#both loving and sarcastic
lilislegacy · 6 months
hear me out
grown up percy jackson ≈ tony stark
i’m pretty sure that i am not the first person to say this. but it’s the way that they’re both sarcastic and witty, even in dangerous situations (no percy is not self obsessed or entitled like him lol)
also i’ve decided to use gifs instead of words to explain the similarities
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otaku553 · 1 year
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A certain first encounter
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balladofthe101st · 3 months
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it was pretty cool of webster to step up and let liebgott pass on the patrol, even when lieb and the others have been nothing but snappish at and snarky to him the whole time he got back. he took their jabs silently and tried to make it up to liebgott them
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bonus: the look on martin's face when he realized web's taking lieb's place in the patrol and had lieb sit out being in the lead patrol. yeah, he knows they're in love
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sqwdkllr · 8 days
i was talking with a friend about why it is that we find the hocotate ship and Olimar's interactions so great compared to any other dynamic he has in all the games, and it sorta answered itself over time.
I think it was in a vc that they mentioned that it would be very funny if Collin had a single clue to how scummy Olimar can be and not "a really forgiving guy who gets pushed around and has serious mental problems but passive". Like even with Louie- Olimar sees to it that he apologizes to him for snapping or even asking the forgiveness of others on his behalf. With his own boss he contemplates on the fact that if he had died then maybe work could have been better for others around him and it is his fault for surviving. Even with his own family he would never fault them for any hardships and somehow always pin the blame on himself. All the cured leaflings described him to be kind and determined to save them despite being taken over by the pikmin parasite. Even the koppaites feel sorry for him despite the stereotypes dividing them at first
But you know who he doesnt regret being as scummy towards ? THE FUCKING HOCOTATE SHIP !! that ship doesnt coddle him or pity him in the same way others do and instead sasses back with the same energy. He is soo genuine and transparent when talking about that ship its so good to read those two interact because you dont NOT see that with anyone else
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aceghosts · 4 months
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Mass Effect (Legendary Edition) (2/X)
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entamewitchlulu · 6 months
ivan's a hypocrite but honestly i fucking love that for him. him being like "sua you suck for planning on killing yourself to save mizi lol" and then doing the same thing for till like. he thought he was better than sua but when he was faced with the idea of living past his only love he realized he was just as pathetic as he thought sua was.
i don't think he initially planned on dying for till. i think when the competition started i don't think that was in his cards. even when things went wrong with mizi i don't think he'd decided yet. but then while he was watching till during that performance and realizing just how broken till was, how he wasn't even the till ivan remembered and fell in love with anymore, he realized he could not do it.
he couldn't bear outliving till after all.
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starryslytherin0 · 21 days
Avania Chase x Amara Ambrose crack fic
“Stop squirming ‘Mara.” Avania mumbled, trying to braid green ribbons into Amara’s hair. The pink haired girl was straddling her lap. “Why do you need to do this again?” Amara scoffed, arms around Avania’s waist.
“I’m trying to learn how to do hair, because most of my friends have long hair so I want to be able to help.”
“I have short hair too.”
“I know but you’re, you know, you. You’re the best person to practice on because you’ll look pretty no matter what.”
“Suck up.”
“You love it.” Avania mumbled, kissing up her werewolf scar. “You’re s’pretty ‘Mara.” “You aren’t so bad yourself, Chase.” Avania laughed and got off Amara’s lap to shrug off her red long coat and roll up her sleeves. “Hmm…I think you’d look nice with your tie as a headband rather than the green ribbons…” She said, fiddling with Amara’s loose tie and looking into her gorgeous grey eyes for silent permission. She clambered back onto her lap and Amara squeezed her hips.
“Do what you think will look best.”
Avania took off Amara’s tie and used it as a headband.
“The green looks so good on you.” She mumbled, playing with the werewolf’s hair. Avania had a paw print necklace and moon earrings to always have a piece of her hot masc werewolf girl. “Maybe I should give you pink streaks to match me.” The Hufflepuff teased. “I swear on sweet Salazar if you even think about-“
Avania shut her up with a quick kiss and ruffled her hair,
“I know Wolfie, I’m just messing with you.” Amara tugged her closer and Avania snuggled up to her,
Let’s just say Avania gave up trying to learn styling and was just content to lay in Amara’s arms for the rest of the evening.
A/N: Very short because I didn’t know how to write Amara but I think it would be cute to have my masc lesbian with @boxdstars’s masc lesbian.
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oneluckygoose · 1 month
He likes sweaters, the way the envelop him like a soft hug. He likes chocolate, the warmth it brings in contrast to cold rooms and even colder chains. He likes the chairs by the fire, the way it eases the aches in his bones, the way it laps and crackles the wood, fuzzy flames seeming soft to the touch, like the worn fabric underneath him. He likes it when people snuggle up to him and steal the warmth he produces like a furnace, he likes knowing he can do something other than hurt.
He gets mad, he’s angry, he’s in pain. How could he not be? There are rips and tears in his skin that come from claws that are not his own. He wakes up with blood in his mouth, fearing it to be someone else’s. He rages against the cruelty of the world, and there are cold points that bristle from him as a warning. He gets mad when he looks in the mirror, sees sharp scars and even sharper teeth, a painful reminder of his untamable bloodlust, he can’t count how many mirrors he’s broken. He supposes the cuts he gets on his hands are just few added to the many. He wants to scream, he wants to snap, to let the world know his anger, he wants to become something the wolf may fear as much as he fears it.
Remus Lupin likes curling up, book in hand, the pages worn soft from years of use, by the fire. He likes how the paper smoothes against his fingertips, added with the glowing warmth of flame. Remus Lupin likes the soft things, the warm things. He likes how human they make him feel. He likes how it proves to himself that he is something other than the cold, sharp wolf. He likes taking joy in them, he likes how it makes happiness flutter in his chest, in stark contrast to blinding bloodlust that takes him over by force. He likes how he can become everything the wolf isn’t, he likes how he can be better, how he can be the softness: in smiles, in hugs, in tones, in love. He likes how he can be the warmth: in comforting, in touches, in laughter, in love. He likes how he can think of the wolf and be so overwhelmingly angry, and still be a blazing torch of happiness to the cruel world that cursed him. He likes that it’s spite, but he likes even more that it’s love. He likes how it was love that let him like the soft things, the warm things. He likes how it is love he gives the people around him, not the scars that he gives himself. He likes that it’s love that makes soft jumpers rub against old scars and he likes that its love that he feels the jumper instead of the wound. He likes Sirius’ smile when he tells him in the dark night that the wolf’s fur is soft and warm. Remus likes how despite everything, he is the person seek out if they need a hug, or warmth by the fire, or a cozy sweater, or a bite of chocolate, or a good book, or a piece of love. He likes how the wolf took over his life and he found a way to live around it. He likes how he found a way to live and live and live without cold chains, sharp claws, bloody bites. He likes how he’s mad and he likes how he found a way to love.
He likes how that’s the biggest “fuck you” to the wolf, that he is everything it can’t be.
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sbd-laytall · 4 months
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Smallville | 4.11 | "Unsafe"
Teen Wolf | 2.03 | "Ice Pick"
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suavis · 3 months
gee, i can't wait for the backlash over michaela being a woman to die down so we can then get into the real fun stuff: intracommunity discourse over what francesca's sexuality is!
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Silvaze and Sontails parallels? In front of my salad??
Apparently more likely than you'd think!
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alevolpe · 5 months
Okay but what if Mina intentionally lost to Mako.
You could say... she did it all for the noogie.
She would...
"I just let you win. As the leader is my duty to boost the team morale by raising individual self-confidence. You can thank me later girlie."
"Mhmh.. Sure thing blondie.
Now get over here."
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huxianposts · 2 years
I know what you are...
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knifexwife · 1 year
henry from rwrb is arthur pendragon coded
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brb-on-a-quest · 3 months
Good news to brighten up your day: I have been teaching one of the Amish coworkers internet slang. She thinks I’m very funny and my efforts are fruitful.
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
Robin is the first teen that Dustin interacts with that is both cool and smart. He looks up to her, respects her opinion and agrees with her a lot of the time. To Dustin, Steve was cool but not smart, Nancy, was smart but not cool. While these assumptions about them may be wrong, they're right to Dustin. Robin is the kind of teen Dustin wanted to be when he was older.
Robin may have ignored him a bit once he went to high school or maybe Eddie snatched him up before they could hang but I like to think Robin looks out for him at school too, especially to make Steve feel better about his kids going to high school.
In short, Robin is cool and Dustin thinks she's awesome.
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