#both for your sanity and mine
nebulousfishgills · 1 year
for the random ask game!
2, 4, 5, 26, 35, 43, 58
Thanks bestie! The other asks are gonna get done eventually, brain has just noooot been letting me do shit lol.
2 - Do you have an accent?
Not really. Although technically my state has an "accent" that people kind of unofficially adopted. Sometimes my "a's" sound like "o's." It's not like southerners saying "wooter" and not "water," but the most obvious example is saying the name of my state itself.
4 - Have you ever slapped anybody?
I don't think so. Definetly not in a real, serious way, but I can't remember if I've done a stage slap or not.
5 - Did you learn a skill or get a new hobby during lockdown?
Honestly... I don't think so. Lockdown was really hard on me even being as big of an introvert as I am. I was depressed and mostly did what was familiar rather than doing new things. I've blocked most of 2020 out tbh.
26 - Have you ever won a contest?
Actually yes! Our big botanical gardens was opening a kids area and they needed a name for their mascot, a Marmot. The name I suggested was picked and I was there to attend the grand opening. It was televised and everything. I was gifted a marmot plush that I still have to this day (this was thirteen years ago).
I went there a couple years ago and the kids' section is still there and the mascot is still around here and there, although I don't think my name is anywhere. I can't even find articles about it.
Here's the little lad:
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35 - Favorite dessert?
Fuckin Cinnamon Buns. I could eat so many of those, especially the ones from Cinnabon.
43 - Is there a movie you detest for a very specific reason?
Fucking "Sound of Freedom." As most of you know, I worked at a movie theatre this past summer and it was the bane of my existence. It's about child trafficking and it released on the fourth of july. And as you know, Americans see the word Freedom and go ape shit. And it's a very specific crowd: Conservatives. Your religious grandparents, military members, Blue Line Supporters...
And the tRump/QAnon crowd.
I extend my customer service to everyone but these people were/are ASSHOLES. Getting mad at me when showings were sold out (my co worker even had people ask if she could *move other people* from their seats so she could sell them to this old bat and whoever was with her).
On my last day I had two women buy tickets for it and try to trick me into free food by saying they ordered pretzel bites when they most certainly didn't, thinking I was too stupid to realize otherwise... I read their order back to them twice and they said it was fine both times. Jokes on them cause I rang them up in a separate order so they still paid...
Oh and our ushers have seen SEVERAL religious pamphlets and scriptures left behind on the seats.
But it did lead to this funny story:
When I was working on the 4th of July, every showing was full or almost full. This one dude with a Trump hat and a cross around his neck the size of my palm asked about a solution to the problem of his wife not liking butter on her popcorn but he did. I poured the popcorn into a paper bag we give out so people can share easier and let him use his free refill to fill the bucket again, so two buckets of popcorn.
He called me smart, asked for my name (since I didn't wear a nametag) so he could thank me properly, and gave me candy. I wished him a happy fourth since I really was hoping he would tell my manager I did a good job (praise is praise even if he wears a red hat) and he just bellows "AND A HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY TO YOU AS WELL, MA'AM!"
...so there was a thin veil made of ignorance and my own resourcefulness that prevented me from getting hate crimed at work since if this man knew a gay pagan had helped him out...
And no I don't think he actually talked to my manager about my helping him.
I seemed to get more respect from these people seeing this fucking movie than others (which says a LOT cause I had so many dicks I had to help) and I've theorized that maybe these nut jobs thought I was religious cause they saw the pin on the hair scarf I wore and assumed it was representative of some Christian sect...
...It's a Volturi crest pin.
But, yeah, to sum up, fuck this movie and the crowds it brings. I knew it was gonna be bad when I read the synopsis on my monitor the morning of the 4th and saw Jim Caveziel was the lead, fucking JESUS in "The Passion of the Christ..." and what's even WORSE is that he's the lead of "The Prisoner," the show I wanted to watch because of baby JCB.
Working Barbenheimer was like a doomsday for me, but Sound of Freedom was a chronic and horrid pain...
Although this happened, so that's horribly ironic:
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58 - Are you or were you a good student?
Yeah basically. I was kind of universally known as the smart kid nobody talked to but everyone wanted in their group projects. Finished high school with a 3.97 GPA, but most of that can be credited to my extreme fear of failure. College has been no different lol.
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shadystranger · 16 days
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man searching for redemption and trying to rightfully atone for his sins gets forgiveness by the man he puts over god and shocker he stops feeling remorse and starts transgressing more and more.
the same way dean was sam's reality sam anchored himself gradually as dean's inner-conscience and through sam evaluating dean's actions in place of everyone surrounding and god/logic dean went on relying that sam'll forgive him and stay bc that's what he is sure of later szns (and sam emphasizing his unwillingness to walk out on dean) so this sense of security and convenience coined with the constant enabling at arm's length. that feedback loop ensures dean and sam to never change and always going in circles it's immaculate
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turtleations · 1 year
Commentary by Mori Yukinojo (Lyricist)
Published in the hide BIBLE (by Akemi Oshima) 2008
I can tell you that the first time we met was on 10 February 1993 at an appointment regarding the creation of his solo single, and because the producer Hirayama Yuichi was a little late, I remember there being a nervous silence between hide and me at our meeting place at the Renoir in Ebisu, not knowing, “Should we talk, or should we wait a little more?”, but then we also drank until daybreak after that. Even though he was a heavy drinker and loved alcohol, he was surprisingly weak to it, and when I remember that, it all comes back up like lights in a corridor coming to life one after the other: The days when we were having sessions to make a magical puzzle out of words, and the gallant figure challenging me in the struggle of the first vocal dubbing, and the pinks nails, happily fiddling with the pass for the concert of Hotei that we went to together, and the last night we drank together in his room in Los Angeles. It brings up memories of the transparent smile of that person who liked rock the most in the world, of that performer with the fantastic ideas, of that guitarist who was in permanent motion, of that laughably silly guy who was like a younger brother to me, and of that genius, and it comes that I want to meet that smile again.
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verysium · 10 months
attractive things bllk characters (unintentionally) do?👀
i received this ask and decided to write this entire thing through a caffeine-powered fever dream. may have gone a little overboard. please pray for both your sanity and mine. thank you anon for your strong sense of imagination (or delusion, whichever you prefer.)
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nagi lifts the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face, and you accidentally (or not so accidentally) get a good look at the droplets running down his abs and v-line. he also does the doorway lean while waiting for you to get ready. since he's so tall, he puts his one arm up on the top of the door frame while scrolling through his phone. when he feels drained of energy, he clings to you like a koala, face buried into the crook of your neck.
rin pushes his hair back when his bangs get in the way, and it shows off his ridiculously sharp side profile. sometimes you have to pause mid-conversation because the direct eye contact gets too intense. he has the brightest turquoise eyes in existence, and they stare right into your soul. pair that with the height difference and him towering over you. hang onto your ovaries because this man is about to snatch them. if isagi or sae are anywhere remotely close within your vicinity, he will personally drag your chair closer over to him. you know, the whole nick jonas chair pull thing? he also unintentionally clenches his jaw when pissed, the vein popping out and everything.
barou is polite to his elders. he holds the door open for others. he tips extra at restaurants. he is kind to service workers. he's just a gentleman overall even though he likes to act tough. he rolls up his sleeves while cleaning or cutting up vegetables, and you can see the veins bulging in his forearms. wears those form-fitting aprons where you can see the outline of his waist and the muscles in his back. he is not immune to raging pit bull moments, but he will calm down immediately when you ask him to.
kaiser requires physical touch to function. all concept of personal boundaries goes poof in his little ego-driven brain. he holds your chin so you look up at him while he's talking. also has that husky growl when he wakes up in the morning. he speaks german. what else is more attractive than that? if you stroke his ego, he will puff his chest out like an emperor penguin and flash that movie star smile. does not slow down his pace for you, and will laugh at your expense when you trip in heels and fall. but then he feels guilty about it and begrudgingly picks you up and carries you home. however, before that he will make you swear on everything holy to never tell isagi about his moment of weakness. (tbh kaiser is a menace and has some serious self-esteem issues. pls avoid dating a man like him in real life until he is fully mature. i still love him tho.)
reo mansplains but not in the condescending way. he does so in the "omg i'm so excited to finally get to share something with you and you're never going to believe it" sort of way. rambles on and on about his interests and gets that little glint in his eye when he's passionate about something. also not sure if this counts but he gets extremely depressed when you don't message him back within five minutes. what do you mean you were busy? he was out here dying from a literal famine. he needs your affection to survive. last but not least, he is good at styling. he knows what colors work best for you, and he will put together three new looks for you in record time.
hiori dreams that you left him for good and wakes up crying with his arms around you. will refuse to let you leave the bed even if it is just to get a glass of water. his rare moments of emotional vulnerability are what gets to you.
shidou does not condone any of your bad decisions. you want to get shit-faced and party until early morning? no complaints from him. you want to wear sexy outfits to the club? say less because he's about to enjoy the view and knock out the front teeth of every guy who dares to ogle you. i don't know if this qualifies as being attractive, but he would never be the controlling type. you can dress and act however you want. unfortunately for you though, this is also a textbook case of the blind leading the blind. if you get horrendously hungover, so does he. if you get pulled over, he's going to be too blackout drunk to even comprehend the officer's words. you can count on him for a good time, but not anything else. do not take any of his advice at face value.
oliver likes to show you off even if he doesn't notice it himself. any talk with his team, and he will find a way to make the entire conversation about you. at this point, the entire u-20 team is done with him. they placed bets that you two wouldn't last more than a month due to his philandering reputation, but the universe seems to think otherwise because you and oliver hit the six-month mark and are still going strong.
ness guards your drink with an unnecessary amount of protection. while you left to go use the restroom, he was looking left and right, and the hairs on the back of his neck were prickling every time someone even came close to your cup. he also shoos away any person who opens their mouth while standing next to your drink because apparently the condensation from their breath could be dangerous. definitely covers your cup with both hands even if it has a lid. no suspicious shit is happening on his watch.
yukimiya is well-read, and he wears glasses. he has a copy of every single classic out there in existence and will fangirl along with you over your virginia woolf collection. he was written by a woman with two cats and a wine glass. not much else to say.
loki absolutely clears the entire carnival/arcade game. you want that giant teddy bear that costs over three hundred ticket points? say less because he's about to win the whole damn pot. of all characters, i would say he's one of the only green flags. like celery green.
isagi always looks for you when he enters the room. intentionally or not, he always seeks your presence. if someone says a funny joke, he turns to you to see if you're laughing or not. also does that somewhat creepy stare thing where he just looks at you quietly while you do mundane tasks. internally he is screaming cus what do you mean you actually like him?
chigiri gives you that thankful little smile whenever you stand up for him. i feel like people don't understand how goofy he can get as he's canonically good at doing impressions/impersonations. also has the prettiest laugh. if he ever cuts his hair, i think i'm going to get a nosebleed.
noa unconsciously says yes to every question you ask of him. he'd be giving bastard münchen a hard time (and denying isagi's requests) but then immediately once you come over, he's automatically acquiescing to everything you say. the rest of the team is low-key shocked you can win him over so easily. when they confront him about it, he just shrugs and goes "y/n is always right."
kurona's entire existence is attractive. he's just perfect. nothing is ever wrong with him. will let you check out his shark teeth and lightly pokes your finger to leave an imprint. hopefully you'll always remember him that way. he's also quiet so he will listen to everything you say and give ample weight to your words.
sae is my baby girl so he gets a whole section dedicated to himself:
absentmindedly plays with your hair. when you're sleeping in his lap, he'll gently run his fingers along your scalp. sometimes in the morning when you're sitting up on the edge of your bed to do your makeup, he'll come up from behind you and brush back your hair. might also press a kiss to the back of your neck.
helps you put on your face mask. when he's shopping, he will buy you lotion along with his own skincare products. says that it was just a convenient store run but you know he personally made sure to get you the best quality ones.
this is canon because i said so: when he gets out of the shower, he slings the towel over his neck or his shoulder. he also involuntarily flexes his biceps when he bends down to grab something. has the world's most defined deltoids.
when you're stuck in large crowds at the airport, he puts his hand in your back pocket to keep you two from getting separated. if the TSA pat-down is anywhere too personal for his liking, he will openly glare at the officer once you've passed the security checkpoint.
bonus point: when you two brush your teeth early in the morning, he has that little bed head where his shorn-off bangs stick up in cute little tufts here and there. will have a dead look on his face, but his eyes soften when he catches your gaze through the mirror.
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snghnlvr · 9 months
come on baby, don’t say that. / park sunghoon
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park sunghoon x fem reader
synopsis : you were curious whether or not your boyfriend was a possessive type so you tested it out.
includes: 1.4k words | fluff 4 sunghoon stans (aka me) , suggestive ending oohooolala | VAMP SUNGHOON | zb1 taerae appearance! | sunghoon is a menace but so is y/n… grrr possessive sunghoon … | both are simps but cuties patooties <33
extra: his part in the baby shark movie lives in my mind 24/7, i hear it everywhere anytime and it’s making me LOSE my damn sanity | the ONE fansign video of op asking questions to sunghoon about dating ggggrrrrrrr | literally last minute drabble i had , it was supposed to be posted for my birthday but studies got in the way .. ew studies…:// | en o’ clock reference⁉️
likes, comments and reposts are very appreciated <3
[below the cut]
curiosity perhaps did kill the cat.
you wore your favorite dress (also sunghoon’s favorite dress), styled your favorite into a bun with two strands on each side of your face, wore makeup to emphasize your face features and wore your favorite ruffled socks to put your loafers on.
you dolled yourself so much just for sunghoon’s attention, but on the bright side you felt pretty all dressed up.
you didn’t know what was purpose of doing this to yourself up when you didn’t have any plans.
one day, bored in your living room of both you and sunghoon’s apartment, you came across a video on your foryou page about possessive behavior in someone’s partner. it made you think about your boyfriend’s behavior; curiosity overwhelming your thoughts. you tried to imagine what your boyfriend will do if these scenarios were to happen.
so, you planned out a script - going to the movie theatre with your male friend, eating with your male friend, etc. ; literally spending a whole day with a male friend. heck, you can’t imagine doing those things with a male other than sunghoon. you don’t even have money in your wallet right now.
you’ve always known sunghoon as a quiet yet clingy type of boyfriend. he wasn’t openly expressive with his clinginess he would be subtle. even with that itself it made your heart pound like crazy. but you wanted to take a step further on how clingy he could get.
you stepped out of the room, already seeing sunghoon lying around in the living room couch with his eyes glued to the tv. his eyes immediately diverted to you, getting your loafers out in front of the door.
“where are you going?” he asked, his eyes scanning to your dressed up figure. you knew he was shamelessly checking you out. it made your heart flutter and somehow boosted up your ego. but you shouldn’t be phased by his attractive face.
he wanted to compliment you but he spoke without thinking. he wonders where your gorgeous self is going especially with that little dress you owned that he loves on your body. he wonders what was the special occasion.
you put on a soft smile while adjusting your shoes. you noticed that sunghoon stood up, eyes still checking you out and wonders how such a dress curves your body so well.
sunghoon had a small smirk with his hands on his pocket, abandoning the pillow on his lap. it flopped next to him.
you smelt sunghoon’s signature scent of musk and a blend of roses. he wore his favorite grey hoodie that was stained with his cologne. it was because you would borrow it.
now that sunghoon was in front of you, he continue to look at you as his arms slowly wrapped around your waist. that’s when you spoke. “mhm just going out.” you spoke sweetly to sunghoon but he kept you against the wall as the door was right next to the both of you but you didn’t comment. you knew he was trapping you.
“with who?” you noticed how sunghoon raised an eyebrow and how his expression slowly changed into a sad one that he wasn’t the person you’re going out with.
“just a friend of mine.” you looked up to sunghoon and noticed how your answer didn’t satisfied him so you pushed it further. “a male friend of mine.” you placed a hand on his chest, lightly playing with the strings of his hoodie.
“excuse me?” sunghoon spoke, slightly amused because usually you would hang out with your female friends.
your heart was starting to exhilarate when his voice octaves dropped. “hanbin? mark? jisung?” he started rambling of the guy friends that you had on the top of his head.
you were surprised at how many he remembered. is that a good thing?
sunghoon noticed your eyes widening so he took a deep breath and placed a soft smile that seemed a bit fake from your perspective.
“don’t go.”
what a contrast.
you almost snickered when you noticed sunghoon’s lips twitching, trying to lee his smile still but his hands wrapped around your waist, wrapped further until his hands reached his elbows. you were cold to him, close enough that your hands on his chest was the only barrier separating you two.
you found it somehow adorable to see him pouting.
you copied him. “taerae and i planned to go out and work work on our project for a while now.” you mentally apologized for using your friend’s name on the spot but you panicked to make something new on top of your head.
“where are you guys going?” you couldn’t handle sunghoon’s stare despite dating him so you looked down towards his buff chest. sometime about his stare sparked jealousy and agitated but he kept his mouth shut.
“we planned to watch a movie theatre together then a cafe and then the library.”
you swore when you looked up at sunghoon, he was frozen, mouth apart as he was speechless. his eyes started to twitch. he then blinked at you multiple times to see if you were joking.
well, you were. but you kept a serious face on which didn’t show any sort of crackling.
“it sounds more like a date.” you can tell his whiny tone with his words, lips pouting that made you want to pinch his cheeks but you held back.
you shook his head. “why would i have a date with taerae when i can have with you?” you tilted your head, chuckling at his remark. “you’re literally my boyfriend.” you giggled lightly.
sunghoon sighed. “then don’t go. i’ll help you with the project instead, heck i’ll go to taerae instead of you.” his eyes were showing pettiness that you can’t help but lightly giggle. you saw sunghoon’s grumpy expression as he kept you close to him.
you poked at his birth mole under his eye. “boop.” were the words you let out but it didn’t phase sunghoon, keeping his grumpy expression on.
“we don’t even attend the same college hoon.” sunghoon’s eyes soften when you easily roll off his nickname out loud. he rather rolled his eyes instead.
“i have to go soon,” you looked at the clock behind sunghoon’s figure. it was 2pm. you were surprised your acting has gone this far and you’re continuing. you thought it was fun to make your boyfriend jealous.
“hoon, let go of me.” your hands flew to his triceps, surprised at how his muscle flexed against your touch. you lightly touched his muscle which broke sunghoon’s grumpy expression again.
you looked at him with an eyebrow raise, hoping he would be persuaded to let you go but he shook his head like a kid.
“come on baby, don’t say that.”
your heart beat started pounding like crazy. you were astonished at the unexpected sentence. you suddenly stared at sunghoon, how a strand of hair was covering his eye so you unconsciously moved it behind his ear, eyes watching your actions. sunghoon stared at your lips, stained with your red lipstick.
“taerae can wait another day.” sunghoon started rubbing your back with his hands, making you frozen and loosing your train of thoughts.
yeah forget taerae.
“it would be amazing to show him how beautiful my girlfriend is but i want you to myself right now baby.” sunghoon started to lean closer, his hand cupping your jaw and slowly easing your cheek with his soft fingers.
you closed your eyes and leaned against his relaxing touch. “you sound possessive park.” you were satisfied with your act, chuckling slightly at how amused you are.
sunghoon giggled as well, his deep giggle erupting in him as you felt him leaning more into you. “mhmm maybe?” he shrugged with a smile.
you opened your eyes and see sunghoon staring at you with love and affection. you can’t help but to plant a lot of kisses to his lips. you saw sunghoon staring at your lips and you predicted what was gonna happen next.
“mhmm yeah.” you smiled mischievously at sunghoon, removing his arms from your waist and turned around towards the door which showed your back to him.
maybe you’re not done yet.
but before you can open the door, sunghoon wrapped his arms once again which prevented you from not moving. your hands reached to the cold door handle but didn’t touch. his hands gripped your hips which indicated a new side of your boyfriend, park sunghoon.
sunghoon’s lips pecked your neck. “not on my watch.” his hot breath contrasted your cold skin, tickling you.
your heart paused at his actions.
you felt your boyfriend’s chest against your back, giving you instant warmth to your cold, clammy skin. his hug was very comforting and at this point you gave up with your little skit.
“possessive and back hugging me? how romantic.” you chuckled. you felt a sharp pain in the side of your neck, “ow!” you shouted in shock when it was sunghoon’s playful behavior of showing his love. you knew sunghoon had fangs and he unfortunately is abusing that characteristic of his by biting you. you rather found it his fangs adoring yet a bit hot that your boyfriend looked like an actual vampire.
you felt sunghoon’s tongue’s slowly soothing that area when he licked your pain away; like a cat. you smiled when he hugged you tighter as his face was dug into your neck as if you’ll disappear.
sunghoon abruptly stopped hugging you but rather grabbed your hand, dragging you across the hallway towards the bed that both of you live in, filled with smiles and flustered cheeks.
thank you for reading<3 hope you enjoyed!
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Simon screwing you in the shower.
The warm water dripped over your bodies like rain, coating everything inside of the shower with a layer of wetness. Sealed inside the oasis, a thick layer of heavy condensation filled the air, making all that you touched from each other to the walls slick.
Simon's large hand dug into your hip, making sure he had a good, strong grip on your thigh that he held up against his side so that he could thrust inside you easily.
Your hand was pressed against the foggy glass of the shower door, using it as a bit of leverage to keep you steady while those wide, muscular hips of his ground into your own as they rolled his cock into your pussy over and over again.
"Fuckin' hell," that husky voice hit your ears over the sound of the running water. His raw lips had just disconnected from around the tender flesh of your neck to move higher up towards your ear as he left a trail of burning kisses all along the moist surface.
Head back as he worked his magic, you felt him hum into your skin, his hips never loosing speed as he kept that's delirious rhythm steady on. "Cannot get enough of ya," he growled. "Even when I'm inside ya, I need more. I'm fuckin desperate, luv. Goddamn desperate."
Two beefy arms shoved you back suddenly as Simon pulled out of you, making you hit the back wall with a light thud as your body bounced off of it, but quickly you were scooped back up as he wrapped those arms back around your waist to hoist you up, making you throw your legs around him to hold on.
"Goddammit, I can't take it, need more... now," the desperation in his tone made your legs vibrate. Your clit twinged as he moved in and caught your lips with his own, squatting down so that he could realign his cock with your entrance and strike back up into you in one smooth motion.
All this wet, all this warmth, all this tepid flesh at his disposal, that only made the primal part of himself gain full control. As your bodies slipped and slid across each other, your back pressed firmly against the shower wall as your tits were pressed into his chest, he could do nothing more that rut into you like some beast hell bent on getting what was his.
His pace caught right back up to where it was seconds before, not a moment to spare. "You've put me under a spell, ya bitch," he grunted with the force of his thrusts. "I can't stop fuckin' pining for this tight little pussy. Gonna go fuckin' mad."
Your forearms wrapped around his broad shoulders as you held on while he bucked wildly in and out of you. The muscles in his back contracted and released under your fingertips, another sign of just how desperately rough his movements were.
His flesh was on fire, burning for you and only you, and even the water from the shower head was no help in taming it's flames. There was a part of him that worried he would not be able to stop until he had completely devoured everything inch of you; that was how strong his need was.
"Mine," he claimed aloud as you whimpered into his shoulder, his cock hitting that specific bundle of nerve ending inside you. "You're all mine, sweetheart. Ya got that? I can't fuckin' stand the thought of anyone else havin' ya, ever."
"Yes," you breathed, "say it again baby."
He smirked. "You're mine, mine. No one else can ever fuckin' touch ya. I ain't ever sharin' all this beauty."
A blanket of steamy air surrounded you both as the hot warm continued to pour in, locking out the entire world from the inside of the shower so it felt you were a million miles away. To be in such a place, in the throws of passion as Simon declared his claim to you, it was all so overwhelming that your body ached lustfully for release.
Fingernails dug into his back as the last bits of your sanity had you clinging on for dear life, the raw lines across his shoulder blades stinging from the water pouring down the contours of his back. "Goddamn, I just wanna keep my cock buried in you foreva," he hissed at your delicious roughness as your hips rolled over him, the pressure nearly at its peak. You were panting like a bitch in heat and he was doing everything he could to push you over the edge.
Pumping in and out of you with everything he had, his head wandered down the front of your chest as he squat down a little more, his mouth hungrily searching for it's prize. Finally he is able to reach your tit and greedily he took the nipple into his mouth, sucking on the supple flesh as the tip of his tongue rolled around the silk smooth areola.
God your soft breast felt like heaven in between his lips, the damned flesh so juicy. He had to press his body even harder into your own to keep you from slipping, but it was worth it just to keep your tit locked in his mouth.
"Fuck, Simon," you moaned, your fingers running up the back on his neck to his head where you tangled them into his short, wet locks. That mouth was making you vibrate as the sensation of suction sent shocks of pleasure tingling down your spine.
Not one to ever leave any man behind, Simon unlatched from the first breast to give the other the same amount of attention. It was all too much, the pumping between your legs mixed with the tingling sensation at your breasts, and that heated pressure began gathering in the pit of your stomach, about to violently through you off.
Your hips ground more into him, he knows that telltale sign that you are close. Amber eyes met yours again as he moved back up to his full height; he needed to see it, the look in your eyes as you come.
"I know you're close, luv," he says assuredly. "That's it sweetheart, come for me. Come all over my fuckin' cock. Goddammit I need you to come for me...so bad..."
Simon had to have it, you orgasm; he needed to know that your body responded to his in that very precise way that would make sure you'd never stray. He desperately needed to be the one to get you off. And as he staved off his own orgasm, he would.
"Don't stop," you begged as your head fell back against the wall... as if Simon would ever even dream of such a thing.
"Not until your legs are fuckin' quakin', sweetheart."
His thighs were burning with shooting pain as he continued to squat under you, but he didn't stop; it was worthy any amount of discomfort to see you come completely undone.
Your fingers in his hair clenched down, yanking wildly at his hair as with a few more precise thrusts that warmth finally shot through your torso and you rocked forward against with a cry.
"A-ah... f-f-fuck..." you stammered as your orgasm shook through you.
"That's it," Simon coaxed you through it, "ride it all the fuckin' way with me, luv...almost there..."
And not even a few seconds more he followed suit, a gravely roar ripping through his chest as he milked himself completely dry, his body convulsing with the strength of his ejaculation; fuck did you always make him come so hard.
"G-goddamn..." he said through heavy breaths, his soaking head coming to rest with it's forehead against your shoulder.
He did not let you go until you had both calmed, just letting the sound of the running water and your breathing lull you both back down. Picking up his head from your body, he laid a breathless kiss up on your lips, his face resting against your own from sheer exhaustion.
"Told ya you'd fuckin' enjoy it," he said, playful smile plastered to those full lips.
Carefully he set you back on your feet, your legs wobbling tiredly from the exertion. "You could make me enjoy anything," you admitted freely. "We'll have to do it again sometime."
Simon's fingers twirled the loose, wet strands of your hair between them. "You got it wrong, luv, ya see it's you that could make me enjoy any fuckin' thing. My beautiful girl, I'd have a right ol time in hell if you were the one to take me there."
His large hand lingered against your cheek, his thumb stroking the soft, supple skin. "You've got me fuckin' whipped, sweetheart, and I am more than fine to keep it that way."
He held you close, peppering your cheeks with stray kisses as he moved you both back fully under the shower head, ready to clean up the delicious mess he had just made.
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floatyflowers · 2 months
Non-supe Reader's reaction to her Father, Homelander's plan to take over the USA and for the supes to be in control.
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"You see me as a cattle that deserves to die"
Homelander watches as you scream at him, your eyes glassing in distress.
"I don't see you as such, why would I think of you like that when I was the one who raised you"
Your eyes finally meets his own eyes, while you shook your head in disbelief.
"Firecracker told what you are up to, you are going to enslave the non-supes and those who stand against you will be imprisonated, you want the supes to be seen as wrathful gods" you explain, making Homelander roll his eyes.
"You are my daughter, you fucking came from me, I would never think any less of you-"
You cut him off, backing away from him when he tries to walk closer to you as to comfort you.
"But you already do! How many times did you not respect my choice to be independent? You see me as a toy" you exclaim.
Homelander's enraged experission strikes a sense of fear inside of you, but deep down you know that he won't harm you.
Because, in the end, you have been with your father for more then twenty years ever since you were born, unlike Ryan, it's Homelander who raised you since childhood.
Ever since John was in his late teens.
"I'm doing my best to keep you and Ryan happy, but both of you are ungrateful"
Suddenly, your father grabs you by your neck, pulling you closer to him.
"You are mine, I don't care if you are some weak human, but you come from me flash and blood, therefore I own you"
Homelander's blue eyes is glinting with insanity at the thought of losing you.
For him, you are the first family mamber he could build the familial bond with, just to ease his childhood trauma of not having a family.
That's why he threatened your mother with death if she tried to put you up for adoption or abort you.
Despite being only seventeen at the time, and acting immature, Homelander believed he would be the best father.
If he loses you, then he would lose the last bit of sanity he has left in him.
"You have nowhere to go, I'm your father, I'm your creator, I'm your god"
At that moment, you think of one solution to get out of this insane mess.
Billy Butcher and the boys.
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hoshifighting · 14 days
hello! hi there,
i'm bring you a request. if you've already done this one ignore me haha but:
how do you think each member would call you 'slut' during sex?
pwease 👐🏻
(i'm hannieween)
a/n: HANNIEWEEN YOU'RE HERE!!! hihihi got so excited! thank you for the request, very interesting. surprisingly, I think all of them would call their partner slut at sex, only the tone changes 🥴!!!! love you sm!! ❤️🥺
WARNINGS: smut, 'slut calling/shamming'.
seungcheol’s rough when he says it, like he’s claiming something that’s always been his. the grip he has on your hips is brutal, holding you in place as you try to move, but it’s impossible under his strength. “fuckin’ slut,” he growls against your ear. Ii’s not even a question—he knows exactly what you are for him, and he’ll make sure you remember.hHis hand moves to your throat, squeezing just enough to keep you breathless. “oh my god, taking it like my dirty little slut.”
jeonghan’s way of saying it feels almost like he’s laughing at you, the tease never leaving his voice. he’s soft, slow, and smirking because he knows he’s got you wrapped around his finger. “mmm, you like being my little slut, huh?” he’s got that sweet smile on his face, like he’s amused by how your react. you’re desperate for more, and he knows it, keeping the pace just slow enough to drive you crazy. “mm, yeah, I knew you liked it. only mine, though. no one else gets to touch my slut.”
joshua’s got that angelic face, so when he calls you a slut, it almost catches you off guard, its surprisingly dirty. his tone is low, almost whispering. “you’re so good for me, baby. my perfect little slut.” his fingers dig into your skin as he pulls you closer, his breath hot against your ear. he doesn’t have to raise his voice or growl, the softness makes it hit harder.
junhui, i personally think he has this ability to blend affection with filth, making it feel both loving and degrading at the same time. his voice is steady, calm even, but there’s a rough edge to it. “look at you, my pretty little slut.”
hoshi would say it in the most impulsive way, when he calls you a slut, it’s really reaaally spontaneous, like he can’t hold it in anymore. “fuck, you’re such a slut for me, look at you taking all of my cock.” he’s panting, his sanity, gone, hips snapping against yours in quick bursts, his grip tightening as if he’s trying to ground himself. there’s nothing really calculated about it, just raw emotion spilling out, you know how he is.
wonwoo is almost clinical with the way he says it, like he’s studying you, watching how you react to every word, every touch. he smiles when you whimper under his touch, under his words. “yeah, you love it when I call you that, don’t you? when I make you feel like this.”
woozi likes to calls you a slut like he’s savoring the word on his mouth, knowing exactly how it’ll affect you. his voice is smooth, totally contradictory to the word. “you really like when i call you my slut, don't you? i know baby... my good slut...” he is really intentional, knowing that you are going to clench hard as fuck around his cock. “yeah, i thought so. no one else gets to make you feel like this, only me. you’re my slut, remember that.”
minghao would call you in a soft-spoken way, but you feel that tone piercing too. minghao’s the type to make everything feel intimate, even when he’s calling you a slut. “feeling good? hm? slut!” he will be whispering it right into your ear, his hand tracing down your back as he sets a slow, torturous pace. “come on, don’t be shy. tell me how much you love being my slut.”
mingyu would fill his mouth with the word, it escapes without pity, without sympathy, no hesitation in the way he says it. “moan louder slut, show the world that you are mine, MY slut.” he knows how to keep you on edge, making it impossible to think straight. he chuckles softly when you nod, barely able to speak. “say it. tell me you’re my slut.”
seokmin might be all smiles and blablabla, but in the sex, he’s got this dirty side that comes out of nowhere. “god, you’re such a slut for this, aren’t you? swallow all of me mhmm, just like that.” he’s laughing, but it’s not mean—it’s like he’s having fun with you, enjoying how much you’re gagging on his cock, or how you cant control yourself when the topic is him.
seungkwan’s got that sass we all know already, so when he calls you a slut, it’s like he’s challenging you, pushing you to react. his voice is sharp, but there’s a playfulness behind it that keeps it from feeling too harsh. “oh, my baby, my slut, ah—you enjoy being my slut right?” he’s got that smug look on his face, knowing exactly how much he’s riling you up, but he ends up folding seeing how you react.
vernon’s voice shakes a little when he says it, like he’s still surprised by how much he wants you, how far he’s willing to go. “you’re ma fuckin’ slut,” he says with that new yorker accent 😫, his hands gripping your ass as he pulls you against him. “yeah, that’s right. all mine.” he’s not used to losing control like this, but with you, it’s different maybe because he loves seeing how flustered you get, how you can’t even look him in the eyes when he says it.
chan has nothing playful about it, no teasing, no room for argument. his voice is rough when he says it, like he’s holding back everything he wants to do to you. likes to watch you squirm with the 'degrading name' he says it like it’s a joke, but there’s a fire behind his eyes that tells you he’s dead serious. “ah-ah look at me, be a good slut, or i will leave you here just like this, wet and horny.”
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6ix9inewiturmom · 2 months
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Mine- Christopher Sturniolo
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Summary: You’re on stream with the triplets and you come on the screen and the chat goes CRAZY, starts hitting on you, calling you beautiful, andChris gets a little jealous and decides to remind you of who you belong to…
Warnings: SMUTTTT, Dom!Chris,Sub!Reader, p in v, Unprotected sex (practice safe sex please), degradation, praising, oral (fem receiving), (idk what else i missed)
A/N: UMMM THIS WAS REQUESTED A LONG TIME AGO BUT TY FOR REQ THIS SO SORRY ITS TAKEN ME SO LONG, Chris is low-key like ROUGH in this.. Could u tell I'm ovulating
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Chris and I have been dating in the public eye for about 2 ish weeks now, but in private it's been 2 years, surprisingly the fans took it a lot better than he and I both expected. I've received more love than hate, occasionally I'll get a 14-year-old girl in my DMs or comment section talking about stealing her man or whatever.
Today was the first time the Triplets had streamed on their Twitch channel in a couple of months now, so obviously Chris invited me for our first actual Twitch stream since being out in the public eye.
“Hey, baby...” i slowly walk a little timid after trying to compose myself to join the stream.
Chris squeals softly excited to see me finally join the stream “Hi ma, glad to see you finally keeping me company” he pats his lap for me to sit, and I smile softly adjusting myself on his thigh.
I giggled softly looking through the chat. “Hey someone named Ellie just subscribed”
“SHES A PRO ALREADY” Nick yells.
Instead of focusing on the game, Chris was playing I found myself looking through their chat.
The4thtriplet: Shes stunning oh my god
Crybaby19853: this is how I find out Chris has a girlfriend? But wait why is she like absolutely beautiful.
The chat was flooding with compliments about me and how Chris bagged me or them not understanding how Chris pulled me.
“Awe Chris your fans are so sweet look” I smiled at him as he glanced at the chat screen his eyes darkened watching 35k people hitting on me, and even a couple wanting me to start an Onlyfans which to protect my sanity and privacy I would never.
“Yeah I know I got a hot girlfriend” Chris sort of rolls his eyes before focusing his eyes back to the screen.
“Thank you, everyone,” I softly giggle as Chris’ hand snaked around my waist gripping it a little hard.
I was bombarded with comments in the chat, responding to questions about Chris and me while the boys kept playing Fortnite. Unbeknownst to me, it was disturbing Chris, as he began muttering curse words under his breath, a rare occurrence unless he's truly angry.
“I don't know about you guys but I'm super fucking tired,” Chris says while clicking out of the match, now using both of his hands and wrapping them around my waist.
“we’ll see you when we see you,” Matt says ending the stream
Chris groans as the stream ends leaning back in his chair and running his fingers through his hair. “Get on the bed”
“Hm?” I turn my head to face him furrowing my eyebrows.
“You fucking heard me Y/N, don’t be a fucking stubborn brat” Chris says coldly.
“O-okay” I obeyed hopping off his lap walking around to the bed and lying down resting myself on my elbows.
Chris walked over hovering over me between my legs and caressing my cheek with his thumb “Such a greedy fucking whore,” he chuckled softly “fishing for compliments from other people” he shook his head leaning down and colliding his lips with mine hungrily. He wrapped his hand around my throat applying just the right amount of pressure getting a soft moan out of me, sending an invitation to explore my mouth. While exploring my mouth his hand travels down my body yanking down the sleep shorts I walked around the house in all day making them bunch up around my ankles. He pulls away softly smirking down at me fully removing my underwear and the rest of my shorts throwing them across the room.
He settles between my legs using his finger and gliding it up and down my wet, aching pussy. “So fucking beautiful,” he says as his voice drops into a husk. He analyzes my face as he slowly glides his finger into me watching as my breath hitches. “And so fucking wet” he chuckled dipping his head down and kitty-licking my clit while pumping his finger in and out of me.
“O-oh s-s-shit Chris” i moan out “s-so fucking good”
He harshly sucks my clit taking it between his teeth while he adds a second finger into me curling his finger up and hitting that hard-to-reach spot.
My back arches off the mattress watching him enjoy every inch of me in his mouth. he began pumping faster into me making my moans turn into whimpers “S-So f-fucking close” I breath out.
Chris groans against the taste of my arousal all over his mouth “Cum” he mutters diving into my pussy like his last meal, pumping faster in and out of me.
“CHRIS” I squeal finally snapping that knot in my abdomen all over his mouth and fingers. I sit up balancing my weight against my elbows looking at him and wiping his mouth against his forearm and undressing himself.
“The first one was free, you’re working for the next few” he grins beginning to take off his boxers as his aching, red cock.
My eyes widened “W-what?” I stuttered.
“You didn't think I was done with you, did you?” he comes now laying between my legs, his face just inches away from mine, and rubbing his cock through my sensitive folds.
I softly nodded batting my eyelashes at him. “Oh? Don't be so naive baby” he coos, continuing to rub his tip against my folds. “I'm far from done with you” his chuckle was almost sadistic, I'd never seen him like this but holy mother of pearl it was turning me on so fucking fast.
He aligned his cock with my entrance pushing his tip in slowly then pulling back out a couple of times, teasing my entrance, making me whine from the loss of contact. “You want it?” he says grabbing my chin and making me look at him.
I nodded violently stuffing my bottom lip out for him. “You beg for what you want Y/N” his voice turned husk.
“P-please Chris” I whined as his tip continued to push in and out of me.
“Please what, princess?” he glides his thumb over my bottom lip while giving me a faux sympathy look on his face.
“P-please fuck me, Chris,” I stated confidently swallowing a lump in my throat.
He chuckles before pushing his length farther into me “Such a pretty mouth, begging so nicely” he smirks fully bottoming out in me, making my eyes touch my brain.
"God you don't know how bad I missed fucking this little pussy of yours," Chris smirked. "That's right, princess. I want you until you see fucking stars. I won't even fucking stop if someone sees or hears. You're mine, understand? You're my little fuck toy," he husked.
I whimpered at his words. I'd never been more aroused than I was right then. He began to regain his fast pace, as I cried out in pleasure.
"Fuck, Chris!" I shouted. This seemed to turn Chris on even more as he thrust into me even harder, making my tits bounce.
"Chris, Chris, Chris," I moaned.
Chris grunted, leaned his head towards my neck, and latched his lips onto my soft skin. He took my skin in between his teeth and sucked forcefully.
"That's gonna leave a mark, Chris, stop," I Whined.
He pulled away and smirked. "I know, that's the point, you dirty little slut, I want people to see you belong to ME” his thrusts maintained a brutal pace while attacking my cervix.
“F-Fu-Fuckk” I stuttered as my legs began to shake around his torso. “Cl-Close” I choked out.
“No” his voice husked in my ear as his hand made a fist next to my head to support his weight and his harsh movements. “Do you deserve to cum?” he hummed in my ear.
“Y-yes p-lease, Chris” I begged between my moans.
“You Cum with me or not at all got it?” he grunts out sitting up and wrapping his hand around my throat and squeezing the sides just enough to make the pleasure more intensifying.
“Mhm,” I moaned out looking at him and giving him doe-eyes that I knew he couldn't resist.
“Nu-uh, words, understand?” he squeezed my throat a little harder.
“Y-Yes s-Sir” i wept, the pleasure of him repeatedly pounding my cervix and the way his veins popped out of his forearm while wrapped around my throat became almost uncontrollable, the knot in my stomach could burst at any moment now.
He smirked at my response “My greedy girl, just so pitiful, begging for that release,” he grunted “Hold it for a couple of seconds okay, beautiful? Can you do that for me?” he bit his lip removing his hand from my throat to brush the hair on my face away, smiling down at me.
“C-Cant” I shook my head squeezing my eyes shut as tears of overstimulation began forming at the corners of my eyes.
“Yes, you can pretty girl, I'm almost there alright? Just keep squeezing me so good baby” he moves his hand down my body slowly and agonizing down to my clit and toying with it while maintaining his attack on my pussy.
“FUCK” I squeal arching my back off the bed. My moans became whimpers as my makeup began to run from the tears now streaming down my face “C-Cum-Cumming” I let out a scream of pleasure as my orgasm hit me like 14 busses and I squirted all over him and everything else in the way.
“That's it,” he coos “Keep cumming for me, let it all out” he continued as his thrusts became sloppier chasing after his own release. 
“Such a good fucking girl for me baby,” he smiles as his last couple of thrusts in me painted my once pink walls a nice shade of white. He slowly pulls out of me being careful not to hurt me. “Let me clean you up yeah?” his smile made me smile back at him as he left quickly to his bathroom to grab a lukewarm washrag. He slowly drags it down my legs and carefully wipes my cum covered pussy making me wince “I know ma, I know” he coos throwing the rag into the pile of clothes we left on the floor.
“You okay?” he chuckled admiring my fucked-out expression.
“Mhm, I'm good” I smiled moving my body to face his
“I wasn't too rough on you was I?” he smiles moving my hair behind my ears.
“Honestly, you were perfect” I smiled leaning into his touch.
“I'm sorry I got a little possessive, I'm trying to get used to the whole ‘the public relationship’ type thing, I'm still used to keeping you my little secret,” he says softly kissing my forehead and pulling my body closer to his.
A pound at the door quickly broke up this once peaceful pillow talk moment “HEY FREAKS!” Nick yells “SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO FUCKING SLEEP” he continued before walking away from the door and slamming his own door.
Chris and I chuckled as I nuzzled my head into his chest. “Do you wanna watch Sponge Bob? Or gossip girl?” he says running his fingers through my hair
“Whatever you want” I smiled before fastly falling asleep wrapped in his arms.
Chris looked at me falling asleep on him smiled down at me shook his head, admiring how peaceful and soundly I slept intertwined with his own body.
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A/N PT2: GUYS IDK WHAT HORMONE MONSTER ATTACKED ME BUT LIKE I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED THIS!! I love you all and i hope you all have a blessed and amazing day! 🩷
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coffee-and-tea-time · 4 months
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…we seem to have drifted from our original plans with this account-
I call dibs on the dilf then
No, back off, he's mine🤺
Word count: 1.6k (the very first long post) (subtle brag)
TW: hinted yandere behavior but soft since it's the introduction, monster/non-human, written in you/yours, don't expect it to make much sense it's a liminal space that we created with things that came along the way and a bit of the backrooms wiki, human! reader is confused but interested (willing? Mostly confused)
“ugh… What time is it?”
You go grab your phone, annoyed that your stomach managed to wake you up. Maybe you really do need to eat something before trying to go back to sleep, though it's too comfy being in the warmth of the blankets…  still, a loud grumble from your belly ruined your plans, with no other option left, you sight and reluctantly got out of bed with your phone in hand, however, as you were making your way to go to the kitchen, you heard the distinctive ping of your phone's notifications which made you turn around to see… you have your phone in hand, why is there a replica of your phone on your bed?
You get closer, thinking it's surely something else and your eyes deceived you because of the dim lighting, when you grab that second ‘phone’ you got even more confused, is a perfect replica of your own, you even compared them both side to side wondering if you finally went insane but you didn’t get enough time to question your sanity as you start to feel extremely dizzy, like everything around you is spinning around so damn fast you can't even tell if you were the one moving or see properly at all, you close your eyes in hopes that it will prevent you from getting nauseous.
"Why is feeling so fucking chilly?"
You said in a shiver as you feel yourself fall, this time you know you are really moving, why? Because your face hits the snowy ground… Snowy ground? 
You move yourself a little too fast for a person that just kissed the ground with so much force, all you can see around you is softly falling snow through what looks like a residential street. 
The night sky a little too black, there were no lights that you could clearly see from just a swift look around, no stars, and… no clouds, the sky was pitch black, yet the houses were illuminated with a slight glow from moonlight even as the moon was nowhere in sight. 
The place was eerie to say the least, the overwhelming quietness of it all almost a warning of danger. There were no sounds of people, no distant murmurs of far away conversation, no barks from pets, no chirping of shivering birds.
This place is nothing like any place you've ever been in but it still gives you a nostalgic feeling. 
What can you do to return to your home? 
You start walking, maybe you should knock on a house with the lights on? It can be dangerous but there aren't a lot of options, one thing is sure, when you return home, you're gonna go to the hospital for a check-up, mental or physical? You aren't sure yet.
You thoughts were stopped when you catch a silhouette not so far away, seems the darkness makes it hard to see properly, but it's seems like the shadow of a little girl making a snowman, the sight relieves you somewhat and you decide to approach, asking the little girl is far more secure that knocking on randoms doors.
"Excuse me, little miss! It seems like I got lost, is there an adult with you that can tell me which street this is?"
You said out loud, it seems like the little one hears you when she tilts her head a little and moves her arms around cutely, the girl seems eager for you to come closer although you can't really tell if she is looking at you or not, it's odd, even as you get closer, you still see a shadow more than a child.
And then, you feel a soft and cold touch on top of your head, the faint snowing plus the silence makes you feel like you could hear as the soft snowflakes fell around you, like your sense of hearing heightened from the sheer lack of any other sounds. 
That being said, you couldn't help but jump when the loud sound of the door opening abruptly met your ears and even more when you hear like somebody is running behind you, you quickly look back but all you can see is snow and darkness. 
You return your gaze to the child, and got even more taken aback to find a shadow shaped like a abnormally tall man with horns sticking out of the dark smoke that seems to shape his 'hair' in front of you, and in the blink of an eye, you were picked up by 'him', he ran faster that you ever thought was possible, before you can even breathe, you already were inside of a house still in the man's arms, his hands under your armpits cupping you up like a soggy cat.
You try not to panic, as you let your eyes inspect the place, only one thing is sure: if it is dangerous, it is better not to test his patience, horror movies taught you better than that.
You feel something really cold hugging your leg, you gaze slowly going downwards only to find what you think is the little girl you saw earlier… seems like your eyes didn’t trick you before, it is in fact, a silhouette, a pitch black outline of a child.
What in the world is going on?
Well, at least they seem to understand you, the little one let go of your leg and gestured, trying to explaining you everything with charades, you would find it very lovable and adorable in any other occasion; your focus on the kid quickly interrupted by the man's hold of you shifting, his hands coiling around you and pressing you to his chest in what felt like a hug, your feet don't even touch the ground, you can feel thought your pajamas the cold emanating from his.. body? Well, unlike his gastly looking hair, the rest of his body did feel more solid, seems like even shadows can have a sleeper build… 
Wait, what?
Before you can think of anything else, your stomach growls, right, you were about to fetch yourself some food before you ended up here, though, their reaction to the grumble of your stomach amused you, how the tiny blank eyes of the little girl widened, them both freezing in a second of shock before the man ran again with you in his arms.
You can sense the toddler running after you two as the man runs into what seems like a rather luxurious kitchen, your bare feet finally meet the rather warm floor again although you still don't have time to relax as the shadow man tries to hurriedly feed you a spoonful of baking powder.
“I’m sorry but I can’t eat that…”
You anxiously try to explain why you can’t just eat baking powder, hoping he didn’t take it the wrong way and lucky for you, he seems more concerned than anything, his.. mouth? twitches making more of a weary expression, at least you think so as he hurried to open all of the cabinets and even the fridge, letting you look through everything to search for something you could actually eat.
You sense a gentle tug on your pajama's shirt, when you look down, you were met with the little girl shyly offering you a fruit that you can actually eat, so you gladly accept it, you can’t help but find the shadow duo cute as they start cheering between themselves, seemingly celebrating that they found something that you can eat, you kind of want to take a photo but well, you don’t have your phone and probably if you had it, you would be calling for help rather than recording cute moments.
You start to relax on the chair as you eat, the adrenaline slowly wearing off of your body and with that comes the pain, right, you slammed on the ground a few minutes ago, you feel your body between a state of numbness and pain, you can't help but to winche because of that, which make the duo approach you again quickly.
“Sorry, i-is nothing, I just… need some sleep”
You come up with a quick excuse, even though they are weirdly kind and seems harmless, just in case, it's better to avoid mentioning any injury or damage since you still don't 100% trust how they'd react, you trust the outside even less though. Your mind plays back to that running you heard behind you before the shadowy man took you away, the memory still sending shivers down your spine. To escape from them without proper knowledge of how things work here sounds dumb.
As you were lost in thought, the tall man scooped you up once again, this time his cold touch felt gentler than before, you start to wonder if he sees you as a cat of some sort but there is no use in asking since these creatures don't seem like they know how to speak.
He walked you upstairs into what seemed like the master bedroom and gently tucked you into the bed with a soft pat on your head, you start to sense that these shadows love being affectionate, a little touchy feely; Maybe is the contrast of his cold body with your warmer human body, you can’t really blame him, the smoke that he has for hair seems really soft to the touch too…
For better or for worse, he stood up straight again and start checking the lock on the windows, making sure they were well covered, only opening the door to invite the child in, who quickly layed besides you handing you a little book, a bedtime story, with a smile, You find endearing the fact they so eagerly want to hear a story, but a chill runs to your spine when you hear the tall man locking the door and then laying down on the other side of the bed beside you.
The night ends up peacefully although the exhaustion wins over your sense of self preservation, you slowly drifting off to sleep after reading the story to the little girl.
sorry for any misspellings or weird sentence structure ❣
images from pinterest
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catcze · 10 months
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While you were both dancing around... whatever kind of relationship you have, you had become intimately familiar with the fact that Wriothesley loved to call you terms of endearment. From anyone else, you'd gag and cringe at the cheesiness of the pet names, but somehow Wriothesley just made them work. Even some of the most cliche ones ever— My Heart. Love. Amour.
You had just been getting used to it, had just been getting used to fighting down the unbidden curl of your lips whenever he calls you by these names, when he decided to change things up a little.
"Hey, mon cœur, come take a look at this for a sec," Wriothesley says easily, barely even looking up from the newspaper in his hand. You, however, stop in your tracks.
Mon cœur. My love. Mine.
You're not entirely sure when Wriothesley started adding 'my' to the beginning of each of his cheesy little pet names, but you can't deny that every time you hear it, it sends you into a flustered little tizzy. You try to beat back the flutter of the butterflies in your stomach, try to fight down the heat that finds itself at your neck and the tips of your ears. Goodness, you have to will yourself not to hide your face in your hands, if only because that would make your predicament that much more obvious to him.
You nearly jump out of your skin when the very object of your embarrassment stands before you, his hand light on your shoulder. His brows are furrowed in concern, the back of his hand already raised to your forehead in a soft touch as if to check for a fever.
"Are you alright?" he asks, other arm holding you steady. You need the support, but not for the reasons he might think.
“Yeah— yeah,” you say, trying to shake yourself out of it. Trying to banish the thought of him calling you my love for the sake of your own sanity. “Yeah, I’m fine, no need to worry.”
“You sure? You’ve been kind of out of it recently.”
You gulp, gaze unsubtly trying to drift away. For a second you debate between being honest and merely shelving the topic for another time, but... something about his concern makes you want to dissuade his worries, even at the cost of your own pride.
Painstakingly, you try to clear your throat. “Yeah, I just…the… the pet names, they…”
Wriothesley raises a brow, blinking for just a second before a smug, pleased little grin finds its way onto his lips. “Oh? You mean, the little additions I added to them?” And when you only nod once, unable to look him in the eye despite how physically close you both are, his grin widens.
For the sake of your dignity, your racing heart and the steady heat crawling up your face, you wish that he’d give the teasing a break, but instead Wriothesley comes closer half a step, wraps both arms around you and leans down close enough that you can see the way the blue in his eyes shifts with the light.
“Does it get you all flustered when I call you mine, mon cœur?” He practically purrs, just to prove a point. It makes you swallow heavily, makes you want to smack him out of sheer embarrassment.
You do, in fact, try to slap him on the chest but he just laughs like it was nothing— curse him and his muscles.
But he manages to catch your hand by the wrist before you can draw it back, placing a sweet kiss on the back of your hand, and you come undone.
He holds your hand tenderly, his arm still wrapped around you, keeping you cradled against his chest
"You know," Wriothesley admits softly, leaning close and keeping his voice low, like it's a secret he wants to share only with you. His smile is boyish. Cute. Filled to the brim with affection and honey. "I'm actually really happy that you like it, because I really like thinking that I'm yours, too."
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kazumist · 3 months
note: happy july 7th! kinda messy but oh well. i wrote this while i was on the verge of napping tbh. always remember to not beg a man to post you today and let them take the initiative 🎀
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suna felt like he was going to lose his sanity any moment now.
there was nothing special about the seventh of july, holiday speaking. but ever since taylor swift seemed to release her version of her speak now album, people have made it a tradition to post their partners to the song “mine” on the seventh of july.
of course, you weren't going to beg your boyfriend to post about you. you knew better than that! but you decided to leave some not-so-subtle hints for him.
both of your phones kept playing the fifteen second clip of it whenever either of you opened instagram. it was starting to piss suna because he can't really hear anything else besides that—hell, even his for you page on tiktok got consumed by that song!
“hey, rin. it feels nice to be posted on mine. it's cute.”  you say, as you admire the post your friend did for you (at least they would post you; your boyfriend is another story). this was attempt number one—not so slick, if you were to be honest.
he only hums in reply. attempt number one: a fail.
attempt number two was a bit more natural than the last. “oh my god! rin, did you know these two were dating?” you asked him, showing him your screen. it was someone you both knew—someone who was apparently with someone you didn't expect to be with. (though suna could only care less because he doesn't really remember the guy.)
rintaro raises his eyebrow, taking in the details of the instagram story being shown to him. “oh? good for them.” was all he said. attempt number two: another fail.
you didn't really even bother trying for attempt number three. only because you didn't want to embarrass yourself further in front of your boyfriend. he doesn't want to post about you? then so be it! it's just a simple trend anyway.
but the next morning you woke up to a notification of rintaro mentioning you on his story—where it was a candid picture of you with mine playing.
you are the best thing that's ever been mine.
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hoshiwhore · 5 months
pairing: fiance!soonyoung x fem!reader
genre: smut + fluff(?) (towards the end?)
warnings: breeding kink, dirty talk.
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with your pussy stretched wide open on soonyoung's dick, you are a babbling mess. "right th- right there," you wail, voice close to breaking.
"yeah?" he pushes in harder and you swear you're starting to see white.
you thrust up, trying to match his pace and the action makes your tits jiggle. he reaches up to grab your breast, thumb grazing over your hardened nipple and you gasp.
"so sensitive," he unexpectedly pinches the bud and you let out a whine, throwing your head back in pleasure.
"they'll be sore by the time i'm done with you," he pistons his hips harder and you let the whine turn into a moan.
the bed creaks and the headboard starts hitting against the wall as he lets out a groan. "when i get you pregnant- fuck you full of my cum, these will be fucking swollen."
unable to speak, you mewl, clenching around him at his filthy words- "yeah, you like that? tell me you want it."
"soonyoung, please," thrashing, you arch your back, "i want it so bad, baby."
he bites his lip at the sight of you begging under him and as per your request, he snaps his hips fucking your wet heat harder and faster.
"that's my doll," he praises, "letting me have my way with her pretty pussy."
you feel your orgasm approaching as your legs quiver under his unforgiving pace. you can tell he was close as well. with strands of hair sticking onto his forehead, his voice wavers and his huge length throbs inside you as he continues to fuck you brutally.
"everyone will know you're fucking mine," he lowers himself to kiss your jaw and nibbles on your neck. "they'll know how you were so needy, so desperate for my cock that-" he rolls his hips, kissing behind your ear, "-that you spread your legs for me and let- let me fuck you raw."
you whimper, pressing your chest against his as he continues to press wet, messy kisses on your neck and shoulder. "i'm gonna fuck you so full of my cum, it's going to dripping out of your cunt for days," he grinds his hips into you.
you mewl into his mouth and your bud pulsates at the sudden contact of his pelvis on your clit. you spread your thighs wider for him and he growls, pounding into you relentlessly, "shit- i'm gonna fill you up to the brink. you want that, don't you?"
as you're on the edge of both your sanity and climax, you helplessly clench around him and thrust up to fuck yourself on his length.
"gonna leave this pretty little pussy all wet and messy," he pants and you can't help tighten your grip on the sheets underneath you.
he moves his fingers to your engorged nub and rubs it in circles. the action sends a familiar warmth rushing through your body and you cum, thrashing under his hold.
you clench and unclench around him, tugging on his hair and he follows soon after, the tightness of your pussy making it difficult for him to hold back. you feel his cum reach deep inside your cunt and moan at the warmth against your wet walls.
soonyoung shuts his eyes, groaning and letting out curses as you continue to milk him dry.
"i love you soon-to-be wife," he places his head on your chest and grunts. you let out a tired giggle, scrunching your nose, when he bends lower to press a kiss on your stomach.
"i love you too, soon-to-be-be husband." running your fingers through his hair, you tug on it to pull him close to your mouth and he flashes a beautiful smile, looking at you with constellations in his eyes. he leans down to press his lips on yours and you feel your heart swell in content as he smiles into the kiss.
you cannot wait to spend the rest of your life with someone so precious.
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breezybangtanbebe · 21 days
“Done with me, huh ?” ExBoyfriendJungkook gruffs against your lips. The flavor of mint and some berry-flavored candy mixed with the scent of his cologne was intoxicating. He rolled his hips against you, spreading your walls with inch after delicious inch that you would never admit you missed. At least not out loud. You only moaned for him as he fucked you harder, chuckling darkly before repeating the rhetorical question.
There was a sinister grin in his tone that made the brat in you want to reel back and slap the smug bastard across the face for toying with you.
For having the audacity to say such a thing considering you told him you were done more than once. That you didn't want to see his stupid face ever again and not to call you anymore.
For him showing up to your door anyway with some lame excuse involving needing to make sure he’d cleared everything that was his out of your apartment.
For you being dumb enough to let him in, falling into those dream boat doe eyes and pigmented tattoos.
You felt like you had a million reasons to palm the side of his face, but it was a shame that you couldnt. The way that he held both of your wrists above your head in his less dominant hand ensured that.
Your ex pinned you to the couch underneath his lean muscular body, your shirt carelessly pushed up, the cups of your bra haphazardly pulled down just enough for him to tease your nipples several minutes ago. It was like a dream the way one moment you were fully clothes, mouthing off to him after he’d asked you a personal question, then his tongue was suddenly in your mouth and your hands were yanking at his zipper.
Jungkook pulled back from smothering your lips with his to watch as your tits bounced to the pace of him fucking you. He had the nerve to look this good, his abs contracting as he curved his core effortlessly. His tip kisses your cervix in a particular way that makes you shiver, and your teary eyes burned with frustration at his fucked out expression.
Why did he have to be so beautiful?
“I hate you.” you grit your teeth to say, your jaw dropping and eyes rolling back shortly after Jungkook makes it his goal to overstimulate that rigid spot deep inside of you.
“Oh fuck!” you cry out, attempting to yank your trapped arms from under his hold. Too bad all that muscle wasnt just for show.
The pierced corner of his lips perked up in a parted smirk at the sound of your broken moans, dropping his gaze to where his dick impaled you.
“You sure? Doesnt seem like you hate me..” he mutters breathily. Most likely referring to the creamy band gathering at the base of him with every heart-throbbing stroke. You were sure you came once or twice, the overwhelming pressure of him fucking into you raw never letting up.
All you could manage was a pathetic whimper in response, all the bitterness and resentment for your insistent ex seeming to have faded in favor of desire and pleasure.
You mind told you this meant nothing. Just as the last time didnt. But your body trumped all that didnt involve keeping Jungkook as close as humanly possible.
“Ah’shit..” you hear him hiss when your abrupt orgasm has you damn near squeezing the life from his dick. At that point, he releases your wrists and leans forward to press his forehead against yours. Both of his hands rush to the back of your thighs to push them back, holding you in a mating press that takes your breath away.
“You dont hate me. And you're not fucking done. This pussy is mine, you understand?”
Every pretty word felt like gasoline poured onto the fire in your core. Your pussy fluttered around his thick length as did your eyes. Jungkook fucked you so deep that you hiccuped against his lips, failing to hold onto your sanity.
“And this dick belongs to you baby. Nobody else has me. Nobody has my heart. We cant be done. I need you so fucking bad..God, you feel so good. So fucking beautiful..”
He upped his pace and grew less rhythmic with each passing second. His voice was hoarse and his groans staccato to an octave that told you he was about to cum.
“So perfect for me, baby. Tell me you love me..” he demands and you sob the words compliantly.
“I love you..Jungkook--fuck, I love you..”
His hips snap into you faster ans harder as he pushed himself up, using your thighs as leverage. Jungkook’s brow pinched ans his jaw dropped at the sight of your swollen folds swallowing his dick, your entrance ans his shaft glistening with your cum. Your untouches clit begged for his attention ans Jungkook thoughtlessly lets a thick drop of saliva fall from his mouth, his immpecable aim landing it right on your bud. He unhands your thigh to run his fingers over it quickly, making a high pitched whine jut from your lips.
“Cum for me then. Cum on this fucking dick. One more baby, one more more.” he begged as his fingers and strokes hastened both of you toward the edge of bliss.
Your arms remained over your head, your hands gripping the couch cushion under you for support. You blinked through the tears staining your face to take in the view of your ex destroying you. His disheveled raven hair, spiked and sticking to his forehead from sweat. His sculpted upper body, shadowed attractively by the singular lamp in the corner of your living room. His pink kiss burned lips that shined and remained parted as he panted. His eyes that begged yours for something only you could give.
The sight of him alone was enough to snap the chord in your belly. His name was called to the heavens as your back arches from the couch. Jungkook slips his free hand under you for support, his fingers steadily strumming over your clit while you gushed your nectar all over him.
“That’s it beautiful, there you go. Fuck, I love you..cum, baby. That’s it..” he urged you as your body shook and tensed under the intensity of your release. Jungkook rode your wave as best as he could before he too gave in. He stops rubbing your clit and pulls out at the last possible second to jerk his vieny shaft frantically. His swollen bulbous tip shoots hot white spurts of seed over over your quivering labia. His body caves in on its self, squeezing your waist while his other hand continues to stroke himself. He milked every drop from his weeping tip, leaving massive creamy load of cum to paint the area between your naval and pussy lips.
If you didnt know any better, you would believe that the amount of cum cooling on your skin meant that he was extremely backed up. That he truly misses you as much as he claimed he did. That he’d been with no one else in the weeks you and him had been apart.
Even as he cleaned you up and kissed your shoulders lovingly, nestling behind you on the couch you two had just ruined together, you wanted to believe that he meant what he said. That no one else had him the way you did and that he needed you.
But the stubborn part of you, the part that should have slapped him and left him blinking dazedly with his palm cupping his cheek on your door step...
The part of you that knew beyond his pretty words and mind numbing sex..
That part of you knew Jungkook was no good for you.
Even if your body hadnt accepted it yet.
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cameronspecial · 7 months
You Will Always Be My Business
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.5K
Summary: Y/N goes on her first date after her break up with Rafe and he has something to say about it.
A/N: This is inspired by this post.
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Rafe and Y/N broke up about two months ago. Y/N couldn’t deal with Rafe’s possessiveness and addiction anymore, so she had to end their relationship for her own sanity. She was surprised by how easily he let her go because she expected more of an argument from him, but after his pleas to not leave him were ignored, he accepted their fate and left. Even with his vices, Y/N was heartbroken by their separation. There was a side to Rafe that only she got to see and it showed her the man he could be if he wanted to. It showered her in love with no limit. 
Now, two months later, Y/N is getting ready for her first date with Aaron. She is nowhere near healed from the breakup; however, she needs to try to move on to help the process. Aaron knows about Rafe and also just got out of a relationship, so they are both on the same page with what this relationship is. She finishes putting her earrings in when the knock comes at her door. She jogs to the door and opens it with a smile. “Hey, Beautiful. Are you ready to go?” Aaron greets. She nods while grabbing her purse, “Yep, lead the way.” 
The door to the car shuts with a thud and Y/N thanks Aaron for dropping her off. She jogs to her front door, fumbling with her keys as she places them in the lock. “The date must not have been that great if he isn’t coming inside.” She jumps at the voice coming from her side and turns toward Rafe. The porch sensor finally flicks on, illuminating him clearly. She doesn’t know what to say to him, so he continues. His head flicks toward Aaron’s car, “Might want to tell him you are safe. Don’t want him waiting there all night.” She turns to Aaron and gives him a thumbs-up. When Aaron looks unsure, she nods. The sound of his motor fades as she enters her house with Rafe in tow. “What are you doing here?” she questions, going through the motions of getting comfortable. Rafe drops to a squat to undo the buckles of her heels, “A little birdy told me that you were going on a date. I wanted to check in and see if he treated you like the gentleman you deserve.” 
“We aren’t dating anymore, so how I get treated by other men is none of your business.” 
Rafe stands to his full height, towering over her. His hands drop onto the back of the couch she is leaning against and traps her within his arms. He leans forward so she can feel his breath against her ear, “You will always be my business. My heart is completely and utterly yours and yours is mine. No matter how long we are apart, we will always be each other’s. So if you need time to play the field, then you take it because, in the end, you are going to come back to me.” Her breath hitches when he presses his lips against her cheek. He takes tentative steps back before leaving her alone to question the validity of his statement. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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okwonyo · 12 days
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PREC𝒾S ⠀⟡​⠀something wakes you up in the middle of the night.
( 엔하이픈 제이크 ) ୨୧ f .. r 7OO fluff established relationship ── flirting kissing skinship not proofread ⠀ 。。 ⠀ recue𝒾l
jiah says ⠀⦂ ⠀because it is mine, and i am sure, someone else’s birthday today ! happy birthday to us 💌
( ˊᗜˋreblogs&feedbacks · C𝑙𝑖CK )
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the darkness of your room welcomes you as your eyelids get less and less heavy. you try to blink away your tiredness, fighting to keep consciousness although your bed is begging for you to go back to your dreaming state.
you groan, sitting down. the relaxing feeling taking over your body for a minute when you stretch your neck ends up being the thing fully waking you up. 
there is a song coming from your window. like something is tapping against it and if you felt like being paranoid you could swear your name is being called out there.
your gaze makes out the numbers on your numeric clock, “mid—” you start and with a sigh you finish, “—night.”
the sound outside gets louder while you reach for the lamp on your nightstand. your heart jumps in your chest when you see a shadow in front of your window. you have to close your eyes tight and open them again to realize it is real and is also—
“jake?” you say your boyfriend’s name in disbelief, jumping out of your bed to walk quickly to the window. opening it, you ask, “what are you doing he—”
hot lips collapse on yours as soon as the window is fully opened, he stumbles on his feet as he gets in but he would rather fall face flat on the floor while kissing you than letting you go.
after he gets in your room, he embraces your waist with one arm as his free hand holds the back of your head.
you kiss him back, of course, because you are completely sick. cupping his face, you let him tilt your head to the side to have a better access to your neck. he walks you both to your bed and when the back of your leg hits, your body falls on it, his falls on yours. 
he goes to kiss your cheek, leaving several pecks on the same spot. you smile while biting down your cheek, you already know you are looking like an idiot.
the ghost of his kisses remains as he holds himself on his forearms, “happy birthday,” he whispers. he kisses your nose, “my beautiful girl.” 
you open your mouth to say something; right, this is why he is here. the realization hits you like the sun on a summer day, it makes you tear up like when you stare at ir’s ray’s for too long. you close your mouth, smiling shyly. 
your knuckles brush against his cheek, “thank you,” you say. 
the tears in your eyes get heavier as you hold his gaze. you end up looking away, this is not a battle you can win, you accepted that a while ago. you have never heard your voice being so soft before,  “did you stay awake just to tell me that?”
he kisses your cheek again, “of course,” he goes to the opposite one, “i’ll give you your guft after school today, m’kay?”
you nod, eyes dragging over his form. jake is well dressed, as always. his hair is perfect and he smells nice, which would feel like the usual if it wasn’t the crack of dawn. which contrasts with you being dressed up in pink pajamas (what can you say? pink never goes wrong!). 
“were you dressed like that today?” you question him, fidgeting with the cole of his button up shirt.
and as if his only presence wasn’t making you lose your sanity enough, he has the audacity to blush when he answers your question. 
 “ah, no, i dressed for classes already because i assumed i would…” his voice gets progressively quieter as he speaks. to the point you don’t hear him anymore. 
“you thought you would stay for the night,”  you intended to turn that sentence into a question but it ended as an affirmation. your cheeks heart from how hard you are cheesing when your boyfriend shyly nods. 
he avoids your gaze for a while before your palm finds the back of his neck, “good,” you tell him before kissing him.
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