#boo's music taste
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suitablestuit · 9 months
Im tired of being ignored
*Giant gulp of air*
If you don’t know what I’m talking about.
Listen to it.
I love the band but they are criminally underrated.
please show me what song you think is the best!!
K Byeee have a good day sanders sides community!! And anyone who somehow finds this!
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the-blind-geisha · 1 year
King Boo x Reader - You're the Inspiration Chapter 1
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It was always ill advised to go anywhere near the woodlands at night. The twisted, bare trees resembled a naked gallow support, ready to hang any and all who dared to walk so freely beneath them. 
Children were notorious for never taking warnings seriously, causing so many to become lost in the haunted forest just outside of town. There was a marketing billboard within Darkshire that now was full of nothing but lost children's descriptions.
For many, it was too depressing to dare to be near while others took it upon themselves to try and hunt for them—only to never be heard from again.
Even if it was hard for her to ever consider doing so, she did take quick glances at the listings pinned there upon the wooden board. Never did she want to see anybody she knew hanging there staring her in the face, as it felt like the woods did nothing but swallow the souls of the innocent.
Nobody new today , she thought to herself, tightening her grip upon the umbrella’s handle. Breathing in steadily and then out, she headed for her house only to be stopped by the sound of someone hammering away at something.
Her eyes caught sight of some Toads working with a few of the human villagers just outside of town. They were trying to repair part of the outer town’s wooden fence. It had collapsed from a dry bone’s attack a few months back.
She shivered a bit just recalling that moment.
“Careful, now,” a familiar old voice insisted. “We don't need any accidents to occur.”
Chapter 1
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widowshill · 1 year
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honestly this is tricky because roger has the more Cultivated and Pretentious taste, and genres that would typically get classified as Better –– older jazz, classical, some opera –– but V's taste is just more fun –– pop, folk, soundtracks. Roger absolutely thinks V has bad taste in music ( at least at the beginning ) and in return she thinks he has, if not bad, then weird taste ( an opinion not limited to just music ). ultimately i think V's is better because she's less limited by like ... Class and Canon ideas of what's good music, she's drawn to what moves her and her record collection is fairly diverse for its size. and most importantly, her music gets them dancing <3
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update i saw the mario movie !! it was cute actually
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kalach-cha · 2 years
cracks knuckles ahem ahem ♫ for Reymas, Plaguerobber, Anders AND Handers. feed us please
*cracks knuckles harder to assert dominance, then looks like a fuckin idiot when i inevitability get hurt*
REYMAS: Show Me How to Live by Audioslave (idk just vibes on this, though i do like “You thought you made a man/You better think again” for Dismas bc trans vibes)
PLAGUEROBBER: Dig a Fancy Grave by Sarah & the Safeword (SOLELY bc the idle grave robber perk is called “eat the rich” and i feel like audrey’s a commie catgirl. we’ve discussed this. tho if i had to be serious for a sec about a song for them it would be Eudaemonia by Them Are Us Too but i don’t really have any good reasoning besides that the song makes it sound like you’re high)
ANDERS: Superhero by Johnny Hollow (ok this one actually matches up lyrically and it’s a banger so i do stand by this and if you disagree sorry but you’re wrong. also im pretty sure i first found this song from an anders edit which explains. So Much.)
HANDERS: The World is Not Enough by Garbage (especially for an equally pro-mage hawke- though if for whatever reason you wanted to do the squicky rivalmance and go pro-templar, i’d say So Bad by the Spin Doctors, but be prepared to cry if you listen to it)
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fauxintellectual · 3 months
Maybe it's because I'm a kissless virgin but sometimes....I just get tired of hearing people talk about sex all the time
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ant-diary · 1 year
I keep asking people to send me music they only for me to remember I'm allergic to music suggestions
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winter2468 · 10 months
Should they be at the club? - Baldur's Gate Edition
Wyll: Wyll likes drinking and set a record for endurance dancing in his teens. He had to give up having teenage fun way too early. Not only should he be at the club, but he's having a great time.
Astarion: Does not enjoy the club as much as he pretends to. He shouldn't be at the club. He should be gossiping at his local sewing circle. Did you hear what Maureen's husband did? The scandal!
Shadowheart: She should be at the club.
Lae'zel: She's terrifying at the club. She should be there.
Karlach: Not only should she be at the club, but it's everything she deserves. I'm offering her a ticket to the club on bended knee.
Gale: He has bad knees, a bad back, and can't talk over the music. He's at his local wine tasting instead.
Halsin: He should not be at the club. He is at his local community centre.
Minthara: See Lae'zel.
Jaheira: Don't be ageist. She should be at the club.
Minsc and Boo: They are at the club and it was Boo's idea.
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avatar-anna · 8 months
Moments caught between Harry and Y/n on camera at the Brits
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just something fun because harry at the brits was a mess but we love him for it!
Young Dad! Harry Styles x Young Mom! Reader Masterlist
The red carpet is loud and raucous, bright lights flashing as people shout for the attention of celebrities. One couple in particular is the center of attention the second they step on the carpet.
Harry Styles and a woman walk arm-in-arm, a broad grin on his face and a shy smile on hers. Harry seems to be whispering something in the woman's ear, his nose pressed against the crown of her head. It makes her visibly relax, her grin widening and becoming more authentic as they take a couple more steps.
The woman is the recently revealed Y/n Styles, Harry Styles' long-time partner that he'd somehow kept from the rest of the world for over a decade. But she was here tonight, just as she had been at the Grammys a couple weeks ago, and the cameras now track their every move, intrigued by this new-ish couple.
"Harry! Harry! Harry, over here!"
"Harry, did you really marry Y/n when you were in One Direction?"
"Y/n, how does it feel to be with the most famous man in music?"
Y/n, who's hard to miss in a red dress that fits like a glove, shrinks almost imperceptibly against Harry's side. Harry looks down at her, and the husband and wife share a look as if they're having an unspoken conversation.
Then he mutters something to her, and Y/n laughs as Harry kisses her cheek, but not before nudging his nose against it. The shouts double, so used to Harry's stoic approach to being out in the public eye, but both of them move steadily down the carpet, not paying the paparazzi and reporters any mind.
During their walk down the red carpet, Harry and Y/n come across a barricaded section for fans of the artists in attendance. They all cheer as each celebrity walks by, shouting compliments and proclamations of love for their favorite.
Y/n once again hesitates on Harry's arm, wary eyes darting toward the boisterous fans. At the same time, Harry is called to by a reporter asking for an interview. Checking in with his wife, he departs with a kiss to her forehead, murmuring words the cameras can't quite pick up.
Y/n stands on her own, one arm crossed over her stomach as she tries to stay standing tall. Fans call out to her from the barricade in a way that's difficult to ignore. She waves at them with a small smile, but it's clear they want her to come closer.
With one glance at her husband, who's still speaking with the reporter, and another to a security guard close by, she nods to the latter and they step closer to the barricade, just close enough in proximity that she can actually make out distinct voices and words.
"Y/n we love you!"
"Where did you meet Harry?"
"How long have you been together?"
"Ugh, you are so mother in that dress!"
"What's your skincare routine?"
"What's Harry's?"
The tense set of her shoulders eases a bit, no longer apprehensive of the fans and their potential to be cruel.
"I feel like I met him a lifetime ago," she says. "And I just cleanse, moisturize, and use SPF."
"How come we've never seen you at shows?"
"What's your favorite Harry song?"
"Are you friends with One Direction?"
"Where were you last year when Harry got wasted?"
Y/n chuckles at the last question, her eyes lighting up as her hand covers her mouth. "I've always had a soft spot for 'Ever Since New York.'"
"Taste!" a fan yells, decibels louder above the rest, which garners laughter from everyone.
"Can you make Harry release 'Medicine?'" another asks.
Before Y/n answers, Harry appears by her side, an arm snaking around her waist. "There you are. Got sidetracked by your own interview, did you?"
"They were just asking if I'd help them in their quest for a studio version of 'Medicine.' I'm not sure if I can, though. They don't know how stubborn you are."
A chorus of boos went up at Y/n's answer, but not at her. Harry raised his eyebrows at his wife as if in challenge, but her responding gaze is quite mischievous.
Taking everyone, including Y/n, by surprise, he leans in to kiss her cheek, saying, "Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight, darling?"
A chorus of aww's ring through the small crowd of fans as Harry places his hand on Y/n's lower back, ushering her away from the barricade. Y/n raises an eyebrow at her husband, who is conveniently not meeting her eye. "Nice save."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"You never call me darling."
Harry lets out a snort. "Lies. Lies on the red carpet tonight."
Y/n rolls her eyes but leans in close to her husband, carefully avoiding the fabric flower around his neck. "Mhmm. Let's go, darling."
An artist is being interviewed inside the O2, and Harry and Y/n are videotaped in the background.
In the very corner, the couple are leaning in close and talking, a drink in each one of their hands. Harry talks animatedly, gesturing with his drink to the point where it nearly spills on Y/n's dress. Y/n doesn't seem to mind and just throws back her head as she laughs. His eyes light up as he watches her, a word that could only be described as love encompassing his face.
During one of the performances, a camera pans to Harry's table. The house lights are dim, but he's still visible amongst the flashes of color from the stage. Harry sits in his chair, body slumped a little low so he can rest his head on Y/n's shoulder.
Both of their attention is on the performer onstage, not noticing as a few cameras are pointed in their direction as Y/n scratches the back of Harry's neck absentmindedly. He leans into her touch, looking up occasionally to say something to his wife.
"And the winner is...Harry Styles!"
Cheers erupted throughout the room, the table Harry is at standing up. Harry himself stays seated and curls in on himself, pumping his arms victoriously as he beams. His eyes are a little glassy, his hair unkempt, a sign that the night has progressed with lots of alcohol consumption.
He turns to his sister Gemma first as he stands up, high-fiving her before giving her a hug and fist-bumping someone else. Then he turns to Y/n, who hasn't stopped clapping since his name had been read for the third time from the envelope.
She opens her arms as if to accept a hug, but Harry has other plans. He leans forward and kisses her in a way that's merely pressing his smile against hers until they mold their mouths into a kiss. Then he kisses her cheek repeatedly, making her shoulders bunch as she smiles brightly.
When Harry finally pulls away, Y/n's cheeks are flushed as she tries to wipe at her husband's face with her thumb. With one last kiss, he heads up to the stage to accept his award.
Another performance, only this time, everyone is on their feet, including Harry and Y/n.
Harry's arms are wrapped around Y/n's shoulders from behind, his chin on her shoulder. Both of them sway from side to side to the rhythm of the song as Harry mouthed the words in Y/n's ear.
Her grin is wide as her eyes stay trained on the performance. Then, she looks back at Harry, who met her gaze as she says something.
Nodding, he kisses her once on the cheek before nodding back to the stage.
As Kid speaks into the microphone onstage saying his thank yous, Harry is having the time of his life behind his friend as he speaks to Stanley Tucci.
By now it's a little obvious he's had more than a couple drinks. His hair is nothing short of a mess, his dress shirt is a little more unbuttoned than it had been to begin with, and he throws his head back and laughs in a way that is fueled by drunken delight.
Briefly, the camera turns to Harry's wife, who stands beside Gemma. Y/n's hands hold her face as she watches her husband be ushered offstage by the people around him. She giggles a little before leaning over to Gemma and shaking her head. Gemma laughs along with her, covering her mouth as she says something to the woman beside her.
The camera flashes back to Harry, who turns around one last time so he can blow a kiss to the crowd, more specifically, Y/n, who the camera catches covering her face in her hands, cheeks as red as her dress.
Paparazzi shout at their latest persons of interest as they make the brief walk from the car to the entrance of a club where the after party for the Brits is being held.
Harry's arms are tightly wrapped around Y/n's waist, face set as he ignores the crowd of people shouting for his attention. Y/n, turned slightly inward towards Harry's chest, keeps pace beside him. Most of her body is covered by what can only be her husband's suit jacket, but with the open front, a hint of a sparkly pink dress can be seen, a drastic change from her award show attire.
The only time they separate is when Harry allows Y/n entrance into the club first before following close behind, his hand once again protectively hovering over the small of her back.
Photos are strictly forbidden inside of the club, so it isn't until the couple emerges from the doors once again that they're spotted.
Neither of them stumble, though paparazzi wouldn't have cared if they were. All eyes are on Harry's disheveled hair, the heels dangling from his fingers, the suit jacket draped over the arm not around his wife. They're on Y/n, whose dress is completely on display, the beading that covers its entirety flashing with every snap of the camera's shutter.
Then the collar of Harry's silk dress shirt shifted, revealing a harsh purple bruise that hadn't been there before. Neither Harry nor Y/n seem to notice, or understand why the cacophony of shouts became louder, they just continue on, Y/n's hand on the nape of her husband's neck idly scratching until he helps her into the car.
Following suit, Harry climbs inside. For a brief moment, Harry sticks his head out the open window of the car and winks and sticks his tongue out at all the photographers. Y/n appears from her side of the car, leaning across her husband to bring the window up. Not an ounce of care in the world, he leans forward to kiss his wife's exposed jaw. With an exasperated expression on her face and a delicate wave of her fingers, the window goes up, and though the windows are tinted, a hand is visible against the glass as the car peeled away from the curb.
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small-giggle · 3 months
Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)
my creativity
my hair (sometimes)
my style??
my taste in friends
my uhhh music??
im gonna tag instead lol um @mybedroomceilingsbored @boob-gremlin @forever-bi-panic @killerdinosourusrex @oliiiiiiiiive
@urlocalsadkid-l @rxsewqter @sagaofa-dying-star @im-a-skeleton-in-your-closet @bleep-bloop-boo
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girlokwhatever · 5 months
I just wanna start off and say I love ur work sm! I was wondering if you could write a Paige x swiftie!reader?
thx so much!! i hope you enjoy this girly boo ily
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paige x swiftie!reader hcs
˙ ✩°˖🫐 ⋆。˚꩜𐙚✩‧₊˚ paige with a swifite gf,,
— when you first met, you and paige’s music taste was…. different. to say the least
— after hanging out so much, your music taste rubbed off on her a little
- she’s a swiftie now but won’t admit it
— buys you the most crazy and expensive merch right off the t swift website
— also bought you the tickets to your very first taylor swift show
- you cried
— listens when you tell her all about the folklore love triangle
- it took WEEKS for her to really get it
— helps you pick out and make your outfit for the eras tour show
- she’s wearing a shirt that says ‘karma’
- you’re absolutely bedazzled from head to toe
— she’s such an aux hog anywhere else but when she’s driving with you, it’s all your favorite taylor swift songs
- you’re screaming the lyrics to 22 every single time
— when she sees your childhood bedroom for the first time she realizes how long you’ve been a swiftie
- you have her debut album poster on your wall dated 2006.
— she tries so hard to understand when you tell her about all the easter eggs and stuff
— your mom tells her about how when you were little you would tell people you were related to taylor swift
- she’s teasing you about it for the rest of her life
— gets you a taylor swift themed bday cake
— sometimes she’ll ask you a super underground and random question about t swizzle and if you don’t know she’s immediately claiming you’re a fake fan
- “wow you’re a fake fan, i knew that and you didn’t.”
- likes to get you fired up about it
— takes pictures and videos of you the whole time at her concert because you’re in your element and she loves seeing you so happy
— you both dedicate every wednesday night before the concert to teach her the lyrics so you don’t embarrass her
— looks for travis kelce the whole time at the concert
— hypes you up to the extreme when you start singing along to t swift songs
— she discovered you’re in a taylor swift fan club online LOLLLL
— she’s a speak now and reputation girly FOR SURE
— gets you socks with taylor’s face on them
— sometimes you’ll be talking about how much you love taylor and she gets pouty
- “why don’t you go date her then”
— “jake gyllenhaal was so good in-“
- “don’t say another word.”
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bountycancelled · 9 months
something more than friends
(lucy gray baird x reader)
tip me on kofi if you feel so inclined
requested: yep, I hope you like it anon♡
content: a little bit of angst but mainly fluff, men (derogatory), kinda lovesick!lucy gray, jealous lucy gray (we love to see it), pretty intense description of kissing but no smut.
warnings: a very brief mention of drinking, internalised homophobia but it doesn't last long, gay stuff (duh), lowercase intended I know boo I'm annoying.
a/n: I haven't read the book yet so idk much about the covey so their appearance may ooc but that's solely due to my lack of knowledge on them
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lucy gray baird never faltered when she sang.
there were very few things that could get under her skin when she was on that stage, strumming her guitar and twirling in her skirt as the district folk stomped along to the beat.
sure, sometimes drunkards and the occasional hung up ex would try to cause a scene, attempting to gain her attention from below, but she would simply roll her eyes, waiting for someone to take care of them so that she could go back to doing what she did best. performing.
so what exactly had happened to make the lucy gray baird, forget a line in a song?
she was quick to remedy her mistake, carrying the tune in such a way that most patrons didn't even notice her mess up. but ironically enough, the very cause of her brain fog noticed. you.
you gave her a worried look, but she brushed it off, willing herself to continue playing as if nothing was wrong. and technically, nothing was wrong. you were there, in the far back of the crowd, wearing a white dress with a drink in your hand. and Lucy Gray didn't mean to be cliché, but you really did look like an angel, something divine that she had the honour of setting her eyes on.
but obviously, she wasn't the only one who thought that.
you were speaking to some man. which was fine, you were always the most gorgeous girl in the room in her eyes and she knew that she wasn't the only one who appreciated your beauty, you were always needing to awkwardly laugh at men's advances and brush them off as best as you could, but you weren't doing that tonight.
you were laughing, a genuine laugh, leaning in to hear his voice over the music, over her singing. she wanted to jump off of the stage and break her guitar over that assholes face, and she couldn't explain why.
she had always known that one day, you'd settle down with a kind man who cared for you (not nearly as much as she did, but that was okay) and then she would see you less and less. but knowing didn't make the taste in her mouth any more bitter.
the first time you told her about a crush that you had, on a boy named Tom, she spent the whole night convincing you that he just wasn't right for you. you believed her of course, rejecting him swiftly the next week when he asked you to go on a walk with him, walking instead with lucy gray, hand in hand.
but then, she did it every time you spoke about a boy, and you started to believe her less and less. 'I think you're just jealous lucy gray, and you don't anybody taking my attention away from you.'
you were right, she was jealous, and the thought of you, with a man, it disgusted her to her core. which is why she took off as soon as her set ended, not even staying for the applause as she searched for you outside.
there you were, and thankfully, you were alone, no undeserving man in sight.
she ran up to you, her brown eyes seemingly sparkling even in the darkened night. "how'd you enjoy the show, darlin'?"
her heart jumped when you smiled at her, your eyes crinkling in joy as you took both of her hand in yours, squeezing them affectionately. "you have the voice of an angel, lucy gray. and I envy the lucky fella who's gonna marry you, and have to serenade them whenever they want."
lucy gray rolled her eyes in a good natured fashion, trying to ignore the knot in her stomach when you mentioned her getting married. "I already serenade you, sweet thing. and im not gonna let some wedding band stop me."
you laughed airily, leading her by the hand towards the lake, where you spent most nights together. you sat down at the edge, laying your head in her lap when she sat beside you. her hand went to your hair, and she fought the urge to by giddy at the sight of your head in her lap, you were just... perfect.
"who was that guy that you were talking to back then? when I was singing, I mean." she asked, her voice uncharacteristically quiet.
you thought back to about an hour prior, picturing every person that you had been with throughout the evening as you tried to recall who she was asking about in particular. "oh! that was matthew, his dad and my dad go way back, but the two of us never really shared their closeness for whatever reason. but after speaking to him tonight I'm a bit upset that I never tried to grow a friendship with him earlier."
she nodded, her cherry glossed lips pressing into a thin line. "he doesn't just wanna be friends with you though, I could see it." you scoffed playfully, raising a brow at her curiously. "you were all the way up on stage, in the middle of your favourite song to perform, and somehow, you could tell that much from so far away?"
she opened her mouth to defend herself, but after realising just how insane the notion sounded when you phrased it in that way, she quickly closed it again. "I'm not gonna let any man take me away from you, lucy gray, believe me when I say that I can't live without you."
your words sent a fury of butterflies in her stomach, and she swore that felt dizzy as you picked your head up, moving your face so close to hers that your noses were almost touching. she wanted to kiss you. god, what the hell was wrong with her? how could she be thinking of you in this way?
despite her inner conflict, she made no moves to create some distance between your faces, selfishly wanting to stay like this for as long as you'd let her. "I wish we could get married." she sighed, her eyes widening at her own words. "I meant- not like, I didn't mean- not in, like, a husband and wife typa way-"
you cut her off with trying to, with a tilt of your head making her suck in a sharp breath. "you don't wanna do husband and wife things with me?" you asked, and she could swear that your voice had a certain tone about it, one that made her cheeks feel blazing and her breaths shallow.
she shook her head, her usually fierce tone reduced to a meek almost whisper. "we can't do those stuff together."
you were too close for comfort. she could feel the tip of your nose against hers and if you leaned in any further, she was sure that she would combust. "who cares if we can't? the more important question is, do you want to?"
inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. she had forgotten how to breath. this wasn't right, she knew that, so why were her lips on yours in a flash, her hands in your hair, around your waist, holding your hands, touching any part of you that she could reach as the two of you kissed? in public, no less?
she couldn't find it in her mind to stop, not when your soft, sweet lips moved in tandem with hers as if you were molded to fit each other. when you pulled away, with lucy gray chasing your lips with an involuntary whine, you held her by the shoulders, a look of concern on your face.
that was when she felt it. the guilt knawing at her stomach, and the tears that flowed down her face. was she crying because of how overwhelming her feelings were for you? maybe it was because she knew that you would have to hide... whatever had just happened between the two of you.
you leaned your forehead against hers, you sweet voice easing her fear. "I love you." she nodded, not being able to say it back just yet, but she could only hope that you knew. she moved to kiss you again, being startled out of her mind by a girlish scream in the distance.
it was maude ivory, eyes wide and hand slapped over her mouth in shock, with an equally suprised tam amber standing next to her. lucy gray felt sick to her stomach.
"I knew it." tam Amber said with a shrug, moving to sit next to the two fo you as she stared out at the moonlit lake. "no one looks at their friend like how lucy gray looks at you."
"can I be the flower girl? and the maid of honour? and the priest?" maude ivory rambled, laying half in lucy grays lap and half in yours. you simply laughed, explaining that her dream wasn't exactly possible but flower girl was certainly doable as lucy gray watched, tears threatening to fall from her eyes once again. only this time, they were of relief.
the joy she felt in her chest, at the thought that you could be... together in front of the covey was the best gift she could possibly be given. you and her, together. not just as best friends. although it was hard to wrap her head around it, she knew that it was exactly what she wanted and she had it on good authority that you wanted it too.
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unabletomakedecisions · 4 months
I don't know where to talk about this but I need to talk with SOMEONE about how NPMD has an ongoing theme (I think it's a theme?) of people getting a taste of what they always wanted before it is stolen from them and they die.
Max thought the nerds actually cared about him and were willing to do something nice for him out of their own free will.
And then he fell and realised the nerds didn't care about him, they only wanted to hurt him (although they didn't actually want to kill him).
Richie finally became friends with the popular footballers (is it football? I'm Australian idk) and they told him they liked + needed him.
And then Max called out and made Richie think they were bullying him again, then told him that he'll always be a loser.
Ruth got her moment on stage and hit that amazing high note, proving to herself that she could be a lead at a musical theatre and be the star of the show.
And then Max booed her, which essentially told her that she could never be good enough to do it, and he killed her before she could ever perform in front of an audience.
Steph's dad and his assistant don't fit this, but they're not main characters.
Pete finally asks Stephanie out for the dance and she says yes, fulfilling both of their hopes for each other's love.
And then... If Max hadn't stopped the bullet, Pete would've died knowing he could never be with Steph, and Steph would have lived on in sadness. And if Grace hadn't called Max away and tricked him, then they both would have died with the knowledge that they failed to save the person they loved most and would never be with them.
In giving up her chastity, Grace stops the cycle from repeating with Steph & Pete, and instead forces Max to die again. Max doesn't actually lose what he wanted most with his second death, because Grace substitutes her want (to become holy again and to have this never haunt her again) for one of his wants (to have sex with Grace).
I don't know if I'm onto something here, if I'm being crazy, or if someone else has already noticed it.
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patrophthia · 1 year
can u pls right about Theo and the reader. it is like prom night and she looks so pretty and Theo wants a kiss from her but, they aren't official yet so, yeah. but, she gives in the end. ty!! and Congo!!!
first kiss with theo are you kidding me?!? this is so cuteeeee
ditto | theodore nott
pairing: theodore nott x reader
genre: fluff, (kinda) established relationships, first kisses !!!
part of my 1k celebration event !
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Coming to the dance with you is a bad idea. Why he even agreed to come is a mystery in the first place. He had never been one for balls or dances a like, with its loud music and crowded rooms; he’d much rather just stay at home with a good book and his cushioned bed. 
But you’ve asked of him to be here with you, as your date, and when he’s so so incredibly enamored by you. How could he ever say no? 
And now, as he stands before you, with your hands over his shoulders and his resting on your waist. Your eyes shut as you laugh at a lame joke he’d made, the sound resonating through your chest tugging at his heart string as you did so. He thinks that he’s never seen anyone as pretty as you. 
And it’s devastating, to think so —to know so, to know that within the last decades of his life, he’s only just now seeing someone like you. And he’s so incredibly lucky to be able to call you his, or at least officially do so in a few minute time. 
Your eyes open back up and your nose crinkles as you notice him staring at you. “What?” You ask. “Is there something on my face?” 
He tries to stop himself, he really did. He knows how cheesy it’d sound and how much you’d tease him for saying it but he says it anyways. “Just beauty.” 
And when you scrunch your nose, face contorting in disgust at his lame pick up line. He finds himself smiling at you. “Boo,” you say first, “stop saying things like that or we might actually have to break up.” 
“This early?” 
You’ve been going two months top, never having made it officials with labels and such but it’s clear that the two of you liked each other very much. Especially when one of you eyes the others lips for way too long. 
Just like how you’re eyeing his right now. “Mhmm.” 
He juts his lips out in a pout, and you don’t even bother to hide the fact that you’re staring at him. “That’s way too early don’t you think?” 
“Maybe?” You murmur, still swaying to the music. “But I’ve never been one for cheesy pick up lines so you’d have to make it up to me.” 
He’s soft when he’s with you, hands rubbing against the plush of your waist through your dress. “How can I do that?” 
“Tell me that you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you.” 
It takes him a second, but then: “ditto.” 
And when he leans in his first, lowering himself so you wouldn’t strain your neck as your lips met his, he realizes he’s completely consumed by you; the taste of your lips, the feel of you in his hold, the scent of you, you were quite literally everything to him. 
And he’s so so glad that he’s your. 
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