#boss is such a gentleman istg
skeleboiii84 · 2 years
Hi Can you do Fell papyrus Fluff and romance(cause its cute)
Ofc you can darling! You've been waiting a while for this one so I apologize 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ I hope you don't mind if it's headcannons instead of a fic👀👀
(If you'd prefer a fic please let me know via my ask box😊)
❤Romantic Boss headcannons❤
He absolutely spoils you with love and affection when he's alone with you, like he'll be tough around others but as soon as your alone he's like a little kitten wanting attention
He adores it when you two just slow dance in the kitchen it makes him feel all fuzzy inside
His favorite cuddle position is with you cuddled up facing him with his arms around you lower waist and your legs intertwined with his
He cooks for you, obviously he loves surprising you with your favorite meals when you come home deadass this mf studies the food you like just to see you smile and enjoy his cooking
He's extremely overprotective of you like he's not a fan of a public display of affection but he'll definitely give any shitbag a death stare who even glances the slightest bit wrong at you
Although he doesn't let it show he absolutely loves it when you interrupt his work by sitting on his lap and cuddling him, don't let his harsh words get to you! He loves it!
Trust me if you wanna see him stutter, blush, fall over his words & make him look like a lovesick fool call him "Bubs" or "Hubby" and or "Bubba" he is weak when you call him these
Is a helpless romantic although he may protest he'll definitely watch the Beauty and the Beast with you and dance with you to Tale as old Time
He has expensive taste when it comes to Dates especially anniversaries and birthdays he will take you to extravagant diners and restaurants, expect nothing less from the leader of the Royal Guard
He let's himself be weak around you and you fall more and more in love with him as he falls more and more in love with you
Yes, yes he will buy matching dinosaur pajamas with you (just don't let the others know-)
Here you go darling again I'm so sorry for the long wait🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
Please enjoy these headcannons❤❤
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tangylemonade · 4 months
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Jeonghan x afab reader
(The reader wears feminine clothes and is referred to as pretty etc.)
18+ MINORS DNI (istg 🫵🏾 ಠ_ಠ if I catch you)
Word count: 9.7k
꧁ ☂︎ (angst) & ⚠︎ (smut) w/ a pinch of ☁︎ (fluff) ꧂
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WARNING: unprotected sex (don't forget the casing before you stuff your sausage), kidnapping, cursing, description of abuse, Jeonghan smokes, Jeonghan’s in a gang, mentions of injuries, reader has toxic parents. Please let me know if I missed anything.
P.s. I am aware that it’s no longer recommended to wrap fractured ribs but my goodness let me have this (•‿•)
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You were never a one night stand kind of person.
It felt too… vulnerable. Too scary.
You didn’t know how to just give yourself to someone you don’t even know. To trust them with a raw view of you. To trust them with something so intimate.
It had been a long week. A long month. A long year.
You were beyond exhausted and quite honestly ready for a change.
Falling asleep filled with that expensive bottle of wine you never felt special enough to drink you woke up with a fire in your heart. A spark that needed kindling.
And now on this tepid Wednesday morning while you laid in bed long past your alarm you felt more energized than ever.
Getting up you showered before finally checking your phone. Your boss called and you had a few text messages from your coworkers.
You lied about being up all night with fever and called out sick. You’d never done anything of the sorts before so no one even questioned it. One coworker even offered to bring you soup which you politely declined.
You did a face mask that claimed to plump your skin and after that you put on a little makeup. Standing in a lingerie set you bought at some point for a boyfriend you never even slept with, you tried on your only pair of heels.
No one would see you like this tonight except yourself but you didn’t mind at all. It still made you feel sexy, something you hardly thought about yourself.
Digging in the depths of your closet you found that one dress you kept tucked away for special occasions. Your heart did a little flip thinking that maybe it didn’t fit anymore but thankfully with a little shimmy as you pulled up the form fitting dress it still fit like a glove.
Catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror on the way out the door you did a double take. The dress fit you perfectly, accentuating your every curve nicely. Your hair was done and all together with some makeup on you felt pretty. The prettiest you’d felt in a long long time.
You couldn’t help smiling.
Rasasy was a small restaurant that you’d often pass by but never went into. It always looked lovely and quaint and the scent would carry through the street making you hungry on your way home.
It was quiet with a few people enjoying their dinners while chatting away happily with their partners.
The food took its time coming as it was cooked upon order but it was completely worth it.
Taking another bite you looked around taking in the atmosphere. Soft piano music was playing quietly and the booth you were sitting in was warm and cozy.
You found yourself looking to see if you were the only person eating alone. In a beat your eyes locked with a man who must’ve been the most beautiful person you’d ever seen. Sitting alone at the table to your right he took a sip of his red wine before giving you a disarming smile.
Without too much unnecessary thought you smiled at him and went back to your meal with your heart a flutter.
When you were finished you called the waitress to ask for the check. While you waited you glanced over at the beautiful man’s table but he was gone.
Your heart sank a bit and you shook your head laughing at yourself. What would you even say anyway?
“The bill was already paid for.” The waitress said with a smile.
“Paid for? Why? By who?” you said.
Somehow you already knew.
“The gentleman at table 3. He requested that you’d be given this note as well.”
“Thank you.” You whispered, feeling a little giddy.
The waiter simply smiled with a knowing twinkle in her eyes before heading away.
You waited until you got in your car, buckled in, started it, and took a deep breath before mustering the courage to unfold the note and read it.
Hello gorgeous
I didn't want to bother you because you looked so peaceful. I’d love to join you next time.
The handwriting was a little sloppy yet had a unique elegance to it.
As you moved the paper you caught a whiff of a heavenly scent. Was that how he smelt?
Something regal…like an aromatic green tea and…. cigarettes. Not the cheap kind, the expensive ones that smelled sweet and warm.
“Oh who am I kidding.” You said to yourself with a wistful sigh before tucking the note into your bag. You often talked to yourself aloud to sort your thoughts.
“The lighting at the restaurant was very dim and romantic. Maybe he’s just drunk and lonely. Maybe he’s just playing a game. Maybe he has fun every night and I seemed like an easy target because I was alone and looked pitiful.”
But then a different thought popped into your head.
It came as a whisper.
‘Maybe… just maybe he wants to get to know me.’
The little thought echoed through your head silencing the others while turning your face vibrant with warmth.
Tomorrow. You’d call tomorrow.
Pacing back and forth you couldn’t decide when the moment was right.
What if he thinks you’re a freak for calling so early? Maybe you should wait another day so you don’t seem desperate. Maybe you should’ve called last night and he doesn't even remember you. Maybe you could just text him? Maybe…
You hit call and squeezed your eyes shut while the phone rung.
A voice filled your ear, soft and smooth
“Oh sorry Hi! Uhm this is Y/N. From last night. You gave me your number…” you heard yourself starting to ramble and wanted to die.
“Wow! I didn’t think you’d call.”
Your face fell in horror.
“Oh my I’m so sorry I-“
“I’m happy you did. I was sure you thought I was a weirdo or something. I felt so stupid but I figured you were worth the try.”
Your words caught in your throat while you tried to process everything.
“Hello? Are you still there?” He asked tentatively over the line.
Your words came out in a bit of a whisper.
“Perfect! So… do you want to get coffee or…”
“Yeah. Oh uhm yeah coffee would be- I could always drink coffee.”
“Are you busy? We could meet up today?”
“No, I'm off. How about Colvers? It’s new but I heard they make good coffee and the sandwiches aren’t half bad.”
“That sounds great! How does 2:30 sound?”
You caught yourself sounding a little too enthusiastic and tried to tone it down. “So.. I’ll uhm see you there?”
“See you.” He said with a light chuckle before hanging up.
A date. You have a date. A beautiful, gorgeous date.
“I’m gonna vomit!” you declared, collapsing on your bed with a groan.
You laid there for a little bit playing in your hair and suddenly giggling like a little school girl before hopping up and heading to the shower. You hummed the whole way through as you dolled yourself up and sorted through your things in an attempt to find the best and prettiest casual clothing you owned.
Checking the time you did your final touches before rushing out the door in fear of being late even though you were leaving early.
You arrived 30 minutes early and thanked god for your insight because it was a little busy but you still managed to find a good table.
You ordered their signature sandwich as a late breakfast, hoping you could finish it before he got there.
The sandwich took a little while to come but god was it worth it. You chewed with your eyes closed, savoring the warm and spicy goodness.
“Can I have a bite?”
You nearly choked as your eyes flew open at the sound of a smooth and sultry voice.
You quickly chewed and swallowed, taking a swig of your water. Your eyes pricked with tears as you forced the not fully masticated bite down.
“Have you considered filming a commercial? The way you’re eating makes that look really good.” He said with a smile that made you feel a little (a lot) hot around the collar.
“Sorry. I skipped breakfast.” You sort of mumbled as you self-consciously set your sandwich on your plate. “I don't drink coffee well on an empty stomach so I figured I’d eat before you got here.”
“Same. Can I have a bite?”
You blinked at him. “A bite?”
“Can’t I?” He did a head tilt that would’ve seemed innocent if not for that sparkle in his dark brown eyes.
You nodded slowly and slid the plate towards him with a hand that was now shaking a bit.
He picked up the sandwich, turning it around and looking at it before taking a bite right where you had.
Your mouth watered as you watched him chew.
Fighting yourself to look back at his eyes you saw something mischievous reflecting back at you that sent your skin fluttering with goosebumps.
He chewed slowly before swallowing and swiping the corner of his lips with his thumb.
“This really is good.”
“Yeah uhm.. do you want to order one…” you said, raising your hand to call the waiter.
He grabbed your hand and pulled it down to the table with a smile.
“Nah it’s okay. I’ll just steal more of yours, only if you don’t mind of course.”
He looked at you waiting for a response.
“Oh I don’t mind.” You said, not entirely sure why it didn’t bother you when you weren’t normally a big sharer. That was one of the reasons you were so lonely. It feels hard to give these days.
The waiter brought over an icy glass, setting it in front of Jeonghan and physically cutting the tension that was building as you watched him take another bite.
He sipped the cold glass of tea, his pink lips wrapping around the straw.
“What is it?” You asked as you picked up the sandwich and took a bite, your bite overlapping with his. You internally rolled your eyes as your heart did a little skip. What were you, in grade school?
But why did the sandwich taste even better this time?
“Iced green tea w/ honey and half cream. It’s good.” He said while pushing the glass towards you.
“Ohh sounds good.”
You weren’t sure if it really did sound good or if the thought of wrapping your own lips around his straw was clouding your common sense.
What in the world was this man doing to your dormant and CLEARLY desperate body?
You hesitated for a moment, looking up at him and catching his gaze again.
Without a second thought you put your lips around his straw taking a quick sip, the cool drink washing through your now hot body.
Jeonghan watched you for your reaction and you could’ve sworn you saw his eyes flicker to your pursed lips.
“Oh it is good. Maybe I should order that instead of a coffee.” You said. The tea was not too sweet and pleasantly refreshing.
“I’m telling you. You have a future in advertising.” He said with a shake of his head and a dangerous smile. So charming it disarmed you and suddenly you were smiling too.
If you from a week ago saw you now she would have a heart attack.
You didn’t end up ordering your own tea. You shared his drink with him leaning in to take sips and exchange wistful conversation.
Here you were sitting with a complete stranger sharing spit before you even learned each other's last names.
“So tell me more about yourself? What do you do for work?” He asked, walking alongside you, his hand gently brushing into yours as you stepped in sync.
It was a beautiful day and Jeonghan had suggested a park date. You went on a couple dates before but you always picked activities. Not as much talking time as there was physical bonding like pottery classes and movies. You two finished a quick picnic of sandwiches before going for the walk. It felt nice to talk with him in such a relaxed way as you strolled side by side along the sunny path.
“I work in banking.” You said with shrug
“Ohhh sounds fun.” He teased.
You laughed. “Ehh. It’s not bad and it pays well enough. What about you?”
You did a quick intake of the man walking beside you.
His shoulder length black hair was silky and smelled of a soft warm scent every time he turned his head to talk to you.
His slender stature was fitted in crisp yet simple black jeans and tee that you knew could only be from an expensive store.
“Family business. Nothing exciting like banking but hey.” He said with a chuckle.
“That’s nice! It's just me here so it can get pretty lonely.”
“Even with family it can also get pretty lonely. Do you have any close friends?”
You shrugged before awkwardly laughing “Do you count?”
Jeonghan playfully knocked his shoulder into yours. “Absolutely I do.”
You stopped and looked at him, smiling softly before shaking your head.
“What?” He said with his signature head tilt.
“What planet are you from Yoon Jeonghan?”
He laughed and turned his body fully towards you, leaning against a nearby tree. “What do you mean?”
“You’re just such…a- a.”
You laughed. “What? No! You’re such a treat.”
His smile dropped a bit before quickly lifting into a smirk. You saw an indistinguishable emotion in his eyes that was gone as quickly as it appeared.
“Sorry. It’s just I- I’ve sortve been living in this weird little me bubble and the one day I suddenly decided to pop it you showed. It felt like fate… I mean you’re just so lovely…” Your voice trailed off. Your face was burning bright as Jeonghan's eyes watched you intently.
The breeze flittered his hair into his face as if it too couldn’t resist the desire to caress him.
“You’re trouble aren’t you?” He asked in an almost whisper.
“What? Me? Hardly. Besides, I’m not the one giving my phone number on flirty notes to strangers.” You smiled, playfully poked his arm as you spoke.
“Well a beauty like you is non-ignorable. I had no choice.”
“No choice huh.” You continued to quip in an attempt to distract your body from its desire to overheat in Jeonghan's intoxicating presence.
“What? Do you just hit on every pretty girl you see?”
He held your hand that you hadn't realized was still resting on his arm and pulled you closer to him.
“Oh! That reminds me…” he said, moving his right hand and puling something from his pocket.
It was a small blue box that he opens right away and showed you.
You gasped. “These are so beautiful Jeonghan. I can’t-“
“You most certainly can. And you can them in right now.”
Carefully he placed the gift in your hands and rested his hands on your waste, holding you close.
You looked at the breathtakingly gorgeous emerald green studs a moment longer before carefully placing them in your ears. You didn’t own a single piece of jewelry. It was one of those luxuries you didn’t do for yourself and none had ever gifted you any.
Emotions swelled in your heart as you looked into Jeonghan’s eyes.
His gaze was so intense you thought you might combust on sight.
The sun was setting, painting a heavenly glow against his smooth gorgeous skin.
You leaned in before he did your lips touching his. He pulled you even closer to his invitingly warm chest as he fell into your lips embrace. Pulling back he cradled your face and gazed at you for a moment. Again his lips devoured yours as the kisses quickly filled you with ecstasy.
Eventually you both had to take a moment to breathe, his soft breath tickling your nose as he rested his forehead to yours.
You lifted your hand to his cheek while your other hand's fingers laced through the silky hair at the nape of his neck, pulled him in for another delicious taste.
His kisses spread heat through your body leaving you feeling dizzy and thoughtless.
He was completely and totally intoxicating. Green tea and cigarettes mixed with a soft scent you now knew to be him.
The tickle of his tongue on your lips was a magic spell telling your body to open to him and you complied. You pressed into him craving more as his nimble fingers pushed patterns into your skin like a sinful tattoo.
“Wow.” You whispered breathlessly.
He laughed. “I agree.”
Jeonghan looked up at the dimming sky.
“When did it get so late?” He said, concern evident in his voice. “ Let me drive you home.”
“What about my car then? I’ll text you when I get home, okay?” You were still feeling loopy off of him and couldn’t stop smiling.
“Then let me walk you to your car.”
You nodded, grabbing his hand and walking alongside him with that goofy smile still plastered on your face.
Jeonghan would sometimes text you good morning messages that had you feeling all giddy throughout the day. You found yourself smiling so much your coworker giggled and whispered to you “Someone got laid huh?”
“Oh stop.” You said swatting her away from you as you blushed thinking about how good Jeonghan probably could make you feel if his kisses had you this buzzed.
A couple weeks blew by and you talked nearly every day, both of you being too busy to meet up.
Holding your takeout in one hand and your bag and keys in the other you hummed while you tried to maneuver your house key into your hand.
A chilling breeze alerted your skin with goosebumps and you felt uneasy. Turning around you didn’t see anything out of the ordinary so you quickly and anxiously opened your door and ran inside. You locked both locks while trying to steady your pounding heart. Just then your phone rang causing you to nearly jump out of your skin.
You checked the caller ID. Why was Jeonghan calling so late? He never called at this time.
“Jeonghan?” You said through the line.
“Are you okay?” He said quickly, his voice sounding quick and low.
“Yeah I’m okay. I just got home. About to eat dinner.”
“Can I see you?”
“Is that okay?”
“Sorry I didn’t mean to inconvenience you. Just…you’re okay right?”
“Yeah I’m okay. Why? What’s going on?” You asked, your voice sounding as shaky as you were feeling.
“No reason. I’ll leave you to your dinner-“
“No! I mean- uhm…come over.”
“Are you sure?”
He sounded so exhausted and it made your heart pang.
“Of course. I’ll text you my address.”
It was more than just wanting to see him, you were still feeling scared and you couldn’t shake the uneasiness despite telling yourself that you were just being silly. You wanted Jeonghan to hold you and make everything okay.
You paced back and forth in your kitchen until you heard the *pling* *pling* of your doorbell. You rushed to check through the peephole, the pit in your stomach beginning to unknot at the sight of the beloved man standing outside, his hair blowing in the night air, obscuring his face .
You quickly opened the door with a smile on your face.
“Come in, it's freezing out.” You said pulling him in by his hand without another look.
He kicked off his shoes hurriedly as you pulled him all the way into your kitchen and ran to the pan you had heating on the stove.
“Sit down. Did you eat dinner? I got takeout. It’s nothing fancy but I was just about to eat. It’s probably cold now so I’m just gonna heat it up except my microwave is broken and so I have to use a pan which actually is better because then it tastes…”
You had your back to him while you rambled and you suddenly felt his slender arms wrap around you, cutting your words short as they fell back down your throat, turning into butterflies in your stomach.
He rested his head on your shoulder and let out a sigh that sounded like he had the weight of the world crushing him.
“Jeonghan?” You held his hand and tried to turn around but he gently held you still.
Looking down you noticed his knuckles. They were bruised and bloodied!
“Are you okay?” You asked, worry flipping your heart and sending it pounding against your rib cage.
After turning off the stove you grabbed his arm and this time he didn’t resist as you lifted it, turning toward him.
A gasp fell from your lips at the sight of his beautiful face…battered and bruised. He licked his busted, swollen lip and smiled at you, wincing a bit from the pain.
“Oh my god! How do I not…Jeonghan what happened!” Your hands flew up to his face but only hovered, scared to hurt him any more than he already was. Jeonghan grabbed your hands, pulling them close and resting them on his chest, against his pounding heart.
“Family troubles.” He said with a crooked smile.
You sat him down at your table before quickly leaving to grab your first aid kit.
Opening the box you hesitated as you looked at the over-supplied kit your coworker bought you as a housewarming gift unsure what to even use.
“An ice pack would be great.” He said, helping you along with a humorous lilt to his voice that didn’t fit the situation.
“Right, sorry.”
You quickly rushed to your freezer and grabbed your ice pouch you bought at some point for your headaches and quickly tossed it to the back of your freezer when you realized it was of no help.
Gently you brought it to his cheek, pressing it slowly to gauge his pain.
“Sorry.” You said pulling back when he winced. “Does that hurt too much?”
“Not when you do it.”
He smiled again, gently holding on to your waist.
“Sorry. You’ll have to hold this while I clean your lip.”
He took the ice pack, his warm fingers playing with your now cold ones.
Grabbing ointment you put some on a cotton swab before leaning over and dabbing it gently on his pretty lips.
You looked up at Jeonghan, your eyes meeting his as he looked down at you.
In an attempt to catch your breath when you first arrived home you had unbuttoned a few buttons of your blouse. Right now he had a clean view down your shirt and into your barely there bralet that you wore on long days because bras drove you crazy and this one was comfortable. Comfortable and basically see through.
You didn’t mind at all and made no effort to move as you continued tending to his cuts.
“Anything else?” So asked softly.
You noticed a bruise peaking through the black silk of his shirt.
Jeonghan stared at you for a moment thinking through his next course of action. With a pensive expression he unbuttoned his shirt all the way, revealing litters of purple marks all over his upper torso.
“Oh m- Jeonghan, I'm not a doctor! You need to go to the hospital.” You felt tears stinging your eyes as the night's emotions already began to bubble over.
“No need. Nothing's broken. I’ll be fine.” He held your hand as he spoke, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
You felt his warm body shiver as you delicately traced the injuries on his skin with cool fingers. Jeonghan rested his hand on your hips, tentatively pulling you closer.
“I feel better already.” Jeonghan whispered.
His low voice sent tingles through every fiber of your essence.
“Jeonghan. What happened? Please...”
His hands rushed to your face, cradling it and catching your falling tears with his thumb.
“There are things that need to be done. When they don’t get done it’s only natural to pay the price.”
“What does that mean Jeonghan?” Frustration twisted with worry in your voice. “Do you need help?”
He shook his head.
“It means that I will do everything within my power to keep you safe.”
“Jeonghan…You’re scaring me.”
“It’s gonna be okay y/n.”
He sweetly gazed up at you, stroking your cheek. You found yourself leaning closer, seeking the warmth and comfort you knew he could give you.
Your lips touched, not as a kiss but rather to simply feel each other, the emotions passing between you stronger than words could understand.
With a tilt of Jeoghans chin he kissed you softly at first against your trembling lips. His hands firmly pulled you closer, your body slotting between his legs as he deepened the kiss. Your tongue caressed his bottom lip and you tasted his blood in your mouth as he opened himself to you desperately.
His fingers hungrily wandered, leaving fire in their path.
Immediately undoing the rest of your buttons you slid your shirt off your shoulders, dropping it on the floor beside Jeoghans.
His hands squeezed your thighs encouraging you to straddle him.
“Are you..” you could barely speak as Jeonghan continued kissing you. “…sure it won’t…mhhh…hurt?
His only response was a moan against your lips before he pulled you into his lap, putting an end to your hesitation. Feeling worrisome about touching his injured body you laced your fingers through his hair.
Your hips took the lead pressing against the hardness that was growing in his slacks. He groaned into your neck where he had now begun to kiss and suck the sensitive skin, a moan vibrating against your throat.
Jeoghan placed your hands against his chest, letting you know that it was okay to touch him.
Your skirt was now lifted and sitting at your hips leaving only the thin barrier of your underwear now dampened with your arousal. Sliding down your bralette he littered your breast with licks and kisses.
Undoing the button of his pants your shaky hands struggled with the zipper before finally pulling his cock from the dreadfully difficult blockade that was his clothing.
“Fuck…” he breathed against your skin as you gently circled his tip, collecting the percum and stroking down his length.
His hands shot down to your aching core seeking to return the favor. He played with your swollen bud over damp underwear earning moans from you that had his cock twitching in your grasp. He slid your panties aside, slowly slipping two fingers into you.
Jeonghans hands were as nimble and graceful as they looked and you wondered if you would last much longer.
He pulled from inside leaving you aching with protest before you felt the tease of his tip to your dripping pussy lips. Standing to make it easier you watched as he guided his pretty pink cock into you, his length slowly disappearing until you were back flush against his lap.
With how long it had been since your last relation combined with his delicious size, you weren’t surprised by the pain of the stretch. Your eyebrows furrowed as you adjusted. Jeonghan kissed the corner of your lips, his hands massaging your hips while you breathed through the moment. Despite the twitch of his cock which you felt against your sensitive walls Jeonghan didn’t move, allowing you to take the lead.
He buried his face into your breasts, a string of swear words on his breath as your tight walls squeezed his throbbing cock.
When you began to rock he had to fight to steady his breathing before he blew it right then and there.
It truly had been too long for you. It didn’t take much more of his cock pressing all the right spaces in you before an orgasm came pulsing through your body. Jeonghan struggled to focus as he fought through the euphoric feeling of your fluttering pussy so that he could watch the scene that was you unraveling against him.
The beauty of your flushed face, kiss swollen lips, dazed eyes, and your softly furrowed brows had Jeonghan seeing stars.
You rested your head on his shoulder as you caught your breath.
Jeonghan waited until your heart calmed against him before he secured your hips in his hands and began lifting into you.
Shivers flittered down Jeonghan's spine as you moaned loud and clear in his ear.
Your feeling of overstimulation washed into the building of pleasure once again.
His hips began to stutter as he built closer to his release. You moved along with him and it wasn’t long before your walls were squeezing and pulsing around him again, this time pulling his orgasm into you in hot ropes. He rutted inside a few more times before wrapping his arms around your body and holding you close. You both began to settle from your high, the reality of the moments setting in.
Jeoghan was in your kitchen half naked and covered in bruises with his cock buried inside of you.
You must be going crazy because right now as you rested in his arms you felt safer than ever.
You woke up to an empty bed despite falling asleep in Jeonghan's arms. The memory of you guys pulling off the rest of your clothes and stumbling to bed played through your mind.
Your stomach growled, reminding you that you skipped dinner.
You rolled over to see a note where Jeonghan had been.
Sorry I had a few things to handle.
There’s breakfast on the table.
I hope I didn’t make you late for work ^_^
You smiled not even caring that you were absolutely going to be late.
The bathroom mirror was still a bit fogged over when you looked in it. You touched your earring and smiled to yourself.
“I should’ve woken up earlier and showered with him.” You said to yourself regretfully, quickly showering so you could enjoy the breakfast he left to you. The towel he used was slightly damp and it smelled like him. You used it to dry off even though you had more than one and hurriedly lotioned and got dressed.
Jeonghan had left you a coffee that was still warm and a breakfast sandwich from Clovers. You thought your face would break from how much you were smiling but you couldn’t help that soaring feeling on your heart as you grabbed the food and headed out the door.
The hairs on your neck stood up tall as you walked toward your house. It was the same stressed and scared feeling you felt the other night. The streets were being cleaned in the morning so you had to park farther down. You walked quickly as nerves began to set in halfway home. Glancing behind you you saw nothing but when you turned back around you crashed into a big tall man. You were unable to see his face before someone grabbed you from behind, holding a damp cloth over your nose until everything started to blur. You fought and fought with all your fading might, dropping your things on the ground before your body fell numb and everything went black.
Awakening to the ringing sound in your ears you squeezed your eyes tighter to gather your bearings. Examining yourself you found a bandage wrapped around your wrists and chest. It hurt as you breathed in. Your attempt to sit up was cut short by your body collapsing back on the bed, pain shooting throughout and settling into your head as a heinous migraine.
Cautious breaths were your anchor as you slowly looked around the dark room. Adjusting to the dark you noticed the faint orange glow of a cigarette burning by the window.
Fear ripped through your heart as every alarm fired off in your head.
You weren’t alone.
Using all of your strength you pushed your back against the headboard as you felt around for anything that could be used as a weapon. A gentle breeze from the open window blew through, bringing a familiar scent to greet your nose.
“J-Jeonghan?” Fear turned into confusion and then terror.
“You’re awake?” His voice came, soft and warm like a blanket covering you.
He stood up and stepped closer to you revealing the slouch of his tired frame. Bathed in blue light you could see fresh cuts and bruises on his face.
“Here, drink this.” He said offering you a water bottle.
You only just noticed how thirsty you were but you shook your head and pushed your body further away from him.
“Please, you must be thirsty. It’s unopened.” He said, switching on nightstand light and showing you the sealed bottle.
You took a moment to mull it over before tentatively accepting the drink. Your action was cut short as pain shot through, forcing you to wrap your arms around yourself.
Jeonghan rushed beside you, his hands instantly resting on your arms as his concerned eyes scanned your body. Save for the bandages around your chest and ribs your upper torso was bare, revealing the dark brushing that littered your upper torso.
“Let me help you.”
Jeaoghan opened the bottle and brought it to your mouth, his hand gently cradling your face carefully avoiding you painful bruise on your chin. Without hesitation you parted your lips allowing him to pour a few sips into your mouth. Your throat rejoiced at the relief while your stomach made you aware of its hollowness with a growl.
Jeonghan gazed down at you in his close proximity.
“What's going on?” You shakily whisper to him. “Everything hurts so…ugh…so much.”
A frown wrinkled Jeonghan’s beautiful face at your words and he looked away in shame.
“You're safe. Rest here for a few days and then I’ll relocate you somewhere more comfortable. Kim will come later tonight.”
You blinked at him, no sound able to leave your mouth as you tried to process the moment.
With that Jeonghan stood up, grabbed his coat and headed for the door.
“Wait! Where are you going?” You asked, panic and distress filling you at the thought of him leaving you here alone.
“Don't leave me.” Your voice broke and you saw him hesitate, his hand frozen on the lock.
“Kim will be here soon.” He said quickly before slipping out, shutting the door airily behind him.
About an hour passed before a small slender woman possibly in her mid 40s walked in with a suitcase in tow behind her
Her voice paired with her warm motherly smile felt gentle and sweet.
“You’re already looking better!”
She switched on the room light finally allowing you a clear view of the high end hotel room you apparently were staying in.
Kim went to the bathroom and came back with a basin of water.
“May I?” She asked, placing the bowl on the nightstand and ringing out the cloth.
You nodded and she began by wiping your face and then your hands. It felt soothing and the tension you felt from a stranger being in your presence began to fade.
“What’s goin-“
Kim shook her head, cutting you off without a word.
You looked at her with pleading eyes and her eyebrows tensed.
“Listen here now darling, it probably won’t make much sense but you helped save a lot of lives. A lot of innocent women and children.”
She looked at you with a soft smile. “The work that the Yoon family does isn’t very pretty and sometimes it’s down right awful. But there are people out there who are worse. And hopefully this group of worse people won’t be able to hurt any more good people.”
You were angry now. “That’s nice and all Kim but that doesn’t explain anything.” You frowned, speaking through gritted teeth as your brain struggled to sort things that just weren’t making sense.
Your heart was pounding, your ears ringing, and you were begging to feel nauseous.
“Come on doll, let’s get you washed up.
You wanted to be noncompliant but unfortunately you could really use a shower and you didn’t think you had the strength to get to the bathroom on your own.
You simply grumbled a thank you as Kim helped you to the shower and turned on the water for you. You didn't even mind when she helped you out of your clothes and bandages. She left you alone after that, only popping in to give you some toiletries and clothing.
You sunk to the floor of the tub in tears as your world crashed around you not even caring that your sobs were louder than the patter of the water against you.
You woke up to the shuffling sound of Kim’s footsteps. There was a bowl of savory smelling porridge steaming on the nightstand.
“Good! You're up!” Kim said cheerfully, making her way over to you.
You need to get something in that stomach of yours.
Kim had helped you with your hair last night by drying and plaiting it for you. You remembered Kim’s gentle hands tangling through your hair while you numbly sat on the cold floor. She had to practically drag you to bed but the moment your head hit the pillow you were out.
You pulled the covers around you. You were still naked save for the bandages Kim rewrapped for you and underwear you’d struggled to pull on. There was a t-shirt on the bed for you and you quickly pulled it on. Kim stirred the porridge and brought the spoon to her mouth checking the temperature as if you were a baby.
She set the tray down in front of you and placed the spoon in the bowl.
“Eat up. Please. You need your strength to heal.”
They had you for two nights… maybe even three.
You were brought to a gaudy bedroom littered with alcohol bottles in every corner.. You were left there alone for a few hours before a woman, possibly in her late twenties, showed up.
She was concerningly skinny with a face that was pretty despite the bags under her eyes and the obvious drug use that bruised her body.
She took a moment to circle the pole you were chained to before scoffing.
“You’re not even that pretty.” She grumbled before landing a blow to your stomach, knocking the air from your lungs.
She would come in periodically to throw insults at you and hit you before eventually falling asleep on the bed. She was always inebriated, her words slurring together as she hissed at you with hot breath that reeked of liquor.
On the last night you heard the commotion of guns and yelling. She heard it as well and rage boiled in her eyes as she screamed and hit you harder than before. You felt the sickening crack of your ribs as you gasped for air and tried to stay awake.
When everything stopped you thought maybe you had died.
But you felt the warmth of a body, the familiar scent of green tea and cigarettes filling your bloodied nose. Once the chains were removed you fell into your savior's arms, unable to stand on your own.
“It’s okay. I’ve got you. I’ve got you…”
You finish the porridge and curl up in bed feeling exhausted even though you hadn't moved an inch. You turned your face into the pillow but you were too tired to even cry.
When you woke up this time it was dark out. Moonlight danced through the room caressing your bare skin. Your skin flitted with goose bumps and you shot up scanning the room, your eyes landing on the figure leaning against the windowsill.
You pulled yourself up and leaned against the headboard so you could face him while you spoke.
“I want to go home.” You said, your voice sounding shakier than you’d hoped.
Jeonghan sighed and out out his cigarette before walking towards the bed, sitting at the foot of it.
“It’s not safe.”
“And why is that Jeonghan?” This time your voice sounded just as venomous as you wanted it to, the rage finally stronger than your fear.
“You’ll need to lay low for a while until things calm down.” His eyes intently watched your glaring ones as he spoke.
“You won’t be able to go back to your job so I’ll help you find something new and until then your needs will be taken care of.”
You looked away first, cursing yourself for the way your body still fluttered under his gaze.
“Can I ask you something?” You said as you fiddled with the blanket, rage subsiding and nervousness taking over again.
Jeonghan nodded.
“Why me? Did you really even…”
By now you had figured that it was all some twisted game that only you were missing the rules to. That you were just…bait?
He sighed again and rubbed his face tiredly before answering.
“You seemed…lonely. Like no one would notice if you went missing. You’re also very pretty.” He listed the reasons matter factly as if it was as casual as telling you the weather.
You wanted to protest but it was true.
Your family wasn’t just physically far away.
Your relationship with your mother and father became strained when you told them you didn’t want to keep sending money just for your little brother's addiction. They claimed it was for his rehab but he never went. Once they found his body you knew it was over. They blamed you and it was easier to leave entirely than deal with their constant bilgerance. When your job had a transfer available you didn’t hesitate. Sometimes at night you were haunted by the anger in your mothers eyes. To her, you were a witch who had killed her beloved son with your greed.
“That night that we... Why- why did you come to me? If I was just…if it was just…”
You couldn’t go on as the tears swallowed your words.
“Because I wanted to.” Jeonghan said nonchalantly.
You looked back at him with furious eyes.
“Listen.” He continued with a sigh, his tone more serious now. “ what happened- you didn’t deserve to get wrapped up in this. I’m sorry. Once I started to- I wanted to find another way.”
Emotions stormed through you, leaving you feeling confused and tired. Jeonghan's words offered little clarity, only giving way to more questions.
As Jeonghan watched your shaking eyes he wondered.
At what point did everything start feeling…real? At what point did he allow such a distraction to pull him away. It was never meant to be this way…and yet he found himself only thinking about you.
“What now?” You said, suddenly pulling Jeonghan from his thoughts. Your voice was soft against his tired mind.
“Safe house. Just for a moment while things settle. There’s still some cleaning up to do.”
You sighed and buried your face into the blanket.
A moment passed before Jeonghan spoke again.
“I’m not going to let anyone else hurt you. And that's a promise.”
For a reason only god knew, Jeonghan's voice still felt like a warm hug swaddling you tightly.
“Fuck. You.”
Your voice was muffled in the blanket but his sigh told you he heard you loud and clear.
That was the last bit of fight you had left. You already knew that no matter how messed up the situation was, you believed his every word.
The next morning you left for the safe house. The drive was long and the roads were whindy and yet you napped in the back seat while Jeonghan silently drove.
Jeonghan found himself peaking in the rear view mirror often to catch a glimpse of your peaceful face.
‘There’s a special place in hell for people like me.’ He thought to himself.
Not wanting to wake you or have you wake up alone, Jeonghan waited in the car despite having arrived 2 hours earlier.
Your eyelids fluttered awake as the sun beamed through the open car windows. Jeonghan was still in the driver's seat quietly speaking on the phone. His eyes shot to the rearview and he gave you a smile. Unfortunately it was just as charming as ever.
“Yeah I’ll call you back.” He said into the phone and hanging up before getting out of the car and opening the door for you.
You nearly tripped on your way out the car as you took in the view around you. The gorgeously quaint cottage house was surrounded by miles of luscious land. There were chickens clucking around and to your far left there was a horse grazing. It was beyond beautiful. It was dream-esque and… secluded?
“Did you bring me here to kill me?” You asked seriously.
He chuckled butterflies straight into your stomach and shook his head.
“If I wanted you dead, why would I bring you here? Why not just leave you with Stella?
All you could do was shrug.
“Stella? So that is the person I need to thank for the bruises.” You said with a forced laugh.
Jeonghan's lips tightened into a thin line, a flicker of anger crossing his elegant features at the sound of Stella's nasty name on your pretty lips. "Don’t concern yourself with that" he muttered, his voice dressed in bitterness and disgust. "She's...been dealt with."
With that he walked away, closing the conversation.
He opened the door for you, letting you walk in first before following and shutting the door behind you two. The house was lit beautifully golden with the sunsets glow.
You turned to him with your eyebrows furrowed.
"Dealt with?"
“The mouse pays for the cheese with it’s life.” He said with a nonchalant shrug as he walked to the kitchen
You raised your voice and crossed your arms feeling a bit like an indignant child.
“Hmm?” Jeonghan hummed back without even so much as looking at you. He was shuffling through the refrigerator.
“Did you use me as bait in some sort of twisted lovers spat?” You felt your blood boiling as your pulse quickened.
“Hardly.” Jeonghan said, his haphazard attitude now starting to tick you off.
“I’m already trapped in the middle of nowhere with you. The least you can do is look at me and give me a proper explanation!”
“Look.” He said suddenly slamming the refrigerator closed, walking towards you until he was so close you had to take a step back.
“Stella was never my lover or anything like that. She was some crazy bitch who we did trade with. The skank was fucking obsessed with me, always making advances. Anyway she was running some druggie club that took part in human trafficking and shit.”
He walked back to the kitchen now, angrily pulling things from the refrigerator while he spoke. You pulled yourself onto one of the counters and listened.
“You see it’s pretty well know that the Yoons don’t fuck with that kind of shit so we were obviously gonna be a problem. I guess her and a few other wannabes got together with a grand idea and put a hit on my family. To try and scare us off I suppose. We lost good men that night.”
He paused for a moment, his expression suddenly somber but he shook it off and continued.
“That was enough incentive to put an end to her shit but that rat was hard to find. Except I would get letters from her, sometimes super detailed with mentions of things that happened to me the night before. I had a little fun at Rosie’s House and the girl showed up the next day in bad shape. Told me I wasn’t welcome back anymore. That's when we got an idea.”
He stopped tossing out the old food from the refrigerator and turned to you before leaning against the counter, his arms on either side of your body.
Your breath hitch but you did your best to act unaffected by him.
“When I saw you at that restaurant I knew it would drive her crazy. You were absolutely stunning.” His eyes flickered across your body and your treacherous heart went leaping for him.
“It wasn't enough to sleep with you. She had to think I was really seeing you. That way she’d wanna snatch you up and figure out why, leading us right to her.”
He backed up and sighed. You took a few breaths, trying to steady your racing heart.
He leaned against the opposite counter, eyes still watching you as he thought over his next words.
“…She actually found you pretty early on. The night I’d shown up…the night we…Shit was supposed to go down that night but…anyway I couldn’t show up after screwing shit up so I…went to you..”
Jeonghan shrugged his shoulders. Looking down he began picking at a callous on his palm.
“How did you even find where she took me?”
He stood up straight and pointed to your ears before turning around and unpacking the new food he purchased during a pit stop on the way here.
“Are you hungry? There's some kimbap here if you’d like.”
You slowly touched your earrings as sadness pinched your heart..
“No thank you.” You needed a moment to collect your thoughts. “ I’m gonna go and wash up.
“Oh right. Let me show you your room.”
Your room was cozy and spacious. Without waiting for him to leave you kicked off your shoes and pulled your sweaty shirt over your head, tossing it into the basket in a corner that said laundry on it.
“I’ll leave you to it.” Jeonghan said as he turned away to head out.
He quickly turned back around, inquisition painting his face and he tried to rapid fire reasons in his brains as to why you’d ask him to stay while you pulled off your clothes.
“Can you help me wrap a new bandage?”
He nodded slowly. “Sure. Just call me when you’re done.”
You nodded and he left, closing the door behind him.
Did you really just ask him to wrap the bandage for you? You laid your face in your hands in exhaustion. ‘Whatever’ you told yourself as you pulled off the rest of your clothes. ‘Not like he hasn't seen them already.’
You reasoned with yourself and decided that shyness wasn’t worth losing sleep due to pain. Angrily you took out the earrings and tossed them somewhere on the floor.
You showered as quickly as you could with your sore body before drying off and lotioning as best as you could. You rummaged through the duffel bag of toiletries and clothes that Jeonghan had given you, putting on deodorant and slipping on a pair of panties and sweatpants. You wrapped your towel back around you and took a deep breath that you instantly regret when you felt the pain shoot through you. The pain was also a reminder to suck it up and go find Jeonghan.
You poked your head out of your door. “Jeonghan?” You called softly as you looked around the hallway.
When you didn’t get a response you walked towards the door across from yours and knocked. You heard movement inside the room and Jeonghan pulled open the door with a gentle smile on his face.
“Come in.”
He pulled open the door all the way and walked into the room. You hesitated for a moment and he looked back at you, amusement obvious in the twinkle of his eyes.
“Sit here.” He gestured to his bed where he had a first aid kit already open.
You scowled at him before shuffling into the room and sitting on the bed. You tried not to think about how pleasantly the room smelled of him.
Sitting next to you he faced you and waited. When you didn’t budge he lifted his hands towards your towel, stopping in front of your folded towel.
“May I?”
You nodded in response and set your arms down to your side.
He untucked the towel, letting it fall to your hips and revealing the tender skin underneath.
The room felt cold and your face burned hot.
When he bent down to pick up a jar of cream off of the floor you noticed the bright red of his ears.
He showed you the jar of medicinal cream before opening it and carefully scooping some with his fingers. “This will help with the pain, the healing, and the bruising. Kim makes it for me.”
You watched his hands move with careful elegance and he gingerly rubbed your bruises with the cooling cream. The strong medicinal smell was relaxing as he worked.
His movements were soft and graceful as he did his best to focus on his work and not your perked nipples or the soft rounds of your breast.
Unrolling the bandage he tenderly wrapped the stretchy material around your chest that now ached for more reasons than just bruises.
You couldn’t help exploring his face as he worked. His skin was smooth save for his chin that had a little light stubble on it. His warm brown eyes squinted as he focused on his task, long straight eyelashes fluttering with every movement. His pink lips pressed into a line while his nose would scrunch in concentration.
There was still an heinously undeniable connection that tethered you to him, an energy that left you feeling breathless and warm.
"Thank you," you whispered, your voice barely above a breath.
Jeonghan's eyes met yours, his gaze softening with emotions you felt all too intensely.
He was now working the bandage upward to your breast and you could feel his hands slow.
He continued wrapping, his calluses finger tips grazing against your nipples sending your nerves into a frenzy. You swallowed, keeping your eyes on everything except him until he was finished.
Already feeling hot and bothered you felt a sense of relief wash over you now that his careful ministrations were complete.
You went to stand and he stopped you with a hand on your arm. Opening the cream again he took more out and began rubbing it into the bruise on your arm.
His fingers felt heavenly against your skin as he rubbed more into another bruise on your shoulder.
“Turn around.”
You complied, turning on the bed and showing him your back. This time his touch made you shiver as his nimble fingers traced along your spine.
“Sorry, you must be cold. I’m almost done.”
You felt disappointment settled in as his fingers pulled away from your tender skin.
He stood up and went to his drawer, opened it and pulled out a shirt.
“Here. Lift your arms a bit.”
You complied and Jeonghan carefully guided your arms through each arm hole before pulling the shirt over your head.
Jeonghan sat down on the floor in front of you, pulling up your pant leg.
“What are you doing?” You asked but didn’t pull your foot away from his warm hand where he cradled it.
“I noticed you walk with a bit of a limp.” He replied softly as he rubbed the cream into your ankle before taking another bandage and wrapping the slightly swollen joint.
He closed the jar and handed it to you.
“If you find any more bruises, rub this on them.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t.” His voice was quiet and suddenly cold.
You looked down, meeting his heavy eyes. Your ankle still rested softly in his hands making for a tense atmosphere as he held your gaze.
The expression on his face was unreadable as he carefully let you go and stood up.
Grabbing your hand he pulled you towards him, his body pressed against yours, his face inches away, his other hand holding your waist firmly against him.
Unmoving you breathed in sync as if you both had finished a complicated dance together. You felt the pounding of his heart against the pounding of yours.
The way you called his name made his head spin.
He let you go and backed away.
“I put the food in the refrigerator.” He said heading for the door. “You are welcome to do whatever you want here.”
“Wait! Are you leaving?” Your voice came panicked as you followed him out of his room.
“I’ve got things to do. I’ll be back tonight.” He said as you trailed behind him down the stairs.
“But Jeonghan… please.” You pleaded. Feeling too vulnerable to finish the sentence.
He turned to you this time.
“It’s okay. I’ll be back-“
You cut him off with a kiss, your arms thrown around his neck. As his shock faded, he rested his hands on your face, pulling you closer and deepening the kiss.
Your lips were so soft against his and when you parted your lips he found your taste to be intoxicating.
Wrapped in the moment it took him a little bit to notice that suddenly your body was shaking.
Pulling back he saw the tears rolling down your face.
As you clung to Jeonghan with all your might you couldn’t stop the flood of emotions that spilled out. Even after everything that happened he still felt so warm against you. As his arms wrapped around and pulled you close. you felt like everything would be okay.
Jeonghan held you just like that as you cried out the last couple weeks events.
In his arms your world crumbled.
So why was there nowhere else you wanted to be?
No one else you wanted to be with.
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derangedanomaly · 6 months
If. If you're comfortable with it maybe you can make it a lil spicy. if you catch my drift... *wink wink. TEEHEE. And maybe add a little wholesomeness too 🤔
Ooh, now that's an interesting scenario 😏
WARNING: Suggestive, Fluffy, Heavy flirting, kinda a Dom!reader, mentions of cannibalism, NSFW parts
This dude will be ALL OVER YOU. He loves dominant people. (Lmao)
He will be like a closeted simp, actually.
He's going to deny any attraction towards you. Like, no, he wasn't staring at your behind. The hell you mean?
He loves laying his hand on your hip/s. It's just so squishy and nice in his hand- it's like they were meant to be held by him!
He'd give up anything just to hear you sing.
You're pretty powerful, not gonna lie- you can literally command Nightmare anything and he'd do it in a heartbeat.
Won't admit it, but you've got him wrapped around your little finger-
He's probably gonna rub it in Dream's face once you two get together.
He likes looking at your cleavage a lot. He can't help but start to get a little lot excited every time you bend over to either grab something, or simply just to give him a tease. But he's too much of a "gentleman/asshole" to ever acknowledge it, or admit it. But the tent in his pants tell a different story...
He won't let it be known by anyone, but he THRIVES and DROOLS whenever you dominate him in bed.
Speaking of drooling, you will catch him looking at your ass while drooling a lot... He's so thirsty istg.
Please please PLEASE call him "boss" in bed.. he gets off from that.
"What do you see in that guy?" <- probably Dust. "He makes me laugh."
Killer will literally whistle anytime you walk by.
He's so swayed by you, it's really silly.
Loves your voice, and would do anything just to hear you say his name.
He's the one that whimpers, source; trust me bro.
You are, in his "charming" words: "So sexy that it should be criminal."
He gets REALLY creative once he realizes he has a thing for your voice ... Like- A NEW KINK SUDDENLY DEVELOPS.
Keeps asking you to call him all sorts of things, just so he could hear it in your sultry voice. "Daddy, master, an idiot.." whichever you'll like the best to call him, he'll like it! Just cause it's you who's saying it.
He likes roleplaying with you, and not only cause you look really gorgeous while playing your role! There's actually a specific roleplay he likes to do with you. You're a victim and he's the criminal/kidnapper.
You thought Nightmare was horny? Nah dude, this man's is THE DEFINITION OF DOWN BAD.
He begs, so so much.
He has a love-hate relationship with pleasure denying... Don't get it twisted now, he loves how much control you have over him, and it has him shaking knowing that he's so bend by your words, but he just HATES how he can't... finish. Oh he wants to so bad..
While Killer and Nightmare love dominant people, Dust is actually a switch. He likes himself some Dom mommy, but sometimes, he likes to be the daddy, if you know what I mean ;)
But Dust is probably more respectful towards you than Killer and Nightmare.. what can I say? He proudly respects woman!
Would avoid actually looking at your cleavage and your ass, just so you wouldn't feel uncomfortable in his presence. (Omg, the MURDERER?! More respectful than drunkards at the bars?? That's crazy dude..)
He loves to hear you sing your sweet little tunes. He's so in love with YOUR PERSONALITY.
I definitely think that Dust values personality over looks, so that's pretty much what's going on.
He loves your sassiness, as he's pretty sassy himself, so that's that.
If you really want an honest opinion on something, go to Dust. He's probably the most reliable one here.
Dust tries his hardest to not let his mind travel to the more suggestive ideas, whenever he sees you, but boy... after you give him the permission to be more bold with you- oh-ho... let's just say... That he's gonna get much- more suggestive. Unless you don't want him to, then he'll immediately stop and apologize.
Loves your thighs, if he could, he would suffocate in-between your thighs, and he'd die a happy man.
He loves when you moan out his name- makes him feel good that he's making you this vocal.
Overall, I feel like he would rather focus on your pleasure than his own, he loves to make you feel good.
Horror never really pays attention to how people look like, what he does pay attention to though, is how certain people smell.. listen, he's not a dog, he can just tell if the people are good to eat, or if he should eat them. It overall gives him a good idea of how the person could taste. Good smell=tasty meat, Bad smell=yucky.
So what do you think he does the first time he sees you? He sniffs you.. and you smell......... really delicious...but this smell actually really confuses Horror, because you don't smell like food to him, but rather as something much more...steamy.
While Dust, Killer and Nightmare are the one that falls first, it's actually the other way around with Horror. You fall first.
You're literally gushing about his strength while he's ripping someone's head off of their body, only with his hands.
Horror is the tallest out of all the Bad Sanses (and Star Sanses), so you look like a flea next to him. Which in turn makes you flustered.
Horror likes your voice too, he could fall asleep to it...oh, how much would he love to hear your screams...
Finds your sassiness cute.
Horror is actually so clueless when he does something suggestive to you... He's not innocent, he just never takes it into account.
You start to get really hot and bothered by Horror, so you start to get a little risky with him... Teasing him. You do all sorts of things, bend over, press your chest on his belly, suggestively suck a popsicle, and safe to say... It drives him crazy.
He loves biting, so he'll often pepper you with love bites all over you. (Ouch. His teeth are really sharp, so good luck with that.)
He's just so..big. Wait, no, that's an understatement, he's ginormous. You'll have to really prepare yourself if you want to get down in the sheets with him. He WILL break you. (Not on purpose though)
While Killer whimpers, Horror growls.
He loves tasting you. It basically became his favorite meal. (You can choose whether you'd like for him to continue this routine of eating you out, or if you'd like for him to stop. He will stop. Another one that drank the "woman respecting juice".)
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vexahlla · 2 months
the thing is the gotham writers wanted to have their cake and eat it too with oswald cobblepot. in the comics/60s show penguin is a dapper gentleman, they wanted to explore the prequel aspect of a gangster crawling his way to the top of the mafia and it's obvious how inspired by mafia movies they were (istg in some interview they said they were inspired by some rat snitch side character from some niche film), and throughout the whole series you can see their love of the tim burton movies from plot points to the casting choices alone. so he's a dapper gangland kingpin, a ruthless rags to riches mob boss, AND a violent hungry fucking creature. and it makes for The Character of All Time, even on a hit or miss tv show. and they inadvertently potrayed, even though very exaggerated and vilified, a just absolutely unrestrained case of bpd. like i don't think that was on purpose. when i say im obsessed with him i really really mean it
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gonnamurdersomeone · 10 months
CoD people as cats? I think so here we go!
Someone better appreciate this I literally took 3 pages from my fucking notebook to write all this shit down
Captain John “Bravo-6” Price
I think John would definitely be an Oriental cat if not that then probably a Burmese. Smart, quick on his feet and pretty loyal seems about right.
Lieutenant Simon “Ghost” Riley
I think Simon would be a Norwegian forest cat or a British Short hair.. for obvious reasons dude is a fuckin Brit through and through. I chose NFC becuase they are bigger types of cats and used to harsh climates
Sergeant Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
For Gaz I chose an Abyssinian cat, they are pretty, usually have pretty eyes (like him) and are pretty smart and playful. Very Gaz coded
Sergeant Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
Johnny boy would be a Scottish Fold or a Siamese cat. They are very vocal, love people and are just a joy to be around honestly. Plus they suffer from pretty boy syndrome so… yeah
Sergeant Gary “Roach” Sanderson
Gary my baby boy, I chose an OciCat cause of his name it’s so random? I thought him being a more exotic and weird cat would fit his aesthetic. Very pretty cats too!
General Hershel Shepherd
Fucking hell I hate this dude and for that I gave him a Sphynx cat, they are mean, bald and bossy as fuck. Sound about right for mister Shepherd no?
I want to kill him
Kate “Watcher-1” Laswell
Kate one of my favorites! She would definitely be an American Curl. Very pretty cats with a unique personality and it just fits her. That or a Bombay cat I couldn’t choose
Nikolai “Gaz fell out of the helicopter again”
Nik our lovable transportation buddy, of course he would get a Russian blue there is no need to elaborate here he would be a Russian blue. Very cool cats ngl
Farah “Kilo Actual” Karim
She is so pretty and such a girl boss istg. But I’m giving the Bengal cat or an Ural Rex very curly hair and just very funny kitties, I think it fits her
Alex “Echo 3-1” Keller (Jr Price fr)
Pretty boy gets a pretty cat!!! He gets to be a Manx cat cause of the no tail (and his one leg) nahh jokes aside very pretty kitties for a very pretty boy
Phillip “Shadow-1” Graves
I hate this dude with all my atoms but he’s tolerable compared to Shepherd.. But I gave Graved an American shorthair. One becuase he’s American and two his hairline makes me wanna cry
Vladimir Makarov
I hate you so so much for what you did in MW3… but you are a character so I’m still giving you a cat. If you were a cat my guy I think you’d be an Peterbald or a Karelian cat
Andre “Alpha 2-1” Nolan
Surprisingly not a bad character imo but he could use some more character development! I’m giving him a Korat cat or a Singapura. I wish he got more development in MW3 honestly :/
Alejandro Vargas
Alejandro! Our favorite Mexican man gotta love him and the cowboys. He’s a petty boy as well so I’m giving him a pretty chill and cool cat as well. A color point shorthair, not necessarily a *breed* per day but still he deserves a petty kitty
Rodolfo Parra
Rudy! Another cowboy we love what a gentleman <3 I’m giving him an Egyptian Mau kitty, it has spots and I think Rudy would be a spotted kitty. Very good boy
Valeria “El-Sin-Nombre” Garza
Mommy issues fr love this women. I support women rights AND wrongs 💪 she gets a Donskoy or a Savannah cat. Both wild kitties to match her wild and unpredictable personality I think it fits very well
Anxious King gotta love them! For obvious reasons he’s a Maine Coon cat, the biggest house cat there is. For being an absolute UNIT of a man he deserves a very loyal, pretty, and big kitty. God I just wanna smother this man
Kim “Horangi” Hong-jin
Toyger need I say more? It’s a literal house tiger, his name is fucking Tiger he gets to be the tiger damnit! 😤
Darnell “Hutch” Hutcherson
Dunno the rest of these guys very well (besides Nikto) but I’m giving Hutch a Chartreux cat. I wish the more obscure characters got more attention, no they may not be apart of the MW part but still they deserve love
I love this man with every fucking atom of my body. My baby boy deserves the best cat in my opinion the Lykoi. Very cool, funny and amazing cats one of the best he’s just a goober I wanna pet him and keep him in my closet away from all the bad things
Mace heard some things about you here and there and decided I couldn’t leave you behind. You my friend would be an Oriental Longhair dunno why but I think it suits him
Idk if this man is even part of the fandom? Either way I’m giving you a cat deal with it. You would be an Highlander cat if not then an Tonkinese kitty.
Keegan P Russ
Oh Keegan my dear boy, you would be a Devon Rex kitty, very smart, mischievous and overall just a joyful cat. You deserve the world my dear
Logan Walker
Ragdoll. You will get a ragdoll take it or leave or my guy. Just know I’m only adding you and everyone else because of Keegan
David “Hesh” walker
Hhhh.. hesh dude idk I’d probably give you a Havanah Brown kitty. Seems like a good fit. Unusual brown kitty for a unusual cool character
Elias T “Scarecrow” Walker
I literally know nothing about you? But I’m still giving you a cat! Uh I think possibly a Javanese cat would fit you my dude.
Alex v “Ajax” Johnson
Same with you like? I have never heard about you either but whatever. I think a Australian Mist or a Khao Manee cat would work
Alright so that’s all the CoD characters I think? I’m not sure if I missed anyone, if I did tell me and I’ll assign them in the comments or whatever.
No I’m not adding the other characters such as Diego or any other unknown Ghost team people or random background people that only have like 2 lines of dialogue or is barely even known within the CoD community.
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anynerd · 3 months
William T. Spears with an Angel! Reader
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[ Not my artwork! Credits to the artist ]
You were a youthful angel. The words to describe you were pure, elegant, yet classy.
Angel! Reader was known to be kind, good with kids, and as curious as a cat, Angel! Reader would always watch from above on the human realm or maybe even disguise herself (aka hide her wings) to interact with the human beings.
William first saw you when he was called down to the human realm to "assist" Grell, and Ronald with their mission. (During Grell the ripper era)
There he saw you, with your wings protectivally covering Ciel, and covering the young Lord's eyes for Angel! Reader thinked that it was too crucial for an "INNOCENT" child to see.
After that night, the grim reaper found out how you were the angel who everyone was talking about.
- the angel that sometimes tried helping some grim reapers locate a soul when they had trouble finding,
The angel that helped the Earl of Phantomhive from a reaper and it's master who were trying to harm Ciel and his demon butler.
William and you officially met one another when he was on a mission in England, where he was above a building's roof and suddenly you bumping into him.
Angel! Reader's POV:
As I was flying in the sky I suddenly got distracted with the birds flying with me to even notice that I was about to fly onto someone.
*OOF* I yelped.
As I dusted off my white dress, I was met with a man wearing a suit and glasses, whom I suspected was a reaper.
"I am terribly sorry for bumping into you mister" I apologized,
William's POV:
A woman with wings flied directly at me, causing me my glasses to fly off of my face,
My vision was blurry as a heard the woman apologizing.
She had a very suiting voice, that had a hint of a British accent into it.
"I am terribly sorry for bumping into you mister" she said,
"It's quite alright, though can you perhaps hand me my glasses miss.. "
I paused "-Miss L/N, oh and here you go"
She, herself placed the glasses onto my nose bridge and bumped it up.
Giggling slightly
William and Angel! Reader later introduced themselves to one another, with Angel! Reader being as "ladylike" as possible and William being as a gentleman as he could.
Who knew after that William, the known work-oholic, the strict boss, the "pusher", the nonchalant man, would start to fall for the Angel? 🤷🏻‍♀️
After that interaction, William found Angel! Reader to be quite fascinating, from her wings, her aura, her reputation as a "goody two shoes" everything
Angel! Reader was the reason why the William T. Spears started taking more missions in the human world with Grell, Ronald and other reapers.
Eventually you got used to him appearing on earth that you and him made a calling sign. (๑ˇεˇ๑)•*¨*•.¸¸♪ whistling
One low note whistle from William, and you were summoned like a genie in a bottle-
One "singingly" note from you and William was there with his death scythe, ready to help you in danger with other dreadful creatures that you couldn't complete on yourself on your Guardian Angel Duties.
Grell found out about how close you were with her man, and wrote your name on her to-die list, with the Nun and Beast from her bassy (ifykyk 😭🙏🏻) above your name
It takes a while for him to accept that he had taken a liking to another creature, but he was thankful it wasn't a demon- (MAN HAS BEEF WITH SEBASTIAN ISTG 😭LMAO)
He, at first denied his feelings but he soon found himself taking you out on a date (a secret one ofc)
The dates he takes you on are mostly private ones, and the ones you take him to are consistently visits to heaven (You're a high ranker in heaven, as a Guardian Angel, like how William is in the Shinigami world)
Visits to the gates of Heaven, walks in the clouds in heaven, or even William seating on your back as you fly above in the sky with your wings.
When your and his relationship is finally public, you make visits at him at his building to his office to drop off homemade and home-packed Lunchboxes for him (as you understand how focused he is during work hours and understand how late he can get home)
Now you're a known power couple with your guys High ranked statuses, in both Heaven and the underground.
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zweiginator · 2 years
HI pls I beg for any Greg hcs you have, nsfw or otherwise 😭😭 there isn’t enough about him on this app istg
tom and greg go out to this cute little sushi restaurant and you’re there with your friends and greg will not stop staring at you and of course you noticed; he’s like 7 feet tall and looks like he’s on a romantic date with his older boss whilst also bickering with him
greg is facing towards your table and tom is facing away, so tom is eventually like “gregory, WHAT are you looking at? what could possibly be more enticing than this dinner we’re sharing right now?”
and greg is like “nothing, i’m not even looking i’m just—don’t even worry about it.”
and tom whips his head around and sees the table of you and your friends and he’s like “little greggy has a little crush on a pretty dame, does he?” and greg is so unbelievably embarrassed
and greg changes the subject so fast
but tom is like “ask her out! ask her out!”
and he does, but i’m imagining he kind of looks like he’s a waiter
“no no i don’t work here—i just wanted to ask you for your number.” and he’s so cute and anxious you give it to him
you actually text a lot and greg takes you on really sweet dates and he’s a gentleman
and a couple months later tom is like “it’s a real bummer nothing ever came from getting that girls number.”
and greg is like “she’s my girlfriend now.”
and tom and everyone else just refuses to believe him 😭
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nctrsn20 · 3 years
[just a heads up but trigger warning for the Dreamies + Shorato&Sungchan]
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POSITION ― Leader-Boss of DREAM, All Rounder
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Strictly Unavailable [colleagues to lovers]
I swear Mark is exactly like Peter Parker
now introducing the boss and leader of DREAM, Mark Lee
a young, handsome and polite man which all girls kind of having a thing for him (both in the mafia organization and in school)
but when it comes to work, he is a mixture of Kun and Taeyong
he is nice like Kun but he doesn't take bullshits just like Taeyong (and he gets pretty scary when his love ones especially his bestfriend are involved in his businesses - expect Mark not to be nice and probably knowing he is going to kill you by the end of the night)
very hard-working individual
he jumps from helping 127 and to be Dream's leader, basically helping the young ones and lead them - he HAS A LOT of plate to handle but he is lucky that he has Haechan to relate to
but there is someone he would easily get everything and anything out of his chest and that would be Mark's best friend and crush
she knows everything about Mark - vice versa and how did they know each other? well, they kind of met thanks to Lee Taeyong (you see, Mark's bestfriend is Taeyong's sister)
they met in Taeyong's company building where all 23 members work at and tbh it was iconic because she came in barging into the level where the 23 members located - that area is strictly prohibited to outsiders and ONLY a few staff could enter (and Mark plus some of the 127 members were there at that point of time and strangely they just asked Mark to lead her when he doesn't even know her, but it looks like the older members knew her because they kind of greeted her nicely and cutely which is rare to see the older ones do that)
and ofc gentleman+awkward Mark lead her to where Taeyong is and from there, Mark finds out that she is Taeyong's sister (Mark feels dumb but it's okay bcs she actually doesn't introduce herself as Taeyong's sister for safety reasons - it was weird for Mark, he kept on bumping onto her even when she visited Taeyong for both business purposes and for siblings time)
he also finds out that she went to to same college as him (as well as the other Dream members' partners, it was all a coincidence that Mark's crush is friends with the other Dream members' partners)
and because she is Taeyong's sister, she would always be invited to parties that are made by Taeyong or the other members. (in result all of them became friends and consider a family, she is even friends' with all 23 members' partners - she is a social butterfly)
whenever they are talking in the corner of the room, the older members would look at her and Mark - observing Mark from far and they kind of guessed that Mark somehow likes her, just seeing the way his body language shows
they are right, Mark indeed likes her ever since she kind of confronted Taeyong on giving Mark missions back to back (Mark finds out that it lead into a huge argument between her and Taeyong - actually everyone finds out they were screaming in Taeyong's office till Taeyong's girl and a few of the 127 members had to step in)
and let's just say Mark is a HUGE mess ever since he sees her as his crush (Haechan would always push him to confess to her but the leader would always stutter - like how can you easily shoot someone on the head but can't even say 3 simple words?)
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POSITION ― Sniper, [Main] Weapon Expertise
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― In A Relationship [high school friends to lovers]
the weapon expertise and a skilled shooter that was acknowledged by Johnny
our Renjun has a tiny wincy incy bit of temper but is tolerable (usually Mark would easily calm him down but we ALL know who is the one who could just calm down his emotions with just showing herself up)
honestly, Renjun is mostly calm with the 23 members but when it's only the Dream members or they are in a meeting, in the end of the day he would either argue with Haechan or Mark about a mission or business
but when it involves physical fight (not with the Dream members though, they always have a soft spot no matter how things get tough), no one could stop Renjun other than his best friend
both of them are friends ever since high school and she was literally his ride or die friend which turned into his crush best friend (Renjun was known to be a tsundere in school and she was well, we will get to her story in her own part, a girl version of Lucas but she is more tone down and she dates the popular ones back in high school)
fast forward to college where all the Dream members attended (and so as their partners), she and Renjun as usual are close as ever not until she dated a guy that was lowkey rivals with Renjun - basically the Huangs'
it was obvious he dated her to get NCTs' information but here is the thing, she doesn't hang out in NCT's residence that much (due to her work and school stuff, she was somehow naïve)
fast forward Renjun and the rest of the members find out that the guy cheated on Renjun's best friend and things went down yall (Renjun got into a fist fight with him and ofc the Dreamies had to call her and that's when things literally went downhill)
she and Renjun got into a huge argument, it's just messy until Renjun couldn't take it anymore and literally shouted those 3 words which is 'I love you' and our homegirl is shook (and Renjun started avoiding her and she just went to NCT's residence crying after Mark and Haechan spill everything to her - Dream members couldn't take it anymore after seeing Renjun basically crying and just wasn't himself for a few weeks)
according to Mark and Haechan, Renjun told them that he has always like her every since high school and till now, his feelings never change - he likes how confident she is, how protective and caring she is (and to Renjun, the way she flirts with him was different from how she flirts with other guys) although she had did things that break his heart (dating others, basically seeing her in campus)
he really loves her that he would kill someone if they wants her head
and let's just say at the end of that day, our homeboy Renjun got a kiss that he always wanted, which was on the lips - and from there, both of them worked things out and now we have a bad-ass couple
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POSITION ― [High-Rank] Soldier, Hitman [hand to hand combat expertise]
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― In A Relationship [best friend to lovers]
now let's welcome the hitman of the group, Lee Jeno
to be honest, he is considered an all-rounder BUT Taeyong acknowledges him to be a hitman after seeing him basically attacking and ending up killing one of Taeyong's enemies with just his bare-hands
mind-blowing because Jeno is the quietest and somehow calm and to know he could just kill someone with a pair of hands? damn
it was insane to see his duality that the 127 members could only look at Jeno with open mouth (they were shookth) and of course everyone knows not to make Jeno angry or being in his red list
one day, somehow rumors got into the kids in the mafia school that Jeno murdered someone and out of a sudden kids started to gang up on him
though mostly the Dream members as well as their partners back up Jeno (since Dream members know the exact story) and most of them were willing to get hurt just to protect their friend, but Jeno would tell them to stay out of it
but of course one wouldn't listen to him and let's welcome our savior of Jeno's life, his best friend aka his crush ever since they were in middle school
his crush is a sweet individual and most people were quite weirded out to see him getting along with her, both of their personalities kind of the opposite (they didn't know that the reason why they are able to be friends, much more than friends - best friends)
will explain more about his crush istg i love Jeno's girl Jeno secretly loves her bad-ass/aggressive side which was the day when sadly, his crush gets nearly expelled - so what had happened was Jeno got into a fist fight with a group of boys and there was a commotion obviously which lead Jeno's crush and her friends (which were Dream's partners) to the area
basically Jeno was being ganged up and beaten - her friends were shook that she decided to get involved which was rare and seeing how aggressive she got when she shove one of Jeno's attacker and started throwing out strong punches to the point when the boy screamed bloodily (and her friends had to hold her back, it was so sudden and frightening to see the look she gave)
and all of them was basically sent to the principal's office and let's just say Kun was being called too (he is the dean of the college they are attending) - and everyone receives punishment equally but the group of boys who gang up on Jeno were given much more heavier punishment
the next thing happen that made all of the Dream members step aside was hearing harsh words coming from Jeno as a result the two of them were shouting at each other in frustration until one of them accidentally said 'i love you'
but those words weren't coming form Jeno - it was from her (it was all a sudden but she meant it)
let's just say at the end of that argument, both of them shed more tears in each other arms and getting a kiss on the lips - and a full-time committed relationship
now knowing that jeno thought he knows her best friend-lover too well until he somehow figured out a secret that she has been keeping from him and everyone around her for too long
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POSITION ― [High-Rank] Soldier, All-Rounder
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― In A Relationship [acquaintances to lovers]
the troublemaker and an all-round (just like Mark)
he and Mark runs from 127 to Dream back and forth and he is positioned to do all kinds of roles (sniper, assassin, hitman, decoy) according to Mark and Taeyong's instructions
very loud individual and you can hear him screaming or just talking in full-caps somewhere in NCT's residence (Taeyong, together with Kun and Mark actually made their own residence - combining three huge houses together as their home, a place for the ones who doesn't a place to live or when there are missions back to back so 127, WAYV and DREAM has their own houses but the fun part is that their houses is just the opposite of each other)
and interestingly all of sudden he became strangely quiet whenever a very familiar looking girl walks into NCT's residence together with the other older members along with their partner's
you see, Haechan has a huge crush on Jungwoo's and Jaemin's partner's sister and although they were in the same circle of friends, she and Haechan didn't talk much and that's because she is a busy girl while Haechan is too shy to make the first move
but all that shyness has to be put down when Taeyong gave Haechan work to do which was to become the bodyguard to her (apparently her sisters were in danger which lead to Haechan's crush being involve too)
basically they started talking and both were becoming more comfortable with each other that Haechan would always hangs out with her in school and be clingy to her and as usual being his usual loud self (and she is the only one who can keep up with Haechan's clinginess which the other members would call her if they couldn't handle him)
when Haechan started to realize he is in love or already fell for her is when he was summoned into the meeting room with 127 (and for the first time, Jungwoo wasn't there and that's because he was in another country, on a hide out with his girl), telling Haechan that a group of syndicate is trying to kill his crush's bloodline (apparently her family has a lot of hatred just because they have the most gold-basically-rich which is ridiculous)
so she was forced to stay in NCT's residence (together with her younger sister whom were just a few months younger which would be introduce as Jaemin's partner) and by then Haechan already confirmed his feelings for her after they kind of cuddled together as well as having the deep talk regarding her life and it's just different
and when Haechan thinks the situation was eased down and thinking that he could make his move, turns out it was the opposite of what he thinks - and to summarize, his crush end up being the hostage making ALL of NCT members' to move their feet after seeing Haechan basically turn into rage
Haechan was a mess alright, he was mad, frustrated, kind of pissed with himself and also scared (at the end of the day, he was the savior of the night - he was the one who personally took her out of the basement of where the syndicate lives)
the rest was history with interestingly her being the first one to confess to him and Haechan making the first move on kissing her right in front of the members (iconic)
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POSITION ― [High-Rank] Soldier, Hitman
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Complicated [high school friends to lovers]
the deadly cute hitman of the group (well Chenle, Jisung and Shotaro are cute but they are different type of cute)
while Jeno is more to a hand-to-hand hitman, Jaemin uses Renjun's newly made weapons on his targets (and again, Jeno and Jaemin are somehow soulmates - they work together, hangout together)
although Jeno is always with him, school somehow separated them since they were taking different subjects (this is in high-school) and that's how he gets to meet his crush, which is also a sister to Jungwoo's and Jeno's partner in a not-so-good situation
Jaemin is known to be that cute introvert individual who does his own thing and sadly, boys who had jealousy of Jaemin's good looks would find ways to tease him or just made fun of him (Jaemin would usually shrug them off and Jeno would always be the one to back him up)
until one day when Jaemin steps out of the school building and he was randomly pushed down and all he remember was huge throbbing on his head from being kicked and punched then hearing groans and yells from the boys before passing out
and when he woke-up kind-of, he saw blurry image of Taeyong, Jeno and a girl in a corner, he couldn't see her face clearly but all he could remember was she had a blonde hair and she was wearing a leather jacket (and he passed out again poor Jaemin he wasn't in a good condition)
Jaemin would return to school a few days later and strangely, there were new rumors regarding a girl, that was also mentioned with Jungwoo's and Jeno's partner's names, coming back and of course as a NCT member he put two and two together (she was the one who save him and she is the sister to both of Jungwoo's and Jeno's partner and they are known to be well-known in their own ways, especially the youngest one. it would be explain in her own profile/moodboard)
honestly during lunchtime, they would make a few eye-contact from far. Jaemin as usual with Jeno and the Dream members while she was in her own clique (this is before she joined Elinovas Angel, she had her own clique in high school)
the reason why Dream members didn't approach her nor her clique or herself is because both groups are kind of rivals secretly (but all of them are chill though and THAT IS BECAUSE of her saving one of the Dream members so it's a win-win situation)
the first time Jaemin approach her was when she was just minding her own business in the cafeteria, sitting alone, reading a paper while munching an apple (apparently the way Jaemin approach kind of her made her choke slightly, causing her to almost fell from her back and that's when Jaemin perfectly caught her, IN his arms all of a sudden it's like a k-drama or something) let's just say they were lost in each others eyes with her basically yeeting out of his arms with a flushed face
THAT was the moment when they kind of were attracted of each other
the rest of high school days were actually pretty memorable because he actually made friends with her BUT in secret , thanks to Taeyong and the older member's parties, Jaemin had his chance to make her trust him as they had this cute bond with each other since she attended the events as a sister to Jungwoo's and Jeno's partners (Jaemin already consider her as his best friend maybe more than that, he is still confused with his own feelings)
but things started to get out of hand nearly graduation when all of a sudden Jaemin and Dream members were being approached by her clique, needing Jaemin's help that one of their members which was Jaemin's best friend/crush was being held hostage (and everyone was shocked to see how Jaemin's face turned from normal to rage - he literally ran out of the school compound)
within an hour with Jaemin rushing to Taeyong and getting the information he needs, Jaemin founds her and he was horrified after seeing her body literally laying on the basement and she looked like she was beaten (Jaemin was crying when he was driving his way to NCT's residence - everyone was shook to see him cry because in every missions they did, he had never show his vulnerable side, this was the first and it isn't even a mission tbh)
he would stay by her side - he even neglected his own daily needs. he wouldn't leave her side even when the Dream members or the older members would softly ask him to eat or take a rest. that was the moment when everyone figured out that Jaemin loves her (it was obvious with the way Jaemin looked at her sleeping face - and deep down, Jaemin even knows he care for her, adored her and love her)
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POSITION ― [High-Rank] Tech Specialist
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Complicated [high school friends to lovers]
IMPORTANT FRIEND ― Felix Lee (Stray Kids)
the cute and sassy tech specialist
if Jeno and Jaemin are a pair, Chenle is with Jisung (the two youngest were assigned to be the tech specialist, at the same time the main guards of NCT's residence so they are always in front of multiple PCs' and they are the ones who would accept outsiders in - that's how much Taeyong trust the youngests)
Chenle loves his job tbh that's because he get to plan out booby-traps for unwelcome visitors and most of them would be killed instantly by Chenle and Jisung's booby-traps (the older members were shookth to see a few dead bodies in front of their main door - and they found out Chenle and Jisung had used Yangyang's poison air-gas and somehow put them in balloons)
being tech specialist, he rarely comes out to do missions since Taeyong doesn't allow him and Jisung too - but when Taeyong or Mark really needs a last minute back-up, that would be Chenle (the young one has his own back-up team)
until one day, a unfamiliar girl and obviously unwelcomed ran into NCT's residence - there are multiple CCTV's in their residence (they could even see what's going on WAYV and 127 residence) and it was weird to Chenle because he couldn't recognize her since he knows everyone who is somehow friends and are associates to the 23 members
so instead of as usual activating the booby-traps, Chenle's guts tell him to go out there personally armed with a gun and asking Jisung to keep a watch out and in the end his guts were right (it was Winwin's younger sister whom Winwin himself didn't talk much since she is always abroad and she looked pretty terrified)
now the thing about Chenle is he isn't too friendly with people he doesn't know EVEN though they are friend with the other members (except for the Elinovas Angels, Chenle really really treats them like his own guardian/older sisters) but strangely, he didn't know why he has this feeling of wanting to protect her - seeing how fragile she look at that exact moment (dude Chenle was concern, she looked like she was crying on the way here and he actually guided her to WAYV's residence since she barged into DREAM's)
and after that night, Chenle strangely kept thinking of her and in result of him asking Winwin what is going on and he was shook to find out his biological sister was about to be in a arranged married with a psychopath and an abuser (and without thinking Chenle started to give out plans and he didn't realise Winwin was shook to hear how concern he is because Chenle IS NEVER to be the one to get in others business)
Winwin being the good older brother actually listens to Chenle and one was to ask her to stay in NCT's residence and to ask her to enroll into where Dream members are currently studying in which was Kun's college (eventually she enrolled and all of the Dream's partners' are sweet enough to greet her, making her comfortable as she joins the group and eventually Elinovas Angels)
everyday, Chenle sticks to her and both of them are already comfortable with each other, not knowing what was about to come in the future
and one frightening day, Chenle receives a hand-written letter from her and he came running almost crying to Winwin about what was written - he was shocked and hurt that she decided to surrender after receiving threats regarding to attack NCT's residence and Taeyong's company building (what he didn't tell Winwin is that she actually wrote a separate letter for Chenle, confessing that she actually fell for him - he was nice, patient and just his own self unlike other mafia man she knows. she also revealed that if she stayed longer, she would fall completely for Chenle)
that part actually made Chenle hurt the most, he could just cry on the spot but his mind was much faster to run to Winwin to save her from doing something stupid (which was marrying that bastard)
for the first time, out of all missions, he decided to personally rescue her along with WAYV members
iconic and everyone sees Chenle's protective and loving side, he is lowkey to his own members but for the first time, everyone could see his vulnerable side openly (and expect to see Chenle calming the almost raging Winwin and his sister who almost gonna cry and that made Chenle kind of more protective)
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POSITION ― [High-Rank] Tech Specialist
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Strictly Unavailable [childhood friends to lovers]
another cute tech specialist but Jisung is somewhat an angel while Chenle is the devil ajaja
an introvert so Taeyong decided to put him as the tech specialist, together with Chenle (and Taeyong sees Jisung as someone who is still a minor and although this organization is ruthless, Taeyong still cares for the young ones and wants them to be ready when they know they are ready themselves)
everyone babies him tbh and they are protective of him
even his own childhood best friend whom is a younger sister to Lucas, is protective of Jisung
this two are always together - yes, even when they are babies that's because both of their family are friends, close friends
and both Jisung's and his childhood friend's families are known for their own reputation (Jisung's would be having scary parents and hers would be having rich parents)
until one day during middle school, she approached Jisung with tears running down her cheeks - telling him that she had to go, which was to move out since something went wrong within her family business
you see middle school Jisung is different than the now!Jisung, he was happy back then, kind of cheerful although no one wants to befriend him and that's because of his childhood bff (she was always there for him, she went to his soccer tournament, she even attended all of his birthday parties)
Jisung didn't have the time to be shock nor surprised because it was that day itself where his best friend has to go (so throughout the day of his best friend's last day of school, he was being extra clingy with her, accompanying her everywhere)
he decided to follow her all the way to the airport, not surprised when his family was there too to bid their goodbyes' (kind of felt betrayed that they didn't tell him but ofc he didn't care for now since his main focus is his bff)
and everyone is shookth to see Jisung crying while hugging his bff and ofc she had to be the positive one, patting the boy's back - saying she would be back (but both of them know that isn't the case)
fast forward to 4 years later, Jisung meets her at the high school he attended along with some of the Dream members but surprisingly, she was with Lucas (he was again shook because he didn't know at that time that they were siblings and again, he felt betrayed but again that didn't matter)
Jisung didn't approach her though, that's because he didn't know what to feel (during that 4 years without being with each other, Jisung somehow went through the phase of being alone and at some point and as a result, he learn to be independent - and that's how he joined NCT)
until 2 days later where NCT and their partners' were invited for Taeyong's annual party and all of the members' siblings were invited - and from the corner, Jisung saw her along with Lucas (of course some of the Dream members have to call Jisung since the boy wasn't too attentive and Jisung swore that she looked like she didn't want to be there)
and he was right, Jisung followed her quietly - seeing her going to the swimming pool, sitting down on the edge while soaking her feet (the members encourage him to go to her though, and Jisung didn't waste any time to approach her)
the moment he said his first words and locking his eyes with hers, he was stunned on how beautiful she looks - the dim lights in the corners of the pool reflect through the water and to her (let's just say Jisung found out what had happened to her during the 4 years and he didn't know she suffered too - and they ended that conversation with an apology towards each other and hugs of comfort)
since then and fast forward to college, they were as close as ever and at some point, Jisung learnt that his best friend changed slightly (at one time, a group of boys somehow decided to tease him and she decided to step forwards and again Jisung is stunned to see that his best friend know how to fight)
and at one point of time, Jisung realizes that he is falling for his best friend when a boy in school approaches her to get her number but in the end he didn't get one (that's because she likes Jisung too hehe)
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POSITION ― Rookie Tech Specialist
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Unavailable but In Love, Deeply [best friends to lovers]
1/2 of the A star rookies that was voted by the leaders of all 3 groups
he looks like an angel but he is more than that
he is actually good at hacking and so Taeyong decided to put him under Chenle and Jisung's care (although he is older than them, but Chenle and Jisung are more experienced)
we would wonder how Shotaro joined NCT? it was actually through his parents (unfortunately through a saddened incident of a syndicate barging into Osakis' residence, they were almost slaughtered but it was actually thanks to Yuta that they were saved - the NCT member was close with Shotaro so they keep tabs with each other)
his parents entrusted NCT on taking care of Shotaro (and since then Shotaro lives with the Dream members. he learns how to be independent with the help of the NCT members)
and with that he is immediately enrolled to schools that Kun owns (he had attended high school which when he met his now best friend)
he is a shy bub and at that time, he was already somehow a member of NCT (all rookies in NCT will definitely end up as a NCT member, and as usual all NCT members will gain huge attention in schools)
everyone was gossiping about a cute guy that looked like an otter joining the school and stuff and so Shotaro was being seen in the hallways (all girls adore him tbh, he is the only member who looks endearing - even when he doesn't smile)
Shotaro was so committed to school that he joined a club which was the basketball club ! (honestly the basketball club was shook and excited that they have a NCT member and all of them were nice and supportive guys which were rare to find)
and the cheerleaders room and basketball room is just 2 doors away from each other - guess who met one of the well-known cheerleader, yes our otter cheerleader
so what had happened was Shotaro and the boys were leaving to grab drinks and coincidentally, the door of the cheerleaders' room opens abruptly with one of the members exiting the room with her phone on her hand (and guess WHO accidentally bumped into her, yes Shotaro)
followed by hearing deep gasps and the sound of a phone crashing down on the floor, silence decided to cover the area and the first one to move is Shotaro to gather the broken phone while apologizing to her numerously (and what made Shotaro widen his eyes was hearing her answer which was "it's okay, well, at least i get to avoid my annoying older brother. don't worry the damage will be on me though")
and with that, she left quickly and the boys started started to ask Shotaro if he was okay or did she just threaten him and ofc Shotaro was confused on who they were talking about (then Shotaro was being told that she was actually NCT Johnny's adopted younger sister and they kind of had a fall out and stuff - there were rumors about her that she was being adopted and it was sad she had to find out by the rumors itself)
her face and her impression kind of stuck onto his mind that Shotaro couldn't help but steal glances towards her whenever he saw her in the hallway or during lunch (basically a tsundere to him)
according to Shotaro's point of view, she would always be seen with her own clique, in the middle of the girls who were gossiping while she was on the phone looking unbothered at the same time answering her friends (and somehow they both caught each other's eyes that Shotaro froze and as for her, she slight smiled at him before looking away *cue Shotaro panicking and feeling butterflies on his stomach*)
the next moment they met was at Taeil's party and as usual everyone was invited, which includes Shotaro - and when he arrived, guess who saw the girl looking grumpy as she followed her tall older brother? Shotaro of course (she doesn't look impressed at all as she follows her older brother as he was talking to his own friends - and at one time she slips off as she wander around)
and while Shotaro wanders to find the Dream members and her walking off making small talks with Dream members' partners, they again bumped into each other but this time she was about to fall by her back and Shotaro who has fast reflex caught her by her sides (that's when they had a FACE TO FACE eye contact and not wanting the situation to be an awkward one, she started the conversation first which lead them to exchange numbers)
which just an exchange of phone numbers, both of them became close which means they kind of know each others' habits and because she trusted Shotaro, she even told him her secrets - well not a secret since everyone found out from a rumor (Shotaro remembered that she called him in the middle of the night, as she was crying and being the gentleman he is, he came to her and they just sat on the stairs right outside of Dream's residence)
their friendship kind of grew from there till they graduate and attending the same college as the other Dream members (and of course they are accepted in the Dream clique since they know each other through the other members)
and Shotaro is slowly falling for her and everyone knows that especially the members - with how he looks at her and how he just communicates with her, he thinks he knows everything about her but there is just one secret he didn't know about her which will one day save Shotaro's life (will be revealed in her own profile)
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POSITION ― Rookie Sniper
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Complicated [childhood friends to lovers]
another A star rookie that picked by the 3 leaders
kind of opposite with Shotaro tbh
he doesn't look like an angel and he isn't an angel due to his tragic past
though he was chosen because of his skills and abilities which is a sniper, Taeyong actually found him walking mindlessly on the street
was it a coincidence? well kind of. Taeyong was actually on his way to personally kill his parents for what they did to innocent people and seeing their son walking mindlessly with blood stains on his clothes, kind of coincidence isn't it?
so Taeyong kind of took him and that's when the mafia leader knew the kid somehow just found out the truth on what his parents did and he was ashamed tbh (ofc who wouldn't be ashamed finding out your parents kidnapped children, trained them to become weapons and somehow tortured them in the middle)
and that was like 5 years ago and a year passed, Sungchan lives in NCT Dream's residence at the same time attending high school along with the other Dream members
and one fine day, his class was introduced to a new classmate and Sungchan's eyes widened as soon as he recognized that stone-cold face and his classmates were definitely a positive kind of bunch as they excitedly say their 'hi's and hello's with excitement (Sungchan was the only one who didn't say his 'hi's and 'hello's, he was froze on his seat realizing that girl is his long-time childhood friend)
one thing that Sungchan loves about his childhood which he would always hold onto that whenever someone ask him regarding his childhood was actually play-dates with his childhood friend (whom is a younger sister to Taeil's wife and to Got7's leader, Lim Jaebeom)
his parents were somehow friends with hers and that's how the play-dates started, hence they attended the same middle school (both of them were the innocent ones when it comes to their parents' works but she was smart to find out things since her parents' were assassins)
and with Sungchan escaping from his house after sneaking and hearing their conversation, and he got caught by his parents' men in result of Sungchan getting physical by stabbing them, hence he out of nowhere cut off contact with his childhood friend
Sungchan knew she still recognize him after seeing her face grew more cold, after making a 2 second eye contact as she turned away to find her seat and through-out the day, she didn't even approach him instead she just walked passed him - and that went on for a month
until he decided to approach and let's just say it didn't go well in the middle - with him grabbing her arm since she just ignore him and them basically yelling at each other but what made Sungchan stop on the 'yelling competition' is seeing her tears finally falling and in result of Sungchan crying too after hearing her confessing what she felt for the passed few years without him
and so 2 childhood friends were reunited and one fine day as they were enjoying lunch in school, all hell break loose after hearing non-stop gunshots then seeing a notorious faces of syndicates that Sungchan knew (and strangely before Sungchan decided to make his move, his childhood friend was fast enough to hold onto his hand as they make a run for it)
they were smart to realize that those men were actually after Sungchan and Sungchan couldn't even process everything that day as he only remembered arriving to NCT's residence with all of the members basically running around (basically 127 and WAYV trying to calm down the panicked Kun at the same time worrying for Sungchan and Dream members worrying for Sungchan and his friend)
a few days later, Sungchan was acting weird towards her - avoiding her at the same time not replying to her texts which made her super annoyed, that one fine Saturday night, there was a loud knocks on Dream's residence door and poor Shotaro opens the door to see her raging and wanting to talk to Sungchan who was busy playing FIFA with Jisung and Chenle on the 2nd level
sweet Shotaro guided her and the atmosphere grew tense after Jisung see Sungchan's friend standing with cold glares towards Sungchan and ofc Jisung had to nudge on Chenle and he had to nudge onto Sungchan (honestly it's comedy peak) and ofc ChenJi had to escape from that suffocating atmosphere
Sungchan knew at that moment he was going to have another 'yelling competition' but instead she just sat beside Sungchan quietly and said "please don't do that, I already lost a few people that I love. you are the last person that I don't want to lose."
and they cried in each other's' arms again after finding out the truth about what happened to her family and Sungchan found out that she knew what had happened to him back then (and so much more that Sungchan wanted her to join NCT but she can't because of Taeyong agreeing with Jaebeom on business related stuff and weirdly about her too)
so from that moment onwards till college, there were no secrets between her and Sungchan and they continue to become that type of bestfriends with Sungchan asking her to come to parties or events that the members could invite someone and she would constantly had to remind him that his older sister is married to the oldest member in NCT and of course she has to come
but there was something that Sungchan couldn't tell her face to face and he had no choice to make it as a secret - and that would be confessing to her about his feelings (which was liking her ever since they were in middle school and falling in love with her in the present time)
[ N-127 MOODBOARDS ] - [ 127'S SOULMATES ]
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shijiujun · 4 years
[SPOILERS KIND OF] TLTR2 - Thoughts on the last 10 episodes + EVERYTHING
Ahhhhh the found family trope gets me every single damn time!!! Honestly Zhu Yilong’s TLTR is the best I’ve seen! 
Okay first things first, TLTR as a whole was EXCELLENT in terms of characters, script, twists, SETS (wow damn TLTR creeps me out episode after episode) and the whole premise seems a little far-fetched but actually melds together really well. Pacing could be slightly better (HAHAHAHA like Wu Xie was stuck in Warehouse 11 on his own like FOREVER in the first half) but they remedied that with S2, the pacing was spot on and I was literally jumping on my feet EVERY WEEK. Reunions? Check. Xiao Ge badass catwalk from the shadows every time Wu Xie is in danger? Check. TEAM BONDING WITH LIU SANG WHUMP?! CHECK. HAPPY ENDING?!!! CHECK (could have done with an alive Jia Ke Zi to be honest, but we’ll take what we can get).
And one thing TLTR does really, really well is like touching, reminiscing scenes? Even with Er Jing?!!! And of course everytime Pang Zi and everyone else thinks Wu Xie is dying, and when Wu Xie himself thinks he’s literally going to die the next moment, wow the script is amazing?!!! I cried (okay but I admit that I cry really easily) soooo many times?!
On Er Jing - The Mole
The moment when Wu Xie recalls Er Jing saving him when he was younger, and how much he trusted Er Jing, and I do feel so sad for both Er Jing and Wu Xie? Like I don’t believe each moment for Er Jing was spent like scheming and tbf he’s not that good of a schemer, ISTG his greed and glee shows up EVERY SINGLE TIME the second he steps into warehouse 11 and Pang Zi is right, “It’s so obvious it’s Er Jing please.” Wu Xie says it as well - if Er Jing truly was a scheming little bij, he would have been seen throughout the 20 years?! So Er Jing perhaps through the years, did think about Er Shu and Wu Xie as his family, I do believe that. It’s just sad af that he chose treasure that he never saw over riches with Er Shu ya know?! 
Not sure if Er Jing and his band of crazy friends are dead or alive? Seems at the last episode Wu Xie asked to send doctors down to treat them, but I guess...
On Liu Sang
In the book apparently Er Jing isn’t the mole but Liu Sang (in a different setting, not the same situation if I recall correctly), but San Shu admits that he was drunk or smth when he was writing the ending and Liu Sang and Xiao Bai ‘disappeared’ LOLOL but San Shu has been supportive always in Liu Sang’s character, so I am soooooo glad my Liu Sang BB is pure, innocent, sometimes scheming, always whump?!! AHHHHH LIU SANG!!!!!
Liu Chang as Liu Sang is fricking amazing damn I LOVE HIS LOOK? Honestly, Liu Chang is my new obsession, I love this man. I really, really do. I love his hair, I love him with glasses, anything tbh. 
And he’s so protective of Xiao Bai?!!! LIKE LEGIT GENTLEMAN?!!! The first time when he tried to save Xiao Bai from Boss Jiao’s people in the cave, and then in the last ep, when the black thingys came flying over, he shielded her with his coat?!!! Not that it would have made a difference but damn, my pure, competent bb Liu Sang.
On IRON TRIANGLE + 4th sister Xiao Bai
Wu Xie is amazing. ZYL is damn frickin amazing too, and Chen Minghao as Pang Zi IS GOLD. HE’S SO DRAMATIC ASS?!!! And young Huang Junjie as Xiao Ge, damn. This is the best trio I’ve ever seen. This is the best trio you need. All the brotherhood shit, all the meaningful stares between Xiao Ge and Wu Xie, COME ON!!!!
And also Pang Zi taking care of Xiao Mei?!!! And Xiao Mei calling him dad?!!! I love it. AHAHAHAHA
Xiao Bai, I don’t even know where to begin. I think it’s cute, her and Wu Xie, and when Wu Xie called her and she didn’t pick up and in the last ep when Xiao Bai left him behind to run towards Pang Zi and the rest and Wu Xie’s AFFRONTED LOOK, I think he’s fond of her somewhat too. Although to what degree, in what sense, well... I just think it’s cute (ALSO DID YOU GUYS KNOW THAT MAO XIAOTONG WHO PLAYS XIAO BAI IS THE SAME AGE AS ZHU YILONG?!!! LET THAT FARKING SINK IN. THEY ARE BOTH 32 YEARS OLD OKAY?!!)
Hei Yang Jing, Huo Dao Fu, Li Jia Le, Kan Jian, Xiao Hua
AHAHAHAHA I just wanna laugh at these few - LJL especially was so mean in Warehouse 11 but the moment S2 starts he’s just a cute, clumsy bun bun who keeps getting KO-ed, glad he’s alive tho!!! Kan Jian too, so skinny and crying all the damn time, who loves his boss so much, he’s the cutest. I see a lot of fics shipping Kan Jian and Liu Sang, and tbh, in S1 I did see it quite a bit.
Hei Yan Jing and Chu Chu is frickin alive?!! Damn Xiao Hua, I knew you would have done something. Honestly, if you have so much damn money, and you let Chu Chu go without a fight after warning her that you take HYJ’s request to keep her safe seriously?!!! DAMN THE REVEAL IN THE LAST EP. Hope they meet. Baron Chen is... gosh, I love this man. Also Baron Chen and Huang Junjie were in The Pillow Book tgt and oooooof I love it I love it.
And all of you know just how much I love YOUTIAO DOC?!!! He was such a major side character in the second half of like S2 and I am all for it. His sass, his eye rolls, the way he takes care of Wu Xie and does things for him even tho he grumbles about it?!!! Damn. I need a friend like that.
On Er Shu
Honestly Er Shu was the mastermind in the novel? If I recall, it was his plan basically to get Wu Xie to go to Thunder City to get himself cured, because Wu Xie would not have done it otherwise. In fact, everyone except Wu Xie knew it was Er Shu’s plan to get him to go and that he schemed it all?!! 
And when the reveal happened, everyone was like “yeah we knew it was him and that we’re all part of his plan but we didn’t say anything” because no one knew which roles they were playing in Er Shu’s plan?! And then yeah Liu Sang turned out to be a mole but I didn’t manage to see why, but he was kind of a morally ambivalent character? And Wu Xie in the novel at one point said that he believes in the kind of person Liu Sang is and that he’s not all that bad after the reveal, so... anyway, ER SHU WAS MEANT TO BE MORE BADASS THAN THIS?!!!
I’m so sad he was really paralysed ;-; I legit thought when he stood up in Ep 29 it was really him and I freaked out but it was HYJ CRIESSSS
Overall this was definitely a drama of friendship? Forged over creepy tombs that were a mix of Frankenstein, The Mummy Returns, Aliens vs Predator and Indiana Jones?!!! FRIENDSHIP!!!! At the end of it all, Wu Xie found so many new friends that are definitely going to come running the next time they have to find another tomb? 
Like I was sad Liu Sang didn’t turn up in the last scene but he’s alive thank god, and you can imagine that the next time they need help, Liu Sang will roll his eyes but turn up?!!! And LJL also maybe?! And HDF, everyone!!!!
One thing I wanna know is what the hell is going to happen to the Wu family business?!!! Wu Xie looks like he not going to deal with the power shit, argh IDK he’s back to hobo-ing with his bros which I guess is best life.
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anomalousrobot · 4 years
Guys...there’s this cafe near my home I’ve been going to for years, and I recently started going again. I just want to tell you about some eccentric people I met there recently. 
Just be warned, some of the stuff they said was kind of ignorant or crass. But...these people in this cafe...they just need to be characters in a book istg. This is about The Director and his friends. 
So, I was sitting in the cafe and a table of guys in their 50′s to 60′s saw a friend approaching from out the window started shouting “HE’S BACK FROM CALIFORNIA! EVERYBODY PUT ON YOUR MASKS! IT'S THE MASK INSPECTOR!" 
The Director: a gentleman in his early 60's, wearing a ball-cap with the name of an obscure film company, walked through the door, and, commanding the attention of everyone in the café, loudly announced that he was back from California and that his film had won an award. He stood next to his friends' table, expounding on film making while his friends sat, looking at him and listening intently. 
"You should make a Bollywood movie next!" said one of his friends. "Bollywood!" Declared the director authoritatively. 
"BOLLYWOOD!" He declared again with added emphasis then continued, 
"I have definitely watched more Bollywood movies than anyone in here." (At this I gave an eyeroll and a nod that I hoped said 'sure you have, bud.') 
"I COULD MAKE A BOLLYWOOD MOVIE!" He announced with extreme confidence. "The only problem is, I don't actually speak Hindu." (Which...comes as no surprised because..."Hindu" is not a language.)
"I think you should make a romance movie next." Said one of his friends. "Nah, romance is overrated." He said, 
"Do you know what kind of films are big right now? Sci fi and action movies with a FEMALE PROTAGONIST." To my annoyance he gestured at me for added emphasis. "Do you know what I'm talking about? Sci fi and action movies that star A WOMAN." 
He rephrased and repeated this same sentiment about three to four times, gesturing at me each time he said "woman" or "female" with increasing emphasis each time, seemingly disappointed at not receiving the intended reaction. 
I started slipping on my headphones when one of the friends leaned over and asked me "You don't happen to be a writer do you?" (Which...to be fair...this was not a very difficult guess. As we are in a hipster café and I have a lap top sitting in front of me, and probably everyone who comes to this café is working on a novel.)
I set my headphones down. "Well yes, I do consider myself something of a writer." 
"Well, you don't happen to know anything about the SCI-FI HORROR GENRE do you!?" Asked The Director. “We are looking for a Sci-Fi horror writer.” 
 "...Well, that's actually my favorite genre." I said "My favorite movie is Alien." 
"Alien!?" Said the director. "Yeah, Alien." I said. 
"Ridely Scott!" Said the director authoritatively. 
"Yeah, Ridley Scott." I said. 
"And H.R. Giger!" 
"Yeah, H.R. Giger." I said. 
"You do KNOW about H.R. Giger?" Said the director. 
"Yeah. H.R. Giger." I said. 
The Director went on to tell a little about his recent "dark comedy" movie which had allegedly won an award at a film festival. "It's about a man who wants tits. Like, he wants to get a surgery to have them." "Ah." I said. "So, is this character trans or..."
"No! That's the thing!" Said the director. "See, ...You have to see the movie to get it. That's the thing. He's not trans! But, he just wants tits!"
"Ah." I said. "So, that's kind of a twist then. I guess."
"Yes! Exactly!" Said the director. "It's a twist!"
One of the friends noted that they had seen me around the café a lot but we'd never been properly introduced. 
"What's your name?" Asked the director. "[my name]." I said. 
"[your name]?" He said. 
"Is that your last name?" 
"No." I said. 
"Oh. Well, that's fine." 
"Thanks?" I said, confused, as being told that your name 'is fine' is sort of confusing. 
"It's just that I was thinking of [author with my first name as a last name] The author." 
"Makes sense." I said. 
Noticing that the attention of a new potential audience member had been captured, one of the friends loudly announced 
"Let me tell you all about this job I once got working at a bakery!"
As he launched into his anecdote, another of the friends leaned over to me and started to ask me something 
"No!" Said the friend with the bakery story "I'm telling a story here!" "Oh, sorry." said the interrupting friend. 
"So, on my first day at the bakery, the boss started showing me how to roll the dough for the bread. He took off his shirt and like, rolled the dough over his belly and chest." The friends all reacted with surprise and mild disgust. "Next, he showed me how to make the rolls, and he put the dough into his armpit, and like, shaped it that way!" "Ew. Said one of the friends. Didn't it get hair on it?"
"Well, that's what I said" said the friend with the bakery story. 
"And then the boss said 'Wait til you see how we make the doughnuts!'"
"Well," I said, "That place just sounds really unhygienic. What was the name of the place? I don't want to eat there." 
All the friends burst out laughing "WAIT TIL YOU SEE HOW WE MAKE THE DOUGHNUTS!" the friend repeated. 
"How did they make the doughnuts!?" I asked with concern. 
"No, no! It's a joke! See! ...WAIT TIL YOU SEE HOW WE MAKE THE DOUGHNUTS!" 
"Oooohh." I said. "Uh...well within the joke, how did they make the doughnuts?" (I was genuinely confused about this matter and then sorted it out around two hours later).
The other friends laughed raucously, looking at the joke-teller expectantly for his explanation. 
"No, no...it's a joke you see... never mind.” 
Somehow we also got on the subject of international travel, where I told about my several trips to India. One of them told a story about his trip to Saudi Arabia where he was apparently offered a goat-leg, ripped from a whole boiled goat, to eat and when I asked "Did you like it?" all of the friends again burst out laughing as that was also apparently not the intended reaction to the story.   
Eventually, The Director introduced himself and told me that around ten years ago, he had used The Law of Attraction to manifest this café into becoming a place where spiritually and intellectually advanced people would congregate, and also he had manifested it into having better coffee than what it used to have.
So, I suppose, I have him to thank for that. 
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skeleboiii84 · 2 years
UnderFell Papyrus takes S/O out to a fancy dinner~
Yes ofc darling! 😊😊 we love boss he is the most respectful husbone👀🖤
Take my hand tonight my love 🖤
(An under fell papyrus/boss x reader) fluff and romance
His eyes grew big as you walked down the stairs in a breathtaking red dress. His face covered in awe as you came down the steps the dress consuming your figure and the bottom gracefully flowing as you continued walking.
You made it to the third last step as he held his hand out for you "you will take my hand tonight my love, you look exquisite", he was still looking lovingly into your eyes. " and you look extremely handsome " you said giving him a kiss on his teeth, he co-operated and held you close to enjoy a passionate kiss.
You both hopped into his car and started to drive to your destination. Boss was the type to put one hand on the wheel and one hand on your thigh with his thumb rubbing up and down gently.
As you arrived he opened your car door and took your hand, carefully helped you out.
You both had a wonderful evening he was such a gentleman the whole night. Which got you giddy remembering that he only ever does these things for you and only you.
You were the only person he'd ever been so deeply in love with and it shows. When you got home he carried you to the bed because he didn't want you hurting your feet any longer on your heels. He carefully placed you down on the bed and then left to prepare a bath.
When he came back he handed you a robe "here, for you my darling let's get freshened up", oh he's so sweet it almost made you squeal like a teenager.
Your night ended cuddled up to his ribs with the warmth of the blanket as you slept.
Here you go darling enjoy! 🖤👀
Aaaa! He's such a gentleman I can't why can't real men be like himmm😭
Enjoy your edgey husbone sweetie this was super fun to write <3
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jooyeone · 4 years
so while it is neither intense nor particularly thought-provoking (unless the thoughts you'd like to have provoked are like... "holy shit, if these interpersonal relationships get any cuter, I may just die! or accidentally suffocate myself because I was too busy screaming into a pillow to remember to breathe") "hospital playlist" is the cutest thing I've seen in a hot minute. I mean, who doesn't like a hospital workplace dramedy where the main characters are like "sure, we've all been best friends since med school, but the deal breaker for us coming to work at your fancy new hospital is that we're all gonna form a band so we have an excuse to chill together outside of work, like ADULTS" featuring not one but TWO super cute moms, a pediatric surgeon who istg is the personification of cotton candy, trying to date your best friend's sister without him finding out, a very cute child & his adorable dad, well-intended meddling + scheming at work, a man forced to teach his boss, his mother, his mother's gentleman friend, and his best friend's mother how to play the mafia game, sort of a LOT of the plot just revolves around "let's hang out and have a meal, because we're friends :)))))))" which like... whoa, refreshing... and, of course, the casual kpop refs thrown in to spice it up including a mother-to-be wanting to know if her baby will be "bts or blackpink?" and the classic 'how did you two meet?' *female residents giggle* 'through ARMY' *confused male resident noises* 'you guys were in the military together?' *knowing female glances* ... let's just say, I have a visceral aversion to crocs, and this show was good enough that I've watched it all 4 times despite the endless croc-clad foot shots
omg i love you for this super elaborate tv show rec, i am a hundred percent sold!!! not gonna lie the “let’s hang around and have a meal because we’re friends” plot is something that can actually be so personal, because it only ever works when there’s well written friendships and this sounds exactly like that!
i also just watched the trailer now and noooooo they look so cute and wholesome 🥺 thank you so much for the rec, i’ve added it to the list and will start it soon <3
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