#bombae face razor
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mybombae · 7 months ago
Quick and Gentle Hair Removal with Wax Strips
Need a quick hair removal solution? Wax Strips are your go-to for easy and effective hair removal. Ideal for both large and small areas, these strips ensure smooth, long-lasting results. Perfect for at-home use! #WaxStrips #HairRemoval #SmoothSkin
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herooffire101 · 1 year ago
Todays the second day of Tuggerlurina Week, Birthday! I had a more difficult time writing this, and yes, they are prewritten because of my classes for a certification and my work schedule. I have been working on them for about since Tuggerlurina week was annouced. @jelliclekay i hope that my work paid off! Here we go, enjoy!
Fuck it, let me occupy you instead of distracting you.
Bomba questioned again why she was asked to do this. “Bomba, you are the best at distracting Tugger while we set up his birthday bash.” Demeter had asked her, and Bomba tried her best to clarify why she wasn’t the right cat for this.
“Demeter, sweetie, me and Tugger can’t keep secrets from each other. He will figure out that I have to distract him. Honestly, I’m going to keep him occupied instead of distracting him” Bomba had explained, but Demeter was insistent, which is unique for her, but Bomba shrugged it off, because she was basically rushed out of the den they were setting up for his birthday bash. What kind of distraction did Bomba have in mind? One that Demeter will have to deal with when she comes running to find them. When Bomba finally got to his ‘technical’ den when in fact he lives in her official den with Jemima, but the kittens didn’t know that (except for Mistoffelees, Victoria, Jemima, and Plato), she just sauntered in and sat herself right in front of him grooming his glorious mane. “Demeter overestimates me.”
“With what?” Tugger purred, looking directly into her eyes, giving her that look that made her shiver with anticipation.
“My ability to distract you.” Bomba just directly laid it out to him.
Tugger just gave her a look. “Our friends are trying to celebrate my birthday. And they sent you to ‘distract’ me.”
“The queen who is my mate and mother to our kitten.”
“They really think that I, the Rum Tum Tugger, would just crash my birthday party that I completely know about, just because of my song.” He rubbed his tail alongside Bomba’s flank, making her shiver.
“Yes.” Completely deadpan, “Why can’t they just let me celebrate you by myself and Jemima?”
“While I enjoy a good party,” Tugger started, slinking up to Bomba’s side, his mane barely touching her.
“You crashed the ball.” She reminded him, her purr sultry at the remembrance of the previous ball.
“I do quite prefer to have a quiet night in.”
“Tugger, you jump in our human’s lap to cause a horrible muddle.”
“She needs to not be knitting as much.”
“You knock her yarn ball away from her and cause a terrible game of keep a way with her.” Her eyes narrowed at him, sultry and accusing at the same time.
“Ah.” He put a finger on her lips, hushing her, and grazed her face with the side of his paw. “I am artful and knowing. You have a different thought of distracting me. Care to share, love?”
Bomba looked at him, glazing into his eyes. “I can keep you occupied.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He agreed, slowly giving in to her desire, kissing her slowly and deeply. “Want to see how far we can get?”
“Gladly.” Bomba said, giving him a razor smile, hungrily kissing him, ending up on the bed of pillows and blankets he had strewn about.
Demeter sat outside of the den, blushing. “You know, this isn’t what I meant for you to distract him!”
“I said I was going to occupy him, not distract him!” Bomba hissed, coming out of the den after grooming herself back up to perfection, Tugger following with a cheeky smile. “Besides Munk, I know him the best, inside and out!”
“In more ways than one.” Tugger whispered, making Bomba whip her tail right in his face. He cackled, making Demeter groan and Bomba rolled her eyes.
‘This is what happens when you send mates to distract mates, especially true mates. You can’t keep shit from another, so you have to figure out how to work with it. For us, just accepting that I can’t distract for shit with Tugger, it came down to having an enjoyable time.’ Bomba thought as Demeter led to the den that they were using for his birthday bash. As they entered, Bomba watched as Tugger hid his knowledge of this party and, with the skill of a trained actor, showed surprise. ‘I guess that’s what you get when you are the heir of the Theater Cat.’
Once I had a solid idea form, I wrote it.
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1-800-crystalball · 4 years ago
Bombalurina x Cassandra
Bombalurina smiled and led Cassandra out of their den. They walked together to the nearby park. The sun was setting but it was still light enough to see. Bomba put her hand behind her back and rubbed the velvet of the black box with her thumb which was inside a little bag tied around her waist. They continued walking, talking happily to each other, until they reached a bench surrounded by trees. Bomba took a deep breath and stopped walking. Cassandra looked back at her, concerned.
"Cass?" Bomba said. She was glad her voice wasn't shaking.
Cassandra went back to her.
"You okay?" She asked.
Bomba smiled.
"Cass, I love you. You've completely changed my life for the better and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. You make me more happy than anyone else. I love you so much, so that's why I need to ask you this,"
Bomba got down on one knee and held out the open ring box.
"Cassandra, will you become my mate?"
Cassandra's hands flew to her mouth in shock. Bomba couldn't see her facial expression underneath her paws.
"B-Bombie. I-I'm sorry but no. I-It's too soon," Cassandra took a step back. Bomba's face fell and she stood up.
"C-Cass, I'm sorry"
Cassandra shook her head.
"Just go," she whispered.
"Go!" She yelled.
Bomba gasped and ran back to the junkyard, leaving Cassandra alone.
Bomba stared at the scars on her arms. Her gaze fell on the razor next to her.
One more couldn't hurt.
Or two.
Maybe she could get away with three.
Or four.
Who cared about her scars?
Who cared about her pain?
Who cared about her mind?
Who cared about her health?
Who cared about her soul?
Who cared about her life?
No one cared about her death.
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fulltiltworld · 6 years ago
Bombas Socks
In 2013, entrepreneurs Randy Goldberg and David Heath stumbled across a Facebook post that mentioned a serious need for socks at homeless shelters around the country. Sock are the #1 requested clothing item at homeless shelters. They decided to launch a sock company called Bombas. Bombas promoted for every pair of socks sold they would donate a pair to the homeless. Bombas has worked hard to develop a line of premium, high-tech, fashionable socks, between $12 and $18, that customers would want to buy.To date, more than ten million pairs have been donated. (Bombas About Us, n.d.)
Bombas is primarily involved in the clothing industry. Goldberg and Heath were made aware of the need for socks through a Facebook posting and continue to reach out via digital social media as well as radio and TV commercials. (Elizabeth Segran, 2017)
Randy Goldberg and David Heath used a mission-based model to stand out., pitched their one-for-one charitable business model on Shark Tank in 2014. (CNBC Make It, 2017) They went into the Tank seeking $200,000 in exchange for 5 percent equity. They ultimately accepted a $200k investment from FUBU founder Daymond John for 17.5 percent. Sales from the beginning were primarily online sales, Google, Amazon Prime, eBay, Bing (Bombas Socks, n.d.). The mission-based marketing is dependent on a cause that helps customers feel like they’re making a real impact. The mission based strategy was for every pair of socks sold, one pair will be donated to a person in need, and to bring awareness to homeless crisis that effects every community especially lager cities. /BOM-BAS/ derived from the Latin word for bumblebee. Bees live in a hive and work together to make their world a better place. They're small, but their combined actions have a big impact on the world.  That's why their mantra is bee better, and slogan “ Better socks, Better world, Bee better, hence the Bee symbol on all their socks.
Employees from the Bombas headquarters in New York had come to donate socks. While the brand sends thousands of socks to 750 organizations around the country, they occasionally drop them off in person. It’s a great way to bond as a team, Bombas also believes it’s really important to connect with the people we are serving as a company, because it reminds us about our mission. These interactions have helped Bombas better serve the homeless. It was through the feedback they received from the community that they decided to reengineer the socks they would donate to the homeless. While regular Bombas socks have a special seam that eliminates the bump at the toe, for added comfort, the donation socks have a reinforced seam to make them more durable. The socks are treated with anti-microbial technology, so they don’t need to be washed as frequently and deter fungus. Also, these donation socks only come in black, which is more stain resistant. (Elizabeth Segran, 2017)
Bombas is trying to pave the way for other companies to have in-person giving experiences. Bombas is uniquely equipped to do this, since it has built relationships with homeless shelters and the nonprofit sector. Many companies have time and funds set aside for employees to contribute to charitable causes. Bombas has been creating ways for other brands to dip their toe into the world of social good. Bombas created an event called “60K day,” which was based on the concept than on any given night, 60,000 people in New York end up at a homeless shelter. The plan was to bring individuals from 60 of New York’s hottest companies to visit a shelter and hand out 60,000 socks. The companies included were, Birchbox, Thinx, Kind, Casper, Classpass, Harry’s, Maple, and Spring, among more established brands like Gap, LinkedIn, Shake Shack, and Kenneth Cole.
Bombas launched another program called “Skip Day,” where it invites New York-based companies to take advantage of Summer Fridays and flexible summer hours to volunteer to serve the homeless community. Bombas makes it easy for individuals at companies to jump right into the work. Employees from different companies can gather and assemble bags of products that the homeless need to get through the hot summer months, such as cold bottles of water, ice pops, and wipes. They then go out into the streets to hand these out. These visits are also reinvigorating to employees, since it puts a face to the people they are trying to help with their business. It also gives meaning to their everyday tasks–like making spreadsheets and calling suppliers–when they return to the office.
Online ratings and reviews are as follows, Bombas Socks   with a 4.8 star rating. Google Express - Need Shoe Accessories. eBay (Bombas Socks, n.d.). Amazon Prime with an average star rating of 4.8, (Amazon Prime, n.d.).  Clothing at JCPenney , 4.6-star rating. (JC Penny, n.d.). rockemsocks.com, Shark Week Socks - Rock 'Em Socks (Sharks, n.d.). lululemon.com, lululemon Official Site . (Women's Socks, n.d.) hollisterco.com
Hollister Co.  (Shoes & Accessories, n.d.). findsimilar.com The Sock Accessories Outlet  (sock accessories, n.d.)
Facebook 317 K followers, reviews are 5 star ratings on glassdoor (Glassdoor, 1028) Twitter has 12.9 K followers, joined 2011, (Bombas Socks, n.d.), Instagram shows 64.9 K (Bombas Socks, n.d.), Pinterest has only 3,092.
I believe the overall social media marketing strategy of Bombas, a buy-one, give-one brand is brilliant. Offering a high quality product with a 100 percent guarantee, and knowing your expense contributed to a worthy cause, but it was also about starting a broader involvement about homelessness, and providing a model for other companies to replicate about how to get involved with their communities. Other companies can use their own particular areas of strength to contribute in their own unique ways. Birchbox, for instance, has been donating boxes of beauty products–from shampoo to nail polish–to homeless women. Harry’s has been donating razors to people in need and funding charities that serve veterans. Shake Shack has been enlisting its staff to donate food to the hungry after work. These social media posts and activities spurred other less socially involved brands to consider how they can help.
Randy Goldberg and David Heath stumbling across a Facebook posting, passionate about working towards a great cause providing a top of the line quality product, and using one-for-one model pioneered by the shoe brand Toms, and using the power and full resources of social media. At this time, the only recommendation that I would recommend for more recognition towards their cause would be to advertise more on TV. But this type of advertising is a lot costlier than the power of the internet.
(n.d.). Retrieved from Amazon Prime:  https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_3_6?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=bombas+socks&sprefix=bombas%2Caps%2C148&crid=17YMN
Bombas About Us. (n.d.). Retrieved from Bombas: https://bombas.com/pages/about-us
Bombas Socks. (n.d.). Retrieved from Bing:  https://www.bing.com/search?q=bombas+socks&qs=FT&pq=bombas&sc=8-6&cvid=A281E9CF60814D43AD63994E91F77A22&FORM=QBLH&sp=1
Bombas Socks. (n.d.). Retrieved from Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bombas/
Bombas socks. (n.d.). Retrieved from YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNr5Uh1qIeU
Bombas socks. (n.d.). Retrieved from YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BG2MDlfz1yU&t=9s
Bombas socks. (n.d.). Retrieved from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRHMYB4f2iI
Bombas Socks. (n.d.). Retrieved from Twitter: https://twitter.com/bombas
Bombas Socks. (n.d.). Retrieved from eBay:  https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1311.R1.TR10.TRC0.A0.H0.Xbombas+.TRS0&_nkw=bombas+socks&_sacat=11
Bombas Socks. (n.d.). Retrieved from Amazon Prime:  https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_3_6?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=bombas+socks&sprefix=bombas%2Caps%2C148&crid=17YMN
CNBC Make It. (2017, June 7). Retrieved from ENTREPRENUERS:  https://www.cnbc.com/2017/08/21/shark-tank-investor-daymond-john-won-big-with-bombas.html
Elizabeth Segran, P. (2017, July 27). Moving the  Needle. Retrieved from Fast Company:  https://www.fastcompany.com/40445016/how-one-sock-brand-is-helping-startups-step-up-their-social-good-game
Glassdoor.  (1028, October 30). Retrieved from Compant Ratings:  https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Bombas-Reviews-E1605933.htm
JC Penny.  (n.d.). Retrieved from Shop Departments:  https://www.jcpenney.com/g/women/N-bwo3x?pageType=X2H2&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=paid%20search&cid=paid%20
Leighton, M. (2018, September 19). Retrieved from  Business Insider: https://www.businessinsider.com/bombas-socks-review
Sharks.  (n.d.). Retrieved from Rock'em: https://rockemsocks.com/collections/sharks?gclid=Cj0KCQiArenfBRCoARIsAFc1FqeikZpZSurmyDJFVpZV29-6JLjeGuz4EjOdCdAYSsDjnK2zzU5-UX8aAjUhEA
Shoes & Accessories. (n.d.). Retrieved from hollister.com:  hollisterco.com  Visit Website Hollister Co.® - Cyber Monday Starts  Now_BMM_C&gclid=Cj0KCQiArenfBRCoARIsAFc1FqfC0_gFi2onusCvV2XAb7ednLpG8493
sock accessories. (n.d.). Retrieved from findsimilar.com: https://www.findsimilar.com/search?q=sock+accessories&cid=4146&campaignid=954831731&adgroup_id=44215909901&keyword=kwd-296541545240
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mybombae · 6 months ago
The Bombay Face Razor offers precision shaving for smooth, flawless skin. Ideal for removing facial hair with ease, it’s the go-to tool for a clean, polished look. #FaceRazor #SmoothSkin
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mybombae · 8 months ago
Discover the secrets to achieving flawless, radiant skin with our Smooth Skin Bundle! 🌟 Whether you're looking to master the art of using a face razor or seeking that instant face glow, our collection has you covered. With tips on how to use a face razor, achieve a glamorous face, and utilize a Ladies Face Shaver, you'll be on your way to smooth, beautiful skin in no time. Perfect for all skin types, this bundle is your ultimate guide to skincare perfection. 💖✨ #SmoothSkin #FaceRazor #InstantGlow #GlamorousFace #LadiesShaver
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mybombae · 1 year ago
Elevate your grooming game with #Bombae essentials! From precise eyebrow trimmers to silky hair removal creams, we've got your beauty needs covered. Achieve flawless skin with our Face Razor for Women and wax strips, tailor-made for women. Say hello to smooth, radiant skin! 💁‍♀️✨ #BeautyEssentials
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