#both viserys and rhaenyra are insecure people
silvixel · 3 months
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kazz-brekker · 2 months
hotd episode thoughts
listen, as someone who enjoys some good dragon drama, i feel fantastically well catered-to by this episode
the confrontation between rhaenyra and addam was fun, i liked that it's apparently kind of inspired by western face-offs but with dragons instead of guns
that conversation between larys and ironrod while they were watching aemond sentence men to the watch definitely implied to me that, unlike with his brother, the council is so wary of/intimidated by aemond they don't even want to talk to him about possibly important war developments. which does not bode well for team green's stability in the future, tbh
jace stop being mean about mysaria that's your mom's girlfriend you're talking about :(
i did find the conversation between rhaenyra and jace really interesting, i hadn't considered that the sowing of the seeds plan might bring out so much of his insecurities about being a bastard. he and rhaenyra have probably the most functional parent-child relationship in the show, but they really DON'T talk about this aspect of his life at all, and it really shows
oscar tully unexpected mvp of the episode perhaps? holding his own against that whole council of river lords…calling daemon loathsome…making him execute willem blackwood to atone for spurring on those war crimes…king shit!
i enjoyed getting to see viserys again, i've really missed his actor this season and seeing daemon's reaction to his ruined face was quite interesting
daemon you are SO close to realizing that you don't actually want to be king and would make a terrible ruler, i'm rooting for you to figure this out by the season finale
the scene with aegon and larys talking was probably my favorite from last week so i really liked that we got a follow-up on it. very impressed that aegon is capable of walking even the tiniest amount after what he's been through
rhaena running off into the mountains…she's getting that dragon by hook or by crook
ulf trying to get out of claiming a dragon by claiming he had an injury made me laugh
i like that hugh and ulf have totally different reactions to being possible dragonseeds, one boasting and the other hiding it
alicent was serving real ophelia by john william waterhouse vibes this episode
loved that the dragonkeepers had a huge fight with rhaenyra over the sowing of the seeds, they're in the background of so many dragon scenes but we've never gotten much perspective on what they think of dragons or the targaryen right to claim them before
i do admit to saying "wow, those are some toasty boys" out loud when vermithor was torching those poor dragonseeds
love love LOVE that we got to see both vermithor and silverwing this episode, they look so cool and i love their distinct designs
i have been waiting ALL SEASON for the payoff of hugh and ulf claiming those dragons and it was such an exciting sequence, you could really feel the adrenaline and the danger the whole time
ryan condal on the inside the episodes comparing the death of the dragonseeds to ritual sacrifice was also super fun symbolism
another daeron mention, hi daeron and tessarion :)
also house beesbury making problems for the hightowers, love to see it
after aemond has spent so much time this season intimidating and terrifying other people it WAS super fun to see him do a hard swerve into fear when he saw how many dragonriders rhaenyra has now
that final shot of rhaenyra standing on the dragonmount with syrax, vermithor, and silverwing behind her DID get to, i must say. it's house of the dragon! and we have the dragons!!!
okay yeah i am super hyped for the finale and whatever it may bring, seems like it's gonna be epic. the triarchy! the dragons! the riverlands! helaena in the war effort, apparently?! what fun!
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prideprejudce · 1 month
I feel like people have read into Alicent's response to Rhaenyra's ultimatum in both good AND bad faith ways, but i feel like I haven't seen much of what Rhaenyra was feeling about it!!
Personally, I feel like the ultimatum she gave Alicent was the product of 3 different motivations- first, it was the obvious political move to kill the usurper to her throne, duh. The second, is that I think Rhaenyra is super aware- and terrified of- being trapped in a cycle of loss, being passed over for a son, and her claim to the throne standing only because of what she represents not her as a person. Thats its own whole fascinating character essay i cant get into here lol.
But the third reason is that I THINK she has a desperate personal obsession with being chosen by Alicent over Aegon, and leans into the ultimatum as a way to extract what she needs from Alicent-- to be chosen and prioritized over her father's son, and be the centre of Alicent's attention (romantic or not).
The directors/writers have mentioned one of the crucial aspects of Rhaenyra and Alicent's relationship is how many times Rhaenyra reaches out, only to be rejected by Alicent over and over. I think Rhaenyra, as someone who really internalized going after what she wants from a young age, is a bit spoiled, and is obsessed with Alicent's continuous rejection as both a novelty, and a deep source of insecurity.
Rhaenyra has a bit of magical thinking where she really does think that if she just pushes hard enough she can change the world into the shape she wants it to be, and I think when Alicent CONTINUES to deny her, she gets more and more frustrated.
Double this with her general issues around being passed over for a son, first from her father with baelon, and then COMPOUNDED with baby aegon stealing both her father AND alicent's attention as alicent prioritized birthing and probably caring for her son over rhaenyra's sulking when Rhaenyra was in the most pain she had been in yet in her life.
I think Rhaenyra is HIGHLY resentful about not just aegon usurping her throne, but also the lack of attention during the HEIGHT of her teenage years, where she already has a contentious relationship with her father AND .....stepmother?? first love??? sister?? (targaryen family incest issues are a wonderful icing on top of this cake)
It was very clear that the reason Alicent married viserys was SPECIFICALLY to have more children, and that Alicent CHOSE (from Rhaenyra's perspective) to put herself in that position JUST after Aemma died from the same cause, becoming a mother rather than staying with Rhaenyra and daydreaming about riding off into the sunset. In Rhaenyra's mind, she lost her mother to the promise of a son, only to lose Her Alicent™️ to ANOTHER promise of a son right after. This is probably the deepest rejection Alicent could have given her.
The entire second half of season 2 is more denial; Rhaenyra's marriage proposal of their children is rejected, Alicent rejects Rhaenyra's bastard sons in general, and Rhaenyra's choices by extension, then driftmark happens, then the ENTIRE USURPTION happens, rejecting Rhaenyra's claim to her own birthright.
Rhaenyra even tries AGAIN in season 3 - extending herself to go into Alicent's place of comfort to sue for peace, even telling Alicent bits of a personally sacred religious doctrine only to be rejected AGAINNNNNNN.
(I could write forever about how Rhaenyra indulges Alicent's religious but never gets the same back on her own customs)
Yah, I think when Rhaenyra sees Alicent next, its not just that the ultimatum is a political necessity, but its decades of rejection culminating in 'you need to choose and prioritize me over everything, including your son, bc i cannot take anymore rejection from you, and I cant handle NOT being the most important thing in your whole world tbh :)' Especially on the heels of her newfound radicalization i feel like Rhaenyra sees Alicent's 'Choosing Rhaenyra' this time as a Holy Blessing and the last crucial piece she needs to self actualize.
(Also never forget all of this takes place in the targaryen CESSPOOL that is Rhaenyra having Alicent as a sister/step mother/half employee?? Alicent was at least her subordinate at one point/only confidante/possible first love-- theres probably alot of projection on Rhaenyra's part for what Alicent's approval means to her)
sorry this is so long the word rejection has ceased to mean anything to me at this point
"Rhaenyra sees Alicent's 'choosing Rhaenyra' this time as a Holy Blessing and the last crucial piece that she needs to self actualize"
what if we all just set each other on fire
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greenqueenhightower · 2 months
I constantly argue back and forth with TB stans that Jace, Luke and Joffrey aren't legitimised just because Laenor, Corlys and Viserys go along with Rhaenyra’s lie about them being "trueborn". As I'm sure you're aware, in Westeros only a king can legitimise the illegitimate by first declaring their bastardy and then legitimising them afterwards. And TB stans. Just. Don't. Get. It. They also seem to think that the King's word is law in Westeros. They don't understand that this a feudal monarchy where the king and his vassals are reliant upon each other and both must respect the social contract in order for the Westerosi social structures e.g. monarchy to be maintained.
IMO, they fall for the narrative trap of the Targaryen characters. Just because Viserys and Rhaenyra say that the King's word is law doesn't actually make it law. It's only law as long as the king has the ability to enforce it. Therefore, if a king did something insane in the eyes of his noble polity, e.g., try to place his bastards in the line of succession, they'd rebel proving accurately that the King's word is in fact not actually law. Aerys's overthrowing is a great example of this. As is the reign of Daeron II: if his word was law and everyone had to obey him, no one would have joined Daemon Blackfyre's rebellion.
Anyway back to TB stans. I think alot of them don't actually realise how the world works. Even GRRM confirmed the bastardy of Rhaenyra’s 3 son's for goodness sake. Every time they try to deny it using the aforementioned argument it only confuses me. Are they insecure about Rhaenyra having illegitimate children? Is that how far they're para-social relationship with her goes?
They also have another stupid argument that Rhaenyra's kids having her blood means that they can inherit her throne. No no no no no no no no no. THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS TB. If it was Westerosi lords with bastard relatives, it would allow them to inherit. You have to be trueborn. It's unfair but these unfair laws are what keeps Westeros from constant civil war. That's the point of inheritance law in the Seven Kingdoms.
Anyway, sorry about the rant. It's just that sometimes when I argue with certain TB stans they don't seem to understand the laws of the world they're fans of. They will bend over backwards to excuse their faves, not understanding that you are allowed to criticise a character you like (& in their case love). I think Rhaenyra is an interesting character - moreso in the book TBH - I just don't get why so many TB stans willfully refuse to understand the way in which the laws of the world she inhabits work. Any thoughts?
Hi anon, it took me forever to get to your ask but you're right! 💚
Not all TB stans share the same views, and there are people in here with whom you can converse intelligently, but I have also seen the discourse you're referring to, and it is very annoying when the stans don't get it.
You put the Westerosi legitimization process very well. If we consider the greater Middle Ages-inspired world-building context that Westeros is based on, it makes sense why bastardy is a stigmatized social issue. Blood "purity," lineage, and legitimacy are important because they are the only way land and titles are bequeathed and inherited.
The King is the only one who can legitimize his own illegitimate children as heirs, but he can do so for other illegitimate children, regardless of whether these are related to him by blood. King Louis IV, for example, legitimized John II Duke of Brabant's son, Jan Cordeken, after a petition John wrote to him thus enabling him to inherit his father's fortune and found the House of Glymes. From Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome to Enlightenment Europe, there are examples of Kings legitimizing not only their children but also the children of their officials, courtiers, and friends. It was seen as granting a favor to them, and when it came to personal matters, a King might choose to legitimize his children when he ran out of heirs, or in the case of Louis XIV, because he could and wanted to.
In other words, Viserys, who knew of but chose to ignore Rhaenyra's sons' (his grandsons') bastardy, had ample time and opportunity to legitimize them but chose to blind himself to the truth instead. What was that about Alicent calling Viserys "weak" in one of the deleted scenes of S1? Well, "weak" isn't the only word I would use to describe him... also irresponsible, foolish, and inadequate.
Nevertheless, the legitimization process in history was seldom favored by the court, the King's vassals, and the people, and caused quite a stir. As you say, the King's law didn't hold up that much ground compared to the law of tradition and at times the Church. The people didn't care if a King legitimized a child by naming them heir... the stigma of being born "illegitimate" wasn't washed off that easily, because bastards were seen as devilish, impure, half-breeds, unnatural hybrids, and so forth. So Viserys choosing to ignore the issue face front was bound to be catastrophic, because no matter how he tried to silence the tongues that wagged by threatening to cut them off, the issue of his grandsons' apparent bastardy remained, and THE REALM would not accept any of them on the Iron Throne, for the same reasons.
And Viserys did nothing about it. He could have confronted Rhaenyra when Jace was born and reminded her of the stark reality of the consequences of what she was doing. Not only did he name Rhaenyra (a woman) as his heir, which alone was controversial and unprecedented, but a woman with three illegitimate children, whose existence never even tried to correct or prevent. Viserys alone weakened Rhaenyra's claim with his lack of foresight and counsel.
If TB uphold the "Viserys loved his grandsons and he accepted them as they were" narrative, they are not only deluded but lack media literacy as well, because Viserys DIDN'T CARE if his grandsons were trueborn or not, or if that would plunge the realm to war, the same way he didn't care that he had named Rhaenyra as his successor when the realm, who was so used to having Kings for centuries, knew he had THREE legitimate sons of his own.
So my two cents on the discourse would basically be that those who don't understand the social and political repercussions of Rhaenyra having bastards, not being counseled as to why this is destructive, left on her own to raise them, and having to cope with the consequences of her actions as she realizes that the father she so loved and admired didn't protect or support her at all, are missing out on a much more interesting character in Rhaenyra and a more complex dynamic with her sons, who she now understands are exceptionally vulnerable and potentially threatening to her cause.
This is a far more intriguing reading than anything TB stans are getting at with their "no criticism" ban on Viserys and Rhaenyra.
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 months
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The Blood Dragon
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x Aelora Targaryen
Content Warning: Adult Themes. Dark Content. Targaryen Incest.
Triggers: Incest, Dubious Consent, Drama, Manipulation, Power Struggle.
Words: 1,460
Links: [Dividers] [Masterlist]
Summary: “Do I have your attention now, Prince Daemon?” Aelora purred. “Would you prefer if I had walked into your bedchamber naked?”
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[Daemon's point of view]
Aelora looked at him, a stern look in her crimson eyes as she told her cousin to grow up, to get over his petty fears and insecurities. Her voice was like a whip crack, sharp, and stinging. It was a challenge that Daemon found thrilling and irritating all at once. He knew she was right, though. If he were going to play the Game of Thrones, he couldn't be a pawn forever.
“You can't expect to play it, if you don't know the rules, you also can't expect to be allowed to play it if you refuse to play by them.” Aelora repeated. “It’s like a game of chess, sometimes you have to sacrifice a chess piece on the board to get what you want.”
Daemon felt his jaw clench, but he couldn’t argue with her logic. He had been feeling stifled in the shadow of his brother, Viserys, for too long. The whispers in the halls of the Red Keep, the constant reminders that he was second in line for the Iron Throne and always would be, until Viserys changed his mind. His mind filled with the vile words from his hand, Otto Hightower.
He was replaced as heir to the iron throne by his niece, Rhaenyra Targaryen. Replaced by a woman half his age. He clenched his fists, rage pulsating through him, threatening to boil over. Pushed aside, dismissed, deemed unworthy by his brother and the meddling snake.
Unless something changed, something had to change, these thoughts buzzing around. They were driving him mad.
“Daemon.” Aelora whispered, snapping her fingers to get his attention, “You’re thinking too far ahead. You’re putting the cart before the horse.”
“What do you mean?” Daemon snapped, he didn’t mean to snap at her. It was just instinct, his temper wound him up so far, that he snapped at his cousin.
“Power, control and standing can come in many forms, some of those ways lie in what people already know. What if I could tell you, there is another way, a road less travelled and deemed treacherous. As they don’t understand it, nor did they ever seem to want to either.”
Aelora’s smooth voice, silk, whispered sweet nothings and dark promises into his ear, and her hand snaked around his waist, pulling him closer to her.
Aelora’s words were like a key unlocking a door he hadn’t realised was there. He gazed upon the slow forming smirk on her lips, her eyes gleaming with a mischief. Both alluring and alarming. She never looked at him like that before.
What changed? What did she have in mind? When did she start smelling like lavender? Is she trying to seduce me? When did she start wearing revealing attire such as this? She is trying to seduce me, isn't she? The way she smiles, the dress, the lavender perfume wafting into his nose, a scent known to help people relax. But why? Why now? Why me?
“Are you scared of me, cousin?” she whispered into my ear, a shiver ran down my spine as she continued, “Do you not like it when I take what I want? You said you liked it, though.”
Daemon's gaze snapped to hers, a mix of surprise and anger flickering in his eyes. “What are you playing at, Aelora?” he demanded, his voice low and dangerous.
“You wound me, cousin, suggesting that I am the one playing games? For all your intelligence, you can’t perceive the possible indication that I wanted to have amorous congress with you. Who else would write you those tiny little notes seeking comfort in the dead of night?”
Her hand traced a line-up his chest, sending a warm shiver through him. Her lips an inch away from his, “It seems you don't actually want to. So, I guess I won't. I’ll mosey my way down to Aegon and take his seed inside of me.”
Daemon’s eyes narrowed. The audacity! He grabbed her wrist, his grip firm. “You won’t go anywhere near him, do you understand?” He spat out through gritted teeth.
“What's a girl to do to get laid, Daemon?” she taunted, gripping his wrist, pulling him closer to her. Her warm breath on his cheek. “Did you expect me to go without for so long?”
Daemon felt his anger spike and his grip tightened on her wrist. “If you think for one moment I'd let you—”
“Fuck another man?” She finished for him. “Then why aren’t you doing it then? Hmm? I have offered myself to you over and over. Yet you're not looking at me. You're looking everywhere else.”
Then it dawned on him, the notes, the perfume, the dress, the long gazes in his direction, the rumours about her promiscuous ways spread around deliberately by her, it was all a facade. A cleverly crafted web of manipulation to get under his skin, to get him to react. And she had succeeded. He felt like a fool, but he also felt something else, something he hadn’t felt in a long time, something primal and raw.
Here she is now. Pulling him closer to her, like a captain pulling a sailor from a shipwreck, like a siren pulling a sailor into the depth of the sea.
Daemon’s hand loosened around her wrist, his anger dissipating into something else. He could feel the warmth of her body against his, her breath tickling his skin. Aelora’s eyes searched his, looking for something, anything, to prove that she had his full attention.
“Do I have your attention now, Prince Daemon?” Aelora purred. “Would you prefer if I had walked into your bedchamber naked?”
Daemon’s breath hitched in his throat. “What game are you playing, Aelora?” He tried to keep his voice steady, but it was clear that he was rattled.
“Is it really a game if I’m trying to get what I want?” Aelora whispered, inching closer to him. “Are you scared you will not like it, or are you afraid of liking it too much?”
Daemon's mind raced with conflicting thoughts, but his body betrayed him, his heart thumping in his chest. He stepped back, trying to put some distance between them, but Aelora followed, her eyes never leaving his. She reached up and traced a finger along his jawline, sending a jolt of heat through him.
He said, “I'm not scared of anything, least of all you, Aelora.” His voice was calm, but the tremor in his chest gave him away.
“Yet you're walking away from me.” Aelora pointed out, “So you must be.”
Daemon swallowed hard, trying to regain his composure. “I’m not walking away, I’m just—”
“Just what? Unable to handle a woman like me?” she taunted.
Daemon felt the blood rush to his face. He was not a man to be taunted, not by anyone, least of all by his own flesh and blood. He stepped closer to Aelora, his eyes blazing with a fiery determination that she had not seen before. “You think you can play me like one of your little instruments?”
“If I wanted to 'play' you, I wouldn't have been trying to get into bed with you.” Aelora snapped as she turned to leave his bedchamber.
Daemon's hand shot out and grabbed her arm, spinning her around to face him. “What do you want from me, Aelora?” His voice was a mix of anger and confusion.
Her lips firmly planted on his as soon as he touched her again, which took him by surprise. Aelora’s kiss was feverish, hungry, as if she had been starving for his touch. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer, her body pressing into his with a need both undeniable, her hands exploring his body like it was a foreign country she hadn't been before.
Daemon’s resolve crumbled like the crumbling stones of Valyria, the warmth of her mouth melting his defences away. He had to admit, he enjoyed the thrill of the chase, the dance of power and seduction. But now, with Aelora in his arms, he realised he had been craving this closeness, this connection, this fire. His hands slid down her back, pulling her closer, as he deepened the kiss, their tongues tangling in a dance of desire.
His hands wandered further down to her legs, gripping her firmly, as if he feared she might disappear again. Aelora's fingers worked their way through his hair, the soft strands a stark contrast to the iron grip of his hand on her wrist. Her body responded to his touch, arching into him, begging for more. He could feel the heat radiating from her, the same heat that burned in his veins.
This is going to be a long night.
He was going to enjoy it.
No matter what happened.
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ladyodium · 3 months
“He could not trust you!” -Rhaenyra Targaryen
Wow, Episode 2 was a long one, but it was so worth the wait.
So, my assumption was correct that Daemon was in fact insecure about his place. He doesn’t think Rhaenyra was named Heir because she’s so pure or virtuous. She was named heir because Viserys didn’t trust Daemon.
They both made points that can be agreed on but we all know that the only reason Rhaenyra was named heir was because Viserys couldn’t have Daemon on the throne. It’s harsh but true. She was THE only option left, and Viserys had to stick to that option, whether he believes she can rule or not. 
And that is what’s so heart breaking to Daemon. His own brother trusted his daughter more than him. Viserys was named Heir and Daemon fought for him, he fought wars, he fought for his claim. He backed Viserys the most and for his loyalty he was rewarded with distrust and exile.
We can see that no one really takes him seriously as King/King Consort. Rhaenys even ignores his commands and I think Daemon admires her so much, but he doesn’t respect her. He feels emasculated, he’s no longer in control. He does these things that make people lose trust in him. We see that after what happened with Blood and Cheese. “You’re pathetic” is what Rhaenyra calls him, and she gets blamed for his actions much like Viserys was blamed when Daemon did extreme things. When Daemon broke laws and insulted many esteemed guests.
I’m really excited to see the next upcoming episodes. I think I understand now why season 1 was so vague.
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maybeiwasjustjade · 3 months
Alicent and Aegon (+ Aemond and Helaena)
The best part about writing a fic that’s basically a redux of the whole Dance, is being able to dive into character relationships that the show either abandoned, or didn’t bother giving justice to. Alicent and Aegon’s relationship is just so messy and complex, especially because a lot of it stems from generational trauma. Their relationship (or lack thereof) is the definition of two things can be right and trauma isn’t mutually exclusive.
Alicent having a hard time loving and/or connecting with Aegon because of her trauma AND Aegon thinking his mother doesn’t love him and possibly resents her for it can both be true at the same time.
An abuse victim can also be an abuser.
Alicent may have her reasons for perhaps not being capable of being a loving mother to all her children, but the child feeling unloved is not his fault. Children are not extensions of their parents; they’re real people too
No child is raised by the same parent. Everyone has different experiences even with the same parent.
Aegon and Alicent really were doomed from the start. She was fifteen when she had him—conceived from marital rape, no love shared just duty and lust, an unwanted yet prayed for son—too young by half to be forced into her role. And it really is no surprise that she perhaps had such a hard time connecting with him, or even loving him beyond duty. She had him out of duty; firstborn sons belong to the realm, to their houses, and seldom their mother. Aegon was always meant to be Viserys’ son, not hers.
I think the only child that Alicent actually loves is Aemond (we don’t know anything about Daeron). Helaena, she’s fond of. Overprotective, because Helaena is a girl like her, and like her, she’s going to be forced into a role far too young, with children that will grow up alongside her. But Alicent never really understood Helaena and her quirks, so I don’t think she knows how to really love her either. And as a Dreamer, Helaena would always straddle that line between being her mother’s daughter, and unknowingly a Targaryen Dreamer.
Aemond, though, is Alicent’s through and through. He’s just like her, for all that he looks the most like Viserys. His rage, his anger, his inferiority and insecurity—he hides all of it under a cloak of piety and piousness and cold competence. In a perfect world where Alicent got to choose her own life, Aemond would be her first and only son. Him, she could pretend was a Tower , and not a Dragon.
Aegon is the complete opposite. Aegon is a reminder of everything Alicent hates and regrets and wishes never happened to her. Aegon is all dragon, and none of her. His birth signaled war, his mere existence a crime. The firstborn son who isn’t really the firstborn, because Aegon would never be Baelon. He’s not pious or respectable or cold; Aegon is wildfire ready to burn everything down for just even a shred of love. Because that’s the root of him, isn’t it? A son meant for the realm but was unwanted; a firstborn unclaimed by his own father. A mirror for his mother’s rage and pain.
Alicent loses everything to have him, and it never mattered at all. And then he had the audacity to be born the spitting image of her. She can’t hurt herself without hurting him or love him without causing herself pain, and he only ever wanted to be seen as himself, and still be loved.
(Which is why writing RARTS and ripple is so much fun. RARTS dives a little more into Aegon’s feelings as he grows up the least favorite child of both his parents, and all the many, many issues that comes with it. His mother’s face but Aemma’s hair and eyes. Forever the ghost that haunts Rhaenyra by being the perfect mix of everyone’s she’s ever loved and lost, in the body of the son she’ll never be.
Ripple plays a little more as a character study of Aegon in a world where he wasn’t born with all that strife and trauma attached to his shoulders. Rhaenyra would never be a son, but Aegon would never be Rhaenyra. So what would Aegon be like, in a world without those expectations bearing down on him like a second skin? His promiscuity and drinking seems to be a product of his trauma and need for love, so it’s kinda fun to see an Aegon who doesn’t do any of that while still trying to escape her duties (marriage))
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kinkybazsmolsnow · 3 months
Alicent and Criston
Alicent and Criston's characters have really taken a turn and their relationship is more complex than ever in this season.
In season 1 they met and after certain events bonded over their hatred and disdain is Rhaenyra. Alicent felt lied to and betrayed with Rhaenyra's behaviour and their relationship took a turn for the worst.
Criston, on the other hand, had a sexual encounter with Rhaenyra which he thought to be more than it was and upon realising that Rhaenyra will not leave with him felt that he had betrayed his oaths for something transient and felt used by rhaenyra. Not to mention, his position of a kingsguard put him in a delicate position where his life, if not his job, will be on the line if found out.
When alicent asked him about it and he confesses, she gives him another chance. From there on, they bonded over that betrayal from rhaenyra.
Over the years they become closer.. they both have the same ideologies about duty and sacrifice. They both resent rhaenyra for breaking the normal and doing as she please and getting away with it, while they both have to uphold their duties which they obviously do not love.
This new sexual development between them was coming but ig I was shocked by how fast it was. The first scene if Alicent is of her getting eaten out. In broad daylight. It's not even under the cover of night. It's a if they had all this sexual frustration boiling inside them and now that viserys is dead they feel it's ok to indulge and boy are they indulging 👀
A very interesting aspect of their dynamic is the control alicent seems to have over criston. Everytime they are engaged in a sexual act alicent seems to be the dominant party:
Alicent getting head while criston kneels in front of her. She is above him and he is pleasuring her. The camera focuses on alicent's expressions.
Alicent riding Criston. She's on top and is in control.
Alicent slaps Criston. Not once. Not twice. Thrice. She pushes him and they kind of grapple before alicent is pushed against a wall and criston starts fingering her. Again, her moans and her expressions are the ones most prominent.
All these instances have one thing in common. Alicent is the one who is dominant. Almost always, criston is servicing her and we don't see Criston's pleasure or hom much he derives it from these acts. At least not until episode 2. The coming episodes may change that.
It's as if she is exploring her sexuality now, as she never got to do in her youth. And as she was never the one in control then, she wants to be the one in control now.
I also can't seem to understand if they genuinely love each other or is this a fuck buddies kind of thing. They seem frustrated and almost angry sometimes.
The first time they made awkward small talk about the weather. Alicent attaching Criston's white cloak.. the way she helped rhaenyra before her coronation.
The second time got interrupted by helaena.
War is coming, they are both repressed individuals who kinda trust each other enough to not betray the other, probably care about the other too. They're stressed and now that viserys is dead they feel free enough to act upon their attraction to each other.
It's also not missed that all these acts are taking place in Rhaenyra's old chambers, where she first slept with Criston himself.
The first threads that connected Alicent and Criston was Rhaenyra.
Let's also not forget the fact that these are the two individuals who bitched rhaenyra in season 1 for her slutty ways and her deviant and wanton ways. And them now doing it with each other, and in Rhaenyra's rooms no less, just reeks of hypocrisy and insecurity.
Now Criston's cloak is not getting sullied. Apparently Alicent is now ok with sleeping out of the married bed. Wasn't she a devout believer of the seven. And I know that people change. It's been years and alicent has grown and her views may have changed and honestly the woman needs good dicking and I'm happy that she's getting it and all but god's sake.
The fact that she thinks jahaerys' death is divine punishment from the gods for her sins checks out with her characterization and the fact that she tried to confess to her father. Her doing it (the sin she alluded to) again the next moment tho? Idk 😐
Criston, on the other hand, is still just as big of an arsehole as ever and progressively is getting worse.
With rhaenyra, there were many fans who said that criston was raped as rhaenyra is a princess and he couldn't refuse her (even though rhaenyra herself was minor and criston was apparently an adult correct me if I'm wrong). Criston was so offended that Rhaenyra was asking him to be a whore.. but now? Now he's ok being a whore? Now alicent.. who is the king's mother is not raping him? Is she not taking advantage? Apparently not, as some fans say that they care for each other and criston obviously wants it.. but she's still in a place of authority. How can his consent ever be believed? I genuinely want to understand this part. Someone please explain.
I also wonder how their relationship will change from here on as criston becomes the hand of the king and aegon is getting so out of control that he's not listening to otto or alicent. It seems criston has the king's ear now thanks to his half assed cowardly plan regarding arryk.
And the thing that pissed me off the most is criston projecting his guilt onto arryk and sending him on a death mission by manipulating him. Like bitch.. you were too busy rawing the king's mother while arrys was doing his DUTY and protecting the KING for whom he betrayed his own BROTHER? And he dares question his loyalty. Seems like he just wanted to assuage his own guilt and found a convenient scapegoat. And he gets promoted for it too!! Like aegon never questions the commander why there were no kingsguard guarding the queen and the kids?
If aegon ever found out that jahaerys died because criston was too busy fucking his mother 😭
I hate all the Team green and team Balck bullshit and I know all of them have done bad things. Daemon is a bitch.. and what he did was reprehensible and appalling. There are still to many things to unpack but goddamn.. right now aegon and helaena have all my sympathies. Rhaenyra too. They're trying their best. Meanwhile criston and alicent are acting like heat driven bunnies. And daemon a crazed lunatic seeking war.
Rip Ser Arryk. You have my respect and you were loyal to your king. You are a hundred times the man crispy would ever be.
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dwellordream · 2 months
thoughts on HOTD, episode 7, season 2 (spoilers below)
I like the point that Aemond's advisors fear him, to everyone's detriment- they're so terrified of his rages that no one wants to tell him the Blacks are gathering dragonseeds. Aegon was a terrible king, but the courtiers ran roughshod over him because while he could be cruel, he wasn't very intimidating to anyone save servants and smallfolk. Aemond is a terrible king because he impulsively makes decisions based on fear- either his own terror of being seen as weak and ineffectual, or to make other people fear and respect him- or both.
Daemon and Oscar Tully's dynamic is that of a bitter, washed-up middle-aged substitute teacher who hates kids, and the overachieving, humorless star student who has zero respect for him. I love it. Also, I think the actor playing Oscar would make a great Robb Stark. I can dream. I do think it's good that the show delves into the ramifications of the Blackwoods' war-criming it up on Bracken lands at Daemon's encouragement- now the river lords have nothing but contempt for Daemon, and the Blackwoods are reviled as honorless thugs. It really gets across Daemon's inherent scumminess- he used Willem Blackwood as a violent pawn, and is perfectly willing to throw him under the bus after the fact.
At this point I think Daemon's Harrenhal hallucinations have run their course. The show could milk it for 3/4 episodes, and I was fine with that, but they're overused by the penultimate episode of this season, and not revealing anything we didn't already know about Daemon. I'm not entirely against Daemon's Riverlands arc the way some fans are- like it or not, at this point during the canonical Dance, he's not doing much. But I think the fever dreams are much more effective in smaller doses. There's nothing else to explore in regards to the Daemon/Viserys relationship. Daemon craves power but has no interest in the mundane reality of ruling. We all know this by now.
I don't get why Rhaenyra's children are depicted being shunted off with so few guards in the Vale- are we supposed to intuit that Jeyne Arryn literally does not give a shit what happens to them, or is this foreshadowing that they will be attacked on the road? It's not clear whether the show is going to do the canonical Battle of the Gullet or not, but again, I wouldn't be surprised if they depict Joffrey dying in it instead of Jacaerys, in order to give his character more screen time and development in Season 3.
I don't agree with the fans calling Jace hypocritical. Yes, he was all-for recruiting other legitimately born nobles of vague Targaryen descent to become dragon riders a few episodes ago. But empowering the actual smallfolk is another matter, and Jace is naturally insecure about the rumors regarding his birth and parentage. If any commoner bastard can tame a dragon, what does that say about him? He's right that Rhaenyra's succession will in all likelihood be challenged, even if she wins the war. Being a dragonrider no longer makes Jace special. And he is perfectly entitled to be angry with Rhaenyra for the legacy she left him. No, she didn't deserve to be forced into a marriage against her will, and she didn't 'owe' anyone legitimate children. But her choices have consequences and they've made Jace's life very difficult.
I actually enjoy Ulf's character here. He's a braggart and an arrogant idiot, but he's not delusional, and I think his back-and-forth with his friends about whether he has what it takes to claim a dragon is fucking hysterical. He's the typical burn-out former party boy, now in his late 30s, who's beginning to realize nothing great is coming around the bend for him.
I also enjoy their take on Hugh. It's debatable whether Hugh is implying that his mother was literally Saera Targaryen, or rather a bastard daughter of Jaehaerys, but either way, what a way to stick it the Conciliator, who was by all accounts a horrible father and husband who treated his wife like a broodmare and his daughters like shit. Hugh is mourning the loss of his daughter and has nothing left to lose. He wants revenge for the basic rights he was denied as a commoner. He's arguably one of the most heroic characters in the show.
I think the issue with Alicent in this episode is that despite this season being so slow-moving, they've sped-run her disillusionment so quickly that now that she's clearly regretful of encouraging Aegon to take the throne and disgusted by Aemond, the writers don't know what to do with her except have her brood. I think it would have been wiser to actually let her express some anger and grief over the loss of Jaehaerys- even if she wasn't close with her grandchildren- rather than to have her floating around nihilistically. At least give her something to motivate herself beyond 'my life is ruined'.
I do enjoy them showing that the dragonkeepers have developed their own ideology and politics. They idolize old Valyria to such a degree that they cannot tolerate the idea of even letting dragonseeds approach dragons, and it's foreshadowing of how the Targaryen legacy is doomed to cannibalize itself. Rhaenyra has to loosen the 'standards' of what makes an ideal dragon rider to gain support for the war- but at the same time, she can't stretch too far, or risk open rebellion from any lowborn dragonrider. If dragons are what makes a king or queen, then does being of noble blood really matter?
I wish they'd had Rhaenyra go down the self-righteous 'the gods will it so' route sooner, but I think it's a good contrast with Alicent to show Rhaenyra becoming inspired by the thought that all is preordained and that her own destiny is to be a great queen, while Alicent has lost faith in her religion, her family, and her own choices. I don't think Rhaenyra is insane or deluded here, but she is able to justify greater and greater sacrifices because she now truly believes she is fated to rule and that Westeros will crumble existentially without stable Targaryen leadership. She believes it to such a degree that she risks her own life with Vermithor in order to show her power before the smallfolk.
I think the ending scene was very well done, Ulf's gleeful flight over King's Landing and Aemond's genuine panic when he realizes he is no longer in control of the dragon power in Westeros was perfect. Overall, I enjoyed this episode more than episode 6, since shit actually happened. I'd give it a 7.5/10.
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horizon-verizon · 4 months
What is your opinion about this? Personally, I don't understand why people are so diligently looking for something in Aegon that isn't there.
I wrote about Aegon HERE.
Of course he cares, that's literally the essence of his personality. He cares. He and Aemond both feel too much emotion, but if Aemond sublimates into self–improvement, trying to be strong, cold and detached, then Aegon is literally an open wound. I want to talk about this, also using Tom's interviews (yes, I think the actor's opinion is valid in this matter) and the few scenes that we have in the first season
Having emotion/passion =/= sympathy, caring about others, or altruism. sympathy, altruism, etc. can cause or fuel passion, passion can be the motivation to maintain sympathy/compassion/altruism. Dany is a perfect example caring in hand with passion. But this person conflated "caring" with "being emotional and insecure".
Aegon, bk or show, is emotional bc he doesn't want to expend much energy into doing the ambitious things his family wants him to do, except if it is him showing militaristic prowess to prove masculinity and dominance.
Yes, show!Viserys largely didn't give him the "attention" (more here later) that he gave Rhaenyra, but this neither shows that Aegon truly "cares" since he constantly rapes, has his own bastard kids fight each other when he could have easily set up much better living conditions or have them grow up well-off--as most European noblemen did in real life, even Henry VIII. Viserys not giving him attention doesn't excuse, erase, or undermine how Aegon freely chose to abuse others. Dyana didn't ask to be raped, no one does. Should we ignore her pain for Aegon's "microexpressions"? Daemon's mother passing doesn't excuse his treatment of Rhea Royce (whether he kills her or not, show or book...in the book he still is nasty towards her), while also not having ever raped or SAed women (or really, that being a apart of his character GRRM chose to highlight). Both are princes. And many other men choose not to sexually abuse women despite actual abuse at home -- Samwell Tarly. Who is also a pretty emotional but also actually caring individual. He is not a prince. Aegon doesn't need to be named heir nor will it have a positive effect on the realm if he was made king, like how Rhaenyra needed to be Queen bc it's setting a better precedent for female rulership not just for the throne, but for women/girls to be more included in noble lines of succession and/or to lessen the probability of attempts to unseat female heirs who ascend to their places (Jeyne Arryn). That how Rhaenyra, who had been slandered to be undeserving bc of her gender--something Aegon will never receive and is actual discrimination--also benefits to affirm her worth. Finally, Aegon had to start a war and kill thousands to get what he wanted; Rhaenyra would have peacefully housed him after her ascension. so there's that.
HotD is really uwuing this man, bc canonically he just sees the throne as his male-given right; it was never about "confidence in capabilities" or "who'd make the best ruler" for Aegon. Or the greens. It just never was. Even in the show, if you think for 2 seconds, the only logical reason why he would care so much abt Viserys's treatment of him vs Rhaenyra is abt the throne. Viserys didn't "like" him? Oh, well, maybe that is bc the writers decided not to include the fact that bkViserys spent a lot of time with Helaena and that his probable distance b/t his sons is precisely bc they feel that Rhaenyra, his chosen heir, should not be queen? And that is coming from Otto/Alicent coaching them that way, thus creating that divide?
Viserys actually doesn't treat Rhaenrya all that well despite her being his heir: forcing to marry Laenor, [show] punishing her or castigating her for feelings she rightly has towards marriage after he treated Aemma the way he did, reneging on his deal about Otto with he, etc.
bk!Aegon is threatening Rhaenyra before she gave her first terms, impatient to imprison Rhaenyra after the coronation before those terms, calls her a whore after hearing the terms, etc. He may feel bitter and sad about Viserys not giving what he thought was his "birthright", but I think the showrunners knew that this would not endear him to audiences or make them care abt his PoV, bc this is such a privileged sense of entitlement that is actually dangerous that goes beyond any slander against Rhaenyra's pride to be a female Targaryen heir. Viserys, as king, chose Rhaenya and that is well within his right as king, by these feudal monarchist customs. Female heirs have been chosen in Westeros. even with those girls and women having been chosen only bc there was no viable male candidate, or the ones there were too young, etc., they were still chosen and active in wars in different ways. Plus, if we actually care about victims, which a lot of those women were, you'd also see that having a female heir even with a male candidate, is a better step in the right direction of possibly minimizing that rather than to keep the male-preference primogeniture where the younger male is heir keeps going. Rhaenyra never victimized anyone at that point; Aegon had already done so to serving girls and that 12 year old. In the show, Aegon abuses Helaena by her own words about his sexing her only when he is drunk, but this is throwaway and we are not given a fuller picture (w/o actually showing us the sex, we can still witness their dynamic but as it is they have never been in the same room and we never saw them interact or try to, which HotD clearly takes advantage of bc a lot of people are not cognizant of this or care).
He "cares" about himself and pathetically whines about how he wasn't given or thought to be given what he thinks he deserves based on gender privilege. Boohoo. No one said he was emotionless in the first place! Should I feel bad for a man who doesn't get the expected privileges for being a man?
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darklinaforever · 2 years
Daemon as parent :
Many believe that Daemon is portrayed as a bad father because of the deleted scene where he hugs his daughters after Laena's death. And while it was a shitty decision to cut that scene, to say that without it Daemon is portrayed as a bad dad is just plain wrong.
I'm going to split the pear between those who think Daemon is actually a great dad, and others who think he's a crap dad, saying, like Laena:
“He is doing his best. »
Note that in the first place, episode 6 shows us only a tiny and tiny part of the family life that Daemon has led until now. And during the episode, we are clearly shown, as on the side of Rhaenyra, the worst pass of this current life. So judging Daemon's paternity through this brief moment in his life isn't very fair/fair.
Going back to her relationship with her daughters, I think people easily forget that short but very cute scene where we see Daemon teaching Baela the High Valerian, and before she goes to bed, she kisses both her father and her mother. The relationship between Daemon and his daughter Baela therefore seems good, and nothing indicates otherwise.
A little later in the episode, however, we learn that Rhaena, Daemon's second daughter, unlike her sister, has still not seen her dragon egg hatch. The little one therefore seems full of uncertainty, even going so far as to place herself below the other members of her family, judging herself less important because she has no dragon. In that same scene, she also states that Daemon is ignoring her. However, before taking Rhaena's words at face value, it is important to remember that it is very common for a child of this age to feel ignored by a parent, or to think they are less loved than their siblings, especially if the child in question has a particular insecurity. Which, here, is the case for Rhaena.
Another important detail, Laena defends Daemon to her daughter, saying, as I said before, that he does his best.
And I sincerely think it is, otherwise the episode would have shown us Daemon being a horrible father, and probably Laena taking him back on that. However, once again, she defends him instead.
Laena is not a victim. She's a Velaryon. She of Targaryen blood, descends from ancient Valerya and rides Vaghar, the greatest dragon in the world. It's certainly not Daemon who will scare him.
We see that she confronts him on the subjects that bother him. She takes him back to his current state. That he's not himself, that he actually has no interest in Pentos, hides in the books of the library, hardly sleeps anymore, that he lies saying that his brother and his house don't he doesn't miss it. Hell, she even tells him she knows she's not the woman he wanted. (And we all know she knows about Rhaenyra) If Daemon was mistreating Rhaena, as some idiots think since this episode, she definitely would have reprimanded him about it.
Moreover, this discussion between Laena and Daemon takes place after the discussion between Laena and Rhaena. An important detail to note. The little one is full of her father's behavior, Laena defends him and goes to talk to him right after, finally letting us finally understand as a spectator that Daemon is in fact in a very bad situation.
What we see in this episode is actually a brooding, self-exiling Daemon trying to be content with his current life and family, but missing Viserys and more specifically Rhaenyra, which plunges him into an undeniable depression.
He tones down his true nature in an attempt to be happy, but it doesn't work, and gets worse over time. Laena will tell him “The man I married was worth more than that. which shows that their marriage wasn't always like this.
Daemon has always been a chaotic being, having trouble expressing his emotions properly. But with his current state, it's even worse.
I don't think he dislikes Rhaena because she doesn't have a dragon. It's stupid to say that. Viserys doesn't have a dragon either, I remind you, and yet we all know that Daemon undeniably loves his big brother.
But technically, Viserys, in addition to being his older brother, was also his father figure for much of his life. It is therefore normal that Daemon particularly likes him. Although it may also explain Daemon's difficulties with being a father, in addition to his depression. Let's not forget after all that Viserys made mistakes, and wasn't the best father or brother in the world.
Personally, I think Daemon may not really know how to comfort Rhaena about her lack of a dragon, or even how to properly broach this subject. The fact that Baela's egg has hatched presumably allows Daemon to facilitate a connection with his daughter. From what we've seen in the series so far, I think Baela's impulsiveness is the one who looks the most like Daemon, which must have helped a lot in their relationship as well.
But to say he likes Rhaena less than Baela, ignores her or mistreats her because we haven't seen any direct scenes between them is ridiculous.
In episode 8 we see Daemon being affectionate with his son Viserys II, but not really with Aegon III when he introduces them to his brother along with Rhaenyra. Does that mean Daemon likes Aegon III less than Viserys II? Ignore him or mistreat him? I do not think so.
As for Daemon finally not hugging his daughters, I can understand that. In view of his depression presented in the episode, plus the death of Laena, he must have felt lost and confused. Such an event is hard to manage, even more so to explain it to your own children. Also, I don't find that he seems cold with them during this scene, but rather tense, giving the impression of not knowing what to say or do exactly at such a time.
This is not to say that Daemon is ignoring his daughters, which is at odds with the scene where he is seen having the High Valerian study at Baela earlier in Episode 6.
Let's move on to episode 7, where Daemon remains alone during Laena's funeral. At this point, Daemon is still in a depressed state, from which he will only come out at the end of the episode with his marriage to Rhaenyra. That he stays away from his daughters here is not inconsistent if he is still in this negative phase. It would have made sense even if he had taken it upon himself to console them (as he should have been, stupid director) in Episode 6.
Then we have a scene where Daemon tells Viserys that his home is Pentos and HIS children's, showing that he considers and thinks of them both. Not just Baela.
Some might say that was hypocritical, as he eventually decides to stay to be with Rhaenyra. But there is a difference though. Viserys' proposal brings him nothing. Go back to the course and its endless problems? What would that bring to him and his children? Not to mention that Otto is back as a hand, and I doubt Daemon wants to hang out with him, or his kids around. How long can he stay? His next exile? In comparison, Rhaenyra offers him everything he ever wanted. Her to start with. Then a position to assist her and their House. Not to mention a family that will really care about him and make him feel important and exist. There's also living in Dragonstone, the literal birthplace of their House. Daemon would definitely feel at home there, and I'm sure he would love to live there and raise his children there.
For those who criticize that Daemon didn't react to Baela and Rhaena when they were injured, unlike Rhaenyra who rushed to his sons, let me explain my point.
Already, it is important to note that Daemon and Rhaenyra arrive together in the great hall. However, Daemon stays behind, only glancing a little before leaning against the wall, almost as if trying not to be noticed. Besides, apart from Otto, no one seems to have done so. Here I think it's worth remembering that Daemon returned with a half scruffy Rhaenyra from a "night walk". If he had gone to his daughters, as Rhaenyra did to her sons, people, despite the commotion, seeing that they were arriving together would have speculated as to his reasons, especially in view of the state of the clothes. and Rhaenyra's hairstyle. Not to mention that 10 years ago, Rhaenyra and Daemon were at the heart of a huge scandal, accused of being lovers. I clearly think Daemon wanted to avoid drawing attention to them in the first place. After all, they buried Laena just hours ago. Imagine the scandal!
Then, as I said before, Daemon took one look before leaning against the wall to start observing the scene.
I think that by taking a quick look, Daemon must have seen that his daughters were with their grandparents, (more particularly their grandmother Rhaenys) and therefore that they weren't risking anything. In fact, it is even sure, since they were directly in his song of vision if one observes well. What is to be put in context, since the children of Rhaenyra, them, had nobody to supervise them, Laenor (their official father and husband of Rhaenyra) being absent. Logical therefore that Rhaenyra, the only rampart between her children and a possible danger, rushes towards them.
Daemon on the other hand does not have this problem, as his daughters are not alone. I probably think that after seeing where they were, and were fine, Daemon must have wanted to stay in his corner to observe and understand what exactly was going on.
Despite the chaos, the situation is still clear. There was an accident. Aemond has his eye gouged out. Rhaenyra's sons and Daemon's daughters scuffled with him. Here it is important to remember that Daemon is a warrior. So I don't think a fight between kids would freak him out. Even in Episode 8, it doesn't seem to particularly affect him, more like making him laugh. Daemon did not seem to take into account the concept of “gender” so far. If he had had boys I definitely think he would have reacted the same way. Another important element, here are the sons of Rhaenyra and do not have the daughters of Daemon the targets as for the wound of Aemond. This moment is therefore about Rhaenyra. And that, I think Daemon understood perfectly. Clearly, whatever her daughters had in it, they fear nothing because Rhaenyra's sons were with them. So the focus will automatically shift to the boys, already frowned upon for being "bastards", and Daemon wants to see how Rhaenyra will handle it all.
Daemon in this scene stands back, not because he's cold or indifferent but because he probably wants to see the big picture and be able to properly observe it. This is Daemon's chance to see how these people he hasn't seen in 10 years behave. I also suspect that he particularly enjoys the show. After all, Daemon is an agent of chaos, and chaos begets chaos. It's a real chaotic scene that unfolds before Daemon's eyes at this moment. His life having been pretty quiet for the past 10 years, I think a part of him must have loved seeing that.
Episode 8 now, which should bury once and for all the idea that Daemon is a bad father.
Already, we can see that Daemon is clearly out of her depression, happy for 6 years with Rhaenyra in Dragonstone. This can be seen just with his first scene where he is very happy to have recovered 3 eggs from Syrax for his 3 children with Rhaenyra, to the point that he repeats “3 eggs” twice. It's adorable, and the first time we've seen him so happy since the start of the series.
During the episode, we can also see Daemon being affectionate with Viserys II, running his hand through his hair, or trying to calm him down with a grimace when he starts crying, frightened by the appearance of Viseyrys I. We also have Daemon beheading Vaemond for (among other things) insulting his step sons Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joeffrey as bastards.
But what about Daemon and his daughters? Already, we have Baela writing to Daemon at the start of the episode warning him of Vaemond's plans for the Lamark claim. Technically it shows Daemon and Baela's relationship isn't bad. (It would have been surprising since she was never shown as such) If so, Baela would have written to Rhaenyra. And if all of their relationships had been bad for the past few years, Baela might not have written to them at all.
As for the character of Rhaena, it's true that we don't see her much during the episode, but from the little that we saw of her, she seemed happy and satisfied with her life, and without any apparent grudge towards her father. . She even sits next to Daemon during dinner. An interesting detail in my opinion, since she wasn't in episode 6, where she felt she was being ignored by her father.
Then we have Daemon coming between Aemond and ALL of his family. Because yes, even if he basically intervened to prevent yet another fight between Lucerys, Jacaerys and Aemond, in the end he is still between Aemond and ALL his family. Not just boys. It's not just Lucerys and Jacaerys behind Daemon, but also Rhaenyra, Rhaena, and Baela. This is important to note, knowing that Aemond becomes the strongest enemy of the opposing camp later and it is Daemon who will face him. So here we have Daemon, placed (as always) as protector of his family. I like this scene all the more that Rhaenyra, while Daemon serves as a shield against Aemond, sends all the children back to their rooms.
It's also interesting to see how Daemyra's children are different from Alicent's. We see that all their children seem happy and fulfilled, unlike those of Alicent who are all in a rather deplorable mental state… This alone proves that they were good parents. Their family seems to be united in the best possible way.
I think this episode for sure breaks the idea, based on episode 6 for some, that Daemon is a bad father when he was at that time in a period of depression without Rhaenyra and his brother. I don't see how people could continue to think/say that at this point. (Although I would still hate that they cut the hug between Daemon and his daughters in episode 6… You morons)
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
The bond Daemon’s built with Aemond, Aegon and his sweet twins is much too strong to break. Rhaenyra thinks she'll be able to continue her relationship with Daemon like in the past, but he's too busy making eye contact and smirking at his girls that are shyly watching him on their brother's arms. As Rhaenyra tries to flirt with him, he completely ignores her. He knows Aemond... perhaps Aegon... could keep them safe, but being out in such a public setting always upset the twins and made them unable to relax. Daemon has to resist rushing over to the twins and taking them to their room to fuck them so hard their minds go mushy and they're forced to calm down.
Rhaenyra touches his arm, trying to rest her body on his and he feels himself tense from both it and the way his sweet girls look at each other. He knows their insecurities make them doubt his intentions already, but seeing Rhaenyra on his arm while they can't be saddens and scares them that their uncle was using them as placeholders. They grab their brothers's hands and refuse to look in Daemon’s direction all night in fear that they'd see him give Rhaenyra that same look of affection he does them, not knowing he'd crossed the room to make it clear to the girl he was no longer interested.
Aemond isn't good with emotional stuff so he doesn't know how to comfort them especiallywith his own feelings being a little hurt, whereas Aegon could if he truly wanted to, but finds it nice seeing Daemon be the one in trouble for once. The event ends and the twins rush to their room and don't wait for Daemon’s return to get started, despite knowing it's against the rules. Daemon opens the room to be met by the sight of his girls sensually riding their brother's, taking it slowly to full enjoy the sensations. Their hips move around experimentally until they find the right rhythm and angle, moaning out tips to each other on what feels best. Aemond’s itching to flip them over and pound into them, but knows they need the control right now. They enjoy their sisters's creamy pussies working them in and out, Aegon laying limply as if his soul left his body.
Daemon is angry at the girls, but allows it to happen. They'd broken his rule only after they'd perceived him as breaking one of their own: no going around Rhaenyra. He allows them to pleasure themselves before he gently rubs their backs and brings their heads back to his chest, leaving a soft kiss on each of their plush lips. They all reconcile that night and try out many different positions, Aegon bottoming for the first time. By the time Rhaenyra comes calling for Daemon to take his place as her king, it's much too late for him to be swayed. Aegon would become king with Helaena and her twin as queen (they share everything, including a title and husbands), but Daemon and Aemond would pull the strings behind the curtains.
The doms would take care of everything while their sweet subs and switch just lounge around and fuck all day. Aegon would definitely not mind, especially since he has the brothal experience right at home with people that he knows care for him and remember his likes/dislikes. Even if Daemon wanted to leave, he couldn’t after making all four of them depend on him in their own ways. Especially after they'd wormed their way into his heart and all became permanent fixtures in his life that he couldn't see himself without. He likes how Aemond admires him and is like a copy of himself, Aegon’s debauchery and weird way of showing his love (the type to lick their s/o & him bottoming is like the deepest form of love/trust since his whole sex life is ultimately self-serving), the way Helaena’s and her twin's faces look so lost, eyes glossy as a dragon dream take over, along with their cryptic speech. Daemon finds himself being thankful that Viserys denied him Rhaenyra so long ago, because if he hadn't, he wouldn't have been in this weird yet loving relationship with the rest of Viserys's kids (really said can't have one, then I'll have them all) 👑💀
Switch!Aegon is just perfect and I adore how he does not help when Daemon is in trouble...he's a menace
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theredpharaoah · 2 years
I accept that. Aemond is still just barely an adult himself, I don’t think he realized just how dangerous that was - especially for a small dragon like Arrax. At the end of the day, the dragons are animals. Flight wasn’t working so Arrax panicked and went for fight - and made the mistake of pissing off Vhagar. Viserys said it best: the idea that they control the dragons is a myth. Especially for riders who aren’t as seasoned as them. I mean Lucerys has probably only been riding for about a year, and Aemond has only been riding for about 5 or 6 - I don’t think that’s nearly long enough to really have sway with someone like Vhagar. Remember Aerea with Balerion? Simply bonding to them isn’t enough. I always wondered why a mount experienced in battle seemed so important to them and now I see why - they don’t listen. Battle must be an interaction between the dragon and the rider, where the dragon is trusted to do a lot on their own. Vhagar would know how to dodge arrows, scorpions, etc, cuz she’s done it before. She wouldn’t need to be told. I don’t think Aemond really intended for Lucerys to give him his eye, he just wanted to bully and humiliate him. People aren’t black and white, and Aemond does have love for his family. We saw that at Laena’s funeral. He’s just very prideful, insecure, and defensive. We’ve seen this so many times in stories, shows, movies, and even real life: when “I was just tryna scare him a bit” turns deadly. God it was so quick. And Lucerys did not survive that. We saw his…pieces. And if you don’t think Aemond cares about them that’s fine, but he definitely cares about the realm. He knows what he’s just done, and they all know what happens when dragons go to war. This is a civil war between one family that grew up together. And so miscommunication and misunderstandings being at the center of it is very believable- that happens in real life. Miscommunication and misunderstanding is the culprit behind most conflicts. I think the Greens got their pettiness at their nephews’ parentage from Alicent, but like Alicent they actually do care about them still. We saw that they were close in episode 5 - Aemond was like 12-14 in that. All that time they seemed to have a good relationship with the occasional ribbing cuz Aemond didn’t have a dragon. That doesn’t just disappear. And even Otto and Rhaenyra’s exchange was clearly charged. She truly felt betrayed by him, and it makes sense - he was probably something of an uncle to her. And I think that went both ways to an extent. It was easy to order her death in the Small Council, but when he was in front of her he looked emotional too. He wants her to abdicate for Aegon, but I also think he really doesn’t want to have to kill her(the actors are so good). Daemon can choke tho as far as he’s concerned. I hated the greens before, but I can’t say that now. I can’t stand them, but the show has done a great job of humanizing them and I love that. It makes it so much more interesting.
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
Aegarra and Alicents relationship
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It would be both these vibes. Both 🥚 and Alicent are tactile people and there's something so intimate about doing someone's hair and they'd both genuinely enjoy spending this time with one another. However Aegarra isn't a perfect lady, especially when it comes to riding so she'd come back all roughed up a dirty, giving Alicent a mini heart attack.
Her dress code would slay hard and she might try to match what her mother is wearing a lot more. Like how Sansa's wardrobe was either homage to Cersei or Catelyn depending on where she was in her journey. People would eat this shit up and this would be done in part out of pettyness as a way of sticking it to Rhaenyra, cause 🥚 is a little shit, first and foremost.
If we're keeping 🥚 initial bond with the Strongs I imagine part of it is out of rebellion of not wanting to marry Aemond cause he's a loser with no dragon(her words not mine) but the eye incident would be a game changer. She'd actually be sober for the confrontation and Aemond as the firstborn son won't blame her for the rumors but maybe she'd own up to help her brother out, knowing Viserys won't act against his firstborn son and a girl.
Sorry this was longer than I thought it would be.
aemond is a loser with no dragon 😭😭😭😭 queen, ur so right. he would be so pressed abt it, too 😭😭😭😭
claiming vhagar bc he wants to impress his future wife 🤧 acquiring the biggest dragon in the world, but, instead of confidence, he gains a new set of insecurities, bc now his masculinity is threatened in different ways - like not being able to sword fight properly or being too disfigured (who could ever want him for a husband now)
cue aegarra's fleur delacour moment I AM BEAUTIFUL ENOUGH FOR BOTH OF US
i love AUs in which 🥚, male or female, goes berserk over his little bro losing an eye to those brats, my stomach is SO unfed
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toodreampost-blog1 · 2 years
I’ve been wanting to express this for a while, but this is the only time I’ve felt up to saying it: attacking people’s favorite characters from House of the Dragon because their morals or actions don’t align with societal ideals in current society is forced and corny.
I honestly feel like a large part of this is the result of the tribalism that was created by the team black or team green fractions in the fandom. People picking teams is a natural aspect of the show, as the entire show is predicated on the idea of the two teams battling each other, but people will use the bad actions of a show character to shame the people who like them.
I’ve seen this mostly with Alicent, Aegon, and Aemond. People call Alicent a pick-me or misogynistic for adhering to the standards of her time. Shaming ‘Aegon enjoyers’ to the point that some of them had to come out as SA survivors because people were calling them r*pe apologists for finding Aegon a funny and/or complex character. People somehow manage to call Aemond a racist because he “punched little black girls and stole their mother’s dragon” as if either of those things is applicable to the ASOIAF universe.
This should go without saying, but liking characters shouldn’t warrant people having their morals questioned or even being bullied for it. Expecting Alicent to be a feminist in a society that’s inspired by medieval Europe is ridiculous and calling people who like her misogynistic is equally ridiculous. The same people openly fawning over Daemon attempting to drag people for liking Aegon’s character is not only stupid but also hypocritical. Calling his fans r*pe apologists just to turn around and stan a character that has been confirmed to be a groomer and predator by Emma D’Archy and the showrunners is laughably forced on a lot of y’all parts.
And that I’m bringing up Daemon, sense team blacks are apparently so much more morally upright than team greens. Let’s run through some of them.
Viserys: gutted his first wife for a son. Took a child bride and used her as a birthing cow and a dumping ground for his fears and insecurities. Neglected her and her children. Was such a coward he never officially changed the laws of succession that would allow Rhaenyra to have an easier claim as queen.
Daemon: tortured innocent smallfolk. Groomed his niece. Murdered his first wife. Neglected one of his daughters because she didn’t have a fucking dragon. Ignored his second wife and her pleas to return to her family to give birth. Had sex with said niece at his dead wife’s funeral. Killed another innocent servant. Forced his daughters to be witnesses at his secret wedding a day after their own mother’s funeral. Killed Vemond in cold blood for telling the truth about two white boys stealing both his and Baela’s claim to THEIR birthright. Keep in mind, this is the same fraction of the fanbase that claims to hate Aemond for what he did to two little black girls, but yet still like a man after murdering a black man and stealing a black family’s throne in cold blood (and that’s because most of you don’t actually care about how black people are treated in the show, y’all just use their blackness for your own convenience). Oh not to mention he choked Rhaenyra out because she said something he didn’t like.
Oh, and Rhaenys killed hundreds of innocent smallfolk because she was angwyyy over Aegon being proclaimed king.
I could go on, but I feel like this is enough.
I truly do not understand it. A lot of the fans of HotD also like game of thrones. These fans will proudly call characters like Jaime and Cersei Lannister, Theron Greyjoy, Tyrion, and Tywin their favorites while scoffing at people who like Aemond because he *checks notes* accidentally (albeit stupidly) killed Luke at Storm’s Eye? WRAP. IT. UP.
I think it’s groupthink. In the game of thrones fandom, it was considered a norm to like villains or characters that do bad things, but the HotD fandom has this odd morality complex where you can’t support this character or this team because “they’re the bad guys”.
At the end of the day, this fandom should be a place of character analysis and *playful* in-fighting. Not degrading, bullying, and even doxxing others over a fictional dragon show. Team blacks will never have the moral high ground over team greens and vice versa. Can we just have fun? Thanks.
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thesilverlady · 1 year
Have they butchered Rhaenyra and Aegon that much? Idk i think i liked them both in the show, but reading people opinions it seems they changed them from the source material especially Aegon. Are they that different from their book characters?
obviously there's no problem if you or anyone else likes the show version. I know many people who do in fact, and while I don't feel the same everyone is valid.
As for the change, well, we don't know a lot of things about Aegon II pre-war to be honest. The things that are mentioned is that he's lazy, folds girls, most likely raped some as well, and protested for a sec against stealing Rhaneyra's throne.
Of course, if we analyze it, we gotta consider the people who report these events, how reliable they are etc. In my personal opinion, I don't think there's any narrator that is just right. I think the truth lies somewhere in the between.
Anyways, back to Aegon, in the show we see he's also lazy, wants nothing to do with the throne, he also rapes girls and he seems against the idea of ruling so you'd think "well, that's not so different" but once you read f&b and consider the context of the world building it's easy to see there's a difference.
first of all, show!Aegon seems to be very isolated. We have seen in asoiaf royals are rarely left alone. Even someone as Aegon, he'd hang out with the sons of the lords that are part of the king's council. They'd drink, go to brothels together, mess around etc. Also Alicent has 0 power over Aegon. Her being verbally and physically abusive is a weird choice (of course her character is also someone entirely different so we shouldn't be surprised), the only person who could be able to push him around is Otto - and even he has limitations.
it just seems hotd doesn't seem to understand the power and privilege people from that upper class are capable of having.
We also have some very few hints of the relationships he had with his family; with Alicent he mostly ignored her, with Aemond they were civil and there was nothing to show they weren't getting along in childhood, with his nephews he was obviously jealous because of the attention Viserys gave them,with Helaena he was neutral and their marriage wasn't the abusive type the fandom has agreed to think of it as.
so yeah, with Aegon the differences are mostly the way they haven't really established the dynamics he has with each family member.
Now when it comes to Rhaneyra... yeah the difference is much more huge. Young Rhaneyra isn't like the wannabe tomboy the show tried to push; she was cheerful, intelligent and incredible charming. her father doted on her and many lords liked her. (I won't get into her romantic relationships because this post will become longer but the portray of daemyra is very different as well).
While I wouldn't say she was as isolated as the show portrayed her, she definitely felt lonely. Alicent had given birth to Aegon, she was pushing her son to be betrothed to Rhaneyra, and she was very antagonistic towards her stepdaughter. So ofc that made Rhaneyra angry and feeling lonely since her father tried to keep neutral ground and please both of them.
Everything changed when Daemon came back from the stepstones and the rest was history.
As for older Rhaneyra (still pre-war), book!Rhaneyra remains a very emotional woman, she acts with her heart and prioritizes her feelings; she doesn't have the need to "prove" something because the throne is hers. She just wants to be happy with the man she loves, build an family and maybe knock down Alicent's smug face every now and then.
She's a "girly girl" and her power move is in her words and the way she dresses and makes statements.
All of these are lost in the show. Young Rhaneyra is just angry, she's constantly insecure about her place but does nothing to show she's capable. Older Rhaneyra loses the fire the younger one has, she's tamer, more silent and more scared. She's just not Rhaenyra at all. There's 0 of her temper, fierceness and her unforgiveness.
I've kinda given up hope that they'll ever turn it around anon. Because I don't see how they could fix it in such a way we'd forget the characterization the two had in s1.
Anyways, I'm sorry this reply became so long 😅 Truth be told I can talk about these characters for hours. I hope I managed to answer your question, and remember, it's perfectly fine if you prefer the show. No judgements from me. I just read the book long ago and am already attached the characters the way I got to know them, so it kinda impossible to just forget their canon selves
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