#borrowed AU
xlovely-liviix · 5 months
Long Gone: A Hazbin Hotel Fanfiction
Angst is my lifeline.
So is huskerdust.
And sibling relationships.
Why not combine them all?
Hi everyone! I decided to create a small little mini fanfic on @scribbsyscribs 's fanfiction: 'When You're With Me', that is based off of @boldlygreatsuit 's huskerdust lovechild AU!
For context: Angel had been killed on extermination day, and had gotten himself into heaven. Little did he know, Husker left him a little "gift" the night before the extermination. (Yeah, if you haven't guessed, it's mpreg.)
TW: disassociation, violence, (implied) drug abuse,, (implied) SA, etc.
[If you're uncomfortable, please click off, okay? It doesn't hurt me!]
Years of waiting.
Years of trying to get clean, failing, and then trying again.
Years of disappointment.
It was finally paying off in this moment.
Was Angel nervous?
Fuck yes.
Besides the nervousness, there was another feeling.
One of anticipation.
He knew that this was the sole reason that he even decided to put an effort into trying to get redeemed. This would finally make Angel feel complete.
Angel ran a hand through his fluffy bangs as he walked down the gold-plated street. Never had he ever forgotten how to walk, but in this moment, he felt as if he couldn't even function properly.
This whole ordeal was just so...nerve-wracking! It's not every day that you get to reunite with your sibling that you haven't seen in....decades.
If he succeeded, that was.
Five months ago when he first got into heaven, he had immediately started looking for his sister.
What he didn't realize, though, was that heaven housed a lot of people. It was nothing short of overwhelming.
It also didn't help that whenever he tried to seek assistance in finding her, people shied away from him, treating him as some sort of outcast..some sort of...disease carrier.
He knew that not everyone here would welcome him with open arms. After all, he was a sinner, a redeemed sinner perhaps, but a sinner nonetheless. His every step, every word, every action was tainted by the memories of his past. He couldn't help but wonder how the other inhabitants of heaven would treat him, how they would judge him.
By now, everyone had heard of the redeemed sinners from hell.
Due to the events that led to Adam's death, the people had begun to get more curious on the matter.
Nevertheless, curiosity comes with questions.
Questions that the higher-ups of heaven weren't fond of answering.
In order to "protect" what they had built and shield the winners from finding out the real truth, the elder angels, along with the seraphims, crafted a fib in hopes of quenching the winners' thirst for answers.
They had made out the redeemed sinners to be some sort of parasite-- some infectious disease that you shouldn't get too close to.
It hurt.
It hurt when Angel was stared at with pure hatred and fear as he went about his business.
It hurt when people chased him away.
It hurt when he was excluded from things.
Was it him?
No, no. It's heaven's twisted views.
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
Angel stood before the gates of heaven, gazing up at the vast, celestial expanse that stretched above him. 
The air was cool and crisp, the sky an unearthly shade of blue that seemed to go on forever. He shivered, not from the cold but from the weight of anticipation and hope that threatened to crush his chest. He had finally made it here, to this place of eternal peace and beauty. A place he had fought so hard to reach.
It felt…unreal?
Did he even deserve this?
Angel shook his head.
Of course he deserved it! He had worked so hard to get clean, and it all paid off.
Although the conditions of his redemption were…undesirable, Angel still felt a sense of pride within himself for finally making it into the utopia. 
He glanced down at his wings, newly grown and radiating a soft, golden glow. They felt strange, foreign almost, but they belonged to him now. They marked him as one of the chosen ones. He flexed them, feeling the air around him ripple like silk, and marveled at their delicate beauty.
As he took in the breathtaking scenery around him, he couldn't help but wonder what it was like for the other angels. 
They had lived here for eternity, after all. 
Did they ever grow tired of it? 
Did they ever long for something more? 
Something new?
 He hoped not. He hoped they found peace and contentment in this place.
Angel squinted up at the sun, feeling its warmth on his face. It was bright, almost blindingly so, but it didn't hurt his eyes. It felt good, almost comforting. He wondered if he'd ever grow accustomed to the light here.
Albeit, he’d admit it was much better than the fires of hell.
Angel looked around, trying to take in every detail of his surroundings. He noticed that the grass was a brilliant emerald green, soft and plush under his feet, and the flowers that dotted the landscape seemed to glow with an inner light, their petals shimmering like stained glass. The trees were tall and stately, their bark smooth and silvery, and their branches teeming with an abundance of fruit that looked too perfect to eat. Even the clouds that floated lazily across the sky seemed to have been painted by an artist's brush.
He closed his eyes, breathing in the fresh air of heaven. In hell, there was only the fog of ash and the smell of smoke, a vast contrast to the scent of heaven, which smelled quite pleasant-- if peacefulness was a smell, this would be it.
Opening his eyes, he was greeted with a bright white light, as he looked up, bringing a hand up to shield his face from the light source as he tried to take a glimpse at what was becoming of the strange light. 
The white light grew stronger, before two figures began to appear within the midst of the light.
Angel found himself gaping at the sight before him as the two beings slowly came into focus. One of them was a woman, tall and statuesque, her wings a shimmering white that seemed to glow from within. Her face was serene and ageless, her eyes a piercing blue that held wisdom beyond measure. Her hair flowed freely down her back, a cascade of gold and silver that shimmered with every movement.
The other figure was much younger, a girl perhaps, with wings that were a vibrant shade of grey mixed with a sunny yellow. Her features were delicate and innocent, her eyes bright with wonder and joy. She smiled at Angel, revealing a set of pearly white teeth, and bounced on her feet eagerly.
"Hi!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with excitement. "I'm Emily. It's so nice to meet you!" She held out her hand, her movements lively and uninhibited. 
Angel took her hand, feeling a surge of warmth and energy flow through him.
"I'm Angel," he said, smiling back at her. "It's good to meet you too."
Sera, the older Seraphim, smiled kindly at the pair. She stood several feet behind Emily, her wings folded gracefully behind her back. Though she appeared calm and serene, there was an air of authority about her that was unmistakable.
"Angel," she said, her voice smooth as silk, "I am Sera, and it is my honor to welcome you into the fold." 
She dipped her head in a respectful nod. "Emily and I will be your guides as you begin your journey here in heaven. We will teach you the ways of the angels, and help you find your purpose among us."
"Thank you, Sera," he said, his voice steady and resolute. "I am honored to serve beside you, and I promise to do my best to uphold the ideals of heaven." He had never talked in this way before, but in the presence of a being such as Sera herself, Angel felt the need to be..more professional in a sense. 
He glanced at Emily, feeling a pang of envy mixed with admiration. 
She was so full of life and joy, and it was infectious. He couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be as carefree and unburdened as she was.
Sera nodded, her expression approving. "Very well then," she said.
She motioned for Angel to come along, in which he did.
As they walked through the clouds, the sunlight streaming through the cottony mass above, casting dappled patterns on the landscape below, Emily bubbled with excitement. She skipped from cloud to cloud, her wings fluttering gracefully as she moved. Sera walked beside Angel, her wings followed behind her once more.
"So, Emily," Angel asked, trying to keep up with her pace as they jogged over the clouds, "what's it like here in heaven? I mean, what do you do all day?"
Emily beamed at him. "Oh, there's so much to do! We help people, of course. We guide them, comfort them, and protect them. But we also get to play and have fun! Sometimes we'll fly together, just for the joy of it, or we'll have picnics on the clouds. Sometimes we'll even race!" She giggled, looking back at Angel.
Sera chuckled softly. "Yes, Emily does enjoy her races. But she is also quite skilled at herding. You'll see when the time comes."
They continued their walk, passing by clusters of clouds that formed into shapes of animals or objects. A herd of glowing, white deer grazed nearby, their hooves making no sound on the soft surface. A flock of birds, their feathers shimmering with iridescent hues, fluttered and sang in the distance.
"And the gardens," Emily added, pointing to a section of clouds that had been shaped into a lush, green garden, filled with flowers and trees. "We get to tend to those. Sometimes we'll plant new seeds, or prune the trees and flowers. It's so peaceful, and it makes heaven even more beautiful." She glanced at Angel, her expression hopeful. "Would you like to see them?"
Angel nodded, eager to see more of this wondrous place. As they drew closer, he marveled at the intricate details of the garden. The flowers were more vibrant than anything he had ever seen before, and the scent that drifted through the air was intoxicating. 
He bent down near a nearby rose bush, carefully plucking one of the luscious flowers from its stem.
"These roses," he said, holding the flower up to his nose, "smell unlike anything I've ever encountered before. They're so... so alive."
Emily nodded, her expression gentle. "Yes, they are quite special. You see, when people on Earth give roses to one another, they're showing love and appreciation. Well, here in heaven, we take those feelings and amplify them, making the roses even more vibrant and alive as a reflection of the love that was shared. It's a reminder of the bond that connects all of us, even from beyond the grave."
Angel paused, looking down back at the rose. 
Although the younger seraphim didn't mean any harm with that sentence, it only pained him to think about the love that he could've had...the love that he and Husk had shared...
Emily, who was still walking beside him, seemed to sense his melancholy and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
 "You know," she said softly, "it's not just about having love in the past. It's about carrying that love with you, and using it to make your present and future brighter. You never truly lose someone who mattered to you. They'll always be a part of you, just like the love you shared."
Angel looked up at her, his expression uncertain. "Y-yeah…"
"Oh, you'll see," Emily assured him with a warm smile. "You'll make friends and find love again, here in heaven. It just takes time. In the meantime, why don't you focus on getting settled in and exploring all that heaven has to offer?"
They continued their walk, passing by several more wondrous sights, such as a sparkling lake filled with swans and a small, golden-domed building where the angels gathered for worship and song. As they drew closer to his new home, Emily pointed out several landmarks, such as the Great Hall where they held feasts and celebrations, and the Garden of Eternal Life, where the souls of the most virtuous mortals resided.
Finally, they arrived at a small, cozy abode nestled among the clouds. It had a thatched roof, ivy-covered walls, and a door made of oak. White flowers climbed up the sides, and a stream meandered nearby, its waters sparkling in the sunlight.
"This is your new home," Emily announced with a smile. "It's not as grand as some of the others, but it's perfectly suited to your needs."
Angel stepped up to the front door, running his fingers over the smooth, polished wood. He felt a sense of both familiarity and unease washing over him. On one hand, it was comforting to have a place to call his own again; on the other, he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever truly belong here.
"Go ahead and open it," Emily urged, her voice gentle. "Your belongings are inside."
He hesitated for a moment, then reached out and turned the brass knob. 
The door swung inward, revealing a cozy living room with a fireplace, a comfortable-looking couch, and a few framed photographs on the mantelpiece. Sunlight streamed in through the windows, casting a warm glow over everything.
"This is your bedroom," Emily said, leading him further into the house. 
The bedroom was smaller than the one he had on Earth, but it had everything he needed: a bed, a dresser, a nightstand, and a few personal effects that had been brought over from his old life. There was also a large window overlooking the garden, where the roses swayed gently in the breeze.
Emily showed him around the rest of the house, including a small kitchen, a study where he could read and write, and a bathroom with a clawfoot tub. 
"You can explore more of heaven whenever you like," she assured him, "but for now, I think you should get settled in and rest. Tomorrow will be a big day, because it'll mark the start of paradise!!"
Angel nodded, feeling both grateful and overwhelmed. "Thank you, Emily. You've been so kind to me." He hesitated before asking, "Will I see you again soon?"
Emily smiled reassuringly. "Oh, you'll see me around from time to time," she said.
 "I'm always nearby if you need anything. Just call out for me and I'll be there." She patted him gently on the shoulder. "Now, why don't you unpack your belongings and get settled in? The sooner you do that, the sooner you can start exploring heaven properly."
He watched her fade away, leaving him alone in his new home. As he wandered from room to room, he couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of everything around him. 
It was so peaceful....so serene….a utopia, even.
If only he had someone to share it with. 
Angel gripped his chest as his breathing picked up. He stumbled over to the bed and sat down on it, tugging on his cheeks in hopes of catching his breath.
Tears formed in his eyes as he quietly sobbed into his hands.
He was gone.
Would he ever see him again?
That thought echoed through Angel's mind like a solemn dirge, a never-ending refrain that drowned out all other possibilities. He had been so focused on the idea of finally finding a place to belong that he had momentarily forgotten the weight of his loss.
His chest ached with an unbearable emptiness, and tears welled up in his eyes once more as he stared at the pictures on his bedside table. There was one in particular that always made him ache: Husk, his Husk, standing tall and proud, his smile radiant and infectious. The memory of their life (well-- afterlife) together flooded his mind, and for a moment, he could almost feel the warmth of Husk's fur against his own.
He had been so sure that he would see him again, that they would be reunited in whatever came next. But now, as he sat in his new, unfamiliar home, he realized that hope had been nothing more than a flickering candle in the darkness. It had flickered and died, leaving him alone with the harsh reality of his situation.
Angel clutched at his hair, pulling at the roots in a futile attempt to ease the pain. He wanted to scream, to rage against the heavens for taking Husk away from him. But he knew that wouldn't bring him back, and so he remained silent, tears streaming down his face.
He couldn't do this. 
Not without Husk.
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
Angel shook his head. This isn't a time to let his mind wander. For now, he had to focus on what was important.
Finding Molly.
The arachnid finally approached the winner's resource building.
"This is it..." he spoke aloud, a hand coming up to lightly caress his stomach.
It was a habit. At first, he resented the thing, but overtime he had grown to love it. His bambino. His little love. His spark of hope.
Even with Husk not here, with Molly by his side, he would be just fine.
Angel exhaled, quickly pulling out his compact mirror to observe the state of himself before entering the building.
He was so-- different.
In contrast to how he had looked in hell, at least.
He looked happier, relieved, although his eyes still held the weight of pain. Being separated from his lover also while carrying a child was nothing short of a burden.
Was this punishment?
It couldn't be, people can't be sad in heaven....right?
He closed his compact, looking up to the building once again. 
The Resource Building was where one went to seek guidance or assistance in finding a loved one who had passed away.
 It was a place where angels and other celestial beings would help the lost souls find their way back to heaven or reunite them with their family members.
 It was also a place where Angel had procrastinated going to, afraid of what he might find or what he might lose if he were to confront his past. But today, he had finally mustered up the courage to face his fears and seek out his sister.
As he approached the grand entrance of the Resource Building, its golden doors etched with intricate designs, Angel felt a sudden sense of trepidation wash over him. 
He glanced around, taking in the other souls who had come seeking aid, and noticed that everyone seemed to be giving him peculiar looks. Some openly stared at him, while others tried to pretend they didn't see him at all. He could feel the weight of their judgment pressing down upon him, making him want to turn tail and run. But something inside him, some small spark of determination, refused to let him back down.
He took a deep breath and pushed open the doors, stepping into the hallowed halls of the Resource Building. The air inside was cool and still, carrying with it the scent of burning incense and the faint sound of whispered prayers. The Resource Building was divided into several sections, each dedicated to a different aspect of the afterlife: reunification, guidance, and education, among others. 
Angel made his way through the winding corridors, his steps slow and hesitant, until he finally arrived at the desk where a celestial being sat, ready to assist him.
There sat a cherub, typing away at a computer. She glanced up, peering at him through her thick glasses.
She blinked multiple times. 
She deals with sinners all day, every day. But this one…was like no other.
She cleared her throat. “Erm…sorry. I’ll be right with you-” she let out a nervous chuckle, quickly collecting her papers as she pushed away from her chair, smiling awkwardly. 
Angel raised an eyebrow, but ultimately shrugged it off. 
He watched her scurry away, occupying himself by continuing to observe his surroundings. 
The cherub's desk was tidy, with several framed pictures adorning its surface: one of her with a group of other cherubs, looking like they'd just finished a particularly difficult task; another of her with a human family, beaming proudly at the camera. He wondered how many of the people in the pictures were still alive, if they even remembered her.
As he waited for the cherub to return, Angel allowed his mind to wander. He thought about his time on Earth, the laughter and the tears, the triumphs and the failures. He wondered if Molly had found peace here in heaven. He wondered if she was happy...
Of course she was happy! This is heaven!!
Everyone is happy here…
Eventually, the cherub reappeared, an awkward yet fearful smile plastered on her face.
"Right then..." she began, taking a seat at her desk once again. She glanced up at Angel once more, her gaze falling onto his stomach. She blushed a little, immediately snapping her head down as she began typing.
“Now…what service might you request today?” she didn’t even bother to make eye contact with him.
“Oh! Uhm…I want to find my sister…h-her name is Molly Vittori…” 
The cherub nodded. " Molly..." she mumbled to herself, beginning to type before continuing,
"Yes, she's been through quite an interesting journey, hasn't she?" she paused. "Well, I'm afraid I can't just give out personal information like that. But if you'd like, I can help you locate her. That's what we're here for, after all."
Thomas nodded gratefully, unable to speak past the lump in his throat. 
He watched as the cherub tapped away at her keyboard, her fingers flying across the keys. After a few moments, she turned her monitor towards him. There, on the screen, was a picture of Molly, smiling brightly at the camera. 
Her hair had grown longer and was now sporting different colored pink strands, and she seemed to have gained a certain...peacefulness in her eyes. But it was her nonetheless.
Angel found himself tearing up as he just nodded profusely. "That's....that's her.."
"There you are!" the cherub forced a smile.. "There are people that can help you find her in the Reunification Wing. If you'd like, I can escort you there right away." Angel nodded, a lump forming in his throat as he forced a smile.
They walked through the winding halls of heaven, the cherub leading the way. The air was thick with the scent of flowers and the sound of laughter. People of all shapes and sizes walked past them, some stopping to wave hello or engage in brief conversations-- although once they got a glimpse at Angel, they shied away. 
The cherub, clearly uncomfortable with her task, kept her head down and hurried along.
Finally, they arrived at a set of double doors guarded by two cherubs. The one who had been escorting Angel approached them cautiously. "Uh, hi...I'm here to see someone about...well, I'm here on behalf of this….” she glanced at his stomach once again. “Err- gentleman," she gestured to Angel, "He's looking for his sister."
The two cherubs exchanged glances. "Well, we're a bit busy right now," one of them said dismissively.
"But I really need to find my sister," Angel pleaded, his voice beginning to crack. "Please, she's all I have left."
The second cherub fidgeted uncomfortably. "I'm sorry, but we can't just help everyone who comes along. There's a process, you know."
The first cherub nodded in agreement. "Look, we'll put in a request for you, but we can't make any promises. It might take some time."
The other cherub looked at Angel sympathetically. "I'm really sorry," she murmured.
As they spoke, the doors to the Reunification Wing opened, and a lone figure emerged. It was another cherub, her face etched with a courteous look. 
"Is there someone here about finding a sibling?" she asked, her voice was softer..innocent, even.
The first cherub nodded. "This gentleman is looking for his sister, Molly Vittori."
The cherub sighed. "Well, I suppose I can take a look," she said, glancing at Angel apologetically. "Follow me!"
Angel followed her through the winding halls of the building, feeling a mixture of hope and dread in his chest. 
She led him to a small office tucked away in a quiet corner of the wing. Inside, she moved to her desk, sitting behind it, her face immediately covered by the large stack of papers that was piled on her desk. 
"Oops! Sorry about the mess!" she giggled. "I've been a bit...overwhelmed lately." She cleared her throat and gestured for Angel to sit across from her. "Now, tell me about your sister. What's her name?"
Angel hesitated for a moment, trying to compose himself. "Her name is Molly...Molly Vittori. She...she was the light of my life. We did everything together." He took a deep breath, bringing a hand up to rub small circles onto his stomach.
The cherub began to type on her computer, before glancing at the screen, staring at it for a while, as if she was zoning out.
 "All right," she said, leaning back in her chair. "I'll see what I can do. We have a system here, you see, and sometimes it takes a while to...well, sort through things. But I'll do my best."
Angel felt a surge of hope. "Thank you," he managed to choke out. "Thank you so much."
She leaned back in her chair and began to sort through the papers on her desk, humming under her breath as she worked. 
Angel watched her, his heart in his throat. He couldn't help but feel a sense of hope beginning to flicker within him.
After several minutes of searching, the cherub finally came across a file labeled "Vittori, Molly." She flipped through it quickly, her eyes scanning the pages. "Ah, yes," she murmured. 
"Mollena Louise Vittori-- fraternal twin sister to Anthony Charles Vittori...?" she mused, looking up at Angel.
Angel’s heart leapt into his throat. "Yes! That's her," he practically shouted, his voice echoing in the small office.
She smiled reassuringly. "Well, it looks like you've found each other. She’s currently residing in the Earthly Desires section of heaven. It's a lovely place, filled with people who enjoyed the finer things in life while they were alive...only the purest of winners abide there."
Angel smiled. He knew that she deserved it. 
Despite their...unfortunate upbringing, he was glad that it all paid off in the afterlife. 
She stood up, straightening out her wings, and motioned for Angel to follow her.
As they walked through the winding golden paths of heaven, Angel’s heart pounded with anticipation. The closer they got to the Earthly Desires section, the more he could feel his emotions churning inside him.
"Are you alright?" Angel looked over to see the cherub, with a concerned demeanor.
"I...I think so," he stammered. "It's just...I never thought I'd see her again. It's overwhelming….I mean..it’s been, what? Decades, now."
She smiled. “Reuniting is a wonderful thing! Seeing families come together after time apart is…uplifting.”
She paused, frowning a little, before sighing, plastering her smile back onto her face. 
They reached the entrance to the Earthly Desires section, a grand archway adorned with gold and precious gems. Light spilled out from within, illuminating a lush garden filled with trees heavy with fruit, sparkling fountains, and winding paths that disappeared into the distance. In the center of the garden stood a beautiful mansion, its walls covered in vines bearing ripe grapes and its windows framed by sheer curtains that danced in the warm breeze.
The cherub led Angel behind a wall that had vines growing up to the top of the massive structure, shining green, a stark contrast to the greyish-white of the walls. 
The cherub paused, taking a deep breath. "There she is…" she said softly, pointing towards a deck that had many tables, although all were unoccupied except one.
There she was, as beautiful as the day he left her.
"You can go in and find her whenever you're ready." Angel was snapped out of his daydream by the cherub’s voice. 
Angel took a tentative step forward, his heart pounding in his chest. He glanced back at the cherub, searching for some reassurance in her eyes. "Are you sure?" he asked, his voice barely audible.
She smiled gently. "Of course I'm sure," she replied. "Go on, Angel!” 
With shaking hands, he turned back to face the garden. He forced his legs to carry him forward, taking one step from behind the wall, before drawing himself back in, pressing his back to the wall. 
“What do I say?!” he snapped his head towards the cherub, who let out a polite chuckle.
“Start with a ‘hello’!!”
The cherub winked at him, giving a soft smile and a thumbs-up of encouragement. “Now, off you go!!” 
Angel returned the gesture with a smile, as he exhaled, preparing himself for the moment that he had anticipated for a very long time.
He rounded the corner of the building, as he took slow and hesitant steps towards the table that Molly and her friends had currently occupied.
He smoothed down his blazer, tsking as he ran a hand over his now-significantly-larger bump.
What would she have to say about it? 
Would she think any different about him after finding out?
What if she calls him a slut?!
No…she wouldn’t do that.
Oh, she’s leaving.
Angel shook his head, snapping out of his trance. He looked up to see Molly and her friends scooting their chairs back towards the table as they began to grab their things.
It’s now or never.
“Molly!” Angel called out, quickening his pace to a small sprint.
The arachnid turned around, her thick mane of hair swaying along with the motion. 
“Molly,” he repeated, finally catching up to her. He paused for a moment, trying to catch his breath. He examined her from head to toe. 
Her hair, now white with the occasional pink strand, was styled in the same fixture that she had always worn when she was alive. She wore a pink and red dress, the color scheme matching those of Angel’s. 
Bright and sparkly magenta eyes raised up to meet mismatched pink and black ones. 
“Molly Vittori,” he breathed, the name felt so good on his tongue. 
“Yep! That’s me!!” she beamed, flashing a smile that was enough to make Angel forget about all of his past struggles. 
Angel exclaimed in delight, immediately pulling her into a hug. This caused her to giggle, squeezing him back.
“Hello hugs are simply the best!!” she broke the hug, still clasping onto his forearm. Her gaze fell onto his stomach, causing her to let out a delighted gasp.
“Oh, and you’re expecting too! A whole new life is inside of you…my best congratulations!!” 
Molly removed one hand from Angel’s arm as she moved it to his stomach, giving it a gentle rub. 
Angel sniffled, his smile never fading as he wiped away a few of his tears.
“Yeah..I’ll..get into that later. It’s a long story.” 
He paused, looking into her eyes once again, before grabbing her shoulders with his top set of arms, melting into her embrace.
“God, I missed ya so much, Molls! I’ve got so much to tell ya…” 
He expected something similar in return, but was confused as his sister raised an eyebrow.
“What do you mean? You can’t miss anyone here!! Everyone is happy and content in heaven!” she exclaimed, her smile remaining as Angel’s faded.
This earned him a few suspicious glances from Molly’s friends.
“Uhm..” Angel removed his hand from her shoulders, moving one up to rub the back of his head awkwardly. “Molly? I-I’m a little confused.”
She blinked at him, puckering her lip as she tsked.
“Oh..i’m sorry, I don’t really understand what you mean-!”
“Molly, it’s me. Ang- Anthony. Anthony Vittori. Your brother??” 
She giggled. “I don’t have a brother! Nice joke!! But it is nice to meet you, Anthony!” 
Angel’s heart dropped to the depths of his stomach, as he let out a distressed chuckle.
“Wha-- what do ya mean, Molls? I ain't jokin’! Don’t you remember? We-- we were together for the longest time! You, me, and Nissy. T’was a long time ago?” he paused, before continuing, a small sweat starting to form on his brow.
“I had gone to hell-- went cold turkey, dropped everything! Just fa you!!” his voice cracked, as he became a bit more desperate. He reached out and grabbed Molly’s wrist.
Molly’s two friends, a butterfly and an antelope, exchanged weird looks with each other, before the butterfly took a step closer to the two.
She grabbed onto Molly’s other hand, and gave her a small tug in the opposite direction.
“Watch out Molly. That’s that sinner who got rehabilitated.” Molly turned towards her friend, raising an eyebrow in confusion. “Don’t you remember? The Seraphim were talking about him?”
Molly’s mouth shaped into an ‘O’ as she nodded, looking back at Angel. 
“You probably have me confused for someone else! I’d love to be friends, though!!” She smiled again, this time softer.
Both Molly’s friend and Angel blinked at her, their mouth’s agape in shock.
“Moll, he’s clearly talking crazy, we should stay away.”
Another tug at the hand. 
Angel tightened his grip around Molly’s wrist.
“Ya know, I can hear you.” he glared at the butterfly, who just rolled her eyes.
“I promise, Molly, please just remember!! It’s me, Anthony! It’s me!!” Angel turned back towards Molly, and exclaimed a bit more desperately this time. 
The butterfly angel gave yet another tug at Molly’s hand, causing her wrist to slip out of Angel’s grip as she was beginning to get escorted away. 
“Dammit, Molly, it’s me!” he hissed, stumbling over his own feet as she was yanked away from him. 
Molly’s other companion, the antelope, appeared next to  Molly, gently taking her hand. 
“You oughtta keep your distance, Molly.” she pressed a hand to her back as she gave Angel a quick, judgemental glance. “He seems to still have the hatred and fury inside of his heart-- probably a result of his time down there..” she grimaced.
“Not to worry, though. We’ll keep you safe.” the butterfly glared at Angel, before turning her gaze back to Molly. 
Angel snorted, letting out a humorless laugh.
“Keep her safe? From me?!” he giggled again, running a hand through his hair. 
“The fucks you are! That’s some bullshit right there.” he pointed a finger directly at the two, frowning.
“To even have the thought that I would lay a hand on my own sister?! Get the fuck outta here, man! I love ha’ more than any other bastard in this place!!” he began to raise his voice, taking a few steps closer to the three.
“M-Molls…” he turned his gaze back to Molly, a few tears glistening in his eyes. “I love ya. I really do! It was all fa you…everything! I-i’m clean, I got clean-- it was all fa you…don’t- don’t listen to them, Molly!!” 
He stepped closer to her, reaching out to grab her hand, before the butterfly angel slapped it away. 
“Molly, please!! I’ve crossed hell just to see ya again! Please!!!”
Molly’s companions began walking in the opposite direction, ushering Molly along with them.
“Molly!!!” Angel cried out, throwing out a hand as a few tears began to roll down his cheeks. 
The arachnid looked back over her shoulder, offering a small, yet confused smile along with a shug, before turning back around, being forced to proceed down the path her friends had guided her down.
“Molly!!” he shrieked. It was a horrible sound. One that was laced with decades of pain and suffering. One that was hopeful, but had those hopes crushed. 
He collapsed to the ground, palms pressed firmly to the gold-plated path beneath him.
Between pained sobs and gasps for air, Angel called out again.
“Non lasciarmi! Per favore!! Mi dispiace!! Ti amo!” (Don’t leave me! Please!! I’m sorry!! I love you!) 
Angel stumbled yet again, making an attempt to get up and follow them. It took two attempts-- the first, he had tripped over the heel of his thigh-high boots, falling back over onto the ground, before crawling on all fours until he was able to hoist himself up successfully.
He began to follow them, before a bright light was shown, and two elder angels created a barrier in between the two groups.
They had sensed the situation, and quickly intervened before anything could escalate. After all, it was heaven-- nothing bad or undesirable was supposed to happen!
….in public.
Angel tries to push past one of the angels, but is caught by two gentle, yet strong arms restraining him. 
He threw his hand out, reaching out to his sister’s silhouette, which was just now starting to disappear into the distance.
“Non lasciarmi…” (Don’t leave me…) he sobbed, lowering his arm as his knees buckled. He dug his nails into the elder angel’s arms, as it held onto him, wrapping Angel into a secure hug as it guided him to sit on the ground. 
Angel, through eyes blurred by tears, looked past the angel’s legs, as he saw his sister walk away.
No, no, no!!
She couldn’t walk away.
Not forever.
Not again. 
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
Anthony took a long drag of his cigarette, exhaling the fumes as he hummed along to the jazz-like song that was playing on the radio in the corner of the room. 
His humming was brought to a halt as he was interrupted by about a thousand knocks on his front door.
“Si accomodi! Porte aperte..” (Come in! Door’s open..) he chuckled. He listened for the sound of the knob turning, and the squeak of the door.
The clicking and clacking of high heels on the hardwood floor of his apartment only belonged to one person. 
“Hey there, brother!” Molly’s voice sounded as she approached the couch in which Anthony was sprawled across.
Anthony smiled weakly up at her. She was wearing a long, flowing red dress that contrasted sharply with her pale skin and blonde hair. Her eyes were a bright blue, and they seemed to hold a hint of worry as they surveyed the mess that was his apartment.
"Oh, Anthony..." she sighed, shaking her head as she took a seat on the armchair across from him. "You really should clean this place up. It's a disgrace, you know that?"
He shrugged, not meeting her gaze. "Yeah, I know. I'll get to it, Molly. Really." His voice sounded distant, even to his own ears.
Molly reached over and took his hand in hers, giving it a squeeze. "I'm worried about you, Anthony. You've been acting...different lately. You're not yourself."
He forced a laugh, trying to brush off her concerns. "Ah, Molly. You worry too much. I'm fine. Really." He took another long drag of his cigarette, watching the smoke curl up toward the ceiling.
 "Ma wouldn't have stood for this mess. She'd have you scrubbing floors 'til your hands bled if she could see you like this." Molly frowned. 
Anthony was about to take another drag of his cigarette, but stopped, holding the dart in mid air, the stick dangling over his face.
Molly's expression softened. "I know she'd want you to take care of yourself, Anthony. You need to get out of this...habit. You know it's not healthy." Her gaze flickered toward the makeshift bar in the corner of the room, where bottles of the remains of alcohol and empty glasses were scattered about.
He shrugged again, looking away. "It helps me cope, Molly. It's all I've got."
She sighed, her eyes filled with sympathy and understanding. "I know it does, brother. But it's not the answer. There are other ways to cope." She paused, searching for the right words. "We can help you. Together, we can get through this."
Anthony didn't reply. Instead, he reached for another cigarette and lit it with a shaky hand. Molly watched him silently, wishing she could make him see that there was hope, that things could get better. But for now, all she could do was be there for him, however he would allow it.
Molly noticed the soft tunes coming from the radio, and stood up, going over to the device and turning up its volume.
She slid off her coat, and held out a hand to her brother.
"Care to cut a rug (dance)?"
Anthony glanced up at Molly, confusion briefly flickering across his face. "Dance? Now? I don't know, Molls. I..." He trailed off, not quite meeting her gaze. 
Molly smiled gently and took his hand, her touch surprisingly gentle and reassuring. "Come on, Tony. Just for a little while. Let's pretend everything's alright."
He hesitated, then finally nodded. Standing up, he let her lead him over to the makeshift dance floor in the center of the living room. The music was a slow, romantic ballad, and Molly began to move gracefully, guiding his steps with hers.
He followed her lead, trying to match her movements. Her dress swirled around her ankles as they danced, the red fabric brushing against his pants. The air was thick with the scent of her perfume, and he closed his eyes, trying to lose himself in the moment.
As they moved together, Anthony felt a strange sensation in his chest. It was a mix of emotions: sadness, longing, and a tiny flicker of hope. He realized that he had missed this, missed dancing with his sister. It had been so long since they had shared a moment like this, a moment where they were just Tony and Molly, not just siblings, but friends.
"Remember when we used to dance like this all the time?" Molly asked softly, her breath tickling his ear. "Back when we were kids?"
He nodded, unable to speak past the lump in his throat. "Yeah," he managed to croak. "I remember."
They continued to dance, lost in their own memories and the music. Anthony found himself focusing on the rhythm of Molly's heartbeat, the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. It was a strange sort of comfort, this simple connection, and he clung to it as if it were a lifeline.
Molly suddenly spoke up. “Goodness, Tony! You’re such a dead hoofer (bad dancer)!” Molly giggled, making sure to watch her feet to prevent herself from tripping over her brother’s feet. 
“You ain’t much of a jive bomber (good dancer) yaself!” Anthony snorted.
Molly giggled, her hand on his shoulder guiding him through another turn. "Oh, you're just saying that 'cause you can't dance worth a lick!" she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
As they circled around the living room, Anthony found himself focusing less on his own dancing and more on the way Molly moved against him. There was an ease to her steps, a confidence that he hadn't seen in her since before their mother's death. It made him feel a strange mix of emotions: happiness, sadness, and a sense of longing.
"You know, Tony," she said softly, "it's okay to not be okay. It's okay to feel the way you feel. But you can't let it consume you. You have to keep moving forward, you know?"
He nodded, not trusting himself to speak. He didn't want to let her down, to disappoint her. But he didn't know how to keep going when everything felt so bleak. 
"I'm here for you, you know," she continued. "No matter what. You can talk to me about anything, anytime. And I'll always be here to help you, to support you."
Anthony could only mumble a response, due to the huge lump in his throat. 
Her words hung in the air between them, bringing back memories that Anthony had tried his very hardest to keep locked away.
He suddenly came to a halt in their dance, letting go of his twin as he exhaled shakily.
"No, Molly," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don't need your help. I'm fine." His words were laced with anger and denial, but there was a brittleness to his voice that belied his words.
Molly's face fell, her eyes filling with concern. "Tony, I'm just trying to help," she said softly. "You can't keep going like this. You know that."
He took a step away from her, his jaw clenched tightly. "I'm fine," he repeated, more forcefully this time. "I just need some time."
She bit her lip, watching him warily. She knew he was lying, but she didn't want to push him further away. "Okay," she said finally. "But if you ever need to talk, I'm here. And I'll help you get through this, no matter what."
Anthony didn't respond. Instead, he turned his back on his sister and made his way over to his favorite chair. It was an old, worn recliner that their father had brought home one day, a relic from a different time in their lives.
A better time.
As he settled into the chair, he reached up and ran a hand through his hair, feeling the familiar weight of the situation pressing down on him.
Molly watched him from across the room, her heart aching for her brother. She wished she knew how to make it all better, how to take away the pain that she knew he was feeling. But she knew that sometimes, all you could do was be there for someone, even when they didn't want you to.
With a heavy sigh, Molly turned away and made her way back to the dance floor. As she began to dance solo, she couldn't help but feel a strange mix of emotions: anger at Anthony for pushing her away, fear for his well-being, and an overwhelming sense of helplessness. She knew that she would have to find a way to reach him, to make him see that he wasn't alone.
Meanwhile, Anthony reached into his favorite chair's side table and pulled out a small stash of drugs he had been hiding there. He took a deep breath, steadying himself, before selecting one of the packets and opening it with shaking hands. He brought the white powder up to his nose and inhaled deeply, feeling the familiar rush of warmth spread through his body.
As the drug took effect, some of the tension began to ease from his shoulders. He closed his eyes, trying to forget about Molly and the memories she had unwittingly brought back to the surface.
 He thought about their mother, how much she would hate to see him like this, how she would tell him to stop, to get help. But he couldn't, not yet. He needed this numbness, this escape.
Just as he was beginning to feel a sense of peace, however, the music abruptly stopped. 
Anthony's eyes snapped open, panic rising in his chest. He glanced around, looking for the source of the sound, when he saw Molly standing before him, a look of concern etched onto her face.
"Tony," she said softly, taking a step towards him. "Are you okay?"
Anthony felt his anger rise again, hot and bitter in his throat. "I'm fine," he snapped, trying to sound convincing even to himself. "Just leave me alone."
Molly took another step closer, her expression not wavering. "No, you're not fine," she said, her voice steady and unyielding. "And I'm not going to leave you like this."
The words stung, but  Anthony couldn't bring himself to care. All he could think about was the need for numbness, the escape. He reached for another packet of drugs, already planning his next high. "Just leave me alone," he repeated, more harshly this time. "I don't want your help."
Molly's eyes filled with sorrow as she watched her brother slowly slip further away from her. She knew that he was lying, that he was hurting, but she didn't know how to make him see it. 
"Tony, talk to me..." she placed a hand on his shoulder, in which he immediately jerked away.
"Don't touch me!" he shouted, his eyes blazing. "Don't you dare touch me!"
He didn't know why he had lashed out like that. Maybe it was the drugs?
It was definitely the drugs, but he didn't care.
Molly's heart ached as she saw the pain in his eyes, the desperation to push her away. She knew she had to keep trying, even if it meant risking further rejection.
"Anthony, I'm not here to hurt you," she said softly, taking a step back. "I'm here because I love you, and I'm afraid of what's happening to you."
Her words seemed to have some effect on him; his shoulders slumped, and he looked away for a moment. But then he straightened up again and fixed her with an angry glare.
"I didn't mean that," he said, his voice harsh. "I'm just so tired of losing people. I can't handle it anymore. I can't..." His voice trailed off, and he looked down at the ground.
Molly took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. She knew that he was hurting, and that his anger was a defense mechanism. But she also knew that she couldn't let him continue down this path.
"I know you're hurting, Anthony," she said, her voice gentle but firm. "And I know you're scared. But you can't keep using drugs to numb the pain. It's not going to make things better."
Anthony looked up at her, his eyes red and brimming with tears. "It's the only way I can cope," he whispered.
Molly wanted to reach out to him, to comfort him the way she used to when they were children, but she held back. She knew that he needed to face his demons on his own terms. Instead, she offered him a small, sympathetic smile.
"I understand that," she said. "But I'm here if you ever want to talk, or if you need help. Okay?"
Anthony looked up at her, his eyes red and brimming with tears. He wanted to believe her, to accept her offer of support, but something inside him refused to let him. "I just need..." he started, then trailed off. "I just need some time, Molly. Please, give me some time."
He sighed, pushing himself up from his chair as he went over to his small kitchen, rummaging through the worn-down wooden cabinets until he retrieved a bottle of booze.
"Tony, please..." Molly pleaded, following him and watching as he unscrewed the cap, taking a long swig. The alcohol burned down his throat, and he winced, coughing briefly before taking another gulp.
She wanted to reach out, to take the bottle from him, but she didn't want to make things worse. 
She knew he was in pain, and she wanted to help him, but she didn't know how.
"I'm just so tired, Molly," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I can't do this anymore." He took another swig, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "I just want to forget."
Molly's heart ached at the sight of him, so lost and alone. She wanted to tell him that she'd be there for him, that she'd never leave him, but the words caught in her throat. She didn't know if he'd believe her anymore.
Instead, she took a step closer, reaching out to gently touch his arm. "You don't have to do this, Anthony," she said softly. "You don't have to be alone. We can get through this together."
He looked up at her, his eyes red and glassy. "I don't know if I can, Molly," he said, his voice barely more than a whisper. "I don't know if I want to."
She could feel the weight of his words, the hopelessness that had settled over him like a suffocating blanket. But she refused to give up. She refused to let him give up on them.
"We'll find a way," she said, her voice firm despite the tremor in her voice. "I promise we'll get through this. We'll be okay."
"Dammit, Molls, would ya stop fuckin' saying that?!" he suddenly yelled, swinging the bottle down to his side, its liquid contents swishing about.
She recoiled, her eyes wide with surprise and pain. "Tony... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." she stammered, taking a step back.
He looked at her, his expression twisted in anger and self-loathing. "Just... just leave me alone for a while, okay?" he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I need... I need some time."
Molly's heart ached as she watched him struggle. She wanted to help him, to make it all better, but she knew that he had to find his own way through this darkness. 
"Tony, i-"
"Leave it, Molly." he growled, taking another swig of the drink.
Molly frowned. She didn't want to push him, but if she were to allow this, then he could lose himself. 
That was the last thing either one of them needed. 
She stepped forward, reaching out to grip the neck of the bottle, earning a glare from Anthony.
"Please don't, Tony," she said softly. "You don't need this. You don't want this."
He wrenched the bottle free, his grip tightening until she winced. "Molly, I told you, I need some time alone," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "Just... leave me be."
Her heart ached at the pain and anger in his voice, but she couldn't back down. Not now. She took another step closer, meeting his gaze unflinchingly. "Tony, I can't just leave you like this. I can't watch you hurt yourself like this."
He snorted, looking away for a moment before meeting her eyes again. "What do you want me to do, Molls? Huh? You want me to just forget about it? To move on like it was nothing?" He took another swig of the booze, wincing as it burned its way down his throat.
She winced too, but didn't back down. "I know you can't forget, but you don't have to do this. You don't have to be alone. I'm here for you, Anthony. I'll always be here for you."
He laughed, a harsh, bitter sound that made her heart clench. "Oh, that's real fuckin' comforting, Molls. Thanks for that." He took another step back, moving away from her. "Just... just leave me be, okay? I'll figure it out. I'll get through this."
She wanted to believe him, she really did. But she couldn't help but feel a growing sense of helplessness as he continued to push her away. "I'm sorry," she whispered, taking a step back herself. "I just want to help."
He looked up at her then, his eyes filled with pain and something else - despair. "You can't help me, Molly. No one can." With that, he took another swallow of the booze, disappearing deeper into his own darkness.
Molly's heart ached as she watched him slip further away from her. She wanted to reach out, to pull him back from the edge, but she knew that he had to find his own way out of this darkness. All she could do was be there for him, to let him know that she cared, that she would never leave his side.
"Tony, I-" 
"Leave it, Molly!!" he suddenly shouted, turning around hastily as he hissed at his sister.
Molly flinched, her hand automatically going to her chest where she could feel the sting of the pain he'd unintentionally inflicted. She winced, shocked at his outburst, as he took another swig of the bottle.
He was right, she shouldn't have tried to take the bottle away from him. She should have known better. She should have been more understanding. He was hurting, and she was just making things worse.
She opened her mouth to apologize, to tell him that she understood, but the words stuck in her throat. 
How could she possibly tell him that she understood when she didn't? 
When she couldn't even begin to fathom the depth of his pain?
Anthony took another swig of the booze, his eyes glazing over as he stared into nothingness. Molly could see the tension in his shoulders, the way he was clenching and unclenching his fists, the way he was breathing heavily. He was losing control, slipping deeper into the darkness.
She wanted to help him, but she didn't know how. She wanted to make it better, to take away the hurt, but she knew that she couldn't. All she could do was be there for him, to let him know that she cared, that she wouldn't abandon him.
She took a tentative step forward, reaching out a hand to rest it gently on his shoulder. "Tony, I'm sorry," she whispered. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wanted to help."
He turned to face her then, his eyes filled with anger and pain. "You don't understand, Molly. You can't understand." His voice broke, and he looked away, taking another swig of the booze.
She wanted to argue, to tell him that she did understand, that she was there for him, but she knew that he needed to find his own way through this. All she could do was be there, offer what comfort she could, and hope that one day he would be able to see past the darkness and find the light again.
She sighed, knowing that she just couldn't break down his protective walls.
Not now, at least.
She caressed his cheek as she reached up, giving him a kiss. 
"I have to go meet up with Niss...i'll see you tomorrow, Anthony." her voice was solemn, as she had given up. 
The impact of their mother's death took a toll on everyone.
Their father, their older brother, and the twins themselves.
Anthony took the hardest hit.
Their mother had treated him like nobody else (besides Molly) had ever done so before.
She treated his wounds when their father told him to toughen up, she helped him deal with his confusing emotions, she never favored the twin's older brother over any of her other children.
And now, she was gone.
Anthony's grief was as immense as the ocean, as relentless as the waves crashing against the shore. It consumed him, drowning out all other thoughts and feelings. In that moment, as he sat there with the bottle in his hand, Molly's presence was a constant reminder of the pain he was feeling, of the loss that threatened to engulf him.
She tried to help, but he couldn't let her in. Not yet. Not while he was still trying to come to terms with the fact that the one person who had always been there for him was gone.
He took another swig of the booze, feeling the liquid burn its way down his throat. It was a brief respite from the ache in his chest, the tightness in his chest. But he knew it was only temporary. Sooner or later, the pain would return, and he would be left to face it alone.
Molly watched him, her heart breaking all over again. She wished she could take away the pain, but she knew that she couldn't. All she could do was be there for him, to let him know that she cared, that she wouldn't abandon him.
As she turned to leave, she took one last look at her brother, feeling a desperate urge to do something, anything, to help him. But she knew that she couldn't force him to face his feelings, not when he wasn't ready. 
With a heavy heart, she forced herself to walk away, her footsteps echoing through the empty hallway.
In the bedroom, Anthony let out a shuddering breath as the door clicked shut behind Molly. He reached for another bottle, taking a long swig before dropping it back onto the bed. 
The room spun around him, the alcohol and drugs dulling the edge of his grief, if only for a moment. He thought about calling one of his dealers, but he couldn't bear the thought of talking to anyone else, or admitting how much he needed this escape.
He lay back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, his mind awhirl with memories of their mother. The way she used to sing to him when he was sick, the smell of her perfume, the feel of her hand in his. He missed her so much it physically hurt. He missed the way she'd tease him about his clumsiness, the way she'd make him feel special even when he thought no one else did.
With a groan, he rolled over, burying his face in the pillow. He didn't know how he was supposed to go on without her. It felt like a part of him had died along with her, and he didn't know how to live without that part. 
He closed his eyes, wishing he could just fade away, disappear into nothingness, where the pain wouldn't be so sharp, where he wouldn't have to face the world without her.
The room began to spin, and he realized he'd taken too much. He forced himself to sit up, fighting the nausea that threatened to overwhelm him.
 His head felt like it was about to explode, and his vision was blurry. He reached for a glass of water, but his hand trembled uncontrollably, and he spilled half of it on the bed. He sighed, defeated, and lay back down, staring up at the ceiling.
The memories came flooding back, unbidden and unrelenting.
 The first time she'd held him, the day he'd graduated high school, the way she'd looked at him when he'd told her his dreams. He could hear her voice in his head, her laughter echoing through the empty room.
 He wanted nothing more than to be able to talk to her again, to ask her for advice, to tell her how much he missed her. But he knew that was impossible.
He reached for another bottle, unscrewing the cap with shaking hands. 
The sweet smell of alcohol filled the air, and he took a long swallow, feeling the liquid burn its way down his throat.
 It was the only thing that seemed to drown out the voice in his head, the one that kept repeating the words "I'm sorry, Anthony, I'm so sorry." He closed his eyes, trying to block it out, but it was no use.
He couldn't help but think back to Molly. He had watched her walk away, her heels clicking against the floor until they were heard no more. 
His world spun.
It spun like never before.
He was no stranger to getting high, but this was different. 
Eventually, the darkness consumed him, the last thing he'd ever see was the sight of his dear sister, who only wanted to help, walking away after he had hurt her. 
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
Angel was a mess of sobs as he was restrained. He just melted into the angel’s arms as he sank to the ground.
He let go of his death-grip on the elder angel, bringing his hands to his face as he pressed his eyes into the palms of his hands, continuing to wail. 
Through sobs, he brought his head up to see another elder angel-- along with the one that had blocked Angel’s path, holding out a hand for Angel to latch onto.
He just stared at the hand, before shaking his head profusely, slowly sliding away from the two angels as he turned around, once again tripping over his own feet as he tried to get away from the angels.
Angel ducked behind the wall that he had come from previously, immediately sinking back to the ground once he was shielded from the stares of the elder angels. 
The cherub had noticed him, and flew over, puckering her lip as she frowned.
“I suppose it didn’t go so well..?” she hesitantly asked.
“What’s ya first fuckin’ clue, sherlock?!” Angel screeched, turning towards the cherub with tear-stained fur.
She flinched, taking a step back as she raised her clipboard slightly, in a manner of self-defense.
“I’m sorry ....I…thought you knew that-” she paused, preventing herself from saying anymore.
“What?!” Angel exclaimed, still heaving.
“Err--- what’s the best way to explain this..” she mumbled to herself. “Family, or-- anyone in relation to a soul in question-- if they aren’t sent here after they die, then all memories of said person will disappear from the winner’s mind.” 
The cherub averted Angel’s gaze, as he continued to sob.
“And you….you….you wouldn’t think to tell me that beforehand?!?” Angel resisted the urge to reach out and choke the creature.
“I-i’m sorry…” she backed away once more, and tsked. “Is there anything that I can do to help?” 
This only earned herself a glare from Angel.
Before he could respond though, a flash was seen, before the two elder angels from before appeared again.
Angel glanced up to them.
“Do not be afraid..” the one closest to Angel said, lifting his hands in innocence. 
“We have not come to hurt you..just to have a word, if you would allow it, Mr. Vittori.” he smiled down at Angel, who just cowered on the ground.
Angel continued to hyperventilate, shaking his head.
“No…no….just…get away from me-!” Angel stood up, stumbling a little bit. The angel held out a hand to help him up, but Angel ignored it as he spread his wings, taking off.
He flew away from the cherub and the two elder angels, not wanting to be near them anymore. The wind whipped through his fur as he soared, tears streaming down his face. He didn't know where to go or what to do.
His mind was a mess of conflicting emotions: anger, hurt, betrayal, and confusion. He couldn't understand why the humans had done this. They were supposed to be the good ones, the ones who cared about others. But they had abandoned him, just like everyone else in his life.
Angel finally landed under a tree, in an endless field of beautiful flowers of all different colors, shapes, and sizes. 
He sat down on the soft, green grass, and buried his face in his hands, trying to muffle his sobs. 
He tucked his knees to his chest as far as they could go with the extra weight creating a blockage. Burning his face into his knees, he brought his lower set of hands up to wrap around his stomach. 
“Guess it’s just you and me now, kid.” he sniffled.
 “I’m so fuckin’ sorry…” he managed, before beginning to sob once more. 
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
Days later, Angel was awoken by pounding on his door.
Angel sighed, rubbing his eyes. He knew whoever it was wouldn't take kindly to being kept waiting. 
He swung his legs over the edge of his bed and stood up, stretching his wings.
Being forced to come out of his depression-like state already put Angel in a bad mood. Albeit, deep down, he knew he needed the exercise. With a baby on the way, he couldn’t just laze around all day. 
 Angel reached the door and paused for a moment, taking a deep breath to calm his raging emotions. 
With all that was happening, Angel was in a shut-down mode. 
 With a growl, he yanked the door open, revealing the cherub, her wings wrapped around her body in a defensive posture. Angel groaned at the sight of her, and immediately made a move to shut the door, before the cherub stuck her hand in the crack between the door and the wall, exclaiming:
“Wait! Please, hear me out…”
"You'd better have a damn good reason for why I should forgive you," he snarled, his eyes burning into hers. "Because if you think you can just apologize and all is forgiven, you're dead wrong." 
The cherub trembled visibly, her lower lip quivering as she tried to find the words to explain herself. But before she could say anything, Angel cut her off. 
“I worked so damn hard to get here, been through alla that shit, just ta find her. You could’ve at least had the damn courtesy to tell me that she wouldn’t fuckin’ remember me!” he pointed a finger towards her, causing her to take a step back.
She exhaled. “Angel, I- I know it hurts, and i’m so sorry that I didn’t tell you, but you-- you have to understand, whe-”
Angel cut her off with a growl. "No,you don't get it. You don't get to decide that for me. I've been through hell and back ta find her, and you just took it all away with one stupid mistake." He leaned in, his eyes boring into hers. 
“Shut the fuck up!!” he had yelled louder than he intended to, but in this moment, he didn’t care. 
The cherub flinched at his outburst, her wings pressing tighter against her body. 
Tears welled up in her eyes as she took another step back, bumping into the door behind her. She lowered her head, her voice barely more than a whisper as she spoke. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you so angry. I just wanted to protect her--- protect you! I didn't know what else to do."
Angel felt a pang of guilt, but that didn’t stop him. 
“Like fuck you had my best interest in mind!” 
Angel's voice was a low growl, his wings shifting restlessly behind him as he took a step closer to the trembling cherub. "You should've just left me alone. If you'd just let me find her and leave, none of this would've happened."
The cherub looked up, her tear-filled eyes meeting his. "I couldn't just do that, Angel. I couldn't let you- hurt her again!”
Angel flinched, before firing back. 
"You don't know what I was going to do," he snarled. "You don't know what I wanted." He took another step closer, looming over her. "But I think you should be worried about what I'm going to do now."
The cherub swallowed hard, her throat feeling tight and raw. "You- you can't just hurt me, Angel. I'm only trying to protect her."
He let out a humorless laugh. "Protect her? Is that what you call it? You're lucky I don't think you deserve any better than this, or I'd rip your little wings off right now." His eyes narrowed as he studied her face, searching for any sign of fear or guilt. 
“You don’t fuckin’ know the pain I went through to get here! All that shit I had to endure down there! And it fuckin’ sucks up here too! This’ supposed to be the happiest place on earth?! Fuck you all!!” Angel took a step forward, causing the cherub to flinch, raising her clipboard over her face for protection.
This caused Angel to stop, losing his snarl as he just stared at the cherub.
This scene felt all too familiar. 
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TW: Valentino. Need I say more? Skip to the next page divider if you’re uncomfortable!!
“Val, I-”  
Angel was cut off by a brisk slap to the face. 
Valentino trudged over to Angel, barely leaving him time to recover as he picked him up once again, this time via Angel’s dressing gown, as he shoved his star actor up against a wall.
The overlord brought his bottom set of arms up, and took his cigar, tracing a pattern of smoke in the air that formed to become a chain. The smoke wrapped around the arachnid’s neck. His top two arms remained on Angel’s neck as they continued to press him up against the wall. 
“You think just because you’re my favorite whore that you can do whatever you fucking please?!” 
Another slap to the face.
“Val. Please, I wasn’t trying to- agh!” he grunted as he was thrown across the room, colliding with a table in the process. 
The spider tried standing up, but that only resulted in stumbling, until Val yanked him by the robe once more, tugging him closer. 
"Please, just let me explain!!" 
Valentino had no intent of doing that, and picked him up by the robe collar, dragging him over to the couch, slamming him down on it.
"Do you even know how much money I could’ve lost because of you?!" he yelled, his face turning beet red with anger. "And then you have the nerve to try and beg for another chance?"
Angel, still stunned, couldn't bring himself to respond. His boss's words were like a knife to the heart, and he couldn't help but feel a lump forming in his throat. He wished he could just disappear, vanish into thin air, but instead, he found himself trapped in this living nightmare.
Valentino, on the other hand, seemed to take some sort of twisted pleasure in Angel’s misery. He leaned in closer, his breath hot and foul in the man's ear. 
"You know what? I think I'll make an example of you. I'll make sure everyone in this company knows what happens to people who mess up as badly as you did."
Angel felt a shiver run down his spine as he heard those words. He knew there was no point in protesting anymore. There was no one he could turn to for help, no one who would believe him if he told them what had really happened. He was all alone in this world, and it felt like everything was slipping away from him.
Valentino stood up, towering over Angel. 
With a snap of the fingers, he instantly summoned the familiar golden contract.
The stupid, stupid contract.
“Now, let’s see…” Valentino smirked, skimming over the contract. “How about…3 more decades onto your contract?”
Angel’s eyes widened. “Val! That-- I-”
He was met with another slap. 
No, you don't get to speak! You don't get to argue!" his boss spat, the words dripping with venom. "You're nothing but a worthless piece of trash, and I'm going to make sure everyone knows it!"
The man could feel his face burning with shame, tears stinging the back of his eyes. He wanted nothing more than to disappear, to vanish from existence, to never have to see this man's cruel face again. But he knew that wasn't an option. Not anymore.
Valentino leaned in closer to Angel. “You have no control. You’re merely a pawn in my game. You are nothing.”
He summoned the chain again, and pulled Angel closer to him.
“You’re just a toy-- don’t forget that.”
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She just cowered in fear, as Angel took a step backwards. 
He couldn’t form words. He was just-- shocked.
How could he stoop this low?
Inflicting the pain that he had felt for decades onto another person? Who wanted to help him, for goodness sake. 
What was he doing?!
Angel's mind reeled as he tried to process the situation. He couldn't believe that he had just reacted so violently. He had never meant to hurt her; he had only wanted to protect himself. But in that moment, it had all spiraled out of control.
He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart and steady his shaking hands. When he looked up again, he saw the tears streaming down her face. He had never meant for her to suffer like this.
 "I'm sorry," he murmured, his voice barely audible over the thunderous beating of his heart. "I didn't mean for this to happen."
Angel looked down at both sets of hands, all four hands trembling. 
The cherub couldn’t even bother to look at him, as she just quickly got up and flew away.
Angel had half a mind to go after her. 
She didn’t deserve it.
Instead of just being honest and telling him the truth, she didn’t and now he was hurt.
Angel tried to use his self-pity as an excuse, but knew deep down that he was in the wrong.
He didn’t care.
Not anymore.
Heaven wasn’t worth it if he wasn’t happy.
If his happiness was in hell.
With Husk.
With Charlie.
Vaggie, even.
Anything was better than being here, where not even his own sister remembered him.
He was going back, no matter what it takes. 
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
Usually, when you’re faced with a collection of heaven-- no, creation's most powerful beings, you would be scared.
That wasn’t the case. 
Normally, this would cause any (normal) person to shit themselves.
In Angel’s situation, he was too broken to even care.
He looked around the room.
The room was vast and ornate, adorned with the finest materials money could buy. The throne at the head of the chamber was empty, the weight of its importance palpable in the air. A grandiose painting of a great battle hung on the far wall, the celestial beings depicted within showing off their power and majesty. 
But Angel wasn't paying attention to any of that.
Instead, he focused his gaze onto the boxes that were positioned at an altitude that held the various members of the heavenly council. 
Sera peered down at him from the highest box, her face a display of both disappointment, and shame. 
"So," Angel drawled, "You’re here to tell me I'm a monster?"
One of the lesser-ranked members of the council cleared his throat. "We do not believe that you are a monster, Angel," he said carefully. "But we are concerned about your recent behavior."
Angel snorted. "What, you mean the fact that I've been angry because every one of those goddamned angels shit on me like I've got polio?!” 
The council exchanged glances. One of them cleared his throat. "You have... acted in ways which have brought harm to those around you," he said carefully. "We believe that you need time to reflect on your actions and find a way to move forward."
"Oh, that's rich," Angel scoffed. "You're talking about the same bunch that cast me out like I'm some sort of leper? The same ones who made sure every other angel knew I was a freak? Yeah, I'm sure you're just looking out for my best interests."
The room fell silent for a moment. Angel could feel their eyes boring into him, weighing him up, trying to decide what to do with him. 
He let out a bitter laugh. "What, you're gonna send me back to hell? Go a-fucking-head!!"
Sera  leaned forward in her throne-like chair. 
"Angel," she said, her voice calm and measured, "we understand that your time in Hell has left you scarred. But you must understand that your actions have consequences. You cannot simply lash out at those around you without considering the effects of your words and deeds."
Angel scoffed. "What do you know about it?" he spat. 
"You guys get to sit up here on your pretty little thrones, looking down on everyone like you're better than us. Well, news flash, bitch: we're all just as fucked up as each other."
Her expression didn't change, but her eyes narrowed slightly. "That may be true," she said slowly, "But it does not give you the right to inflict pain upon others.” 
Angel rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. 
She continued, "Never in all my years of serving heaven's council have I  encountered such defiance. Angel, you must understand that the life you once knew is gone. You can either choose to accept that and find a new purpose, or you can continue down this path of self-destruction. It is your choice."
Angel snorted. "Oh, please. Spare me the fucking platitudes. You think I don't know that my life is over? You think I give a shit about finding some new purpose?" 
He leaned forward, his voice low and dangerous. "You might as well just send me back to hell right now, because that's where I belong. With the rest of the rejects and the damned."
Sera’s expression hardened. 
"We have given you a choice, Angel. You can either accept our help and work with us to find a new purpose, or you can continue down this path of self-destruction. The choice is yours." She snapped, instantly summoning a golden sheet of paper.
A contract, to be exact. 
Angel snorted derisively as the golden parchment floated down to him, settling on the table in front of him. 
After Valentino, he had sworn to never sign a contract again.
But despite himself, he found his fingers twitching towards the paper, drawn irresistibly to the spot where his name was to be written, waiting for him to make his mark
The lead angel watched him warily, her expression unreadable. "Angel," she began, her voice gentle but firm, 
"You should reconsider. Not only are you harming yourself with this decision, you are also taking a new burden-- this one to be put upon your child.” she motioned down to his stomach, causing his lower arms to come up and wrap around the swell.
He looked up at her, his eyes hard “Well it’s my fuckin’ choice.” 
Sera gripped the railing of the balcony that she was seated on. "A foolish one at that!"
Her words echoed through the throne room, causing the other angels in attendance to shift uncomfortably in their seats.
 The tension was palpable as they waited to see what Angel would do next. He glanced up at her, his eyes narrowing. 
“Fuck it.”
Then, with a sigh that seemed to come from the depths of his soul, he reached out and took the golden quill that had appeared next to the contract.
Angel's hand shook slightly as he signed his name at the bottom of the contract. 
Once he finished his signature, a portal suddenly opened, causing a rush of wind to sweep through the throne room. 
Angel's wings, now free from their restraints, disintegrated with a powerful snap, their snowy feathers fading in the ethereal light. His halo fell to the floor in a quiet clatter. Angel stared at it, before looking back up at Sera. 
She peered down menacingly at him, before turning her nose up.
“I hope you’re satisfied with your decision, Anthony..”
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I didn't know I was capeable of writing that much.
(Also, took me a second because my tumblr crashed, LOL.)
Took me about 2 months, although I crammed about 7k words in like, 3 days (And I didn't forget about it, YOU DID!!)
As I said, this was a little gift for my friends @scribbsyscribs and @boldlygreatsuit!!
This fanfiction was based of of Scribssy's story: When You're With Me, on A03!! This story is based of of Boldly's Alternate Universe: when-your-long-lost-partner-shows-up-at-your-doorstep-and-is-heavily-pregnant (LOL, I made that up.)
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this! Took me forever to write and i'm so proud of myself for formatting and editing and beta(ing??) it all by myself. And I didn't procrastinate. So yay!!
Thanks for reading!!
Word Count: 13661 (DAMNNN)
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puddingforg · 1 month
FINALLY Finished this darn comic, I do kinda like how it turned out, the comic is inspired by @krackenwl post abt turning giant panic!
I apologize for the artstyle change, I started this on march and then picked up again in August, hence the change, anyways I hope y’all like it and let me know if y’all would like a part 2 ^^!
Btw the characters here are my ocs Hunter and Owen :)
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zipora666 · 8 months
Sorry @cloudy-dreams..but I had to... (I had this in my head for 2 months and I’m surprised you didn’t do it yet-)
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...I just..had to...
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(plus I never thought I’ll do some funny art but I did! :D silly wally is a puppet they can’t shower ig? So he was confused 🤷‍♂️)
Plus still try to choose what new eye style for wally lol
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sunnystrollblog · 6 months
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How Bruce found out about branch
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cosmicwhoreo · 9 months
Soooo I found this in my files... and HEAR ME OUT
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It was made around halloween and YES it was HEAVILY inspired by @/insanedementia's own version with these two because it t'was the season and I liked Corpse Bride and the idea wuz rlly good- tho I gave pearly a little twist than emily-
Y'see, Pearl's death is the original "got murdered by fiancé for my money, but I'm still waiting for them by the tree because it was dark and I couldn't tell it was them who killed me."
But over the years, that slowly morphed into "when I fucking see that bastard again, I'm fucking gutting him like a fish-"
Turning her last wish into a ghostly curse... And then Caviar comes along and it's just "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU????"
I got more because my brain is rotted like an old apple with them but I don't wanna go on a tangent-
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black-and-yellow · 5 months
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rocko-newjeans · 3 months
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I don’t draw his small boy form enough even though that’s the height he’s usually supposed to be at.
He’s only like an apple tall so be nice to him.
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blackkatdraws2 · 5 months
Giggling about this [Achromatic Loop AU/non-canonical]
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Original Image:
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jessie-pop-post · 1 year
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I find very funny how aggressive is Y/N to Wally
It seems that Wally doesn't understand the concept of personal space.
Borrower AU belongs to @cloudy-dreams
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pockettesized2 · 6 months
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I’ve fallen in love with @cloudy-dreams ‘s Welcome Home borrower AU! I had to doodle a few things. I thought it’d be cute for you to dance with Wally’s hand- I was heavily inspired from the “Dreams to Dream” scene from Fievel Goes West.
I also had to shove my borrower self insert in there ffff
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samwpmarleau · 1 year
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“there’s a lot of people out there, good people just trying to live by the rules, but sometimes things happen that are out of their control. and, well — if we’ve got the means to help the good people out when no one else will, then shouldn’t we try?” [leverage au in/sp @jamiesfootball]
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xlovely-liviix · 5 months
Go check out my latest fanfiction, 'Long Gone'!!
Summary: After entering heaven, Angel had one main goal. To find his long-lost sister, Molly. She was the main reason he had even given redemption a shot. Through a series of flashbacks, Angel goes on a journey to reunite with his sister-- this time, carrying precious cargo.
Inspired by When You're With Me by Scribbsy
A little gift for @scribbsyscribs and @boldlygreatsuit!! Enjoy this angsty and sad fanfiction!!
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
Tags: MpregxImplied MpregxImplied/Referenced Drug UsexImplied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/AlcoholismxSwearingxAngstxAngst with a Bad EndingxfankidxFanchildrenxHazbin Hotel FanchildrenxAlternate UniversexSiblings ReunitexSibilingsxPregnancyxUnplanned PregnancyxAngel is sad :(xmolly is cluelessxHusk is also sad :(xFlashback
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scribbiesan · 26 days
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“Nice of you to drop by, Barney.”
(Click for better quality if shitty)
What the FUCK is up folks, I did an art trade with the lovely @gt-ridel , and she asked me to draw a scene from her Half Life Borrower AU, and this is the result!!! I really had fun messing around with this, even tho I still despise background work. Just couldn’t stand having these two goobers floating in empty space, so fuck it. Made an office for Gordon by hand. The refs I looked for didn’t cut it.
I was supposed to post this earlier today, but some shit came up. Ah well, at least it’s done. Hope you like the art, GT-Ridel!!!!
If you happen to see some extra things thrown in, no you didn’t ;)
Anywho, hope y’all enjoy, I gotta dip.
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skimmeh · 4 months
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A treasured tank top :)
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sunnystrollblog · 6 months
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Kismet was the light at the end of the tunnel for branch
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mocksart · 1 year
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based on this post
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