#book seen in a movie
bookwatching · 9 months
Call me by your name - every book spotted in the movie
Chiamami col tuo nome (2017), Luca Guadagnino
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Dragon Seed, Pearl S. Buck
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The Cosmic Fragments, Eraclito
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Unidentified book - if you know what book it is, write me in DM!
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Diabolik (comic by Angela and Luciana Giussani)
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Eptameron, Margherita d'Angoulême
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Parole, Antonia Pozzi
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Armance, Stendhal
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Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad
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bioluminesced · 1 year
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sunset over minas tirith
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yekokataa · 1 month
if you liked disco elysium, you'll also like...
these books:
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the southern reach series by jeff vandermeer (2014 for these three books, with a new book coming this fall)
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perdido street station by china miéville, the memoirs of stockholm sven by nathaniel ian miller
these games:
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the thaumaturge (2024) (yeah, that's rasputin)
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NORCO (2022) (underrated point and click narrative game in a near-future new orleans)
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kentucky route zero (2013) (it's so fucking good)
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pentiment (2022)
these shows:
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true detective season 1 (2014) and also season 4 (2024)
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the leftovers (2014-2017)
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dark (2017-2020) (german show - netflix will try to default to the dubbed version but don't let it!)
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poisonandpages · 1 month
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I need to know who rewrote the story so instead of A Death In The Family, Jason and Bruce just had a tiff about being a couch potato.
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iveneverreadtheiliad · 9 months
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could not have asked for a better Dionysus. he is PERFECT.
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emilynightshade89 · 6 months
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Poor Things (2023) dir. Yorgos Lanthimos
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oddishblossom · 8 months
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JANE EYRE (2011) Directed by Cary Joji Fukunaga
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reallybadblackoutpoems · 10 months
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the chemistry and technology of edible oils and fats and their high fat products (1989) - g. hoffmann
"mole interest"
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misanderousmisfit · 4 months
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bookwatching · 6 months
Saltburn (2023), Emerald Fennel
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❓️Unidentified book
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📖 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows
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Everyone reads it expect for Oliver...
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5-pp-man · 3 months
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no you don't get it. i literally love stories where they dive into people's hearts/minds (literally or figuratively) sm it's my favourite type of storytelling.
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yrsonpurpose · 11 months
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RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE (2023) I fell in love with a person who happens to be a man, and that man happens to be a Prince. He has captured my heart and made my life immeasurably better.
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wizzard890 · 7 months
I'm very sick so I of course watched this movie about the french revolution:
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I didn't expect much, it's a mostly-forgotten movie from 1949. How wrong I was. I was shaken to my core. Is it good? Oh God no. But it. Has. Everything.
A goth Robespierre who works icily on his letters while a guy is getting thumbscrewed two feet from his desk.
Lafayette hiding out in a windmill in the middle of the countryside in full dress uniform, in 1794, presumably so we the audience would believe him when he said he was a general.
A protagonist who seems to have been beamed in from an entirely different movie, who trades film noir barbs with The Woman Who Walked Out On Him Ten Years Ago only they're both wearing wigs.
A Thermidor night cameo from Napoleon, who is shot from behind with the same reverence as Christ in Ben-Hur.
Fouche telling Robespierre that he can't put a law in front of the Assembly that makes him special all time ultra dictator and Robespierre sits back on a big fancy chair with his hands on the arms like a demon and says "but I want to. :)"
A special aside where a nightmarishly butch Saint-Just makes sure we the audience know that Robespierre Isn't Into Women but that he, Saint-Just, crushes puss 24/7.
Thermidor but it's this:
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and honestly I can't think of a more worthy 90 minutes of your life.
Oh also the actual meat of the plot is that Robespierre's Death Note has gone missing. His dog helps them find it.
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imjustmarcy · 3 months
Begging on my knees for more fans to write more dadbastian content now that the anime is back 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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nadiajustbe · 1 month
Fan fact: Howl's Moving Castle book is an official part of the Ukrainian school curriculum of foreign literature! We study it in the seventh grade (from 11 or 12, depending on the year you started school), in the section of modern literature, with excerpts from the novel.
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We were recommended to read the full text, so that's what I did, at the age about 13, still probably my fav school reads of all time. So say thanks to Ukrainian curriculum, it probably had made a bunch of HMC fans!
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mlobsters · 9 months
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practical magic (1998)
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