#bonus prompt: memorable moments
ellivenollivander · 1 year
Days Go By Fast
Anyone remember when @applinsandoranges played that lyric prompt game like, a month ago? Yeah, well this is the fic I wrote for the prompt I received. Which was: "Sit back and witness sheer chaos" Summary: "It's not every day that your young man turns eleven, now is it?" In which the Weasley's eldest son turns 11, and MC wants to throw a big party for him, and then stresses out about it. Her husband comes to the rescue. Pairing: Garreth Weasley x F!MC Rating: SFW! Fluff! Silly Fun Family Fluff! A/N: I saw the word chaos, and my brain immediately went to WEASLEY CHILDREN. Also, I named all of the children. It was just easier to write that way.
“Mind his head now, there you go, love.” Garreth's girls seemed to never get enough of holding their new baby brother, he and his wife had assumed it was something akin to a honeymoon phase. Though here they were, six weeks later still bouncing on their toes, begging to hold him whenever he was brought within three feet of their presence.
Lionel now safely resting in his sister's arms, Garreth turned to his eldest son, ruffling his hair “You wouldn’t mind keeping an eye on them would you, Finn? It would be just for a moment. While I go check to see if your mother has blown up the kitchen in her panic.”  
Finn smiled, his hand running gently over the baby's head before rolling his eyes in a way that looked much like his mother. 
“Please go, I’ll make sure they don’t drop ‘em.” 
Garreth tried his best not to turn his elder children into bonus parents for his younger ones, something he had grown up with in his large family. However, he felt a swell of pride each time Finn stepped in to help of his own accord, with a smile. 
He knocked his knuckles against his son's chin with a grin, before taking his leave. Heading towards the kitchen where he knew his wife was flitting around in a panic, preparing for today. He chose to ignore the bickering of his daughter's flabbergasted defenses at Finn having the gall to suggest they’d drop their brother. 
MC was indeed in a state. The hair she had spent nearly half an hour tying up in the mirror this morning was hanging in frizzy tendrils around her face, now held up only by her wand. The wrap she normally carried Lionel around the house in was now drooping loosely around her abdomen, and she was absolutely covered in various baking ingredients. “I told you I’d take care of the cake, MC.” Garreths voice was light with laughter and bewildered amusement at his beloved wife. Who was desperate to make Finn's eleventh birthday party a memorable one. Of course, their son had received his owl with his Hogwarts acceptance letter last week, on his actual birthday. Face crimson red with delight, and loud cheering around the kitchen table when he had received his first proper bit of post just for him. 
Garreth had managed to convince his wife to push his birthday party back a week. A compromise to what he had been really pushing for, which was no party at all. Knowing his kind and responsible son would be just as happy with his favorite dinner and a cake.  
Garreth had been worried about the toll the stress of planning and hosting a large party would take on his wife, so soon after giving birth to their littlest boy. He wanted her to rest, soak up as much time as she could with their newest addition whilst she was still on maternity leave from the ministry. 
Though, of course, his wife was hearing none of it. Her desire to celebrate their eldests first big milestone in the magical world, turning eleven, going to Hogwarts was passionate enough to squash any of Garreth’s defenses. 
He had tried his best to shoulder as much of the responsibility for the party as his wife would allow, which wasn’t nearly as much as he had hoped. 
“Is that egg?” Garreth had rounded on his wife, tugging the bowl from her hands and swiping a finger across the goo on her cheek. She slapped him away, a blush on her cheeks. 
“I can bake a cake for my son, Gar.” 
“As can I, and I can do it without frightening the children. Delia said you were cursing at my moms cookbook. Now, what did it ever do to you?” He set the bowl on the counter, pressing a small kiss to her temple, seemingly the only place she hadn’t managed to muck up with her attempts at baking. Just as MC was defending her tirade against her mother-in-law's cookbook, there was a knock at the door and Garreth winced at the panic filling his wife's eyes, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close. 
“Don’t freak out, love. It’s just Lee and his own posse.” 
Her panicked look didn’t fade, and anger flashed alongside it. 
“I asked them to come early, to help out, don’t bother fighting me on it. It’s already done. You just have to deal.” He booped her nose with his finger, a grin on his face that he knew made his wife soften to him. She narrowed her eyes, before bolting out of the room and up the stairs to clean herself up, cursing as she went and her husband's laugh following her along the way. 
“Delia, you should know better than to open the door by yourself.” The sound of the front door clicking shut accompanied his best friend's stern tone. “I knew it was you, Uncle Lee!”
Garreth continued grinning as he cleaned up the mess MC left behind, listening to his best friend chastise his youngest daughter. The thrilled shrieks of the rest of his children soon followed at the arrival of their Aunt and Uncle and their children. “Oh? You knew it was me did you? Can you see through doors now? Don’t yell, your baby brother's little ears are sensitive, you hellions.” Garreth had just finished scourgifying the last of the batter, before pausing his work to join them back in the living room to greet his best friend and his family.  “Oh please, the little brute won’t even sleep unless his siblings are making a ruckus. Poor lad has never known a moment of silence.” 
Garreth couldn’t help but feel his heart flutter at the sight of this family in his living room. Leander had Delia wrapped against his chest, his fingers tickling her sides. Poppy was crouched beside Tilly, cooing at the baby still in her arms, and Lea was tucked into the corner with the Prewetts two children, Ruth and Oliver. Speaking in hushed tones and soft giggles, while Finn was desperately trying to breach their small circle, being held back by Lea’s hand on his forehead. 
The only thing missing from the picture was his darling wife, who had just reappeared down the stairs, looking as refreshed as a new mother of five could. She pinched Garreth’s side as she passed him, effectively ruining the moment of pride and love he was feeling, replacing it again with his usual playful attitude, making him swipe at her backside. 
MC glared back at him, but he could see the smile tugging at her lips, though it wasn’t long before a familiar look of stress and worry etched itself back into her features.
“You guys really didn’t have to come, you know. I had it handled.”  She shot daggers in Garreth’s direction as she spoke over the dull roar of the children and their noise. Poppy stood up, shaking her head with a smile. 
“Oh please, MC. I couldn’t imagine pulling off this party with five children at home let alone being six weeks postpartum.” She laid a comforting hand on his wife's shoulder. “We would have come early anyhow, even if your husband hadn’t asked us too, so don’t be too hard on him. He just wants to make this a great day. For Finn.” 
Both women turned to watch the boy in question, who was now trying to put his sister in a headlock in his attempts to catch sight of what the Prewetts had brought him for a gift. 
“Please stop torturing him, you three. Come on. Let’s go outside.”
Soon enough, Garreths cake was cooling on the counter and everyone had been delegated a task to ensure everything got done in time for the rest of the plethora of guests that MC had invited to arrive. 
Much to her dismay, Garreth had sat MC down in the soft sunshine to nurse Lionel, alone whilst everyone else finished preparing for the party for her eldest baby boy. 
Garreths parents arrived next, an hour before the party was properly due to start and they immediately had been set to work in helping with the preparations. 
His mother started assisting Poppy in getting refreshments on tables in the garden. MC couldn’t help but smile watching Lea carefully carrying a pitcher of juice across the uneven grass. Her little face full of concentration, determined not to spill. 
Garreth had put his father and Leander to work in helping him raise a colorful tent around the tables, wands raised while Oliver and Finn looked on in wonder. Their little minds still enamored by magic in its simplest of forms.
Soon enough, guests started trickling in. Garreths siblings, their children, which really nearly filled their small garden on their own. Followed by neighbors and friends. All laden with gifts and good cheer for Finn, who had turned into the most gracious of hosts. Thanking each and every person that showed up with a big grin and red cheeks.  
Eventually, Garreths mother had even taken Lionel from her arms, and MC was left to do nothing but wander around the party. Keeping an eye on her children, on the tables seeming to never empty with Garreth and his mother circling them every so often, waving their wands when a dish seemed to dwindle in size. 
She watched as Lionel was passed to Poppy. A pout forming on her face and Leander shaking his head in exasperation before she could even speak her desire. 
MC caught sight of her other four offspring, each and every one having the time of their lives, and the evidence of her own baby fever. 
Garreths sister had charmed an old garden statue of a giant purple toad to spew water from its mouth, delighting all of the children present as they played in its spray. A welcome relief to the summer sun beating down on the party and its guests. 
She was so caught up in watching them, she didn’t notice her husband sidle up next to her with a butterbeer in hand and an arm around her waist. 
He kissed her cheek, pulling a leaf from her hair as he did so. Letting out a happy sigh as he joined her in surveying the party she had spent weeks stressing out over. 
“We pulled it off, love. Everyone’s having a great time. Especially Finn.”
The proud parents found their eldest son, trying to shove his cousins’ face into the frog's mouth. They laughed in exasperation when his grandfather pulled him back by the collar of his now very wet shirt. With the party now in a full, successful swing, Garreth reminds her to just try and enjoy the moment. To celebrate their little boy. 
“I can’t believe he’s eleven, Gar. I feel like I blinked and he went from being an infant and now he’s off to Hogwarts in a months’ time.” She tries to swallow the lump in her throat at the thought. Her chest tightening in anxiety about the boy who made her a mother being so far away from her. 
“I know.” His jaw was tight when she glanced at him, and her eyes threatened to fill with tears knowing he was feeling much similarly. He managed to pull his eyes off his son to his wife, and then they went wide. “Don’t you dare cry, or I’m going to cry and then Finn will never let us throw him a party like this again.”
MC laughed, fanning her heated face with her hand, trying to stop herself from blubbering like an idiot. Garreth pulled her tightly against his side once again, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. 
“We just have to relax, sit back and enjoy the sheer chaos that is our family.”
MC wrapped her arms around her Garreth's waist, and hummed happily in agreement, slowly letting all of the stress of the last few weeks go, letting herself soak up the sunshine and all of the love being poured out for her son.
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tennessoui · 8 months
Kisses to distract for the playmaker au 🌌
omg from this prompt list, kisses to distract from the au where all the kisses are basically to deceive and to distract???? hell yes!!!
so i couldn't pick which kiss i wanted and then i remembered i made a playmaker post once about how vos is probably sent undercover/ends up at anakin's table and obi-wan freaks out and corners him and they're found and its so suspicious that they would be so close talking in a secret corner that before they're found, vos kisses obi-wan so that people will just think that they're horny only for vos to then die because That's Anakin's Little Mouse
so this is that....except a little different cause obi-wan's daddy issues are Daddying rn
(2.6k) (cw: a nonconsensual kiss. but also. like. murder???)
Obi-Wan can feel his heart beating. It’s so loud in his mind that he can barely hear what Vader is saying, and he’s sitting in the man’s lap, face tucked up beneath his chin.
He can’t remember a time he’s felt more exposed, not even the very first time Vader’s hands had found his waist and pulled him into his lap in front of half his highest ranking men. 
In the intervening weeks, it’s even been—well. It’s become rather…comfortable. If he doesn’t think of all the reasons it isn’t. 
Perched on Anakin’s thighs, one arm wrapped around his shoulders and the other held to his lap, he can press his face up against the man’s hair. He can close his eyes and commit himself wholly to listening to the men and women around him talk. Talk of shipments and delays, money owed, lives taken in payment. Obi-Wan can memorize everything and he can do it from the throne of the very mob his department has tasked him with bringing down. He can memorize it all and spend the moments in between pressing kisses to the tendons of Anakin’s neck, trailing his fingers along the in-seam of his suit pants, rubbing at the mob boss’ shoulder with the palm of his other hand.
Because—because that’s what the mission instructs that he do. He’s supposed to gather intel, gather evidence. And he’s supposed to do it without Anakin realizing that there’s a rat wrapped around his heart. The kisses—the kisses help. Distract him.
And it feels good. To kiss him.
To tease him into fucking him up against the wall the second they get somewhere private. To coax him into such violent need he dismisses his men and has Obi-Wan right where they’re sitting. 
It feels good, to be so desired that it’s uncontrollable. To be so desired that the desire must be dealt with, must be whittled down simply by the act of having. Of taking.
Obi-Wan doesn’t feel guilty about how good it feels. It should feel good to be touched. It should be some sort of bonus to the undercover mission that it is sometimes him whose hands shake with the desire to be on Anakin’s skin. It is not something he needs to feel guilty about.
It is not something his father needs to know about either, the way that the son he raised turns into a slut the moment a criminal gets between his thighs.
And luckily enough, right now, Obi-Wan is the sole decider of what Qui-Gon Jinn gets to know. That’s the nature of being the only rat to have lived this long in the Skywalker mob. That’s the nature of being the only rat. Obi-Wan gets to decide what he tells his team and what he leaves out of their quick and hurried meetings when Obi-Wan’s supposed to be on a run.
But—but he was supposed to be the only rat.
He was not supposed to look across the long table laden with food that Anakin uses for his mob meetings and see a face he recognized. 
Obi-Wan’s head is swimming, and his heart is pounding so loudly in his ears that Anakin must be able to hear it too. That must be why he adjusts his grip on him, dragging him further into his arms as if that will make him feel safer.
All it does is drag the hem of his shorts further up his thigh, exposing the lace end of the stockings he’s wearing. All it does is tug the droopy material of his shirt off his shoulder—revealing the strappy red lace of the bralette beneath.
It has happened before—hell, Obi-Wan has dressed like this in front of these men for the express purpose of this happening, of his outfit revealing what lies beneath while he can feign ignorance. Nothing gets Anakin’s hands on him faster than other men seeing what he thinks is only his.
What is only his.
He came tonight wearing the brightest colors of pretty things he owned in order for this to happen because it has been far too long since Anakin last snapped. He has been far too put together lately, far too...distant.
It makes Obi-Wan’s chest tight with anxiety. He has not yet been able to figure out what attracted the mob boss to him in the first place, and he’s spent the last several days wondering if it’s gone. If he’s about to be tossed to the side, ripped out of Anakin’s bed with the same ease he was granted entry.
Or—maybe worse, what if Anakin has made him as a rat? What if he’s to be killed?
What if his father knows that and he thought to send in Obi-Wan’s replacement before he can die? It would be less suspicious, wouldn’t it? 
No. Obi-Wan is being paranoid. Too paranoid. Even if he were to lose Anakin’s attention, he has the twins wrapped around his thumb. Anakin cannot kill him, his children would not stand for it. 
And—it would give him time to figure out what he did wrong, what made Anakin’s eyes stray. He could be better. Figure out how to do better, be what he needed.
For the sake of the mission.
And…there would be no way for his father to catch wind of the mob realizing there’s a rat before Obi-Wan knows. 
So the fact that Quinlan Vos is sitting close to the foot of the table…that he’s here, in this room, as a ranking member of Anakin’s mob….
That must mean that his father does not trust him to be doing his job. That Obi-Wan’s performance has disappointed him somehow, that he hasn’t been enough. He has not given them the information that they need and so his father has found a replacement.
And now the man who used to help Obi-Wan sort his father’s highlighters by color and size is staring at him from down the table, looking at the lines of his lingerie as he sits on the lap of the most dangerous mob boss in the city.
“Well,” Anakin says, tossing his napkin onto his empty plate. “Let’s break so that they can clean up this mess. And then—to business, men.”
The words are met with the thud and scrape of twenty or thirty chairs pushing back from their seats as the owners vacate them obediently. Obi-Wan, just as obedient, stays still. Anakin’s hand has clasped around the back of his neck, keeping him in position. 
“You’re shaking, little mouse,” the mob boss murmurs.
“It’s cold,” Obi-Wan replies automatically, turning his face into his neck. He presses the faintest of kisses there and thinks about ripping the man’s throat open with his teeth, ending all of his problems now. 
“Aw, baby, but you look so pretty like this,” Anakin says, ghosting his hand up the outside of his thigh and resting it just beneath the hem of his shorts. Then, his tone changes, growing lower, darker. Vader.  “The men couldn’t look away.”
Obi-Wan tries to draw a breath, but it stalls out in his chest. He stills, and then immediately tries to pretend that he hasn’t, that his thoughts have flown to Vos, who had been just as surprised to see him in Anakin’s lap as Obi-Wan had been to see him at Anakin’s table. 
“Hm?” Vader continues, as if Obi-Wan has spoken.
“I didn’t notice,” Obi-Wan finally says, sitting back so he can look fully into Vader’s eyes. “All I was looking at was you.”
They’re different from Anakin’s, Vader’s eyes. He would include this in his reports if he could figure out a way to say it that doesn’t make him sound insane. It’s been a long-held theory, that Anakin Skywalker isn’t always just Anakin Skywalker, but no one’s ever been able to have irrefutable proof.
But looking into Vader’s eyes, Obi-Wan knows. Knows it’s Vader who is looking back. Anakin is a dangerous man all on his own, but Vader…Vader is another beast entirely.
One that Obi-Wan isn’t prepared to deal with right now. Not when he is so on edge. When Vos is here. At Anakin’s restaurant. At his table.
Does Obi-Wan’s father really think he has failed so entirely? Does he really think he needs to be replaced? Needs support?
“I need to stretch my legs,” Obi-Wan says, pushing away from Vader’s chest. “I heard you and Ahsoka talking over it, I know this meeting will be a long one.” “My, what big ears you have, little mouse,” Vader says silkily, even as he drops his hands and leans back in his chair. The dismissal is clear; Obi-Wan is being given what he wants.
He gets several steps away before he looks back at Anakin, hands tightening into fists and releasing. 
The man is watching him go, wine glass raised in front of his lips. He hasn’t closed his legs yet, sprawling out on his chair like it’s a throne.
And Obi-Wan is—torn. He needs to track down Vos. He needs to find a place to talk with him. 
But he needs—he needs to stay here, with Anakin. He needs to turn back around and press himself up against Anakin’s chest once more, spread himself over him and make him feel good. So good that Anakin will not kill him nor tell him to leave and kill him all the same.
The shame and guilt that come on the heels of that thought are strong enough to force him to look away, force him out of the room.
He doesn’t get far.
A hand wraps around his arm and pulls him aside almost as soon as he’s exited the wide main room of the second floor of Anakin’s restaurant.
Obi-Wan makes an automatic, furious sound, but the hold on his arm only tightens as he’s pulled further into a dark and quiet alcove, mostly shielded by a marbled statue.
“What the hell are you doing,” the man who has grabbed Obi-Wan whispers furiously, and Obi-Wan goes almost boneless with relief. Oh, thank God it’s Vos.
“Me? What are you doing—” he turns around to face him fully, as much as the tight space can allow. “Did my father send you?”
In the shadows of the alcove, Obi-Wan can barely see Vos roll his eyes. “Probably in his mind, yeah, he did. I got back from one undercover mission, got sent the contacts for another almost immediately, wound up here, where his precious son’s whor—”
“What does that mean—”
“And he should have, Jesus, Kenobi! They told me you were making nice with the mob, wait until they hear you’re grinding up on Vader during his business meetings, what the fuck—-”
“No!” Obi-Wan doesn’t mean to say it so loudly or so vehemently, but he can’t. Qui-Gon was never supposed to know, no one was supposed to know, and now they will, and maybe his father will pull him off the case, can he do that? Would he try? If he thought Obi-Wan was doing a bad enough job, he would. He would take him away, get Detective Secura to arrest him next time they meet for information, it wouldn’t blow his cover, but it would take him away from—
From Anakin.
Obi-Wan can’t let that happen.
He hears footsteps, pointed and loud, coming down the hallway toward them. The break must nearing over, it’ll be time to get back to the real meat of the meeting, the actual mob business now, and then Obi-Wan won’t see Vos again. No way Anakin would let him spend a moment alone with another man—it would look suspicious anyway, if Ben knew this random mobster. Two rats getting cozy under the same roof, it doesn’t look good.
Anakin can’t know. Obi-Wan can’t lose him. He can’t lose him.
He can’t.
I’m sorry, he thinks and he knows it’s not good enough but the guilt does not drown out the need burning in his chest. The desire that cannot be controlled.
In the next moment, he’s pushing Vos up against the wall of the alcove, forcing him back with a grunt that’s loud enough that the footsteps outside pause.
Just as Obi-Wan presses his lips against Vos’, pulling his own shirt down to look dissheveled. Messy. Like someone has been running their hands over his clothes.
“Oh, now that’s something Vader will want to know about,” Ahsoka Tano says. Obi-Wan rips himself away almost as fast as he pushed himself into Vos’ space.
It isn’t an act when he rubs the back of his hand over his lips. He’d kissed Vos mid-word, gotten the man’s spit in his mouth. He doesn’t like the taste, wishes it was Anakin’s.
“Tano,” he says. “Just making friends.”
Tano’s eyebrows fly up further than Obi-Wan’s ever seen them. “You get all your friends killed, Ben?”
Vos moves to stand beside him, shoulder to shoulder, and the guilt and shame slam into Obi-Wan so suddenly that he almost rocks back from the blow. Vos is eight years older than him; was just fresh from the academy when Obi-Wan was still just a kid left to twiddle his thumbs at the police station waiting for his father to take him home. He’d gotten him take-out before. Coffee. Water. Little games to play with.
And Obi-Wan has gotten him killed.
“A little kiss won’t kill me,” Vos says, clapping a hand to Obi-Wan’s shoulder. There’s a note of bravado in his voice.
“Not quickly,” Tano promises. She raises her hand, snaps it when Obi-Wan doesn’t exit as quickly as she wants. “Come on, Benny. Let’s get you back to daddy.”
“Ahsoka,” Obi-Wan says, taking a shaking step forward. All he can think about suddenly is Vos, a decade younger and relegated to a shitty desk in the back of the station first year out of the academy, shoes up on his files, biology flashcards in his hands as he ran Obi-Wan through the questions.
What has he done?
What has he done?
“Please,” he finally says, stumbling out of the alcove, and when his voice wavers, he’s not faking it. What has he done? He has gotten Vos killed—and for what? Why had he kissed him? He could have—he could have talked to him, he could have begged. He could have explained the situation, why did he have to—
Because there is nothing Obi-Wan can say that will make Tano hold her tongue.
And there is nothing Obi-Wan can do to stay Anakin’s hands. He has murdered people for less. Perhaps this time he’ll murder Obi-Wan too, that way Obi-Wan will not have to live too long with the weight of this guilt.
“Ladies first,” Tano says as she opens the door back into the room. It’s buzzing with the sound of other people’s voices, the movement of them as they find their seats once more.
Obi-Wan walks forward and Anakin’s eyes snap to him immediately. They’re dark and narrowed, as if he already knows more than he likes.
The walk has never been longer to get to Anakin’s side once more. 
He’s pulled to stand in between Anakin’s spread thighs, the man’s hands falling to his waist and pulling him in, splaying out across his hips.
“Mm,” the mobster murmurs, and Obi-Wan’s legs are so shaky that he has to clamber up onto his lap just to avoid falling apart then and there. What has he done. What has he done?
“You smell different, baby,” Anakin says. “What have you been doing?” Obi-Wan wonders suddenly, wildly, if he can smell his fear. If he could see it in his eyes as he approached.
“Making friends,” Tano reports as she drops into the chair next to them. “Tongue first.”
Anakin’s hands still and then tighten. When he speaks, his voice is low and deep and all Vader. “Is that right, little mouse?”
And Obi-Wan—there is nothing Obi-Wan can do save for letting the guilt kill him.
So Obi-Wan nods. He nods and raises Vader's chin with his hand, forcing him to look at him. "I told you I was cold," he said as if he'd been so cold he found another man's body to keep him warm in the minutes he was away from Anakin.
Anakin's eyes are like pieces of ice. There's no warmth in them, but there's a glowing light of something that looks a lot like hunger. Fascination.
It's the same way he looked at him when he first saw him. As if he were intrigued.
The expression makes something that has been wound tight these last few weeks dissolve into nothing. Anakin's eyes promise that there will be no more distance between them. That he has not grown so tired of him that he will be discarded with next week's recycling.
And despite the guilt, the worry, the shame that's burning Obi-Wan's insides to ash, that look in Anakin's eyes warms him to the core.
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arrowfleur · 2 years
A Perfect View
A Redacted gift exchange fic for @angelcactus !!
Thanks to @the-sugar-crash for setting this whole thing up <33
Things I took from your form:
Favourite characters: Sam and William
Favourite couple: Huxley and Damien
Prompts: hidden presents, snowball fight, fluff!
Word count: 1.7k
Hope you enjoy!! Can also be read over on A03
“We’re almost there Dames, promise.”  
Damien had never been much of a nature kind of guy before he met Huxley, he appreciated the trees that shaded the path up to D.A.M.N in the summer and the flowers his mother used to decorate their house when he was growing up but that was about it.  
And as he walks now, fingers intertwined with his partner, he supposes that hasn’t actually changed, not exactly. His growing adoration for the outdoors wasn’t what kept him coming on these hikes, but Huxley. More specifically, the way the earth elementals aura would light up when showing him a cool plant or how he trusted in sharing private trails and paths he’d discovered on his many walks out here alone. The cuddling close in the tent when it was colder out was also an added bonus.  
The fire elemental let his partner guide him up the last stretch of hill, observing Huxley’s eyes growing wider with each step and for good reason to. The view from the top was magnificent, all glimmering snow and forest paired with a winter’s sun falling slowly behind the horizon. The other man guided Damien towards the edge of the cliff, placing his heavy back-pack down and winding his large arms around his waist from behind.  
“Whatd’ya think?”  
Damien took in the sight of it for a little while before turning in Huxley’s hold to look up at the only other sight there that could match the forests beauty. Huxley’s cheeks had reddened slightly from the cold, the sun reflecting it’s golden light off of his tanned skin and dancing around his dark eyes.  
“It’s beautiful Hux.” Huxley smiled wide before reconnecting his lips to place a kiss atop of his boyfriend's head, arms tightening around him.  
“Yeah. Thank you, for showing me this.”  
“Of course, dude, I want to share everything with you, I’m glad you let me.” Dames rested his head between Huxley’s collar-bone and jaw, sharing his heat and returning the hug, attempting to memorize every feature of Hux’s face and every branch of the trees around them in hopes to never forget a single detail of this moment.  
“Is this the reason you brought me up here?”  
“Well, what is it?”  
Huxley let out a low laugh from his chest, breath visible in the air, “Not yet, soon I swear.” Damien stared at him questioningly, he had never really been the most patient person but if Hux wanted it to be a surprise, he would wait. “We should probably get the tent up before it’s completely dark out.”  
Huxley had collected dry wood on the walk up, the tent he’d brought was a pop up and didn’t take much time setting up, just some pegs to stick it down. He watched as Damien positioned the firewood into a pyramid shape, warming up the smaller pieces in his palms until they sparked and placing them gently in the middle of the larger ones. No matter how many times he witnessed his boyfriend use his abilities, Huxley still found himself enamoured by how beautiful something so destructive could be. The earth elemental set up the beds and sleeping bags inside making sure it would be comfortable for them.  
“Hux, fires done. I’m gonna go get changed.”  
“Okay Dames.”  
Huxley had already changed and began setting up a mat for them to sit on by the edge of the cliff. He stared at the fire behind him as the flames grew higher, intertwining with each other. The heat slowly encased his body moving from one side to the other. He recalled the countless nights he’d spent shivering after being unsuccessful in setting one up for himself as he dragged his fingertips through the top of the flames, quickly as to not burn his hands.  
His boy scout's instructor was the first to teach him that trick, showing how the fire would only burn him when treated incorrectly, but when given the perfect balance of air and wood and treated carefully it would flourish. Dames had placed a circle of rocks around the wood and Hux brushed his fingers through the flames once again.  
“Um, Huxley what's this?”  
Damien sat down besides his boyfriend, wearing joggers and Huxley's hoodie, a wrapped-up box in hand. “oh, shit man you weren’t supposed to see that yet.” He wrapped a blanket over Damien's back, wrapping his arm over his shoulder to bring his partner closer.  
“I wanted to wear one of your hoodies and it was in the same bag, I thought we’d already given each other our presents. Sorry, I should have asked.”  
“It’s okay Dame’s, what's mine is yours, I love seeing you in my clothes. Besides, I probably should have hidden it better.”  
“I haven’t gotten you anything else.”  
“That’s okay. It’s not much, open it you’ll see.”  
Damien unwrapped the silver wrapping paper to reveal a black box filled with his favourite snacks and two pairs of binoculars.  
 “Hux what are these for?”  
 The fire elemental picked up one of the pairs of binoculars passing it to his partner. “You know how that forest is the only place covered in snow?” Damien nodded into his shoulder, intrigued. “Well, that’s the Solaire clan's land and every year the king hires contra-fire elementals to cover it in snow for new year's.”  
“Because Vampires are strong and the sound of the fireworks covers the sound of the snowballs.”  
“Snowballs... you mean the William Solaire set up a snowball fight?”  
“Mmhmm, it's fun to watch, they get really competitive with it, I only found it out a couple of years ago when I came up here to watch the fireworks. It’s the best view for them.”  
Damien considered that for a moment, taking it in before placing his hand on Huxley's cheek, kissing him slowly whilst his core filled with a warmth unlike any he’d ever experienced. “Thank you Hux, for I mean, the present yes but for today as a whole and just everything, thank you.”  
Huxley snuggled him in closer, re-wrapping the blanket around both of them and looking down towards the forest. He knew what Damien meant even when he didn’t exactly say it. “Of course, Dames. Always.”  
The pair waited for the game to start, lifting the binoculars to their eyes as soon as they heard a bang.  
“Is that a shifter?”  
“Go I'll cover you Darlin’”  
Sam shot out an armful of snow balls as his partner weaved throughout the trees. This year him and Vincent were the team captains, usually he didn’t care much about winning but even he could admit he wasn’t immune to a little sibling rivalry. Although not technically brothers Sam always viewed Vincent as one and he’d be damned if he didn’t try his best to beat him.  
Sam’s team consisted of his Darlin’, whom a lot of the other vamps didn’t aim for out of fear of causing them harm, not knowing how tough they were. His two progenies' although pretty newly turned were swift and hard to catch, he’d taught them well. And Sam’s main advantage, king William Solaire himself, who always had a trick up his sleeve, and never lost.  
Sam managed to hit two of Vincent's vamp’s out with the help of his mate's distraction before finding cover behind a tree to figure out his next game plan. He knelt down, picking up snow and rolling it between his palms before freezing in place at the sound of quiet laughter from above.  
“You know no one’s placed me in this position before Samuel, going against both of my progenies.”  
The southern gentleman looked up startled to find his leader seated on a large tree branch next to a pile of snowballs. “William, sir.”  
“You know Vincent's fast and Alexis well, she’s a lot of things and relentless is one of them, you are never going to succeed attacking them down there.”  
“If you’d rather be on Vincent's team sir, I'd completely understand. I didn’t mean to make things uncomfortable.”  
“No, no Samuel. I created the rules to this game and I will Honour them as they are. I believe you’ve misunderstood.”  
Sam looked around for any oncoming attacks before returning his attention to the King. “Misunderstood sir?”  
“I’m thanking you, Samuel. I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to knock some sense into those kids for a while now and you’ve presented me one perfectly.” Williams smiled slyly, a glint in his eyes Sam had never seen before.  
Fred and Bright ran up behind him giggling to each other, “we’ve just knocked out four of them but they got me.” Sam ruffled Fred's hair up smiling at his snow-covered form.  
“Alright kid go sit out, well done; Bright go get Darlin and any others you can find and bring ‘em back here.”  
It was endearing how they always spoke in unison, like two halves of a whole. Sam looked back up to William, trying to recall where their conversation had left off. “I don’t s’pose you’ve got a plan Sir?”  
“That would depend entirely on you and the rest of your team's ability to climb.”  
“Are you sure their around here?”  
“Yes, Lovely the last of them ran over here I saw it.”  
“I can’t see an-” “Did you hear that?”  
“Everyone get back, they’re close.”  
Vincent and the rest of his team retreated back, taking cover and scouring the area for any movement. Although pitch black, Vampire sight was no joke and Vincent could see the forest clear as day.  
“No one's here.” His voice was hushed as he whispered to his partner. “We should loo-”  
A familiar southern accent sounded out as Vincent and his whole team fell prey to an avalanche of snow falling from above. Coating them entirely. Once sure everyone had been hit, Sam and whoever was left of his team greeted the unsuspecting losers of the game on the ground.  
Sam’s fangs were visible, face graced with a shit-eating grin. He reached out a hand to help his ‘brother’ up from the ground and waited before Vincent took it reluctantly.  
“Now, what were you saying about cowboys not being made for the cold?”  
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tellmewhatyouc · 9 months
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Winter Break Advent: Masterlist
over the course of december, i made some things for @winterbreakadvent! i'll be posting through january and updating this list as i go ✨
Bonus 1 | December 1st
Prompt: caught in the rain without an umbrella Title: a wet cat on your doorstep Fandom: NU: Carnival Characters: Aster + Dante
Bonus 2 | December 2nd
Prompt: amnesia lifted by horrendous memories of something that happened during the winter time Title: last moments of pure recall Fandom: Generation Loss Characters: Ranboo | The Hero
Creation Challenge | December 3rd
Kuya Moodboard Prompts: azure / violet / sapphire Fandom: NU: Carnival
Week 1 | December 4th-8th
Prompts: health-related / opening up about something / backstory fic Title: conversations by firelight Fandom: NU: Carnival Characters: Quincy & Rei
Creation Challenge | December 9th
Quincy Moodboard Prompts: metal / dirt / stone Fandom: NU: Carnival
Creation Challenge | December 10th
Blade Playlist Prompts: stranded / cursed / moving Fandom: NU: Carnival
Week 2 | December 11th-15th
Prompts: platonic fluff / friend dates / catching up / you make me smile / just like old times Title: joy beyond recognition Fandom: NU: Carnival Characters: Blade & Rei
Creation Challenge | December 16th
Blade Moodboard Prompts: pearl / chiffon / light white Fandom: NU: Carnival
Creation Challenge | December 17th
Rei Moodboard Prompts: witchcore / film grain / burgundy Fandom: NU: Carnival
Week 3 | December 18th-22nd
Prompts: hospital / ambulances and EMTs / EMTs shift ends up lasting 24 hours / nurse & emergency & operating room / “Give yourself a chance to heal.” Title: cold plunge Fandom: NU: Carnival Characters: Quincy + Kuya
Creation Challenge | December 23rd
NU: Carnival Icons Prompts: winter coat or sweater
Creation Challenge | December 24th
Prompts: BDSM / domestic / sex workers Title: calm in cleanliness Fandom: NU: Carnival Character: Kuya
Week 4 | December 25th-29th
Prompts: making their maybe-last annual holiday get-together as memorable as possible / making gingerbread houses Title: it may be your last Fandom: NU: Carnival Characters: Eiden/ensemble
Creation Challenge | December 30th
Prompts: leather / charcoal / raven Title: first contact Fandom: NU: Carnival Characters: Blade + Rei
Bonus 3 | December 31st
Prompt: suddenly everyone’s voices are gone Title: mute button Fandom: NU: Carnival Characters: Eiden/Olivine | Quincy & Kuya
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laidee-flegman · 10 months
Third day of Christmas journaling prompts - Childhood memories!
Santa's Workshop Flashback: What was your image of Santa's workshop as a kid? Describe the magical details you imagined, from elves to toy production.
The Christmas Morning Wake-Up Call: Take us back to the moment you woke up on Christmas morning as a child. What was the first thing you noticed, and how did you feel?
The Great Cookie Caper: Share your childhood strategy for catching Santa in the act. Did you leave out cookies, set up traps, or write him a persuasive note?
The Tree-Trimming Tradition: Recall the annual ritual of decorating the Christmas tree. What ornaments were your favorites, and did your family have any quirky traditions?
The Letter to Santa: What were your most outrageous requests in your letters to Santa? Any funny stories about what you thought would convince him to bring you the goods?
Holiday Hijinks: Did you ever pull a prank during the holidays or witness one? Spill the cocoa – what happened, and was it all in good fun?
Ugly Sweater Showdown: Describe the most memorable Christmas sweater you wore as a kid. Bonus points for any embarrassing photos that may still be floating around!
Christmas Morning Breakfast: What was the go-to breakfast on Christmas morning in your house? Pancakes, cinnamon rolls, or perhaps something a bit more unconventional?
The Gift-Wrapping Chronicles: Share your wrapping skills as a kid. Did you meticulously measure and fold, or did you embrace the glorious chaos of crumpled paper and excessive tape?
Snow Day Shenanigans: If you experienced snowy Christmases, what were your favorite activities? Snowball fights, building snowmen, or attempting the elusive perfect snow angel?
The Caroling Crew: Did you ever go caroling as a child? What songs were in your repertoire, and did you have any hilarious mishaps while spreading holiday cheer?
The Annual Nativity Play: If you participated in a nativity play, share your role and any amusing anecdotes from the performance.
The Stocking Surprise: What was the most unexpected thing you found in your stocking? Any childhood favorites that still make you smile?
The Annual Family Photo Shoot: Describe your family's attempts at getting that perfect Christmas card photo. Any funny outtakes or unexpected photobombs?
The Christmas Countdown: Did your family have an Advent calendar or any other creative ways to count down the days until Christmas? How did you mark each passing day?
The Midnight Mass Marvel: If your family attended a midnight Christmas service, share your memories of the atmosphere, the hymns, and any comical moments.
The Neighborhood Decorations Tour: Take us on a journey through your childhood neighborhood during the holidays. What houses had the most impressive decorations?
The Classroom Gift Exchange: Reminisce about the excitement of the annual classroom gift exchange. What was the coolest gift you received, and did you have any favorite classmates to exchange with?
The Homemade Ornament Odyssey: Share memories of crafting Christmas ornaments as a kid. What materials did you use, and do any of your handmade treasures still adorn your tree?
The Midnight Sneak Peek: Did you ever sneak a peek at your Christmas gifts before the big day? What lengths did you go to, and were the discoveries worth the risk?
The Christmas Eve Traditions: Describe your family's Christmas Eve traditions. Did you open a single gift, have a special meal, or participate in any unique rituals?
The Christmas Special Extravaganza: What was your all-time favorite Christmas TV special or movie as a child? Bonus points if you can still recite lines or sing the theme song!
The Secret Santa Schemes: Did you ever participate in Secret Santa at school or with friends? Share your most memorable gift exchanges and any amusing hints or surprises.
The Holiday Crafting Chaos: Share memories of any DIY Christmas crafts you tackled as a child. Did you make cards, ornaments, or maybe even attempt your version of Santa's workshop?
The Grandparent's House Getaway: If you visited your grandparents for Christmas, what special traditions or treats awaited you there? Grandmas and grandpas often know the secrets to extra festive fun!
The Adventurous Midnight Snack: Did you ever embark on a late-night kitchen adventure for a Christmas snack? What tasty treats did you concoct in the wee hours?
The Christmas Wish List Wonders: Reflect on the epic Christmas wish lists you created as a child. Were they pages long, and did you ever get that one special item you hoped for?
The Caroling Candy Cane Trail: Did your family ever go caroling in the neighborhood, leaving treats for friends and neighbors? Share your sweet stories from the candy cane trail.
The Winter Break Wonders: Reflect on your favorite activities during winter break as a child. Did you build epic snow forts, embark on family trips, or create your winter wonderland at home?
The New Year's Eve Nostalgia: Round off the Christmas memories with a look into New Year's Eve. How did your family celebrate, and did you have any unique traditions to ring in the new year?
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nothingunrealistic · 1 year
yolo another Memorable Scene ask is Learning To Drive Anxiety evan scene with jared "talking to himself" in the bathroom. so funny and easy to picture while peak Character Times are going on. while also making me remember the superlative phrasing "his oldest and sweatiest friend" from the dig those rhythm and blues fic, as a bonus
amazing how many times i can write “jared tries to persuade evan to stop hiding in a school bathroom stall,” something something joe iconis songs set in bathrooms… definitely a fan of both that prompt fic and that moment from dtrab. reread both of them in the process of answering this, even
(If I asked you what the most memorable scene from any fanfic of mine you read is, what’s the FIRST scene that comes to mind?)
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halftheway · 2 years
3, 7, and 21!!
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
oh crikey. there has been a Lot of shit and it's hard to pick a favorite! i rlly liked this tho, i'm not sure if i'll ever post it but its from a little wip that follows wilbur in the early days of fatherhood
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also! i fucking loved this scene in walk towards love where george walks in on the fiances making out. he is such a bitch<3
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7. longest completed fic you wrote this year
uh. well. given most of my writint goes ibto an ongoibg wip these are all gonna be under 5k i can feel it. checks notes well it was 3.7k💀 but i rlly loved writing forgiveness for a fic exchange, one of the prompts i was assigned was eret and wilbur Working Through Their Issues and i got to do it in a fantasy setting which i loved. and also tommy had a few funnie moments which is always a bonus<3
21. most memorable comment/review
god i have the memory of a goldfish but i'll say. every comment from luna (my beloved) is always so insightful and wonderful and i treasure those, and also just anything from my regular readers i cherish more than i can say bc i love seeing them in my inbox so much
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kyrstine · 5 hours
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A Productive and Fun-filled Day: The "tamugas" people
Today was a mix of learning, collaboration, and a bit of humor that left us all with smiles by the end of the day.
We kicked things off with a brief discussion on Topic 3, focusing on testing methods. We explored the two main approaches: white box and black box testing methods. These two are essential for ensuring software quality, with white box testing focusing on internal structures and black box testing looking at external outputs. Along with these, we also touched on Brooke's SUS method, a standardized tool for measuring usability.
After the discussion, we dove straight into our group activity. The task was to identify UI design discrepancies in a given picture, which was an interesting and engaging challenge. Next, we were asked to compute the System Usability Scale (SUS) score, both manually and through Excel computation. Thankfully, we were provided with the SUS response data, so our job was to crunch the numbers and assess performance.
Our group worked efficiently and managed to finish the task first. We were the first to submit both the paper and the required links, which prompted us to joke with Sir Carl, asking for bonus points because of our quick submission. This led to some fun banter, with Sir Carl nicknaming our group "Tamugas," a playful twist that had us all laughing as we wrapped up the day.
It was a productive session filled with teamwork and light-hearted moments, ending our day on a positive and memorable note.
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omona-kyeopta-blog · 7 years
viii. memorable moments
graylu week 2017
bonus day
gray fullbuster x lucy heartfilia
fairy tail
.. .. .. .. ..
Gray awoke with blinking eyes. His alarm clock kept ringing from the bedside table. After turning off the device, he took the paper underneath. There’s a neat handwriting there with feminine style, Lucy’s handwriting.
She must have set the alarm for me. Tch!
He yawned a few times before starting to read the note.
“Wake up, sleepy head! You definitely don’t want to be late today, do you?
Sorry, I’m not waiting for you to wake up, I have to meet Jellal this morning. No need to worry, it’s only for a regular check-up.
I’ll call later, okay. So be a good boy and eat the breakfast.
Love, Lucy.”
Gray chuckled lightly.
He then pulled out the drawer and put the paper in it. His gaze drifted to the side of his bed, remembering the conversation from last night. “… and Gray, thank you. I really had so much fun! We should do this more often so we can have lots of memorable moments…”
He didn’t hear the rest of it as she slowly slinging an arm around his waist and snuggled up to him while his fingers were gently massaging her shoulder. Such a warm and cozy feelings shared only between them.
He smiled at the thought when suddenly his cell phone rang…
“Okay, I’ll be there shortly!”
.. .. .. .. ..
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nonochuu · 7 years
#memorable moments
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“The enticing scent of the afternoon has lured me to tread the memory lane…”
<< full playlist >>
My submission for @fyeahgrayluweek ’17, bonus prompt: memorable moments. Well, enjoy this fanmix and happy listening! (´▽`)ノ♪     
1 ~ SUJU – No Other (7 July 2010)
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnMoDDbEccE
 2 ~ K.Will – My Heart Beating (10 March 2011)
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFSzMegd7hs
 3 ~ BTOB – Second Confession (10 April 2013)
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zuoNuI4fHQ
 4 ~ BTS – Just One Day (6 April 2014)
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTcKkcyS410
 5 ~ AKMU – 200% (6 April 2014)
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Oi8jDMvd_w
 6 ~ AKMU – Give Love (1 May 2014)
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2XX3cNW4K0
 7 ~ K.Will – Day 1 (25 June 2014)
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KVVPxexz1c
 8 ~ BTS – For You (4 June 2015)
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTG6nxwdhyA
 9 ~ GOT7 – Confession Song (22 November 2015)
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNLF7ysoc6w
 10 ~ BTOB – Remember That (27 March 2016)
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcnv3jjWgSc
 11 ~ Block B – A Few Years Later (27 March 2016)
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqqRn0l0PKE
 12 ~ iKON - #WYD (29 May 2016)
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hth1VQNPtj0
 13 ~ GOT7 – Let Me (27 September 2016)
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TB7aMJ4rDo
 13 ~ Bolbbalgan4 – Tell Me You Love Me (20 December 2016)
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5MAgMVwfFs
 15 ~ Yesung – Hibernation (10 April 2017)
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BbaVKwh5VA
 16 ~ Day6 – What Can I Do (6 August 2017)
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RJWqIEo_Tc
 17 ~ BTS – Love Yourself (4 September 2017)
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEMaH9Sm3lQ
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seaside-writings · 2 years
For your blog's anniversary, could I see a prompt list for intimate, nonsexual moments?
Of course, you can!
Also, I am super sorry that this took so long to make, and I hope you, alongside everyone else enjoy this list!
I hope you all stay blessed and safe throughout your day.
Lots of Love & Wishes: Celia 💙
♡ Person A wakes up before Person B and just watches them sleep as quietly as they can while at the same time just trying to memorize every little thing about B.
♡ Person A pulls Person B into a soft, swaying dance while Person B is trying to make Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner. This causes the food to be a little burnt but it's totally worth it. ♡ Snuggled up in a mess of pillows and blankets, Person A running their fingers through Person B's hair.
♡ Person A and Person B showering together and one washing the other's hair. ♡ Just giving one another random kisses anywhere, everywhere, and at any time.
♡ Sitting on the sofa together, snuggled up watching tv, but not truly watching whatever show/movie that's on.
♡ Laying in bed sharing kiss after kiss as they talk underneath the covers.
♡ Kissing cuts, bruises, and scrapes when one another gets them.
♡ Person A wrapping their arms around Person B's waist while burying their face into Person B's neck.
♡ Person A tracing shapes into Person B's skin. (Bonus points if Person B has freckles, scars, etc.)
♡ One laying on the other's chest to listen to their heartbeat.
♡ Person A holding Person B close while humming softly, just enjoying the softness between them.
♡ Fitting their hands together over and over, and watching how they fit together perfectly.
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jamespotterthefirst · 2 years
13 for baby prompts! 💕
Thank you so much, Alice! Here it is:
We'll Give the World to You
Book: Open Heart, beyond
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende-Ramsey)
Word count: 300
Warning: None
Prompt: 13 - Person A watching Person B holding and being engrossed in the baby (bonus points if they've never seen them so soft) | Pregnancy and Baby Prompts
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The world is still. 
How could it not when it changed only moments ago? Light had come into it with such blinding, beautiful force that everyone had to stop and admire it. Then, the unmistakable sound of a baby's cry.
Not just any baby.
His son. 
“Congratulations, doctors,” one of the nurses says as she brings Jonah over. Very gently, she sets him against Lilac’s skin. 
“Hello, my love,” she chokes out, tears rolling freely down her cheeks as she glances down at him.  
Ethan pauses by her bed, intent on memorizing every detail of this moment. His son’s tiny cheek pressed against Lilac’s chest, the song she softly sings for him in Spanish, the insurmountable joy and wonder in her eyes. Vaguely, he thinks of what he told her once ago. 
“I’m not sure if that’s in the cards for me.”
That cynical and jaded version of himself had no way of knowing what life had in store for him: finding true love in emerald green eyes and now in the soft cooing of his son. 
“I hope he turns out like you,” Lilac sniffles, looking up at Ethan. “The world will never stand a chance.”
He approaches them now, his family. 
Feeling his own eyes fill with tears, Ethan holds his wife’s hand and with his free hand he softly strokes Jonah’s cheek. 
“For that to happen, he’d have to be like you, my love,” Ethan tells her, kissing her forehead. “Any admirable quality I have, I learned from you.”
He turns his gaze to his son. The warmth in his chest is a powerful wave, over-spilled and ever-flowing. Nothing on the planet could contain his pride and happiness. 
“I love you,” he tells him. “Thank you for coming into our lives.” 
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Note: Thank you for reading these! I have three more as of right now!
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anisaanisa · 2 years
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Evermore: The Masterpost ☆
Another year, another @inukag-week Masterpost with bonus hc meta. Above the cut lies links to each prompt here on Tumblr (mobile navigation) and the complete collection on AO3. Below the cut dwells a breakdown of each prompt, with headcanon tidbits for those who dig it. So, without further ado!
Tumblr: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Read it on AO3 ▶
This is your rest stop. Do not click Keep Reading unless you have a vested interest in Inuyasha headcanons/meta/personal anecdotes. Snacks advised.
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The Personal Bit ☆
Picking up where I left off with Homecoming last year was easy when there weren’t any rules. I ran with the same concept – wait for the prompts and free-write some things as they appear. Considering post-canon thoughts will always haunt me, and I thrive off one-word prompts, it was a clear-cut decision to round back on that idea for 2022. Homecoming was my first soiree into ficlets, and since then, I’ve tackled verbosity (the irony here is not lost on me, please just let me live), so I forwent the word count restraint this time around. Keeping with the renaissance theme, I’m going to walk through my post-canon headcanons, as is the happy – but not perfect – ending that I like to think they deserved.
Final Note: Evermore spoilers start here.
Prompt Breakdown ☆
Day 1: Domestic
Summary: Kagome struggles to adapt to a time before her time. Or, I headcanon that it's really hard to move 500 years into the past. Thoughts and Feels:
When you get into the nitty-gritty of just how hard it was to fucking exist in Feudal Japan, I doubt that Kagome would miss modern amenities that make the day-to-day easier. This is the same girl who pampered herself at every opportunity and packed a hairdryer – sans electricity –  for a jaunt through the well. You know, queen shit.
No more replenishing that gigantic backpack – that is the thing of the future’s past. Or the past’s future? Regardless, there were no more gas stoves, instant ramen, and obscenely large bags of crisps and cooking back then? A nightmare.
But – Inuyasha knows what it means to have to carve a place for yourself with your bare hands, not fit in, and be considered the “other”. So, not only would he be understanding, I think he’d do the most and then some to make the transition more than manageable for her.
Fun Fact: Originally, I had Kagome talk about her feelings at the riverbank, but the idea that she fucked dinner up (cause she’s known for being proud of her cooking) kept gnawing at me as the moment the dam would break and the reason she’d stomp her feet.
Day 2: Role Reversal
Summary: Kagome saves the day. Or, I headcanon that people often, Inuyasha included, forget that Kagome was a born badass. Thoughts and Feels:
Kagome Higurashi is a badass by nature – this is a well-known fact amongst people that understand what they read. But sometimes, that’s forgotten, and I applied that notion to her husband – but instead of lacking reading comprehension, in his eyes, her safety comes first always, and I reckon that when she’s back, his protectiveness would probably sky-rocket.
Paranoia breeds fear and misunderstanding, and I think Inuyasha is idiot enough to forget how well they work together in the face of danger if it means keeping her out of it. So, we’ll allow him to forget that teamwork makes the dream work if only to keep his wife out of harm's way.
An odd one but: I’d like to think that at some point, Inuyasha got reamed for his overuse of the wind scar. Stop putting holes in the ground, man.
Fun Fact: I forgot that you’re supposed to end chapters somewhere, so I chucked the gunk in Kagome's hair and the hot spring thing when I remembered instead of leaving them in a field surrounded by pieces of Oni.
Day 3: Intimacy
Summary: Inuyasha takes a risk. Or, I (and everyone, for that matter) headcanon that there were a few memorable places they ended up fucking. Thoughts and Feels:
Huts didn’t have doors. People didn’t have phones to drop a line and let you know they’re headed your way. Shippos are a thing in this world; sometimes, that gets in the way of marital bliss.
Post-Canon Inuyasha, to me, is someone that seeks the “simple” joys in life. The things often taken for granted that he never had pre-Kagome – sex included. Why wouldn’t he? I’ve failed to come up with a reason.
Besides, I sub to the idea that Inuyasha is susceptible to the power of persuasion, especially when it comes from Kagome. A few nudges in the right direction, and he’d crack, 100%.
Fun Fact: This was the loosest prompt in that: the characters just did what they wanted, and I went along for the ride. Which ended with them fumbling by the well. Naturally.
Day 4: Scars
Summary: Inuyasha learns a new word. Or, I headcanon that having a husband with super-human strength leads to a few bumps and bruises. Thoughts and Feels:
Claws, muscle, teeth – Kagome's human. Surely times when intent and being careful aren’t enough to thwart a scrape or two? Accidents happen (as evidenced by my husband accidentally drop-kicking me the other night when he got a sudden cramp), but when mixed with Inuyasha, who holds protection in the highest regard, I think he’d take it to heart when these accidents are at his hand.
I still reckon Inuyasha is amazed by the concept of sex and all that comes with it, love bites included. It takes time to get to grips with sexual intimacy, and while they had physical intimacy beforehand, I still think there would be a long road to getting to know each other like that – how to hold your missus just right so you don’t nick her included.
But with time, practice, and a wife that’s good with words, I think he’d find his groove. Besides, he’s eager to please.
Fun Fact: I will salivate over the Every Scar Has a Story trope in any universe. It’s just a tried and true, innit?
Day 5: Parenting
Summary: Inuyasha considers what it means to be a father. Or, I headcanon that Inuyasha isn’t all for the idea of putting a baby in Kagome – at first. Thoughts and Feels:
Inuyasha didn’t have a daddy. His basis for a father figure? Not a thing. Who's to say that before Kagome – or even after Kagome – children were something that frequented his thoughts? No one. And I wrote to remind myself of that.
Ears, teeth, claws and all, there are traits that Inuyasha would pass on. And with no basis for who they’d become until they were out, I am 100% positive he would worry for the life his children would undoubtedly lead and the prejudices they’d face based on these traits that he’d undoubtedly pass on.
With all that being said, with time, patience and understanding, the idea would eventually appeal to him. Children aren’t the answer to a fairytale ending, but when I consider that he would never have considered himself worthy of said fairytale ending? I can't help but think that he’d grow fond of the idea of little mini-Kagome’s running around, especially if they were afforded the peaceful life they deserved.
Fun Fact: I don’t write post-canon often because it crushes my heart, and this chapter was the reminder as to why. A small part of me died when I saw how family-oriented this year's prompts were (and kidfics really aren't my bag), so I knew the second I saw this one it was gonna be a sad time. But also – it’s my personal favourite.
Day 6: Teasing
Summary: Inuyasha suffers, and Kagome kisses it better. Or, I headcanon Inuyasha is a bit of a baby about being the centre of attention. Thoughts and Feels:
Shippo is annoying and smart. This combination is deadly, especially when it's aimed at Inuyasha. It would be him that spills the beans because he's nosy, and InuKag is his OTP after all.
Things that are supposed to be private should stay private. At least, that's what Inuyasha would like to believe. too bad for him people love to gossip. Best remind him of that.
If anyone can talk a freaked Inu down, it's Kagome. Send tweet.
Fun Fact: It had to be Miroku. there was no other way it wasn't going to be Miroku, not in this world.
Day 7: Anniversary
Summary: Kagome's been keeping track of time. Or, I headcanon that being happy in the place she chose doesn't mean she'd forget her family. Thoughts and Feels:
Time Travel. Strange thing, isn't it? When you consider that at a time, both Kagome and Inuyasha had the ability to hop back and forth, there was never a 'loss'. But when that well is sealed for good, it's "akin to a death". They're there, on the other side, but if you can't get to them, are they really? Schrodingers Well wants to know.
Adjusting to living in Inuyasha time would be hard, busy, and fun. But when the dust settles, and she finds her flow, there will be times when she's caught slipping. And who wouldn't? But more importantly, who can blame her?
Inuyasha isn't a man of many words. But he shows his support in other ways, and if sitting by his wife until she cracks is what it takes - then that's what it takes.
Fun Fact: This was a bit of a sad, cathartic one, but one that had to happen. Anniversaries aren't all about proposals and marriage, sometimes they're a birthday, sometimes they aren't yours. But, I had to leave it on a sweet note, so I did. With Inuyasha having a silly little crush on his wife.
FRIENDS: If you made it to the end, please chug some water for your buddy here. That's to all the pocket friends who made this so much fun, the anguish is always worth it in the end. And to past-Anisa who said: "I had a lot of fun writing these, and I’d maybe like to explore this a little more in future. Potentially. Dunno. Mayhaps?", you did it lil buddy. Head pats. Ttyl bbs <3
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swordheld · 3 years
hi my dear ,
idk if u have anything on like looking through someone else’s lit window at night? and the peace and the connection? hopefully u have it somewhere in ur library of vibes! i’m looking for a good poem to memorise u see
oh to take a piece of art and decide to keep it with you always is such a wonderful thing! i am truly wishing you all my best in your process of memorization! for your ease, i’m going to try and keep to shorter recommendations, and throw in a fun one if you’re feeling brave! 
during the impossible age of everyone by ada limón, is one i have personally memorized and i love finding pieces of it everywhere i go. it feels near-magic, like a prompt i can recite softly to come back to the world. “i want to be terrific, even for an hour,” and ”your shoes are piled up with mine, and the heat comes on, makes a simple noise, a dog-yawn.  people have done this before, but not us.” are both lines constantly bouncing around my head like a dvd player screensaver.
meditations in an emergency by cameron awkward-rich, because i will always repeat to myself this piece in its’ entirety whenever i hear the words “hand on my heart,” i will go to say “hand on my stupid heart,” because it feels like the final puzzle piece, slotting perfectly into place. 
dogfish by mary oliver, which is a longer piece, but even if you just aim for pieces of it, i think you’ll find yourself coming back to it again and again, until you have the whole of it in your head like a wrapped gift. “i wanted to hurry into the work of my life; i wanted to know, whoever i was, i was alive for a little while,” as well as the popular line of “mostly, i want to be kind,” are well-worn and well-loved for good reasons.
wild geese by mary oliver for good measure as well, because there is nothing like that poem. it’s one that was made to be tucked neat and kind in your pocket, warn soft by your hands. “you do not have to be good,” and “tell me about despair, yours, and i will tell you mine,” as well as “whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting  -  over and over announcing your place in the family of things.” the whole of it feels like seeing a light on in the distance and knowing you are not the only thing that is alive, here, and the wonder of that.
the conditional by ada limón, because there is nothing like this poem in the middle of the night. not only is it lovely like a lighthouse on the sea’s horizon, it’s also incredibly fun to speak aloud: “say we never get to see it: bright future, stuck like a bum star, never coming close, never dazzling. say we never meet her. never him. say we spend our last moments staring at each other, hands knotted together, clutching the dog, watching the sky burn. say, it doesn't matter. say, that would be enough. say you'd still want this: us alive, right here, feeling lucky.” that is truly already half of the poem itself, right here, but there isn’t a sentence i don’t love; it all just flows so perfectly together, each to the next, as if it was written to be kept with you, in the dark of night.
and for a bonus fun round, some quotes ! 
“you have to love. you have to feel. it is the reason you are here on earth. you are here to risk your heart.” (louise erdrich)
“are you still alone in bed? is it morning yet where you are? the smoke turns to rain as usual. listen, my love. this year is just a visitor & next year’s ghost. take care of it because yes — yes, you do deserve flowers for once in your life. you will be the only one left. so hold my hand & call me tomorrow. we are all here.” (michael wasson) 
“you must realize that something is happening to you, that life has not forgotten you, that it holds you in its hand and will not let you fall.” (rainer maria rilke)
“i am out with lanterns, looking for myself.” (emily dickinson) 
“not that i want to be a god or a hero. just to change into a tree, grow for ages, not hurt anyone.” (czesław miłosz)
let me know how your endeavour goes, love! very excited to see what wonders await you when you keep a bit of light behind your ear and in your pocket. 💚
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belltrigger · 2 years
oooh, surprise for prompts? bonus points if it's Ingo learning something new Emmet picked up while he was still yeeted to Hisui, but I'm sure anything you want to do is gonna be a joy to read. :D
Anon, I am *crying* 😭 Tumblr goofed up, as it has been doing over the last few days, and ate your ask. BUT, thankfully for us both, I had copied it for my OpenOffice document while I was working on it.
-Send me a “Surprise” and I’ll write a drabble about one character discovering something surprising about the other
Title: Model Kit Word count: 1,255
The toothy scrape of metal as scissors closed with a snip, the muted thump of them being placed on fabric set down to dull sound. A soft click as something was fit to its match, and then a tick as it was set aside as well. Fingers drummed against a cloth surface in a short pattern, the familiarity distant but comforting.
A soft sigh escaped his lips as he turned over towards the sounds, gently being coaxed from his dreams. Recognizing the sounds of something small being worked brought to mind the construction of pokéballs, but that couldn't be. Pokéballs were not constructed by hand here, in Unova.
To further remind him of where he was, wrapped around him were fluffed blankets making him pleasantly warm. His body felt light after a solid rest, a night spent with the twin he had missed for so long. Indulging in a little stretch, the aches that seemed ever-present had not yet noticed his wakefulness, offering a welcome respite. Edging into his awareness, the patter of rain against the window surfaced, and there was a rumble of distant thunder that the fingers again repeated in taps, this time against the wood of the desk.
As comfortable as he was, though, there was something missing. His hand slid across the sheet under the blanket, brows furrowed slightly at the absence of a familiar body next to him. Partially opening his eyes to search for his twin who should have absolutely been wrapped around him, he spotted him hunched over his desk, small lamp on to illuminate his work.
The sun had begun to filter through the curtains, but it was still faint, fighting its way through the storm clouds. His internal clock, combined with that, thought perhaps it was a little after sunrise. It was unlike Emmet to be awake before him, and especially odd that he had managed to get out of bed without rousing him.
In his sleepwear of a white t-shirt and small black shorts, he looked positively absorbed in his work. Quietly murmuring to himself, voice too low to make out any words, he leaned over away from the bed to pull something from the box at his feet.
Watching Emmet quietly as the sound of his work continued, the relaxing atmosphere combined with the continuing rain almost lulled him back to sleep. But he stubbornly kept his eyes open, wanting to memorize this moment of his twin when he thought he was the only one awake.
Visions of Emmet in similar situations overlapped the scene. Of his younger twin, frustrated at his studies, one hand in his hair and weight heavily on that arm, before leaning back with a loud complaint. Or when he was excitedly making adjustments to their pokémon strategies, scribbling down his thoughts as he reviewed footage. Holding up a book to him, pointing eagerly at some text he found. Always vibrant, always energetic.
This was similar, the same level of devotion, but with a quiet sort of focus that he didn't recall ever seeing from his twin.
The urge to call out to his twin bubbled in his chest, and he slid over to Emmet's spot in the bed. "Emmet?" His twin hummed in response, but the distance in his tone implied it was a reflex to his name and not actual awareness of his voice. "Hey, Emmet?" he tried again, a little louder.
Emmet sat back, straightening his posture, and from this angle he could see his twin blink the distance out of his eyes. "... Huh?" He set down what had been in his hands, and shifted in his seat, leg now sticking out to the side as he turned to face the bed. "Oh, Ingo. You're awake."
Giving Emmet a fond smile, he nodded. "Yes, I just woke up. Are you working on something?" Without hesitation, Emmet smiled back at him, still used to mirroring him even after all their time apart. The first time he'd seen Emmet copy him at the exact same time, movements so familiar to his twin, it had astounded him. It had been Emmet's first clue that his memories were lost to him.
"Yes!" Emmet began patting the desktop, bringing attention to his gloved hands, eagerness glowing in his eyes. "It's a 1:64 scale model powered with a spring mechanism!" Not stopping the patting, he turned back towards the desk and used his free hand to pick up one of the plates that contained some of the parts. The limited light caught on the silvery metal, glittering on Emmet's face like stars. "It's verrry complicated!"
"I didn't know you liked to build models." In truth, he didn't 'know' much about his twin anymore, but this didn't ring familiar in his chest.
Emmet laughed brightly and sat the piece down. "You forgot a lot!" A look of guilt began to settle on his face, but Emmet caught it within moments, continuing on. "But not this time! It's new!"
"Hm? New?"
Expression turning wistful, Emmet's hand stopped, and he glanced down at his knees. "You liked them when we were young." He nodded in response, a familiarity welling up. But if his hazy memories were to be trusted, Emmet had never had the patience for it. "I missed you. Thought they would help."
Finally sitting up at his twin's wounded voice, he spread his arms. Pushing himself up from the chair, Emmet climbed back into bed, into his older brother's embrace. They tangled together, Emmet nuzzling at his jaw as he worked to warm his younger twin's arms. "Did they help?"
Emmet nodded under his chin, and he nuzzled at his twin's soft hair. "Yeah. I could think about you. You know, without being sad." A squeeze of his twin was reciprocated, and Emmet placed a kiss to his throat, cuddling up further against him.
Instead of his first thought, which was to apologize to Emmet yet again for leaving him, he pressed his cheek to the top of his head. "Could I perhaps help you with this one?" If Emmet had started it to think about him, would it not be nice to do it together? His precious twin looked so excited to talk about it, it must have been quite the model.
A sudden tightening of Emmet's arms around him alerted him to Emmet's response before his precious twin even spoke. "Really?" Gone was the defeated tone of moments ago, replaced by the eagerness he remembered so strongly.
"Yes, I think it will be fun. We can work together on something just for us." Emmet vibrated in his arms, and he had no choice but to chuckle against his hair.
"Okay!" He was pulled back down to the bed with Emmet, who laughed and snuggled up to him. His gloved hands moved to wrap around Ingo's waist, pulling their hips closer together. A blush warmed his face, but Emmet just wriggled with more determination to get comfortable, almost as if he didn't realize what he was doing.
Emmet certainly knew what he was doing.
Despite how he was affecting his poor older brother, Emmet just shut his eyes after that, and let out a long, pleased sigh. "I missed you, Ingo."
Wrapping one arm around Emmet's shoulder, and the other lower on his back, he pressed a kiss to his forehead. "I missed you too, Emmet." Once again, the distant sound of the rain came back to the forefront, and they both drifted off together, ready to share a new hobby together.
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sxfik · 3 years
Helloooo. Lemme start by saying how awesome fantastic amazing your fics are. I have a solhwi ask/prompt if it's not a problem. What would the study group's reaction be to established solhwi + bonus for prof kim and yangs reactions. Any headcanon or fic you can write about this please.
wicked love, leaves me blind
read on ao3 • masterlist
a/n: aaaa thank you so much for the kind words and the request! there's slight canon divergence in this and i decided on a more head canon format for this fic. this turned out kinda longer than expected but AAA my mind really ran with this prompt lmaooo. without much further adieu, i hope you like this <333
it's been 2 weeks since joon hwi confessed to her, running to her house in the middle of the night, panicked and afraid after the news of lee man ho hunting down professor yang
after the man had run from the scene, joon hwi was sure that he'd come back to his house, not afraid to hurt anyone on the way there. and in an instant, he started running, taking off towards her house without a second thought
by time he had reached her house, he was drenched in sweat, his heart thundering out of his chest in panic, in fear and in hope, that she was all right. he knocked frantically on the door of her house, hoping, praying that she was alright.
and to his relief, sol opened the door, her hair put up in the familiar messy bun. she yawned as she opened the door languidly, still wearing the hanguk law school sweatshirt he had once loaned her during a sleepless night of studying.
"han joon hwi? what are you doing here, it's lat-"
he lunged for her without a thought, gathering her in his arms and pressing her close to his body. she's alive, she's okay, chorused in his head as he shuddered out a breath of relief. she let out a soft oof but relaxed into him, her arms coming around his waist in a familiar way
he pulled away after what seemed like not long enough of a hug, and maybe it was the adrenaline, or the pure euphoria of finding her safe and in one piece that pushed him towards her lips, kissing her with fevor.
and after a shocked moment, she kissed him back, drinking him in, tugging him closer, desperate for more, more, more
and the rest was, well, history. it didn't take long after for the two of them to confess to each other, understanding that they needed each other in their life.
so it's been 2 weeks since han joon hwi confessed to her. really, they meant to keep their relationship secret. in the midst of their fight against assemblyman ko, the case against lee man ho and the mystery of what really happened the night of the hit-and-run case, they agreed that it was easier to keep it under wraps
after all, it was a new relationship to both of them. it wasn't like they hadn't dated other people, but what sol and joon hwi had was a carefully built friendship that was founded in trust and care for each other. and making it public, could only do them more damage as they become leverage against each other if their case goes south.
they only had one, very, very small, problem.
they were awful at keeping their hands off each other
alone time was very scarce for the both of them. with joon hwi being highly ranked, he was always pulled into every study session and every discussion in the school. not to mention, he had his own studies to maintain, alongside working at the legal clinic and helping professor yang with the mystery that had plagued the school.
kang sol's case was no different. she had to slave over her assignments, spending every spare moment at the school library, pouring over her text books. the moment not spent there was split between working to gather money for her mother and byeol, the legal clinic and assemblyman ko's case. not to mention her digging into kang dan's whereabouts as much as she could.
every single time they had together, there were too many people around for their tastes. during their busiest days, they had settled for subtle touches and stealing glances at each other whenever possible
so they spent their spare moments, huddled in the corridors, catching up on each other's days, making out and getting some time alone.
they'd make all kinds of excuses to leave early or walk each other to their dorm rooms, trying to maximize all their time with each other. every time they made to each other's rooms, they'd linger at the entrance, trying to see each other for just one more second.
and it was no wonder that when they first got caught, sol was pinned against the stairwell wall, joon hwi's lips buried in her neck. his fingers ghosted the hem of her shirt as she was pulled him closer to her and then...
the two broke apart, startled at the noise, their faces red. joon hwi's usual bangs were disheveled, sol's messy bun now loose and her hair cascading down her shoulders.
the two of them turned their head towards the noise only to find ye-beom and bok-gi, the latter's mouth gaping open like a fish. ye-beom on the other hand, stopped sucking on his lollypop, eyes wide as they looked at each other then looked back at the couple who were caught red handed.
bok-gi's hands were still frozen as the plate that fell from his hands lay at his feet and for what felt like eternity, there was absolute silence.
and then chaos.
"you two- when did you- how- what-" both of them started firing their questions rapid-fire.
the couple, who's faces were strawberry red, shushed them the best they could, looking around frantically to ensure no one else would here the commotion.
it took around 10 minutes for the boys to calm down, still reeling from what they witnessed
slowly, the couple explained that they were dating, and satisfying some of their curiosity before letting the boys go, with the stern warning of never repeating any of this information to anyone.
predictably, their whole study group knew about sol A and joon hwi the very next day.
of course, while ye-beom and bok-gi were huge gossips, they made sure the news didn't reach outside their sphere.
the next day, sol and joon hwi were the first ones to walk into the hideout, attempting to put up their "we're best friends! no relationship here!" facade up early, while the rest of the group quietly shuffled in.
they were good for the first 5 minutes (in reality they didn't last even 2 minutes) but joon hwi just can't keep his eyes off of her, especially when she's working through arguments for the case
the lovesick display lasts about... 10 minutes before Sol B stands up from her chair abruptly, causing everyone to jump in their seats.
as always, her face is neutral, but she spins to face ji ho, as the boy adjusted his glasses on his face so he could look up at her
"you own me 20 dollars" she simply stated at him, her hand outstretched
"what, no way i'm paying that" ji ho moved back, his face shocked that she even remembered
"you bet that they would take 3 months to confess, and i bet at 6 months— "
"it's been way longer than 6 months!"
"mine was closer"
"i think," ye-seul interjected as she took her seat at the table, heading back from her project work for professor kim's class, "that you both owe me 20 dollars. from what I remember, i bet that they would take longer!"
a chaotic clamber erupted as each member argued who owed who money, who bet on what,
"yah, ye-seul, how could you bet on me like that!" Sol interrupted the clamor, spinning to look at her best friend in shock and disbelief.
"sorry, unnie. it was too tempting of an offer for me to turn down" she replied, not looking the least bit apologetic.
joon hwi grinned at sol A as she looked around flabbergasted at their friends, before he grabbed her idle hand and held it up.
"just so we can fend off any confusion, sol is now my girlfriend. sorry we didn't get to tell you earlier, but to make up, we'll treat you to a dinner after all this mess is offered."
their group cheered at that, never being the one to turn down an offer for free food
it was bliss for the couple after that, and relief too. they could both agree that keeping a relationship under wraps was much harder than they could handle, with so much of this being new to them alongside the chaos of their lives
telling their friends took the pressure off, at least allowing themselves to indulge in each other without having to be extra careful of who was watching.
theirs was a blinding love. it was blinding bliss, it was peace.
bonus +1:
professor kim was a busy woman, but she always had the time for her students. taking the time to know each and every one of them was something she took pride in as a teacher.
but out of all her students, the study group lead by han joon hwi consisted of her favorite students that she taught. as a result of professor seo's unfortunate death and the reveal of everything that assemblyman ko had orchestrated, professor kim found herself around those kids more and more.
nevertheless, it was another day, another case to navigate at the legal clinic. it was a busy afternoon at hanguk law school, and professor kim's star students, sol and joon hwi huddled together trying to find the best way for the property case at hand
she had always had a soft spot for those two, ever since their class first semester when sol A blurted out a judgement and joon hwi, out of nowhere supported her. of all her years of teaching, she hadn't found a duo that was more hardworking, passionate and loyal than the two of them
Sol A was not her brightest student but she had tenacity and passion that more than made up for it. She could spot the hardworking girl, hunched over her textbooks hours after every other student had left.
Professor Kim had always found that some of the brightest students in her class would make for the worst in the field. because, being a lawyer wasn't about memorizing the codes or adhering to the rigid structure that many assumed the law to be. it was to offer kindness, compassion and understanding that they were humans first, before they could be judged by the law
and she knew that Sol A was one such girl who had that. She had watched as she defended Yang, even when the detectives and prosecutor were trying to close up the case and force him down as the perpetrator. even when joon hwi was accused, Sol stood by his side, pursing every route possible to prove his innocence. At every turn, she stood up for those who needed sympathy and kindness from the law; for those that the law would have hurt.
Joon Hwi was no different. the first time she saw him, she assumed him to be a cold, callous genius who had no time for anyone but himself. but oh, how wrong she was. Joon hwi was quiet the opposite. Even while being a generally reserved student, he had an inviting energy surrounding him that made every one like him, despite the intense competition at school
from the first day, it was clear he wasn't here for the marks or the validation of his teachers: it was passion and self motivation that drove him. it was clear that he was built to practice law, his mind was always sharp for legal terms and loopholes. but joon hwi always went the extra mile for his friends, always gave an extra hand to help, even when they didn't necessarily need it.
she could see it in him during Ye-Seul's case, eager to help her. she could see it when Ji Ho's father's suicide case came out, how eager he was to help and comfort his roommate.
but most of all, she could see it with Sol A. she wasn't sure when she had noticed their closeness, but she could see them walking the halls together, a smile spread across both their faces or them arguing across the table at the legal clinic, trying to work out the best method.
she could see it in the way Joon Hwi watched Sol, an almost lovesick smile on his face when she smiled or when she finally got the answers she was searching for. Professor Kim also knew, from her years of watching professor yang and prosecutor bae dance around each other, that it would be rare if they confessed to each other
so it was very odd when she looked across from her stack of papers to find joon hwi holding sol's hand as he flipped through the case file in front of him, both of them hyper focused into the details
maybe it was pure curiosity, maybe it was a taste for chaos that motivated her to call out "oh, are you two finally dating?" expecting their flustered and embarrassed reactions
but instead, she was met with a beaming smile from Joon Hwi that answered all the questions she had. Kang Sol on the other hand was left glaring and sputtering at her new boyfriend.
it was funny and gleeful, watching two of her favored students find a new life together, forging a new path.
and it was also pure relief for her, that she wouldn't have to deal with another professor yang and prosecutor bae situation
bonus +2:
the cold wind whipped around them as the couple accompanied professor yang back to campus. another night, another mystery, another trip to the police station to give witness statements
tonight was no different as the truth of the hit-and-run case started revealing itself, and the professor had accompanied the two students in silence, contemplative of all that has happened, the puzzle pieces slowly clicking together
professor yang was never meant to be a professor, in fact he hates the title itself. what he was meant for was to interrogate, to dig up clues and find out exactly who the culprit is and use the law to prove why they were guilty. for him, one's feelings did not matter, it was always about the evidence presented in front of him and how it could be interpreted.
it didn't mean he didn't care about his students, quite the opposite. it just meant that he wasn't the nurturing type as professor kim was. the one to always meddle in student affairs or keep track of how his students were doing outside of class
but with the two students walking beside him, they were the ones that he wanted to see succeed. they were the ones he was the most proud of as they presented their cases in public, finding their own ways to fight against injustice.
he was proud of them and in his heart, he knew it reminded him of a certain set of school mates, ones that were attached at the hip, a regret he has carried with him until he met her again on the court floor.
so maybe it was the deliriousness of all they had went through together or pure stupidity that made him pause in the tracks. his students continued on for a moment but then paused in their tracks, turning around to see what had stopped their professors.
"Kang Sol A." he nodded towards her.
"Han Joon Hwi." he nodded towards him.
"Congratulations on your new relationship"
he paused after, looking up at his students, both of them wide eyed that Professor Yang of all people, congratulated them on this.
and then, as if making it worse, he smiled.
Kang Sol's mouth dropped open, her hands reaching up to her eyes to rub them as if she was hallucinating what she saw.
Han Joon Hwi was incredulous, blurting out "Professor, have you been taking methamphetamines again?"
"Professor Yang has taken WHAT?" Sol whipped her head around, the sight of her professor expressing glee was already too much for her to handle but the news that he has taken meth just drove her head into overdrive.
the two were stuck in their positions, as their professor moved forward, brushing past them as if this event had never happened.
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