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baliportalnews · 1 year ago
Temui Pj Gubernur Bali, BSWA Sampaikan Keberatan Pengenaan Pajak Hiburan 40-75 Persen
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Pengusaha yang tergabung dalam Bali Spa & Wellness Association (BSWA) yang bernaung di bawah PHRI Bali menyampaikan keberatan atas pengenaan pajak hiburan 40-75 persen yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2022 tentang Hubungan Keuangan antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintah Daerah (HKPD). Keberatan itu disampaikan Ketua BPD PHRI Bali, Prof. Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati (Cok Ace) yang datang menemui Pj Gubernur Bali, S.M Mahendra Jaya bersama jajaran pengurus BSWA Bali, Senin (15/1/2024). Ketua PHRI Bali Cok Ace menggarisbawahi amanat UU yang memasukkan usaha mandi uap/Spa sebagai hiburan. Sebab menurutnya, Spa yang berkembang di Bali memiliki kekhasan dan telah diakui WTO sebagai usaha di bidang kesehatan. Pria yang telah menjabat sebagai Ketua PHRI Bali selama empat periode ini lantas membeberkan cikal bakal terbentuknya BSWA yang mewadahi pengusaha Spa & Wellness di Pulau Dewata. Terbentuk pada tahun 2002, organisasi ini hadir untuk menepis stigma negatif panti pijat. Awal terbentuknya, BSWA Bali beranggotakan 13 pengusaha dan terus bertambah dan sekarang telah mencapai 185 anggota. “Sejalan dengan penambahan anggota, BSWA terus berupaya meningkatkan kualitas layanan melalui pelatihan SDM sehingga usaha Spa di Bali banyak meraih penghargaan,” ucapnya. Wakil Gubernur Bali Periode 2018-2023 ini menambahkan, usaha Spa yang bekembang di Pulau Dewata memiliki keunikan karena dalam pengembangannya juga membawa misi penggalian dan pengembangan potensi lokal ‘boreh Bali’. “Dengan memanfaatkan potensi dan kearifan lokal, Spa kita sangat disukai oleh wisatawan,” imbuhnya. Sejalan dengan perkembangannya, sektor usaha ini makin banyak menyerap tenaga kerja dan BSWA Bali telah beranggotakan 12 ribu terapis. Bahkan saat berkunjung ke Polandia, Cok Ace memperoleh informasi bahwa 337 terapis Bali bekerja di negeri itu. “Itu menandakan bahwa usaha ini menyerap banyak tenaga kerja dan mendongkrak PDRB Bali,” tambahnya. Pada bagian lain, tokoh Puri Ubud ini juga merujuk definisi WTO yang menyebutkan, bahwa Spa yang berkembang di Bali linier dengan usaha kesehatan, bukan hiburan. “Karena Spa di Bali memang berbeda dengan yang berkembang di luar,” kilahnya. Atas dasar itu, pihaknya menyampaikan keberatan kalau usaha Spa di Bali dikenakan pajak hiburan 40-75 persen. BSWA Bali juga telah menempuh upaya mengajukan judicial review atas Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2022. “Judicial review telah kami ajukan 5 Januari dan tercatat telah terdaftar 22 pemohon, termasuk pengusaha dari luar Bali,” sebutnya. Sejalan dengan proses pengajuan judicial review, dalam waktu dekat PHRI dan BSWA Bali akan menggelar FGD membahas pro kontra pemberlakuan UU Nomor 1 Tahun 2022 yang rencananya menghadirkan Menparekraf dan Menteri Keuangan RI. Terkait dengan keberatan BSWA, Cok Ace sangat mengharapkan dukungan dari Pj Gubernur Bali. Pj Gubernur Mahendra Jaya dapat memahami keresahan BSWA dan PHRI Bali terkait dengan pemberlakuan pajak hiburan 40-75 persen, di mana di dalamnya termasuk usaha mandi uap/Spa. Sependapat dengan Ketua PHRI, Mahendra Jaya juga menilai kalau Spa yang berkembang di Bali berkaitan dengan pengembangan potensi sumber daya lokal. Oleh karena itu, ia menghormati langkah hukum yang ditempuh BSWA Bali dengan mengajukan judicial review atas Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2022. Namun, pararel dengan langkah itu, Mahendra Jaya menyarankan PHRI dan BSWA Bali mengajukan permohonan insentif fiskal yang nantinya diatur dalam Peraturan Kepala Daerah. Menurutnya langkah ini diatur dalam pasal 101 UU Nomor 1 Tahun 2022 yang menyebutkan bahwa gubernur/bupati/wali kota dapat memberikan insentif fiskal kepada pelaku usaha di daerahnya dalam mendukung kebijakan kemudahan berinvestasi. “Judicial review jalan, pengajuan insentif fiskal ini juga perlu ditempuh. Nanti saya akan mendorong pemerintah kabupaten/kota yang memiliki kewenangan untuk itu,” tandasnya. Pertemuan dengan PHRI Bali juga dimanfaatkan Pj Gubernur Mahendra Jaya untuk meminta dukungan dalam penerapan pungutan bagi wisman yang mulai diberlakukan pada 14 Februari 2024. Dukungan PHRI Bali sangat dibutuhkan karena Pemprov Bali akan mengintensifkan pungutan saat tamu tiba di hotel tempat mereka menginap. Dua mekanisme pembayaran lainnya, wisman diarahkan melakukan pembayaran sebelum tiba di Bali melalui aplikasi Love Bali dan pembayaran di bandara. Dalam pertemuan tersebut, Ketua PHRI Bali Cok Ace hadir bersama Sekjen PHRI, Ferry Markus, Pembina BSWA, Regina Winkler, Wakil Ketua BSWA, Feny Sri Sulistiawati serta sejumlah jajaran pengurus lainnya. Sementara Pj Gubernur Mahendra Jaya didampingi Kepala Dinas Pariwisata Bali, Tjok Bagus Pemayun dan Kepala Bapenda Bali, I Made Santha.(bpn) Read the full article
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t-jfh · 1 year ago
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Phra Visuddhisamvarathera AM (Thai: พระวิสุทธิสังวรเถร), known as Ajahn Brahmavaṃso, or simply Ajahn Brahm (born Peter Betts on 7 August 1951), is a British-born Theravada Buddhist monk.
Currently, Ajahn Brahm is the abbot of Bodhinyana Monastery in Serpentine, Western Australia; Spiritual Director of the Buddhist Society of Western Australia (BSWA); Spiritual Adviser to the Buddhist Societies of Victoria and South Australia; Spiritual Patron of the Buddhist Fellowship and the Brahm Centre in Singapore; and Spiritual Adviser to the Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project in the UK.
🔔 Wisdom for Today - Buddhistdoor Global: Teachings from the world of Buddhism and beyond, updated each weekday:
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babystarwarsadventures · 7 years ago
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“Even Trade” (c)Takineko
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soundviewinst · 3 years ago
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Sound View Instruments är återförsäljare till BSWA Technology,Kinas främsta tillverkare av akustiska mätinstrument. Website: http://soundview.se/ | Telefon: 072-576 62 52 | E-post: [email protected] #technology #bullermätning #bullermätningar #akustikkonsult #ljudkonsult
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undercover-underdog · 6 years ago
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I know this is gay, but I love you.
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amazingjohnnysworld · 6 years ago
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У животу нас увек прате пријатељи, породица, љубави и наше самоће. https://www.instagram.com/p/BswA-4QFFek/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=v9dkditsgw8j
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coleali · 6 years ago
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That time we took the train to #Modena #summer2018 #ilovetraveling #italy #travelblogger (at Piazza Roma) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsWa-oTnUDN-w0uaFqCwx9DOvldbp3Aodxwv7k0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fdd8xrti9u1g
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whiteleyfoster · 6 years ago
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I've really been taking a second look at a lot of Vettriano's work lately and I'm in love with "Angel"! . . #whiteleyfoster #illustration #digitalpainting #angel #vettriano #underground #jackvettriano #cartoon #comic https://www.instagram.com/p/BsWa-p_h2Dd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kl35vb81pgoj
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imwhicky · 6 years ago
Just look at this big chungus... #pikachu #eevee #pokemon #pokemongo #pokemonletsgo #pokemonletsgoeevee #pokemonletsgopikachu #nintendo #nintendoswitch https://www.instagram.com/p/Bswa-wDF6-k/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lpvqidguzt66
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About British ShockWave Association (BSWA)
Prior to the founding of BSWA, there was no shockwave association in the UK. The primary aim of this newly formed association is to bridge the gap between device companies, clinicians and patients, to facilitate an exchange of knowledge and ideas between all of us. Our ethos is that it is essential that all healthcare personnel administering SWT are trained to the highest standards, and are aware of all the relevant research and up to date to provide effective SWT.BSWA will facilitate future collaborative research in SWT to ensure a bright, long future.Meet the Founding TeamA number of positions remain available. Come to the meeting to find out more.BSWA will facilitate future collaborative research, to ensure a bright, long future for SWT. Check our site here to learn more https://www.britishshockwaveassociation.com/about-british-shockwave-association/
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babystarwarsadventures · 7 years ago
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"The Horizon" (c)Takineko
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Shockwave Therapy - British Shockwave Association
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Shockwave therapy poses many benefits, especially if you are experiencing musculoskeletal conditions. Such benefits include reducing pain and inflammation, releasing trigger points, and promoting healing in general. It is worth noting that this treatment is non-invasive, meaning it will not penetrate your skin while you receive this therapy. In addition, it does not require additional medications, anaesthesia, and most importantly, going through this therapy will help lessen the likelihood of your need to go on surgery.
In case you want to learn more about shockwave therapy in London, make sure to call us here at British ShockWave Association (BSWA) so that we can cater to your enquiries. You can reach us by calling us on +44 7763 886 892, emailing us at [email protected], or addressing your concerns using the contact page on our website.
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researchkraft19 · 4 years ago
Sound Level Meters Market to Remain Lucrative During 2020-2027
Research Kraft has provided an exclusive analysis of global Sound Level Meters Market Size, Status and Forecast to 2027 gives a detailed analysis of the market with key company profiles. The report gives a thorough evaluation of the market structure which fuses evident perceptions about the market for a predicted timeframe from 2020 to 2027. The report actively includes informative aspects relating to product developments, launches, and trends, to assist market players, shareholders, and investors in strategic decision making.
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The analysis of the market are explained below:
Leading key players in the market are:  Brüel & Kjær, Cirrus, 3M, Norsonic, RION, SVANTEK, Casella, NTi, Larson Davis, ONO SOKKI, Pulsar, Testo, HIOKI, TES, ACO, Aihua, Hongsheng, Smart Sensor, BSWA, UNI-T, Landtek, CEM Global Sound Level Meters Market Segment by Applications considering Consumption Growth Rate and Market Share:
Factories and Enterprises
Environmental and Protection
Transportation Industry
Scientific Research Field
worldwide Sound Level Meters Market Segment by Product Types considering Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trends:
Ordinary Sound Level Meter
Precision Sound Level Meter
Region Analysis
The report analysis of the markets across five major regions: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA), and South & Central America. The exhaustive PEST analysis is done for each region to assess major external factors which may influence Sound Level Meters Market in the coming years.
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babystarwarsadventures · 7 years ago
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"life day" (c)Takineko
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thekwandae-blog · 5 years ago
Noise Dosimeters: Market 2020 Qualitative Insights, Key Enhancement, Share Analysis To 2025
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Global Noise Dosimeters Market has been brewing up and impacting the international economy in terms of growth rate, revenue, sale, market share, and size.  The Global Noise Dosimeters Market research report renders lucid explanation to the reader to study fundamental attributes of Noise Dosimeters industry which includes lucrative business strategies, market demands, leading player of the market, and futuristic perspective through various angles. Get Sample of Global Noise Dosimeters Market Research Report at: www.empiricaldatainsights.com/sample-request/8653/ As the Noise Dosimeters industry has been exhibiting substantial growth rate over the previous decade and expected to perform vigorously in forthcoming decades, it is being necessary to identify all investment opportunities, upcoming market threats, challenges, restraining factors, market dynamics, and technological advancements to strengthen footholds in Noise Dosimeters industry. The proposed research has studied all the above elements to render a thorough analysis to the reader that drives to achieve expected growth in their businesses. Why B2B Companies Worldwide Rely on us to Grow and Sustain Revenues: • Get a clear understanding of the Noise Dosimeters market, how it operates and the various stages of the value chain. • Understand the current market situation and future growth potential of the Noise Dosimeters market till 2019 and plan strategies to gain from it. • Strategize marketing, market-entry, market expansion, and other business plans by understanding factors influencing growth in the market and purchase decisions of buyers. • Understand your competitor’s business structures, strategies and prospects, and respond accordingly. • Make more informed business decisions with the help of insightful recommendations provided to succeed in the Noise Dosimeters market. Browse Full Global Noise Dosimeters Market Report @ https://www.empiricaldatainsights.com/industry-report/noise-dosimeters-market/8653/ Major Players in Noise Dosimeters Market are: Bruel & Kjaer, Cirrus Research, TSI-Quest, RION, Casella, Svantek, Norsonic, NTi Audio, 01dB, Larson Davis, Aihua, Pulsar Instruments, ONO SOKKI, Testo SE & Co, TES Electrical Electronic, Hioki, BSWA Most widely used downstream fields of Noise Dosimeters Market: Factories and Enterprises, Environmental and Protection, Transportation Industry, Scientific Research Field, Others Market Analysis by Types: Class 1, Class 2 Market Analysis by Geographies: This report is segmented into  key Regions North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia & India with Production Development, Sales, and Regional Trade & Forecast. Get Discount on this Report: www.empiricaldatainsights.com/discount-request/8653/ The report elaborates competitive landscape considering mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, partnerships, wind ups, strategic alliances, product developments, latest technological advancement, and research and developments in global Noise Dosimeters industry along with a forecast of emerging industry trends up to 2025. Additionally, the report discusses lucrative business strategies of market competitors by lightning specific moves of competitors including business expansion, amalgamations, partnership deals, new product/service launches, and recently adopted technologies. If you have any customized requirement need to be added, we will be happy to include this free of cost to enrich the final study. About us: An optimally formulated blueprint is the main essence of a successful business. To prepare a similar blueprint - accurate and well-informed data is required to make simplified decisions. We at Empirical Data Insights assimilate the same quality of data through our discreetly prepared market reports. Providing the right data to businesses and cater to the process of decision making or capturing markets, is what we aim to do. Our reports will prove to be useful in each & every step of the chain and business process. Contact Us: Mach Lewis 555 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor, Manhattan, New York, 10022 USA Phone No.: +1 (800) 663-5579 Email ID: [email protected]
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pam-genis-blog · 6 years ago
Level Meter Industry: Future Demand, Market Analysis & Outlook to 2024|Smart Sensor, BSWA, UNI-T, Landtek, CEM, etc
Latest Survey On Level Meter Market
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The global Level Meter market report provides an in-depth analysis of the Level Meter Market analyzing the potential of the market and also provides data and forecasts on the market structure, dynamics, and trends.
The report proves as a valuable source of repository for the intending clients with up-to-date market intelligence and assists them in making strategic investment decisions. Additionally, the report distinguishes and studies emerging trends along with crucial drivers and major challenges faced by the industry.
The market report is defined by the presence of a large number of leading players and new entrants, including but not limited to platform providers, service providers, device manufacturers, developers, and content providers.
Get a Sample PDF Report: https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/sample-request/99608/
Product Segment Analysis:  Ordinary sound level meter, Precision Sound Level Meter Application Segment Analysis:  Factories and enterprises, Environmental Protection, Transportation Regional Segment Analysis:  USA, Europe, Japan, China, India, South East Asia The Players mentioned in our report:  Brel & Kjr, Cirrus, Norsonic, RION, SVANTEK, Casella, NTi, Larson Davis, ONO SOKKI, 3M, Pulsar, Testo, HIOKI, TES, ACO, Aihua, Hongsheng, Smart Sensor, BSWA, UNI-T, Landtek, CEM,
The objective of the study is to define market sizes of different segments & countries in previous years and to forecast the values to the next eight years. The Level Meter market report is designed to incorporate both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the industry with respect to each of the regions and countries involved in the study.
Furthermore, the report also caters the detailed information about the crucial aspects such as drivers & restraining factors which will define the future growth of the market. Additionally, it will also incorporate the opportunities available in micro markets for stakeholders to invest, detailed analysis of competitive landscape and product offerings of key players. The segments and sub-segment of the market are explained in details.
Get Discount on this Report:  https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/discount-request/99608/
The scope of the report: This research report presents an extensive study of the market and comprises significant insights, facts, previous data, and statistically-supported and industry-validated market facts and projections with an appropriate set of methodologies and assumptions. It provides analysis and data on the basis of market segments and sub-segments, regions, product type, and distribution channels.
What the report offers:
Market Overview for the Global Level Meter Market and the identification of the market dynamics, including growth drivers, restraints, challenges, and potential opportunities for the market.
Market analysis for the Global Level Meter Market, with competitive landscape and geographic analysis on a global and regional scale.
Determination of different factors responsible for changing the market landscape, rising future opportunities and determination of leading players, which can affect the market on a regional scale.
Company profiles of the leading competitors along with their strategic initiatives and market shares.
Determination and analysis of the macro- and micro economic factors that affect the Global Level Meter Market, as per the regional analysis.
In the end, This report is an assimilation of trustworthy and updated information, quantitative and qualitative evaluation by industry analysts, inputs from industry professionals and leading competitors across the industrial value chain.
Read Complete Report With TOC: https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/industry-reports/level-meter-market/99608/
If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.
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