#boohoo cracker
sapybara · 1 year
Sapnap 🤝 Dream
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damnednyx · 2 years
If you really think about it, Boohoo Cracker is like the Boo You Whore of our fandom
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runthepockets · 1 year
White nerds are consistently one of the worst demographics of people. "Weh weh everyone just hates me cus I'm different" no we hate you cus you all your free time arguing with teenagers online over the semantics of why their favorite fictional anime boy is problematic and insult the intelligence of strangers on the internet every 3 seconds all while blantantly disrespecting other people's boundaries and feelings in your day to day life. You fail to see your own shortcomings and hypocrisies because you think having "good taste" and being right are the only things in the world that matter. Also you make school shooter jokes at 30. Be fucking forreal.
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espighty · 1 year
People love using clips from ‘Riddle of the Ancient Aeons’ in angst edits, and I love seeing it! But when you actually see those scenes in the original episode it’s actually so fucking corny. When you watch that episode for the first time, it SUCKS. Because the entire time you’re just like ‘why are they being so out of character’. Not to mention the way they just immediately start fighting and whining about their issues kills me with second hand embarrassment. I hate that episode so bad.
The only redeeming thing about it is that we get a scene where Fugitoid disintegrates a guy. Like he actually fucking killed him. I’m not lying to you. The Triceriton general came in with like 4 guys and left with 3. A dinosaur was just blasted to ash and nobody even saw it happen. Insane.
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suenitos · 2 years
Eret HAS teamed with Sapnap before, actually! MCC 8, I believe!
omg you’re right, with george and krtzyy! and the same team for 9.
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twistedsocials · 2 months
I am so sick of rollo cock suckers like just admit glorious masquerade was an act of ethnic cleansing atp.
Also you’re gonna get mad at someone calling an 18 year old who knows between right and wrong but then bash Sebek who’s 16 with obvious internalized racism plus the fact that human oppressed fae which is what he’s half of soo…
Again, he’s like a dude calling a white dude “cracker”
So Sebek is evil cause of internalized racism that rubbed off on him but rollo is okay for committing an act of genocide because his brother died (boohoo)
Make it make sense.
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foxpower1000 · 2 months
Imagine dying, boohoo cracker
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God I want to marry this man
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salted-caramel-tea · 2 years
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dodgebolts · 2 years
boohoo cracker makes a comeback I guess 😭😭😭
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prisonpodcast · 1 year
Wooo! Tell us your favorite parts :D
Okay ! I took notes during the stream :D
Techno’s constant jokes about how Dream’s using him for clout
Them pretending they didn’t know who Tommy was when he joined the call to trash talk them
“Make a Wish Team”
Dream advice pog? Dream advice pog????? DREAM ADVICE POG !!
Techno enthusiastically cheering for Phil when he won Hole in the Wall but then going “uh I mean I don’t like that guy” after remembering he was on a different team 😭
“Can’t let Tommy get any clickbait clips”
Unpopular opinion but I don’t actually think Dream and Techno are gonna win MCC. They’ve been challenged with an immediate disadvantage of being on a team with Micheal and Burren… that’s gonna be really hard no matter how good they might be
Dream just SWIMMING on the ground during ace race
BEDTIME TWITTER (sbi + dteam) :D :D
Tommy trying to 1 v 2 both Dream and Techno AT THE SAME TIME all by himself and dying immediately 😭
“Imagine dating a woman. Total simp move bro.” -Technoblade
Dream in the cage 💀💀
Techno cheering for Dream and telling everyone to sub to him <3 <3
Techno’s mom going “Great teamates this time,”shading his past teamates 😭😭
Techno’s mom saying she’s gonna make them all cookies lmfao
Them joking about how instead of $100k for the duel the loser should’ve had to face reveal 💀
Different POV but Wilbur stomping Tommy’s vlog gun to pieces while Tommy screams in terror in the background 😭
The whole stream was very fun and vibey it was a great watch and I really should’ve watched it a LOT sooner 😭
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dwtdog · 6 months
mine was that god damn fucking spreadsheet. i'd only just learned this guy had a twitter and the first thing i'm seeing is him alienating his whole fanbase and dragging skeppy bad and a6d into it
It wasn't even him dragging them, they dragged him in to it and like usual he took the big fall 😭
this is why i wish we had don't stop the party edits for all of the historical events 😔 i just remember one of the reasons for blocking someone being them replying to a tweet with a boohoo cracker meme 😭
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awesamcozy · 2 years
fr like false can absolutely feel bummed she got trolled but idk why people are like going to war for her and saying george “targeted her” and was “being misogynistic“ as if it literally had any effect on false at all- like she literally went into dodgebolt right after, did a 1v3 and made the winning shot.
it had so little effect on her except that she was annoyed about it happening. boohoo cracker.
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gendertimed-moved · 2 years
i still think the funniest clip of hasan is probably the one where he decided dream wasn’t a conservative based on the boohoo cracker clip
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savedgame · 2 years
Hey i didn't mean to come off as aggressive i genuinely thought the op was joking and decided to joke around WITH them. Boohoo cracker is a joke albeit a fandom inside joke. In the past year that it's been used I've never seen any negative connotation behind the words and since the fandom is diverse enough I'm sure if there were any, because of the cultural differences, i would have come to know or anyone within the fandom would have informed me of it.
You stereotyping a literal crime (doxxing) with mcyt fandom didn't sit well with me. Because most often it's the fans who are getting doxxed because like you said most of them are on younger side and the people who always show aggressive reactions to them are older and actually capable of doxxing people
It's a post about licking midriffs i didn't really think it would be as serious. And nobody who tagged dream meant it negatively. We all want to lick someone's midriff i believe that's reason enough to tag whoever we want. And i hundred percent believe op atleast had an inkling of idea that some other fandom would tag their own favourite people. It's not a new thing that happens. Its only because it's dream that the notes are so distasteful.
I wouldn't have commented on it because most of the fans are used to people treating us like absolute shit stain dream stan first and human being second. But ye i thought it was funny but its not funny enough i guess.
Sorry about the long ass ask. You were the only note i saw and i just thought well i don't know what i thought someone told me to kill myself so ye i just felt the need to explain myself i guess and you had conveniently made a seperate post about it so i thought why not. Anyway i wrote all this so might as well send. Hope i didn't intrude too much. Have a good day :)
(I'll ask in anon so as not to further intrude on your blog if you chose to post it.)
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dream stans are the most oppressed people of all time
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ferelog · 4 months
a dracula book review.
ok team yk what this world really, really, really needs. from me specifically.  
dun dun dun. we will be looking into bram stoker’s original 1897 edition which I vaguely pirated online but it is ok!! because copyright is over  (if u wanna read use this link here: https://www.bramstoker.org/pdf/novels/05dracula.pdf) 
so on one hand Dracula is an icon. but on the other hand the novel was written by an Englishman in the 19th century. I went into this thing not knowing what to think and honestly idk what I expected but it was mid. that is my claim and my thesis. the characters are like grain crackers without cheese. the plot is okay and vaguely interesting but not enough to carry the mounds of dialogue and description that you sloooooooooooog through. but if it helps Dracula is kinda hot. (disclaimer: this opinion depends on your taste) 
the beginning has all of the trappings of gothic horror. man goes to creepy abandoned house. man meets creepy suspicious guy. creepy suspicious guy is creepy and suspicious. boohoo yadda yadda. the protagonist figures out that Dracula is very sus within the first few weeks, since man is less subtle than the worst amongus imposter. at this point we’re like fifty pages in and I’m fearing spending the next three hundred pages reading about Dracula and the protag running around in circles. luckily that doesn’t happen and the plot actually moves out of dracula’s castle at a pretty quick pace. this is commendable: the antagonist is quickly introduced in an interesting manner and after this little tutorial we have enough knowledge to confirm that Dracula is the bad guy. this was likely pretty important for first-time Dracula readers back in 1897, when vampires were less mainstream and you couldn’t identify one by his elongated fangs and how he literally goes “When the Count saw my [bleeding] face, his eyes blazed with a sort of demoniac fury, and he suddenly made a grab at my throat.” again, man is unsubtle. 
as a quick aside there are some interpretations of Dracula as embodying “transgressive but compelling sexuality” (from Jeffrey Jerome Cohen’s monster culture (seven theses) if anyone is curious) which I find hilarious and can definitely make a reading more interesting. you’re welcome. 
ok now that the intro is over we get acquainted with the rest of the characters and let me tell you they are dryyyyyyyyy. to make my point I will now rank them from most to least uninteresting. 
Arthur Holmwood: man is literally just there to mourn his fiancée and act as a big strong man to increase the anti-Dracula attack force. only thing he brings to the plot is 1. money 2. he is attached to his fiancée I guess. 3/10. 
Jonathan Harker: our MC who is vaguely an audience insert and as per such reacts averagely to anything. his character does almost nothing surprising. you see a lot of the story (especially the beginning) through his eyes so you do get familiar with him in that way but he is an utter milquetoast. 3.5/10 
Quincey Morris: an unmarried American version of Arthur. he is kinda cooler in that he has a personality. “American” isn’t much of a personality but Arthur doesn’t seem to have one at all so he wins. 3.5/10  
Lucy Westenra: ok she is not boring (if only because of all the stuff that happens to her) but she is so goddamn annoying. she seems like a little doll who doesn’t do anything despite everything occurring and can only wait for people to rescue her which is infuriating at best. does not pass the sexy lamp test. 4/10 
Dracula: weird evil man who has weird evil motives. his lack of nuance is a shame since the novel does mention interesting lore about him like how he lives on “the ground fought over for centuries by the Wallachian, the Saxon, and the Turk” and how “In some faculties of mind he has been, and is, only a child.” but it's not explored and in the end he’s just a villain who kills because he needs to kill to survive. a shame. 5/10 
John Seward: ok he actually has like. unique feelings about what is happening. his romantic interest for Lucy v. not being able to marry her v. his distaste for vampires is kinda entertaining, or at least more entertaining than whatever Arthur has going on. he makes some unique actions (for instance, calling Van Helsing) that make him seem more reliable 6/10 
Mina nee Murray Harker:  
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she is cool but severely undermined by how sexist the book is. 6.5/10 
Abraham Van Helsing: ok he is cool if only because he has all the puzzle pieces (apparently) and actually seems to know what’s going on but it has to be acknowledged that his reluctance to explain what he knows screws people over. 1/10 teammate 6.5/10 
Renfield: his personality is nothing to write home about but what happens to him is the most interesting thing by far. 7/10 
u need to spend a lot of time with these characters since the story is told from their perspectives. the storytelling method is also really interesting—it’s told in first-person via the characters’ journals, audio recordings, and diaries, which is admittedly clever. the method that a character uses to record their thoughts is also indicative of their personality and profession. Mina uses a typewriter since she wants to be a secretary. I really like this aspect of Dracula. unfortunately, the plot and characters are still something you have to trudge through. the plot itself is a typical adventure gung-ho “let’s go defeat the villain” type beat, which isn’t particularly inspiring. Dracula’s supernatural abilities also seem utterly random, which makes the mystery of “what does Dracula do??” significantly less interesting since turning into a tornado and sucking blood doesn’t seem to be related at all. why bother predicting this character’s powers if they’re completely absurd? a shounen battle anime could do better (Naruto-excluded).  
TL;DR: Dracula is mid. it is 357 pages of dried bread characters, an average plot, and not even that terrifying gothic horror. read it if you want, it’s a classic, but honestly it’s not really worth it. #sorrydraculafans 
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stonersap · 1 year
favorite dream moment? boohoo cracker.
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