#momiji book club dolls
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caramujitos · 6 months ago
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some-cookie-crumbz · 5 years ago
KamiShin with either Baby prompt 27 or 33?
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You straight came for me with this one, Anon! I am a big, weak softie for writing ships being domestic and happy, so I decided to combine the two prompts into one!!! Also, there’s brief mentions to TodoDeku in this fic but they aren’t the focus!
“Little one snuggling with a stuffed animal.” and “Waking up to little one crying out in their sleep.”
Parenthood was, as far as Denki was concerned, a weird sort of balancing act. His mother hadn’t exactly been around much. She was there, sure, but she wasn’t really as involved with him or his sisters like she could have been. She never attended their club events or sports games. She didn’t really know much about their interests; their hobbies, their career goals, their hopes for their future social and romantic lives. When Denki had decided to attend UA, his father had been encouraging and supportive while his mother had seemed a bit surprised. “Most heroes are intelligent as well as powerful, though, aren’t they?” she has asked, the look of genuine confusion on her face seeming like a second slap in the face.
Denki knew he wasn’t the best when it came to book smarts. He’d always known that. But he still wanted to help people. Wasn’t that enough? Even with his meager grades he got accepted to his dream school. He made it through his schooling, made it into the big leagues with the other big dogs, and was able to help people like he always wanted. All the while his mother still seemed so damn stunned by all he could accomplish, but he had his father and his sisters. And then he had his husband, Hitoshi, who was supportive in his own weird little ways, and Tosh’s family.
But then came the decision to have a child of their own. He'd been thrilled about it in the earlier stages, but as the due date grew closer, uneasiness started to keep up. He found himself filled with anxiety over being a parent. What if he ended up being like his mother? What if the child felt unloved and underappreciated? As if sensing his insecurities one day, Hitoshi had leaned his head against Denki's shoulder and peeked up at him. "Hey," he drawled, "Papa Zashi told me something funny today."
"Oh yeah?"
"He said 'You'll know you're a good parent because your kids will turn out a little less messed up than you," he parrotted, putting just the slightest bit of enthusiasm into his voice for a better imitation. He was pretty sure that wasn't how his father-in-law had actually said it, but he appreciated the sentiment and it helped to reassure him. It reminded him that even if his own mother couldn't be relied on, he had a support system he could put his trust in. Plus, he had a wonderful husband to help, too.
And then, a few weeks later, Himeka was there in his arms and they settled into a comfortable routine over the year to follow. Within a few weeks she was already showing off her lite personality, constantly wanting to be held and cuddled and cooed at. She was a needy little thing but Denki kind of liked how affectionate she was. It was nice to come home and have her chubby little hands grabbing at him, eager for his attention and snuggles. He could take or leave her tendency to wake at all hours of the night, but he had anticipated that. She was also Shinsou Hitoshi's daughter, after all, so she had to inherit something other than her eyes from her Papa.
Which was why, on his day off, getting her to nap became a travesty.
He'd hoped that by going out for the afternoon, that'd help to wear her out a little bit. He took her to the mall for a bit with Todoroki and his two kids with Izuku. Satoshi, their son, was just a year older than Himeka while Momiji, their daughter, was just a few months off from her. It had been fun watching the two babies babble at each other excitedly while Shi tried to talk with he and Sho. It was pretty cute trying to parse out actual words in the toddlerese the little guy was dishing out. Todoroki would help fill in the blanks of the words Denki couldn’t make out which he chalked up to either being able to understand his own child or being used to deciphering cryptic tongues. He was, after all, married to Midoriya Izuku.
A part of him hoped it was just a parent-child connection, simply to make life easier for himself and Hitoshi once she started putting words together.
By the time they got back from the mall, she was passed out in her car seat. After sneaking her inside and into her crib, he took a second to bring in the few purchases they’d gotten at the mall, grabbed the baby monitor from the bedroom, and then settled on the couch to watch some tv. He dozed off not too long into some drama series that just happened to be one, desperate for the nap.
Less than thirty minutes later, he was jostled awake by an ear-piercing wail on the baby monitor.
In his surprise, he accidentally let off a small spark of electric discharge before fumbling for the baby monitor. Himeka was sitting up in her crib, blonde hair an absolute mess, and little eyes overflowing with tears. He took off towards her room and scooped her up once there. “Hey, hey. It’s okay, lil Hime,” he crooned softly, keeping her bundled up in her blanket and trying to gently rock her in his arms.
She slumped into him but kept crying, though it was muffled a bit by his shoulder and shirt. He rubbed her back and swayed with her a bit, trying to soothe her further. He got her down to quiet whimpers and whines, but the minute he’d try putting her back down, she’d start screaming again. He tried sitting in the rocking chair with her next, seeing if maybe he could get her to fall asleep and then easily transition her. That plan worked… Until he tripped on her toy piano and the clatter woke her back up.
It was another ten minutes after that rude awakening before he got her to stop crying. He tried offering her one of her little plush toys, but she shoved it away. “You don’t want Mister Sloth? But you love Mister Sloth!” he gasped quietly. Her response, sass master that she was already shaping up to, was to grab the stuffed animal’s arm and huck it to the floor. “Well, I guess that’s as kind a break up as any, huh?” he chuckled with a shake of his head. And then a thought occurred to him, making him gasp and carry her back out to the front room. He might have something that would help coerce her to fall asleep.
He headed down and over to the shopping bags, particularly tearing into a large cardboard box. Himeka perked up to watch as he pulled the prize out and squealing excitedly as it was handed over to her.
While at the mall, they’d stop by the Build-a-Bear store to see what they had. They were running a special promotion including some new, limited edition animal plushies based off of retired Pros. They had selected specifical animals, and even had tiny replicas made of each available Pros most recognizable outfit. A few of the stand outs in the collection were ones based off of All Might, Fat Gum, Midnight, Mirko, Eraserhead, Present Mic and Endeavor. They had all been transformed from the Pros they were known as to being a the furry forms of; a bunny, a bear, a mongoose, another bunny, a cat, an elephant and a hedgehog respectively. Denki had been unnerved by how Todoroki had outright laughed at the stuffed hedgehog replica of his own father.
But once they got in and started browsing, Himeka’s eyes had been drawn to one of the collection options immediately. And Denki could hear Toshi’s voice chiding him in the back of his mind how she already had enough stuffed animals and didn’t need another but how was he supposed to say no? Not when she hugged the little display model to herself, nearly dwarfed by the mere size of the toy compared to her, and looked so damn happy to be cuddling it? Besides, he could see Todoroki flagging down an employee to start stuffing at least three of the Bun Might skins for his kids and Izuku! It was only fair that he get something for Himeka, too, so she didn’t feel left out compared to her friends!
And, of course, he had to make sure to get both Emeowserhead and Elepresent Mic, because he was a good son-in-law like that.
He smiled as he settled back down on the couch, Himeka happily nuzzling away at her stuffed toy. “You really love that Papa Yama doll, don’t you?” he asked.
She peeked up at him, all shining lavender eyes, and squeezed the doll tighter to herself. A slightly muffled “Yeah~!” came from the little voice box in it being hit, which made her giggle. He smiled as she happily nuzzled down into both he and her toy, looking happy as a clam. Within just a few minutes her little eyelids were drooping and she was out like a light less than two after that. Denki quietly slid his phone out and took a selfie of them, dropping it into the little family group chat Hitoshi had been adamant about needing the closer they got to Himeka’s arrival.
He added the caption of “Bab has a new favorite nap time cuddle buddy! Yeah~!” with it before setting his phone aside and managing to get a full two hour nap. When he work up, it to was a myriad of notifications from the group chat, Twitter, Facebook and various news outlets after Mic made the image his profile pic on everything.
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