#boris johnson govt
nando161mando · 4 months
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Boris Johnson welcomes the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion to the UK Parliament
A delegation from the Azov Battalion media unit took part in a roundtable discussion in Westminister to explore obtaining the release of Azov detainees in Russia. While in parliament, the Azov members received a warm welcome from former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
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hunnter · 2 years
You’ve heard of Suella Braverman getting sacked then rehired a week later after leaking sensitive information while home secretary, now get ready for Liz Truss having her phone hacked by Russia while she was Foreign Secretary but getting the whole story covered up by Boris Johnson so that her leadership bid wasn’t hurt by it
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monkeyfishgirl · 2 years
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A normal country
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llewelynpritch · 8 months
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Boris Johnson breached National Security at Evgeny Lebedev's villa Perugia Italy under Italian Intelligence surveillance by discussing UK government business with Alexander Lebedev he made sure no UK govt officials present #DeepAI image
https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vR_aNrigWYWvyJYoWjgEP6fo1MpN38OePuKSzPXcITokaLWjPvKp8oKgF4iXfl6RZVsMWl7kDUsjf_8/pub It is beyond reasonable doubt that Boris Johnson breached National Security at Evgeny Lebedev's villa Perugia Italy under Italian Intelligence surveillance by discussing UK government business with Alexander Lebedev. He made sure no UK government officials were present. #BorisJohnson #WideOpenToBlackmail #JohnsonCompromisesNationalSecurityUK by #Kompromat: 'In Russian or Soviet espionage: compromising information collected for use in blackmailing, discrediting, or manipulating a person, group, etc., esp. for political purposes. Also: a piece or a collection of such material.' Oxford English Dictionary ...
Boris Johnson's visit to Evgeny Lebedev's villa in Perugia, Italy, has raised concerns about national security due to the property being monitored by Italy's secret intelligence service, which believed it was being used for espionage purposes. The visit is significant because Johnson, then the foreign secretary, reportedly attended a party at the villa without any government officials present and without informing the Foreign Office beforehand…’ #DeepAIGeneratedImage symbolising Johnson's duplicity, failed leadership, proven Brexit, COVID and Partygate Serial Lying #RussianInterference #BrexitLies #COVIDLies #PartygateLies #JohnsonLies #PeopleDie #LordEvgenyLebedev #AlexanderLebedev #VladimirPutin #FightingClimateCrisisMeansFightingPoliticalCorruptionUKCARUS #Perplexity #AI LlewelynPritchard 5 January 2024
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harrison-abbott · 2 years
Musings on Brexit
I was reading a newspaper article today about what’s happened to the UK economy since Brexit. And amongst the details was an example of a trade deal that Boris Johnson and Scott Morrison (then Australian PM) made last year. It was hailed as a huge post Brexit achievement by Boris and co. at the time. And apparently it will contribute to a 0.02% rise in British GDP – which will come into effect in 15 years’ time.
The same article pointed out that Paris overtook London this week as Europe’s most valuable stock market, for the first time ever. Since Brexit (the initial vote in 2016), Paris’ CAC 40 index is up 47% and London’s FTSE 100 slumped at 16%.
There were trading deals the govt made with Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Japan, post-Brexit, which were basically replacements of deals that the UK had with each country pre-Brexit. They only had to make the arrangements for a second time, because Brexit legislation had scrapped formal affairs.
And I’m just reading another article just now, about how Brexit has affected the UK workforce, which says, that;
One in four workers in the hospitality sector were Non-British before Brexit, and that afterwards there are now approx. 188 000 vacancies within this sector, this winter.
Similarly, the shock to the supply chain industry was seen earlier this year, as food product deliveries dropped severely from overseas lorry drivers. This forced the government to backtrack on Brexit policies, whereby they then offered 5000 temporary visas to foreign lorry drivers in order to boost the supply network. This was insignificant, considering that the haulage industry estimates the lorry driver shortage post-Brexit being around 100 000.
And here I’m reading that, within the two years since the severance from Europe, the weaker pound has left UK households worse off across the nation, through the increased cost of imports, occurring in higher inflation and lower real wage growth. The International Economic Review reckons that Brexit has increased consumer prices by 2.9%, costing the average household an extra £870.
^^^ Aye, so there you go. You could argue quite reasonably that Brexit was the worst geopolitical muck up in the history of the planet. That’s the way I see it anyway.
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news247worldpressposts · 10 months
#Breaking: '@BorisJohnson says we shouldn't give #visas to anyone earning under £40,000, do you agree?'
'Boris Johnson says we shouldn't give visas to anyone earning under £40,000, do you agree?' Chief Sec to the Treasury, Laura Trott says the govt is looking at "a lot of proposals" but measures so far have had "significant effect"#TrevorPhillips https://t.co/fhIHlpTGAF Sky 501 pic.twitter.com/XyMlSWY5Eq — Sky News (@SkyNews) November 26, 2023 Source: X
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xtruss · 2 years
“The Hub of Yellow Journalism BBC” Gets £20 Million Boost From UK Govt! The One-time Payment Will Be Used To Support English-Language Broadcasting and “Counter Disinformation 😂😂😂”
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Photo. © Getty Images/SOPA Images/LightRocket/Vuk Valcic
The British government has announced a lavish one-off payment to state-funded broadcaster the BBC. The money, which is worth £20 million ($24.13 million), will be allocated to the broadcaster over the next two years, the UK Foreign Office said on Monday.
The package comes within the framework of the so-called Integrated Review, a program document envisioning ‘Global Britain’ and originally adopted under former PM Boris Johnson. The money is set to be funneled to all 42 language services of the BBC World Service and will be used to “support English-language broadcasting,” as well as to “counter disinformation,” the foreign office explained, implying the funds will be specifically used to counter Russia.
“The refreshed Integrated Review concludes that democracies like the UK must go further to out-cooperate and out-compete states that are driving instability. Developments over the past year, particularly the conflict in Ukraine, have shown the importance of being able to counter the hostile use of disinformation and tackle the spread of harmful state narratives,” it said.
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The BBC made up a story about a Russian 'attack' on a Ukrainian city's water supply – where are the 'fake news' fact checkers? Britain's state broadcaster claimed that Moscow's troops tried to create a drought in Nikolaev, using false information
The BBC made up a story about a Russian 'attack' on a Ukrainian city's water supply – where are the 'fake news' fact checkers? READ MORE: The BBC made up a story about a Russian 'attack' on a Ukrainian city's water supply – where are the 'fake news' fact checkers?
UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly praised the decision, hailing the BBC as “the world’s most trusted international broadcaster,” as well as a “vital” tool “in the fight against the spread of disinformation around the world.”
“This funding will ensure people across the globe continue to have access to accurate, high-quality journalism,” Cleverly asserted.
The state-funded broadcaster received a similar lump sum payment back in 2021, with the same proclaimed goal of battling purported fake news. Back then, however, the payment was more than twice as modest as the new one, with ‘only’ £8 million allocated at the time to “tackle harmful disinformation, challenge inaccurate reporting around the world and improve digital engagement.”
— RT | March 13, 2023
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hinahasan · 2 years
he very conveniently, quietly, and connivingly duped his own boss boris johnson by playing dirty with him. hes the first to resign in his cabinet which had domino affect on others thats how boris govt collapsed. this guy is a fox he had eyes on the high office from the beginning his rise is not only suspicious but, very controversial. he didnt pay wealth tax in uk and he had US greencard while…
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theotherjourney7 · 3 years
“UK energy prices increased by around 50% yesterday (3 February 2022) but the cost of producing most energy has not increased. Nuclear and renewables cost the same to produce, for example. So, the price increases deliver very large profits to some energy companies. Why is Sunak happy about that?
The problem is energy is priced at the cost of the most expensive unit sold. As a result, Russia can push up gas prices and create an economic crisis in the UK. If we had a nationalised energy system that supplied our energy at the average price we could avoid this.
Instead of our energy being priced at the cost of the most expensive source available we’d instead pay the price set by a basket of energy sources. We’d see nothing like the proposed cost increase as a result, and the crisis for families across the UK could have been avoided.
This, though, would require the government to admit three things. First, the energy market does not work so, second, energy privatisation was a mistake and, third, the state could and should do this job because it can do so better than any market system.
Our government is not going to admit that. So, instead energy companies are going to be allowed to profit, 5 million households are going to be in fuel poverty and a wholly inappropriate and unfocused support system is going to deliver a bizarre package of support.
In that case there is one conclusion to reach. Because the government prefers its pro-market dogma to helping deliver what’s best for the people of the UK we’re going to have a massive cost of living crisis from which profits will flow to a few, inevitably.
I believe in markets when they're the right mechanism to use. When they are they can work to benefit us all. But artificial markets for energy that deliver worst possible outcomes for people and best possible outcomes for companies are just wrong, and that is what we have.
The right response to our energy crisis is not to keep existing structures going. It is to accept that the energy market is failing and to bring the state licenced profiteering to an end and rebuild an energy system run in the interests of people and not profits.
The political party that says so is onto a winner. They should be taking note. The energy system we have cannot continue. Who will have the courage to say so?“-Richard Murphy
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
It's been a bad week to be a conservative in govt or a former Prime Minister huh
Anyway manifesting bad things to happen to American conservatives in govt next lol
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chompingonnuggets · 2 years
My feed only consists out of Steddie fanart and memes about the UK government collapsing
What a time to live in
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skg-reblog · 2 years
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aziraphaleapologist · 2 years
larry the downing street cat threatening to resign was the worst thing to happen to this country
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So are we naming the current parliament Bridge? Because it is falling down
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electronnie27 · 3 years
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theotherjourney7 · 3 years
“Horrific to read the news. Horrific. A return to the era of big powers being able to bully and dismantle other countries. Tyrants able to eradicate democracies. An abysmal betrayal of history. And it's not happening in some far off land. It's in Europe.
EU states almost entirely useless at stopping Russia. Germany in particular disgracefully mute. Our prime minister busy filling out a questionnaire on his own potential criminality, lacking in the gravitas to make any difference anyway. What an unforgivable sight.”-Ian Dunt
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