#both also a very funny comic panel
oswaldthehero · 6 days
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In this essay, I’ll prove how Otto actually low diffs -dies*
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broke-on-books · 1 year
AND WE ARE BACK BABY 🥳🎊🎉🥂🎆🎊🎆🥳🎉🎊🎆🥳🎊🎊🎆🎆🎊🎉🥳🎆🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🥂🥂🎊🥳🎉🪅🪅🪅🪅🪅🪅🪅🪅🪅🪅
If anyone asks me if I regret my decision (being unable to post for 22 hours bc I went ham on a sideblog and hit post limit at 2am yesterday) I'd like to give a resounding HELL NO by the way. It was a terrible experience bc unfortunately I'm horribly addicted to this webbed site HOWEVER. I'd do it again. It's what they [noncanon hetbait comic book couple] deserve. Anyways it is SUCH a relief to be able to post again. I am now so aware of how much I use this site though rip
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daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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Whiz Comics (1940) #50
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sombreset · 11 days
I’m still not over Deadpool & Wolverine: WWIII. At all.
(Spoilers, also cw for blood and gore and just. Weird imagery)
There’s SO much stuff that happens in this comic, way more than I am posting here, that really digs deep into why Wade and Logan are so intertwined. They both suffered horribly. They’re both near immortal. They’ll both outlive everything they know. They both have rage that doesn’t ever seem to go away, they just have very different coping mechanisms.
This comic LITERALLY intertwines them, in more than one way.
First example is the one most people talk about, which is the whole thing where Logan cuts off a chunk of his own leg and cooks it for Wade so he has at least something to eat (is it gay to make the decision to cut off a piece of yourself and give it to another man so he has something to eat, even tho you both technically don’t need to eat, it just helps? Who knows)
Second example is the end of the comic, which I wish more people would talk about. While they’re fighting a big bad, Wade gets torn apart. Like… crushed. Into pieces. Past the point where Logan thinks regenerative healing can save him. And Logan is, despite all his complaining of how much he doesn’t like Wade, destroyed. Scared, and as the big bad points out— afraid.
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Logan then goes into an absolute blind rage. He’s in pain. He’s scared. He genuinely thinks he lost Wade, and he loses it.
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All the while, a small voice can be heard telling him to stop. Begging him to stop. He’s lost control. The antagonists of the comics wanted this, and while Logan is thrashing around they intentionally teleport him in front of a mother and child, fully expecting Wolverine to not tell the difference between friend or foe and kill them. Logan certainly cannot tell what he’s doing at this point. He can hardly see.
And then…
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Suddenly, Wade. Because some of Wade’s blood got into Logan, he literally grew OUT of him, just in time to stop him from murdering innocent people. Because Logan had fully lost control. Wade pleads with him to stop, and in the end he literally pulls out one of Logan’s bones and shoves it into his face to get him to actually snap out of it. Afterwards, they have a lot of really good conversation, but to avoid clogging this post more— tldr Wade calms Logan down, and tells him “Nobody can decide we’re monsters but us.” Which… I love.
Later on after the fight, there’s this funny panel (and a few before) where Wade’s like dude we are sharing your ass AND dick rn isn’t that crazy and then yeah he makes the comment about being “in” Logan which. Nice
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Anyways crazy b/c by the end of this comic, parts of Logan have literally been inside of Wade (chunk of Logan’s leg eaten by Wade) and ALL of Wade has been in Logan (he fucking grew out of him)
This comic is VERY good go read it if you haven’t
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ezdotjpg · 7 months
do you have any directors commentary on the recent two updates? 👉👈 the color palette is absolutely lovely! and and and WOLF!! :DD
In the original draft of this chapter, Wolf stays a, uh, wolf until like the 4th update. Instead of actually managing to get his teeth on the master sword, Loft threw him off immediately. The Deku Tree still said the line about all three of them being heroes and Slate is like. “Including the fucking dog????!” I thought it was very funny but a) it made some scenes later down the line a huge pain and b) I was tired of drawing wolves ALDKDKD
You may have noticed Wolf’s scowling in the bg of almost every panel. That’s kind of just his face, but also right now my guy is nursing the world’s biggest migraine from popping the shadow crystal out of his skull. He can stay wolfmode for a while, but it’s still technically a curse. It’s not consequence free, and there’s an upper limit for how long he can spend in that form. Anyway, cut him some slack if he’s a little prickly for a bit.
There were a lot of comments about Loft being strong enough to toss a wolf over his head lol. My hc is that he’s one of, if not the strongest Link sans any magic items like power bracelets or gauntlets. He’s actually not even as strong now as he was during his quest. Wolf maybe has him beat now, but he can still get tossed lolol
It might seem like Slate’s really taken everything that happened at the end of ch1 in stride, but don’t worry. He’s simmering. Loft is grateful for the opportunity to get distracted by something else. Maybe that’s why he was so willing to approach the wild animal he’s never seen before lol
This maybe goes without saying based on the events of the last two updates, but Slate never had wolf link with him during the events of botw. He doesn’t recognize Wolf.
I’m really glad ppl seem to be liking the colors bc I struggled with them so hard on both updates 🫠literally days of me turning to my roommate and going “I think I’ve never made anything worse” and them going “it looks good stop being dramatic” WKDJDK I have this thing where if I had an idea in my head for what an update should look like, and what I produce doesn’t meet it somehow, I start seeing in fucking. shrimp colors. Posting always gives me a confidence boost back lol.
these pages were cursed in general bc like. this doesn’t usually happen but I think I redrew every panel in this update at least 5 times each. that’s part of why it ended up being late SKDJF
I REALLY like the idea of being in the presence of the Triforce and having access to its power being this eldritch, divinely horrifying experience. The sort of thing that is impossible to explain to anyone and also haunts you forever. Loft spends a lot of time actively trying not to think about the Triforce. Just, like, remember that about him.
Like how tears in reality are shown through holes in the literal comic panels, I tried to show the concept of reality bending in the form of a panel stretching and twisting like a ribbon ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ I hope that came across. Triforce lore varies a bit from game to game, but I’ve come up with my own internal logic for bonus links that combines all the ideas I like lolol. We’ll learn more about it in due time!
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I also really like this parallel :D I intentionally set up the panels so past and present loft would line up like this. i love getting to draw flashback links it’s so fun to think of ways to convey what they used to be like, and how their quests might have gone for them. Past Loft’s not having a great time by the time he reaches this point lol
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I think that’s all I’ve got for now. Thanks for asking :D
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decepti-thots · 5 months
sorry, still thinking about whirl. imo the most important characteristic whirl has in MTMTE isn't the obvious ones. it's not that he's an asshole, it's not that he's funny, it's not that he's violent, it's not that he's done terrible things, it's not that he hates himself. all of those are important, and they're usually the immediately obvious traits that stick out panel to panel. but they're not what drives the narrative function of the character most across the whole run of the comic.
imo the thing that most defines the engine driving whirl's narrative function is that he is astute and perceptive. it doesn't come up in obviously quotable panels moment to moment, but the way his arc interacts with the overall arc of the comic is that whirl is the one who sees through a lot of the bullshit that's going on and the way he acts and the decisions he makes overwhelmingly rely on that knowledge. unlike most characters, his decisions are rarely defined by the emotional intensity of his own investment in this or that thing (an interpersonal relationship, an insecurity, a need to prove something) but instead by his sharp awareness of the dynamics of the people around him.
whirl knows the score with rodimus and what the whole mess that is their 'mission' is really about- or rather, what it isn't about, not really. he does not take it seriously because he understands in a very real way, it's just not serious, it's an excuse. whirl knows the score with cyclonus and tailgate and when to intervene in that whole mess instead of being kind about it. whirl understands what getaway is doing and where it's leading and that both makes his decision to initially back getaway's plan both an asshole move but also a decision made with total clarity, in contrast to almost everyone else who makes that decision. whirl knows how to get past drift's act and gets a punch in the face for it, because he smells the bullshit there immediately. whirl is not unaware of the social dynamics on the LL at all; he is choosing to be as abrasive and inhospitable as he usually is on purpose with full knowledge of what he's poking at. whirl gets to the supposed afterlife and immediately knows it cannot possibly be real!
unlike basically every other major character, there's really no point whirl makes a decision with his judgement meaningfully clouded by something. he has a strong interiority and motivations, absolutely, but above all else he is making every decision, no matter how bad or self destructive, with a level of genuine awareness and clarity that is pretty much unique, and his assessment of everyone and everything around him is pretty much unmatched if you read between his constant pisstaking. it's fantastically good, and what makes him a completely essential part of the ensemble all the way through the comic's run. nobody else can be so consistently relied on to respond to the situation presented to him as it is. (cyclonus is really the only person in the cast who recognises this, i think, and it explains why they wind up perfectly matched. see again: whirl's interventions with him and tailgate.)
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sabertoothwalrus · 2 years
How did you get so good at drawing such expressive bodies/faces??? tell me your secrets!! (But srsly your skills are amazing)
I think my initial inspiration was about 10-11 years ago watching Adventure Time and finding Rebecca Sugar’s boards. Sometimes I get a little frustrated because she gets so much more notoriety than the other very very amazing AT boarders, but….. her expressions man…. she was always able to convey so much with SO LITTLE. (SU’s expressions are on another level of course, but I think AT’s are just so impressive to me because they’re dot eyes)
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But the thing is!! I’m also a fan of deadpan. Which AT also does very well. It’s tempting to want to do BIG, extreme expressions at every moment, especially in comedic comics, but you really don’t need to. I find that characters often feel more expressive if you reel it in more often. That way, when you DO have bigger expressions, they FEEL bigger!
for example, a panel where the contrast between big and subtle expressions sells the contrast:
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I don’t really,,,, know exactly what I do that works, ?? I kind of just like, think of the emotion I wanna convey, make the expression, think about what my face feels feels like, and try to convey that. Using a mirror helps!! You’ll feel a little stupid but it’s funny.
some misc expression tips:
Definitely prioritize eyebrows, eyes, and mouths!
Noses aren’t as important BUT flared nostril can totally sell an expression, so it depends!
Remember that your upper jaw is stationary, and your lower jaw can move, and then your lips and cheeks can move all around that!
Just subtly changing the placement of eyelids and location/size of irises can completely change an expression
Don’t be afraid to make your characters look weird or stupid.
Don’t reinvent the wheel! Take reference from different media you like that stylize expressions in different ways, and find what works for you. I take a lot of inspiration from AtLA
Again, NUANCE! Like, when most people are sad, they do their very best to try NOT to cry. People hold things in. Sometimes what characters don’t say can speak louder than what they do.
some expressions I’ve done that have varying levels of nuance:
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Also framing!! You can use the composition to help project how the character feels:
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As for body language!
Having a better sense of three-dimensional form and anatomy isn’t necessary, but it sure helps a lot
Hands!! I have adhd and my family is italian so I use my hands a lot when I talk. But even still, most people don’t just leave their hands hanging loosely by their sides. People cross their arms and fidget with their zippers and put their hands in pockets.
Head, neck, and shoulders. If you can master the foreshortening of these overlapping shapes at most angles, you will be very powerful
Hips & feet!!!!! People RARELY stand straight with both feet flat on the ground with even balance. Most people will shift their weight to one hip, leaving one leg looser and at an angle. It also helps to practice perspective, because people also rarely stand with their heels lined up side by side. One leg may get kicked foreward or loosely bent backwards. I sometimes cross my legs when I stand.
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Ultimately, if you want more lifelike expressions and poses, study from life!! Don’t worry about your drawing being “good” or “bad”, instead think about what can make it successful. Ask yourself, “is this conveying the expression I want to convey?” and if it’s not, figure out what you need to change to get it there.
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icepoptroll · 25 days
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@rtcpickyourpoison day 4: Ricky - Karaoke/Drag Night
I've seen a lot of art of Ricky and Noel being the perfect drag queen duo and I'm in total agreement. Their fabulous costume changes and wildly imaginative songs in canon are proof enough for me that these two would absolutely kill it in a drag performance, ignoring the haters and putting on a great show!! Starrypoet is such an awesome but oft-forgotten ship.
I felt like doing something with Ricky's love for who he is, his creative endeavors, and his bright spirit. Noel was also fun to explore here in that he's both very loving and very firey. I imagine that, after reaching adulthood, Ricky would become a comic book writer/illustrator and Noel would work in a drag bar, and they'd both take great interest in each other's work. It's bring your boyfriend to work night at the club!! hehe
Image description under the cut.
Page 1:
Panel 1: Shown is Ricky and Noel's reflections in a lighted mirror. The adjacent wall is made of bricks and there is a garment rack with various dresses hanging on it in the background of their reflection. There is a long, wavy, pink and purple wig hanging on the mirror. Ricky is smiling a bit shyly, wearing a voluminous, long purple wig with bangs. He has on pink cat ears, a sparkly silver necklace, a black leather strap wrapped around his arm and a pink bodysuit with black tiger stripes. His makeup is hot pink and bright purple with purple false lashes, glitter along his cheekbones and black tiger stripes painted on the sides of his face. Noel is wearing a dark bob wig, a sparkly dark purple gown, and four strings of pearls around his neck. He is wearing sparkly purple eyeshadow, glitter on his face and body, and dark red lipstick. He is leaning over and kissing Ricky on the head, saying, "Ugh, Ricky darling, you look absolutely sickening!!" Ricky's narration explains, "I knew that, in the context of a drag culture colloquialism, Noel meant "sickening" as a compliment.
Panel 2: Ricky's narration continues, "But I don't think I was meant to take what this other performer said as a compliment." Noel is in the background walking past, now with long, dark, violet gloves on, as a drag queen in a curled blonde wig, pearl jewelry, a black and white polka dot dress with red frills and red high heels walks by Ricky, who is sitting in his wheelchair, smiling and waving, wearing silvery fingerless gloves of uneven lengths. The drag queen says, "Okay, I'll bite. Who invited the make-a-wish kid?" Ricky goes on to explain, sarcastically, "Oh yeah, she got me. That was so funny that last time I heard it I laughed so hard I almost fell off my dinosaur."
Page 2:
Panel 1: Ricky continues, "She went for the low-hanging fruit. Noel went to bat for me." Noel comes up, pointing to himself. He says, "Uh. That would be ME. Got a fucking problem?"
Panel 2: The other drag queen gestures to Ricky, who looks on, bemused and annoyed. She says, "Monique. Honey. Baby girl. Look at him, I mean, seriously? Do I even have to say it?" The dressing room mirrors are in the background.
Panel 3: Closeup of Noel's face. He looks angry as he says, "Ha! After your shit performance tonight I wouldn't bother saying ANYTHING more about him. Save yourself any further embarrassment." Ricky explains, "I didn't mind the comments all that much."
Panel 4: Noel is getting up in the other queen's face, pointing an accusatory finger up at her as she crosses her arms defensively. He says ". . . Aaaand another thing!!" Ricky continues, "Noel did warn me some of his colleagues could be kind of mean sometimes. And, as he would say, I looked "fierce," and I knew it."
Page 3:
Panel 1: Ricky's narration continues, "And, I guess you could say Noel actually sort of WAS granting me a wish." HE propels away to go do his own thing, looking back with a sense of concern and weird curiosity as the other two argue. Noel says, "I can't even, you're just mad that Ricky is a cute young thing, and underneath your makeup YOU look like the damn crypt keeper!" She replies, "Crypt keeper??? Oh, you little. . . "
Panel 2: Ricky continues to explain, "Noel works as a performer at a drag bar and he told me about lip-syncing being a big part of drag shows. While I am unable to sing, I've always loved lip-syncing to my favorite songs." Noel continues to yell, "This is some shady shit. Even for YOU."
Panel 3: Ricky is surrounded by drag queens against a sparkly hot pink background. His narration continues, "So I told him I would love to try it, and he brought me to work with him, did my makeup, and gave me some tips. We even developed a persona for me: Savannah, with the Fiercest Smize. To 'smize,' I'm told, means to smile with only your eyes. I was so excited, though, I wound up smiling with my whole face." A queen with light skin in a sparkly green dress, big wavy brown wig, and floral accents stands in front of Ricky, a hand laid over her chest. She says, "I LOVE silent acts. So mysterious!" A queen with tan skin and dark hair in a high bun dressed in a sharp gold dress and matching jewelry says "Her hair is EVERYTHING!" as she examines Ricky's wig and looks up at her friend, a tall chubby queen with dark skin and a purple afro, with purple jewelry and a sparkly purple body suit. She smiles and nods approvingly. Ricky goes on, "No one else seemed to mind my being there. In fact, people liked Savannah."
Page 4:
Panel 1: Noel and Ricky hug. Noel says, "No one will EVER dull your shine, love. You're beautiful and you know it. Let's get to work, okay?" Ricky says, "I knew."
Panel 2: Ricky and Noel are performing. Noel is dancing at Ricky's side. Ricky is lip syncing, holding a microphone and leaning back, his other arm spread out. The song he is lip syncing to is True Colors by the Studio Killers:
Show me your true colors
In their blinding brightness
Show me your true colors
Like they glow in the night when you are dreaming
Forget about the others
The unbearable lightness of our being
Even spy satellites won't see this coming
Our love that's hiding in the dark
Reach out and I promise you soon we'll be lovers
'Cause it's our true color
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dirigibleplumbing · 7 months
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If you're like me, sometimes you need the full text of Civil-War-era Tony's letter to Steve in the event of his death from "What If? Fallen Son" (2009). So here it is in its entirety!
If you notice any typos on my part, please let me know.
I put line breaks wherever the text was broken up, either by being in different sections of a panel or different panels/pages. I preserved the ellipses, though I didn't double them (in many cases a section of text would end in "..." and then the next section would also begin with "..."). I also didn't double up line breaks and ellipses.
Steve, I hope you never have to read this, old friend, because if you do, it means something terrible has happened. It means I'm dead. I suppose it shouldn't come as much of a surprise, really. During my years as Iron Man, I've racked up hundreds of enemies who wanted to do me in… and after recent events, probably a few old friends who feel the same. It's funny, though. I always prided myself on being a futurist--constantly thinking a leap ahead of everyone else. Apparently, that leap wasn't nearly far enough. But this letter is about looking forward--not back. It doesn't matter what killed me. All that matters is what happens next… and the legacy I've left behind. I'm not talking about Iron Man, either. The suit is nothing without the right man inside… and there aren't many I'd trust to pilot. Rhodey. Pepper. Happy. Maybe Jarvis… though he was never really the hero-type. And you, Steve. Whether you believe it or not, I always trusted you. Even during the darkest days--during the war--I never stopped believing in you. No one did. But like I said, this isn't about choosing a new Iron Man. There was a world before him, and there will be one after. This is about my ideas--the plans and inventions that I hoped would make the world a better place. This is about making sure those things don't fall into the wrong hands. I don't even want to imagine the suffering that could cause… That's where you come in it. I need your help, Steve. I need you to keep an eye on things now that I can't anymore--which is a lot to ask, I know, after what I've put you through. Still you're the only one I trust to make certain everything I was working for doesn't fall apart without me… and to ensure that the threats that I wasn't around to predict… don't end up blindsiding us in my absence. Our war may be over, Steve, but we both know that it won't be the last one. When the time comes, the world will still need heroes. And when the fighting is over and history is written… I can only hope that we will be remembered as more than just heroes. I hope that we will be remembered as I will always remember us… As friends.
And the typeface used in the comic is--or is very close to--Lucida Handwriting Light, which used to come free with a lot of Microsoft products.
I also have a rough mock-up of the entire letter.
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u3pxx · 9 months
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next, you're gonna tell me it's gonna be some made-up year like "2025" next. tch, imagine that.
anyways, whoo! 2023! compared to both 2022 and 2021, i gotta say, my art style took a hard swerve in some direction this year. i mean, look at that klavier from january and that butch kim from just this december! (granted, i heavily referenced the portrait of butch kim but still, i didn't use to paint! mama mia!)
the way i drew faces has definitely changed, that's what i get for getting into something that's live-action and into smth that has realistically proportioned art lol
OH! OH! HOW COULD I FORGET!!! IT WAS (and still will be) THE YEAR OF THE OLD MAN!! i really learned how to draw aged faces this year! ach fraulein, i have not stopped drawing people in their 40's-50's! i would say "send help" but i'm actually having a lot of fun ASKSKS
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i think a funny thing about these art summaries i've done is that they're mostly ace attorney but then there's just a month where i become a different type of ill LMAO this year it was four months for the price of two new interests!
cheers! here's to 2024!!! hope y'all have a fun art year!!!!
i'm gonna ramble more below about like, other art things i did this year but i'm gonna put it under 'keep reading' bc this baby is getting way too wordy now WHEEZES
⚖️ mea culpa comic [x]
drawing this one was so time-consuming and ambitious but boy, do i love the end result! i had fun doing the inks for this one but was it a lot! i usually color in lineart and render everything but i had to stop myself from doing it for this one bc man, i'll die asksks
this also has some of my favorite apollos i've drawn, definitely
also! the part about the lineart not being colored and no rendering ended up being a deliberate stylistic choice for this one bc i had like more freedom to do just shadows with inks without it looking too out of place.
💐 my lawfully wedded zine spread [x]
now this one isn't out yet but take my word for when i say that this is one of the most craxy things i've ever drawn for this year, on account of drawing a comic AND group shot all in one!
also literally one of the prettiest things i've rendered this year, lookit that klav...
🎉 aa4 redraw - 2022 anniversary [x]
kind of like my wedding zine piece, group photos are insane, and rendering like uhhh [looks at drawing] 11 CHARACTERS IS ALSO INSANE if i try and draw a group photo again you have to stop me DFGHDJ
🎨 my art fight stuff [x] [x]
was possessed in the month of july or smth bc i pumped out like how many drawings so quickly (before i got burnt out that is pftt)
pace yourselves and don't be like me pls ajshgdghhjk
💥 people park day [x]
my friend told me that it was very obvious i watched across the spiderverse when they saw this FDFGHJD
but yea! this is when i started getting really into like, thought bubbles or just like, panels or drawings within a drawing when coming up with layouts
i still love the colors on this one...
🪩 fem disco portraits
ok so i haven't uploaded these yet but you have to trust me when i say that something was in the water DFGHDJ
who knew that all it took for me to learn how to paint was butches
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THE ONLY GOOD THING ABOUT THAT SCHOOL I SWEAR PFTTT this experience has also awaken the merch beast in me and i need to make more physical things for my brain to be happy, that's just how it be pfttt
hopefully next year i can actually start like a shopee shop or whatever lmao
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i'm actually quite happy i got to participate in art fight this year! very delighted for all the art i've gotten and very fun to have drawn for others too!!
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i got invited and joined so many zines from 2022 continuing to 2023 that i kind of got burnt out from participating for now ngl ASKSKSKS not gonna be joining much this year oopsiessss! (unless i lose self-control [very likely])
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i don't actually like a lot of the stuff i draw for art school bc i tend to cram and not have fun pftt <- adhd moment, tragic! but here are some that i actually kind of like lol
i think that's it! thanks for reading all the way down here!! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
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sleepiestwizard · 30 days
okay im gonna put all my thoughts about the hotguy zinethology on here based on the incoherent ramblings my friends received while i was reading it
(obviously spoilers below the cut)
okay so first of all the first part was SO fucking funny i cried laughing multiple times
the first time i saw cute guy i SCREAMED
@cornpapers draws scar SO pretty
mumblr is SUCH a funny name 10/10
the "dont you think cuteguy and hotguy having matching names and outfits is queerbaiting" post is SO FUNNY
SHE'S HERE !!!!!!! ARIANA GRIANDE !!!!!!!!!!
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this whole comic was so funny i loved it loved the cub
this is such an interesting and fun way to tell a story i loved the email part
in general the posts and stuff were SO funny and very realistic for the internet 😭
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grian desperately trying to not let scar reveal his identity 😭😭 girl (this also hits so different now after reading the whole thing btw.)
the comparison to a wild horse in this first fic also killed me
i can't really put a lot of images but there were some really classic superhero comic looking panel that i thoroughly enjoyed
scar tangled in his own grappling hook. classic. very funny
I LOVED THIS FIC SO MUCH. scar voice this is gonna ruin the tour. grian voice what tour. scar voice the world tour.
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scar saying he's playing volleyball. haikyuu reference!?!?!?
just putting this here
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moon mask i immediately called pearl yes pf course
"you and your cuteguy" arggrgrhsggrgrhgr
murder camel REAL !!
"i cant believe you guys fucking killed jimmy solidarity" <- actual message i sent to mochi
i literally had to Go Take A Walk after this fic
i really like how the pearl thing was resolved in this it felt like such a good act 2 reoccurring villain exit. very superhero comic/movie like or even dnd like
'vincent berger' made me laugh
first off every single fic has SUCH a cool cover i love them all
poor grian has ptsd :((
i LOVEEE how mochi writes angst always they're so good at it
the fact that he never found jimmys body immediately made me call the fact that he wasn't really dead and would come back btw
gem would lovee to drive grian slowly crazy tbh
i was going insane at this point
this whole zine had me feeling like that meme thats like first i laughed.. then i serioused (the first part was SO funny and then golden era was psychic damage /pos)
GEMPEARL <33 they are so everything to me
they look SO fucking cute
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both scar and grian look sooooo scrumptious in this comic argh
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mumbo <3
THE HUG. ☹️☹️☹️
great big beautiful tomorrow :((( the parallels :((
scar playing w his hair when cuteguy was hurt :(( so cute
the tcg voice: theyre holding hands.. i want them dead
SKIZZ !!!!
ETHO !!!!!!!!!!
awhh skizzly :((((
"It's our Impulse, Gem" IM SO UPSET SHUT UP
god the way she puts on the mask and immediately is emotionless im gonna throw up
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im so obsessed w this cuteguy i love him
grian voice omg im the only bitch serving cunt in this place im so embarasseddddd
they are serving SO much in this comic
impulse thinking about skizz as he's dying :(((((
i was so upset this made me sob like a baby
SKIZZLY!!! :(((
warden :/
grian and scar playing volleyball is that a haikyuu reference....
cuteguy is so spiderman coded
god all in all this was so crazy. it was such an obvious labour of love and everyone who was involved with it did such a good job and obviously put so much love into it AND IT WAS WORTH IT !!!! insanely good work thank you to everyone for doing this and sharing it for free?? @hotguycomiczine y'all are crazy. incredible work <333
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afrotunada · 2 months
incomplete list of fun and interesting things I've learned about Jason Todd through my scattered readings and late night googling
One time, he was sooo desperate for affection and validation, he was willing to risk it all after an accidental, spur of the moment kiss with Barbara Gordon in Three Jokers Issue #2. Alas, he was thwarted by a janitor, the poor bastard...(much to everyone's relief I'm sure) (Batman: Three Jokers)
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Batman: Three Jokers Issue #3
In addition to statuesque amazons (Artemis), blonde bombshells (Isabel Ardila), white-haired beauties (Essence and Rose Wilson), and Dick's ex-girlfriends, Jason also likes smart, curvy ladies ;) selfshippers rejoice! (although I myself am not so curvy, his love of normal girls is a positive in my book<3) (Red Hood: The Hill)
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Jason hooking up with Dana's friend and employee Carmen Ortega while Dana herself (as Strike) gets her shit rocked by her other (former) friend and employee Omar (as Slayer) on the other side of town - as one does. Red Hood: The Hill Issue #2
One of Jason's first overtures at rejoining the Batfam was made in the New 52 relaunch of the 2011 comic Batman Incorporated, where he takes on the persona of Wingman at the behest of Bruce. He even teams up with Damian Wayne (going by Redbird at the time), forming their own very brief Batman & Robin-esque pair! Also, they both looked kind of ridiculous... [apparently, takes place sometime during Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 1 (2011-2015), around issues 17 and 18 and Death of A Family, but before Damian's death and his own Joker-induced gas coma. weird ass timeline!] (Batman Incorporated (2012))
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Yes, that is, in fact, Jason in that getup. It's giving Cybercop Owlman. Peak fashion, actually. Batman Incorporated (2012) Issue #4
(as an additional aside, post New 52 and into the Rebirth era, Jay and Bruce start patching things up (kinda) and enter a truce of sorts starting in the Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth one-shot from 2016. Yay!)
In the Elseworld of Batman: White Knight (also known as the Murphyverse for it's creator - Sean Murphy), Jason Todd is the eldest son instead of Dick Grayson, meaning that he was actually both the first Robin, and Bruce's first adopted son! He was still captured and tortured by the Joker tho....he escaped alive, but was presumed dead and given a burial and tombstone - as in the main universe - and Dick was taken on as Robin in his "absence." Poor guy! He can't catch a break even in AUs! BUT!! He does gets his own Robin sidekick in this universe - Gan! (also known as Robin IV, a young woman of Mongolian descent who took up the mantel herself with a homemade costume (similar to Stephanie Brown)). In fact, she's the one who encourages him to become Red Hood in the first place! (Batman: White Knight)
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Harley Quinn is a primary protagonist of this universe, btw, and pretty much saves Jason from being killed Batman: White Knight Issue #2
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Gan is my adorable daughter and Jason (the messy bitch as she calls him) deserves his own chaos gremlin apprentice<3 Panel 1 - Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood Issue #1 Panels 2 & 3 - Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood Issue #2
Speaking of AUs and elseworlds, in 2002's World Without Young Justice, Jason Todd was a circus acrobat, as per his original pre-crisis origin (minus the red hair). In this AU, he's dating fellow circus member Anita Fite (normally Empress, but here known as Voodoo Princess), but she ends up assassinating him at the behest of his step-mom, Catherine Todd, because he discovered his parents dirty business dealings with Killer Croc. What the hell Catherine? (Young Justice Vol. 1 - World Without Young Justice, Part 1: The World What Once We Knew)
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Young Justice (1998) Issue #44 - World Without Young Justice, Part 1: The world What Once We Knew
Anyway! This isn't comprehensive or anything, just a post made in fun to put together some things about Jason that I think were funny/interesting that the fandom doesn't know/talk about much. Might add more later if I come across other stuff during my readings (maybe not for a while tho; I am currently consumed by World's Finest and following the Absolute Power event).
But yeah! Feel free to add on if you like! :)
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breakonthroough · 11 months
Some thoughts about the differences between manga and anime in the story of Law and Cora.
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The illustration for the title is not entirely on topic, it’s just funny how they played up the situation, expanding the moment with touching changes in Law’s behavior - he prepared breakfast for Cora. UwU
As we know, anime adaptations as a rule bring something new to the plot and events of the manga, expanding and complementing them. But sometimes it happens that some manga panels are subject to censorship, or are not transferred to the screen at all. There are many such examples throughout anime, but I am primarily interested, of course, in the story of Law and Rocinante.
In episodes 700 to 706, the anime creators added many additional scenes that expand on the characters and plot. For example, we were shown Rocinante's last fight with members of the Donquixote family. In the manga, as we remember, this was left behind the scenes. We only hear, together with Law, who is sitting in the chest at that moment, only the sounds of Rocinante being beaten by Doflamingo's officers.
The moments of their personal interaction during the journey in search of a cure for Law were also slightly expanded. We saw a little more cute smiles and caring from Rocinante. Especially in the final part of their story. I will never forget this sad and tender look from Cora.
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However, to all the good things that happened, some ridiculous and even slightly inappropriate, in my opinion, scenes were also added. At least, it seemed to me that they distorted the image of the character.
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For example, the scene of Law being thrown out of the window of the Donquixote pirate base again in second time - why was it so necessary? Wasn't once enough, like in the manga? Add gloomy and cruel senselessness to Corazon’s behavior, increase the degree of his ominous and repulsive aura? Or just for fun? Well I dunno..
Or the scene of Cora-san’s absurd panic over Trafalgar, who had fallen unconscious after his condition worsened.
Of course, I understand that at that moment he was really very scared for him and was upset that the rescue plan would fail, but why was it necessary to add this inappropriate comedy with falling from a cliff and spilling water? To show that Rocinante is clumsy? But this is already understandable, especially since it’s my opinion that he wasn’t THAT clumsy in reality, and, for the most part, he was putting on an act.
But that scene itself was quite tense and disturbing, and certainly not comic.
But the manga scene with Rocinante bandaging himself the wound inflicted on him by the angry boy Law was removed from the anime.
I can understand that they apparently decided to censor the “nudity,” as they did with both Levi and Erwin from Attack on Titan when they similarly removed the wound bandaging scene from the anime.
But at the same time, other characters appeared on the screen with a naked torso quite routinely, so I don’t understand this selectivity of censorship.
Of course, what speaks to me is solely a thirst for justice, and not at all a desire to see his handsome male figure in animation. Hehehe..
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But, speaking seriously, this scene had a certain significance in revealing the characters, since it clearly showed what the Donquixote brothers had to go through in childhood and youth. Because, perhaps with a certain degree of probability, Doflamingo also hides somewhat similar scars on his back and shoulders.
Well, this scene also shows Doflamingo’s reaction to his brother’s injury, which is different from the anime version. In the anime, in the presence of other family members, he is quite sympathetic and caringly interested in what happened, how it happened, and advises Corazon to take care of himself.
In the manga, this scene is quite awkward in itself. They both flinch when Doflamingo catches a glimpse of his brother and his wound as he passes by in the hallway. At this moment, when they are "talking", Rocinante stands with his back to his brother, and Doffy looks into the room, and in this communication there is no sense of brotherly care, as it seemed to me. The expression on Doffy's face at this moment is more tense and dissatisfied than worried, which completely changes the entire emotional tone of this scene.
But I will end this mini-analysis on a positive note. Because it was anime episode that gave us that priceless smile of Rocinante. Since in the manga he practically did not smile at all with his real sincere smile. Animators just simply gave us such a priceless treasure ❤️‍🔥
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Russian translation below 👇
Некоторые общие мысли про различия манги и аниме, касательно истории Ло и Коры.
(Иллюстрация для заголовка не совсем в тему, просто забавно, как обыграли ситуацию, расширив момент трогательными переменами в поведении Ло — он приготовил завтрак для Коры) UwU
Как известно, аниме адаптация всегда привносит что-то новое в сюжет и события манги, расширяя и дополняя их. Но иногда происходит так, что некоторые панели манги подлежат цензуре, либо не переносятся на экран вовсе. Таких примеров немало во всем аниме, но меня в первую очередь интересует, конечно же, история Ло и Росинанта.
В эпизоды с 700 по 706 создатели аниме добавили множество дополнительных сцен, раскрывающих персонажей и сюжет. Например, нам показали последний бой Росинанта с членами семьи Донкихот. В манге, как мы помним, это было оставлено за кадром. Мы слышим только звуки избиения Росинанта вместе с Ло, сидящим в этот момент в сундуке. Также немного расширили и моменты их личного взаимодействия во время путешествия в поисках лекарства для Ло. Мы увидели чуть больше милых улыбок и проявления заботы со стороны Росинанта. Особенно в заключительной части их истории. Этот печальный и нежный взгляд Коры я не забуду никогда.
Однако, ко всему хорошему, что было, также были добавлены и некоторые нелепые и даже чуть неуместные, на мой взгляд, сцены. По крайней мере, мне так показалось, что они исказили образ персонажа.
Например, сцена повторного выбрасывания Ло из окна базы пиратов Донкихота — зачем она была так нужна? Разве одного раза, как в манге, было недостаточно? Добавить мрачной и жестокой бессмысленности в поведение Коразона, повысить градус его зловещей и отбитой ауры? Или просто для прикола, как мне сказали на одном форуме? Ну не знаю..
Или сцена нелепой паники Коры-сана над упавшим в беспамятстве после ухудшения состояния Трафальгаром. Я конечно понимаю, что в тот момент он действительно очень сильно испугался за него и расстроился, что план спасения сорвётся, но зачем нужно было добавлять эту неуместную комичность, с падением со скалы и проливанием воды? Чтобы показать, что Росинант неуклюжий? Но это ведь и так понятно, тем более, мое мнение, что он был не НАСТОЛЬКО уж неуклюжим в действительности, и, по большей части, разыгрывал это представление. А ведь та сцена сама по себе была довольно напряжённой и тревожной, и уж точно не комической.
Зато вместо этого удалили сцену из манги с перевязкой Росинантом раны, которую ему нанес обозленный Ло. Могу понять, что тут видимо решили зацензурить "обнаженку", как, в свое время, поступили и с Леви, и с Эрвином из Атаки титанов, когда аналогичным образом убрали из аниме сцену перевязки ран. Но ведь при этом других персонажей нам спокойно показывали с обнаженным торсом, так что мне это непонятно.
Разумеется, во мне говорит исключительно жажда справедливости, и нисколько не желание увидеть его красивую мужественную фигуру в анимации. Хе хе хе..
Но, если говорить серьезно, то эта сцена имела определенное значение в раскрытии персонажей, так как показывала наглядно, через что пришлось братьям Донкихот пройти в детстве и юности. Потому что, возможно, с определенной долей вероятности, Дофламинго также скрывает похожие шрамы на своих спине и плечах.
Ну и ещё эта сцена показывает отличную от аниме версии реакцию Дофламинго на ранение брата. В аниме он в присутствии остальных членов семьи вполне участливо и заботливо интересуется, что случилось, как это произошло, и советует Коразону позаботиться о себе.
В манге же эта сцена достаточно неловкая сама по себе. Они оба вздрагивают, когда Дофламинго мимоходом видит брата и его ранение, проходя мимо по коридору. Общаются они в этот момент со спины, и братской заботой от этого общения вовсе не веет, как мне показалось. Выражение лица Доффи в этот момент скорее напряжённо-недовольное, чем озабоченное, что полностью меняет всю эмоциональную окраску данной сцены.
Но закончу я этот мини-анализ все же на положительном. Потому что именно аниме подарило нам ту самую бесценную улыбку Росинанта. Так как в манге он практически совсем не улыбался своей настоящей искренней улыбкой, а тут нам взяли и подарили такое бесценное сокровище ❤️‍🔥
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qcomicsy · 1 year
Can you recommend me Bat-family comics to read? Which ones do you like?
I would love it!
DISCLAIMER Keep it in mind I'm a casual reader so my recs might not be the most "this is every issue they are together" or the longer ones!
Let's go!
Nightwing Annual (2021)
Dick & Jason focused
This is one of my favorites ones, it focuses both on Dick's and Jason's relationship as Nightwing and Robin and Nightwing and Redhood.
The dialogue is great, it has both it's really funny bits but also it's really wholesome ones too and it's full of heartwarming moments.
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I absolutely adore the way they handled Jason's Robin and acknowledges his violent tendencies without judging him for it.
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He's not portrayed as overly violent and reckless, but as a normal teenager having normal reactions given the things he had to deal in his past.
My only criticism is Jason still using that damn crowbar and how they kept drawing Jason shorter the Nightwing for some reason. I think it was to accentuate the "younger brother" feelings so I forgive the artist.
But it's pretty funny.
He looks like short king
Robin & Batman
Dick and Bruce focused
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Oh this one, this one it's so good, so good that almost got me crying on main. It's really beautiful, I wasn't the happiest about how Bruce behaved in the comic but it sat in a fine line between Batdad and Bruce being a terrible father/person.
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He is too hard on Robin, but it does show how he is trying.
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The art is goddamn beautiful, it has this watercolor look and Dick looks adorable on it.
It also goes deep in Dick's feelings about being Robin and what the whole jig means to him, it respects Dick's relationship with Bruce but without forgetting the love and the moments he had with his biological parents.
It's just really, really beautiful a goddamn gem between the many mistakes DC made with them two over those years.
For Tim and Dick I really recomend
Batman Prodigal (1997)
Note: The whole Kightfell series is great for a Bruce, Dick and Tim read. But for the Batfam feelings you can just focus on the prodigal parts.
Dick & Tim focused
The only thing you have to know to catch up is:
1. Bane broke Bruce's back and dignity, so he couldn't still be Batman.
2. Bruce found this guy called Jean Paul to fill for him.
3. Jean Paul is really fond of punishment and violence and the good ol' catholic guilt and goes a little bit too rogue as Batman for everyone's liking.
4. Bruce takes the mantle from Jean Paul and Nightwing fills in as the new Batman.
I wouldn't call exactly brotherly, because Tim wasn't adopted yet in the timeline this was published but they have their moments.
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New talent show case DC #2017
Duke and Jason focused
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This is also a favorite. It's a short story (unfortunately) but every single panel is worth it.
It's basically Jason and Duke bonding moment between fighting some baddies and trying to clown each other on the way. 10/10 will always recommend.
Robin War
Jason & Duke & Tim & Damian
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This one I've read recently (thanks for the asks people send to me y'all are fucking great) and it's a fucking gem!
It shows a lot their chemistry on the battlefield and how fucking insufferable they are around each other. It also shows how Duke fits as a glove in this family of misfits even before he was an "official member".
Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual (2016)
Another Dick and Jason focused!
Oh this one is a blast! It's also short but so goddamn worth it.
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Basically Jason and the Outlaws take a gig in a circus to track a Russian bad guy (gotta love how comic books have unresolved beef with Russians until this day) and well it's a circus so how can you not call Dick Grayson?
It's so goddamn funny and it has no right to be, it still very close in the timeline where Dick and Jason were definitely not in good terms, so their interaction it's all so awkward it's a joy really.
We also got a flashback from Dick and younger Jason as Robin and even the flashback is goddamn hilarious, I had such a good time reading it that it's a must read!
Now If you're here for the angst and general feeling's™
I would highly recomend.
- Nightwing Year One (Dick & Bruce)
- Death in the Family (Jason & Bruce & Dick)
- Red Robin (Tim & Dick / Tim & Damian / minor Tim & Cass / Minor Bruce & Tim)
Note: They don't interact much in this run but when they do it hurts. It also can help you understand the beef between Tim and Damian better.
- DCeased (Damian & Steph / minor Damian & Jason)
Note: It's one of the many, many DC aus but this one it's 'pretty' good (it's decent). Definitely not Batfam focused but it has one one of my favorite Damian & Steph and Damian & Jason moments. It's also one of my favorites interpretations of Damian, he gets so sweet and mature over the years that passes in the comic and his reencounter with Jason rewrote my entirety brain chemistry.
Also unfortunately it's the only time we get to see Damian and Jon growing up together :')
- DC vs Vampires ( Batfam (except Duke because the author is a coward) specially Tim & Damian / Tim & Bruce / Dick & Almost everybody )
Note: Okay this one is a fucking car ride, a rollercoaster if you will. And it's ANOTHER DC au but with yeah VAMPIRES so buckle-up.
It has major Batfam moments in the beginning and one of my favorites Damian and Tim interactions ( I'm going to reblog this with photos because Tumblr is homophobic and isn't letting me add more photos in this shit >:( ). Then it goes hard on betrayal (trying not to add spoilers) and feelings so get ready for that.
I unfortunately haven't finished (casual reader remember that) but the much I've read was really, really good.
It gets very silly very quickly as anything made with vampires generally get (unfortunately they butchered a lot of characters in the process) but if you go head empty no thoughts you're going to get a lot of fun and maybe cry a little if that gets to you.
So this is it. I'm sure it has more of it, and oh I'm sure I forgot a lot of it but those are the one's I could get from the top of my head, so I hope you and all of the people who want to follow it have fun!
Also if someone has more recommendations feel free to add on the Reblogs, I'm sure I will eat it up anyway.
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unquietspiritao3 · 1 month
stumbling into kink
I know it’s fun and funny to incorporate “Alex designed Taskmaster around his kinks” into kayfabe (to be clear: if that were truly the case, he’d be a massive creep), but I also often think about how fun and funny it is that he has sort of just stumbled into making the kinkiest show on television by accident, simply by following the logic of British comedy, and I wanna talk about that, so here’s more meta for you!
First, the entire concept of the show is straight-up clown troupe hierarchy, which has been very popular in British sitcoms for decades. Like, Alex didn’t come up with that formula. There are tons of examples of it, as the article I just linked outlines. (tldr definition: “So what we see is a clear, closed circuit of hierarchy and status. The Whiteface is in charge, and the Augustes compete to impress him. The Character Clown is either low-status and appealing, or else occupies a role outside the status play, and is thus able to inject a different energy to keep things lively and unexpected.”) You can see how the formula is built around power imbalance.
Then, you add to this that the competition between the clowns has to be genuinely difficult, because a hard challenge is more entertaining to watch. Well, what’s a good way to make it more difficult to do a physical task? Bondage. Blindfolds. Discomfort. Other arbitrary rules and trickery. Lots of stuff that also gets utilized in kink because, in both cases, it plays into the power dynamic in addition to adding that challenge element. Alex has actually mentioned they’ve put a limit on how many times they use blindfolds in a series because it’s such a ‘gimme’ way to add an obstacle to a task that it would get repetitive.
Finally, I don’t know if you guys have noticed, but the entire BritCom scene is rather kinky to begin with. There are sooo many kinky jokes on every panel show ever. I don’t know about other places, but the British public, in particular, seems to find kink hilarious when it’s presented as a joke, so of course tons of the comics are going to use that, whether on Taskmaster or elsewhere. Taskmaster simply gives them the most opportunity due to the two factors I outlined above.
In conclusion, Taskmaster’s kinkiness is the natural logical endpoint of British panel show comedy, and Alex was the only guy committed to the bit enough to push it there.
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velvetvexations · 3 months
I think it's very funny (ironic) how the pills that make you green girl is getting faff from both sides of this argument; I was put off by how she portrayed transmasc issues in the comics because it instantly raised my "oh you're weird about trans men I Should Not Trust You" alarm bells and then I turn around and see Big Name Transfem Bloggers calling her a transmisogynist for some of the exact same rhetoric (thinking about a post that said the panels about trans infighting and who gets put in the genocide machine first were transmisogynistic talking points denying that transmisogyny is an issue among TME trans people). I'd feel bad for her if she wasn't backpedaling so hard to appease the latter group that she's digging even further into Being Weird About Trans Men, but like. It was already pretty clear that she was Weird About Us to begin with.
I guess I'm glad that my bad vibes radar pinged something was off but I'm not glad about how I'm seeing more and more people latching onto this specific issue through the avenue of what's happening with The Pills That Make You Green. It also just sucks to see trans women I respect get onto this disc horse, because I can't trust that I'll be safe around them anymore. I'm pretty isolationist by nature, paired with my history of being alienated from the trans community for being a trans man in spaces that said they were for all trans people but in practice were only for transfemmes, so all of this stuff really cements in my brain that I do not belong in the trans community and that I am not wanted. I've never been wanted in trans spaces because they were not For Men and the more this discourse drags out the more I feel like that's how the whole community feels. Trans men don't belong here, we don't belong anywhere; we're transmisogynistic for trying to discuss how we're oppressed, we're hurting others by taking up space, so we should make ourselves small and unobtrusive and unheard.
I never felt comfortable in trans spaces for being the wrong kind of trans but what used to feel like an accident or coincidence or consequence of erasure now feels intentional. I am not wanted and should leave, because I transed my gender the wrong way, and am causing others to suffer by existing in the same space as them and trying to participate as an equal. Guess that's my fault for trying 🤷‍♂️
Your existence adds so much value to the world, especially queer spaces. I promise there's a place for you, anon. I love and care about you, and so do so many other people. I know it can be exhausting trying to find people who aren't like this, but they do exist.
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