#both are mid as hell
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sainz100 · 26 days ago
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#carbono ship rambling ahead but...................................#really into the dynamic of omg the new fallen angel coworker at Hell is so cute and has no idea how really doomed we are#like...!!!!#(not saying Williams is Hell but the underdog team scraping in the mid field vs the high gloss ferrari life!! an adjustment!!)#so many options and tendrils for my rpf tinkering in the mind palace garage#both burned by rbr new coworker awkwardness to battle worn and weary together#Alex consoling Carlos after a number of consecutive finishes just outside the points and finding warmth in dreary weather ahhhhh#them cooking together!!! 😭🩵🩵 a Ghost-esque pottery scene around a golf swing!!#or bonding over pets or Carlos taking Alex on late night drives in a bittersweet ferrari#much to think about much to consider#and as a new(ish) fan still more for me to learn!!! Williams has much idk about yet#yayyy#anyways!!! I love hearing about more! excited to dive in#and don't get me started on then throwing in James ahhh the carvowles content has been dizzingly good too 😵‍💫🩵#our boss in Hell is really awkward but it somehow comes out immensely charming and there's a depth of sharp keen desire & ruthless knowledge#hmmm something something#fun to indulge in diabolical rpf imaginings while I gotta run to yet another work event!!! ahhh#potato gifs I should tag properly#carlos sainz#alex albon#carbono#autumn posts#brb y'all!! hope its a good day there!! or night or morning!! 🏙️🌃🌆
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spicyraeman · 9 days ago
I seriously don't know how people have the hots for gortash when orin and ketheric are right there
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aro-in-danyl · 6 months ago
RadioRulers Prompt
Lilith x Alastor x Lucifer
Most humans buy a Ferrari or go on a vacation when they enter a mid-life crisis.
Lilith is no longer human and very immortal but she doesn't know how else to label her impulsive decision to befriend the recently deceased feral deer tearing though Pride like tissue paper.
Lilith was tired.
Eternity takes a toll. And after countless years singing like a caged bird and keeping spirits high, she had begun to loose her passion. There was only so long she could look past the hopelessness of her surroundings.
And then the Radio Demon arrived.
He wasn't particularly special all things considered. If she wasn't in such a dire mood, if Lucifer wouldn't stop closing himself off from her, if Charlie wasn't going through puberty and making it everyone's problem-
Well, she probably wouldn't have even noticed him.
Lilith becomes not quite friends with Alastor and his passion and love for hell reignites her own. Over the decades she finds that she cares for this idiotic sinner more than she ever would have expected.
Her love for Lucifer had been quick and all-consuming. Her love for her daughter had been just as instantaneous. She didn't know how to deal with love that crept up on her like a weed and took decades to bloom.
...Maybe she should take that vacation after all.
Prequel to Canon with Lilith and Canon to Season 1 for Lucifer.
Somehow these two jaded biblical lovers come to love this crazy sinner at very different points in time. And he somehow manages to help them become closer to each other and re-learn to love the humanity that had initially doomed them. Here's to hoping the consequences of bringing him into the relationship isn't as damning as theirs was.
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saihakkenden · 10 months ago
i have a hc that aren leans on something like a wall or desk or like slightly bows when he’s talking to shun to kinda get down to his level
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mayasaura · 1 year ago
Fearne is so alloaro to me. She adores her friends! They're her favorite people. They're so important to her. They're also very sexy, and she would sleep with any of them if they were interested because that's just one more thing she does for fun. The second Chetney started implying jealousy and calling her "his girl" she was like, "Whoa now, hold on. I did not agree to that." Shut that whole avenue down right there.
Like yeah, she's a matchmaker. She loves romance and setting people up! Just don't expect her to be more than a guest in that dynamic. I love it.
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trash-opposum · 1 year ago
As someone with ADHD
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So glad I get to fuck one of my own. We love neurodivergent rep
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mourningcandles · 1 year ago
it's important to remember that platonic relationships can be just as impactful as romantic relationships. this will help you take full advantage of all potential relationship drama in your writing.
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alucardsinep · 5 months ago
the brain fungus has been subdued
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kaptainandy · 7 months ago
saw deadpool and wolverine the other day. if you're a huge fag like i am, go see it. i was averaging like 5 "i think i hauve covid"s per minute
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unproduciblesmackdown · 2 years ago
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immediately obsessed with this pic posted by summer stock ensemble member hannah balagot, "Sunday grills with Will"
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luxrayz64 · 4 months ago
hey u like saw. are the sequels good. i usually let tumblr decide what i'm gonna watch next bc it has yet to let me down and these days it seems to really fucking want me to watch the rest of the saw movies. i don't even know how many there are but they've had 20 years to make them so i assume a lot bdbjsjs
also sorry if this ask annoys u and such feel free to ignore me. but also pls know i am aware about the existence of search engines it's just those usually get me to a screenrant article instead of A Real Opinion From A Real Person, and i've been told ppl enjoy talking abt things they like so here i am
sorry for the endless rambling thank u for presumably reading it all lmao <2
OH im so happy youre asking i saw yr tags on that other post and thought long and hard about giving unsolicited advice but decided against it
so. saw sequels are kind of a mixed bag. quality kind of varies movie to movie. for the most part they're all still fun! and i do recommend most of them. key word is most of them
there are ten movies currently and an eleventh set to release next year. the saw series is very story focused, and the first seven are all direct sequels to each other. you cannot skip any of the first seven. unfortunate, because saw 3d (the 7th one) sucks ass in a way that should be studied. but it is the conclusion to that story and it is pretty funny if you can get past the misogyny
the eighth and ninth movies (jigsaw and spiral) you can definitely skip. jigsaw also sucks but not even in a funny way + its in a really weird timeline spot so everyone kind of just ignores it. spiral is good from what I've heard but its a standalone spin off. saw x is also not required viewing, it's a prequel that takes place between saw i and saw ii but it is genuinely one of the best entries in the entire series so it's definitely worth watching.
i think you should at least watch ii and iii, and keep going if you enjoyed them. saw 1-3 makes up its own trilogy pretty much, wraps up almost everything in a nice bow. it's the last movie the original writer worked on and im pretty sure he intended it as a finale.
the following movies are pretty fun still and continue on the narrative in an interesting way, they retcon the established lore bc of course they do but they do it in an interesting way. hoffman is my favourite punching bag i want to put that man under a microscope. and saw vi is like genuinely one of my favourite movies ever. my favourite traps in the series besides reverse beartrap are in saw v. so like there is still a lot to love past saw iii! but you can stop there if you don't feel a need to keep going. if you can make it through saw iii you can definitely make it through the rest of the series, that's about where they hit their stride in terms of like sfx, gore/traps etc.
tldr they are FUN!!!!! not always good but they are fun. so so so much to unpack about them. its been a year ish since I watched them and i still feel a little insane about john kramers little murder cult
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acerikus · 2 months ago
Currently very awake at like 3am bc my stomach hurts a lot. For some reason I'm just. Thinking about rokushi????
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one-winged-dreams · 5 months ago
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nexility-sims · 5 months ago
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xstarlightxstarbrightx · 7 months ago
thoughts on how the Inazuma Archon quest went [4]
Lumi and Kaeya prep for their travel to Inazuma, and are waiting for Beidou's intel. They talk to their old friends in Liyue, they visit Zhongli one last time, and I always saw this as a little tense in terms of goodbyes.
I mean, Lumine just recently learned about Aether's position in the Abyss Order, and she's currently grappling with that and the thought that the Raiden Shogun might be the Unknown God (i mean, Paimon made a brief connection, i don't doubt that she's been thinking about it.) Lumine feels like the sort of person who always maintains a cheery disposition no matter what if she can help it, but Kaeya and Zhongli know. They can feel it.
My personal headcanon is that Zhongli offers them words of ease before they leave to ask Katheryne about their intel. I already have written abt this in personal stuff, but I will share any mini fics I write later on (probably will put it on AO3 eventually, but it's also optional. i just really like these idiots and am considering sharing some of the writing i've already done for them lmao).
Anyway, Kaeya and Lumi have to go to Inazuma!!! (and subsequently suffer in an electric HELL)
Thoma, upon arrival: well if it isn't the Traveler from afar and-- Thoma: Kaeya: Lumine: ? Paimon: ?? Thoma: aaaaaaaaaaanyway. proceeds to yap
the entire intro quest to Inazuma was kinda interesting since it touched on how blatantly fucked up the Ritou situation was to outlanders. Lumine also throwing shade at Zhongli's relationship with Mora made me giggle.
I also liked the part where we got to reflect on Mondstadt and Liyue by reminding that one Werner guy about the places he'd come from. I feel like Kaeya would be the one to really get into him about Mondstadt, and Lumine handles Liyue incredibly well.
Unfortunately, the intro quest to Inazuma also holds one of the things I disliked most about Inazuma; and that is the almost cruel refusal to help when Thoma inevitably asks Lumine for assistance. In the actual game, the way the responses are short and incredibly stiff made me genuinely feel... gross? Like it doesn't feel like something Lumine specifically would say (I can't vouch for Aether players, but I'm sure there have been times where the dialogue options have been off for them, too.) I don't hate the dialogue options we got, especially if people perceive her or Aether as more reluctant and unwilling—my main issue has always been that we never had the option to react ever so slightly differently; even if it was just a way to rephrase a refusal.
So, in my interpretation of Inazuma, I opted for a more hesitant reluctance when Thoma inevitably asks for Lumine's help (something that, I feel, makes FAR more sense, and falls in line with the rest of the Archon quests in Nations after).
Thoma: so... with your help... even the Vision Hunt Decree— Lumine: hold on. Lumine: ... I... didn't really offer to help with that, you know. Lumine: I'm in Inazuma to talk to the Raiden Shogun, after all... Thoma: ... Ah. Yes, of course. I'll do my best to set that up for you.
GAHHH I really should write more about Inazuma and reworking it into something I have more of an interest in. The potential of this story really haunts me, I was just so put off by the approach. I genuinely have envisioned many a discussion between Kaeya and Lumine about this reluctance—I'm of the sound mind that Kaeya's surprised by her reluctance, but at the same time they both know this is just a flimsy attempt to try and focus on meeting Raiden.
I just don't think she would deny it so quickly and coldly; it feels like she would find ways to compromise, rather than shut people down. Something I desperately wish we got, because it feels more compassionate than what we did get. (and not to mention that this is the ONLY time the Traveler shows such a vicious reluctance to helping people. Like in Sumeru, there was VERY little reluctance to help people from what I remember, and Fontaine??? FONTAINE??? Yeah.)
Like, for example, when she goes to Hiiragi Shinsuke, he quite notably points out "One other thing I heard about you is your great zeal for helping other people." It is constantly noted how the Traveler is willing to help others; even if she, herself, sees it as merely a normal and proper thing to do. AHGHH the characterization of the Traveler in Inazuma killed me guys.
Anyway, we all know that Lumine and Kaeya help out Chisato b/c ofc they would (something I feel like is brought up between her and Kaeya when discussing the reluctance to assist with the Decree), and they head off to Narukami Island.
Thoma: sorry about that other little "test" haha Lumi: riight... so, how'd we do? Thoma: I'm guessing you've always been skirting the rules from the very beginning, haven't you? Kaeya: yep. Lumi: yep. Paimon: yep.
also, again; we're learning about the selfishness of the Vision Hunt Decree, and I feel like Lumine hearing the voices of everyone's ambitions would likely be what starts her attempt to compromise. Also "a Vision symbolizes ambition, and not power" is so interesting. i'm kinda obsessed with it—also Lumine 1000% looking to Kaeya as she sort of has this realization, and her just being like "no, I have to at least compromise. I can't deny them assistance."
Ayaka: Traveler, lend us your power, and we can— Lumine: I must meet the Raiden Shogun. Lumine: that is, first and foremost, why I am here. Kaeya: ... Lumine: ... but... once that is done, I don't doubt that I could still help. Ayaka: Oh... Thoma: I told you.
THIS is how I wanted this conversation to go. A compromise; to meet the Raiden and then offer to help after. A completion of a goal and a promise to help. Because it never felt right to me that it was just so cold and harsh. Let there be compromise, plEASE. It still makes it such an interesting story, and it also shows so much more of the compassion that the Traveler has, and just makes it feel more connected when the Traveler meets and develops relationships with other characters in the game, whether NPC or Playable, canon or fanon.
Anyway, Ayaka still offers to get them to meet the Raiden Shogun, but she still has them do the three wishes thing; which completely breaks Lumine. After already showing willingness to help after, Lumine just accepts that she can't watch these people suffer—what if that was Kaeya? what if it was her brother? Show us the trepidation beginning to fade. Show us the wall cracking. Show us Lumine crumbling before she breaks, I'm begging.
I'll be continuing this later, again, dw! I do have a few other things I'm excited to touch on now that I've finally been able to put my disdain for Inazuma into words. Rereading this quest really has reminded me of how fascinating I found some of the points they brought up—like the Visions being physical representations of ambition and what life is like to lose your ambition and memory of it. It has so much potential, and I'm definitely wondering if I should write on it some...
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burnedself · 1 year ago
Tbh my one hope / wish from The Giggle is something I've always wanted to see in a regeneration story
Have the Doctor regenerate mid-episode and have the new incarnation have to deal with the problem while also dealing with post-regen funkiness
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