#boom and kooky answer
perch-the-cat · 5 months
question for the koopas what's ur favorite food?
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(Boom Boom's is a ref to a series I like, Bowser's Koopalings By FreezeFlame22. yall Koopa fans should watch it.)
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cartoonkoopalings · 2 years
So how old is everyone now? I see Hip and Hop are 14. Sorry if there's a page for this already, I'm on mobile.
kamek: Yes the twins are now.....ugh...teenagers. And your quite alright sunglasses wearing faceless entity, now as for the others here in the castle I'll start from youngest to eldest since that keeps things in order. Now let's start shall we?
Junior has just turned 8 last year
The twins are now 14
Cheatsy is I think 17 or 18
Bigmouth is 18
Bully is 19 shy of 20 he just recently got back to normal last Halloween. He's pretty happy about that
Kootie pie and pom are both 20
I am 23
Kooky and boom are 24 now
King Koopa is in his late 40's and won't elaborate further.
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a89x54vs · 1 year
Can i please request a fic with a tickle fight between taehyung and jungkook but jungkook gets the upper hand ?
That would be cool :)
When a Bunny takes down a Tiger
This is a tickle fic, feedback is accepted as long as it’s done in a respectful way.
“Come out hyungie, you’re only making it worse”
Tae had to make a considerable effort to purse his lips together with the objective of blocking the giggles that were building on his chest.
He has been blissfully unaware of the consequences that would come from messing with Jungkook on their day off, bothering the bunny over and over until the youngest member had enough and decided to retaliate, chasing the tiger across their home while wiggling his fingers.
“Hyungie, you brought this on yourself, that’s the price for waking me up from my nap”
Jungkook was getting closer and by this point it was clear Tae had no way to outrun the bunny…
Fine then, they always say it’s either fight or flight.
Jungkook turned into a corner, ready to pounce on his hyung and make him pay-
The youngest members tumbled onto the ground and everyone would have expected for Jungkook to be tickling the tiger to death but-
It was the other way instead.
“Jungkookie! You thought I would back down?” Tae questioned while his hands skillfully tickled the younger’s back, scratching all the way from his lower back to his shoulder blades “Too bad, because you’re not the only one who can play the tickling game”
Safe to say Jungkook was quite surprised by the tiger’s retaliation, especially when considering that the position he was in left him with few chances to fight back.
“Oh no you don’t get to call me mean Kookie, not when you started the chase!”
Jungkook’s laughter increased by a pitch each time Tae’s hands got too close to his hollows, but the bunny knew he couldn’t block him forever and when that happened he would be doomed.
…Or he would have been, had he not remembered that just like Tae said, more than one of them could play the tickling game.
So Kookie threw his arm behind him and managed to get a hold of Tae’s side, giving it a squeeze that led the older to not only squeak, but also to raise his hands by reflect, giving the younger the perfect chance to turn things around, literary.
“How does it feel to be on the receiving side hyung?” Jungkook questioned with a triumphant grin as the booming laughter of the tiger entered his ears, courtesy of his belly getting tickled.
“KOHOHOHOKIE COME OHOHOHOHOHON” Now Tae was the one struggling to fight back, and although the tickles were maddening, his determination to not lose led him to grab the bunny’s ribs and start scratching.
“GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HYUNG QUIHIHIT IHIHIT” Jungkook demanded, not stopping his spidering.
“YOHOHOHOHOU QUIHIHIHIHIHIT IHIHIHIHIT” Tae cackled back, his tickling kept going although it was a bit sloppy.
Another minute went by as both singers tickled each other without neither of them willing to accept defeat, that until Jungkook, aware that his sensitivity would lead him to lose, shot his hands towards the tiger’s wrists, managing to use his superior strength to pin them to the floor.
“K-Kookie” Tae mumbled as he realized the vulnerability of his current position.
“I have to give you credit hyung, you really had me there for a moment” Jungkook admitted as he slightly panted.
“W-Well what will you do now?” The tiger attempted to challenge “You can’t tickle me like this”
But the bunny deeply chuckled, and his answer brought a quick yet brutal shiver down his hyung’s spine.
“I don’t need my hands to tickle you”
And then, Jungkook took a deep breath and before Tae could even get a word in, blew the loudest, most tickly raspberry he could manage.
Still wanting his hyung to be sane, the bunny decided to let him go, not like the older would retaliate again.
“So, what lessons were learned today?” Jungkook asked while he proudly looked at the giggling and panting mess that was once a fierce tiger.
“*huff*…Never mess with a bunny?”
“That’s right”
Thanks for your request, hope you enjoyed it.
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hopusthebrainlessfloof · 10 months
Your recent post is so fucking real. As a prosthetic user, winter provokes genuine rage inside of me sometimes. I don't know if you're disabled or not but either way I am so glad to see rep in those ways because the little struggles are rarely talked about, so thank you!
With that being said, what's everyone's favourite season? I'm the one who asked what everyone's McDonald's order is a while back, I apologise for asking such long questions haha. If only a few people want to answer then that's okay! :)
I'm disabled actually, specifically a brace user (I have ongoing knee pain from an injury back last winter, due to ice!) and I can say that snow and ice can be pretty, but they absolutely SUCK
And to answer your question:
Wendy, Hariet, Kootie Pie, Kooky, Bully, Pom Pom, Kaley, Olivia
Roy, Larry, Cheatsy, Boom Boom, Dieter
Ludwig, Othello, Iggy, Lemmy, Topper, Rango, Big Mouth, Motley, Beef
Morton, Spewart, Hip, Hop, Olly
You can tell what's my next least favourite season after winter lol
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writer59january13 · 2 years
Twice told toilet tale – a cheeky execrable gross fable
which poetic product best be affixed
with hashtag STINKY label.
As a young whippersnapper
and one precocious lad to boot,
I discovered common combustible materials
found in the bathroom.
At opportune times,
I blithely tinkered with dangerous chemicals
that could (but never did)
explode into one humongous
fiery maelstrom and
bloom (re: annihilate)
this lad to smithereens.
Window kept open to avoid
un--necessary nor accidental asphyxiation.
After clearing defecation deep within,
the recesses of my bowels,
I thenceforth indiscriminately combined
various household cleansers
and cleaners (in powder
and/or liquid form) into the bidet.
The requisite sphincter muscle
byproduct constituted the key ingredient.
Anyway, my aha moment arrived
one childhood day
that long sought after ka-boom
sent a plume of smoke
in tandem with geyser of water
caused me to feel
flush with excitement.
Waste trill fluttering filled mine heart
(like music to thine ears)
after mine solid waste
fecal byproduct went kerplunk
and caused tsunami
on other side of word.
Mere seconds elapsed
before explosive outcome found me
hurled clear across the room
like a bat out of hell.
Fortunate for me that this
natural bodily excretory function
never caused any serious outcome,
nor injury to life nor limb.
Immaculate notes (with graphic pictures –
albeit crude) attempted to document
any pertinent information.
At some juncture
with this private laboratory experiment,
a close observation
(with nose pinched tight)
revealed bubbles of air trapped within
our archaic household plumbing fixtures.
That aha i.e.eureka moment
prompted me to utter “holy shit”
when a chain reaction similar
to volcanic rush of air took place
within the planet.
With haste not waste,
these nimble fingers scribbled
unintelligible (deliberately illegible
to everybody but myself)
the chemical romance
to light a fire under the buttocks
of whomever happened
to be in need of emptying their bowels.
Now, I eagerly waited,
(albeit with impatience)
for that opportune time
whereby thee unsuspecting child
or adult needed to answer
that alimentary call of nature
my dear Watson.
The moment of anticipation arrived
when a long forgotten accursed relative
visited unexpected, which unannounced
rap on the door fueled fanciful notion
to whip up potion to promulgate prank
within the potty.
Once necessary ingredients, (which secret formula cannot be divulged –
well maybe for a negotiable fee)
got poured giddy glee
generated gloating from head to toe.
Quick as Jack B Nimble
or his best friend Jack B. Quick,
these skinny legs (spindleshanks) sped away,
yet in close activity to the innocent
by sitter who nonchalantly ambled
into the powder room to tend to private business.
Right ear cocked against wall
that served as barrier between
occupant of water closet and yours truly.
Pleasant barely audible
humming, tweeting, and twittering
(like an angry) bird
singing emanated while obnoxious
guest of dishonor proceeded
to place posterior atop potty.
Seconds ticked by
with every now and again
pages of printed material heard
in conjunction with abdominal
groans and grunts to assist sacrifice
to the porcelain goddess.
Utter stillness suddenly punctuated
by the initial sound of a splash into the crapper.
I cupped hands to mouth
lest any unwanted guffaw slip out.
Instantaneously, our pestilential
kooky cousin kissed their ass goodbye
as propulsion forced the body politick
clear thru the unwelcome ample sized window.
Goodbye Charlie (pseudonym used here
to protect the not so innocent)
soon became diminishing shape
spiraling toward the horizon.
One speck of flotsam headed spaceward
versus the turgid turd joining brethren
into the sewerage cistern.
Written by: Edgar Allan poop, who required quite some time to recoup, and with slops pail headed off to collect specimens from the latest scoop rearing to go bouncing along
ass signed to another bum rap,
whereby blistered buttucks
hopes to earn yours truly another touché (tush hay) before bottom smacked
courtesy leader of troop
a strong indigenous native son,
whose butt tressed reputation
recounts storied war whoop.
0 notes
Don’t Make It Weird (K.TH)
Warnings : mentions of hooking up
Word Count : 881
Synopsis : kim taehyung had no idea how to confess, and instead showed his feelings through random acts of affection, confusing her until he finally came clean.
I sat in front of him, my eyes wide as he rambled on and on. Everything that happened these last few months seemed to make more sense the more he spoke.
           “Leave my girl alone.” Taehyung’s voice boomed over the music as he draped his arm across my shoulders, pulling me close to him. I couldn’t help but look up at him, studying the anger written on his features. When the guy who was hitting on me smirked and said something about me not saying anything about a boyfriend, his grip on me tightened. It almost hurt, but I wasn’t focused on that. I was focused on the way he licked his lips and smirked back. “Well I’m the boyfriend and I’m telling you to leave her alone.”
           “Can we just go home?” I asked, pulling Taehyung’s attention away from the stranger and down to me. One look at the pout on my face and his entire face softened, and so did his grip. He dropped his arm and took my hand in his, lacing our fingers together. I followed closely behind him as we left the club, shooting a quick text to the others that Tae was taking me home. “Thank you.” I whispered when he dropped my hand outside.
           “Don’t make it weird.” He said, not even sparing me a single glance.
           He kept rambling and pacing my living room, and I just smiled at all the memories.
           We were sat at the movies with our other friends, joking around before the movie started. I leaned across Tae to say something to Jungkook who was sat on the other side of him. I was laughing at something he said when Taehyung kissed my cheek, causing me to sit back in my seat and stare at him with wide eyes. “Don’t make it weird.” He chuckled. I just nodded, glad that the lights turned off in that moment so he wouldn’t notice the obvious blush dusting across my cheeks.
           When the lights came back on, our group stood and started exiting the theatre. Taehyung stopped me, the other 6 not noticing and continuing on. I looked up at him, wondering what he needed, then he cupped my face and pressed his lips to mine in a quick kiss. He pulled away just as quick but kept his hands on my cheeks and smiled at me. “Don’t make it weird.” He turned and walked away, but it took me another minute before I could walk again.
           “What took you so long?” Yoongi asked when I finally emerged from the theatre. I looked over to Tae who was wrapped up in a conversation with Jimin and Jungkook.
           “Oh uh, I thought I dropped something, so I went back to check.” I quickly lied, biting the inside of my cheek, hoping no one would call me out on the obvious lie.  
           “Are you hooking up with Jungkook?” He stopped pacing and just stared at me. When I didn’t say anything, he continued, “Are you in love with him?”  
           “Did you tell Tae about my crush on him?” I confronted Jungkook, closing the door behind me, hoping no one would overhear or barge into his room. He looked up at me from his bed with wide eyes.
           “No, of course not. Why? Did something happen?” I explained the hand holding, the kiss at the theatre, and how just now he tried to stop me from coming into Jungkook’s room. Jungkook just laughed. “You’re really a different kind of stupid. The boy likes you.” I collapsed onto his bed, letting out an exasperated sigh.
           “Don’t toy with my heart, Kookie.” Before Jungkook could say anything, Tae barged into his room, causing me to sit up. That’s when he wrapped his hand around my wrist and dragged me out of the house altogether and told me to get in the car. He didn’t say anything the entire drive to my house. He didn’t say a single word until he stood in my living room and began to ramble.
           “Why do you think I have feelings for Jungkook?”
           “Why are you answering my question with a question?” I rolled my eyes and stood up from my couch and stood in front of him.
           “Because ridiculous questions don’t deserve answers.” I crossed my arms over my chest and smirked at him. “By the way, you’re the one who said not to make it weird.” He took a step closer to me and I dropped my arms to my side. I tried to act cool as he kept getting closer, but in reality, my heart wanted to burst. My breath hitched when he cupped my face and brought his close to mine. I felt his warm breath on my lips and had to stop my knees from giving out.
           “Let’s make it weird, babygirl.” He whispered before closing the distance and pressing his lips to mine in our second kiss. This one lasted a lot longer than the one at the theatre, and I found myself wanting it to never end.
           “Kiss me again.” I whispered when he pulled away. He wasted no time in pressing his lips to mine once again, bending to pick me up and gently lower me onto the couch, not once breaking the kiss.
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angelicyoongie · 4 years
desolate (11)
— summary: you just wanted a cute little normal cat to keep you company. so, you're not really sure how you ended up with the grumpiest hybrid on earth that seems hellbent on making your life difficult.
— pairing: cat hybrid yoongi x human reader
— genre: angst, fluff, smut
— word count: 4.3k
— tag list:  @mrcleanheichou @cheese123344 @xanny91 @dinorahrodriguez @best-space-boy @dulcaet @moccahobi @keijaycreates @staytrillswag @xsmilebitesx @serendipityoreuphoria @jiminot7 @beyond-the-swag @nananaum1 @mult1wh0re @faithsummers11 @twomilkmen-gocomedy @theonewholovestoread @karissassirak @veryuniquenamegoeshere @yourlipssoirresistible @ayoo-bangtan @murderyoursoul @btsxdoll @see3milyblog @gukiyi @mtgforall @narcissism-iskey @sp3ak-yours3lf @cesthoney @imluckybitches @hd-junglebook @sugarrimajins @multifandomgirl29 @beach-bitch-bitch-beach @bangtansleftnut @theresa-nam-nam-me @angeltothecore @ghostkat23 @deathkat657 @awixxx @httpmedxsa @veronawrites @bubbletae7 @serious-addiction @chogiyeol-utopia @nomimits7 @lorielulu7 @1am9root6 @sana-b @diamonddia-mond @jiminiessipabo @myhearttteu @rainbowmagicpixecorn @lidda @rosiethefairy @lovinggalaxies @midnight1199 @trinityautumn @linniewritesficz @fearhoshi @ess-place @juniesoftbot @kingalls00 @toribug2020 @daydreambrliever @moonlight-mochi @sleepyje0n @yoonie-bby @alltimeyoongi @btstxtgenre​ @honestlyfuriousharmony @itsoktheresbts @suzziequeuie @miss–insanity @illnevertrustmyselfagain @annoyingpessimist @lovelikeyouwant @originalpersonawobblerduck @cigarettes-after-tears @kookie-vuitton @thefangirlsoul @lmna990 @luvshorses08 @nanananisstuff @marvelstuck @kissmeimwitchy @crazyxforxmyself @hxsxxk-180294 @ratking101 @brittaney341 @shameless-army @yuukihime2097 @adoorinyourheart @heimdoodle @kissing-fear @toripeix @horanghae18 @redperson58 @awsome-small-k @salomea27 @johnnystolemywig @mihto @jisoosbitch @lyrxbz @forever-once-gone @sugalarity @out-of-jams @ithinkileftmycoatoutside @witchxlove @chocoflagcutii @alyboo-jpeg​ @ladyartemesia @tatiiz24 @boinko-boye @kaceyxmarie74 @fuckthatfeeling​ @makepastanotwar13​ @airiguk​ @justliketheoceann @strawbewymiwk​ @skswriting​ @kofikats​ @rainbow-zebra-unicorns​ @mhmbrigitta @forever-yoongis​ @prybts​ @phatbussyincorporated @itsmethepancake​ @alterlovess​ @boredoomfm​ @furblrwurblr​
Part one Part two Part three Part four Part five Part six Part seven Part eight Part nine Part ten (M) Part twelve Part thirteen Part fourteen (M)
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(A/N: I realized I had accidentally named both the older co-worker and Yoongi’s first owner as “Mr. Park”, so I have gone back to change Y/n’s co-worker’s name to Mr. Yang lol) “Yoongi?” You call out, your voice barely audible above the heavy showers thundering down against the asphalt. You skid to a stop as you see a dark figure round a corner, the silhouette barely visible against the imposing darkness of the alleyways. There’s no way of knowing if it’s even Yoongi, but you’re grasping at straws at this point.
You’ve lost track of where you are, the brick walls and cement structures all blending together into a concrete jungle you’re not sure you’ll ever make it out of. You’ve never strayed so far from your own neighbourhood before, and the tightness in the back of your neck reminds you that maybe it’s better to keep moving. You can’t help but feel like you’re being watched, every fleeting shadow making your skin crawl.
Your soaked shoes hit the pavement loudly as you turn to run after the figure, the sound echoing between the high walls. You managed to slip on a pair of shoes and a jacket before you braved the horrible autumn weather, but Yoongi didn’t, and you don’t even want to imagine how drenched he must be by now.
You’re panting by the time you make it to the end of the alleyway, the closed space suddenly opening up into a small park. It’s raining so heavy you can hardly see anything that’s further away than your hand, and a loud crack of thunder sends you scurrying across the open patch of grass until you’re huddled underneath a big tree. The red leaves that are still clinging on provides a little bit of shelter against the harsh weather, and you lean heavily against the trunk, exhausted after running up and down the streets for hours.
You just need to take a little breather before you start searching for him again, you’re not going home until you find him. You wince as raindrops start trickling down your neck, obviously your coat won’t provide you with much protection anymore. You let your eyes glide across the small park, surprised that it seems to be pretty well maintained despite the rough area you’re in. Even the little kids area seems to have been left alone, you can’t even spot a trace of graffiti on the playground equipment.
All of you attention is on the bright red tubes, and you swear you catch something move inside one of them as you squint to get a better look. You hesitate – unsure if checking it out is a good idea or not considering you’re all alone in an area you’re not familiar with. But the sense of what if wins over your anxiety of what might be lurking inside. You’ve already come this far; you might as well just sneak a peak to calm your mind.  
Despite the rain, you take your time moving across the grounds. The wet gravel crunches obnoxiously loud underneath your shoes as you get closer to the tubes, and it must be alerting whatever is inside of them of your presence.
“Hello?” You carefully call out, but nothing greets you back aside from the insistent thrumming of rain against plastic. The tubes are a little higher up than you expected, and your hands are shaking with nerves by the time you use them to lift yourself up to get a peek inside. It takes your eyes a moment to adjust; the tubes pitch black from the lack of light outside. Nothing.
You feel your stomach tighten with disappointment at the empty space. You’re ready to let go and leave when a flash of lightening sends you rushing inside, your heart nearly jumping out of your chest in fright as the sky lets out another loud crack of thunder directly over you head.
You bring your knees to your chest, your shaky breaths echoing down the tube as you try to get your pulse under control. You think you’ve just about managed to get it back to normal when you hear a sound further down the tunnel, just around the sharp turn you can’t see anything past.
Your mind is screaming at you to leave– to brave the rain and thunder instead of staying cooped up in here with god knows what. But you can’t help but feel that there’s a pull, something that’s urging your body to move deeper into the tubes. Your muscles are locked up and stiff with fear as you begin to crawl further into it, but it’s still not enough to stop you. Your fingers scrape against the plastic as you move closer to the sharp turn, your body already aching from the cramped space. You’re too scared to breathe; it feels like the pitch darkness is going to swallow you up the moment you make a sound.
As you reach the turn, an unknown whimper makes you freeze in your tracks. It’s hard to make out over the loud raindrops pelting against the plastic above your head, but if you strain your ears enough, you can just about make out the low noise.
You learn two things at once.
One, you’re definitely not alone in here, and two, the other person in here with you is crying. It’s obvious they want to be left alone if they’ve hid themselves away so well, but what if they’re hurt? Or what if ..
You peek around the corner, the darkness making it hard to make out the shape of the person further down the tunnel. They’re curled into on themselves, hands covering their face as their low sobs ring through the enclosed space. The sobs are just so desperately sad that it makes your own eyes sting, and you’re trying to blink away the tears when another boom of thunder sounds just over your heads, the sky flashing white as lightening strikes. The light is enough to illuminate the tube from the other side, and it doesn’t last longer than a second, but it’s enough.
You scramble forward, the metal bolts on the floor digging into your palms as you hurry over to the huddled form.
“Yoongi,” You choke, your voice alerting the cat hybrid of your presence.
He jerks, head bumping against the top of the tube as he lets out a garbled hiss. You can see the outline of his puffed out tail as it trashes back and forth, his narrowed eyes looking almost golden in the poor light.
“It’s me, Y/n,” You breathe as you crawl closer, the tight space making it hard to move as fast as you want to. The wild look in Yoongi’s eyes passes as he recognizes your voice, and another garbled noise escapes his lips. The cat hybrid’s posture still screams hostility, but you don’t even pause before throwing your shaking arms around his shoulders, bringing him flush against your body.
Yoongi stiffens at the contact, his tail nearly whacking you in the face as it continues to whip wildly behind his back. The space you’re in is awkward and cramped, but Yoongi doesn’t seem to mind it as he melts against your warmth, his face tucked into your neck as he lets out a harsh breath.
You hug him closer, wrapping your body around his as much as possible. Yoongi is more drenched than you, his shirt clinging to his body like a second skin. Your fingers skim across his neck as you bring them up to his hair, and he’s absolutely freezing to the touch.
“Yoongi, we need to get you warmed up,” You murmur, wincing at the scratchiness in your throat from all the yelling. Yoongi doesn’t answer; only buries his face deeper into your neck as you gently run your fingers through his hair. And then something wet hits your collarbone. It takes you a second to figure out how you even noticed it considering you’re already soaking wet, but the realization hits you as it happens again. It’s not icy raindrops falling against your skin, no– it’s tears.  
It dawns on you just as Yoongi lets out a heart wrenching sob, his whole body shaking in your hold. You tug him closer, biting back a startled gasp as he presses his ice-cold nose into your neck. Your heart absolutely shatters from the choked sobs that leave Yoongi’s lips. You’re desperate to make him feel better, but how is that even possible given what he just learned? His mother had been murdered. You feel bile rise in your throat as you’re reminded of the mug shot of your old neighbour. You never suspected a thing.
You’ve had nothing but time to think in the last hours searching for him, your mind whirring through all the information you’ve ever stored about Park Geunho. It was almost too easy to connect the dots – Yoongi’s story matching up with your memories perfectly.
Mr. Park hardly ever left his house, but he always had new people coming to visit him. At the time you thought it was weird, but for all you knew, maybe he just had a lot of friends and didn’t like to socialize outside of his own home. Fluffball’s weight seemed to always dramatically change too, you swear he seemed to suddenly gain a lot of weight and then go back to normal way too quickly. The times you didn’t see him for weeks you would ask Mr. Park where he was, and the man would usually answer that Fluffball was just too lazy to go outside. It didn’t make sense back then, but it does now.
It’s not like you checked if Fluffball was ever a boy or a girl, your young mind just assumed the black cat was a boy and left it at that. Mr. Park just called Fluffball “cat”, so it wasn’t like he ever gave you any pointers to what the gender might have been. The sudden weight gain and loss doesn’t add up if Fluffball was a boy, but if it was a girl, it could’ve been pregnancy. If Mr. Park was illegally breeding hybrids and selling them off like the reporter said, then .. it matches up.
It would make sense if Fluffball gained weight because she was pregnant, and then lost the weight once her children were born. The random people visiting him must have been buyers, and you suppose he hardly ever left home in fear that the hybrids would either escape, or someone would figure it out. You’re honestly surprised Fluffball was even allowed to go outside, but come to think of it, you probably weren’t much of a threat, as young as you were. You had always thought of Mr. Park as too stern and a little scary, but looking back at it now, it wasn’t just sternness in his voice whenever he called for Fluffball, it was animosity.
But, what makes you the most sick to your stomach, is that you now know why Fluffball passed away so suddenly. Mr. Park had killed her. And you had helped him bury her in his garden. He hadn’t even looked remotely sad, his face a blank canvas while you cried your eyes out for the sweet cuddly cat you’d grown so fond of. There’s no wonder you thought you saw a ghost when you visited the shelter and found Yoongi. He’s a splitting image of Fluffball – his mom.
You squeeze your eyes shut as you rest your head on top of Yoongi’s, your own tears silently sliding down your cheeks as you press your lips to his hair. All of this had been going on next door and you didn’t even know. You had been standing next to murderer and you didn’t ever realize that something was even remotely off. It makes you feel disgusted with yourself. It makes you feel guilty.
Do you even have the right to comfort Yoongi? Should you even be allowed to touch him?
“I’m so sorry,” You whisper. You’re sorry Yoongi ever had to experience something like this in the first place, that his life has been nothing but pain and uncertainty. You’re sorry you couldn’t stop it. And you’re sorry that even now, you let yourself feel relived that you found him, that you even dare to feel happy to have him in your arms.
You’re not sure how long it takes before Yoongi’s sobs turn softer, the steady stream of tears running down your neck calming down to a few stray droplets as he takes deep, shaky breaths. You loosen your grip around his back once he starts pulling away, your hands moving up to cup his cheeks instead. His pale skin is blotchy, the white in his eyes rimmed red from all the crying. You press soft pecks to the apple of his cheeks, your thumbs running slowly back and forth over his cold skin.
“Do you want to go home?” You ask. Your soaking wet clothes have dried up a little, but it’s not enough to warn off the bone chilling cold that has settled into your body. You’re not sure how much time has passed since you first set out to follow him, but it’s enough for the temperature to have dropped drastically. You can stay out in the frigid weather all night if Yoongi needs you to, but you’re honestly more worried about him than yourself. He’s way too cold.
“Yeah, lets go home,” The hollow tone in his voice breaks you all over again, so you just settle for a nod, and a soft smile to mask the guilt forcing itself up your throat.
You slip your coat around Yoongi’s shoulders once you both crawl outside of the tubes, the cat hybrid not making a sound as you gently grasp his hand to lead him back home. The rain has let up from a heavy downpour to a light drizzle, and it makes it a little easier for you to spot certain buildings you think might lead you in the right direction. Your phone is dead, so there’s no use trying to look up anything there. You wince for every step Yoongi takes on the cold ground, his bare feet red and bruised from all the walking.
You let out a sigh of relief as you finally see your building, the tall structure looking like beacon of light in the darkness. Yoongi doesn’t make a sound as you tug him back upstairs, nor does he protest when you help him peel the freezing clothes of his ice-cold body. You leave him to take a shower as you hurry into the kitchen, heating up some canned soup you find stuffed into the back of your pantry. It might not be the best, but it just needs to serve its purpose, and that is to heat Yoongi back up.
Your hands hurt as you carefully ladle the soup into a deep bowl, the warm air in your apartment making your fingers burn as they start to thaw from the cold. You make it into the living room with the food just as Yoongi emerges from the bathroom, and you quickly usher him over to the couch to eat.
“I’ll just go get changed real quick, okay?” You say, not really moving from Yoongi’s side until the cat hybrid gives you a stiff nod in response. You make fast work of snatching up warm clothes from your room, wasting no time as you hurry over to the bathroom.
You swear you could almost cry out of relief as you freezing body steps in under the warm cascading water, your numb limbs finally regaining feeling. But you don’t stay there for very long. The moment you’re sure you can move all your body parts normally; you’re out of there – hastily drying yourself off before tugging on the dry clothes.
Yoongi hasn’t moved an inch since you left him, the spoon you laid out for him still perched next to the bowl on the table. His hands are clasped together tightly between his knees, eyes staring mindlessly at a spot on your wall. You slowly slide down next to him on the couch, his ears not even twitching in your direction. You’ve noticed his cat ears seem work on pure instinct, immediately moving to follow whatever sound they pick up on. So the fact that they don’t even stir when you’re so close is worrying – because that means Yoongi is too deep into his own thoughts to hear you, and that’s probably not the best place for him to get lost in right now.
“Yoongi,” You softly call his name as you reach out for his intertwined fingers. You carefully pry his hands apart to place the spoon in his palm, nudging the bowl closer to the edge of the table. Yoongi blinks, his gaze moving from the wall to his hand, his fingers slowly closing around the utensil. His eyes trail over to you; the confused and empty look on his face making your stomach lurch.
“You need to eat,” You remind him. Yoongi watches you for another moment before he nods, his gaze moving back to the steaming soup in front of him. If the situation were different you would’ve felt like a creep just sitting there and watching Yoongi eat, but truthfully, you are pretty sure he never would have taken a bite unless he knew you were.
You wait until the bowl is half empty before you ask the question that’s been on the tip of your tongue all night.
“Why did you leave?”
Yoongi places the spoon back into the soup with a small shrug, his ears falling back into his hair as he stares down at the steaming food.
“I don’t know,” Yoongi’s voice is hoarse and raw. “The only thing I could think of was just that I needed to find that fucker and hurt him in the same way he hurt my mom,” The last few words slips out as a hiss, Yoongi’s lips twisting into a snarl as he remembers the report.
“I still do,” He adds, “I can’t let him get away with this.”
“I’ll help you,” Yoongi is shocked at the conviction in your voice, his eyes flying up to meet yours in surprise. You didn’t only have time to think about Mr. Park and Yoongi’s mom, but also why the other cases in the news report had felt so familiar. They were all from your company.
There’s no cases you have worked on yourself, but you know that one of them was Jihyo’s, and you’ve heard bits and pieces about the others from your co-workers. You had no idea about Mr. Park, his case must’ve been dealt with before you started working there, but you’re certain that the conveniently timed breaches the office has been having these last weeks has to be tied to this.
Jihyo’s case still leaves a sour taste in your mouth, and you can remember how distraught she was when her client’s claim got overruled. That’s probably the hardest aspect of your job, the fact that you can’t do anything else after you hand over all the information and evidence you’ve collected to the lawyer in charge. Jihyo was convinced something was off about it, but neither of you are in a position where your opinion matters, and so it wouldn’t have made a difference. If only, it probably would’ve made the cases of Jihyo’s future clients even more difficult to win, if members of the court already disliked her because she had voiced her concerns.  
You’re certain your company is connected to all of this, and your suspect hasn’t exactly been subtle with how he’s been sneaking around on your floor lately. But there’s only one way to find out for sure, and you’re more than ready to get to the bottom of this. You already made a promise to yourself that you would make the ones who had hurt Yoongi pay – and you sure as hell intend to keep it.
You’re not surprised at how quiet the office is the following day, it seems like a good chunk of your co-workers must have seen the news and arrived at the same conclusion. Well, maybe not exactly the same, but at least that your company was targeted for a reason. You had texted Jihyo about her case yesterday as well, and your friend looks like she hasn’t slept a wink. She has deep circles underneath her eyes, her usually bright and glowy skin looking dull and tired. Frowning, you take your seat, making a mental note to pick something up for her on your break.
You’re honestly not doing much better yourself. You kept waking up all night to make sure Yoongi was still curled up at the bottom of your bed, the black lump of fur soothing your anxiety just enough to fall back asleep, but not enough that it lasted for more than an hour. You were apprehensive about leaving him at home all by himself, but you quickly shut down that train of thought. Yoongi is an adult. He can leave your apartment whenever he wants to, and he’s more than capable to take care of himself.
You sigh, trying your best to ignore the gnawing worry in your stomach. After all, you have an important mission you need to do today. The day trickles by slowly, your anxiety only growing for each passing hour you’re left alone with your thoughts. You have no guarantee that your hunch is right, but you’re honestly not sure what terrifies you more – cornering the lanky guy from the IT department only to find out he has nothing to do with it, or finding out that he does. You don’t know what lengths this hacker group is willing to go to, or what this guy might be capable of doing. It would be easy to pretend you never noticed anything, but you can’t. This isn’t about you, this is about Yoongi.
You wave Jihyo off when she offers to stay back and wait for you at the end of the day, your nerves at an all time high as your co-workers start leaving one by one. You’re basically bouncing in your seat as you bid the last one goodbye; the floor suddenly plunged into silence. You swallow hard, your phone clutched tightly in your hand as you rise to your feet. You still haven’t figured out the best way to approach him, but you figure you can always use your computer as an excuse.
The stairwell is silent as you make your way down, and it’s only the sound of your footsteps bouncing of the walls that is keeping you company. You pause to take a deep breath once you reach the door to the IT department, trying your best to convince your fried nerves that he might not even be in today.
But of course, that gets thrown out the window as soon as you step inside. There’s only one desk that’s still on, and it’s his. The man startles as the door slams shut behind you, and he jumps out of his seat as you get closer. He hovers awkwardly behind his chair, tongue wetting his lips nervously as he sees your gaze flicker over to the cat-formed sticky notes pad he still has on his desk.
”Did you do it?” The words tumble out of your lips before you can zip them shut, and you groan inwardly at your lack of tact. Well, that’s one way to do it.
“I-I don’t know what you’re t-talking about,” The man stutters, his eyes flickering to the door behind you.
“The breach. I’ve seen you sneaking around our floor upstairs, and it just doesn’t feel like a coincidence that so many of our files suddenly ended up on the news yesterday,” You try to keep your voice level, desperately hoping that he can’t hear the slight tremor in it as you speak.
The man’s face grows white as you take a step closer, his throat bobbling as he grips the back of his chair tighter.
“N-no, I d-don’t have anything to d-do with it,” He vigorously shakes his head, his long hair flying side to side from the movement. Your eyes zero in on the weird pattern you noticed last time, and you feel like everything finally clicks into place as you realize what it is.
This man must be a hybrid too. And he’s probably terrified of being found out. It’s pretty much unheard of that hybrids work along side humans without their owners, and he must’ve been putting himself into grave danger by showing up here every day for work.
“Oh okay, my mistake then,” You take a hesitant step back, the extra space seemingly calming the hybrid down.
You don’t believe him. If anything, you’re now more sure than ever that he has to have something to do with this, but the added uncertainty of not knowing what kind of hybrid he is, and what he’ll do if you corner him further isn’t worth it. You’ll have to come up with a better plan.
“I have some information on one of the files, but I see I was mistaken. My apologies,” You smile gently, hoping he’ll take the bait. That seems to make him pause, his eyes once again flickering over to something behind you before his tense posture suddenly relaxes.
“And what kind of information might that be, Y/n?” The deep voice behind your back nearly gives you a heart attack. You whip around to find Mr. Yang standing there with his arms crossed, an amused smile on his lips as he takes in your shocked expression.
“What?” You gape, dumbfounded at his sudden appearance.
“I don’t think Ki-won is the person you’re looking for,” Mr. Yang gestures to the hybrid.
“If you have anything you want to share, then you should do so with me. I’m the one who orchestrated the breach.”
You open and close your mouth, no words leaving your lips as you stare back at the older man. Even in your wildest dreams you would’ve never expected Mr. Yang to be behind it, not when he’s one of the few workers who’s been with the company for the longest time. Maybe you’re a little out of your depth.
“And I suppose you’re here because of your cat hybrid?” Scratch that. You’re definitely way out of your depth.
- - - - the next chapter will finally explain everything, and y/n might have to share a secret she doesn’t want yoongi to find out about ..  as always, i hope you’re all well and my inbox is always open if you want to chat about the story or just fics or life in general! see you all soon! in case you maybe enjoy my stories and want to buy me a coffee, you can do so here! 💖 AND please check out the posting schedule for july if you haven’t already!
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
The Gingerbread Family ~ JHS [Day Twenty Five: Advent Calendar]
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GENRE: Fluffy, established-relationship, prompt
PAIRING: Jung Hoseok x Reader
A/N: Happy Holidays everyone!!! Hope you have a nice day!! I’ll probably be on and off all day but I love you all!!!!
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"It says for ages 8 and up and we can't even make it stand up," You whined as you watched the gingerbread house fall apart for the seventh time that day.
"They should come with instructions," Hoseok grumbled throwing down the icing packet that came with the gingerbread house, the packet slipped into the only standing piece of the house and knocked it down onto the kitchen table.
"I bet Jungkook could do it," You mumbled biting into the heads of one of the gingerbread men and staring at Hoseok who was now on his phone trying to find instructions,
"Here! Someone said to make it with different icing, one that we can make stickier." His eyes light up as he began reading out the instructions to do,
"Where did you find instructions? Gingerbread houses are simple, stick together and boom-" You stopped talking when you saw the website he was using, he sheltered his phone away from you trying to hide the embarrassment he was feeling,
"Gingerbread for dummies?" You giggled snatching his phone from his hands to look at it. The site had some good points, making a whole new batch of the icing would be better since you wouldn't have to deal with the bags that tended to explode whenever you squeezed too hard.
"I'll get the ingredients," Hoseok watched as you began hunting around the cupboards for everything, taking one of the largest bowls you had to make it in.
"It says failing this, smash the gingerbread into little bits, pool a puddle of icing in the middle and you have a fun gingerbread chip dip," You laughed at him as he continued to read through everything on the sight.
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"You ate one of the heads of our children," Hoseok mumbled looking at the family of four in front of the completed and standing gingerbread house, it had a Christmas tree outside of it, a snow-topped roof with small sweets covering it.
"He was misbehaving," You lied looking at one of the headless gingerbread men that had been tossed to the side,
"I could make a pile of icing and have him sticking out, make it look like he fell in the snow?" As much as Hoseok liked the idea he shook his head, he wanted this to be the perfect gingerbread house for Christmas eve.
"The boys will love it, and it's on time." The doorbell rang which meant they were all arriving for the Christmas Eve movie night that you had planned. The living room was decorated perfectly for Christmas, you'd brought down blankets and pillows for everyone to sit in front of the TV with and there was a table full of food.
"I'll take the house through," Hoseok offered, knowing just how clumsy you were when it came to things like these,
"Fine, fine, I'll go and answer the door." You began rushed through to the front door when it burst open and Jungkook came through carrying a large sack of presents. Christmas day was happening at your house this year, all the boys took it in turns so that cooking and cleaning was left down to whoever owned the house and whoever decided to offer their help.
"OH CHRISTMAS TREE OH CHRISTMAS TREE!" Jungkook screamed, ever the excited kid at Christmas whenever it came to things like this,
"Hi Kookie," He held the door open for everyone else as you greeted them,
"Whoa, look at that. You got it to stand up," Jimin complemented as you came into the living room admiring the gingerbread house, they began taking photos which were great because as soon as Jungkook came over and jumped down beside you the table wobbled knocking the house down.
"Whoops...Earthquake," You stared at Jungkook who began turning a bright red colour the longer you stared at him, he could tell he was going to be in trouble.
"I'll order you a new one and I'll build it," He yelled as he ran away from you, Hoseok took you into his arms and kissed you softly as you pouted about your house being broken up, all the gingerbread family members laying down in the snow.
"Think of it like this, they're making snow angels and erm-" Namjoon stopped when he couldn't think for any reason the house would have collapsed in on itself,
"It's easier for us to eat," Taehyung stated as he picked up the roof of the house and took a huge bite out of it making you giggle in the process.
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Tagline: @mitzwinchester​ @lyoongx​ @rjsmochii​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @callingmyangel​ @innersooya​ @sw33tnight​ @missmxqn​ @bisexualmess007​ @oosnapitskat​
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catsandstrawberries · 4 years
Professor Kim? 2
Pairing: College Professor!Taehyung x Student!Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Underage Drinking! (I am not encouraging this in any way) Age gap (like 5 years), almost smut, grinding, swear words, peer-pressure, 
Summary: You should not be doing this. You should not be at a bar, you should not be kissing this stranger, and this stranger should definitely not be your teacher.
You have a habit of doing things you shouldn't, like your professor.
A/N: This isn’t as graphic as the last chapter but I promise the next chapter will have more action. 
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It took me less than 30 seconds to rip my gaze from him and trip over myself in a race to my seat. I hoped and prayed that this was all just some organized prank, maybe I was being videotaped for a prank tv show. 
But instead of hidden cameras tracking my every move, it was his eyes, always trailing back to me whenever I gained the courage to look at him. 
Even when I kept my head down I could still feel his gaze, the simmering anger and accusations ready to steam over with a roll of his tongue. 
This is what happens when I try to be adventurous.
"Freshman community service day is next week so keep an ear out for new information on that. Mrs. (l/n), do you mind staying after for a moment?"
Yes. Yes, I mind. 
Instead of answering I just stayed silent while the rest of the class filed out of the room, barely blinking an eye at Tae's not so subtle request. 
How could I have messed this up already? 
Tae follows behind the last student and gives a polite wave before slowly closing the door with a soft thud. 
"I just graduated, I attended a university, any more lies you want to reveal?" 
"That technically wasn't a lie, I did graduate from high school," I mumble, my shoulders scrunching up in defense. 
"Well you could have cleared that up at the bar-" Tae's eyes suddenly go wide and his breath catches in the back of his throat. 
"Oh my god. I bought you alcohol illegally, and almost had sex with a minor." 
Ok. I messed up. 
"The age of consent is seventeen, and it's not like I knew you would be my freshman English teacher!"  
Tae groans and drops his face into his cupped hands, shaking his head slowly from side to side. 
"(y/n) this can't-" 
"I know." 
I say firmly. A pause spreads between the two of us before I speak up, 
"So what? We pretend as if nothing happened." 
Tae scoffs and lets out a humorless laugh as he replies, 
"You want me to grade your papers on Friday and take you out to drink on Saturdays?" 
"Excuse me for not expecting to pretend my teacher is a stranger." 
"I hope you're a good actor then." 
A harsh knock comes from the door and me and Tae practically jump apart as if we each had the plague. 
A man peeks his head through the window, his sandy blonde hair swept to one side and his face breaks into a smile once he sees the two of us. His blue button-up shirt is tucked into his dress pants and his square black glasses sit perched on his sun-kissed nose. He looks only a few years older than Tae, and I'm thankful for the surprise visit to break the heavy tension. 
"Oh, I'm sorry was I interrupting something?" 
"NO!" The two of us say in unison, refusing to glance in each other's direction. 
"Mrs. (l/n) was just discussing her love of fiction writing, and was asking if she could fit your class into her schedule." Tae seemingly lies, or half-lies, and it would be false to say my stomach didn't flutter at the fact Tae remembered that fact from our last encounter.
"Really?" The stranger asks with a gleam in his eyes before he outstretches his hand. 
"I'm Professor Kim Namjoon, head of the English department. Most kids call me Proof Joon." I flinch at the term, kids. That's what I was to them, to Tae, just a kid. 
"I teach most of the fiction writing courses." 
I brighten up at his last words. Entrapped with the idea of joining a writing class to cultivate my love for writing.  
"Really! I'd love to sign up." 
I suddenly remember where I am and add politely, 
"though I should get going. It was nice meeting you, Professor Joon. Thank you for the help, Professor Kim." 
The name sounds like metal, weighing down my mouth as I leave, and it doesn't go away the entire walk to my dorm. Disgusting. 
Fuck my life. 
The mantra repeated in my head the entire way to his office. The man who I had been so anxiously trying to avoid, not going to his office hours, refusing to ask him questions, not singing up for any of his classes, all seemed to be for nothing. 
I, a lover of the art of writing, signed up for Prof Joon's fiction writing class, thinking that it would be a useful class, and get me away from Taehyung. 
Who I only had to see twice a week. 
But because the universe is a big ball of fiery, stinky shit, the class filled up, and naturally, the next English teacher would take on the new class. 
Stupid Kim Taehyung. 
Even worse, I applied to transfer out of his class. 
I slammed the off white cardstock paper on his desk, the bold red letters reading clear as day, DENIED. 
"You denied me? Why!?" 
I crossed my arms, shouting in the empty classroom while Tae gave me an unimpressed look. 
"Don't you think it will look odd if you suddenly transfer out of all my classes?" 
"This is the only open fiction writing class. If you love writing you should take it or did you lie about that too?" 
An annoyed growl slips past my lips and I glare at the way his eyebrow perk up, his brown eyes shimmering with curiosity and a need to unpack me and all my vulnerabilities. 
"This might be easy for you, professor," I sneered, "but it's hard to pretend like we don't know each other." 
"We don't know each other." 
I scoffed and pulled the collar of my shirt to the side, purple and blue bruises fading, the colors painted on my skin by his very tongue. 
"We do."
Freshman community service day was an excuse for the college to feel better about itself and its relationship with the community. It was obvious. From the lack of information, planning, and the huge amount of advertisement around campus. 
All freshman participated for a pass or fail grade, and though I had never failed a class before I debated skipping. 
Guess why? 
We were split up by English classes. 
With a rake in hand and the booming sound of Drake blasting from a fellow freshman's speaker (Jungkook, I think?), I swished my hips from side to side and bopped my head to the steady beat. 
Our current English class was volunteering at a local garden. Fresh produce sprung up from the ground with brightly colored fruits and vegetables. I was assigned to raking, a tedious task that barely kept my attention but the music helped with the boredom. 
A tap on my shoulder was what cut me off from my mini dance routine, and I sheepishly turned around, shoulders scrunched up in embarrassment. 
Tae held his hand towards his chest as if the meer action of touching me would harm him. Ouch. 
"Sunscreen?" He held out the bottle of goo to me, and as quickly as I could I squeezed the sunscreen into my hands and rubbed it on my arms, neck, and face. 
I held out the bottle to him, but instead of taking it, he pointed to my left cheek. 
"You have something-no to the left, almost." 
He gently grabbed at my palm furiously rubbing at my skin, and gently rubbed his thumb under my left eye. 
His brown orbs flickered between the spot on my skin and my eyes, neither confirming nor denying the spark we felt for each other. 
"Professor Kim! Can I borrow some sunscreen?!"
It was as if the world came crashing down on us, Tae's hand immediately retracting as he turned to the freshman waving his speaker around to get his attention. 
The teacher. 
The person who I should not be having an intimate moment with. 
"You should go help Jungkook, Professor Kim." 
My words came out like venom, but I didn't regret it. We couldn't keep playing this back and forth with each other, 
could we? 
Taglist: @aretha170 @kookie-vuitton​ @gee-nee​ @ladyartemesia​ @nekee-lilac02​ @kpoptrashforlifeuu​
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BTS Reaction // How you become a Couple.
A/N: Hello my beautiful, beloved 9 followers and and all who read this. I hope you like this reaction ^^
The day couldn't have been better. Your parents had asked you to check on their house since they were on vacation. Namjoon also offered to accompany you. With his destructive powers you weren't sure if this was a good idea, but you loved his company and so you took him along. After making sure that everything was okay, you spontaneously decided to set up your younger brother's paddling pool and spend the afternoon in the family garden. Now you are lying on one of your parents' deckchairs, your bare feet dipped in the cool water. Only in the corner of your mind you hear Joonie offering you to make a drink. You nod absently, he knows where the fridge is. Your eyes close by themselves and you doze away a little. But the idyll doesn't last long. Suddenly you hear a loud boom and the scream that follows makes you wince. For a moment you remain stiff as a poker in your place, then you jump up as if something had bitten you: "Joonie!" When you arrive in the kitchen you are out of breath, your face is pale. In front of you is a scene of devastation. The blender is no longer what it used to be. To be exact, its parts are scattered all over the kitchen and the part that is still standing in its original place is smoking heavily. On the wall there are remains of what probably should have been a smoothie. As something drips on your shoulder you realize that these remains have also made it to the ceiling. Only Namjoon seems to have vanished: "Joonie?" "I'm here." His voice is quiet and at first you can't locate him. But eventually you'll spot him. He's on his back behind the kitchen counter. The remains of the Smoothie stick on his clothing, too. For a moment you are glad that nothing happened to him, but then your gaze wanders down on him and the panic returns: "You're bleeding!" You get down on your knees before him and take his hands in yours. While the backs of his hands are only scratched, you find his palms covered by numerous small cuts. You let go of his hands and take his face in yours instead, examining it for traces or even splinters. He doesn't move and lets you do: "It doesn't hurt, my hands are just a little scratched, I feel ..." He cuts off in the middle of the sentence as his eyes widen: "Y/N? Are you crying?"  You let go of him and now you're touching your own face. It's all wet. You didn't even notice how tears came out of your eyes: "I... I was just so afraid you could have hurt yourself more, I..." You can't get any further, because there are two strong arms wrapping around you and pulling you to Namjoon: "I'm sorry." Your ear is on his chest and you can hear his heartbeat, a sign that he's alive. You close your eyes and let the tears flow freely. You've been worried beyond belief and you feel your whole body letting go. Namjoon holds you until the sobs stop. He loosens his grip, holds you by your shoulders and kisses you on the forehead: "As long as you stay by my side nothing worse can happen to me than an exploded blender". You look down at yourself and now your clothes are dirty too, but his words make you laugh: "I will always stay with you". His next kiss hits your lips.  
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You spent the whole afternoon competing with Kookie. Actually, you had paid a visit to the boys to see Jin, who you had an incredible crush on, but the youngest had challenged you to a Mario Kart duel that you couldn't refuse. What you both had in common was a desire to win, and so it turned into a loud competition."Won!" You lower the controller and throw your arms up into the air in victory. Your opponent uses the chance to pinch your sides, a place where you are incredibly ticklish. With a laugh you throw yourself against Jungkook and you both almost fall off the sofa. He wraps his arms around you while you try to take revenge on him: "You will regret this. You're so gonna regret this." "Y/N?" Both of you look up as Jin stands in the doorway. His arms are crossed and the look on his face is hard to interpret: "Would you come with me for a moment?" You break away from Kookie and get up, tap your clothes a little: " When I come back, I'll beat you up again, I promise." In a good mood you follow Jin and don't even notice the look he gives Kookie. He leads you into the kitchen and you lean against the counter: "What's up Jin? Shall I help you cook? "Kookie said he wants curry, I think there's enough ingredients in here to make it and..." You flinch when you hear a boom next to you. Jin is on your side within seconds. His hands rest on either side of the counter, preventing you from escaping: "what's wrong?" Your voice shakes, not because you're scared, but because his sudden proximity makes you nervous: "All I hear is Kookie here and Kookie there". He's bending over towards you. He's so close, you can feel his breath on your skin, which gives you goose bumps. His smell is so unbelievably good that a pleasant fog forms around your thoughts and only his voice tears you out of the daydreams that form in your head: "It's almost as if you have feelings for him". From his mouth comes a throaty laugh: "But if that' s the case, then you shouldn't look at me the way you do" He raises one of his hands and strokes your cheek: "With these reddened cheeks". His finger moves to your lips, gently strokes across them: "With these slightly open lips". He bends even further forward so that his lips hover just a few millimeters above yours: "If you look like that I feel like stealing you away from Kookie. To steal a kiss from you..." He smiles slightly, almost sadly, and shakes his head: "But I wouldn't do something like that, that wouldn't be fair". He wants to straighten up again, but now a sound comes over your lips, which you cannot define. Your hands move to his hair and you pull him down to you in a passionate kiss. His eyes widen in surprise, but then he answers your kiss just as passionately. As you separate you are both out of breath. Your eyes meet and you want to kiss again, but a voice prevents you from doing so: "I think it' s nice that you have found each other. But I'm really hungry... can we make curry today?"
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For Yoongi, summer was the season he liked least. Not only because it got way too warm for his taste, but also because that very heat made him more tired than usual. He preferred cooler seasons in which his skin didn't burn and he wouldn't sweat so fast.You were the complete opposite. Summer was your absolute favorite season and if you could, you would have spent every minute outside getting warmed by the sun's rays. "Let's go outside!" Yoongi looks at you as if you're asking for the impossible. Today's heat was so intense that not even an air-conditioned studio could stand up against it, so they allowed him and the others to shorten the training a bit. You watch him as he looks up: "It's going to rain soon." You follow his gaze and snort, "There's not a cloud in the sky." You go to him and grab his arm, pull him up from where he sits: "Come on! Just a little, okay?" He sighs and finally gives in. It would only be a short walk anyway. In retrospect, you wonder how he could be so right. Half an hour after you left the building, clouds appear and shortly afterwards it starts to rain. While Yoongi quickly takes shelter under a canopy you stay where you are. Within no time your clothes and hair are soaked, water collects in your shoes, but you don't mind. The water drops feel incredibly good on your skin. Another thing you love about summer is its rain and soon you' re spinning in circles with your arms outstretched. "You'll catch a cold" You hear Yoongi's voice only in passing: " Nonsense. And even if I do, a few days of being sick doesn't bother me, this is worth it" You close your eyes and laugh. You can't deny that on the one hand you think it's sweet that he's worried, but on the other hand you also feel that the rain revives something inside of you. You want to promise him to return to him under the roof, but then someone grabs you by the wrist: "But I would mind." You open your eyes and get almost startled because Yoongi is so close to you. He's got his hands on your wrist and his eyes are looking right into yours. Water drips from his hair falling down on his face, you wonder when he came to you in the rain and why you didn't notice it. What comes next only confuses you more, because he puts his other arm around your waist: "I would mind" he repeats. Then he pulls you towards him and you can feel his body against yours. His skin still seems heated from the midday sun and forms a contrast to you, whose body is already cooled down by the water. "That's why I have to keep you warm." He looks at you and a little smile appears on his lips. It is the first time you see him smile today and it makes your heart flutter. Your next action happens by itself. You wrap your arms around his neck and stand on your toes. Carefully your cool lips touch his warm ones. The kiss is brief, yet it manages to permeate your entire body with hot shivers. As you release he looks at you seriously. You wonder what is going on in his head and if what you have done is okay for him. His hand comes off your wrist and strokes a wet strand from your face. Then he grins: "Maybe summer's not so bad after all". Neither you nor he pays any more attention to the rain as you share another kiss.
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You liked the last VLive from Hoseok very much. You had watched with joy how he had created bracelets for the other members and finally an ARMY bracelet. When he invited you to their dormitory, you couldn't help but bring a small bracelet craft kit that you wanted to give him. It had the desired effect, and when Hoseok saw the new pearls and pendants, he hugged you enthusiastically. Your actual plan to watch a movie had been cancelled, and Hoseok had decided that you should spend your time together making bracelets. You sit at the small coffee table for over an hour now. The lemonade you made in advance is almost gone and the cookies Jin baked the day before have also dropped to a minimum. In the background soft instrumental music plays, a few BTS songs but also other songs. You look up from your own work to watch Hoseok. He seems highly concentrated as he threads pearl after pearl onto the bracelet. While you randomly grab the pearls you like best, he seems to have a system after he goes and which he only changes when something specific catches his eye. You could watch him for hours. You have a crush on Hoseok for a while now and just spending time with him makes you incredibly happy. "Y/N?" Hoseok stops working and looks at you curiously. Only now do you realize that you must have been staring at him: "hmm? I mean, what up?" He starts laughing: "You seem a little distracted. What were you thinking about?" You can feel the blush building up in your face: "Well... I was thinking about how much effort you're putting into this. It's like you're thinking about the smallest things. How you arrange the beads, how you combine the colors. It' s beautiful".  You turn your gaze back to your own bracelet and don't see how he turns red too. "Who are you making your bracelet for?" You think for a while, actually you had it made without thinking. You put the last piece of the clasp on: "Give me your arm." He immediately follows your instructions and you put your work on him: "It's nothing special and you don't have to keep it but...""It's beautiful". Hoesok touches it with his fingers and plays with the little sun pendant you put on without thinking: "What's it for?"  "Well... you often say you are everyone's hope. And many fans also say you are their sunshine and...for me you are too".  You want to change the subject to play down the emerging nervousness, but he grabs your wrist and puts his bracelet on you. You look at it and inevitably you have to giggle: "It's almost like exchanging rings at a wedding" You stroke the pearls with love when his words make you look up again: "Don't you think we should start with a kiss?" You look into his face and finally discover the slight blush on his cheeks. For some reason, it gives you a boost of confidence. With a smile you bend toward him, your lips lightly brushing over his: "I think that‘s an incredibly good idea. But I'm not happy with just one kiss".
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Today was not made for you. Already when you woke up you felt bad and when it didn't get better after an hour you decided to stay in your hotel room, in your bed. Jimin had invited you to a music video shoot of him and the others and the surroundings including the beach were beautiful. And yet you didn't feel like going out or even communicate, so you didn't even respond to the messages on your cell phone. So you spend your time sleeping and brooding, and when evening comes you can finally get over the idea of listening to music. Your headphones are in your bag and your bag is too far away, so you just turn the music up loud. As your phone plays Serendipidy you close your eyes and breathe out deeply. This song made warmth flow through your heart and your whole body, it soothes you incredibly. You don't hear the knocking. Only when the sound becomes strangely doubled you suddenly startle. You turn off the music, but the singing is still there and it comes from outside. You can't deny your heartbeat, which gets faster with every moment you realize that Jimin is at your door, must have heard your music and is singing the song to you now. You listen to him singing line after line until the last note stops. Then his soft voice: "May I come in?" You hesitate, you're not sure. You look awful, your hair is all tousled and you're still wearing your pyjamas. But finally you get up, open the door for him. He smiles at you, he leans against the door frame a little. He looks exhausted, probably they have just finished the shoot: "I wrote you...you didn't answer...is everything okay?" You let him in and sit on the bed. It takes a while before you start speaking. About everything and nothing, just like that. He listens to you and doesn't interrupt you. You don't know how much time passes while you' re just talk to each other. When he finally asks you to go for a walk, you agree. In silence you go side by side, your path leads you to the beach. Finally you lie down in the sand, he in his music video outfit, you in your pyjamas. A beautiful starry sky opens up above you. Finally, Jimin breaks the silence: " How are you?" You think about it for a while before you answer, "Fine." He seems surprised. "Really? That quick?" During your next words you feel yourself turning red: "Well somehow...ever since I heard you singing outside my door...it's like I decided that all negative feelings have no place in my heart anymore..." After that, it's quiet for a while. You don't look at each other and you already thought you said something wrong, but then there's Jimin's voice again, so quiet that you can hardly hear it: "And? Would you let me?" "Let you what?" Silence again, then: "Well...like in the song...i mean...would you let me love you?" Your eyes widen and now you're the one who's silent. Jimin seems to misunderstand because he straightens up: "I'm sorry Y/N I didn't mean to pressure you, we can forget it, we never have to talk about it again we..." "No! No, no. I'm just... too shocked to understand."  You also straighten up and take his hands in yours: "I...I'm so shocked because you make me so incredibly happy..." You take a short break because your heart is racing so fast and the next words are hard for you: "But Jimin I need to know...will you let me love you too?" In response, he gives you an incredibly soft and gentle kiss.
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Your preparations for today had already begun weeks ago. Buying a dress, an appointment with the hairdresser and cosmetician. A makeup test. Even if the boys told you that you would look good without all the frills, you wanted to get the best out of yourself for this one day. Tae was nominated for an award and you wanted to be there to keep your fingers crossed for him. Also, and you had to admit this to yourself, you wanted to take a certain person's breath away.      Your efforts seemed to bear fruit. On the day of the award you received compliments from many sides and Tae looked over at you more than once. You thanked them each time, but at the same time you made sure that the attention was drawn back to TaehyungDuring the show you took a seat next to the others. Your eyes stick to Tae and you notice his nervousness. But that's not necessary, because when the winner is announced it's indeed Tae.                      You join in the applause that breaks out right after the announcement while Tae steps on stage to receive his award. During his acceptance speech your eyes meet several times and you can't wait to tell him how proud you are of him. Right after the show you are led into a room backstage by the others. It takes a while until the man of the evening joins you. He accepts several congratulations until he' s finally with you: "Hello Y/N". He looks overjoyed: "I haven't had a chance to tell you how great you look". Your heart makes a little jump: "Thank you so much. But this is about you. Congratulations Tae!" You wrap your arms around him and pull him into a short hug: "You should be really proud of yourself!"  You loosen your arms and give him a big smile. He laughs too. Then he takes your face in his hands and before you knew what' s happening, he' s kissing you. It's only a short moment, but it feels like thousands of fireworks exploding inside you at once. As he separates from you, his smile disappears: "Oh Y/N, I'm sorry. I was a little overexcited, I didn't mean to..."He pauses as you shake your head and still smile at him, a slight blush on your cheeks: "I really do hope that this wasn't just a one-time thing". His eyes get bigger as he realizes, then he wraps his arms around your waist and strokes his fingers over the fabric of your dress so that hot shivers run down your back.  He bends forward and his lips tickle your ear. His voice sounds soft so only you can hear it: "It depends on what you want..." He lets go of you for a moment and turns to Jimin, who is standing right next to you. The two of them exchange a few words, then they grin, "Have fun." Tae takes you by the hand and pulls you out of the room towards the hotel rooms. Yes, you'd get lots of kisses tonight.
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You certainly had your evening planned differently. Your working day had been long, it was already dark. You had eaten a snack and then laid down in the bathtub to relax a little. Time had passed and you had become tired. So you had slipped into your favorite fluffy pajamas, your hair in a towel turban. You didn't feel like drying it. On your bedside table was an exciting book and you wanted to read a few more pages before you finally went to sleep. But nothing came out of it. Shortly before you could open the book, you received a call from Namjoon: "Y/N can you come? We need your help with a situation". When you arrive, the situation turns out to be a slightly drunk Jin, a sober Namjoon and a completely drunk Jungkook. The two older ones tell you that they took the younger one along at his begging, but got distracted for a moment. Probably he had treated himself to more than just one high-proof drink at that moment. You had warned Kookie repeatedly not to overdo it. Not because he wasn't old enough, but rather because he was unbelievably uncooperative in this state and wouldn't budge even if he was asked: "You have to help us Y/N" Jin's voice sounded almost more desperate than Namjoon's on the phone. You sighed: "Go home. I'll take care of it". You spot Kookie almost immediately. He's sitting at the bar, just ordering another drink. When he sees you, a big smile spreads across his face: "Y/N!" he turns to the bartender: "A drink for my girlfriend!" His voice slurs and yet you blush because he calls you his girlfriend. Finally you are at his place and grab his arm gently: "That's enough for today. We can come back tomorrow" You want to pull him gently but firmly from his bar stool, but he holds you back: "You are beautiful" Throaty giggles follow and he bends forward, but you evade him. Your chest contracts painfully, you know that he is not serious. Still you smile: "I know. You look good too. Please come with me now". Finally you manage to pull him off his chair while he starts singing a BTS song. Not beautiful, but with many crooked notes. As you gently talk to him you wonder if you should film him. It might be fun for you and the others to show him that the next morning. Outside you let him go: "I'll call a taxi". You want to take out your cell phone, but his words make you pause: "You...you are so beautiful. I love you so much...Y/N".  Your heart stops. He doesn't sound drunk anymore. Instead, he sounds like he always sounds, only more serious. He leans over to you again, this time, you are sure he wants to kiss you. But you push him away from you, shaking your head violently, "Kookie. That may have been fun once, but not anymore. You don't love me". He frowned, visibly irritated: "You don't believe me... why don't you believe me?" "Why?" A laugh comes out of you, but it is not a happy laugh. It is rather bitter: "Jeon Jungkook you are drunk! You can tell me you love me as many times as you want. You are probably imagining it and even if you don't... you will not remember a single word tomorrow". You shake your head and want to turn back to your cell phone, but he grabs your hand and stops you: "I won't forget. I promise you that tomorrow I will remember it and tell you again". His voice sounds incredibly soft and it makes your heart beat immeasurably: "And then I want to hear the same from you. That you love me Y/N". Again you laugh, but this time to hide your nervousness: "And you really think I'm going to say that? In response, he gets down on his knees and kisses the back of your hand before grinning at you: "Of course".
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cartoonkoopalings · 2 years
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Cheatsy koopa: The sneakiest out of the koopalings, the Emperor of Eavesdropping, the king of getting out of chores, Cheatsy Koopa! He still does his job of spying on the Mario brothers with his little group of friends that consist of Pyre a splorch from the sprixie kingdom who also happens to be his boyfriend, a dud bobomb , a Boo named casp and a lone shyguy. He has a thing for roller skating and recently took up lava boarding which pure helps with the latter. Him and bigmouth still go out to ruins in Darkland to find artifacts that might help in Kingdads schemes. He's sustained quiet a few scars over the years from the different failed plans,
Pyre: A splorch that came to darkland with Jack and a multitude of POW-ups through a glitched clear pipe from the sprixie kingdom. Not much is known about him other than he is made of lava and eats magic. He had a bit of an incident at Boom and Kooky's wedding. The larger gaunt almost skeletal like form is when his core hungers for magic. He spent a month before the wedding stewing in his own hunger before it took hold. But he's chill now thanks to both jack and Cheatsy who managed to get him calm before he did more damage to the castle. As of late he'd gone for a more shirtless look, Cheatsy calls him his lava lamp. He tends to take his core out when he and Cheatsy go lava boarding, he's the one pulling the board while he swims through the lava.
Hop Koopa: the youngest out of the Brat pack being just a few minutes younger than his brother Hip, he is already taller than his brother despite being almost identical as young children. Now a teen he hopes to find his own identity, he now has an interest in science thanks to a certain science project he and hip made in school because of this, hop hangs out with Kooky in his lab as his older brothers assistant. Hop is also trans (ftm) and came out to his family at 10. As kooky once answered, "due to dimensional similarities, Hop will probably be as tall as me before he's 20" well said prediction is coming true, minus the added height of his palm tree he's already 5'9" and still growing. He still trains his chain chomps with his brother Hip.
Hip Koopa: the shortest and one of the younger kids out of the family, Hip has a lovely for the circus and all things fun and silly, he also loves winter and has a bad habit of donning a penguin suit POW-up and pelting unsuspecting passerby with snowballs...friend or foe, family or random folks, nobody is safe from this. The music from snow mountain seems to follow him when he gets like this. Fun fact thanks to Cheatsy, both him and Hop know how to drive a real-world car, and have visited Miami in the past .....they don't know nothing about a body. But due to this Hip has grown to love go-kart races and wants to compete now that he's older. He also has a new little chomp he's training, flurry is his name.
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nekokoaa · 4 years
Wolves Among Us - Bakugo x Reader (XV)
Wolves Among Us – Bakugo x Reader
Series Warning: Fantasy AU, Fluff, NSFW
Chapter Warning: Slight nsfw
(Chapter XV/??) All chapters in AO3 and masterlist
Wow, a few more chapter left of season 1, huh? Can’t believe it XD Enjoy, loves!! I actually really enjoyed writing this chapter!
@freedom-for-bum@reallyfuckingangrylatina@risarisarisaa @ashherssss@mels-heart@xa-dia@shanty-lol@amkxh@chims-kookies@fantasticapple@thalia-luna-hawthorn​@skzero-99@marvelobsessedteen@thenezuko@icythotsenpai
XV: Deep in Heat
There was only one week left until the wedding and like all brides, you were growing anxious each day. The pack was bustling with energy despite them not liking who their future leader was marrying. The wedding ceremony was something they were all looking forward to because you have learned from Mina that the wolves loved to party regardless of the circumstances. Mina had been the one to tell you about the pack, allowing you to break out of your shell around them. She would always bring you along whenever she went to talk with some of her friends. They weren’t fond of you at first but with Mina’s encouragement, they began asking you random questions, mostly about human lifestyles. And of course, you were delighted to answer.
That night you had dinner with her family was a lovely one. It felt as if you two had been friends for a long time and had been reunited. She joked and laughed about silly things, was affectionate not only in words but physically as well. She was a wonderful mother and wife who cared deeply about her family and those around her, if just one person was feeling down, she would do everything in her power for that person to be right again. If that wasn’t an amazing person, you didn’t know what else would fit that description.
Katsuki had hung out with Eijirou and someone else named Hanta that night. He had black hair that stopped at his chin. He was tall, lanky and whenever he smiled, his teeth looked incredibly straight without any flaws. He seemed like a nice man. He treated you kindly and expressed his happiness for Katsuki for finding a woman like you to marry. Katsuki went back to normal after the moment you shared by the river. It was like he never had that moment of weakness and he also never brought it up again. You assumed it was still difficult for him to talk about it, so you left the topic alone for another day.
You looked in the tiny mirror that was attached to the cave wall and you dipped your finger in a jar before bringing it to your lips to paint them red. It completed your look from the blush on your cheeks to the kohl liner around your eyes.
“Oooo~ you’re looking sooooo beautiful,” Mina gushed, tail swaying as she suddenly appeared on your right. She was hunched over your shoulder peering into the mirror to gaze at your reflection. “Katsuki isn’t gonna let you walk in the morning!”
You flushed at her words and she laughed. You began to take her in, eyes roaming her figure. She was wearing the shortest skirt you’ve ever seen with a fitted cropped shirt that exposed her muscled stomach. The skirt at least flowed with her movement and wasn’t skin tight, but it accentuated her figure, giving her the illusion that she had larger hips. The color of it had clashed with her skin tone but in a good way, purple and turquoise in a camouflage like pattern drew the attention of her flushed skin. Large beads hung around her neck and jingled when she moved. She even has some around her hips and wrist.
Your clothes weren’t as revealing hers, but it was a burgundy dress that stopped slightly above your mid-thigh and hugged at your form. Your legs that were usually covered by your long skirt was now exposed. Your neck and collarbones were shown as the collar of your dress shaped around your breasts and plunged into a heart shape. Your neck was also decorated with the golden necklace Katsuki gave you and golden bangles jingled on your wrists to match it. You borrowed it all from Mina for tonight’s celebration and you couldn’t be more grateful to her.
The wolves always held a celebration the week before a wedding. It was a tradition but, honestly, you just thought it was an excuse for them to have more parties. So, you were getting ready at Mina and Eijirou’s cave. You could already hear the music blasting, drums being beaten, tambourines jingling, flutes sounding and other instruments you couldn’t quite name. It sounded like it was right outside their cave, but it was really in the courtyard where the wolves had already gathered in the late evening.
“You guys are going to kill all the men who look at you,” Ochako said, grinning from the corner of the room. She was already done, wearing a pink dress that was fitted to her form at the top but blew out at the bottom. Lately, you haven’t been seeing Ochako around. She’s been sneaking out these past last couple of weeks, not telling anyone where she’s been going so you were happy to hang out with her tonight. You wanted to catch up.
“All of us! We’re gonna make them faint!” Mina started checking herself out in the mirror, twisting and twirling around as she posed. Her reflection was being blocked by your body, yet she still pretended she could see her entire body.
“Careful, Mina, wouldn’t want baby number four to happen,” Ochako laughed and Mina shrugged.
“Wouldn’t mind it!”
“So how long is the party going to last?” You began fixing your hair, trying to decide whether to leave it down or put it up.
“How long? Pfft! We’re partying until dawn, ____!” Mina shot a finger in the air. She was a little too excited for this.
“You sure you aren’t drunk already?” Ochako placed her hands on her hips.
“No! But I seriously need a drink. I’m ready to party! Eiji’s gonna take care of the kids tonight so Kiri and I are basically free! Do you know how much free time you get when you have kids? None! Zero!”
You decided to leave it down, brushing your hair for a bit before you fluffed it to add volume.
“And yet you want to have a fourth one?”
“I said I wouldn’t mind, wouldn’t mind!”
“Okay guys, I’m ready,” you stood up and Mina whistled when she looked you over, ogling you in a way that would’ve made you uncomfortable if she was an older man.
“You sure you wanna wait till the wedding night? Cause Katsuki gonna pounce on you when he sees you.”
You laughed, “It’s not up for discussion. We already decided to wait and we’re both okay with that.”
“Gooosh, I couldn’t wait. You’re strong, ____,” you didn’t know if that considered you were strong on the account of you never experienced the feeling of sex. Maybe it was easier for you because you were in the unknown about it. Mina went on with expressing how excited she was about this party. You were just as excited as the last time you’ve been at a party. It was in your village during a festival. You remember the smells of food and the sounds of music, people dancing and having fun. You went with Izuku and his mother and it was the most fun you ever had. You were hoping it would be the same this time. Yes, the pack was still against the marriage but because of Mina, you had some women who tolerated you and actually spoke with you. This party was an opportunity to get to know them even more.
You followed Mina and Ochako out of the cave, saying your goodbyes to Eiji, Minato, and Mie as you passed by them. The sound of beating drums grew extremely loud the closer you came to the courtyard. The sun had completely set and the deep blue carpet with twinkling lights unraveled above you. The moon hung off the middle with half of it shrouded in dark. It was a mild night, not too cold and not too warm, which could only mean that winter was nearing its end. The snow had nearly melted from the surface, revealing the mountain’s stone flooring that clacked whenever your heel met with it. There was a path being lit up by totems on each side that led into the courtyard and the closer you got, the more excited Mina became while Ochako seemed to be looking around for something.
And when you reached the courtyard, your eyes widened in awe. There were so many wolves around, chatting, dancing, eating. There were tables set up that were occupied by some of them. Men were the ones at the drums, taiko drums, to be specific, and they pounded at them with bachi sticks, releasing a powerful sound that echoed into the air. Flutes were also being played flamboyantly, the players dancing to their own beat as they entertained the crowd dancing along with them. You assumed in the middle in front of the instrument players was the dancing area because wolves of all ages and genders were jumping, stomping, some clapping their hands, shaking their hips, hands in the air like they just didn’t care. These wolves know how to have fun!
“Oh! The bride is here!” You heard a booming voice. The music had stopped at once and soon all eyes were on you.
You gulped, not liking the attention.
But in place of drums were the wolves clapping, some howling at your presence. Mina and Ochako also began to howl as a signal of your arrival. You felt… touched. Even if some wolves did ignore you and continued what they were doing, most had greeted you with either an applause or a howl. And then the music returned, and the wolves resumed with their partying. It wasn’t long until you spotted Katsuki. He was sitting at the table in the center of all the tables, just staring at you. Eijirou was the one waving towards you which had Mina bolting over. Hanta was also there and a few other faces you haven’t seen before. But Katsuki stayed staring like he was a statue. You frowned. Was he… not impressed?
Katsuki’s brain stopped working the moment he saw you. Fuck! Damn! Shit! And all the curse words he could thought of was the only thing his brain managed do. Was he not impressed? Oh, he most definitely was impressed. He knew you were a beautiful woman but seeing you in these clothes? Hot damn. It was making him sweat. He downed the drink in his hands, giving his head a quick shake to spell the burning feel away. He watched as you made your way to him and watched how your hips swayed. Fuck! You were a Goddess. He was already praying for Fenrir to calm his heart… and his loins.
“Hey Katsuki…” you looked shy, shoulders erect, when you greeted him. A whistle sounded from one of the men at the table.
“And this is the bride I’m hearing so much about! Now I know why Katsuki’s marrying you!” He stood up, reaching over the table to hold out his hand towards you, nearly knocking over some drinks but Hanta was quick to move them. “Denki! Pack leader of the Kaminari clan. We’re allies with your pack!”
Katsuki rolled his eyes, slapping his hand away before you could take ahold of it. Denki yelped, rubbing his hand as it grew red from the abuse.
“What the hell, man, can’t greet your wife?”
“Just sit the fuck down,” Katsuki growled. Eijirou and Hanta snickered. Mina then plopped herself on Eijirou’s lap and kissed him deeply to greet him. Katsuki wondered if you would do the same but you stood there, awkwardly like you weren’t comfortable in your own skin. He wasn’t expecting anything of the sorts, he knew you weren’t comfortable doing such things in front of people. Ochako just looked like she was looking for someone, but she was the least of his worries.
“Come sit,” he pulled you by the arm and into the space next to him. He was still holding onto your arm, looking you over faster than you could notice. Goddamn. Those thighs. “Dress suits you,” he really wanted to say you were fucking hot, but he’ll save it for later.
He watched you flush, relaxing slightly, eyes fluttering around to make sure no one was watching. “Thanks. You look good too.” Katsuki took pride in how you took him in, eyes lingering longer on his exposed chest. Since it was milder tonight, he decided to go without a shirt and wore his black cargo pants and white boots. He still wore fur but only around his shoulders as the rest of his cape was a red battered cloth. Several necklaces hung at his neck, like painted fangs of predators he had hunted turned into decorations for his neck. And part of his arms was covered by orange and black arm warmers, leaving his upper arm and hands exposed.
“Heh, thanks.” Katsuki smirked, wolf ears flickering, then he poured himself a drink. “Ever drank before?”
You shook your head. “First time.”
“I’m taking a lot of your firsts, huh?” Your blush spread as your eyes widened at his daring words. Thankfully he said it under his breath for only you to hear. He passed you a cup before you could say anything more. “Drink it fast.”
He watched you with his head against his knuckles. You stared down at the cup. There was only a small amount of alcohol in there compared to the size of the cup and you had glanced at Mina, watching her knock her head back to down the alcohol, shivering slightly before she laughed at something Hanta and Denki said. Ochako had already disappeared so she wasn’t present to watch you drink. You then watched Katsuki and he did the same thing this time without wincing after and after staring at the cup for god knows how long you drank it, attempting to knock your head back. But the alcohol still didn’t fall as fast and you tasted the bitter flavor on your tongue before it burned and went down your throat. You started coughing, spitting up some as your eyes began to water. Katsuki was quick. He already gave you a tissue and rubbed his hand on your back.
“That was… disgusting. How do you drink this stuff?” You spoke through your coughs and wiped your mouth clean of saliva. The bitter flavor still lingered on your tongue and you grabbed a piece of bread off the table and shoved it in your mouth to rid of the taste.
“You get used to it.” Katsuki was already on his third drink and he didn’t seem like he would be getting drunk any time soon.
Mina drank another shot before she asked you to dance.
“We’ll be here. Go have your fun!” Eijirou said before he gave Mina another sloppy kiss. You told Katsuki you would be back and gave his arm a squeeze. He waved at you, wishing he had kissed you instead.
Mina pulled you into the dance area. Just before she started dancing she asked you where Ochako went but you had no clue, so she shrugged and began to move her hips rhythm of the drums. She grabbed your hands, wanting you to join her in her dance. You weren’t much of a dancer, but the beat of the drums and the sound of the flute was doing something to you internally that you were already tapping your feet as soon as you had touched the dance floor. You decided to let go, moving your arms, feet, and hips to the beat.
“Yeah, ____! Shake that ass!” You could barely hear Mina over the drums but her large smile told you she was enjoying this. The wolves were dancing so close together that you were getting touched all around, but you didn’t seem bothered by it and neither did the wolves. They were too concerned with getting lost in the music, some of them too drunk to where all they could do was dance and not be bothered that you were next to them. They pushed against you, rubbed against you, as well as Mina’s body. You didn’t want to admit it but maybe that one drink loosened you up. You weren’t exactly drunk, but you were definitely feeling a little buzz within you and it was enough to make you forget your worries.
Katsuki watched you in the middle of the courtyard. Sometimes he would lose sight of you because the crowd was overwhelming at times but when you would appear again, he would watch you shake your body. Your hips, your waist, your everything. You moved like it was your last night alive, like Fenrir’s spirit had took ahold of you and made you wild. He liked this side of you. It was different from the tamed girl he came to know you as. He was happy to know that even humans had a wild side.
“Your wife, Kacchan, damn.”
A vein popped across his forehead when he heard Denki and he growled lowly. “If you don’t stop looking at my woman… and don’t fucking call me ‘Kacchan’”
“I know, I know, gosh, you’re forgetting I’m happily married,” Denki had a cocky grin on his face while he flashed his necklace. Katsuki didn’t know why. There was nothing to be cocky about. He was getting married next week.
“That don’t mean shit.”
“Yes, it does… besides…” he drank from his cup, gold eyes up and still well on your body. “Nothing wrong with lookin’”
Katsuki slammed his fist down on the table and it caused all the cups and plates to jump on impact. His snarl was nasty, lingering until he couldn’t hold his breath any longer. His crimson eyes as sharp as his baring fangs. “Unless you wanna fucking go home blind, then I suggest you get your eyes off of my woman!”
“Relax, child!” He slammed a second fist down when a hand slapped the side of his head. He turned to look behind him already prepared to claw up whoever dared to attack him. He wasn’t surprised to see his mother and it didn’t lessen the anger he was feeling. “Don’t go threatening our allies, especially for something so minuscule as looking at your woman.”
“Don’t fucking touch me! Shit! Why are you even here?!”
“Someone has to stay sober and watch over the celebration. You can never be too careful. As future leader, you should know these things but instead you’re sitting here yelling at our allies.”
“Then go watch over the celebration somewhere else! I’m trying to enjoy my night!”
Mitsuki’s face crinkled up. “You ungrateful child! You dare speak to your mother that way!?”
“Shit, if you don’t like it then go somewhere!” Katsuki downed another cup. “Fuck, I gotta go use the bathroom.” He then got up and brushed past his growling mother, heading straight for the bathrooms. There was a cave designated for it somewhere around the courtyard. He relieved himself and as he was making his way back, he stumbled upon something that made him confused as hell.
You and Mina danced until you couldn’t dance no more. You needed a break and something to eat. So, Mina suggested to hang out with her friends. You’ve met them before. Momo and Tsuyu, but a new woman that you’ve never seen before was sitting with them at a table not too far from Katsuki’s. You couldn’t help but glance at his table while you passed by but saw that he wasn’t there. You were soon distracted by the warm faces of Mina’s friends to wonder why Katsuki wasn’t at his table. They were weary of you when you first met them but within time, they warmed up to you with Mina’s help.
“Momo! Tsu! Kyoka!” Mina gave all of them hugs and you greeted them with a wave. Kyoka looked scary from afar. She wore all black, had dark purple hair and gave off this don’t-talk-to-me vibe but the moment you greeted, she looked warm, smiling softly along with Momo and Tsuyu. It wasn’t long until you found out she was the wife of Denki, second leader of the Kaminari pack. Which surprised you at first because of how energetic he was but as you got to know Kyoka, you realized out how great they matched each other.
Together as a group, you moved to the food table, grabbing a plate and looking to see what to take. Your mouth was already salivating from the aroma and you began filling your plate with different proteins like chicken, rabbit, deer, and a bowl of rice. Lastly, you grabbed utensils which had a large pile of them left. Most wolves do without them and eat with their hands.
Mina already had her plate full of food in one hand and a large bottle of alcohol in the other. She was really trying to get drunk tonight.
Back at the table, you ate together, and they talked about random things that had happened to them in their daily lives. Mina talked about her children and how fast they were growing each day. Tsuyu talked about her interest in frogs. Apparently, she had a slight obsession with them, love to go out and study them. Momo was discussing about her recent find in tea leaves during her walks in the forest and Kyoka talked about a new song she was writing and couldn’t wait to sing. And you talked about your interest in pack which led to the girls asking about your first meeting with Katsuki.
You explained, feeling a little giddy. You haven’t told anyone about how you two met and just talking about it was making you relive some memories. You explained everything from when Katsuki chased you and then spared you and healed your wounds to you bringing him some food to help him to when you two got attacked by the hunters and chose to protect Katsuki ultimately getting you exiled from your village.
“That’s so romantic…! You guys belong together!” Mina started to slur, and her cheeks were pinker than normal. She might be already drunk.
“It’s truly a wonderful story, though I can’t help but wonder why Katsuki decided to heal you instead of… well, he was hunting you, yes?” Momo held her chin in thought.
“It does seem odd,” Tsuyu looked up with a finger to her chin, probably thinking the same thing.
“It’s love at first sight, I tell ya!! Love at first sight!!” Mina yowled, making a heart shape with her hands.
“I asked him why he did when we met the second time, but he never gave a straight answer,” Mina passed you a cup and you stared at it, contemplating if you should drink it.
“Yeah, typical Katsuki, never giving straight answers, just yelling,” Kyoka downed her drink. She looked a bit flushed as well. You assumed she was drunk, thankfully not the rowdy type like Mina.
“____! Drink! Drink!” Mina urged you when she noticed that you were taking too long to drink from your cup. You glanced down at it. Should you try it again, or should you ban yourself from tasting something so disgusting ever again? You looked back at Mina and she was making an upward motion with her hand before she began to pout, wolf ears falling down and tail drooping. She was so dramatic even when she was drunk. You downed your drink as fast as you could, shivering after at the taste and burn. It wasn’t as bad as the first time, that’s for sure.
Mina instantly refilled your cup and you waited for the burn to settle before downing that one.
Katsuki kind of didn’t know what he saw as he just saw a glimpse of it, but it looked like Ochako was hooking up with some guy in a shadowy corner of the courtyard, away from the party. He didn’t take her to be the type and he doesn’t remember whether she drank or not. Well, he didn’t care for long. He stumbled out of nowhere, there was nothing around him to make him to do so except for his past actions. Was he already drunk? Fuck, maybe he had one too many drinks. He wasn’t planning on being totally wasted tonight because he didn’t want to wake up feeling sluggish.
By the time Katsuki came back, his mother had already vanished, and he felt relieved.
“Katsukiiiii, welcome back…!” Hanta was already drunk and he was still drinking. He had an arm around Denki’s shoulders who also was bright red in the face. They were swaying together, big idiot smiles on their faces and hands full of their cups. They started singing and Katsuki could’ve sworn his hangover came early.
“Dude, they’re gone,” Eijirou laughed, no doubt feeling the buzz from his drinks because he began bobbing his head to their voices like it was actual good music coming from them. Katsuki sighed heavily at them and emptied his cup, cheeks hot from the alcohol rushing in his veins. The world began to spin in front of him and he closed his eyes to stop it. His eyebrows furrowed as if he were in pain, but it was because there were too many sounds happening at once. He didn’t know what to focus on. The voices all around him? The drums? Or the flutes? Or the pathetic singing of Hanta and Denki?
He opened his eyes. Everything looked fuzzy. He saw double of everything including the cup in his hands that Denki just refilled. He didn’t hesitate to drink it, humming at the warmness and mistaking it for the burn that simmered down his throat and chest. He felt something heavy fall on his lap and its weight pressed against his chest as something touched his shoulders. Denki, Hanta, and Eijirou all looked at him like he had two heads.
It took Katsuki a moment to realized that ‘something’ was you. You had plopped on his lap the same way Mina did to Eijirou and your arms were resting on his shoulders while your fingers lightly twirled in his hair. You were staring at him dead in his face with a distinct flush blossomed on your cheeks. Damn, were you drunk?
“Hey Katsuki…” you purred, pressing a wet kiss that had too much tongue on the corner of his mouth. Yup, you were drunk. Otherwise you wouldn’t be doing this in front of his friends, you probably wouldn’t even being doing this if you two were alone.
“Hey baby, what’sh… going on with you…?” Katsuki’s words were slurred and you cut him off with a heavy kiss to his lips, smacking your smiling lips against his. It was sloppy, loud, and tasted of bitter alcohol.
“Nothin’… I just missed you…” You breathed, and his hand moved to stroke your exposed thigh. Your dress has been riding up since you sat in his lap.
“Ya… same,” a sharp inhale of breath sounded from the both of you before your lips collided, tongues already in each other’s mouth, swallowing each other’s breath and saliva. A heavy moan left him, finally achieving what he wanted to do the moment he saw you. Katsuki squeezed a part of your thigh before he had his hand slip up your dress, daring to tread on areas he hadn’t felt before. And all in front of his friends.
“Hey, get a room!” Eijirou frowned, not wanting to see his best friend doing things that should be in the privacy of his cave.
“Nah, lemme enjoy the show…!” Denki waved him off, pushing him even. His grin grew wider and wider the longer his eyes roamed. Katsuki noticed and he immediately grew frustrated, breaking the kiss with a loud wet smack and growling in Denki’s direction.
“What the fuck did I say?!” You nearly fell off his lap when he suddenly sat forward but he wrapped an arm around your waist in both to save you and to flaunt his possession.
But all Denki did was laugh, not a hint of fear in his eyes when Katsuki bared his fangs.
You suddenly got off of him, pulling your dress down before you grabbed his hand and tugged his arm. “Come on...” you stared down at him, blush deepening to the point where it couldn’t just be the alcohol. Katsuki stared, almost dumbfoundedly. He then stood up immediately, the fight with Denki forgotten as he followed you away from the party. The tail behind him shaking excitedly.
Katsuki growled playfully when he thrown you against the wall, arms pinned to it as his lips instantly slobbered around your neck, alternating to your right side then left side with such haste you shivered and quaked under his hold. You gasped and felt the weakness in your knees, melting against the wall and his body as his arm around your waist held you up. One of your hands were dug into his side, desperately clinging on to anything you could feel. Katsuki kissed you to quench his hunger but it never was fulfilled. The more he felt your lips, the more he wanted it, drinking your moans, groaning and growling, grinding against your body as if to fuse with it.
His hands circled your hips, loving the feel of your smooth skin under his fingertips. He slid his right hand around your hip to your thigh, eventually placed it under your knee and lifted your leg to hold it around his hip. You continued kissing him regardless of his bold act, a hand buried in his hair while the other moved from his side to caress his muscled stomach, each individual ab a rocky hill to his clenched terrain. You continued moving north and palmed his pecs, his nipple rubbing against your hand no doubt erect cause of the pleasure brewing in him. He responded with his own knead of your breasts, engulfing one of them in his hands and giving it a firm squeeze.
He grunted softly and pulled away from your lips with a wet suck. His crimson gaze as fiery as the sun, beaming heavy with lust as they scanned your face. He loved all of your expressions, but this had got to be his all-time favorite one. You looked absolutely needy. Your skin was heavily flushed from the alcohol and the relentless assault he had on your lips. Your lips were apart, and your eyes looked hazy with the certainty that you were undeniably, incontestably, indisputably horny.
And if you would let him, he would be more than willing to help you to quell the ache between your legs.
You were convinced. Alcohol was the devil. It talked for you, thought for you, moved for you without making you realize any repercussions of your actions. It eliminated all amounts of your super ego and purely motivated your id. So of course, when Katsuki lifted your dress and pulled your underwear to the side, you pulled him closer, looking down when his fingers tread lightly on the lips of your vagina, and although you couldn’t see well because you were in a dark corner, somewhere against the mountainside near the caves, you surely felt it. You also felt that this was something you shouldn’t be doing. It went against all of your morals, having a man touch you before he even claims you, but you were too intoxicated to care, too obsessed with exploring this desire. You revisited that moment of when Katsuki first touched you when he licked your wound. That shiver you felt. The very thing that made you all too curious.
“Nn…” you bit your lip, feeling his fingers go between your folds and soon becoming slick with secretion when he neared your entrance.
“Already this fucking wet for me…” he said huskily, a smirk on his own face with reddened cheeks. But he did nothing except tease you with his words, mumbling about what he was going to do to you and how you were going to take it. It felt like he was rambling to himself, sounding nonsensical as his fingers moved slightly north in search for something. And when he found it, it had your legs trembling, the one being held up by his hand squeezed against him like you wanted to close them, toes curling in your shoes. You gritted your teeth and watched as Katsuki rubbed his fingers on your clit in a motion that was not too gentle.
He saw you watching, and he uttered out, “see this?” You looked up into his eyes. “I’mma fuck you this rough. Right here. Right now.”
“Nnngh… Ahn…” and when you dug your nails into his arm, it made him quicken his pace. Your eyes rolled, and you bit your bottom lip and started to move your hips to his rhythm, like it was his own beat of his drum. A low growl sounded, and he pressed his lips to your neck, groaning heavy with a salty after taste on his tongue.
“You’ll like that…?” He stopped to whisper, lips moving hot against your ear. You couldn’t even answer, just a string of incoherent, jumbled words that were slurred out in between gasps and moans was all you could muster out and Katsuki took that as a yes.
“Lookin’ so sexy in that goddamn dress. Fuck…”
He continued holding up your leg but with his other hand he began fumbling with the zipper of his pants. His bulge, outrageous in shape, that you thought most of it was an illusion caused by the shadows. He was so clumsy with his hand that it took him ages to zip down his pants and reveal his fuzzy blonde pubes.
“F-F-Future leader…!” The both of you froze, hearing a woman’s yell before she gasped. Katsuki didn’t even turn around, his next words came out in a roar.
“I-I’m sorry to interrupt but-but… there’re a few drunk men causing a scene and they might fight,” you could see the woman behind Katsuki’s head. She stayed a good distance away but anyone in their right mind would’ve known what was happening between you two by one glance. The blush on her face was a good indicator that she knew exactly what.
“Then get the old hag—I’m busy!!”
“We can’t find her. We assumed she retired for the night,” Katsuki resumed pressing kisses on your neck and jaw, fingers on your clit moving yet again, earning a purr of his name from you. The woman gulped, not knowing whether to walk away or to try again. She was feeling ballsy tonight.
“F-Future leader…?”
“Just give me a damn minute!!” A delayed gasp left you when Katsuki’s hand left and suddenly slammed his fist on the wall next to your head. He then fumbled with the zipper of his pants, his fuzzy pubes disappearing behind the waistband. “I’ll be back for that sweet ass. Just wait for me in our cave…” he husked with a smirk so wide and handsome that your clit throbbed without a single touch. But what was more criminally was when he brought his fingers that was coated with your wetness into his mouth, licking and sucking on it, gaze held strong against your own as he commented how delicious you were. You nearly died.
He then turned around a little too fast to where he almost lost his balance, but he regained it just as quickly before murmuring to the woman:
“Now show me the way so I can knock those idiots out.”
As the Katsuki and the woman left, you saw that she glanced back at you with eyes of slight envy and adoration. You soon straightened your underwear and pulled your dress down, licking your swollen lips. You remained on the wall, in a daze as the world around you felt like it was underwater. The sound of drums and people voices were merely a muffle to your ears. The sight before you spun when you pushed yourself off the wall and swayed with every step made.
You didn’t even recognize your surroundings and wobbled into the first cave you saw. Going down the narrow curve of the hallway that was only dimly lit by the wall lanterns, you felt a stirring in your stomach with a dull ache. Your inner cheeks became lathered with saliva building up and a gag that heaved your body forward was suppressed by your hands that slapped over your mouth. Ugh. You wanted to vomit. But you swallowed back whatever nearly came up and held onto the wall before moving. The first cloth makeshift door you felt out was immediately enter by you with no warning, no notice, just an idea that you thought it was your cave you were entering in.
So of course, when you stumbled upon the sight of a nude Ochako bouncing on the lap of your childhood friend, Izuku, the alcohol in your system was enough to have you shrieking.
Ochako hurled herself off of him with a scream and Izuku yelped as his dick flung out of her. He quickly gathered the sheep wool covers, first covering Ochako and then himself with his own clothes. Just what the hell were you seeing?
They both stared at you with wide, glossy eyes in what made seconds of silence feel like hours. And when they couldn’t handle the pressure of being stared at, they both stammered out, frantically.
“I-It was my idea!”
“I invited Izuku!”
You didn’t stay for them to explain further. You ran out, stunned at what you saw but was too drunk to comprehend it, you just knew you walked into something you shouldn’t have.
You followed the walls out of the cave and the urge to gag returned, feeling the saliva building again and you suddenly hunch over, and vomit surged from within you and splattered on the floor. Ugh, it’s brown with chunks. You wiped your mouth with a grimace.
“Hey, you okay?” You then felt a hand on your back. “Is this your first time drinking? And that bonehead son of mine left you alone?”
It was Mitsuki, bending slightly and peering into your face as she began to rub your back. She looked concerned, but you saw her knitted eyebrows and frowns as ripples like you were staring at her reflection in the water and then you threw up again.
“Come on, let’s get you to your cave,” Mitsuki wrapped her arm around your body to hold you up when you were done and slowly guided you in the right direction.
Katsuki was practically growling as he settled those rowdy wolves who were trying to fight each other. He didn’t even know what the issue was about. Once that woman pointed him to the right direction, Katsuki punched them square in the face and they fell to the ground, holding their cheeks. He yelled at them until they ran with their tails between their legs.
He was furious. He was seconds away from being buried between your thighs and out of all times, the pack needed his help. What kind of bullshit was that?
He bared his teeth to the starry skies, snarls stuttering through gritted teeth. Whatever. At least he could look forward to you waiting in his cave, legs sprawled and hopefully as needy as he left you. He waddled in his steps, swaying on his wobbly legs. He was moving as fast as he could, but it felt like he was traveling through the forest to get there.
When he finally entered the cave, thrusting through the hanging cloth with so much gusto that it nearly tore off, it wasn’t a surprise to find you in bed but what he wasn’t expecting was for you to be sleeping, deeply, snoring lightly with your arms and legs sprawled out and it definitely wasn’t in the way he initially thought of it.
“Fuck… are you serious?”  It felt like he missed the moment of a lifetime. You actually changed your mind and wanted to have sex. Although you were drunk and probably weren’t in the right state of mind to answer, Katsuki, being in that same boat, also just wanted to purely act on his desires. Looking so hot in that dress had awakened something in him and he knew that this final week before the wedding was going to be a cruel one.
He sighed softly, shrugged his cape from his shoulders and kicked off his boots. He pulled his pants until he was down to his underwear and joined you in bed. He slipped his arms around you and couldn’t resist kissing your neck lightly when you snuggled close to him. You mumbled something, but it wasn’t a sign that you were going to wake up. He growled lowly. He would just have to be patient. One week left. Just one week.
At dawn, a skull-splitting headache was there to greet you and it made you sensitive to everything around you, the candle lights, your slight movements, even Katsuki’s voice that sounded low, not really knowing what he said but knew it was full of concern for you.
The memories of last night came to you in bits and pieces. The first one being you discovering Izuku and Ochako’s relationship and the very last one being Katsuki fondling you against the wall. If you weren’t too busy dealing with this throbbing pain, you probably would’ve thrown yourself out of Katsuki’s arms and ran out the room in embarrassment.
After promising yourself to subdue these emotions until the wedding night, you nearly failed and allowed Katsuki to do such naughty things to you. You buried your face in your hands and he took that as you trying to get closer to him and slid his hand under your knee, pulling your leg until it hooked around his waist. You hope this wasn’t going to become a habit for him. Sure, you were pretty bold last night but you didn’t know if your heart could take feeling so exposed to him.
“I guess it’s true. Humans get these so called ‘hangovers’ after drinking,” Katsuki was softly stroking the back of your head.
“Ughhhh…. I’m never drinking again…” you whined, and he laughed, hand moving south to tread along your back. ��
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taeguboi · 4 years
BTS Crush On You: Truth or Dare [Jungkook version]
Crush On You: RM // Jin // Suga // J-Hope // Jimin // V 
Care Package To You: RM // Jin // Suga // J-Hope // Jimin // V
New Fiction Masterlist here
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The initial scenario
Tonight had been planned for ages. You, all your girl friends and the boys. Everyone had been so busy lately with their heavy schedules of work, studying, the lot and everyone agreed that on the next night they were all available, you’d have a sleepover at one of your friend’s shared student houses (which was to be free with it being the holidays,) just like old times and to take time out from your young adult lives.
For some reason, you were never too old to be playing the classic game of truth or dare. In the spacious living room, already in your pyjamas, the group of you sat in a wide circle, some on the floor, some on the sofa, and sleeping bags were scattered everywhere. Many drinks had been consumed and now a space in the middle had been cleared for one of your empty bottles.
One of your friends spins the bottle and you all watch to see who it chooses….
“Truth” Jungkook decides the moment the bottle stops in this direction.
Jungkook wasn’t actually in the mood for much truth telling this evening as he engaged in this game of truth or dare with this friends. At first, he was super excited about this sleepover idea to catch up with some of his best friends, but then something happened that made him feel tense.
Maybe it was the busy schedule not allowing him much time to think of anything else or maybe it was just that he hadn’t thought about it before really but... Well, a few weeks ago, he’d met up with you for a coffee and a chat when you were both on a lunch break working nearby and had time to spare.
It was just a normal situation; two friends meeting up to catch up and take a short amount of timeout from their busy lives. At the time, it was a normal situation to Jungkook as he spoke to you about his week and he listened to what you had to say about yours.
Then a few days later, he daydreamed in the middle of work about your meet up thinking ‘ahh I miss being able to get more little opportunities like that to see friends...’
...and then a day or two after that, he was thinking about how funny a joke you made was and it made him giggle like a little girl just thinking about it sat on his own at home...
...and then a day after that, he found himself daydreaming yet again. This time though, he sort of weirded himself out. At first, he was thinking about the coffee and the chat... but then his brain made up a scenario in which he kissed you before you went back to work / studying.
He shook his head and told himself it was his imagination getting carried away because maybe life right now felt a bit boring and his mind wanted something interesting to happen.
It got to the point where thought of you fondly with a smile every day. He was excited about the sleepover just to see you... not that he would admit that to anyone and not even fully admit that to himself. Two days before though, he found himself becoming nervous at the idea of this sleepover.
Would you all be playing the same games as before? Would it just be a movie marathon? Was this sleepover going to entail anything in which his heart would pound out of his chest from his nervousness?...
Then just hours before arriving to the friend’s house, he realised it wasn’t a nervous feeling inside at the idea of sitting next to you on the sofa whilst watching movies, or the idea of his friends getting to kiss you for a dare... 
His inner voice freaked a little “oh my god! I have a crush on y/n!”
“Right guys...” says y/f/n. “What deep dark secret do we want to know about our Kookie?”
“I have no ‘deep dark’ secrets” smiles Jungkook confidently. He wasn’t dumb enough to reveal that much about himself to his friends. As one of the youngest of the group, whenever Jungkook had announced or confessed something in the past, everyone would tease him. Not in a horrible way, just things like ‘aw he’s all grown up!’ and ‘bless him!’
Yeah, no, not tonight he thinks.
“Alright then” interrupts Hoseok. “The last person you met up with outside of work and not including this sleepover tonight; they are standing right in front of you, naked in all their glory and... you’re trapped in a lift with them. What do you do? Go!”
Jungkook has a think about the last person he met outside of work commitments... 
“Wait, wait a minute... Why would someone be naked in a lift?” laughs Jungkook.
“They just are! Come on Kookie, don’t hold up the game” Hoseok chuckles, pushing for an answer.
“Hang on, lemme think” stalls Jungkook, waving a hand about and accidentally whacking your knee in the process.
“Ah! Jungkook-ah!” you exclaim, overexaggerating the impact in jest.
Then Jungkook realizes that the last person he met up with was you. He hadn’t had much time for coffees and chats since. Oh, wait there was that one family member... oh wait, no; that was a few days before.
He decides to pretend it was his cousin, trying not to think of your in that way.
“Oh god! I know it’s legal and all but I would never do that with my cousin!” he laughs, a little over the top. “Especially since the last time I met him he told me about...”
"...his new girlfriend” you say, finishing his sentence. “You told me about that when we met for coffee the other week.
“Oh... yeah...” replies Jungkook, a little annoyed he’s been caught out there. “I suppose the last person I met up with was y/n then...”
Everyone jeers jokingly at the idea that it’s two of their friends in this hypothetical situation.
“Hahaha! Get in Jungkook!” jokes Jimin, completely unaware like the rest of you of what is going through Jungkook’s mind.
You decide to chip in with the joke and play along with the situation by scooting closer to Jungkook - “Oh no! We’re in this lift, trapped, and I’m all naked Jungkook!” you over dramatically act out, draping yourself over his lap “Take me Jungkook! Take me!” 
Everybody is pissing themselves laughing at your little piece which allows Jungkook some time to think about how to react to this situation. The laughter dies down a bit and Jungkook figures that should be his queue to give an answer.
“I would take off my jacket,” begins Jungkook, actually removing the hoodie he was wearing, “and I would tell y/n it’s far too chilly to be naked, maybe ask if she needs to be sectioned...” he continues making everyone laugh once again as he makes you sit up and as you sit with your knees in front of you. 
He crouches in front of you and places his hoodie over your shoulders, tugging gently at the front to keep it around you. The two of you make eye contact for a moment; it’s not brief but not ever so long either. Long enough to catch each other’s gaze, but not long enough for you to figure out the meaning of the way he just looked at you.
Going back to sitting next to you, Jungkook continues. “and then we would just talk until someone fixes the lift.”
“Ah, fair, fair” says Hoseok with a shrug, not quite getting as juicy an answer as he was hoping for.
“Wait, wait, wait!” interrupts y/f/n. “Jungkook, are you honestly saying that there’s a naked girl in front of you literally begging you to take her... and you aren’t going to do anything about it?”
“I just did say I’d do something about it” defends Kook.
“Are you seriously saying you guys wouldn’t fuck?” adds Seokjin.
“Seokjin!” you exclaim, a little embarrassed now.
“Why would two people fuck in a lift of all places?” asks a confused Jungkook.
“Ah come on! Loads of people do it!” chimes in Hoseok.
“Yeah, well maybe you do,” Jungkook throws back at his friend, “but I’m more classy than that, thank you!”
“Okay, okay, if you say so...” Hoseok sighs, shuffling over to the bottle in the middle. “Let’s see who’s next...”
“Me again?” huffs Jungkook as the bottle spins his way for the third time in a row.
The entire group of friends had been playing for another 20 minutes now and something in you believed the floor might be at a slight angle as it keeps pointing towards Jungkook, yourself, and Yoongi who is sat on the other side of you.
“I swear you guys are doing this on purpose...”
“The bottle doesn’t lie Jungkook-ah!” protests Jimin. 
Jungkook hadn’t yet picked ‘dare’ as an option so he figures he should probably change things up a bit
“Alright, dare” says Jungkook, eliciting a joking shocked response from most of you and your friends.
“He finally chooses a dare!” exclaims y/f/n with a chuckle.
“Go on then, give it to me!” sighs Jungkook with a gesture of both his hands matching his words as he leans back onto the nearby bit of wall he sits near.
“No one’s done 7 minutes in heaven yet” suggests Jimin.
“Oh come one man!” exclaims Jungkook, quick to sit up again. “Isn’t that a bit old school?”
“Um hello? We’re fully grown adults having a sleepover; we’re already being old school!” Hoseok tells him, picking up the bottle.
“Next person it spins on has to do the 7 minutes with him?” suggests y/f/n.
Hoseok nods in agreement and everybody waits to see who the lucky guy or gal will be.
“Wait! Only if it’s a girl!” requests Jungkook.
“You realise you don’t have to kiss at all in those 7 minutes, right?” you inform him feeling a little humoured by his slight panic.
“Oh... yeah.... I guess I’ve never not....” he replies quietly as the bottle stops to pick........
“Right then!” chirps y/f/n, standing up. “One of my housemates left their room unlocked just in case anyone needed it...”
“Yeah, to sleep in!” says Jungkook as he watches y/f/n walk across to one of the doors surrounding the living area, the one with the number ‘3′.
“I’m sure y/f/n’s housemate won’t mind if you don’t sleep together in there” jokes Yoongi in his usual laid back tone.
“Oooh, is there a problem Jungkook?” challenges Seokjin.
“No!” booms Jungkook a bit too loudly. “I mean, no, not at all” he says more calmly with a lower volume.
“Right y/n” says y/f/n. “Set the timer on you phone for seven minutes” she instructs, pulling you up to your feet.
“Alright” you reply, not at all feeling flustered by this situation and walking towards room 3.
Jungkook scrambles and follows, feeling super nervous about the idea of being locked in a room with you.
Your friend shuts the door behind you two and you can hear your friend - “Alright guys, I’ve got my phone set too; your time starts... now!”
You press the ‘start’ button on the timer on your phone as you and Jungkook both sit on the side of the bed next to each other.
“Uh, so... how do you wanna do this?” you ask.
“We could do or talk about anything, really” he replies with a shrug and a friendly expression.
“How about... since you have been kind enough to let me wear your hoodie all evening so far, I’ll offer something in return” you suggest.
“Like what?” he asks.
“Hmm, let’s think” you hum. “I could let you wear something of mine...” you joke, causing the two of you to giggle. “...Or, I know! Open up to me; what’s the one thing you’ve been keeping to yourself lately that you need to talk to someone about?”
Jungkook’s heart flutters. He has a few things he’s been keeping in... but he couldn’t tell you about one of those things. On the outside, he keeps an appearance of calmly and thoughtfully but on the inside he’s freaking out!
“Okay... I guess that lately, and from tonight, I can’t help but feel like I’m missing out on the social life I used to have”
“Yeah, I get that too” you tell him, rubbing a hand on the back of his shoulder.
“Yeah, I mean, we all went from seeing each other like every week, sometimes almost every day even, and then life just sort of happened and made us all too busy to do that stuff anymore”
“Yeah, I guess so...” he sighs. “And I can’t even remember the last time I went on a night out or had a date...”
“Me neither” you chuckle.
“I know” begins Jungkook, words about to go ahead of his thoughts. “How about we make a deal?”
“I’m interested” you tell him, wondering what he will say next.
“If, by the next time we can both meet up, neither of us has had a date, let’s go some place fancy; we’ll have steak and wine and we’ll ask awkward questions like ‘what’s you favourite animal’ or..”
“So like a date then?” you smile with a brief nervous laugh.
“Well, not exactly, but...”
“Sounds great to me” you grin with a warm feeling inside.
“Wait, really?” he asks, eyebrows raised in surprise.
You reach your hand out for a handshake. “It’s a deal”
Jungkook reaches out a hand to complete the handshake and a firm shake is done.
But neither one of you lets go first. Instead, you linger and look up at each other almost at exactly the same time. Your stares relax as you gaze into one another’s eyes.
“Um, you know, we have about a few minutes left of this dare...” he smiles.
“What did you have in mind...?” you softly reply.
A wave of shock comes over you as Jungkook lets go from the handshake and both his hand move to your sides.
“Tickle fight!” he exclaims, no longer able to bear the tension he was experiencing from holding your hand.
Hardly able to speak from all the giggling - god knows what everyone else can hear or is thinking - you manage to utter “Jungkook!” you squeal, trying you hardest to fight back to tickle him, but it’s no use. You’re squirming about on the bed as he is relentless in tickling you.
“Jungkook! Please stop!” you laugh “I... I can’t....” you puff, trying to catch your breath. “I can’t breath!” you giggle.
“Oh god, sorry” he apologises, finally giving up.
There’s a pause as he allows you to sit up again and recover from the laughing and you hear the door opening and your phone beeping.
You look at the door met by Hoseok who alongside all your other friends had heard nothing but strange laughter toward the end had nothing more to say than just “You guys are fucking weird”
Crush On You: RM // Jin // Suga // J-Hope // Jimin // V
Care Package To You: RM // Jin // Suga // J-Hope // Jimin // V
127 notes · View notes
minjuwrites · 4 years
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AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guys! It’s been a bit, I was a little preoccupied with life but, I'm back to writing! I just want to say thank you for the likes and comments on my last post, it meant the world to me that people took the time to read what I posted! I said I had Jungkook fic on the way but It’s pretty lengthy and heavy so I'm still working on it! But, in celebration of August-D2 heres a little angst fic of Yoongi. I tend to write angst a lot because it's super emotional and I feel like I write a little better haha! Stay safe and enjoy!
Yoongi x reader (established relationship), Jungkook x reader (best friends)
Words Count: 4162
WARNINGS: drinking, drinking and driving, death, swearing, self inflicted injuries, blood and grief!
*Please do not read if the thought of death is triggering*
A scream rings throughout the apartment as another glass cup is smashed on the wood floor. He tries again, yelling, but it brings him no satisfaction. The pain is still there, swallowing him with every passing moment. Running his hands through his hair his eyes land on the strategically placed picture frames on the coffee table, the emotions they bring burn him to the core. Stumbling over he grabs one of the frames looking at the picture. He runs his thumb over your smiling face. Your arm was wrapped around him as he planted a kiss on your cheek. Failing to stifle the whimper that escapes from his mouth he throws the frame to the ground in one fluid motion. Not even seconds pass before the rest of the frames are recklessly thrown around the apartment, the glass shards spraying across the floor. He doesn’t realize when he starts crying, but when he grabs the last frame he takes a second to look at the picture. His eyes blur the image but, he can tell it was the most recent picture of you two. Jungkook took it when everyone was out, your head was resting on his shoulder as you slept, Yoongi just stared with eyes of adoration. The memory floods back to him; you were so tired from work but, after the pleas from the rest of the boys you decided to go out. It was short lived as you only lasted about an hour before passing out on Yoongi. He didn’t mind it one bit though, as he got to see your sleeping face he loved so much. He swears his heart skips a million beats seeing the way your eyebrows knit and the snores that leave your slightly open lips. His knuckles turn white from how harshly he clutches the frame, he tries to throw it but halfway through his arm goes limp and he drops to his knees. Hugging the picture to his chest, he lets the loud sobs wrack his body. He's sinking and sinking, begging for a life raft in a sea of his own misery. The waves crash over him right before he can reach for air and the sobs continue. His chest hurts, his brain hurts yet he feels so utterly numb. He’s so weak he allows his body to lay against the floor, he gives up trying and lets the waves come take him away. The glass against the floors reminds him of the accident and he curls into a ball like a scared child.
“Please,” he buries the picture deeper into his chest. “Bring her back to me, please.”
He didn’t care how pathetic he seemed, he was weak and broken. He didn’t care if his friends knew, he didn’t care if his family knew and he certainly didn’t care if his neighbors knew.
The alcohol churns in his stomach and a part of him tries to get up before he vomits but, the other part is too overcome with emotions to even move. Eventually, he bolts up and runs to the bathroom purging all the alcohol and little food in his system. With a heave he goes to the sink rinsing his face and mouth. His eyes catch himself in the mirror and he can’t help but stare. His eyes are bloodshot and the cuts are still healing. The bruising around his eye and cheek are turning a yellow hue signaling the healing. In an instant he is disgusted.
“Your fault,” he slurs out, gripping the edges of the sink taking a deeper look at himself. “You should have been paying attention.”
His eyes narrow and grow fierce as he winds his fist back. “You killed her!”
The sound of glass crunching fills the space and for one moment, one single moment the world is silent. As he pulls his now bloody fist back the shattered shards break off and make a clink as they fall to the ground. Exhaustion fills every crevice of his body and he drags himself to your once shared bedroom. It’s the first time he's been in it since being discharged. His heart aches as he climbs on the bed tucking himself in. The injury on his hand goes untreated, too uninterested to even wrap the bloody knuckles. He stays on his side, as he reaches for your pillow. It smells like you, and he's burying his nose in the fabric inhaling the scent. It brings a strange comfort and he finds himself sobbing again. His tired mind and body finally slip out of consciousness as the last thought in his head is you.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                     3 Days Ago
“Yoongi-ah!” you giggle wrapping an arm around his neck before giving a peck on his cheek. You are stupidly in love but, so is he. He knows you’re the girl he wants to spend the rest of his life with, he’s been carrying the box in his pocket for so long, yet he's too nervous to ask the question.
“Yes?” he gives a gummy smile as your tipsy state.
“Kookie is being a little brat,” you pout. “He keeps challenging me to drinking games.” Yoongi turns his head to a chuckling Jungkook and raises a brow. “Is he now?”
“She started it, hyung!” He whines.
Plopping yourself on Yoogni’s lap you stick your tongue out at the younger boy. Yoongi automatically wraps his arms around your waist, smiling at the two of you's child-like behavior.
“Are you sure you don’t want to drink with us? We can always call a cab.” You stare at him with puppy eyes.
Yoongi nods his head and tucks a loose piece of hair behind your ear. “I’m okay, I like watching you have fun, I don’t need to drink to have fun.”
You smile before kissing him on the cheek.
“I would say ew but, you guys are fucking adorable.” Jungkook smiles before pouting. “When am I gonna meet someone?”
You smile before leaning over to flick the younger boy's forehead.
“Don’t worry, Kookie! I got my eyes open for her.” You smile.
The three of you continue to have fun at the bar, the night is filled with drinking (minus Yoongi who sipped on his sprite), dancing and awful jokes that probably only made sense to the three of you. After a couple of hours the alcohol fills you with a tired feeling and you lean your head on Yoongi’s shoulder.
“Tired.” Is all you get out causing Yoongi to laugh.
“Wanna go home?”
You nod your head child-like before Yoongi searches the bar for Jungkook. As if right on cue, jungkook makes his way over with a water in his hand.
“We are gonna head out, Y/N is about to pass out at the booth here.” Yoongi smiles.
“Me too,” the younger boy slurs. “I'll head out with you guys I’m gonna call a cab.”
Yoongi nods before wrapping an arm around you for support. “You sure you don’t want a ride?”
“Nah, I’m okay it would be out of the way for you guys anyways.” Jungkook states.
The three of you all headed out the door, you told Yoongi (as wasted as you were) that you wanted to make sure Jungkook got in the cab safe so you all waited for the arrival.
As you wait the sound of booming laughter bursts through the door as two clearly drunk men come stumbling out. Their slurred words are unintelligible as they shout loudly over one another. The two make their way to a black SUV before hopping inside and speeding off. The sound of the tires screeching causes Jungkook to wince while you all watch with concerned faces.
“God damn,” Jungkook mumbles. “You guys be careful, yeah? Those idiots are seriously gonna get someone killed.”
You and Yoongi agree. “I hope they get home safe…” you whisper.
Shortly after a white cab rolls up and Jungkook pulls you two into a hug.
“Goodnight love birds! Y/N I will be at your house tomorrow with plenty of advil and greasy food.” He gives you a wink before skipping to the car.
The two of you wave off JUngkook as the cab drives out of the lot and down the road.
“Are you doing alright?” Yoongi asks.
“Mhm,” you smile. “I’m perfectly great when I’m with you.”
Yoongi flashes his teeth before gently pulling you to the car. He opens the passenger door gently placing you inside making sure to tuck your feet under the dashboard and fasten your seatbelt. He takes a second after he's finished to admire you.
“You’re so cute.” He reaches over and boops your nose releasing you into a fit of giggles.
“Yeah.” He answers.
“I love you.” You smile up at him.
His heart skips before he captures your lips in a kiss, cradling your jawline. “I love you too.”
No matter how many times you say the words to each other, butterflies fill your stomach everytime.
“Let’s go home, yeah?”
Yoongi closes the door and climbs into the drivers side. Starting the car up with ease he pulls out of the parking lot and makes his way back home. Feeling a bit tired he turns the music on tuning the radio to find the perfect station. As he finds the perfect one he pulls to an intersection stepping on the brakes for the red light. The streets are completely dead, it made sense considering it was almost 3am.
“Yoongs? You spoke so quietly Yoongi barely heard you.
“Yes?” He reaches over smoothing down your hair.
He could see the sleep in your eyes and he started to become impatient with the light.
“You know you are my soulmate?”
“Well,” Yoongi chuckled as he continued to stroke your hair. “You know you are MY soulmate?”
You peer up at him with a goofy smile. “I mean it, I can’t picture my life with anyone else. You make me happy and feel so… me.”
He can see the sincerity in your eyes, that's when he makes the decision. Tomorrow is the day he pops the question, no more pussying out.
“I can’t either, I feel like I'm on cloud 9 when I'm with you. I can’t imagine a life without you.”
You close your eyes as your lips tug upwards.
“Sleep, i'll wake you up when we are home.” He leans over placing a kiss on your forehead.
The light turns green and Yoongi carefully drives in order to not wake you up. He tries to avoid all the bumps in the road but it gets a little difficult as he reaches an area with less streetlights.
“You know, I’m gonna ask you to marry me.” Yoongi looks at the road.
As he begins to reach towards the intersection closer to your house he hears your voice.
“About time.” He hears you mumble.
He's about to laugh before everything goes in slow motion.
He almost doesn’t notice it at first, the car is a black SUV. The headlights are off but he can hear the too late screeching of the breaks as the car launches on your side. It’s so painfully slow yet his body can’t move fast enough. The sound of metal against metal fills his ears as he feels the car spiral before losing balance. The closest thing Yoongi can describe the feeling is like being on a roller coaster. As the car flips over Yoongi feels his head hit the side of the door. It doesn’t hurt but, nothing seems to register besides the sound of glass breaking. He doesn’t remember when his eyes shut but, when he opens them all the pain rushes through his body.
“Fuck.” He coughs out.
Everything is blurry and one of his eyes can barely open. He sits upright, finally piecing together the scene.
“Y/N?” He asks, trying to push himself upright with a grunt.
When you don’t answer the panic fills his chest, despite how much his body screams at him to sit still he turns his aching neck to your direction. The sight makes his blood run cold as he gasps out.
“Y/N?!” He tries to reach for you but his seatbelt constricts him.
He moves slowly only fueling into his panic and frustration. He tries unbuckling the seat belt but it's stuck. He cries calling out your name struggling the best he can to pull the belt off and get to you. He finally stops pulling to look at you again, taking in all the damage. Your side of the car in crushed, broken glass pierces your skin and your body lays in an abnormal position. Your eyes are slightly open as blood trickles out of your mouth. Yoongi panics waiting for the sight of your chest to fall and rise but nothing comes.
“No, no, no, no,” Yoongi whimpers as he closes his eyes, throwing his head back. “Please god, no.”
The sound of sirens ring in the background, they are close. Yoongi perks up at the sound before screaming and yanking the seatbelt in different ways eventually getting it to let go of his grasp on him.
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay, the ambulance is here they are gonna get you fixed up. Just hang in there.” Yoongi cradles your limp head ignoring the way you mold too easily to his touch.
“Y/N, I need you to wake up, please I just need you to-” he breaks down as the emergency cars pull up to the scene.
“I need you to wake up, I need you,” He can barely form sentences as he's gasping for breath. You aren’t breathing and you aren't moving.
He screams and yells as the EMTs rush to him picking him up and placing him on the stretcher. His body doesn’t let him escape as they work on him. The sounds of radios and bustling people are all too much for him.
He begs them to get you as they slip the oxygen mask around his head loading him into the ambulance. They try their best to calm Yoongi down but he's hysterical. He waits for them to load you inside the vehicle but they quickly speed off despite Yoongi’s protests. Panic fills his chest until the last thing he sees is black.
                                                 2 Weeks Later
He runs his fingers against the smooth wood of the casket. You look so peaceful laying there with a head against the pillow. They covered the cuts with makeup, they almost look invisible.
“Hey,” Yoongi starts with a cracking voice. “You look so beautiful.”
He takes his hand caressing your cold cheek before letting it fall to his side.
“Ever since I met you I knew you were the one, falling in love with you was so easy, everything with you felt so natural yet, no matter how many years passed you always made my heart leap. There's no one else like you, I don’t think there ever will be.” He smiles before reaching into his chest pocket pulling out the ring that had waited so long to be placed on your delicate finger. “It’s always gonna be you. I've been wanting to do this for so long.”
Gently taking your hand he slips the ring on your finger rubbing over it for a moment before placing your hand back in its original position.
“I love you.” He croaks. “I wish I could have been able to hear your answer.”
“She would have said yes.” A voice rings out causing Yoongi to turn to the sound.
Jungkook makes his way over to the casket, his black suit is pressed and clean not quite matching his now long fluffy hair. As he gets closer, Yoongi can see how red and irritated his eyes are, the bags rest under showing the emotional tow he was experiencing.
“She always would tell me, if you didn’t ask her soon she was about to pop the question herself.” He smiles at Yoongi with sad eyes. “I've never seen two people so in love, you guys were perfect, I know she would have said yes.”
Yoongi nods as the tears slip from his face. “I miss her.”
Jungkook pulls the older boy into a hug before letting the tears slip from his own eyes. “I do too, hyung.”
Not too long after the service begins, not once does Jungkook leave Yoongi’s side. The other boys stay nearby doing their part in helping set up and take down the setup. They are careful around the other two, making sure to give them the space they need. Everyone in the room was hurting, they were all dealing with it in their own ways. Everyone says their speeches, lastly Yoongi goes up to the podium as all eyes land on him. Clearing his throat he scans the crowd.
“Y/N was one of the kindest souls I had ever had the pleasure of knowing. With her, every obstacle and bad day was easier. She was the light of everyone's life.” The crowd's faces became blurred and he felt so vulnerable. None of the words he could say would ever compare to who you were as a person. “I know we are all feeling lost without her here but, I know she will always be a part of us. I hope she's watching us, with her beautiful smile and leading us down the right path. Even in death she brings us together.”
The crowd smiles, knowing you and how you are.
“As we mourn the loss of a daughter, a best friend,” Yoongi looks at your grieving parents before turning his attention to Jungkook, he swallows before speaking again, turning his eyes to your figure. “And a soulmate. Let us use this time to support and care for each other like Y/N would have wanted.”
Yoongi walks back to his seat and sits down watching as everyone begins to get up one by one saying their final goodbyes.
It seems to be going too fast now, everyone is on their way to the burial site. Flowers cover the sleek mahogany casket hovering above the deep hole that awaits your final resting place. As everyone gathers around the sound of the machine whirling makes Yoongi close his eyes. He wants to watch you for one last time but, the thought of you lowering to the ground causes his heart to shatter. With his eyes closed he can hear the cries of your family, especially your parents. It's too much but he remains in his spot forcing himself to open his eyes just as your casket disappears from his line of vision. Despite being older Yoongi has to look up at Jungkook’s face. He holds his head steady as the tears stream down his cheeks. This time, Yoongi puts on the brave face patting Jungkook on the back letting him know it's okay to cry. And that's all it takes for him to break down. As the others soon begin to drift back one by one back to their cars the two boys and your immediate family remain wanting to be with you for a little longer.
Yoongi looks towards your grieving parents, he hasn’t spoken with them outside planning the funeral arrangements. The guilt always ate at him, he was worried about what they would say or think of him. Deciding it was now or never Yoongi made his way towards the pair. The sight of the two caused a pang in his chest, your mother's mascara was smeared and messy from hours of crying, your father looked like he hasn't slept in days.
“Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N, I just wanted to say-.” Before Yoongi can finish, your mother wraps him in a hug, your father joining in shortly after.
“You gave my child so much happiness, I have never seen them glow so much after you two started dating. They always talked about you, and especially how much they loved you. I can see you are blaming yourself but, it’s not your fault. There was nothing you could do.” Your mother's words spoke as she continued to cling to Yoogi.
Still in shock, he hesitates for a moment before wrapping his arms around your parents. The heaviness that held him down seemed lighter and a rush of emotion flooded his body. He was a mess, as the three of them held onto each other, sharing the grief.
After a while everyone had left except for Yoongi and Jungkook. The two sat next to you on the soft green grass. The air had a chill as the sun began to set on the two of them. They didn’t say much, as they simply enjoyed each other's company as they thought about fond memories involving you.
“Hyung?” Jungkook asks.
Yoongi humms showing that he's listening.
“Do you really think Y/N is watching over us?”
Yoongi knows you are, you always cared so deeply for everyone you met. He knew even in the afterlife you would take care of everyone as well.
“Yeah, I really do.” He smiles leaning on his elbows.
Jungkook lets out a sound of satisfaction before copying Yoongi’s movements. The two boys continue to soak up the refreshing air, and for a moment, it feels like you are there with them.
                                                  10 Years Later
Yoongi wears the same suit as the day of your funeral, bright and colorful decorations and flowers cover your grave from the previous visitors. With a sigh he stands up brushing the grass that clung to the fabric.
“Uncle Yoongi!”
Turning around Yoongi smiles fondly before the little girl runs into his arms. Wrapping her in a bear hug he spins the two of them around as the sound of adorable giggles fills the space.
“Aiya-Y/N!” Jungkook calls running towards the two out of breath. “Don’t run off like that.”
Yoongi and Y/N giggle at the disheveled man. Jungkook’s wife, Seo-Yun, follows behind with a wide smile.
Placing Y/N down Yoongi hugs Jungkook and Seo-Yun and begins catching up. It doesn’t take long, Yoongi is a regular visitor and Y/N’s favorite uncle. After your death Yoongi and Jungkook became even closer, heavily leaning on each other for support. As things started to return to normal Jungkook met Seo-Yun at a cafe, it was love at first sight. Jungkook believes that it was you that led him to her, just like he introduced you to Yoongi. The two got married after a year and another year later they found out they were expecting. It was a total shock and surprise but, nonetheless everyone welcomed the baby girl with open arms. Naming her after you was Jungkook's idea, he hoped that she would grow up to be a good person like you were, the idea touched Yoongi. Yoongi adored the little one, after your death he never felt the want or need to see anyone else, he had his whole life planned out with you, the thought of that with someone else didn’t sit right with him. To him, Y/N was like his own child, a mini you just like he wished to have.
“Uncle Yoongi, look what I made for aunty Y/N!” She pulls out a drawing from her pocket, taped to it are white flowers that Yoongi could tell grew in their backyard.
Yoongi takes the picture smiling fondly at the image, although the drawing is limited to mostly stick people he can tell it's all of them holding hands on a little green hill. He can tell which one is you by the little angel wings and halo. Although Y/N never got to meet you, Yoongi never missed a moment to talk about you with her. Before she would go to bed she always demanded to hear a story about ‘aunty Y/N’ and Yoongi would tell her all the best memories with you and remind her that you were always watching over her.
“Wow,” Yoongi smiles kneeling down to get at level with Y/N. “You know aunty Y/N would have loved this.”
The girl giggles before saying a little thank you.
Jungkook makes his way over placing the vase of flowers in his hands in front of the stone. Brushing off imaginary dust from the grave he smiles before bowing on his knees. “Thank you, for always watching over us.”
Yoongi smiles at the sight as he pats Y/N’s head.
“Here aunty!” Y/N leans her drawing against the stone.
Seo-Yun and Jungkook set up the little picnic while Yoongi and Y/N played games on the grass. Soon they all gather together each taking a place on the blanket. They leave a plate of your favorite food out as a tradition. The four of them talk until the sun begins to set, soon there's a sense of peace in the atmosphere and everyone stays for a little longer with the memory of you in their heads.
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Map of the Soul, Chapter Four
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For the @btswritingcafe​‘s Map of the Soul: 7 Workshop
Pairings: OT7 x reader (kinda); Taehyung x reader x Jimin
Series Summary: If you give a piece of yourself to everyone you love, at some point, there will be nothing left for yourself. While feeling lost and alone in your adult life, a strange box falls onto your head in your own closet, and you take an unexpected walk down memory lane wondering where everything went wrong.  Was it the romances that fizzled out, the friends & loved ones you left behind, the “what could’ve been” moments, the brush with Fate that never quite connected? Could the strange map you find have the answers you are looking for?  Determined to feel complete once again, you embark on a journey to reclaim the missing pieces of your soul.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, A Lot of Smut
Word Count: 7k+
Warnings: cursing & vulgar language, alcohol consumption, sexual innuendos, mentions of previous sexual encounters, bisexual behavior, fingering, oral sex (m/f receiving & giving), spanking, unprotected/protected sex (rules exist for a reason, be safe), daddy kink, a sliver of degradation, orgasm denial, cream pies, anal play/sex, double penetration
Chapter Four: Just Filter Out the Bad, Keep the Good
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Oh, Kookie.
You rolled your eyes and giggled at your phone screen as the bartender finally walked over to you.
“Can I get another Jameson and Ginger?” you shouted over the music. “And another Long Island Iced Tea?”
The bartender nodded in acknowledgement and began making your drinks. It was the third time tonight you’d made your way to the bar, but you couldn’t really complain. You were having so much fun, and Taehyung had the crowd half in love with him with his charming stage presence and his smooth honeyed vocal stylings.
“Thank you,” Taehyung crooned over the microphone. “I’m going to take a little break, but I promise, I’ll be back.”
A round of disappointment resounded through the bar, and you rolled your eyes at the ridiculousness of it all. You caught Taehyung’s eye and he motioned that he was going to go to the bathroom. After a quick thumbs-up, you picked up your drinks and made your way back to your booth to wait for him.
Almost twenty minutes passed and the ice in your drink was clinking against the bottom.
Where the hell is he? Men’s bathrooms don’t take THAT long in bars.
Realizing that this modern bar might actually have gender neutral bathrooms, you decided to go off in search of your soulmate. After making your way past the crowded tables, you rounded the corner and saw there were only a few people waiting in line, none of them Taehyung. You waited a few minutes and the line moved, but none of the individuals exiting the single stall bathrooms were him either. Confused, you started walking back toward the bar.
A throaty groan caught your ear as you walked by a darkened hallway. In the dim red light of the Exit sign at the end of the hall, you made out the distinct shape of Taehyung’s shoulders hovering over a smaller individual against the wall. The two were completely unaware of your approach as they were obviously occupied with other things at the moment.
“Seriously, Tae,” you mused. “Ditching me for a pretty face? That’s a real dick move.”
“Look, sweetheart,” a wispy voice exhaled. “I saw him first, so I’m gonna need you to step off, alright?”
That voice…
You inhaled sharply, staggered back a few inches with your eyes wide, and clutched at the non-existent pearls on your neck.
“Jiminie?” you squeaked out.
The two men ceased their makeout session abruptly, and Taehyung stepped aside to reveal plush lips, bright red hair, and big brown eyes blown out in shock.
March 20th, 11:17 pm
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“This next song goes out to my gorgeous soulmate,” Taehyung chirped into the microphone. “I’ve loved her since the moment she fell from Heaven and crushed my head on the playground.”
A round of “awwww”s reverberated across the bar, and you rolled your eyes at Taehyung and blew him a kiss. The music started up again and Taehyung went into full Elvis mode.
“Wise men say only fools rush in, But I can't help falling in love with you…”
“Wow,” Jimin groaned sensually. “Does his voice always sound like liquid sex poured over hot coals?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact,” you quipped. “Taehyung has a very special relationship with the microphone. They’ve been going steady for decades, but he’s always too cowardly to commit.”
“What do you mean, jagi?” Jimin grinned. “Does he not realize how good he is?”
“Oh, he knows,” you corrected him. “He just can’t handle the spotlight very well. In a bar, he’ll get brave, but put him on an actual stage with a real crowd, and he becomes an awkward mess of a man. It’s a mystery.”
“You’re kidding,” Jimin scoffed. “There’s no way that gorgeous hunk of man over there is ever awkward.”
“You’d be surprised,” you chuckled. “I know that man better than he knows himself.”
“I was pretty close to getting to know him myself,” Jimin bragged. “Someone just had to interrupt our steamy little makeout session back there.”
“Don’t flatter yourself, Jimin,” you goaded. “Sure, you may have captured his attention, but he’d never really ditch me for another pretty face, including yours.”
“I don’t know, jagiya,” Jimin smirked. “Before you showed up, I already had him asking how far away my place was.”
“That may be so,” you smiled wickedly. “But I guarantee he wouldn’t ditch me. One look and he would be crawling back to me without question.”
You and Jimin stared one another down and your eyes battled it out for dominance. You sighed sweetly and blew a kiss to Taehyung, and he eagerly snatched out of the air and placed it in his lapel pocket. Jimin rolled his eyes at your dual displays of affection and chuckled.
That’s right. No one comes between me and my soulmate.
“So, what brings you back to town, Jiminie?” you giggled, changing the subject. “Let me guess, another frat party?”
“Yes, actually, I’m here for the fraternity’s centennial celebration,” he explained. “We had a whole ceremony and raffle fundraiser last night, and the house party is tonight.”
“I’m surprised you aren’t there now,” you gawked. “The Park Jimin I remember never missed an opportunity for a good frat party.”
Jimin giggled and ran his fingers through his hair, an old habit that always increased his allure. He leaned over and placed his hand on your thigh, provoking a rolling plain of goosebumps across your arms and legs.
“I’m not the same Jimin you remember, jagi,” he murmured while licking his lips. “A lot of things changed since we last saw each other. When was that, by the way?”
A bitter memory triggered in your brain and you gently pushed him away, free from his hypnotic seduction. Confusion traveled across his face and he cocked a questioning look at you, lifting an eyebrow for emphasis.
“It was during grad school,” you reminded him. “The Venetian Masquerade Homecoming party at your frat house?”
Jimin closed his eyes briefly and nodded gravely as the memory hit him as well. There was a tangible shift in his personality, and you knew Jimin was trying to figure out how to proceed.  He was an expert at tailoring his personality to fit the situation, but he seemed at a loss when you reminded him of the troubled past. You both sat there in silence, allowing the details to take shape in your mind once again. Taehyung chose that exact moment to intrude upon your conversation.
“Hey,” he shouted. “Who’s up next?”
Jimin glanced over to Taehyung and gave him a tight smile.
“I guess I am,” Jimin offered. “Any requests?”
“Sing me something sweet,” Taehyung pleaded. “I want my heart to burst with emotion.”
Jimin winked at Taehyung and glanced over to see if you’re looking at him. You were not. As Jimin headed over to the booth to choose a song, Taehyung pulled you close and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
“What’s going on, ttalgi?” he teased lightly. “I’d know that angsty look of yours anywhere. Are you and Jimin-ssi reliving painful memories from college?”
“Something like that,” you muttered “We didn’t exactly end on good terms the last time.”
“How so?” he recoiled. “Every time you’ve mentioned him in the past, it was always with glowing reviews of his sexual prowess. I’ve never once heard you say one bad thing about him.”
“Tae,” you grimaced. “Have you really never noticed that I stopped talking about Jimin a long time ago? Like almost 6 years now?”
“No,” Taehyung said carefully. “Why? Did he do something to hurt you?”
Taehyung stiffened against you as he shot a glare in Jimin’s direction. You were quick to calm the raging Papa Bear beside you. Taehyung was always quick to defend your honor, but it wasn’t necessary in this case.
“It’s not that simple, babe,” you sighed in defeat, lifting your eyes to stare longingly at Jimin. “We hurt each other...badly.”
“Hello, everyone,” Jimin announced on the microphone. “I’m Jimin, and I’m an asshole. That’s not a lie either. I hurt someone who is very special to me, and I never apologized. Because of that, I lost her and I don’t know if I’ll ever get her back and that sucks. Because I really care about her a lot and I just want us to be friends again because she’s amazing and I miss her. Jagiya, this song is for you.”
A powerful boom pumped through the speakers and Jimin began singing “Before I Cry” by Lady Gaga.
“I can't believe the things you said Right now I wish that you would try Try to stay near me Try to be near me”
“Oh damn, babe,” Taehyung breathed out in a rush. “He broke out A Star is Born? Bold move.”
Your eyes glistened as you concentrated on Jimin’s gaze, which never once wavered from your own. He was singing directly to you, and everyone else in the room just faded away. The delicate lilt of his voice was mesmerizing, and you braced yourself for the chorus, knowing he would be unleashing the full extent of his vocal power on you.
“'Cause I'm gonna cry If you say you don't need me I'm gonna cry if you act like you don't care Promise me, baby, you know I can't fake it Why don't you hold me? Tell me you love me before I cry”
You took note of the gloss covering his eyes after that last big note. He continued to sing, his heart pouring waves of regret and longing over you. His hands reached out for you emphatically as the song progressed and after he hit the last big chorus, he stepped off the stage to sing the last verse. With every step he took, he walked closer and closer to your booth until he was kneeling in front of you and reaching for your hand.
“Have I said what I needed to say? Have you said what you wanted to say? Did you say what you wanted to say? Would you try and stop me before I cry?”
The music stopped and you sucked in a sob before launching yourself into his arms. Jimin stood up and lifted you off the ground in a crushing hug. The room exploded into thunderous applause and they cheered loudly when you pulled back and kissed Jimin on his full lips. He released you and you brushed away the tears trailing down his chubby cheeks. He smiled brightly at you and then remembered he still had the microphone in his hand.
“Oh, thank you,” he laughed in embarrassment. “I guess that worked pretty well, huh? Who’s next?”
Jimin handed off the microphone to the next singer and you pulled him back into the booth with you. Taehyung was leaning on his fists while shooting heart eyes at Jimin who countered with his own half-moon eye smile.
“Jagiya,” Jimin said, turning to face you properly. “I really am sorry for what I did. I never meant to hurt you.”
“It wasn’t only your fault, Minnie,” you responded sweetly. “I said some pretty fucked up things to you that night also. Can you ever forgive me?”
“So, is anyone going to tell me what the fuck is going on?” Taehyung interrupted rudely. “All I seem to understand is that you fucked up, you stopped talking, and now you’re making up. Can someone please fill in the blanks?”
You and Jimin giggled at Taehyung’s flabbergasted expression and decided to take pity on him.
“Jimin and I were supposed to go to a masquerade ball together a while back,” you began. “We even got matching costumes.”
“We were never officially a couple, but people just knew we had a special relationship,” Jimin continued. “But it didn’t stop us from playing the field.”
“However,” you cut him off. “That night, we’d agreed to stick together for once. No one else, just us.”
“Oh shit, I see where this is going,” Taehyung squealed. “Sorry, you were saying?”
“Anyway,” you sighed. “We were doing fine until the jello shots started circulating. You know I can’t resist a good jello shot and neither can Jimin.”
Taehyung nodded enthusiastically, and Jimin pulled you closer to his chest, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I caught her making out with some hot cheerleader in the kitchen,” Jimin explained. “So I got mad and pulled her away.”
“In my defense,” you countered. “I had just seen you nibbling on that guy’s ear on the patio.”
“You were the one giving that guy a lap dance on the couch,” Jimin shot back.
“Only because you grabbed that girl’s ass on the way to the bathroom,” you spat.
“Yo,” Taehyung cut in. “I get it. You guys are stupid competitive and extremely jealous. Continue the story.”
You and Jimin both laughed at Taehyung’s outburst.
“We ended up having a full on public shouting match in the front yard of the frat house,” you sighed. “Not gonna lie. It got pretty ugly.”
“People thought we were having an actual breakup,” Jimin scoffed. “After we said some pretty nasty things to each other, I got mad and told her to leave the party.”
“He disappeared into the frat house,” you muttered sadly. “The last thing I saw was him pulling some guy and girl into a back room. He flipped me off before he slammed the door in my face.”
“Nothing happened,” he explained. “I just wanted to piss her off. When I left the room a few minutes later, they told me she’d left in tears. I felt like shit about it, but I was still pissed. I got blackout drunk and woke up under the kitchen table in my underwear.”
“Sounds like a good party,” Taehyung giggled. “So what happened after that?”
“I left back home,” Jimin said. “I didn’t apologize because I thought it was her fault.”
“And I didn’t apologize because I thought it was his fault,” you continued. “We haven’t spoken or seen each since then, at least until tonight. We were so fucking stupid. It’s not like we were dating or anything.”
“Yeah, you two should never date,” Taehyung declared. “Look at how horrible you were to each other. That shit would get toxic real quick.”
You and Jimin looked back at one another and he placed a kiss on your forehead. You both sighed and hugged it out once again.
“You’re probably right, Tae-bear,” you admitted. “It just sucks that we weren’t able to fix things back then. I feel like we lost out on so much.”
“I’m willing to do a hard reset if you are, jagi,” Jimin suggested. “I really have missed you. Want to be friends again? We can just erase everything that was bad and just focus on the good stuff and all the fun times we had.”
You rolled the idea over in your mind and then an idea struck you. You promptly scooted him out of the booth, and with a wide smile spreading across your face, you grabbed onto his hands.
“Let’s do our song,” you cheered. “That way it’s really official!”
“Oh, jagiya,” Jimin pouted. “I’m definitely filing that under bad stuff. Besides, you know I can’t perform without the proper attire. There is only one way you’ll get me to sing that song, and I seriously doubt you have what I need.”
“Oh my gods,” you huffed out in bewilderment. “No fucking way.”
“I’m sorry, jagi” he teased. “You know my rule: no sequins, no song.”
You crawled over the table and grabbed your clutch from next to Taehyung. You reached inside and pulled out the gold sequined bow tie and held it up for Jimin to see. He blanched at the sight and the shock on his face was tangible.
“Where the fuck did you find that thing?” Jimin spat. “I thought I burned that in the bonfire!”
“I have no idea,” you grinned triumphantly. “But you owe me a song now, sir. Let’s go, 가자!”
You pulled the bow tie over Jimin’s head and adjusted it. He grimaced and whined as you pulled him over to the booth to fill out the song request. You both grabbed a microphone and you pushed a very reluctant Jimin onto the stage.
“Hello, everyone,” you greeted sweetly. “I brought this adorable gentleman up here for one more song. Wasn’t he just lovely earlier?”
Everyone applauded and Taehyung stood up to whistle and whoop like a crazed fan. You beamed at Jimin who gave you the fakest petty smile he could muster. You leaned up to kiss him on the cheek and he gritted out a faint, but spiteful “I fucking hate you” under his breath. You winked at him cheekily and poked your tongue out in response.
A series of electronic snare drums snapped and synthesizer beats popped out of the speakers and an exuberant “Yeah” and “Woo” filled the air as Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance with Somebody” kicked off.
You and Jimin switched off every other line like a proper duet, and the crowd was eating it up. You alternated little dance moves around each other with cute poses, and you even pulled his arms around you during the chorus, which of course, everyone sang with you.
When the song was done, you both received a standing ovation from the entire bar, and even the bartender applauded enthusiastically. When you finally made your way back to the booth, a waitress showed up with a round of fruity red shots called Washington Red Apples, courtesy of the elated bartender.
“Well,” you cooed at the grumpy Jimin next to you. “That is definitely the best friendship renewal I’ve ever been a part of. Can you even think of a better way to make up than that?”
“I know a better one,” Taehyung remarked with a smirk.
You and Jimin looked up at each other and then at Taehyung. The devilish look on his face transferred onto Jimin’s and then made its way onto your own. You took the shot glass between your fingers and held it out to propose a toast.
“To renewed friendships,” you grinned. “Among other things.”
You all clinked your glasses and downed your shots. It only took a second after for everyone to take action.
“Tae-bear,” you purred. “Close out our tab. Jimin and I will meet you in the car.”
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March 21st, 1:07am
The drive back to your apartment was a blur, a steamy blur full of well placed kisses, hot visuals, and a plethora of wandering hands.
After Taehyung pried you off of Jimin’s lap in the back seat, he handed you the keys and ordered you to drive since you were the only one who knew how to get to your apartment. In the meantime, Jimin was pulled onto Taehyung’s lap in the backseat and you were treated to quite a show in your rear view mirror. The moans and groans emanating from the backseat were causing quite a stir in your panties. In fact, the thin material was noticeably sticking to your dripping folds as you parallel parked the car in front of your apartment building.
“Everyone out,” you barked. “Let’s go!”
The two entwined bodies groaned at your command, and refused to move out of the backseat. Beyond aggravated, you leaned in and grabbed onto both heads of hair and pulled back harshly. Both men whined and moaned lightly, but both also knew better than to pull away from your claws. You knew both of their kinks to the letter, and pain was at the top of the list.
That’s right, boys. I’m in charge here.
“I said,” you growled. “Let’s go.”
They quickly exited the vehicle as soon you released them, and all three of you hastily made your way inside of your apartment, promptly locking the door behind you.
The dogs had been walked and fed before you’d left the apartment, so they briefly greeted you at the door, and then huffed out snorts of derision at your choice of nighttime activities.
Jimin got excited when he saw Oberyn and Yeontan, but you and Tae were quick to pull him back into the fold, promising proper introductions later.
Much later.
After a flurry of clothing and shoes tossed from the front entrance to your bedroom floor, you found yourself completely naked and standing at the edge of your bed wedged between two deliciously sweaty naked men who were pressing open mouth kisses all over your body. You could barely differentiate between Taehyung’s playful nibbles and Jimin’s soft suckling against your skin. In perfect synchronization, Taehyung and Jimin latched on to opposing sides of your neck, drawing an impatient moan from your lips.
That’s definitely gonna leave a mark.
Jimin pulled you back slightly and kneeled between you and Taehyung, gripping his hands onto each of your thighs for balance.
“Allow me,” he hummed. “After all, I am a guest in your home.”
With fluid precision, Jimin grasped a hold of Taehyung’s throbbing cock and began stroking it from tip to hilt while simultaneously pulling your swollen clit between his lips. You and Taehyung let out gasping moans in unison while holding onto each other for support.
“Didn’t I tell you the man had talent, Tae?” you hummed. “Ah, Jimin…”
You couldn’t even start your next sentence because Jimin was slipping his tongue into your folds and lapping up every drop of essence collecting between your thighs. Taehyung gaped at the sight while trying not to blow his load over Jimin’s skillful ministrations.
“Holy fuck, babe,” he groaned. “You totally undersold him. He’s like some kind of wicked little sex fairy.”
Jimin giggled against your slippery folds before placing a fat kiss on top of your clit. He sat back on his heels and pursed his glistening lips at Taehyung.
“Sucking dick doesn’t make me a fairy, Taehyung,” he teased. “But I guarantee it will feel magical when I get that fat cock between my lips.”
Switching it up, Jimin plunged two fingers into your hungry hole while licking a long wet stripe up the front of Taehyung’s girthy length. Your eyes locked onto Jimin’s bouncing red hair as he sucked on Taehyung’s dick like a juicy popsicle. Neither his fingers nor his tongue slowed their actions as Jimin turned both of you into hot moaning messes.
“Jimin...ah...baby,” you whimpered. “We need to get horizontal before I fall. My legs are...ah...about to give out.”
Taehyung slid his hand down your side to steady your waist, but found it difficult to concentrate with Jimin’s never-ending onslaught of pleasure. You could see Taehyung’s eyes rolling back in pleasure each time Jimin lowered his head onto his crotch. The erotic sight only spurred your arousal forward, leaking all over Jimin’s fingers as he artfully fingered you.
“Tae,” you whispered. “I can’t...ah...I can’t hold...ah…”
You couldn’t even form coherent sentences at that point because not only was Jimin curling and dragging his fingers along your G-spot, he was also brushing against your clit with every stroke. It was heavenly, but also sent you tumbling forward into oblivion without anything to hold you up.
Taehyung took mercy on you and grabbed a hold of Jimin’s scarlet locks. After pulling Jimin’s mouth further down his length a few times, he pulled his wicked little sex fairy off his dick and to his feet.
“My soulmate needs a bed,” Taehyung gritted out. “Now.”
“Flattering,” Jimin chirped while licking his lips. “But we’ve only just met, Taehyung. Don’t you think soulmate is a bit much?”
Taehyung seized Jimin’s head and devoured his lips, while still holding you up. After a clash of teeth and tongue, Taehyung pulled Jimin’s bottom lip between his teeth and bit down harshly. Jimin’s aching whimper drew your attention, but you struggled to focus on anything with Jimin’s fingers pumping into you.
“I wasn’t talking about you, Jimin,” Taehyung growled. “I was talking about her.”
Jimin offered Taehyung a mischievous smirk and nodded coyly. He motioned for Taehyung to get behind you as he focused all of his attention and energy on you. They eased you onto the bed keeping you on your knees, and your legs were happy to oblige the shift in balance. Jimin pulled you closer and licked his way into your mouth and you began attacking his lips with your own. He swallowed each whine and moan as his fingers began to pick up speed.
Taehyung took this opportunity to kneel behind you and run his hands over the globes of your ass, relishing the plumpness in the dim lamplight.
“How does your ass always look this perfect, ttalgi?” he mused. “It’s extraordinary, and totally unfair.”
He reared his palm back and brought it down firmly against one cheek and then the other. With each spank, you cried out wantonly, much to the delight of both men.
“She loves it when you spank her,” Jimin chuckled. “This vixen loves pain.”
“I know,” Taehyung shot back after delivering yet another smack to your ass. “She’s my soulmate. It’s my job to know these things.”
“Oh yeah?” Jimin quipped. “You think you know more than I do? I’ve probably made her cum more times than you have.”
“It’s not about quantity, Jiminie,” Taehyung bragged. “It’s about quality.”
Taehyung punctuated his statement with one last slap across your reddening cheek and then leaned against your back. He cupped both of your breasts and began pulling at alternating nipples, loving the throaty moans you emitted with each tug. You started rubbing your ass against his hardened length, and Jimin chased after your creamy center, determined to regain your attention.
“She needs multiple stimuli,” Taehyung explained while leaning forward to pull your earlobe between his teeth. “She’s a dirty girl who wants everyone to touch her, to feel her, to own her, isn’t that right, ttalgi?”
Your moans were reaching a fever pitch, and Taehyung knew what you needed to hear to reach the apex of your climax.
“Come on, baby,” he purred against the shell of your ear. “Be a good girl and let Daddy hear you scream.”
The knot of pleasure in your core tightened sharply and snapped. You cried out as the orgasm quaked across your body in a frenzy, the sensations more pronounced in the areas where you were being touched. Your nipples tingled, your clit pulsed, and your ears were ringing.
You collapsed back against Taehyung’s chest and let out a blissful sigh of satisfaction. You opened your eyes when you heard a wet noise near your face and got an eyeful of Taehyung licking your essence from Jimin’s fingers.
“Mmmm delicious as always, babe,” Taehyung swooned. “You have no idea how good you taste, do you?”
“How good?” you giggled.
“Exquisite,” Jimin hummed after licking the remnants from Taehyung’s lips. “I seriously missed that flavor on my tongue, jagiya. It’s only gotten better with age.”
“Right?” Taehyung expressed with a boxy grin. “I was going to say that too!”
The two of them high-fived and you groaned at their childish behavior.
“If you two assholes are just going to sit there and call me old while high-fiving, I’m so fucking done,” you spat. “I got mine already.”
You tried to move away from them, but they both moved swiftly to pull you back into their arms with a whine.
“Where do you think you’re going, dirty girl?” Taehyung teased while grinding his still hard cock against your ass. “You aren’t done until we say you are.”
“And we are far from done, jagi” Jimin promised. “How about we change things up a bit?”
They laid you back on the mattress and you stretched out your limbs, trying to shake the tension out of your muscles. Taehyung reached into your side table to pull out the box of condoms he knew you had. Jimin pressed his body against yours, trailing his fingertips from your neck down to your hip. You both looked up at Taehyung when he cleared his throat.
“Ok, ttalgi,” he began. “Are we sticking to our usual rules with Jimin here? It’s your call.”
“What are the usual rules?” Jimin asked. “She and I only had two rules: wear a condom and be honest about what we liked or didn’t like.”
“We have something similar, but with variations,” Taehyung explained. “Condoms for any assplay, colors for safewords, consent is always confirmed, aftercare is mandatory, and open, honest communication.”
“Condoms only for assplay?” Jimin gulped. “What about vaginal play?”
“I have my birth control implant,” you told Jimin while pointing out the spot on your arm. “Taehyung and I have always been vigilant about staying clean and we get tested every other month, even when we aren’t sexually active.”
“So, I guess the question we have is,” Taehyung expressed kindly. “What about you, Jimin? What do you want to do?”
Jimin sat up on one elbow and shifted his doe eyes between you and Taehyung. He couldn’t believe what you were offering.
“Jagi,” he breathed out. “We’ve never gone bare...like ever. I’ve never gone bare with anyone actually.”
“I know, Jiminie,” you expressed tenderly. “I’ve only ever trusted Tae-bear with something like that. But I know how careful you are, and I’m sure that hasn’t changed. If you’re comfortable with it, then I’m willing to trust you as well.”
You reached up to cup his cheek and he leaned in and kissed your palm gingerly with his swollen lips. He closed his eyes and let out a shaky exhale.
“Nothing’s changed,” he finally responded. “I’m still careful, I still get tested, and I’m still clean. If you really trust me, then I trust you too.
He pressed a chaste kiss on your lips and sat up to pull Taehyung in for a kiss as well.
“I trust both of you,” Jimin proclaimed. “I know I just met you, Taehyung, but if my jagiya trusts you with something like this, then who am I to argue with her logic?”
Taehyung smiled at Jimin’s words and reached over to stroke your cheek affectionately. You all took a deep breath as the electricity in the air increased exponentially. The soft caresses on skin transformed into overzealous gropes, and the quiet exhales became heated moans and needy whines. You decided to take the lead this time and climbed onto Jimin’s chest, asking for permission to ride his face, to which he quickly consented. As you settled over his ravenous lips, Taehyung instigated a rather noisy blowjob behind you, pulling Jimin’s angry red tip between his lips and slurping at the precum spilling over the edge.
“Fuck,” Jimin gasped out beneath you. “You couldn’t give me a warning, Tae?”
“Do you want me to stop?” Taehyung pouted. “Just say the word, Jiminie.”
“No, please don’t stop,” Jimin begged. “Keep going.”
You looked back over your shoulder and grinned wickedly at Taehyung. The smirk on his handsome face was mesmerizing, and you returned it in kind. You lowered your soaking wet heat to Jimin’s lips once again as Taehyung swirled his tongue around Jimin’s girthy penis.
Jimin inhaled sharply through his nose and moaned out into the flooded depths of your vagina. He dug his nails into your hips and you cried out erotically. For every lick and suck Taehyung unleashed upon him, Jimin paid it forward to your gushing center.
“Jimin,” you moaned. “I’m getting close.”
Taehyung slapped his palm against Jimin’s thigh, causing him to hiss and moan into your drenched thigh.
“What was that for?” Jimin protested.
“Don’t let her cum yet, Jiminie,” Taehyung instructed. “Let’s see how far we can edge her out.”
You whipped your head around to glare at Taehyung’s smug face and scowled deeply at him. He knew you hated edging, but he also knew that you came especially hard when edged. You pouted at him and he cocked an eyebrow at you before pulling off of Jimin’s dick with an audible pop.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to, babe,” Taehyung relented. “But I promise it will feel amazing if you let it happen.”
He winked at you playfully and you couldn’t resist the boxy grin he shot your way before diving back onto Jimin’s glistening cock. You watched him dip and twist his mouth up and down Jimin’s stiff shaft, even dragging his tongue below the base and flicking along Jimin’s scrotum. Jimin was quickly unraveling underneath Taehyung’s expert skills, and he suddenly lost his concentration on you when Taehyung started licking lower between his legs.
“Ttalgi, come here, quickly,” Taehyung commanded.
You released your hold on the wall and dismounted Jimin’s face, which was contorting into a mask of pure pleasure thanks to Taehyung. He started stroking Jimin’s shaft in time with his tongue barrage.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Jimin moaned out. “I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum.”
“Do you want to cum inside her, Jiminie?” Taehyung cooed. “Want this dirty girl to sink down on this hard cock and soak up your hot sticky load?”
Jimin couldn’t verbalize anything, but he nodded desperately and started flailing his arms in search of you. Taehyung positioned you just above Jimin’s dick and held you in place.
“When I say sit, babe,” Taehyung quirked. “Sit down and ride him into his orgasm, ok?”
“I’m ready, Tae-bear,” you agreed wholeheartedly. “Just tell me when.”
After a few more strokes, Jimin’s hands clenched against the sheets and he threw his head back harshly.
“NOW,” Taehyung commanded while lowering you safely onto Jimin’s lap.
As soon as your thighs connected with Jimin’s, he let out a cry of unbridled passion and thrusted up into you like a madman possessed. His eyes were blown wide and he couldn’t stop pulling you onto his dick even as he shot out jets of cum, painting your walls in white. The sexual tempest finally abated and Jimin slumped against the pillows and let out a long audible breath laced with amusement.
“Holy shit,” he exclaimed. “That has to be the most incredible sensation in the world. Jagiya, why have I never plunged into your Cave of Wonders bareback before?”
“Because we were both busy being responsible adults, Aladdin,” you quipped. “Or maybe I should call you Genie since Tae referred to you as a magical sex fairy.”
“He can call me whatever he wants if I’m going to get this kind of treatment,” he giggled. “But, I’m worried about him, jagi. He hasn’t been given proper attention just yet. We should really help him out, don’t you think?”
You chuckled and pulled yourself off of Jimin then propped yourself up on all fours, wiggling your ass slightly to entice Taehyung forward. He shook his head and eased onto the bed behind you. He reached between your legs to see if you needed additional lubrication, but the deluge he slipped into told him you were more than ready.
“Look at this mess you two made,” he commented in astonishment, while licking the combined cum from his fingertips. “Just like a creamsicle on a hot summer day.”
Taehyung slid the blunt head of his stiff cock along the crease of your sopping wet pussy and then slowly pushed his way in. He groaned as each inch disappeared from sight and he gave a small thrust to fit the last few inches snugly inside. You whimpered at the stretch and lifted your head to meet Jimin’s amused stare.
“What a naughty girl we have here, Tae,” Jimin cooed. “All stuffed full of cock and she still looks like she wants more. Should I give you more, jagiya?”
When all you could do was whimper weakly at Jimin’s entreaty, so Taehyung pulled your hair back and thrust forward sharply. Jimin was enthralled by the fucked out look on your face and leaned forward to lick into your open mouth.
“Jiminie asked you a question, ttalgi,” he hissed in your ear. “Don’t disappoint Daddy and ignore our guest. Now, do you want more cock or not?”
“Yes,” you begged desperately against Jimin’s plushy lips. “Want him in my mouth, Daddy. Can I? Please?”
Jimin chuckled at your pleas and leaned over to lure Taehyung into another heated kiss.
“Daddy kink, huh?” Jimin teased as he pulled away. “That’s a new one for me.”
“It only works when I do it,” Taehyung grunted. “You can call me Daddy too, if you like?”
“We’ll see how I feel later,” Jimin smirked. “For now, let’s stuff this naughty little slut full of cock.”
Taehyung picked up the pace as he pistoned his aching dick deep into your womb. Jimin stroked his own cock until he had half an erection and then ran the tip across your lips.
“Open up, jagi,” Jimin crooned sweetly. “I’ve got a treat for you.”
You eagerly opened wide and allowed Jimin to place his hands on your head to hold you in place while he fucked into your mouth. You hollowed your cheeks and slurped him down until he was hard and quivering against your tongue.
“Ah, fuck yes,” Jimin squealed. “Just what I needed. Thanks, jagi.”
Jimin pulled out of your mouth and you whined in protest. He brushed the saliva from your lips and planted a fat kiss on them before disappearing from your sight.
Taehyung took your distraction as an opportunity to pull you up against his chest so he could play with your clit as he fucked up into you. He read your impending orgasms carefully and pulled back each time the crest threatened to break across your threshold. He appeased your adorable tear-streaked face with sweet promises of “the best orgasm of your life.”
“You have to trust me, babe,” Taehyung sneered against your wet cheeks. “You’ll thank me when you fall over that edge, I promise.”
You were about to whine out another protest when Taehyung clenched against you unexpectedly.
“Oh, fuck,” he hissed against your temple. “You wicked little fucker. I should’ve kept an eye on you.”
“Yeah, you should have,” came Jimin’s voice from behind Taehyung. “I’m a sneaky bitch, did I forget to mention that?”
Jimin had sprung a sexy sneak attack with two lubed fingers currently seeking entrance at Taehyung’s back door. Taehyung released you back onto all fours so he could grant Jimin better access to his ass. He slowed his movements just long enough for Jimin to work his dick into Taehyung’s now well lubricated asshole. With all three of you connected, it took a moment or two to find a definitive rhythm together, but once you did, the fluid movements initiated a series of high pitched squeals and moans unlike any you’d heard before. Taehyung felt your walls clamping down into his dick and he gathered up enough focus to make an erotic suggestion.
“Jimin, wait,” he huffed out on a moan. “Let’s change positions. As much as I’m enjoying this, there’s something I want to try now that we have you here.”
Jimin pulled back and waited for Taehyung to continue. With a flick of his wrist, Taehyung reached over and gently pulled the condom off Jimin’s dick and smirked sinfully.
“I’ve never trusted anyone enough to double penetrate her,” Taehyung explained quickly. “Get inside her cunt and let me get a condom on.”
“Oh, shit,” Jimin gasped. “You’re fucking serious, aren’t you?”
“You bet your fine ass, I’m serious,” Taehyung gritted out while rolling on the condom. “This dirty little girl is about to blow and so am I. Daddy owes her the orgasm of a lifetime and he’s going to give it to her.”
You were just catching your breath, and you whimpered at the tightness in your clit.
“Guys, if I don’t cum soon, I’m going to fucking explode,” you growled. “So unless you want me to take care of this by myself, I suggest you get over here and finish the fucking job.”
“Oooh, jagi is feisty when she’s frustrated,” Jimin cackled. “I’ve never edged her, so this should be fun to watch.”
“I’m giving you a front row seat, Jiminie,” Taehyung beamed as he laid down beside you. “Enjoy the show.”
Jimin helped rearrange your body so that you were wedged in between them on the bed. After lifting up one of your thighs, Jimin slipped his bare cock into your swollen cunt, reveling at the raw feeling of your fleshy walls tightening around his dick. You were so wet and slippery that even Taehyung was surprised that he wouldn’t need much lube to get your asshole ready for him.
“I love it when she’s this strung out and horny,” he chuckled. “Makes it so easy for me.”
With a little help from Jimin’s fingers, Taehyung slipped beyond your puckered hole and buried himself into the glorious tightness of your ass. With both of your holes now occupied, you found yourself adrift in a sea of endorphins. The finish line was just beyond your sight and you cried out as you felt both cocks sliding across the thin membrane separating your cunt from your asshole.
“Tae,” you whimpered helplessly. “Jimin...please...I need you.”
“We’re right here, ttalgi,” Taehyung soothed. “Just let go. I’m not going to hold you back anymore. Just let it flow right through you.”
Jimin slipped his fingers down to rub against your clit and the combined sensations hurtled into your brain all at once.
“OH FUCK!” you screamed as you careened over the edge of your climax and tumbled into one spasm and after another, losing track of just how many orgasms Taehyung had stacked up for you throughout the course of the night. When the last one hit, your vision cleared just enough to catch Jimin’s awed facial expression as he watched you come undone. The glazed look in your eyes triggered his own climax and he shot another rope of sweet release deep into your quivering heat.
“Babe,” Taehyung grunted behind you, still pumping away. “I’m really fucking close. Where do you want it?”
You smiled wickedly and pulled Jimin close. He was still reeling from his last orgasm, but he offered you a small smile, wordlessly agreeing to whatever your face was suggesting.
“On our faces,” you moaned. “Cum all over our faces, Tae!”
It only took a few more well timed thrusts before Taehyung was pulling out and stepping over the two of you. He tossed the condom aside and pumped away at his shaft until he unleashed a cascade of semen all over your face and Jimin’s. He groaned wantonly as he watched you and Jimin lap up the streaks of semen from each other’s face.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” he conceded while throwing his head back in exhaustion. “I don’t know about you two, but I’m fucking spent.”
His knees buckled onto the mattress and you placed one last kiss on Jimin’s lips before rolling off the bed. You left the two of them gasping for breath on the bed while you retrieved some bottled water from the fridge.
“Oh, you angel,” Jimin preened. “Just what I needed.”
Once you all got back to a normal heart rate, you corralled both Jimin and Taehyung into the shower. You silently thanked your landlord for installing the wide shower stall with a built-in bench seat. The three of you fit comfortably in the shower together with a little room to spare.
After you were all cleaned up and refreshed, the boys changed the sheets and you gathered up extra pillows so you could all cuddle up on the bed. Jimin heartily agreed to the sleepover, and you were all thoroughly exhausted from your early morning romp.
Taehyung tucked both you and Jimin against his chest and sighed out with contentment. After kissing both of you on the forehead, he wished you good night and settled into his pillow. You and Jimin slipped your fingers together and snuggled against Taehyung.
As you faded into unconsciousness, you smiled and exhaled happily.
Damn, Universe. You’re on a roll.
The three of you drifted off to Dreamland as the dogs in the living room looked up with curiosity and growled at the black sparkles that flashed and pulsed from your coffee table and then vanished a moment later.
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Author’s Note: (releasing my clenched thighs) Whew, is everyone ok after that chapter? I don’t know about you, but I need a long shower after that. I had so much fun writing this chapter and I made my betas all hot and bothered when they read it, so I assume it’s good. I hope you all enjoyed the Vmin playtime. Only three more chapters to go! 
Chapter Three: The Beautiful Music We Used to Make
Chapter Five: There’s Still Sunshine When He’s Gone
@caught-in-a-seesaw-stigma​‘s MASTERLIST
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soft-hard-peaches · 5 years
Reaction: Taking Care of Drunk SO
~fluff~ ~crack~
Kim Seokjin
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After eating dinner alone for the 4th time this week, you've become accustomed to eating in front of the television watching dramas to fill the lonely air. Because a comeback is nearing, the boys spend all their time prepping and finely tuning the choreography and music to make sure everything is more than perfect and you are more than understanding of his career. But none of the less, you still feel a bit lonely without your partner. When Jin comes home, it's usually after you've cleaned up and gone to sleep. Plus when you wake up his already gone or walking out the door. Tonight the solitude gets to you. Sitting like a pretzel on your shared loveseat, you have your dinner in your lap and a glass of wine in hand.
"His is sooo dumb! Who would he stay with her!?" You slurred at the show you're binge watching. "I'm over this!", you say as you watch the next episode. As the show buffers, you hear the door unlock and out comes your beloved bf. Tired and worn out from his schedule but mostly shocked that you're still up.
"Y/n? Why are you still awake?" he questions you with a low and groggy voice. As he heads to the couch next to you, he grabs your glass and puts it down, then leans down to give you a peck. With a exaggerated puff, he asks how much wine have you drunk. You pout saying just a few. He gets up from the couch just to drape his body on you and the loveseat. You lazily reach your hand down to stroke his soft black hair, causing him to hum softly. Your fingers slow down as you close your eyes.
"I miss you Jinnie" in a hush without realizing you said it out loud. Jin looks up at you to see a slight gloomy expression that paints your face. He lays still for a couple of minutes after your fingers stop, signaling you've fell asleep. He slowly gets up, praying you don't wake up. He softly places your dishes in the sink and turns off the tv. He goes to the bedroom to get the bed ready and goes back to softly pick you up. You mutter something but the only thing on Jin's mind is taking care of you. He knows how much you love him and how patient you are, especially during heavy scheduling. He loves you just as much as his career.
He tucks you in bed and strokes your cheek, marveling at you beauty and soft sighs. Once he's done with his shower, he comes back to bed and lays under the covers beside you. When you feel the sunken pressure of the bed, you scoot you body and lays head on his shoulder. Jin shuts his eyes tight trying not to laugh at his cute S.O.. "Goodnight love" he whispers to you as he wraps one of the arms around his torso. "'night looove" you sigh in a sing-song manner.
He smiles.
Kim Namjoon
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"One shot! Two shots!!" Taehyung and Jungkook chants at you and Jimin as you two toss back shots of soju. The rest of the boys cheer you two on as the once chill dinner party turns into an all out turn up before anyone even realized it. It likely happened after your bf Namjoon said he was shock at first at how much you can hold your own at a bar causing Jimin to get competitive and the rest of the maknaes instigating. But Joon didn't mind. He was sitting across the room with Hoseok enjoying he show.
"Wooow! Y/n is awesome" taehyung said in disbelief. "She practically and of us" Yoongi yells from god-knows where. "Ahhhh that shot was spicy" you complain sticking your tongue out trying to cool your mouth as Jimin falls down laughing. You feel a large hand on you shoulder causing you to look up. It's Joon with a glass of water ready for you like he was waiting to rescue you. And you react as if he was your superman.
"MY HERO!" You clasp the glass with both hands as you look up adoringly at your tall and beautiful bf. The sweet but glassy look in your eyes flustered him. Causing everyone to taunt you both like a bunch of middle schoolers, especially Jin and Hoseok. Joon pulls out your chair so you can rest and hydrate then pulls out the next chair for himself.
As the night goes on everyone is playing a board game. The game goes on too long for everyone's liking and decides to let you be the tie breaker between Hoseok and Joon. Tipsy you say they should do aegyo with ot5 agreeing with too loudly that Namseok couldn't protest. First Hoseok did his signature cute noises and faces but everyone groaned except you laughing. Next is Joon, who hesitated but made a smirk face, displaying his dimples and sultry smize. Without hesitation you lean in and kiss him on the lips causing everyone to groan again.
"Did I win?" Namjoon asks excitedly.
"No, Hobi wins" you say matter of factly.
Everyone cheers but you and Joon. "Why didn't I win?" He ask sadly. Grabbing his shoulders to pull in closer to you. "I said cute not sexy" you wink at him. Causing him to get flustered again.
Min Yoongi
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After coming home to your shared apartment after a nice dinner with all the boys, Yoongi drives you both home to the hum of the soft radio. Eyes closed, you try to listen to the radio but your head is spinning. Because of the silence, Yoongi thinks you are asleep but in reality you are festering. And you stay like that till you feel the car pull up to the drive away. Shocked that you are awake enough to hop out the car by yourself. He follow you to place his hand on the small of your back to keep you balanced but you don't react.
The silence was left unnoticed by your boyfriend because your both pretty quiet at this hour but he definitely felt a bit a tension. You head in opposite directions as he goes to the kitchen for water and you start undressing on the way to the master bedroom. He makes his way to the bedroom, placing a glass of water on your bedside dresser, and search for comfortable pajamas. You finally walk out of the bathroom wearing a tank top and pyjama pants. Yoongi watches you as you sit on the bed like a pretzel while you fiddle with you nails.
"What?" Yoongi ask frankly.
"What." You respond.
Your boyfriend finishes knotting the drawstring of his pants then walks up to you.
"Did you enjoy the dinner?" He tries to get you to talk.
"Yes... Did you?" You don't look at him.
Ready to give and go to bed, he responds. "Yeah, the steak was good and the guys were cheery as usual." He sits on the bed gearing to lay down. " I bet you have fun. Knowing Kookie was there..." You say under your breath. Yoongi sat up, looking at you puzzled, "what are you-". You cut him off, finally looking at him with red eyes. "You like him better than me Yoong, I already know! Jungkook told me"
He sits there even more confused. "You let him get away with bothering you but when I do it, I'm a brat!"
"You are a brat" he chuckles at you making you huff and pout. He sees that you're still tipsy so he's finding your scene cute and he tells you so. "You're cute y'kno that right?" He grabs your hand and gently pulls you on him. Still pouting, he reaches up to caress you cheek as you hold onto his hand, "I'm cuter than Jungkook, right?" you as him. The position you're in and the look on your face causes Yoongi to blush.
"You're way cuter than him now. But when when he was younger-" you stop him with a kiss. "I'm kidding *kiss* You're *kiss* the cutest *kiss*." You giggle and carry on you night together.
Jung Hoseok
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After a strenuous comeback season, you finally get to spend quality time with you boyfriend and you both were excited about it. Your relationship was fairly young still. Introduced by neutral friends, you both hit it off almost instantly. After you two were paired to sing a duet together during karaoke night with friends, you both quietly agreed to sing as loud and as off-key and possible and put on a show for everyone. The end of that night, he asked if you wanted to go out again and 5 months later you two are cuddling on the couch enjoying your time.
With a table full of half drunking booze and discarded snacks, you two layed there in pyjamas and comfy clothes, surfing Hulu for a good show to no prevail. "Y/n-" he tries to ask you something but you already have an answer, "there's nothing on Hobi". He puts the remote down in defeat. You reach out to grab your beer, waiting for some type of activity to be proposed.
"Alexa, my Hot Mix" you hear the chime go on and off
"Playing your Hot Mix playlist" it responds
Suddenly you hear your boyfriend's energizer music play as he gets up. You watch as he starts dancing in front of you. Smiling ear to ear, he looks like he's having the time of his life. "Get up and dance." He calls you up to join but you sit there watching him for a bit. "You said you were bored so come dance with me baby." He grabs your hands and leads you up with him. You slowly dance with him unconfidently. Hoseok notices your stiffness and changes the playlist.
"Alexa, play Extra Hot Mix" it chimes on and off.
"Playing Extra Hot Mix playlist."
The music changes to from high energy to slow and sexy. Hoseok puts your arms around his neck loosely then his places his hands on your hips. He guide you to dance to the slow pace of the song as you both look into each other's eyes.
"Better?", he ask with a smile.
"Much better" you respond happily.
Park Jimin
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The atmosphere of the club is just as intoxicating as the drinks they served. Your friends egging you on with shots sounded like a good idea till half pass 12, when you were clinging onto your designated drived/boyfriend: Park Jimin.
He didn't like you drinking but he's just glad to be there to watch over you but promised he wouldn't overbearing. He sat at your booth and watched as your friends and you danced and drink for a few hours. He made sure no perv would bother any of you. That was his promise to some of your girl's boyfriends, and he took that job very seriously. He was always nervous when you'd leave to your favorite club with your friends, for obvious reasons, so he wasn't going to give up this chance tonight.
"JIMIN..", he finally hears you over the booming bass and spots you signaling over to him. He maneuvers through the crowed to get to your group. As soon as he's close enough to you, you snatch his hands to put them on your hips. Before he can process it, you are backed up on him, gyrating on him in a circular motion, sloppy. He rapped his arms around you and buried his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your warm perfume. Suddenly, he's carrying your weight as you've reach your drunken capacity.
"Baby are you okay?" There was a pause after his question. With a sluggish giggle you responded, "...of course, love.." But he know you were done.
You close your eyes and when you opened them you were in the front seat of Jimin's car. You could hear you friends laugh and chatter but you're too tired to look back to them. As you adjust your self on the seat, you looked at your boyfriend. He was stone faced, eyebrows sticked seriousness. You closed your eyes.
You grumbled as your feet is lifted from the ground but you're still in and out. You come back after feeling a soft surface underneath you causing you to moan softly. You try to open your eyes but the room is too bright. You feel a familiar hand cup your cheek, you practically purred, head still spinning.
"Are you ok?", you hear his soft song-bird voice question you and you respond with a nod and giggle.
"Do you want me to clean you up?"
"Yes please", you opened your eyes to smiled at him.
He leaves your side for a few moments then you feel weight on the bed again. You feel a slight tug at both of your eyelids as he took off your lashes first. Then you feel a cold, damp cloth on your left side then right side, then lips. Finally you smell your cocao butter lotion making you giggle again. Expecting it to be cold but it wasn't. His warm hands gently rubbed the moisturizer on your face and neck. "Thank you Chimmie" you said sweetly causing him to smile and kiss your lips.
Kim Taehyung
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Small-hand in large-hand as you both walk down the street surrounded by night life. Friday night was always so crowed but the congested streets caused you to cling to your boyfriend of 3 months. But neither of you complained about the skinship. Sheepish smiles painted both your faces. You stumbled awkwardly on your wedges. You try to walk upright without him noticing your tipsy fumble. "Y/n? Are you ok?", he stops and pulls you to the side to look into your eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine. I- I must still be a bit tipsy."
You start trudging without him, trying to walking off the embarrassment but he easily catches up with you. Dating is still new to you both so you are easily flustered. Walking side by side but no longer holding hands, you two walk about half a block till something catches his attention. "Oh!", he exclaimed causing you to look up at him. He takes your hand cooing at you with a boxy smile, "let's stop by the mini market." You follow him without protest to the florescent, quiet market with calming muzak. You both nod at the welcoming workers but he let's go of your hand again and walks off.
Left alone, you walk around looking at the different brands of bubble gum on one part of the rack and oddly placed constipation pills on the other half. This makes you chuckle goofily till you hear Taehyung's low voice call you. "What kind of snacks do you want?", he waits for your response.
"Umm, bbq chips.", you say still cheesing.
"Any other snacks?", you hear his voice in the aisle behind you.
"Surprise me..", you walk down to see him but when you hit the corner, his gone. You stop at your tracks wondering where he went. Suddenly you hear the him say "just this" followed by beeps and the cashier asking cash or card. You proceed to walk down the aisle and hearing the cashier as if he needed a bag to his response, he ask for one. Finally you're through and you see him. Bag of snacks in hand, smiling thank you at the worker. Then he looks to you. When you two make eye contact, he walks over to you, one hand out asking for yours and you obliged. Smiling sheepishly.
"I bought us snack.", he grins cutely.
You brought up his hand to place it on your lips and plant a sweet kiss "Thank you."
Jeon Jungkook
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"Kookie Kookie Junggukkie" you call him to the living room.
Walking out of bathroom, he wondered what you needed from him so urgently, "Y E S, my drunken sailor. What can I do ya for?" He slaps his cheeks, trying to sober himself up. Once he steps through the hallway, he see what shenanigans are in store.
"Where and when did you get THOSE?", he is puzzled to see you with green and red lightsaber in both hands. He walks closer to his zany girlfriend but you stop him by pointing your plastic sword at him. "While you were in the bathroom, I was studying the blade." It takes him time to process everything then responds with a laugh, "that's not a satisfying answer babe." No less, you hand him a sword, steps away, then challenge him. He takes a dramatic pose and you match his drama. "Fine, but I won't go easy on you cuz I like you."
You both lunge at each other. Shouting and making your own special effect noises. No score keeping, no rules, just dumb laughs and good times. "You think you can win against me?", he laughs at you. He taps you on the side first, then the leg on one side then the other. You're unstable from the drinks and the horseplay. You fall to the ground theatrically after the last blow. Still holding on to your sword, you lowered your head whilst Jungkook laughs in a cocky manner. "I warned you, Sailor. I wouldn't go easy", he brushes his hair off his sweaty forehead, closing his eyes.
You respond softly, "yea... well I won't either.." You slice the plastic sword against his right thigh, making him fall. Then you take out his sword wielding arm. He cries in anguish. Now your above him and he's looking up at you. You put the cold fake sword to his shoulder, "I started and finished this fight". You've defeated him.
He looks up at you adoringly as you look down in triumph.
"You complete me."
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