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conscienciacoletiva · 5 months ago
Curso Global da Academia Bnei Baruch de Kabbalah Aula 27 "A Dezena" 2024...
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reflection-s-of-stars · 2 years ago
Url change!!!
to-taste-all-this-dawn >>> sunshine-fruit-of-the-vine
Rb if you want :)
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magnetothemagnificent · 2 years ago
strange halachic question: if you had a popsicle made of frozen grape juice, could you make kiddush on it instead of using a glass of wine? does kiddush need to be on a liquid?
Technically you can make Kiddush on Challah if you need to. Kiddush is traditionally recited on wine or grape juice, but it can really be recited on anything as long as you give it the proper respect. There are some Chassidic traditions to make Kiddush on vodka on Simchat Torah, for example.
"Kiddush" literally translates to "sanctification". The act of Kiddush is sanctifying something you'll consume to represent the sanctification of Shabbat and/or the Holiday. Traditionally this is done with wine or grape juice, since grape products are considered special, but Challah is also special, and as long as its a special drink or food, it can be used for Kiddush in a pinch. If you can't consume liquids or solid foods for some reason (medical conditions and pre/post-surgical requirements are what come to mind), then you can make Kiddush on a popsicle.
And if the popsicle is made entirely of grape juice, I don't think there's really any distinction between it and liquid grape juice, since they both have the same Bracha of "Boreh Pri HaGaffen" recited before consumption, and the status of foods in Judaism focus more on the ingredients than on the form.
To give you an example of a non-traditional Kiddush, though: When I moved into my new apartment, for my first Shabbat I couldn't find any kosher grape juice in the grocery store, and so I bought a slightly-more-expensive pomegranate juice blend to use for Kiddush, since I don't usually drink fruit juice and certainly not pomegranate juice, and thus I made the Kiddush on a special drink.
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shegottosayit · 10 months ago
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Doing family Passover wine tradition. The small bottle was under $10 and I had no cash (shop has a $10 card limit) so I had to get this monster. Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, boreh p'ri hagafen (the Hebrew blessing for wine)
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Update: So. Much. Wine. I still don’t know if it’s kind of good or I’ve just been drinking it since I was 8 or so at Seder from my mom’s family’s little silver Seder cups
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aprendizmestre · 3 months ago
AIN SOPH (hebraico): “O Ilimitado.” ELIONAY O GRANDE Divindade da Grandeza Gigantes Extravagância ELIONAY JOVIAL Divindade da Juventude Imortalidade Imortal Aspecto Semi Mortal total falta de ser humano sem ser humano aspecto imortal ELIONAY O GRAGÃO Divindade da Força aspecto sansão de cobra de dã mas que é evoluído dragões EXTREMO TRIBAL Divindade que na forma humano que ter todo o seu aspecto de antes de entrar no mundo como bebê recém nascido no aspecto de homem voltar até aspecto de deus em força e imortal e divino GRANDE JOVIAL DRAGÃO EXTREMO TRIBAL voltar a divindade em três aspectos nome cabalístico disso
Salvaon - Senhor Todo-Poderoso Shadday (שרי) - Todo Poderoso Shaphatar - Juiz Yahweh - Javé Yaveh (Ha'Shem) El Elion Norah - O Senhor Deus Altíssimo é Tremendo Yaveh (Ha'Shem) Tiçavaot - Senhor das Hostes Celestiais Yeshua - Jesus o Nome sobre todo o Nome YHWH – (יהוה) - Tetragrama; Um nome difícil, quase impronunciável, de Deus; quase sempre traduzido por Senhor. Yehoshua - (Jesus)é o Salvador Javé - (Ha'Shem) é a Salva��ão
Avinu Malkenu- Pai Nosso, Rei Nosso
Boreh - O Criador
Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak ve Elohei Ya`aqov — "Deus de Abraão, Deus de Isaque e Deus de Jacó"
El ha-Gibbor — "Deus Forte".
Emet — "Verdade".
E'in Sof — "Infinito", nome cabalístico de Deus.
Ro'eh Yisrael — "Pastor de Israel".
Ha-Kaddosh, Baruch Hu — "O Santo, Bendito Ele".
Kaddosh Yisrael — "Santo de Israel".
Melech ha-Melachim — "O Rei dos Reis".
Magen Avraham — "Escudo de Abraão".
YHWH-Yireh (Yahweh-Yireh) — "YHWH provê" (Gênesis 22:13, 14).
YHWH-Rapha" — "YHWH cura" (Êxodo 15:26).
YHWH-Nissi (Yahweh-Nissi) — "YHWH nossa bandeira" (Êxodo 17:8-15).
YHWH-Shalom — "YHWH, a nossa paz" (Juízes 6:24). • YHWH-Tzidkenu — "YHWH, nossa Justiça" (Jeremias 23:6). • YHWH-Shammah — "YHWH está presente" (Ezequiel 48:35). Tzur Israel — "Rocha de Israel"
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herbal-natural · 10 months ago
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baliportalnews · 1 year ago
Temui Pj Gubernur Bali, BSWA Sampaikan Keberatan Pengenaan Pajak Hiburan 40-75 Persen
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Pengusaha yang tergabung dalam Bali Spa & Wellness Association (BSWA) yang bernaung di bawah PHRI Bali menyampaikan keberatan atas pengenaan pajak hiburan 40-75 persen yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2022 tentang Hubungan Keuangan antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintah Daerah (HKPD). Keberatan itu disampaikan Ketua BPD PHRI Bali, Prof. Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati (Cok Ace) yang datang menemui Pj Gubernur Bali, S.M Mahendra Jaya bersama jajaran pengurus BSWA Bali, Senin (15/1/2024). Ketua PHRI Bali Cok Ace menggarisbawahi amanat UU yang memasukkan usaha mandi uap/Spa sebagai hiburan. Sebab menurutnya, Spa yang berkembang di Bali memiliki kekhasan dan telah diakui WTO sebagai usaha di bidang kesehatan. Pria yang telah menjabat sebagai Ketua PHRI Bali selama empat periode ini lantas membeberkan cikal bakal terbentuknya BSWA yang mewadahi pengusaha Spa & Wellness di Pulau Dewata. Terbentuk pada tahun 2002, organisasi ini hadir untuk menepis stigma negatif panti pijat. Awal terbentuknya, BSWA Bali beranggotakan 13 pengusaha dan terus bertambah dan sekarang telah mencapai 185 anggota. “Sejalan dengan penambahan anggota, BSWA terus berupaya meningkatkan kualitas layanan melalui pelatihan SDM sehingga usaha Spa di Bali banyak meraih penghargaan,” ucapnya. Wakil Gubernur Bali Periode 2018-2023 ini menambahkan, usaha Spa yang bekembang di Pulau Dewata memiliki keunikan karena dalam pengembangannya juga membawa misi penggalian dan pengembangan potensi lokal ‘boreh Bali’. “Dengan memanfaatkan potensi dan kearifan lokal, Spa kita sangat disukai oleh wisatawan,” imbuhnya. Sejalan dengan perkembangannya, sektor usaha ini makin banyak menyerap tenaga kerja dan BSWA Bali telah beranggotakan 12 ribu terapis. Bahkan saat berkunjung ke Polandia, Cok Ace memperoleh informasi bahwa 337 terapis Bali bekerja di negeri itu. “Itu menandakan bahwa usaha ini menyerap banyak tenaga kerja dan mendongkrak PDRB Bali,” tambahnya. Pada bagian lain, tokoh Puri Ubud ini juga merujuk definisi WTO yang menyebutkan, bahwa Spa yang berkembang di Bali linier dengan usaha kesehatan, bukan hiburan. “Karena Spa di Bali memang berbeda dengan yang berkembang di luar,” kilahnya. Atas dasar itu, pihaknya menyampaikan keberatan kalau usaha Spa di Bali dikenakan pajak hiburan 40-75 persen. BSWA Bali juga telah menempuh upaya mengajukan judicial review atas Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2022. “Judicial review telah kami ajukan 5 Januari dan tercatat telah terdaftar 22 pemohon, termasuk pengusaha dari luar Bali,” sebutnya. Sejalan dengan proses pengajuan judicial review, dalam waktu dekat PHRI dan BSWA Bali akan menggelar FGD membahas pro kontra pemberlakuan UU Nomor 1 Tahun 2022 yang rencananya menghadirkan Menparekraf dan Menteri Keuangan RI. Terkait dengan keberatan BSWA, Cok Ace sangat mengharapkan dukungan dari Pj Gubernur Bali. Pj Gubernur Mahendra Jaya dapat memahami keresahan BSWA dan PHRI Bali terkait dengan pemberlakuan pajak hiburan 40-75 persen, di mana di dalamnya termasuk usaha mandi uap/Spa. Sependapat dengan Ketua PHRI, Mahendra Jaya juga menilai kalau Spa yang berkembang di Bali berkaitan dengan pengembangan potensi sumber daya lokal. Oleh karena itu, ia menghormati langkah hukum yang ditempuh BSWA Bali dengan mengajukan judicial review atas Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2022. Namun, pararel dengan langkah itu, Mahendra Jaya menyarankan PHRI dan BSWA Bali mengajukan permohonan insentif fiskal yang nantinya diatur dalam Peraturan Kepala Daerah. Menurutnya langkah ini diatur dalam pasal 101 UU Nomor 1 Tahun 2022 yang menyebutkan bahwa gubernur/bupati/wali kota dapat memberikan insentif fiskal kepada pelaku usaha di daerahnya dalam mendukung kebijakan kemudahan berinvestasi. “Judicial review jalan, pengajuan insentif fiskal ini juga perlu ditempuh. Nanti saya akan mendorong pemerintah kabupaten/kota yang memiliki kewenangan untuk itu,” tandasnya. Pertemuan dengan PHRI Bali juga dimanfaatkan Pj Gubernur Mahendra Jaya untuk meminta dukungan dalam penerapan pungutan bagi wisman yang mulai diberlakukan pada 14 Februari 2024. Dukungan PHRI Bali sangat dibutuhkan karena Pemprov Bali akan mengintensifkan pungutan saat tamu tiba di hotel tempat mereka menginap. Dua mekanisme pembayaran lainnya, wisman diarahkan melakukan pembayaran sebelum tiba di Bali melalui aplikasi Love Bali dan pembayaran di bandara. Dalam pertemuan tersebut, Ketua PHRI Bali Cok Ace hadir bersama Sekjen PHRI, Ferry Markus, Pembina BSWA, Regina Winkler, Wakil Ketua BSWA, Feny Sri Sulistiawati serta sejumlah jajaran pengurus lainnya. Sementara Pj Gubernur Mahendra Jaya didampingi Kepala Dinas Pariwisata Bali, Tjok Bagus Pemayun dan Kepala Bapenda Bali, I Made Santha.(bpn) Read the full article
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jbtrenchless · 2 years ago
What are the Main Functions of Horizontal Directional Drill, Drill Rods and Drilling Muds in Rotary Drilling Method
Introduction: In the realm of drilling techniques, the rotary drilling method plays a significant role in various industries, including construction, oil and gas, and infrastructure development. This method utilizes several crucial components, including the Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD), drill rods, and drilling muds. In this article, we will delve into the main functions of these components and explore their importance in rotary drilling.
Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD): The Horizontal Directional Drill, commonly known as HDD, is a powerful machine specifically designed for trenchless drilling operations. It serves several important functions in the rotary drilling method: a. Boring and Pilot Hole Creation: One of the primary functions of the Horizontal Directional Drill  is to bore through the ground and create a pilot hole. This is achieved by utilizing a rotating drill bit, which is propelled forward by hydraulic pressure. The pilot hole acts as a guide for subsequent drilling operations.
b. Steering and Guidance: HDD machines are equipped with advanced steering systems that enable operators to navigate the drill bit in a controlled manner. By adjusting the direction and angle, the HDD ensures precise placement of the drill path, avoiding obstacles and sensitive underground utilities.
c. Pullback Operation: Once the pilot hole is established, the HDD facilitates the pullback operation. It uses the power of hydraulic motors to pull various types of underground pipelines, cables, or conduits through the previously drilled path. This eliminates the need for disruptive and costly trenching methods.
Drill Rods: Drill rods, also referred to as drill pipes, are integral components of the rotary drilling method. These sturdy, tubular structures serve several essential functions: a. Transferring Power: Drill rods transmit rotational power from the drilling rig to the drill bit. The rig's rotary mechanism drives the drill rods, which, in turn, rotate the bit to penetrate the ground. The strength and durability of the Drill Rods are crucial for maintaining drilling efficiency and preventing failures.
b. Maintaining Stability: As drilling progresses, drill rods provide structural integrity to the borehole. They stabilize the hole, preventing it from collapsing or deviating from the intended path. The rigidity and proper alignment of drill rods are critical for maintaining the accuracy of the drilling process.
c. Facilitating Additions and Retrievals: Drill rods enable the addition and retrieval of various tools and equipment used during the drilling process. For example, specialized drill bits, reamers, or cutting heads can be attached to the drill rods to adapt to different ground conditions or achieve specific drilling objectives.
Drilling Muds: Drilling muds, also known as drilling fluids, are essential fluids used in the rotary drilling method. They serve multiple vital functions throughout the drilling process: a. Cooling and Lubrication: Drilling muds cool down the drill bit and the drill rods, preventing overheating and prolonging their lifespan. Additionally, they provide lubrication to reduce friction between the drill bit and the formation being drilled, allowing for smoother and more efficient drilling operations.
b. Removing Cuttings: As the drill bit penetrates the ground, Drilling Muds carry away the cuttings and debris from the borehole. This ensures that the drill bit maintains contact with the formation and prevents blockages that could hinder the drilling process.
c. Formation Stabilization: Drilling muds help stabilize the walls of the borehole, preventing cave-ins and maintaining the integrity of the drilled path. They create a mud cake that coats the walls, providing support and reducing the risk of structural collapse.
d. Pressure Control: Drilling muds exert hydrostatic pressure on the borehole walls, counterbalancing the pressure from the formation being drilled. This pressure control prevents the influx of formation fluids or gases, maintaining wellbore stability and ensuring the safety of the drilling operation.
Conclusion: In the rotary drilling method, the Horizontal Directional Drill, drill rods, and drilling muds perform crucial functions that are integral to the success of the drilling operation. The HDD enables precise boring, steering, and pullback operations, while drill rods provide power transmission, stability, and versatility. Drilling muds play a vital role in cooling, lubrication, debris removal, formation stabilization, and pressure control. Understanding the functions of these components helps ensure efficient and safe rotary drilling practices in various industries.
For more information.....
Contact us : 
JB Trenchless
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sopranoentravesti · 11 months ago
Found the weed bracha article lmao
shout out to rabbis for spending the time to answer shit like “is human flesh kosher” and “is there a blessing for smoking weed” online
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jasapijatterdekatbandung · 2 years ago
Jasa Pijat Panggilan Terdekat di Cilengkrang Kabupaten Bandung WA. 0897-4782-800
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Jasa Pijat Terdekat di Cilengkrang Kabupaten Bandung Barat | WA. 0897 4782 800
Jasa Pijat Panggilan Terdekat di Cilengkrang Kabupaten Bandung WA. 0897-4782-800
Jasa Pijat Terdekat di Kota Bandung
Jasa Pijat Panggilan di Kabupate Bandung
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Tapi alhamdulillah, setelah mencoba Jasa Pijat Terdekat di Kabupaten Bandung semua masalah Badan saya selesai. Luar Biasa!
Tidak hanya itu, bagi saya Jasa Pijat Terdekat di Kabupaten Bandung sangat membantu, karna banyak Menu Pilihat untuk Menyembuhkan Badan, seperti :
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Anda tidak perlu khawatir, karena sudah banyak orang yang Sembuh dan Sehat Kembali dengan Jasa Pijat Terdekat di Kabupaten Bandung. Coba lihat apa yang orang katakan:
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Haris - Alhamdulillah, Badan Terasa enakan, berkat pijat di V HOME SPA, Terimakasih kak, Lain kali sy Kembali lagi"
Harga Sangat Bersahabat dengan kantong…..
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Alamat Kami : Kelurahan Bukit Permata Cimahi blok G2 Cluster Flamboyan Kavling no 14 Desa Cilame Kecamatan ngamprah Kabupaten Bandung Barat
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familymassagejakarta · 2 years ago
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Family massage jakarta opens a Home Spa service where you can experience spa services at your place.With this home spa service, you can enjoy this home spa massage service without having to go out looking for a spa. This home spa service can improve blood circulation, increase body immunity, relieve anxiety and stress, reduce muscle aches, and regulate blood pressure.Enjoy various services at Family Massage Jakarta Home Spa, from body massage to foot massage. Such as traditional massage services, reflexology, face acupressure, boreh massage, thai massage, scrubs etc.Of course, Home Spa Services are supported by professional and experienced therapists (male and female), quality products and implementing health protocols.You don't need to worry about this healthy massage service which will certainly have a good impact on the health of you & your family.Our Home Spa is a quality massage service that you can enjoy for you & your family.So what are you waiting for, let's order our services & set your schedule to get the right time to relax your body.
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kyz2clki · 2 years ago
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Kerucut Dupa Cendana Buatan Tangan | Wangi Alami Tahan Lama
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thejewitches · 2 years ago
You need multiple wicks in order to create multiple flames that merge (if of separate bodies)/have significant light, which is why you can hold together two birthday candles in a pinch!
If you’re using a pre braided/twisted/dipped havdalah candle that has numerous wicks within it, they can burn as is, without being forced together. But if you’re holding together two separate entities, the flames must come together to create a bright light like a torch.
Beit Shammai say: Who created [bara] the light of fire. And Beit Hillel say: Who creates [boreh] the lights of fire.
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Make sure to follow our Instagram, @jewitches & check out our website for our brand new collection of Jewish inspired scented candles!
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genkirefleksi · 3 years ago
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Saatnya Isi Ulang Energi Butuh pijat/spa ? Males keluar rumah ? Kami hadir untuk anda memudahkan anda tanpa harus keluar rumah. Refleksi Solusi Tepat Untuk Tubuh Pikiran & Jiwa Hubungi kami segera dan dapatkan free 30 menit Tlp / WhatsApp : 081226329612 #pijat #familyspa #Pijatdemak #genkirefleksi #rebahan #metime #tubuhbugar #pijatdemak #pegallinu #tubuhsehat #bukanpijatplusplus #kerokan #bekam #homeservice #massagedemak #spabenefit #morning #boreh #pijatdirumah #totokwajah #lfl #tingkatkanimun #reflexology #refleksidemak #spaathome #selfcare #demakhariini #demakhits #demakkotawali #wisatademak https://www.instagram.com/p/CWC4_WCvDiq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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herbal-natural · 11 months ago
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queenbeeibee · 10 months ago
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"Bitch, I would never kid about a Falernum. What kinda Sin do you take me for, Greed or somethin'?"
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The last of the wax fell away as Bee shoved a claw into the cork, her three remaining hands holding tight to the jug as she yanked the stopper free. The sweet scent of the wine hit her nose and she inhaled deeply, her eyes closing as a swath of memories rushed over her: Rome had been a delightful time for Gluttony, after all. Beelzebub had spent so many years with the Emperors, some good, some bad, but her favored ones would forever be those who had let her Sin grow rampant.
She opened one eye at Gabriel's request for a single glass, biting back the urge to tease him. He was right to be cautious, she knew that - after all, here she was, a Deadly Sin, in his office, offering him wine that he knew she'd brewed herself. Wine that was already exceptionally strong and had only ever grown stronger as it rested in its amphorae. While it wasn't stronger than Beelzejuice, Bee could guarantee a single glass would probably have an Angel tipsy, at the least, so she nodded, setting the cork aside. "One glass. And you're welcome."
Without another word, she lifted the clay jug and carefully poured the amber liquid into the chalice, smiling as it shimmered and glittered in the light. When it reached just below the lip of the cup, she stopped, pulling the jug away. Then, with a flick of her wrist and a glow of bright purple light, another chalice appeared. She filled it the same as Gabriel's, then replaced the cork with a hard smack. "I'll have to re-seal this later, but for now..." She lifted her cup with a free hand, pausing just a moment before it touched her lips. Then, she bowed her head.
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"Barukh Atah Adonay Eloheynu Melekh Ha’olam, boreh pri hagafen." The words burned as they left her mouth, their bitter taste striking her tongue like a lash. Still, she held her head down a moment longer before sipping the wine, rolling it around in her mouth to soothe the pain and enjoy the flavors. It was the least she could do, after all: she was the one who had barged into Gabriel's space. Respecting an old tradition was well within her abilities.
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✞ " ... Falernum wine? " He gasps in awe, cutting through his own irritation. " You're... kidding! I haven't had that sense the old testament! " He half laughs. 20 years aged, made by someone who very well might remember exactly how it was done in ancient Rome..? He catches his own excitement, replacing it-- to the dismay of his already tense nerves-- with caution. After all, this kind was stronger than the red wine he's used to. And... considering who he's talking to...
" I would like just... one glass. " He insists with a raised finger before spawning from holy light one of his wine chalices. But his tone softens as he can't help but be earnest. " But... thank you. " It has been... a wine kind of day.
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