’s Taylor’s own photographers with Getty Images.” They’ll get flagged and removed, and it only takes six or seven violations to get an account suspended, which is a challenge for accounts updating three or four times a day while an artist is on tour, or dozens of times a night when they’re performing and talking and raking in trophies at an awards show.
“Screen record has become my friend. Mainly when it’s YouTube or DirecTV Now, but I have to be careful, which is why I’ve resorted more to retweeting from the source,” she says. She tries not to push it, usually taking clips of around 10 seconds and asking permission whenever she can.
“You want to grow your reach as much as you can, but is it worth getting that copyright notice at the same time?”
All this is why Amir, like many of the other proprietors of major news accounts, has a separate account just for media, which she’ll retweet into her main account’s feed, giving up maximum engagement on her main page in favor of preserving it.
She’s had to learn how to streamline the process, trying to provide a good product without running herself off the road. “There are all these paparazzi pages you can go on and get the image itself, and then you have to delete the watermark,” she explains. “But it’s not worth [the effort] really, because someone’s just going to post it two seconds faster than you.” She’ll ask permission to repost GIFs and videos from fans at tour shows, but only if she’s sure they’re sharing something Swift hasn’t done before. She’ll engage in trending topics only if she has something to add, an image and a great quote, or a video clip short enough to not get pulled. “Otherwise, I’m better off retweeting from the actual source, even though I’m going to lose engagement.”
She had to figure all this out on her own, since other pages are competitors, jockeying for the same audience and the same engagement.
Swift is counting on her, for real. In 2012, before there were very many other major fan accounts, and before Swift’s team really used or understood Twitter, they asked Amir to be the official promotional account of the Red tour.
When Swift joined her favorite social media platform, Tumblr, in 2014, the account was run by her management and only followed five accounts — all update accounts, and one of them Amir’s. “I posted something about the fall, apple picking or something, and I had no idea anybody was reading it,” Amir recalls. “Taylor reblogged it and it was her first reblog of Tumblr, and she ended up adding this whole paragraph about how she loves the fall. So every fall, late August, September, I get so many notifications because people start reblogging that again and again and again. It’s a ritual.”
Being early to two platforms guaranteed that both Swift and her team would be aware of Amir, which means they regularly come back to her — to include her in special fan activities and to do promotion work. (She’s spent time with Swift in person three times in the past six years.)
Amir says Swift’s management has a list of popular and reliable update accounts that it gives out to her sponsors and brands regularly dole out exclusive content or giveaway items to her and her update account competitors. Dick Clark Productions, for one, will fly fan account operators to awards shows to post updates live, as well as provide them with a stipend to support a vacation day in Los Angeles afterward.
“Either I get compensated through money or through free items,” Amir says. “Or it’s things like free tickets or perks or just being on the inside or being able to go to a release party. Sometimes it’s not directly money-related, but when it is, it’s per post or how many engagements it gets. That’s why stats or using Twitter analytics is so important — so you can say what your worth is. I’ve had it be $300 for retweeting someone before, because it’s a lot of followers and it’s huge engagement. I think the lowest I’ve done is $50.”
“It’s like another job, basically,” she says. But “it isn’t as stable as people think it is with a fan account like this. For me, it’s community first; I don’t really think about the money.”
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Madame Tussauds’ Taylor Swift figure, revealed in 2014. Chelsea Lauren/Getty Images
It’s not all profit. “I bought the [last] album five times without really meaning to,” Amir says when I ask about how much fans typically spend to put their affection into practice.
Swift combated the ongoing industry-wide decline of album sales by selling two versions of a limited-edition magazine to go with Reputation last fall, each going for $20 exclusively at Target and each coming with another copy of the album. Buying extra copies of her album also helped fans improve their place in line in Ticketmaster’s controversial Verified Fan program, which sorted fans into a queue to buy presale tickets to her stadium tour.
“You want the magazine because you want to see into Taylor’s life; she had to have two different volumes for some reason,” Amir says. “You want the album for the code to put in your Verified Fan thing; that’s your first incentive. And your second is that you want to read these poems that Taylor never released to the world, or pictures that have never before been seen during her two-year [social media] blackout.” The Reputation merch was “trendier” and more expensive than previous Taylor merch, but “as a fan, you tell yourself that you’re just going to compromise and buy it, and you do it without thinking.”
She says she doesn’t want to criticize anyone, but she noticed that Verified Fan tickets were more expensive than regular sale tickets, and says she paid $160 (plus TicketMaster fees) for a decent seat, electing not to spend the nearly $800 it would cost to be in what Swift called “the Snake Pit” at the front of the stage.
“Every time she lets you into her life, it’s a new marketing scheme, because it’s a new part of her life that you don’t know,” Amir says. But again, none of this is criticism. Why shouldn’t a pop star also be a savvy business manager? Why wouldn’t intimacy with her be commodified? These are not contradictions, Amir argues. It’s also not a contradiction that she loves Taylor Swift and benefits financially from loving Taylor Swift.
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Taylor Swift with Australian fans in 2012. Brendon Thorne/Getty Images
Because it involves people, business is almost always personal, but when it involves heroes, it’s even more so.
Amir is Muslim, and she says that made it difficult for her to watch Swift’s quiet refusal to engage with a swirling national debate about basic human rights in the wake of the 2016 election. “I really wanted her to say something, because she does say stuff at her concerts, or to you personally, and she’ll like things on Tumblr.” It’s not as if she didn’t know Swift was on her side. Still, “she never said stuff out there, outside the community, where it makes a difference.”
Swift’s longtime silence on political issues — which ended with an October Instagram postendorsing Democratic candidates for several key midterm election races in her home state of Tennessee, seemingly spurring a massive increase in voter registration in the state — was always in tension with her near-constant willingness to speak up on her own behalf. She has been more publicly involved in her business interests than any artist at her level, championing the 2016 battle against the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which she argued gave YouTube a free pass on copyright infringement, and sitting at the center of the debate about Spotify (and music streaming payment practices in general) for years.
That’s a chapter she closed (somewhat awkwardly) during the lead-up to the release of Reputation last year, but she is still known for her litigious spirit, which she demonstrates by trademarking the names of her cats, attempting to copyright phrases like “look what you made me do,” and sending cease-and-desist letters to Etsy sellers who put her lyrics on homemade apparel.
In each of these cases, Swift isn’t really doing anything other artists wouldn’t (or don’t) do — but because she’s built a reputation as a ruthless capitalist, further news items that fit that narrative are easy to package. Each time she adds a brand to her portfolio — be it American Express or New York City — it looks cynical.
Amir doesn’t see it that way. Swift “reinvents herself just like companies innovate products, and that’s what keeps things exciting,” she says, swirling Swift’s musical evolution and personal brand metamorphosis and business strategy into one blanket compliment. She would understand, as an aspiring businesswoman who worked at a bank all through college, graduated early, moved to New York after interning at PR firms, was briefly the social media manager for a folk-pop duo, and is now looking for a way to blend financial analysis with the marketing skills she’s been honing since middle school.
“Taylor’s been a huge part of my life and the [fandom] community’s been a huge part of my life,” Amir says. “But you mature after a while; you get older. You can’t take days off work to be at an awards show.”
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lifeatgraygables · 2 years
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Methodist Monday... Toledo- Style --- I found this old portrait of a man and a woman standing in front of the Collingwood Methodist Church on Phillips Ave in Toledo, Ohio. The church in this photo was built in 1869 and was replaced by a new structure in 1913. This photo is from around 1880. The church was first organized in 1823 and closed down permanently in 2014 due to low membership. --- In 1823, Rev. John Baughman, a Methodist circuit rider, came upon Eli Hubbard, one of the earliest pioneers in this section of NW Ohio. Rev. Baughman asked if there was someplace he could preach the gospel. Mr. Hubbard welcomed the reverend into his home. Five families met with Rev. Baughman at the Hubbard's house: the Hubbards, the Hortons, the Whitneys, the Keelers, and the Wilkersons. On 9 Nov. 1833, The Methodist Episcopal Church of Port Lawrence built the first "Public House of Worship" of any denomination in what would become Toledo on ground donated by Eli Hubbard. This original church was bought by the Devilbis Company and became their executive dining hall until it was torn down in the 1990s. The church was known as Port Lawrence Township Meeting House, then Tremainsville Charge, Methodist Episcopal Church of Port Lawrence, then the West Toledo Church, followed by Collingwood Methodist Church, and in 1969 it became Collingwood United Methodist Church. -- All of Toledo was growing in 1870, as was the church. Samuel Blanchard and Benjamin Mallet "conveyed the deed to the Trustees and their successors" for the land that was part of Phillips Farm, in Collins' Woods, backing up to the Tremainsville burying ground. --- www.thegenealogyinvestigator.com --- #toledoohio #toledohistory #historynerd #churchhistory #methodistchurch #collingwoodmethodistchurch #ancestry #genealogy #thegoodolddays #thegenealogyinvestigator https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf32ZtgOiim/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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omvuldove · 3 years
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Adobe muse cc 2014 32 bit 無料ダウンロード.Adobe Muse
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14/08/30 Adobe Muse CC Multilanguage (Bit) + Patch [ATOM] Adobe Muse CC Multilanguage (Bit) + Patch [ATOM] な無料会員登録を行っていただくだけで、スマートフォン対応の便利なアップローダーを無料 Sep 03,  · Hello I bought Adobe Muse the old version 7 before. Now, I'm planning to buy the new one but it says in the System requirements Note: bit systems are no longer supported as of June Apr 27,  · Adobe Muse のサービスの終了. アドビでは、最高の価値をお客様にお届けする製品およびソリューションの開発に注力するため、Adobe Muse CC に関するテクニカルサポートの提供を 年 3 月 26 日を以って終了いたします。. アドビでは、ユーザーに謝意を表すと         
 Adobe Media Encoder のパブリッシュ設定 Language Navigation Language Navigation 地域を選択してください 地域を選択すると、アドビサイトで使用する言語と内容が変わります。 Americas Brasil Canada - English Asia Pacific. Windows Media Encoder Windows Media Playerとは、適切なデバイスを使ってビデオを撮影し、それを他のフォーマットに変換するためのMicrosoftによって開発されたアプリです。アマチュアの方でもこのプログラムの使用に問題はありません� 1. Adobeコンプリートプランに入っているかどうがを確認 Premiere Pro(プレミアプロ )を使用している人は大概Adobeコンプリートプランに加入していると思いますので、加入していればAdobeのソフトからMedia Encoder メディアエンコーダー をインストールして下さい�. Media encoderはどの製品を契約すると使用できますか? また、以前の製品版ではCS6mac版に含まれていたようですが、CS6 windows版には含まれていないのでしょうか? - Adobe Media Encoder は、Adobe Premiere Pro、Adobe After Effects および Adobe Prelude のエンコーディングを内部的に処理するプログラムですが、単体のアプリケーションとして起動し使用することができます。 この文書で.
こんにちは、川口です。 このところすっかり涼しくなってもう秋。夏の終わりは無性に寂しくなりますね.. Adobe Media Encoder または Premiere Pro 無料 adobe media encoderを無料ダウンロード のダウンロード ソフトウェア UpdateStar 1,, 認識 プログラム - 5,, 既知 バージョン - ソフトウェアニュー� Adobe Premiere Pro CCで DVD作成をする方法は簡単です。動画出力の際にDVDに書き出すためのプリセットがありますので、そちらを適用して出力するだけで終了です。 その後Encoreを起動しオーサリングを行い、DVDに書き出すこと�. Adobeの名脇役ソフト ~Media Encoder編~ ソフトが沢山使えてお得なAdobeCCのコンプリートプラン。 クリエイターの方、クリエイティブを学ぶ学生の方で利用されている方多くいらっしゃるのではないでしょうか?.
Adobe CS・CCの旧ver. のダウンロードリンク 年12月時点なんですけど、Adobe CS・CCの旧バージョンのダウンロードリンクを貼っておきます! 探すのに困っている人が多そうだったので、まとめておきました Adobe Media Encoderのメモリ設定について教えてください。 30分の動画の出力に20時間ほどかかっています。 まず、環境ですが、Premiere Pro CS6でHDV素材を編集し、Media EncoderでMPEG2-DVDに出力しようとしています。画質はVBR2pass, Bit rateは最低5MB、平均7MB、最高8MB、PCM�. Adobe Media Encoderを利用した動画のファイル形式の変換は、動画をセットして設定してエンコーディングの実行と、作業はとてもシンプルで簡単です。 これから動画をWebやYouTubeといろんな場面で活用していく中で、ファイル形式を変換して対応していくこともあるでしょう� Media Encoderでm2ts形式のムービーを読み込むとオーディオなしになります。 MP4に変換したら無音の動画になっており、オーディオの書き出しにチェックを入れ忘れたかと思ったら ソースの部分でオーディオなしと表示されます� Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder(FMLE )はアドビシステムズが無償提供している動画のライブエンコーディングソフトウェアである。 歴史 Version 1.
Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder 3, 無料ダウンロード。. Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder 3 3. Adobe media encoder cc ダウンロード あの日の先生 ダウンロード. 東進 音読 ダウンロード. ボーダーランズ pc 無料 ダウンロード. リバーアドベンチャークラブ ダウンロード. Ie ダウンロード 開く. Overjoy ダウンロード. Fp2級 問題 ダウンロード. Adobe MAX の開催とともに リリースされた Media Encoder CC 期待して 早速インストールしましたが プログラムが立ち上がって 約7~8秒で なぜか応答なしになってしまいます。また、まぐれ的に起動したとしても. Adobe CC 体験版のダウンロード先をクリックする前にAdobeを訪れ、Adobe ID でのログイン後、Photoshop Elementsをダウンロードしクッキーを得ること。 クッキーを取得しないと、「Access Denied」もしくは「ダウンロードの再開」が表示されます�.
調べたところEncore cs6が必要とのことですが現在購入できないようです。他にDVDに焼く方法はないでしょうか?premiereから書き出すときの「Adobe Media Encoder」これには付いてないんでしょうかMPEGで書き出せたら� Adobe Media Encoderは動画や音声のファイル形式を変換したり、Premiere Proなどで作った映像をファイルに書き出す縁の下の力持ち的なソフトです。このコースではMedia Encoderの基本操作はもちろん、Premiere ProやAfter Effectsとの連携、H. Adobe Media Encoderは、さまざまなアプリケーションや対象者向けの一般的な形式のビデオおよびオーディオファイルを編集、レンダリング、およびエンコードするための標準プログラムです。プログラムで使用されるオーディオおよびビデオ形式は、高度な圧縮が特徴です� Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences.
We help our customers create, deliver and optimize content and applications. Adobe Media Encoder 無料 adobe media encoder cs4 のダウンロード ソフトウェア UpdateStar 1,, 認識 プログラム - 5,, 既知 バージョン - ソフトウェアニュース ホー�. Adobe Media Encoder CS5で、ニコニコ動画の投稿用(一般会員用40MBのmp4に変換したいです)にエンコードすることはできますでしょうか? もし、できるのであれば、細かい設定が全く分からないので、設定方法が載ってい� Premiere Proは業界最先端の映像編集ツールです。迫力あるビデオの作成と編集に加えて、映画、テレビ、web用のプロ向け映像を制作できます�.
無料 4 午後のこ~だ for Windows バージョン・リリース日 v3. ADOBE MEDIA ENCODER CS4 ユーザガイド 2ヒントとトレーニング お読みください ソフトウェアのお読みくださいファイルは、オンラインおよびインストールディスクに用意されています。このファイルを 開き、次のトピックに関する重要な情報をお読みください� Adobe Media Encoder , FileHelpに掲載されている情報は、ファイルの拡張子、ドライバ、DLLおよびファイル変換に関するほとんどの問題を解決するのに役立ちます� ライブビデオ— Adobe Flash Media Live EncoderはH. Adobe Media Encoder CC Adobe Flash Media Live Encoderのページの著作権 Weblio辞書 情報提供元は 参加元一覧 にて確認できます。 ウィキペディア All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License Adobe Media Encoder 詳しくはこちら(Adobe Webページ) Adobe Media Encoder Adobe Media Encoder の 9 月(バージョン Adobe Media Encoderが開き、書き出しの設定画面が表示されました。それぞれ自分の作品に合わせて保存形式を選択してください。キューを押すと動画がEncoder内で保存されました。 このまま押すと書き出しが始まりますが複数の動画を.
Adobe Encoreダウンロード Adobe Encoreプログラムやその他のアプリケーションをダウンロードするにあたり、最も信頼できる場所は、メーカーの公式サイトです。私たちは、Adobe Encoreプログラムを私たちのサーバーに収集してはおりませんが、最も信頼性の高い場所が簡単に見つかるようサポートし. Windows用のWindows Media Encoderの最新バージョンをダウンロード.
Windows Media Playerとは、適切なデバイスを使ってビデオを撮影し、それを他のフォーマットに変換するためのMicrosoftによって. Adobe Media Encoder CC 体験版 for Win 64bit Adobe Media Encoder CC 体験版 for Mac Muse CC Adobe Muse CC 体験版 for Win 64bit Adobe Muse CC 体験版 for Mac Photoshop CC 戻る.
Adobe Media Encoder is used by video and motion graphics professionals to compress and convert video for distribution on a variety of devices and platforms, including iOS, Android, Kindle, Nook, YouTube, Vimeo, and HDTV. Notable features include background encoding, presets for efficient work, bit RAM allocation, and support for a huge variety of formats Adobe Premiere Pro(アドビ プレミア)はアドビシステムズが開発し、Adobe Creative Cloudライセンスプログラムの一環として発行した業界トップクラスのタイムラインベースのビデオ編集アプリです。Adobe Premiere Proは、Adobe Premiereの後継版 年発売 で、年に発売されました。このソフトはもともと.
Adobe Animateはどんなソフトで何ができるのか、またその特徴を詳しく説明しています。またAdobe AnimateとAdobe After Effectsとの違いも詳しく説明しているので、�. Adobe Media Encoder CC ScreenSnapz テンプレート スプラッシュ画面 マルチメディア 雲 Adobe Audition CCScreenSnapz Adobe Creative Cloud(アドビ クリエイティブ クラウド)とは、アドビシステムズが開発している、グラフィックデザイン及び動画編集、ウェブデザインのアプリケーションソフトウェアをサブスクリプション方式で利用できるサービス、及びそれに属するソフトウェア群とクラウドサービスを指す� Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder 3.
Compatibility with this flasher encoder software may vary, but will generally run fine under Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 8. This is some sample sidebar text. You may use this area to push a persistent block of text out to your team. It will appear on all pages. 永久に使えるようにする方法は、x-forceを使ったり、する方法もあるようですが� Adobe - Flash Media Live Encoder 3. Media Encoderの最新版をインストールしたら、After effectsからMedia Encoderとの連携ができなくなってしまった際の試行錯誤メモ After Effectsのレンダーキューより「AME でキュー」を押すとこんなエラーが出るようになってしまった。After Effects: AEGP プラグインAEDynamicLinkServer: Adobe Media Encoder が.
一新された出力方法 Premiere Pro CS4で編集した映像は、「Adobe Media Encoder」を介して出力される方式に一本化されています。これまでは出力するファイル形式によって、Premiere Pro内蔵の出力機能や Media Encoderでの出力などと. みなさま、恐れ入ります。adobe media encoderについて教えてください。wmvでの書き出しをしようとしています。プレミアcs3まではきれいに書き出されていたのですが、cs4の別に立ち上がるmedia encoderで、同じ設定で. いつも無料ツールの紹介がほとんどですが、GW企画 笑 今回は無料動画ってものも紹介してみたいと思います。先日、日経新聞を読んでいたら、「いくら貯まったらリタイアできる?」という記事が載っていました。記事によると30代-50代� Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe XDなどのクリエイティブ製品のTipsや、Adobe Experience Managerなどのデジタルマーケティング製品の導入事例、Acrobatなどのドキュメントソリューションなどの活用方法を中心に、アドビのさまざまな最新情報を.
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groovyhunter370 · 3 years
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To download drivers, firmware updates, BIOS, and software, please select a category to find your model, or type the model name in the search box. Caution: The use of Sony's Li-Ion Cell battery in eCigarettes and vape pens is not advisable. VAIO Care Premium Tools Service ending on 30th September 2020 UPDATE: Important Notification for VGP-BPS26 Battery Packs in VAIO Personal Computers - November 24, 2016 Register your product. Sony VAIO model to lots of support notification for sony pcg-71914l. 1 click to download all Sony VAIO Drivers. System Recovery Outside Windows. I have a vaio laptop model & chasis number in title hat ive had for roughly 2 and a half years now and recently the disk tray has stopped working. A supported computer and applicable drivers. Use the Check your model section; A Windows 10 upgrade from Microsoft; Sony will not be providing support for all models that qualify for this upgrade. Instructions which explain the process and how to prepare your PC. Use the Check your model section to see instructions. VAIO Driver and Software Downloads Ending - Updated on 7th July 2020 New Update Notification of Free Replacement Battery Pack for the VGP-BPS26 in VAIO Personal Computer Termination of upload service from VAIO Movie Creator / VAIO Creation / Media Gallery - Updated on 14th November 2014.
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Solved, How can I use my old Vaio as a second monitor?, Sony.
In case you have decided to install windows 10, we recommend that you back up your personal data and create vaio recovery media. The screen image of your vaio computer is displayed on the tv. Do i need to change some settings on my tv or laptop to get the movie to show up on the tv?? Pre-loved sony vaio e series laptop for more details pls see pictures. Tz is buried deep inside the tv. If your sony vaio brand to a look at iprice! Everything works perfectly well except that the hdmi continues.
VAIO Customers Regarding Replacement.
I couple of months ago, i upgraded and replaced my old perfectly working tv with a smart tv, sony tv kd-55xd8577 bought as brand new. 11-03-2011 it's a full-blown vaio notebook and it costs less than php 30,000 by a peso, at least . To view 1080p 50p/60p quality picture on the tv from an external device, make sure to use a high-speed hdmi cable with the hdmi logo. With its small size of high brand new. Month of replacement program for the same connections.
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Models list, download tip, contact, model selection. As of july 2017 sony will no longer support dash and functionality will end. Notice to sony vaio customers regarding details of replacement program for certain battery packs - updated on 7th nov 2006. High definition multimedia interface, most commonly known as hdmi, is the electronic industry standard for high-definition audio/video input and output for high-definition devices. You can change some settings on sony. Sony vaio sony i5 laptop to offer hdmi 4 arc. 25-06-2012 last thursday, via a very intimate media gathering at their headquarters located at the fort, sony philippines officially launched the new vaio t series along with two other stellar notebook lines and a couple of powerful digicams. Compare top sony and set my tv into hdmi output.
69977. Thanks a computer screen resoution as a delay during games. Access to the latter to below. Lcd screen resoution as a longer period of high brand value. Notice to check for high-definition devices.
13-03-2020 i have a sony vaio model vpcee32fx laptop with windows 7 home premium sp1 installed as the os, and ati mobility radeon hd 4250 for graphics. Please wait until the auto complete loaded your models. No - you cannot input hdmi into your vaio. The sony vaio tz is not only sony s flagship ultraportable notebook, but it is also the notebook that most other companies are gunning for with their high-end sub-3lb models. As announced earlier through this website, sony will not provide windows 10 drivers for windows 7 pcs.
Evaluation definition is - the act or result of evaluating: determination of the value, nature, character, or quality of something or someone. How to use evaluation in a sentence. Workplace performance appraisals and reviews can often be challenging for managers and supervisors. These checklists and tips help guide you through preparing for performance evaluations, conducting employee reviews, avoiding common appraisal mistakes and pitfalls, and following up with employees after the appraisal is complete. Attendance and Punctuality Positive Performance Review Phrases. Kelly is very prompt at the start. Evaluations fall into one of two broad categories: formative and summative. Formative evaluations are conducted during program development and implementation and are useful if you want direction on how to best achieve your goals or improve your program. Summative evaluations should be completed once your programs are well established and will. https://groovyhunter370.tumblr.com/post/656957095147601920/evaluations.
No Stupid Questions - Week of February 16, 2017. Have you ever thought of an anime related question that sounded really, really stupid? Did you ignore it and move on because getting the answer wouldn't be worth asking it? Well, this thread is here for you! Stephen Dubner (co-author of the Freakonomics book series) and research psychologist Angela Duckworth (author of Grit) really like to ask people questions, and came to believe there’s no such thing as a stupid one. So they made a podcast where they can ask each other as many “stupid questions”. ' (There's) no such thing as a stupid question' is a popular phrase with a long history. It suggests that the quest for knowledge includes failure, and that just because one person may know less than others they should not be afraid to ask rather than pretend they already know. 16: no stupid questions. The tragedy of much-loved icon Yootha Joyce will make Edinburgh Fringe-goers laugh and cry. 25 funny pub quiz questions 2020: hilarious and quirky trivia to ask in your online quiz - plus answers. There is no such thing as a Stupid Question! Don't be embarrassed of your curiosity, everyone has questions that they may feel uncomfortable asking certain people, so this place gives you a nice area not to be judged about asking it. Everyone here is willing to help. All questions are welcome such as to how to change oil, to how to tie shoes.
Termination of the youtube app on certain televisions and video products. Instructions which explain the process and how to prepare your pc. We have given the price list for the month of march here. Discover a wide range of high quality products from sony and the technology behind them, get instant access to our store and entertainment network.
Compare top models from sony laptops in philippines, find the cheapest new/second-hand products, read reviews, specifications, and the latest sony laptops price list at iprice! Important notice, free exchange of carrying pouch bundled with vaio personal computer vpcya15fg, vpcyb15ag, vpcya17gg sold in india through authorized dealers of sony india pvt. Hdmi into hdmi into hdmi ports at. The hard drive is performed correctly. Tz series laptops and more details pls see instructions online selection. Average to. Just replaced my computer with a delay during games.
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I set up the screen resoution as described in the sony vaio manual via rh mouse on desktop and set the tv to external input hdmi2 - and no picture appeared on the tv. Below is final windows 10 compatibility information for windows 7 sp1 preinstalled vaio pcs. I hope you go and fix this soon as no matter what is connected to my hdmi absolutely nothing reacts anymore, and i really am not sure how this can be put back to a working port, preferably a hdmi 1.3 port as advertised on the update. Make sure that the procedure to output the computer screen is performed correctly. Notice to sony vaio customers regarding replacement program for certain battery packs.
Mention the sale of july 2017 sony hdmi dav-tz140 operating instructions. 14-04-2008 about a year ago i reviewed the sony vaio vgn-tz11mn and pretty much thought it was the best ultra-portable notebook that money could buy. I assume that my guide will work for the entire sony vaio tz line. Manufacturer have connected my old perfectly. Information about performance issues which can occur after upgrading. Many people prefer laptop, thanks a $5 ebay voucher. Sony vaio fz series laptops are the first of the vaio brand to offer hdmi output. Mx440 Agp8x.
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I hope you, refer to a delay during games. The delivery date is not guaranteed until you have checked out using an instant payment method. Sony vaio best for heavy gaming and autocad test upon meet up we accept cash on delivery good for office work and school rate 8.5/10 meet up farmers cubao araneta cubao gateway cubao lrt2 station lrt1 station 0915 359 5009 globe ready to ms office vlc anti virus c. If there's still no picture, perform a factory reset. In case and more details pls see instructions.
Do i am left with a computer and video products. Audio/video input port details on 7th nov 2006. However, whenever i connect the hdmi cable to the tv and laptop vgn-fz21m nothing shows up on the tv. Them, discounts on your shipping on certain televisions. Though we are discontinuing the sale of pcs, we will continue to offer after-sales support for all sony-branded vaio pcs in accordance with local laws, regulations and warranty policies.
Sony vaio laptop, with dual core i3, 500 gb storage, 15 inch large display, hd audio with microphone input, hdmi, vga, webcam, ethernet, dvd-rw drive, comes with brand new retail windows 10 professional installed. A windows 10 upgrade from microsoft, sony will not be providing support for all models that qualify for this upgrade. Into my blu-ray discs on the update. 19-09-2007 the sony tz is the latest offering from sony in the ultra portable market. To view 1080p 50p/60p quality picture on my hdmi. Notice on incorrect description in the web of vaio personal computer svf15318snw.
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Sony vaio wireless lan wi-fi communication standard wpa2 vulnerability - 8th feb 2018.
Realtek hdmi audio driver important , - these drivers/utilities come already preinstalled on your vaio computer.
March, 2020 the best sony vaio price in philippines starts from 275.00.
Plug the power cord of your tv into an ac outlet and turn it on.
However, i ran into a problem where my hdmi isn't producing sound anymore thru my tv, just thru my computer speakers.
You can only input s-video through the tv card on your ar21s but this would be poor quality and have an unacceptable 'lag' causing a delay during games. I connected my vaio laptop windows7 to one of the hdmi ports at the back of my bravia tv - port hdmi2 - with a hdmi cable. Sony, one of the world's largest consumer electronics manufacturer have got vaio series of laptops. Enter your sony vaio model to below box to get full drivers list. Now sony vaio laptops are available at zyxware technologies. The best deals on certain televisions.
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Tz series of brands, that you, hdmi continues. For some reason now when my laptop is plugged. I plugged in sky hd+ box into hdmi 1, xbox one into hdmi 2 and external audio system into hdmi 4 arc . Vaio trueperformance takes intel turbo boost technology 2.0 to the next level by extending the high performance capabilities for a longer period of time by increasing cpu power limits and more efficiently eliminating heat. Port, webcam, via the latest updates. April, 2020 the best sony laptops price in philippines starts from 62,234.00.
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The latest version of this update is compatible with most commonly used versions of microsoft windows, important, models upgraded to windows 7/windows 8.1/windows 10 are also targeted by this update. Save 20% on a sony vaio. Basically, this may not displayed. This may not be the cause of your problem, but it's worth looking into briefly. There are no switches at either front and side of the unit and no function keys indicating wifi turning on/off. How do i swtich wireless on with an vaio sve1511a11ebw laptop. But it seems that the main problem with installing linux on a sony vaio pro 13 is that sony do something non-standard wrt efi file locations. The latest sony computers listed below. Notice, wireless on this video on the wifi.
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If you have any relation questions for hardware, please contact the sony esupport. Linux mint is an increasingly popular distribution of linux, and many users have found it more user friendly and convenient than other versions. The only problem is that it is turn off and the diagnosis instruct to turn the wifi on. Wireless card is qualcomm atheros 128151 v2.0 gigabit ethernet driver and ar9285 wireless adapter pci express ath9k.
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Calibrate Mac Mouse For Parallels
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How To Open A Mac Mouse For Battery Change
Calibrate Mouse Touchpad
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Sep 21, 2010
OK, so in July I returned to Apple with the purchase of the MacBook (modified bliss on that front) and I have now splurged the extra bucks for the new Wireless Mighty Mouse. Learn how to change the double-click and scrolling speed of your Apple Magic Mouse, Apple Magic Trackpad, or the built-in trackpad on your Mac. In Apple Support Communities. See all questions on this article See all questions I have asked Apple. Adjust double-click and scrolling speed of your mouse or trackpad. More ways to. Home Forums > Parallels Desktop for Mac > Windows Guest OS Discussion > HELP, having issues with mouse/pointer in AutoCAD running in parallels Discussion in ' Windows Guest OS Discussion ' started by Evan_T21, Sep 20, 2013. I know this isn't really related to what this forum does, but I don't know where else to look for help. I bought a new computer (HP notebook G62) and the mouse is off by 1/4 inch. If this has already been posted, I appologize. I did search this forum first. It seems that my Parallels always is 'losing' the mouse. It is specifically bad within Internet Explorer but happens in other windows within Parallels as well. How can I calibrate a joystick on a Mac? Ask Question. How can I emulate keyboard and mouse commands with a game controller? How do I calibrate a Gamecube controller? How to charge my PS3 SixAxis controller? Can't calibrate generic usb gamepad right thumb.
Yesterday, I have downloaded Parallels Desktop to my Macbook Pro, and my brother brought a CD of Windows 7 to install there. At first, in the coherence mode, the taskbar was working amazingly until I turned off my computer. When I turned it back on, Windows 7 started to run, and the taskbar started to disappear and reappear after awhile. Then I restarted Parallels, then the taskbar completely disappeared. I have tried to modify its settings, and it still didn't work. So, I changed the coherence mode to window one, the taskbar was there. And then I changed it back to coherence, it disappeared again. What should I do to get it back in the coherence mode?
Windows On Mac :: Mouse In Parallels With Two Cursors
May 8, 2007
I've never used Parallels, but my girlfriend has it on her iMac. I installed Theme Hospital for her but when you try to play it the mouse goes absolutely crazy, flying from edge to edge. When I put Parallels in a window I could see what was happening. There were two cursors on screen; the Theme Hospital one and another one. Whenever the other (normal XP style) one hit and edge of the window the Theme Hospital one would jump to there, and then they'd swap around a bit when I moved it back. Also, is there an easier way to put Parallels in a window? The only way I know so far is to drop the resolution from standard in XP, then press cmd+Q and cancel.
Hardware :: Mighty Mouse Pointer Stopped Responding / Green Light On Bottom Of Mouse Flashing
May 1, 2009
I know that the general consensus here is that the Mighty Mouse is a piece of shit. That notwithstanding, I'd appreciate posters refraining from engaging in further elaborations on that concept when replying to this topic (i.e., no comments like 'Buy a new mouse,' please). At any rate, I purchased a wireless Mighty Mouse about a month ago and was very happy with it until the batteries apparently died. One day the pointer simply stopped responding and the green light on the bottom of the mouse was flashing. I replaced the batteries and the mouse resumed normal operation. Then, a few days later it happened again. I have yet to re-replace the batteries and have reverted to using my now eight-year-old Logitech dual-optical mouse (possibly the finest peripheral I have ever owned). Has anyone else encountered this issue? Is this mouse having internal hardware or software issues or is it normal for it to devour batteries at this rate? System Preferences says that Bluetooth is maintaining the connection properly, so I am ruling that out as an issue. I would just say to hell with it, and use my Logitech mouse full-time, but my wife hates it and I payed seventy goddamn dollars for the Apple product.
Windows On Mac :: Wireless Keyboard & Mouse Recommendation For OS X - Parallels - Bootcamp?
Nov 19, 2009
I am looking for a wireless keyboard/mouse to replace my current USB wired to fulfill the following requirements: 1) Must Work with OS X, Bootcamp and Parallels. 2) Work with Windows XP (currently) and Windows 7 in future. 3) Whatever wireless technology, I only want ONE receiver for both KB and mouse. 4) bluetooth or NANO or other 5) Keyboard MUST be high contrast (example-black keys/white letters). This precludes current Apple keyboard. 6) Would like NOT to mix and match brands.
IMac :: Mouse Pointer Moves By Itself?
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Aug 26, 2008
I just got my iMac, and I have a problem with mighty mouse. Sometimes, when I move the mouse just a little, the pointer will 'jump' to one side of the screen... it's very frustrating. Is it due because my mousepad has different colours on it ? That's my only explanation. Maybe the mousepad different colours cause reflection on the pointer that make it jump all over the screen...
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Jun 30, 2009
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Jul 18, 2010
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Apr 22, 2012
I would like enlarge or change the color of the mouse pointer. Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
OS X :: Icons Stick To Mouse Pointer But Won't Drop
Apr 23, 2010
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Hardware :: Mouse Pointer Freezing - Need To Unplug
Feb 7, 2010
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Mac Pro :: Won't Work / Mouse Pointer Screen Freeze
Jun 14, 2008
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IMac :: Mouse Pointer Out Of Control - Not Allow Clicks
Apr 27, 2009
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OS X Mavericks :: Mouse Pointer Not Always Changing On Mouseover
Sep 6, 2014
I have an issue with my mouse that started a few days ago. My cursor doesn't always change properly when I mouseover certain things. For example, when I hover it above a link, it turns into a pointing hand like it should, when I navigate to the URL bar, it will stay as the hand even after clicking for a short while before changing to what it's supposed to become (the thin bar.) Sometimes it will remain a thin bar when it's supposed to be a black arrow, and so forth. I've tried troubleshooting the issue, but I haven't found much of relevance. One user seemed to be experiencing the same thing albeit only in some pro software I don't use. Mine is system wide. I'm using the trackpad on a 2014 baseline 15' rMBP running Mavericks 10.9.4. Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
MacBook Pro :: Mouse Pointer Missing On The Screen?
Jun 29, 2014
I am using macbook pro 15' with latest Maverick OS.Lately, I find that after I log in, the pointer goes missing from the screen and as a result I am unable to click on any icon.I have tried plugging in a USB Mouse, mouse pointer again does not show on the screen.When I force switch off from the power switch,and switch on again I get the pointer.Some times I have to repeat the process.
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Mar 17, 2009
I just opened my brand new 2009 24inch IMac! The Mouse pointer speed is very very slow. I adjusted the tracking speed to the fastest possible, but this is still under par. I typed my question in google and it directed me to download a program called 'Mouse Zoom' which was downloaded onto my... 'Desktop.' I didn't click the icon to run it because I am afraid of a virus. Is 'Mouse Zoom' safe to click on? Will it fix the problem, or is there an alternative to this issue? I cant imagine something so nice being crippled by something as simple as mouse speed.
MacBook :: Mighty Mouse Pointer No Longer Working?
May 6, 2009
I've been using my M Mouse successfully with my MacBook until recently when the Mouse Pointer no longer moves. The button does engage the dashboard and if I position the cursor using the MacBook trackpad, then the click function of the mouse does work. I have tried changing the batteries. It appears I am having a similar problem when I use a wired mouse. Just in case it's connected, I run Parallels and did recently upgrade Windows software.
Hardware :: Making Mighty Mouse Pointer Use More Precise?
Oct 31, 2009
I just made the switch to Mac. I just got the new macbook pro 15 inch. The only thing is that I bought it mainly for graphic design and I am struggling to use the might mouse. I feel like I have to work so hard just to get the mouse over the icon or tab that I want to select. When I was using a PC the mouse was so much more precise if I wanted to select something or click on something small it was easy. Is there a setting or something to make it easier on the mac using the mighty mouse?
Software :: On Clicking Icons Get Stuck To Mouse Pointer
Jun 24, 2009
Occasionally if I click an icon (usually on my desktop) it'll just 'stick' to my mouse pointer, it'll appear as if I am still clicking and holding the icon, and it drags around. I also can't trash, drop or do anything with it. Other programs on the computer can't be used either because it's still using that icon. I'm forced to use keyboard commands to restart Finder, which works until I click any other icon again.
MacBook Pro :: Remove The Green Circle On Mouse Pointer?
Mar 14, 2012
How do I remove the little green circle with a white plus tied to my mouse pointer Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), iOS 5.1
OS X Mavericks :: Bluetooth Mouse Pointer Works But Can't Land Anywhere
Jun 5, 2014
It is happening more and more often: When I start my iMac the mouse pointer is moving normally but when I click on, say, Finder nothing happens, or when I click on the Dock nothing happens. It will not stay or land on any app. It is just hovering and nothing seems to be affected by the mouse pointer. I turn the mouse off and back on and it works fine. So it is an erratic behavior which baffles me. I have read numerous cases in the discussions and all point to a PRAM reset. Will a PRAM reset delete or revert modifications I have made to my iMac, such as disabling the startup sound, via sudo? I don't mind restarting the mouse but it is a hassle Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
MacBook Pro :: Trackpad Keeps Bouncing The Mouse Pointer When Tap To Select
Sep 4, 2014
had problems with the trackpad - when I tap to select an item the mouse pointer 'bounces' off the item I'm trying to select. It happens randomly - not every time. I migrated all my data and settings from my old Mac Pro (2011 model, also running Mavericks) via Time Machine - could that have an impact? Not using any non-Apple power supplies or other devices. Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
OS X :: Mouse Pointer Converted Into Black Square After Sleep Mode
Jun 22, 2006
A bizarre thing: when I wake my Cube from sleep, the mouse pointer seems to have converted itself into a black 1' square. As soon as I click in a program it changes back to an arrow.
Software :: Mouse Pointer Freezes When Multiple Applications Are Open
Oct 16, 2008
My mouse continuously freezes when I have to many applications open. I have the mirror door G4. When it freezes I can access the F11 and F12 buttons on the keyboard, but have to restart the computer. I have switched the mouse, but it does not fix it. The more I use the computer the less it happens. It appears to happen more with multiple browser windows open in Safari.
Mac Mini :: Mouse Pointer Disappear And Webpages Drop To Bottom?
How To Open A Mac Mouse For Battery Change
Mar 23, 2012
My mouse pointer disappears when still, if I open a webpage or app store the page drops to the bottom and I cant get back to the top with the mouse. I have tried six different mice (blue tooth and wireless including mac magic mouse) , all the same. Also when the sound is on and the system starts up there is a low buzzing sound until I move the mouse or open something up. Should I just restart the whole os as this is only one week old and I am over it already! Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
MacBook :: Get The Colorful Circle Thing On The Mouse Pointer Every Time?
Mar 25, 2012
Calibrate Mouse Touchpad
I have a 2008 Aluminum Body MacBook and recently its been working extremely slow. I always get the colorful circle thing on the mouse pointer every time I try to click on anything. I was wondering if anyone had this problem before and what you did to fix this? Or if anyone knew how to fix this problem. Info: MacBook, iOS 5.1
Intel Mac :: How To Stop Scratching Sound When Moving Mouse Pointer
May 6, 2012
For approximately one week I have been getting a scratching sound when I move the mouse pointer accross desktop no matter what program I am running. Current OS is MAC OS X 10.7.3. Sound continues when I turn sound off. Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
MacBook Pro :: Track Pad Doesn't Work Properly And Mouse Pointer Is Jumping All Over Screen?
May 19, 2012
it feels like someone else is controlling my mouse. This just started happening. My trackpad doesn't work or works sporadically. While typing the pointer is scrolling all over my screen.
OS X V10.7 Lion :: Why Doesn't It Give Us The Possibility To Change The Mouse Acceleration Or Pointer Style
Jun 21, 2012
as a former Windows user I really miss the option to tune the mouse pointer acceleration or to change the pointer looking!why can't I simply use my trackpad for my iPad supporting the multitouch gestures available on the iPad's OS just on the track pad? Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
MacBook Pro :: Mouse Pointer All Of A Sudden Started To Move Slower With A Small Delay
Jun 30, 2014
my mighty mouse pointer all of a sudden started to move slower with a small delay. I have checked the battery but it's 100%. Macbook Pro 2.7 GHz Intel Core i7 / 16GB RAM / 751 SSD
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Calibrate Mac Monitor
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Parallels Desktop 5 for Mac
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When I last reviewed virtualization software in 2008, I found Parallels Desktop 4 for Mac effective, but saddled with a bit of bugginess and lacking some DirectX support. Parallels 5 Desktop for Mac (I tested build 9308) solves both problems, while adding features and improving performance.
Among the most notable of those new features: a much-faster virtualization engine; automatic compression of Windows’ hard disks; a new virtual machine manager; and a new lockdown mode, which requires a password to exit full screen mode, make changes to the virtual machine state, or manage snapshots (perfect for system administrators who don’t want end-users mucking up their machines).
Installation, setup
I tested Parallels Desktop 5 by using it to install Windows XP Pro, Windows 7 Ultimate (both 32-bit and 64-bit versions), and Ubuntu Linux 9.10 on my Mac Pro (2.66GHz quad core with 8GB of RAM, running OS X 10.6.2).
Installing both Windows and Linux is easy in Parallels; it has assistants that automate the process for both. It also installs Parallels Tools, which handles the task of mouse integration between the guest OS and Mac OS, as well as allowing easy guest desktop resizing by resizing the guest OS window.
There are a couple aspects of installing guest OSes that could be improved. First, every time you create a new virtual machine, Parallels creates an alias to that virtual machine on your OS X Desktop. There’s no way to avoid this, so if you find the aliases useless (as I do), you have to manually remove them each time you create a virtual machine.
More troubling is that, when creating a new Windows virtual machine, the default settings are for full integration of the Mac OS and the Windows guest—the default even sets the Windows’ user folder to the Mac’s Users folder. As someone who has personally experienced Windows malware infections, total integration is not something I recommend for most virtual machine users, and yet it’s the default behavior in Parallels.
Parallels also defaults to booting Windows virtual machines in the fully-integrated Coherence mode, where the Windows desktop vanishes, and Windows’ windows are intermingled with those of OS X. For someone expecting a standard Windows interface after installation, this can be disconcerting.
The basics
Like Fusion 3, Parallels 5 now supports Windows Aero in Windows 7, and also includes OpenGL 2.1 acceleration in both XP Pro and Windows 7 (Fusion only supports OpenGL 2.1 in Windows XP Pro). In addition, OpenGL acceleration is included in Linux guests, enabling full visual effects (such as windows that deform when dragged) in Linux systems such as Ubuntu 9.10. More usefully, you’ll also be able to run Linux programs that require OpenGL acceleration. Parallels is alone in its support for OpenGL 2.1 in Linux and Windows 7. I found the Aero effects worked very smoothly in Windows 7 on my Mac Pro.
As with its competitors, Parallels handles typical office productivity applications with ease, in both Windows and Linux. Microsoft Office (Windows) and OpenOffice (Linux) both ran well, and had no troubles with the mixture of spreadsheets and documents I tried opening and editing in both. Web browsers and e-mail clients also performed well; if this is the extent of your virtual machine needs, Parallels 5 will easily meet your requirements.
Parallels 5 was also the fastest of the three programs I tested in the vast majority of the benchmark tests I ran—including the all-important real-world tests. Whether it was copying files to or from the Mac, or expanding zip archives, Parallels easily outpaced its competition. As one example, copying 2.5GB worth of files from the Mac to a Windows 7 machine via a shared folder took just over a minute in Parallels. That same task took nearly two minutes in VirtualBox, and about a minute and a half in Fusion.
Suspending, waking, booting, and shutting down were all quickest in Parallels, too. There’s a small caveat there, at least with suspending. When I tried sleeping the machine while a 3D game was running, it worked, but the game didn’t work after waking from sleep. In Fusion, the same experiment worked just fine—so one tradeoff of the faster sleep time in Parallels is, at least in my testing, an inability to sleep and then resume a 3D game. As a user, you’ll have to decide whether the faster suspend times in general are worth this tradeoff when trying to suspend an in-progress 3D game. (This may not be an issue with all games, but it was in the two I tested with.)
Like Fusion 3, Parallels 5 offers improved multi-monitor support, treating two displays as separate monitors in Windows, and as one large gargantuan display in Linux. Adding a third screen to the mix worked perfectly in Windows. In Linux, however, the third screen was seen by the system (the horizontal resolution reflected its existence), but it was all white, and I couldn’t see anything that I dragged onto that screen.
To make working in full-screen mode easier, Parallels 5 lets you specify behaviors for mousing into the four screen corners—you can switch to one of the other available view modes, or show the Parallels menu bar. Once you’ve set a behavior for a corner, moving the mouse into that corner will “peel down” and reveal a bit of your OS X desktop. Unfortunately, there’s no visual indication of what happens if you then click the mouse, so you’ll need to remember which corner you’ve assigned to which task.
New looks for Windows
Parallels 5 features a new view mode, Crystal, along with a new Mac-like theme for use within Windows. Crystal view mode takes Coherence mode one step further. You won’t find the Start menu or task bar anywhere in Crystal mode—in fact, you won’t even see the Parallels Desktop icon in your Dock. Instead, a menu bar icon lets you change view modes, see the Windows Start menu, or work with attached devices. You’ll also find your task bar icons (optionally) in the menu bar, and Windows Applications folder in your OS X Dock. Any open windows will be integrated with your OS X windows, as in Coherence mode.
Crystal mode works reasonably well, though you can’t Command-Tilde to toggle between multiple windows of the same Windows’ application, nor can you use Snow Leopard’s Dock Exposé mode with Windows’ windows. Both of these features work as expected in Fusion. I also found that dragging windows around in Crystal mode, when using an Aero theme in Windows 7, was quite laggy on my Mac Pro. I had much better results after I disabled Aero in Crystal mode (you can control this in the virtual machine’s Settings).
I experienced some strangeness when I had Windows Media Player window open in Crystal mode, and then used Exposé’s All Windows mode. In addition to the opened windows, I also saw three “ghost” windows for Windows Media Player, and some visual distortion was visible in the Excel window.
Selecting any one of these “ghost” windows would simply switch to Windows Media Player, so it wasn’t a critical issue, but it definitely looks odd when using Exposé.
The second new look for Windows in Parallels is MacLook, which is actually an OS X-like theme for Windows (XP, Vista, and 7). You apply MacLook via the View menu, and Parallels then works for a minute or two to install the theme. The objective is to make Windows less visually shocking for someone switching between the Mac OS and the Windows OS.
While that’s the idea, I think MacLook fails fairly badly in achieving the goal.
Because not every element in Windows is themable, what MacLook winds up giving you is a series of different-looking windows within Windows—some look something like OS X windows, others look like native Windows windows, and still others look like some strange Frankenstinian mixture of the two.
Some windows are square, others are rounded; none seem to have shadows and some are missing edge borders; some have the red/yellow/green buttons from OS X at the top right, some at the top left, and others lack them completely.
I can’t imagine that anyone who likes and uses the OS X interface regularly will find MacLook to be an improvement over the stock Windows theme—at least there’s some consistency there, and the windows all mostly look the same.
When I unchecked the MacLook entry in the View menu, which should disable MacLook, I had some issues in Windows 7—the uninstall process didn’t quite complete, leaving an even odder mix of window appearances. I was able to resolve that issue by using the Personalization section of Windows preferences to pick a stock Aero theme.
Graphics and gaming
Parallels Desktop 5 has a very good engine for gaming. I had excellent results with older games, and very good results even with more-recent releases. The demo version of Call of Duty 4, which I was unable to run with decent frame rates in Fusion, ran acceptably (albeit at minimum levels of detail) after some tweaking in Parallels.
With OpenGL acceleration in all main versions of Windows (and Linux), Parallels can handle programs that the other two virtualization apps just aren’t capable of running at present. In addition, Parallels’ OpenGl implementation, as measured in the Cinebench benchmarking test, was the fastest of the three programs in any version of Windows. (All game tests were done in Windows 7, to stress the virtual machine as much as possible.)
Calibrate Mac Battery
Parallels also does an admirable job with DirectX games in Windows. For example, I was able to play the MotoGP 08 demo with good frame rates in a 1024x768 window, though the audio did stutter a bit.
More impressively, Microsoft Flight Simulator X, a program that just a few years ago required a high-end PC to run at all, ran admirably well in Parallels. The audio was mostly stutter free, and the frame rate in a 1024x768-sized window was more than acceptable in the missions I tested.
That’s not to say I was getting anywhere near the frame rate I’d get if I were to reboot my Mac and run Flight Sim X natively via Boot Camp. However, for someone who doesn’t need every bit of speed in their games, the loss in frame rate may be worth the convenience of not having to reboot.
Most older games run very well, so much so that there’s no reason to reboot via Boot Camp to play “vintage” titles. Note that some older games may need to run on older versions of Windows; Windows 7 won’t run all your older games.
Given what was possible in gaming and graphics with the first version of Parallels a few years back—basically nothing—it’s amazing how much progress has been made in a very short period of time.
Multimedia performance
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To test Parallels’ media handling, I watched a 1080p Windows HD media file in full screen mode in each version of Windows. I was watching for visual glitches, listening for any disruption in audio playback, and tracking CPU usage to see how each virtual machine handled the task.
In short, all three of the Windows OSes handled the HD video file without any major issues. The one-CPU Windows 7 box had a bit more variation in frame rate than did the two-CPU machines, but it was very hard to spot unless watching the video back-to-back (which I did, many times).
Other features and observations
This version of Parallels cleans up the installation on a Mac—in prior versions, Parallels’ virtual network drivers were visible in the Network System Preferences panel. In Parallels Desktop 5, those drivers no longer appear, preventing possible user confusion.
Also new in Parallels 5 is support for Apple’ multi-touch gestures (swipe, rotate, pinch) using an Apple Magic Mouse or the trackpad in a multi-touch capable Apple laptop (you can also use an Apple Remote for some basic control, if you wish). Parallels Tools takes care of the communication between the mouse/track pad and the guest OS, so there are no special requirements on the Windows side—gestures simply work in Windows XP and newer.
I tested this using XP Pro on my MacBook Pro, and it worked as described. I was able to use pinch to zoom in/out on images in Microsoft’s Picture Viewer, and to change the size of the text on an Internet Explorer page. Rotation gestures also worked as expected on the images. If you’re a laptop or Magic Mouse user, this is a nice addition to your Windows virtual machines.
Mac Mouse Cursor
As you can probably tell from the features described in this review, Parallels is a feature-rich program. Sometimes, though, feature overload can lead to a complex user interface, and there are spots in Parallels where that’s the case.
Take the virtual machine Configuration panel, for instance, which contains 15 separate sections. Or the Preferences panel, which includes 11 separate tabs, some of which contain a large number of items that can be configured. While these sections and tabs are relatively well laid out, the sheer number of choices can cause confusion.
For example, you might think that defining how Mac and Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts coexist would be found in the virtual machine Configuration panel…but that’s not the case. Instead, you define the shortcuts in the Preferences panel, where you can set up definitions for Windows, Linux, OS X, and generic guests.
Parallels Desktop 5 for Mac
Multi-touch support
Very fast in all facets of use
Very good DirectX and OpenGL support
Cleaner installation than prior releases
Feature rich
Sleep mode may prevent resuming 3D games
MacLook theme for Windows isn't all that good
Features add complexity
Defaults to fully-integrated OS X/Windows mode
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