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rowenavood · 1 year ago
Nieprawda, że czas leczy rany i zaciera ślady. Może tylko łagodzi przykrywając wszystko osadem kolejnych przeżyć i zdarzeń. Ale to, co kiedyś bolało, w każdej chwili jest gotowe przebić się na wierzch i dopaść. Nie trzeba wiele, żeby przywołać dawne strachy i zmory. Gdyby nawet trwały w ukryciu, zepchnięte na samo dno, to przecież gniją gdzieś tam, na spodzie, i zatruwają duszę, zawsze pozostawiając jakiś ślad - w twarzy, w ruchach, w spojrzeniu - tworzą bariery psychiczne, kompleksy. Nie pomoże wódka, nie pomoże szarpanie się w skrajnościach, od usprawiedliwiania do potępiania. - Lucjan Nowakowski, Mummi
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maie-ashraf1d · 2 years ago
Because one day, I would tear the world apart with my bare hands and force it to pay for what it had taken from me.
Twisted love by Ana Huang
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kayuwerott · 7 months ago
New Book @Amazon (German)
Der Fall-Demokratie
Dieses Buch nimmt Sie mit auf eine Reise durch die deutsche Geschichte, beginnend im Jahr 1933, dem Jahr, in dem die dunkle Zeit des Nationalsozialismus begann. Es folgt die Gründung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1949, die Wiedervereinigung 1989 und endet im aktuellen Jetzt.
Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland wurde 1949 gegründet, was ihre Demokratie zu einer vergleichsweise jungen macht. Vor ihrer Gründung wurde Deutschland entweder von Monarchen oder Diktatoren regiert, was die demokratischen Institutionen und Traditionen des Landes stark prägte. Die Herausforderungen, die sich aus dieser relativ jungen Demokratie ergeben, sind vielfältig und bedeutsam.
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sgcruz21-blog · 1 year ago
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forewordreviewsmag · 2 years ago
This weeks Book of the Day Roundup has everything you need to read! Breathtaking illustrations, an unusual Christmas tale (yes, even in March), whistle-blowing, and traumatic childhood memories.
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jimenaencadena · 2 years ago
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.@goodreads #bookoftheweek Annie Ernaux. Los armarios vacíos. Editorial Cabaret Voltaire.
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bookreadingworm · 2 months ago
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When I say I am appalled, I mean truly I am so horrified.
The novel as a whole isn't scary, or guy-wrenching. It's the ending that really just throws you for a loop.
This isn't one of those books that just tells a story for shock value. It definitely has deeper meaning and a greater message to share. The main theme of the book is control. How much we crave it and try to exercise control in all that we do, even to a point where we begin to lose our humanity and become things we don't even recognize.
If you aren't squeamish or easily disgusted, then I highly recommend this book. It's a quick read but I suggest you take your time with it and really try to understand the message it leaves behind.
#booksbooksbooks #horrorbooks #bookstagram #augustinabazterrica #bookoftheweek
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tdnada · 2 years ago
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The Eyes of The Dragon by Stephen King. Okay fine, I kinda sorta maybe spiraled back into the madness that is all things Dark Tower connected. I’ve had the book on my shelf for a long time and being a handful of pages into it, I’m absolutely enjoying it. A fairytale with the essence of King.
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compass-strategies · 3 years ago
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I have read Wilson Hurley’s newest work “Compassion’s Compass” cover to cover several times since it first fell in my hands, and it has quickly become an invaluable addition to my library. Hurley has managed to blend his secular knowledge and experiences skillfully and seamlessly as a professor and social worker with his knowledge and experience of Tibetan Buddhist practices of training the mind. At first, I saw this as a wonderful workbook and tool for anyone working in the mental health, social justice, and educational fields. But, as I continued to review, I realized it is a must have for anyone and everyone dealing with people going through difficult situations. Hurley has provided us with clear, concise, straightforward strategies and solutions that we can use daily to help us develop our basic human kindness, love and empathy not just towards others but towards ourselves as well. -Jessica Pimentel, Actress/musician
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global-book-writers · 3 years ago
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If you already have a masterpiece ready to be published and shared with the world, Global Book Writers are here to do the rest for you.
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maie-ashraf1d · 2 years ago
Something inside me broke, and I was no longer only crying for my shattered heart but for the girl I used to be — the one who'd believed in light and love and the goodness of the world. That girl was gone.
Twisted love by Ana Huang
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kayuwerott · 9 months ago
New Book @Amazon (German) Der Fall-Demokratie
Dieses Buch nimmt Sie mit auf eine Reise durch die deutsche Geschichte, beginnend im Jahr 1933, dem Jahr, in dem die dunkle Zeit des Nationalsozialismus begann. Es folgt die Gründung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1949, die Wiedervereinigung 1989 und endet im aktuellen Jetzt.
Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland wurde 1949 gegründet, was ihre Demokratie zu einer vergleichsweise jungen macht. Vor ihrer Gründung wurde Deutschland entweder von Monarchen oder Diktatoren regiert, was die demokratischen Institutionen und Traditionen des Landes stark prägte. Die Herausforderungen, die sich aus dieser relativ jungen Demokratie ergeben, sind vielfältig und bedeutsam.
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sgcruz21-blog · 1 year ago
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(via Book of the week: 'A Peek into a Rabbit Hole, Part 1' by Natasa Blisk)
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nealshustermanreal · 3 years ago
In THIEF OF SOULS, Winston has the power of growth. Figuratively, he can make people grow as human beings into being more enlightened. Literally, things around him, like plants begin to grow out of control whenever he’s around. I think Winston could have created this amazing flower garden in Dubai, don’t you?
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jimenaencadena · 2 years ago
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.@goodreads #bookoftheweek Blumenberg. Naufragio con espectador.
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tamara-catherines-words · 3 years ago
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