#book vending machine
without-ado · 3 months
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a book vending machine (x)
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randomberlinchick · 1 year
The installation of the machine, by Southwest-based vending machine company Graddon Vending, recalls the creation of the paperback by Penguin founder Allen Lane.
While on his way to London in 1934, after a visit to Agatha Christie, Lane stopped at the station book stall at Exeter St Davids and assessed the books on sale – magazines and reprints of Victorian novels – as being of poor quality and overpriced.
Deciding that people needed good books at a price everyone could afford, within a year he had founded Penguin Books.
Pretty fucking cool . . .
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macrolit · 1 year
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Anybody got a quarter?
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cervideity · 21 days
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The Enemy was published 15 years ago today! Wow! You should go and read it! Check out this scene for yourself! Nothing goes wrong!
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officialkendallroy · 5 months
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from today <3
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sodrippy · 22 days
applying for retail jobs after attempting a Career in smth else is so pathetic. hi i have no relevant skills for this position and youll have to train me up like im a baby but can i have this job anyway? please? the jobs i trained for and have experience in dont want me. please dont let that factor in to whether you want me. please. ill be so good.
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solvicrafts · 1 year
I have a lot of Jarlaxle feelings
spoilers under the cut for Lolth's Warrior
So this post isn't going to ONLY be about LW, it's also about just the whole series entirely, but man oh man these are some fresh wounds that need healing.
Something that really, really gets me about Jarlaxle is that there is a deep undercurrent of self-loathing that he makes a point of hiding in favor of playing up his hedonistic qualities and/or hyper-fixating on trying to make everyone else's lives better.
He puts on this act of the carefree dashing rogue and even to this day, among some of his closest friends, he still manages to mostly fool everyone. It really pains me that Drizzt was really the only person offering Jarlaxle the support he needed when he was losing Kimmuriel. Obviously Dab'nay herself was traumatized (and who tf can even blame her?!), so she gets a pass, but the only real acknowledgement of Jarlaxle's loss after the fact is from Quenthel, and she's merely stating a fact and not offering anything on an emotional level (which I also can't blame her for, given their very immediate circumstances)
Other than Drizzt and Quenthel, nobody acknowledged the weight of Jarlaxle's loss or even that Kimmuriel is gone!
Jarlaxle spent the end of the book negotiating to save nearly 3,000 people, leading them to a better place, and making arrangements personally to help out people around him -- Dinin has rejoined Bregan D'aerthe and has even reconnected with Drizzt and Zaknafein, Zak is going back to Callidae with Jarlaxle's blessing to go settle down and have the life he always wanted (and Jarlaxle himself wants, but will never tell anyone), Drizzt and Catti are reunited, Ravel is working with Gromph, and hell Jarlaxle's even thinking about finding a place for Quenthel to settle down.
This man has lost so much and is watching everyone around him move on with their lives and a majority of them are ABLE to do that *because of him* and the sacrifices he (and Kimmuriel) made.
This SHOULD be a moment of triumph for Jarlaxle because
He saved thousands of his people from the Lolthites.
He got Dinin back! And he got to reintroduce him to his family and take him back into BD!
He got Braelin back, and he gets to see Braelin and Azleah be happy and in love!
He managed to accomplish things he NEVER would have thought possible a few centuries or even one century ago. And yet it all rings hollow because he lost his other half.
And no one cares enough about HIS feelings to check in with him. Everybody's just moving on. And sure, I know part of this is because there are some time jumps and Bob had to wrap the book up, but I also know that if there were significant exchanges between these characters, something would have been included.
It just makes me incredibly SAD because the thing is, Jarlaxle spends nearly all of his time and energy on trying to make other people happy, and this isn't some sudden new characterization for him.
Because on some level Jarlaxle has always been intensely preoccupied with trying to create a better world for people around him, he just wasn't always in an environment where he could be so open about that, and it's especially evident that he closed himself off emotionally all the more after losing Zaknafein.
And if you thought *that* wasn't heartbreaking enough, just consider how frequently he puts the people around him up on a pedestal.
He increasingly references Drizzt, for example, as being his major inspiration and outright blames him damn near every time he does something good or nice for someone, like he doesn't really believe that HE, HIMSELF has those noble traits. No no no, they all come from Drizzt.
Except that they DON'T, because Jarlaxle has always had a very generous heart, he just was not always in a position where he could live by it.
Jarlaxle knows that he's sexy, he knows that he's smart, he knows that he's resourceful and all that.
But does he know how amazing he is as a person? Does he truly know what he brings to the table on his own merits? Does anyone ever bother to TELL him these things, other than Kimmuriel and (rarely) Drizzt?
It's genuinely soul-crushing. This man gives and gives and gives, and I know he has people who like him and even love him, but they don't communicate that and they don't prioritize communicating it. And they certainly don't prioritize his needs.
I hope that changes in future books (if there are any; Bob isn't currently under contract to write more, per his AMA, but that could change) because the man seriously needs and deserves it.
If Kimmuriel can still show him support from beyond the grave, what's everybody else's excuse?
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what are the odds there are one of these vending machines at Tidmouth Station but 4 out of 5 rows are just Railway Series books 😅😅😅
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iwatcheditbegin · 1 year
What’s a misheard lyric that you refuse to believe is incorrect?
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avaantares · 1 year
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@DMC book club: AU where Dante couldn't make enough money hunting so he invested in a food vending machine and named it after his two favorite things
(but LBR, he'd never stay in business because he'd eat all the merchandise)
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Okay okay question.
What is the Absolute WORST public building a borrower could live in and why?
Also the reverse, what is the Absolute BEST public building a borrower could live in and why?
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sage-green-kitchen · 5 months
I am going to eat a donut from the vending machine and read that book I’m unsure about.
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isdalinarhot · 1 year
when i read elantris i was going to school full time still. but i was commuting so i didnt have a meal plan. but i had an 8:30 am class and a 2:30 pm class (and on mondays a 6:30 pm class that went until 8:30 pm. pro tip to college students that follow me: don't do this) so i was at school through lunch. but at that time i was going to be moving out of my parents' house in like, a month, so i was saving up money to buy, like, ikea furniture and shit, so i couldn't just go out to eat five days a week. all this is to say, i was not eating lunch most days during that period of my life. so when raoden was like oh my god im so hungry it hurts oh my god im suffering oh my god i would do anything for food please please please i was like *ate breakfast 8 hours ago and will not get to eat for another 3 hours voice* ME TOO MAN. immersive experience
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drfrogphd · 7 months
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Still working on these! I think I'm going with purple and blue versions for the new A6 blank notebooks 🤔 [wip]
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d1gnan · 7 months
i didnt realize i had anonymous messages turned off so now yall have the option to say both mean and nice stuff if u want to
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owilder · 1 year
A man just got killed by a levitating Coke machine.
An adult wrote this.
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