#bonus frozen scotty
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starberry-cupcake · 5 months ago
the non verbal communication between jim and spock is off the charts during wink of an eye
aliens who move really fast got jim to move really fast too because queen bee over here wanted to keep him for herself for a while
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the instant bones, chapel and spock produced a potential antidote, spock was ready to volunteer to take it to him
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jim is running around escaping from the aliens who abducted him and he just sees spock in the hallway and his only response is heart eyes
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for all intents and purposes, jim will die and spock hasn't had time to tell him about the antidote, but they just give each other an intense stare and that's that
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as usual, there's 100% confidence in bones and they both take the antidote
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the girlies writing fic about them having bonded during amok time and whatnot had canon reasons, is all I'm saying
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incorrect-spiderson · 5 years ago
for the prompts, can i have peter and shuri or michelle (whichever you prefer) babysit Morgan?
Ao3 Link:
The Babysitters
Okay this took way too long but here you go lovie💕
“Peter I’m not sending you to purgatory, I’m just asking you to babysit Morgan.”
The teenager groans and slumps over the side of the couch. “It might as well be the same thing!”, he whines, tossing his hands in the air. “I’ve watched Nemo at least twelve times this week!”
Tony rolls his eyes as he adjusts his tie. “She’s your sister Pete, and she’s six. Plus you’re the only one she’ll listen to besides The Wiggles.”
Peter huffs and adjusts his totally not pouty position. But after a second of thought he smiles. “Well then, I have one condition.”
Tony cocks and eyebrow and looks at his son through the mirror. “You have conditions for babysitting your sister now?”
“No, condition. One.”
“Mhm, and that would be...?”
“I want Shuri to come over.”
Tony turns to eye his son and gives him a smirk. “You want me to let you have a girl over? While you’re home alone with your sister?”
Peter’s face turns at least six different colors of red and screws up into the most disgusted look Tony could imagaine. “Dad- no that’s- ew stop it no Shuri is one of my best friends that’s just- you’re nasty.”
Tony laughs as he turns back to the mirror. “I know I know kiddo. Of course you can. Just be careful with that Trek teleporter thing that she made. I don’t want to get a call and find out that Morgan is in Siberia.”
Peter’s look of disgust instantly transforms into a smile as he stands up and hugs his dad. “Thanks dad! But uh.. shouldn’t you be going? I think moms been waiting in the car for like.. ten minutes.”
Tony’s expression turns from one of love to one of fear. He quickly adjusts the sleeve over his robotic arm and races towards the door mumbling something about thinking she was upstairs. He swipes his phone from the counter and opens the door. “Love you bambino! Tell Mo I love her!” He calls, then shuts the door and races off to the car.
Peter chuckles as he hears the car start up then zoom off towards the city. He turns and makes his way to the garage, slipping his phone out of his pocket to quickly message Shuri.
spooderpete: Beam yourself up
shuriken: Why?
spooderpete: Babysitting Morgan, Dad said you could come over.
shuriken: Omw Scotty
Peter puts his phone back in his pocket and flips on the lights in the garage. He makes his way down to the Trek Pad and switches it on. The device starts glowing in bright blue pulses, then it suddenly turns a deep purple. Then in the blink of an eye Shuri is standing before him.
Peter laughs. “Well, it works!”
Shuri scoffs, stepping off of the device and lightly slapping his arm. “Did you think it might not work? I built it! Of course it would work!”
“I mean if we go back to last week...”
“Last week does not count! Do you know how hard it is to create a small black hole?”
“Yes because I tried it with you.”
“I- shut up. Where’s your sista?”
Peter rolls his eyes. “She’s upstairs in her room, but you’re avoiding-”
Shuri sticks her finger in his face. “Not another word from you or I will beam myself back to Wakanda. I have something for her to see.”
The girl walks into the house and heads towards the stairs. Peter hurriedly follows as he closes up the garage. By the time he gets up the stairs, Shuri is already in Morgan’s room. He gently pushes open the door and is instantly met with the upside down face of a six year old girl.
“Hi petey!”, Morgan squeals. She gives him an upside down hug around the neck and giggles, “I’m just like you now!”
When his sister releases him she realizes that Shuri, who is also upside down, is standing behind her. Both girls are wearing glowing bands around their shoes and heads. The older girl smiles. “What? Now we can all hang out.”
Peter finally recovers from the shock of seeing an upside down child and joins them on the ceiling. “So... whats going on up here ladies.”
Morgan giggles. “We’re gonna have an Avengers Meeting!”
Shuri takes on a serious look and nods. “What are we battling today Morgan?”
The little girl gets serious as well. “From now on you call me Admiral Stark. We have to fight the evil fluff monsters from a parasail universe.”
Peter leans over and whispers in her ear. The girl sighs and rolls her eyes. “That’s what I said! Parasail!”
Peter sticks his hands up in defeat. “Okay okay! But Admiral Stark we’re going to need reinforcements. The evil fluff monsters are dangerous.”
Morgan thinks for a minute then nods. “You’re right Spiderman. Bring me to the ground! I need to go get the others!”
She reaches out for peter to grab her so he takes her by the arm pits and flips her over so she lands on the ground softly. Both teens watch upside down as she sprints off down the hall.
They did in silence for a moment before they both laugh. “Your sister is very imaginative. I figured she would like my Spider-bands.”
Peter raises a brow. “So how’d you make those? Are the headbands to keep the blood from rushing to your head?”
“Yes! It’s a very intricate process and it makes us able to-”
Morgan come sprinting back into the room with two arms full of action figures, dolls, and tape. Peter lifts her back onto the ceiling and makes sure the Spider-bands stick before releasing her. She crawls back over to her spot and sits criss-cross. They spend the next few minutes taping the dolls and action figures to the ceiling. Once the last doll is secure, Morgan starts ‘the meeting’.
“Spiderman, Shuri, I want you to meet the other Avengers.”
Morgan points to an Ironman figure with a tutu. “That’s Irondad.” She then point to a figure of Thor. “Thunder Poptart.” Then two stuffed birds. “Hawkeye and Pidgeon” A Barbie doll with red hair colored on by a marker. “Tasha”. Then a Cap figure. “And that’s Captain Assho-”
“MORGAN” Peter screeches before she can finish. “Do you know what dad would say if he heard you say that?”
The girl ponders for a second then smiles. “Dads not here so it doesn’t matter.”
Peter opens his mouth to protest, then shuts it with a sigh. “Whatever, just say butthead.”
Shuri giggles to the side and he rolls his eyes.
The ‘battle’ starts and soon enough there’s action figures and stuffed animals flying across the room. The game lasts about 30 minutes before Morgan grows bored and hungry.
Just as she makes Irondad punch the evil teddy bear she sighs. Dropping her toys to the ground she lets gravity make her arms sway above her head. “I’m hungry Petey... and I wanna watch a movie.”
Peter chuckles and lowers himself to the ground. “Yeah I figured Momo. Let’s get you down then you, me, and Shuri can go eat some pizza and watch a movie.”
Shuri flips down second and deactivates her devices. Both teens help Morgan off the ceiling and onto her bed. They all head down the stairs, Shuri and Morgan go into the kitchen to make the frozen pizza while Peter sets up the Netflix and gets out the blankets.
The three kids settle down on the couch. Morgan lays on the left, Peter sits in the middle, and Shuri lays to the right. They flip through multiple movies until Morgan, thankfully, picks Frozen II instead of Nemo. Peter gets up to get the pizza and drinks, then they start the movie.
They spend the rest of the night singing along to the movie, eating pizza, and eventually sleeping. Peter picks up his sleeping sister and carries her upstairs to her room. After he tucks her in he goes back downstairs to help Shuri clean up.
The teens pick up the left over pizza and plates. After they finish, they spend the rest of the night talking and coming up with tech designs. Shuri is in the middle of explaining a new gadget design when her kimoyo beads start glowing.
Shuri slumps into the couch. “I am guessing this is my brotha. I should go. Are we meeting next week?”
Peter sits up and stretches. “Oh yeah definitely. We have to build that real life Millennium Falcon.”
Shuri stands and walks towards the garage. “Of course! See you next week Peterman!” She throws up a peace sign and then leaves.
Peter sighs and lays back on the couch. Soon enough he’s drifting off. He barely even hears the door open and his parents lay a blanket over him. He smiles and lets himself drift off to into a peaceful sleep.
Tony walks up stairs carefully so he doesn’t wake up his little girl. As he steps into her room he realizes that something.. isn’t quite right. He doesn’t have Peter’s spider sense but he has a dad sense.
And something is wrong. He swings the door open, searching for any threat. Then he hears it. A slight creaking, or even... peeling noise. He can’t tell where it comes from. But suddenly, it hits him.
The Captain America figure falls off the ceiling and lands on Tony’s head. In a moment of fury he yells, “DAMN YOU CAPTAIN ASSHOLE!”
He spins when he hears a gasp. Morgan is sitting up right in her bed with a hand over her mouth. With a smile she says, “It’s okay daddy I won’t tell mom.”
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spiritsflame · 7 years ago
A Non-Comprehensive List of WIPs I Found In My Drafts Folder
A Raven Cycle time travel story
Six (6) Les Mis fics
A seeing-color soulmate story
Grantaire as a pizza deliverer??
One where they were all in a documentary
A Star Trek AU where R was bascially Scotty (complete with an illegal still) and Enjolras was the Captain
A totally DIFFERENT soulmate au, based off the move TiMER
A fic where Enjolras and R are friends with benefits and it goes about as well as yuou’d expect
A X-Men soul-bonding fic that deals with Xavier’s telepathy and Erik’s rejection of it (almost 7k??)
Three (3) PJO AUs
One where they are pirates
One where Percy is a mermaid in captivity??
A very detailed outline for a coffee shop au
A Supernatural time travel story
A crossover with Frozen and Jack Frost (wtf past cat?)
Two (2) Young Avengers stories
A Merlin fusion with Tamora Pierce’s world of Tortall that about 4 people would even in interested in.
A Daredevil fic where Foggy is a butcher 
Five (5) Teen Wolf fics the plots of which we need not discuss
A doc I just titled ‘Ahoy Mateys’ and has only three words in it - “He stepped onto”
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anotheruserwithnoname · 7 years ago
Fandom Meme: Hit Me Up
Originally posted by @fanficmemes​, and picked up earlier today by @universe-on-her-shoulders​, I thought I’d go through the questions. Technically these are supposed to be done by way of asks, but I don’t get many (and technically I’m supposed to have anon asks disabled anyway, though one snuck through on the weekend), so I thought I’d go through the list myself. Here’s a page break as this might be a bit long.
1.  Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
The Doctor (Eleventh and Twelfth) and Clara Oswald; Scotty and Jaylah (Star Trek Beyond); Kira and Odo (DS9); Victoria and Lord M; Victoria and Prince Albert; Daenerys and Jorah
2.  A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind (bonus points: who was that person).
Twelve and Clara, thanks to Jenna Coleman herself shocking everyone at a convention in the fall of 2014 saying Clara told the Doctor she loved him in “Mummy on the Orient Express.” I shipped Eleven and Clara but I assumed Moffat had decided to friendzone Twelve and Clara. How wrong I was!
3. A pairing you used to love, but it all fell apart for you.
I was actually OK with Daenerys and Jon Snow until it was revealed to be incest. Similarly, I was a HUGE Luke and Leia shipper between 1977 and 1983 and then one line of dialogue spoiled all that. I read something a year ago suggesting Clara might have been the Doctor’s secret daughter. Uh, let’s just say no to that.
4.  Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what.
One of my AO3 stories is a crossover between the Twelfth Doctor and Deadpool. I feel no shame. I also had the Twelfth Doctor re-enact Orson Welles’ infamous “Frozen Peas” incident in another story.
5.  What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
I was a dedicated Doctor Who fan from 1985 to 2017. I was a dedicated Star Trek fan from 1976 to 2005; I enjoy the “new timeline” movies but not enough for me to become a Trekkie again. I’ll be watching Discovery closely to see if they’re able to win me back.
6.  Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it.
Rachel and Devon from the 1973 series The Starlost. I was 4 years old. I was a VERY early adopter of the “shipping” concept.
7.  Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr.
Not really, though my interest in DS9 has been revived with the large number of Odo x Kira posts that have appeared in recent months.
8.  Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
Bill Potts was sweet and a good match for the Twelfth Doctor. My only real complaint is I felt she was poorly realized for the majority of Series 10. IMO, that’s the fault of the writers, not the concept or the actress.
9.  Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
Whouffaldi. I’ll keep the other two to myself right now.
10.  Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
“Hurt” by Johnny Cash - Twelfth Doctor
11.  A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
Occasionally it feels like Whouffaldi and Vicbourne and Dany x Jorah.
12.  Your most scandalous headcanon for your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s) 
Sometime between them reuniting at the end The Witch’s Familiar and arriving at the Drum in Under the Lake, Twelve and Clara went to bed together. I’m of the opinion Eleven and Clara already did something after Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS after she came on to him after taking her shower or bath.
13.  Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
Since there are those who feel Whouffaldi is just a headcanon and not supported by any “canon�� sources, I’d have to say that one. I also have developed a new head canon that I’m going to write about in more detail at some point. Part of it is related to “Series 10-B”, a new headcanon I’ve developed for Twelve and Clara chronicling their adventures within the Matrix after their deaths. The first story of this continuity is titled “Afterlife”.
14.  5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Number 6 (The Prisoner); Rocket Raccoon; Supergirl (TV version); Spock; Twelfth Doctor
15. 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Doctor (Eleventh & Twelfth) and Clara Oswald; Steve Austin and Jaime Sommers; Daenerys and Jorah Mormont
16. 5 favorite ships
Already covered more or less in #1.
17.  Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
My brain is too added to come up with anything. This isn’t a “tag game” but if anyone following me wants to give a shot at these questions to put out the request for asks, have at ‘er!
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