#both in setting and in that there seems to be many mechanic id like to
miraclemaya · 2 years
ahhh tooo many rpg books i wanna buy but they cost money ahhh
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cloudmonarch43 · 18 days
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[ID in alt text, repeated below the cut]
My to-watch list is pretty short now and it's not especially satisfying to write about movies while trying not to say too much about what happens in them, plus I barely like Instagram anymore (where these posts are focused), so it'll probably at least be a while before there's another post like this. But never you think that I don't want to talk about movies!! (Oops, I never noticed I wrote the wrong year for Alien. It's right in the alt text because I typed it all first and then copied it down!)
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Saw (2004) is a very silly movie that manages to stay enjoyable the whole way through. Aside from a few good bits, I didn't like Saw II (2005). There were too many characters, underdeveloped, so that even in context it just felt cruel to kill them off. I like engaging with the mechanisms of the games, and yeah the point of the games is violence, but the second movie felt like it didn't care about the game part. It made some good moves as a sequel, but the first one was a lot more fun.
Rather than telling me a story, Dirty Dancing (1987) felt like it was telling me about a story. I liked watching the dancing, and I liked the story that was being summarized, so I liked the movie, but it was strange how much of it just felt like information. Even though the plot was a bit convenient, the great variety of relationships made it feel like a genuine world.
The first time I watched I Saw the TV Glow (2024), I didn't know what I was in for; I kind of stumbled home in a daze of delight and sadness. Movies are such a capacious medium and I love it when that potential is actually used. It also feels good to watch something where the queer interpretation is not just a side effect yet it's still abstract and metaphorical.
We're All Going to the World's Fair (2021) is a super effective movie about watching other people's videos. In reviews I saw, I thought people credited it with a lot that wasn't actually there—only a place was set, which the viewer automatically filled. It didn't resonate with me as much, but I think it's cool to be put through the same sort of process as the characters.
[pencil sketch for Dirty Dancing of Johnny and Baby dancing]
Image 2:
Pretty much everything I wrote in my journal about The Sixth Sense (1999) is using it as a comparison to clarify other things, so I don't know what to say about it on its own. I enjoyed watching it.
After that I rewatched some stuff.
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) is great. It really lets you sink in, and there's a lot to sink into, both visually and conceptually.
Blade Runner (1982) seemed more self-contained and a lot easier to follow this time through. I liked it overall but it's so bleak. I guess it's supposed to make me think about what it means to be human but "either you're a cop or a little guy" is the undisputed thesis statement I heard.
The Thing (1982) remains one of my top favorite movies (which is a list I haven't written, but "I Saw the TV Glow" is on it too). I hadn't even remembered a solid half of the great special effects moments because there's just so many.
Alien (1979) didn't work out as well. I still think it's a good movie, but it turns out a lot of what I liked about it was the suspense that doesn't hold up when I know what's going to happen. I know people love to analyze this movie but it's just not catching me that way.
Challengers (2024) is all about three random people I don't have any reason to care about... plus I don't care about tennis. It's not really my kind of movie. That said, it's just about as satisfying as it could possibly be.
[pencil sketch for 2001: A Space Odyssey of an EVA pod]
Image 3:
Pulse (2001) is really sad. What if the loneliness was never ending! It's a high quality, coherent representation, and then it just exists and there's nothing you can do about it. (Also it definitely should have been called Circuit.)
I watched Happy Death Day (2017) because I love time loops a lot. It didn't give me more than that, but it was easy enough to sit through. I think it could've pushed its concepts further but at least it didn't fall apart.
Of course then I had to rewatch Groundhog Day (1993), which I'd mostly forgotten, and I was delighted to discover that this movie rocks. It's efficient, covering a lot of ground without feeling distant or dense, and it really felt convincing.
Nightcrawler (2014) is brutal, unforgiving, and a great movie. Lou isn't a defeatable villain; he's a concentration. This movie refuses to lie, and that feels good even though the things it's saying don't.
[pencil sketch for Pulse of Ryosuke kneeling next to Harue, who is hugging herself]
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concerning the new changes (07.10.23)
all right fuck it i wasn't gonna do this but then i ended up filling the tags on the post i reblogged.
so here's my thoughts on staff's 'Tumblr's Core Product Strategy" post and the things that i think could actually be good!... if staff respects tumblr's culture in implementing them.
to note, i am referring to this post. for better context, please go read the whole thing and try not to skip details, since i think it's important to understand the post through your own perspective if you want to participate in the conversation.
this post worried me at first, both because changes in the tumblr ecosystem with as much weight as this post carries have, historically, been pretty bad for the userbase.
starting off with a focus on creating a larger user base and inviting more, new creators rather than with a strong plan to focus on improving the current state of tumblr sets off alarm bells.
reading through the rest of it leaves me with... mixed thoughts. while it honestly does seem like they've heard a lot of the things we've been screaming at them about and might actually take steps to make things improve, i'm still wary.
this isn't a post explaining specific changes tumblr plans to implement. in fact, there are relatively few examples of actual strategies being communicated. it's just an overview with a lot of implications for the future.
i mean, not even the new tumblr labs group has any idea what the exact changes are going to be. just look at this:
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[ID: A screenshot containing text from a post made by the aforementioned account. It reads, "But we're not sure exactly what that change looks like, so we've assembled a new team, called Tumblr Labs, to figure it out as quickly..." It cuts off here. /End ID]
and i think that's the problem.
so, the post. staff explains that the issue, as they see it, is that the platform is fundamentally flawed-- i.e., because tumblr is difficult to use if you don't have an understanding of the site before, it tends to scare off new users rather than encourage engagement.
this isn't untrue. however, it should be noted, the tumblr userbase has cultivated a culture of teaching newcomers how the website and the website's culture functions. (see: the many posts made as 'guides' in the wake of the twitter and reddit fiascos, as well as @/strange-aeon's video on the topic.)
(not to say that this system isn't imperfect and could be improved by directing new users to the these posts, buuuuuuut i'll get into that later.)
now: i (and i think most of the userbase) agree with staff on the main point-- tumblr, as a platform, is broken. we have long complained about the bugs and the messy reblog chains and the notifications overwhelming you if a post gains traction.
(though, we've also just integrated that into tumblr culture, but that's a tangent for a different time.)
here's the thing: staff does mention these things as problems they want to fix.
here's a short list of some things the post mentions that i honestly agree are a problem, and that a lot of people have wanted to see change!
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[ID: Screenshots of items taken from the bulleted lists on staff's post. These read as follows: "Improving Tumblr's search engine optimization (SEO) practices to be in line with industry standards." "Making it easier for users to follow the various conversation paths within a reblog thread." "Build mechanisms to protect creators from being spammed by notifications when they go viral." "Improve performance and stability: deliver crash-free, responsive, and fast-loading apps on Android, iOS, and web.""Improve quality: deliver the highest quality Tumblr experience to our users." /End ID]
again, these are things that i agree are issues and would be cool to see improved upon. but staff doesn't tell us how they plan to do this.
in staff's response to the userbases' assumption that they're going to remove the reverse-chronological dashboard, they state they're 'surprised' users came away with this assumption.
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i, for one, am not.
the relationship between tumblr staff and the tumblr collective has been strained for a long time. mounting frustrations about users' actual issues with the website being ignored while new features are implemented that are almost unanimously disliked doesn't help.
and don't forget, the last time a change as drastic as this post is making it seem came into action, the porn ban was implemented. a change that had an overall negative effect on the community and tumblr's culture at large. it tore away crucial aspects of tumblr's identity that we'll probably never get back.
so while this post does address issues users have wanted to see fixed, of course we're still going to be wary.
the bottom line is, users don't trust staff to implement changes that will be beneficial to improving the platform for the tumblr userbase. (the recent reddit and twitter debacles don't help things much, either.)
i think staff needs to realize, as the final poster put it, tumblr already has innate value. value created by the community.
if staff focuses on improving tumblr to be easier to use-- in accordance with elevating tumblr's culture-- it will attract more people, simply by being less broken all the time.
this brings me to the other (main) issue i have: putting new users first over the current userbase.
this may not have been what staff meant to imply, but the emphasis seems to be on improving the userbase for incoming users, rather than those of us who are already here.
to be clear, i don't think that making tumblr easier to navigate for new users is bad. i mean, there's a reason we were writing guides. joining tumblr if you aren't already exposed to it can be daunting.
allowing new users to rely on an actual, working algorithm (although i think a user-driven algorithim is possibly one of the best parts of tumblr) isn't inherently bad. using that algorithim to elevate new creators isn't bad, either.
it's the way they choose to do this that makes us wary. like i mentioned before, we already have somewhat of a system for on-boarding new users to the site: word of mouth from more experienced users. this helps with both learning how to navigate tumblr and introducing new users to tumblr culture.
with all this in mind: where do we go from here?
in my mind, the solution for these problems comes down to communication. if staff wants more trust from the tumblr userbase, they need to show they are willing to listen to feedback from the tumblr collective.
when implementing changes, a great way to avoid the immediate backlash and distrust of tumblr users is by clearly outlining the changes they plan to make and the strategies by which they will be carried out.
another user made the analogy that websites should be like cities, where the users have a say in (as staff puts it) the 'evolution of tumblr.'
(mmmmmaybe we could use that spiffy new poll feature, too? everybody loves polls!)
for on-boarding new users, staff could take inspiration from the userbase in implementing a system by which new users are given the information needed to navigate tumblr. tidy up the site, remove bugs, and make it easier to use, and a lot of problems will sort themselves out.
then, we can go from there.
regarding the rest of the stuff i brushed over, i don't feel i can really say much without knowing what they actually plan to do, or where they plan to go with these things.
for example, here's another list of images of things from the post that i am cautiously intrigued by, but am worried will be improved for the worse:
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[ID: Another series of images, showing more of the items listed in staff's post. They read as follows: "Move faster: provide APIs and services to unblock core product initiatives and launch new features coming out of Labs." "Get creators' new content in front of people who are interested in it." "Improve the feedback loop for creators, incentivizing them to continue posting." "Allow engagements on individual replies and reblogs." "Improve our algorithmic ranking capabilities across all feeds." /End ID.]
the bottom line is this: if staff wants the support of the userbase in upcoming changes, they need to show that they respect and value us and the culture at large. in my opinion, staff has made strides in embracing tumblr culture, but we need to know these changes are not just motivated by profit.
if staff intends to keep it's current users, they need to to recognize that we deserve a say in this, too.
without the userbase, tumblr wouldn't exist. end of story. we are what keep tumblr alive. as stated before, expanding the userbase is not a bad thing. but doing so to the detriment of tumblr's culture is.
in this regard, i do truly hope that staff means what they said in the conclusion of their original post:
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[ID: An image of the conclusion of staff's post. It reads: "Our mission has always been to empower the world's creators. We are wholly committed to ensuring Tumblr evolves in a way that supports our current users while improving areas that attract new creators, artists, and users. You deserve a digital home that works for you. You deserve the best tools and features to connect with your communities on a platform that priotitizes the easy discoverability of high-quality content. This is an invigorating time for Tumblr, and we--" The words then cut off. /End ID]
so, @staff. if you really do believe this: prove it.
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gamersonthego · 1 year
GOTG Review: Hypnospace Outlaw
This is the next game in my Backlog Roulette series, where each month I spin a wheel to randomly select a game on my massive backlog that I must play (though not necessarily to completion). These wheel spins occur on the monthly preview episodes I co-host with my friends on The Casual Hour podcast.
Both of my parents were educators at my elementary school (they're retired now.) Mom was a 3rd grade teacher and Dad taught gym. They both would stay after classes were over to work on lesson plans or grade papers or move equipment, and I got to freely choose which one to spend time with before we got to go home. With Dad, I would mostly practice free throws in the gym (though I never got any good at them). But with Mom, I’d often get to play on her computer (when I wasn’t watching Digimon Adventure on her classroom TV.
That was probably my first real experience with computers. I’d play things like Oregon Trail II (the best one, by the way) or an awful typing program called PAWS featuring a freaky Cheshire-Cat-like mascot. But sometimes, I would load up Netscape Navigator and just poke around on the late ‘90s internet. 
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I hated this cat so much as a kid.
I only remember bits and pieces of that time online. A Sokoban block-pushing puzzler, a Super Mario Bros. fan game with all-new levels, some first-person hovercraft racer that had multiplayer LAN capabilities (I’ve never been able to find that game since, it’s definitely not Hover! by Microsoft.) a fansite for the Sonic Underground cartoon. Even with my fragmented memory, I remember the joy and adventure I had just digging around. Anything could be around that next corner, and that was half the fun.
Hypnospace Outlaw is the closest I’ve ever come to reliving those formative computer experiences. Set in an alternate 1999, you are thrust into Hypnospace — an internet stand-in that’s part GeoCities and part forum chatroom — and are asked to moderate and police this online Wild West. 
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Developer Tendershoot has nailed the tone and aesthetic of this era. The highly compressed bitmap images, the way pages auto-play (incredible) music when they load, the terrible, terrible fonts, the fileshare servers that are completely inscrutable unless you know exactly what you’re looking for — it’s all just perfect. And it’s not just Hypnospace. The game has its own little desktop computer experience complete with email, virtual pets, a download manager and more. It reminds me of Cibele or Her Story, but much more freeform and robust. But all that is just aesthetic —  the game itself is pretty cool too. As a Hypnospace moderator, you’re given little jobs as you explore the various pages and zones of the browser: Take down some copyrighted material here, censor some threatening speech there, find some lost files that are hanging around…somewhere. Some of these tasks just require you to pay close attention to the pages themselves, while others force you to put on your hacker cap as you cross reference ID codes with unlisted pages, crack passwords or decrypt files, all while a corporate conspiracy bubbles up around you. 
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It’s truly satisfying to use your online sleuthing skills to their fullest. And whether you’re stopping a virus from breaking the virtual world or just banning a kid who can’t seem to stop making offensive webcomics, you just feel this sense of power.
In many ways, Hypnospace Outlaw the platonic ideal of the concept of late-90s computing. I do wonder if that hyper-specific aesthetic and mechanics gives it too narrow of an audience, but as someone who is part of that narrow audience, I found my experience with it to be incredibly fun. And it’s one I won’t soon forget.
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lunar-lair · 1 year
Oooh, can I hear about "Note: Hands and Heart Required for this Recipe"?
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figured id answer these at the same time since you both asked! also hi charlie lmao @teenagemutantninjatrauma dw the masses will get to see the donnie madness. also adding a read more bc frankly this got LONG i really like this wip so i ended up talking abt it WAY too much alkfsdj
this is a little baking fic ive been putting together! the idea is that donnie starts out being offended that people in baking videos say macarons are hard and tries to make them with a stand mixer he made himself. he Fails Horrifically. then he goes back to brownies, and is Instantly compelled by the kind of science that baking entails. the thing as a whole is kinda of...it turns into a coping mechanism, for him to say, i have something other than tech, another way for him to be useful, a way to support emotionally as well as physically. hell make muffins when leo seems crabby, hell make bread when mikey has been down, hell make cake when raph's smile is straining, and hell smile the whole time, hell put his weight into kneading that dough, hell put his heart into this. thats why its called that! its kinda like those notes at the beginning of recipes like 'btw youre gonna need a stand mixer and a springform pan for this' but saying 'welcome to baking! pick up your heart and hold it close, and make sure your hands are ready, because while machines can do what we can, whats the point? dont give me that look, youll understand soon enough.'
initially this was going to be a oneshot but it QUICKLY evolved. i havent even finished writing the brownies part and its already about 4k. also leo appeared and made himself Known as he always does, so its a lot of disaster twins so far. i do have some of this one written though, so i can find a snippet! lemme see, uhhh...ok you guys are getting at LEAST two i cant choose. here, this first one is from earlier on, it points out the earlier reasoning/the theming kinda well:
He finally threw his hands in the air after an hour of this, giving a loud ‘UGH!’ and pausing it, setting his work aside. “Fine!” He huffed, stomping over to his blueprints table. “If you’re so insistent that it’s so difficult, I guess I’ll have to prove you wrong!” He’d already been proven wrong so many times that his tech, his projections, his work couldn’t stand up to a challenge. That it would crumble under the grasp of the sharp claws of a demon, or the megaton punch of a battle suit.  He was 15, and he was sore, and he wanted to prove himself.   Well, he’d thank himself later, but for now, he pulled out the blueprints and called, “Shelldon, pull up schematics for commercial stand mixers.” He’d proven he could do better, with Shelldon and with Raph’s eye and his shells.  He could do something as simple as this. 
dont ask me how shelldon is alive i didnt think that hard abt it. just . the robots alive get used to it. this next snippet is later on, and is more on the disaster twins/donnie knowing his family kind of side
Leo leaned back and curled into himself, hand rubbing at the back of his neck, eyes averted. Jeez, he really felt bad, huh? Well, in that sorry, man way and not I’m sorry I’m not good enough way, but still. “But this seems like you’re really getting into, you know? I didn’t wanna criticize you right when you started out. “ Donnie thought, for a moment.  A lot of times, Leo did things because he was projecting.  This was, often, perfectly fine. He rarely did it in a bad way, but in this sort of sense? When he was saying, I didn’t want to criticize you right when you’re starting out? Leo knew Donnie could take criticism.  It’s Leo who can’t.  And Donnie can still remember Raph asking if Leo could really memorize all that medical knowledge, and Mikey asking for Raph instead, and Donnie having to guide him through a lot of the bigger words, getting frustrated now and then.  Or when he started drinking tea, and they all called him an old man, because they expected him to bounce back, to bite back, to be fine with it.  Or when he got his first scarf from April and Donnie asked him why he was still wearing it around 2 days later. (Hypocrite.)  And he wondered why they rarely saw him drinking tea even if the bags dwindled, why those scarves disappeared for a year or two. 
ok i was lying take ONE more snippet. i really like this doc it all came together pretty well even if it isnt quite finished yet/i wrote it at 8-10 pm the night after an all nighter
The whole time, Leo had this smile on, a little childish and fun. Not…not quite as blinding as it had been in the past, or as blinding as it might ever be again, but big and bright and simply excited. Like eating the brownies his brother made by hand was the only thing on his mind.  It settled something worried and loving and warm in a corner of Donnie’s heart, the same something that settled when he made machines and modified security and kept careful watch when he noticed something amiss.  He let it happen, let it settle, let this be warm.  Leo was the one who was sent to tell the others there were brownies, because he was excited and Donnie had a feeling he wouldn’t be able to sit still around them while they cooled for longer than the two minutes he had already been sitting there.  Donnie only chuckled something fond under his breath as he gathered up some small plates. 
my favorite thing about this doc is just. leos so excited the whole time and its this part of him i dont get to discuss NEARLY enough when i write. hes so bouncy the WHOLE time and its genuinely perfect. donnie agrees, too, so it all works out, hehe.
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shalu620 · 4 months
Beginner's Journey to Mastering Python Without Prior Tech Knowledge
Embarking on the journey to learn Python without any prior experience in technology or computer languages can seem challenging but is entirely attainable. Python’s straightforward syntax and versatility make it an ideal starting point for beginners. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you get started on this exciting path.
Considering the kind support of Learn Python Course in Hyderabad, Whatever your level of experience or reason for switching from another programming language, learning Python gets much more fun.
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1. Grasp the Fundamentals
Before jumping into coding, it’s essential to understand what Python is and how it’s utilized. Python is a high-level programming language prized for its readability and ease of use, making it perfect for newcomers. It’s employed in various domains such as web development, data science, automation, and more.
2. Select the Right Learning Materials
There are numerous resources available to help you learn Python from scratch. Here are some beginner-friendly options:
Online Learning Platforms
Websites like Coursera, edX, and Udemy offer detailed Python courses tailored for beginners. These courses typically include video tutorials, quizzes, and hands-on projects to help solidify your understanding.
"Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" by Al Sweigart is an excellent book for beginners. It focuses on practical applications, making it easier to grasp how Python can solve real-world problems.
Interactive Learning Sites
Platforms like Codecademy and freeCodeCamp provide interactive Python tutorials that allow you to code directly in your browser, offering immediate feedback and practical experience.
3. Set Up Python on Your Computer
To start coding, you need to install Python on your system. Here’s how:
Go to the official Python website.
Download and install the latest version of Python. During the installation process, ensure you check the box that says "Add Python to PATH" to run Python from the command line easily.
4. Use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
An IDE can help streamline your coding process by providing tools to write, test, and debug code. Here are some recommended IDEs for beginners:
IDLE comes bundled with Python and is very user-friendly for newcomers. It’s a great starting point for writing Python code.
VS Code
Visual Studio Code is a popular, free IDE that supports Python through various extensions. It offers features like syntax highlighting, code suggestions, and debugging tools.
PyCharm is another powerful IDE specifically designed for Python development. It’s available in both free (Community Edition) and paid versions, offering many features to enhance coding productivity.
Enrolling in the Best Python Certification Online can help people realise Python's full potential and gain a deeper understanding of its complexities.
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5. Learn Basic Python Concepts
Start your Python learning journey by mastering the basics:
Understanding Syntax and Structure
Learn the rules and structure of writing Python code. This foundational knowledge will make it easier to read and write code effectively.
Variables and Data Types
Discover how to store and manipulate different types of data. Learn about various data types such as integers, floats, strings, and lists.
Control Flow Mechanisms
Understand how to control the flow of your program using if-else statements, loops, and functions. These constructs help in making decisions and repeating tasks efficiently.
6. Practice Consistently
Consistent practice is key to mastering programming. Here’s how to keep practicing:
Mini Projects
Start with small, manageable projects like building a calculator, a to-do list application, or a simple game. These projects help you apply what you’ve learned in practical scenarios.
Coding Challenges
Websites like LeetCode, HackerRank, and CodeWars offer various coding challenges. These challenges help reinforce your understanding of concepts and improve problem-solving skills.
7. Engage with the Python Community
Being part of a community can provide support, motivation, and valuable insights:
Online Communities
Join forums like Stack Overflow and Reddit’s r/learnpython. These platforms are excellent for asking questions, sharing knowledge, and connecting with other learners.
Meetups and Workshops
Look for local or virtual Python meetups and workshops. Engaging with other learners and professionals can provide inspiration and support throughout your learning journey.
8. Dive into Libraries and Frameworks
Once you have a good grasp of the basics, explore Python’s extensive libraries and frameworks:
For Data Science
Learn libraries like NumPy, pandas, and matplotlib. These are essential for data analysis and visualization.
For Web Development
Get started with web development frameworks like Django or Flask. These frameworks simplify building robust web applications.
9. Create Real-World Projects
Applying your knowledge to real-world projects is crucial for solidifying your skills and building a portfolio:
Personal Projects
Work on projects that interest you, such as creating a personal website or developing a simple game. Personal projects showcase your skills and passion for coding.
Open Source Contributions
Contribute to open-source projects on GitHub. This experience allows you to collaborate with other developers and enhance your resume.
10. Stay Motivated and Curious
Learning to program takes time and patience. Stay persistent, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Each mistake is an opportunity to learn and grow. Keep experimenting and exploring new areas of Python.
Bonus Tips
Document Your Learning Journey
Maintain a journal or blog about your learning experiences. Documenting your progress helps reinforce concepts and serves as a valuable resource for others.
Collaborate with Others
Partner with friends or join study groups to learn collaboratively. Pair programming, where two people work together on the same code, can significantly enhance understanding and problem-solving skills.
By following these steps and maintaining a curious and determined attitude, you can successfully learn Python and build a strong foundation in programming. Remember, the key is to start small, practice regularly, and continually push your boundaries. Happy coding!
0 notes
From Fiction To Reality The Advancement Of Reference point Innovation
Innovation is progressing at a quick speed, step by step transforming each sci-fi into the real world. Signal innovation is one of those mechanical headways, which was once a fabrication of the creative mind of numerous scientists. We should view how signal innovation is developing and changing our business world.
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What is a Guide?
A Reference point is a minuscule, battery-fueled, remote, minimal expense sensor with an inherent Bluetooth chip gadget that chips away at Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). It permits Bluetooth empowered gadgets to get information inside brief distances.
Guide gadget is planned so that it is not difficult to fix anyplace and can be productively utilized by everybody. It consistently communicates a radio transmission, and when a gadget gets this transmission it peruses the signal's ID and triggers the activity in the cell phone application in light of the nearness of the guide. What makes a reference point innovation different is its capacity to "awaken" an application, which isn't open yet has been downloaded on the Cell phone.
Profound Jump into Signal Innovation
Most reference points use BLE innovation/Bluetooth Savvy Innovation as it requires low energy utilization and low execution cost. The innovation just takes into account limited quantities of information transmission, and it is the explanation most signals just send their IDs.
Guide IDs comprises of three qualities:
Generally extraordinary identifier (UUID) Significant worth Minor worth The reason for communicating the ID is to recognize a signal from any remaining guides in an organization. Major and Minor qualities are the number qualities alloted to the signal, for more noteworthy precision in recognizable proof. Reference point additionally conveys data about its sign ability to decide the closeness of the source.
iBeacon is a brand name made by Apple Inc., which was first introduced at the Overall Designer's Gathering in 2014 as a feature of Apple's iOS 7. An innovation development of Apple has been executed in the area structure in iOS 7 and more current working frameworks. As portrayed above, iBeacon utilizes BLE innovation to detect closeness and send a UUID, which sets off an activity in a viable application or working framework.
Eddystone - A Unique advantage
Because of iBeacons, Google thought of its signal task called Eddystone on July 14, 2015, with more open and adaptable methodology. Eddystone is Google's open-source, cross-stage BLE reference point design. While Apple's iBeacon just works with iOS gadgets, Eddystone works with both Android and iOS gadgets. Dissimilar to iBeacons, they broadcast their UUID as well as pre-modified website page URLs and in this way don't need the establishment of explicit applications. The URL could be an ordinary site page giving important data, for example a reference point close to an eatery can communicate a connection to a YouTube cut or their specialty menu. Surely, Eddystone will get new IoT use cases.
Guides Enabled
With this extreme ascent in reference point innovation, organizations are putting resources into this innovation to produce more noteworthy incomes. Here I have given a concise insight regarding how retail industry is using and profiting advantages of signal innovation.
Savvy Retail
The quickly developing web based business industry has brought about the reduction of footfall and in-store deals for both the humble retailers and enormous brands. In-stores have perceived that they need to imitate online business in the space of customized offers and shopping encounters.
In this way, Retail is a basic region where guides are supposed to bring colossal effect - from vicinity promoting to contactless installments to in-store examination. 85% of the retail business is supposed to use reference point innovation before the year's over 2016. Signals might seem like publicity today, however we should have a look at not many of its progressive perspectives.
Guides send area mindfulness cautions, refreshes on stock/items, and special notices to entice a bystander to enter the store. It can likewise be utilized to break down clients who stroll past the store and their visit length. This examination will assist in pursuing key choices on item with showing.
Guides use in-store route and give genuine world examination like:
Also Read : Block Chain Innovation May Be the Following Enormous Thing in Food
The regions and things a client likes to investigate Where a client burned through a large portion of her/his time What and when s/he makes a buy Most in-store hurried areas In-store abandoned areas Most active days of the store Number of individuals who stroll into their store each day These information gives understanding into client conduct and store execution. This examination will assist the retailers with arranging their items, costs and put their items in essential areas on essential days and time. By knowing the rehashed guests to the store, retailers can compensate those clients with dependability benefits for their buy.
Signal makes a client's in-store venture customized and novel. It brings information from the list of things to get of a client and tells him when he runs over that specific item. It additionally suggests items in light of value, quality, and offers to give better in-store insight.
The clients who have previously set up their installment data through their cell phone can utilize an associated signal and complete their buy by handling their installment (a.k.a contactless installment) without holding up in lengthy lines. At the point when an installment is finished, the stock will be consequently refreshed.
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contrarywiseizybel · 2 years
Kinktober 2022
Day 7: Fenrir Greyback/Teddy Lupin (Age Difference)
Getting into a bar was comically easy as a shapeshifter. The hardest part had been finding someone who was both overage and worth looking like. He wasn’t going to pick a form he didn’t enjoy, especially if he didn’t get a chance to return to his preferred shape. But after a few weeks of searching he found a seventh year Slytherin with a legal Muggle ID, an appealing form, and the desire to fuck Teddy.
He couldn’t have asked for a better combo.
Sure, he had to then go and fuck the guy for his plan to work, and wasn’t that the most annoying part of it all. Old two pump chump had finished and passed out before Teddy even got hard. He retaliated by stealing the Slytherin’s stash of booze and his nice dragon hide belt. It seemed like a fair exchange for the idiot wasting his time.
But the true prize was the ID card, proving to the world that he was in fact a legal adult who could legally go into bars.
Step one, complete.
He was less sure of step two, until he received a very coded letter from his uncle Dung. No one else in the family liked Mundungus Fletcher, except maybe George Weasley, and even then only when they weren’t at George’s store. But Teddy loved the eccentric wizard. When his godfather took Teddy into the Auror office so Harry could finish “just a few reports, sorry kiddo, you know how it is”, Teddy always made a point of peeking into the holding cells for his favorite uncle.
It was Dung who had taught him to pick locks, both magically and the muggle way. It was Dung who taught him how to turn invisible without a cloak. It was Dung who taught him how to balance being a prefect with being an absolute terror.
And of course it was Dung who taught him the secret tunnel out of Hogwarts that not even Harry Potter knew about.
The tunnel, located in one of the less monitored stone ovens, required a fire proof spell and a lot of nerve, but it also lead straight pass the wards that prevented apparation. From there it was a matter of focusing on the mental image of the biker bar Dung had found for him.
The pub had been set up in an old mechanic garage, and even on the street Teddy could smell motor oil and gas. There weren’t many people thanks to it being an early evening and a Tuesday at that. But a bouncer was stationed at the front door, smoking a joint in clear disregard for the local laws. A bouncer who barely glanced at Teddy’s ID.
‘Could have just used my own for all he cared.’ Teddy grumbled to himself.
The thought was quickly dispelled as he hunted for his target. Lesbian couple making out in the corner, nope. Obviously depressed man at the height of his midlife crisis, nope. Underage bartender doing homework behind the counter, nope. Insanely hot, musclebound Adonis nursing a mug of icy beer in a corner booth, hell yes.
Teddy didn’t stop to think up a plan. That was how people talked themselves out of things. Instead he strutted up to the booth, shifting his hair back to his preferred turquoise, though a little duller in deference to the setting. His eyes went pale gray, and he added a few beauty marks to his face. Not enough to be mistaken for a Weasley, just a small cluster of marks under each eye.
‘Cute!’ He preened as he passed the reflective windows.
Cool as possible, Teddy slipped into the booth and turned a cheeky smile at the giant man. A heavy brow lifted and under his course beard the man smirked just so. Oh yeah, no on could resist Teddy when he was at maximum cuteness.
“Fenrir, right?” He asked, sticking out one hand towards the wall of muscle. “I’m Edwards Remus Lupin. Folks call me Teddy though. Nice to finally met you.”
The smirk turned confused, but didn’t stop. “Remus’ boy, huh?”
“Yes sir.” Teddy rested his cheek on the back of his hand, aiming for an overall coy and youthful look. It tended to disarm older men easily enough. “You turned my dad, didn’t you?”
He growled low, possibly an unconscious reaction, and Teddy quickly shook his head.
“No, no, sorry, I’m not like on a vengeance quest or anything. Merlin, that’d be stupid.”
If nothing else that got a chuckle from the famous werewolf. Not that Teddy thought he had been scared or anything. No, a werewolf as old and as strong as Fenrir wouldn’t be afraid of a sixth year Hufflepuff. And while many people thought Teddy was stupid, and maybe he was, he wasn’t suicidal.
“Then whaddya want?” His words seemed to rumble out of his chest, his very broad chest. His lower canines were sharper than a normal person’s, and probably made it annoying to enunciate. Not that Teddy was complaining in the slightest.
“You were my boogeyman growing up, you know?” Teddy shared, legs swinging carelessly under the worn down table. “My grandmum Andy, Andromeda Black if you know of her, she would tell me about my dad and how you stole him out of his bed and savaged him. Said something about it being payback for his dad doing something? Don’t know, I didn’t really care about those parts of the story. But she’d talk about you like you weren’t just a werewolf. She talked about you like you were a monster.”
Fenrir’s long nails, more like claws than any nails Teddy had seen before, tapped out a little rhythm while he listened. His golden eyes had moved to scope out the bar, maybe looking to see if Teddy had brought back up, but he was obviously listening. “Want me to apologize for your granny’s bad taste in bedtime stories?”
Teddy laughed, clear and delighted, “Not in the slightest. Villains and monsters, they’re the best part of any story. And you? You were always my favorite monster.”
The old wolf lifted a brow again, curiosity appearing to win out over caution. “Your favorite then?”
“Don’t suppose you’ll consider giving me an autograph?” Teddy teased.
Teddy couldn’t help the scream, which seemed to get caught in his throat as he was all but slammed into the brick wall behind him. Heavy hands pawed at him, dragging him up against the wall, the brick ripping at his shirt and his skin. The bar’s music drowned out his needy gasps as he clung to Fenrir’s shoulders and all but wept.
“Please, please, oh fuck, Fen please-”
Hot lips pressed against his own, radiating warmth first from their kiss and then from the sharp nibbles and bites. His beard rubbed harshly against Teddy’s smooth skin and Teddy prayed there would be a burn there tomorrow.
“Needy little pup, ain’t cha?” Sharp claws caught at his trousers, yanking them down harsh enough to tear the fabric. In the back of his mind Teddy wondered if he should have worn a skirt for easier access, but to be completely honest he hadn’t planned on fucking Fenrir in the dark alley behind a trashy dive bar.
Mostly because Teddy wasn’t the type to plan.
A frankly terrifying bulge in Fenrir’s jeans rutted against Teddy’s arse, warning to things to come. And if Teddy was lucky he’d be one of those things. He giggled with hysteric excitement, marveling at the muscled shoulders that he was allowed to dig his nails into.
He hadn’t been kidding about Andromeda’s use of Fenrir when it was story time at the Tonks household. Originally it had been just to answer Teddy’s endless questions when as a child he’d just wanted to know more about his parents. Did his mom really shapeshift like him? Was his dad really a werewolf? Why wasn’t Teddy a werewolf? How did one become a werewolf?
Okay, most of his questions were ultimately about werewolves.
And maybe Andromeda had seen her own heritage in her grandson, that Black madness that came in starts and fits. Her sister had been lost to it. Her cousins had both been lost to it. Maybe even her daughter had been lost to it. And in her desperation to keep her grandson safe Andromeda had warned little Teddy about the prowling beast that was Fenrir Greyback. The monster who had savaged hundreds of wizards and muggles. A beast who preferred to hunt down defenseless children like Teddy, who would snap their bones and gobble them up. A creature who had twice followed the Dark Lord who’s war took Teddy’s parents away.
But Teddy hadn’t been kidding when he said Fenrir was his favorite monster. Maybe it was the Black madness, or maybe it was the tiny bit of wolf in him.
Whatever it was Teddy was just glad it had led him to this dirty alleyway.
“Fen, please c’mon, just fuck me please, please-” Teddy groaned as a heavy hand landed on his dick, twisting and pulling with enough strength that he jumped straight from moaning to crying.
Fenrir seemed to be thinking, maybe trying to figure out if he’d actually kill the slight boy. Teddy couldn’t have that, not when his goal was so close. He wiggled some, Fenrir’s thick finger moving up his crack towards his asshole. And with a determined shove he allowed Fenrir inside him, grinning wickedly at the wolf’s shocked expression.
“Did you know my mum was a metamorphmagus?” He teased, allowing his hair to lengthen and his eyes to mirror Fenrir’s golden gaze. “Did you know with enough practice people like me can shift any part of us.”
The old wolf just laughed, deep and low and reverberating through his chest and into the tips of Teddy’s fingers. “Just full of surprises, aren’t you?”
“Rather be full of you.” Teddy pouted, fucking himself dry on Fenrir’s finger. The older man, despite his obvious enjoyment of the sight, pulled away leaving Teddy to whine.
With Teddy still trapped between the brick wall and the brick body, Fenrir took his time fishing his cock out of his jeans. It wasn’t much, but even he appeared to have standards, spitting onto his hand as a makeshift lube. “This’ll still hurt, pup.”
But the school boy just grinned, wild and free and hungry. “Good.”
Without preamble Fenrir thrust upwards, slamming his cock into Teddy. He shifting meant he wouldn’t tear or rupture anything, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t a tight fit. Fenrir snapped his hips, thrusting at breakneck speed without any build up. One hand settled on Teddy’s hip, claws digging into soft skin. His other hand circled Teddy’s neck, occasionally squeezing but mostly just trapping the boy against the wall.
“Fuck, Fen, oh fuck, oh fuck-” The mouthy Hufflepuff found words abandoning him, found himself getting lost in the oh so full feeling and the delicious drag of his own cock, trapped between their bodies. “Fenrir!”
The hand around his neck disappeared, replaced with sharp teeth that dragged dangerously across his skin. “Was this what you wanted, little boy? Wanted to see if the big bad wolf would gobble you up?”
“Please, please, Fen please-” Teddy wasn’t sure what he was begging for. To come? To get fucked harder? To become a wolf? None of that mattered, his focus only on the glorious stretch and burn, the pain and the pleasure.
And all through it Fenrir continued to thrust, skin slapping together obscenely, not at all hidden under the sounds of the city at night. Teddy couldn’t care, refused to care.
With a teasing kiss to Teddy’s neck Fenrir made his decision, free hand reaching down to jerk Teddy to completion. The boy screamed, head thrown back against the brick and body seizing around Fenrir. The werewolf didn’t last much longer, flooding Teddy’s arse and leaving claw marks on his hip. Even finished he continued to thrust, mostly just to enjoy the lewd noise, only stopping when Teddy whined to be let down.
In a show of wandless magic Fenrir cleaned them up, though Teddy was secretly pleased that the bastard hadn’t bothered cleaning inside of him.
‘A little souvenir for the road.’ He thought. Though he wasn’t at all pleased at the state of his trousers. They would get him back to the school but only barely.
Before he could think of something clever to say Fenrir caught Teddy’s wrist, pulling him into a heated, and filthy kiss. By the end Teddy could barely stand, once again relying on the brick wall to keep him upright.
“We’ll have to do this again sometime.” Fenrir said with a pleased smirk. And like that he was off, leaving Teddy alone in the alley, smelling of sex and blood.
“That,” Teddy mused to himself, “went so much better than I thought it would.”
And as he gathered up his energy to apparate back to Hogwarts he took a moment to appreciate the twinge of pain at his hips. Maybe if he was lucky those claw marks would scar over, leaving him with a reminder of the best night of his life.
“Close enough to an autograph anyway.” Teddy laughed, vanishing from the alley in between his giggles.
0 notes
wonlouvre · 3 years
hello! i see your requests are open again 😌 can i request jeonghan x reader, enemies to lovers kinda thing maybe where they have the same friends but jeonghan & reader always clash etc etc fluff at the end idk
i know you’ll come up with something amazing as always, do what you want with it 😘🥰💗
balance | y. jh. 
pairing: jeonghan x reader genre: enemies to lovers (kind of), fluff warnings: heights, ski mountain mechanical malfunctions (you know, dangling in the air kind of thing)  word count: 1.5k (i got carried away, im sorry)
💌: thank you so much for requesting!!! this was honestly fun to write although there was little to none banter, i’m so sorry :’( thank you for trusting me! i hope you like it <3 i will try to post at least two drabbles/requests per week :)
To you, Yoon Jeonghan was the type of person that looked like he would trample all over your principles in life. It’s a little dramatic of you but he can’t blame you for thinking so. He’s cocky, annoying and full of shit. The two of you stepped off on the wrong foot when he thought it was funny to pour sparkling water on your instant noodles as a prank during one of the traditional ski trips your group of friends always hold.
Soonyoung introduced him on what was supposed to be the best trip of your life only to get ruined when he made fun of you. Although technically speaking, your cup wasn’t the only victim of his shenanigan because the rest of your friends complained and threw it at the perpetrator before they could even finish eating. But you were hungry and stubborn, so you didn’t let it go. 
Ever since then, despite not confronting him, Jeonghan’s energy and wholebeing never clicked with yours. You barely speak a word to him and you rarely hang out with him, unlike with every single one of your friends. He hasn’t noticed and even if he did, you’re sure he could care less. Which is fine by you. The instant noodle prank is history and now that this year’s ski trip will be your third with him, you have just gotten used to ignoring his existence. 
“Jeonghan’s staring at you,” Seungcheol says, startling you. 
Your eyes throw daggers at him, not because he startled you, but because of what he said. 
The tall man nudges your shoulder with his. “I’m not lying. Give him a glance and then you’ll see.”
To set the record straight, you don’t have a grudge on Jeonghan for who he is. It’s more of what he does that gives a bad impression on you. Aside from the noodle incident, you noticed how much he takes pride in teasing and playing with the gullible younger ones and you hate him for that. It’s a good laugh every once in a while but it can hurt feelings at times and you don’t want that. He also likes to disagree and debate with everyone (you’re just glad you haven’t been a victim yet). When everyone else says yes, he’ll boldly say no. That’s how moronic he is to be friends with. 
Of course you acknowledge his good deeds. Whether you like to admit it or not, Jeonghan is a great friend. He is a beacon of strength among you knowing that he’s one of the oldest in the group. He knows where and when to have fun. He knows when to be there for anyone who needs him. He’s supportive. He’s loving. He’s more than okay. 
You’re just turning a blind eye because you’re still petty. 
It has come to your attention that apparently, Jeonghan has been harboring a crush on you. It’s a stupid rumor and you choose to ignore it because why. Why would he have a crush on you? You try confirming if it’s true by looking at him and observing his actions whenever he’s not paying attention. But to no avail, nothing special stood out.
In fact, it seems like all the staring and observation made you develop a crush on him. Now that’s even more annoying. 
You roll your eyes at Seungcheol’s nonsense and walk away from him to go to Jeongyeon who’s currently checking in everyone to the hotel. You might as well help her register everyone to all the activities you will be participating in. 
“Collect their IDs,” she orders without looking up from the form she’s writing on. “And tell them to fall in line so they can sign the consent form.”
“Told you we should have filled out the online form before getting here,” your complaint doesn’t go unheard by your friend who only glares at you, scaring you to immediately obey her instructions.
“IDs please,” you ask with your hand out and your friends happily complied as they chatted through the waiting time. You walk around to make sure you have everyone’s and as you double check, one last ID was missing. 
“You didn’t forget about me, did you?”
The devil himself, Yoon Jeonghan.
You take a deep deep breath before turning around and face the handsome face you’ve been sick of. Wait, did you just call him handsome?! 
Jeonghan flashes his signature smirk while pulling his wallet out from his pocket, picking one of the many cards inside it to hand to you. His gloveless fingers grazes yours and it concerns you why it made your heart skip a beat. You avoid his gaze and everything else about him and run back to Jeongyeon who’s the one asking for these in the first place. 
You heard his low chuckle and you wish you could wipe off his annoying grin with your fist. 
Moving on from what happened in the early afternoon, the rest of the day was pleasant enough for you and your friends to continue. Everyone had lunch at the local restaurant first before doing the group activities. It’s a good thing none of you are afraid of heights (except for Dokyeom, but he manages). Soonyoung leading everyone to hike the safe side of the snow covered mountain wasn’t a problem for him. 
After the quick mountain hike, you all scattered to have fun and decided to meet up for dinner in the evening. You, Jeongyeon, Dokyeom and much to your dismay, Jeonghan all went up to snowboard. 
The lift was supposed to carry the four of you up to the starting point before your adrenaline descend, but Dokyeom suddenly felt a wave of fear of heights and needed to calm down for a few minutes. He tells you to go on ahead and you did. You just didn’t expect Jeonghan to be accompanying you instead of Jeongyeon. 
You hide your disappointment and bewilderment as you make yourself comfortable. It’s awkward but it doesn’t matter. You’re just going to keep quiet and avoid looking Jeonghan’s way. This ride will probably not be a good ten minutes, right?
Jeonghan holds onto his snowboard while you place yours on the floor. A barrier of some sort to distance yourself from him. Your eyes are glued to your feet, watching them move from side to side. You also distract yourself from admiring the view outside the window, but it’s hard when you can feel his eyes burning holes on the back of your head. 
You hate it. You hate it. You hate it. 
Why does your name sound so melodic coming from his mouth?
You turn your head and raise your eyebrows, waiting for him to continue. 
But the lift doesn’t let him because it suddenly stops mid-air, echoes of metals clanking and brakes screeching following suit. The abrupt stop causes the lift to shake a little, making you hold onto the metal bars out of fear. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, there has been a mechanical malfunction of the lifts and our engineers are repairing it now at this moment. We apologize for the inconvenience and fear that this has caused. We request everyone to remain calm and seated…”
The announcement falls deaf to your ears because all you hear is ringing. You’re not afraid of heights at all. But you have never experienced an incident like this before. You’ve heard and read about it and not all of them ended well. 
“Hey,” Jeonghan’s voice snaps you out of your dilemma. 
You blink away your tears and clutch your chest to calm your heart that’s beating faster and faster. 
“Y/N?” Jeonghan calls for you again, but this time he’s reaching his hand out. “You’ll be fine. Here, take my hand.”
Jeonghan probably noticed the panic in your eyes. So, after throwing away your doubts outside the window, you carefully move a little closer to him but not beside him as you don’t want to ruin the balance of the lift. You unclench your fist and finally take hold of his waiting hand. 
Jeonghan’s warm palm and genuine smile calms you down. Your heartbeat slows down and your breathing goes back to normal. Your eyebrows furrow in both fear and embarrassment. You question the universe how and why did this have to happen. 
“Hey, don’t cry.”
“I’m not!” 
Jeonghan giggles at your outburst and you don’t know if that’s music to your ears or if it just makes you want to punch his handsome face more. 
“I like you Y/N,” he suddenly confesses and you grimace. 
“I like you too,” you confess back, tightly gripping his hand. “But now is not the time, Yoon Jeonghan.”
Jeonghan bites back a smile that says he’s in love and just gently caresses your hand. It’s unbelievable how the opportunity arose itself right at this moment, but it was now or never for him. He’d explain how much he likes you in detail later. For now, he’s okay with this. 
“But, later though?”
“Yes, now shut up before I throw you out first.”
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pufflyhallows · 4 years
Tumblr media
Gif not mine
Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Summary: Business is going bad after the war and Fred is not feeling so great, so you decide to cheer him up with a special trip.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, smut, language, tiny tiny bit of angst, still fluffy tho
a/n: this is my FIRST smut EVER so... be nice? also, Fred fucking LIVES bc I’m in denial forever lol
Word count: 4,3k
You wanted to surprise Fred.
He had been feeling down lately. Ever since he and George reopened the shop after the war, things had been a little tough. The movement was still quite slow, given the fact that people were still recovering from the war, mourning their lost ones and starting new lives. It was a difficult time for everyone, and of course it affected Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes as well.
What ached your heart the most was the fact that there wasn’t much you could do to help him. Every day you watched as he took longer to get out of bed in the morning, how he sounded slower and quieter when talking to you and, the worst part, how he acted quite mechanic when doing his chores around the shop, the same ones he enjoyed so much in the past and had always gotten done with a bright smile on his face. And although he never stopped caring for you or being loving to you, the bedroom had become… inactive. And you missed it. You missed being intimate with your boyfriend, but every time you tried to initiate it, he would softly decline, claiming to be too tired. You believed it. You could see he was indeed exhausted. And not only physically, but mentally too. Perhaps the latter was actually the one weighing more.
George, however, was quite the opposite. He kept his optimism high and was always the first to wake up every morning, excited with the new day and new possibilities. He would often go out and promote the shop, talk to people and sometimes even manage to bring a customer in.
This big difference between them worried you. No, you did not expect the twins to act the same, but you hoped in secret that Fred would follow his brother’s steps and cheer up a bit.
Cheer up. Yeah. That was exactly what he needed. And what better way to cheer up someone than a surprise trip? That’s how you were going to take his mind off of work. With Hermione’s help, you planned a very romantic weekend trip out of town. You talked to George beforehand, of course, but he assured you he could take care of the shop by himself for two days. He agreed Fred needed this.
“It’s not like we’re getting many customers anyway,” he had said.
So, as Friday approached, you felt the excitement building up. You managed to act completely nonchalant around him, making sure he didn’t suspect a thing. It wasn’t a big, expensive hotel because you knew he would worry about money and that was the opposite of what you wanted for this trip. Hermione had helped you pick a small, comfy hotel that was quite charming and fit your pocket perfectly. You wanted to make sure Fred felt loved, cared for and relaxed. There was also a little extra surprise inside your suitcase that you really hoped he would like…
What you didn’t know was that Fred felt guilty. He reckoned he hadn’t been the boyfriend you deserved lately, but he couldn’t help it. The stress was almost eating him alive and his mind was always wandering back to the shop, worrying about its future. You had been so kind and patient with him, he knew you deserved better than that. The whole thing was snowballing and sometimes he couldn’t see it ending.
That Friday, when you got home from work, the shop was still open and there was actually a customer inside, talking with George. You felt relief wash over you, because you knew what that meant: Fred was probably in a good mood.
You walked straight to the flat, not daring to interrupt George, but you stopped in the middle of the stairs to watch. He was speaking with such enthusiasm, showing and explaining his products to the young boy, that it filled you with pride. You caught his eyes for a brief moment and noticed the smallest of smirks appear on his lips. Smiling back, you nodded at him. Fred was nowhere to be seen, though, so you went upstairs.
There was a delicious scent coming from the kitchen. The older twin was there, cooking. You smiled to yourself at the sight. His favorite The Weird Sisters record was playing somewhere in the flat, adding a familiar, comfortable feel to the whole scene. Fred’s back was facing you while he chopped… carrots? on the counter. He didn’t seem to notice your presence just yet, so you took advantage of that. Placing your bag on the nearest chair, you walked in quiet steps towards your boyfriend. The fresh mint aroma coming from him meant he had probably just showered. Oh, and how you missed showering with him.
You couldn’t refrain your smile from growing even bigger once you noticed Fred’s body was swinging from side to side, so imperceptibly that you almost missed it. Carefully, you wrapped your arms around him from behind, resting your cheek on his back. You felt him tense up for a mere second before realizing who it was. He soon relaxed, letting go of the knife and placing his clean hand on yours.
“Didn’t hear you coming in,” he stated, voice low and raspy.
You hummed in response and placed a soft kiss on the nape of his neck. Fred turned around and briefly met your lips with his.
“It’s gonna take a while. Why don’t you go take a bath?”
“I will,” you nodded, running your hand from his chest to his shoulder and squeezing it gently. “How was your day?”
He shrugged. “Okay.”
“Okay”, you repeated. “Well, I hope I can make it better. I have a surprise for you after dinner.”
“A surprise?”
“Yes. I have an idea of how we can spend your days off.”
“Hm… Making plans already, are we?”
“Very good plans, yes. But you’ll have to wait until dinner.”
“Or you could tell me right now so I won’t have to.”
“But where’s the fun in that?”
You smirked and gave him another peck on the lips before rushing off the kitchen and leaving your boyfriend to his curiosity and imagination.
The warm bath made you think about a lot of things and you came to realize you were very lucky. The war was over and there you were, taking a bath in your boyfriend’s flat, the person you loved the most in the world. So many people lost their loved ones, their homes, their entire lives in that war. You knew you had many reasons to feel happy and should not take them for granted. Life was good for you right now, and you acknowledged it, promising to yourself that you were going to enjoy it the best you could, with Fred by your side.
George joined the two of you for dinner, which turned out to be the best you had in months. Not because of the food, although it was perfect, but because it felt like everything was back to normal, like all the meals you had shared before the war. Maybe it was the idea of a day off and the mention of a surprise from you, but you could see that Fred was already less gloomy or aloof.
After the meal, as if sensing you wanted to reveal your plans to Fred, George excused himself to his bedroom, claiming he still had to finish some work. You wished him goodnight, not missing the discrete wink he gave you.
“So…” you started, watching as Fred emptied his glass of pumpkin juice. “Remember when I said I had an idea on how to spend your days off?”
“Oh, yes. The surprise.”
“Well… I figured you could use a little rest from everything, so I made a reservation at a very nice hotel for the two of us to spend the weekend at.”
“You what?” Fred asked, a small smile starting to grace his lips.
“The portkey is set for our departure at 10 a.m. tomorrow.”
“Nope. No buts,” you shook your head. “I have already packed our bags.”
“Y/N, doll, I don’t know what to say.”
“Tell me I’m amazing, the best thing that ever happened to you, an angel sent from heaven…  Something humble like that.”
Fred chuckled, that contagious sound you missed hearing so much. “You’re amazing. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, a true angel sent from heaven.”
“I know! We’re gonna have so much fun,” you smiled excitedly, clasping your hands together.
“What exactly are your plans for us, though?” your boyfriend questioned, curiosity dripping from his lips.
“Oh, you’ll find out once we’re there.”
“The surprise doesn’t end here, I see.”
“Exactly. I have everything planned, baby.”
The look in Fred’s eyes seemed to indicate he had an idea of what you had planned, but he did not say a word about it. He would like to see the surprise reveal itself in the right moment. He wasn’t going to spoil your plans in any way.
You always had your doubts when it came to ads, but this time you had to admit this was spot on. The hotel looked exactly like its pictures and descriptions.
“Mr. and Mrs. Weasley?” the receptionist asked as soon as you stepped in the lobby.
It was something so small, so simple, but it made your heart flutter and stomach fill with those restless butterflies. Mrs. Weasley. Were you ever going to become that? You wondered if Fred even noticed the little misunderstanding.
“Um,” you cleared your throat. “Actually, it’s just one Weasley. Fred Weasley. I’m Y/N Y/L/N.”
Your slight flustered manner didn’t go unnoticed by Fred. Despite the obvious nervousness, he thought it was rather cute. In fact, he liked to hear you be called that. Perhaps he should do something about it…
“Oh, I apologize. Mr. Weasley and Miss Y/L/N,” the receptionist corrected herself as she checked the reservation’s book. “You’re right on time, your room is ready for you. I just need your wands for ID confirmation before I give you your key.”
Both of you handed your wands to the young woman behind the desk and she did as she was supposed to. Sooner than you had anticipated, you were in the lovely suite you had reserved.
Fred placed the small handbag on the bed – blessed be the extension charm, that’s all you had to carry for that trip – and walked around the room curiously. You went straight for the big window and opened the curtains. There it was. The view you had seen on the ad and that had made you instantly choose this hotel.
“Fred,” you called softly, looking behind you. “Come see.”
Your boyfriend let go of the catalog on the nightstand and approached you, eyeing the outside in awe.
“Wow,” he breathed. “It’s beautiful.”
“Isn’t it?”
When making the reservation, you were met with the question: would you like a room with view to the street/village or to the beach? And you chose the beach, although the village was a lovely sight. Now, seeing Fred’s reaction, you were absolutely sure you had made the right choice.
The hotel was in a small village where both wizards and muggles lived. With a little help from magic, the wizards could go unnoticed and the muggles lived everyday life without a single clue of the existence of such peculiar neighbors. The beach was right behind the village, and your room being in the back of the hotel, you had a wonderful privileged view of nature’s beauty.
“Wanna go down there?” you asked.
“What’s in your plans?” he asked back, switching his gaze from the window to you.
“Beach,” you replied with a small smile. “Basically the entire day at the beach, lunch at a muggle restaurant down there too. But dinner here.”
“I’ll follow your script, doll.”
Fred placed his hand on your waist and pulled you closer, pressing his lips ever so gently on yours. You instantly let go of the curtains so you could run your fingers through his soft hair. The light fabric fell back to its place, covering the windows again and leaving the room a little darker than before. Fred’s gentle kiss wasn’t so gentle anymore.
No, not yet.
You broke the kiss and pulled back, biting your lip as you started to feel that you might not be able to wait until the right time for your surprise.
“I’m starving,” you whispered against his lips.
“Me too,” he pulled you closer again.
“Let’s go, then.” You managed to get out of his embrace and grab the handbag before heading to the bathroom to change into your bathing suit.
A hungry Fred was left standing by the big window.
It had been hard.
It had been hard seeing you in so little clothing, dripping wet, skin glistening as droplets of water reflected the sunlight. But Fred managed.
All he had in his mind every time he saw you leaving the water was how he wanted to take you then and there. He had to distract himself from those thoughts, paying attention to what you were saying but not too much to your moving lips. He knew you had something planned and he was appreciative of how much effort you had put in this weekend for him. That was the only reason he wasn’t indulging to his not-so-pure thoughts.
Lunch was a good distraction too, specially since you had to convince a muggle child she had imagined it when she saw Fred stop his falling fork mid-air.
Now, as the two of you walked hand in hand back to the hotel, he wondered if he was going to be rewarded for the self-control test he had just passed. You were humming a song as you observed the houses, trying to guess which ones were muggles and which ones were wizards.
“What’s next?” he asked.
“Dinner!” you answered excitedly. “But, if I were you, I wouldn’t go overboard.”
“Why, if I may ask?” but Fred already suspected why.
“Well… there might be plans for after dinner as well.”
Fred held your hand tighter and pulled you towards the hotel in a faster pace. You chuckled, feeling the excitement grow bigger and bigger.
“Dessert?” the waiter asked as he took the empty plates from your table.
“No, thank you,” Fred replied before you had the chance. “We’re calling it a night, aren’t we, sweetheart?”
“Actually,” you smirked at your boyfriend before looking at the waiter. “I’d like chocolate pudding, please.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
As soon as the waiter left, Fred gave you a look.
“What?” you asked nonchalantly.
“I thought you said we wouldn’t go overboard.”
“I’m not going overboard. I had a small plate,” you shrugged.
“Right,” Fred sighed, bouncing his leg under the table.
When your chocolate pudding came, you grabbed the spoon and took a small amount to your mouth. Fred watched your every move, arms crossed and brows slightly furrowed as he saw you slowly lick the spoon. You pretended you didn’t know he was watching, eyes on the tiny bowl in front of you, and you mouthed another spoon, unintentionally getting pudding all over your lips.
Your boyfriend gulped as he watched you run your thumb over your lower lip, getting rid of the chocolate there, and gently suck on it.
“For fuck’s sake, Y/N,” he mumbled.
“Hm?” you looked at him innocently.
“Just eat the damn thing.”
“You want some?” you raised the spoon at him.
“Yes, I want some.”
You felt your cheeks burn just a little bit with his remark, heart begin to race as the ideas for what you wanted to do to him tonight started to flood your mind.
“If you wait patiently, you might get what you want,” you teased, looking back at the bowl and already serving another spoon, which you quickly brought to your lips, licking all the content off of it.
Fred shook his head, one corner of his lips going upwards ever so slightly, eyes glued on you.
“You sure you don’t want to taste it?” you offered again, lips glistening as you cleaned them with your tongue.
“I will taste it,” his eyes pierced through your body and suddenly the hotel was too hot.
You had barely served the last spoon of pudding when Fred stood up and let the waiter know you were headed to the room.
“I haven’t finished yet,” you protested and he immediately took the last spoon from your hand and into his mouth.
“Now you have,” he said as he pulled you from the chair.
The way back to the suite felt much longer than it actually was, but as soon as you reached the door, Fred’s lips were on yours. You had trouble to get the key with your boyfriend’s hands all over you, pulling your body hard against his.
“Fred,” you breathed, stepping back. “There’s another surprise.”
Before he could say anything, you unlocked the door and went inside.
“Sit down,” you slowly pushed him to the bed. “And close your eyes.”
Fred complied with no protests, but you could see he was getting flustered, probably guessing what was coming.
You blew out most of the candles illuminating the room and left only a few to create the romantic atmosphere you wanted. You went to the bathroom and changed into the expensive lacy lingerie you had bought for this exact occasion. It was red, a color you had learned Fred was very fond of when it came to this kind of clothing, and had one small, delicate bow right between your breasts.
“Are your eyes closed?” you asked from the bathroom, hand on the doorknob.
“Yeah,” you heard in response.
“No peeking ‘til I tell you to,” you warned.
You opened the door and stepped out of the bathroom. Fred was still sitting on the bed, one leg bouncing impatiently, and a slight frown between his eyebrows.
Slowly, you approached the bed and stood right in front of him.
“Open your eyes,” you whispered.
As soon as he did, Fred sucked in a shaky, quiet breath. He eyed you from head to toe, not hiding his astonishment.
“Baby,” he mumbled in a deep voice, already feeling his pants get a little too tight as his eyes still traveled through your entire figure.
“Do you like it?” you asked.
“Mm-hmm,” he nodded, biting his bottom lip.
“Good,” you smiled, placing your hands on each of his shoulders. “Now let me show you how proud I am to be your girlfriend.”
Your lips met Fred’s in a slow, deep kiss as you climbed the bed and straddled him, your arms thrown around his neck. Fred let out a soft moan when he felt your weight against his lap, his hands going up your back, fingertips sending shivers down your spine as they searched for the bra clasp. However, you stopped them and placed them back on your hips.
“Not so fast,” you whispered against his lips.
Before he could protest, you kissed him again, now pushing him all the way back to lay down on the bed. Hovering above him, you started pulling up his shirt, which he quickly got rid of for you. You chuckled. Maybe you weren’t the only one who had missed this.
Now that you had free access to his torso, you began to place soft, wet kisses on his neck, slowly moving down to his chest and stomach, painfully taking your time.
You could feel Fred’s breathing get deeper and deeper as you kissed his abs, working your way down to his pants. Once there, you stopped the kisses for a brief moment, so you could focus on getting rid of that piece of fabric. Again, Fred quickly helped you out until you were both just in your underwear.
The sight sent goosebumps through your body and you inevitably bit your lower lip. He was already so hard, you felt the anticipation building up inside you.
You decided to torture him for a little bit – just a little bit – and carried on with the kisses, not taking off his underwear quite yet. However, Fred’s impatience was growing and he didn’t think he would manage to wait for too long. His hand found your hair and he started stroking it, running his fingers through it, a disguised way to guide your head to where he needed you the most. You realized his intentions, but you did not stop him. You let him take you where he wanted and soon your lips found his still covered length.
“Shit, Y/N.”
You smirked.
Slowly, you started pulling down the last piece of clothing until you completely freed him. He was so beautiful. You still had a silly smile on your face as you ran your tongue all the way up from the base to the tip, where you placed a gentle kiss. Fred’s soft moan reached your ears, a beautiful sound that made you even more wet.
You took him in your mouth and started sucking the tip in a slow, teasing pace, while your hand loosely stroked him. You didn’t want him to cum yet. You wanted him to last. And you were going to make him last.
Fred’s hand never left your hair, and he began to slightly pull it, asking for more. He needed more.
“Y/N,” he moaned. “Y/N, please.”
You ignored him and kept going in that insanely slow pace, taking your time. What was the hurry?
You heard a low groan, and felt him move his hips against you. You stopped.
“Behave yourself, Weasley.”
“Baby… Please.”
You smirked again, giving him one last stroke, and you let go of him.
Fred looked at you in a way you hadn’t seen in a while. His eyes were dark, full of pure lust. But also desperation and discontent with the sudden lack of touch.
You crawled on the bed until your face was right above his, and you kissed him. It was a deep, passionate, hurried kiss between two people who were eager for each other. This time, you didn’t stop Fred’s hands from going up your back and unclasping your bra. He took it off and you quickly felt his left hand on your right breast, squeezing it. His right hand, however, was going up and down your side, sending shivers through your bare skin. He rested it on your waist for a little bit before going down to your ass and squeezing it tightly. You moaned against his lips, your own impatience growing.
You only stopped the kiss to get rid of your panties, the last piece of fabric separating you from him.
Fred watched as you got off of him and started to pull it down your smooth legs. He could feel his cock throbbing at the sight of your completely naked body. You were breathtakingly, heart-racingly beautiful. He loved the lingerie, he really did, but he loved your body a thousand times more. And he would never get tired of looking at it.
When you straddled him again, skin to skin now, he thought he would cum right then and there. You smiled at him, that beautiful smile that never changed, and kissed him one more time. Fred placed his hands on your waist, squeezing it gently, as if to encourage you. Not wasting another second, you guided his tip to your entrance and slowly sank down on him, allowing him to get all the way inside you, quite easily given how wet you were.
“Oh fuck, baby,” he moaned.
Letting out your own whimpers, you placed your hands on his chest and started riding him, still slowly, still teasingly. Fred’s moans soon turned into groans, complaints. He was getting tired of the teasing, he was already on edge. He couldn’t take it anymore. With a swift move, Fred shifted the both of you so now he was on top. He started thrusting into you, quite roughly, earning a loud approving moan from you.
“Fred,” you gasped, digging your nails into his shoulders.
He kept going, pounding harder and harder, moaning as he did so.
You started kissing his neck, biting, sucking, anything that would leave a mark.
“Yes, baby,” you cried out as he thrusted even deeper.
The bed was making a discreet creaking sound that you weren’t sure if the people in the other rooms could hear. You hoped not, but honestly? Right now you didn’t care. The sound of Fred’s heavy breaths, moans, groans and whimpers were all you were paying attention to. Beautiful sounds that had the power to shut down anything else in your mind.
The rhythm he had created was sending you to heaven with every motion. His lips soon found your own again and he kissed you as if he hadn’t done it just minutes before.
“Fuck, Y/N. I’m close.”
“Me too.”
As you felt your body tense, Fred came inside you with a low groan, slowing down just a tad bit. He kept thrusting, however, knowing you were about to reach your climax too. And not long after him, you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you, and your body relaxed completely.
Both of you were panting against each other’s neck, your arms still loosely around his shoulders as he slowly pulled out and collapsed on top of you.
Hugging him more tightly, you felt Fred leave small kisses on your neck, and you closed your eyes, enjoying the extra-tingly sensation. You started to run your fingernails up and down his back, the other hand caressing his hair.
If you concentrated hard enough, you could hear the waves crashing on the beach, the giggling of children playing down there, and the muffled music coming from the muggle restaurant. You felt so at ease.
After a long moment of peaceful, comforting silence, Fred looked up and smiled. “I love you so much.”
You smiled back. “I love you too.”
Not bad for round one.
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daaziscoolbesties · 3 years
minecraft endermen are really weird. theyre unnatural and make me feel off.
when i was a small child like seven years ago i would always play minecraft on creative mode and i made an ugly ass enderman "farm" made out of bricks. i had an enderman spawn egg and id just spam it and the enderman couldnt get out (so i thought). anyways having them in this enclosure was probably so i could feel "powerful" over them because to date theyre still the only mob in minecraft that makes me anxious. even above skeletons(which i used to have a horrible fear of (the real life ones not mc ones)) and spiders (which i still have a horrible fear of (again the real life ones not mc)). anyways the endermen just ended up completely teleporting out of the farm and i checked on my world the next day and they were all gone and i didnt appreciate it (this was the same world where my brother blew up my pets but thats a different story).
anyways back to endermen. besides the fact that i just didnt like dying and i did like building ugly structures, one of the main reasons i didnt play survival much for a while, or if i did id put it on peaceful, was because of the enderman. every time i passed one my heart would drop and if i happened to look it in the eye on accident my throat would feel like its closing up and idk why. if it sounds like im bullshitting you or not remembering correctly i swear im not because it still happens actually.
i play survival a ton more now simply because i enjoy it more, it feels like theres actually a goal to achieve, but i never really make efforts toward said goal(ya know, beating the dragon). none of my worlds are really created with the intention of beating the dragon, and therefore i dont have to worry about endermen. if i happen to be outside my house and theres one there, no worries i just wait for it to go away. it may spook me for a sec but im fine.
but recently me and my sister started a world with the sole purpose of beating the dragon. we may have cheated a little (like putting on keep inventory cause honestly we both suck at pvp and have died so many times) but its okay cause thats it. we still have to fight endermen to get pearls for the end portal. and so we were hanging out in the nether and made a little two block tall hidey hole and id stand by the front and taunt endermen to get them to come close so i could kill them without them being able to get to me and it worked really well actually. except for the fact that to get them to come near i had to get them to aggro onto me and to do that i have to look them in the eye and you know where this is going. and so i was like "it has been so long since i looked an enderman in the eye surely i cant still be scared of them" and i turn to my sister like "<sister> you stay in the hole ill get us some pearls"
so i go out and taunt the dudes and guess what bitch got the pit in their stomach from these fuckers!! thats right bestie and my throat started to close up and i started talking to my sister again but i could tell me voice was off from it and i dont know why it happens but it pisses me off. like theyre not even scary looking theyre just a bit odd. and i continue to do this and kill the endermen and it just. doesnt. stop. my throat keeps closing up and im not "in pain" or anything just inconvenienced like what the fuck dude its a bunch of fucking pixels. i dont know its weird.
and now this part is gonna sound super fuckin stupid but ever since i started watching dsmp i immediately got attached to ranboo (cc! and c!) and knowing that c!ranboo was half enderman made me really think "hm endermen arent that bad. granted i havent interacted with one in a while but still not that bad. perhaps my favorite hostile mob" because you know people get attached to characters and think dumb things. and then again ranboo's character straight up existing and also this one specific headcanon i saw that was like "endermen use telepathy to talk so when a player looks at them all their thoughts get projected into them and it hurts their brain :((" makes me feel kinda bad for aggro-ing them and killing them again even though its literally just some pixels dude. my brain is not kind to me about this stuff and its really dumb.
i dont know what about the endermen staring back at me sets off the sort of fight-or-flight that makes me unable to breathe for a second but its something. its not the fact that their jaws basically unhinge when theyre mad because the throat closing up sensation happens before that. it happens when i look at an enderman and it looks back up at me and holds my gaze. i dont know. i dont know why im worked up(even slightly) over a video game. theyre still my favorite hostile mob i think (not just because of ranboo honestly the other hostile mobs just kinda suck).
and also i like the idea of how humanoid they are. not human. humanoid. they have the basic aspects of a minecraft human- square, head, torso, legs, arms, eyes. most mc skins dont even have mouths anyways just eyes. but the endermen have these features differently than us. their eyes are unnatural, legs and arms too long, body all one color, one that can blend in, and you can only see its purple eyes staring you down from a distance. theyre basically just cryptids.
despite skeletons and even zombies looking closer to the player than the endermen, they still seem the most human-like of all of the mobs. they arent aggressive unless provoked. they dont like eye contact(socially awkward). they like picking up stuff and moving it around. theyre curious (i cant explain this one they just are, okay?). even the sounds they make are just phrases like "hey" "hello" "whats up" distorted and in reverse.
i want to know more about them.
i want to know where they came from.
why theyre found in every dimension.
why they sound like us.
i want explanations, i want to know why they scare us.
i want to know if they know.
if they know that we're like them in some way.
that some of us dont mean harm, but for others thats all they want to do to the endermen.
i saw a post once that said "what taught humans to be wary of things that look human, but arent?" i believe the phenomenon is called uncanny valley. what if in the minecraft universe, the thing that taught us that was endermen. or rather, the thing that taught the endermen that was us? because again, the endermen pose no threat to us unless theyre provoked. by one of us. the endermen try to communicate with us- "⊑⟒⊬" "⍙⊑⏃⏁⌇ ⎍⌿?"- but we kill them without reason. thats why they dont like eye contact, its been ingrained in them through evolution that eye contact with a human/player will end in death, and they dont want it to be theirs, so they attack first.
we- or rather, the first minecrafters, maybe (in the lore(?)) people before the game, taught the endermen to fear us. i mean we literally kill them, use their remains to enter their home dimension, and then kill their leader/mother. they do their best to stop us, but we can respawn and they cant. and then, some people even go as far as to make farms, having them all spawn in one place, crowded, cant teleport out- their only defense mechanism gone- and then are slaughtered for their pearls. and due to the mass of these farms there will be chests upon chests full of pearls that no one's using, i saw someone the other day ask what people do with them and someone straight up said they just burn them like god what a waste.
"but izzy, players make mob farms all the time and not just for endermen!!!1!!11! why are the endermen ones so bad why are you only talking about those1!1!1!!!1" 1) because i can, 2) this is an endermen-themed post, and 3) i dont like the other mobs. and of course im not actually mad at the players who like beating the game and making endermen farms and such, i mean thats what it is its all just a game just a bunch of code, 0's and 1's, so why does it matter why bother writing a whole post on it?
because when you look paste the game, when you read in between those ones and zeroes and discover this non-intentional lore, it can make things so much more,, interesting. this is fanfic material. hell, its probably fanart material too. its all for the content to see what the community can create i guess. or maybe i just really like talking about endermen and this has been on my mind for two days now and once i started typing i couldnt stop.
but yeah, thats my final thoughts.
we, humans, experience uncanny valley about the endermen.
but the endermen experience uncanny valley about the players.
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princesssarcastia · 3 years
2021 Harry Potter Fanfic Primer
im here to point fingers at the incredible authors that have enabled my new interest in HP content.  im still conflicted and upset about it, tbh, but for now we’re leaning into the curve.  we’re getting out our shovel and finding out just how deep we can make the hole we’re in.  hand in unlovable hand my beloved <3.  anyway, these fics are wonderful, their authors are wonderful, and you should go read their stuff. if there’s a star next to it that means im losing my mind over it and always will be.
Creatively Maladjusted, by elumish on AO3, 101k  (they also have a wonderful writing advice blog on tumblr, @elumish, which I recommend following if you are a writer) 
A very excellent re-telling of harry’s first year at hogwarts if he were sorted into Slytherin, plus some more not!fic or piecemeal re-tellings of his second and part of his third year.  Harry, in this, has a slightly different trauma response to growing up with the Dursley’s.  He’s a bit quieter, and the signs are a bit more obvious to the people around him, and I enjoyed that immensely. 
Honestly, if you’re going to get sucked into something you have absolutely no business getting sucked into, elumish is the way to go, their fic is incredible. their teen wolf fic is also immaculate, if you’re so inclined. 
Dissonance, by ImpishTubist on AO3, 2.5k (@impishtubist on tumblr)
Set during fifth year.  Oblivious!Harry has always been a delightful trope when well executed, and this is well executed.  Plus, some angst between Remus and Harry over what Umbridge has been doing to him.
I would certainly recommend a lot of ImpishTubist’s other hp work on AO3, like Lacuna.
blow us all away, by rexcorvidae on AO3, 23k (@rexcorvidae on tumblr)
In progress (like, updated last week in progress).  Currently in the beginning of Harry’s first year.  Fem!Harry, Indian!Harry.  Hagrid puts Harry in touch with Remus when she has questions about her parents, and they become reluctant, traumatized, angst-ridden pen pals who keep missing each other’s true intentions like ships in the night.  hot DAMN do I love this fic.  there’s hints of the way the dursley’s treat Harry peaking through in her letters, and I appreciated the attention to “hmm, her experience as a girl of indian descent in britain under the thumb of a bunch of white people who like being Normal may not have been gucci”
Definitely comb through the rest of their HP fic, too, I may or may not have gone feral over it.
Where the Heart is, by silver_fish on AO3, 15k (@kohakhearts on tumblr)
Woof.  This one said, “hey, harry was probably SUPER depressed in the summer after fifth year.  like, clinically.  maybe someone should do something about that.”  Fuck yeah.  Then this one said, “that someone was Snape.”  You all know my opinions on Snape; generally, Bad.  But damn if this fic didn’t wholly convince me by the end of it.  I thought it was a very realistic way for Snape to start seeing Harry as a person all on his own, and not a proxy for Snape’s angst over James and Lily, respectively.  The angst is wonderful, the ending is even more so.
*bernie sanders voice* I am once again asking you to read through the rest of the author’s HP fic.  a lot of them have similar themes; there’s actually a great one with Molly that i’m not reccing here, Wonder.
☆Bindings, Bindings, by Quietlemonhush on AO3, 60k (@quietlemonhush on tumblr)
WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS TO YOU HOW MUCH I ENJOYED/AM ENJOYING THIS.  If I had to pick a single fic and say “you, it’s your fault I’m stuck here,” it would be this one.  Anyway Lily in the afterlife is So Very Angry about how Petunia is treating Harry, and how Sirius is rotting in Azkaban, and how Remus is alone, that she literally brings herself back to life and drags James and Regulus with her.  All three of them are there to chew bubblegum and fix everything that went wrong after they died—and would you look at that, they’re all out of bubblegum!  There’s only Fury left.  That inciting premise is very crack, but every moment after that is very much not crack.  Lily and James love harry more than anything, the way a child should be loved; James and Sirius have the epic friendship of a lifetime; Sirius and Remus have staggering amounts of resolved sexual tension and take turns keeping each other in check; Regulus, though he realized that Voldemort and his family were shit before he died, is still unlearning all his racist bullshit and, also, years of trauma.  Actually, they’re all traumatized, but hey: now they have one another again and not a damn one of them seems inclined to let go anytime soon.  Quietlemonhush went, “hey, HP has a lot of Awful people in it, and a lot of Righteous people in it, and many of them are Very, Very Powerful; also, love is the most powerful force in the universe” and i said “hell yes tell me more right now.”  And then they did!
Quietlemonhush writes Sirius/Remus in a way that makes it sooo much fun to devour, so the rest of their HP fic is most certainly worth a look, if that’s your thing.
Rebuilding, by Colubrina on AO3, 113k (@colubrina on tumblr)
Hermione/Draco (*shrug emojis into the abyss* yeah, yeah, like none of us have ever been there before).  Takes place during Hogwarts 8th year, and while the beginning is, IMO, a little unfair to Ron, it gets much better.  Tells the story of Hermione and Draco clearing the air, learning to like each other, having some hormones over each other, and then falling in love.  Also tells the story of Hermione and Theo Nott becoming friends; the story of how every single 7th and 8th year student is fucked to hell by the war and the Carrows; the story of how they start an emotional support group about it and all become friends; and the story of, what the hell do you do with yourself after that kind of trauma?
I’ve been dipping in and out of Colubrina’s HP since before I was even on tumblr; I actually found them in those dark yesteryears when the only fandom interactions I had were on fanfiction.net.  Of such fame as Green Girl, which is an HP fic staple, and has also written a lot of wackier, crackier, and darker things than that.  If you don’t take yourself too seriously, I highly recommend many of their big HP works, though I imagine it’ll press some people’s buttons.  Colubrina’s work really does take up a corner of my mind whenever I’m in an HP mood, and will take up yours if you let it.
☆ all waiting is long, by shuofthewind on AO3, 149k ( @shu-of-the-wind on tumblr)
This is so well written that I can’t stop thinking about it.  It is occupying my mind when I lie awake at night, you know?  It’s one of those.  Hermione messes with something she probably shouldn’t have in Grimmauld Place, so when Sirius is sent through the Veil in the Department of Mysteries, she gets thrust into an alternate universe...in 1975.  Instead of handwaving it away, shuofthewind actually gets into the mechanics of it in a way that makes sense, to emphasize that hermione is never going home.  ever. The world she finds herself is shifted slightly to the left, quite a bit darker, but in a “the author is treating the idea of a society-wide conflict over blood purity much more seriously than JKR ever did” way, not a sensationalist way.  Now, Hermione has to grapple with all her grief at losing everyone she’s ever loved or known, the moral/ethical/magical implications of sharing what she knows about her future in an alternate world, and, you know, a goddamn war with people who want to murder her for being who she is.  This Hermione is smart, and she’s kind, and she’s powerful, and she’s making real friends.  If you hate JKR’s guts I’d go read this right now, because it delivers in all the ways she failed us.  It’s plotty, its got great world-building, and it pulls back the white curtain on the wizarding world to show you that, like real life, it’s multicultural and full of queer people...and the discrimination that comes with both.
shuofthewind write epics, mainly for the MCU, and I’ve read some of them a looooong time ago, so this fic kinda seemed out of left field for me but im SOOOO GLAD it exists.  If you want MCU fic you can sink your teeth into, go for it, but alas, they do not have any more HP fic (.......yet?)
Speak Now [+] Listen Now, by mrsfrizzle on AO3, 33k altogether
Harry reaches out to Remus for support because Umbridge is getting to him with her literal torture.  Remus, being a former professor, former mandatory reporter, person who loves Harry and has since he was born, and all around good man, tells Harry he has to tell someone, or Remus will.  It’s everything any adult looking back on that time in HP canon ever wanted, which is for an actual adult to say “what the fuck, those are literal chidlren” and then do something about it.  Then, a far more dangerous task: Harry trusts Remus enough to go to him about the Dursleys.  Harry and Remus’ relationship develops SO WELL, and there’s a bit of exploration about how Sirius may not exactly be guardian material, because he did in fact spend 12 years of his life getting tortured instead of growing up.  I think I’m actually going to go reread this right now, because it speaks to my id.
they do have some other HP fic which did not appeal to my hyperspecific wants, but may appeal to some of yours.  I think they’re also a published author, there should be a link on their profile page.
chase the stars, by Duskglass on AO3, 101k (@felix-duskglass on tumblr)
When Harry is five years old, a picture of him ends up in the Daily Prophet, and Sirius Black, Terror of Ministry Officials Touring Azkaban everywhere, gets a hold of that issue.  He then, in order: breaks out of Azkaban; crosses the countryside to Surrey; Finds Harry: Kidnaps Harry; Breaks Into Remus’ Apartment; starts processing (or maybe just acknowledging) his trauma from Azkaban, the war, and his childhood; and pines after Remus.  It’s a little plotty, and deals a lot (sometimes through flashbacks) with the specific awful things that happened to Sirius—largely because, after years in the constant presence of Dementors, those are nearly literally the only memories he has left.  It’s a wonder he’s got the strength to love Harry and Remus at all.  But then, maybe it isn’t.
This is a Very Serious Fic, but the rest of Duskglass’s HP work is actually just cracky enough to tickle your funny-bone, while still making you think “okay but why couldn’t we have done that in the first place.”
So!  That’s it for recs, for now.  These are all things I’ve found and read in the last month; if any of y’all are interested in my old HP recs, let me know and I can make a post for that, too.  While I’m still very conflicted about my choice of current fandom, I am not in ANY way conflicted about my taste in fic and authors.  Send these guys some love, read their fic if you’re so inclined, and leave some nice comments at the end of it.
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theangrycomet · 3 years
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The Functional Engines AU Some Kiddos Pt 1
Some character set up below; not exactly lore, more ramblings
When Max had called Carl and told him about the weird device now suddenly strapped to his sons wrists, he hadn’t believed him. But as the summer went by, the increasing evidence (news reports, Ben’s youtube channel, the weird phone calls) it was hard not to believe.
By the time he’d gotten home, they weren’t exactly thrilled about their son’s endeavors. Once they had confirmed that he was fine, they attempted to put a stop to his crime fighting which was about as successful as in canon.
A few LONG conversations later about the whole “Hero” thing, Ben’s allowed to continue, so long as he A) contacts them when/ where he’s helping and B) has back up. [Think like Kim Possible]
As to the clothes… After a summer of not doing his laundry and impregnating his clothes with the smell of sweaty 10 year old, both Sandra and Carl agreed the clothes had to go. (They may or may not have been burned)
It was at Carl’s suggestion that he start covering the Omnitrix when at school, as Ben had a hard enough focusing in class as himself. Plus, it’s a bit more discrete that way.
Back from the possibly the most chaotic summer of her life, the most exciting thing that’s happened is her family moving to Bellwood. Returning to same old school grind’s been kind of- impossible. The only break has been helping Ben with dealing with the strange mutants messing at the edges of the town.
Aside from that though? The extra extracurricular activities don’t seem to be cutting it; even dragging Ben to the gymnastics class didn’t help. Constantly pent up with energy, she’s ends up getting a bit more mischevous in class, much to her new classmate’s dismay.
The bag carries supplies for both Team Destroy and a basic first aid kit.
Building the Antitrix? A breeze; Kevin practically did it in his sleep. Fixing Glitch? Not so much. With the limited parts he was able to scavange after fighting Vilgax, putting his friend back together had been his priority. Unfortunately, there’s not much to work with when he’s just got the helmet.
All he’s been able to do thus far is upload Glitch’s consciousness on his phone, and while it’s nice to be able to talk to him, both parties agree that having the rest of him work would be nice.
It was hard to say who was closer to a heart attack when scrounging for more Armor pieces (because there HAS to be more than the Helmet), Kevin, or Phil.
After a team up between the two, Glitch is restored to his Pre-Innervasion-self with a few tweaks to his markings. They also rebuild the Antitrix with a few new upgrades. Phil (who’s has been under Providence surveillance) decides that since he has to drop off Glitch any way, perhaps it’s a good time to move locations.
He’s also EXTREMELY concerned about this kids home life. Kid’s too smart to be on his own with out a good reason.
Once he’s back in Bellwood, with some convincing he’s giving the whole hero thing a try (hence the hair). It’s a struggle, but he’s doing pretty good so far.
Kevin’s tired of being called Emo, hence the new grunge look. He’s covering his Antitrix (like Ben), mostly so Providence doesn’t notice. Like Phil, he’s trying his best to avoid them.
After nearly being dissected at Providence, Rex is mostly just trying to roll with the punches. Between working with Caesar on trying to get his memories back (largely unsuccessful), the Training sessions Six can get in with him while supposedly “tracking him”, and trying to cure as many Evo’s as he can, there’s no time for homework.
Alas, it must be done if he wants to stay at the stuffy school he’d been enrolled in.
Though if he were being honest, he’s more worried about jerks like Hunter Cain right now.
His original jacket was left at Providence when Six help Caesar out of there. Despite the limited material, Dr. Kell’s found out some… interesting information pertaining to Rex’s nanites.
When Noah had offered to teach Rex how to shoot a hoop, he was not expecting to be dragged into “saving the world”. He’s not objecting though, thus far it’s been pretty darn cool.
Being the ping pong champ he is, he tends to wear his table tennis jerseys. His pockets are either filled with batteries or cool rocks to add to his collection.
This has proven to be a useful habit when dealing with baddies. You’d be surprised how many weirdos have fallen to a well slung rock to the temple.
Revonnah is currently in the middle of the largest political tug-a-war in it’s history. Between the Incurseans, the DNAliens, and the Plumbers all seeking to control its Amber Ogia, most Revonnahganders have been forced to flee. At the Plumber’s insistence, most if not all the planet’s minors and 1 of their parents have been evacuated.
This includes the Rooks
Blonko is trying his best to fill the gap left from their father (still being on Revonnah) for the rest of his siblings and help his Mother try and keep everything together.
Initially in awe at the Plumbers work to save them, it took him a while to realize not everything is what it seems with Red Spots.
Issued a mandatory ID mask, he along the rest of his family are trying to adapt, though the Human’s consistently confusing methods are not helping.
After enrolling in the private school nearby, Gwen was pretty quick to make friends with the strange little new kid. (His first growth spurt after his B'thnack’s falling has yet to hit). Though he was already very clearly interested in Mechanics, she was the first to find out how he snuck out every so often to go go-kart racing.
He is quickly learning that humans are possibly the strangest sapiens in the galaxy.
Though he’d prefer to wear his normal clothes, they’re trying to blend in. He tries to find the looser clothing; skinny jeans are his worst nightmare.
After being stuck as a buggy for most of his existence outside the Omnitrix, it was nice to be himself again. It is amazing how much Glitch missed fingers.
Once Phil, Kevin, and he returned to Bellwood, the Tennyson’s were ecstatic to see both bois home and safe. (Kevin nearly passed out when Gwen hugged him, whether from the strength of her hug or from her vicinity Glitch isn’t quite sure)
Ben’s parents took one look at him (and after some explanations and Max being certain he mentioned Glitch wasn’t human [he didn’t]) and promptly took him as their own, though it’s taking some getting used to he’s fitting right in.
Just need to get an ID mask so he can go about as himself so people don’t think he’s an Evo and try and attack him
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izzyspussy · 3 years
how different is writing an actual book as opposed to writing fanfiction besides the obvious (og characters/backstories/plots)? Bc publishing my writing is something i’ve always wanted to do, but i’ve never felt compelled to be in depth with metaphors/subplots/motifs, and I’m sure they show up but in a natural way? Does that make me a less efficient author for just wanting to create vs putting together a puzzle? I’ve always liked books with plots to be clear and forward, while leaving room for dissection as like an extra activity vs something thats necessary, if that makes any sense, and I feel like that reflects in my own writing and I can’t tell if that makes it less — and for lack of a better word — good. Ik this is a lot, but generally if you’ve got any tips regarding the process and importance of some aspects of professionally writing, id greatly appreciate it <3
Hi, anon! Thanks for asking, let's see what I can do for you for some answers! ♥
How different is writing a book compared to writing fanfiction?
In my personal experience the biggest difference - just in writing, not editing, publishing, etc - writing a book versus writing fanfiction is actually with characterization. If you have a fully developed character in your mind from knowing what happens to them it can be kind of difficult to write them pre-development and have them change on-page. In fanfiction, usually you already have your starting point with the character and you only have to worry about how to get them where you want them.
(And also you usually can't use lyrics for your titles lol.)
In Depth Subplots & Motifs (& Foreshadowing, etc)
These things are super hard and can be very complicated, so don't worry too much if they're not your favorite thing to work on!
I think at least in regards to motif, if you're really writing from a genuine place it pretty much takes form as you go. Sometimes in the plotting stage you have only the "point" or you have only the fun delivery mechanisms - the characters, plot, setting. Whatever little pieces you start with, in this particular case most of the time the easiest way to figure out the shape of everything else is to just dive in and let it happen.
I also do that a lot with fanfiction, actually, because often it's a total accident. @kedreeva has a post about why sometimes you can realize you have to rework your plot only to find that what you've already written already supports your new direction. I think pretty much everything said there can apply just as readily to motifs and to the purpose your story is meant to fulfill for the audience, or for you. I don't remember any exact words from the post though so I don't think I could find it lmfao. It might be a ways back in my /writing-process tag, but maybe they have easier access to it and can share it again, in which case I'll come back and add the link.
As for subplots, those are really fucking hard and there's not much else I can really tell you about 'em. However! You don't always necessarily need a subplot. They can add extra depth to your characters and to your world, or they can emphasize your main plot, but frankly good character development alone can do those things just as well. It can be a little difficult to get a full novel if you don't have a subplot, but not everyone is a novel writer and that's good! Not everyone is a novel reader either.
Metaphors are also mostly for good flavor. Depending on your subject matter and your style, you might not need them either. Off the top of my head I don't think Steig Larsson (Girl With The Dragon Tattoo) used many metaphors in his series, and that mostly just made the content feel more grounded. It's not for every reader (some might call it 'dry' or 'dense' or something like that) but for some people that's their preference!
You do of course need some background and flavor text other than just A, B, and C things happened, of course, but they can be in any style or amount of detail that you prefer. Your editor and test readers will let you know if something doesn't make sense or seems incomplete.
Does that make me a less efficient author?
If you're writing fiction, it's not really about efficiency! It's about being engaging. Stephen King and J.R.R. Tolkien both spend pages upon pages giving textbook-like information on their worlds or on character backstory that I personally would have said to cut if I was their editor, but again some audiences prefer that kind of read!
If you think it's more interesting/important/fun to spend time on literal description versus making your work fit an aesthetic, then that's what will be interesting/important/fun for the audience you'll find eventually.
The only thing you can really do to find a style that you are satisfied with and is readable is to practice, share your work, be open to critique (when appropriate ofc), and read a lot.
Other Tips
In fanfiction having an editor, beta-readers, critique partners, and maintaining a group of peers is all really kind of optional and honestly even above and beyond. In publishing that is 100% not true. You absolutely need an editor and test readers, and you need to keep up with other people in the industry and especially in your genre and/or publishing method (traditional, indie, self). Mutually assured success is necessary - not a nice extra - in publishing. You have to be willing to spend time on others' work and to accept the value of their input on yours if you want to make good art and reach an audience.
Again, thanks for sending in an ask. I hope this helped!
♥ Jack
I'm an award winning author. AMA!
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thepictureofsdr · 3 years
I know when they first came about TMT were compared quite a bit with the marauders (though I didn’t join tumblr until a few months after ChoG) but I’ve been reading Harry Potter and looking on it actually:
James - James
Matthew - Sirius
Thomas - Remus
Christopher - Peter
Because: Sirius being charming & headstrong but not always in a good way (like his ongoing rivalry with Snape) screams Matthew, just like comparisons with James & James are fairly straightforward (although JH is more judgmental than arrogant? if you know what I mean?). (& Lily/Daisy??) And the loss of James in relation to how he hasn’t been himself for years plays similarly to the loss of JP so young?
But. Thomas knowing what some of his friends (& himself) do is wrong but not stopping them & being clever & kind is very Lupin behaviour. And this is nothing against Kit - none of TMT are exactly like the marauders - his obliviousness to the worse parts of the friendship, & not quite understanding everything that goes in between them reminds me a lot of Peter. (cough Kit being a Slytherin discourse)
In many ways I see the potential for all these characters to overcome flaws in the ways some of the hp characters weren’t able to: Tom standing up against his friends, Kit and his talent being recognised, Math/Alastair ending their rivalry, etc. They could be the marauders with a happy ending
(Sorry this is so long :/ it’s fine if you ignore it because it’s fairly rambly - I just wanted to say I love reading your posts!)
okay first yes absolutely, both the james kinda being the leaders in some way of the group, and sometimes being the only voice of reason. and i think we could draw a comparison to james herondale losing his youth to grace, but potter also loses his youth the war that started when they were all young (not exactly the same time period of youth but still) and i def see what you mean about the arrogance vs judgment, id say its bc potter is more the extrovert so his haughty emotions come out more exuberantly as a loud arrogance, whereas herondales quieter nature has them manifest as more subtle emotions like judgment
SIRIUS AND MATTHEW my lil tortured gay artist assholes. they 100% have that detached coping mechanism, where they both care almost too deeply about things but only let it out as a borderline annoying disattached mindset from the world that comes off as that careless aloofness ie, both of them being seen as the more prominent jokesters in the group while literally dying inside, as well as the deep set family trauma they both have. also chronic flirts.
w the recent marauders renaissance, i saw someone point out that james is actually the mum friend not remus, james is more likely to tuck you into bed while remus is more likely to pull an all nighter doing something stupid, he just seems to have his life together and that fits thomas so well 😭 they’re both the good boy that everyone assumes to be the most sensible and mature when in reality they are absolutely unhinged under the surface its quite beautiful, they somehow manage to be the most mentally stable AND unstable ones of the group, along with the shared love and exasperation for their friends, they’d get along so well
and yes 100% kit and peter being the underappreciated slightly out of it besties who don’t fully follow what the group is doing but are just happy to be there (and everyone else is equally happy to have them along for the ride) i know i started the 2021 alastair ravenclaw discourse but im not deep enough into kits characterization to make a strong case so i just tag along with headcanons of how everyone else’s ideas fit into my sacred ravenclaw!alastair and something!kit friendship 😭
tmt healing marauders trauma? absolutely beautiful i don’t fully trust cassie but all i can do is hope
(I LOVE LONG ASKS i’ve gotten my life under control so now i can answer everything properly >:) smooches and hugs to you anon mwah <3)
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xbunnybunz · 4 years
Daybreak (3/?) [Wolf Keum x Reader x Alex Go)
Summary: The day brings to you Alex Go, and in the night, Wolf Keum. Your past is inescapable. They build you up and tear you back down, but this is what you need to survive.
Genre: Romance, Angst, Drama
When darkness creeps into the sky, you can see the shadows of a dwindling day inching into the room.
You sit hunched at your desk, a pen in hand and a notebook open before you.
Typed notes with yesterday’s date sit neatly in a pile, courtesy of your teachers. You had finished all the assignments that were given today, so the rest of the evening was yours-- and yet, you couldn’t seem to make anything of it, like always.
A laptop lay haphazardly on the bed as if thrown there. Papers and sheets littered the floor, a mixture of both typed notes and haphazard writing progressing into black and white scrawl.
You tightened your hold on the pen until your knuckles were paler than the paper. The other hand tapped impatiently on the table, waiting for something while staving off something else.
A mess, and you couldn’t fix it. You couldn’t get the wheel turning and you’ve been fighting it all night, but you have to think back on it again.
Purple hair, hazel eyes, red blazer.
It was like a curse. When you swallow, it feels like you’re choking.
“Ah, crap. Seriously?” You chuckle lowly, but its stale and drops like deadweight in the air.
A hand threads into your hair and you pull at it a bit, as if that’d help relocate lingering thoughts find a way back into confinement, as if it’d pull things out of your head that mattered.
You drop the pen and fold your arms up, dropping your head to rest on the desk. You peer at the phone beside your head, and tap the screen.
It lights up your dim room, and in the split second it takes your eyes to adjust to the brightness, there’s a glimmer of hope. But there’s nothing on the screen. No texts, no reminders, alarms, or missed calls. Vastly empty, making room for vast longing.
The sunset was gone now, reduced to a few straying rays of light. You flip over the phone and turn to the window. You wonder how you’d seem to someone looking in. Would you seem lonely? Could they tell you hadn’t felt whole since then?
Thoughts running in a circle, you can almost hear it again.
The beeping of a heart monitor. The clicking of shoes on white tile. Feigned hope and lies draped in white coats, hushed whispers, as if it didn’t matter that you knew the truth too.
Their words to you were no more than empty promises, false reassurances. They swam lazily, leisurely in your mind, giving you hope then snatching it away. The words live in your heart, reside there. Won’t let you forget.
His face plays in your mind, and you morbidly wonder what expression he made before the impact. Was he scared? Did he see it coming?
Eyes squeeze shut when you can feel the tears collecting again, pooling and forcing their way out in the sneaky way tears do.
Your hand clenches and unclenches, and you raise it and drop it again on the table, weakly, like the world’s shittiest attempt to muster anger.
“Why him?” You wonder, and hate the way your voice sounds fragile. “Why did it have to be him?”
The scent hits you again. Burning tire, sporadic blinking of a traffic sign, lights shooting through the night too much too late for you to do something. Anything.
“Haha, shit.”
The room is still. Nothing moves. An occasional car passes a ways from you, and the distant whirr of wheels on asphalt echoes through the nighttime air. It’s accompanied by a streak of headlights approaching, then fading into darkness.
It stays like this for a very long time, and you remain glued to the spot. The night is always stagnant. You always itch for something to distract you.
Your phone vibrates on the table. You tell yourself you won’t bother to check, but you do anyways. It’s just a reminder that your bill is due soon, but you barely have enough energy to be disappointed.
You eventually rise again, but the way your spine curves into your body, shoulders pulled close…
You see yourself in the mirror when you drag yourself to the bathroom and turn away in distaste. It’s no wonder Wolf hadn’t wanted to speak to you, it was almost like staring at a husk of a person. Disturbing and pathetic.
You knew you should probably stay away, or find some other way to feel better, but it was hard. Always was. And it was far easier to fall back into old habits, far more comfortable to keep making the same mistakes.
So you do.
You pull on the same heels, the same dress. Put on the same makeup, the same brand of lipstick.
The same routes, turns, and the same tinkering bell chime later, you are back in the same place you were a few days ago. It's just a dark shroud, heavy and suffocating, to hide in-- but you are back.
Comfortable, routine normalcy.
You slip into a stool by the bar. You liked this one, because you know the bartender thinks you’re cute and won’t card if you bat your eyelashes.
It was by chance you saw him a month ago, Wolf Keum, and you considered it the best stroke of luck in your life.
The luck seemed to stop short when you had one drink too many and ruined any chances of speaking to him. You supposed you deserved it, but it still stung more than you’d like.
You get whatever the fuck is the cheapest to start, but the bartender slides you a cosmopolitan anyways. You don’t complain because you know he probably won’t charge extra.
An hour passes but the hum of patrons never ceases. You love it here, you think. No one ever notices you, alone at the bar. There are too many stragglers to ever just pick one out.
Just like last time, there’s the clicking of utensils, the low murmur of conversation. It all fades to white noise in the background, and you’re relieved that your mind is slowing. Not completely, but almost pacified. Almost is always good enough.
Just when you think you’re smooth sailing, someone loudly pulls out a chair beside you. The grating sound of an old lopsided barstool dragging along unpolished tile is unpleasant, and the sharp noise reawakens sobriety.
You flex your wrists and send them a sour look, only to be taken aback when a familiar face takes a seat.
He doesn’t look at you but you know he’s just being sly.
You prop an elbow up onto the table and dip behind it, drink souring on your tongue, mirroring on your expression. What does he want, and what happened to his face? As if the mere glance you had taken hadn’t told you enough, you could see his hands on the counter out of the corner of your eye. Bandaged, lopsided gauze, and bruising all along the knuckles.
The bartender cards Wolf and he’s stiff about it. You don’t know if he’s irked you have a guest, or intimidated by his aura. You’re almost disappointed when Wolf pulls an ID out of his pocket. Of course he would have a fake.
He receives his drink promptly. But even when the bartender serves the other patrons, Wolf still doesn’t address you.
You wonder if he’s messing with you and give a small sigh. Your fingers find a lock of hair and twirl it absentmindedly, watching your face in the drink ripple, then vanish when you take a sip.
You squeeze your eyes shut and open your throat. It burns on the way down, when it settles in your stomach, and even when you stop drinking. You don’t really feel like staying any longer, but pride keeps you anchored to the stool.
And why should you leave? You were here first. You couldn’t be intimidated by petty tricks like this, not when you’ve seen worse from middle schoolers.
You turn your head away from him and look out the window. Wonder if it’s obvious you’re ignoring him. You can see his larger frame hunched over behind you, silhouetting yours easily. See him pick up his glass with his fingertips, downing the entire thing in one go. He throws back his head when he drinks, and you can see his adams apple bobbing with each swallow. Its rushed, and you wonder what’s got him worked up.
A car passes by outside, and the reflection is scattered. You turn back to your drink and swish the liquid, pretending to give a shit about the citrus peel inside. The motions feel strange with your left hand, but the right one is currently blockading you from Wolf.
He’s being awfully quiet, so you sneak a look at him.
His sharp gaze clashes with yours, and your heart leaps to your throat when you realize you were caught red-handed.
You clear your throat and set your cup down with a clink, dropping your right arm. You want to dish out an attitude to repay him for yesterday, but all you can muster is another quiet sigh.
“…Is there something you wanted?”
Your eyebrows pull together in a weak attempt to seem concerned, and when you pull up the corners of your lips, it feels like a thousand pounds.
There are bandages on his jaw, his neck, his nose, his forehead. Scratches everywhere else.
You feel for him, but the cool façade he puts up doesn’t seem to be looking for pity.
It was true he looked destroyed, yet the fiery spirit in his eyes burned bright, like coals crackling orange then splitting yellow in the fireplace. If you peered in for too long, they beckoned to you, dangerous but tempting.
He moves to answer you, and you’re mesmerized by the way his lips barely move when he speaks. He must not need to be loud to demand attention, you think. His fists do the work for him, which is ironic because you don’t hear him, too busy with staring at his face.
“I’m sorry, what?”
The corner of his lip tugs up a bit. He leans in closer and you can smell the whiskey on his warm breath, hot and wet on your face.
“You look like shit.”
Your body goes rigid and your throat closes. You’re not sure if it’s an adverse reaction to what he said, or a survival mechanism to avoid saying dumb shit that would land you in a hospital. The spite shoots into your gut, and it twists in irritation. If it shows on your face, he doesn’t react to it. You’re not sure if he’s too drunk to give a fuck about manners, or if he’s just like this all the time.
You scoff and wrap your fingers around your glass, clenching.
“So do you.”
He gives you a bit of a look, and it feels like amber eyes are slicing into your body, cupping your soul. You want to tear your gaze away, but he looks enchanting under the glow of the bulbs, hanging low. Eyes are half lidded, and it doesn’t help that hes angled himself to peer at you through his lashes, longer than you could’ve imagined. The alcohol induces a pink flush across his cheeks that seems to match the odd expression on his face.
You know he’s not trying to seem seductive, since his body language is still closed off. But when his tongue darts out to catch a drop of whiskey on his lip, you force yourself to look back down at your hands.
“Hah, fuck you.”
You grit your teeth and try to keep a straight face.
Did he sit next to you just to pick a fight? Why wasn’t he with his group of assholes? Were they waiting to ambush you?
You look up at him again, lips set in a grimace. “…Where are your friends?”
Wolf yawns to let you know he’s bored with your questions and doesn’t bother to cover his mouth. You want to shove him off the barstool but hold back for your own sake.
“Meeting. I didn’t go because the boss is a prick.”
You pretend to understand, but you don’t and he knows it.
“The Union, heard of it?”
You dig through the recesses of your brain and think you recall hearing some of the students at school gossiping about the “shuttle hatch,” so you tell Wolf that. He exhales a bit through his nose, and his lip quirks up again. He seems amused by something, but you have no idea what.
“Right. Shuttle hatch.”
There’s a long silence that stretches between the both of you after this, and it puts you on edge.
A minute passes into ten, into thirty. He doesn’t say anything else, but even though he sits there with an empty glass and a stomach full of whiskey, he won’t leave.
You’re beginning to feel like he’s testing you- challenging you, even. So you leave a sip of cosmo in your cup as an excuse to stay. You raise it to your lips now and then, and it’s lukewarm.
“What happened to your face?”
Wolf is distracted, eyes closed, face red and swaying slightly to the faint music over the speakers. You don’t think he’s even conscious until he speaks up, eyes still closed, body still swaying.
“Donald Na.”
His answer only served to confuse you more, and it definitely didn’t help that he spoke to cryptically.
“…Alright.” You mutter, not even attempting to hide your cluelessness. All these names and talking of bosses and unions confused you. It reminded you of a noir book you tried and failed to write, for obvious reasons.
Wolf understands the hesitation in your voice, “He’s my boss. The prick.”
Your head turns to him. He looks stupid swaying in the light with all those bandages on his face, but it was the face of someone far bolder than you, far less reservations. Even begrudgingly, you had to respect him for his audacity.
“Your boss did this to you?” When you ask, you forget to filter the worry out of it. It’s just a smidgen, but no doubt Wolf catches onto it immediately.
He peeks an eye open to assess your reaction, but you’ve stored it back in your sleeve in anticipation of this. He scoffs and closes his eye again. “Yeah. Fucker.”
You tap a finger on the counter, listen to your nail go click click click.
Talking to Wolf was like playing a game, it was just as enthralling as it was frustrating. Talking to people hadn’t ever been this hard, even after everything happened. The lulls in the conversation, the lapses in his sentences- there was a rhythm to it, a puzzle that felt like it’d complete you, too. You weren’t not sure how to describe it, but it feels strange, novel. Like you were scaling a mountain with no foreseeable end, but you wanted to conquer it. Wanted to show him, the whole world, you were still someone.
You scoff in response. “I don’t blame him. I’d sock you in the mug too if I had the chance.”
He shoots you a curious glance, but there’s light in his eyes, adrenaline rushing through his heart. You can see it in the way he shifts a bit in his seat, uncrossing then recrossing his legs.
“You have the chance now.”
You shake your head at him and purse your lips. When you speak, you can feel your heartbeat in your throat. “And give you the chance to throttle me after what happened last time? When hell freezes over.”
Wolf chuckles, it’s low, dark. Makes you nervous.
The hazel in his eyes is stirring now, like the tint of a cloud passing over splattered stars. When he smiles, he only uses half of his mouth to make a smirk, and it reminds you of the way a crescent moon curls, luminous, haunting, and almost sad.
“Are all girls this bitter after rejection?”
You entertain his dry joke with a dry laugh and clam up again. He doesn’t seem to care, but some tiny part of you wishes he did.
It was like playing with fire. Hot and destructive.
You both order another drink half an hour into the silence and finish it another half hour later. Now you’re just sitting here, both of you, seeping in the tension.
When your phone rings, it jolts you, not expecting the loud and obnoxious chime to be at maximum volume. The buzzing screen displays a name in big, bold letters:
You look at the time above the name, 10:43PM. Your heart flutters once, twice.
Standing up from the bar, you push your drink with a sip left closer into the table.
“I’m going now,” you say to the air, in case Wolf isn’t listening. But he is.
When you glance at him, you just barely catch his eyes slipping from the phone in your hand to your blushing face.
There’s a wisp of something in the air, like smoke. Like jealousy. And then it’s gone.
He doesn’t respond and turns back around.
You feel almost disappointed, but promise yourself it doesn’t matter. But just before you head out, you hear Wolf speak again,
He pauses, like he’s pondering if he should explain why he’s thankful. Like he, himself, isn’t sure what he’s grateful for.
You understand him because you’ve felt it before too. You rest your hand on his slumped shoulders and give him a smile that you hope he can hear in your words.
“Get better soon, Wolf Keum.”
And again like last time, your heels click on mosaic tiles as you make your exit. The bell chimes, the door creaks, and hisses shut. The sound of the restaurant is drowned out by a peaceful silence. When you turn back to see if Wolf is watching, all you can see in the glass is your own gaze, peering back at you.
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