#bofta spoilers
halerune · 9 years
Did Alfrid just die? I think he finally just died. PJ has heard our prayers and killed the bastard!
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rhizu-p · 9 years
Someone is actually mourning Fili.... ;;__;; Bless you Bofur
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anonymoussong · 9 years
 So I’m back from the EE
Okay so there’s other people who have already written up lists of what we did and did not get from the EE so you can read theirs, I’m honestly too tired and drained to it right now, but I do want to talk about the rampart scene (and why it messed me up so bad)
Because I was fine up until that point, like I expected to emotionally check out a little later, more towards the Ravenhill stuff, like I thought the rampart scene had already fucked me up as much as it was able to but then they extended it, just slightly, just by about a minute, maybe a minute and half but it was enough and honestly, that’s where I had to put a cap on my feelings or I would have had to actually physically walk out of the theater 
Because Thorin started pacing and I couldn’t put words to it as I was watching it (it didn’t honestly hit me until after the movie that that was there I clocked out) but his pacing did shit to me. He paced like he was a beast, like an animal in a cage, you could literally see how at war he was with himself and (this is where I curse and praise RA’s name) but you could literally see him wavering between himself and the dragon sickness
Like if Dain had just showed up a few minutes later, hell, an hour later, things might have been different
And this is me being trash and also having written as Thorin for a few months every day on the liveblogs, but I’ve got this constant thing where I’m seeing things how he would (or at least how my interpretation of him would) and from what I saw of him in that scene is that he was wavering because they just kept. mentioning. his promise. His deal with the people of laketown to pay them for their help and all
And what I think about that promise is that, yes, the dragon sickness changed him but I think it changed him by magnifying all the darker thoughts in his head so who he is when he’s dripping in sickness is not just some other person, that is him, it’s just, like, that version of him, the one we all have that we lock away because it’s the right thing to do and we’re ashamed of some of the thoughts that we have but we bury them and bury them deep
The dragon sickness showed that he doesn’t think anything of Thorin Oakenshield - “Do not speak to me as if I was still Thorin Oakenshield” - as Thorin, Son of Thrain, Son of Thror is the one that holds power, is King. But it was Thorin Oakenshield that made that promise and more importantly, it was Thorin Oakenshield that Bilbo vouched for
And, yes, Thorin drags himself out of the dragon sickness but he has the voices of Dwalin and Bilbo and others to help him, but it shows that those words affect him greatly, and I believe that Bilbo vouching for him really hit him because not even Dwalin vouched for him, but Bilbo.
So I think every time on the ramparts while he was pacing that they mentioned the promise that he made, I think Thorin remembered Bilbo vouching for him, vouching for Thorin Oakenshield, which was the part of him at war with the dragon sick part. 
Long story short, that scene fucking destroyed me and literally put me in a numb emotional state for the rest of the movie because you can physically see Thorin fighting against the dragon sickness and the difference between those two versions of himself is so heart wrenching
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rooksandravens · 9 years
Is there a Hobbit AU fanfic where Thorin actually throws Bilbo over the wall for betraying him? There should be because OUCH
Bonus points for the murder shocking Thorin out of his dragon sickness and FEELING ALL OF THE REGRETS
Bonus Bonus points for ghost!Bilbo
Diet angst version:
I guess Bilbo could survive the fall? Probably not without some serious injury, though. And I’d ragequit a story in disgust if he just forgave Thorin. Attempted murder is not something you can gloss over, okay.
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acorntrooper · 10 years
Fili: I've got this
Me: Hoe don't do it
Fili: *gets caught by orcs and killed*
Me: Oh my god
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filisbraidstache-blog · 10 years
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One day it'll grow. And every time I look at it, I'll remember. Remember everything that happened. The good, the bad. And how lucky I am that I've made it home
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halerune · 9 years
Bifur had a line in bofta and not in Khuzdul!!!!!! This movie is making me so happy and sad at the same time! (Yes the scene with the axe was in it!)
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please don't smile like this is the end you're fine, you're hale, you're on the mend no need to make amends and weep no please don't shut your eyes; don't sleep
you've been forgiven long ago don't lie so still against the snow just hold my hand, you're strong as stone please wait, please stay, don't leave me alone stay with me please, don't go anywhere don't you dare
don't you dare...
(I was just playing around when this came on and... well)
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tularyn · 10 years
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ohgandalf · 10 years
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H o w shall this day end?
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feline-fangirl · 10 years
hi i'm auditioning for thorin oakenshield and i'll be singing I Bet My Life by imagine dragons
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supermarslock · 10 years
Jfc I just finished The Battle of The Five Armies, and I'm grossly sobbing. WHY?! MY BABIES
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artymissk · 9 years
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lannispuff · 10 years
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shameonme23 · 10 years
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because it was real
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filisbraidstache-blog · 10 years
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