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perfettamentechic · 2 years ago
Marni: per una vita eccentrica. #stilista #creatoredistile #creatoredimoda #fashion #moda #marni #consuelocastiglioni #vintage #funky #marnijapan #perfettamentechic
Marni è un marchio di moda lusso italiana fondata nel 1994, a Milano, dalla stilista Consuelo Castiglioni, riconosciuta nel mondo per le collezioni ready-to-wear uomo, donna, bambina e accessori. Marni è stata acquisita dal gruppo di moda italiano OTB (OTB Group) nel 2015 e Francesco Risso è stato nominato Direttore Creativo del marchio nel 2016. Nel 2018 l’azienda ha nominato Stefano Biondo…
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tchouameninga · 2 months ago
i wish john and rúben understood italian bc do u know how many pinguini tattici nucleari songs are written about them
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deathshallbenomore · 1 year ago
mi rendo conto or ora che la mia combo faccia che non sa cosa siano le e-mail + occhiaie + maglione bianco + cappotto blu mi rende una ottima cosplayer spontanea di tutti i personaggi di the terror e posso dire che sarà un po’ il freddo sarà un po’ il mood ma l’umore ultimamente si aggira a quello della crew verso l’episodio boh, facciamo 7 per essere ottimisti
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queerographies · 2 years ago
[Trauma][Daphne Bohémien]
I mostri non sono solo nelle favole, sotto i letti o negli incubi. Alcuni li abbiamo dentro, altri, invece, sono fuori, pronti ad approfittarsi di una debolezza, di una richiesta d'amore, per lasciarci ferite profonde e rubare una parte di noi
I mostri non sono solo nelle favole, sotto i letti o negli incubi. Alcuni li abbiamo dentro, altri, invece, sono fuori, pronti ad approfittarsi di una debolezza, di una richiesta d’amore, per lasciarci ferite profonde e rubare una parte di noi che non ci verrà mai più restituita. Fin da piccolo, Max ha scoperto a sue spese che i mostri peggiori possono essere proprio quelli che ci stanno più…
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naked-atelier · 1 year ago
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E. Bénis. Aventures d'un Bohémien, 1923
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thedeafprophet · 2 years ago
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Finished drawing my character designs/ line up of the Light Fingers Crew to formalize my drawing of them
Overview/ Design talk under the cut if anyone is interested in that sort of thing
For all the designs I used the art given for them in the game as a starting point and then went from there. For all but Hephaesta of course that means using a non character specific art. I also wanted all the colors to sort of fit together so where i would have done more vibrant stuff and i strayed away from that.
Clara and Her Sister
Putting the discussion for these two together, as their designs recieved similar thoughts because they are identical twins. ('She is wearing the Fading Music-Hall Singer's face, which seems rude.')
The basic art of the bohemian faction is used to depict the sisters.
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So this was my basic starting point for the visual design. I ended up diving further into research into bohemian fashion, which of course lead to me reading up on the history of the term and the connection to the Romani people. According to wikipedia, the word comes from the french term 'bohémien', which was the word for the Romani people.
This of course put a complex spin when i looked into the clothing used in the time, as theres a question between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation, and one I don't have the full understanding for.
Nevertheless i did take some inspirtation for the clothing here, Clara with having her hair loose and down and looser clothing, the singer with the hair scarf and the necklace among some inspirations.
Inbetween the two I imagine the singers appearance to be more reserved then Clarabelle's. For one, my interpretation of the singer is as someone who uses her singing as a backdrop for sneaking and gathering information (per her role as a 'contact' of the player). The other being that we are told Clara's title is the 'eccentric opera singer' to me implies a grander sense of creatativity and wilder clothing. In less stressful times I imagine her wearing brighter clashing colours and skirts with patterns on them and jewlery (which i intend to draw at a later time when i get better at adding patterns to clothes lol).
We also know the two of them are 'not young' so i attempted to not make them appear so.
Heph is of course the one character of the group with a personalized art, which i used as the base for my design.
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Hephaesta is supposed to be a large figure, as she is a strongwoman, and is described as towering over even jasper and frank. So of course I had to make her tall compared to the others of the group.
And of course i can't go without bringing up Katie Sandwina (again), a real strongwomen of the time who serves as a great inspiration both in body type and height.
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What a woman huh.
Dr Vaughan
The Campaigner template art was the one used to depict her when you first speak to her and was a starting point here.
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To me i always pictured her as a fairly older women given her experience and amount of time she's been researching. Clearly someone with a lot of exprience. And also i just vibe with it.
I kept her outfit simple, as i dont figure her as someone to put too much into the latest fashion given her focus on her work. I took the green from the art to use as her skirt to tie in that colour. I also looked up some photos of female doctors of the time and that partially influenced my art direction here.
Obliging Silverer
I debated including him or not given that you only have him as part of the team if you use the light fingers exclusive option to access the parabolan basecamp. But given the fact that he literaly dies defending the camp, I think its only fair that he gets included.
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i just had a bit of fun with the design as there wasnt too much to restrict off. I dont draw a lot of characters with mustaches depsite them being a thing of the time, so I figured this was a good excuse as any. I kept with some orange colours within his colour scheme for further callbacks to parabola and his work.
Also hey did you know that people of an ashkenazi background can also have red hair? Fun fact heh.
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thechthonicherbalist · 2 months ago
TL;DR Hiatus Post and Future
In short, I'm severely chronically ill & homebound since years, I got diagnosed with cancer in March, was gone for surgeries and am now in chemotherapy. I also went through a difficult time that gave me a mental health relapse, but I'm slowly getting better. I've been on hiatus for surgeries and will take it slow, but...
🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟 Here's my sparkly plans for the future: 🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟
Make more original art and art dedicated to my own passions and projects again. Folkloric art as well as art & articles on MBTI personalities started in 2022.
Return to my passion projects from 2022/23 (all of them NSFW): - My 9-pieced fanfiction series "Lestat's Lovers" and Art for it - My 8-pieced fanfic series "Things I didn't tell Thetis" - My 4-pieced series "To love a thing Death can touch"
Post about my journey as a native practitioner of Bohémien Romani Culture, Slavo-Celtic Druid- and Shamanism and Kabbalistic Judaism, as well as the taught believes of Hellenism, Christianity and Christian Satanism in the past 20+ years.
Posts on Herbalism and related subjects in the context of history, folk medicine, magic and other areas.
Blog about my culture, including its folklore, mythology, rites, magic etc. and post them here. (I got library books!!! :D)
Create a side blog for my music recommendations <3
Get back to making posts for my mental health & healing journey.
And for those interested, here's the long version of the post!
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fragrantblossoms · 6 months ago
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Anonym. Bohémien (ein Künstler?), around 1845.
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nemosisworld · 10 months ago
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Par les soirs bleus d’été, j’irai dans les sentiers, Picoté par les blés, fouler l’herbe menue : Rêveur, j’en sentirai la fraîcheur à mes pieds. Je laisserai le vent baigner ma tête nue.
Je ne parlerai pas, je ne penserai rien : Mais l’amour infini me montera dans l’âme, Et j’irai loin, bien loin, comme un bohémien, Par la Nature, – heureux comme avec une femme.
Mars 1870
Arthur Rimbaud,
Ph. Zezulka Lukáš
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libriaco · 6 months ago
I battuti
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Scrive l'autore nella sua prefazione:
If any city in American deserves the title of home of the Beat Generation, it is San Francisco. Although New York can rightly boast to be the birthplace of the Beats, the literary group came to maturity and national prominence in this most beautiful city by the bay. In the 1950s San Francisco was a magnet attracting inventive writers, artists, and thinkers during the conservative postwar years. Intellectual freedom blossomed with the publication and trial of “Howl” and by the 1960s, San Francisco was the destination of choice for a new generation of radical innovators.
La foto di copertina, di Larry Keenan, scattata davanti al City Lights Bookstore, è del 1965 e comparve anche sulla copertina del numero tre del City Lights Journal che uscì con data 1° gennaio 1966. Lawrence (aka Lorenzo) Ferlinghetti voleva documentare la scena Beat di San Francisco con lo stesso spirito delle classiche foto degli artisti e scrittori bohémien di Parigi agli inizi del '900. I Beat: fila in basso da sinistra a destra: Robert LaVigne, Shig Murao, Larry Fagin, Leland Meyezove (sdraiato), Lew Welch, Peter Orlovsky. Seconda fila: David Meltzer, Michael McClure, Allen Ginsberg, Daniel Langton, Steve (?), Richard Brautigan, Gary Goodrow (a metà). Dietro: Stella Levy e Lawrence Ferlinghetti che col suo ombrello della casa editrice City Lights Books protegge tutto il gruppo.
B. Morgan, The beat generation in San Francisco. A literary tour, San Francisco, City Lights Books, 2003
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blackswaneuroparedux · 2 years ago
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Je ne parlerai pas, je ne penserai rien : Mais l’amour infini me montera dans l’âme, Et j’irai loin, bien loin, comme un bohémien, Par la Nature, - heureux comme avec une femme.
- Arthur Rimbaud
Lambrettas don’t leak oil, they mark their territory.
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aurevoirmonty · 3 months ago
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« Il s’agit de savoir si nous sommes chez nous en France ou si nous n’y sommes plus ; si notre sol nous appartient ou si nous allons perdre avec lui notre fer, notre houille et notre pain ; si, avec les champs et la mer, les canaux et les fleuves, nous allons aliéner les habitations de nos pères, depuis le monument où se glorifie la Cité jusqu’aux humbles maisons de nos particuliers. Devant un cas de cette taille, il est ridicule de demander si la France renoncera aux traditions hospitalières d’un grand peuple civilisé. Avant d’hospitaliser, il faut être. Avant de rendre hommage aux supériorités littéraires ou scientifiques étrangères, il faut avoir gardé la qualité de nation française. Or il est parfaitement clair que nous n’existerons bientôt plus si nous continuons d’aller de ce train. (…) Ce pays-ci n’est pas un terrain vague. Nous ne sommes pas des bohémiens nés par hasard au bord d’un chemin. Notre sol est approprié depuis vingt siècles par les races dont le sang coule dans nos veines. »
Charles Maurras.
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krakrava · 3 months ago
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Bourgeois bohémien (=bobos)
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oviri7 · 4 months ago
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« D'où l'aspiration profonde, désespérée des hommes d'exception à rester intérieurement libres. C'est là et seulement à partir de là que l'individualisme prend son essor en s'opposant à la psychologie de la "masse". Telle est la dernière rébellion de l'âme carnassière contre la captivité culturelle, la dernière tentative pour se soustraire au nivellement intellectuel et spirituel, nivellement causé et représenté par l'existence du grand nombre. De là les figures du conquérant, de l'aventurier, de l'ermite, et même d'un certain type de criminels et de bohémiens. On veut échapper à l'effet vampirique du grand nombre en se plaçant au-dessus d'eux, en les fuyant, les méprisant. »
Oswald Spengler - L’homme et la technique
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lisaalmeida · 2 years ago
Je ne parlerai pas, je ne penserai rien :
Mais l'amour infini me montera dans l'âme,
Et j'irai loin, bien loin, comme un bohémien,
Par la Nature, - heureux comme avec une femme.
- Arthur Rimbaud
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naked-atelier · 1 year ago
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E. Bénis. Aventures d'un Bohémien, 1923
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