#book club dolls
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caramujitos · 6 months ago
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halfbaked00q · 1 month ago
if u want to go insane a little bit, then read Alexitcric [sic] (fic summary: "I can't keep kissing strangers and pretending they're you...")
if you rly want to go insane, then read So Lately, I'm Wondering Who Will Be There To Take My Place? (fic summary: The thing was, he used to love this, before.) after for a diptych to really make your brain go brrrrrrr
bonus / "You may also like":
a thing of blood
the ballad of you (and your brain)
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bobbole · 4 months ago
Playing with dolls: the Corinthian and "this dream people call Human Life" - part I
Written for The Sandman Book Club
Since at The Sandman Book Club we are re-reading The Doll's House, and since the first chapter of this story marks the entry of the Corinthian, I would like to dwell on some of the distinctive traits of this character, how he is the embodiment of one of the great symbols of American and Western pop mythology (the serial killer) and how the netflix adaptation, while excellent, has completely deprived him of precisely those elements that made him so distinctive, while enhancing other important aspects.
Murderer vs. Killer, or when killing is a "work of art"
In The Dreaming, the spin-off series immediately following the canonical Sandman, there is a panel that I think is emblematic in defining what the Corinthian is, even before his being nightmare, black mirror, etc
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Judging Cain like he's on Dancing with the Stars
There is a passage in which the Corinthian states that Cain is definitely a murderer, but not a very good killer. This because the word murderer here is linked to a primordial concept of homicide. Yes, Cain is the first murderer, but his act is something instinctual, part of his nature. Cain kills because he cannot do anything else and murder for him is an inevitable act, demonstrating his being part of a story from whose narrative he does not escape.
For the Corinthian, on the other hand, killing theoretically is not in his nature: he is after all a nightmare, which must terrify, unsettle, reflect the deepest fears and secrets of the human subconscious. A means to an end, not the end itself. For the Corinthian, killing is a deliberate act by which he tries to carve out a space of his own within a predetermined story.
The serial killer is a planner: in the Corinthian mind, an artist too. Even the fact that he appears on the scene not already in his nightmare function but primarily in that of being ready to kill a young man leaves no doubt about it: the Corinthian, in the way he perceives himself, is first and foremost a serial killer/artist.
This is not Vogue: comics vs show
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In the netflix Sandman, episode one, the Corinthian has sensed that Dream is free. He wipes off the blood from his eyes and stands up, sensually stroking the head of his...victim? It would be better to say a model without eyes. Death here is not horror: there is something glamorous about this scene that irritates me deeply, not least because we are watching it from a spectator's pov, comfortable in our chairs. We are in a hotel room but the space is open, and the screen of the devices from which we are watching the episode gives us
1) an escape route
2) a way to dilute the horror of the scene (there is always hope if there is an escape route)
This Corinthian is elegant and sensual. He could disturbs us, if he wants, but definitely he's not scary.
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Let's compare the netflix scene with the comic. First, fundamental change: the reader's pov, which coincides exactly with that of the Corinthian. We do not see the Corinthian in the panels, and we will not see him until after a long time. We look at the scene through his eyes, we read the words through his voice. From this perspective, it's as if behind the glasses, together with him, we were there, an active part of this crime.
Paradoxically, this scene should be less scary than the one in the TV show. There is no blood and the boy still has his eyes. But we perceive his terror, we see him tied up and helpless like a doll. We see his pimply face making ugly grimaces of fear (in the netflix episode the victim's face is perfect). There is no hope for this boy and while he begs for mercy in vain we brandish, together with the Corinthian, the knife that will kill him. There is no sensuality, there is no seduction, there is no sex here (better, sex and death are the same thing but I will return to the relationship between death and sexuality in the second part of this little essay). We are in a room with no escape, the scene in front of us is dirty, not at all glamorous, in which we readers are actively participating. This Corinthian is fucking scary.
The waking world: a big doll's house to play in
This title takes on a different meaning depending on the various characters involved in this Sandman story. From my point of view, I believe that the characters who most of all are linked to the concept of a doll's house are Unity and the Corinthian.
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Unity appears near an old doll house, and her clothes are also similar to those of an old doll
Unity was literally a doll for most of her life: her condition was caused by an external event and external people decided about her life, including her motherhood.
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The Corinthian doll and the surrealist doll of Hans Bellmer: both obscene and disturbing toys
The Corinthian, on the other hand, is a sort of doll maker and the dolls are the human beings he kills and whose physiognomy he transforms with his knife.
This last thing is perhaps one of the elements that most differentiates the netflix Corinthian from the one in the comic. The Boyd Corinthian is almost a romantic character, a bohémien eager to savor human life in every sense, moved by contrasts and ambiguities that make him decidedly more similar to the Second Corinthian of the comic than to the First. He looks at humanity with a curiosity that is sometimes almost paternalistic: ruthless, but not cruel. He embodies a type of socially well-integrated serial killer, the "unsuspected type", who knows how to contain his impulses when necessary. Most important, with him sex is not always synonymous with death.
The Corinthian of comics, on contrary, never escapes this binomial: in him, sex and death are always intrinsically linked because they are the same thing. He is always cruel and brutal, seeing humans as meat to be cut. Humanity is nothing but fresh clay in his artist's hands: shaped dolls to play with in his new dark stories.
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book--brackets · 4 months ago
Summaries under the cut
Tales from the Wyrd Museum by Robin Jarvis
In a grimy alley in the East End of London stands the Wyrd Museum, cared for by the stranger Webster sisters -- and scene of even stranger events. Wandering through the museum, Neil Chapman, son of the new caretaker, discovers it is a sinister place crammed with secrets both dark and deadly. Forced to journey back to the past, he finds himself pitted against an ancient and terrifying evil, something which is growing stronger as it feeds on the destruction around it.
Cobble Street Cousins by Cynthia Voigt
Meet the Cobble Street Cousins!
Lily, who wants to be a poet Tess, who wants to be a Broadway star Rosie, who wants a little cottage with flowers by the door
Right now, though, the cousins are sharing an attic bedroom in their Aunt Lucy?s light blue house on Cobble Street, and happily making plans for the summer. A cookie company seems the perfect way to make a little money, but it turns out to be much more -- an opportunity to meet some very special neighbors!
The Tiara Club by Vivian French and Sarah Gibb
On the first day at the Princess Academy, everything goes wrong. The girls' ball gowns are ruined. What will Princess Charlotte and her friends do without their beautiful gowns?
Help I'm Trapped... by Todd Strasser
Jake Sherman used to be your average, ordinary twelve year old, until he became a completely different person. Tall, skinny, balding, nerdy. . .OH NO! Jake's turned into his weirdo teacher, Mr. Dirksen!
It's bad enough that Jake's an adult now, but a teacher? The geekiest, most made-fun-of teacher in the whole school? Jake's sister Jessica is the only person who'll believe him--and even she's a little suspicious.
Jake and Jessica better find a way to get things back to normal fast--not only because Jake's going crazy, but also because dorky Mr. Dirksen is running around in Jake's body! The nightmare is only beginning!
The Incredible Worlds of Wally McDoogle by Bill Myers
Twelve-year-old Wally, a computer whiz who is a "walking disaster area," ends up in a competition with the bully of Camp Whacka-Whacka, and when they find themselves fighting for their lives, Wally realizes that even his worst enemy needs God.
Silly Verse for Kids by Spike Mulligan
Silly Verse for Kids - a hilarious collection of silly poems by Spike Milligan! A collection of the absurd, ridiculous, sublime and characteristically anarchic verse from the brilliant Spike Milligan. With his very own illustrations, this collection, which includes the famous On the Ning Nang Nong will make you laugh from the bottom of your belly - just like Spike did.
Minoan Wings by Wendy Orr
The little girl found under a bush has no name and cannot speak. Is she a miracle child who escaped the raiders, or is she a bad-luck child, the one who called the Bull King's ship to the island? No one sees the mama-stone around her neck, with the sign of the dragonfly. And only Luki, in training to leap the bulls, knows that she charmed the viper who would have killed him. When the girl turns twelve, she discovers her name - Aissa - and she knows that her one chance to live freely is to become a bull dancer, and be taken away to the island of the Bull King.
Candy Fairies by Helen Perelman
In Chocolate Dreams , Cocoa the Chocolate Fairy is blamed for the missing chocolate eggs—but really it’s the sour troll Mogu who stole them! Can Cocoa save the chocolate eggs and restore the balance of Sugar Valley?
Little Old Mrs. Pepperpot by Alf Proysen
Waking up one morning to find you've shrunk to the size of a tiny pepperpot isn't an ordinary, everyday event for most people - but then Mrs Pepperpot is a very extraordinary person! When she's around little things can turn into great big adventures - especially when they involve getting stuck in a draw full of macaroni. . .
The Doll Shop Downstairs by Yona Zeldis McDonough
Nine-year-old Anna and her sisters love to play with the dolls in their parents' doll repair shop. But when World War I begins, an embargo on German-made goods-including the parts Papa needs to repair the dolls-threatens to put the family's shop out of business. Fortunately, Anna has an idea that just might save the day.
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sweet-like-cinnamon-5 · 4 months ago
Sandman Audible Appreciation Post - The Doll's House
So I read this page and I said to myself- cool- Lucien is walking around the Dreaming and taking the census.
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But no!
Here is the Audible narration:
The palace of the lord of Dreams is no longer the ruin it was when he first returned from captivity, not that the sleeping Rose Walker is aware of its history. She dreams of elegant towers and walls studded with jewels and gems, covering not so much acres, as what seems like square miles. Lucien, reading from his ledger, walks up a driveway to a huge gateway, guarded, to Rose's alarm, by three huge mythological beasts: a wyvern, a hippogryph, and a griffin. They allow him to pass through the great outer doorway.
The palace of Dream contains many rooms. As befits a dream, and Rose's dream in particular, none of them appear to have any logical connection to each other. The hallway is lined with suits of armor. Lucien bustles through, lost in his calculations. In the next room, the suits of armor give way to storefront mannequins, unclothed, lining a huge swimming pool. The only way to walk across is by means of a long, unsteady plank. Lucien pays it little heed.
Each room presents new inconsistencies. Rose's dream seems almost random in its variety, yet Lucien is a constant factor, refusing to be distracted. The room through which subway trains pass is of no consequence to him either.
Lucien isn't walking around different parts of the Dreaming- he's walking through the palace, one long path taking him to Dream in the throne room, and as he walks from room to room, his surroundings are changing around him in that classic dream logic "I'm walking on a hallway oh now in the next room it's a swimming pool oh now in this room the wall has a face oh now it's a train track, huh ok that's cool" kind of way.
I just think that's so cool, and I literally didn't get that from just looking at the page. It wasn't until I heard the audiobook that I looked back at this page and I was like- ohhhh, panel 2 is the gatekeepers and the palace door, and then Lucien is walking through the palace. I needed the description to make that click for me. (I may just be dumb though lol)
Similarly, at the beginning, with the description of the Threshold of Desire:
The threshold is larger than you can easily imagine
perhaps a thousand feet high
Oh!! So like- the height of the Eiffel Tower? Ok yeah that's way way taller than i was picturing
And this is my appreciation post for reading the comic and listening to the Audible at the same time, because the combination in magic <3
Small Changes
Comic Miranda: "Free holidays in England don't grow on trees!" / Audible Miranda: "Free vacations in England don't grow on trees!"
When Unity first tells Miranda she's her mother:
Comic Miranda: "You're mad!" / Audible Miranda: "You're wrong!"
Two tiny tiny changes to make Miranda's dialogue more American, I am guessing ;)
Dream Line Readings
James McAvoy is relatively calm in this episode!
Morpheus only appears on 5 pages (and only 3 of them are speaking pages- the other 2 he is just hilariously lurking in the dollhouse), and James McAvoy is excellent, as always, but he doesn't do any yelling that sends me into hysterics this time around.
I would like to share this, possibly one of my most favorite pages of the entire comic:
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It is gorgeous
Look how good The Dreaming looks! Look at him rebuilding!
I just really really like to think of Dream being like- oh I hear Lucien about to come in, time to ✨strike a pose✨
I really like this issue overall. We meet Desire and Despair! We see a gallery and the sigils for the first time. We meet Rose and Miranda and learn how they're related to Unity! (Rose and Miranda are shocked to acquire a parent/grandparent- and little do they know that the reader has also just met their other parent/grandparent- but the reader doesn't know it yet either mwahaha!) We see The Dreaming in its renewed splendor, see Dream and Lucien going about their work, meet the Corinthian and hear about Brute/Glob/Fiddler's Green, learn about the concept of a dream vortex for the first time. We start to learn more about how the Endless relate to and interact with mortals, and with each other, and with the world around them. Good stuff is to come. In general I am a big fan of this arc.
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britneyshakespeare · 4 months ago
i love hearing old ladies share about their vintage fashion doll collections. like doll collectors on social media skew very young bc duh it's social media but there's something extremely comforting about pre-internet era collectors sharing their knowledge and history.
#my great aunt (b. 1946) is an og barbie collector. among like a million other reasons she's so much cooler than me#she's the aunt who's given me a bunch of her old poetry books#again bc she's so much cooler than me#text post#i love frothing at the bit about new fashion doll releases w the girls and the gays but it does feel very consumerist sometimes#i mean it IS. like most hobbies nowadays there's a very large consumerist element#and fashion dolls are like inherently more-consumerist-than-not. doesn't mean they can't be art#doesn't mean they can't be meaningful and significant and personal and all that blah blah blah#i don't feel the need to justify my interest in dolls anymore i really don't#bc a lot of us who are old and wise enough know and accept the faults in the nature of doll collecting for what it is.#but there's certainly something about vintage dolls that really doesn't just feel like A Pretty Thing#but it does feel like a way of preserving and honoring history#the sense of wonder i get from holding a child's play thing that is the same age as my parents is indescribable#rn im watching a youtube video w less than 5k views that's a recording of a zoom meeting presentation#made by some woman from a group of doll collector clubs seemingly most primarily targeted at like middle aged and older women#i just love shit like this. like the production quality is NOTHING but the research and passion and knowledge is THERE#like all the young ppl on dolltube cannot go toe to toe w this faceless nameless woman talking about her bild lillies#idk who you are lady but you are my queen and i worship your majesty
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cozy-compendium · 2 years ago
Current Read! 🍒🩷💊🎀🛍️
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So far, I’m loving this book! It’s a page-turner in an unexpected way, and manages to cover the misogyny of the time while being very relevant to today’s culture. I love the analogies Jacqueline Susann uses: for example, climbing Mount Everest being compared to the womens’ climb towards success. Once you reach the top there’s only one way to go: down.
-Velvet Rose 🌹
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ghoulish-skullects · 11 months ago
A new Monster High YA book is in the works by Tiffany Schmidt!
it is said to be cannon the the G1 world!
…tho is seems like so much is happening and many characters are in intense danger!?!
edit: the book is available for preorder on amazon!!
What do yall think?
The synopsis:
When a horrific loss throws Monster High into a state of grave upheaval, Draculaura and the other ghouls find themselves coping in different ways. Cleo and her family sense opportunity in the mayhem, grasping at control and leaving the rest of the ghouls' loyalties divided.
For her part, the chaos at school is making Draculaura sick. She feels more exhausted by the day, and she finds escape only by slipping away to the cemetery to pore over her mom's old journals. It's there that she meets Poe, a handsome human harboring some darkness of his own. Soon Draculaura finds herself caught in an impossible web of lies. If her ghoulfriends find out she's fallen for a normie, they'll freak. And if Poe discovers she's a vampire, his monster-hunting dad may have a stake in the matter.
Meanwhile, dangerous events have begun plaguing the halls of Monster High. The gargoyles stage a mutiny, and the water in the swimming pool boils while Lagoona is swimming laps. When the magical protections around the school borders falter and a group of normies stumble onto campus, Draculaura and the other ghouls know something needs to be done before Monster High becomes Monster Die.
But there's a secret about Draculaura that no one-not Poe, the other ghouls, or even she-was aware of until now: a secret tied to the school's very marrow. When Draculaura and Ghoulia uncover ancient texts that reveal the full implications of her identity, Draculaura is forced to make an impossible choice that will alter her identity forever.
Will her loyalties to Monster High determine all their fates? Or will Draculaura succumb to a dangerous passion that makes her feel more ... alive than she ever has?
credit to cleosnile for sourcing photos and the books blurb/summary/synopsis!
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neptunefairytales · 1 year ago
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POV: you are a 12yo girl and Winx Club season 1 just came out! … (Me, that girl was ME!!!)
Happy 20th anniversary to the Winx Club! Here is a little part of my vintage collection with stuff from back in the days!
(Personnal pic. Please reblog if you liked, do not use or repost. Thanks! NSFW AND KINK ACCOUNTS DO NOT INTERACT !!!)
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thesweetnessofspring · 7 months ago
There were several sets of ladies’ dresses in the piece, of sundry expensive materials; silks and satins, poplins and velvets, all of colours which from Bathsheba’s style of dress might have been judged to be her favourites. There were two muffs, sable and ermine. Above all there was a case of jewellery, containing four heavy gold bracelets and several lockets and rings, all of fine quality and manufacture. These things had been bought in Bath and other towns from time to time, and brought home by stealth. They were all carefully packed in paper, and each package was labelled “Bathsheba Boldwood,” a date being subjoined six years in advance in every instance.
Boldwood got his playbook for creepy old guy obsessing with a girl 20+ years his junior from this guy:
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typewritersandtidepools · 3 months ago
Oh Elllllll~ *Snowball to the back of the head!* Hehe.
Wha!- Oh, Nico...
It's on. *Packs some snow and throws it at him. BAM!*
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grave-yarn · 1 year ago
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Bacon and Egg Bookmarker!
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tickldpnk8 · 2 years ago
Sandman Reread Recap
Time to update this pinned post with all of the latest links. I’m currently rereading the entire series (slowly!) as I look for clues and foreshadowing I missed during my first marathon read through. You can follow along by following any of my tags below or by following #sandman book club. So without further ado:
The Doll's House
On the acting choices for Rose: In defense of Vanesu Sumanyai's acting decisions
Art comparisons:
Jed's Dream vs. Winsor McCay
Season of Mists
Prologue/Chapter 1: Dream's nature, The Fates have it in for Morpheus, importance of Hob and Daniel to Morpheus
Chapter 2: Lucifer/Morpheus parallels
Chapter 3: plot setup and hierarchy of pantheons
Chapter 4: what the heck is Death up to? nature of Hell
Chapter 5: World-building, how Dream's aspects are perceived
Chapter 6: Morpheus' powers, foreshadowing
Epilogue Part 1: the terrible burden of Morpheus taking on so many names and denying himself attributes of those names
Epilogue Part 2: what exactly is the nature of Morpheus' deal with the trickster?
Bonus: At Death's Door: sisterly fluff and a softer take on Despair
Bonus Meta: Endless' relationships as concepts: or what did Nada do to defy Kai'kul?
Art comparisons:
That Ceiling: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Dream's Castle vs Assyrian Lamassu
Destiny's Gallery vs Sir Joshua Reynolds
Destiny's Gallery vs Pinkie
Lords of Order vs Piet Mondrian
Dream's Study vs Koryusai
Dream's outfit vs Mucha (by @notallsandmen)
Distant Mirrors
Thermidor: Morpheus' deals, how human is Orpheus?
Thermidor: Literary reference
August: Dream's ravens, Greek gods, dreams and the Dreaming, A Day to Live
Three Septembers and a January: family dynamics, foreshadowing and another literary tie-in
Song of Orpheus
Song of Orpheus: Orpheus' nature, notes on grief, Endless family, intro of Destruction, Morpheus' relationships, foreshadowing
Winter's Edge
Flower's of Romance: Desire can rock any outfit (or art style), Del's wedding, gods come from the Dreaming
Death: A Winter's Tale: Nature of death/Death, death as a concept, the sibling relationship between Death and Morpheus
How They Met Themselves: Nature of Desire and how they relate to their twin and also Death, an art history lesson on the Pre-Raphaelites and a literary reference
Misc Metas
Hob and William Caxton: some background information on the earliest printshop on English soil
My art
Sketch of Gault/Ann Ogbomo
Medieval Manuscript Morpheus
Sandman Netflix Speculation
Sandman Season 2 Casting Masterlist
My Final Prediction for the Episode Breakdown
Morpheus' Family Dinner Costume Analysis
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fungi-maestro · 9 months ago
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My beautiful baby questionable purchases < 3
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babyskunkdoll · 1 year ago
I know I couldn't stand tktk but yeah I'm on there just to announce things! This video says: "I finally concluded the Sad Girls Club book!" It's a horror fiction story I wrote 10 years ago and I'm so proud I can finally put it out in a paperback version. It's in Italian, so I hope Italian readers will enjoy this story by now <3 I'll make an English version in the future. Meanwhile, you can read the first 3 chapters on Wattpad 🤍
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cockandballsnurture · 2 years ago
and i shopped at my local hobbit-esque bookstore
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