#boogeyman bts
polkadotjohnson · 1 month
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Boogeyman 2023 Making of & Behind the Scenes
Extra: Lester hanging in the back, waiting to
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ncutincuti · 1 month
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beautifulpersonpeach · 8 months
Regarding the last ask: why do you think Billboard finds Jungkook’s #1 for seven more legitimate than jimin’s? It is quite literally the same achievement they mention for jk but not jimin.
Again, we see Scooter and Bang PD highlighted in an American-based publication highlighting primarily American-based talents/rainmakers, and for BTS, the only example listed is the project handled by the American label of HYBE of which Scooter is responsible, a project that had its charting achievements more supported by American streams (and not the Chinese cash boogeyman), streams which Billboard had earlier last year weighted higher as more reflective of American music consumption... I could go on.
Honestly, this isn't something I had to think about. It's just obvious to me and why the question of "why" doesn't really cross my mind. But you asked a fair question.
It's obviously not the same achievement to Billboard given their reception to Jimin's win vs. Jungkook's. That doesn't change anything though. They'll have to get used to the idea for when Jimin gets his next #1 for PJM2.
And then Jungkook. And on and on it goes.
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bangchanshehe · 5 years
The Boogeyman pt.1 (M)
Summary: You were constantly having the same reoccurring dream over and over again and your friends told you that it meant nothing. But as your nights became more strange as days passed by you knew that it was more than a dream. much, much more. You tried every night to stop the bizarre dreams from occurring in the same sequence to try to find out more about who or what was controlling them. But when you came face to face with the demon in your dreams in real life, you realized that what he had been telling you all along was true. There is no escape. 
??? X Reader
Word Count: 3k
TRIGGER WARNING: there is some mention of sexual assault
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Every night for the past month you had the same dream over and over again. It was so unusual and unlike any other dream that you had ever had. After the first few nights you had chalked it up to be a strange coincidence and you had mentioned it to your friends and they laughed stating that it was just a wet dream. They made joke after joke stating that if anything you were probably just horny, due to a lack of a significant other or lack of a love life all together. Sure, in the past you had boyfriends and went on a few unsuccessful dates, but all together you were just about as single as it could get for the past year and a half.
It wasn’t like you had not ever thought about dating again or allowing your friends to set you up on blind dates. It was just… not your time. It felt wrong to allow yourself to go on dates that you weren’t serious about. Or in general just didn’t attempt to try to look good for. It felt like going to a part time job that you weren’t excited or happy about.  So you decided that for now dating wasn’t an option. You would focus on every other aspect of your life and when love happened it would happen naturally.
But for the past few weeks you grew to anticipate the dream every night hoping that you would get another look at the man who possessed them. At first your anticipation wasn’t lustful but instead out of simple curiosity. You had never seen this man before and now suddenly you were constantly thinking about him. Was he real? Or was it just a part of your imagination?  You had spent many nights and days thinking about your dreams and what they meant. But ultimately you came up with no answer. Which is partially why after a short amount of teasing from your friends you decided to never mention the dream to them again.
As per usual you took glanced at your clock and sighed when you saw the time.  It was 9:27, which means that you have about another thirty minutes before you needed to settle down and go to sleep. You pried yourself off of the couch and headed to the kitchen. The dishes weren’t going to wash themselves and although you hated doing dishes you turned on the hot water and got to work. Hopefully if anything it would just kill some more time before you went to bed.
You dried your hands once all counters were wiped down and all dishes were put away or scrubbed clean and standing to dry. Turning to the clock once more you sighed again. There was still 20 minutes left until bed time.
By now you were completely tired, and your eyes burned, and you wanted to just crawl in bed and pull the covers over yourself and crash.  But you simultaneously wanted to prolong yourself from going to sleep. It was addicting to have the same dream every night. It was like solving a mystery to find out who he was, why he did what he did and what it means for you, but at the same time it was completely maddening waking up the same way, confused and tired again day after day with no other answers.
You turned off your kitchen lights and shuffled into your bathroom and ran the hot water just how you liked it. You stripped out of your clothes and jumped into the hot stream and let it just run down your back. You stood there for a minute and allowed the heat and water to silently pull you into a mindless bliss. It took you a few minutes to actually move or do anything other than just standing there. After you came back to reality you washed your face, hair and body and then quickly got out of the hot water, finally feeling the affects on your thirst and skin.  
You quickly got out and wrapped yourself in a towel, drying off your body and changed into a comfortable night gown. When you were finally finished in the bathroom you walked the small steps to your bedroom and peeked at your alarm clock that read 10:03 pm. It was finally time to go to bed.
You set your alarm clock to wake you up, plugged in your phone and made yourself comfortable under your bedsheets. It wasn’t natural to be so punctual to bed before you started to experience your dreams, but ever since they started you always fell asleep at the same time every night as if it were magic. You could be wide awake one moment and then pass out the next. It was totally strange but no one else seemed to find it unnormal. You allowed yourself to think that maybe you were just being paranoid or maybe your body was just on a routine schedule, but as nights passed by you began to think that maybe it wasn’t all coincidence.
Your body began to feel heavy and you closed your eyes knowing that the sinking blackness was going to take over. And almost immediately after your eyes lightly shut you heard his voice. It was soft and hushed as if it were a lullaby softly luring you towards him. You wasted no time, instantly taking off in his direction, no longer afraid of him but rather intrigued.
At first you will admit that the reoccurring dreams did startle you and always seemed to be a nightmare at first. But after constant exposure to this dream you were sure that if it was supposed to be scary or if he was going to harm you then he would have already done it by now.
Your dream looked the same as per usual, it was dark and misty and yet everything was crystal clear. It had a sublime feeling that you couldn’t describe. You were running down a long hallway constantly opening up doors to find him. The walls were black and the doors were all a dark red and there was a certain smell of must in the air that gave the hallway the feeling of being very old and homey.
You went door to door opening up the rooms to find total darkness inside as you tried your best to find the source of the voice that taunted you. You pushed yourself off of the walls and urged yourself to run faster and faster as you peeled yourself away from each door frame in attempt to make your search as quick as possible.
This was always a part of his game, he made you search for him. Some nights he was closer than the last and some nights he taunts you and never lets you see himself. Or sometimes he would stand in the middle of the hallway bored of the anticipation and waiting for you to finally seek him out. But tonight you seemed to be on the hunt for him. He wasn’t going to give himself away to you to easily tonight.
“you’re going to have to run faster than that if you want to find me tonight darling.” He chuckled from wherever he was hiding within the walls.
You groaned and pushed yourself to your limit, filling and using up the full capacity of your lungs while you tried your very best. You opened two, five, ten, twenty more doors with no success and you stopped and leaned against a wall to catch your breath. Your feet were burning  and your lungs were on fire making your sides cramp. You didn’t know if you could physically take any more of this game.
“do you give up yet little princess?” he asked with a low voice and chuckled “beg for me and ill show myself”
You stopped listening and thought about his offer for a moment. It was a dream so you knew that it wasn’t anything too serious. But the fact that it kept reoccurring made it seem like it was more and you didn’t know if you were comfortable to be begging for this… things presence.
“Beg! Beg! BEG!” it chanted back at you and you stopped breathing as the voice became more and more malicious.
In a split moments thought you bolted down the hallway and ran towards the end. There was no particular reason why you had done this. It just felt like it was the path you should take, like it was the closest route to your end goal. After a minute of full blown sprinting down this hallway that seemed too supernaturally long to be real you were face to face with an matte black door.
You sighed in relief when you finally came across it. You didn’t have to open it to know that this was the door where he was hiding, you could sense that it was it. You glanced over it noticing all of its unique features that set it apart from all of the other cloned doors. It had an elaborate crowning around the doorway and a emblem in the middle that you couldn’t make any sense of. It seemed like it was something old and historical, but something also oddly not of this world. But mostly this entryway had two doors, as if it were a portal instead of a door. You took a deep breath and grabbed a door knob and pushed the door open.
Suddenly as if you were transported into another time and dimension you were no longer standing in the doorway of this strange hallway, instead you were standing in your own bedroom doorway and watching yourself as you lie in your bed and slept. You searched around the room in a frantic panic and looked for any signs of the man who you saw. He was nowhere to be seen, and this was your first time ever being put in your own home.
You took an unsteady step forward and peered into your room, looking down at your small sleeping face in the dark. It felt…. It was unexplainable to see yourself as a stranger for the first time. But as soon as you were going to step into the room for a closer look at things a hand from behind you grabbed onto your shoulder and held you in place.
You turned to your head back slowly to look at the man in the eye as he held you back. But as soon as your eyes were going to land on his own he was no longer behind you. You snapped your head forward and your eyes widened when you saw him laying next to your sleeping body. You were going to rush forward when he looked up at you and you froze in place. You knew exactly what he was going to do to you, having seen it time and time again for the last month. But this time is seemed personal since it  was happening to you in what looked like real life. Before each time he played his games it was always in one of his many rooms, but now it was too real and too aggressive.
“what are you so scared of puppy?” he asked you in a low sarcastic voice “you know you love it when we have our playtime!” he added seductively
You watched as he slowly ran his hand over your side from breast to thigh and a violent shiver ran down your spine. He pulled the covers away from your body and smiled when he saw your choice of nightwear. He admired your night gown in a way that was completely sickening and sarcastic.
“what a beautiful gown” he said with a chuckle in his voice “and what easy access you’ve give me” he whispered
He slowly grabbed the hem of the gown and slowly dragged it up to your stomach, exposing your panties making you become nervous. Your heart frantically beat in your chest as he traced the edges of your panties, and dipping  finger inside of them. He gasped as he touched you and withdrew his hand to suck on the tip of his finger.
“you’re so wet” he said with hooded eyes
“you’re fucking disgusting!” you screamed from your spot as tears brimmed over your eyes and spilled onto your cheeks.
He clutched his fist shut and stared at you with a shocked expression, as if he were offended and hurt by your exclamation. “oh, but don’t you know that you love it!” he said with a shit eating grin “if you touched yourself right now I bet you’d be even more wet then you were a moment ago” he said nodding his head towards the sleeping apparition of your form on the bed.
You stared back at him with complete hatred and disgust in your eyes. There was no way that you would be turned on or excited by this delusional psychopaths antics. Dream or not it felt like a complete lack of privacy and space. Bottom line what he was doing was sexual assault and there was no way that you were fascinated by such intimate intrusions.
You didn’t move a single inch from where you stood. Not intentionally. You physically could not make yourself move, and you struggled against your invisible binds.
He got up form the bed and lightly walked towards you until he was face to face with you. He gathered your night gown much like he did previously and repeated his intrusions on you. But this time when he touched you, you could feel his fingertips. Previously you couldn’t ever actually feel him touching you but knew and could see that he was. You gasped at the horror and shock of the new feeling and your eyes went wide at the feeling of him dipping his finger inside of your womanhood.
He smiled at you and then removed his finger to expose his now wet digit. “you cant deny that a single touch lights your body up like a fire… that what I do to you makes you more excited than what you could ever do for your own pleasure”
You hardened your gaze on his eyes and gave him a warning with a harsh tone “if you touch me again I will kill you.”
He chuckled at you and removed his hands from your body before turning to face you completely. He stepped towards you once to judge how you would react and then a second time when he received to response. As soon as he was was within arms reach he leaned into your ear and whispered
“can you kill me? can you kill something that’s not real?”
You squeezed your eyes shut and mentally blocked out his words from your brain. You kept them shut for a moment but froze up as soon as you realized that he no longer seemed to be standing in front of you anymore.
You held your breath and flew your eyes open scanning your surroundings prepared for him to be anywhere. But a wave of relief overwhelmed you when you realized that you were no longer standing up but laying down in bed. Your eyes were glued to the ceiling and you surveyed every inch of it before you sat up in your place.
It was just another dream. You chanted to yourself as you tried to calm your heart down from its pounding rate.
You gazed over your surroundings and finally let your breath go. It was over and you could finally be at peace. You wiped your sweat from your forehead and stood up to fetch a drink of water from the kitchen.
You reached into your cupboard and grabbed a glass with shaky hands. You were mad at yourself for being so shaken up by your dreams but they seemed so hyper-realistic and your body was always worn sore after you woke up. And this time was different. You had never sad so much contact with him in your dreams before and now he was beginning to cross boundaries.
You filled your cup and drank its contents in one swallow. You gazed back towards your bedroom door and sighed.
“one more sleepless night” you whispered to yourself and sat your empty cup down in the sink.
You eyed the couch and contemplated taking a seat and spending the rest of your night watching a movie. Like most nights you were never able to go to sleep again after your dreams, preferring to stay tired instead of submit yourself to the torment again.
You checked the time and were surprised to see that tonight you got more sleep than usual. Typical nights you woke up from the nightmares around 2a.m. but tonight it was almost 4. Only 3 more hours until you need to get ready for work. You tipped your head and looked over at your work bag and let your mind wander off to your most recent case. You peeked inside of the bag and pulled out your workbook and flipped it open to the tab with the date February 21, 2019.
You took a seat and took a deep breath before you dove back into the scenes that had your mind reeling. Two women have been found dead in their homes. No one entered the homes with force, nothing was seemingly missing and there were no signs of struggle or force on the victims bodies. On the outside it seemed like a natural death or suicide case, but you had an itch that it was something much deeper than that.
There was no way that two women had died of seemingly the same cause on the same day and time who were completely unrelated to one another. You had an idea that someone had done something to these women to make them pass but you wanted to be the one to find the answers and give these women their due justice. While everyone passed the cases off as natural cause of death you were stuck trying to find convincing proof that malicious events occurred leading up to their deaths.
And god damnit you were going to find it. Even if you died trying.
A/N: this is sort of a new genre for me and i probably suck at it...but let me know what you think. AND WHO DO YOU THINK IS THE BOOGEYMAN????
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belanova · 2 years
y'know sometimes I just straight up forget some things are real like bts, I see it trending and go What the fuck is that 0-0
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thebangtancloud · 2 years
You are the best BTS writers on this whole app. I’ve only read your stories and wanted to know if you had some other to recommend?
Thank you so much, dearest anon!!
Here are some stories that I've enjoyed reading and would definitely love for you to read them as well:
“As if I wouldn’t beat the boogeyman’s ass, anyways.”
Kim Seokjin x Reader, Best Friends to Lovers au || Non-idol au || by @honeytae
Hot Chocolate
Bang Chan x Reader || Friends to Lovers au || by @sulfurcosmos
four - seven - eight
Jeon Jungkook x Reader || non-idol au || by @jiminrings
"I'm not walking out on you."
Min Yoongi x Reader || personal favorite || by @taetaespeaches
"You're a shitty liar."
Jung Hoseok x Reader || by @taetaespeaches
Channie doesn't know. (Smut)
Seo Changbin x Reader || by @chvnnie
Black Silk || Champagne Silk (Includes Smut)
mafia!Namjoon x Reader || PERSONAL FAV || By the best: @bangtanfancamp
Cultivating a life with you.
Jung Hoseok x Reader || by @bangtanfancamp
These are just some of the stories that really got me thinking, "Damn, that was written so well."
I don't read too much here on Tumblr, so these are a few that I cherish and almost always go back to.
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mchiimii · 3 years
Jamais Vu | BTS [ongoing]
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❝Please give me a remedy;
A remedy that will make my heart beat again❞
After falling into a pond of unfamiliarity, the flower emblem on Yuna's wrist seared painfully as she delved into the realm of the Afterlife. Ever since she dreamed about the Cheshire Cat, she chased the fragments of her persona and witnessed the seven immortals trapped in the same cursed void as hers.
What else is behind that therapeutic emporium of lost souls?
➜ Warnings: mild suggestive themes; depiction of the seven deadly sins (includes eating disorders and other self-gratification); swearing; light gore/violence; miscarriages/childbirth
➜ Genre: Fantasy; Fanfiction
➜ Tags: fluff; angst; alternate universe; Alice in wonderland AU; flower shop AU; reincarnation; magic; soulmates AU
➜ Rating: Teen & Up Audiences (T)
➜ Pairing: BTS x Reader/Reader insert
YOU as Min Yuna.
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❝At times, ignorance is bliss.❞
BTS as themselves.
—The Oracle
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❝Ah, if only you knew who I was, you'll be begging on your knees so you can perish in your wishes.❞
—The White King
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❝Just because I don't have wings, doesn't mean I'm not an angel.❞
—The Cheshire Cat
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❝Oh, little red, when will you ever learn?❞
—The Red King
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❝Funny how the sandman can be the boogeyman when he played with wrath. Even the goody-two-shoes himself lived with his nightmares.❞
—The Keeper
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❝Sometimes, the best way to escape reality is to sail without a map.❞
—The Hatter
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❝What's the matter, darling? Cat got your tongue?❞
—The White Rabbit
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❝Humans feared me because I'm the grim reaper, but here you are rolling your eyes at me. You're such a strange soul, aren't you?❞
note: I don’t have strict schedules so I only update whenever I like. However, my stories on Wattpad are prioritized before Tumblr. It takes me at least 2 to 3 days to transfer my updates here, especially when I’m busy. If you want, you can visit my Wattpad account @/capuzzino (https://www.wattpad.com/user/capuzzino) to access the new chapters. Thank you very much! I hope you’ll leave votes and comments there too <3
Chapter One - Down The Portal Pond
Chapter Two - Wither Wonderland
Chapter Three - The Reaper's Bucket Hat
Chapter Four - Memories of a Memorist
Chapter Five - The Seven Deadly Sins
Chapter Six - Fortune Postcards
Chapter Seven - Potpourri
Chapter Eight - The Wonder Free Forest
Chapter Nine - Pit of Underland
Chapter Ten - Shadow Monsters
Chapter Eleven - Shadow King’s Reigning Curse
Chapter Twelve - Don’t Look Back
Chapter Thirteen - Illusions and Delusions
Chapter Fourteen - I See You
Chapter Fifteen - Stuck With You
Chapter Sixteen - Flower Birthmarks and Wrist Tattoos
Chapter Seventeen - Lip Cont(r)act
Chapter Eighteen - Tangled in a String of Fate
Chapter Nineteen - A Whisper of Your Name
Chapter Twenty - Time After Time
Chapter Twenty-One - The Scroll of Fate
Chapter Twenty-Two - Magic Shop
Chapter Twenty-Three - Forgotten
Chapter Twenty-Four - Ephemeral
Chapter Twenty-Five - Erased
Chapter Twenty-Six - Coma-Trance
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Telltales of a Cheshire Cat
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However, ways of copying my work will be reported for violating my rights as the original writer of this book. I am in no way claiming myself as a citizen of South Korea. I researched a few of the places and events in the said country so if I somehow made a mistake regarding how I construct my ideas and words, I sincerely apologize.
Please don't take the plot too seriously especially when there are scenes between you and each of the seven members. This is a BTS reader-insert/x reader book.
The following events, scenes, and stories are in no way connected with their real lives. These are all based on the author's phantasm and fictional world. I DO NOT claim the original characters of this book. They are their own—real people managed by Big Hit Entertainment (Big Hit Music/Hybe Labels), and I'm just here to create a FANFICTION.
P.S. There will be some parts of the book where I'll be using honorifics. You might find it cringy so I'm saying this beforehand. I think it will be only used when necessary. Otherwise, the characters will just call each other by name. The usage will probably depend on the structure and pacing of the scene.
All Rights Reserved.
©️ capuzzino /  ©️ mchiimii
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kosmosguk · 5 years
Wrapped Up and Gifted; 7 Days of Christmas Day 1|Yandere Seokjin x Reader
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Type: Smut Drabble 
Description: As insufferable as your boss is, you find a small festive part in you to give him a present. You just aren’t expecting what he gives back in return.
Warning: blowjobs, what’s it called when you accidentally walk in on your boss wanking his peepee, seokjin giving switch vibes like it’s nobody’s business, subtle yandere vibes like if you squint you’d see them haha 
[A/n: the next 7 days of Christmas drabble is loosely based on the yandere BTS reaction to meeting you for the first time !! I’m finally on my winter break and although this line of drabble won’t be all out in time for Christmas, my lack of school will allow me to push out a small present for my beautiful readers !! thank you for nearly 600!! Ilysm and have a warm holiday season <3 (whether or not you celebrate Christmas or winter holidays in general)]
Kim Seokjin was an asshole. 
He was a Grinch, a Scrooge, a Boogeyman, and if you had to describe him, you would use every swear word in the dictionary. He picked on every aspect of a dish, spat out spoonfuls of food just because he didn’t like a certain flavor, and threw whole dishes that took hours to make into the trash. And most of all, he loved to pick on you, his merciless harassing extending from the days where you were his student into the days where you received a job at his restaurant--you were extremely surprised when you got the acceptance email; maybe, just maybe, he didn’t hate you as much as you thought he did. 
He wasn’t really that bad, you supposed. Manager Kim Namjoon liked him, and Namjoon was a decent guy through and through. You used to spend lots of time with him when you started working, but Seokjin had noticed, and his biting comments turned into scathing remarks until you stopped talking to Namjoon as much. Seokjin, others had jokingly said, was probably jealous. No, you had bit back, he was just a conceited asshole. 
You take it back; he was that bad. But at least he got you your job. That was something. He was known to be hard on people; others had reassured you that he was this way to all newcomers because he saw a way to shape potential. But as others got the treatment for 6 months tops, yours stretched over an expanse of a year. 
Still, he deserved somewhat of a present. Hell, if he found out that you had gotten Namjoon a present, he would throw a hissy fit and the next dish you made would be tossed into the dumpster. 
‘‘Chef Kim,’‘ you knocked on the door. Once, twice, no answer. You called out again,’‘ Chef Kim.’‘
That was strange. Kim Seokjin, despite how much of an ass he was, was always prompt with these things. 
You opened the door, hesitantly making your way into the dimly lit office. 
‘‘Chef Kim, your lights are of-,’‘ your voice cracked slightly as you took in the sight. 
His chair was pushed back, and there, tilting his head slightly with his bangs clinging to his forehead from sweat, was Seokjin. Your eyes trailed the sight, taking in his flushed cheeks, his soft panting, the slick noises, and the movement of his hand... Oh. That’s why he didn’t answer the door. 
You dropped the gift. The box landed on the floor with a thump, and you winced, hoping the gift hadn’t broken. The chair creaked slightly as he turned to stare at you, really, really stare at you. You swallowed heavily. 
‘‘What are you doing here?’‘ his hand movements didn’t stop. 
Your cheeks reddened in embarrassment--you didn’t dare think that it was anything else--and you spoke quickly,’’ I can leave. I’m-I’m sorry for walking into your office. I won’t speak of this...predicament to anyone. I’ll be go-going now.’’
You bent down to grab your gift and hightail it out of there when...
‘‘Stay,’‘ Seokjin’s voice was rougher than his usual even, clear almost-pleasant tone. You felt something squeeze slightly in the deeper parts of your stomach at the sound and slightly rubbed your inner thighs together. 
‘‘Don’t you want to find out why I’m risking my reputation to do this-oh shit fuck,’‘ he broke off in a groan, and you averted your gaze,’‘ Even if I keep this up, I can’t even cum. And it’s all because of you.’‘
You froze, unable to think or speak or, hell, even breathe. 
‘‘I think about you, the way you always tempt me without even knowing, and I get hard all over again. I bet you’re so tight that you would squeeze down on me,’‘ he panted out,’‘ It makes me want to put you under my control, to fucking take over until you can only think of me. So you won’t think of anyone else but me.’‘
You let out an uneven breath. 
‘‘Chef Kim, this isn’t professional. We’re at work; there are chefs outside and guests and-,’‘ you were silenced. 
‘‘No one will come in unannounced, not like you. Now come over here,’‘ Seokjin groaned,’’ Let me see what you have to give.’’ 
You found yourself taking steps forward, and you weren’t aware you were until you were kneeling in front of him, reaching out to take hold of his length. It pulsed and throbbed slightly under your touch, and you experimentally dragged your hand up and down. 
‘’Shit, you feel so fucking good,’’ he hissed between clenched teeth, his hips rolling up.
You glanced at him through your lashes before pressing a soft kiss on his precum-stained tip. You gave small kitten licks, raising an eyebrow at the new taste, before stretching open your lips as wide as you could and taking in as much of his length as you could. 
Seokjin groaned, his hips bucking up. His length hit the back of your throat, and you gagged, hitting his bare thighs until he dragged back and let you breathe. You pulled off, saliva staining your lips and his dick, before going back down. What you couldn’t fit in your mouth, you stroked, making soft moaning sounds as you sucked. 
His hip movements got jerkier, more erratic as you stroked and licked and sucked, until you felt him let out a husky sound that was a mixture between a groan and a moan. Thick liquid filled your mouth, and you coughed at the new sensation, spitting out a mixture of semen and saliva. 
He reached out to stroke your head, his movements gentle and slightly tired. You looked up, your throat aching from the thrusting as you fought for needed air. 
‘‘You gave me two gifts. It only makes sense if I give you some gifts too,’‘ the stern look he usually gave was replaced by a softer one. This was the most gentle you had ever seen him. 
And as you got up on shaky legs and slotted yourself onto his thigh, a whine pulled from your lips, you thought of how fortunate it was that you decided to give Seokjin a gift. 
And maybe, maybe he wasn’t as much of an asshole as you had originally thought.
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namjoonxorg · 6 years
𝑨𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑳𝒊𝒗𝒆
You accidentally crash BTS’ live, but no one knows that you’re dating
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tbh he’d probably just ignore it happening
or do something w i l d to change the subject
“you’ve just gotta take your scissors and c u t, VOILA”
hopefully he had the mind to set up the camera so that he was facing the door
he could just shoo you away but like
fans would definitely know someone was there and it wasn’t one of the boys
but they may forget about it since the person didn’t show on camera
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either ends the live right then and there
or is completely honest
but like it’s not a big deal
“hmm? are you two dating? yeah. So we were on tour...”
bet it’ll become a meme
it probably wouldn’t become a h u g e deal or anything
maybe just talked about for a few days?
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he’d be pretty chill about the whole thing in the moment
might try and hide it 
or not make it super obvious?
“Who was that? That was y/n, they were visiting since we had dinner with some friends.”
bet some overzealous fans would try and stalk you on the internet
but if hobi found out he’d probably get a lil bit mad
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he either freezes entirely like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar
or ends the live so fast you’d think he was the flash
the fans watching would be lowkey real confused
and therefore it’d probably blow up more than if he had just lied
mega meme material (a/n: appreciate my alliteration)
may or may not say anything about it
it all depends on what’s going on around that time
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probably tries to laugh it off
at least at first
“who was that? i don’t think it was one of the members... it was the boogeyman”
the viewers prolly wouldn’t let it go
so he’d have to change the subject fast
also, let’s talk about those people who would automatically assume that they’re dating and would get angry and just be mega dicks
because that’s not cool
but he probably wouldn’t say much, if anything (a/n: tattoo ring a bell?)
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similar to jin and joon
he’d either end it as fast as he could
or do something to change the subject
“have i shown you guys my new sunglasses?”
much confusion
people might try to figure out who exactly it was
but they’d probably give up after a while
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boy would do one of a few things
move to block the screen
end the live abruptly
or change the subject
“why is jungkook blocking the screen?? i just moved so the lighting was better”
super sleuth army’s at it again
we’re talking 10 minute videos on who it could and couldn’t be
Masterlist || Request or Ask
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alphakittenoverload · 5 years
Our BTS video with @rob_paulsen being AMAZING as the Book! You saw him as The Boogeyman, but we can’t forget about the Book. There’s a lot of mystery that surrounds that book. Where they found, what it’s full potential is...many secrets to unlock! 📖 Be sure to check out our kickstarter in OCTOBER 8th!! 🎃💜 (at Valley Village) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2P9WK3jVBA/?igshid=9xjqs6784u6x
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jiminiessipabo · 6 years
Rise of the Guardians!au Masterlist
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Frosty, The Snowman (M) Jack Frost!Jimin x reader You wished for snow, you wanted snow, and so, you called for snow.  READ HERE MOODBOARD
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Lil’ Bun (M) Easter Bunny!Jungkook x reader You found the Easter bunny on your way home, you sure hope he likes carrots! READ HERE MOODBOARD
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The Moon Man Man in the Moon!Namjoon x reader Tired of living without gravity, he went in search for his own.  READ HERE MOODBOARD
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Bedazzle & Silver (M) Tooth Fairy!Taehyung x reader  Taehyung could be weird when he wanted to, but wouldn’t you be if you had wings. READ HERE MOODBOARD
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The Boogeyman (M) Pitch Black!Yoongi x reader He was miserable and in pain... He was fed up of fighting and he was fed up of being the boogeyman. You would show him the light.  READ HERE MOODBOARD
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I’m Sorry, Sir (M) Santa!Jin x reader  You were on the naughty list this year. You could never listen to your elders, so maybe you would listen to the big man himself. It wasn’t his stomach that was big! READ HERE MOODBOARD
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Dream of Me  Sandman!Hoseok x reader You asked for Sandman to bring you a dream. He sent you the best one.   READ HERE MOODBOARD
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Maybe you've already said what you think but I haven't scrolled back a lot on your blog so forgive me if it's something you already talked about. You think the company submitted LC, or that no submission was needed, for VMA and EMA rigth? Then how come a song with its achievements in Europe wasn't considered but songs and artists with virtually no achievements in Europe did? It is not explainable, I'm sorry. And of course Hybe was going to submit everyone for Grammy, because the submission are public knowledge and it would have actually caused an uproar if they submitted only some. It's not about siding with solos or their "agenda" but once again it is weird and suspicious, just like the unreported sales, the sudden splitting of LC versions when even 3D with and without Jack are combined, so two different songs.
So yeah, I find it weird, and I don't want to think this way but the reasons armys give to this mishaps are always putting blame on jm himself, like he doesn't want his work to be recognised or something.. I hope you can make me look at this in another light, if you want..
I published this on my blog 2 days ago. I suggest you read it. This one too, and this one, and this one too while you're at it. Or idk, try to talking to an ARMY that's been here for a while. Anyway I highly doubt you'll read all linked posts so I'll paste a section I've written earlier for you here too in response to parts of your ask.
"Then how come a song with its achievements in Europe wasn't considered but songs and artists with virtually no achievements in Europe did? It is not explainable, I'm sorry."
"BigHit submitted BTS’s work for 2017 MTV EMAs and they were snubbed for nominations. Groups like Mamamoo and Gfriend were nominated instead, and no group had a bigger performance in 2017 than BTS. The same can be said for when BigHit submitted BTS’s work in 2018 and 2019 and both times were snubbed for the Grammys and some academy voters flat out said they didn’t think BTS got those accolades and chart performances legitimately."
The bolded part is done for emphasis. It might not be explainable Anon, but it's not without precedent. The point is the lack of nominations does not mean a lack of submissions, and BTS have been snubbed before by that particular award-giver (EMAs). There's a whole host of possible explanations for why these things happen because newsflash, as much as akgaes like to think the company (in this case HYBE) is the boogeyman responsible for everything bad that happens to their fave, there's a pretty big world outside that is filled with players other than HYBE. These award shows are third-party industry players that still operate independently of HYBE. Or do you think if HYBE had that kind of power they wouldn't fill the nomination rosters with only their artists, or do you think HYBE would've allowed BTS and their other artists to suffer snubs repeatedly for years?
I understand people are looking for someone or something to blame when their expectations aren't met and corporations are easy scapegoats because we all know they're bad, but it really shouldn't be so difficult to actually think about what it is one is saying.
I get it's easier to blame HYBE for Spotify splitting streams, but just as it didn't work in 2020 when ARMYs wanted combined streams for ON and ON ft Sia, were told the codes were different but later learned the codes are actually generated by Spotify after the label provides the songs, and ARMYs saw other songs combined instead with no explanation from Spotify... ARMYs learned back then that raging at HYBE likely isn't going to fix an issue controlled by an opaque third-party. Just as it didn't work all the times Billboard changed the rules for BTS.
I don't default to putting all the blame on the company whenever I see things I don't like because the members are adult men who should be held responsible for their choices. I don't idolize, infantilize, or baby them. If their choice involves delegating certain decisions to their team and their team drops the ball, I blame their team and also the members. It's what I said when I mentioned how I hated the Weverse album version for JITB and assumed Hobi was at least aware of and okay with that decision, and so I held him responsible as well. And Hobi is my bias. K-pop stans and akgaes in particular, have a habit of crediting the idol when they see good outcomes, but blaming the company when they see bad outcomes, when the reality is that both idol and company share responsibility. Especially in the case of BTS where we know all members are very involved in their solo careers.
The problem for solo stans is they don't know how to hold parties responsible without being abusive, hateful, devolving into conspiracies and raging all over the internet looking for a way to harm and handicap other members in retaliation, regardless of these people not actually knowing if other members are responsible for the outcome. It's just very juvenile and frankly insane behaviour.
I cannot want more for the boys than they want for themselves. Of course Jimin wants success. Same with the other members. I think it's fair to assume of course he wants awards and recognition and accolades, but I'm not privy to the conversations he's having with his team at HYBE, and I don't actually know what awards he cares about or what submissions they've discussed and made.
But people here, akgaes and their sympathizers, would rather incite hatred over Jungkook because they have no way of managing their emotions when their chosen member isn't getting his due. They have no way of expressing their disappointment without being hateful and disgusting.
Jungkook deserves everything good he gets. Jimin does too and then some. And I want that for all seven of them, but I won't begin hating one member with only a fraction of the information available to me because not actually knowing the full facts is oh so uncomfortable.
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ao3feed-namkook · 5 years
My little Monster
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2X6bx2v
by Gabkitseie
It's not everyday the monster under you're bed gets stuck because his horns are too big.
  "Do you need help...getting from under their"
Or the boogie man is actually a very clumsy goof ball.
  ( also on Wattpad my work!!)
Words: 581, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kim Taehyung | V, Jeon Jungkook, Kim Namjoon | RM, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Park Jimin (BTS)
Relationships: Kim Namjoon | RM / Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin (BTS) / Jung Hoseok | J-Hope
Additional Tags: Bottom Kim Namjoon | RM, Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Top Jeon Jungkook, Cute Kim Namjoon, Monster - Freeform, Boogeyman - Freeform, Namjoonsaboogeyman, Sub Kim Namjoon | RM, Dom Jeon Jungkook, Fluff, Jungkooks whipped
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2X6bx2v
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rofics · 7 years
Hidden omega (part 50
Fandom: Bts (Got7 + Big Bang + B.A.P + Monsta X + Seventeen + Block B+Vixx+TVXQ+Exo) Who doesn’t love a good ensemble Pairing:  Namjoon x Everybody Genre: Smut/Fluff/Angst Au: Canon / Omegaverse au Length: 3.3k (I know… so much!
Chapter 1 ! Previous Chapter ! Next Chapter !
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Namjoon has an important talk with Big Bang’s Jiyong and stuff goes in a way Namjoon did not expect!
Note before the story:
I am sorry about the late chapter, the reason I delayed it is that I didn’t feel right publishing it with what has gone down with TOP, 
Namjoon stared with open mouth at the alpha in the room. God he was dreaming wasn’t he? Or maybe it was an hallucination, this couldn’t be real right? “G Dragon-sunbaenim?”
Yup in front him wearing a ripped pair of skinny jeans, a flashy top and backwards cap over his softly dyed pink hair was G Dragon. The G Dragon, leader of Big Bang. Oh fucking God it was G Dragon.
Jiyong was dressed like… like he was G Dragon. It was clear that the older idol was not trying to hide that he was here, this wasn’’t Kwon Jiyong he was talking to. This was G Dragon. Namjoon had talked to Daesung and Seungri every day without any break since he had gotten out of the hospital, he had talked with and liked Youngbae. Tis just felt so much different. Also Jiyong’s facial expression wasn’t nice friendly and open like when he had met Daesung.
Jyong pointed toward the laptop. “Get him to rerecord the vocals. You can’t make a good track without good vocals.”
Although it was G Dragon, Namjoon still felt that he needed to defend Jungkook even if Jiyong was right and now that he thought about it the vocal were a little breathy. “He is trying his best,”
The older just raised an eyebrow. “Feisty and protective over his group. I’m surprised if anybody had fucked me over as hard as they had, they might be six feet under and nobody would ever find their body. Then again you know, wouldn’t happen.”
Jiyong moved further into the room moving closer to the omega. “So here is my question. What is your deal? What do you want with my pack members?” The older alpha moved like a panther moving even closer to Namjoon, who was up off his chair stumbling back from the alpha. Jiyong’s heavy chili scent was waving over him overwhelming his own still weak scent.
“Nothing, I uhm…” Namjoon could feel the fear building up inside him. This was the first time an alpha had been aggressive towards him. “I promise nothing!”
And just like magic the older rapper’s eyes peeled almost comically large as he seemed to understand what was happening and he stepped multiple steps behind. “To far, that was too far?” His facial expression was awkward.
Namjoon could still feel the fear taking over him as the alpha’s scent was still heavy in the air. Jiyong awkwardly looked at Namjoon. “I’m just gonna air out for a second and then you know, stand over here if you don’t mind.” Pointing towards the farthest away from Namjoon, quickly opening up the window.
“I should have expected that. Dae did warn me that you had issues with alphas I promise I never wanted to hurt you! I even get Youngbae to take the spiders outside, where I think he might kill them, but it is the thought that count. Please stop looking scared at me, “
As the room slowly aired out, being cleared of Jiyongs scent as more of the cold January wind moved throughout the room he could slowly feel the fear move it self from his room. “I’m sorry I can’t control it.”
Jiyong stood awkwardly as far away from Namjoon as physically possible. “That was my fault, people say I get over protective over my pack. Which that is probably correct, and you have been spending a lot of time with Daesung and Seungri. Add to that that Youngbae now says as well that you are a nice person. So I wanted to find out what was up with you. I didn’t want to actually scare you just find out if you had evil plans about my pack, now I’m pretty sure you don’t. I just terrified a newly presented omega something tells me that I might be sleeping on the couch… Please don’t tell Daesung.” The older alpha suddenly looked more like a kicked puppy than big scary G Dragon.
Namjoon wasn’t sure what to say, he had never thought about the fact that he could ever do something bad to the two youngest members of Big Bang. He had just mostly been surprised that they would even look at him and he hesitantly answered. “I don’t want to do anything to them… They…” For somebody who normally had it easy with words, Namjoon did struggle with it when it came to G Dragon… The G Dragon. “They have been nice to me even when they didn’t need to be. I am very thankful”
“Please stop looking at me like a kicked puppy. I already feel bad enough for making you panic.” it was weird how different Jiyong was from the picture Namjoon had of him in his head. Both Daesung and Seungri had said that their group leader was a lot less… G Dragon… most of the times, a lot more spoiled alpha used to getting it his way unable to take advice unless it is physically knocked into him. “They really like you.” He seemed to catch on to how what he had said could be understood. “Like a friend of course. I don’t think Daesung planned on getting so attached to you as he did. He just wanted to make sure that you were okay, but then he took to you. At first we thought it was just him making another omega friend, even if a little younger. But both him and Seungri seem to genuinely like you as a person, and it made me worried. I simply wanted to make sure that you weren’t… deceiving.”
Namjoon nodded slowly he understood the older alpha’s concern. If it had been his group and pack it happened to with an even more rookie group he would also hesitate, and they weren’t bloody BigBang. “It is okay G Dragon-sunbaenim.”
Jiyong laughed a soft laugh that Namjoon found very pleasant. It fit the shorter skinny alpha a lot more than the aggression he saw in him earlier. “Please don’t call me that. You text with both Daesung and RiRi every day, the least you can do is call my Jiyong-hyung. Jiyong-sunbaenim can work as well if you think it is too much.”
In Namjoon’s defense it was… insane, G Dragon had just told him to call him Jiyong hyung! “Thank you!”
“Oh god you are adorable, please stop. I am trying to be cool.” The alpha at that point sat down on the couch. “Oh this is important I think. I met your baby alpha and I might have scared him a little. I will for your fault pretend to be sorry about that.”
Jiyong was something else that was for sure Namjoon thought. He now understood what Seungri had meant with Jiyong being special. “What happened to Jungkook.” No matter what had happened between him and Jungkook he was still Jungkook’s leader and it was still his job to protect Jungkook.
“Well Dae and Seunghyun told us what happened and Seungri told us that you have forgave him for it. We all come from a time where there were very very few male omegas in the entertainment industry. So we might be a little bit overprotective when it comes to omegas. And google told me that Jungkook seems to really look up to me, and you know what they say… Never meet your heroes, so I just politely pointed out that he was really not very impressive and he caused a lot of shit.”
Namjoon sighed heavily while yes he was very flattered that the older alpha seemed to care any way about him and he understood why people wanted him to not forgive BTS. But it simply wasn’t who he was. It wasn’t like they ever really meant to hurt him, they just didn’t know better. Jiyong might as well has buried Jungkook alive. “He really looks up to you hyung. You are one of his biggest idols.”
The older alpha just grinned. “Well now he got a lesson from one of his biggest idols, don’t fuck with omegas. Still to this day they can be rare in certain groups. Don’t confuse being the leader of BTS with babying them. Sometimes letting them stand on their own legs and realize the shit they have done is a better option.” Jiyong got up and looked at the laptop Namjoon was working on. “I would get him to record the vocals again, don’t let him get away with not reaching his full potential just because he is the maknae. He might hate you while doing it but in the end he will thank you for it.”
Namjoon understood Jiyong’s point he had talked multiple times with the two youngest members of Big Bang about how the older groups saw omegas especially male omegas and what Jiyong said made sense. But he did wish that the older had been a little bit more careful with Jungkook. He wished that everybody would be a lot nicer to Jungkook about it. He wished that people saw it like he did. That Jungkook really wasn’t that bad.
“He is a good kid. I just want him to be happy.” Namjoon couldn’t stop himself from pouting a little as he looked at Jiyong who was still looking at the laptop.
It took awhile before the older spoke up and when he did there was a weird tone in his voice. “I know better than anybody how easy it is the baby the maknae or just the youngest in general. We feel as leaders that we should protect them and make sure that they are okay. But that is not our job, that is their pack leaders job. While I do know that some pack leaders are also group leader, but for us it isn’t like that. We are just group leaders, it is not our job to make sure that they are happy and secure. It is our job to make sure that they reach their full potential. It is our job to push them, even if it means recording the same lines for hours upon hours to get that perfect take. If it means we have to be the evil person for a while we do it because we are leaders and we want what is best for our group.” He looked at Namjoon the look in his eyes soft. “Believe me I wanted to baby the living hell out of both Daesung and Seungri in the start but it wouldn’t have done any of us any good. Instead during recording I am the evil boogeyman, because if I go easy on them I’m I really doing them a favor? Two things can happen, if it manages to get approved the fans get to hear a subpar product, and we both knows fans or anti’s aren’t going to silently accept that. The other option is that it get pulled by somebody in the company. Is it really better for them to hear it from somebody other than you that what they did wasn’t good enough?”
Jiyong, of course, had a point, he never thought about it that way. He had always kinda acted like he was the pack alpha half time. “You are right, thank you Jiyong-sunbaenim. I never thought about it that way. I might have been a little too easy on people since I presented as an omega, I… I still struggle with what it is okay for me to do.”
To that the alpha laughed. “Everything is okay for you to do. Dae once knocked me in the ground during a gym session plus him and Youngbae wrestle all the time. His sub gender doesn’t matter, you think they would dare disagree with me in my studio if I was an omega?” Namjoon quickly shook his head, Jiyong could have been an omega and nobody would have dared fuck with him.
Jiyong smiled at him now. Namjoon wasn’t sure what he expected, Jiyong on the stage was always impressive aggressive and… G Dragon. But the Jiyong in front of him now, was more complicated than that. This was one of the problems looking up to people you never really knew how they were in reality. You only really knew the image they showed to in public this was different, and somehow more impressive.
But Jiyong wasn’t finished with his little speech. “I have a question. How are you?” Namjoon opened his mouth to do his normal ‘okay’ speech, but Jiyong was quick to correct him before he even started speaking. “I mean with the omega rapper thing. I know it can’t be easy.”
It was the first time Namjoon had actually gotten asked that. Majority of his friends were idols first rappers later or they were not omegas nobody since the hospital had even questioned it. Namjoon thought back on the messages left on his phone from old friends, or people he thought were friends. He wanted to lie, but as he looked into Jiyong’s eyes the dark brown orbs were kind. The same kind of kind that he got when he meet with Daesung like he wouldn’t judge him and like it would be wrong to lie to him because he didn’t need to. So in the end he didn’t. “It is… hard, not as hard as I expected for Jiho, uhm Zico, we were friends back in the underground and he has been supportive and helping getting the others to accept me. There are still a few people who are being closed minded, but it is going better.” Namjoon looked away from Jiyong feeling way to awkward looking into the older man's eyes. “But it’s going much better than I expected.”
“We are a close minded group sometimes aren’t we? Rappers? We judge everybody who started rapping as an idol. Can you imagine if it was the same for singers that no singers were respected unless they started singing before they became an idol?” The alpha shrugged and Namjoon did kinda have to agree with him. “But it’s good that you are getting through it. A good piece of advice I can give you is to say ‘fuck you’ to friends who decides to give you shit. There are some people who are never going to accept you as an idol. People who think they are to good to the mainstream. Fuck them, they aren’t worth your time. I know it feels like you have something to prove to them, but you owe them nothing.
The passion between Jiyong’s words left Namjoon to believe that the older probably had his fair number of people who turned their back on him. Something he wouldn’t have believed if people just told him he were freaking G Dragon! But then again, Jiyong was just a person wasn’t he?
Namjoon hadn’t even known that it was something he needed to hear, and hearing it from Jiyong somebody he respected more than he could even explain was a lot better than anything he had ever expected. “Thank you Jiyong-sunbaenim,”
Jiyong’s face turned into a mildly childish pout at his sentence. “I feel like I might not deserve it after scaring you. I also owe you a thank you as well.” Jiyong’s posture was a lot easier now, and it casual. “For Daesung, he always craves omega’s presence during his preheat. Normally he will spend time with Jessica or Heechul, but Jessica is busy with her fashion stuff and Heechul is being busy doing whatever the hell pregnant people do. He was a lot more calm after spending some time with you. It means a lot to all of us.”
To be honest Namjoon hadn’t actually thought about it. He hadn’t even thought about the fact that Daesung had sought physical contact with him. He couldn’t stop the light blush in his cheeks he never before had an omega seek contact with him like that. Jimin would never do it since he hated Namjoon’s scent before his presentation. He kinda liked the idea of another person being calmed by his presence. “It was the least I could do.”
Jiyong just smiled at the omega. ”You have a good heart, which reminds me of something,” is eyes were soft, “if you ever need a place to just be free of everything, we always have a place for you at our place. It can’t be easy when all of your friends are trying to court you at the same time.”
That was not what Namjoon had expected at all. He knew that both Daesung and Seungri seemed to like him. But this was big, bigger than he deserved. “I can’t do that! You don’t have to worry, Bang pd-nim got me my own place, and it isn’t that bad. People are being very accepting and not pressuring me to make a choice.”
“Oh I know you got your own place. I stood guard while Seungri sneaked in. Please don’t keep your key under your doormat you are just going to get stabbed in the middle of the night, but that is not the point right now. Sometimes you need a break from everything around you, but you don’t want to be alone. That is what we are offering you, Seungri said that majority of your friends are either courting you or housing your group mates. We are people completely removed from the situation with no agenda or no expectation of you. ”Namjoon couldn’t stop his face from wearing a skeptical look, which Jiyong smiled softly at. “I know it seems weird, we are an older group, but what started as interest for your sub-gender and your health, turned into interest for you personally and taking a liking for you.”
Namjoon couldn’t stop himself from blushing and stammering a sentence. “I can’t possibly take that offer! You guys are very busy!”
“If redoing the same 3 songs over and over again until we are happy and solo activities are busy then yeah of course we are busy!” He shrugged easily. “We all talked about and agreed on it, you are not being a burden or anything like that. We want you there. If anything see it as a favor to either Daesung or Seungri, both soft alphas and omegas need other omegas around them, and as said… our normal omegas are a little busy either with growing a child inside them or being successful no matter how much SM is trying not to make them.” Jiyong looked at Namjoon expectantly and the younger suddenly felt like he couldn’t let this man down. This man that really shouldn’t even look at Namjoon let alone actually talking to him and offering stuff like that.
 Namjoon nodded slowly. “Thank you.” He couldn’t explain how thankful he was, and he could feel his eyes burn with tears he refused to shed. It was still hard to believe that anybody let alone this alpha in front of him cared about him. “Thank you so much.”
Jiyong just smiled and then did something Namjoon didn’t expect. He patted him on the head. “You are a good guy. I hope to see more of you.” and with that… he left.
Leaving behind Namjoon staring at the space where the pink haired alpha had been almost wondering if it really had happened on Jiyong was really just something he imagined, but a text pinging in on his phone proving that it had really did. The text was short and from Daesung without the normal overly complex happy smilies.
‘He is something else isn’t he?’
Oh how right Daesung was in that. Well at least Namjoon’s meeting with Jiyong went well. What Namjoon didn’t know yet was that his first meeting with the Big Bang alpha, would be Namjoon insulting him.
Authors note:
I know this isn’t going to be fun, but I am taking a two weeks break from this story, I know... but please listen to me.
A lot of stuff have been going on in my life and my boyfriend just left to go home to his own country and I won't see him until December!
The truth is this story requires a lot not just writing but making sure that every plot point ends up solved at the same time. Making sure that the ending is logical but not something you saw coming.
Then there is a shit ton of research I need to do, many of these groups is the first time I ever write so I want to get it right, that plus since it is mostly canon world there is a lot of double and triple checking schedules to make sure who would be in Japan at the same time as BTS and stuff like that.
I just need a little break and then I will be back, I am afraid if I keep going I might make mistakes that won’t be correctable! 
I will keep on writing other stuffs both my normal requests and my Hidden Omega side story requests and I hope you guys would like to read that!
- Prussia
Chapter 1 ! Previous Chapter ! Next Chapter !
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#Repost @thefilmaddict_ ・・・ Halloween (2018) BTS 🎃🔪 - 15 DAYS - #Halloween2018 #Halloween1978 #LaurieStrode #JamieLeeCurtis #AndiMatichak #MichaelMyers #NickCastle #JohnCarpenter #DavidGordonGreen #DrLoomis #DonaldPleasence #HorrorCommunity #Horror #HorrorFilms #Halloween6 #SilverShamrock #FreddyKrueger #Halloween5 #HaddonField #BoogeyMan #TheShape #JohnCarpentersHalloween #HalloweenMovie #HalloweenII #HalloweenFranchise #BlumHouse #Halloween4 #HalloweenIII #Art #JamesJudeCourtney https://www.instagram.com/p/BoiLR59A4sr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9shptx9d63fd
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